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Study Guide for SCOMAN 2 Course

Summer 2020
1. Locate an area that will be conducive to concentrated learning.
2. Read the handouts and supplement that with other reference materials (e.g. textbooks, videos or
articles from the internet).
3. Answer the activity worksheets, illustrative exercises and submit it on or before the deadline.
4. Final Output:
 Short bond paper
 Case Analysis
5. You may contact me for any concerns related to the course.
Mobile Number: 09166667939
Email: [email protected]
Messenger GC: SCOMAN 2 SC___


At the end of the semester, students are expected to make appropriate courses of action to
address more complex practical business and accounting situations through the analysis of accounting

FINAL OUTPUT: Case Analyis DEADLINE: June 17, 2020

Topics Intended Learning Outcome Study Timeline

Decentralization and Authority Illustrate the role of June 8, 2020
responsibility accounting in
an organization and evaluate
the different investment
Transfer Pricing and Bases of Transfer Pricing Depict the process of setting June 9, 2020
transfer prices and discuss
comprehensively the
advantages and
disadvantages of alternative
pricing methods.
Prepare accurately the
journal entries an balance
sheet on the date of

Balanced Scorecard Identify and improve various June 10, 2020

internal functions and their
resulting outcome.
Differential Analysis/ Relevant Costing Prepare a correct analysis June 11-12, 2020
 Basic Concepts of relevant costs to showing short-term
decision making. managerial decision making.
 Short-term managerial decision –
Making (Make or buy, Sell as is or
process further, Accept or reject a
special order, Use of a scarce resource,
Continue or shut down operation , Add,
drop (eliminate), or continue (retain)

Capital Budgeting Identify the factors affecting June 14-15, 2020

 Capital Investment Decision (Basic capital investment/budgeting
concepts, definition, and objectives; decisions and compute for
 Factors affecting capital budgeting the net investments and net
decision; returns.
 Net investment, net returns/ income;
 Capital financing; Objectively evaluate the
 Capital budgeting techniques; acceptability of an
 Method that consider the time value of investment project using
money; non-discounted methods.
 Method that do not consider time
value of money). Objectively evaluate the
acceptability of an
investment project using
discounted methods.
Quantitative Methods for Planning a Control June 16-17, 2020
Accurately compute the
 Probabilities; Regression and regression and correlation
Correlation Analysis (High-Low Method, analysis based from the
Method of Least Squares) Linear accounting data that are
Programming; available.
 PERT and CPM
Areas & Basic Considerations in Management Explain and understand the June 18-19, 2020
Advisory Services (MAS); MAS Practice scope and role of
Standards and Ethical Considerations; accountants as consultants in
the changing arena and to
use the specific standard or
sources that will suit a
particular problem or
Stages of Management Consultancy Prepare the students on how June 20, 2020
Engagements and other practices they are going to deal dear
client; To be able to explain
and understand on how to
document the findings.

 Scores in Activity Worksheets based on the no. of items
 Final Output – Rubric for Final Output
o Presentation 40 points
o Content 50 points
o Effort 10 points

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