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Aira Krish Morete


Push to Recycle Ocean Plastic

1. Identify and describe the activity/ies of backward logistics present in the given case
 The activities of backward logistics present in the given case are Disposal, Reuse,
and Recycle. Disposal is the process of discarding waste products in support of
environmental prevention. Recent years, they are fighting against the ocean
plastic pollution. They do that to prevent our turtles in choking plastics straws.
Reuse is the practice of restating the functions of a durable item back to its
original purpose or to fulfill a different function. In the case presented, Procter &
Gamble (P&G) creating bottles made from the beach plastic and developing new
technologies to reduce waste. And Recycle is the process of converting
production leftovers such as used parts or package waste to another form of a
valuable product. In this case Del, General Motors, and other companies form the
NextWave consortium with nonprofit Lonely Whale to build a supply chain to
intercept ocean-bound plastic trash and turn into everything from packaging and
furniture to bicycle parts. Also other companies like P&G, Unilever, PepsiCo, and
500 corporations also commit to reduce their plastic use and launch initiatives to
recycle marine plastics debris. In 2017, Head & Shoulder shampoo comprising up
to 25% plastic bottles collected in ocean beaches. They also introduced a new
product Fairy washing up liquid soap bottle made with 10% beach plastics and
90% recycled plastics. Therefore, many companies do these things to help and
support environmental prevention.
2. Explain the economic and organizational benefits that can be derived from recycling
ocean plastics.
 The economic and organizational benefits that can be derived from recycling
ocean plastics are Conserving natural resources, if the companies will use
recycled materials these will lessen the waste that are dumped in the ocean
because if new materials are used, these will only pile up in the ocean and the
companies failed to preserve and conserve natural resources. Other reason if the
materials are not recycled there are harmful ways to reduce the waste like burning
them and this will only cause a greenhouse effect to our atmosphere. Recycling
paper and woods to saves trees and forests. You can plant new trees, but you can't
replace virgin rainforest or ancient woodlands once they're lost.
Reduces demand for raw materials because it’s better to recycle existing materials
than to damage someone else community or land in the search for new raw
materials and also to avoid losing our nature.
3. Propose an effective supply chain measure that will help companies further reduce ocean
 The effective supply chain measure that will help companies to reduce ocean
plastics are Identify the critical issues, Companies should understand the business
areas where they have the most significant environmental and social challenges.
They should observe what will the effect of their business in the environment.
Next is Set Goals, they should model efforts around scientific recommendations
and government regulations to contribute to the greatest impact on the global
sustainability agenda. Next is Collaboration with sustainable suppliers, they must
team up and combine their resources with manufacturers to help reduce waste,
cost, and environmental risks. The suppliers must use recycled materials or some
resources that cannot harm the environment.

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