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EXCLUSIVE RULES FOR This rules booklet contains those systems which
are peculiar to the War in the East game of the
War in Europe game system. It should be read in
conjunction with the Standard Rules booklet.
(Cases numbered 19.0 through 43.0 concern War ln
the West, and have no bearing on the play of War in
the East.) War in the East is the companion game to
War in the West. The two games may be combined
together under another body ofrules (the Exclusive
Rules for War in Europe). Many of the rules and

examples cited in War in the East have applicability
to War in Europe, and are so referenced.
War Boundarles-Map Area in Play.
War in the East is played on Map Sections F, G, and
H of the War in Europe game system. (Optional
7p Busso -German bnflict,lSYl-41 rules allow the simulation to be played on just two
map sections-G and H.) In War in the East no

units may ever enter any hexes of Norway, Sweden,
or Turkey,
Summary of Unit Counters
Copyright O 1976, Simulations Publications, lnc., New York What follows is a summary of all the unit counters
that Players will be using in the game and the
44.0 INTRODUCTION 59.2 Tactical Air Power quantities available in the War ln the East game
45.0 THE STRATEGIC CYCLE 60.0 SOVIET PARTISANS equipment. Only in those cases in which a counter
,16.0 SOVIET PRODUCTION 60.1 Cadre Placement Table has an unusual image on the reverse side will the re-
z16.l Production Centers 60.2 Restrictions on Partisan Cadre verse side be shown.
,16.2 The Production Multiples and Production Point 60.3 Cadre Conversion Table
-4. 3 Flak Poinb
Pools 60.4 Partisan Units
GERMAI\[Y (3) total: 18
t16.3 How to use the Soviet Production Display 60.5 Ukrainian Separatism
116.4 Rebuilding Soviet from Battlegroups 61.0 SPECHL RULES
46.5 Producing and Rebuilding Air Points
Infantry Divisions
6l.l Counter Selection Limitation GEEI
Infantry Div.

/ 6 Flak Poinb
t16.6 Emergency 61.2 Tracing Sea Passage 65 (6)
t16.7 Disruption of Arms Centers 61.3 Extraordinary Air-Sea Interdiction
47.0 PLACEMENT OF SOYIET PRODUCTION 61.4 Black Sea Naval Capability
47.1 Distribution Among Training Centers
47.2 Removal of Cadre Units
61.5 Axis Airborne Units & Amphibious Capability
61.6 Soviet Naval Transport Capability (baltic)
Securlty Div
total: I8
"f, 1
I Air Point
total: 81
48.0 SIBERIA AND SOVIET SUPPLY SOURCES 61.7 Soviet Resoutce Centers
,lE.l Siberian Transit Display
216.2 Restrictions on Siberian
rE.3 Soviet Supply Sources
6l,E Special Supply/Weather Effects
61.9 Required Axis Garrisons
t5) 1
Static Dlv.
total: 3
# 5
5 AirPoinb
total: I 8

'E.4 Siberian Reinforcements 62.1 Common Scenario Format

49.0I.]NTT BREAKDOWN Air Transport
62.2Campaign Scenarios &E Airborne Div.
49.1 \{hich Units May Break Down
49.2 Disposition of Component Units
62.3 Soviet Militia


7-5 total: 6
@ Point
total: l8
49.3 Corps and Their Components
49.4 Disbandment of Units
63.1 Game.Length
63.2 Deployment
63.3 Starting Sequence
Airborne Rgt.
I n:er.
Inf. Replace-
50.1 Receiving Reinforcements I total: 39
50.2 Required Axis Withdrawals 63.4 Victory Conditions
63.6 Campaign Scenario Production
Pz. Grenadier
Division 6f Mech. Replace-
51.1 German Rebuilding Schedule &8 total:60
52.0 SOYIET UNION total: 21

52.1 Soviet Initial Condition

64.1 Game-Length
64.2 Deployment
Panzer Div
ILI Surface Fleet
53.1 Germany
53.2 Rumania
64.3 Starting Sequence I '*:i total: 9

64.'l Victory Conditions
53.3 Hungary Panzer Bde. 1U-Boat
64.5 Special Rules (none) G'E]
53.4 Italy total: 1 2 Point
53.5 Rumanian Withdrawal and Reinforcements
64.6 Campaign Scenario Production &8
64,7 Finnish Theatre
total: 39
53.6 SS Units

SS Panzer
54.0 FINLAND 5 U-Boat
65.0 KURSK SCENARIO G€@I Divlslon
54.1 Finnish Initial Condition Points
65.1 Game-Length 1+8 total: 9
54.2 Restrictions 65.2 Deployment total: 9
54.3 Sunender
55.1 Soviet Rebuilding Schedule
65.3 Starting Sequence
65.4 Victory Conditions
65.5 Special Rules (none)
SS Panzer
Grenadier Div
total: I 5
t-[t Amphibious
Assault Pt.
65.6 Campaign Scenario Production
l^"TJ total: 9
56.1 Economic Consequences of the Pact
56.2 Political Consequences of the Pact
Baltic States
56.3 The
65.7 Finnish Theatre

Cavalry Div.
total: 3
Naval Trans.
ARMY GROUP I I total: 9
57.1 Off-Map Rail Transfer o'RR Rallroad Fortllicatlon
66.1 Game-kngth
6,6.2 Deployment Repair "'i* Marker
(11 5 x3
5E.1 Artiltery 66.3 Starting Sequence total: I 5 total: 36
5E.2 Soviet Anti.Tank Units 66.4 Victory Conditions
59.0 SOVIET AIR MOVEMENT AND TACTICAL AIR 66.5 Special Rules or/ I Flak Point o'o Moblle
POWER 6,6.6 Campaign Scenario Production (11 total: 54 SupplyUnit
.Air Movement (11 1
59.1 66,7 Finnish Theatre total: l5


AirborneDiv. x Dishlbution of Completed Production Phace:
"a Infantry Dtv. ,E rrEl Infantry Dlv.
The Soviet Player removes completed production
24 total: 54 34 total: 3 total:297 total:
1-4 14 3
from his Production Spiral slice. (These are units
and points which had been placed into production

x Motorized lil Fortifled Mechanized on prior cycles.) He may place these units either in
nEl Infantry Bde. t,8 Airborne Rgt.
Infantry Dlv, SU(E!
Bde the Production Cadre box of the Production Dis-
total: 3
11 total:3 (Back) 15 total:126 play (where theywill serve as thebasis of production
of larger units) or he may place them in the Game
f,,&l Infantry Dlv.
"o Mobile
SupplyUnlt rrE) Infantry Corps s!@ TankBde. Distribution box (making them available for intro-
(1) total: 75 duction only the map or Front Display, during the
I z-ro I total:3
4-4 2-5 total: 75
Game Disttibution Phase.

Infantry Dlv.
f l AirPoint
G-I Antltank Bde.
Production Multlple Phase:
The Soviet Player calculates the number of Arms
total:90 ll"rJ total:75 Points provided by existing Armaments Centers
and adds this total to his Arms Points Pool. Simi-
,.8 Inf. Replace-
,,H Mechanized CavalryDlv, larly he calculates the number of Personnel Points
'.EI mentPoint suZ provided by his Personnel Centers and adds this to-
16 total:3 REPL
total: 3
9-6 1-3 total: 15
tal to his Petsonnel Points Pool.
g Mechanlzed Mech.Replace- Ttaining Removal of Unib From Map Phase:
"E InfanhyDlv. lol mentPoint .u@ Tank Corps t( Center The Soviet Player may remove existing units from
total: 3
8-6 total:48 t1010 total: 21 the map and place them in the Production Cadre
total: 3
box. He may only remove units which are adjacent
Cavalry Corps Arms to Training Centers.
'EI ArmoredDlv. s@
4-5 total: 3' 2-3 total:21 X Center
total: 30
Initiation of New Productlon Phase:
The Soviet Player places units and points on the
BULGARIA Artillery Mobile Ptoduction Spiral, thereby placing them into Pro-
g u CavalryDiv.
Corps o
Supply Unlt duction. Their placement is directed by the
gaphics of the Spiral Arms and automatically
,uEl hfantryDlv. 6!z total:45 1
total: 15
24 total:12 1-3 total: 3 indicates the length oftime (in cycles) the unit un-
Railroad dergoes production. Production ofany unit requires
@ Partlsan Unit RR the Player to expend Arms Points and/or Personnel
Infantry Bde.
(1) 1 total:36 (1) 1 Repair
total: 15 Points (the exact amount per given unit is stated on
I I total: 3
the Production Cost Chart). The Player reflects this
Psrtisan expenditure by reducing his Arms Points and Per-
@ Cadre
sonnel Points Pools accordingly. In addition other
units require that one or more "cadre" or base unit
Infantry Dlv.

total: 2l
H Cavalry Bde.
total: 3

.f I Alr Polnt
t--l Entrained
be "expended" in production.
Game Distribution Phase:
The Soviet Player may take units and points from

l",* I Infantry Bde.

ArmorcdBde. 1 total:60
lsol total:15
the Game Distribution box and place them in play.
Units must be placed in hexes adjacent to Training
I r-ro I total: 3
Air Trans- Centers. Points (Air, et.) are placed in the East
RUMAI\IIA "f5 5 AlrPointc
total:12 @ port Point Front box.
Cycle Record:
total: 3
CavalryDiv. Move the Stragic Cycle Marker on the Spiral one
21 ^u@
1-3 total: 1 2
Marker +
Air Interdic-
tion Marker
Cycle clockwise. (If you just went through Cycle
One, move it to Cycle Two.)
total:21 total:30

Railhead Deetroyed In a Standard Scenario it is during the Reinforce-
1{ Marker D Marker ment/Replacement Phase of the Player Turn that
(Back) total:3 the Player receives his reinforcements. During a
Campaign Scenario the Player receives reinforce-
Cycle Record Port Suppree- ments during the Strategic Cycle, either as a result
s slon Marker ofthe Cycle Record Track (Axis) or Soviet Produc-
Cyclc Marker
total: 3 t Marker
total: 30
(back) tion. The Reinforcement/Replacement Phase of the
Player-Turn is then used strictly (by the Axis Player)
total: 15
A RailJunction
to execute Replacement procedures or (by the So-
viet) for Unit Breakdown and Dissolution.

? Airlnterdlc.

Polltlcal Pt. [Campaign Game and War ln Europe]
tion Marker Marker GENERAL RULE:
-12- total 27 total: 3 The Strategic Cycle is a break in the progression of [46.0] SOVIET PRODUCTTON
Game-Turns, a distinct function unto itself, during (Campalgn Gome and \[ar ln Europe)
which the processes of German reinforcement and GENERAL RULE:
.nB Infantry Dlv. ,*E Infantry Div. Soviet production are carried out. The Strategic
The Soviet Production process allows the Soviet
4€ total:24 +5 total:9 Cycle intervenes after every fourth Game-Turn.
Player to augment his existing forces. This process
CASES: occurs during the Strategic Cycle and is composed
PLAYERS NOTE of several complimentary routines whose end result
Certain of the Axis unit types will not be employed [45.1] Just like a Game-Turn, the Strategic Cycle
is the introduction of additional Soviet forces into
has a Sequence of Play dictating an orderly proce-
in War in the East (for example, the U-Boats and the play of the game. Production is regulated and
Surface Fleets are not available to the Axis Player).
dure for the Players to follow. The Cycle is com-
posed of two stages. graphically depicted by the Production Display
These units are included on the sheet for the pur- composed of several interrelated components. Es-
poses of sheet standardization within the \Yor ln STAGE I. AXIS
REINFORCEMENTS sentially the Soviet Player may produce what he
Europe system. Any such neglected unit types are to The Axis Player receives and deploys units. Points wishes. He is limited only by the counter mix and
be ignored when playing TYar ln the East. and Markers as per his Cycle Record Track. the status of Production Centers.
[46.19] Training and Arms Centers count as ten same time that he is initiating the new production.
[46.1] PRODUCTTON CENTERS division-sized units for purposes of Rail Movement. The type and number of units necessary to serve as
There are three types of Production Centers, each cadres for a given unit-group is listed on the
with its own functions, value and capabilities. These [46.2] THE PRODUCTION MULTTPLE AND Production Cost Chart. lt is presumed that any unit
are Armaments (Arms) Centers, Training Centers AND PRODUCTION POINT POOLS placed in the Cadre box will be consumed in the
During each Soviet Production Stage of the Stra-
and Personnel Centers. production process of a larger unit. Indeed that is
tegic Cycle, the Soviet Player augments his Arms
Point Pool and his Personnel Point Pool. He calcu-
the sole function of the Cadre box. The Soviet
[46.11] Armaments Centers Player may not "cadre" units offthe map and then
An Armament Center is represented by a unit lates the number of Arms Points to add by multi-
plying the number of operational Armaments Cen- at some later point return the units to the map.
counter placed on the map. The center has a Rail
Once he places a unit in the cadre box it must stay
Movement Allowance and may be moved by the So- ters by the Arms Point Multiple in effect (which is
detailed by cycle on the Campaign Record Track). there until he expends it in production.
viet Player using Rail Movement. An armament
center has zero Combat Strength, and no Zone of He calculates the number of Personnel Points to [46.33] Almost all Soviet Production is stated in
Control (including its own hex). It may not retreat or add by multiplying the number of operational Fer- multiples of 2 or 4 units. With the exception of a
advance as a result of Combat. The sole function of sonnel Centers by the Personnel Point Multiple in supply unit the Soviet Player can not produce just
an Armaments center is to provide Arms Points to effect. one of anything, he must produce two or four of
the Production process. something.
[46.21] The Campaign Turn Record Track lists the
[46.12] Personnel Centers Arms Points Multiple and Personnel Points Mul-
These are identified on the map by star hexes. Usu- tiple in effect for each cycle of the game. The num-
ally but not always the centers are located in a city ber ofoperational Armaments and Personnel Cen- [46.4] REBUTLDING SOVIET UNITS
ters on any given cycle will depend on the fortunes of FROM BATTLEGROUPS
hex. The star serves to pinpoint the location of the
personnel center, which has zero Combat Strength war. Certain Soviet units form Battle Groups. The Soviet
HOW TO USE TIIE SOVTET Player may restore these units to full-strength by
and is permanently fixed in place. Personnel centers [46.3]
using the Battlegroup as a cadre unit and rebuild
function as the source of Pemonnel Points and PRODUCTION DISPLAY
the full-strength unit via tbe Production Process.
Supply (48.31) The Soviet Production Display is composed of the
This rebuilding cost is listed separately on the Pro-
Production Spiral, the Production Cadre Box, the
duction Cost Chart.
Game Distribution Box, the two Production Point
Pools (see 46.2) and the Production Costs Chart [46.41] When rebuilding from a Battle Group
which lists the "price" of producing Cadre the Cadre is expended by flipping it over into
group". (A unit-group is defined as the minimum
a "unit-
the full strength unit and is then placed on the Pro-
number of any one type of unit which may be built dgction Spiral.
Training Centers
[46.13] at any one time.) During the Initiation of New Pro- [46.42] While the end product is the same the pro-
A Training Center is represented by a Training duction Phase of the Soviet Production Stage, the duction time (in cycles) necessary to rebuild a unit
Center unit, which has a rail Movement Allowance Soviet Player may place a unit-group into produc- from its Battlegroup is usually less than the time
and may be moved by Rail Movement only. The tion by placing a single unit of the type being built necessary to build it initially. For example a 9-6
Training Center has a Defense Strength of 10 and on the Production Spiral while expending the nec- Mech Corps can be produced from 3 x (3-5) Mech
could conceivably be used by the Soviet Player in essary Arms and Personnel Points from his Point Brigades and I x (2-5) Tank Brigade in 3 cycles or it
Combat. However, the principal function of the Pools. These requirements are listed on the Pro- can be rebuilt from I x (2-6) Battle Group in 2
Training Center is to regulate the flow of Soviet duction Costs Chart. The Soviet Player may not cycles. In both cases one or more cadre units must
units from the map to the Production Display and initiate the production of more than one unit-group be expended. The Production Spiral is color-coded
vice versa. Units coming into or leaving the game to per operable Training Center per cycle. (For so that a Player can tell the placement of new
and from the Production process, are usually placed example, if the Soviet Player had 15 operable production as opposed to rebuilds.
on or adjacent to existing Training Centers. Training Centers at the beginning of a Cycle, he
could initiate a maximum of 15 unit-groups.) Some [46.43] No Soviet Replacement Drafb
[46.14] Production Centers never exert Zones of The Soviet Player is not given and is not capable of
Control in adjacent hexes. Armaments and Person- of the "larger" units (those with relatively high
producing Replacement Drafts of either type. Since
nel Centers do not exert a Zone ofControl in the hex combat/movement values) require that the Soviet
he doesn't have them he can't use them to replace
they occupy and may be totally ignored by the Axis Player expend one or more base or cadre units to
battlegroups to full strength units. (rule 17.0). The
Player. The Training Center does exert a Zone of initiate production. When used for this purpose
Soviet Player could combine three battlegroups to
Control in its hex, but not adjacent hexes. cadre units are removed from the Cadre Box and
recover a full strength unit (see rule 16.0) or he could
placed back in the counter tray.
[46.15] Personnel Centers are captured when an rebuild battlegroups via the Soviet Production
Axis Ground Combat unit enters their hex. Train- [46.31] The Production Spiral process.
ing Centers and Armaments centers are destroyed
if: (1) an Axis unit enters their hex, or (2) if they are
forced to retreat as a result of Combat.
The Production Spiral is a compact device to allow
the Soviet Player to make "one decision" produc-
tion. It is divided into thirteen radiating slices and
thirteen spiral arms emanating from a center circle.
Each spiral arm is composed of five slots (formed as [46.s] PRODUCTNG AND REBUILDII\G
[46.16] Armaments and Personnel Centers do not a result of the intersection of slices and spiral arms) AIR POINTS
count towards Stacking limits. A Training Center and each slot is located in a slice progressively fur-
counts as one division. An Armaments Center may The Soviet Player produces Air Points via the Pro-
ther away from the center. If we view time as pro- duction Process. The cost is listed on the Production
not be stacked with a Tiaining Center. Either may gtessing clockwise from slice to slice, then the chart
stack on a Personnel Center. Cost Chart and production time is integrated with
can be viewed as a clock to record the passage of the Production Spiral. The Soviet Player may also
[46.17] Production Centers may only perform their thirteen Strategic Cycles (and a full year of rebuild destroyed Air Points. The cost to rebuild a
Production functions if they are operational. A Game-Turns). Since no unit takes more than thir- destroyed Air Point is less than the cost to produce
Personnel Center is operational if a Line of Com- teen Cycles to produce, this one spiral can one from "scratch". However, this difference re-
munications can be traced from the Center to the encompass all of Soviet Production. quires the Soviet Player to carefully segregate de-
Eastern Map Edge. An Armaments Center must be lrt us say it is cycle nr. 1. The Soviet Player wishes stroyed Air Points from the mass of unproduced Air
able to trace a Line of Communication through to produce a Cavalry Corps (which requires two Points. It is suggested that whenever a Soviet Air
contiguous Rail Hexes to the Eastern Map Edge; so cycles). He simply traces along the spiral arm Point is destroyed it should be placed in the Cadre
must a Training Center and, in addition, it must be emanating from cycle nr. 1 and places the 2-3 in the Box. This will position it for rebuilding and at the
located on or adjacent to a friendly Soviet Personnel cycle nr. 3 slice. When time advances to the third same time clearly distinguish it from the points in
Center or in Siberia. cycle there is the cavalry corps waiting to be the counter tray.
[46.18] In addition to 46.17, both Armaments and
removed frorn the slice and be deployed.
[46.5f ] Mandatory Air Point Production
Training Centers are temporarily non-operational [46.32] Production Cadres The Soviet Player must initiate the production of at
while moving and for a period of time after they re- These are units which the Soviet Player removes least two Air Points each Cycle. This must be new
locate. After moving (which of necessity requires from play on the map and puts into the Cadre box of production; rebuilds ofdestroyed Air Points do not
them to entrain and detrain) a center is inoperable the Production Display. There they are "expended" meet this requirement. Air Transport Points do not
for the next two Strategic Cycles. It is suggested that to create larger, more valuable units. To expend count towards the Air Point production require-
a record be kept of an inoperable center and that them the Soviet Player removes them from the ment. If and when the Soviet Player produces to his
such a center be flipped over. Cadre box and places them in his countertray, at the counter mix limit he is relieved of this requirement.
map-edge of map sections F, G, and H. When
)c( [48.0] STBERTA AND SOVTET tracing a line of supply, all of Siberia is considered
SUEI SUPPLY SOURCES to be clear terrain. Practically speaking, this means
1-4 GENERAL RULE: that any Soviet unit within six Movement Points of
The term "Siberia" describes the area ofthe Soviet Siberia is in supply (subject to the normal restric-
[46.6I EMERGENCY INFANTRY DTVISIONS Union which lies to the east, off the map. This area tions on tracing a line of supply). The railroads
The Soviet Player may produce (1-4) Infantry contains production facilities (Armament centers, leading off the Eastern map-edge of Map Sections
Divisions by use of an emergency process. This re- etc.) permanently depicted on the Soviet Production G and H are considered to be connected to Supply
quires him to expend a premium in Personnel and Display, which contribute to Soviet Production. Sources in Siberia and may also be traced to any
Arms Points but eliminates Production time. An The Soviet Player has access to Siberia via the rail- Soviet Personnel Center not controlled by the Axis
"emergency" division is not placed on the Produc- roads leading off the eastern map-edge. He may Player. This is true even if the Personnel Center is
tion Spiral but instead is placed immediately into produce units in Siberia and introduce them into completely surtounded by Axis units and Zones of
the Game Distribution Box and may be introduced play via the railroads. He may send on-map units Control (that is, a Petsonnel Center may serve as a
into Play in the same cycle it is produced in. into Siberia (via the railtoads) and input them into source of supply even if it is not considered opera-
the production process. And finally he may send tional for production purposes).
[46.7] DISRUPTION OF ARMS CENTERS Armament and Training Centers (by rail) into Si-
The shock of the initial German blitzkrieg, the [48,32] The Soviet Supply Path to a Major
beria adding them into the existing facilities. This Supplyhead (or Source) may be no longer than six
overrunning of the most fertile, productive areas of access is regulated by the Siberian Transit Display
the USSR the massive casualties to the Red Army
Movement Points.
which is an adjunct to the Production Display.
caused the near collapse of the Soviet economy in t48.4] SIBERIAN REINFORCEMENTS
1941. Part ofthis effect will be duplicated when the During the summer of 1941 the Soviets maintained
Axis literally overruns some Personnel, Training [4E.1] SIBERIAN TRANSIT DISPLAY a sizeable army in Siberia facing the Japanese along
and Arms Centers while others are rendered tem- A unit enters Siberia (and thereby exits from the the Manchurian and Mongolian borders. Despite
porarily hors de combat when the Soviet Player map) through any rail hexside leading off the eas- the summet disasters they refrained from stripping
evacuates them (see 46.1 8), but the net effect is still tern edge of the map. This may only be Rail Move- this force because Japanese intentions vls a vls Si-
not sufficient. Thus we will require all on-map So- ment and the exiting unit pays one Rail Movement beria were unclear, and the Soviet transport system
viet Arms Centers 'to cease production of Arms Point to enter Siberia. As soon as the unit moves off was stretched thin as itwas. By mid-autumn of 1941
Points whenever the Soviet Player loses 100 units the map it is placed in the Enter Slberla box of the the Soviets had received good intelligence about the
(any flavor) any time during the first five Strategic transit display. It is considered to have detrained Japanese plans to attack the USA, the campaigning
Cycles (only). They may resume prduction on the and located itself someplace in Siberia. season in Siberia was about over until the next
fifth Strategic Cycle following the beginning of the This unit is now available for purposes of Soviet summer, the rail system had the capacity and the
Axis invasion. For example, Barbarossa begins on Production during subsequent Strategic Cycles. danger to Moscow was clear and immediate' Thus
1/7 /4l.The Soviets are found to have lost 100 units (Note that Armament and Training centers which they began to move substantial forces to the west,
by Game-Turn 2/8/41. They would not be able to have relocated into Siberia do not function until af- forces which proved valuable in the forthcoming
produce Arms Points during the 9/41, 10/41, and ter 2 Cycles, as per 46.18). Units which have been winter campaign.
1 1/41 cycles. They would resume prduction on the produced in Siberia are placed in the Exlt Slberla
[48.41] Beginning on the first "mud" Game'Turn
12/41 cycle which is the f,rfth cycle ofthe invasion. box. These units may be introduced onto the map at of 1941 the Soviet Player attempts to receive rein-
This is not to say they could not produce units ex' any east edge rail hex on any subsequent forcements from Siberia. He rolls the die once for
pending Arms Points from the Arms Points Pool. Game-Turn. They appear entrained and pay one each of the units indicated by the table.
They just couldn't add to this pool for on-map cen- Rail Movement Point to enter the map.
ters. Siberian centers are not affected. [48.42] SIBERTAN REINFORCEMENT TABLE
[48.21] Axis and non-Soviet units may never enter DieRoll s-s 2 -5 3-5 10-1-10
Siberia. It is prohibited under all circumstances. As
[47.0]PLACEMENT OF far as the Axis (non-Soviet) Player is concerned the
I 000 0

SOVIET PRODUCTION world ends at the eastern map-edge.

) 100 0
(Campaip Game and War ln EuroPe) [48.22] Soviet units may only enter Siberia by rail
3 110 0

When the Soviet Player removes a completed unit movement during the Rail Movement Phase of the 4 211 0
from the Production Spiral he must eventually Soviet Player-Turn. Entry under any other condi- 5 321 0
place it on or adjacent to a Training Center (his tion is absolutely forbidden. (A Soviet unit could 6 422 1

choice). A completed Air Point or Air Transport not, for example, "retreat" into Siberia as a result
Point is simply placed in the available box of his Air of Combat: It is eliminated instead.) He continues this process each succeeding
Game-Turn until he has received a total of twelve
War display. [48.23] Soviet units may only leave Siberia (enter the 5-5 Infantry Corps; eight 2-5 Tank Brigades; four
[47.T] DISTRIBUTION AMONG TRAINING map) through the Exit Siberla box. Since they may 3-5 Mech Brigades; one 10-1-10 Artillery Division.
CENTERS only reach this box by transfer ftom the Soviet When rolled for on the table these units appear en-
When placing reinforcements, the Soviet Player Production process, it follows that a unit may not trained at the East maP edge'
may place only one unit (any size or type) per Train- enter Siberia and then leave it on some subsequent
Game-Turn without having passed through Pro- [48.43] This rule applies to both the Standard scen-
ing Center, distributing them evenly among his ario and the Campaign scenario.
Training Centers. If he has more completed units duction in the interim (and being in the process
than Training Centers he may place a second or transformed into some other unit; exception, see
third (maximum three units per center) unit dis- 57.1 ).
[49.0] UrtrT BREAr(DOWN
tributing them evenly. If he has more units than is no limit to the number of units
[48.24] There GENERAL RULE:
three per center he may set aside the excess for a which may enter, exist in and exit from Siberia.
later cycle. Units may be placed entrained or not, at Certain Soviet units (only) may be broken down into
[48.251 Points (particularlyAir Points) may be pro- several smallet units at the Soviet Player's option.
the Soviet Player's option. duced and rebuilt in the Siberian Production facili- These Soviet units and their component units are
[47.2] REMOVAL OF CADRE LII\ITS ties. When completed they are placed in the East listed in case 49.3. Unit breakdown is not a function
Cadre units may be removed from play during the Front Box. Under no circumstances can their use be of Soviet production. There is no production cost to
Soviet Initial Movement Phase of any Game-Turn. traced to Siberia; the Soviet Player may not trace breakdown a unit, and the unit need not be at a
They must be adjacent to or stacked on a Training their base into Siberia. Training Center, nor is it placed on the production
Center when they are removed. spiral.
148.261C*ah 22
GAME NOTE: Theoretically the Soviet Player Siberia exists solely to provide a refuge for Soviet PROCEDURE:
could remove all his Training Centers to Siberia production. Any use of Siberia for any other pur'
where they would be immune to Axis action. pose is forbidden (except Soviet units may move by
In order for a Soviet unit to breakdown into its
However this would mean that all production would rule component units, it must be alone in a hex at the
rail through Siberia. See 57.1).
appear in Siberia with concommitant delays in beginning of the Soviet Reinforcement Phase. At
[48.3] SOVIET SUPPLY SOURCES the end ofthe Soviet Reinforcement Phase, the So-
transporting units to and from Siberia. The ideal
Soviet solution is to have several centers fairly close [4E.31] Soviet supply may be traced to Siberia or to viet Player simply removes the parent unit from the
to the front and thereby facilitate the arrival of new any Soviet Personnel Center not controlled by the map (placing it in the counter-tray) and replaces it
production and the committment of cadre to new Enemy Player. For purposes of supply, Siberia is with the appropriate component units (listed in case
production. considered to lie one hex east of the eastern 49.3).

[49.1]WHICH UNITS MAY BREAK DOWN entrained or not entrained at the Player's option. If withdrawing units so long as the printed Strength of
entering entrained, the reinforcement does count the unit is equal to or greater than the Strength
[49.11] Axis units may never breakdown in this against the Player's Rail Capacity. Whether a rein- listed.
forcement enters entrained or not, it must expend [50.23] Penalty
[49.12] An entrained unit may not be broken-down. an appropriate number of Movement Points (either If a withdrawal requirement has not been met, the
normal Movement Points or Rail Movement Points)
[49.13] An unsupplied Soviet unit may be broken Soviet Player may demand the removal of Axis units
down; the supply state of a unit has no effect on its for the first hex it enters on the map). from anyrhere on the map so as to meet the re-
ability to break-down. Reinforcements may not enter the map in Enemy quirement. The units selected by the Soviet Player
occupied or Enemy controlled hexes. They may en- are removed from the map automatically (i.e., they
[49.2] DTSPOSTTTON OF COMPOI\.ENT UNITS ter an Enemy controlled hex which is occupied by a need not be moved off the western map-edge). The
[49.2f ] The units which are formed by breakdown Friendly unit. printed Strength ofthe units chosen must be greater
may neither move nor attack Enemy units during Reinforcements are subject to all normal Move- than or equal to the Strength of the units listed.
the Soviet Player-Turn in which the breakdown ment rules as soon as they appear on the map. For
takes place. movement purposes (only) they are considered sup-
plied on the Game-Turn they are scheduled to
l49,22lln certain cases, a number of component [s1.0] REBUTLDTNG KG
units will result which cannot be stacked in the
same hex without violating the Stacking limits. In
arrive on the map. Reinforcements appearing on
the map in specified city hexes may temporarily INTACT E
overstack. Ifsuch overstacking is not relieved by the KAMPFGRUPPE 1-5
such cases, the excess should be placed into a hex
directly adjacent to the other component units. If end of the first Movement Phase they are forfeited. (Campaign Scenarios OnIy: Optional Rule)
this is not possible, the original unit may not be [50.12] Russian reinforcements (except militia, see GENERAL RULE:
broken down. 62.3), enter the map from the "east edge" (i.e., on As a matter of policy, the German Command pre-
[49.23] The components may not be reformed into a any hex of the 6100 column of Map Sections F, G, ferred to have kampfgruppen remain at the front,
single unit although they may enter the Soviet and H). Soviet Air Points are placed in the East and simply build new divisions, rather than return-
Production process normally. When a unit is Front Box, ing the old, burned-out divisions to Germany for
broken down, the Soviet Player does not regain any [50.13] German and ltalian units enter the map rebuilding. Although this did permit a greater
Arms or Personnel Points. from the "west edge" (i.e., on any hex of the 0100 number of troops to remain at the front (i.e., the
[49.3] CORPS A}ID THEIR COMPONENTS column in Germany or German-occupied Poland kampfgruppen themselves), the procedure was not
only); German units (only) may also be placed in cost-effective, since it involved building a large
either Danzig (GO314) or Konigsberg GO714). number of units "from scratch". Had the German
Unit Components
economy been more rationally organized, it would
4-4 3x(1-4) German Air and Replacement Points are placed in
the East Front Box. have been possible to rebuild kampfgruppen units
5-5 3x(1-4) uith greater speed and efficiency.
8-6 3x(2-5)and lx(3-5) [50.14] Finnish reinforcements appear in Helsinki
(G24021. Rumanian reinforcements appear in PROCEDURE:
9-6 3x(3-5)and lx(2-5)
Bucharest (H0215). If either of these cities is German kampfgruppen may be withdrawn from
[49.4] DTSBANDMENT OF IIIUTS Enemy-occupied when reinforcements are due, the the map tobe rebuilt in Germany. The unit in ques-
(Campaign Game and War in EuroPe) reinforcements due in the city for that Game-Turn tion should exit the map following the same pro-
In addition to breaking down units to their are forfeited. Hungarian reinforcements appear on cedure as for units involved in required German
constituents, the Soviet Player may dissolve infantry any hex of the 0100 column in Hungary. withdrawals (see 50.221. Once the unit has been
(1-4) divisions, tank (2-5), mechanized (3-5)' and withdrawn it is placed the appropriate number of
anti-tank (0-1-l 0) btigades and in so doing recover cycles ahead on the Track, as indicated in 51.1. The
personnel points, which he may add to his personnel t50.2] REQUIRED A)(IS WTTHDRAWALS units re-enter the game in the same manner as
point pool. This is accomplished during his Re- Historically, the Germans rotated units to and from normal German reinforcements. There is no limit to
placement-Reinforcement Phase of the Game- the Eastern Front. For the most part, this process is the number of kampfgruppen that may be
Turn. lt is a reverse of the normal production pro- reflected in the Axis teinforcement rate, which withdrawn and placed on the Track on a given
cess; e.g., he removes four l-4 infantry divisions shows new units arriving only when a net increase in Game-Turn.
from the map and adds 1 personnel point to his strength occurred. Certain events in the West, how-
ever, caused the Germans to quickly remove sub- t51.1I GERMAN REBUILDING SCHEDULE
personnel point pool. The units he removes must all
be stacked on or adjacent to the same Training stantial forces from the Soviet Union for use against Unit Reorganfuation Perlod
Center. He does not recover Arms Points by this the Western Allies. 7-5
6-5, 3 cycles
process. (Note, however that in breaking an 8-6 [50.2f ] Withdrawal Schedule 8-8,10-8, 11-8,13-8 2cycles
down into 2-5s and 3-5s the Soviet Player does not The Axis Player must withdraw the listed units from
regain the personnel points originally expended in the map by the indicated Game^Turn. Units listed
producing them.) for each withdrawal date are additional units that
must be withdrawn, regardless of any previous


Game-Turn Exiting Unlts [s2.0] sovrET ul\[oN
GENERAL RULE: 1/l/43 4 Air Points* The entire European, and part of the Asian land
During the course of the game both Players will re- 2/8/43 1x(11-8),2x(10-8),3x(8-8),12x(6-5), area of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is
ceive additional units in the form ofreinforcements, and all surviving Italian units. depicted on the \Yar in the East Maps. The remain-
and will also exit units from the map (either to meet 4/6/44 ing sections ofAsian and Far Eastern Russia (i.e.,
"Siberia") are not shown and may not be entered by
certain specified requirements or in order to rebuild * Reduce the maximum permitted German Air the Axis Player. However, this area does serve as a
units which have been reduced to battlegroup Points by four. permanent source of supply for the Soviet Player. It
is assumed that the loss of her European territories,
[50.22] Implementation
[50.1] which contain the vast majority of the population
Before the beginning of the indicated Game-Turn,
Reinforcements appear during the Receiving and industry, would force the surrender of the So-
the Axis Player must withdraw the specified units
Player's Reinforcement Phase, as listed on the Turn viet Union, If this occurs the game is over and the
off the western mapeged. The units in question
Record Track. The Player should take the units must be physically moved off the western map-edge Axis Player has won.
indicated and place them just off the appropriate
using either normal or rail movement. It costs one [52.1] SOVIET INITIAL CONDITION
map-edge or directly on the city hex ofappearance.
additional Movement Point (or one additional Rail
They may be moved in the appropriate Movement [52.11]Terrttorics: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Movement Point) to exit units in map-edge hexes off Eastern Poland, Bessarabia, Finland (up to the
Phase of the Player-Turn of appearance. (NOTE:
the map. Units may be withdrawn before the 1941 Start Line).
the arrival of standard scenario reinforcements scheduled date. Additionally, the Axis Player may
should not be confused with the appearance of So- use scheduled reinforcements to meet withdrawal [52.12] Deployment: Soviet deployments are de-
viet units due to the Soviet Production System used
requirements. If this is done, the reinforcements scribed under the various Scenario Instructions.
in the Campaign Scenarios). never enter the game at all, but are simply indicated [52.13]Retnforcements: Russian Production sta'
[50.11] How Relnforcements may enter the game: as being withdrawn to meet the requirement. tus. reinforcements, etc., are described in the Scen'
A Player's reinforcements may enter the map either Substitutions may be made by the Axis Player in ario Instructions, or in the main text of the rules.
[52.14]Naval Transport Capability: The Soviet [53.24] Restrictions: Rumanian units may not enter [53.5] RUMANIAN WITHDRAWAL AI{D
Union has a Naval Transport capability in the Bal- any nation except the Soviet Union and Rumania. RNINFORCEMENTS
tic Sea Area of 3 Naval Transport Points. This Rumanian units may not move north of the H0001 (Campaign Game and War in Europe)
capability is permanent as long as the Soviet Player hexrow (exclusive). During November and December of 1941, following
controls lrningrad (see 61.6). If at the end of any the game as an Axis the fall of Odessa, all Rumanian units were with-
[53.25] Activation: Begins
Game-Turn this condition is not met the Soviet Power. drawn to Rumania for refitting and reorganization.
Baltic capability is permanently destroyed. A Soviet ln 1942 many divisions returned to the East Front
Naval Transport capability of 3 Naval Transport [53.26] Surrender: Rumania surrenders after where most ofthem were destroyed in the debacle of
Points also exists in the Caspian Sea as long as the 4/13/42 at the end of any Game-Turn in which Stalingrad and later, the Kuban. A third and final
Soviet Player controls Astrakahn (hex H5823). The there are no Axis supplied hexes in Bessarabia. army was mobilized in the spring of '44. It was de-
Soviet Player may have a capability in the Black Sea
(Rumania may not surrender before 1/ l/ 43.) V,lhen
stroyed (or changed sides) in the late summer of '44.
(see 61.4). Rumania surrenders all Rumanian units outside of To reflectthe Winter of ' 47-42 withdrawal, the Axis
Rumania are removed from the map. Rumanian Player is required to remove all Rumanian units
[52.f5] Supply Centers: Siberia, any friendly Per- units in Rumania convert to the control ofthe Soviet
sonnel Center. from Russia by the end of the eighth snow Game-
Player. The Rumanian rail lines, however, remain Turn of total war with the USSR. (Twn 4/13/41 in
[52.16] Surrender: The Soviet Union surrenders at Friendly to the Axis Player. After Rumania War in the East.
the end of any Game-Turn in which all 18 on-map surrenders Rumanian units may no longer leave
153.511 Withdrawn Rumanian units are placed
Personnel Centers are occupied by Enemy ground Rumania. anpvhere in Rumania at the Axis Player's option.
combat units.
[53.52]ln addition, the Axis Player may not attack
with Rumanian units during these first eight snow
[s3.31 HUNGARY turns of total war with the USSR. Nor may he move
[s3.0] A)ils PowERS [53,31] Deployment: Hungarian deployments are
described under the various Scenario Instructions.
them adjacent to Soviet units. (This applies to Ru-
manian units in Russia.) Any units which he fails to
return to Rumania by the end of the eighth turn of
GENERAL RULE: [53.32] Reinforcements! Incorporated in the Turn winter are automatically destroyed and are perma-
The Axis Powers are defined as Germany, Finland, Record Track.
nently lost. That is, they can not be used for future
Hungary, ltaly and Rumania. When the game be- [53.33] Supply Center: None. reinforcements. (This last provision is to prevent the
gins (l/7/41), Germany and Rumania are at war
[53.34] Restrictions: Hungarian units may not en- Axis Player from getting some utility out of the Ru-
with the Soviet Union. Finland joins Germany one
ter any nation except Hungary, Germany, Poland, manians during the first winter. While technically
Game-Turn later (2/7/41), and Hungary joins the
and the Soviet Union. They may not move north of the Axis Player has to march the Rumanians back
Axis on 1/8/41. ltaly, a country allied to Germany
the G0030 hexrow (exclusive.). to Rumania, if both Players are agreeable the Axis
which is not depicted on the War in the East maps,
Playercanjustpick up whatever Rumanians he has
sent troops to Russia; they arrive as reinforcements [53.35] Activatiow 7 / 8/ 47. Hungarian participa- in the USSR and simply dump them back in
during the play of the game. tion is strictly a function ofthe Axis Reinforcement
Rumania during the first winter turn.)
The listing of Axis Powers defines for each: Track. All Hungarian reinforcements are available
on the cycle indicated, in any hex of the small area [53.53] All Rumanian'reinforcements' subsequent
1. Territorial Holdings (if any); to 13/41 identify Rumanian units which the Axis
2. Deployment instructions: of Hungarian territory shown on the map. (It is not
Player may move out of Rumania. In deploying
3. Supply Centers; identified by name. It is the lower left hand corner
these reinforcements the Axis Player must first
4. Reinforcements (if not described elsewhere): of Map G and the upper right hand corner of Map
draw upon the units which he has withdrawn to Ru-
5. Restrictions on use of national forces; H bordering on Galicia.) Hungarian units draw
mania. Only when these units are exhausted may he
6. Special rules or capabilities; supply from German supply sources. If Rumania
draw upon the stock of unused or "dead" Ru-
7. Activation conditions. surrenders all Hungarian reinforcements cease.
manian units. Example: The Axis invades Russia in
Is3.11 GER]VTANY [53.36] Sunender: None. 1941. By winter he only has 10 Rumanian '2-4s' left.
German Supply Sources provide supply for both [53.37] The Soviet Player may not invade Hungary He withdraws these to Rumania. OnO/3/42 four of
German fbrces and other Axis forces, while Supply until the tenth Game-Turn (not that he should want these units are released to return to Russia. On
Centers in other Axis nations do not function as to). When in the later years of play the Soviets ac- 0/5/42 three more are released and, on 0/6/42 the
Supply Sources for German forces. The fate of Ger- tually do invade and occupy the section of Hungary last three plus one 2-4 from the unused "dead" pile
many determines the fate of the Axis Player. If Ger- depicted, then Hungarian reinforcements can be go. Practically speaking these units are available on
many surrenders, then the game is over and the Axis presumed to pile up in the off-map Hungary; the fitst Game-Turn of the cycle noted.
Player loses, regardless of the status of other Axis whereupon in the unlikely event that the Axis Player
nations. is able to counterattack and free part of Hungary )c(
the reinforcements can be placed.
[53.11] Territories: East Prussia, Western Poland.
[53.38] All Hungarian units must be withdrawn to 11-8
[53.I2] Deployment: German deployments are de- [53.6] SS UNITS (Campaign Game)
scribed under the various Scenario Instructions. Hungary by the end of 1943. (4/13/43.) Any units
outside ofHungary as ofthis date are automatically There are three SS motorized divisions and one SS
[53.13] Naval Transport Capability: Germany has a destroyed. In other words by 1944 the Axis Player motorized brigade hidden in the initial Axis de-
permanent Naval Transport capability in the Baltic can only use Hungarian units to defend that small ployment for Barbarossa. These are shown as
Sea Area of one Naval Transport Point. If the Axis section of Hungary which is on the maps. 3x(8-8) and 1x(3-8) regular Wehrmacht units,
Player occupies Sevastopol (hex H2021; see 61.4), whose strength and composition they roughly
he may gain a naval capability in the Black Sea. equaled at that time. Thus, the scenario begins with
no SS counters (11-8s or 13-8s) in play. During the
[53.14] Reinforcements: Each group of German
reinforcements appears in the manner described in actual campaign the SS 'Das Reich,' '[ribstand-
Is3.4] rTALY
s0.0. arte' and'Totenkopf (and the SS'Polizei' inf. div.)
Italian participation is strictly a function ofthe Axis
were withdrawn from Russia during 1942,
[53.15] Supply Centers: All rail lines leading off the Reinforcement Track. Italian units appear as rein- reorganized, renamed as Panzer Grenadier Divi-
west map-edge in Poland and Rumania; all forcements on the cycle indicated. They are con-
sions and returned to Russia in Feb. 1943. Because
Friendly port hexes on the Baltic Sea Area which sidered to be off-map entrained and may be their withdrawal is 'netted out' in the overall Ger-
are not in Finland. brought into play on any subsequent Game-Turn at
man reinforcement track, we just show them enter-
[53.15] Surrender: Germany does not surrender
any Axis controlled Rail exit hex in Germany or ing play on 0/2/43 as 4x(11-8). The SS 'Viking' re-
within the scope of War in the East; however, the Rumania.
mained in Russia and was reorganized there in Oct.
game is over and the Axis Player loses when no Axis [53.41] Deployment: Italian deployments are listed 42 as an SS Panzer Grenadier Division. Case 53.61
units with a line of Communications off the western under the various Scenario instructions. recreates that event. Finally in November of 1943
map-edge remain on the map. the'Totenkopf,' 'Das Reich' and 'Viking' SS PzGr
[53.42] Reinforcements3 lncorporated in the Turn
Is3.2] RUMAI{IA Record Track. Divisions ('Leibstandarte' had been withdrawn; see
58.21) were reorganized as SS Panzer Divisions
[53.21] Deployment: Rumanian deployments are [53.43] Supply Center: None. which is reflected in case 53.62.
described under the various Scenario Instructions. Italian units may not
[53.44] Restrictions: move
[53.61] During the 0/10/42 cycle the Axis Player
[53.22] Reinforcements: Incorporated in the Turn north of the C0030 hexrow. may create one (and only one) SS Pz Gr Div. (1 1-8).
Record Track. for required
[53.45] Surrender: see 50.21 with- To do this he must remove an existing 8-8 div and
[53.23] Supply Center: Bucharest (hex H0215). drawal of Italian units. replace it with an I 1 -8, and expend one Mechanized

Replacement Point while doing so. The 8-8 must be

in supply and at least three hexes away from any
[ss.o] REBUTLDTNG SOVTET ofthe Soviet Union. The railroads, cities and ports
depicted therein are as Russian as Vodka. Unless
Soviet unit (except partisan) at the moment of
BATTLEGROUPS specifically treated otherwise in the rules-in some
exchange. The Axis Player ma! choose any 8-8 he
[Standard Scenarios Only] special context-these annexed areas are Soviet,
wishes.lf by chance he has no 8-8 which he can Soviet battlegroups may be withdrawn from the
and any reference to the Soviet Union applies to
exchange, he may execute the creation on any later them as well.
map to be rebuilt in Siberia. The unit in question
cycle when he can meet the conditions,
should be physically moved off the eastern [s6.i] ECONOMTC CONSEQUENCES
[53.62] During the 0/11/43 cycle the Axis Player map-edge using rail movement. It costs one addi- OF THE PACT
may create three SS Panzer Divisions by removing tional Rail Movement point to exit units in a A mutual trade agreement flowed from the pact.
any three SS Panzer Grenadier Divisions (ex- map-edge hex off the map. Once a unit has left the This provided for (among other things) Soviet
changing 13-8s tbr 11-8s). The exchanged units map it is placed the appropriate number of Game- export of oil to Germany. In War in the West and
must be in supply and at least three hexes from a Turns ahead on the Standard Scenarios Turn Re- War in Europe this is simulated by providing a So-
non-Soviet partisan unit. lf he can't meet these cord Track as indicated in 55.1. The units re-enter viet resource center to the German economy prior to
conditions he may execute the exchange on any the game in the same manner as normal Soviet German/Soviet hostilities. In War in the East this
following cycles. reintbrcements. There is no limit to the number of provision is ignored.
battlegroups that may be exited for rebuilding. [56.2] POLTTTCAL CONSEQUENCES
[55.1] Soviet Rebuilding Schedule OF THE PACT
Unit Reorganization Period ln game terms there are none. The Soviet occupa-
4-4,5-5,2-3 4 Game-Turns tions and annexations of the border areas are not
[54.0] FrI\ILAND 8-6, 9-6 8 Game-Turns considered neutrality violations. They are set his-
10-1-10, Air Point 12 Game-Turns
torical events which occur according to the War in
COMMENTARY: Europe Turn Record Track and are considered a
Note that it is possible to rebuild eliminated Soviet fait accompli at the start of War in the East.
ln War in the East the 'Winter War' is considered to
Air Points. When rebuilding Air Points simply
have been fought with the result that the Soviet [56.3] THE BALTIC STATES
place the eliminated units the indicated number of
Union is in full occupation of the area of Finland Latvia. Lithuania and Estonia are considered allied
Game-Turns ahead on the Turn Record Track.
lying to the east of the 1941 Start-Line. All rail- with the Soviet Union as of l/ll/39. Any attack on
roads, cities and ports lying in this area are Soviet them thereafter is an attack on the Soviet Union.
[55.f f ] The Soviet Player may rebuild in the Kursk
and are tunctioning intact. From the standpoint of and DAGC scenarios only. He may not rebuild in On any Game-Turn after the fall of Paris to Axis
the Soviet Player he may consider this Soviet occu- the Barbarossa or Stalingrad scenarios. To lbrces, the Soviet Player may freely enter these
pied area of Finland as part of the Soviet Union. reemphasize, this rule applies only to the Standard States; all railroads and ports are deemed to pass
However the Axis Player (as controller of the Finn- Scenarios. When playing a Campaign Scenario the intact into Soviet control. Since War in the East
ish tbrces) may also consider this very same area as Soviet Player has complete command of his pro- begins on 0/7/41 these events are presumed to have
part ofFinland to the extent that Finnish units may duction apparatus and rebuilds units thereby. This already come to pass.
draw supply from any hex of this area which is not rule simulates for the Standard Scenarios what a
physically controlled by a Soviet unit. Soviet Player would be doing in the Campaign
[57.0]RAIL Ln\ES AI\ID
[54.11] Deployment: Finnish deployments are de- THEIR REPAIR
scribed under the various Scenario instructions.
[54.12] Reinforcements: Incorporated in the Turn As is noted in the Standard Rules (6.5), Russia has a
Record Track. ts6.0l sovrET-GERrvrAN PACT rail gauge which is different from that of the other
[54.13] Activationz 2/7 /41. [Campaign Game and War in Europe only] European nations. Primarily this is a defensive
COMMENTARY: measure on the Russians' part, as non-compatible
[54.14] Supply Centers: Any hex of Finland which
can trace a line of communications from Helsinki In late August of 1939, the Soviet Union and Ger- rail systems greatly compound the logistics diffi-
many concluded a Non-Agression Pact, the terms of culties of an invading force. Throughout the course
[54.2] Restrictions which provided for the carving-up of Eastern of War in the East Players must pay clos: attention
[54.21] Finnish units may not move more than ten Europe (among other things) and reciprocal trade. to the type of rail they are repaiting, as the cost
hexes from Finland (inclusive); i.e., between the Persuant to the conditions of the pact, the Soviet varies greatly (see 6.62). Note that as the Axis re-
unit's hex and the Finnish border there may be only Union invaded Poland in September (after the pairs rail lines in Russia, the hexes are converted to
eight hexes. Germans had effectively destroyed Poland), occu- European gauge; ifthe Soviet Player ever attempts
pied that part of Poland east of the partition line, to re-convert those rail hexes he must pay the cost of
[54.22] No Finnish unit may move into a hex which repairing "different gauge" rail.
is adjacent to either of the Leningrad Personnel and annexed it into the USSR. Next Stalin turned
his attentions to the Baltic States (Latvia, Lithuania
Centers (hexes G3306, G3307) until the rail line [57.T] OFF.MAP RAIL TRANSFER
through Leningrad has been repaired by the Axis and Estonia) forcing them to conclude treaties of It is possible to shift units between rail lines that do
Player and the Finnish rail network is linked to the 'mutual defense' which provided for Soviet military not actually connect on the map. To do so an en-
remainder of the Axis rail network. Once this has and naval presence. He followed this with an ulti- trained unit myst move by rail off the western or
been accomplished, Finnish units may move ad- matum to the Finns demanding a border readjust- eastern map-edge (only). The unit myst then spend
jacent to or enter any of the Leningrad Personnel ment and limited naval basing on the Finnish coast. one complete Game-Turn offthe map. On the Rail
Centers. They retain this capability even if the rail The Finns declined. and in November of 1939 the Movement Phase of the followittg Game-Turn the
line is subsequently interrupted by Enemy units or Soviets attacked Finland. The "Winter War" en-
unit (still entrained) must be brought back onto the
Zones of Control. sued, resulting in the Soviet occupation and an- map from any Friendly rail-line leading off the
nexation of those parts of Finland lying to the east
[54.23] Until a rail line to Finland has been repaired same map-edge from which the unit exited. The
of the 1941 Start-Line on the map. When France fell
(see 54.22) the Axis Player may never have more unit must be brought back on the map; it may not
in June of 1940, Stalin took further action against
than ten non-Finnish Axis units in Finland, nor be held off-map indefinitely. While the unit is
the Baltic States, annexing them outright into the
may non-Finnish Axis units south of the Arctic off-map it continues to count against a Player's rail
Soviet Union. Rumanian Bessarabia was next on capacity.
Circle move within three hexes ofthe 1941 Startline. the hit parade, being annexed in July of 1 940. (This
Units north of the Arctic Circle may move and last bite brought a pro-Axis government to power in
attack without this restriction. All Axis units in Rumania.) Undoubtedly all this Soviet expansion
Finland trace supply as if they were Finnish units. reinforced (if that was necessary) Hitlers determi- [s8.0] sovrET ARTTLLERY
[54.3] Surrender: Finland surrenders at the end of nation to crush the Soviets before they got too AND ANTI.TAI\IK UNITS
any Game-Turn in which five Finnish divisions have strong. The Western Allies (and the USA) weren't
been reduced to battlegroup strength (or elimi- too pleased either, but there wasn't anything they [58.1] ARTILLERY
nated) and the Axis Player controls less than three could really do about it (they did have a small cur- Soviet artillery (10-1-10) units (only), form an
Soviet Personnel Centers. When Finland surren- rent difficulty with the Germans). The end result is exception to the Ground Combat rules which re-
ders. all Finnish units outside of Finland are re- that June 1941 finds the Soviet Union in possession quire an attacking unit to be adjacent to the unit it
moved. Finnish units in Finland convert to the con- of parts of Finland, Poland and Rumania (as de- isattacking. Soviet artillery units (only), may attack
trol of the Soviet Player; they may no longer leave lineated on the map) and all of the Baltic states. For Enemy units that are either adjacent to the artillery
Finland. all game purposes this area can be considered part unit or separated from the artillery unit by no more

than one intervening hex. The use of Soviet artillery [58,23] When a Soviet anti-tank unit is stacked with [60.22] Enemy units may enter or move through a
units is restricted by the following cases. other units which attack an Axis Mechanized unit, hex occupied solely by a Partisan Cadre at no addi-
[58.11] A Soviet artillery unit may only attack an the presence of the anti-tank unit never affects the tional Movement Point cost.
Enemy unit (or units) if another Soviet non-artillery Combat Strength of the defending Mechanized of Control
[60.23] Partisan Cadres have no Zone
unit is attacking the same Enemy unit(s) during the unit. and are never counted against normal STacking
same Combat Phase. In addition, at least one [58.24] Soviet anti-tank units do count towards Limits. An unlimited number of Partisan Cadres
non-artillery unit must be adjacent to both the de- stacking limits. may occupy a single hex. Partisan Cadres are never
fending unit and the supporting Soviet artillery affected by supply (they are always considered sup-
unit; it need not attack. Furthermore, in order for [56.25] In all other respects, anti-tank units are
considered normal units. plied). Partisan Cadres may never move in any
the Soviet artullery unit to participate in the attack, manner.
the non-artillery attacking unit(s) must have a
printed (unmodified) total Attack Strength which is [60.24] The sole function of a Partisan Cadre is that
equal to or greater than the printed (unmodified) [s9.0] sovrET ArR MovE- he may become a Partisan unit. For this reason, the

total Attack Strength which is equal to or greater MENT AND TACTICAL Enemy Player may wish to attack the Cadre. The
Enemy unit may attack a Partisan Cadre when oc-
than the printed (unmodihed) Defense Strength(s)
of the unit(s) being attacked. Soviet artillery units
AIR POWER cupyingthe same hex as the Cadre or from an adja-
GENERAL RULE: cent hex. Each Partisan Cadre has a Defense
may only participate in an attack if all of these
The following are changes in the Standard Rules Strength of "five," which may be modified by ter-
conditions can be met. The number of artillery units
concerning Soviet Air Movement and Tactical Air rain effects, but not by supply effects. All Partisan
which may participate in an attack is restricted only
Power, Cadres stacked in a single hex must be attacked in a
by these requirements.
single combat. The Defense Strengths of all Cadres
[58.12] When a Soviet artillery unit is participating [s9.r]ArR MOVEMENT in a single hex are added together in the normal
in an attack, it is never affected by the combat re- The range of Soviet Air Assault is six hexes. Soviet
manner when determining the combat odds. An at-
sults ofthat attack. Any result received is applied to units using Air Assault may not be dropped in any tacked Cadre is only affected by a "De" or "Ex" re-
the supporting non-artillery Soviet units. This is hex which is more than six hexes away from an
sult (both of which destroy the Cadre). Any other
true even when the artillery unit is adjacent to the embarkation hex (see 14.6). However, the Soviet Air result has no effect whatsoever on the Cadre. A unit
unit being attacked. Transport range is twenty hexes (see 8.38). which is attacking a Cadre is never affected by any
[58.13] Soviet artillery units suffer combat results in t59.2I TACTICAL AIR POWER combat result caused by that attack.
the normal manner when the artillery unit(s) them- The range ofSoviet Tactical Air Power is reduced to Partisan Cadres may not be Overrun.
selves are attacked. six hexes. Soviet Sea Superiority and Air-Ground Air-Ground Support may be used to aid an attack
Missions, as well as Extraordinary Air-Sea Inter- against a Partisan Cadre.
[5E,14] Soviet artillery units may never enter Enemy diction may not be applied to a hex which is more
controlled hexes unless the hex is occupied by a
than six hexes from a hex with the appropriate [60.26] If a Partisan Cadre is eliminated, it is re-
Friendly unit. Soviet artillery units may leave En-
Friednly supply (see 14.6). Air Superiority Missions moved from the map and returned to the
emy Zones of Control in the same manner as any countermix. During a subsequent Strategic Cycle
are not affected and are conducted normallv.
other unit. Soviet artillery units may never volun- the Soviet Player may attempt to again place the
tarily move out of supply. cadre on the map. There is no limit to the number of
[5E.15] Soviet artillery units may never execute or t60.01 sovrET PARTTSANS times a Cadre may be eliminated and returned to
the map (exception: see 60.47).
participate in an overrun. Artillery units may only [Campaign Game and War in Europe]
move in the Mechanized Movement Phase (or in the 160.271 A Partisan Cadre may not be attacked if
Rail Movement Phase), and pay mechanized move- stacked in the same hex as a Friendly non-Cadre
ment costs. GENERAL RULE: unit. Ifthe non-Cadre units are attacked, the cadre
[5E.f6] The Attack Strength of a Soviet artillery The Soviet Player has 36 partisan counters which he unit does not add to the defense offlhe hex and is not
unit may not be applied against more than one En- may place and employ only inside the Soviet Union. affected by the result of the attack.
emy occupied hex in a single Combat Phase. Soviet The partisan counters have two sides-one face is [60.2E]An Enemy unit in a hex occupied by a
artillery units have no special range capability when the Partisan Cadre and the other face is the Partisan Partisan Cadre is not required to attack the Cadre.
they themselves are being attacked. The Attack Unit. Partisan Cadres may be deployed by the So- Attacking a Partisan Cadre is always voluntary.
Strength of an Artillery unit is not halved in viet Player during the Strategic Cycle. If the place-
cross-river attacks. ment is successful, the Cadre may be converted into [60.29] Soviet Partisan Cadres may only be placed
in the Soviet Union. For purposes of Cadre place-
a Partisan Unit during a subsequent Game-Turn.
[5E.17] Soviet artillery units do not exert aZone of ment (only) the Soviet Union is not considered to in-
Control except in the hex they occupy. PROCEDURE: clude any post-1938 territorial gains. That is, Cadre
[58.f8] In all other respects, Soviet artillery units Partisan Deployment: During each Strategic Cycle may not be placed in any part of Poland, the Baltic
are normal units and subject to all other rules the Soviet Player may attempt to deploy up to two States, Finland or Rumania.
governing normal units. Cadres. The Soviet Player rolls the die once for each
cadre he wishes to place. If the die roll result is
.,4 within the range shown, the cadre is placed in the Placement Hex Statis Dle roll rceultlng 1n,..
Convenlon Elfunlnatlon
(1)10 hex; any other result means that cadre is not
within 6 hexes ofa
[s8.2] SOVIET ANTr-TA]IK UMTS placed into play. Note that the chances for success
Soviet anti-tank (0-l-10) units affect the Combat depend on the terrain in the hex and the distance of Soviet supplied hex 1-3 .
Strength(s) of Enemy Mechanlzed units which at- the hex from a hex in Soviet supply. "o" : no more than 6 hexes from
tack a hex containing an anti-tank unit. Any and all chance of cadre placement. aSovietsuppliedhex 1 2-4 )

Axis Mechanized units participating in an attack [60.1] CADRE PLACEMENT TABLE Explanation: During the Reinforcement/Replace-

against a hex containing a Soviet anti-tank unit ment Phase of the Soviet Playerturn, the Soviet
have their Attack Strengths halved. This adjust-
Placement Terraln
Hex Status ln Placement Hex Player may attempt to convert existing Partisan
ment is made after all other modification of Combat Cadres into Partisan Units. The Soviet Player rolls
Strengths for this particular combat are made. Only Swamp/ Rough/
the die once for each Cadre he wishes to convert. If
Axis Mechanized units are halved when attacking a Clear Forest Mountain the die roll result is within the range shown under
hex containing a Soviet anti-tank unit. within 6 hexes the "Conversion" column, the cadre is flipped over
[58.21]There is no additional effect if Axis Mech- ofa Soviet to form the Partisan Unit. If the die roll result is
anized units attack a hex containing more than one supplied hex I 1-3 1-5 within the range shown under the "Elimination"
Soviet anti-tank unit. over 6 hexes column, the cadre is eliminated and the Partisan
[5E.22] Soviet anti-tank units do not exert aZone of from a Soviet counter is permanently removed from the game.
Control except in the hex they occupy. Soviet suppliedhex o 1 1-2 "o" : No possibility of elimination (treat results of
anti-tank units have an Attack Strength of "zero," 4-{ here as "No Effect".
i.e., they may never attack Enemy units, or partici- [60.2] RESTRICTIONS ON PARTISAI{ CADRE
pate in an overrun. [60.21] Partisan Cadres may be ignored by the En-
Anti-tank units may only move in the Mechanized emy Player for all purposes (he may treat them as if [60.4]PARTISAN UMTS
Movement Phase (or in the Rail or Sea Movement they didn't exist ifhe wishes), except that a Partisan [60.41] Partisan Cadres may be converted into
Phase) and pay mechanized movement costs. They Cadre may be attacked at the Enemy Player's Partisan units in a hex controlled or occupied by an
may never voluntarily move out of supply. option. Axis unit.
t60.42] A Partisan unit exerts a normal Zone of those circumstances they would have been able to If a Player could move an imaginary unit from an
Control only into the hex it occupies. This Zone of form a real army from the allied Ukrainians. inland port to a Coastal hex adjacent to an all-Sea
Control is identical in every respect to a Zone of hex, exclusivly through contiguous hexes defining
Control exerted by a normal combat unit, except I the river or estuary which connects the inland port
that it does not extend into any of the six hexes ad- uxR to the sea, only then may the Player trace supply
jacent to the Partisan unit, An Enemy unit will only 4-5 andlor Sea Movement to the Port. This imaginary
negate a Pattisan unit's Zone of Control when the unit could not move through Enemy units but could
Enemy unit is occupying the same hex as the [60.51] Ifthe Axis Player is "nice" to the Ukraine he move throrrgh Enemy Zones of Control (Movement
Partisan unit, which it may do. may raise six Ukrainian 6-5 infantry divisions on Point cocts are irrelevent).
[60.43] Partisan units may move normally, however, the cycle after he has taken Kiev and Odessa. Plus [61.22] Traclng Supply Through Sea Hexes
they may only move during the Friendly Initial he need not garrison the personnel centers of When tracing supply from Port to Port through Sea
Movement Phase, and they may never enter an Odessa, Kiev, Rostov, Karkhov, and Vorishilov. or Coastal hexes, the Player must have a Naval
Enemy-controlled hex. They may leave Enemy Plus he may raise one 6-5 Ukrainian division on Transport Capacity which coutd opetate between
Zones of Control or Enemy-occupied hexes. every succeeding Cycle. The initial and succeeding the two Ports. lf the Player could transport a unit
Partisan units may always move one hex, regardtess units are placed on or adjacent to an Axis-con- between the two ports in question, only then could
of the cost in Movement Points. Partisan units may trolled Ukrainian personnel center. Being "nice" is he trace supply between the two Ports.
notexit the Soviet Union as defined in Section 56.0, defined as not attacking Soviet Partisan Cadres
[61.23] Occupation, Control and Use of Porb
nor force march. which are within the Ukraine (he can attack par-
tisan unlts). lf the Axis Playet ceases to be nice, any Whenever a Major Port "changes hands" (i.e.,
[60.44] Partisan units never count against the control passes from one Player to the othei) it is
Ukrainian divisions revert immediately to Soviet
normat Stacking Limits. Any number of Partisan
control. considered destroyed and functions in all ways as if
units may occupy a single hex, regardless of the it were a Minor Port. It is considered automatically
presence of other non-Partisan units. repaired and returns to Major Port status after four
[60.45] Partisan unlb may not attack Enemy units. Game-Turns. Minor Ports are not affected by a
change of ownership.
[60.tt6] An Enemy unit may attack a Partisan unit [61.0] SPECTAL RULES
when occupying the same hex as the Partisan unit or EXTRAORDINARY AIR.SEA
from an adjacent hex. Partisan units are always COMMENTARY: INTERDICTION
considered supplied. The Defense Strength of a Certain rules and definitions are so exceptional or Whenever Friendly Sea Movement (Naval Trans-
Partisan unit is subject to modification for terrain multi-faceted that they defy narrow classification port or Amphibious Assault) tlaces a path which
effects. Attacks against Partisan units are resolved within the normal text. They are instead presented lies within Range of Enemy Air Powet (12 hexes for
exactly as against any non-Partisan unit, except here,
the Axis, 6 hexes for the Soviets), but outside the
that the Partisan unit is not affected by Dr ot Br CASES: Range ofFriendly Air Power(again, 12 hexes for the
combat result. Alt other combat resutts affect both Axis, 6 for the Soviets), the moving units are
the Partisan unit and the attacking units normally. [61.r] couNTER SELECTTON LTMTTATTON
exposed to an extraotdinary Air-Sea lnterdiction in
An Enemy unit which is in a hex occupied by a The number and type of any kind ofunit allowed in
play is sensitive to the total counter availability. The addition to any normal Interdiction. The Enemy
Partisan unit is not required to attack the Partisan Player interdicts the moving units with any Air
unit. Attacking a Partisan unit is always voluntary. maximum number of a given unit or Point which a
Points (up to five) he has assigned to the Air Front
Player may employ at any time is the number (both uncommitted Points and those assigned to
[60.47] The 36 Soviet Partisan counters provided provided in the game (see Section 44.0 fot a
are a flnlte llmlt to the total number of Partisan complete listing). Players may not make up other Missions). The intent of this rule is to deter
Cadre andlor Units which may be on the map at any Players from tracing Sea Movement through hexes
additional counters. If, for example, the Soviet
given time during the game. Note that eliminated
Player has all 120 Soviet Air Points in play he may
which lie outside their Air Power range, but are
Partisan Cadres or units mry r,eturr to the game, inside the Enemy range.
not use additional Air Points because he has no Air
unlccs the counter was a cadre that was eliminated
Points available. lYhen some ate later eliminated he
while trying to convert to a unit and was more than
could begin to use them. By the same rule, the [6r.4]BLACK SEA NAVAL CAPABILITY
six hexes from a Soviet supplied hex. If this occurs,
Soviet Player cannot build an entire army of The Player who controls Sevastapol (hex H2021 ) has
the counter is pcrmanently ellmtnated and may not
Artillery Corps. The 45 ptovided on the counter a Naval Transport Capability in the Black Sea.
return to the game (see 60.3).
sheets are the maximum he may have in play (on the When the Soviet Player conhols Sevastapol the
[60.48] When stacked with other Friendty non-Par- map or in the production spiral) at any one time. Soviets have a capability of three Naval Transport
tisan units, a
Partisan Unit adds its Defense
]Thto llmit doec not apply to Markers (e.g.,
[6O.f f Points in the Black Sea. When the Axis Player
Strength to the total Defense Strength of the hex controls Sevastapol, the Axis has a capability ofone
Air lnterdiction Markers, Railhead Markers, etc.)
being attacked. provided in the game. If necessary, Players may Naval Transport Point in the Black Sea.
[60.49] Partisan units may nevcr be Overrun. make additional Markers (but not units or Points).
[61.411 Sevastapol must be a functioning Major
Air-Ground Support may be used to aid an attack Port to serve to provide Naval Transport capability.
[61.f 2] The Axis counter mix reflects the units the
against a Partisan Unit. The stricture that prohibits It may be supressed but it may not be destroyed. In
Axis Player would need for War ln Europe. As such
overrunning a Partisan Unit does not apply to non- other words, during the four Game-Turns after
it contains many units and markers in excess of
Partisan Units in the same hex with a Partisan Unit. Sevastapol changes hands neither Player can have a
those needed to play War ln the Eart. In particular,
The Axis Player may oyerrun a hex containing the Axis is provided with far more Air Points than Naval Transport capability in the Boltic.
Partisan and non-Partisan Units. He must have the
he is allowed to use. To prevent confusion, the Axis
Movement Points and strength ('13-l against the
Player should set aside all but the allowed quota of
combined Partisan and non-Partisan total). Such
thirty Air Points when playing Wrr ln the East, He [6r.s]Axrs ATRBoRNE UMTS &
an overrun destroys the non-Partisan units, leaving
may not take Air Point reinforcements in excess of
the Partisan and Axis units intact in the hex. The For any number of reasons the Germans never
this total. Note that this total is further reduced due
Axis Player may move units into the same hex as a employed airborne assault techniques on the
to case 50.12.
Partisan Unit. He may not destroy them by Eastern Front. Whether this was a failure of
Overrun; only by attack during his Combat Phase. [61.21TRACING SEA PASSAGE command or of capability is unimportant. The
When tracing or executing Sea Movement, a Player plain fact is that permitting the Axis Player use of
UKRAINIAN SEPARATISM may trace Sea Passage, which is a contiguous series even one Airborne unit in an airborne assault role
(Opttonal Rule) of atl-Sea hexes, Coastal hexes and the hexes which would tend to unbalance lVar ln the Eaot. We do
serve to define rivers and estuades. A river or provide the Axis Player with one airborne division
The initial Axis attack on the USSR was greeted
with less than outright hostility by much of the estuary is said to be defined by the two adjacent (the 7-5 in Rumania at start)but he is never given an
hexes which have that hexside in common. Air Transport Point and, lpso facto, can only use
populace, particularly in the Ukraine. Ofcourse it
didn't take the Nazis very long to eliminate any [6f.21]Inlsnd and Ertuarlal Portr this unit in a ground role.
chance of a real Ukrainian separatist, anti-Com- Some ports are so located that they appear to lie NOTE: In War in Europe, the Axis Player will be
munist movement. However, presume for the inland from the sea, That is, the hex they are in is free to do what he will with his airborne }rnits, but by
momentthattheyhad been a little more far-sighted not directly adjacent to an all-Sea hex. They are, the same token the Soviet Player will have
in their apptoach to the Ukrainians, gtanting a however, connected to an all-Sea hex by a river or an considerably more latitude in deployment.)
semi-autonomous status to a quasi-independent, estuary, An esfuary is: one or more connected Neither do we give the Axis Player an Amphibious
indigenous government under the guise of truly all-Sea hexsides which are defined exclusively by Assault Point; thus he may not execute an
liberating them. It is reasonable to believe under Coastal hexes, Amphibious assault.

[61.6] SOVIET NAVAL TRANSPORT substitute an "Ar" result for the result called for by Section 6: Campaign Scenario Production and
CAPABILITY (Baltic) the Combat Results Table. The Soviet Player makes Additional Deployment will define the status of "in
The Soviet Player has a permanent 3 point Naval this decision after each ground combat die roll. He Spiral" Production at the beginning of the
Transport capability in the Baltic Sea (see 52.14). need not decide before rolling the die. Campaign Scenario, and list which STandard
He retains this capability so long as he retains REQUTRED A)(IS GARRTSONS Scenario Special Rules still apply. It will also detail
Leningrad. Should Leningrad fall to the Enemy The Axis Player is required to garrison each Soviet
the number of additional units to be deployed.
Player the Soviet Player loses his transport capa- (Primarily Soviet Production Centers.)
Personnel Center which is currently considered to
bility forever and does not regain it even if he be Axis-controlled. A particular Soviet Personnel Section 7: Finnish Theatre: Since the Finnish Ftont
retakes Leningrad. (The German loses his Baltic was static for almost all of the war, Players may, at
Center is considered to be Axis-controlled whenever
Sea Transport point if it is found that all German their option, reduce the size of the playing area by
an Axis unit was the last unit to occupy or pass
Baltic Sea ports have been lost, but such an through the hex. At the end of each Axis Player- omitting the Finnish map (Map Section F). If this is
eventuality only will occur in the last death throes of done, certain units are also withdrawn from the
Turn there must be a minimum of six Axis infantry
the regime.) Combat Strength Points (face value) in occupation game, representing the units in Finland. Moreover,
[6r.7] SOYTET RISOURCE CENTERS or adiacent to each Axis-controlled Personnel no units may deploy or move north of the 1942
(Campaign Game and War in Europe) Center hex. For each Center which is improperly Start Line on Map Section G if this option is used.
Soviet domestic oil production during the Second garrisoned the Soviet Player rolls a die. If a "one" is The Soviet Player need no longer cover that border
World War was sufficient to meet the demands of rolled, the Soviet Player may immediately place a with units or Zones of Control.
her economy. For this reason the Soviet Resource (1 -4) infantry division on the Personnel Center or on
[62.11] The standard scenario ignores the whole
Centers normally play no active part in production any adjacent hex. lf any other number is rolled, Startegic War Cycle and any events and actions
as their effects are built into the system. The loss of there is no effect. therein. That is, there is no Soviet Production in a
any ofthese Centers, however, would cause serious Standard Scenario.
[61.91] There is no production or Movement Point
dislocations in the economy. cost to place a (1 -4) division on the map when due to
[62.12] Reinforcements for both Players are de-
[61,71] If an Axis unit occupies a Soviet Resource the Axis Player's failure to properly garrison the tailed to arrive on a Game-Turn by Game-Turn
Center, the Center is automatically destroyed. The Personnel Centers he controls. The (1-4) division is basis. Players must use the Standard Scenario Turn
Center remains destroyed until the Soviet Player placed on the map automatically, at the end of the Record Track, and always begin the Standard
reoccupies the hex. The Soviet Player may then Axis Player-Turn. It lunctions normally in the Scenarios with the Game-Turn Marker in the
rebuild the Center at a cost of 10 Arms and 1 following Soviet Player-Turn. It may not be number one space of this track. When playing the
Personnel Points. The Center would return to considered entrained or fortified when initially Standard Scenario the Players ignore the Campaign
production 3 Cycles after this rebuild cost was paid' placed on the map. Turn Record Track.
[61.92] The (1-4) division may not be placed in an [62.13] Unless otherwise noted all Standard Rules
[61.72] Soviet Resource Centers are considered to Axis occupied hex or in violation of the normal apply to the Standard Scenarios. Exclusive Rules
be functioning as long as they are not destroyed and Stacking limit. If there is no hex in which it can be apply as indicated.
can trace a route by rail and/or naval capability to placed *'ithin these restrictions, it may not be
Siberia. placed. The unit may be placed in an Enemy [62.2] CAMPAIGN SCENARIOS
(Campaign Game)
[61.73] For each non-functioning Resource Center,
controlled hex.
A Campaign Scenario uses the Standard Scenario
the Soviet Player must reduce Soviet Arms Point [61.93] Personnel Centers located in Siberia may Deployment plus an additional deployment de-
production by 1070. never become Axis controlled. tailing the status of the Soviet Production ap-
[61.74] At the beginning of any Cycle if Astrakahn [6f.94] The Soviet Player makes a separate die roll paratus. (Section 6 of the Common Scenario
(H5823) is controlled by the Axis Player and the rail lbr each improperly garrisoned Personnel Center Format. Instead of being played for a limited
line bet*'een Makhach Kala (H5433) and Siberia is hex. A maximum of one (1-4) infantry division may number of Game-Turns it is continued until
severed, reduce Soviet Arms Point production by be created per Game-Turn at each improperly 4/13/44.
75%. (The Caucasus area, including regions off the garrisoned Personnel Center.
l62.2llThe Strategic Cycle must be played in a
southern edge of Map H, contains almost all of the Campaign Scenario. This means the Axis Player
[61,95] Use the printed Combat Strength (totally
Soviet Union's oil production and refining facilities.
unmodifled) of the Axis units involved when receives his reinforcements as detailed each cycle on
Loss of effective lines of communication with these the Campaign Turn Recotd Track. Soviet Rein-
determining if the Axis Player has met the garrison
areas would cripple Soviet industry. requirement at a particular Personnel Center. forcements, on the other hand, are strictly a func-
[61.75] Soviet Arms Point production may never be tion of how the Soviet Player manages his Produc-
reduced by more than 75%. In all cases, round tion System. The Standard Scenario Reinforce-
f'ractions down. ments and Turn Record Track is totally ignored
when playing a Campaign Scenario.
[6r.81] Supply l62.22lThe Soviet Player wins if he controls all his
Personnel Centers plus Warsaw and Bucharest.
For the first 13 Cycles of the game (that is, from [62.0] SCENARTO FORMAT The Axis Player wins if he controls one Soviet per-
7/41 until6/42 inclusive) the normal Axis Supply
GENERAL RULE: sonnel center and either Warsaw or Bucharest or
Range in a Severe Weather Area is reduced to six
causes "Soviet Collapse'.'Any other result is a draw.
Movement Points (instead of 10). When tracing War in the East is designed to be played on two
supply between Weather Areas the effective range levels. The first is the Standard Scenarios, depicting [62.23] The Game-Turn, Cycle, and Year of the first
is that of the unit to which the supply is being a short (one or
two dozen Game-Turns) segment of Game-Turn of a Campaign Scenario is shown in
traced. Beginning with the 7/42 Cycle the normal the War, without Soviet Production. The object is to parenthesis at the beginning of the scenario listing.
Axis Supply Range is returned to ten Movement provide a game which can be played in a relatively The turn and cycle markers must be placed
Points. (This rule simulates the logistic problems short space of time. The second level is the accordingly on the Campaign Turn Record Track.
caused by the very inadequate Russian rail and road Campaign Scenarios, which start at various dates
[62.24] Unless otherwise noted, all the rules apply to
nel. By 7 /42 the Axis had largely compensated for and carry on to 1945. a Campaign Scenario. (Except those which are
these specific difficulties by reorganizing their
[62.r] COMMON SCENARIO FORMAT obviously inapplicable due to the start date of the
supply system. and through a generally effective
Section l: Scenario Information will detail the scenario).
length and start date of the Scenario. [62.25] The Player Sequence in the Campaign
[6f .82] First Winter Effects Scenarios is always the same as the Player Sequence
Section 2: Deployment will describe the initial
(Cycles 12141 through 3/42, inclusive) in the corresponding Standard Scenario.
forces available to each Player and detail where they
During each Axis Reinforcement Phase, the Axis are to be deployed. [62.26] War in the East ends with the conclusion of
Player must reducc one intact (6-5) German Cycle 13 of 1944 (4/13/4$.Information in the rules
Infantry Division per Game-Turn into a kampf- Section 3: Starting Sequence will describe the exact
order in which Players deploy their units and what and charts which applies to subsequent Cycles is
gruppe by flipping the unit over (his choice of unit).
specific conditions must be met. This Section will superfluous to War in the East but is used in War in
(This rule represents the effects ofthe German High
also identify the First Player. Europe.
Command's failure to issue proper winter clothing
and equipment to the units in Russia during the Section 4: VictorT Conditions will describe how the
winter of 194l-1942\. game is won. (War in the East and War in Europe)
[61.83] During Soviet Player-Turns foreach ground Section 5: Special Rules will detail special rules, On the first Game-Turn of lnvasion (l/7/41) the
attack made by the Soviet Player, he may choose to limits and restrictions. Soviet Player receives three 1-4 infantry divisions on

each Friendly Personnel Center (both On-Map and hexes of the named city hex. "Port Garrison" units (3) Axis ground combat units occupy three (or more)
Siberia) during his Reinforcement Replacement are simply distributed in each Soviet port hex. Units Soviet Personnel Centers at the end ofGame-Turn 3
Phase. He receives two 1-4 divisions per center on must be placed so that all STartline hexes are or 4;
teh second Game-Turn and one l-4 division per occupied by, or in the Zone ofControl of, a Soviet (4) Axis ground combat units occupy four (or more)
center on the third Game-Turn. This represents infantry unit(s). All units may move normally on Soviet Personnel Centers at the end of Game-Turn
reserve and militia divisions mobilized at the start Game-Turn 1. 5.
of total war. It is in addition to any Soviet Pro-
PLAYERS' NOTE: If a collapse occurs, the scenario is over, and the
duction or scheduled Reinforcement. The rule is
applied to the Barbarossa Standard Scenario, the
The 194I Start Line is congruent with and runs Axis Player is the winner. If the Axis Player fails to
along the Bessarabian Annexation Line from the create collapse, the Scenario continues the full 20
Barbarossa Campaign Scenario and the first three
turns of total war in War in Europe. Black Sea to the Soviet/Hungarian border, runs Game-Turns (Standard) or to the bitter end
along that border to the Polish Partition Line, along (Campaign). The purpose of this rule is to force the
LUF'IWAFFE (rilar in the Eastl
[62.4] that line to the Soviet/East Prussian border and Soviet Player to commit significant forces to battle
The Axis may not have more than 30 Air Points thence to the Baltic Sea. It picks up again in to prevent an easy Axis bictory. Playtesting demon-
assigned to the East Front at any time. This maxi- Finland and is labelled there as such. strated that without this device the Soviet Player
mum is reduced by application of 50.21. The hexes from H0403 to G0132 represent Hun- would immediately bail out of the frontier area with
garian Territory (strictly speaking, the ex-Czecho- everybody he could extticate, retreating post haste
[63.0] BARBAROSSA slovakian, ex-independent province of Carpatho- to a final defense line in front of Moscow and
SCENARIO Ukraine, later annexed by the Soviet Union). Leningrad. While eminently sensible as a game
(2) The Axis Player sets up his units on the western strategy wholesale strategic withdrawal was re-
side ofthe 1941 Start Line, within the geographical jected by Stalin and the Soviet Command as poli-
Twenty Game-Twns (1 /7 / 41).
location given and within three hexes (inclusive) of tically impossible. Stalin felt (with reason) that a
[63.2] DEPLOYMENT the Start Line. Al1 Axis Start Line hexes must be oc- wholesale abandonment of the richest, most
[63.2r] AXrS rNrTrAL DEPLOYMENT cupied or within the Zone of Control of Axis in- populous regions of Russia without a fight would
Finland: (3) 6-5, (1) 1-5kg, (17) 4-5Fin. fantry unit(s). German Repair and Mobile Supply have been political suicide. The fact that his rigid
units may be placed anyu,here on the western side of insistence on 'no retreat' and even counterattacking
PolandandEastPrussia: (17) 10-8, (12) 8-8, (2) 3-8,
(77) 6-s, (9) 6-3, (3) RR, (3) Sup. the Start Line, with the exception that they may not almost destroyed the Red Army, is besides the
Rumania: (1)7-5,(7)6-5, (14)2-4RU, (3) 1-3RU, (2)
be placed in Finland. No units may set up in point. When playing War in Europe, Players may
Hungary and Axis Start Line hexes bordering on wish to ignore this rule, since play is liable to evolve
1-6RU in strange directions and the Axis Player par-
Hungary cannot be occupied or controlled by Axis
In Reserve: (2) 10-8, (1) 8-8, (25) 6-5 units until 1/8/41. ticularly could exploit this rule in some unpre-
(Reserve units are not deployed on the map initially, dictable way.
(3) Begin the first Axis Player-Turn. The Axis
They are considered to be available starting on Player is the First Player.
2/7 /41. The Axis Player may bring them on to the [63.6] CAMPATGN SCENARTO PRODUCTTON
map via Rail Movement at a rate of ten units per [63.4] VTCTORY CONDTTTONS Personnel Pool Level: 55
Game-Turn. The Panzer and Panzer Grenadier Axis Victory: Force the collapse of the Soviet Arms Pool Level: 115
divisions must enter the map last.) government, or have Axis ground combat units oc- Arms and Training Centers:
cupying eight or more Soviet Personnel Center Start with 25 on-map Arms Centers and 10 on-map
hexes at the end of Game-Turn 20. Training Centers. The starting locations of the
Naval Transport Points Available: 1 permanent:
Draw: Axis ground combat units occupy six or on-map Arms (a) and Training (t) Centers are as
seven Soviet Personnel Center hexes at the end of tbllows:
Arnphibious Transport Points available: None
Game-Turn 20. 3a at G3307 (Leningrad). 2a, 1t at Gl923 (Minsk).
Air Points Available: 26
Soviet Yictory: Axis ground combat units occupy 1a, ItatH2001 (Kiev). la, It at H1613 (Odessa). 2a,
Airborne units available: None (the 7-5 in Rumania
five or fewer Soviet Personnel Center hexes at the 1 t at G5524 (Gorki).2a atG4123 (Moscow). 2a, lt at
is to be used strictly as a "leg" unit.)
end of Game-Turn 20. G4222 (Moscow). lt at G4223 (Moscow). la at
Rail Capacity/Game-Turn: 10 G3531 (Orel). 7a at H4104 (Voronezh). la, lt at
Repair Units available: see above (RR). [63.5] SPECIAL RULES
H3307 (Kharkov).2a,lt at H5014 (Stalingrad). 1a,
Replacement Points available: None [63.51] Soviet Zones of Control do not extend 1t at H3914 (Voroshilov). 3a, 1t at H3817 (Rostov).
outside of the Soviet Union during the Axis Initial 1a at H3423 (Krasnadar).
[63.22] SOVIET INITIAL DEPLOYMENT Movement Phase of Game-Turn 1. During the First
Finnish Border: (2) 3-5, (3) 2-5, (20) 1-4. Game-Turn (only) the cost for Axis units to enter or Appearing 0/8/4r.
In Lithuania: (2) 3-5, (5) 2-5, (16) 1-4, (3)x(1)10. leave an Enemy Zone ofControl is reduced to one 4-4 Infantry Corps: 8
In Poland: (5) 3-5, (13) 2-5, $D 1-4, (5)x(l)10, (3) additional Movement Point. The cost to overrun, 3-5 Mech Brigade: 4
1-3, (3) 10-1-10. however, remains two additional Movement Points.
0-1-10 AT Brigade: 8
In Bessarabia: (2) 3-5, (4) 2-5, (2O 1-4, (1) 1-3. [63.52] Soviet Rail Capacity is reduced to 30 units
RigaReserve: (1) 3-5, (5) 2-5, (8) 1-4, (2)x(1)10. (1) Appearng O/9/41.
per Game-Turn during Game-Turns 1 through 8
1-3. (inclusive). 4-4 Infantry Corps: 4
Odessa Reserve: (1) 3-5, (1) 2-5, (8) 1-4, (D l-3. There is no Joint Air War Turn on
[63.53] 2-5 Tank Brigade: 4
Moscow Reserve: (1) 3-5, (10) 2-5, (34) 1-4, (D l-3, Game-Turn 1. (The Luftwaffe is presumed to be
(2) RR, (1) Sup. 0-1-10 AT Brigade: 4
engaged in destroying the Soviet Air Force. Neither
Krasnador Reserve: (1) 3-5, (2) 2-5, (13) 1-4. Player uses Air Points this turn.) Appearing 0/10/41.
Port Garrisons: (1 ) I -4 in each port hex in S. Union. Air Points: 2
[63.54] Finland is neutral on Game-Turn 1. Finnish
SOVIET AIR/SEA/RAIL AVAILABILITY units may not move or attack during that [63.7] FINNISH TIIEATRE
Naval Transport Points available: (3) Baltic; 3
Game-Turn. Non-Finnish Axis units in Finland Axis: omit all Finnish units and all German units
(Black); 3 (Caspian). may move and attack under their normal re- assigned to Finland.
Air Poinb available: 3 (East Front). strictions. Soviet: omit (20) l-4 from Finnish Border units.
Rail Capacity:G&me-Turn3 60 (see 63.52). Hungary is neutral on the first four
Game-Turns; no units may deploy in or enter
Hungary until the start of Game-Turn 5.

[63.3] STARTTNG SEQUENCE [63.56] Shock of War (War in the East only): [64.0] STALTNGRAD
A collapse of the Soviet Government is presumed to
(l) The Soviet Player deploys his units on the eastern
occur of any of the following conditions are met:
side ofthe 1941 Startline. "Finnish Border" units
(1) An Axis gtound combat [64.r] GAME-LENGTH
must be deployed within three hexes of that part of unit occupies one (or Thirty Game-Tvrs (7/7 /42).
the 1941 Startline which is inside Finland. All units more) Soviet Personnel Centers at the end of
not indicated as being part of a "Reserve" must be Game-Turn 1; [64.2] DEPLOYMENT
placed within the geographical location given, and (2) Axis ground combat units occupy two (or more) [64.2r] AXrS rNrTrAL DEPLOYMENT
be within three hexes (inclusive) of the Start Line. Soviet Personnel Centers at the end of Game-Turn German: (17) 10-8, (10) 8-8, (2) 3-8, (85) 6-5, (2)
"Reserve" units may be placed anynhere within five ). 10-8KG, (2) 8-8Kg, (s3) 6-5Kg.

Finnish: (20) 4-5. [64.51 SPECIAL RULES (none) (3) The Axis Player places all Axis infantry units
Hungarian: (q 2-4, (2) l-6. [64.6] CAMPAIGN SCENARTO PRODUCTION anpvhere to the west ofthe 1 943 Start Line. All Axis
Italian: (4) 2-4. 0) 1-6. Personnel Pool l-evel: 33 Start Line hexes must be occupied by, or within the
Rumanian: (d6) 2-4,0) l-6. Zones of Control of, an Axis infantry unit(s).
Arms Pool l*vel: 27
(4) The Soviet Player places h15 lsrnaining units on
Start with 10 on-map Arms Centers and 8 off-map. or east of the 1943 Start Line. Only infantry or
Naval Transport Points Available: 1 permanent:
Start with 4 on-map Training Centers and 5 anti-tank units may be placed in hex G3106.
off-map. The starting locations of the on-map Arms (5) Begin the first Axis Player-Turn. The Axis
Atr Poinb Avallable: 26 Ger (East Front). Player is the First Player.
(a) and Training (t) Centers are as follows:
Rail Capacity/Game-Turn: 10
2a, 1 t at G5524 (Gorki). 2a at G4723 (Moscow). 2a, [6s.4] VICTORY CONDITIONS
Repair Units Available: 4 (hexes G3011, G3222,
1 t at G4222 (M oscow). 1 t at G4223 (Moscow). 2a, I t Axis Victory: Axis ground combat units occupy
H2601, H2207).
at H5014 (Stalingrad). eight or more Soviet Personnel Centers (including
Mobile Supply Units Avallable: 3 (hexes G3134,
c3531, H28r4). Appeanng 0/142 the seven held at start( at the end ofGame-Turn 18.
Replacement Points Avallable: 20 IR. Air Points: 2 Draw: Axis ground combat units occupy six or
(1) 10 AT Brigade: 4 seven Soviet Personnel Centers at the end of
Axis Railnet:
1-4 Infantry Divisions: 12 Game-Turn 18.
Branch 1: c0621-G1021-G1618-G2016-G2116-
Soviet VictorX: Axis ground combat units occupy
G3011 Appeafing 0/9/42
five or fewer Soviet Personnel Center hexes at the
Branch 2: G1618-G1923 Air Points: 2
end of Game-Turn 18.
Branch 3: G1021-G1623 Supply: I [65.5] SPECIAL RULES (none)
Branch 4: G0824-G1623-G1923-G2822-G2923- (1) l0 AT Brigade: 4
Appearing 0/lO/42 Personnel Pool Level: 29
Branch 5: G0827 -H1702-H1902-H2206-H2207
Air Points: 2 Arms Pool Level: 48
Branch 6: HI9O2-H2401 -H2601 Arms and Training Centers: Same as Stalingtad
Appearing O/11/42
10-1-10 Artillery Division: 2
Scenario (see 64.6).
2-5 Tank Brigade: 4 Appearing 0/8/42
3-5 Mech Brigade: 4 2-5 Tank Brigade: 20
[64.22] SOVTET rNrTrAL DEPLOYMENT 0-1-10 AT Brigade: 12
(6) e-6, (8) 8-6, (1 1 ) 3-s, (1 8) 2-s, (8) 2-3, (6) 1 -3, (2s)
Appearing 0/12/42
10-1-10 Artillery Division: 2 l0-1-10 Artillery Division: 4
s-s, (31) 4-4, (84) 1-4, (11)x(1)10, (2) 9-6 BG, (1) s-s
Air Points: 2
Bg, (3) 4-4 BG, 1 (0-1-10). [64.7] Frr\tNrSH Tr{EATRE
Appearing 0/9/43
SOVIET AIR/SEA/RAIL AVAILABILITY Axis: omit all Finnish units, and (4) Ger 6-5.
Soviet: omit
Air Points: 2
QO 1-4.
Naval Transport Polnts Avolloble: 3 (see 52.14). 10-1-10 Artillery Division: 4
5-5 Infantry Corps: 8
Air Points Available: 9 (East Front). Appearing 0/10/43
Rail Capacity/Game-Turn: 60. Air Points: 2
Repair Units Available: 6. [6s.0] KURSK SCENARTO
Mobile Supply Units Available: 3 [6s.r] GAME-LENGTH Axis: omit all "Finnish Theatre" units.
Eighteen Game-Turns Q/7/4il. Soviet: omit QO 1-4
(1)The Axis Player delineates his rail net by placing [65.2r] AXrS rNrTrAL DEPLOYMENT
junction markers and railheads in appropriate Finnish Theatre: (4) 6-5 Ger.; (22) 4-5 Fin. [66.0]DESTRUCTTON OF
hexes as indicated by 64.21 (see also 6.7). German: (14) 10-8, (7) 8-8, (2) 3-8, (5) 11-8. (55) 6-5, ARMY GROUP CENTER
(2) The Soviet Player delineates his rail net (i.e., all (2) 10-8 KG. (80) 6-s KG. SCENARIO
rail lines on or behind the 1942 Start Line. Hungarian: (3) 2-4.
(3) The Soviet Player places (on, or East of, the 7942 [66.r] GAME-LENGTH
Rumanian: (7) 2-4. Twenty Game-Turns (4/ 6/ 44).
Startline) those 1-4's which he wishes to start the
game in a Fortified condition. [66.2] DEPLOYMENT
(4) The Axis Player places (to the west of the 7942 Naval Transport Points Available: 1 permanent: [66.21] AXrS rNrTrAL DEPLOYMENT
Baltic; I permanent: Black Finnish Theatre: (4) 6-5 Ger. (22) 4-5 Fin.
Startline) all Axis infantry-type units. All Axis Start
Line hexes must be occupied by, or within the Zones
Air Points Available: 22. German: (9) 10-8, (1) 8-8. (3) 13-8. (3) 11-8. (39) 6-5,
of Cotrol of, Axis lnfantry unit(s). The Axis Player Ratl Capaclf/Game-Turn: 10. (5) 10-8 KG. (4) 8-8 Kg, (92) 6-5 Kg.
must place (2) 2-4 Rum. and (7) 6-5 within two hexes Repair Unib Avallable: 3. Hungarian: (1) 1-6, (9) 2-4.
of Sevastapol (hex H2021). Mobile Supply Units Available: 3. Rumanian: (l) 1-6,(.10) 2-4.
(5) The Soviet places all of his remaining units. All Replacement Polnts Avaiable: 2 MR, 32 IR. German Fortilied Hexes (Map G)z 2620, 2622,
Soviet Start Line hexes must be occupied by, or Axis Rail Net: All rail lines to the west of the 1943 2524. 2326.
within the Zones of Control of, Soviet infantry Startline. AXIS AIR/NAVAL/RAIL AVAILABILITY
unit(s). Only infantry and anti-tank units may be INITIAL DEPLOYMENT Naval Transport Points Available: I permanent:
[65.22] SOVIET
placed in hexes G3106, G3306, G3307, G3405, (20) 2-3, (20) s-s, (23) 4-4. (10s) 1-4, Baltic.
G3407.(1)4-4,.(1) 1-4,(l) 1-l0mustbeplaced in
(26) 0-1-10, (1s) 10-1-10. Air Points Available: 10.
Sevastapol (hex H2021).
(6) Th Axis Player places all remaining Axis units SOVIET AIR/NAVAL/RAIL AVAILABILITY RaiI Capacity/Game-Turn: 10.
anywhere to the west of the 1942 Start Line. Naval Transport Points Availeble:3 (see 52.14). Repair Units Available: 6.
(7) Begin the first Soviet Player-Turn. The Soviet Rail Repair Units Avallable: 6. Mobile Supply Units Available: 3.
Player is the First Player. Air Points Available: 13. Replacement Points Available: 4 MR, 21 IR.
Rail Capacif/Game-Turn: 60. Axis Rail Net: All rail lines to the west of the 1944
Mobile Supply Unlts Available: 5. Start Line.
Axis Victory: Axis ground combat units occupy
fourteen or more Soviet Personnel Centers [65.3] STARTING SEQUENCE [66.22] SOVIET INITIAL DEPLOYMENT
(including the six held at start) by the end of (l) The Axis Player delineates his rail net by placing (s) e-6, (7) 8-6, (20) 2-3, (40) s-s, (30) 4-4, (60 r-4,
Game-Tutn 30. junction markers and railheads as indicated by (32) 0-1-10. (15) 10-1-10.
Draw: Axis ground combat units occupy twelve or 65.21. SOVIET AIR/NAVAL/RAIL AVAILABILITY
thirteen Soviet Personnel Centers at the end of (2) The Soviet Player delineates his rail net (i.e., all Naval Transport Points Available: (see 52.14).
Game-Turn 30. rail lines on, or east of, the 1943 STart Line). Place Air Points Avallable: 30
Sovlet Victory: Axis ground combat units occupy those 1 -4s which are to start the game in a Fortified Rail Capacif/Game-Turn: 60.
eleven or fewer Soviet Personnel Centers at the end condition anywhere on or east of the 1943 Start Repair Units Available: 6.
of Game-Turn 30. Line. Mobile Supply Units Available: 6.

t66.3i STARTING SEQUENCE Order of Battle June 1942r Add 82, 305, 323, 336, 340, 376,377,
(l) The Axis Player delineates his rail net by placing 383,387 Inf.,203 Sec., 1, 2,4,20 Rum.,6, 7, 9 Hun.,
junction markers and railheads as indicated by
and Appearance 24 Pz., Subtract 6,7 Pz.
66.21. Place German fortifications as indicated. July 1942: Add 370, 371 Inf., 201 Sec., 30, 31 It., 5
(2) The Soviet Player outlines his rail net (i.e., all rail by Ed McCarthy Mot. lt., Subtract 23,257 lnf., SS LAH, SS Reich
lines that are on or east of the 1944 Start Line). Mtz.
Place those 1-4s that are to start the game in a Aag.l942r Add 2, 3 Rum. Mtn., 10, 12, 13, 19,20,
Fortified condition anyrvhere on or east of the 1944 23 Hun., Subtract 22 Inf.
Start Line. INITIAL ORDER OF BATTLE FOR THE Sep. 1942: Add 3 Mtn., 27 Pz., 9 Rum. Cav.
(3) The Axis Player places all Axis infantry units on GERMAN ARMY: 22 JUIYE l94l
Oct.194l: Add 381, 382, 388, 390, 391 Tng., 141,
Axis Start Line hexes. Mechanized units are placed
ARMY GROUP NORTH 143,147,151, Res., SS Florian Geyer Cav., 1 Hun.
on or one hex distant from Start Line hexes. All
18th Army:1, 11,21, 58, 61,217,291 lnf. P2.,5,6, 13, 14, Rum.,I Rum. Cav., I Rum. Pz., 32,
Axis Start Line hexes must be occupied by or within
16th Army: 12, 30, 32, l2l, 122, 123, 126, 253 Inf.
36, 38 It., Subtract SS Totenkopf Mtz.
the Zone of Control of an Axis infantry unit(s).
Rumanian units must be placed within ten hexes of 4th PzGp.: 1, 6, 8 Pz., 3, 36, SS Totenkopf Mtz., Nov. 1942: Add 337 Inf., 1, 2, 3, 4 Lw Fld., SS
the Bessarabian Annexation Line. 269, 290 lnf. Wiking PzG., 7,9, 11, 15 Rum., 7 Rum. Cav.,
(4) The Soviet Player places all remaining Soviet Subtract 161 Inf.
Army Gp.: 206,251,254 Inf., 207,281,285 Sec.
units anywhere he desires on or east of the 1944 ORDER OF BATTLE CHANGES FROM 19
Total: 29 Divisions (20 Inf., 3 Pz.r3 Mtz., 3 SecJ.
Start Line. The Soviet Player need not cover the NOVEMBER t942 to 3 FEBRUARY 1943
Start Line with Zones of Control. ARMY GROUP CtsNTER
(5) Begin the first Soviet Player-Turn. The Soviet Dec.1942: Add 69 Inf., 5, 8, 9, 10 Lw Fld., 6 Pz.,
fth Army: 8, 28,87, 102,129,162, 256 Inf., 403 Sec. Subtract 269 Inf.
Player is the first Player. 3rd PzGp: 7, 12, 19, 2O P2., 14, 1 8, 20 Mtz., 5, 6, 26, Jan.1943: Add 304, 306, 321 Inf.,6, 7, 14, 15, 21 Lw
[66.4] VTCTORY CONDITIONS 35 Inf. Fld., 7 Pz., 153 Ting., 34 It., Duntysvy 328 zing., I
Axis Vlctory: Avoid Soviet victory. 4th Army: 7, 17, 23, 7 8, I 31, 137, 252, 258, 263, 268, Pz., 381 Tng.
Draw: None. 292 lnf.,221, 286 Sec.
Soviet Victoryr Fulfill all of the following ORDER OF BATTLE CHAI\IGES FROM
2 PzGp: 3, 4, 10, 17, 18 Pz.,10, 29, SS Das Reich
requirements at the end of GameTurn 20: 4 FEBRUARY 1943 to 21 MARCH 1945
Mtz., 1 Cav, 31, 34, 45, 167,255,267 lnf.
(1) Control the 16 on-map Personnel Centers held Feb. 1943: Add 23, 302,320 Inf., 13 Lw Fld., SS
Army Gp.: 293 Inf. LAH, SS Reich, SS Totenkopf, SS Politzi PzG.,79
by the Soviet Player at the start of the scenario;
Total: 50 Divisions (31 Inf., 9 Pz., 6 Mtz.,3 Sec., 1 lnf., Subtract 44,71,76,79,94, ll3, 295, 297 , 298,
(2) Force the surrender of Rumania;
Cav.) 305, 371, 376,3U,387, 3899 Inf., 100 Lt., 3,29,60
(3) Exit at least 30 Attack Strength Points off the
ARMY GROUP SOUTH Mtz., 14, 16,24,27 Pz., 382 Tng., all It. units, all
Western map-edge;
Hun. except 102, 108 Inf. Slov. Mt2.,1,2,4,5,6,7,
(4) Control at least one of the following: Minsk 6th Army:9, 56, 62, 168, 297 Inf., 213 Sec. 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20 Rum. Inf., 1, 5, 7, 8 Rum.
(G1923); Riga (Gl812); Warsaw (G0421). ist PzGp.:9, 11, 13, 14, 16 Pz., 16, 25, Sstrib- Cav., 1, 4 Rum. Mtn., 1 Rum. Pz.
(5) Force surrender ofFinland (automatic ifFinland standarte (LAH), SS Wiking Mtz., 44, 57,75, l1l,
Mar.1943: Add 15, 106, 167, 257,327,332,333,
is ommitted). 298, 299 lnf.
335 Inf., 12 Lw Fld., 105, 205 Hum., 1 Hun. Sec.,
[66.s]SPECTAL RULES 17th Army: 24, 68,71,257,262, 295, 296 lnf., 97, Subtract 7, 8 Lw Fld., 1 Mtn., 22 Pz.
100, 101 Lt., 1 Mtn., 444, 454 Sec.
[66.51] The Axis Player must "match" any units ORDER OF BATTLE CHAI\IGES FROM
which the Soviet Player exits off the Western llth
Army: 22, 50, 72, 170, 198, 239 Inf., 6,7, 8, 14
I APRIL 1943 to 11 JULY 1943
map-edge, by exiting a sufficient number of his own Rum. lnf.
units offthe map to have at least a 1:1 ration of Axis Apr.1943: Add 17, 38, 257 Inf., Subtract 2 Rum.
Army Gp:99 Lt.
Attack Strength Points exited to Soviet Attack Mtn., 105, 108, 205 Hun.
Total: 46 Divisions (24 Inf,, I Mtn., 2 Pz., I Mtz.)
May 1943: Add 161, 282 lnf., 24 Rum.
Strength Points exited. At the beginning of an Axis
Player-Turn following the end of a Game-Turn in ORDER OF BATTLE CHANGES FROM 22 June 1943: Add 14, 36, 355 Inf., 16 Pz., 1 Rum.
which this one to one ratio was not met, the ruNE 194r to 2 OCTOBER 1941 Mtn., Subtract 14, 36 P2G., 328 Inf., 102 Hun., 24
following events occur: June 1941: Add 79. 125 Inf. Rum,
(1) All Axis Replacement Points scheduled to be July 1941: Add.15, 46,52,73,86, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, July 1943: Subtract 1 Hun. Sec.
received during that Game-Turn are permanently 106, 110, 112, r13,132, 183, 197,260,294 rnf., 4
lost: Mtn., 60 Mtz., 5, 13 Rum. Inf., 1, 2 Slov. ORDER OF BATTLE CHAI{GES FROM
(2) The Axis Player may not use any of the IRs or 12 JULY 1943 to 23 DECEMBER 1943
Aug.1941: Add 707, SS Politzei Inf., 3, 10, 11, 15,
MRs in his pool that turn; the total, however, is not Aug. 1943: Add 1 13 Inf., Subtract 294, 377 Inf., SS
21,35, Guards, Border Rum. Inf., 9, 52 It. Inf.. 3
Mtz. It. LAH PzG
Sep. 1943: Add none
Sept.1941: Add 250 Span., 339 Inf., Subtract 1, 2
Slov. Oct, 1943: Add 389 Inf.,I Kos. Cav., 14, 24 P2.,2
Rum. Mtn., I Slov., 4 Rum. Mtn., 24 Rum.,
[66.6] ORDER OF BATTLE CHANGES FROM OCTO. Subtract 52,86,321,330, 250 Span. Inf., 1, 15 Lw
Personnel Pool Level: 26 BER 1941 to 5 DECEMBER 1941 Fld., 18 Pz.
Arms Pool Level: 224 Oct. 1941: Add 2, 5 Pz., 227 Inf., 1, 2 Rum. Inf. Nov. 1943: Add 76, 376,384 Inf., 1, 25 Pz., 1 SS
Arms and Training Centers: Same as Stalingrad Nov. 1941 : Add 212, 223 lnf ., Subtract 5, 8, 28, 7 1, (LAH) Pz., 11 SS PzG., 13, 19 Hun., Subtract 183,
Scenario (see 64.6). 113 Inf., 99 Lt., 1 Cav. 251,268 Inf., 4 Lw Fld.
Appeannq 0/7 /44 ORDER OF BATTLE CHANGES FROM 6 DEC- Dec. 1943: Add KA A (161, 293, 355), KA B (112,
Air Points: 4 EMBER 1941 to 18 MAY 1942 255,332), KA C(183, 217,339\, KA D (56, 262),KA
0-1-10 AT Brigade; 4 E(86, 137,251), 18 Art., 2 Abn., 15 SS Inf., Subtract
Dec. 1941: Add 215 Inf. Add Slov. Mot. Div.
Supply: 1 38, 66, 112, 137, t6t,216,217,223,255,262, 293,
Jan. 1942: Add 81, 83, 88, 208, 216, 225 lnf., 323,327,328,332, 339, 355 Inf.,444 Sec., 1, 5 Mtn.,
Appeafing 0/8/44 Subtract 239 Inf. 4 SS PzG., 13, 19 Hun.
Air Points: 4 Feb. 1942: Add 113, 205,2ll, 218, 246,330, 331 Note: In Oct. 43 all SS units went from names to
0-1-10 AT Brigade: 4 Inf., 5, 28 Lt., 10, 18 Rum. Inf. numbers. SS LAH became Pz 1, Reich becamePz2,
Appeafing 0/9/44 Mar. 1942: Add 328, 329, 342 laf.,8 Lt., 22 Pz. Totenkopf Pz3, Politzei PzG 4, Wiking Pz 5, etc.
Air Points: 4 Apr. 1942: Add 384 Inf., 1 Mtn., 23 Pz., 108 Hun. ORDER OF BATTLE CHAI\IGES FROM
Inf., Subttact 15, 162 Inf., 10 Pz. 24 DECEMBER 1943 to 30 APRIL 1944
ORDER OF BATTLE CHANGES FROM 19 MAY Jan.1944: Add 371 Inf., 1 Ski., Feld. Halle PzG.,23
1942 to 18 NOVEMBER 1942 SS Inf., 15, 2l Rum., Subtract 2, 3 Lw Fld,., 2 Pz.,
May 1942: Add 71, 385, 389 Inf., Gross Deutsch- 141, 151 Res.
land Mts., 19 Rum. Inf., 1, 4, Rum. Mtn., 5, 6. 8 Feb. 1944: Subtract 167 Inf., 9, 10 Lw Fld., 143
Rum. Cav., 102 Hun., Subtract 17,106,167 Inf. Res., 4 Rum. Mtn., 24 Rum.

Mar. 1944: Add KA F (62, 123),14 Rum., Subtract INITIAL ORDER OF BATTLE FOR TIIE 50, 52, 53, 54, 66, 78 Cav., 13, 14,15,17,18,23,28.
62,123,125,214,357,359, 367, 387, 389 Inf., KA B SOVIET ARMY: 22 JLT{E 1941 40,42, 43,46,49, 57 Tk.
(112, 255, 332)., 16 PzG., 391 Tng., 2 SSPz.
Sep.1941: Add 60, 85, 110, 120, 139, 140, 165,211,
Apr. 1944: Add 361 Inf., 100 Lt., 13 Lw Fld., 52 249, 283, 294, 29 5, 306, 3 1 0, 31 2, 31 3, 321, 328, 33 5,
Tng., 9 SS, 10 SS Pz., 19 SS Inf., 1,16,19,20,21,25, BALTIC MILITARY DISTRICT
336, 337, 340, 343, 347, 349, 351, 385, 393, 395, 41 1,
27 Hlln., 2 Hun. Pz., 5, 19, 23, 201 Hun. Res., 1, 5, 8 8th Army: 10, 11, 48, 90, 125 Rfl., 23,28-1k.,202 1 cd,2 cd,4 cd, 1,4, 20 NKVD Rfl.,29, 35, 38, 40,
Rum. Cav.,4, 18Rum. Mtn., 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, Mtz. 41 Cav., 59 Tk., Subtract the 1, 4, 9, 13 Mos. Res.,
1 1, 13, 14, 20, 1 Gd. Rum. Inf., Subtract 331 lnf., 5 11th Army: 5, 23, 33, 126,128.179, 184,1 88 Rfl., 2, 16, 24, 41, 42, 55, 75, 97, 100, 116, 117, 124, 131,
Lw Fld., 18 Art., 9, 25 Pz., 1 SS Pz. 5 Tk.. 84 Mtz. 135, 146, 147, tst, 153, 159, 161, 165, 17 I, t7 5, 181,
27th Army:16, 67, 180, 181, 182, 183 Rfl. l 87, 1 93, 1 95, I 96, 200,206,228,232,235,237 ,240,
ORDER OF BATTLE CHAI{GES FROM Total: 25 Divisions (19 Rfl., 4 Tk.,2 Mtz) 264, 266, 273, 277 , 284, 289, 301 R{1., 7 , 215, 219
I MAY 1944 to 3l DECEMBER 1944 Mt2., 28, 44, l92 Mtn., 37 Cav., 10, 1 1, 12, 16, 20,
May 1944: Add 52, 391 Sec., 1 Rum. Pz., 24 Hun., WESTERN MILITARY DISTRICT 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 55, 59 Tk.
Subtract 21 Hun., 201 Hun. Res., 10, 19 Rum., 1, 2, 3rd Army: 2, 27, 50, 56, 85, 86 Rfl., 29, 33 Tk., 204
3 Rum. Mtn., 6, 8, 9 Cav., 82, 1 11, 336 Inf., 2 Abn. N{tz.
3 OCTOBER 1941 to 5 DECEMBER 1941
June 1944: Add 18 Hun., 1 Hun. Cav., Subtract 6, 10th Army: 13,17,24,37,89, 113 Rfl., 4, 7 Tk., 29
Oct. I 941 :
Add 17, 28, 31, 44, 45, 46, 51, 7 8, 96, 129,
12, 31, 36, 45, 57, 78, 95, 1 10, 134, 196, 206, 246,
1 30, r 57, 3, 1 94, 225, 238, 239, 240, 241, 3 1 6, 324,
256, 260, 267, 296, 340, 357, 361, 383, 707 Inf., KA 4th Army: 6,42, 49,75 Rfl..,22,30 Tk., 205 Mtz. 325, 344, 348, 353, 359, 41 3, 41 5, 421, 5 Gd, 6 Gd, 7
c (183, 217, 339), KA D (s6, 262), KA GA (57, 260, 13th Army: 64, 100, 108, 161 Rfl., 26, 38 Tk., 210 Gd, Rfl., 24,44,48,49, 58, 60, 66 Cav., 17, 18,20
299),221 Sec., 6 Lw Fld., 18, 25, FH PzG., 15 Mtz. Mtn. Cav.,53,56 Tk., Subtract 3, 8, 17 Mos. Res.,
SS,7Rum., 1Slov.
Army Gp[ 55, 121, 143, 1 55 Rfl., 25, 27 ,31, Y Tk., 17, 29, 38, 45, 51, 64, 89, 91, 98, 102, 112, 1 1 8, 120,
Aug. 1944: Add 6 Gren., 31, 45, 62, 7 3, 7 8, 541, 542, 4, 103 Mtz., 6, 36 Cav. 126,129,130, 1 34, 139, 140, 143,149, 152, 155, 162,
544,545,547,548,549, 551, 561, 562 VG., 10 pzG., 1 64, 166, 1 90, 1 94, 21 1, 2t 4, 217, 242, 244, 248, 260,
79,25 Pz.,6, 8, 13 Hun., Subtract 9, 15,26, 302, Total: 44 Divisions (26 Rfl.,6 Mtn., 16 Tk., 8 Mtz.,
278, 279, 280, 282, 287 , 298, 299, 303,309 Rfl., 96
335, 370, 384 Inf., KA A (161, 293, 355), KA F (62,
2 Cav.l
Mtn., 4, 43, 45, 47, 52 Cav., 103 Mtz., 1, 3, 6, 9, 21,
12r,403,454 Sec., all Rum., all Hun. except 25, 2 KIEV MILITARY DISTRICT 24,25,26,38, 54 Tk.
Pz. and 6, 8, and 13. 5thArmy: 45,62,87,124,135 Rfl., 19,41 Tk.,215 Nov. 1941: Add 6 Mos. Res., 49, 65,92,143,217,
Sep. 1944: Add, 95, 251, 27 1, 299, 558, 563 Inf., 4 SS Mtz. 224,263,317 ,327 ,329, 331 , 338, 342, Us,346, 3s2,
PzG.,8 SS Cav., 10,16,24,27 Hun.,7, 9 Hun. Res., 6th Army: 41,97, 159 Rfl.,8, 32 Tk.,81 Mtz., 3 Cav. 3s4,373,377,378,379,381,8 Gd, 9 cd,5 NKVD,
2 Hun Ersatz., Subtract 2l2lnf., KA E (86, 137, Rfl., 46, 62, 64, 68, 70, 75, 82, 83, 91, 108, 1 cd. 2
12th Army: 164 Rfl., 44, 47, 58, 96 Mtn., 1 5, 49 Tk.,
2s1), KA H (95, 197, 256), 8 Hun. Gd, 3 Gd,4 Gd Cav., 58, 60 Tk., Subtract 78, 106,
218 Mtz.
Oct.1944: Add 15, 56, 349 Inf., FH PzG., 13 Pz., 184, 312. 316, 32t Rfl., 69, 198 Mtz., 2, 5, 9, 29, 50.
154 Tng., HG PzG., 22 SS Cav.,4, 8, 9, 12, 23 Hun.
26thArmy: 99, 173 Rfl.,72Mtn.,12,34Tk.,7 Mtz. 53, 108 Cav., 51, 52, 53, 56 Tk.
Ers. Army Gp.: 80, 136, 139, 140, 141, 146,169, 190,
1 93, 19s, l %, 1 99, 200, 227, 228 Rfl ., 10, 20, 35, 37,
39, 40, 43, 45 Tk., 131, 208, 212, 276 Mtz., 32 Cav. 6 DECEMBER 1941 to lE MAY 1942
Total: 58 Divisions (26 Rfl., 6 Mtn., 16 Tk., 8 Mtz., Dec. l94l: Add 8, 16, 24,29,55, 69,72, 106, 116,
Oct.1944: Add 7,20 Hun., I Hun. Pz., 1 Hun. Cav., 2 Cw.l 124, 51, 165, 224, 287, 341, 355, 356, 357, 358, 36 1,

Subtract 282 lnf., 203,213,285, 390 Sec., 20 SS 362, 363, 365, 366, 369, 37 1, 37 2, 37 4, 375, 376, 380,
Inf., 6, 8 Hun., 7, 9 Hun. Res. ODESSA MILITARY DISTRICT 382, 38s, 386, 387, 388, 390, 396,4M Inf., 57, 87, 5
Nov.1944: Add 203, 337 Inf., 18 SS PzG., FH Pz., 6
gth & 18th Armies formed later ftom: Gd, 6 Gd Cav., Subtract 165 Inf., 3, 14,27,42,44,
Hun.,5Hun. Ers., Subtract 182,211 Inf.,281 Sec., 25, 30, 51, 74, 95, 106, 116,147,150, 156, 176, 186, 58 Cav.
FH PzG., 4, 8 Hun. Ers. 206 Rfl., 11,16,36,47 Tk, 15,209 Mtz., 2,5,9 Cav. lan. 19 422 Add 2, 7, 38, 42, 47, 52, 89, 97, I 02, 103,
Dec. 1944: Add 44, 712 lnf., 18, Brandenburg TotaL 22 Divisions (13 Rfl., 4 Tk., 2 Mtz., 3 Cav.) 117, 118, 1 31, 1 39, t40, 141, 145, 146, 149, 152, 155,
PzG., 8 Hun., Subtract 23, 83 Inf., 286 Sec., 7, 13 162, 166, 192, 206, 2t t, 232, 234, 236, 244, 248, 266,
STRATEGIC RESERVE 277, 278, 360, 364, 370, 384, 391, 398, 400, 11 cd,
Hun., 2, 5, 9 Hun. Ers., 1 Hun. Pz.
l6th Army: 46, 127, 132, 144,152, 160 Rfl., 13, 17, 12 Gd, 13 Gd, 14 Gd Inf.,63 Mtn.,8,9NKVD Mtz.,
ORDER OF BATTLE CHAI\IGES FROM 57 Tk., 109, 213 Mtz. 72,79,80,7 Gd Cav., Subtract the 18, 87, %, 258
r JANUARY 1945 to 15 FEBRUARY 1945 19th Army: 38, 91, 134, 158, 162, 171, 178 Rfl., 28 lnf., 47 Mtn., 31 Cav.
Jan. 1945: Add 83, 211,269,286,320,344 lnf., I Mtn., 14 Cav., 44, 48 Tk., 220 Mtz. Feb. 1942: Add 109, 1 34, 135, 167 ,200,237 ,397 , 15
Mtn., 10 PzG., 13 SS Inf.,16 Hun.,2,5 Hun. Res., I 21st Army: 53, 102, 110, 148, 172,187 Gd, 16 Gd tnf.,77 Mtn.,1 Gd,2 Gd Mtz , 15 Cav.,
Hun. Pz., Subtract 6, 17 Inf., 391 Sec., 153 Tng., 6,
Rfl., 50, 55
Tk.,219 Mtz. Subtract 136, 170, 249,369,427 lnf.,1,107 Mtz.
8 Hun. Mar.1942: Add 1,41,64,78,100,112, 136, 153,
22nd Army: 18, 98, I 1 2, 1 17, 137, 153, 154, 167, 232
Feb.1945: Add 6, 23, 153, 281, 355, 715 Inf., Fuh 175,197,235,238,249,280,17 Gd, 18 Gd,19 Gd,
Rfl., 14, 18,42, 46 Tk., 1, 185 Mtz.
Gren Div., Fuh Esc. Div., 600 (Russ) Inf., 25, 20 Gd,21 Gd,22 Gd,24 Gd Inf., 242 Mtn., 3 Gd
Kurmark PzG., FH Pz., 1, FH Pz 2, Holstein, Total: 48 Divisions (29 Rfl., ll Tk.,6 Mtz., I Mtn.,
Mtz., Subtract 111, 119, 132,174,361, 363. 366
Schleisen, Jeterbog Pz., 1, 3 Marine, 1, 2, 9, 10 SS 1 CavJ
Inf., 82 Mtz., 35, 56 Cav.
P2., 15,20 SS Inf.,21,232P2.,12 SS P2.,9 Hun.,
ORDER OF BATTLE CHANGES FROM Apr.l942r Add 18, 88,91, 147 , 170, l7l, 174, 215,
Subtract 88, 304 Inf., 1 3, FH Pz., 22 SSCav., 10, 12,
22 JUNE 1941 to 2 OCTOBER 1942 282, 298, 301, 26 Gd, 41 NKVD Inf., 1 1, 7 6, 94, 116
16, 24 Hun., 2, 5 Hun. Res., 1 Hun. Pz.
June 1941: Add 60, 93 Rfl., 27,42,65 Cav. Cav., 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11,12,14,21, 23 Tk Corps.,
ORDER OF BATTLE CHAI{GES FROM Subtract 93, 5 NKVD Inf., 41, 66 Cav.
July1941: Addl,2,3, 5,7,8, 9,13,17 Mos. Res., 3
16 FEBRUARY 1945 to 15 APRIL 1945 Crimea Res., 19, 26, 61, 70, 73, 111, 115, 1f8, 129, ORDER OF BATTLE CHAIIGES FROM
Mar. 1945: Add 169, 275, 303 lnf., 3, 4 Cav., 130, 1 33, 1 45, 149, 151, 166, 170, 17 4, t7 5, 177, 191,
19 MAY 7942 to 18 NOVEMBER 1942
Munich Pz., 9 Abn., 76 PzG.,27,31,32,35, 37 SS 1977, 214, 229, 235, 237 , 240, 242, 243, 244, 245,
Inf., Subtract 52 Sec., 18 PzG., Holstein, Schleisen 246, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 257, 258, 259, 260, 284,302,25Gd,27 Gd,,29Gd,30 Gd, 31 cd, 32 cd
Pz., 15 SS Inf., all Hun. units. 261, 262, 264, 265, 266, 268, 269, 270, 27 t, 27 2, 27 6, 11 NKVD Inf., 15, 16, 17,24,26,27 Tk. Corps,
Apr. 1945: Add 17, 304,710 Inf., 156 Tng., 158, 27 9, 280, 281, 282, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 296, Subtract 32, 41, 47,99,103, 138, 150, 180,224,248,
193,402,464Tng., 10 Abn., 14,26 SS Inf., Subtract 297, 299, 300, 303, 30s, 309, 322 Rfl., 22, 69, 82, 2s3, 266, 27 0, 27 6, 317, 320, 34 1, 3s1, 390, 393, 396,
69, 81, 102, 389 lnf. 107, 1 63 Mt2., 12, 28, 7 6, 192, 302 Mtn., 25, 28, 31, 398, 404, 41 1 Inf., 302 Mtn., 26, 28, 38, 49, 57, 62,
34,45,55 Cav., 1, 3,6, 9,51,52 Tk., Subtract the 2 64, 68, 70, 72, 75 Cav., 21, 23 Tk. Corps, 17 Mtn.
Mos. Res., 2, 27, 49, 85, 107, 113, 172 Rfl ., 4, 22, 29, Cav.
209 Mtz., 12, 72 Mtn., 6, 36, 65 Cav., 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, June 1942: Add 43, 77,82,111,132,133,159, 161,
19,22,27,30, 31, 32, 33, 41 Tk. 214,224,228,238,303, 309, 318, 369, 33 Gd,41 cd
Aug. 1941: Add 4 Mos. Res., 4, 7, 32, ll3',ll9,201, Inf., 12 Cav., 1,7,8, 13, 18, 19, 22, 28 Tk. Corps,
ORDER OF BATTLE CHAI\IGES FROM 217 ,218,222,226,230,247 ,255, 256, 267 ,273,274, Subtract 46, 227, 267 , 305, 329, 4 NKVD Inf., 77
16 APRIL 1945 to 8 MAY 1945 27 5, 277, 278, 172, 2%, 291, 292, 293, 298, 301, 304, Mtn., 14, 27 Tk. Corps
May 1945: all German units surtendered to the 307, 3 1 1, 320, 323, 326, 330, 332, 333, 334, 339, 3s0, July 1942: Add 47,93, 96, 98, 126, 127,164, 168,
allied forces by mid-May. 21 Sec. NKVD Rfl.. 198 Mtz., 4. 26, 30, 37, 43, 47. 195, 196, 203, 204, 205, 208, 248, 27 3, 312, 389, 399,

414,422,36 Gd, 37 Gd, 38 Gd, 40 Gd Inf., 13, 73, Mk. Cotps, Subtract 96,120,138, 319, 10 NKVD Nov. 1943: Add 201 Inf.
82, 110, 112, 115 Cav., 6, 20, 23,25,29,30, 31 Tk. Inf.,55,70,91, 110, 712Cav.,4 Mk. Corps, 13 Tk. Dec. 1943: Add none.
Corps, Subtract 25, 95, 1 09, 162, 172,218,226,252, Corps.
345,355,386,388 Inf., 8, 8 NKVD Mtx., 25,40,46, ORDER OF BATTLE CHAI\GES FROM
Mar. 1943: Add 70,96, 138, 157,213, 7lGd,72Gd,
54, 63, 76, 87 Cav., 18 Mtn. Cav. 24 DECEMBER 1943 tO 30 APRIL 1944
73 Gd,74 Gd, 7s Gd, 76 Gd,77 Gd, 78 Gd, 79 Gd,
Aug.1942: Add 63,76,81,99,109, 120, 207,221, 80Gd, 81 Gd, 82Gd Inf., 7, 8Gd Cav., 1 Gd Mtz., 4 Jan. 1944: Add 1 Inf.
231, 233, 266, 279, 299, 308, 315, 392, 394, 417, 34 Gd Tk. Corps, Subtract 23,29,38,45,95, 157, 173, Feb. 1944: none
Gd, 35Gd, 39Gd Inf.,20Mtn., 9Gd, l0Gd, 11 cd, 204, 284, 292, 321, 422 lnf ., I 1 Cav., I Mtz., 17 Tk. Mar. 1944: none.
12 Gd Cav., Subtract 102, 106, 140, 156, 180, 181, Corps. Apr. 1944: Add 329 Inf.
184, 192, 229, 230, 296, 335, 21 NKVD Inf., 63, 76
Mtn., 81 Mtz., 12, 13, 15, 116 Cav., 8 Tk. Corps ORDER OF BATTLE CHANGES FROM
Sep. 1942: Add 5, 46, 92,226,252,253,267, 314, 1 MAY 1944 to 3l DECEMBER 1944
319, 328, 408, 41 6, 42 Gd, l0 NKVD Inf., 1, 2, 5 Mk. May 1944: Add 20, 321, 325 Inf. Subtract 20 Mtn.
Corps, Subtract 175, 199, 1 NKVD, 20 NKVD Inf., June 1944: Add 308, 343 Inf., 9 Gd Mk. Corps'
1 APRIL 1942 to ll JULY 1943
9 NKVD Mtz., 48, 79, 80, 94 Cav., 22 Tk. Corps. Subtract 8 Mk. Corps
Apr.1943: Add 1 PoI., 30, 38, 62, 95, 119, 124, 130,
Oct.l942r Add 42, 172, 184, 270, 305, 317 , 43 Gd,, July 1944: Add 8 Gd Tk. Corps, Subtract 2 Tk.
160, r 74, 56 Gd, 65 Gd, 83 Gd, 84 Gd, 85 Gd, 86 Gd,
44 Gd,45 Gd,46 Gd, 47 Gd, 48 Gd Inf., 9 Mtn., 81, Corps
87 Gd, 88 Gd, 89 Gd, 90 Gd, 91 Gd, 92 Gd, 93 Gd,
97 Cav.,3, 4, 6 Mk. Corps, Subtract 5,70,154,174,
94 Gd lnf., 13 Gd Cav., 5 Gd Tk. Corps, 6 Gd Mk. Aug. 1944: Add 418 Inf.
201, 205, 207, 2O8, 262, 264, 349 Inf., 2 G d, Mtz, 34,
60, 73 Cav., 28 Tk. Corps.
Corps, Subtract 6 Mos. Res., 97, 98, 99, 110, 118, Sep. 1944 - Dec. 1944: no changes.
120, 160, 257,300 325 Inf., 7.83 Cav.,3 Gd Mtz.,4
Nov.1942: Add 106, 140, 150, 175,223,320,402,49 Tk. Corps. 2 Mk. Corps. ORDER OF BATTLE CHAI\IGES FROM
Gd, 50 Gd, 51 Gd, 52 Gd, 23 Gd Inf., 61, 70 Cav., 1 1 JANUARY 1945 to 15 FEBRUARY 1945
May 1943: Add 23, 63, 76. 97.99, 110, 118, 127,
Gd, 2 Gd Mk. Corps, Subtract 62, 63,76, 124,212, no changes.
153,154,159,173, t92.199,95 Gd,96 Gd, 97 Gd, I
221,231,292,316,392, 1 Gd Inf.
NKVD Inf., Subtract 226,343 lnf., 51, 61, 81, 115 ORDER OF BATTLE CHAI\GES FROM
Cav. 16 FEBRUARY 1945 to 15 APRIL 1945
June 1943: Add 207, 208, 221, 230, 257 lnf., February 1945: Add I Gd Tk. Corps. Subtract 3
Subtract 142, 1 NKVD Inf. Tk. Corps.
July 1943: Add 2 Pol.. 136, 204, 218,226,108 Gd,
109 Gd, 110 Gd Inf., 9. 5 Gd Mk. Corps, Subtract 6
Dec.1942: Add 102,229,409,53 cd, 54 cd,55 cd Mk. Corps. 16 APRIL 1945 to 8 MAY 1945
Int'.,83 Mtn., 1 Gd, 2 Gd, 3 Gd, 4 Gd, 5 Gd, 6 cd, 7 no changes.
Gd, 8 Gd, 9 Gd, 10 Gd Abn., 1 Gd, 2 Gd Tk. Corps,
Subtract 30, 119, 130, 384,408, 11 NKVD lnf., 92
Cav., 24,26 Tk. Corps. DESIGN CRNDITS
Jan. 1943: Add 71, 123,136,242,57 Gd,58 Gd, 59 ORDER OF BATTLE CHAI\IGES FROM Game Design: James F. Dunnigan
Gd,60 Gd,61 Gd,62 Gd,63 Gd,64 Gd, 66 Gd, 67 12 JULY 1943 to 23 DECEMBER 1943
Physicl Systems and Graphics:
Gd lnf., 3 Gd Tk. Corps, Subtract 1,127,153, 159, Aug. 1943: Add 406 Inf., 8 Mk. Corps
Redmond A Simonsen
197, 278, 3M, 327 [nf.,242 Mtn., 7 Tk. Corps. Sep. 1943: Add 227, 304, 316, 120 Gd, 121 Gd Inf.,
Development: Irad B. Hardy' Tom Walczyk'
6 Gd, 7 Gd Tk. Corps, 7, 7 Gd Mk. Corps, 17 Gd
Edward Curran, Steve Bettum
Cav., Subtract 308, 342 Inf., 20 Mtn. Cav., 12, 15
Tk. Corps. Research: David C. Isby, Leo Neihonter, Ed
Oct.1943: Add 3Pol., 319, 117Gd. 119Gd, 129Gd
4 FEBRUARY 1943 to 31 MARCH 1942 Inf., 128 Gd Mtn., 10 Gd, 11 Gd Tk. Corps, 8 Gd Testing: Oktay Oztunali, Greg Costikyan
Feb. 1943: Add 29, 162, 181, 197, 68 Gd, 69 Gd, 70 Mk. Corps, Subtract 6, 30 Tk. Corps, 176 Inf., 83 Production: Larry Catalano, Kate Higgins,
Gd Inf., 8, 51, 14 Gd, 15 Gd, 16 Gd Cav., 3 Gd, 4 Gd Mtn., 3 Mk. Corps Manfred F. Milkuhn' Norm Pearl, Kevin Zucker.

UnltType 3/13/41 4 Air Points* Placemcnt Tetraln
DleRoll 5'5 2-5 3-5 0-1-10 l/l/43 4 Air Points* HexStatur In Placement Hex
I 0 0 0 0 2/8/43 lx(11-8),2x(10-8),3x(8-8),I2x(6-S), Swamp/ Rough/
) I 0 0 0 and all surviving Italian units. Clear Forest Mountain
3 I 1 0 0
4/6/44 3x(10-8) within 6 hexes
4 2 1 I 0
* Reduce the maximum permitted German Air ofa Soviet
Points by four. supplied hex I 1-3 1-5
5 3 2 1 0
over 6 hexes
6 4 ) 2 1
from a Soviet
He continues this process each succeeding suppliedhex r I l-2
Game-Turn until he has received a total of twelve
5-5 Infantry Corps; eight 2-5 Tank Brigades; four
3-5 Mech Brigades; one 10-1-10 Artillery Division. [51.I] GERMAN REBUILDING SCIIEDULE
When rolled for on the table these units appear en- Placement Hex Statlc Dle roll necultlag 1n...
trained at the East map edge. Unlt Reorganlzadon Perlod Convenlon Ellnlnatlon
6-5,7-5 3cycles within 6 hexes ofa
8-8,10-8,11-8,13-8 2cycles Soviet supplied hex l-3 .
[49.3] CORPS Ar{D THEIR COMPOI\IENTS more than 6 hexes from
a Soviet supplied hex 1 2-4
Unlt Components Explanatlon: During the Reinforcement/Replace-
4-4 3x (1 -4) ment Phase of the Soviet Playerturn, the Soviet
5-5 3x (1 -4) Player may attempt to convert existing Partisan
8-6 3x (2-5) and 1 x (3-5) [55.1] Soviet Rebutldtng Schedule Cadres into Partisan Units. The Soviet Player rolls
9-6 3x (3-5) and I x (2-5) Unlt Reorganlzatlon Perlod the die once for each Cadre he wishes to convert. If
4-4,5-5, 2-3 4 Game-Turns the die roll result is within the range shown under
the "Conversion" column, the cadre is flipped over
8-6, 9-6 8 Game-Turns
[50.21] Wtthdrawal Schedule to form the Partisan Unit. If the die roll result is
The Axis Player must withdraw the listed units from 10-l -10, Air Point 12 Game-Turns
within the range shown under the "Elimination"
the map by the indicated Game-Turn. Units listed Note that it is possible to rebuild eliminated Soviet column, the cadre is eliminated and the Partisan
for each withdrawal date are addltlonal units that Air Points. When rebuilding Air Points simply counter is permanently removed from the game.
must be withdrawn, regardless of any previous place the eliminated units the indicated number of "o" : No possibility of elimination (treat results of
withdrawals. Game-Turns ahead on the Turn Record Track. 4-6 here as "No Effect".

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