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Lecture Notes

Logistic Regression
In the last module, you learnt Linear Regression, which is a supervised regression model. In other words,
linear regression allows you to make predictions from labelled data, if the target (output) variable is

Hence, in this module, you moved to the next step, i.e., Logistic Regression. Logistic Regression is a
supervised classification model. It allows you to make predictions from labelled data, if the target (output)
variable is categorical.

Binary Classification
You first learnt what a binary classification is. Basically, it is a classification problem in which the target
variable has only 2 possible values, or in other words, two classes. Some examples of binary classification
are –

1. A bank wants to predict, based on some variables, whether a particular customer will default on a
loan or not
2. A factory manager wants to predict, based on some variables, whether a particular machine will
break down in the next month or not
3. Google’s backend wants to predict, based on some variables, whether an incoming email is spam or

You then saw an example which was discussed in detail, which is the diabetes example. Basically, in this
example, you try to predict whether a person has diabetes or not, based on that person’s blood sugar level.

You saw why a simple boundary decision approach does not work very well for this example. It would be
too risky to decide the class blatantly on the basis of cutoff, as especially in the middle, the patients could
basically belong to any class, diabetic or non-diabetic.

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Hence, you learnt it is better, actually to talk in terms of probability. One such curve which can model the
probability of diabetes very well, is the sigmoid curve.

Its equation is given by the following expression –

𝑃(𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠) =
The next step, just like linear regression, would be to find the best fit curve. Hence, you learnt that in order
to find the best fit sigmoid curve, you need to vary β0 and β1 until you get the combination of beta values
that maximises the likelihood. For the diabetes example, likelihood is given by the expression –

Likelihood = (1-P1)(1-P2)(1-P3)(1-P4)(P5)(1-P6)(P7)(P8)(P9)(P10)

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Generally, it is the product of -
[(1-Pi)(1-Pi) ------ for all non-diabetics --------] X [(Pi)(Pi) -------- for all diabetics -------]

This process, where you vary the betas, until you find the best fit curve for probability of diabetes, is called
logistic regression.

Odds and Log Odds

Then, you saw a simpler way of interpreting the equation for logistic regression. You saw that the following
linearized equation is much easier to interpret –

The left-hand side of this equation is what is called log odds. Basically, the odds of having diabetes (P/1-P),
indicate how much more likely a person is to have diabetes than to not have it. For example, a person for
whom the odds of having diabetes are equal to 3, is 3 times more likely to have diabetes than to not have
it. In other words, P(Diabetes) = 3*P(No diabetes).

Also, you saw how odds vary with variation in x. Basically, with every linear increase in x, the increase in
odds is multiplicative. For example, in the diabetes case, after every increase of 11.5 in the value of x, the
odds get approximately doubled, i.e., increase by a multiplicative factor of around 2.

Multivariate Logistic Regression (Telecom Churn Example)

In this session, you learnt how to build a multivariate logistic regression model in R. The equation for
multivariate logistic regression is basically just an extension of the univariate equation –

The example used for building the multivariate model in R, was the Telecom Churn Example. Basically, you
learnt how R can be used to decide the probability of a customer churning, based on the value of 21
predictor variables, like monthly charges, paperless billing, etc.

Multivariate Logistic Regression (Model Building)

The example used for building the multivariate model in Python was the telecom churn example. Basically,
you learnt how Python can be used to decide the probability of a customer churning based on the value of 21
predictor variables such as monthly charges, paperless billing, etc.

First, the data was imported, which was present in 3 separate csv files. After creating a merged master data
set, one that contains all 21 variables, data preparation was done, which involved the following steps:

1. Missing value imputation

2. Outlier treatment
3. Dummy variable creation for categorical variables
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4. Test-train split of the data
5. Standardisation of the scales of continuous variables

After all of this was done, a logistic regression model was built in Python using the function GLM() under
statsmodel library. This model contained all the variables, some of which had insignificant coefficients.
Hence, some of these variables were removed first based on an automated approach, i.e. RFE and then a
manual approach based on the VIFs and p-values.

The following code in statsmodels was used to build the logistic regression model.

Model Evaluation: Accuracy, Sensitivity, and Specificity

You first learnt what a confusion matrix is. It was basically a matrix showing the number of all the actual
and predicted labels. It looked something like:

From the confusion matrix, you can see that the correctly predicted labels are present in the first row, first
column and the last row, last column. Hence, we defined accuracy as –

For your model, you got an accuracy of about 80% which seemed good but you relooked at the confusion
matrix, and saw that there were a lot of misclassifications going on. Hence, we brought in two new metrics,
i.e. Sensitivity and Specificity. They were defined as follows:

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The you saw that the different elements in the confusion matrix can be labelled as follows –

Hence, you rewrote the sensitivity and specificity formulas as –

You found out that your specificity was good (~89%) but your sensitivity was only 53%. Hence, this needed
to be taken care of.

ROC Curve
You had gotten sensitivity of 53% and this was mainly because of the cut-off point of 0.5 that you had
arbitrarily chosen. Now, this cut-off point had to be optimised in order to get a decent value of sensitivity
and in came the ROC curve. You first saw what the True Positive Rate (TPR) and the False Positive Rate
(FPR) were. They were defined as follows –

When you plotted the true positive rate against the false positive rate, you got a graph which showed the trade-off
between them and this curve is known as the ROC curve. The following curve is what you plotted for your case study.

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The more this curve is towards the upper-left corner, the more is the area under the curve (AUC) and the
better is your model. And when the curve is more towards the 45-degree diagonal, the worse is your

Then you also plotted the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity and got the following curve.

From this, you concluded that the optimal cut-off for the model was around 0.3 and you chose this value to
be your threshold and got decent values of all the three metrics – Accuracy (~77%), Sensitivity (~78%), and
Specificity (~77%).

Model Evaluation: Precision and Recall

You also learnt about precision and recall which was another pair of industry-relevant metric used to
evaluate the performance of a logistic regression module. They were defined as –

And similar to what you did for sensitivity and specificity, you also plotted a trade-off curve between
precision and recall.

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After playing around with the metrics, and choosing a cut-off point of 0.3, you went ahead and made
predictions on the test set and got decent values there as well. So, you decided this to be your final model.

Sample Selection for Logistic Regression

Selecting the right sample is essential for solving any business problem. As discussed in the lecture, there
are major errors you should be on the lookout for, while selecting a sample. These include:
• Cyclical or seasonal fluctuations in the business that need to be taken care of while building the
samples. E.g. Diwali sales, economic ups and downs etc.
• The sample should be representative of the population on which the model will be applied in the
• For rare events samples, the sample should be balanced before they are used for modelling.


It is very helpful to perform segmentation of population before building a model.

Let's talk about the ICICI example. For students and salaried people, different variables may be important.
While students' defaulting and not defaulting will depend on factors like program enrolled for, the prestige
of the university attended, parents' income etc., the probability of salaried people will depend on factors
like marital status, income etc. So, the predictive pattern across these two segments is very different, and
hence, it would make more sense to make different child models for both of them, than to make one
parent model.

A segmentation that divides your population into male and female may not be that effective, as the
predictive pattern would not be that different for these two segments.

Variable Transformation

There are several approaches for transforming independent variables. Few of them were:


You already know that categorical variables must be transformed into dummies. Also, you were told
that numeric variables must be standardised, so that they all have the same scale. However, you could
also convert numeric variables into dummy variables

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There are some pros and cons of transforming variables to dummies. Creating dummies for categorical
variables is very straightforward. You can directly create n-1 new variables from an existing categorical
variable if it has n levels. But for continuous variables, you would be required to do some kind of EDA
analysis for binning the variables.

The major advantage offered by dummies especially for continuous variables is that they make the model
stable. In other words, small variations in the variables would not have a very big impact on a model that
was made using dummies, but they would still have a sizeable impact on a model built using continuous
variables as is.

On the other side, there are some major disadvantages that exist. E.g. if you change the continuous
variable to dummies, all the data will be compressed into very few categories and that might result in data

Three are three important things about WOE:
• Calculating woe values for fine binning and coarse binning
• Importance of woe for fine binning and coarse binning
• Usage of woe transformation

There are two main advantages of WOE:

WOE reflects group identity, this means it captures the general trend of distribution of good and bad customers. E.g.
the difference between customers with 30% credit card utilisation and 45% credit card utilisation is not the same as
the difference between customers with 45% credit card utilisation and customers with 60% credit card utilisation.
This is captured by transforming the variable credit card utilisation using WOE.

Secondly, WOE helps you in treating missing values logically for both types of variables - categorical and continuous.
E.g. in the credit card case, if you replace the continuous variable credit card utilisation with WOE values, you would
replace all categories mentioned above (0%-45%, 45% - 60%, etc.) with certain specific values, and that would
include the category "missing" as well, which would also be replaced with a WOE value.

WOE can be calculated using the following equation:

Or it can also be expressed as follows:

Once you've calculated woe values, it is also important to note that they should follow an increasing or decreasing
trend across bins. If the trend is not monotonic, then you would need to compress the buckets/ bins(coarse buckets)
of that variable and then calculate woe values again.

Woe transformation does have pros and cons as well, which are quite similar to dummy variables.
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• Pros: Model becomes more stable because small changes in the continuous variables will not impact the
input so much.
• Cons: You may end up doing some score clumping.

This is because when you are using WOE values in your model, you are doing something similar to creating dummy
variables - you are replacing a range of values with an indicative variable. It is just that instead of replacing it with a
simple 1 or 0, which was not thought out at all, you are replacing it with a well thought out WOE value. Hence, the
chances of undesired score clumping will be a lot less here.

Let's now move on to IV (Information Value), which is a very important concept. So, information value can be
calculated using the following expression:

Or it can be expressed as:

It is an important indicator of predictive power.

Mainly, it helps you understand how the binning of variables should be done. The binning should be done such that
the WOE trend across bins is monotonic - either increasing all the time or decreasing all the time. But one more thing
that needs to be taken care of, is that IV (information value) should be high.

As there are so many other transformations, we can perform but they are not as important as discussed above.

Model Validation
Model can be validated on:
• In-sample validation
• Out-time validation
• K-fold cross validation

Recall Telecom business problem, The data used to build the model was from 2014. You split the original data into
two parts, training and test data. However, these two parts were both with data from 2014.

This is called in-sample validation. Testing your model on this test data may not be enough though, as test data is
too similar to training data.

So, it makes sense to actually test the model on data that is from some other time, like 2016. This is called, out of
time validation.

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Another way to do the same thing is to use K-fold cross validation. Basically, the evaluation of the sample is done for
k-iterations. E.g. here's a representation of how 3-fold cross validation works:

Basically, there are 3 iterations in which evaluation is done. In the first iteration, 1/3rd of the data is selected as
training data and the remaining 2/3rd of it is selected as testing data. In the next iteration, a different 1/3rd of the
data is selected as the training data set and then the model is built and evaluated. Similarly, the third iteration is

Such an approach is necessary if the data you have for model building is very small, i.e., has very few data points.

If these three methods of validation are still unclear to you, you need not worry as of now. They will be covered at
length in Course 4 (Predictive Analytics II).

Model Stability

Obviously, a good model will be stable. A model is considered stable if it has:

• Performance Stability - Results of in-sample validation approximately match those of out-of-time validation
• Variable Stability - Sample used for model building hasn't changed too much and has the same general

Again, if stability is still a little cloudy, you need not worry. It will also be covered at length in Course 4 (Predictive
Analytics II)

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