Effectiveness of On-The-Job Training Research Note: Keywords

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Research note

Effectiveness of on-the-job training

Marcel R. van der Klink

Educational Technology Expertise Centre of the Open University of The
Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands
Jan N. Streumer
Faculty of Educational Science and Technology, University of Twente, Twente,
The Netherlands

Keywords 4 OJT involves intentional learning: a

On-the-job training, Research Introduction training arrangement is required. This
The majority of Dutch companies make arrangement includes:
Investigates the effectiveness of frequent use of on-the-job training (OJT) to . agreements upon the length of the
on-the-job training (OJT). Presents educate their personnel (GlaudeÂ, 1994). The training;
a definition of OJT used for this frequent use of this type of training stems
. the presence of training objectives;
research project which involved
from three incentives: the favourable
. the presence of learning sources to
two studies: the first in the call achieve the training objectives (for
centres of a large company, and relationship between training costs and
example a trainer, electronic/written
the second in post offices. Gives benefits, the possibility to train just-in-time;
the results of the study which manuals, list of assignments/
and the expectation of a positive transfer of
indicate the OJT programs were Leittexten);
what was learned to the employee's own
only partially successful in . the evaluation of the OJT to determine
work situation.
realising training goals. Indicates the achievement of training objectives.
that self-efficacy, prior experience Although in professional journals these
with tasks, managerial support advantages of OJT are frequently expressed, The definition of effectiveness that is used in
and workload were the most there is, however, relatively little research the project is in line with Kirkpatrick's (1994)
powerful predictors for training body of ideas. This author identifies four
conducted in this area. Most of the research
effectiveness. Concludes that the
evidence suggests that OJT is not into OJT focused on the design and levels of effectiveness: reactions of trainees,
entirely an effective training implementation of this type of training. learning results, job behaviour and returns
method although more research is Research dedicated to the topic of for the organisation.
needed in this area.
effectiveness is extremely scarce. Previous research in the field of corporate
A well-known author is Jacobs, who training showed that it is particularly tricky
investigated the costs and benefits of OJT. to measure the last two levels of effectiveness
Jacobs' projects show that OJT does not in practice. The fact is that behaviour on the
job and organisational returns (for example,
always result in favourable benefits. From
an increase in sales) are influenced by a great
the empirical data that are available, it is not
number of factors. So it is difficult to
possible to deduce whether OJT is an
determine to what extent the training
effective form of training, or what the factors
contributed to both these levels of
are that determine its effectiveness.
The lack of sufficient data to underpin the
The theoretical framework was primarily
effectiveness of OJT was the reason for based on the work of Baldwin and Ford
conducting a research project to investigate (1988). The authors developed a model, based
the effectiveness of this type of training in on an extensive review of literature, wherein
more detail. they distinguished three clusters of factors
There exists no agreement on the that impact the effectiveness of training: the
definition of OJT. Various definitions are in trainee, the training and the workplace. The
use (De Jong, 1991; Jacobs and Jones, 1995). In use of this model is advocated to gain more
the project OJT was defined as: insight into the various factors that
1 It is legitimate for employees to carry out contribute to the explanation of training
learning activities. effectiveness (Gielen, 1995).
2 The tasks to be learned correspond to the Although the Baldwin and Ford Model
employee's tasks and duties in the actual proved to be useful, an update was necessary
work situation. to assure the model reflects the latest
3 The responsibility for the OJT rests with research insights. This was done by the
Journal of European Industrial
Training the employer. analysis of recent studies into the
26/2/3/4 [2002] 196±199
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[DOI 10.1108/03090590210422076] http://www.emeraldinsight.com/researchregisters http://www.emeraldinsight.com/0309-0590.htm

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Marcel R. van der Klink and effectiveness of in-company and vocational Written questionnaires were used to collect
Jan N. Streumer training (see Van der Klink, 1999). data. Also sales data from the organisation's
Effectiveness of on-the-job management information system were used
Research questions, settings and design of to determine the increase in sales in the
Journal of European Industrial study into the call centres. A test to measure
Training the studies
26/2/3/4 [2002] 196±199 Two questions were addressed in the project: the knowledge was used in the study into the
1 Is OJT effective? counter clerks. This test was scheduled at the
2 Which characteristics of the trainee, the second post-test.
workplace and the training explain the For the dependent variables scales were
effectiveness of OJT? developed in co-operation with the training
staff of both organisations.
In total two studies were carried out. The first When possible existing scales were used
was conducted in call centres of a large for the measurement of characteristics of the
company. Telephone sales staff working in training, the trainee, and the workplace.
these call centres were individually trained by Sometimes items were changed, excluded or
trainers, who listened along with employees added to the scales in order to adjust them for
and then provided feedback on how they had the purpose in this particular research
handled the call. The aim of the training was project. In general the reliability of the scales
to improve the quality of the telephone sales was satisfactory (Cronbach's alpha 0.70 or
call, with the underlying objective of higher). Further single items were used to
increasing sales. measure various trainee characteristics (for
The second study was held in post offices. example previous training in sales) and to
New counter clerks were familiarised with measure the length of the training.
counter work by a mentor, who was an In the studies 36 trainees from call centres
experienced counter clerk. In addition they participated and 45 new counter clerks were
studied a self-study package that provided involved. In both studies the co-operation of
them with knowledge of the products and trainers was not quite satisfactory and only
services that were sold at the counter. The aim limited use was made of the data of this group
of respondents. The same counts for the
of the training was to teach new counter clerks
participation of trainees' managers in the
the behaviour and knowledge to function
study into the call centres.
independently at the post office counter.
Table I presents an overview of the design
and methods that were used in both studies.
In both settings it was decided to opt for a Results
one-group pre-test-post test design. In the First attention will be paid to the data with
perspective of Cook and Campbell (1979) this regard to the effectiveness of the training
may not be the most powerful research programs and then the focus will be on the
design. However, it turned out to be the only factors that explained the effectiveness of the
design that was workable in these particular training programs.
research settings.
Two post-tests were scheduled: one at the The effects of the training programs
completion of the training and again ten to 15 Observation of training deliveries and the
weeks later. inspection of the means of variables showed

Table I
Design of the studies
Training for telephone staff Training for counter clerks
Design One group pre-test post-test design One group pre-test post-test design
O1 at start of the training O1 at start of training
O2 at completion of training O2 at completion of training
O3-15 weeks after completion of training O3-10 weeks after completion of training
Respondents O1 trainees and their trainers O1 trainees
O2 trainees and their trainers O2 trainees and their mentors
O3 trainees and their managers O3 trainees and trainers from the training
Data collection Written questionnaires and management Written questionnaires and a test (at O#) to
information system of the organisation determine trainee's knowledge of products
to determine the increase in sales
Dependent variables Progression in sales behaviour Behaviour at counter at end of the training
Transfer of sales behaviour Transfer of behaviour at counter
Increase in sales Trainee's knowledge of products

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Marcel R. van der Klink and that what trainees in the call centres learned was the ultimate objective of this training.
Jan N. Streumer was highly influenced by the questions and The five call centres where the training had
Effectiveness of on-the-job requests of the customers. Further, the taken place realised a more rapid growth in
trainers used a classical straightforward sales in percentage terms during the quarter
Journal of European Industrial in which training was carried out than did
Training behaviourist training approach and did not
26/2/3/4 [2002] 196±199 spend any time on discussing questions about the 26 call centres where this training had
why certain behaviour was important. They not been carried out. In the following quarter
were only focussed on the ``what'' and the too the relative increase in sales was higher
``how'' of sales performance. Further, it was in the call centres where the training had
rather surprising that trainees did not regard taken place. There were, however, great
the training as an important tool for differences in sales performance within the
improving their behaviour. And trainees' saw group of call centres where training had been
relatively few opportunities for applying what carried out. Not all the five call centres where
they have learned in their everyday work. the training had taken place established an
The trainees of the call centres did improve increase in sales.
their sales behaviour. Sales behaviour was Observation of training delivery and the
rated on a seven-point rating scale that inspection of the means of the variables
consisted of 25 items (higher score implies showed that what trainees learned was
higher level of sales behaviour). The trainees determined by the questions and requests of
mean O1-score was 5.10 (SD 0.69), the O2-score customers at the counter. Further, there was
was 5.37 (SD 0.67) and the O3-scores was 5.42 significantly less time devoted to self-study
(SD 0.61). The increase in behaviour between than had originally been intended. It appeared
the start (O1) and the completion of the that employers interrupted the trainees' self-
training (O2) was modest but proved, however, study by asking them to perform additional
to be statistically significant (t = 5.13, df = 32, tasks. Further, trainees' mentors were not
p = 0.00). No statistically significant difference interested in their trainees' self-study.
was found between the scores for sales The research data revealed that at the end
behaviour at O2 and O3. This indicated that of the training counter clerks showed a
transfer of sales behaviour occurred. satisfactory behaviour at the counter. This
With regard to the sales it proved to be behaviour was rated on a seven-point rating
difficult to establish whether the training scale (higher score implies a higher level of
had resulted in an increase of sales, which behaviour). In total three scales were used to
rate the trainees' behaviour. The first scale
(nine items) measured the communication
Table II
with clients (O2-score = 5.86, O3-score = 5.84),
Beta-weight of the variables that explained the progress and the transfer of the second scale (five items) measured the
sales behaviour trainees' behaviour with regard to the
Progress in behaviour Transfer of behaviour technical aspects of sales (O2-score = 5.60, O3-
score = 5.62) and a third scale (six items)
Support of manager 0.53
measured some general skills that are needed
O1-score sales behaviour ±0.38
to handle the work at the counter (O2-score =
Experience as sales employee 0.36
5.63, O3-score = 5.64). The O2 and O3-scores
O2-score self-efficacy 0.36
did not differ significantly and this indicated
Explained variance (%) 49.0 13.0
that transfer of behaviour occurred.
The means that are presented here are
computed with the data that were collected
Table III trough the trainees' questionnaires. In
Beta-weight of the variables that explained the scores for behaviour at the general the trainees' perceptions of their
end of the training for counter clerks behaviour did not differ significantly
Communication skills Technical skills General skills compared to the mentors' ratings at O2 and
the trainers' ratings at O3.
Pressure of workload ±0.48 ±0.61 Further, a test was scheduled at the O3
O2-score self-efficacy 0.65 measurement. The results showed that the
Quiet place for self-study 0.36 mean score was 5.81 (SD = 1.82) which means
Explained variance (%) 24.0 54.0 38.0 that in general trainees had answered only 53
per cent of the questions in this test
Table IV
Beta-weight of the variables that explained the scores for transfer of Explanation of the effects
behaviour for counter clerks For the investigation of the variables that
Transfer technical skills Transfer general skills explained the effects of the training
correlations were computed and
O2-score technical skills ±0.57 consequently regression analyses took place.
O2-score general skills ±0.47 These calculations were only carried out
Explained variance (%) 32.0 22.0 with the data of the trainees. The score for
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Marcel R. van der Klink and progress in sales behaviour was computed by satisfactory. However, the transfer of
Jan N. Streumer subtracting the O1-score from the O2-score. training was in both studies not adequately
Effectiveness of on-the-job The score for transfer of sales behaviour was explained. Previous research into the
computed as follows: O3-score minus the O2- transfer of training encountered similar
Journal of European Industrial score for sales behaviour. The results of the problems: the percentage of explained
26/2/3/4 [2002] 196±199 regression analyses are presented in Table II. variance of transfer scores were in general
In total three variables explained the rather low (e.g. Rouiller and Goldstein, 1993;
progress in behaviour. From these three Hastings, 1994; Van der Klink et al., 2001).
variables the trainees' perceptions of the Intensifying the search for factors that
managerial support experienced during the impact the transfer of training is therefore
training was the factor that was of utmost needed.
importance. The transfer of sales behaviour The findings do not provide evidence for
was only explained by the trainees' self- the idea that OJT is an effective training
efficacy at O2. This trainee characteristic method. Nevertheless, it should not be
explained only a modest percentage of the deduced from this that OJT is by definition
variance. an ineffective form of training. This would
Tables III and IV present the results of the require more research in more settings.
regression analyses that were computed to Although the study of the effectiveness of
investigate the factors that explained the OJT is fairly labour intensive, and makes
trainees' behaviour at the counter. great demands on co-operation from labour
Table III shows that characteristics of the organisations, a case is put forward for
workplace had a great impact on the intensifying the research, in view of the
behaviour at the end of the training. Also, frequent application of this form of training.
trainees' self-efficacy plays a significant role.
Table IV shows that the trainees' behaviour References
at the end of the training was the only Baldwin, T.T. and Ford, J.K. (1988), ``Transfer of
predictor for the transfer of behaviour. As training: a review and directions for future
Tables II-IV (inclusive) shows, one may research'', Personnel Psychology, Vol. 41,
conclude that training characteristics did not pp. 63-105.
contribute significantly to the explanation of Cook, T.D. and Campbell, D.T. (1979), Quasi-
experimentation: Design and Analysis Issues
the training effectiveness. There was only for Field Settings, Houghton Mifflin, Boston,
one variable that correlated with the test MA.
trainees filled in: the pressure of workload De Jong, J.A. (1991), ``The multiple forms of on-
trainees experienced between the completion site training'', Human Resource Development
of the training and ten weeks (R2 = 0.34, p < Quarterly, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 307-17.
0.05). Therefore it was not adequate to carry Gielen, E.W.M. (1995), ``Transfer of training in a
out regression analyses with the test score as corporate setting'', dissertation, University of
Twente, Enschede.
dependent variable.
GlaudeÂ, M. (1994), ``Werkplek-opleiden als
innovatie'', (``On-the-job training as
innovation''), paper presented at the ORD,
Conclusions Utrecht.
Hastings, S.L. (1994), ``Transfer of training: the
The two OJT programs were only partially impact of supervisory support, supervisory
successful in realising the training goals. In involvement, situational constraints, and self-
particular, negative workplace factors efficacy on the application of technical skills
inhibit effective training delivery. training'', Dissertation, University of
Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
The results of the two studies show that Jacobs, R.L. and Jones, M.J. (1995), Structured
trainee characteristics such as self-efficacy, On-the-job Training. Unleashing Employee
prior experience with the task and workplace Expertise in the Workplace, Berrett-Koehler
characteristics such as managerial support Publishers, San Francisco, CA.
and workload turned out to be the most Kirkpatrick, D. (1994), Evaluating Training
powerful predictors for training effectiveness. Programs: The Four Levels, Berrett-Koehler
The relatively strong impact of workplace Publishers, San Francisco, CA.
Rouiller, J.Z. and Goldstein, I.L. (1993), ``The
factors on the effects of the training programs
relationship between organizational transfer
is, of course, not surprising when OJT is used climate and positive transfer of training'',
as a training method. A possible explanation Human Resource Development Quarterly,
for the fact that training characteristics (such Vol. 4 No. 4, pp. 377-90.
as length of the training, quality of the Van der Klink, M.R. (1999), ``Effectiviteit van
training delivery) did not have an impact on werkplek-opleidingen'', (``Effectiveness of on-
the effectiveness of both training programs the-job training''), Dissertation, University of
Twente, Enschede.
can be that in both settings the design and
Van der Klink, M.R., Gielen, E. and Nauta, C.
deliverance of the training programs can be (2001), ``Supervisory support as a major
regarded as less than optimal. condition to enhance transfer'', International
In both studies the explanation of the Journal of Training and Development, Vol. 5
immediate effect of the training was No. 1, pp. 52-63.

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