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Name: Sulaiman T.

Abas BSBA202-A


(DHL and Shoppe Partnership)

Answer the following items: (3 items n 10 poines)

1. identify the modes of transport DHL uses.

 The modes of transport that DHL uses is that Air Carriers because this are the fastest and most
expensive mode of transportation. They use Government-provided terminals and air traffic
control systems, so they have relatively low fixed costs but operate with high variable costs for
fuel and operating costs. Because DHL and shoppe is one of the firms that in China recognizable
by the people in the China, but not only in the China because this strategy of transportation of
goods and services is they usable in southeast Asia.

2. 2.Analyse and describe the clause/s of incoterms involved in the delivery service of
Shopee to their customers.

 The clauses of incoterms that involved in the delivery service of shoppe to their customers is
that Delivered at Terminal because the seller assures the delivery and unloading of the goods in
the destination terminal agreed with the buyer, where the destination terminal can be
warehouse, terminal, or yard. The seller has the obligation to cover the export clearance,
delivery, and unloading costs at the agreed destination terminal. Detention charges may apply
to seller.

3. Propose optimal and cost-efficient transport mode/s for DHL in conveying goods from
China to Thailand.

 I propose an optimal and cost-efficient transport mode/s for DHL in conveying goods from China
to Thailand is that Pickup and delivery because this depend on the time spent picking up and
dropping off cargo. There is a charge for each pickup, so it is useful to consolidate multiple
shipments to avoid multiple separate trips. So that they can minimize the cost and time.

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