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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 23, No.

2; April 2016 787

Improvement of Insulation Performance of Solid/Gas

Composite Insulation with Embedded Electrode
Takahiko Yamashita, Kazuhisa Iwanaga, Tomohiro Furusato,

Hiroyuki Koreeda, Tomoyuki Fujishima

Nagasaki University
Graduate School of Engineering
Nagasaki 852-8521, Japan

and Junichi Sato

Toshiba Corporation Power Systems Company
2-4, Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku
Yokohama 230-0045, Japan

Solid insulated switchgear (SIS) has been developed as a substitution for medium
voltage sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas insulated switchgears. Its main circuit including a
vacuum interrupter is coated with epoxy resin. Therefore, a solid/gas insulation system
is composed. For further miniaturization and higher stress design of SIS, improvement
of the insulation performance is required. In the solid/gas insulation system, the
breakdown strength along the surface is lower than that of solid. Then, the authors
investigated the surface insulation performance of the solid/gas insulation system
containing an embedded electrode. In the present study, the sizes of the embedded
electrode and the solid insulation material were varied and the partial discharge
inception voltage and the surface breakdown voltage were measured. As a result, it was
found that the surface breakdown voltage varied considerably with the radius of the
embedded electrode. From the result, it was deduced that the surface insulation
performance could be improved by choosing the size of the embedded electrode
appropriately. Moreover, the effects of the thickness of the insulation material and of
the surface distance on the surface insulation performance were clarified.
Index Terms - Composite insulation, electric breakdown, stress control, surface
discharge, switchgear.

1 INTRODUCTION insulation, oil insulation, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas

insulation and etc. have been developed and employed for the
IN an electric power system, switchgears are used for switchgears. In these days, most of the medium voltage
changing the circuit connection. They are also charged with a switchgears are the cubicle-type low pressure SF6 gas
role of isolating a fault when an accident occurred in the insulated switchgears (C-GIS). However, SF6 gas was
system. In that case, switchgears operate so that they hold the designated as one of the targets of emission control in the
fault at a minimum area and prevent a spread accident towards global warming prevention conference held in 1997 (COP3),
the important equipment. Therefore, higher reliability in then research and development of SF6 gas free systems are
operation is required to the switchgears. advanced actively [1-6]. In the medium voltage class, the
It has already been 100 years since an open-type switchgear switchgears insulated with high pressure air or nitrogen has
was introduced. Now, switchgears have become indispensable been developed [3] On the other hand, research and
for the stable supply of electric power. Various types of development of technological components aiming for the
switchgears have been developed to meet the requirements realization of a full solid insulated substation is advanced
such as improvement of reliability, size reduction. One of the actively in the extra high voltage class. In that substation, bus
factors which greatly affected the change of the type of bars and transformers will be also insulated with solid
switchgears was the development of the insulation system. Air insulation materials.
Manuscript received on 14 May 2015, in final form 29 September 2015,
Under the situation mentioned above, a solid insulated
accepted 3 November 2015. switchgear (SIS), in which main circuit including a vacuum

DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2015.005407

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788 T. Yamashita et al: Improvement of Insulation Performance of Solid/Gas Composite Insulation with Embedded Electrode

interrupter are coated with epoxy resin, has been developed Figure 2 shows the cross section of a test sample of the
[2]. However, improvement of the surface insulation solid/gas composite insulation system. This test sample was
performance of the solid/gas composite insulation system is the model of insulation system in Figure 1 and was composed
required for the development of higher stress and compact of a disc-shaped epoxy resin plate with back-side electrode
design. and disc-shaped embedded electrode. The back-side electrode
Therefore, the authors investigated the surface insulation was formed by painting conductive layer on the underside of
performance of the solid/gas composite insulation system. the insulation plate. The embedded electrode was made of
Metal electrode was embedded into the insulation material of copper and its thickness was 2 mm. It has round shape at the
epoxy resin. Then, the effect of the embedded electrode on the edge. The radius of curvature was 1 mm. The distance
insulation performance was investigated. In general, coating between the bottom of the embedded electrode and the back-
metal electrode with solid insulation materials is well known side electrode was 4 mm. The embedded electrode was
as a method of the improvement of the breakdown connected to the center rod electrode which was made of
characteristics [7]. In addition, the stress control effect of copper with a radius of 5 mm. By embedding electrode,
embedding an electrode is known. However, little is known modification of the electric stress around the triple junction is
about the effect of the embedded electrode on the surface expected.
breakdown voltage in air. In the present study, the sizes of the
insulation material and the embedded electrode were varied
and the partial discharge inception voltage and the surface embedded electrode
breakdown voltage were measured. As a result, it was found rod electrode
that the surface breakdown voltage varied considerably with epoxy resin
the radius of the embedded electrode. Moreover, the effects of
the thickness of the insulation material and of the surface t
distance were clarified. re
ELECTRODE Figure 2. A model of composite insulation system with embedded electrode.

Figure 1 shows an illustration of a part of the cross section

at the moving part of SIS. High voltage electrode is insulated Figure 3 shows an example of the calculation result of the
with air and epoxy resin. Therefore, a solid/gas insulation potential distribution. In that case, the radius of the insulation
system is formed. High voltage shield is embedded into epoxy plate, r p was 100 mm, the thickness of the plate, t was 11 mm,
resin. The aim of the embedding electrode is to modify the the radius of the embedded electrode, r e was 50 mm, the
electric field concentration in air around the triple junction of thickness of the embedded electrode was 2 mm, the thickness
metal, solid and gas. In order to consider the effect of the between the embedded electrode and the back-side electrode
embedded electrode, a simple test model was employed as was 4 mm and the dielectric constant of epoxy resin was 3.4.
shown in Figure 2. In Figure 3, modification of the electric field concentration
around the triple junction can be seen, as expected before. On
the other hand, the electric field concentration around the tip
of the embedded electrode can be seen.
disconnecting circuit
switch breaker

H. V. electrode epoxy resin

conductive layer
operation rod
H. V. shield
ground Figure 3. Calculation result of the potential distribution when the static
voltage was applied to the rod electrode and the back-side electrode was
grounded. r p = 100 (mm), r e = 50 (mm) and t = 11 (mm).
the surface to be considered

In order to examine the stress control effect of the

embedded electrode, r e was varied and the electric field
distribution along the surface was calculated by Ansoft
Maxwell (Ansoft Japan). The calculation results are shown in
Figure 4. The surface position from the center of the rod
electrode is expressed with x, the voltage of 100 kV was
actuator applied to the rod electrode and the back-side electrode was
Figure 1. An illustration of a part of the cross section at the moving part of SIS. grounded. When r e = 5 (mm), the radius is the same as the

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 23, No. 2; April 2016 789

center rod electrode. Incidentally, the electric field at the triple and r e was varied from 5 to 70 mm. The specifications of the
junction without embedded electrode becomes infinite test samples in this case were listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Specifications of test samples used for the test of the effect of the
radius of the embedded electrode.
14 Radius of the
Radius of the Thickness of the
re=5 mm Embedded Electrode
12 Plate (mm) Plate (mm)
Electric field strength [kV/mm]

10 100 11 5
100 11 15
8 100 11 25
re=25 mm re=50 mm re=75 mm
100 11 50
100 11 70

2 (2) Effect of the thickness of the insulation plate

0 20 40 60 80 100
In order to examine the effect of the thickness of the
Surface position, x [mm] insulation material, r p and r e were fixed at 100 and 50 mm,
respectively, and t was varied from 9 to 21 mm. The
Figure 4. Calculation results of electric field distribution along the surface. r specifications of the test samples in this case were listed in
p= 100 (mm) and t = 11 (mm). Table 2.

Compared with the case when r e = 5 (mm), the maximum Table 2. Specifications of test samples used for the test of the effect of the
electric field strength became much smaller when r e was thickness of the insulation plate.
larger than 25 mm. The position where the electric field Radius of the
Radius of the Thickness of the
Embedded Electrode
strength along the surface was the maximum appeared just Plate (mm) Plate (mm)
above the tip of the embedded electrode. The maximum 100 9 50
electric field strength was almost the same regardless of r e in 100 11 50
the range of 25 to 75 mm. The position x with the maximum 100 15 50
100 21 50
electric field strength was almost equal to r e.
Discharge inception on the surface is considered to be
related to the electric field strength along the surface, the (3) Effect of the radius of the surface distance
increase of the discharge inception voltage is expected by In order to examine the effect of the radius of the surface
embedding the electrode more than 25 mm in radius. The distance, t and r e were fixed at 11 and 25 mm, respectively,
uniformity of the electric field is also improved. Then, the and r p was varied from 50 to 250 mm. The specifications of
breakdown voltage is expected to increase. On the other hand, the test samples in this case were listed in Table 3.
by moving the position of the maximum electric field strength
towards the edge of the insulation plate, the distance between
the position of the maximum electric field strength and the Table 3. Specifications of test samples used for the test of the effect of the
radius of the insulation plate.
ground electrode along the surface decreases. Then, the
Radius of the
breakdown voltage is considered to vary with the radius of the Radius of the Thickness of the
Embedded Electrode
Plate (mm) Plate (mm)
embedded electrode. The reason is that the surface potential (mm)
distribution is varied with r e and the propagation of the 50 11 25
surface discharge, that is the elongation of the partial 100 11 25
250 11 25
discharge, will depend on the surface potential distribution.


PROCEDURE By changing the radius of the embedded electrode, ac and
impulse breakdown tests were conducted. In the present study,
3.1 TEST SAMPLE the insulation performance was discussed so the minimum
As shown in Figure 2, the test sample was composed of a breakdown voltage was measured.
disc-shaped epoxy resin plate with back-side electrode and (1) AC Tests
embedded electrode. The radius of the embedded electrode r e,
Figure 5 shows the test circuit of ac tests. Using an ac high
the radius of the disc-shaped insulation plate r p or the
voltage source, ac high voltage was applied to the center rod
thickness of the plate t was varied according to the purpose of
electrode and the back-side electrode was grounded. The
tests, as follows.
partial discharge inception voltage (PDIV) and the minimum
(1) Effect of the size of the embedded electrode breakdown voltage (BDV) were measured by a voltage rising
In order to examine the effect of the radius of the embedded method. The voltage rising rate was approximately 1 kVrms/s.
electrode, r p and t were fixed at 100 and 11 mm, respectively, Breakdown was detected from the disruption of the voltage

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790 T. Yamashita et al: Improvement of Insulation Performance of Solid/Gas Composite Insulation with Embedded Electrode

waveform observed with a voltage divider and a digital

oscilloscope. The partial discharge was detected with a partial
discharge detector (Nihonkeisokuki, CD-5). A digital camera
was installed above the insulation plate and the state of the
partial discharge was observed. The tests were carried out 3 to
4 times for each test sample.

(a) Test sample

Figure 5. AC test circuit.

(2) Impulse Tests

Figure 6 shows the test circuit of impulse tests. Impulse
voltage of 1.2/50 μs generated by an impulse generator was
applied to the center rod electrode and the back-side electrode
was grounded through a current detecting resistance. The tests
were done at least 20 times for each polarity and test sample.
After the first test, the voltage raising method was started from
the voltage 80 % of the previous minimum breakdown voltage
and stopped at that value.
(b) Partial discharge

Figure 6. Impulse test circuit.

(c) Position of partial discharge inception

Figure 7. Partial discharge under ac voltage. r p = 100 (mm), r e = 50 (mm), t
Prior to the measurements of the PDIV and BDV, pre- = 11 (mm) and the applied voltage was 47 kVrms.
breakdown phenomena were investigated. In addition, the
partial discharge inception position was measured. estimated as the point where the light emission intensity was
the highest, as shown in Figure 7c by a circle of broken line.
4.1 THE POSITION OF DISCHARGE INCEPTION PDIV was the lowest voltage at which the partial discharge
could be observed. The voltage and the radius of the circle at
Figure 7 shows the photographs of the test sample and the
the partial discharge inception were measured.
partial discharge. An example of the partial discharge in
Figure 7b was observed under ac voltage and r e = 50 (mm). Figure 8 shows the relation between the radius of the circle
The exposure time of the digital camera was 10 seconds. mentioned above and r e. The partial discharge inception
Therefore, photograph of the temporal and spatial integration position was almost the same as r e. The electric field strength
of the partial discharge was taken. Ring-shaped partial along the surface became the maximum at the point just above
discharge was observed as shown in Figure 7b. From the the tip of the embedded electrode, as shown in Figure 4.
figure, the position of the partial discharge inception was Therefore, it is deduced that the partial discharge is initiated at

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 23, No. 2; April 2016 791
80 breakdown voltage can be increased if the radius of the

from the center of rod electrode [mm]

Discharge inception position embedded electrode is chosen appropriately.
60 In case of ac, PDIV is also important for the solid/gas
composite insulation system. If the partial discharge occurs
under the service voltage it may lead to the deterioration of the
solid insulation material. AC partial discharge inception
voltage also can be increased if the radius of the embedded
20 electrode is chosen appropriately.
Figure 10 shows ac BDV and PDIV measured by changing
the thickness of the disc-shaped insulation plate, t. BDV and
0 20 40 60 80 PDIV increased with t. From this figure, it is deduced that
Radius of embedded electrode, re [mm] increasing the thickness of the solid insulation material is
effective for the improvement of the surface insulation
Figure 8. Relation between the partial discharge inception position and the
radius of the embedded electrode. r p = 100 (mm) and t = 11 (mm).

the point of the maximum electric field strength along the
surface. 100

In case of impulse voltage application, the light emission

from the partial discharge was quite weak. Then, an image 80

intensifier (Hamamatsu Photonics, Night Viewer C3100) was

Voltage [kV]
employed to observe the partial discharge. As a result, the 60

partial discharge could just be seen around the position of the

maximum electric field strength. However, photographs could 40
not be taken.
Figure 9 shows the relation between ac breakdown voltage 0 5 10 15 20 25
(BDV) and the radius of embedded electrode, r e. In this figure, T hick ness o f pla te, t [m m ]
partial discharge inception voltage (PDIV) was also shown.
BDV and PDIV are expressed in peak value. BDV varied with Figure 10. Relation between ac breakdown voltage and the thickness of the
insulation plate. r p = 100 (mm) and r e = 50 (mm).
r e. It increased with re in the range of 5 to 50 mm. On the
other hand, it decreased in the range larger than 50 mm.
Figure 11 shows ac BDV and PDIV measured by changing
the radius of the disc-shaped insulation plate, r p. BDV
increased with r p. However PDIV was almost the same
regardless of r p. Therefore, the effect of increasing the surface
80 distance on the surface insulation performance is considered
to be limited.
Voltage [kV]



Voltage [kV]

0 20 40 60 80 100
R a dius of em be dded electro de, r e [m m ]

Figure 9. Relation between ac breakdown voltage and the radius of the

embedded electrode. r p = 100 (mm) and t = 11 (mm).

BDV and PDIV had maximum values when r e = 50 (mm). 0 50 10 0 15 0 20 0 250 300
R adius o f plate, r p [m m ]
The maximum BDV was almost 1.5 times higher compared
with the case r e = 5 (mm) which was the same as the radius of Figure 11. Relation between ac breakdown voltage and the radius of the
the center rod electrode. Therefore, it is deduced that ac plate. r e = 25 (mm) and t = 11 (mm).

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792 T. Yamashita et al: Improvement of Insulation Performance of Solid/Gas Composite Insulation with Embedded Electrode

4.3 IMPULSE BREAKDOWN The variation of impulse PDIV is similar to ac PDIV.

Impulse voltage of positive or negative polarity was However, impulse PDIV is slightly larger than that of ac
applied to the center rod electrode and the back-side electrode except for the case of large r e.
was grounded. In case of impulse voltage, as light emission Figures 14 and 15 show the test results obtained by
from the partial discharge was quite weak, photomultiplier changing the thickness of the disc-shaped insulation plate, t.
(Hamamatsu Photonics, 1P21) was also used to detect the BDV increased with t. From this figure, it is deduced that
partial discharge. Prior to every voltage application the increasing the thickness of solid insulation material is
surface of the test sample was swept with a grounded brush- effective for improvement of the surface insulation
shaped copper wire bundle in order to remove the charge performance.
accumulated on the surface.
Figures 12 and 13 show the test results obtained by 120
changing the radius of the embedded electrode, r e. PDIV was
also shown in the figures. Although the variation of impulse 100
BDV was similar to that of ac, impulse BDV was slightly
higher than that of ac. And the radius of embedded electrode 80
with the maximum BDV was different between impulse and

Voltage [kV]
ac. The maximum breakdown voltage was measured when the 60
radius was 25 mm. In addition, the polarity effect can be seen
slightly. Impulse BDV of positive polarity was slightly lower 40
than that of negative polarity.
100 P D IV
0 5 10 15 20 25
80 T hick ness o f pla te, t [m m ]

Figure 14. Relation between positive impulse breakdown voltage and the
60 thickness of the insulation plate. r p = 100 (mm) and r e = 50 (mm).
Voltage [kV]

40 120

P D IV 80
Voltage [kV]

0 20 40 60 80 100
R adius of em bedded e lectrode, r e [m m ]

Figure 12. Relation between positive impulse breakdown voltage and the
radius of the embedded electrode. r p = 100 (mm) and t = 11 (mm).
0 5 10 15 20 25
T hick ness o f pla te, t [m m ]
Figure 15. Relation between negative impulse breakdown voltage and the
thickness of the insulation plate. r p = 100 (mm) and r e = 50 (mm).
Voltage [kV]

40 Figures 16 and 17 show the test results obtained by

changing the radius of the disc-shaped insulation plate, r p.
Compared with the case when r p = 50 (mm), BDV when r p =
BDV 100 (mm) was larger, however, BDV when r p = 250 (mm)
was almost comparable. Moreover, PDIV when r p = 250
0 20 40 60 80 100 (mm) was much smaller compared with the other cases.
R a dius of em be dded electro de, r e [m m ] Therefore, the effect of increasing the surface distance on the
surface insulation performance is considered to be limited.
Figure 13. Relation between negative impulse breakdown voltage and the In all cases, impulse BDV of positive polarity was lower
radius of the embedded electrode. r p = 100 (mm) and t = 11 (mm). than that of negative polarity.

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 23, No. 2; April 2016 793

100 5

80 4

Electric field strength [kV/mm]

60 3
Voltage [kV]

40 2

20 1
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 20 40 60 80 100
R a dius of pla te, r p [m m ] R adius of em be dded electro de, r e [m m ]

Figure 16. Relation between positive impulse breakdown voltage and the Figure 18. Relation between the partial discharge inception field strength
radius of the plate. r e = 25 (mm) and t = 11 (mm). and the radius of the embedded electrode under ac voltage application, r p =
100 (mm) and t = 11 (mm).


From Figures 9 and 12, the characteristics of BDV and ac
PDIV and are re-plotted in Figure 19. Because impulse BDV
60 of positive polarity was smaller than that of negative polarity,
Voltage [kV]

impulse BDV of positive polarity was used. As mentioned in

40 the sections 4.2 and 4.3, the radius of embedded electrode
when BDV has the maximum value is different between ac
and impulse. Therefore, the size of embedded electrode should
be decided in comparison with the voltage to be applied. If r e
PD IV is selected appropriately in the range between 25 to 50 mm
0 under the condition where r p = 100 (mm), high insulation
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Ra dius of pla te, r p [m m ]
performance is expected.

Figure 17. Relation between negative impulse breakdown voltage and the 80
radius of the plate. r e = 25 (mm) and t = 11 (mm).

Voltage [kV]


Figure 18 shows the relation of the partial discharge
inception electric field (PDIE) and the radius of embedded 30

electrode, r e. PDIE was calculated from the measured PDIV 20

in Figure 9 and the field calculation results. As a result, PDIE im pulse BD V
ac BD V
is almost constant and is expected 3 kV/mm. In other cases 10
ac PD IV
where r p or t was varied, PDIE calculated from PDIV 0
measured values in Figures 10 and 11 was also almost the 0 20 40 60 80 10 0

same and was around 3 kV/mm. The value of PDIE is R adius o f em bedded e lectrode, r e [m m ]
reasonable because the discharge inception electric field in air Figure 19. Relation between insulation performance and the radius of the
is known around 30 kV/cm. embedded electrode.
From the above, it is deduced that the partial discharge will
be initiated when the electric field reaches to be 3 kV/mm and Generally, the surface breakdown voltage (BDV) can be
the partial discharge inception voltage, PDIV can be increased decided based on the surface distance, distributed electrostatic
with choosing the radius of embedded electrode appropriately. capacity per unit area and the voltage polarity. However, it is
AC PDIV is quite important as the reason why the solid complicated in the present case. The surface discharge
insulation material such as epoxy resin will be deteriorated by propagates from the partial discharge inception point in both
the partial discharge. In the actual switchgear, the partial directions (towards the center electrode and the ground
discharge free design under the service voltage is necessary. electrode). The polarity of each surface discharge will be

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794 T. Yamashita et al: Improvement of Insulation Performance of Solid/Gas Composite Insulation with Embedded Electrode

different and the electrostatic property of each surface is also [5] T. Shioiri, J. Sato, T. Ozaki, O. Sakaguchi, T. Kamikawaji, M.
Miyagawa, M. Homma, K. Suzuki, “Insulation Technology for Medium
different. Moreover, the potential at the starting point varies
Voltage Solid Insulated Switchgear”, IEEE Conf. Electr. Insul. Dielectr.
with the configuration of the test sample. Therefore, detailed Phenomena, pp.341-344, 2003.
discussion is necessary to decide the BDV. The estimation of [6] J. Sato, O. Sakaguchi, N. Makishima, S. Kinoshita, T. Shioiri, T.
BDV will be reported precisely in another paper. Yoshida, M. Miyagawa, M. Homma and E. Kaneko, “New Technology
for Medium Voltage Solid Insulated Switchgear”, IEEE PES T&D Conf.,
Vol.3, pp.1791-1796, 2002.
6 CONCLUSION [7] e.g. T. Yoshida, H. Nishikawa, K. Takagi, S. Imakoma and N. Masaki,
“Air Gap Flash-over Voltage Rise Due to Inserting a Barrier Plate”,
Solid insulated switchgear (SIS) has been developed as Trans. IEE Japan, Vol.B-100, No.1, pp.57-64, 1980 (in Japanese).
substitution for medium voltage SF6 gas insulated switchgear.
For further miniaturization and higher stress design,
Takahiko Yamashita (M’00) was born in 1957 in
improvement of insulation performance is required. In SIS, Fukuoka, Japan. He received B.E., M.E. and D.E.
solid/gas insulation system is composed. The breakdown degrees from Kyushu University, Japan, in 1980, 1982
strength along the surface is lower than that of solid. Then, the and 1985, respectively. He has been working in
authors investigated the surface insulation performance using Nagasaki University, Japan, since 1985. He is a
Professor of the Graduate School of Engineering and a
the test sample, which was the disc-shaped epoxy resin plate Vice President of Nagasaki University. He is a senior
with embedded electrode. The sizes of embedded electrode member of Institute of Electrical Engineers Japan.
and the plate were varied and the partial discharge inception
voltage and the surface breakdown voltage were measured.
Kazuhisa Iwanaga was born in Nagasaki, Japan, in
The partial discharge inception position was also observed. 1991. He received B.S., degree from Nagasaki
The results are summarized as follows. University in 2014, where he is currently pursuing on
(1) Partial discharge is initiated at the point where the M. S. degree with the Graduate School of Engineering.
He is mainly engaged in development of gas/solid
electric field strength along the surface has the maximum. composite insulation system under high stress
(2) The partial discharge inception electric field is almost condition.
the same regardless of the sizes of the plate and
embedded electrode except for some conditions. The
partial discharge inception electric field strength for ac Tomohiro Furusato (M’11) was born in Kagoshima,
voltage is almost the same as 3 kV/mm. Japan, in 1988. He received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.
degrees from Kumamoto University, Japan, in 2011,
(3) In case the radius of embedded electrode is varied, the 2012, and 2014, respectively. He was with the JSPS,
surface breakdown voltage has a peak value. However, Kumamoto University, from 2013 to 2014, as a Research
the radius where the breakdown voltage has the Fellow. Since 2014, he has been an Assistant Professor in
maximum is different between ac and impulse. Nagasaki University, Japan. His research interests are
pulsed-power, creeping discharge, and discharge
(4) The surface breakdown voltage increases with the phenomena in supercritical fluids.
thickness of the plate.
Hiroyuki Koreeda was born in Miyazaki, Japan, 1985.
(5) The effect of the surface distance on the surface He received B.S. and M.S. Eng. degrees in electrical
insulation performance is limited. engineering from Nagasaki University, Nagasaki Japan,
in 2008 and 2010. He was with the Mitsumi Electric Co.
From the above, it is deduced that the surface insulation Ltd.. from 2010 to 2013. Since 2014, he has been
performance can be improved by choosing the size of working as a technician in Nagasaki University.
embedded electrode appropriately. Furthermore, increasing
the thickness of the solid material is considered to be effective.

REFERENCES Tomoyuki Fujishima was born in 1966 in Fukuoka,

Japan. He received B.E., M.E. and D.E. degrees from
[1] J. Sato, S. Kinoshita, O. Sakaguchi, M. Miyagawa, T. Shimizu and M. Kumamoto University, Japan, in 1989, 1991 and 1994,
Homma, “Solid Insulated Switchgear and Investigation of its Mechanical respectively. He has been working in Nagasaki
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pp.1431-1438, 2008 (in Japanese). research interests are ozone generation, ozonic
[2] T. Yoshida, T. Yano, N. Tohya, N. Inoue, M. Arioka, S. Sato, T. Toshie, environment application and lightning protection. He is
“The Development and Practical Use of a New 24 kV Dry Air Insulated a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of
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[3] T. Rokunohe, Y. Yagihashi, F. Endo, K. Aoyagi, H. Saitoh and T. Junichi Sato was born in 1967 in Fukuoka, Japan. He
Oomori, “Development of 72 kV High Pressure Air-insulated GIS with received B.E., M.E. and D.E. degrees from Nagasaki
Vacuum Circuit Breaker”, Trans. IEE Japan, Vol.125, No.12, pp.1270- University, Japan, in 1990, 1992 and 2011, respectively.
1277, 2005 (in Japanese). He has been working in Toshiba Corporation, Tokyo,
[4] S. Sato, K. Koyama, T. Itotani, S. Miyamoto and T. Maruyama, Japan since 1992. He belongs to the power and
“Development of Vacuum Insulation Technology for a Multifunctional industrial systems R&D center, Toshiba Corporation.
Vacuum Interrupter Loaded into an SF6 Gas Free 24 kV Switchgear”, His research interests are solid and solid/gas composite
Trans. IEE Japan, Vol.123, No.4, pp.442-449, 2003 (in Japanese). insulation systems, vacuum interrupter and solid
insulation switchgear.

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