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Effect of Recycled Aggregate with Glass

Fiber on Concrete Properties

S. R. Rabadiya S. R. Vaniya ​D.I.E.T. – Rajkot D.I.E.T. – Rajkot


Concrete made from glass fiber and recycled coarse aggregate as partial replacement of coarse aggregate will be
studied for workability, compressive strength, tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity. I will use recycled coarse
aggregate as partial replacement of coarse aggregate by different percentage for making concrete of different grade
from lower to higher like M-20. The percentage replacement will be 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% with
natural coarse aggregate. I will prepare cubes, cylinders, beams and finally slump test, compressive strength test,
splitting tensile strength test and flexural strength test will be conducted to obtain the necessary results. A large no. of
trial mixes are required to select the desired optimum replacement of coarse aggregate by recycled coarse aggregate.
Keywords: Recycled Aggregate, Glass Fiber


General A. ​It is defined a strong plastic, textile, or other material containing embedded glass filaments for
reinforcement. It is chemical inorganic fiber, obtained from molten glass of a specific composition. This glass is
compound of sand, limestone, alcium fluoride, boric acid and clay. It is made of natural materials, so that its products
are ecologically pure and not harmful to human health.

Historical development B. ​The original patent of fiber glass was approved in 1946, the many uses of this
material have increased substantially attesting to its versatility under exteme environment condition. Underground
chemical storage tanks made of fiber glass must last over 50 years. Since 1959, Accurate Dorwin Co. a leader in the
fenestration industry has been in the business making the quality and highest energy rated windows and door since
1952 from Canada. Since 1983

Objectives and Scope of the study C. ​The main objectives of the study is to investigate the performance
of woven rowing glass fibers based concrete with a difference percentages proportion of recycled coarse aggregate.
To investigate the hardened concrete made with partial replacement coarse aggregate with recycled coarse
aggregate and glass fiber. To investigate the hardened properties (compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile
strength) of concrete for M20 grade of concrete mix. Scope of the study is limited to M20 grade of concrete only. At
the same time the it should be noted that only woven type glass fibers have been selected for study.

Types of Fiber D.-​ E glass

(Polyethylene glass fiber) -​ P glass

(Polypropylene glass fiber) - O glass
(Woven roving glass fiber) - AR glass
(Alkali Resistance glass fiber)

Fig. 1.1: Type of glass

IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 2 | Issue 01 |
June 2015 ISSN (online): 2349-6010
Fig. 2:


Research Papers A. ​Yogesh Iyer Murthy and el (2012) 1)carried

​ out study on the compressive strength,

flexural strength and workability of concrete containing varying proportions of

​ glass fiber as replacement of fine
aggregate. 25 micrometer in diameter and 5cm long are used for the preparation of standard M30 grade concrete by
replacing fine aggregate by fiber up to 1.5%. The increase in compressive strength is nominal while the flexural
strength increased significantly as expected with the increase in percentage of glass fiber. The reduction in slump with
the increase in glass fiber content. The flexural strength of beam with 1.5% glass fiber shows almost 30% increase in
the strength compared to the beam with 0% glass fiber. In this research concrete with glass fiber is made cost

effective and solve the problem of disposal, to make environment greener. ​P.R. Srinivasa and el (2010) 2)Carried out

study on strength properties of glass fiber concrete. In this paper experimental investigation the alkali resistance glass
fibers used are of cem FIL anti crack HD with modulus of elasticity 72 Gpa, filament diameter 14 microns, specific
gravity 2.68,length 12 mm and having the aspect ratio of 857.1 to study the effect on compressive, split tensile and
flexural strength on M20, M30, M40 and M50 grades of concrete. The addition of glass fibers 0.03% by concrete
volume. Compressive strength is increased by 20 to 25% of all above mentioned grade. the percentage increased of
flexural and split tensile strength of various grades of glass fiber concrete mixes compared with 28 days is observed
​ the experimental glass fibers in different volume fraction with
from 15 to 20%. ​Rama Mohan Rao and el (2010) 3)In

25% and 40% replacement of cement by fly ash has been used to ​ study the effect on compressive, split and flexural
strength of concrete. in this research fly ash was used to replace OPC at various levels of 0%,25% and 40% by mass
of binding. the E glass fibers of 0.1%,0.2% and 0.3% by volume of concrete were used.the addition of glass fibres in
to the fly ash concrete improves the compressive strength.the flexural strength of 25% FA replace with addition of
glass fibre shows comparable with plain concrete.the volume fraction of glass fibre 0.3% gives better strength values
on control mix. ​Suresh Babu.R and el (2013) 4)​The present study concentrates the behavior of fiber reinforced

concrete with two different concrete strength(M25 & M50) and different
​ percentage of fiber additions(0.5, 1, 1.5%).
Concrete is rigid material with high compressive strength and weak in tensile strength.
Table - 1 Concrete ​Grade of concrete Permeability
index value Glass fiber
M25 6.4% 0.5% 12.6% 1.0% 26.3% 1.5% M50 8.7% 0.5% 15% 1.0% 30.1% 1.5%
Compressive strength increase by,
Table – 2 Compressive strength increase ​Grade of concrete %
of increase value comp. strength Glass fiber
M25 16.4% 0.5% 24.7% 1.0% 47.3% 1.5%
Effect of Recycled Aggregate with Glass Fiber on Concrete
Properties (IJIRST/ Volume 2 / Issue 01 / 036)
M50 14.3% 0.5% 22.3% 1.0% 43.5% 1.5% ​5)Khaldoum Rahal and el (2005) ​The experimental study on some

of the mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) as compared to those of the
conventional normal aggregate concrete (NAC). Studies waste concrete was obtained from two building
under demolition. Most old construction in that howally area took place 20-40 place. The concrete with
cylinder compressive strengths between 25 and 50 Mpa, the modulus of elasticity of RAC was only 3%
lower than that of NAC. The coefficient of variation ranged from 2.16% to 3.27% with an average of 2.73%
for RAC and between 1.87% and 4.18% with an average of 2.60 for NAC. The 28 days compressive
strength for all five mixes were achieved except for the 40 and 50Mpa RAC where the observed strength
​ this paper the main fields
was slightly lower than the target strength. ​6)Andrzej M. Brandt and el(2008) In

of application of FRC composites are examined and future perspectives discussed. Used self- compacting

concrete (SCC), silica fume(SF), carbon fiber reinforced mortar(CFRM), slurry infiltratedfiber
concrete(SIFCON). Because fibers are an important part of the cost, the fiber volume in ordinary
applications is usually limited to 0.5% or even lower. The application of FRC in building and civil
engineering structures are used in steel fibers and natural vegetal fibers. ​7)Nikhil gupta and el (2001)

Effect of specimen aspect ratio on the compressive strength values is also studied by testing specimens of

three different aspect ratios.

​ The fibers having diameter of about 10 microns were cut into 2.54 cm size.
Density of glass fiber is 2.54 g/cc. To study the effect of specimen aspect ratio of the compressive
strength values, three different heights 15 mm, 20 mm and 25 mm were taken aspect ratio of 1.5,2.0 and
2.5 respectively. The high compressive strength are fiber volume fraction is 4.2, specimen ratio is 2.5 then
strength is 105.26 Mpa and flyash filler type, filler volume fraction 5.1, fiber volume 3.98 and specimen
ration 2.0 then strength is 76.77 Mpa. Impact strength high of flyash filler type, filler volume fraction is 5.1,
fiber volume fraction is then strength is 17.6 * 10 -3​
​ .
Preliminary Mixture Proportion ​Table – 3
Mix pro. of used glass fiber concrete for pilot study (w/c ratio 0.5)
CONSTITUENTS UNIT MIXTURE Used of Glass Fiber Kg/m​3 ​0.005% ,0.015% and 0.025%

Fine Aggregate Kg/m3​ 583 Coarse Aggregate (20 mm) Kg/m3​ ​1282
Cement Kg/m​ 383

Water Kg/m​3 191.6
Table – 4 Mix pro. of used glass fiber concrete for pilot study (w/c ratio 0.4)
CONSTITUENTS UNIT MIXTURE Used of Glass Fiber Kg/m​3 ​0.005% ,0.015% and 0.025%
​ ​ ​
Fine Aggregate Kg/m3​ 1224 Coarse Aggregate (20 mm) Kg/m3​ 556 Cement Kg/m​3 479
Water Kg/m​ 191.6
Cement ​
Trial Mix ​Table – 5 Trial Mix ​Trial Mix No. W/C ratio Glass Fiber(vol. of conc.) ​ (kg/m​3​)
Fine aggregate (kg/m3​ ​)
Coarse aggregate (kg/m​3)​
Recycled Coarse agg. (kg/m​3)​
Water (kg/m​ ) 1. 0.5 0.00% 383 583 1282 0.00(0%) 191.6 2. 0.5 0.005% 383 583 1282 0.00(0%) 191.6 3. 0.5 0.005%
383 583 641 641(50%) 191.6 4. 0.5 0.015% 383 583 1282 0.00(0%) 191.6 5. 0.5 0.015% 383 583 641 641(50%)
191.6 6. 0.5 0.025% 383 583 1282 0.00(0%) 191.6 7. 0.5 0.025% 383 583 641 641(50%) 191.6 8. 0.4 0.00% 479 556
1224 0.00(0%) 191.6 9. 0.4 0.005% 479 556 1224 0.00(0%) 191.6 10 0.4 0.005% 479 556 612 612(50%) 191.6
Effect of Recycled Aggregate with Glass Fiber on Concrete Properties (IJIRST/ Volume 2 / Issue 01 / 036)
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11 0.4 0.015% 479 556 1224 0.00(0%) 191.6 12 0.4 0.015% 479 556 612 612(50%) 191.6 13 0.4 0.025% 479 556 1224
0.00(0%) 191.6 14 0.4 0.025% 479 556 612 612(50%) 191.6

Results of Compressive strength (pilot

test) C.
Table – 6 Results of Compressive strength (Pilot test results) ​Trial Mix No. Glass Fiber
(vol. of concrete) 7 day (N/mm​2​) 14day (N/mm2​ )​ 28day(N/mm2​ )​
1. 0.00% 14.38 18.00 26.62 2. 0.005% 15.10 20.00 21.55 3. 0.005% 12.00 13.71 15.11 4. 0.015% 17.62 19.54 22.98 5. 0.015%
14.58 15.47 18.31 6. 0.025% 23.61 24.80 26.00 7. 0.025% 16.81 17.07 20.77 8. 0.00% 16.87 19.82 28.64 9. 0.005% 16.52 20.98
23.56 10. 0.005% 13.62 14.51 17.00 11. 0.015% 18.23 20.35 24.01 12. 0.015% 14.99 16.05 19.68 13. 0.025% 24.08 25.71 27.68
14. 0.025% 17.85 19.02 22.89 C
​ ompressive strength result after 7 days curing with two different water cement ratio

(recycled coarse aggregate 0% 1)​replaced on natural coarse aggregate)

Fig. 3: recycled coarse aggregate 0% replaced on natural coarse


Compressive strength results after 28 days curing with two different water cement ratio (recycled coarse aggregate

0% 2)​replaced on coarse aggregate)

Fig. 4: recycled coarse aggregate 0% replaced on coarse

Effect of Recycled Aggregate with Glass Fiber on Concrete
Properties (IJIRST/ Volume 2 / Issue 01 / 036)
Compressive strength results after 7 days curing with two different water cement ratio (recycled coarse aggregate 50
% 3)​replaced on coarse aggregate)

Fig. 5: Compressive strength


Compressive strength results after 28 days curing with two different water cement ratio (recycled coarse aggregate 50

% 4)​replaced on coarse aggregate)

Fig. 6: Compressive strength



Slump Test results A. ​Graphical

Results of Slump Test (w/c ratio 0.5) 1)
Fig. 7: Compressive strength
Effect of Recycled Aggregate with Glass Fiber on Concrete
Properties (IJIRST/ Volume 2 / Issue 01 / 036)
Graphical Results of Slump Test (w/c ratio
0.4) 2)

Fig. 8: Graphical Results of Slump Test (w/c ratio


Result and Discussion of Compressive Strength B. ​By replacement of used recycled coarse aggregate
in concrete, the compressive strength was increases up to 40% and then after starts decreasing. The percentages of
replacement of recycled coarse aggregate and glass fiber 0.025%(volume of concrete) was increases from 0% to
40%, compressive strength which maximum increase was observed at 30% as compare to normal concrete test result
for both water cement ratio.
Table – 7 Result and Discussion of Compressive Strength ​Trial Mix No.
w/c Ratio 7 day (N/mm2​ )​ 14 day (N/mm​2)​ 28 day (N/mm2​ ​) 1. 0.5 16.74
19.87 26.09 2. 0.5 22.76 24.90 27.22 3. 0.5 21.63 23.52 25.61 4. 0.5
20.91 22.30 24.91 5. 0.5 20.50 20.61 22.95 6. 0.5 17.91 19.12 21.08 7.
0.5 16.07 17.65 18.96 8. 0.4 19.37 21.46 29.37 9. 0.4 25.03 26.31 31.48
10. 0.4 24.07 24.87 29.65 11. 0.4 22.70 23.49 27.37 12. 0.4 21.60 21.97
23.11 13. 0.4 19.34 20.16 21.52 14. 0.4 17.90 19.02 19.66

Graphical Results of Compressive Strength (w/c ratio

0.5) 1)

Fig. 9: Graphical Results of Compressive Strength (w/c

ratio 0.5)
Effect of Recycled Aggregate with Glass Fiber on Concrete
Properties (IJIRST/ Volume 2 / Issue 01 / 036)
Graphical Results of Compressive Strength (w/c ratio
0.4) 2)

Fig. 10: Graphical Results of Compressive Strength (w/c

ratio 0.4)

Result and Discussion of Flexural Strength C. B ​ y replacement of recycled coarse aggregate in concrete,
the flexural tensile strength was increases up to 50% and then after starts decreasing. The percentages of
replacement of used recycled coarse aggregate and glass fiber 0.025%(volume of concrete) was increases from 0%
to 65%, flexural tensile strength which maximum increase was observed at 40% as compare to normal concrete test
result for both water cement ratio.
Table – 8 Result and Discussion of Flexural Strength ​Trial Mix No. 7 day (N/mm​2​) 14 day
(N/mm2​ ​) 28 day (N/mm​2)​ 1. 3.60 4.11 4.53 2. 4.19 4.79 5.63 3. 3.81 4.56 5.13 4. 3.47 4.33 4.81
5. 3.16 3.84 4.18 6. 3.04 3.48 3.85 7. 2.89 3.09 3.41 8. 3.80 4.60 4.63 9. 4.43 4.91 5.66 10. 3.97
4.71 5.31 11. 3.75 4.53 4.86 12. 3.36 4.03 4.30 13. 3.20 3.65 3.97 14. 2.96 3.30 3.59 ​Graphical
Results of Flexural Strength (w/c ratio 0.5) 1)

Fig. 11: Graphical Results of Flexural Strength (w/c

ratio 0.5)
Effect of Recycled Aggregate with Glass Fiber on Concrete
Properties (IJIRST/ Volume 2 / Issue 01 / 036)
Graphical Results of Flexural Strength (w/c ratio
0.4) ​2)

Fig. 12: Graphical Results of Flexural Strength (w/c ratio


Result and Discussion of Split Tensile Strength D. B ​ y replacement of used recycled coarse aggregate in
concrete, the split tensile strength was increases up to 50% and then after starts decreasing. The percentages of
replacement of used recycled coarse aggregate and glass fiber 0.025%(volume of concrete)was increases from 0% to
50%, split tensile strength which maximum increase was observed at 30% as compare to normal concrete test result
for both water cement ratio.
Table – 9 Result and Discussion of Split Tensile Strength ​Trial Mix No. w/c Ratio 7 day (N/mm​2​) 14
day (N/mm​2​) 28 day (N/mm2​ ​) 1. 0.5 2.56 3.56 4.01 2. 0.5 3.80 4.32 4.80 3. 0.5 3.56 4.09 4.27 4. 0.5
3.21 3.81 3.94 5. 0.5 3.00 3.33 3.61 6. 0.5 2.76 3.05 3.25 7. 0.5 2.51 2.72 2.79 8. 0.4 2.91 3.82 4.38
9. 0.4 4.00 4.46 4.94 10. 0.4 3.81 4.25 4.59 11. 0.4 3.60 4.05 4.20 12. 0.4 3.33 3.61 3.84 13. 0.4 2.97
3.59 3.61 14. 0.4 2.71 2.97 3.16 ​Graphical Results of Split Tensile Strength (w/c ratio 0.5) 3)

Fig. 13: Graphical Results of Split Tensile Strength (w/c

ratio 0.5)
Effect of Recycled Aggregate with Glass Fiber on Concrete
Properties (IJIRST/ Volume 2 / Issue 01 / 036)
Graphical Results of Split Tensile Strength (w/c ratio
0.4) 4)

Fig. 14: Graphical Results of Split Tensile Strength (w/c

ratio 0.4)


Conclusion A. ​Experiments were performed to predict the behaviour of recycled coarse aggregate Based
glass fiber reinforced M20 grade of concrete. Following conclusions were drawn based on the results.
1) Addition of glass fiber decreases the workability of concrete. 2) The recycled coarse aggregate based Woven
rowing Glass fiber reinforced concrete gives higher flexural and split tensile
than conventional concrete. 3) All recycled coarse aggregate based Glass fiber reinforced concrete
specimen have low micro pore and low capillary porn
which indicated the low permeability when water absorption test was performed. 4) After performing 14
cycles of wetting drying test on all the mixes, a common trend of increased flexural and split tensile
is observed in all the recycled coarse aggregate based woven rowing glass fiber mixes. 5) Replacement of
used recycled coarse aggregate and glass fiber (volume of concrete)in concrete, the split and flexural
strength was increases up to 60 % as compare to normal concrete test result. 6) The percentages of
replacement of recycled coarse aggregate was increases from 0% to 60%, compressive strength
strength was increases from 30% to 40% as compare to normal concrete
test result.

Future Scope B. ​1) For the same proportions selected in the study the effect of recycled coarse aggregate
based woven rowing glass fibre on
flexural and tensile strength of concrete needs further study. 2) The same experiment can
be carried for different grades of concrete like M20, M30 for other w/c ratios. 3) Effect of different
admixtures on woven rowing glass fiber needs to be studied.


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Effect of Recycled Aggregate with Glass Fiber on Concrete
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