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Molecular biology.

Biochemistry of intercellular QuestName:Choose the purine base:
communication. Cytosine
Biochemistry of tissues and Thymine
physiological functions. Adenine
newTem; Adenosine
name:1 Structure, functions and catabolism of trueNum:4
QuestName:Nucleotides play several essential
nucleic acids. Protein synthesis and regulation
functions in the cells of human body. Chose those
of gene expression.
one which is a part of coenzymes connected with
QuestName:The samples of blood of a child and
the action of enzymes - Dehydrogenases:
of a supposed father were directed for affiliation
to medical forensic examination. Which chemical
components need to be identified in the explored
samples of blood?
QuestName:Point out the type of bond which
stabilizes the primary structure of nucleic acid:
QuestName:Nowadays about 50 minor bases have Peptide
been found in the t-RNA structure besides the Phosphodiester
main four nitrogenous bases. Choose the minor Van der Waal's forces
nitrogenous base: trueNum:4
Cysteine QuestName:Nucleotides play several essential
Dihydrouracil functions in the cells of human body. Chose those
Cytosine one which works as the secondary messenger of
Uracil hormone action:
Adenine UTP
trueNum:2 CMP
QuestName:Watson and Crick states that the AMP
double helix of DNA is stabilized by the bonds UMP
between complementary nitrogenous bases. cGMP
Which bonds stabilize DNA double helix?
QuestName:Choose the proteins, which are
included into the deoxyribonucleoprotein structure
of eukaryotic cells:
QuestName:Deoxyribose differes from ribose by: Collagen
The presence of hydroxyl group at the second Glutelines
carbon atom trueNum:3
The absence of hydroxyl group at the second
QuestName:Choose the enzyme class that takes
carbon atom
part in the digestion of 3', 5'-phosphodiester bonds
The quantity of carbon atoms
in nucleic acids:
The presence of amino group
The presence of hydroxyl group at the third
carbon atom
Hydrolases Hydrogen
Ligases Hydrophobic
Oxidoreductases Ionic
trueNum:3 Phosphodiester
QuestName:What are the monomers of nucleic trueNum:5
acids? QuestName:You need to degrade DNA. What
Nucleotides enzyme will you use?
Sugars Proteinase
Carbonic acids Oxidase
Fatty acids Nuclease
Amino acids Lipase
trueNum:1 Transferase
QuestName:Choose the purine base: trueNum:3
Uracil QuestName:A 48 year old patient complained
Cytosine about intense pain, slight swelling and reddening
of skin over the joints, temperature rise up to
38oC. Blood analysis revealed high concentration
of urates. This condition might be caused by
disturbed metabolism of:
QuestName:Nucleotides play several essential
functions in the cells of human body. Chose those
one which works as the secondary messenger of
hormone action:
QuestName:A doctor administered allopurinol to a
26-year-old young man with the symptoms of
gout. What pharmacological action of allopurinol
ensures therapeutical effect?
QuestName:Point out bonds, which stabilize the
DNA double helix and are formed between the By general analgetic effect
complementary pairs of bases: By inhibiting uric acid synthesis
Phosphodiester By increasing uric acid excretion
Hydrophobic By inhibiting leucocyte migration into the joint
Hydrogen By general antiinflammatory effect
Peptide trueNum:2
Disulfide QuestName:A 46-year-old patient consulted a
trueNum:3 doctor complaining about joint pain that becomes
QuestName:For the transport of amino acids stronger the day before the weather changes.
during protein synthesis to ribosome’s specific Blood examination revealed an increased
type of RNA is required. Chose it: concentration of uric acid. The most probable
mRNA cause of the disease is the intensified
tRNA disintegration of the following substance:
rRNA Uridine triphosphate
hnRNA Adenosine monophosphate
snRNA Thymidine monophosphate
trueNum:2 Uridine monophosphate
QuestName:By which bonds nucleotides are Cytidine monophosphate
joined in the primary structure of nucleic acids? trueNum:2
Peptide QuestName:The decrease of uric acid

concentration and the accumulation of xanthine Synthesis of purine nucleotides
and hypoxanthine were found in the blood of a 12- Synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides
year-old boy. The genetic defect of the synthesis Degradation of pyrimidine nucleotides
of what enzyme does it testify to? Degradation of purine nucleotides
Arginase trueNum:2
Xanthine oxydase QuestName:A 65-year-old man, suffering from
Urease gout, complains of pains in the area of kidneys.
Ornithine carbamoyl transferase Ultrasonic inspection revealed the presence of
Glycerol kinase stones inside the kidneys. The raised
trueNum:2 concentration of which substance is the most
QuestName:A 50-year-old patient is diagnosed credible cause of kidney stones formation in this
with gout and there is hyperuricemia in his blood. case?
The metabolism of what substances is disturbed? Uric acid
Purines Cholesterol
Fats Bilirubin
Amino acids Urea
Carbohydrates Cystine
Pyrimidines trueNum:1
trueNum:1 QuestName:A 65-year-old man, suffering from
QuestName:A patient with a suspicion of gout was gout, complains of pains in the area of kidneys.
brought to a clinic. What biochemical analysis is it Ultrasonic inspection revealed the presence of
necessary to perform to confirm the diagnosis? stones inside the kidneys. Activation of what
Determination of amino acids level in the blood biochemical process is the main cause of kidney
Determination of concentration of urea in the stones formation?
blood and urine Ornithine cycle
Determination of creatine level in the blood Catabolism of proteins
Measurement of urease activity in the blood Degradation of purine nucleotides
Determination of uric acid level in the blood and Degradation of heme
urine Reduction of cysteine
trueNum:5 trueNum:3
QuestName:A 46-year-old patient consulted a QuestName:A 40-year-old woman consulted a
doctor with complaints of soreness in the joints doctor complaining of pain in the small joints of
which increased when the weather changed. The hands and feet. The joints are enlarged, they have
increase of uric-acid concentration was the appearance of thickened knots. The increased
determined in his blood. The augmented level of urates is determined in the blood plasma.
degradation of which substance is the most The cause of pathology is the disorder of
credible cause of this state? metabolism of:
UTP Amino acids
CMP Purines
AMP Carbohydrates
UMP Lipids
TMP Pyrimidines
trueNum:3 trueNum:2
QuestName:An 8-year-old boy suffers from QuestName:A physician prescribed allopurinol to
Lesch-Nyhan's disease. The increased a patient suffering from gout. What
concentration of uric acid was determined in his pharmacological property of allopurinol provides
blood. What biochemical process disorder is the a therapeutic effect in this case?
cause of this inherited disease? Acceleration of pyrimidine nucleotides catabolism
Synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides Increase of nitrogen-containing substances
excretion QuestName:Point out the amino acid used in AMP
Competitive inhibition of xanthine oxidase de novo synthesis:
Decrease of pyrimidine nucleotides reutilization Glutamic acid
Acceleration of nucleic acids biosynthesis Citric acid
trueNum:3 Glutamine
QuestName:A 46-year-old man consulted a Inosinic acid
physician because of pains in small joints. The Alanine
pain were intensified after the consumption of trueNum:3
meat food. The patient was diagnosed with QuestName:Adenosine deaminase is expressed in
urolithiasis accompanied by uric acid the cytosol of all cells, but humans lymphocytes
have the highest activity of this enzyme. A
accumulation. The treatment with allopurinol was
deficiency of ADA results in an accumulation of
prescribed. What enzyme is allopurinol a
adenosine, which is converted to its ribonucleotide
competitive inhibitor of? or deoxyribonucleotide forms by cellular kinases.
Xanthine oxidase As dATP levels rise, ribonucleotide reductase is
Urease inhibited, thus cells cannot make DNA and divide.
Arginase In most severe form this autosomal recessive
Dihydrouracyl dehydrogenase disorder causes:
Carbamoyl synthase Severe combined immunodeficiency disease
trueNum:1 (SCID)
QuestName:Blood of a 12 year old boy presents Lesch-Nychan's disease
low concentration of uric acid and accumulation Gouty arthritis
of xanthine and hypoxanthine. This child has Orotic aciduria
genetic defect of the following enzyme: Severe autoimmune disease
Ornithine carbamoyltransferase trueNum:1
Arginase QuestName:Two carbon atoms and the nitrogen
Xanthine oxidase one of the purine base skeleton are got from only
Glycerolkinase one amino acid in the de novo synthesis:
Aspartic acid
QuestName:The end product of purine nucleotide Folic acid
catabolism in human organism is: Asparagine
Beta-alanine trueNum:3
Urea QuestName:A drug which prevents uric acid
Uric acid synthesis by inhibiting the enzyme xanthine
Adenine oxidase is:
Hypoxanthine Aspirin
trueNum:3 Allopurinol
QuestName:A 42-year-old male cancer patient Colchicine
undergoing radiation therapy develops severe pain Probenecid
in his right big toe. Laboratory analyses indicate Hydrocortisone
an elevated serum uric acid level and urate trueNum:2
crystals in his urine. This patient's pain is caused QuestName:Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, the sex
by the overproduction of the end product of which linked, recessive absence of HGPRT- ase, may
of the following metabolic pathways? lead to:
De novo pyrimidine biosynthesis Hyperglycemia due to liver damage
Pyrimidine degradation Hypouricemia due to liver damage
De novo purine biosynthesis Failure to thrive and megaloblastic anemia
Purine salvage biosynthesis Protein intolerance and hepatic encephalopathy
Purine degradation Compulsive self destructive behavior with
trueNum:5 elevated levels of urate in serum
trueNum:5 following enzyme:
QuestName: I n o s i n e monophosphate Thiaminase
dehydrogenase is expressed in human’s Folate decarboxylase
lymphocytes and takes active part in the synthesis Folate oxidase
of purine nucleotides. A deficiency of IMP Deaminase
dehydrogenase results in an accumulation of Dehydrofolate reductase
inosine and decrease of GMP - thus cells cannot trueNum:5
make DNA and divide. In some cases QuestName:Nitrates, nitrites and nitrosamines,
Mycophenolic acid - reversible inhibitor of
present inside a human body, are precursors of
inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase is used for
nitrous acid which causes the oxidative
treatment. For treatment of what disorders
Mycophenolic acid can be used? deamination of nitrous bases of nucleotides. This
Severe combined immunodeficiency disease can result in point mutation, which is the change
(SCID) of cytosine to:
Lesch-Nychan's disease Thymine
Gouty arthritis Guanine
Orotic aciduria Uracil
Severe autoimmune disease Adenine
trueNum:5 Inosine
QuestName:Gout is a disorder characterized by trueNum:3
high levels of uric acid in the blood, as a result of QuestName:The end product of pyrimidine
either overproduction or under excretion of uric nucleotide catabolism in human organism is:
acid. Hyperuricemia results in the deposition of Beta-alanine
crystals of sodium urate – the end product of Delta-alanine
purine metabolism in tissues, especially the Uric acid
kidney and causing first acute paine and Uracil
progressing to chronic gouty arthritis. What is the Cytosine
normal concentration of uric acid in blood
QuestName:Antitumor drug fluorouracil inhibits
0,12- 0,42 mmol/1
the activity of enzyme:
1,2- 4,2 mmol/1
3,3- 5,5 mmol/1 Nucleotidase
12,0- 20,0 mmol/1 Xanthine oxidase
6,0-9,0 mmol/1 Ribonucleotide reductase
trueNum:1 Thymidylate synthase
QuestName:Methotrexate (structural analogue of trueNum:5
the folic acid which is competitive inhibitor of the QuestName:Conversion of deoxyuridine
dihydrofolatreductase) is prescribed for treatment monophosphate to thymidine monophosphate is
of the malignant tumour. On which level does catalyzed by the enzyme:
methotrexate inhibit synthesis of the nucleic Ribonucleotide reductase
acids? Thymidylate synthetase
Mononucleotide synthesis CTP synthetase
Replication Orotidylic acid decarboxylase
Transcription Xanthine oxidase
Reparation trueNum:2
Processing. QuestName:Point out the amino acid used in UMP
trueNum:1 de novo synthesis:
QuestName:An oncological patient was Glutamic acid
prescribed methotrexate. With the lapse of time Uracil
target cells of the tumour lost susceptibility to this Glutamine
drug. There is change of gene expression of the Glycine
Alanine QuestName:A one-year-old male patient is
trueNum:3 lethargic, weak, and anemic. His height and
QuestName:A 58-year-old man was operated on weight are both low for his age. His urine contains
prostate cancer. Three months later he underwent an elevated level of orotate. What genetic disorder
a course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The is characterized by such symptoms?
complex of medicinal preparations prescribed to Severe combined immunodeficiency disease
the patient included 5-fluoro-deoxyuridine, which (SCID)
is a thymidylate synthase inhibitor. The synthesis Lesch-Nychan's disease
of what biomolecule is blocked under the action Gouty arthritis
of this medicine in the first place: Orotic aciduria
Protein Severe autoimmune disease
mRNA trueNum:4
rRNA QuestName:Three carbon atoms and the nitrogen
tRNA one of the pyrimidine base skeleton are got from
DNA only one amino acid in the de novo synthesis:
trueNum:5 Glutamic acid
QuestName:In pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway Aspartic acid
d-UMP is converted to dTMP by: Glycine
Methylation Glutamine
Decarboxylation Asparagine
Reduction trueNum:2
Deamination QuestName:After several weeks of chemotherapy
Phosphorylation in the form of methotrexate, a cancer patient's
trueNum:1 tumor begins to show signs of resistance to
treatment. Which of the following mechanisms is
QuestName:A one-year-old female patient is
most likely to explain the tumor's methotrexate
lethargic, weak, and anemic. Her height and
weight are both low for her age. Her urine
Overproduction of dihydrofolate reductase
contains an elevated level of orotic acid. The
Overproduction of xanthine oxidase
administration of which of the following
Deficiency of PRPP synthase
compounds is most likely to alleviate her
Deficiency of thymidine kinase
Deficiency of ribonucleotide reductase
Hypoxanthine QuestName:A one-year-old male patient is
Guanine lethargic, weak, and anemic. His height and
Adenine weight are both low for his age. His urine contains
trueNum:1 an elevated level of orotic acid. The disorder of
which of the following metabolical pathways
QuestName:Pterin derivatives (aminopterin and
characterized by such symptoms?
methotrexate) are the inhibitors of dihydrofolate
De novo pyrimidine biosynthesis
reductase, so that they inhibit the regeneration of Pyrimidine degradation
tetrahydrofolic acid from dihydrofolate. These De novo purine biosynthesis
drugs inhibit the intermolecular transfer of one- Purine salvage biosynthesis
carbon groups thus suppressing the synthesis of Purine degradation
the following molecule: trueNum:1
ATP QuestName:RNA-polymerase B(II) is blocked
CTP due to amanitine poisoning (poison of death-cup).
GTP It disturbs:
dTMP Reverse transcription
dATP Primers synthesis
trueNum:4 Maturation of mRNA

Synthesis of mRNA trueNum:1
Synthesis of tRNA QuestName:Chinolones that inhibit the enzyme
trueNum:4 DNA-gyrase are used for the treatment of certain
QuestName:It was found out that some urogenital infections. What biochemical process is
compounds, for instance fungi toxins and some principally broken under the action of chinolones?
antibiotics can inhibit activity of RNA- Reversible transcription
polymerases. What process will be disturbed in a DNA reparation
cell in case of inhibition of this enzyme? Genes amplification
Processing Genes recombination
Replication DNA replication
Translation trueNum:5
Transcription QuestName:A 58-year-old man was operated on
Reparation prostate cancer. Three months later he underwent
trueNum:4 a course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The
QuestName:It was proved that a molecule of complex of medicinal preparations prescribed to
immature mRNA (precursor mRNA) contained the patient included 5-fluoro-deoxyuridine, which
more triplets than amino acids found in the is a thymidylate synthase inhibitor. The synthesis
synthesized protein. The reason for that is that of what biomolecule is blocked under the action
translation is normally preceded by: of this medicine in the first place?
Reparation Protein
Mutation mRNA
Processing rRNA
Initiation tRNA
Replication DNA
trueNum:3 trueNum:5
QuestName:According to the model of double QuestName:For the formation of the transport
DNA helix that was suggested by Watson and form of amino acid during the protein synthesis in
Creek, it was established that one of chains would ribosomes ... is required.
not be lost during replication and the second chain mRNA
would be synthesized complementary to the first GTP
one. What way of replication is it? Aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetase
Semiconservative Ribosome
Analogous Revertase
Dispersed trueNum:3
Identical QuestName:In case of poisoning by amanitine, a
Conservative. death-cup mushroom toxin, RNA-polymerase
trueNum:1 B(II) is blocked. This leads to the blockage of:
QuestName:Antibiotic rifamycin, which is used Synthesis of mRNA
for the treatment of tuberculosis, affects certain Synthesis of tRNA
biochemical processes in microbial cells. Name Reverse transcription
them: Synthesis of primers
Inhibition of RNA-polymerase at the stage of Processing of mRNA
initiation trueNum:1
Inhibition of DNA-polymerase at the stage of QuestName:It was revealed that T-lymphocytes
initiation were affected by HIV. Virus enzyme - reverse
Inhibition of DNA-ligase transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA-polymerase
Inhibition of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase catalyzes the synthesis of:
Inhibition of the action of certain protein factors DNA on the matrix of virus mRNA
involved in the control of polypeptides synthesis Virus mRNA on the matrix of DNA
DNA on virus rRNA Gene-operator
Viral DNA on DNA matrix Promoter
mRNA on the matrix of virus protein Gene-regulator.
trueNum:1 trueNum:4
QuestName:Pterin derivatives (aminopterin and QuestName:A doctor prescribed a Dactinomycin
methotrexate) are the inhibitors of dihydrofolate (actinomycin D) antibiotic to the patient after
reductase, so that they inhibit the regeneration of appendectomy for infection prevention.
tetrahydrofolic acid from dihydrofolate. These Antimicrobial activity of this antibiotic is based
drugs inhibit the intermolecular transfer of upon the disturbance of the following process:
monocarbon groups, thus suppressing the DNA synthesis
synthesis of the following polymer: tRNA synthesis
DNA Ribosome protein synthesis
Protein Energy metabolism
Homopolysaccharides Microbial wall formation
Gangliosides trueNum:1
Glycosaminoglycans QuestName:An eight-year-old girl with cystic
trueNum:1 fibrosis is treated with ciprofloxacin (Quinolones)
QuestName:Choose the type of bonds formed for an aeruginosa infection in her lungs. Which of
during the processes of replication and the following enzymes is directly affected by this
transcription: drug?
Peptide Topoisomerase type II (gyrase)
alfa-1,4-glycosidic Endonuclease
N-glycoside DNA-polymerase I
3',5'- phosphodiester DNA-ligase
Disulphide Restrictase
trueNum:4 trueNum:1
QuestName:Didanosine (dideoxyinosine, is a QuestName:Point out the enzyme, which is
nucleoside analog sometimes used to treat HIV capable to connect Okazaki fragments after
infections. This drug is converted to 2',3'- primers' restriction:
dideoxyATP (ddATP), which blocks DNA chain Topoisomerase
elongation when it is incorporated into viral DNA Endonuclease
synthesized by reverse transcriptase. Why does DNA-polymerase I
DNA synthesis stop? DNA-ligase
The analog becomes covalently bound to reverse Restrictase
transcriptase, thus inactivating the enzyme trueNum:4
There is no 3'-hydroxyl group to form the next QuestName:A human genome contains about
phosphodiester bond 20,000 genes, and the amount of variants of
Proofreading is inhibited antibodies reaches millions. What mechanism is
The analog cannot form hydrogen bond to the used for the formation of new genes that are
RNA template responsible for the synthesis of such amount of
Incorporation of the analog initiates rapid antibodies:
degradation of the newly synthesized strand. Recombination of genes
trueNum:2 Amplification of genes
QuestName:Point out the site of the Replication of DNA
polynucleotide chain of DNA, which the RNA- Reparation of DNA
polymerase attaches to for the initiation of Formation of Okazaki fragments
transcription: trueNum:1
Structural gene QuestName:The RNA splicing involves the
Primer removal of:
Codons Limited proteolysis
Anticodons trueNum:1
Exons QuestName:Degeneration of the genetic code is
Introns the ability of more than one triplet to encode a
Caps single amino acid. Which amino acid is encoded
trueNum:4 by only one triplet?
QuestName:It was revealed that T-lymphocytes Leucine
were affected by HIV. Viral enzyme - reverse Serine
transcriptase (revertase) can be inhibited by Alanine
structural analogues of nucleosides such as Methionine
zidovudine (ZDV, AZT) etc. Usage of this Lysine
inhibitors leads to the blockage of the following trueNum:4
process: QuestName:A patient that resides in a specific
Viral DNA formation geochemical territory was diagnosed with
DNA repair endemic goiter. What type of posttranslation
Genes amplification modification of thyroglobulin is impaired in the
Genes recombination organism of the patient?
Viral RNA formation Iodination
trueNum:1 Methylation
QuestName:Introns in genes: Acetylation
Encode the amino acids which are removed during Phosphorylation
post-translational modification Glycosylation
Encode signal sequences which are removed trueNum:1
before synthesis of the proteins QuestName:An experimental research
Are the non-coding sequences which are not demonstrated that steroid hormones affect protein
translated synthesis. At what stage of this process do they
Are the sequences that intervene between two carry out their action?
genes Synthesis of GTP
Coding sequences which are normally translated Synthesis of ATP
trueNum:3 Synthesis of specific tRNAs
QuestName:You are studying functioning of a Synthesis of specific mRNAs
bacteria operon. The operator gene has been Synthesis of specific rRNAs
released from the repressor. Immediately after this trueNum:4
the following process will start in the cell: QuestName:Point out the enzyme that takes part
Transcription in the formation of peptide bond at the elongation
Repression stage of translation:
Replication Translocase
Processing Peptidase
Translation Peptidyl transferase
trueNum:1 Aminoacyl-tRNAsynthetase
QuestName:A 62-year-old female patient has Hydrolase
developed a cataract (lenticular opacity) trueNum:3
secondary to the diabetes mellitus. What type of QuestName:A pharmaceutical company is
protein modification is observed in case of studying a new antibiotic that inhibits bacterial
diabetic cataract? protein synthesis. When this antibiotic is added to
Glycosylation an in vitro protein synthesis system that is
ADP-ribosylation translating the sequence AUGUUUUUUUAG, the
Phosphorylation only product formed is the dipeptide fMet-Phe.
Methylation What step in protein synthesis is most likely
inhibited by the antibiotic? site of ribosome
Initiation Preventing binding of aminoacid to its own tRNA
Binding of charged tRNA to the A site trueNum:4
Peptidyltransferase activity QuestName:On what molecule is the codon found:
Ribosomal translocation Protein
Termination mRNA
trueNum:3 rRNA
QuestName:In prokaryotes, chloramphenicol: tRNA
Causes premature release of the polypeptide chain Histones
Causes misreading of the mRNA trueNum:2
Depolymerises DNA QuestName:In a patient with cystic fibrosis, the
Inhibits peptidyl transferase activity mutant cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance
Inhibits initiation process regulator (CFTR) protein folds incorrectly. The
trueNum:4 patient's cells modify this abnormal protein by
QuestName:On what molecule is the anticodon attaching ubiquitin molecules to it. What is the
found: fate of this modified CFTR protein?
DNA Performs its normal function, as the ubiquitin
mRNA largely corrects for the effect of the mutation
rRNA Is secreted from the cell
tRNA Is placed into storage vesicles
Protein Is degraded by the proteasome
trueNum:4 Is repaired by cellular enzymes
QuestName:Point out the enzyme, which takes trueNum:4
part in the amino acid activation at the first stage QuestName:The degeneration of the genetic code
of the protein biosynthesis: is explained as such:
Peptidyl transferase There are two or more triplets for one amino acid
Translocase The genetic code is composed of various triplets
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase Each amino acid is coded for one triplet, only
Amino peptidase Punctuation marks are absent in the genetic code
Transaminase The code is single for all biologic systems
trueNum:3 trueNum:1
QuestName:Chloramphenicol interferes with the QuestName:Point out the function which
peptidyltransferase activity of the 50S ribosomal aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase carries out under the
subunit of bacteria. It is very toxic to humans, protein synthesis:
partly because of its effect on: It forms the peptide bond
Formation of the transport form of amino acids It promotes the ribosome moving along the
during the protein synthesis mRNA
Mitochondrial protein synthesis It binds tRNA with amino acid residue
Amplification of genes It takes part in the ribosome structure
Replication of DNA It binds tRNA with the ribosome
Formation of Okazaki fragments trueNum:3
trueNum:2 QuestName:A tRNA molecule that is supposed to
QuestName:Tetracylin prevents synthesis of carry cysteine (tRNAcys) is mischarged, so that it
polypeptide by: actually carries alanine (ala-tRNAcys). What will
Blocking mRNA formation from DNA be the fate of this alanine residue during protein
Releasing peptides from mRNA-tRNA complex synthesis?
Competing with mRNA for ribosomal binding Will be incorporated into a protein in response to
sites an alanine codon
Preventing binding of aminoacyl tRNA to the A Will be incorporated into a protein in response to a
cysteine codon Promoter
Will remain attached to the tRNA, as it cannot be trueNum:2
used for protein synthesis QuestName:Besides structural genes that encode
Will be incorporated randomly at any codon proteins, DNA of eukaryotes contains some
Will be chemically converted to cysteine by regulatory sequences which are known as:
cellular enzymes Operons
trueNum:2 Cistrons
QuestName:You are studying functioning of a Promoters
bacteria operon. The operator gene has been Enhancer elements
released from the repressor. Immediately after this Introns
the following process will start in the cell: trueNum:4
Transcription QuestName:A four-year-old child who becomes
Repression easily tired and has trouble walking is diagnosed
Replication with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a recessive
Processing disorder. Genetic analysis shows that the patient's
Translation gene for the muscle protein dystrophin contains a
trueNum:1 mutation in its promoter region. What would be
QuestName:The regulatory I gene of lac operon: the most likely effect of this mutation?
Is inhibited by lactose Initiation of dystrophin transcription will be
Is inhibited by its own product, the repressor deficient
protein Termination of dystrophin transcription will be
Forms a regulatory protein which increases the deficient
expression of downstream structural genes Capping of dystrophin will be defective
Is constitutively expressed Splicing of dystrophin mRNA will be defective
Is constitutively depressed Tailing of dystrophin mRNA will be defective.
trueNum:4 trueNum:1
QuestName:DNA in eukaryotic cells is
extensively folded and packed into the protein-
DNA complex called chromatin. Histones are an
important part of this complex since they both
form the structures known as nucleosomes and
also factor significantly into gene regulatory
mechanisms. What chemical modification reduces
the positive charge of lysine residues in the amino
terminal tails of histone molecule and decreases
the binding affinity of histone for the negatively
charged DNA?
QuestName:In the ’Lac operon’ concept, which of
the following is a protein?
VII. Biochemistry of hormones. trueNum:2
newTem; QuestName:Ca2+ ions constitute one of the most
name:2. Biochemistry of hormones. ancient evolutionally second messengers. They are
QuestName:Formation of a secondary mediator is activators of glycogenolysis in case of reacting
obligatory in membrane-intracellular mechanism with:
of hormone action. Point out the substance that is Calcitonin
unable to be a secondary mediator: Calmodulin
Diacylglycerol Calciferol
Ca2+ Kinase of myosin light chains
cAMP Phosphorylase C
Inositol-3,4,5-triphosphate trueNum:2
Glycerol QuestName:Emotional stress causes activation of
trueNum:5 hormon-sensitive triglyceride lipase in the
QuestName:Tissue inosytol triphosphates are adipocytes. What secondary mediator takes part in
generated as a result of the phosphatidylinositol this process?
diphosphate hydrolysis and act as secondary Diacylglycerol
agents (mediators) in the mechanism of hormone Ions of Са2+
action. Their effect in cells is directed at: Cyclic guanosine monophosphate
Calcium ion liberation from cellular depot Cyclic adenosine monophosphate
Protein kinase A activation Adenosine monophosphate
Adenylate cyclase activation trueNum:4
Protein kinase A inhibition QuestName:Choose the name of the secondary
Phosphodiesterase inhibition messenger, which takes part in the transmission of
trueNum:1 hormonal signal:
QuestName:A 42-year-old man was hospitalized Inositol phosphate
to a cardiologic department with the diagnosis of Amino acid
stenocardia. The inhibitor of phosphodiesterase Fatty acid
was included in the medical treatment of the Glucose
patient. The concentration of what substance will Glycerol- 3-phosphate.
be increased in the cardiac muscle? trueNum:1
ADP QuestName:Hormone that binds to cell surface
GMP receptor and require the second messenger cAMP
AMP is:
cAMP Antidiuretic hormone
ATP Cholecystokinin
trueNum:4 Calcitriol
QuestName:A typical symptom of cholera is body Gastrin
water loss and sodium ions loss. The biochemical Thyroxine
mechanism of unfavorable action of cholera toxin trueNum:1
consists in: QuestName:All the following statements about
Activation of synthesis of atrial natriuretic factor hormones are true except:
Activation of adenylate cyclase activity of All of them require specific carriers in plasma
enterocytes All of them require specific receptors in target
Decrease of synthesis of antidiuretic hormone in cells
hypothalamus Some of them are subjected to feedback regulation
Stimulation of renin secretion by the cells of Some of them increase the transcription of certain
kidney glomerular arteriolae genes
Activated oxidation of aldosterone in the cells of Some of them require specific carriers in blood
adrenal glands circulation
trueNum:1 QuestName:The second messenger for
QuestName:Binding of insulin to its receptor glucocorticoids is:
activates: Cyclic AMP
Adenylate cyclase Cyclic GMP
Guanylate cyclase Inositol triphosphate
Phospholipase C No second messenger is required
Tyrosine kinase Ca2+ ions
Phospholipase A2 trueNum:4
trueNum:4 QuestName:There are only one hormone among
QuestName:Hormone that binds to intracellular the neurohormones which refers to the derivatives
receptor is: of amino acids according to classification. Point it
Adrenocorticotropic hormone out:
Thyroxine Oxytocin
Follicle stimulating hormone Melatonin
Glucagon Vasopressin
Epinephrine Thyroliberin
trueNum:2 Somatotropin
QuestName:All the following statements about trueNum:2
steroid hormones are true except: QuestName:Hormone receptors possess all the
They are hydrophobic following properties except:
They require carriers to transport them in blood All of them are proteins
circulation Number of receptors in a target cell is not constant
Their receptors are intracellular They bind hormones with a high degree of
They require cyclic AMP as second messenger specificity
They require more time for action than protein Number of receptors in a target cell is constant
hormones They possess a recognition domain
trueNum:4 trueNum:4
QuestName:Testosterone and its analogs increase QuestName:What hormones are operated on
the mass of skeletal muscles that allows using genetic level of the cell?
them for treatment of dystrophy. Due to With protein structure
interaction of the hormone with what cell structure With peptide structure
is this action caused? Catecholamins
Receptors of endoplasmic reticulum With steroid structure
Ribosome’s Derivatives of arachidonic fatty acid
Membrane receptors trueNum:4
Nuclear receptors QuestName:Cyclic GMP acts as the second
Receptors of Golgi apparatus messenger for:
trueNum:4 Somatotropine
QuestName:There only one correct statement Atrial natriuretic factor
about hormone receptors: Epinephrine
Receptors for protein hormones are present in Norepinephrine
cytosol Glucagon
Receptors for steroid hormones are membrane trueNum:2
bound QuestName:A 50-year-old patient complains of
Hormone-receptor binding is irreversible thirst, drinking of a lot of water, marked polyuria.
Receptors can undergo down regulation and up Blood glucose is 4,8 mmol/L, urine glucose and
regulation acetone bodies are absent, urine is colorless,
Number of receptors in a target cell is constant specific gravity is 1,002-1,004. What is the cause
trueNum:4 of polyuria?
Vasopressin insufficiency Vasopressin
Hypothyroidism Calcitonin
Insulin insufficiency Endorphine
Aldosteronism trueNum:5
Thyrotoxicosis QuestName:A 23-year-old patient complains of a
trueNum:1 headache, change of appearance (increase in feet
QuestName:Intake of oral contraceptives and wrists size, face features distortion). His voice
containing sex hormones inhibits secretion of the grew harsh, the memory worsened. The disease
hypophysial hormones. Secretion of which of the set in three years ago without apparent causes.
indicated hormones is inhibited while taking oral The analysis of the urine is without special
contraceptives with sex hormones? changes. A possible cause of this status can be:
Thyrotropic Deficiency of aldosterone
Follicle-stimulating Deficiency of glucagon
Somatotropic Deficiency of thyroxine
Oxytocin Hyperproduction of somatotropin
Vasopressin Hyperproduction of corticosteroids.
trueNum:2 trueNum:4
QuestName:A 46-year-old patient has complained QuestName:Biologically active substances,
of headache, fatigue, thirst, pains in the spine and especially hormones, are products of hydrolysis
joints for the last 2 years. Clinically observed and modification of certain proteins. From which
disproportional enlargement of hands, feet, nose, of the listed below proteins do lipotropin,
superciliary arches. He notes that he needed to corticotropin, melanotropin and endorphines
buy bigger shoes three times. What is the main appear in hypophysis?
reason of such disproportional enlargement of Proopimelanocortin (POMC)
different parts of the body? Neuroalbumins
Overproduction of testosterone Neurostromin
Joints dystrophy development Neuroglobulin
Cartilaginous tissue proliferation under growth Thyroglobulin
hormone influence trueNum:1
Increased sensitivity of the tissues to insulin QuestName:After a brain hemorrhage that led to
Joints chronic inflammation development the damage of hypotalamic nuclei, diabetes
trueNum:3 insipidus of a 67-year-old patient developed. What
QuestName:A patient consulted a doctor with became the reason of polyuria in this case?
complaints of frequent and abundant urination, Hypoglycemia
thirst. The urine analysis showed the following: Decrease of potassium ions reabsorbtion
diuresis — 19 1/day, density of urine 10,0L. What Acceleration of glomerular filtration
disease are these symptoms characteristic of? Hyperglycemia
Diabetes mellitus Decrease of water reabsorbtion
Steroid diabetes trueNum:5
Diabetes insipidus QuestName:A 10-year-old boy was brought to a
Thyrotoxicosis hospital for the inspection of the cause of growth
Addison's disease retardation. He had grown only by three
trueNum:3 centimeters in the last two years. What hormone's
QuestName:For analgesia, a certain substance deficiency is the cause of such state?
which imitates the physiological properties of Thyrotropin
morphine but is synthesized inside the human Corticotropin
brain can be used. Name this substance: Gonadotropin
Somatoliberin Somatotropin
Oxytocin Parathormone
trueNum:4 Proopiomelanocortin (POMC)
QuestName:A patient complains of polyuria (7 Neuroalbumin
liters per day) and polydipsia. Examination Neurostromin
reveals no disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Neuroglobulin
These abnormalities might be caused by the Thyreoglobulin
dysfunction of the following endocrine gland: trueNum:1
Adenohypophysis QuestName:Choose the name of hormonal
Adrenal cortex compounds, which are secreted by hypothalamus:
Islets of Langerhans (pancreatic islets) Thomboxanes
Neurohypophysis Eucosanoids
Adrenal medulla Releasing factor
trueNum:4 Prostanoids
QuestName:A 32-year-old patient consulted a
doctor about the absence of lactation after
QuestName:Functions of oxytocin:
parturition. Such disorder might be explained by
Stimulates weakening of smooth muscles;
the deficincy of the following hormone:
stimulates a lactation
Stimulates contraction of smooth muscles; inhibits
Vasopressin a lactation
Glucagon Stimulates contraction of smooth muscles;
Somatotropin stimulates a lactation
Thyrocalcitonin Stimulates weakening of smooth muscles; inhibits
trueNum:1 a lactation
QuestName:A patient has a decreased vasopressin Stimulates contraction of smooth muscles, assists
synthesis that causes polyuria and as a result of it in reabsorption of water in kidney canals
evident organism dehydratation. What is the trueNum:3
mechanism of polyuria development? QuestName:Thyrotoxicosis leads to increased
Reduced tubular reabsorption of protein production of thyroid hormones T3 and T4, weight
Acceleration of glomerular filtration loss, tachycardia, psychic excitement and so on.
Reduced tubular reabsorption of Na ions How do thyroid hormones effect energy
Reduced tubular reabsorption of water metabolism in the mitochondrion of cells?
Reduced glucose reabsorption Disconnect oxidation and oxidative
trueNum:4 phosphorylation
QuestName:Examination of a patient revealed Stop respiratory chain
overgrowth of facial bones and soft tissues, tongue Activate oxidative phosphorylation
enlargement, wide interdental spaces in the Stop substrate phosphorylation
enlarged dental arch. What changes of the Activate substrate phosphorylation
hormonal secretion are the most likely? trueNum:1
Hyposecretion of insulin QuestName:Kidneys of a man under examination
Hyposecretion of thyroxin show increased reabsorption of calcium ions and
Hyposecretion of the somatotropic hormone decreased reabsorption of phosphate ions. What
Hypersecretion of insulin hormone causes this phenomenon?
Hypersecretion of the somatotropic hormone Hormonal form D3
trueNum:5 Insulin
QuestName:Products of some proteins hydrolysis Aldosterone
and modification are the biologically active Calcitonin
substances called hormones. Lipotropin, Vasopressin
corticotropin, melanotropin and endorphins are trueNum:1
synthesized in the hypophysis of the following QuestName:Parents of a 5-year-old child
protein: consulted a doctor. Examination of the child
discovered retardation in mental development and metabolism of which chemical element was
growth, as well as abasement of the child's agility. disturbed?
The basal metabolism is lowered. What disease Magnesium
does the child suffer from? Calcium
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome Potassium
Cretinism Iron
Phenylketonuria Sodium
Hyperparathyroidism trueNum:2
Endemic goiter QuestName:A patient complains of body weight
trueNum:2 loss, excessive irritability, insignificant increase of
QuestName:A patient that resides in a specific temperature, exophthalmia. Hyperglycemia and
geochemical territory was diagnosed with the rise of nitrogen-containing substances in blood
endemic goiter. What type of post-translation serum were detected. Which is the most credible
modification of thyroglobulin is impaired in the diagnosis in this case?
organism of the patient? Neurosis
Iodination Bronzed disease
Methylation Diffuse toxic goiter
Acetylation Tuberculosis of adrenal glands
Phosphorylation Myxedema
Glycosylation trueNum:3
trueNum:1 QuestName:A 46-year-old patient suffering from
QuestName:High resistance of "winter- the diffuse toxic goiter underwent resection of the
swimmers" (so-called "walruses") to low thyroid gland. After the surgery the patient
temperatures is explained by the increased presents with appetite loss, dyspepsia, increased
production of certain hormones that stimulate the neuromuscular excitement. The body weight
processes of biological oxidation and heat remained unchanged. Body temperature is normal.
formation in the cells through the uncoupling of Which of the following has caused such a
mitochondrial electron transfer and the oxidative condition in this patient?
phosphorylation. Choose the name of these Reduced production of thyroxin
hormones from the following list: Reduced production of parathormone
Glucagon Increased production of thyroliberin
Adrenaline and noradrenaline Increased production of calcitonin
Thyroid hormones Increased production of thyroxin
Insulin trueNum:2
Corticosteroids QuestName: Clinical symptoms of primary
trueNum:3 hyperparathyroidism are osteoporosis and renal
QuestName:Endemic goiter is known to be lesion along with development of urolithiasis.
widespread in certain geochemical areas. The What substance makes up the basis of these
deficiency of what chemical element causes this calculi in this disease?
disease? Uric acid
Iron Bilirubin
Iodine Cystine
Zinc Cholesterol
Copper Calcium phosphate
Cobalt trueNum:5
trueNum:2 QuestName:A 2-year-old child experienced
QuestName:During the operation on a thyroid convulsions because of lowering calcium ions
gland parathyroid glands were removed by concentration in the blood plasma. Function of
mistake. The patient got tetanic cramps. The what structure is decreased?
Parathyroid glands QuestName:How iodocontaining hormones
Hypophysis transported in a blood?
Adrenal cortex In the free form
Pineal gland Bound with specific transport proteins
Thymus Bound with alfa-globulins
trueNum:1 Bound to the beta-globulins
QuestName:A 19-year-old female suffers from Bound with gamma-globulins
tachycardia in rest condition, weight loss, trueNum:2
excessive sweating, exophtalmos and irritability. QuestName:There are hypercalcemia,
What hormone would you expect to find elevated hypophosphatemia in the blood of patient and
in her serum? hyperphosphaturia in urine. What is possible
Thyroxine reason of such state?
Increased secretion of parathormone
Decreased secretion of parathormone
Increased secretion of calcitonin
Mineralocorticoids Decreased secretion of calcitonin
Insulin Increased secretion of thyroxin
trueNum:1 trueNum:1
QuestName:Influence of T3 and T4 on a QuestName:Functions of parathormone:
carbohydrate metabolism: Promotes deposition of calcium in bones and
Activate splitting of glycogen diminishes its concentration in a blood
Inhibit absorption of carbohydrates from an Promotes resorbtion of calcium from bones and
intestine increases its concentration in a blood
Inhibit splitting of glycogen Stimulates reverse reabsorption of phosphates in
Inhibits gluconeogenesis kidneys
Activate synthesis of glycogen Stimulates reabsorption of sodium in kidneys
trueNum:1 Inhibits reabsorption of sodium in kidneys
QuestName:Point out the location of the receptor trueNum:2
for thyroid hormones in the cell: QuestName:A patient with diabetes mellitus
Cell membrane experienced loss of consciousness and
convulsions after injection of insulin. What is the
result of biochemical blood analysis for
Golgi apparatus
Lysosome concentration of the sugar?
trueNum:2 3,3 mmol/L
QuestName:What disease develops in the iodine 5,5 mmol/L
containing deficiency? 8,0 mmol/L
Graves’ disease 1,5 mmol/L
Cushing disease 10,0 mmol/L
Basedow’s disease trueNum:4
Myxedema QuestName:A patient with diabetes mellitus has
Endemic goiter been delivered to hospital in the state of
trueNum:5 unconsciousness. Arterial pressure is low. The
QuestName:Thyroxine is formed in thyroid gland patient has acidosis. Point substances, which
from: accumulation in the blood results in these
L- histidine manifestations:
Glutamate Ketone bodies
Thyroglobulin Monosaccharides
Tryptophan Amino acids
Thyrotropin High fatty acids
trueNum:3 Cholesterol esters
trueNum:1 QuestName:A patient is in the state of
QuestName:Patients who suffer from severe hypoglycemic coma. The overdose of what
diabetes and don't receive insulin have metabolic hormone can cause this state?
acidosis. This is caused by increased Insulin
concentration of the following metabolites: Progesterone
Unsaturated fatty acids Cortisol
Fatty acids Somatotropin
Triacylglycerols Corticotropin
Ketone bodies trueNum:1
Cholesterol QuestName:Destruction of pancreatic islets of
trueNum:4 Langerhans results in the decrease of the
QuestName:A 46-year-old woman complains of production of:
dryness in the oral cavity, thirst, frequent Parathormone and cortisone
urination, general weakness. Biochemical research Thyroxine and calcitonin
of the patient's blood showed hyperglycemia and Insulin and adrenaline
hyperketonemia. Sugar and ketone bodies are Kallicrein and angiotensin
revealed in the urine. Diffuse changes in Glucagon and insulin
myocardium are marked on the electrocardiogram. trueNum:5
Make an assumptive diagnosis of the illness: QuestName:Utilization of glucose occurs by
Diabetes mellitus means of sugar transport from the extracellular
Alimentary hyperglycemia matrix through the plasma membrane into the cell.
Acute pancreatitis What hormone stimulates this process?
Diabetes insipidus Insulin
Ischemic cardiomyopathy Glucagon
trueNum:1 Thyroxine
QuestName:A 40-year-old woman diagnosed with Aldosterone
diabetes mellitus is admitted to a department of Adrenaline
endocrinology. The patient complains of thirst and trueNum:1
increased hunger. What pathological components QuestName:A 12-year-old teenager has
are exposed at laboratory research of the patient's significantly put off weight within 3 months;
urine? glucose concentration rose up to 50 millimole/l.
Glucose, ketone bodies He fell into a coma. What is the main mechanism
Proteins, amino acids of its development?
Proteins, creatine Hypoglycemic
Bilirubin, urobilin Ketoacidic
Blood Hypoxic
trueNum:1 Lactoacidic
QuestName:Laboratory testing of the patient's Hyperosmolar
blood and urine showed the following trueNum:5
biochemical indexes: blood sugar — 16.0 mM/1, QuestName:A patient is ill with diabetes mellitus
ketone bodies 0.52 mM/1; diuresis - 101/24 h, accompanied by hyperglycemia on an empty
sugar — 2.0 %, ketone bodies — +++. What is a stomach (7,2 mmol/l). The hyperglycemia rate can
credible diagnosis? be retrospectively estimated (over the last 4-8
Kidney diabetes weeks before the examination) on the ground of
Diabetes insipidus the rate of the following blood plasma protein:
Steroid diabetes Ceruloplasmin
Diabetes mellitus Fibrinogen
Cushing's disease C-reactive protein
trueNum:4 Albumin
Glycated hemoglobin metabolism:
trueNum:5 Activates synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids
QuestName:A 62-year-old female patient has Inhibits synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids
developed a cataract (lenticular opacity) Decreases permeability of membranes for amino
secondary to the diabetes mellitus. What type of acid
protein modification is observed in case of Activates transformation of amino acids in
diabetic cataract? glucose
Glycosylation Activates transformation of amino acids in lipids
ADP-ribosylation trueNum:1
Phosphorylation QuestName:Choose the secondary messenger,
Methylation which takes part in the transmission of glucagon
Limited proteolysis signal:
trueNum:1 Glucose -6-phosphate
QuestName:A patient was delivered to the Amino acid
hospital by an emergency team. Objectively: Fatty acid
grave condition, unconscious, adynamy. cAMP
Cutaneous surfaces are dry, eyes are sunken, face Purine base
is cyanotic. There is tachycardia and smell of trueNum:4
acetone from the mouth. Analysis results: blood QuestName:Cells targets for insulin:
glucose - 20,1 mmol/l (standard is 3,3-5,5 mmol/ Cells of CNS, adipocytes, hepatocytes
l), urine glucose - 3,5% (standard is - 0). What is Myocytes, cells of CNS, hepatocytes
the most probable diagnosis? Myocytes, adipocytes, the CNS cells
Hyperglycemic coma Myocytes, adipocytes, hepatocytes
Hypoglycemic coma Red blood cells, the CNS cells, hepatocytes
Acute heart failure trueNum:4
Acute alcoholic intoxication QuestName:Which of the listed hormones reduces
Anaphylactic shock the rate of lipolysis in adipose tissue?
trueNum:1 Adrenaline
QuestName:What does regulate the secretion of Insulin
insulin? Hydrocortisone
Somatoliberin Somatotropin
Somatotropic hormone Noradrenalin
Glucagon trueNum:2
Somatostatin QuestName:Influence of insulin on a carbohydrate
CNS metabolism:
trueNum:4 Activates passage of glucose across the
QuestName:A 57-year-old patient, suffering from membranes of cells
insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, showed the Inhibits glucokinase
development of ketoacidosis. The biochemical Inhibits glycogen synthesis
mechanism of the development of this pathology Activates gluconeogenesis
is decreasing of acetylCoA utilization due to the Inhibits passage of glucose across the membranes
deficiency of: of cells
Lactate trueNum:1
Oxaloacetate QuestName:A hyperglycemic factor produced by
Glutamate the pancreas is:
Aspartate Insulin
Succinate Amylase
trueNum:2 Glucagon
QuestName:Influence of insulin on protein Epinephrine
Somatostatin Activation of insulin decomposition
trueNum:3 Intensification of glucose absorption in the bowels
QuestName:The main effect of glucagon is to Glycogenesis activation
increase: Gluconeogenesis activation
Glycolysis in muscles Inhibition of glycogen synthesis
Glycogenolysis in muscles trueNum:4
Glycogenolysis in liver QuestName:A patient suffering from
Glycogenesis in liver pheochromocytoma complains of thirst, dry
Lipogenesis in adipose tissue mouth, hunger. Blood test for sugar revealed
trueNum:3 hyperglycemia. What type of hyperglycemia is it?
QuestName:The B cells of endocrine portion of Adrenal
pancreas are selectively damaged by alloxan Alimentary
poisoning. How will it be reflected in blood Hypercorticoid
plasma? Somatotropic
The content of globulins decreases Hypoinsulinemic
The content of albumins decreases trueNum:1
The content of fibrinogen decrease QuestName:People adapted to high external
The level of sugar decreases temperatures have such pecularity: profuse
The content of sugar increases sweating isn't accompanied by loss of large
trueNum:5 volumes of sodium chloride. This is caused by the
QuestName:The patient with complaints of effect of the following hormone upon the
permanent thirst applied to the doctor. perspiratory glands:
Hyperglycemia, polyuria and increased Aldosterone
concentration of 17-ketosteroids in the urine were Natriuretic
revealed. What disease is the most likely? Cortisol
Steroid diabetes Tyroxin
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Vasopressin
Myxedema trueNum:1
Type I glycogenosis QuestName:A concentrated solution of sodium
Addison's disease chloride was intravenously injected to an animal.
trueNum:1 This caused decreased reabsorption of sodium
QuestName:A 40-year-old patient complains of ions in the renal tubules. It is the result of the
intensive heartbeats, sweating, nausea, visual following changes of hormonal secretion:
impairment, arm tremor, hypertension. From his Reduction of atrial natriuretic factor
anamnesis: 2 years ago he was diagnosed with Vasopressin reduction
pheochromocytoma. Hyperproduction of what Vasopressin increase
hormones causes the given pathology? Aldosterone reduction
Thyroidal hormones Aldosterone increase
Glucocorticoids trueNum:4
ACTH QuestName:Laboratory testing of the patient's
Aldosterone blood plasma showed K+ level that is equal to 8.0
Catecholamines mM/1. What is the possible cause of such state?
trueNum:5 Increase of sexual hormones level
QuestName:A patient ill with neurodermatitis has Increase of aldosterone level
been taking prednisolone for a long time. Decrease of thyroid hormones level
Examination revealed high rate of sugar in his Increase of thyroid hormones level
blood. This complication is caused by the drug Decrease of aldosterone level
influence upon the following link of carbohydrate trueNum:5
metabolism: QuestName:Laboratory testing of the patient's
blood plasma showed Na+ level of 160.0 mM/1. Monoaminooxidases
The change in concentration of what hormone can Peptidases
be the cause of such state? Carboxylases
Increase of aldosterone level Tyrosinase
Decrease of aldosterone level trueNum:2
Increase of glucocorticoids level QuestName:Examination of a 42 year old patient
Increase of thyroid hormones level revealed a tumour of adenohypophysis.
Increase of atrial natriuretic factor level Objectively: the patient's weight is 117kg, he has
trueNum:1 moon-like hyperemic face, red-blue striae of skin
QuestName:A woman with low arterial pressure distension on his belly. Osteoporosis and muscle
after the parenteral introduction of a certain dystrophy are present. AP is 210/140 mm Hg.
hormone showed the essential rise of arterial What is the most probable diagnosis?
pressure as well as blood levels of glucose and Addison’s disease
lipids. What hormone was administered to the Conn's disease
patient? Cushing's disease
Insulin Essential hypertension
Glucagon Diabetes mellitus
Adrenaline trueNum:3
Progesterone QuestName:To prevent the transplant rejection
Estradiol after organ transplantation it is required to
trueNum:3 administer hormonotherapy for the purpose of
QuestName:Cushing's disease (hyperfunction of immunosuppression. What hormones are used for
adrenal glands cortex which results in the this purpose?
augmented production of corticosteroids) is Sexual hormones
accompanied by hyperglycemia. What metabolic Glucocorticoids
process is stimulated in this state? Catecholamines
Glycolysis Mineralocorticoids
Phosphorolysis of glycogen Thyroid hormones
Citric acid cycle trueNum:2
Pentose phosphate pathway QuestName:A patient with android-type obesity
Gluconeogenesis had been suffering from arterial hypertension,
trueNum:5 hyperglycemia, glucosuria for a long time and
QuestName:A 40-year-old woman suffers from died from the cerebral haemorrhage. Pathologic
Cushing's disease, so-called steroid diabetes. examination revealed pituitary basophil adenoma,
Hyperglycemia are biochemically exposed. Which adrenal cortex hyperplasia. What is the most likely
of the following biochemical processes is diagnosis?
activated in the first place? Cushing's syndrome
Gluconeogenesis Acromegalia
Glycogenolysis Adiposogenital dystrophy
Reabsorbtion of glucose Diabetes mellitus
Transport of glucose into cells Pituitary nanism
Glycolysis trueNum:1
trueNum:1 QuestName:A patient has osmotic pressure of
QuestName:A 50-year-old man underwent a blood plasma at the rate of 350 mOsmol/l (norm is
strong stress. Concentrations of adrenaline and 300 mOsmol/l). This is caused by hypersecretion
noradrenaline in his blood rose sharply. Which of the following hormone:
enzymes catalyze the inactivation of these Cortisol
hormones? Insulin
Glycosidases Vasopressin
Natriuretic factor Inhibit fat oxidation
Aldosterone Stimulate transformation of fats in carbohydrates
trueNum:5 Stimulate transformation of fats into proteins
QuestName:A female patient presents with trueNum:2
endocrine dysfunction of follicular cells of the QuestName:Glucagon and epinephrine are similar
ovarian follicles resulting from an inflammation. in that both:
The synthesis of what of the following hormone Promote glycogenolysis in liver and muscles
will be inhibited: Promote the activation of liver
Lutropin glycogenphosphorylase
Follistatine Reduce blood glucose levels
Estrogens Are formed by the alfa cells of the pancreas
Follicle stimulating hormone Promote the activation of liver glycogensynthase
Progesterone trueNum:2
trueNum:3 QuestName:Chemically the estrogens are
QuestName:The secretion of which hypophysial characterized by:
hormones will be inhibited after taking the oral 21-carbon steroid skeleton
contraceptives containing sex hormones? 20-carbon steroid skeleton
Oxytocin 19-carbon steroid skeleton
Thyrotrophic hormone 18-carbon steroid skeleton
Vasopressin 17-carbon steroid skeleton
Gonadotropic hormone trueNum:4
Somatotropic hormone QuestName:A 35-year-old man with
trueNum:4 pheochromocytoma has high levels of epinephrine
QuestName:A girl has been diagnosed with and norepinephrine registered in the blood. The
adrenogenital syndrome concentration of free fatty acids is increased by a
(pseudohermaphroditism). This pathology is factor of eleven. Which of the following enzymes
caused by hypersecretion of the following adrenal accelerates the lipolysis under the action of
hormones: epinephrine?
Androgens Triacylglycerol lipase
Glucocorticoids Lypoprotein lipase
Catecholamines Phospholipase A
Estrogens Phospholipase C
Mineralocorticoids Cholesterol esterase
trueNum:1 trueNum:1
QuestName:Parents of a 10 year old boy consulted QuestName:What disease is developed in
a doctor about extension of hair-covering, growth deficiency of glucocorticoids?
of beard and moustache, low voice. Intensified Addison’s disease
secretion of which hormone must be assumed? Icenko-Cushing disease
Progesterone Exophthalmic goiter
Estrogens Myxedema
Cortisol Basedow’s disease
Somatotropin trueNum:1
Testosterone QuestName:Choose the substrate which is
trueNum:5 precursor of sex hormones:
QuestName:Influence of catecholamine’s on lipid Carbohydrates
metabolism: Proteins
Inhibit tissue lipase and release of fat from a depot Fatty acids
Activate tissue lipase and and release of fat from a Cholesterol
depot Amino acid
trueNum:4 Insulin-like growth factors
QuestName:When the pH level of the stomach trueNum:1
lumen decreases to less than 3, the antrum of the QuestName:What hormone is produced by
stomach releases peptide that acts in paracrine specialized cells of the gastrointestinal tract?
fashion to inhibit gastrin release. This peptide is: Insulin
Acetylcholine Cortisol
Somatostatin Gastrin
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) Leucotrienes
Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) Epinephrine
Gastrine-inhibitiry peptide (GIP) trueNum:3
trueNum:5 QuestName:Arachidonic acid an essential
QuestName:Atria of an experimental animal were component of a human diet, acts as a precursor of
superdistended by blood that resulted in decreased the vitally important physiologically active
reabsorption of Na+ and water in renal tubules. biomolecules. What substance is synthesized from
This can be explained by the influence of the arachidonic acid?
following factor upon kidneys: Ethanolamine
Renin Choline
Vasopressin Noradrenaline
Angiotensin Prostaglandins
Aldosterone Triiodothyronine
Natriuretic hormone trueNum:4
trueNum:5 QuestName:What hormone has vasodilatory
QuestName:Which substance from listed below is action?
direct precursor in the synthesis of prostaglandins Epinephrine
in a human organism? Vasopressin
Arachidonic acid Glucagon
Palmitic acid Aldosterone
Linolenic acid Prostacyclin
Oleic acid trueNum:5
Linoleic acid QuestName:It is believed that pyrogens (fever
trueNum:1 producing agents) promote prostaglandin
QuestName:A patient had hemorrhagic stroke. biosynthesis leading to the formation of PGE2 in
Blood examination revealed strengthened the hypothalamus which along with histamine and
bradykinin concentration. The patient was bradykinin causes pain and migraine. Aspirin and
prescribed contrical. It was administered in order other non-steroidal drugs inhibit PG synthesis and
thus control fever and relieve pain. What
to inhibit the following proteinase:
mechanism of aspirin action?
Inhibit phospholipase A2
Chemotrypsin Activate COX
Kallikrein Activate phospholipase C
Collagenase Inhibit COX
Pepsin Inhibit lipooxygenase
trueNum:3 trueNum:4
QuestName:Utilization of arachidonic acid via QuestName:What hormone is produced by
cyclooxygenase pathway results in formation of specialized cells of the gastrointestinal tract?
some bioactive substances. Name them: Thyroxin
Prostaglandins Aldosterone
Thyroxine Thromboxane
Biogenic amins Secretin
Somatomedins Glucagon
trueNum:4 believed to be responsible for the low incidence of
QuestName: What hormone stimulates platelet heart attacks in Eskimos. What physiological
aggregation? function of TXA2?
Prostaglandin E2 Stimulate platelet aggregation
Prostacyclin I2 Inhibit platelet aggregation
Angiotensin II Decreases prothrombin synthesis in liver
Tromboxane A2 Activate antithrombine synthesis in liver
Bradykinin Lower the blood pressure
trueNum:4 trueNum:1
QuestName:Systemic inhibition of COX1 with QuestName:Where is renin produced?
subsequent damage of the stomach and the In liver
kidneys, and impaired clotting of blood is the In the adrenal cortex
basis of aspirin's toxicity. What specific inhibitor In the pancreas
of COX2 is used to reduce pathological In the kidneys
inflammatory processes while maintaining the In the gonads
physiological function of COX1? trueNum:4
Indomethacin QuestName:Which of one of the following is not
Phenylbutazone GIT hormone?
Celecoxib Motiline
Ibuprofen Secretin
Acetylsalicylic acid Gastrin
trueNum:3 Calcitonin
QuestName:What hormone is produced by Cholecystokinine (CCK)
specialized cells of the gastrointestinal tract? trueNum:4
Insulin QuestName:What hormones are synthesized from
Aldosterone arachidonic acid?
Estrogen Liberins
Glucagon Statins
Cholecystokinine Tropic hormones
trueNum:5 Leucotrienes
QuestName:Prostaglandins are formed in: T3 and T4
Cells of pancreas trueNum:4
Cells of the intestinal mucosa QuestName:Low-dose aspirin therapy is used to
Cells of liver and kidneys lower the risk of stroke and heart attacks by
Endothelial cells of vessels decreasing formation thrombi. How aspirin
Cells of different organs and tissues impedes thrombogenesis?
trueNum:5 Inhibit phospholipase A2 and formation of
QuestName:What hormone prevents platelet Tromboxane – TXA2
aggregation? Activate COX1 and production of Prostacyclin –
Prostaglandin E2 PGI2
Prostacyclin I2 Activate phospholipase A2 and formation of
Prostacyclin – PGI2
Angiotensin II
Inhibit COX1 and formation of Tromboxane –
Tromboxane A2
Inhibit lipooxygenase
QuestName:The diet rich in marine lipids (with
QuestName:What hormone increases the blood
EPA – eicosapentaenoic acid) decreases plasma
cholesterol and triacylglycerols. These factors,
along with reduced synthesis of TXA2 are
Angiotensin II
QuestName:Utilization of arachidonic acid via
lipooxigenase pathway results in formation of
some bioactive substances. Name them:
Insulin like growth factors

VIII. Biochemistry of nutrition. Iron
newTem; Potassium
name:3. Biochemistry of nutrition. Vitamins. Magnesium
QuestName:A 35-year-old addicted to alcohol Sodium
patient manifests sharp muscle and cardiac Fluorine
weakness against the background of treatment by trueNum:5
diuretics. The patient has vomiting, diarrhea, QuestName:A 50-year-old patient complains of
depression, A/P - 100/60. The cause of such state thirst, drinking of a lot of water, marked polyuria.
is the increased excretion through the urine of: Blood glucose is 4,8 mmol/L, urine glucose and
Chlorine acetone bodies are absent, urine is colorless,
Sodium specific gravity is 1,002-1,004 (lower than norm).
Potassium What is the cause of polyuria?
Calcium Vasopressin insufficiency
Phosphates Hypothyroidism
trueNum:2 Insulin insufficiency
QuestName:A 35 year old man consulted a dentist Aldosteronism
about reduced density of dental tissue, high Thyrotoxicosis
fragility of teeth during eating solid food. This trueNum:1
patient suffers the most probably from the QuestName:Biochemical investigation of the
deficiency of the following mineral element: patient samples shows hypercalcemia,
Iron hypophosphatemia and hyperphosphaturia. What
Potassium is possible reason of such state?
Magnesium Increased secretion of parathormone
Sodium Decreased secretion of parathormone
Calcium Increased secretion of calcitonin
trueNum:5 Decreased secretion of calcitonin
QuestName:The principal extracellular cation is: Increased secretion of thyroxin
K+ trueNum:1
Na+ QuestName:The principal intracellular cation is:
Mg2+ K+
Fe2+ Na+
Cu2+ Ca2+
trueNum:2 Fe2+
QuestName:Malignant hyperchrome anemia, or Cu2+
Birmer's disease, is a pathological state caused by trueNum:1
the deficiency of vitamin B12. What chemical QuestName:Endemic goiter is known to be
element is a constituent of the structure of this widespread in certain geochemical areas. The
vitamin? deficiency of what chemical element causes this
Iron disease?
Molybdenum Iron
Zinc Iodine
Cobalt Zinc
Magnesium Copper
trueNum:4 Cobalt
QuestName:A 35 year old man consulted a dentist trueNum:2
about reduced density of dental tissue, high QuestName:Enzymes catalase and peroxidase
fragility of teeth during eating solid food. This contain metal:
patient suffers the most probably from the Cu
deficiency of the following mineral element: Zn
Na Sodium
Fe trueNum:2
Ca QuestName:A 27-year-old patient was found
trueNum:4 having pathological signs in the liver and
QuestName:A worker of a chemical plant was cerebrum. A sharp decrease of copper level was
brought to a hospital with signs of poisoning. In determined in the blood plasma, whereas the urine
the woman's hair a high level of arsenate that concentration of the metal proved to be increased.
blocks the lipoic acid was revealed. The disorder A supposed diagnosis is Wilson’s disease. What
of what biochemical process is the most probable blood plasma enzyme activity is it necessary to
cause of poisoning? test to confirm the diagnosis?
Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate Xanthine oxidase
Microsomal oxidation Carboanhydrase
Reduction of methemoglobin Ceruloplasmin
Reduction of organic oxides Leucine aminopeptidase
Rendering superoxide radicals harmless Alcohol dehydrogenase
trueNum:1 trueNum:3
QuestName:The principal intracellular anion is: QuestName:The essential trace element is:
Cl- Pb
I- Hg
CO32- Sr
HCO3- Se
HPO42- Al
trueNum:5 trueNum:4
QuestName:What hormone stimulates retention of QuestName:Hemoglobin catabolism is
water by the kidneys? accompanied by the release of iron which enters
Epinephrine bone marrow in composition with special
Vasopressin transport protein and thereafter is repeatedly used
Oxytocin for the synthesis of hemoglobin. The transport
Cortisol protein for iron is:
Insulin Transferrin (siderofolin)
trueNum:2 Transcobalamine
QuestName:The principal extracellular anion is: Haptoglobin
Cl- Ceruloplasmin
I- Albumin
CO32- trueNum:1
SO42- QuestName:A molybdenum containing oxidase is:
HPO42- Cytochrome oxidase
trueNum:1 Xanthine oxidase
QuestName:In erythrocytes and other tissues, the Glucose oxidase
enzyme glutathione peroxidase catalyzes the L-Amino acid oxidase
destruction of H2O2 and lipid hydroperoxides by Monoamine oxidase
reduced glutathione, protecting membrane lipids trueNum:2
and hemoglobin against oxidation by peroxides. QuestName:A 16 year old boy after an illness has
What microelement is a component of prosthetic diminished function of protein synthesis in liver as
group of this enzyme? a result of vitamin K deficiency. It will cause
Calcium disturbance of:
Selenium Erythropoietin secretion
Magnesium Osmotic blood pressure
Potassium Blood coagulation
Anticoagulants generation biological function is realized by the following
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate form of vitamin A:
trueNum:3 Trans-retinal
QuestName:During examination of an 11-month- Rotenone
old infant a pediatrician revealed osteoectasia of Carotene
the lower extremities and delayed mineralization Trans-retinoic acid
of cranial bones. Such pathology is usually Cis-retinal
provoked by the deficit of the following vitamin: trueNum:4
Bioflavonoids QuestName:A 64 year old woman has impairment
Cholecalciferol of twilight vision (nictolopy). What vitamin
Riboflavin should be recommended in the first place?
Pantothenic acid Vitamin E
Thiamin Vitamin A
trueNum:2 Vitamin C
QuestName:A patient underwent an operation on Vitamin B6
account of gall bladder excision that resulted in Vitamin B2
obstruction of Ca absorption through the bowels trueNum:2
wall. What vitamin will stimulate this process? QuestName:Vitamin therapy is appointed to a
D3 pregnant with a few involuntary abortions in
C anamnesis. What vitamin contributes to the
B12 bearing of pregnancy?
K Rutin
PP Folic acid
trueNum:1 Cobalamine
QuestName:A clinic observes a 49 year old patient Pyridoxine
with significant prolongation of coagulation time, alfa-Tocopherol
gastrointestinal haemorrhages, subcutaneous trueNum:5
hematomas. These symptoms might be explained QuestName:A patient suffers from hemorrhages
by the deficiency of the following vitamin: that are associated with the obstruction of the
E common bile duct. This symptom is caused by the
H disturbance of assimilation of the vitamin:
B6 H
B1 A
trueNum:5 D
QuestName:A 4 year old child with hereditary K
renal lesion has signs of rickets, vitamin D trueNum:5
concentration in blood is normal. What is the most QuestName:An ophthalmologist found out that
probable cause of rickets development? patient had the increase of the time of sight
Impaired synthesis of calcitriol adaptation for darkness. What kind of vitamin
Lack of calcium in food deficiency can be the cause of the symptom?
Hypofunction of parathyroid glands E
Hyperfunction of parathyroid glands A
Increased excretion of calcium C
trueNum:1 K
QuestName:Vitamin A together with specific D
cytoreceptors penetrates through the nuclear trueNum:2
membranes, induces transcription processes that QuestName:Under different pathological states the
stimulate growth and differentiation of cells. This level of active forms of oxygen rises, which
results in the destruction of cellular membranes. Gluconate
In order to prevent the damage of membranes, Thiamine
antioxidants are used. The most powerful natural alfa-Tocopherol
antioxidant is: Pyridoxins
alfa-Tocoferol Choline
Glucose trueNum:3
Vitamin A QuestName:The twilight sight of a patient who
Fatty acids suffers from dryness of his conjunctiva and cornea
Glycerol has decreased. Such disorder can be caused by the
trueNum:1 deficiency of:
QuestName:The Institute of gerontology Vitamin B1
recommends the aged people to take a complex of Vitamin A
vitamins that contains vitamin E. What is the basic Vitamin C
biological action of vitamin E? Vitamin D
Antiscurving Vitamin B2
Antihemorrhagic trueNum:2
Antioxidant QuestName:The simultaneous disorder of the
Antineuritic human reproductive function and the dystrophy of
Antidermatitic skeletal muscles are caused by the deficiency of:
trueNum:2 Vitamin B1
QuestName:A man who abstained from eating fat Vitamin A
food for a long time but consumed a lot of Vitamin K
carbohydrates and proteins, began to complain of Vitamin D
dermatitis, bad healing of wounds, worsening of Vitamin E
sight. What is the possible cause of this disease? trueNum:5
Deficiency of linolic acid, vitamins A, D, E, K QuestName:A 2-year-old child developed
Deficiency of palmitic acid intestinal dysbacteriosis with a hemorrage
Deficiency of vitamins PP, H syndrome. The most probable cause of this
Low caloric content of the diet syndrome is:
Deficiency of oleic acid Vitamin K deficiency
trueNum:1 Activation of tissue thromboplastin
QuestName:The treatment of a child, who suffers Vitamin PP deficiency
from rachitis, with vitamin D proved to be Fibrinogen deficiency
unsuccessful. Which is the most likely cause of Hypocalcemia
treatment inefficiency? trueNum:1
Insufficiency of lipids in food QuestName:Activation of membrane lipids
Disturbance of hydroxylation of vitamin D peroxidation is one of the basic mechanisms of
Disturbance of insertion of vitamin D3 into the membrane structure and functions damage as well
molecule of enzyme as the death of a cell. The cause of this pathology
Increased consumption of vitamin D 3 by is:
microorganisms of intestine B12-hypervitaminosis
Disturbance of vitamin D3 transport by the B1-deficiency
proteins of blood B1-hypervitaminosis
trueNum:2 Vitamin D - deficiency
QuestName:In the course of treatment of Vitamin E deficiency
parodontal disease the application of natural and trueNum:5
synthetic antioxidants is recommended. Which of QuestName:Symptoms of hemorrhagic disease
the below listed natural substances is used as an due to hypovitaminosis of vitamin K of a newborn
antioxidant? child appeared. The development of the disease is
conditioned by a special biological role of vitamin Serine
K. What biochemical role of it? Glutamic
It is a specific inhibitor of antithrombin Arginine
It is a cofactor of prothrombin Valine
It is a cofactor of γ-glutamate carboxylase Phenylalanine
It affects the proteolytic activity of thrombin trueNum:2
It inhibits the synthesis of heparin QuestName:A 37-year-old patient suffers from
trueNum:3 frequent bleedings of minor damages against the
QuestName:Vikasol, a synthetic analogue of background of prolonged antibiotic therapy. The
vitamin K, was recommended to a 6-year-old decreased activity of blood coagulation factors II,
child for the prevention of postoperative bleeding. VII, X, as well as the rise of blood clotting
What kind of posttranslational changes of blood duration were displayed in the patient's blood. The
coagulation factors is activated under the deficiency of what vitamin has led to these
influence of vikasol? changes?
Carboxylation of glutamate Vitamin D
Phosphorylation of serine radicals Vitamin A
Restricted proteolysis Vitamin C
Polymerization Vitamin K
Glycosylation Vitamin E
trueNum:1 trueNum:4
QuestName:A doctor examined a child and QuestName:Removal of gall bladder of a patient
revealed symptoms of rickets. Development of has disturbed processes of Ca absorption through
this desease was caused by deficiency of the the intestinal wall. What vitamin will stimulate
following compound: this process?
Naphtaquinone D3
Retinol PP
1,25 [ОН]2-dichydroxycholecalciferol C
Tocopherol B12
Biotin K
trueNum:3 trueNum:1
QuestName:As a result of posttranslative QuestName:A patient consulted a doctor about
modifications some proteins taking part in blood symmetric dermatitis of open skin areas. It was
coagulation, particularly prothrombin, become found out that the patient lived mostly on cereals
capable of calcium binding. The following and ate too little meat, milk and eggs. What
vitamin takes part in this process: vitamin deficiency is the most evident?
A Calciferol
C Folic acid
B1 Niacin
K Biotin
B2 Tocopherol
trueNum:4 trueNum:3
QuestName:Plasmic factors of blood coagulation QuestName:Vitamin B 1 deficiency causes
are exposed to posttranslational modification with disturbance of oxidative decarboxylation of alfa-
the participation of vitamin K. It is necessary as a ketoglutaric acid. This is coused by impaired
cofactor in the enzyme system of γ-carboxylation synthesis of the following coenzyme:
of protein factors of blood coagulation due to the Thiamine pyrophosphate
increased affinity of their molecules with calcium Lipoic acid
ions. What amino acid is carboxylated in these Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
proteins? Coenzyme A
Flavine adenine dinucleotide Oxidative decarboxylation of ketoacids
trueNum:3 Deamination of amino acids
QuestName:A 9-month-old infant is fed with Transamination and decarboxylation of amino
artificial formulas with unbalanced vitamin B6 acids
concentration. The infant presents with pellagra Protein synthesis
dermatitis, convulsions, anaemia. Convulsion trueNum:4
development might be caused by the disturbed QuestName:A patient was diagnosed with
formation of: dermatitis as a result of prolonged consumption of
Serotonin uncooked eggs. What vitamin deficiency
Histamine developed in this case?
DOPA Folic acid
GABA Biotin
Dopamine Pantothenic acid
trueNum:4 Paraamino benzoic acid
QuestName:A patient has pellagra. Interrogation Vitamin C
revealed that he had lived mostly on maize for a trueNum:2
long time and eaten little meat. This disease had QuestName:There is an increase of the pyruvate
been caused by the deficit of the following level in the patient's blood and urine. What kind of
substance in the maize: avitaminosis developed in this case?
Tryptophan B2 avitaminosis
Histidine E avitaminosis
Alanine B1 avitaminosis
Proline B2 avitaminosis
Tyrosine B12 avitaminosis
trueNum:1 trueNum:3
QuestName:A structural analogue of vitamin B2 QuestName:During the patronage a doctor
— acrichine is prescribed in case of enterobiosis. revealed that a child had symmetric roughness of
The disturbance of the synthesis of what enzymes skin on his cheeks, diarrhea, disturbance of
of microorganisms does this preparation cause? nervous activity. The deficiency of what food
Cytochrome oxidase factors caused the appearance of such symptoms?
FAD-dependent dehydrogenases Niacin, tryptophan
Peptidases Lysine, ascorbic acid
NAD-dependent dehydrogenases Threonine, panthothenic acid
Amino transferases Methionine, lipoic acid
trueNum:2 Phenylalanine, pangamic acid
QuestName:A patient suffers from dermatitis, trueNum:1
diarrhea and dementia. The absence of which QuestName:Persons suffering from alcoholism get
vitamin is the cause of such clinical state? the bulk of calories with alcohol drinks. They
Folic acid usually have typical deficiency of thiamine
Ascorbic acid (Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome) that impairs the
Nicotinamide function of the nervous system, leads to
Biotin psychoses, loss of memory etc. The decreased
Rutin activity of what enzyme is the cause of the
trueNum:3 development of this syndrome?
QuestName:According to the clinical signs, Alcohol dehydrogenase
pyridoxal phosphate was prescribed to a patient. Pyruvate dehydrogenase
For the correction of what biochemical processes Transaminase
is this drug recommended? Aldolase
Synthesis of purines and pyrimidines Hexokinase
trueNum:2 Ascorbic acid
QuestName:For diagnostics of certain illnesses the Pyridoxine
determination of blood transaminases activity is Folic acid
required. Which vitamin is a component of the Riboflavin
cofactors of these enzymes? trueNum:1
B1 QuestName:Point out the vitamin, which does not
B3 take part in aerobic oxidation of carbohydrates:
B6 Thiamin
B2 Niacin
B5 Biotin
trueNum:3 Riboflavin
QuestName: A 3 year old child with symptoms of Pantothenic acid
stomatitis, gingivitis and dermatitis of open skin trueNum:3
areas was delivered to a hospital. Examination QuestName:Point out the vitamin, whose
revealed inherited disturbance of neutral amino deficiency leads to peripheral neuropathy, neuritis
acid transporting in the bowels. These symptoms and paralysis:
were caused by the deficiency of the following Thiamin
vitamin: Niacin
Niacin Biotin
Cobalamin Riboflavin
Vitamin A Pantothenic acid
Biotin trueNum:1
Pantothenic acid QuestName:Point out the vitamin, whose
trueNum:1 deficiency leads to cardiovascular disturbances
QuestName:A number of diseases can be and heart failure:
diagnosed by evaluating activity of blood Thiamin
transaminases. What vitamin is one of cofactors of Niacin
these enzymes? Biotin
B6 Riboflavin
B2 Pantothenic acid
B1 trueNum:1
B3 QuestName:Point out the vitamin, whose
B5 deficiency leads to pellagra:
trueNum:1 Thiamin
QuestName:Pain along large nervous stems and Niacin
increased amount of pyruvate in the blood were Biotin
revealed in the patient. Insufficiency of what Riboflavin
vitamin can cause such change? Pantothenic acid
В1 trueNum:2
В2 QuestName:A child manifests epileptic seizures
РР caused by vitamin B 6 deficiency. This is
Pantothenic acid conditioned by the decrease of the gamma-
Biotin aminobutyrate level in the nervous tissue which
trueNum:1 acts as an inhibiting neurotransmitter. The activity
QuestName:A woman who has been keeping to a of which enzyme is decreased in this case?
clean-rice diet for a long time was diagnosed with Pyridoxal kinase
polyneuritis (Beri-Beri). What vitamin deficit Alanine aminotransferase
results in development of this disease? Glutamate dehydrogenase
Thiamine Glutamate decarboxylase
Glutamate synthetase B1
trueNum:4 A
QuestName:Point out the vitamin, whose B2
deficiency leads to lesions of the mouth corners, trueNum:1
lips and tongue: QuestName:A patient was diagnosed with
Thiamin megaloblastic anemia. The lack of which
Niacin substance in the human organism can cause this
Biotin disease?
Riboflavin Copper
Pantothenic acid Glycine
trueNum:4 Cobalamine
QuestName:Point out the vitamin, whose Cholecalciferol
deficiency leads to extensive dermatitis, mental Magnesium
disturbances and diarrhea: trueNum:3
Thiamin QuestName:A patient with frequent bleedings
Niacin inside the internal organs and mucous membranes
Biotin was found having proline and lysine in the
Riboflavin collagen fibers composition. What vitamin
Pantothenic acid absence results in the disturbance of these amino
trueNum:2 acids hydroxylation?
QuestName:The collagen molecule is known to C
contain such amino acids as hydroxyproline and E
hydroxylysine. Which of the following substances K
take part in the hydroxylation of proline and A
lysine during the collagen synthesis? D
Aspartic acid trueNum:1
Folic acid QuestName:Most participants of the round-world
Pantothenic acid voyage of Magellan perished from avitaminosis
Glutamic acid that was manifested by general weakness,
Ascorbic acid hypodermic hemorrhages, loss of teeth, bleeding
trueNum:5 of gums. Name the disease which develops as a
QuestName:Hydroxyproline is an essential amino result of this avitaminosis:
acid in the collagen structure. Which of the Pellagra
following vitamins takes part in the formation of Scurvy
this amino acid by the proline hydroxylation Rachitis
pathway? Polyneuritis
B1 Birmer's anemia
D trueNum:2
C QuestName:Malignant hyperchrome anemia, or
B2 Birmer's disease, is a pathological state caused by
B6 the deficiency of vitamin B12. What chemical
trueNum:3 element is a constituent of the structure of this
QuestName:A 10-year-old girl suffers from acute vitamin?
respiratory system infections, after which multiple Iron
punctate hemorrhages in the places of clothes Molybdenum
friction are observed. The deficiency of which of Zinc
the following vitamins occurs in this case? Cobalt
C Magnesium
B6 trueNum:4
QuestName:After the resection of a 2/3 part of the absorption of this vitamin?
stomach, the amount of erythrocytes in the blood Pepsin
of a patient has decreased, their volume has Folic acid
multiplied, and the level of hemoglobin has Hydrochloric acid
decreased. The deficiency of what vitamin causes Gastrin
such changes of blood contents? Gastromucoprotein
PP trueNum:5
C QuestName:A 20-year-old male patient complains
P of general weakness, rapid fatigability, irritability,
B1 decreased performance, bleeding gums, petechiae
B12 on the skin. What vitamin deficiency may be a
trueNum:5 cause of these changes?
QuestName:A patient is complaining of gums Ascorbic acid
bleeding. What vitamins are to be prescribed for Riboflavin
the treatment of this patient? Thiamine
B1, B2 Retinol
C, K Folic acid
A, E trueNum:1
B3, B12 QuestName:Hydroxylation of endogenous
Biotin, panthothenic acid substrates and xenobiotics requires a donor of
trueNum:2 protons. Which of the following vitamins can play
QuestName:A 10-year-old girl has a history of this role?
repeated acute respiratory viral infection. After Vitamin C
recovering she presents with multiple petechial Vitamin P
hemorrhages on the sites of friction from clothing Vitamin B6
rubbing the skin. What kind of hypovitaminosis Vitamin E
has this girl? Vitamin A
B2 trueNum:1
B1 endTem;
B6 IX. Biochemistry of blood.
A newTem;
trueNum:3 name:4. Biochemistry of blood.
QuestName:Examination of a patient suffering QuestName:The concentration of albumins in
from frequent haemorrhages in the inner organs human blood sample is lower than normal. This
and mucous membranes revealed proline and leads to edema of tissues. What blood function is
lysine being included in collagen fibers. damaged?
Impairment of their hydroxylation is caused by All answers are correct
lack of the following vitamin: Maintaining the oncotic blood pressure
C Maintaining the blood sedimentation system
K Maintaining the body temperature
D Maintaining the pH level
E trueNum:2
A QuestName:Pathological changes of the liver and
trueNum:1 brain were revealed in a 27-year-old patient. The
QuestName:Surgical removal of a part of stomach copper concentration is abruptly decreased in
resulted in disturbed absorption of vitamin B12, it blood plasma and increased in the urine. Wilson's
is excreted with feces. The patient was diagnosed disease was diagnosed. Activity of what enzyme
with anemia. What factor is necessary for in the blood serum should be examined to prove
diagnosis? observed
Ceruloplasmin Metabolic acidosis
Carboanhydrase Metabolic alkalosis
Xanthine oxidase trueNum:4
Leucin aminopeptidase QuestName:A patient being treated for viral
Alcohol dehydrogenase hepatitis type B got symptoms of hepatic
trueNum:1 insufficiency. What blood changes indicative of
QuestName:A patient is ill with diabetes mellitus protein metabolism disorder will be observed in
accompanied by hyperglycemia on an empty this case?
stomach (7,2 mmol/l). The hyperglycemia rate can Absolute hyperglobulinemia
be retrospectively estimated (over the last 4-8 Absolute hypoalbuminemia
weeks before the examination) on the ground of Absolute hyperfibrinogenemia
the rate of the following blood plasma protein: Absolute hyperalbuminemia
C-reactive protein Blood protein composition is unchanged
Fibrinogen trueNum:2
Ceruloplasmin QuestName:A 62-year-old female patient
Albumin complains about frequent pains in the region of
Glycated hemoglobin thorax and vertebral column, rib fractures. A
trueNum:5 physician suspected myelomatosis
QuestName:A 70 year old man is ill with vascular (plasmocytoma). Which of the following
atherosclerosis of lower extremities and coronary laboratory indices will be of the greatest
heart disease. Examination revealed disturbance diagnostic importance?
of lipid blood composition. The main factor of Paraproteinemia
atherosclerosis pathogenesis is the excess of the Hyperalbuminemia
following lipoproteins: Hypoglobulinemia
Low-density lipoproteins Proteinuria
Intermediate density lipoproteins Hypoproteinemia
Very low-density lipoproteins trueNum:1
High-density lipoproteins QuestName:The concentration of glucose in the
Chylomicrons blood plasma of a healthy man varies within the
trueNum:1 following limits:
QuestName:Examination of a man who had been 2.0-4.0 mM/1
working hard under higher temperature of the 3.3-5.5 mM/1
environment revealed abnormal quantity of blood 10.0-25.0 mM/1
plasma proteins. What phenomenon is the case? 6.0-9.5 mM/1
Paraproteinemia 1.0-2.0 mM/1
Absolute hyperproteinemia trueNum:2
Dysproteinemia QuestName:A patient suffering from diabetes
Absolute hypoproteinemia mellitus fainted after the introduction of insulin,
Relative hyperproteinemia then cramps appeared. What level of sugar was
trueNum:5 determined in the patient's blood by means of
QuestName:An infant has apparent diarrhea biochemical analysis?
resulting from improper feeding. One of the main 10.0 mM/1
diarrhea effects is plentiful excretion of sodium 3.3 mM/1
bicarbonate. What form of acid-base balance 8.0 mM/1
disorder is the case? 2.0 mM/1
Respiratory alkalosis 5.5 mM/1
Respiratory acidosis trueNum:4
No disorders of acid-base balance will be QuestName:Laboratory investigation of the
patient's blood plasma, which was performed 4 C-reactive protein
hours after consumption of a fat diet, displayed a Creatinine
marked increase of plasma turbidity. The most Transferrin
credible cause of this phenomenon is the increase trueNum:3
of ... in the plasma: QuestName:A 70-year-old man has an intensified
HDL blood clotting, caused, first and foremost, by the
Chylomicrons decrease of the level of ... in the blood plasma.
LDL Vitamin D
Cholesterol Albumin
Phospholipids Immunoglobulin A
trueNum:2 Calcium
QuestName:A patient shows rapid development of Antithrombin
edema. The decrease of which serum blood trueNum:5
proteins is responsible for edemata appearance? QuestName:What protein assigned for the
Alfa-Globulins transport of hemoglobin and it’s binding to the
Albumins reticuloendothelial system of the liver?
Gamma-Globulins Haptoglobin
Beta-globulins. Abumin
Fibrinogen. Ferritin
trueNum:2 Transferrin
QuestName:A presumptive diagnosis of acute Ceruloplasmin
pancreatitis was made on the basis of clinical trueNum:1
symptoms. Name the biochemical test required for QuestName:What components of the rest nitrogen
the verification of this diagnosis: fraction are prevailing in blood under the
Determination of creatinine level in blood condition of increased tissue catabolism?
Determination of the activity of acid phosphatase Ketone bodies, creatinine
in blood Carnitine, choline
Determination of the activity of alkaline Amino acids, urea
phosphatase in blood Porphyrins, bilirubin
Determination of the activities of amino Ethanolamine, choline
transferases in blood trueNum:3
Determination of the activity of amylase in blood Q u e s t N a m e :I t w a s d e t e r m i n e d t h a t t h e
trueNum:5 concentration of potassium in the patient's blood
QuestName:A man in the state of rest purposely plasma was 8.0 mM/1. This clinical status is
makes himself breathe frequently and deeply for 3 characterized by:
or 4 minutes. How does this exercise influence the Arrhythmias, heart arrest
acid-basic balance of the organism? Tachycardia
Metabolic alkalosis appears Bradycardia
Respiratory acidosis appears Decrease of arterial pressure
Respiratory alkalosis appears Increase of arterial pressure
Metabolic acidosis appears trueNum:1
Acid-base balance does not change QuestName:The level of pH and content of
trueNum:3 hydrocarbonate ions in the patient's blood is
QuestName:A 38-year-old woman suffers from reduced. It means that the alkaline reserve of the
rheumatism in its active phase. The determination blood is decreased. The concentrations of lactate
of which of the following laboratory indexes is and pyruvate in the blood and urine are increased.
essential for diagnostics in case of the pathology? What type of acid-base balance disorder is
Urea observed?
Uric acid Metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis QuestName:As a result of exhausting muscular
Metabolic acidosis work a worker has largely reduced buffer capacity
Respiratory alkalosis of blood. What acidic substance that came to
Acid-base balance does not change blood caused this phenomenon?
trueNum:3 Lactate
QuestName:Electrophoretic study of a blood Pyruvate
serum sample, taken from the patient with 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate
pneumonia, revealed an increase in one of the 3-phosphoglycerate
protein fractions. Specify this fraction: Acetate
Gamma-globulins trueNum:1
Albumins QuestName:Diabetes mellitus causes ketosis as a
Alfa 1-globulins result of activated oxidation of fatty acids. What
Alfa 2-globulins disorders of acid-base equilibrium may be caused
Beta-globulins by excessive accumulation of ketone bodies in
trueNum:1 blood?
QuestName:A 4 y.o. child with signs of durative Metabolic acidosis
protein starvation was admitted to the hospital. Metabolic alkalosis
The signs were as follows: growth inhibition, Any changes woun't happen
anemia, edemata, mental deficiency. Choose a Respiratory acidosis
cause of edemata development: Respiratory alkalosis
Reduced synthesis of albumins trueNum:4
Reduced synthesis of globulins QuestName:A patient had hemorrhagic stroke.
Reduced synthesis of hemoglobin Blood examination revealed strengthened kinin
Reduced synthesis of lipoproteins concentration. The patient was prescribed
Reduced synthesis of glycoproteins contrical. It was administered in order to inhibit
trueNum:1 the following proteinase:
QuestName:Buffer capacity of blood was Kallikrein
decreased in the worker due to exhausting Pepsin
muscular work. Entry of what acid substance to Trypsin
the blood can this state be explained? Chymotrypsin
Lactate Collagenase
Pyruvate trueNum:1
1,3-bisphosphoglycerate QuestName:Point out the permissible range of the
alfa-ketoglutarate pH fluctuation in the blood:
3-phosphoglycerate 8,0-8,61
trueNum:1 7,36-7,44
QuestName:A patient complains about dyspnea 7,81-7,94
provoked by the physical activity. Clinical 6,2-6,84
examination revealed anaemia and presence of the 6,85-7,0.
paraprotein in the zone of gamma-globulins. To trueNum:2
confirm the myeloma diagnosis it is necessary to QuestName:Point out the most probable location
determine the following index in the patient’s of the blood plasma proteins synthesis:
urine: Kidneys
Bence Jones protein Muscle tissue
Bilirubin Nervous tissue
Haemoglobin Liver
Ceruloplasmin Lungs
Antitrypsin trueNum:4
trueNum:1 QuestName:What is normal concentration of
albumins in blood plasma of healthy people? trueNum:1
10-20 g/l QuestName:A 3 year old child with fever was
40-50 g/l given aspirin. It resulted in intensified erythrocyte
30-40 g/l haemolysis. Hemolytic anemia might have been
20-30 g/l caused by congenital insufficiency of the
65-75 g/l following enzyme:
trueNum:5 Glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase
QuestName:What is normal concentration of Gamma-glutamiltransferase
globulins in blood plasma of healthy people? Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
35-45 g/l Glycogen phosphorylase
25-35 g/l Glucose 6-phosphatase.
45-55 g/l trueNum:3
15-25 g/l QuestName:After taking sulfonylamides and
55-65 g/l. aspirin by a 38 year old patient, hemolysis of
trueNum:2 erhytrocytes caused by the insufficiency of
QuestName:A patient being treated for viral glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase developed.
hepatitis type B got symptoms of hepatic The disturbance of what coenzyme formation does
insufficiency. What blood changes indicative of this pathology result from?
protein metabolism disorder will be observed in Ubiquinone
this case? FADH2
Absolute hyperglobulinemia Pyridoxal phosphate
Absolute hypoalbuminemia FMNH2
Absolute hyperfibrinogenemia NADPH
Absolute hyperalbuminemia trueNum:5
Blood protein composition is unchanged QuestName:Erythrocytes require energy of ATP
trueNum:2 for their vital functions. What process provides
QuestName:To prevent long-term effects of 4-day these cells with the necessary amount of ATP?
malaria a 42-year-old patient was prescribed Anaerobic glycolysis
primaquine. On the 3-rd day from the begin of Aerobic oxidation of glucose
treatment there appeared stomach and heart pains, Pentose phosphate pathway
dyspepsia, general cyanosis, hemoglobinuria. β-Oxidation of fatty acids
What caused side effects of the preparation? Citric acid cycle
Genetic insufficiency of glucose 6-phosphate trueNum:1
dehydrogenase QuestName:Under the action of oxidants
Delayed urinary excretion of the preparation (hydrogen peroxide, nitrogen oxides etc.), Fe2+-
Decreased activity of microsomal liver enzymes containing hemoglobin is converted into the
Cumulation of the preparation substance that includes Fe3+ and is not able to
Drug potentiation by other preparations transport oxygen. What substance is it?
trueNum:1 Carbhemoglobin
QuestName:A 7-year-old girl has signs of anemia. Carboxyhemoglobin
Laboratory examination revealed pyruvate kinase Methemoglobin
deficiency in erythrocytes. What process Oxyhemoglobin
disturbance plays the main role in anemia Glycosylated hemoglobin
development? trueNum:3
Anaerobic glycolysis QuestName:A man has been bitten by a snake.
Tissue respiration Choking breaks out, hemoglobin appears in the
Oxidative phosphorylation urine. There is hemolysis of erythrocytes in the
Amino acids deamination blood. The action of toxic serpentine poison
Hydrogen peroxide neutralization results in:
Formation of lysolecithin Increased oxidation of HbA1 to MetHb
Acidosis trueNum:5
Polyuria QuestName:Substitution of the glutamic acid on
Development of alkalosis valine was revealed while examining initial
Formation of triglycerides molecular structure. For what inherited pathology
trueNum:1 is this symptom typical?
QuestName: Intoxication can occur as a result of Favism
the increase of carbon monoxide concentration in Hemoglobinosis
the air. Thus, transport of oxygen from the lungs Sickle-cell anemia
to tissues realized by hemoglobin breaks. What Minkowsky-Shauffard disease
hemoglobin derivative appears in this case? Thalassemia
Methemoglobin trueNum:3
Oxyhemoglobin QuestName:A patient has sickle-cell anemia
Carboxyhemoglobin diagnosed. Replacement of which amino acid in
Carbhemoglobin the hemoglobin polypeptide chains with valine
Hemochromogen results in this disease?
trueNum:3 Glutamate
QuestName: After repairing a car in a garage, a Aspartate
car driver was brought to a clinic with symptoms Leucine
of poisoning with exhaust fumes. The Arginine
concentration of what type of hemoglobin is Threonine
increased in his blood? trueNum:1
Carboxyhemoglobin QuestName:Point out the normal form of
Methemoglobin hemoglobin, which is represented by the higher
Carbhemoglobin concentration in the blood of adults:
Oxyhemoglobin HbA1
Glycosylated hemoglobin HbA2
trueNum:1 HbF
QuestName:A 20 year old patient complains of HbS
general weakness, dizziness, quick fatigability. HbC
Blood analysis results: Hb - 80 g/l. Microscopical trueNum:1
examination shows erythrocytes of modified form. QuestName:One of the hemoglobin forms is
This can testify about: dominated after the child's birth. This form retains
Obstructive jaundice in adults, but in smaller concentration. Point out
Addison's disease it:
Hepatocellular jaundice HbA1
Acute intermittent porphyria HbA
Sickle-cell anemia HbF
trueNum:5 HbS
QuestName:Kids developed the signs of HbC
poisoning: rapid weakness, dizziness, headache, trueNum:3
vomiting, edema, tachycardia, cyanosis of mouth, QuestName:A 3-months child has developed a
ears and tips of the fingers. High concentration of severe form of hypoxia manifested by dyspnea
nitrates was detected. What is the leading and cyanosis. What way of hemoglobin formation
mechanism of the poisoning by nitrates? is broken?
Inhibition of methemoglobinreductase Replacement of hemoglobin F with hemoglobin
Inhibition of superoxide dismutase M
Block of cytochromeoxidase Replacement of hemoglobin F with hemoglobin S
Inhibition of glutathione peroxidase Replacement of hemoglobin F with glycosylated
hemoglobin Unconjugated bilirubin.
Replacement of hemoglobin F with trueNum:4
methemoglobin QuestName:A child manifested yellowish skin and
Replacement of hemoglobin F with hemoglobin A mucous membranes on the second day after birth.
trueNum:5 The cause of such state is a temporal deficiency
QuestName:A patient has yellow skin colour, dark of:
urine, dark-yellow feces. What substance will Heme oxygenase
have strengthened concentration in the blood Sulfotransferase
serum? Heme synthetase
Biliverdin UDP-glucuronyltransferase
Unconjugated bilirubin Biliverdin reductase
Verdoglobin trueNum:4
Mesobilirubin QuestName:The increase of total bilirubin content
Conjugated bilirubin at the expense of indirect (free) fraction was
trueNum:2 detected in the blood plasma of a patient suffering
QuestName:A patient presents with icteritiousness from icterus. There is also a high level of
of skin, scleras and mucous membranes. Blood stercobilin in the feces and urine. The level of
plasma the total bilirubin is increased, stercobilin direct (linked) bilirubin in the blood plasma is
is increased in feces, urobilin is increased in urine. within the normal range. What type of icterus is
What type of jaundice is it? observed in this case?
Gilbert's disease Mechanical
Obstructive Hepatic
Cholestatic Hemolytic
Hepatic Icterus of newborns
Haemolytic Gilbert disease
trueNum:5 trueNum:3
QuestName:A 48-year-old patient was admitted to QuestName:Hemoglobin catabolism is
the hospital with complaints about weakness, accompanied by the release of iron which enters
irritability, sleep disturbance. Objectively: skin bone marrow in composition with special
and scleras are of yellow colour. In blood: transport protein and there after is repeatedly used
increased concentration of total bilirubin with for the synthesis of hemoglobin. The transport
prevailing direct bilirubin. The feces are acholic. protein for iron is:
The urine is dark (contains bile pigments). What Transferrin
type of jaundice is it? Transcobalamine
Gilbert's syndrome Haptoglobin
Crigler-Najjar syndrome Ceruloplasmin
Mechanic Albumin
Hepatic trueNum:1
Haemolytic QuestName:A newborn child shows signs of
trueNum:3 yellow coloring of skin and mucous membranes.
QuestName:A 46 year old woman suffering from A possible cause of this state is the provisional
cholelithiasis developed jaundice. Her urine deficiency of the enzyme:
became dark-yellow and feces became colourless. UDP-glucuronyltransferase
Blood serum will have the highest concentration Uridine transferase
of the following substance: Heme synthetase
Mesobilirubin Heme oxygenase
Urobilinogen Biliverdin reductase
Biliverdin trueNum:1
Conjugated bilirubin QuestName:A 33-year-old patient has been
suffering from illness for ten years. Periodically chemical plant complains of general weakness,
he complains of sharp pains in the stomach, weight loss, apathy, and somnolence. Chronic
cramps, disorders of vision. His relatives manifest lead-poisoning is confirmed by laboratory tests —
similar clinical symptoms. The urine has red color. hypochromic anemia is revealed. In the blood the
The patient was hospitalized with the diagnosis of level of protoporphyrin is increased and the level
acute alternative porphyria. The cause of the of delta-aminolevulinate is reduced, which
disease can be in the biosynthesis disturbance of: testifies to the disorder of the synthesis of:
Insulin DNA
Heme Heme
Bile acids RNA
Prostaglandins Protein
Collagen Mevalonic acid
trueNum:2 trueNum:2
QuestName:A 46-year-old woman, suffering from QuestName:A patient is found having a marked
cholelithiasis developed icterus. The urine became increase of skin sensitivity to sunbeams. After
dark-yellow, and the feces discolored. The excretion, his urine becomes dark-red. What is the
concentration of what substance in the blood most probable cause of such state?
serum would rise mostly? Alkaptonuria
Nonconjugated bilirubin Hemolytic icterus
Conjugated bilirubin Albinism
Biliverdin Pellagra
Mesobilirubin Porphyria
Urobilinogen trueNum:5
trueNum:2 QuestName:Yellowish skin and mucous
QuestName:The increase of conjugated (direct) membranes of a patient are observed after blood
bilirubin is revealed in the patient's blood plasma, transfusion. There are also increased levels of total
and the simultaneous increase of nonconjugated and indirect bilirubin in the blood, urobilin in the
(indirect) bilirubin level as well as the dramatic urine, and stercobilin in the feces. What type of
decrease of stercobiliriigen content in the feces icterus is observed in this case?
and urine are discovered. What type of icterus Icterus of newborns
takes place? Inherited icterus
Hemolytic Posthepatic icterus
Hepatic Hepatic icterus
Posthepatic Hemolytic icterus
Jaundice of a newborn trueNum:5
Gilbert disease QuestName:A newborn child is found to have
trueNum:3 physiological icterus. The level of free bilirubin in
QuestName:A 16-year-old patient is diagnosed the blood considerably exceeds the normal range.
with hereditary deficiency of UDP- The deficiency of what enzyme is this status
glucuronyltransferase. Laboratory investigation conditioned by?
showed hyperbilirubinemia conditioned mainly by Heme oxygenase
the increase of concentration of ... in the blood: Transaminase
Urobilinogen Xanthine oxidase
Direct bilirubin Adenosine deaminase
Indirect bilirubin UDP-glucuronyltransferase
Stercobilinogen trueNum:5
Biliverdin. QuestName:For the treatment of icterus,
trueNum:3 barbiturates that induce the synthesis of UDP-
QuestName:A 43-year-old workwoman of a glucuronyltransferase are prescribed. The curative
effect of barbiturates is conditioned by the
formation of:
Direct (conjugated) bilirubin
Indirect (non-conjugated) bilirubin
QuestName:A 20-year-old patient is diagnosed
with inherited deficiency of UDP-
glucuronyltransferase. The increased
concentration of what blood component confirms
the diagnosis?
Direct (conjugated) bilirubin
Indirect (non-conjugated) bilirubin
QuestName:A full-term newborn child has
yellowish skin and mucous membranes. This
might be probably caused by temporary
deficiency of the following enzyme:
Biliverdin reductase
Heme synthetase
Uridine transferase
Heme oxygenase
QuestName:A patient with jaundice has high total
bilirubin that is mainly indirect (unconjugated),
high concentration of stercobilin in the stool and
urine. The level of direct (conjugated) bilirubin in
the blood plasma is normal. What kind of jaundice
can you think of?
Parenchymal (hepatic)
Neonatal jaundice
Gilbert's disease.

X. Biochemistry of liver, kidney and synthesis of phospholipids is disturbed. Which
urine. substance from the listed below can stimulate
newTem; processes of methylation in the synthesis of
name:5. Biochemistry of liver. phospholipids?
QuestName:A tooth extraction in a patient with Methionine
chronic persistent hepatitis was complicated with Ascorbic acid
prolonged hemorrhage. What is the reason for the Glucose
haemorrhagic syndrome? Glycerol
Decrease in prothrombin production Citrate
Fibrinolysis intensification trueNum:1
Increase in thromboplastin production QuestName:Blood plasma of a healthy man
Increase in fibrinogen synthesis contains several dozens of proteins. During an
Decrease in fibrin production illness new proteins can originate, namely the
trueNum:1 protein of "acute phase". Select such protein from
QuestName:In a patient's blood the activities of the listed below:
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH4, LDH5), alanine C-reactive protein
aminotransferase, carbamoyl ornithinetransferase Prothrombin
are increased. What organ is the pathological G-immunoglobulin
process developing in? Fibrinogen
In skeletal muscles A-immunoglobulin
In the myocardium (myocardial infarction is trueNum:1
possible) QuestName:Which enzyme catalyzes the
In the liver (hepatitis is possible) glucose-6-phosphate formation from glucose in
In kidneys the liver:
In connective tissue Hexosophosphate isomerase
trueNum:3 Glucokinase
QuestName:A patient suffers from hemorrhages Pyruvate kinase
that are associated with the obstruction of the Glucose-6-phosphatase
common bile duct. This symptom is caused by the Phosphoglucomutase
disturbance of assimilation of the vitamin: trueNum:2
Vitamine F QuestName:Point out, what enzyme absence is the
Vitamine A cause of Gierke's disease:
Vitamine E Alfa-1,4-glycosidase
Vitamine D Amylo-1,6-glycosidase
Vitamine K Glycogen branching enzyme
trueNum:5 Glucose-6-phosphatase
QuestName:A child is sluggish and inert. His liver Glycogen phosphorylase
is enlarged. The liver biopsy showed the excess of trueNum:4
glycogen. The concentration of glucose in blood QuestName:Point out the liver enzyme, which
plasma is below the normal range. What is the takes part in the transdeamination of amino acids:
cause of the glucose level decrease in blood? Alfa-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
Reduced (or absent) activity of glycogen Glutamate dehydrogenase
phosphorylase in the liver Glutamate decarboxylase
Reduced (or absent) activity of hexokinase L-Alanine oxidase
Increased activity of glycogen synthase Tryptophan hydroxylase
Increased activity of glucose-6-phosphatase trueNum:2
Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase QuestName:What biochemical process is
trueNum:1 stimulated in the liver and kidneys of a patient
QuestName:Under fatty infiltration of the liver the exhausted by starvation?
Synthesis of bilirubin QuestName:A newborn child manifests symptoms
Synthesis of urea of icterus. The introduction of low doses of
Gluconeogenesis phenobarbital (the inductor of the synthesis of
Formation of hippuric acid UDP-glucuronyltransferase) promoted the
Synthesis of uric acid improvement of the child's clinical state. Which of
trueNum:3 the biochemical processes listed below is
QuestName:Most of the nitrogen amount is activated by the phenobarbital-induced enzyme?
excreted from the body in the form of urea. The Gluconeogenesis
decrease of activity of what liver enzyme results Microsomal oxidation
in inhibiting of urea synthesis and accumulation of Tissue respiration
ammonia in blood and tissues? Conjugation
Carbamoyl phosphate synthase Glycogen synthesis
Aspartate aminotransferase trueNum:4
Urease QuestName:Hepatic detoxification of natural
Amylase metabolites and xenobiotics in the patient's liver is
Pepsin broken. Name a cytochrome, the activity of which
trueNum:1 is presumably decreased:
QuestName:Liver cirrhosis of a patient was Cytochrome c
diagnosed. Determination of which of the Cytochrome oxidase
compounds excreted with urine characterizes the Cytochrome b1
state of antitoxic function of the liver? Cytochrome b
Hippuric acid Cytochrome P450
Ammonia salts trueNum:5
Creatinine QuestName:Microsomal oxidation is a universal
Uric acid biological system that oxidizes non-polar
Amino acids substances including pharmaceutical drugs,
trueNum:1 toxins, steroid hormones and cholesterol. Which
QuestName:Desulfiram is widely used in medical cytochrome takes part in the functioning of
practice to prevent alcocholism. It inhibits one of microsomal oxidation chain?
the dehydrogenases that participate in alcohol Cytochrome c
detoxication. Increased level of what metabolite Cytochrome a3
causes aversion to alcochol? Cytochrome b
Malonyl aldehyde Cytochrome P450
Methanol Cytochrome a
Propionic aldehyde trueNum:4
Acetaldehyde QuestName:Detoxification of xenobiotics
Ethanol (pharmaceutical drugs, epoxides, arenoxides,
trueNum:4 aldehydes, nitro derivates etc.) as well as of
QuestName:Yellowish skin and mucous endogenous metabolites (estradiol, prostaglandins,
membranes of a premature newborn are observed and leukotrienes) takes place in the liver by means
on the second day after delivery. The provisional of their conjugation with:
deficiency of what enzyme is the cause of this Phosphoadenosine
state? Aspartate
Aminolevulenate synthase Glycine
UDP-glucuronyltransferase S-Adenosylmethionine
Heme oxygenase Glutathione
Heme synthase trueNum:5
Biliverdin reductase QuestName:For the treatment of icterus,
trueNum:2 barbiturates that induce the synthesis of UDP-
glucuronyltransferase are prescribed. The curative QuestName:Find the enzyme participating in the
effect of barbiturates is conditioned by the function of the microsomal monooxygenase chain:
formation of: HADH – dehydrogenase
Direct (conjugated) bilirubin Cytochrome b
Indirect (non-conjugated) bilirubin Cytochrome c1
Biliverdin Cytochrome c
Protoporphyrin Cytochrome P450
Heme trueNum:5
trueNum:1 QuestName:Point out the amino acid, which is
QuestName:Study of conversion of a food conjugative agent at the detoxification of
colouring agent revealed that neutralization of this xenobiotics in the liver:
xenobiotic takes place only in the firs phase - Tryptophan
microsomal oxydation. Name a component of this Glycine
phase: Valine
Cytochrome Р450 Leucine
Cytochrome oxidase Histidine
Cytochrome A trueNum:2
Cytochrome C QuestName:Point out the liver enzyme
Cytochrome B participating in the neutralization of xenobiotics,
trueNum:1 their metabolites and harmful endogenous
QuestName:A full-term newborn child has products:
yellowish skin and mucous membranes. This Glutamine synthetase
might be probably caused by temporary Glutamate dehydrogenase
deficiency of the following enzyme: Alanine aminotransferase
Biliverdin reductase Carbomoyl phosphate synthetase
Heme synthetase UDP - glucuronyl transferase
Uridine transferase trueNum:5
Heme oxygenase QuestName:Point out the peptide participating in
UDP-glucoronyltransferase the conjugation of some harmful products in the
trueNum:5 liver:
QuestName:Point out the main place of the Glutathion
location of the microsomal oxidation in a cell: Methionine
Nucleus Trialanine
Cytoplasm Oxytocin
ER, smooth part Prolylproline
ER, rough part trueNum:1
Lysosomes QuestName:The benzoic acid has the formula
trueNum:3 C6H5-COOH and causes the cytotoxic effect at its
QuestName:Find the correct definition of the term accumulation in the liver. Choose the conjugative
"xenobiotic": agent for this substance:
A substance that is an obligatory component of Glycine
food products PAPS
A substance that is unnatural for human body S - adenosyl methionine
A substance that is synthesized in small quantities Glutathion
in humans Urea
A substance that regulates metabolism in the cell trueNum:1
A substance that is a terminal product of QuestName:Point out the enzyme located in the
metabolism cytoplasm of hepatocytes and participating in the
trueNum:2 modification of xenobiotics:
Glutamine dehydrogenase Hyperaldosteronism
Pyruvate dehydrogenase trueNum:1
Cytochrome oxidase QuestName:A 65 year old man suffering from
Cytochrome P450 gout complains of kidney pain. Ultrasound
Alcohol dehydrogenase examination revealed renal calculi. The most
trueNum:5 probable cause of calculi formation is the
QuestName:There is a peptide in a human body strengthened concentration of the following
which in the formation of the γ-carboxylic group substance:
of glutamate takes part. What is this peptide Bilirubin
called? Cystine
Vasopressin Cholesterol
Carnosine Uric acid
Anserine Urea
Oxytocin trueNum:4
Glutathione QuestName:The increase urinary excretion of
trueNum:5 what substances can cause the development of
QuestName:A patient with encephalopathy was nephrolithiasis (kidney’s stones)?
admitted to neurological department. Correlation Amino acids and indican
of increasing encephalopathy and substances Sulfates and chlorides
absorbed by the bloodstream from the intestines Sulfates and urea
was revealed. What substances created in the Urates and phosphates
intestines can cause endotoxemia? Carbonates, hydrocarbonates and citrate.
Butyrate trueNum:4
Indole QuestName:As a result of long-term starvation the
Acetoacetate glomerular filtration of a man was accelerated by
Biotin 20%. The most probable cause of filtration
Ornithine changes under such conditions is:
trueNum:2 Rise of systemic arterial pressure
endTem; Growth of filtration coefficient
Increase of renal plasma flow
Increased permeability of renal filter
newTem; Fall of oncotic pressure of blood plasma
name:6. Biochemistry of kidney and urine. trueNum:5
QuestName:What from the next compounds does QuestName:A 4 year old child with hereditary
not synthesized in kidney’s? renal lesion has signs of rickets, vitamin D
Calcitriol concentration in blood is normal. What is the most
Erythropoietin probable cause of rickets development?
Renin Impaired synthesis of calcitriol
Prostaglandins Lack of calcium in food
Urea Hypofunction of parathyroid glands
trueNum:5 Hyperfunction of parathyroid glands
QuestName:Chronic glomerulonephritis was Increased excretion of calcium
diagnosed in a 34-year-old patient 3 years ago. trueNum:1
Edema has developed in the last 6 monthes. What QuestName:A patient consulted a doctor with
cause of it? complaints of frequent and abundant urination,
Proteinuria thirst. The urine analysis showed the following:
Hyperproduction of vasopressin diuresis — 19 1/day, density of urine 100,1. What
Disorder of proteins reabsorbtion disease are these symptoms characteristic of?
Hyperosmolarity of plasma Diabetes mellitus
Steroid diabetes Porphyrin
Diabetes insipidus trueNum:1
Thyrotoxicosis QuestName:Two weeks after lacunar tonsillitis a
Addison's disease 20-year-old man started complaining about
trueNum:3 general weakness, lower eyelid edema. After
QuestName:After a brain hemorrhage that led to examination the patient was diagnosed with acute
the damage of hypotalamic nuclei, diabetes glomerulonephritis. What are the most likely
insipidus of a 67-year-old patient developed. What pathological changes in the urine formula?
became the reason of polyuria in this case? Presence of leukocytes
Hypoglycemia Natriuria
Decrease of potassium ions reabsorbtion Polyuria
Acceleration of glomerular filtration Cylindruria
Hyperglycemia Proteinuria
Decrease of water reabsorbtion trueNum:5
trueNum:5 QuestName:The activities of amylase in the
QuestName:The diuresis in healthy adults is patient's urine and blood are increased, trypsin is
about: present in the urine. What organ is the
400-700 ml pathological process taking place in?
1000-2000 ml Liver
2000-3000 ml Pancreas
700-900 ml Stomach
3000-4000 ml. Kidney
trueNum:2 Intestine
QuestName:What hormone is produced by trueNum:2
specialized cells of the kidneys? QuestName:A patient developed glucosuria. The
Insulin level of glucose in the blood is within the normal
Cortisol range. The clinical situation observed is the result
Gastrin of the disorder of the process of:
Erythropoietin Gluconeogenesis
Epinephrine Catabolism of glycogen of kidneys
trueNum:4 Function of kidney glomerulus
QuestName:Patient experienced increased Function of kidney tubules
susceptibility of the skin to the sunlight. His urine Glycolysis
after some time became dark-red. What is the trueNum:4
most likely cause of this? QuestName:A 36-year-old patient suffers from
Porphyria collagenose. The increase of which metabolite
Hemolytic jaundice would be most probably detected in his urine?
Albinism Indican
Pellagra Hydroxyproline
Alkaptonuria Creatinine
trueNum:1 Urea
QuestName:A patient with suspected diagnosis Urobilinogen
"progressing muscular dystrophy" got his urine trueNum:2
tested. What compound will confirm this QuestName:The determination of activity of what
diagnosis if found in urine? enzyme in the urine is required as a diagnostic test
Myoglobin for the verification of acute pancreatitis?
Calmodulin Amylase
Collagen Lactate dehydrogenase
Creatinine Creatine kinase
Aldolase oxyproline level was detected in the patient's daily
Alanine aminopeptidase urine output that first and foremost testifies to the
trueNum:1 stimulation of the disintegration of:
QuestName:The increased level of homogentisate Keratin
is revealed in the urine of a three-month child. Collagen
Being exposed to the open air, the urine become’s Albumin
dark. Which of the following inherited diseases Elastin
are the described symptoms typical of? Fibrinogen
Cystinuria trueNum:2
Phenylketonuria QuestName:A patient with a suspicion of gout was
Albinism brought to a clinic. What biochemical analysis it is
Aminoaciduria necessary to perform to confirm the diagnosis?
Alcaptonuria Determination of amino acids level in the blood
trueNum:5 Determination of concentration of urea in the
QuestName:Appearance of sugar and ketone blood and urine
bodies is revealed in the patient's urine. Blood Determination of creatine level in the blood
glucose concentration is 12,1 mM/1. What is a Measurement of urease activity in the blood
presumptive diagnosis of the patient? Determination of uric acid level in the blood and
Atherosclerosis urine
Diabetes mellitus trueNum:5
Toxic hepatitis QuestName:A newborn child was found to have
Pancreatitis reduced intensity of sucking, frequent vomiting,
Myocardial infarction. hypotonia. Urine and blood exhibit increased
trueNum:2 concentration of citrulline. What metabolic
QuestName:A 40-year-old woman diagnosed with process is disturbed?
diabetes mellitus is admitted to a department of Gluconeogenesis
endocrinology. The patient complains of thirst and Cori cycle
increased hunger. What pathological components Tricarboxylic acid cycle
are exposed at laboratory research of the patient's Glycolysis
urine? Urea cycle
Glucose, ketone bodies trueNum:5
Proteins, amino acids QuestName:A patient complains about dyspnea
Proteins, creatine provoked by the physical activity. Clinical
Bilirubin, urobilin examination revealed anaemia and presence of the
Blood paraprotein in the zone of gamma-globulins. To
trueNum:1 confirm the myeloma diagnosis it is necessary to
QuestName:Laboratory analysis of the urine of a determine the following index in the patient’s
six-day infant displayed excessive concentration urine:
of phenylpyruvate and phenylacetate. Metabolism Antitrypsin
of what amino acid is disturbed in the body of the Ceruloplasmin
child? Bilirubin
Methionine Hemoglobin
Tryptophan Bence Jones proteins
Phenylalanine trueNum:5
Histidine QuestName:The patient with complaints of
Arginine permanent thirst applied to the doctor.
trueNum:3 Hyperglycemia, polyuria and increased
QuestName:A 53-year-old man had Paget's concentration of 17-ketosteroids in the urine were
disease diagnosed. The sharp increase of revealed. What disease is the most likely?
Steroid diabetes QuestName:Fresh urine of newborn with FeCl3
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus gives olive-green colour. Which amino acid must
Myxoedema be eliminating from child diet?
Type I glycogen storage disease Aspartic acid
Addison's disease Phenylalanine
trueNum:1 Alanine
QuestName:Point out the substance that appears Tyrosine
in the urine in case of alkaptonuria: Glutamine
Fructose trueNum:2
Protein trueNum:1
Homogentisic acid endTem;
QuestName:Point out the pathological component
in the urine:
Uric acid
Amonium sults
QuestName:Choose the urine component, whose
concentration increases at consuming a lot of meat
Uric acid
Ketone bodies
QuestName:The concentration of what urine
component will decrease in case of viral hepatitis:
Ketone bodies
QuestName:Indican is present in urine in a big
amount. It can be in case of:
Intensive muscular work
Diabetes mellitus
Intensive decay of proteins in the intestine
Kidney insufficiency
Inflammatory processes in urinary tract

XII. Biochemistry of connective tissues hydroxylysine. Which of the following substances
and bone. take part in the hydroxylation of proline and
newTem; lysine during the synthesis?
name:7. Biochemistry of the connective tissue. Aspartic acid
QuestName:Different substances, including Folic acid
polysaccharide of natural origin, are used as Pantothenic acid
anticoagulants. Choose the polysaccharide of Glutamic acid
natural origin: Ascorbic acid
Heparin trueNum:5
Hyaluronic acid QuestName:Destruction of protein and
Dermatane sulfate polysaccharide components of connective tissue
Chondroitine sulfate occurs in case of parodontal disease. Which of the
Dextran following proteins does connective tissue include?
trueNum:1 Collagen
QuestName:Increased breaking of vessels, enamel Albumin
and dentine destruction in scurvy patients are Transferrin
caused by disorder of collagen maturing. What Ceruloplasmin
stage of modification of procollagen is disordered Antitrypsin
in this avitaminosis? trueNum:1
Hydroxylation of proline QuestName:Hydroxyproline is an essential amino
Formation of polypeptide chains acid in the collagen structure. Which of the
Glycosylation of hydroxylysine residues following vitamins takes part in the formation of
Removal of C-ended peptide from procollagen this amino acid by the proline hydroxylation
Detaching of N-ended peptide pathway?
trueNum:1 Vitamine B1
QuestName:Examination of a patient suffering Vitamine D
from frequent haemorrhages in the inner organs Vitamine C
and mucous membranes revealed proline and Vitamine B2
lysine being included in collagen fibers. Vitamine B6
Impairment of their hydroxylation is caused by trueNum:3
lack of the following vitamin: QuestName:A patient with frequent bleedings
Vitamine C inside the internal organs and mucous membranes
Vitamine K was found having proline and lysine in the
Vitamine D collagen fibers composition. What vitamin
Vitamine E absence results in the disturbance of these amino
Vitamine A acids hydroxylation?
trueNum:1 Vitamine C
QuestName:Synovial fluid is known to decrease Vitamine E
the friction of joints' surfaces. Under rheumatism Vitamine K
or arthritis its viscosity goes down because of the Vitamine A
depolymerization (destruction) of: Vitamine D
Albumin trueNum:1
Glycogen QuestName:A patient suffering from collagenose
Collagen manifests signs of connective tissue destruction.
Heparin The rise of blood concentration of what
Hyaluronic acid substances confirms the presumptive diagnosis of
trueNum:5 the disease?
QuestName:The collagen molecule is known to Isoforms of LDH
contain such amino acids as hydroxyproline and Creatine and creatinine
Oxyproline and oxylysine likely to reveal an increased concentration of the
Transaminases following metabolite:
Urates Urea
trueNum:3 Indican
QuestName:A 38-year-old woman suffers from Creatinine
rheumatism in its active phase. The determination Oxyproline
of which of the following laboratory indexes is Urobilinogen
essential for diagnostics in case of the pathology? trueNum:4
Urea QuestName:Examination of a patient revealed
Uric acid typical presentations of collagenosis. This
C-reactive protein pathology is characterized by increase of the
Creatinine following urine index:
Transferrin Arginine
trueNum:3 Hydroxyproline
QuestName:The increase of concentrations of Glucose
oxyproline, oxylysine, and C-reactive protein is Mineral salts
revealed in the patient's blood serum. The Ammonium salts
exacerbation of which pathology occurs? trueNum:2
Enterocolitis QuestName:Examination of a patient revealed
Rheumatism overgrowth of facial bones and soft tissues, tongue
Hepatitis enlargement, wide interdental spaces in the
Bronchitis enlarged dental arch. What changes of the
Pancreatitis hormonal secretion are the most likely?
trueNum:2 Hyposecretion of insulin
QuestName:The rise of hyaluronidase activity is Hyposecretion of thyroxin
detected in the patient's blood serum. The Hyposecretion of the somatotropic hormone
determination of what biochemical index of blood Hypersecretion of insulin
serum will help to confirm the assumption as for Hypersecretion of the somatotropic hormone
the pathology of the connective tissue? trueNum:5
Galactose QuestName:Which glucosaminoglycan has the
Bilirubin largest length and molecular mass:
Uric acid Chondroitin sulphate
Glucose Dermatan sulphate
Sialic acid Keratan sulphate
trueNum:5 Heparin
QuestName:A 30-year-old woman has been ill for Hyaluronic acid
about a year: she complains of pain, reddening of trueNum:5
skin and edema in the area of joints. A preliminary QuestName:A patient who is ill with scurvy
diagnosis is rheumatoid arthritis. One of the most displays disturbed processes of connective tissue
probable causes of this disease is the change in the formation that leads to loosening and falling of
structure of the connective tissue protein: teeth. Disturbed activity of what enzyme causes
Myosin these symptoms?
Mucin Lisilhydroxylase
Collagen Glycosiltransferase
Ovalbumin Elastase
Troponin Procollagenpeptidase of N-terminal peptide
trueNum:3 Procollagenpeptidase of C-terminal peptide
QuestName: A 36-year-old female patient has a trueNum:1
history of collagen disease. Urine analysis is endTem;
Alkaline phosphatase
newTem; Acid phosphatase
name:8. Biochemistry of bone. trueNum:4
QuestName:A 53-year-old man had Paget's QuestName:Organic matter of bone contains
disease diagnosed. The sharp increase of different proteins. Which of them is the main
oxyproline level was detected in the patient's daily component?
urine output that first and foremost testifies to the Collagen type I
stimulation of the disintegration of: Collagen type II
Keratin Collagen type V
Collagen Elastin
Albumin Osteocalcin
Elastin trueNum:1
Fibrinogen QuestName:Organic matter of bone contains
trueNum:2 different proteins. Which of them can serve as
QuestName:A doctor examined a child and docking site for calcium ions?
revealed symptoms of rickets. Development of Osteocalcin
this desease was caused by deficiency of the Osteopontin
following compound: Collagen
Naphtaquinone Fibronectin
Retinol Proteoglycan
1,25 [ОН]-dihydroxycholecalciferol trueNum:1
Tocopherol QuestName:Organic matter of bone contains
Biotin different proteins. Which of them forms a link
trueNum:3 between organic and inorganic bone components?
QuestName:During examination of an 11-month- Osteonectin
old infant a pediatrician revealed osteoectasia of Osteocalcin
the lower extremities and delayed mineralization Collagen
of cranial bones. Such pathology is usually Proteoglycan
provoked by the deficit of the following vitamin: Calmodulin
Bioflavonoids trueNum:1
Cholecalciferol QuestName:Protein osteocalcin serves as docking
Riboflavin site for calcium ions during bone formation.
Pantothenic acid Residues of which amino acid form this site?
Thiamin Glutamate
trueNum:2 Aspartate
QuestName:Calcium-binding protein of bone is: Glutamine
Collagen Asparagine
Elastin Alanine
Osteocalcin trueNum:1
Calcitonin QuestName:Protein osteocalcin serves as docking
Calmodulin site for calcium ions during bone formation.
trueNum:3 Which vitamin is necessary for docking site
QuestName:What enzyme hydrolyses the creation?
phosphate esters of organic compounds and Vitamin К
increases the level of phosphate anions for bone Vitamin A
mineralization? Vitamin D
Hexokinase Vitamin B1
Glucokinase Vitamin E
Glucose-6-phosphatase trueNum:1
QuestName:Protein osteocalcin serves as docking trueNum:1
site for calcium ions during bone formation. QuestName:Osteoclasts resorb bone mineral due
Which covalent modification of glutamate to acidic dissolution. Which enzyme of osteoclasts
residues in polypeptide chain is necessary for is required for H+ production?
docking site creation? Carbonic anhydrase
Gamma-carboxylation Lactate dehydrogenase
Alfa-carboxylation Pyruvate dehydrogenase
Phosphorylation Catalase
Methylation Peroxidase
Acetylation trueNum:1
trueNum:1 QuestName:Osteoclasts resorb bone mineral due
QuestName:Vitamin K is necessary to carboxylate to acidic dissolution. Which transport protein
glutamate residues into blood clotting factors and located into osteoclast ruffled border is
bone proteins. This reaction is required for responsible for acidification of bone matrix
binding of: surface?
Ca2+ Proton pump
Cl- Calcium pump
Na+ Sodium pump
K+ Magnesium channel
Phosphate Calcium channel
trueNum:1 trueNum:1
QuestName:Hydroxyapatite is a hard bone QuestName:Osteoclasts resorb organic and
mineral forming crystals. Which enzyme of mineral components during bone remodeling.
osteoblasts is necessary to form hydroxyapatite Which enzymes digest bone matrix proteins?
crystals? Lysosomal proteases
Alkaline phosphatase Lysosomal transferases
Acid phosphatase Cytoplasmic proteases
Glucose-6-phosphatase Mitochondrial proteases
Collagenase Cytoplasmic transferases
Carbonic anhydrase trueNum:1
trueNum:1 QuestName:Bone is a dynamic structure that
QuestName:Hydroxyapatite is a hard bone undergoes continuing cycles of resorption and
mineral forming crystals. Which enzyme of formation. Which pH is optimal for bone
osteoclasts is necessary to dissolve hydroxyapatite demineralization?
crystals? 4.0
Acid phosphatase 6.0
Alkaline phosphatase 8.0
Glucose-6-phosphatase 10.0
Collagenase 1.0
Hydrolase trueNum:1
trueNum:1 QuestName:Bone is a dynamic structure that
QuestName:Osteoclasts resorb bone mineral due undergoes continuing cycles of resorption and
to acidic dissolution. Which process is the source formation. Which pH is optimal for bone mineral
of H+ into cells for acidification? deposition?
Production and dissociation of carbonic acid 7.6
Production and dissociation of phosphoric acid 5.5
Production and dissociation of lactic acid 3.0
Production and dissociation of hydrochloric acid 1.0
Production and dissociation of pyruvic acid 10.0
QuestName:Genetic disease osteogenesis
imperfecta is characterized by abnormal fragility
of bones. Patients with this disease have mutations
in genes of:
Lysyl oxidase
Lysyl hydroxylase
Prolyl hydroxylase
QuestName:Osteoblasts produce the organic part
of the bone matrix. Which hormone inhibits
protein synthesis by osteoblasts?
Growth hormone

XIII. Biochemistry of the muscles, QuestName:Skeletal muscle pain during physical
immune and nervous system. work is a characteristic sign of glycogenosis. The
inherited deficiency of what enzyme does this
newTem; pathology result from?
name:9. Biochemistry of muscles. Glycogen phosphorylase
QuestName:An 18-year-old patient has muscle Glucose-6-phosphatase
dystrophy diagnosed. The rise of what blood Glycogen synthetase
serum component concentration is the most Amylo-1.6-glycosidase
prospective diagnostic index of the pathology? Lysosomal glycosidase
Creatine trueNum:1
Hemoglobin QuestName:A 1-year-old child was brought to a
Myosin clinic with signs of muscle weakness. Through the
Lactate inspection, the deficiency of carnitine in the
Alanine muscles was determined. The biochemical
trueNum:1 mechanism of the development of this pathology
QuestName:A patient with suspected diagnosis consists in the disorder of the process of:
"progressing muscular dystrophy" got his urine Transport of fatty acids into mitochondria
tested. What compound will confirm this Regulation of the level of Ca2+ in mitochondria
diagnosis if found in urine? Substrate level phosphorylation
Myoglobin Lactate utilization
Calmodulin Synthesis of actin and myosin
Collagen trueNum:1
Creatine QuestName:A 46-year-old female has been
Porphyrin suffering from progressive myodystrophy
trueNum:4 (Duchenne's disease) for a long time. The change
QuestName:The activities of lactate of catalytic activity of what blood enzyme proves
dehydrogenase (LDH 1 , LDH 2 ), aspartate to be a diagnostic test for the disease?
aminotransferase, creatine kinase in the blood of a Lactate dehydrogenase
patient are increased. In which of the following Creatine kinase
organs is the pathological process probably Pyruvate dehydrogenase
developing? Glutamate dehydrogenase
In the myocardium (the initial stage of myocardial Adenylate kinase
infarction) trueNum:2
n the skeletal muscles (dystrophy, atrophy) QuestName:A patient with serious damage of
In the kidneys and adrenal glands muscular tissue was admitted to the
In the connective tissue traumatological department. What biochemical
In the liver and kidneys urine index will be increased in this case?
trueNum:1 Common lipids
QuestName:A 34-year-old patient's resistance to Uric acid
heavy physical load is reduced while the skeletal Creatine
muscles glycogen level is increased. By Mineral salts
decreasing of the activity of what enzyme can this Glucose
phenomenon be explained? trueNum:3
Phosphofructokinase QuestName:A considerable rise of activities of
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase MB-form of creatine kinase and LDH1, is revealed
Glycogen phosphorylase in the blood of a patient. Name the most probable
Glycogen synthetase pathology:
Glucose-6-phosphatase Hepatitis
trueNum:3 Myocardial infarction
Rheumatism disease diagnosting during the first hours after the
Pancreatitis myocardial infarction?
Cholecystitis Glutamate dehydrogenase
trueNum:2 Aspartate aminotransferase
QuestName:A presumptive diagnosis of a patient Alanine aminotransferase
is myocardial infarction. A typical sign of this Lactate dehydrogenase
disease is a significant increase of blood activity Creatine kinase
of the following enzyme: trueNum:5
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase QuestName:Aerobic oxidation of substrates is
Catalase typical of a cardiac muscle. Which of the
Creatine kinase following is the major oxidation substrate of a
Alfa-Amylase cardiac muscle?
Arginase Fatty acids
trueNum:3 Triacylglycerols
QuestName:A 47-year-old patient was brought to Glycerol
an emergency department with the diagnosis of Glucose
myocardial infarction. What lactate Amino acids
dehydrogenase (LDH) fraction's activity would trueNum:1
prevail in the patient's blood serum during the first QuestName:12 hours after an accute attack of
two days after hospitalization? retrosternal pain a patient presented a jump of
LDH4 aspartate aminotransferase activity in blood
LDH6 serum. What pathology is this deviation typical
LDH3 for?
LDH1 Myocardial infarction
LDH5. Diabetes insipidus
trueNum:4 Collagenosis
QuestName:A 50-year-old woman was brought to Diabetes mellitus
an emergency clinic with the diagnosis of Viral hepatitis
myocardial infarction. The activity of what trueNum:1
enzyme will prevail in her blood plasma during QuestName:A 49-year-old driver complains about
the first two days after hospitalization? unbearable constricting pain behind the
Alkaline phosphatase breastbone irradiating to the neck. The pain arose
Gamma-Glutamyl transpeptidase 2 hours ago. Objectively: the patient’s condition is
Aspartate aminotransferase grave, he is pale, heart tones are decreased.
Acidic phosphatase Laboratory studies revealed high activity of
Hexokinase creatine kinase and LDH1. What disease are these
trueNum:3 symptoms typical for?
QuestName:After 12 hours of acute pain behind Acute myocardial infarction
the breastbone, the essential rise of blood plasma Diabetes mellitus
aspartate aminotransferase activity occured. What Acute pancreatitis
pathology are the mentioned symptoms typical of? Cholelithiasis
Collagenose Stenocardia
Viral hepatitis trueNum:1
Myocardial infarction QuestName:A 70 year old man is ill with vascular
Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus atherosclerosis of lower extremities and coronary
Diabetes insipidus heart disease. Examination revealed disturbance
trueNum:3 of lipid blood composition. The main factor of
QuestName:The determination of which of the atherosclerotic pathogenesis is the excess of the
below listed enzymes is most informative for the following lipoproteins:
Low-density lipoproteins
Intermediate density lipoproteins
High-density lipoproteins
QuestName:At researching of energetic exchange
in a muscular cell the specific system of energy
supply has been revealed. Point out this system:
Renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system
Creatine phosphate kinase system
Adenylate cyclase system
Guanylate cyclase system
Glutathione reductase system

newTem; trueNum:2
name:10. Biochemistry of the immune system. QuestName:By the chemical nature
QuestName:In order to speed up healing of a immunoglobulins are:
wound of oral mucosa a patient was prescribed a Lipoproteins
drug that is a thermostable protein occuring in Phosphoproteins
tears, saliva, mother's milk as well as in a new-laid Hemoproteins
hen's egg. It is known that this protein is a factor Glycoproteins
of natural resistance of an organism. How is it Nucleoproteins
called? trueNum:4
Lysozyme QuestName:Which of these statements about
Interferon antibody structure is not true?
Interleukin They consist of 2 light and 2 heavy polypeptide
Amylase chains
Mucine Polypeptide chains contain constant and variable
trueNum:1 parts (domains)
QuestName:Blood plasma of a healthy man Light chains consist of 2 domains – 1 constant and
contains several dozens of proteins. During an 1 variable
illness new proteins can originate, namely the Heavy chains consist of 4 domains – 1 variable
protein of "acute phase". Select such protein from and 3 constant
the listed below: The monomeric Ig molecules hold 1 antigen
C-reactive protein binding site, the oligomeric Ig molecules – 2 or 5
Prothrombin trueNum:5
IgG immunoglobulins QuestName:Which cells produce
Fibrinogen immunoglobulins?
IgA immunoglobulins Macrophages
trueNum:1 Helper T cells
QuestName:A patient complains about dyspnea Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
provoked by the physical activity. Clinical Plasma cells
examination revealed anaemia and presence of the Hepatocytes
paraprotein in the zone of gamma-globulins. To trueNum:4
confirm the myeloma diagnosis it is necessary to QuestName:How many classes of
determine the following index in the patient’s immunoglobulins there are:
urine: 3
Antitrypsin 4
Ceruloplasmin 5
Bilirubin 6
Haemoglobin 7
Bence Jones proteins trueNum:3
trueNum:5 QuestName:The protective function of human
QuestName:To prevent the transplant rejection saliva is realized in some ways, including the
after organ transplantation it is required to presence of an enzyme which shows bactericidal
administer hormonotherapy for the purpose of action accomplished by the lysis of membrane
immunosuppression. What hormones are used for polysaccharides complexes of staphylococci and
this purpose? streptococci. Choose this enzyme from the
Sexual hormones following:
Glucocorticoids Collagenase
Catecholamines Amylase
Mineralocorticoids Oligo [l→6]-glucosidase
Thyroid hormones Lysozyme
Beta -Glucuronidase


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