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Holiday postcards


Do you like writing postcards?

Do you like getting postcards?
How many postcards do you write from a holiday?
How many postcards do you get from friends?
Which postcards do you like? (with examples)
What sort of things do you write on postcards?

Task 1

You get this postcard from a friend in England. Read it and choose the correct
answer, a) or b), below.

Hi Charlie,
How are you? I hope you
are well. We are in
Cornwall on holiday. C. Morgan
The weather is great
here. Can we come and 5 Islington Road
see you in September?
Please write or phone
and tell us. Wales
Love from Fiona

1) Fiona is
a) at home.
b) in Cornwall.

2) The weather is
a) bad.
b) good.

3) Fiona wants to
a) visit you.
b) write to you.

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Holiday postcards
Task 2
Complete the reply postcard from the words in the box. Remember there are more
words than spaces!

bad come dear go from

good how in love us
well when where who you

(1) ..................... Fiona,

Thank you for your lovely postcard (2) ....................

Cornwall. I am (3) ...................., thanks. (4) ....................

are you and Jon? The weather is (5) .................... here

too. Of course (6) .................... can come and see (7)

.................... . Tell me (8) .................... you want to (9)


(10) .................... from Charlie

Task 3
Write a holiday postcard to a friend. Here are some ideas:
Tell your friend ...
• how you are
• something about you / your family
• the food
• the hotel / place you are staying
• the weather
• where you are

Decide what order to put the points in before you start writing!


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Holiday postcards

Topic: Postcards
Skills: Reading and Writing
Level : A1 Beginner
Time: 30 minutes
Material:picture postcards brought to class by teacher or learners, with or without messages

This worksheet can be can be used with mixed groups as well as extended to include other activities
and topics (e.g. holidays, weather). The warm-up, the lead-in activity and the worksheet can all be
done/covered/studied in class. Alternatively, the warm-up and the lead-in activity can be done in
class (in pairs or groups) and the worksheet can be used for self-study.

You can bring in several holiday picture postcards to class with the original messages. Pictures and
messages can be compared. Reading and understanding the authentic messages is not the main
learning objective but has several advantages. It:
• is fun
• is extra reading practice
• provides examples of authentic material in authentic handwriting
• can help learners to formulate their own messages
• adds a personal touch.
Students can also be asked to bring postcards. These can be used with the your postcards to talk about
and compare the pictures and what people write on holiday postcards.
If you have blank postcards, these can be given to the students for the homework activity.
The instructions for writing a postcard can be varied according to the level of the individual student.
For example, you may want to ask students to include all the points, to write about at least three of
the points, or to write about as many of the points as they want to.

Task 1
1. b
2. b
3. a

Task 2
1. Dear
2. from
3. well
4. How
5. good
6. you
7. us
8. when
9. come
10. love
Note: You may want to point out capital letters at the beginnings of sentences if you have any example
postcards in class, or remind students to look at the postcard in Task 1.

You may like to give this activity as homework after you have completed the worksheet:
Write postcards (e- or real) in English to the teacher and/or each other.

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