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Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation

IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development

Anand Nayyar · Akshi Kumar Editors

A Roadmap to Industry 4.0:

Smart Production, Sharp
Business and Sustainable
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation

IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable


Editorial Board Members

Anna Laura Pisello, Department of Engineering, University of Perugia, Italy
Dean Hawkes, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Hocine Bougdah, University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, UK
Federica Rosso, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Hassan Abdalla, University of East London, London, UK
Sofia-Natalia Boemi, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Nabil Mohareb, Faculty of Architecture - Design and Built Environment, Beirut Arab
University, Beirut, Lebanon
Saleh Mesbah Elkaffas, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, Egypt
Emmanuel Bozonnet, University of la Rochelle, La Rochelle, France
Gloria Pignatta, University of Perugia, Italy
Yasser Mahgoub, Qatar University, Qatar
Luciano De Bonis, University of Molise, Italy
Stella Kostopoulou, Regional and Tourism Development, University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Biswajeet Pradhan, Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney,
Md. Abdul Mannan, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
Chaham Alalouch, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
Iman O. Gawad, Helwan University, Egypt
Anand Nayyar, Graduate School, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam

Series Editor
Mourad Amer, International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange
(IEREK), Cairo, Egypt
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI) is a series of peer-reviewed books
based on the best studies on emerging research that redefines existing disciplinary boundaries
in science, technology and innovation (STI) in order to develop integrated concepts for
sustainable development. The series is mainly based on the best research papers from various
IEREK and other international conferences, and is intended to promote the creation and
development of viable solutions for a sustainable future and a positive societal transformation
with the help of integrated and innovative science-based approaches. Offering interdisciplinary
coverage, the series presents innovative approaches and highlights how they can best support
both the economic and sustainable development for the welfare of all societies. In particular,
the series includes conceptual and empirical contributions from different interrelated fields of
science, technology and innovation that focus on providing practical solutions to ensure food,
water and energy security. It also presents new case studies offering concrete examples of how
to resolve sustainable urbanization and environmental issues. The series is addressed to
professionals in research and teaching, consultancies and industry, and government and
international organizations. Published in collaboration with IEREK, the ASTI series will
acquaint readers with essential new studies in STI for sustainable development.

More information about this series at

Anand Nayyar • Akshi Kumar

A Roadmap to Industry 4.0:

Smart Production, Sharp
Business and Sustainable
Anand Nayyar Akshi Kumar
Graduate School Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Duy Tan University Delhi Technological University
Da Nang, Vietnam New Delhi, India

ISSN 2522-8714 ISSN 2522-8722 (electronic)

Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation
IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development
ISBN 978-3-030-14543-9 ISBN 978-3-030-14544-6 (eBook)

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

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I am delighted to write the foreword for this book on A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart
Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development, edited by Dr. Nayyar and
Dr. Kumar. This book is a practical guide that helps you discover the technologies and use
cases for Industry 4.0 applications.
The Internet of things, big data and analytics, robotic systems, and additive manufacturing
have introduced the buzzwords “Productivity 4.0,” “Logistics 4.0,” and “Sustainability 4.0” in
coherence to this fourth generation of industrial revolution. Integrating physical flows, infor-
mation flows, and financial flows by adopting smart equipment and intelligent systems for
manufacturing and service industries is what defines this paradigm of smart manufacturing and
operational excellence with advanced decision technologies. But this industrial Internet
presents inevitable new challenges such as cybersecurity, perpetual connectivity, redundancy
of jobs, and potentially unexpected environmental derivatives in adopting this as a global
business management practice. This book examines the key technological advances that form
the pillars of Industry 4.0 and explores their potential technical and economic benefits using
examples of real-world applications. It is a comprehensive guide defining the conceptual
framework and roadmap for decision-makers for this revolutionary approach.
Moreover, the prospects of sustainable development have started to unfold through the
opportunities which Industry 4.0 is providing. For example, socially, Industry 4.0 is already
assisting in the efforts to improve human lives and health where manufacturing with big data
and analytics together with augmented reality diagnoses patients with health irregularities and
ascertain prognosis. More recently, the government reliance on Industry 4.0 technologies has
become a part of the digital economy with products and processes like smart cities, 3D printers,
market spaces, zero waste, and smart trash. Thus, the maturity and growth of instrumentation,
monitoring, and automation as technology drivers support Industry 4.0 is a key to a sharp,
viable, competent, and actionable business model. This has compelled the researchers and the
practitioners of Industry 4.0 to strive for and integrate the Sustainable Development Goals, or
SDGs, such as prosperity, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. At the same time,
to overcome the environmental, economic, and social predicament of the current and the future,
the challenges in sustainable development have to be tackled by both advancements of
technology and people. This book intends to demonstrate the synergy between the innovations
of Industry 4.0, which help making the societies better, saving lives, creating efficiencies,
interconnectivity, and ultimately, sustainable
With the changing dynamics of global production, this book will be of interest to academia,
industry practitioners, and researchers globally. It is my hope and expectation that this book will
provide an effective learning experience and referenced resource for implementation and
workforce transformation guiding toward a sustainable, intelligent, innovative, Internet of
things industry.

Al-Balqa Applied University Jafar Al-Zubi

As-Salt, Jordan


Business innovation and industrial intelligence pave the way to a future in which smart
factories, intelligent machines, networked processes, and big data are brought together to foster
industrial growth and shift the modalities. Industry 4.0 or the industrial Internet of things is the
latest catchphrase of technological innovation in manufacturing with the goal to increase
productivity in a flexible and efficient manner. This radical transformation which is changing
the way in which manufacturers operate is powered by various foundational technology
advances. The creation of “smart factories” using the emergent paradigm of Industry 4.0
includes a fully integrated, automated, and optimized production flow largely based on
cyber-physical interaction and its configuration to the Internet of things, big data, and cloud
This book intends to demonstrate the synergy between the innovations of Industry 4.0,
which help making societies better, saving lives, creating efficiencies, interconnectivity, and
ultimately, sustainable. It offers a primer to understand the paradigm shift of industrial revolu-
tion from Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0, that is, the way business models, strategy formulation
and implementation, and management approaches for firms operating in the new outlined
scenario are willing to achieve sustainable development and/or foster sustainability. The
focus is to comprehend the necessary preconditions, development, and technological aspects
that conceptually describe this transformation along with the understanding of practices,
models, and real-time experiences to achieve a sustainable smart manufacturing technology.
At the same time, the vision is to understand how smart products and Industry 4.0 technologies
could generate significant economic, environmental, and social benefits.
The book is organized into 11 chapters. The topics are intelligibly explained with sufficient
illustrations, examples, and case studies to reinforce the concepts covered within the text. The
primary objective is to address significant fundamental what, how, and why within the domain
congregating sustainability to overcome the difficult environmental, economic, and social
problems of today and tomorrow, such as:
• What is Industry 4.0?
• What is the current status of the implementation of Industry 4.0?
• How to implement Industry 4.0?
• How do firms exploit Internet of things (IoT), big data, and other emerging technologies to
improve production and services, aiming at economic, ecological, and social achievements?
• How to accelerate the implementation of Industry 4.0?
• How is Industry 4.0 changing the landscape of society and workplace?
• Why this unison of the virtual and physical world is needed for smart production engineering
• Why smart production is a game-changing new way of product design and manufacturing?
• How Industry 4.0 ensures sustainable consumption and production patterns?
Chapter “si3-Industry: A Sustainable, Intelligent, Innovative, Internet-of-Things Industry”
aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the basic concept of Industry 4.0 including its
evolution, the principles, building blocks, and the key technologies and concepts around which

viii Preface

it is built and is targeted to develop. Chapter “Development of Industry 4.0” explicates allied
rudiments of Industry 4.0 such as cross-technological, functional, talent, and business
developments from the perspective of real-time scenarios. This chapter also previews detailed
knowledge about horizontal-vertical system integration and supply chain that aids in enabling
and designing smooth manufacturing process in order to gain more profit. The prospects of
sustainable development have started to unfold through the opportunities which Industry 4.0 is
providing. It is not viable to discuss about innovation and industry without reference to the three
pillars of sustainability, namely the environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
Chapter “Sustainable Development in Industry 4.0” discusses this balance between production
and the destruction by examining sustainability development in Industry 4.0. Chapter “Big Data
and Analytics in Industry 4.0” probes the significance of big data on Industry 4.0 research and
practice followed by an in-depth discussion of the new manufacturing paradigm known as
ubiquitous manufacturing in chapter “Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A
State-of-the-Art Primer.” Chapter “si3-Industry: Cloud Computing in Industry 4.0” primarily
concentrates on the contribution of cloud computing over the various industrial sectors. It
discusses the cloud infrastructure for industries and presents various independent as well as
integrated cloud models.
Chapter “Modeling and Simulation for Industry 4.0” investigates the trending proliferation
of Industry 4.0 and design goals which are greatly facilitated by model-based systems engi-
neering (MBSE). It addresses the need for modeling and simulation in Industry 4.0.
Chapter “Augmented Reality and Industry 4.0” discusses the basics of augmented reality, its
history, types, working, applications, and its emergence into the Industry 4.0. It also identifies
various technological requirements for augmented reality in Industry 4.0. Chapter “Robotics
and Industry 4.0” discusses the role, various challenges, pros and cons, and various applications
of robotics and automation in Industry 4.0. In this current time, the use of additive
manufacturing’s modern abilities in the domain of IT integration plays a major role in the
competitiveness of the industrial domain. Chapter “Additive Manufacturing: Concepts and
Technologies” provides a fundamental understanding of the contribution of key elements of
additive manufacturing to Industry 4.0. Finally, chapter “Challenges Within the Industry 4.0
Setup” presents the challenges of Industry 4.0 related to the practical aspects, infrastructure
requirements, cybersecurity, and business models.
The purpose of this book is to thus confer the preliminaries of the cutting-edge smart
technology-driven production maneuver, the Industry 4.0, mainly to determine and verify its
potential as a practice which endorses sustainability to ultimately revolutionize the competi-
tiveness of businesses and regions. The highlighting feature of the proposed book is that it will
proffer basics to the beginners and at the same time serve as a reference study to advance
learners. Also, the book is not country-specific or audience-specific. It will be of interest to
academia, industry practitioners, and researchers globally.

Da Nang, Vietnam Anand Nayyar

New Delhi, India Akshi Kumar

First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for his showers of blessings
throughout to complete the project successfully.
I am extremely grateful to my sister, Dr. Sanchi Sharma, for her love, prayers, caring, and
continuing support to complete this book project.
Finally, my thanks go to all the authors of chapters who have supported me to complete the
edited book project successfully.
Dr. Anand Nayyar
I am most thankful to my family for constantly encouraging me and giving me time and
unconditional support while working on this book.
I am extremely grateful to MPS Bhatia, Professor, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology,
Delhi, India, for being a constant source of inspiration throughout my research and teaching
career. I will always be indebted to him for his extensive support and guidance. My heartfelt
gratitude to the research scholars of Web Research Group at Department of Computer Science
and Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India, who worked closely with me
during the evolution of the book. Lastly, thank you my sonny boy Kiaan Kumar for all the
smiles, hugs, and kisses which makes each day a happy day.
Dr. Akshi Kumar


si3-Industry: A Sustainable, Intelligent, Innovative, Internet-of-Things

Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Akshi Kumar and Anand Nayyar
Development of Industry 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Aditi Sharma and Deepak Kumar Jain
Sustainable Development in Industry 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Saurabh Raj Sangwan and M. P. S. Bhatia
Big Data and Analytics in Industry 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Abhilasha Sharma and Harsh Pandey
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art
Primer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Pijush Kanti Dutta Pramanik, Bulbul Mukherjee, Saurabh Pal,
Bijoy Kumar Upadhyaya, and Shubhendu Dutta
si3-Industry: Cloud Computing in Industry 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Bandana Mahapatra
Modeling and Simulation for Industry 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Rajalakshmi Krishnamurthi and Adarsh Kumar
Augmented Reality and Industry 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Kruti Lavingia and Sudeep Tanwar
Robotics and Industry 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Ruchi Goel and Pooja Gupta
Additive Manufacturing: Concepts and Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Pimal Khanpara and Sudeep Tanwar
Challenges Within the Industry 4.0 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Akshi Kumar and Divya Gupta


M. P. S. Bhatia Division of Computer Engineering, Netaji Subhas University of Technology,

Delhi, India
Shubhendu Dutta Aujas Networks, New Delhi, India
Ruchi Goel Computer Science Department, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology,
GGSIPU University, Rohini, India
Divya Gupta School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, Noida,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Pooja Gupta Computer Science Department, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology,
GGSIPU University, Rohini, India
Deepak Kumar Jain Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications Chongqing,
Chongqing, China
Pimal Khanpara Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Institute of Technology,
Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India
Rajalakshmi Krishnamurthi Department of Computer Science, Jaypee Institute of Informa-
tion Technology, Noida, India
Adarsh Kumar Department of Systemics, School of Computer Science, The University of
Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India
Akshi Kumar Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Delhi Technological
University, New Delhi, India
Kruti Lavingia Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Institute of Technology,
Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India
Bandana Mahapatra School of Data Science, Symbiosis Skills and open University, Pune,
Maharashtra, India
Bulbul Mukherjee Bengal Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India
Anand Nayyar Graduate School, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam
Saurabh Pal Bengal Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India
Harsh Pandey Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Netaji Subhas
Institute of Technology, Dwarka, Delhi, India
Pijush Kanti Dutta Pramanik National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India
Saurabh Raj Sangwan Division of Computer Engineering, Netaji Subhas University of
Technology, Delhi, India
Abhilasha Sharma Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Delhi Technological
University, Delhi, India
xiv Contributors

Aditi Sharma DIT University, Dehradun, India

Sudeep Tanwar Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Institute of Technology,
Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India
Bijoy Kumar Upadhyaya Tripura Institute of Technology, Agartala, India
si3-Industry: A Sustainable, Intelligent, Innovative,
Internet-of-Things Industry

Akshi Kumar and Anand Nayyar

Abstract Keywords
Industry 4.0 is a digital revolution being witnessed in the Industry 4.0 · IIOT · UN sustainable goals · Industrial net ·
present generation whereby the aim is to digitize the entire Evolution of industrial revolution · Technology pillars of
manufacturing process with minimal human or manual industry 4.0 · Industry 4.0 maturity model
intervention. The aim is to encompass as many industries
as feasible and adapt and enhance the existing
technologies to better suit the needs of digital The twenty-first century is currently in the midst of a radical
manufacturing. Concepts like smart manufacturing, transformation of the way products are manufactured and
smart factories and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) services are offered. The current generation is witnessing
are some of the key buzzwords of industry 4.0. The digitization of the manufacturing process and this compel-
success of industry 4.0 lies to a large extent in successful ling, significant change in the industry has been labelled as
integration and adaptation of various existing and the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0. From mecha-
emerging technologies with the present manufacturing nization using power generated from water and steam in the
process. This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive first industrial revolution to using electricity for mass produc-
introduction to the basic concept of industry 4.0 including tion in the second industrial revolution, this fourth phase of
how it came up, the principles, building blocks and the key the industrial revolution is missioned to take the automation
technologies and concepts around which it is built and is and computerization initiated in the third industrial revolution
targeted to develop. To incorporate or upgrade to industry to the next level of smart manufacturing built on the
4.0, any business or organization must undergo many foundations of artificial intelligence, cloud storage and big
complicated and time-consuming procedures to transit data analytics.
and incorporate the concepts and strategies of industry Owing to the increasing complexity and demands regard-
4.0 into their current methodologies and techniques. The ing manufacturing, aspects like rising competition in the
aspects of maturity and feasibility with respect to the international market, rising market instability, and require-
business scenario are also discussed. Industry 4.0 ment for highly customised products and shortening product
incorporates technologies from a wide range of domains life cycle are grave challenges for companies. Seemingly, the
and in turn demands massive changes like those in existing methodologies of value creation are not enough for
innovation, production, logistics and service processes. handling the growing requirements for price, stability, suste-
These are also discussed. The chapter concludes with the nance, efficiency and adaptation. Industry 4.0, also known as
concept of sustainability as applicable to industry 4.0. ‘smart manufacturing’ or the ‘industrial internet’ can poten-
tially impact the entire manufacturing systems across various
industries by bringing about a global transformation regard-
ing the designing, manufacturing, and deliverance of goods
A. Kumar and services. Rapid advancements inn digitization and
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Delhi Technological technologies like the internet of things and services, cyber
University, New Delhi, India physical systems, big data analytics and cloud computing
e-mail: [email protected] have assumed a significant relevance.
A. Nayyar (*) Hartmut Rauen, Deputy Executive Director Mechanical
Graduate School, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam Engineering Industry Association (VDMA), 2012 says:
e-mail: [email protected]

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 1

A. Nayyar, A. Kumar (eds.), A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development,
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation,
2 A. Kumar and A. Nayyar

The implementation starts with small steps here and there, there production process of the industry. These are combined to
won’t be a big bang that is going to introduce Industry 4.0. On gather and transmit real-time information with the goal of
the contrary, it will come step by step. But if we look back in ten
years we will see that the world has changed significantly. [1] identifying, locating, tracking, monitoring and optimizing the
production processes. Manufacturing Execution Systems
There is no standard definition of industry 4.0 in simplest (MES) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) can be
terms, it is the digital transformation of industrial markets. adapted to provide the required decentralized software con-
Below are a few definitions found across literature. trol. An important aspect in this regard is the handling of
It indicates the profound transformation of business models by huge amounts of data collected from the numerous machines,
enabling the fusion of virtual and real words and the application processes and products. Cloud storage is used to store the
of digitization, automation, and robotics in manufacturing. (Gotz vast amount of collected data. This data needs to be analysed
and Jankowska [2])
to form decisions which can further be converted into actions
It is nothing but an autonomous, knowledge and sensor based, (Fig. 1).
self-regulating production systems. (Lasi et al. [3])

1.1 The Genesis: From Then to Now

1 Genesis of Industry 4.0
1.1.1 The First Industrial Revolution (1765)
The term industry, simply put refers to the production of The pre-industrial era had people majority of people residing
goods and services within an economy. The various phases in small, countryside communities with their existence and
of industrialization are ex-post called the various ‘industrial income dependent on agriculture with scanty incomes and
revolutions’, namely the first, second and third industrial prevalent malnourishment and diseases. Bulk of people’s
revolutions. Unlike the first three, the fourth industrial revo- food and clothing requirements were produced by themselves
lution is the name given to a planned phase of the industriali- and the little manufacturing that was done was done at homes
zation process in accordance with future expectations. The or small shops with the aid of simple hand tools and
ever-changing demands of the consumers worldwide today is machines.
driving global competition. These demands call for a radical Beginning in the latter half of the eighteenth century, the
change and adaption in the manufacturing process. Amidst all first industrial revolution started in Great Britain and marked
this, Germany, being a leader in the manufacturing sector the transition from hand production to machines. It
launched the initiative of ‘Industrie 4.0’ as part of its high- introduced the mechanical production equipment driven by
tech strategy thus bringing forth the idea of a “fully” water and steam power. Agriculture was replaced. The first
integrated industry [4, 5]. Ever since, industry 4.0 has gained mechanical loom was introduced in 1784. Mass coal extrac-
popularity and attention beyond the borders of Germany and tion and development of the steam engine by Thomas
expanded into a global fourth phase of the industrial revolu- Newcomen created a novel energy that empowered all indus-
tion and listed as key topic in the World Economic Forum’s trial processes. Railroads were developed and economic
agenda, 2016. It is expected that the success of all industrial development gained momentum. Blueprints for factories
nations depend on their active participation in industry 4.0 and cities came into being. People learnt metal-shaping and
[6]. This includes participation not only in development but forging. Iron, coal, textile and steam industries came into
also in marketing and operation of an autonomous, self- being.
adapting production system. The key reasons for Britain being the birthplace of the
The industrial revolution has origins in the latter half of industrial revolution include its paucity of wood and profu-
the eighteenth century. It has come a long way from the first sion of coal deposits, business minded aristocracy class,
to the fourth industrial revolution popularly termed as indus- limited government interference, free enterprise system,
try 4.0. ‘Need is the mother of invention’ is quite befitting to cheap cotton production by North American slaves, high
the ushering of the fourth industrial revolution. The shift and literacy rate, its prime location in the Atlantic location, its
the ever-increasing customer demands and expectations colonies in various parts of the world which provided for
regarding customized products, faster than ever responses cheap land and labour and markets to sell its products. Soon
and companies’ response in fulfilling these and staying com- after the industrialization spread to Belgium, Switzerland,
petitive are the major role players behind this revolution. France, Germany and the United States.
Industry 4.0 is a promising emerging ray of hope to meet
this end. It combines business, manufacturing, suppliers as 1.1.2 The Second Industrial Revolution (1870)
well as consumers. Industry 4.0 applies the concepts of Cyber The second industrial revolution or the ‘Technological Rev-
Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) to the olution’ came into being about a century later, in the latter
si3-Industry: A Sustainable, Intelligent, Innovative, Internet-of-Things Industry 3

Fig. 1 Phases and key •Smart manufacturing

contributions of industrial •Cloud computing
•Big data analytics
•Smart sensors
Industrial •Virtualization
Revolution •Additive Manufacturing
•Machine Learning

•Production Automation
•Information and Technology
•Leveraging Electrical Mechanization
•First PLC
Third Industrial •Computer and Automation, electronic and nuclear industries
Revolution •Industrial Robotics
•Business Computers, Supercomuputers, business software
•Internet and World wide Web

•Electrical Energy, steam power and petroleum

•Large scale iron and steel production
•Telephones and telegraphs, typewriter, phonograph, motion pictures
Second Industrial •Widespread use of machinery in manufacturing
Revolution •Automobile, airplanes, diesel engines, bicycles, railroads
•Chemical, Rubber, paper mills, fertilizers
•Applied Science
•New forms of business organizations

•Mechanical Production
•New Energy Resources - Water and Steam Power
•New raw materials, chiefly iron and steel
•New machines - Spinning Jenny and the Power loom
First Industrial
Revolution •Fatory system, division of labor, specialization
•The locomotive
•Watt and Newcomen Steam Engines
•Iron, coal, textile, steam industries
•Expansion of world trade

half of the nineteenth century. It was a period of rapid labor. The profound inventions include telephone, telegram,
industrialization primarily in Great Britain, Germany and automobiles and planes. Steel industry and chemical synthe-
the United States, but also in other countries like France, sis industries like those manufacturing dyes, fertilizers and
Italy and Japan. Technological advancements and synthetic fabric came into being. Oil and gas, apart from
manufacturing in factories enables farmers and electricity were being used as energy resources. Steel, auto-
manufacturers to produce faster and more goods. Abundance mobile and the plane industry were the main highlights.
of labour, natural resources, government policies, new Transportation, especially the expansion of railroads was a
emerging sources of power and immigration were some of major breakthrough of the second industrial revolution which
the key contributing factors for the second phase of the enabled goods to be easily sent from one place to another.
industrial revolution. This phase made use of electrical This also allowed expansion of economies which were previ-
energy. Mass production was achieved through division of ously localized. Development of railroads was also a boon for
4 A. Kumar and A. Nayyar

farmers and manufacturers who could now sell their product generation of power, the health industry, transportation
far and wide. Incredible inventions like the airplane by industry, the various public sectors, manufacturing and
Wright Brothers, the light bulb by Thomas Edison, the tele- mining [7]. The concept of ‘Industrie du futur’ was presented
phone by Alexander Graham Bell were key highlights that in France as the foundation of the future industrial revolution
surcharged the people with the hope that anything and every- in France. It is based on five pillars namely cutting edge
thing was now possible. The second industrial transformed technologies, support for small and middle French
the map of the United States of America due to unforeseen companies, extensive training of workers, consolidation of
urbanization and swift territorial extension during the period international cooperation based on industrial principles and
from 1820 to 1860. promotion of the French industry [8]. In 2015, the ‘Made in
On the flip side, the second industrial revolution also gave China 2025’ initiative by the China Ministry of Industry and
rise to widespread poverty, unemployment with humans Information Technology in cooperation with experts from the
being replaced by machines, deep depression and prevalent China Academy of Engineering was introduced [9]. The
economic insecurity. The great depression during the 1870s prime goal being to comprehensive upgradation of the Chi-
and 90s made millions jobless or those who retained their nese industry by inspiration from Germany’s initiative and its
jobs were forced to work with reduced pay. Working adaption to Chinese needs. The long term goal being to
conditions in the industries were dangerous with stretched transit from low-cost to high-quality products and become
working hours and no compensation for overtime and the industrial word superpower till 2049.
injuries. Skilled workers, on the other hand got high pay Two development directions govern this future project of
and economic independence. The second industrial revolu- industry 4.0. The first being an application pull, triggered by
tion ended with the onset of World War I. short development periods, individualization on demand,
flexibility, decentralization, and resource efficiency. The
1.1.3 The Third Industrial Revolution (1969) other direction being the current technology pull owing to
About a century later, the third industrial revolution paved its increasing mechanization and automation, digitalization and
way. With this revolution, ushered in electronics and networking, and miniaturization [3].
computers, the aim being production automation. Telecom-
munication was introduced. The first Programmable Logic Design Principles
Controller (PLC) was introduced in 1870. PLCs were being There are four key Design Principles underlying Industry 4.0
used by factories for production. Robots came into being. shown in Fig. 2, namely interconnection, information trans-
The introduction and use of nuclear energy made this revolu- parency, technical assistance, and decentralized
tion exceed its two predecessor revolutions. The three pri- decisions [10].
mary, in focus industries being the computer and automation
industry, electronic and nuclear energy industry, paved way • Interconnection: A foundational principle of Industry 4.0
for the emergence of Internet and soon after the fourth indus- is to interconnect and make various machines, cyber phys-
trial revolution. ical systems, sensors, devices and people so that they can
interact and exchange data, which is later analysed and
1.1.4 The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Now) transformed to information that would aid decision
The twenty-first century is presently witnessing the fourth making and ultimately set various production processes
industrial revolution, popularly known as ‘Industry 4.0’. It is into action.
based on the concept of smart manufacturing. The vision is to • Information Transparency: Transparency would provide
use digitization to design, build and develop an empowered useful information to various operators thus enabling them
virtual world that would steer the physical world. The aim is to make more efficient decisions. A large amount of data can
to interconnect all production and enable their real-time be made available as a result of interconnection of various
interaction. Cloud computing, big data analytics, Industrial devices, people and technologies thereby enhancing func-
Internet of Things (IIoT) and cyber physical systems are the tionality, driving innovation and aiding improvement.
key technological foundations for this industrial revolution. • Technical Assistance: Assistance systems can collect and
Although, the first initiative for the transition to Industry visualize the information gathered thus assisting humans
4.0 comes from Germany, similar concepts were introduced not only in making more efficient and informed decisions,
in countries worldwide. General Electric brought the concept but also in solving urgent issues on short notice.
of the ‘Industrial Internet’ in North America in late 2012 as a • Decentralized Decisions: Cyber physical systems have the
tight incorporation of the physical and virtual worlds based ability to make autonomous decisions barring exceptional
on a combination of IoT and big data analytics. This concept situations, wherein the decision making is delegated to the
covers a wide range of domains like distribution and higher levels.
si3-Industry: A Sustainable, Intelligent, Innovative, Internet-of-Things Industry 5

Real-time Flexible,
coordination customized
of value mass
Information chains production
Reduction in
logistics &
Technical Decentralized
Assistance Decisions Predictive
Digital and
mapping and proactive
virtualization maintenance

Fig. 2 Design principles of Industry 4.0 Fig. 3 Advantages of Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 offers manifold opportunities, breakthroughs 3.0), just the way to utilize these technologies has been
and advantages like highly adaptive, flexible and customized reorganised to provide superior coordinated services. There
mass production, coordination of value chains in real-time are two broad foundations of the industry 4.0, one based on
and their optimization, reduced complexity costs and the technologies or the software’s and the second one based
emerging new service and business models. Figure 3 on the physical elements or hardware. First, the hardware or
represents the benefits of Industry 4.0. It is anticipated to the basic four physical elements are being discussed that set
bring about reduction in production and logistic costs by the foundation of Industry 4.0.
10–30% and costs in quality management by 10–20% [11],
shorter marketing time, better customer responsiveness, mass
production at lower costs, flexible and friendlier working 2.1 Smart Sensors
environment, efficient use of natural resources [12]. It will
enable to completely utilize the potential of new and Smart sensors are the founding stones of the Industry 4.0, as
emerging technologies and concepts. It will enable digital industry 4.0 is a revolution surrounded around IOT & CPS,
mapping, wide scale and real time virtualization along with sensors are the one that perform a wide range of functions to
predictive and proactive maintenance that will enable to provide the support to these technologies. Therefore, smart
predict and plan unplanned downtime, potential risks and sensors are the first layer in developing stones in industry 4.0
faults and failures. It will allow experts to monitor and direct as shown in Fig. 4. Smart sensors act as the manufacturing
industrial processes from remote locations and usher in the assets that can virtually gather big data about the products
effective and efficient use of collaborative technologies. and their environment, e.g. it can measure temperature,
humidity and smoke in the air. Sensors can provide the
Next section will uncover the building blocks of Industry capability to communicate wirelessly and data can also be
4.0. Then Sect. 3, will elaborate on the feasibility and matu- synthesized using a cloud based interface. Sensors can also
rity of Industry 4.0 Net, followed by the Changing roles of detect anomalous activities.
innovation, production, logistics, and the service processes
and at last the UN’s sustainable development goals will be
discussed. 2.2 Controls

Control systems monitors the working condition of

2 Building Blocks of Industry 4.0 manufacturing machines and any critical events. They serve
as the brain of the manufacturing process. The control
Industry 4.0 is on the verge of changing the way we place systems implemented in a manufacturing facility is often
orders and the way manufacturing of products is being done. centralized or de-centralized. Subsystems like data acquisi-
This new revolution is built on the current technologies tion systems, sensor network, actuators and control devices
which we are being using in current industries too (Industry are highly involved in the control system for manufacturing.
6 A. Kumar and A. Nayyar

from real-time conditions. They also have the potential to

Smart autonomously run entire production processes.
Factories In Martin’s words “The Smart Factory can be defined as a
factory where CPS communicate over the IoT and assist
Connectivity people and machines in the execution of their tasks” [4]. In
simple terms a smart factory is a factory where smart
machines work to produce smart products. In future, the
Controls smart factories will not only be able to manufacture, but
will deliver the product too. As the communication between
machine and product and the trucks or other devices which
will carry the products for delivery will be interconnected by
Smart the CPS and will communicate through the IoT, they all are
used inside Smart Factory.
Smart sensors, controls, Connectivity and the smart
factories are the necessity to set up an manufacturing industry
Fig. 4 Building blocks of Industry 4.0
to the current revolution. The technologies that are
incorporated by this revolution are known as the nine pillars
Recently, the control systems are involved in monitoring of Industry 4.0 as shown in Fig. 5. The key concepts and
energy consumption in a real-time manufacturing technologies involved in industry 4.0 are as follows:
Cyber Physical System
Cyber physical or cyber physical production systems (CPS)
2.3 Connectivity are the ones that connect with the real physical world
[12]. CPS together with the IOT is often used for merging
Controls oversees the working conditions and the process of the physical world with the virtual world. Together, they aim
data acquisition by sensors, but this data is of no use if not to accomplish the production of more intelligent smart
communicated to the centralized server or the decision factories which could further lead to enhanced and smart
makers. This communication between devices is possible production thus enabling faster and efficient digitations.
through connectivity and networking, and this connectivity The emergence and development of CPS technology will
is provided using the Internet and include various promote open-ended industrial innovations [13–16] includ-
technologies like routers, servers, switches, Ethernet, gate- ing energy production, transport, logistics, machinery, heavy
way devices and Linking technologies. The very foundation industry, iron, steel metallurgy etc.
of industry 4.0 is the concept of everything connected, so
when an order is received by one device, all other are shared Cloud Computing
the information through the shared medium, every machine Cloud Computing has emerged as a computing paradigm that
or robot will start work on its part, creating a fully functional imparts varied Internet services in a high cost efficient man-
optimized Supply Chain 4.0 (discussed in next chapter). ner [13, 14, 17] to the users. These are quite compatible for
Mobile devices can play a pivotal role in providing connec- dynamic memory allocation and resource sharing, enabling
tivity among devices. Communication is like the blood flow users to use the cloud resources as per their needs including
of industry 4.0 and the telecommunication can play an impor- hardware, software, infrastructure resources etc. It would
tant part in it. enable real-time data exchange thus enabling the creation of
digital collaborated and integrated environment. It would
allow better stakeholder connectivity and real-time visibility
2.4 Smart Factory of data enabling proactive supply chain management.

Smart factory is the heart of industry 4.0. The whole concept Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)
of new revolution business, product, machines, sales are Industrial Internet of things (IIOT) is associated with the
either part of or depends on the smart factory. Smart factories concept of virtual world. Blending of the physical world
have large control over themselves and provides a flexible with the virtual world has been made possible with the help
system enabling self-optimization of performance across of technological innovations in the field of IOT [18]. IIOT is
wide ranging network and self-adaptation allowing learning a subset of IoT, focuses on industrial automation, device
si3-Industry: A Sustainable, Intelligent, Innovative, Internet-of-Things Industry 7

of industry 4.0 [13, 14, 17]. Big data analytics will help
increase reliability and efficiency by predicting critical
Cyber situations and enabling real-time interventions.
Horizontal &
Cyber Security
Cyber security is the branch of computation technology that
provides protection to computer systems from theft or dam-
age to hardware, software or information and from disruption
3D Printing Internet of of the services provided. Integration of human machine
Things interfaces with the industry would not only increase effi-
Industry 4.0
ciency, but would also aid in monitoring the communication
between human and machines. If this information gets in
wrong hand, it can be used for dreadful reasons. To make
Advanced Augmented
Robotics Reality the industry 4.0 safe for everyone’s use, cyber security
protocols are enforced.

Big Data
Cyber Security Analytics Advanced Robots
Robots can be very useful for tasks like predictive mainte-
nance. They can monitor the conditions of machines, perform
comparative analysis and diagnose and predict machine
Fig. 5 Technology pillars of Industry 4.0 failures. The collaborative robotics (Cobot) belongs to a
new generation of robotics [13, 14, 17] that work in a very
communication, data flow, device administration, device cooperative manner with the humans without requiring any
integration, and predictive analytics [19–22]. It includes security restrictions etc. These are programmed for better
laser scanners, global positioning systems, sensors etc. IIoT accessibility flexibility and ease of use.
will help to decrease the complexity of machine-to-machine
communications and would allow collection and analysis of 3D Printing
data using strategically positioned sensors. 3D Printing can enable mass production of highly customized
products. Inventory digitalization can lead to significant cost
Augmented Reality savings. This often includes 3D printing etc. that are used for
Different variety of services including selection of parts in production of individual components. With the augment of
warehouse, conveying instructions related to repair of the Industry 4.0, this technology would gain fruitful impact and
mobile devices etc. are provided with the help of augmented boost the production of customized and personalized
reality based systems [13, 14, 17]. They aim to furnish the products [13, 14, 17] by the manufacturers.
real time information that could be used by workers etc. for
effective and efficient decision making procedures. Objects Horizontal and Vertical Integration
in complex projects in industry 4.0 can be easily virtualized There are multiple factors involved in any successful busi-
by augment reality technology. Moreover, the virtual models ness including quality development, efficient marketing,
are easily shareable and understandable in between the cycles distributors and suppliers and most importantly customers
of development. and the competitors. Smart factories in the new revolution
tries to interconnect the machines, materials and the products
Big Data Analytics [16]. To take the business to the up-most level, all the factors
Big data technology is used for gaining proper insight in contributing to it should have effective communication.
order to fetch relevant information from heterogeneous and Industry 4.0 has therefore Horizontal and Vertical system
unstructured online available Web data. Utilizing the integration to make the manufacturing process even more
advantages of big data, together with the data mining smooth.
techniques and data analytics, can serve as a boom for better Industry 4.0 is built on these nine pillars of technology to
analyzing the data and eventually aid in the production pro- provide a customizable environment to the end users. These
cess. Proper collision of these technologies would promote nine technologies with the four building blocks of industry
benefits to manufacturing companies including optimizing 4.0 enables the production process to adapt to various cus-
the process, cost reduction and provides improvement in the tomer requirements in an agile development process
operational processing and would directly enhance the profits providing a flexible manufacturing process. These days,
8 A. Kumar and A. Nayyar

markets are customer-centric [23]. In order to stay competi- Table 1 Levels of IMPULS model
tive and worthwhile, manufactures/companies ought to act Level Designation
accordingly as per the customer’s rapidly changing needs. 0 Outsider
All this is creating a variable and viable demand pattern in the 1 Beginner
upcoming manufacturing technology [13, 14, 17]. The 2 Intermediate
manufactures are thus, required to manufacture the stuff as 3 Experienced
demanded by the customer, relying together with the agility 4 Expert
and sequencing depending on the latest technologies. 5 Top performer

IMPULS—Industrie 4.0 Readiness (2015) Researchers in

3 Maturity and Feasibility of Industrial Net [32] performed experiments and literature studies for Indus-
try 4.0 to develop a readiness model for Industry 4.0. The six
Organizations that change their businesses and tasks in levels of readiness in the model of Industry 4.0 is given below
regards to Industry 4.0 standards face complicated in Table 1.
procedures and large spending plans because of technologies In this work further, workshops were conducted and this
on which they are dependent that affect inputs and outputs. subsisting readiness or feasibility model was shaped in six
Furthermore, since Industry 4.0 transformation makes an dimensions of Industry 4.0 as shown below in the Table 2.
adjustment in a business way and incentive, it turns out to Evaluation review contains questions, for related dimensions,
be very crucial concept that requires backing of top adminis- that were 24 in number also a couple of inquiries regarding
tration for ventures and for speculations/investments. In this industry, size of residential workforce and yearly income. So
way, it needs an expansive viewpoint on the organization’s as to quantify and characterize status of industry 4.0, Likert
system, association, tasks and items. Maturity and Feasibility scale of 5 point is utilized.
are two such terms in the concept of industry 4.0 that defines Organization status are assembled in three categories to
the ways to analyze the development of one’s business and abridge results in a better way [32], for example, Newcomers
the potential that any organization has for the progress of its with level 0 and 1, Learners with level 2 and Leaders with
development. Scientists hold distinctive feelings of the par- level 3 and up. Newcomers comprise of organizations that
ticular need of Industry 4.0 and its achievement, and thus have not ever instated any activities or have contemplated a
following up on their various applications of modern tech- couple of tasks. Learners comprise a gathering of
nology [24–28]. organizations that introduced first ventures identified with
Industry 4.0. Leaders is a gathering that contains level 3, 4
or 5 organizations which are path in front of different
3.1 Industry 4.0: Maturity organizations about Industry 4.0 usage.

As a rule, the word “Maturity” means a “condition of being Industry 4.0/Digital Operations Self-assessment A report
complete, impeccable, or prepared” [29] and infers some titled “Industry 4.0: Building the advanced venture” was
advancement in the progress of a framework/system. Like- distributed by PwC to give organizations complete point of
wise, developing frameworks (for example natural, authori- view on Industrial net of 4.0 by speaking to its own models
tative or mechanical) increment their abilities over time with for maturity and plan for success.
respect to the accomplishment of a few desirable future In the starting phase of “Plan for Digital Success”, A basic
states. Maturity can be caught quantitatively or on the other maturity model was given by PwC to the organizations in
hand qualitatively in a continuous or discrete way [30]. order to analyze their capacities which consisted of four
Maturity models are generally used as a tool to understand phases and seven dimensions. Stages are defined as
and measure the maturity of a company/organization or a way underneath:
to analyze some particular target state [31]. Maturity models
are appropriate for organizations intending to change their • 1st Stage: Digital novice
businesses and activities specifically for Industry 4.0 [28]. It • 2nd Stage: Vertical integrator
is an imperative procedure for Industry 4.0 as far as • 3rd Stage: Horizontal collaborator
organizations looking for surveying their procedures, items • 4th Stage: Digital champion.
and associations and understanding their development level.
Here, we look into some existing maturity models for Indus- Seven dimensions were used to evaluate organizations’
try 4.0 and they are described further. maturity levels by PwC, for example, “Digital business
si3-Industry: A Sustainable, Intelligent, Innovative, Internet-of-Things Industry 9

Table 2 Industry 4.0: dimensions and associated fields • Information infrastructure

Dimensions Associated fields • Controls and devices
Strategy and organization Strategy • Networks
Innovation management • Security policies
Smart factory Digital modeling In Stage 2, Operational technologies/Informational
Equipment infrastructure
Data usage Technologies relation is being shaped in order to convey
IT systems safe, versatile network between undertaking business
Smart operations Cloud usage frameworks and plant-floor tasks after an evaluation stage.
IT security Large haul updates start and gaps and demerits of existing
Autonomous process information
tasks are distinguished. In large scale organizations, obsolete
Smart products Data analytics in usage phase
control and framework form a hurdle in path of change as
ICT add-on functionalities well as delays from administrators and architects which has a
Data driven services Share of data used mindset that present frameworks stay suitable.
Share of revenues In Stage 3 there is nothing peculiar but the enhancement
Data-driven-services developed with present information is in advancement with
Employees Skill acquisition
previous stage. This stage has a task of determining how the
Employee skill sets
gathered information will be prepared and what are the ways
so that ideal results can be obtained. Organized group
models and customer access”, “Digitization of product and guarantees that new work processes, outlines and duties are
service offerings”, “Digitization and integration of vertical set with the goal of not overpowering by the organization
and horizontal value chains”, “Data and Analytics as core information pool.
capability”, “Agile IT architecture”, “Compliance, security, From Stage 4, the utmost interest is on the idea of contin-
legal and tax”, “Organization, employees and digital culture”. uous improvement over data. Analytics using WDC (working
PwC empowers organizations to evaluate their maturity of data capital) will help in order to determine specifically the
Industry 4.0 and guide their outcomes by online self- best requirements for data of real-time and provides guaran-
assessment tools. In the last phase of evaluation, PwC gives tee for the coherence of institutionalized rules activated by
organizations an action plan to make them effectively achieve the means of information. Also, the analytics give data
better level Industry 4.0 maturity. Online self-assessment tool exchange about resource cooperation for leadership group.
as explained in [33] has 33 inquiries altogether for related Problems that occur in Stage 4 will be utilization of bunches
dimensions and a couple of inquiries regarding industry, of superfluous information and doubt of examination. Funda-
locale, nation and yearly income to characterize mental thought is to furnish cooperation among organization
organizations. Likert scale with five points is utilized for and environment with the assistance of analytics and infor-
every inquiry and radar realistic is given at the end of the mation sharing in stage 5.
Industry 4.0 Maturity Model (2016) 9 dimensions and
The Connected Enterprise Maturity Model (2016) 62 maturity items were utilized by Schumacher et al. in [34]
Rockwell Automation created the maturity model named so as to evaluate organizations Industry 4.0 maturity levels.
Connected Enterprise in 2014 and this model consisted of The Maturity items and dimensions are given in Table 3.
five phases and four dimensions that were innovation cen- These levels are inspected under five levels. As per the
tered. Stages in this model are given below [31]: model, for level 1, the organizations do not have much
knowledge and benefitting ideas for industry 4.0 whereas
• 1st Stage: Evaluation/Assessment every requirement can be meet by level 5 organizations.
• 2nd Stage: Upgraded and secure controls and network Here, 5 point Likert scale is used for performing evaluation
• 3rd Stage: Organized and defined working information of surveys. After performing surveys, weighted focuses are
capital determined and levels of maturity of organizations are
• 4th Stage: Analytics resolved. By understanding all the models explained
• 5th Stage: Collaboration above, we can thus summarize that maturity models are a
way to check the progress of development of the business
The Stage1 assesses all aspects of an association’s current with respect to the required industry 4.0 net. Three basic
OT/IT (Operational Technologies/Information Technologies) steps as defined below in Fig. 6 can be used to access the
network with four dimensions, and they are maturity of Industry 4.0. After this, the analysis of maturity
10 A. Kumar and A. Nayyar

Table 3 Maturity model of Industry 4.0: dimensions and maturity items [34]
Dimensions Exemplary maturity item
Strategy Implementation I40 (Industry 4.0) roadmap, available resources for realization, adaption of business models, . . .
Leadership Willingness of leaders, management competences and methods, existence of central coordination for I40, . . .
Customers Utilization of customer data, digitalization of sales/services, costumer’s digital media competence, . . .
Products Individualization of products, digitalization of products, product integration into other systems, . . .
Operations Decentralization of processes, modeling and simulation, interdisciplinary, interdepartmental collaboration, . . .
Culture Knowledge sharing, open-innovation and cross company collaboration, value of ICT in company, . . .
People ICT competences of employees, openness of employees to new technology, autonomy of employees, . . .
Governance Labor regulations for I40, suitability of technological standards, protection of intellectual property, . . .
Technology Existence of modern ICT, utilization of mobile devices, utilization of machine-to-machine communication, . . .

Fig. 6 Industry 4.0 maturity

assessment process flow

Measurement of Input Calculation of Output Representation and

maturing items maturity level in visualization of
in enterprise via nine dimensions maturity via maturity
questionnaire software supported report and radar charts

within an organization is performed using the maturity There are typically three segments to the possibility con-
products by utilizing a standard enquiry/questionnaire template, be that as it may, contingent upon your business;
comprising of one closed-ended enquiry per product/ the specialized examination may not be required.
item [34].
Finally the maturity level of every dimension is deter- • Analysis of Market
mined which is done using the equation represented below. • Analysis of Technology
• Analysis of Finance
j¼1 M dIj  wdIj
Md ¼ P n Notwithstanding the market analysis, the financial evalua-
j¼1 wdIj
tion is a basic segment of the feasibility study. Without the
where, “M” represents “Maturity”, “d” defines “Dimension”, “financials” it will be difficult to decide how feasible the
“I” indicates “Item”, “w” represents “Weighting Factor” and business thought is. Incorporated into the financial evaluation
“n” shows the “count of Maturity Item” [34, 35]. is income and expenses to decide the level of risk for your
investment/speculation. Key segments of the financial evalu-
ation include [39, 40]:
3.2 Industry 4.0: Feasibility
• Capital Needs
A feasibility study will give anyone the order and knowledge • Costs of Implementation
to promise oneself that one’s thought is beneficial pursuing • Projections of revenue
[36–38]. Moreover, in the event that one has to fund his/her • Gross Profit Margins (GPM)
business 4.0 environment, loaning establishments and
investors, normally require a feasibility study. The feasibility The data that has been produced and evaluated by the
study assesses the project’s potential for progress. The feasibility analysis prompts an appraisal workshop for the
dimensionality of the Feasibility analysis is shown below in decision makers [41, 42]. As per this essential data about the
Fig. 7. advanced digital changes opportunities risks and expenses of
si3-Industry: A Sustainable, Intelligent, Innovative, Internet-of-Things Industry 11

Fig. 7 Industry 4.0: feasibility

Innovation and

Digitalization of
Products and

Networking and New Business Data and
Industry and Integeration
Cooperation Models and Use Analytics
4.0 of the value
added chain

of Industrial

Future Models
of Labor

IoT ventures/projects can be limited. A GO or NO GO for Industry 3.0 was a result of electronics and information
propelling the IoT/Industry 4.0 task and distinguishing the technology (IT) during 1970s which focused on automation,
most significant combination openings can be acknowledged electronics and computers. At this point of time, we are
in a least amount of time. witnessing the phase of transition from Industry 3.0 to Indus-
try 4.0.
Increased pace of innovation is a result of the revolution-
4 Changing Roles of Innovation, ary period of transition to Industry 4.0. Due to the unprece-
Production, Logistics, and the Service dented change, more and more radical innovations are
Processes emerging. Earlier, the business models used to be product
centric but now they need to be focused on development of
Our present technological age, the fourth industrial revolu- new value sources. Therefore, the innovation has a
tion is a fusion of technologies ranging from physical, digital completely different focus now which in turn changes its
to biological spheres. It is marked by diverse technological role. Connectivity is one of the most important fields of
breakthroughs that bring together the field of robotics, artifi- innovation when it comes to the fourth industrial revolution,
cial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology and a lot be it the machine-machine connectivity, machine-human
others. In short, industry 4.0 describes the huge changes connectivity or human-human connectivity [44]. For exam-
brought about by the smart technologies [43]. These changes ple, closer a manufacturer is to his/her customer, more
are posing change management challenges to the companies. satisfied both of them will be. In other words, an efficient
The most important areas which are facing these changes are connectivity between the virtual world and the physical
innovation, production, logistics, and the service processes. world is an important aspect of innovation in Industry 4.0.
The changing roles of these fields are described in this Now innovation is more technology based. Innovation is
section. increasing in the field of exploration of entirely new business
models. Broadly, the focus of innovation is changing in the
following five fields as shown in Fig. 9: Technological
4.1 Innovation innovation, government innovation, innovation systems,
business model innovation, innovation for social ends and
The industrial revolution’s standard timeline is shown in means [45]. These can be further classified as shown in
Fig. 8. The first phase is known as Industry 1.0 which had Fig. 10.
its focus on steam and water potential. The advent of electri- Industry 4.0 has made innovation very interconnected as
cal energy in nineteenth century gave rise to Industry 2.0. shown in Fig. 9. Earlier innovation used to be single domain
12 A. Kumar and A. Nayyar

think is being experienced in the fourth industrial revolution.

In other words, innovation is going through a radical change.

4.2 Production
Industry 2.0 Industry 4.0
Electrical Robotics, AI & Big Data
Industry 4.0 can also be defined as a movement towards
smart production. Therefore, the role of production is also
undergoing various changes. National Institute of Standards
and Technology defines smart manufacturing as fully
integrated, collaborative manufacturing systems that respond
Industry 1.0 Industry 3.0 in real time to meet changing demands and conditions in the
Water & Steam IT & Electronics
factory, in the supply network and in customer needs.
Adopting Industry 4.0 requires both vertical and horizontal
integration of data across the business. Vertical digitalization
may include production, procurement, supply chain, design,
product life cycle management, quality, operations and logis-
tics. All integrated for a smooth flow of data. Horizontal
Fig. 8 Four industrial revolutions digitalization may include data integration with customers,
suppliers and key partners. Achieving integration requires
replacing or upgrading equipment’s, processes and networks
until an efficient digital ecosystem is attained. Efficient data
Innovation services and analytics is also a major requirement of produc-
System tion to convert the information being generated by the
machines, sensors and systems into insights which can pro-
vide an investment return. Connected systems increase the
risk of cyber security. IT experts play a very important role in
production when Industry 4.0 is adopted as they can check
Social Benefit Government
whether the best practices of cyber security are being
followed or not.
In order to successfully adopt smart production, an invest-
ment in education and required technology is must. The nine
technologies which are playing important roles in
transforming production in Industry 4.0 are shown in Fig. 11.
3D printing is an example of an entity which has the
Technological Business
potential to realize Industry 4.0. In spite of being a very
simple technology, it can make huge transformations in mod-
ern production. A 3D printer enables one to take a digital
blueprint which gets into the system as an input and the
Fig. 9 Innovation focus in Industry 4.0 system transforms the same to be used by printer. Then, the
physical printer develops the item which has been detailed.
This is done using materials such as hard ABS plastic, metal,
specific. This is continuously changing due to this revolution. concrete and more. In this way the entire production industry
Instead of being focused on only the final product, now effectively transforms [46]. 3D printing also enables one to
innovation has a great role to play at every step of product use remote locations for printing from where customers can
development cycle. This has broadened the innovation can- order. It makes smart production very different from tradi-
vas to be worked upon. Industry 4.0 is making innovators to tional practices. This is just one example of such
think out of the box. They need to shift their focus on technologies. There are many others such as automation
connecting every part. Industry 4.0 has a huge potential to which have the potential to completely transform the produc-
transform the way innovation is moving forward. A dramatic tion process and provide a boost to Industry 4.0. Most of the
change in innovation management and the way innovators changes which are happening in production are focused on
si3-Industry: A Sustainable, Intelligent, Innovative, Internet-of-Things Industry 13

Fig. 10 Innovation fields

Advanced materials Legal infrastructure

AI & robotics Web governance

Biotechnology Private investment

Blockchain Skills

Human enhancement Ageing

Social Benefit
Information Technology Behavioral science

Digital communication Economy

Virtual & augmented reality Urbanization

Internet of things People participation


Global governance Entrepreneurship

Future of economy Industry 4.0

Emerging multinationals Agile governance

Retail, consumer & goods Healthcare

Social media Sustainable development

3D printing Social innovation

agile. There is a need of customization of product develop-

ment life cycle, quick delivery and improved functionality.

4.3 Logistics

Innovation and time are the main competitive advantages.

Time, here, is understood as the frequency of the introduction
of upgraded or new versions of a service or product. Its
growth shortens the life cycle of such products in comparison
to traditional products. The different phases of the life cycle
are short in-time and rapid demand-dimension [47]. There are
several ways to define logistics but in context of Industry 4.0,
it can be seen as getting everything done from start to end
with a large number of intermediary steps and the movement
and communication across all steps must be intelligent and
autonomous. For example, smart containers, driverless
vehicles, smart ports, intelligent warehousing, smart informa-
tion sharing. Logistics in Industry 4.0 are self-managing
Fig. 11 Nine technologies transforming production in Industry 4.0 where objects are smart and capable enough that they can
decide their path on their own and that too in a cost effective
customization i.e., developing more personalized products way. Also, these smart objects such as containers can order
for consumers. Consumer involvement has increased in required resources autonomously. One of the most common
Industry 4.0. Earlier it was impossible due to lack of many demands of Industry 4.0 is highly personalized services. With
technologies and hardware. Now development is revolving changing demands, logistics also need to adapt accordingly.
around the clients. To cope up with Industry 4.0, Increasing complexity is making it impossible to handle the
manufacturers should invest in training, automation of pro- logistics with traditional practices [39]. Now logistics are
cesses, devices and software. In this revolution production is required to be more flexible and able to adjust to the changing
14 A. Kumar and A. Nayyar

environment in order to fulfil the needs of customers. More decided based on user needs. In the smart services era, all
optimized production will lead to decrease in the cost of devices, machinery, remote factories are connected and
storage and manufacturing. Smart logistics aim to improve digitalized. All services are represented in a virtual way on
the customer service. In Industry 4.0 logistics transform with company platforms. In this way product, services or data can
the development of technologies. It can be said that it has a be accessed from anywhere. Marketplaces will also be
dependency on time. Therefore, defining technology’s state completely automated in Industry 4.0 [40]. Factories and
of the art becomes essential [48]. This shift in the role of marketplaces can put requests to each other on digital
logistics is a result of advanced digitalization. I order to cope platforms. For example, technologies such as big data or
up with Industry 4.0, logistics professionals should focus on cloud can contribute in the development of systems which
developing the following skills: can combine human expertise and natural language
processing. Using that data efficiency of machines can be
1. Knowledge of the latest technologies improved. Also, it can provide better successor before an
2. Change management skill asset retires. More explained and suitable error messages
3. Knowledge of company/organization across the value can help improving overall designs. It has just begun to
chain work automatically in service processes. This will need
very intelligent algorithms which are able to choose the
Logistics department of organizations should make their appropriate service and deliver. Full automation of service
employees ready and prepared for Industry 4.0. This might processes is difficult to achieve but once achieved then it has
require new collaborations and hiring. Industry 4.0 is affect- the potential to make a substantial impact on production and
ing how logistics used to operate. As logistics deal with the revenues.
way of doing things, therefore, when its role changes, one
needs to be very careful. A technology will be successful
only when an organization has the talent to make full use of 5 Sustainability 4.0: UN’S Sustainable
it. The following are the main factors which play important Development Goals in Industry 4.0
role in changing logistics:
Two noteworthy issues stand up to the present reality. The
• Talent requirement is the most important pillar of first is about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), set
strengthening logistics. up by the United Nations, and the second is about the evolu-
• Implementation of technology can affect all aspects of tion in technology, prompting smart machines and without
logistics. Workforce should be kept in a close loop while human-free industrialisation termed as Industry 4.0 or the
implementing new technologies. fourth industrial revolution by the World Economic
• Another important factor is change management which Forum [51].
requires efficient training programs. The aim should be From the global point of view, both of these are pro-
to make these strategies sustainable. foundly essential development issues. On one hand, we are
confronting the challenge of delivering high yields from
In short, the role of logistics has changed but the aim is resources which are on the verge of depletion, while trigger-
more or less still the same i.e. maintaining profitability. For ing less pollution and harm the earth for meeting ever grow-
achieving so, it becomes extremely essential for logistics ing consumption. Still, the development of Industry 4.0 is
organizations and businesses to embrace new technologies. frequently causing the dread of employment issues and
inequality [52]. While the studies find that Industry 4.0 has
the potential to produce innovative ways to address global
4.4 Service Processes challenges, it cautions that its limits and its risks to sustain-
able development must be better understood.
For any kind of organization, the basic role of service process Industry 4.0 is a blend of 10 key innovations: (1) Sensors,
is to improve client experience. Control and management of and Machine Intelligence Algorithms, (2) Autonomous
service process may lead to satisfied clients, more clients Robots, (3) Big Data, Analytics, and Integration, (4) Simula-
through referrals or even disappointments. Basically, service tion and Digital Twin, (5) The Industrial Internet of Things,
process is the way of offering services to customers. Two (6) Cybersecurity, (7) The Cloud and Edge Computing,
companies selling the same product can experience a huge (8) Additive Manufacturing, (9) Augmented and Virtual
difference in their revenues just due to the difference in the Reality, and (10) Human-Machine Cooperation. Alterna-
efficiency of service processes [49, 50]. As Industry 4.0 is tively, sustainable development plan presents 17 noteworthy
more consumers centric, therefore, the role of service pro- objectives of development with 169 targets shown in Fig. 12.
cesses is experiencing a great change. Now, services are The following subsections explore how technology portfolio
si3-Industry: A Sustainable, Intelligent, Innovative, Internet-of-Things Industry 15

Fig. 12 Sustainable development Goal 1

goals in Industry 4.0
Goal 2

Goal 3 Hunger

Goal 4
Ensure Healthy
Inclusive and
Life Long
Goal 5

Goal 6
Achieve Gender
Water and
Sanitation for All
Goal 7

Goal 8

UN’s Sustained Economic Growth
Sustainable Goal 9 and Productive Employment
Goal 10
In sustainable
Industry Industrialization,
Goal 11 Inequality

Goal 12

Sustainable Cities and

Human Settlements
Sustainable Consumption
Goal 13 and Production

Goal 14

Combat Climate
Conserve and Sustain
Oceans, Seas, And Marine
Goal 15

Goal 16

Increase sustainability of
Ecosystem and
Build Peaceful
and Inclusive
Goal 17

foster global partnerships

for sustainable

of Industry 4.0 could enable us to accomplish the 17 SDG Goal 1—End Poverty As indicated by the latest reviews, in
and how the fourth industrial evolution addresses the 2015, 10% of the total population of the world lived on below
problems of SDGs. US$1.90 per day. In order to end poverty, increase in the
16 A. Kumar and A. Nayyar

income level of certain group is required which can be individuals suffering from disabilities such as blindness. For
achieved through the sensors fitted in dairy and farming instance, some business applications as of now give clients a
practices. In Asia and Africa, the dairy cows are tied with couple of Google Glasses to blind individuals [58–
sensor fitted neck bands which include accelerometer with 60]. Connected over cellular network, Aira enables a remote
internet connectivity which is able to increase the frequency operator to find continuously what the visually impaired
of recognizing when a cow is on heat and to guarantee it is client would see, and guide them in like manner.
provided with quality semen during Artificial Insemination
(AI) [53]. Additionally, to expand the pay level of people Goal 6—Sanitation and Water for All The Industry 4.0
associated in farming practices numerous beneficial technology portfolio is pursuing smart water policy to open
applications could be developed around smartphone in the chance to develop productive methods for decreasing
order to educate them. water contamination and wastage. The term “smart water”
represents water and wastewater infrastructure that
Goal 2—End Hunger As per The State of Food Security guarantees this valuable asset is overseen viably [61]. A
and Nutrition reports in World 2018, hunger has been on the smart water framework is intended to accumulate exact, real
ascent in the course of recent years, achieving 821 million in time data about the stream, pressure, flow, and circulation of
2017 or one in each nine individuals. In one hand, arable land a city’s water.
is diminishing, moreover, fertility of land, fresh water short-
age, pesticide use, and other environmental concerns are Goal 7—Modern Energy Beginning from energy effi-
growing. Technologies associated with the Industry 4.0 like ciency improvement to creation of energy from wind and
drones, sensors, micro robotics, software, and data analytics sun powered devices, and associating them to smart grid
could help farmers in producing more food utilizing the same along with storage, various opportunities are there for the
farming area and making less wastage of raw materials and modern energy agenda to benefit from Industry 4.0 technol-
water. As per the pertinent studies yield could increment as ogy portfolio [62]. The maximum use of energy is observed
high as 25% of increment in yield could be achieved simul- by the industrial sector which accounts for 54% of the global
taneously with the less wastage of inputs [54]. delivered electricity. Naturally, factories and plants are con-
suming and wasting tons of energy so managing output and
Goal 3—Ensure Healthy Lives Industry 4.0 technologies usage could have remarkable cost returns. This is where
could be of huge help for the monitoring of health issues. The industrial IoT, or the Internet of Things, can have a major
development of different wearable health monitoring impact on the modern energy agenda. IoT sensors and
machineries, smartphones and internet-connectivity-based IoT-empowered equipment can have the greatest effect if
devices could prompt huge improvement in varied areas intended for savings [63, 64]. Moreover, Industry 4.0 offers
whether it be maternal mortality or widespread access to the opportunity of profitable connectivity of renewable
health education and related information [55]. resources and intermittence management with storage.

Goal 4—Lifelong Learning Rapid change in technologies Goal 8—Sustained Economic Growth and Productive
leads to a rising issue of life-long learning. The rise of Employment Industry 4.0 could be utilized by all nations,
Virtual, and Augmented Reality (VR, AR) combined with regardless of the development stage, to drive economic
internet-connectivity, smartphones, cloud computing, and growth. For instance, with the systems like sensors, software,
distributed computing are opening chances to revolutionize AI and 3D printing, wastage could be reduced, and emission
in order to address this red-hot issue [56]. AR and VR could could be brought down hence increasing the quality and
be of great help for improving industrial skills in developing reducing the expense [65]. Industry 4.0 additionally offers
countries further expanding production capacity. UNIDO has innovation center to drive businesses.
also found AR and VR based knowledge transfer solutions as
inexpensive and operative devices to reduce poverty [57]. Goal 9—Sustainable Industrialization, Infrastructure
and Innovation This is a complicated issue. Industry 4.0
Goal 5—Achieve Gender Equality The issue of gender is accused to be early industrialization in many developing
equality can be addressed by empowering girls and women countries. Research shows that over 50% industrial employ-
with skills, education, and employment. Industry 4.0 opens ment globally are vulnerable with the rising rushes of Indus-
the doors for facilitating skill development and furthermore try 4.0. Developing countries are on the peak of risk
contributing to remote employment. For instance, with the [66]. Effectively growing number of jobs is being taken
help of VR and AR gears, young ladies in remote villages of over by mechanical technology and automation. But the
Bangladesh or India can offer supervision and help to same technology portfolio additionally offers the chance of
si3-Industry: A Sustainable, Intelligent, Innovative, Internet-of-Things Industry 17

making new employments. The reconciliation of intelligence Creating the market of innovation around sensors, smart
in production hardware and over the supply and distribution vehicles, data analytics, and advanced robotics for
chain can possibly diminish wastage, pollution, and emis- reinforcing the production network, improving the prediction
sion—making commitment to sustainable and reasonable of demand in restaurants and hotels, grocery stores, and
industrialization through innovation [67]. expanding food packaging industry could lessen the measure
of food loss and waste.
Goal 10—Reduce Inequality So, far technology has been
accused for growing inequality. Nevertheless, innovation has Goal 13—Combat Climate Change Greenhouse gas emis-
opened the door for many semi-skilled individuals to partake sion from our productive activities is a noteworthy reason for
in industrial economy. During the most recent 50 years, an unnatural environment change and global warming.
technology has been the key reason for expansion of Ozone depleting substances trap warmth and make the planet
globalisation creating export-oriented manufacturing jobs in hotter. Human exercises oversee the expansion in greenhouse
developing countries [68, 69]. Numerous advancements gases in the air during the last 150 years. The biggest well-
driving industry 4.0, for example, additive manufacturing, spring of ozone depleting substance outflows from human
sensors, AI and software can possibly empower developing exercises is from consuming petroleum derivatives for
nations to foster innovation making their economies increas- power, heat, and transportation [75]. Technologies behind
ingly profitable [70]. It seems that Industry 4.0 has decreased Industry 4.0 is opening the chance to power cars, trucks,
the hindrance for developing nations to participate in devel- ships, and trains with electric battery and hydrogen, signifi-
opment economy—allowing each nation to benefit by cantly decreasing the emission from transportation.
advanced technologies increasing the quality of life—in this Advances are being made in making wind and solar as the
manner diminishing disparity. fundamental sources of electrical energy. So also, when we
succeed in making power created from sun and wind less
Goal 11—Make Cities and Human Settlement Sustaina- expensive than fossil fuels, heating and every other type of
ble Industrial age in the course of the last 300 years has demand will be met with clean energy. It gives the idea that
made human settlements unsustainable, often unacceptable. rather than regulation, Industry 4.0 technology portfolio is
Centralized production has urged individuals to join in little opening the chance to strengthen completion in adopting
territories in making towns and urban communities, while clean production strategies to diminish emission and incre-
disserting rural communities. Air, soil, and water pollution ment benefit at the same time.
brought about by trade economy has made the environment
of our cities toxic [71, 72]. The industry 4.0 offers is the Goal 14—Conserve and Sustain Oceans, Seas,
opportunity to turn around the circumstance. It offers the and Marine Resources Decrease of contamination,
chances to make urban areas liveable, and make gainful dropping by- catch and controlling unapproved fishing
opportunities in rural communities. Rather than leaving activities can possibly save and sustain sea. In addition,
rural areas, individuals will be able to certainly partake in innovation bolstered aquaculture has likewise the possibility
beneficial events anyplace in the world in operating semiau- to lessen the demand of fishing on vast ocean. Technologies
tonomous productive machinery by submerging in aug- like sensors, data analytics and augmented reality can possi-
mented reality environment. bly rise the accuracy of fishing further dropping bycatch
[60]. Industry 4.0 innovation development additionally
Goal 12—Sustainable Consumption opens the way to lessen contamination and control unap-
and Production Around 33% of the food produced in the proved fishing exercises.
for human utilization consistently (roughly 1.3 billion
tonnes) gets lost or squandered as per the report of Food Goal 15—Increase Sustainability of Ecosystem,
and Agricultural Origination of the UN. Food losses and and Biodiversity Data analytics and simulation devices
waste adds up to approximately US$680 billion in are going to play a vital role to comprehend the possible
industrialized nations and US$310 billion in developing consequences of change of biodiversity and ecosystem. On
nations. Food loss and waste likewise sum to a noteworthy one side, such examination will give better insights to
wasting of assets, including energy, land, water, capital and researchers to propose appropriate policy intervention. Then
labour and unnecessarily produce greenhouse gas emissions, again, such instruments could be utilized to increment social
adding to a dangerous atmospheric deviation such as global attention to support the protection restoration and advance-
warming and climate change [73, 74]. The utilization of ment of maintainable utilization of environment, land, and
smart technologies in food harvesting, preservation, forests [57]. Additionally, innovation such as drones-based
processing, and distribution can possibly lessen this wastage. surveillance will likewise give real-time information to help
18 A. Kumar and A. Nayyar

the administration of woodlands, including ending deforesta- challenges lie in the smooth transition of the current
tion, and expanding afforestation just as reforestation. manufacturing and management processes to meet the
demands of industry 4.0. A lot of research still needs to be
Goal 16—Build Peaceful and Inclusive Societies The done in the area. Infrastructure and skills need to be devel-
fourth industrial evolution is made up of a set of ten oped. With the integration of big data analytics, robotics,
technologies; many these could be utilized to address this additive manufacturing, cloud services, IIoT to make the
critical agenda. Beginning from evidence gathering, to accel- vision of smart products, smart manufacturing and smart
erate reasonable justices, developments and innovations in factories become a reality, Industry 4.0 has lot to promise
technology are playing an essential role [57]. The take-off of for the future.
full potential of technologies in overseeing institutions will
essentially improve transparency, and diminish bribery.
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Environment: science and policy for sustainable development, 47 76. Kumar, A., & Ahmad, N. (2012). ComEx miner: Expert mining in
(3), 8-21. virtual communities. International Journal of Advanced Computer
58. Labuschagne, C., Brent, A. C., & Van Erck, R. P. (2005). Assessing Science and Applications (IJACSA), 3(6).
the sustainability performances of industries. Journal of cleaner 77. Kumar, A., & Sharma, A. (2019). (1706-3727) SYSTEMATIC
59. Kumar, A., Sharma, A., Sharma, S., & Kashyap, S. (2017, July). SUMMARIZATION. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems.
Performance analysis of keyword extraction algorithms assessing
extractive text summarization. In 2017 International Conference on
Computer, Communications and Electronics (Comptelix) Akshi Kumar is an Assistant
(pp. 408-414). IEEE. Professor in the Department of
60. Rokon Zaman, Industry 4.0 Drives the Sustainable Development Computer Science and Engineering
Goals, Waves, at Delhi Technological University
11/18/industry-4-0-drives-the-sustainable-development-goals/ (formerly Delhi College of Engi-
61. Kumar, A., & Bhatia, M. P. S. (2012). Community expert based neering). She has been with the
recommendation for solving first rater problem. International Jour- university for the past 10 years.
nal of Computer Applications, 37(10), 7-13. She has received her Ph.D. in Com-
62. Lukman, R. K., Glavič, P., Carpenter, A., & Virtič, P. (2016). puter Engineering from Faculty of
Sustainable consumption and production–Research, experience, Technology, University of Delhi in
and development–The Europe we want. Journal of cleaner produc- 2011. She completed her Master of
tion, 138, 139-147. Technology with honours in Com-
63. Kumar, A., & Joshi, A. (2017, March). Ontology driven sentiment puter Science and Engineering
analysis on social web for government intelligence. In Proceedings from Guru Gobind Singh
of the Special Collection on eGovernment Innovations in India Indraprastha University, Delhi in
(pp. 134-139). ACM. 2005. She received her Bachelor
64. Das, S., & Nayyar, A. (2019). Innovative Ideas to Manage Urban of Engineering degree with distinc-
Traffic Congestion in Cognitive Cities. In Driving the Development, tion in Computer Science and
Management, and Sustainability of Cognitive Cities (pp. 139-162). Engineering from Maharishi
IGI Global. Dayanand University, India in
65. Ranjan, R., & Sharma, A. (2019). Evaluation of Frequent Itemset 2003. She has presented several
Mining Platforms using Apriori and FP-Growth Algorithm. arXiv papers in international conferences
preprint arXiv:1902.10999e. and published work in peer-
66. Kumar, A., & Sebastian, T. M. (2012). Machine learning assisted reviewed and science cited
sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of International Conference on journals. Dr. Kumar has also
Computer Science & Engineering (ICCSE’2012) (pp. 123-130). authored a book ‘Web Technology:
67. Kumar, A., Khorwal, R., & Chaudhary, S. (2016). A survey on Theory and Practice’ published by
sentiment analysis using swarm intelligence. Indian J Sci Technol, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis
9(39), 1-7. Group. She is active reviewer of
68. Singh, S. P., Nayyar, A., Kaur, H., & Singla, A. (2019). Dynamic many top journals of IEEE, IET,
Task Scheduling using Balanced VM Allocation Policy for Fog Springer, Emerald and Elsevier. In
Computing Platforms. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experi- addition, she is currently serving as
ence, 20(2), 433-456. a Guest Editor of Springer Energy
69. Singh, S. P., Nayyar, A., Kumar, R., & Sharma, A. (2019). Fog Systems. Her research interests are
computing: from architecture to edge computing and big data in the area of intelligent systems,
processing. The Journal of Supercomputing, 75(4), 2070-2105. user-generated big-data, social
70. Solanki, A., & Nayyar, A. (2019). Green Internet of Things (G-IoT): media analytics and soft
ICT Technologies, Principles, Applications, Projects, and computing.
si3-Industry: A Sustainable, Intelligent, Innovative, Internet-of-Things Industry 21

Anand Nayyar received the Da Nang, Vietnam. He has more

M.C.A. degree from Punjabi Uni- than 300 Publications in various
versity, Patiala, in 2008, the M. National, International
Phil. degree in computer science Conferences cum International
with the 1st Division from Journals (Scopus/ISI/SCI/SCIe) of
Vinayaka Missions University, in high repute. He is currently in
2009, the M.Tech. degree (Hons.) WSN, MANET, swarm intelli-
in information technology in 2011, gence, cloud computing, big data,
the M.B.A. degree in information network security, the Internet of
systems from Sikkim Manipal Uni- Things (IoT), machine learning,
versity with 1st Division, and the deep learning, network simulation,
Ph.D. degree in computer science and 5G communications. He is the
from Desh Bhagat University, acting Editor-in-Chief for journal
Mandi Gobindgarh, in 2017. He is titled “International Journal of
currently working with the Gradu- Smart Vehicles and Smart Trans-
ate School, Duy Tan University, portation (IJSVST)”.
Development of Industry 4.0

Aditi Sharma and Deepak Kumar Jain

Abstract 1 Introduction
With the upsurge of technology inventions, the
manufacturing industries has revolutionized. Industrial With the advancement of technology, every field whether it is
revolution has completely transformed the social and eco- Medical, Governance, Entertainment, Commerce, are
nomic life of an individual. It started in the seventeenth embracing the change of technology to ensure continuous
century with the use of simple steam engines has come a improvement. Same is being pertained by the manufacturing
long way. Every major breakthrough in the technology industries. The development process in industries has always
changed the face of manufacturing industries. At present, been in pace with the technology of the time. With the
we are in the era of Industry 4.0 which is hailed as the age invention of steam engines in the seventeenth century lead
of cyber-physical systems that has taken manufacturing to the change the process of manufacturing in eighteenth
and associated industry processes to an unforeseen level century in Britain by using the basic materials like iron and
with flexible production including manufacturing, supply steel using motive power (Steam engine) and fuels (Coal,
chain, delivery, and maintenance. This chapter presents an Petroleum) as the energy sources lead to new beginning of
in-depth discussion on various aspects of Industry 4.0, its manufacturing process. This was known as the first Industrial
beginning, the founding pillars of industry 4.0. In addition Revolution or Industry 1.0. It changed the way how we used
to that other allied rudiments such as cross-technological, our human resources, they needed to be skilled to work
functional, talent and business developments are also efficiently in the new industries. Due to the use of the tech-
discussed from the perspective of real time scenarios. nology, mass production in less time became possible and
This chapter also previews detailed knowledge about lead to the increase in international trade.
horizontal-vertical system integration and supply chain At the end of the nineteenth century, with the invention
that aids in enabling and designing smooth manufacturing electricity started the second industrial revolution. It’s also
process in order to gain more profit. known with the name of technological revolution, as it set the
footprints for various technologies. It was during the time of
Keywords second revolution, that railroads, paper making, synthetic
Industrial evolution · Industry 4.0 · IOT · Smart factories · dye, petroleum refining industry, all developed rapidly
Talent · Technology and business development in Industry [1]. Second revolution used the machine tools from the first
4.0 · Supply chain · Horizontal and vertical integration revolution and started manufacturing in parts. It even more
distributed the human labors into specified tasks. This divi-
sion of labor increased the productivity. This revolution lost
its charm with the first world war in early twentieth century.
The third industrial revolution was inspired by the
innovations in the electrical engineering. As it was inspired
from the digital electronics, it is also known as the Digital
A. Sharma (*) Revolution. In the late twentieth century, with the invent of
DIT University, Dehradun, India digital computers, internet the industries changed the way the
D. K. Jain processed the products. The industries we see in this present
Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, era or as we say in this information age are the children of
e-mail: [email protected]

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 23

A. Nayyar, A. Kumar (eds.), A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development,
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation,
24 A. Sharma and D. K. Jain

third industrial revolution. It makes the production system

fast and manageable.
To create the exact replica of a product became the
easiest task [2]. It not only changed the manufacturing
process but also brought innovations to the business and
marketing of the products. The work of the machines in
these industries are so fascinating that a special TV show
with the name Food Factory started in 2012 in Canada and
became popular across all the nations. Industry 3.0 is a
product of information age, but it still needs human help
to complete the product and the digital logical machines
has only impacted how we manufacture the product not
how the whole process is being carried out [3]. So, the need
for forth revolution of industry has emerged. It is still in its
conceptual phase, but Germany has implemented some of
the industry 4.0 principles in few industries.
Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution is a
revolution which will change how we look at the develop-
ment process, it is not just easing the process it is changing
our life too. The revolutions till now has improved the
working efficiency of the machines and lead to the mass
production, this evolution of industries is shown in Fig. 1
[4]. Industry 4.0 uses the concept of Cyber Physical
Systems (CPS), Cloud Computing and the Internet of
Technologies (IoT) [5]. In this revolution, the machines
are provided with artificial intelligence and the raw
products are embedded with the RAID chips, which
correlates the product with the development process. It
will not just impact the industries but will impact econom-
ics too. Let’s first formally describe the Industry 4.0 and its
components, then we will discuss it in detail.

1.1 Industry 4.0

As it is still in the early phase, industry 4.0 is described by

different communities in different terms, like medical field
believes it is the way we can transforms the human living,
while government believes it is a way to enhance the
economics and so on [6]. We are here taking a few of the
definitions which bring different perspective of the
Industry 4.0 is a collective term for technologies and concepts
of value-chain organizations. Within the modular structured
smart factories of Industry 4.0, CPS monitor physical process,
Fig. 1 Evolution of industry

create a virtual copy of the physical world and makes

decentralized decisions. Over the IoT, CPS communicates
and cooperates with each other and humans in real time. Via,
the IoS, both internal and cross-organizational services are
offered and utilized by participants of the value chain. [1]

“Industry 4.0 aims for optimization of value chains by

implementing an autonomously controlled and dynamic
Development of Industry 4.0 25

production.” is a definition given by three German Industry 4.0 is capable of developing highly customizable
researchers [7]. products and at the same time can do the mass production, but
As stated by PWC [8], “While Industry 3.0 was focusing with every great invention comes some problem. Some of the
on the automation of single machines and process, industry major challenging factors for the fourth revolution are secu-
4.0 focuses on the end-to-end digitization of all physical rity, employment, Capital and Privacy [4]. As fascinating it is
assets and integration into digital ecosystems with value to have a high-quality products for consumers, and high
chain partners.” revenues for business people and demand of software for IT
Industry 4.0 is the term used to indicate how we want our industries, yet the labors currently working in the industries
future manufacturing industries to be, the first most critical will not be needed if not all, then most of them will have to
component of this future endeavor is CPS [9]. Cyber physical face the unemployment. Although, it is difficult to estimate
system is the concept of embedding software in a physical the future employment for those, however the need for skilled
thing, meaning a manufacturing machine with the software to software developers will rise with it. The talent and technol-
understand itself. CPS will generate the smart machines ogy development factor will be discussed in the Sects. 2 and 3
which will have the ability to manage themselves, can report respectively, and the development of business will be
that they need servicing, or some updation to meet the con- discussed in Sect. 4. Next section discusses the Vertical and
tinuous evolution of the product, and if possible can do some horizontal integration in the fourth revolution. Last section
of self-maintenance work itself [10]. These manufacturing completes the framework of Industry 4.0 by discussing the
devices will have the knowledge about their own capabilities, end to end process i.e. Smart Supply Chain.
like how much quantity they can process in a second, and
after what manufacturing process they will have to start the
work, and they can keep the count of the products processed 2 Smart Factories
by them [11].
Next foundation of industry 4.0 is IoT and IoS, where the Smart factory is the heart of industry 4.0. The whole concept
internet which is already being used in industry 3.0, works in of new revolution business, product, machines, sales are
collaboration with embedded software, through this internet either part of or depends on the smart factory. Smart factories
connectivity in all the digital circuits, we can control and link have large control over themselves and are able to optimize
different types of products. The basic example of IoT is to themselves too. In Martin’s words “The Smart Factory can be
control our home appliances using our phone, even when not defined as a factory where CPS communicate over the IoT
in home. This very technology and the services provided by it and assist people and machines in the execution of their
(IoS) enables to connect machine with the products. And the tasks” [4]. In simple terms a smart factory is a factory
factory where these smart machines operate is known as where smart machines work to produce smart products. In
smart factory which we will discuss in detail in next section. future, the smart factories will not only be able to manufac-
CPS, Smart Factory and IoT, IoS are the foundations of ture, but will deliver the product too. As the communication
Industry 4.0 [12]. The technology due to which the fourth between machine and product and the trucks or other devices
industrial revolution is possible is shown in Fig. 2. Without which will carry the products for delivery will be
these technologies, industry 4.0 is just a dream, it is because of interconnected by the CPS and will communicate through
the advancement in robotics that now we don’t need humans the IoT, they all are used inside Smart Factory.
to do labor work, and the miniaturization of RFID made Machines and materials are the assets that are located at
possible to build a connection between raw products and the the bottom line of the whole automation pyramid but are all
machines. Similarly, without any of these technologies, well integrated through standardized interfaces. Materials
Industry 4.0 cannot become a reality, that’s why they are and products are uniquely identifiable and locatable at all
known as the technological pillars of Industry 4.0. times during the manufacturing process and as well along
Apart from these technological pillars [13–16], industry their entire life-cycle. These smart materials and products are
4.0 have four design principles as Interconnection, Informa- customized to a large extent at the costs of mass production
tion transparency, technical assistance and Decentralized [18]. The department of Innovative Factory Systems (IFS) at
decisions [17]. These principles ensure that every the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence
manufacturing process should be with the developed with (DFKI) identified four enablers for the Smart Factory:
the connected devices, people and machines and every deci- Smart Products know their production process and negotiate
sion taken by the machines or humans should be transparent it with Smart Machines. The Smart Planner optimizes pro-
with urgent works done with priority with the assistance of cesses in nearly real time. In this environment, humans take a
other connected devices if needed. The last design principle central position. Supported by innovative ICT they become
is to be able to take decisions at own level, rather than waiting Smart Operators who supervise and control ongoing
for a central machine’s or human in charge’s order. activities [7].
26 A. Sharma and D. K. Jain

Fig. 2 Technological pillars of

Industry 4.0

Let us understand the working of a smart factory and its purchase five times the machine they actually needed. Due
need with an example. Consider a company which to season, one of the fruits is not available then either that
manufactures the yogurt, in the current era at least 15 different machine is idle, or the company will use it for the
flavours of yogurt exist. The process of making the yogurt for manufacturing the other yogurt, which will double the supply
each fruit flavour is same, first the jam is made from the fruit irrespective of the need of that particular product in the
and at the same time in different container the process of market.
making the yogurt start, and when both the products are ready Industry 4.0’s Smart factory has intelligent machines
they are put into the flavoured labelled containers by com- (CPS) and the products enabled with the RFID chip and
bining in the certain ratio, and the container is sealed and they are interconnected through the IoT. Now if same five
dispatched for the sales [19]. This process seems problem- fruit flavoured yogurts are to be manufactured in a smart
free but, if by human mistake the wrong flavour is mixed into factory, the scenario will completely change. As the yogurt
the yogurt and it is contained with different label, a possible cup will have RFID chip they will have the information which
mistake as to err is a human. This scenario exists because the product (flavoured yogurt) will be filled in it and at the same
machine has no intelligence. Now look at the other perspec- time, every machinery will have artificial intelligence and can
tive, if a company is manufacturing say five fruit flavoured perform machine to machine (M2M) communication. Every
yogurt, then if it has only one machine which is pouring the container will have the information which raw product it
yogurt and flavour into the container, then at a single time contains, which flavoured jam, Low fat milk, or high fat
only one flavoured yogurts will be manufactured, and if they milk yogurt, So while even having a single machine to mix
have five different machines, so at each conveyer belt differ- the yogurt and flavour, machine will know that for the partic-
ent flavoured yogurt is developed, the company is able to ular cup on the conveyor belt which two products should be
meet the demands, and produce more products in less time, poured into. It not just remove the chance of error of having
but at a five times cost, while every machine is doing the different flavour in different labelled cup, will also optimize
same work, just adding the different flavour, they had to the process, as machines has the intelligence and the
Development of Industry 4.0 27

product customer can send the box’s bar code number to

the organization through mobile SMS, and company can
then map the RFID with the mobile number, in this way as
the RFID has all the information stored, it can alert the owner
of the box on his/her phone that expiry date of the yogurt is
near and it should be consumed. As sales is also interlinked to
the smart factory, a consumer can also place the order
through their phones, and can request for customization too.
As we discussed in the start of this section that smart
factories are the heart of the industry 4.0, is because every
other building block of manufacturing industry revolves
around the smart factory. In traditional days, a factory’s
work was to produce the product with the help of the
machines for which the raw product came from the store,
and after the manufacturing it is handed over to the distributor
Fig. 3 Smart factory components team by sending it to the warehouse, from where products are
sent to different cities and then to the stores. In smart factory
information is transparent in a smart factory, they have the every aspect of this is connected, even when the raw products
information which product is in more demand and can accord- arrive at the store, due to IoT in the store, the machines are
ingly more manufacture that flavour. And rather than going to informed that new material is coming, If the machines
all the yogurt first in warehouse and them supplied to different already have the material and don’t need new raw products,
distributers, the packaging machine will pack the they can command to stop loading more raw contents in to
combinations of different flavours in one cart as per the the container, and when they need it they can request for
requirement of the distributor, and directly send to the distrib- it. Like in the case of Yogurt industry, as to make the yogurt,
utor. Smart factory doesn’t only handle the manufacturing and milk need to be pasteurize, and a yogurt should not be kept in
delivery, it will also be possible through the RFID chip in open for too long to avoid making it acidic. So when the
yogurt cup when it has been used, so it will help the company machine notices that the yogurt available in the container to
to analyse the demands. Figure 3 represents all the fill the cups will be finished in next 10 h in case of high-fat
components that constitute the Smart factory. yogurt and 18 h in case of fat-free yogurt, it will instruct the
The other important feature provided by industry 4.0 is the milk machine to prepare the respective yogurt. This ability to
customization of the products. It will be fulfilled by the Smart take decision or to request and to command to other machines
factories, if a customer demands a yogurt which is mix of two is the decentralized approach of the industry 4.0.
fruit flavours say mango and strawberry, now this detail will Smart factories because of the linkage, they know which
just need to be fed in the yogurt cup’s RFID chip, and the order needs to be delivered first, so they can prioritize the
machine will know that in this particular cup they have to tasks as per as shown in Fig. 4. This will ensure the timely
pour content from three containers. RFID chip can be delivery of the products. Smart factories are not just a con-
configured in multiple ways depending upon the product, it ceptual concept, many companies started following this
can be helpful for the customer too. After receiving the approach too, like Airbus the aircraft manufacturing industry

Fig. 4 Smart factory

28 A. Sharma and D. K. Jain

Table 1 Architecture layers of Industry 4.0

Layer Functionality
Physical resource layer • Collection of smart machines, smart products, smart conveyors
• This is the fundamental layer and all its resources communicate through industrial network layer
Industrial network layer • It acts as a bridge between physical resource layer and cloud layer
• It enables communication between smart machines, products and other physical resources
Cloud layer • The data generated from different physical layer resources are kept on the cloud through internet, as on the large-
scale industries big data is generated, cloud meets the demand for storage
• With IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, it provides not just storage but also provides processing capabilities
Supervision and control • Provides connectivity between consumers and the smart factory
terminal layer • Helps in maintenance

is working with National instruments to augment their current

factory to smart factory for the dropping in the faults occur-
ring in manufacturing process. China is also proposing
to build smart factories under its project “Made in China-
2025”, where they are proposing to build the new factories
following the principle of industry 4.0. It’s a 10 year pro-
posed by China in 2015 to launch an industrial transforma-
tion from labour intensive production to knowledge intensive
manufacturing [20].
As classified by Wang et al in [21] Smart factory has four Fig. 5 Key objectives of Industry 4.0
basic layers in its system architecture each performing differ-
ent tasks as shown in the Table 1. It is with the combination manufacturing sector. All this has consequently necessitated
of all the technological pillars of the industry 4.0 that a the need to manufacture the smart industries that include
successful smart factory can be build. smart services as well [25].
Smart industries will have smart operators as humans, but Following this global trend and based on the wide-open
the number of humans needed in the factory will reduce innovation platforms, technology development is needed and
tremendously [22], and will be replaced by the technology is viable for achieving the objectives of Industry 4.0. We can
driven machines and software. The development of these also say that the automation of the production is required at a
technology and talent of humans is discussed next. faster pace. Hence, a new paradigm of data-centric industrial
revolution entails a deeper transformation based on the intel-

3 Technology Development in Industry


Industry 4.0 also commonly called as the ‘Fourth Industrial

Revolution’ abridges future industrial developments mania for
achieving more intelligent technological aspects of Industry
4.0 by combining several major technical innovations that is
expected to drift the landscape of the manufacturing industries.
The crucial aspect of Industry 4.0 is to make the
manufacturing process fast, forward, efficient, reliable, and
customer oriented in order to discover novel business
opportunities and models [23]. The pyramid model as shown
in Fig. 5 clearly briefs about the varied aspects of Industry 4.0.
This fourth Industrial Revolution is primarily driven by
humongous volumes of data, computing power and connec-
tivity. It majorly centers on the digitization of the
manufacturing process [24]. Business markets are ever
expanding these days via e-commerce which is minimizing
the communication between the manufactures and the
consumers. Customers, nowadays, are more center-staged
and demand customized and personalized products which
are further appending to the increasing challenge for the Fig. 6 Technology developments in Industry 4.0
Development of Industry 4.0 29

Table 2 Key objectives of Industry 4.0

Technologies Description
IIOT Industrial Internet of things (IIOT) is associated with the concept of virtual world. Industry 4.0 look forward to
increasing use of Internet and IOT for achieving enhanced human-machine interactions that could further enable
intelligent manufacturing, thus aiding the fourth industrial revolution. Blending of the physical world with the
virtual world has been made possible with the help of technological innovations in the field of IOT [27] that could
possibly accomplish things talking to each other. It includes laser scanners, global positioning systems, sensors
Cyber physical system Cyber physical or cyber physical production systems (CPS) are the ones that connect with the real physical world
[26]. CPS together with the IOT is often used for merging the physical world with the virtual world. Together,
they aim to accomplish the production of more intelligent smart factories which could further lead to enhanced
and smart production thus enabling faster and efficient digitations. The emergence and development of CPS
technology will promote open-ended industrial innovations [23, 27–29] including energy production, transport,
logistics, machinery, heavy industry, iron, steel metallurgy etc.
Cloud computing It has emerged as a computing paradigm that imparts varied Internet services in a high cost efficient manner
[23, 26, 27] to the users. These are quite compatible for dynamic memory allocation and resource sharing etc.
Hence, enabling users to use the cloud resources as per their needs including hardware, software, infrastructure
resources etc.
Agility and sequencing It is a method of manufacturing that encapsulates the sequencing mechanism [23, 26, 27] where for any specific
configuration, its parts arrive at a production line at the apt time as per customer-centric configuration details. It is
quite analogous to just-in-time sequencing methodology
Additive manufacturing This often includes 3D printing etc. that are used for production of individual components. With the augment of
Industry 4.0, this technology would gain fruitful impact and boost the production of customized and personalized
products [23, 26, 27] by the manufacturers
Big data, data mining and data Big data is the new buzzing term often used these days. Big data technology is used for gaining proper insight in
analytics order to fetch relevant information from heterogeneous and un-structured online available Web data. Utilizing the
advantages of big data, together with the data mining techniques and data analytics, can serve as a boom for better
analyzing the data and eventually aid in the production process. Proper collision of these technologies would
promote benefits to manufacturing companies including optimizing the process, cost reduction and provides
improvement in the operational processing [23, 26, 27]
Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence is a science [23, 26, 27] that deals with the adaptive and collective intelligence for extracting
valuable gamut of real time information as and when needed using efficient tools and technologies including
machine learning, population based heuristic algorithms, deep learning etc.
Cobot It is commonly called as collaborative robotics (Cobot). It belongs to a new generation of robotics [23, 26, 27]
that work in a very cooperative manner with the humans without requiring any security restrictions etc. These are
programmed for better accessibility flexibility and ease of use
Augmented reality Different variety of services including selection of parts in warehouse, conveying instructions related to repair of
the mobile devices etc. are provided with the help of augmented reality based systems [23, 26, 27]. They aim to
furnish the real time information that could be used by workers etc. for effective and efficient decision making
CAD/CAM It is often called as computer aided design and manufacturing [23, 26, 27]
MES/SCADA It is called as manufacturing execution systems/supervisory control and data acquisition. It entails the shop floor
monitoring with real time data collected by using SCADA and remote control of production, transforming long-
term scheduling in short term orders with MES [23, 26, 27]
Sensoring It involves the use of cognitive capabilities like sensing, decision making and reasoning used in making robots
etc. [23, 26, 27]
On demand manufacturing These days, markets are customer-centric. In order to stay competitive and worthwhile, manufactures/companies
ought to act accordingly as per the customer’s rapidly changing needs. All this is creating a variable and viable
demand pattern in the upcoming manufacturing technology [23, 26, 27]. The manufactures are thus, required to
manufacture the stuff as demanded by the customer, relying together with the agility and sequencing

ligent integration of various technological developments. of the industries [30–34] and help achieve the objectives of
These essential technologies [26] that pave the way for the this fourth industrial revolution. Achieving Industry 4.0 is not
Industry 4.0 transition are shown in Fig. 6. The detailed a game. It is like a mission for our practitioners,
descriptions about these advances are specified in Table 2. academicians, industrialist etc. Currently, Industry 4.0 is a
Proper channelization and utilization of the technologies sort of futuristic vision [28, 29, 35–38] for us as it envisages
given in Table 2 can further promote several benefits for the different aspects, challenges such as scientific, political,
digital industry. The open-ended integration of these social, technological and economic challenges.
technologies would aid in further growth of the digitization
30 A. Sharma and D. K. Jain

4 Talent Development in Industry 4.0 pertaining to the relevant field. Additionally, advancements
in the fields such as artificial intelligence, machine learning,
Industry 4.0 is an era of data i.e. it encapsulates humongous robotics etc. are also throwing a challenge as they are creating
amount of data and processed data i.e. information available on machines that are smarter and reliable like humans and aim to
Web. The fourth industrial revolution deals with the emergence perform better than human beings. These areas are actively
of this huge data and expansion of the connected systems. This doing R&D for channelizing the complete automation of the
self-adaptive, intelligent and real time based connected systems machines [39]. For this matter, the talent that is required will
serve as the prime factors for accomplishing the goal of Indus- solely depend on the pace, extent of the automation and
try 4.0. They act as the backbone of ever changing, dynamic certainly on the skills of the manufacturers. Nowadays, robot-
and revolutionizing technology. Furthermore, this revolution ics aim to prepare robots that possess cognitive abilities such
will cogently be the driving factor for any novel business also. as analyzing, decision making and reasoning [38].
Industry 4.0 is actively transforming the dynamics of the Such rapid and relevant advancements pertaining to the
industries. The emergence of huge amount of data and new need of computer knowledge and skills will eventually drive
automated business models is eventually creating a need for a the process of automation faster and more feasible. This will
talented and skillful workforce. All this in actuality requires also lead to the transformation of the nature of the work across
possession of right talent in order to fulfill the goals. Hence, varied industries [40]. Thus, we can say that improved and
talent development in industry 4.0 is indispensable. It entails better talent is required and is the need of the hour for success-
capturing new talents plus remodeling and re-designing the ful survival in this ever-changing industrial revolution.
existing talents according to the changing needs of the industry. Apart from robotics, fields like artificial intelligence are
With the proliferation of Web 2.0 tools and technologies, yielding novel smarter machines that are helpful for our
data is shared on real time basis. This dynamic exchange of industries as well as for the service class. All this may abolish
real time information among the humans, systems and the the need of humans any more in near future. Such expanded
materials [36, 37] is propelling the need of additional auton- automation may pose a threat to the human workforce jobs
omous production systems and techniques to manufacture and occupations as well [41]. When everything will be
them. This is seriously affecting the overall dynamism of automated then why there is need of humans in the industries.
the industries these days. The answer is that both are needed. Machine needs humans
for they are the creators of them. Humans need machines for
Talent Development: Two Sides of a Coin Upcoming novel their assistance [42, 43]. Figure 7 shows the two types of
areas such as data sciences, bio-economics, cloud computing talent development skills.
etc. demands the formation of novel business models

Industrial Front

Creation &
workforce needs
recognition of
to be
innovative ideas
and excelled
reskilled and

Transforming to Development
real time based Creation &
practical recognisition of
implementations dedicated novel
instead of programs
knowledge only

Academic Front

Fig. 7 Talent development skills

Development of Industry 4.0 31

Hence, we can say that this fourth industrial revolution is innovative ideas that could help in making of Industry 4.0.
an era of automated advancements having its foundations For achieving this, both the industry and the academics needs
from robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, real to join hands and update themselves with the below specified
time systems etc. [44]. It is also facilitating the increasing skills as well [51–53].
growth of IoT known as Internet of Things. The main idea For able to pursue with the above required guidelines and
behind IoT implementation is to make the machines talk to strategies, hybrid of technology and skills are equally evident
each other. As we know, industry 4.0 is combination of [54]. This cross technological platform can be imperative for
machines and humans i.e. we may also quote that it is the fourth industrial revolution as shown in Fig. 8.
integration of cyber-physical systems and humans This industrial revolution is at its budding stage
[45]. This novel hybrid combination aim to produce more whereas our production and manufacturing industries are
and more jobs and occupations. This overlapping of human emerging and expanding at a very splendid pace. So we
interaction and machine digitization will also create novel can say that there is substantial amount of scope for
business ventures. throughout growth and enhancements. All this will even-
Apart from this positive side, it may also lead to few of the tually aid in thus generating lots of revenue that could be
losses and displacements in terms of jobs. Novel tools, utilized by enterprises and service providers provided that
technologies and business will of course demand more tal- skilled, capable and talented individuals are involved in
ented, skilful and technical individuals. Existing ones will the process.
either need to learn and adapt themselves with the changing
needs or the industry will replace them with the new talents or
with new machines [46–49]. This will eventually lead to job
losses. We can say that this digitalization is on one side 5 Business Development in Industry 4.0
taking away the jobs as well as on the other side, it is creating
new job opportunities and employment [50]. Fourth industrial revolution is marked by a series of momen-
tous events that are spurred by various inter-connected digitiza-
Need of Skilled Talent in the Digitized World A very tion technologies. The graph of this digitization is dynamically
famous African proverb says that, “an army of lions headed changing and uprising transforming varied business, markets
by a sheep can be conquered by an army of sheep headed by and companies. The hybridization of these techniques entails
a lion”. the integration of the real physical world to the virtual world
It speaks that need of talented, skilled and intelligence [52]. This globalization paves the way for expansion and emer-
workforce is required for efficient and effective working of gence of novel business framework, ideas, machineries, and
any organization or for any services. These workforce needs production companies [53, 55–57]. Hence, we can say that
to be excelled in excellence in their technical abilities and business development is equally evident in Industry 4.0.

Fig. 8 Cross technological and functional platform needed for talent development in Industry 4.0
32 A. Sharma and D. K. Jain



Speed &

Fig. 10 Dimensions of business development in Industry 4.0

Fig. 9 Impact of business development in Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 has opened the gates for advancements of

various tools and technologies based on the competent market
strategies that could effectively provide benefits to the
entrepreneurs, manufactures, companies and service providers
[49]. It is always beneficial to strategically think towards
extending long term goals for the breeding manufactures. It is
constantly re-shaping and re-modeling the earlier ways of
manufacturing and supply [14]. Subsequently, it is advised to
make profits out of it and convert these opportunities into
competitive benefits. The overall impact of this collision will
enhance the business perspectives and ensure higher efficiency,
quality, speed and delivery [16, 22, 58]. These are depicted
with the help of Fig. 9.
Web 2.0 tools and technologies have helped with the
digitalization of the industries in order to produce novel Fig. 11 Strategies of business development in Industry 4.0
ways of expanding business. Earlier, business only talks
about production and expansion of goods and services. Now- Technology-driven states that the market needs ought to be
adays, it involves digitization and automation of the produc- fulfilled via latest technological innovation. Customer-driven
tion and manufacturing processes as well. These are focus on the identification and analysis of the needs of the
categorized into two dimensions, product and service quality customers for preparing a solution as per their needs for
[15] as shown in Fig. 10. obtaining customer value and satisfaction [63]. Whereas
Goods and services are often measured based on utility-driven emphasizes on recognizing the true needs of the
these two dimensions. Former includes the parameters product and the services beyond the customer satisfaction level.
such as durability-safety-accuracy-appearance-maintainabil- Mutual convergence of these dimensions, aspects and
ity-performance-reliability-ease of use [59]. Whereas the strategies would help to transform the humongous amount
later one focuses more on the service oriented nature of of user-generated data into some value offerings with the help
the business such as quality, independent nature, less of the of automation and digitization at the global level in order to
dependence, physical attributes, domain expertise knowl- feed nearly all the businesses. Latest technological
edge, having interest in the customers to tackle their issues innovations, skilled talents, equipped resources, apt capital,
and satisfy them and individualization. automation, digitization, optimization and experimentation
These dimensions also aid towards building strong busi- would eventually aid the Fourth Industrial Revolution to
ness strategies depending on the companies’ available rise, expand and excel globally.
resources and competencies. Again, this business strategy
could be categorized as technology driven, customer driven
and utility driven [60–62] as shown in Fig. 11.
Development of Industry 4.0 33

6 Horizontal and Vertical System it will lead to the breach of confidentiality and privacy [66–
Integration 68]. If a supplier has only one quantity of the engine, and two
competitor companies request for the same, and he supplied the
There are multiple factors involved in any successful busi- one requesting first, and informing the second one that it’s out
ness including quality development, efficient marketing, of stock, and soon the requirement will be satisfied, As the
distributors and suppliers and most importantly customers supplier is stakeholder in both the companies his data will be on
and the competitors. Smart factories in the new revolution both clouds leading to the trouble with the second company
tries to interconnect the machines, materials and the products [69]. While implementing the horizontal integration in the
[64]. To take the business to the up-most level, all the factors future companies, the privacy aspect of all stakeholders need
contributing to it should have effective communication. to be given the utmost importance. The basic structure of
Industry 4.0 has therefore Horizontal and Vertical system Horizontal integration is shown in Fig. 12.
integration to make the manufacturing process even more By the inter-corporation horizontal integration, related
smooth. There exist one more type of integration known as corporations can form an efficient ecosystem. Information,
the end-to-end integration. finance, and material can flow fluently among these
corporations. Therefore, new value networks as well as busi-
Horizontal Integration The working of any manufacturing ness models may emerge. This is needed as the product
industry starts with the demand from the customer, then the lifecycle composes of several phases that have to be
supplier supplies the raw material to the factory, where raw performed by different corporations [8].
material is processed to generate the product, then this product
is sent to the distributors, which further supplies it to retailers Vertical Integration Vertical integration in contrary to hori-
and then it reaches to the customer. Now suppose in a car zontal integration works within an organization. In horizontal
manufacturing industry, the customers requested for modifica- integration, the purpose was to create an inter-connected
tion in his car as for the engine and the color to the company. network between all the stakeholders which may or may
Now the product will be received by the factory, where after not belong to a single organization. Vertical integration is
analyzing the customers’ requirement, they will request the performed to bring transparency in the organization. In [58]
supplier for the material needed [65]. It will take supplier to they defined vertical integration as the merging of planning
arrange and then supply the material. After receiving the mate- and development with the production.
rial factory will update the car and send to the distributor to A factory owns several different units, such as RFID and
again send back to the customer. Now, this whole process took sensors, control, production management, manufacturing,
time, because the information was provided only to the factory. and corporate planning. It is essential to vertical integration
If at the same time the customer has made the request, the of actuator and sensor signals across different levels right up
information has been conveyed to all the stakeholders involved to the enterprise resource planning (ERP) level to enable a
in the process, then the taken to deliver the car back to factory flexible and reconfigurable manufacturing system. By this
will have been utilized by the supplier to arrange and supply the integration, the smart machines form a self-organized system
material, and while the product was in upgradation process, that can be dynamically reconfigured to adapt to different
distributor has found which retailer can deliver the car to product types; and the massive information is collected and
customer and after the product being ready, the car can directly processed to make the production process transparent [31].
be sent to the retailer. The time consumed in the second sce- In any organization, the decisions taken by higher manage-
nario will be lot lesser than the first case. ment are not known to the workers at the floor level, they just
This communication of all the stake holders involved in know how to do the work (manufacturing), and they do it every
the supply chain of a product is a Horizontal Integration. By day, while at higher levels, the senior management decide how
having horizontal integration, all the stakeholders will be they are going to market that product, and what is the current
connected to a cloud which will keep everyone updated demand, what the competitors are developing. Because in
while maintaining the security. Like in smart factory the industry 3.0, the workers working at the floor level might not
machines/CPS knows the status of the material, here in simi- understand such concepts, and as they do mass production of
lar way the factory, distributor, supplier, retailer, customer same product, there is nothing new that they have to learn. In
and other stake holders are connected. industry 4.0, the focus is on customer satisfaction by develop-
Horizontal integration solves the problem for the company ing the customizable product, and now rather than humans’
and customer but the other stakeholders are put into the trouble, smart machines manufacture those products at the floor level
as the same supplier might be supplying to different companies, [70]. So, whenever a new request comes, it should be conveyed
and a retailer has the product of different companies, When the to the floor level too. As the smart factories has inter-connected
data of all the stakeholders will be linked by Cloud Computing, machines and they have the knowledge when a product is
34 A. Sharma and D. K. Jain

Fig. 13 Vertical integration in Industry 4.0

developed, they can themselves change the status of the

product online, it makes the process easier and transparent
to the customer and senior management. In nutshell, Vertical
integration is an interconnection of different modules of an
organization to develop flexible products as shown in Fig. 13.
Industry 4.0 integrates horizontally across the different
organizations, from suppliers to the customers and all the
other members involved in the development of the product
as well as integrates vertically by hierarchical subsystems
inside a factory to create flexible and reconfigurable
manufacturing system. Industry 4.0 enables ubiquitous
sensors, embedded terminal systems, intelligent control
systems, and communication facilities to form an intelligent
network within the CPS. Interconnection may be man to
man, man to machine, machine to machine or service to
service, in order to achieve complete horizontal, vertical
integration [29]. It makes all data about operations pro-
cesses, process efficiency and quality management, as
well as operations planning are available real-time,
supported by augmented reality and optimized in an
integrated network [71]. With this networked production,
interconnections and information exchange among
departments and companies will increase, thus making inte-
gration and communication more important.
Fig. 12 Horizontal integration in Industry 4.0

7 Supply Chain 4.0

Industry 4.0 is not just a smart factory or smart machines,

it is concept of automation of complete end to end process
including the process of supply chain management (SCM).
Supply chain is a vast concept understood in different
terms by different personnel’s, some consider it to just
the process of managing the product supplies, other
include the intercommunication between the industries
providing the materials to the organization (suppliers),
some includes the process of customer feedback to the
supply chain management, although indeed it is the
Development of Industry 4.0 35

process which begins when a customer requests for a prod-

uct, SCM ensures the material needed to build that product,
then after the manufacturing process the product is being
shipped to the customer overlooked by SCM [59–62,
72]. SCM ensures the delivery of the product and analyses
the customer feedback to overlook the future orders.
Swaminathan in 2001 defined Supply Chain as the “set of
entities that are involved in the design of new products and
services, procuring raw materials, transforming them into
semi-finished and finished products and delivering them to
end to end customers.” [73–76]. Whereas the process of
manufacturing a product starting from the raw material till
it reaches the customer is known as Value Chain. The
difference between Value chain and the supply chain is
that designing the value chain works as a roadmap for the
development process, and assists in analyzing and Fig. 14 Foundation of supply chain 4.0
optimizing the process to gain more profit [77, 78], and
supply chain is the process to ensure that customer gets the McKansy & Company has given the six main value
product ordered and that too in the time limit. Value chain drivers that are significantly improved by Supply Chain 4.0:
ensures profit for the organization, supply chain ensures the Planning, Physical Flow, Performance Management, Order
delivery of the product. Management, Collaboration and Supply Chain Strategy. Sup-
The Smart Supply chain process used in Industry 4.0 is ply Chain reduces the cost among Lost sales and services,
known as Supply Chain 4.0 or Logistics 4.0 [79]. The focus Transport and warehousing, Administrative and Inventories
of Supply chain 4.0 has moved from delivery of product to [78, 81].
the pre-planning the process by analyzing the demands and Supply chain 4.0 transforms the business only if it has the
feedbacks of customers. Supply Chain 4.0 will reward the strong foundations as shown in Fig. 14. If only the right data
future industries in following ways [80]: is being collected, it can be used to make predictions, the data
containing user’s marks in mathematics will not help in
• Faster Delivery Time: With industry 4.0, we are analyze determining their chance of buying toothpaste of a brand.
the big data generated from every field including the Data itself doesn’t convey anything until processed to
Social Web, with the proper analytics of this data, we convert it into the information, information is used to make
can predict the demand of the products, resulting in the knowledgeable prediction for the business. Having the
fast dispatch of the product on order [78]. Also with the abilities to convert the data to information is critical for
digitization of everything, the routes can be optimized by implementation of successful digitized company
analyzing the traffic too resulting in accurate prediction of [71, 80]. To perform the analytics the right hardware and
Shipment time. software are inevitable, the analysis of big data without
• Flexibility: Smart logistics analyze the data continuously, adequate support is not possible. Supply chain involves the
prepared for any change in the demand and supply. Smart analysing of the real-time data, to process the dynamic
logistics manages the database of materials availability change the innovation, talent is required to successfully sat-
from different suppliers, dynamic change in the demand isfy the new dynamic requests. Last foundation of the supply
will be handled conveniently because of having the chain 4.0 is the well-defined processes of the supply-chain
resources on the disposal. sub functions. Undefined procedure can’t ensure the quality
• Customization: With more resources available, the request of the products [82, 83].
of the customers to design specific products became more Once an organization have the well-defined Supply chain
feasible and affordable with the help of smart machines. it will have better decision making capabilities along with the
• Accurate: With the process being transparent between the innovative products and end-to-end customer engagement
stakeholders, the time required to receive materials, and to ensuring the satisfaction of the customers [84]. Supply
manufacture the product and time to deliver the product Chain 4.0 along with Smart Factories with factual talent
can be estimated accurately. The centralized system also and technology will lead to the successful digital transforma-
helps in efficient management of the resources, generating tion of industries into Industry 4.0 with boosted customer
more profits. satisfaction.
36 A. Sharma and D. K. Jain

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70. Kumar, A., & Sebastian, T. M. (2012). Machine learning assisted 85. Batth, R. S., Nayyar, A., & Nagpal, A. (2018, August). Internet of
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75. Singh, S. P., Nayyar, A., Kumar, R., & Sharma, A. (2019). Fog respectively. She is currently pur-
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processing. The Journal of Supercomputing, 75(4), 2070-2105. ical University. Her research
76. Kumar, A., & Joshi, A. (2017, March). Ontology driven sentiment interests include Text Summariza-
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of the Special Collection on eGovernment Innovations in India Logic, Software Engineering,
(pp. 134-139). ACM. Cyber Bullying.
77. Ranjan, R., & Sharma, A. (2019). Evaluation of Frequent Itemset
Mining Platforms using Apriori and FP-Growth Algorithm. arXiv Deepak Kumar Jain is an Assis-
preprint arXiv:1902.10999. tant Professor at Chongqing Uni-
78. Kumar, A., & Joshi, A. (2017, March). Ontology driven sentiment versity of Posts and
analysis on social web for government intelligence. In Proceedings Telecommunications, Chongqing,
of the Special Collection on eGovernment Innovations in India China. He received the degrees of
(pp. 134-139). ACM. Bachelor of Engineering from
79. Kumar, A., & Khorwal, R. (2017). Firefly algorithm for feature Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki
selection in sentiment analysis. In Computational Intelligence in Vishwavidyalaya, India and Master
Data Mining (pp. 693-703). Springer, Singapore. of Technology from Jaypee Uni-
80. Nayyar, A., Jain, R., Mahapatra, B., & Singh, A. (2019). Cyber Security versity of Engineering and Tech-
Challenges for Smart Cities. In Driving the Development, Management, nology, India in 2010 and 2012,
and Sustainability of Cognitive Cities (pp. 27-54). IGI Global. respectively. He completed his Ph.
81. Kumar, A., & Sebastian, T. M. (2012). Machine learning assisted D. from University of Chinese
sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of International Conference on Academy of Sciences, Institute of
Computer Science & Engineering (ICCSE’2012) (pp. 123-130). Automation, Beijing, China. He
82. “Logistics 4.0 and Smart supply chain management in Industry 4.0”, has presented several papers in peer reviewed Conferences, as
scm-logistics/ well as published numerous studies
83. Jain, D. K., Kumar, A., Sangwan, S. R., Nguyen, G. N., & Tiwari, in science cited journals. His areas
P. (2019). A Particle Swarm Optimized Learning Model of Fault of research are deep learning,
Classification in Web-Apps. IEEE Access, 7, 18480-18489. machine learning, pattern recogni-
84. Solanki, A., & Nayyar, A. (2019). Green Internet of Things (G-IoT): tion, and computer vision.
ICT Technologies, Principles, Applications, Projects, and
Challenges. In Handbook of Research on Big Data and the IoT
(pp. 379-405). IGI Global.
Sustainable Development in Industry 4.0

Saurabh Raj Sangwan and M. P. S. Bhatia

Abstract Keywords
The manufacturing industries nowadays is rapidly chang- Industry 4.0 · Sustainable development · Tools · Triple
ing towards customized production and the need for bottom line · Economic dimension · Ecological dimen-
today’s industry involves the manufacturing process sion · Social dimension
which is both digital and intelligent. The newest revolu-
tion in the era is termed as Industry 4.0, controls the entire
life cycle of the product and has the potential to produce
innovative solutions for global issues faced in sustainable
development. There are broad 17 challenges faced while
having the sustainable development and is constantly
1 Introduction
questioned with the development of every new business
Over the last few years, industry 4.0 has spellbound attention
model. These challenges are set to achieve the global fair
from all around the world. But, the current globalization is
and sustainable health by maintaining the good and peace-
faced by many challenges to meet the continuously increas-
ful relationship between the people and planet. To over-
ing worldwide demand for both capital and consumer goods
come these challenges the elements of industry 4.0 is set to
by concurrently ensuring a sustainability in its social, envi-
achieve sustainable development in the three
ronmental and economic dimensions. Now, the industrial
dimensions—economic, social and ecological. The eco-
value creation in the industrialized countries is mainly shaped
nomic dimension of sustainability focus on economic
by the development focusing towards the fourth stage of
performance, market presence, indirect economic impacts
industrialization, which we know as so-called Industry 4.0.
and procurement practices. It is linked to ecological
Thus, we can define industry 4.0 as—it is not just about the
dimension in relation to the use of energy and resources,
production [1], but also how creating and design of various
and social dimension in relation to safeguarding and crea-
products, processes, programs, community, society and busi-
tion of workplaces. The social dimension of sustainability
ness functions due to the involvement of artificial intelli-
focus on providing equity and safety to employees,
gence, machine learning, hardware, software, and the
stakeholders and community in which they operate. And
humans. This development of industry 4.0 provides multiple
the Ecological dimension of sustainability focus on pre-
opportunities for the realization and adoption of sustainable
serving the three basic functions—the supply function, the
waste receiver and the direct usefulness with the aim that
For centuries, human needs including food, cloths, houses
the non-renewable resources must be replaced by renew-
were manufactured either by hand or by forcing the work
able resources, and the consumption of the renewable
animal to help manufacture the same. As the time evolved,
resources to be some extent so that they can be regained
manufacturing began to change rapidly with the introduction
in the future.
of various technological advancements and as a result devel-
opment operations drastically increased from there. The
major technological advancements of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, or Industry 4.0, are revolutionizing industrial
production. The First Industrial Revolution evolved in the
S. R. Sangwan (*) · M. P. S. Bhatia
Division of Computer Engineering, Netaji Subhas University of 1800s with the development of steam and water powered
Technology, Delhi, India machines to help the workers.

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 39

A. Nayyar, A. Kumar (eds.), A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development,
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation,
40 S. R. Sangwan and M. P. S. Bhatia

Fig. 1 Tools of Industry 4.0

As the production capacity increased, business grew from [5], provides the integration between various value chains
single owners taking care of their own as well of their and between different functional and non-functional layers in
neighbors. Electricity became the first and primary source an organization. The Industrial Internet of Things [6] in the
of power by the beginning of the twentieth century raising to worlds of mining, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture,
the second industrial revolution making it easier to utilize healthcare, etc. developing a good bond of these fields
water and steam enabled businesses to focus power sources to between humans and computers.
single machines as a result making them more portable. Cyber security [7] by means of Vigilant resilience is a
Along with this, several management programs were also successful effort which keeps security only at the adaptable
developed to rise the effectiveness of manufacturing level in Industry 4.0. Cloud technologies [8], are a creator of
facilities. The third industrial revolution, in the last few disruptive innovation and a way-creator for a called business
years of the twentieth century, the invention of electronic fast-lane. It “democratizes” access to learning, knowledge,
devices and information technologies made it possible to and communication. Additive manufacturing [9] providing
fully automate the machines. In the twenty-first century, the fast connectivity between customer, data, and production.
fourth revolution, Industry 4.0 takes automation self- Augmented reality [10] is where the use of an efficient digital
cognition, connects the internet of things (IOT) with produc- toolbox, engineers, designers, or technicians can increment
tion techniques to guide intelligent steps, cutting-edge their capabilities of solving problems, also expanding options
technologies like additive, robotics, AI, to help the programs for optimizing products and processes. Big data and analytics
reach their full potential by allowing self-optimization and [11], deals with the data. We know data is the driver of the
self-customization. decade, a commodity having much weight than oil.
The creation of the fourth revolution in Industry 4.0 Analyzing data in more fast and efficient ways, big data and
includes various tools or technologies [2] as shown in analytics cover the method for a transformation of learning,
Fig. 1. Robotics [3], Increases the human-computer manufacturing, selling, etc. [12].
interactions by storing information, and the chance of using Industry 4.0 has the potential to produce innovative solutions to
that information in intelligent ways with the help of Artificial global issues. The SDGs can provide guidance in realizing this
Intelligence. Improving the better representation of the phys- potential.
ical world by means of digital equipment. For example, 3D Without affecting much the planet’s current condition and
printing. Modeling and simulation technologies [4], includes
increasing the idea of the living being, working and
modern design, piloting, virtual prototyping, and automation
establishing the development of a society leads to Sustainable
in manufacturing industries. Horizontal and vertical system development. In other words, a development that fulfills the
Sustainable Development in Industry 4.0 41

Fig. 2 Sustainability

demands of the present without sacrificing the upcoming • Misunderstanding of the goals
generations needs so that they can also enjoy the resources • Less unified standards
which we are having today. Figure 2 depicts the true motive • Inaccessibility to various information
of Sustainability Development by showing that it can only be • Failing in prioritizing the quality
achieved by having a balanced relationship between People, • Failure of government policy
Planet (nature or resources) and the World Organization and
management policies. If any one of the three is missing, the The Problem is associated with every aspect that is the
goal of sustainable development can’t be achieved. people, planet, and profit and can be categorized majorly into
Human-kind faces many issues to make sure that all people five P’s—People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership [13]
have the equal wellbeing opportunities for the same develop- as shown in Fig. 3. The challenges faced by sustainability
ment giving rise to four objectives of sustainable development [14] precisely can be understood by the picture diagram as
which covers all different aspects—social progress and social shown in Fig. 4.
fairness, protection of the environment, natural resources con-
servation and steady and stable growth of the economy. These
can be achieved by lowering pollution, poverty, and unem- 3 Challenges of Sustainable Development
ployment. Also, the balance between production and the
destruction of the planet is questioned constantly we know Sustainable development considers 17 major challenges such
for economic development, Sustainable development is a as poverty, hunger and others shown in Fig. 4 and are briefly
crucial portion of all countries for which Industry 4.0 has discussed next.
shown many new models to the world, and opportunities for
technologies has expanded a lot, along with production, and Challenge 1—End Poverty
improvement in various business, the question of According to the World Bank, since 2000 the global pov-
sustainability stands. How will the sustainable development erty rates have been reduced to more than half but still one
affect by new business models, and how will they afford to in every ten people along with their families are living on
put the future generation of humanities in the spotlight? less than the international poverty line of US$1.90 a day.
Poverty is not just about lack of income or resources in a
country to achieve a sustainable development but it includes
2 Sustainable Development Challenges hunger, malnutrition, social discrimination, limited access
to education and other basic services. In general, the lack to
The Sustainable development challenges are many in number meet general personal needs such as good food, clothes and
so as to meet the industry 4.0 requirement which covers the shelter refer to poverty [15]. Overcoming the poverty in all
huge area almost the whole universe or even more, it’s its forms from everywhere is one of the greatest challenge
obvious the challenges will be more in number in coming faced by humanity. With poverty comes the lack of access
years. The more the population is increasing, the more need is to resources by people thus leaving people with fewer
increasing, but the resources are still constant. Thus, to bal- resources, how can they manage to cope up with the devel-
ance all these things properly various steps need to be taken oping world and its opportunities for developing new
care carefully then only we can achieve sustainability. In things.
general, the main reasons are: Measurement of the poverty is required in order to tackle
all the problems faced by poverty. The measurement can be
• Not properly defining goals and scope of goals classified into two categories. Absolute poverty, refers to the
• Lack of Monitoring and addressing condition when people lack to have the minimum amount of
42 S. R. Sangwan and M. P. S. Bhatia

Fig. 3 Five P’s of sustainability

income that is needed to meet at least the minimum people. But as the decreased in the percentage by half, global
requirements for the basic living needs over an allowed hunger began rising. Over the past 3 years, the hunger ratio
span of time. It considers the lacking food, clothes, shelter, reaching from one in every nine people [16]. The impacts of
safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, education, hunger can be severe, children can experience stunted growth
information and access to services irrespective of the person’s due to malnourishment or can be severely underweight. So,
permanent location or span. Whereas relative poverty, refers what’s the reason for the drastic increase in hunger? Two
to the condition when people lack to have the minimum main reasons are, the conflicts around the globe, and the
amount of income that is needed to maintain the average extreme change in the climate. It is the time when we have
living standard. In other words, it is when a person dependent to think how we grow, how we share, and how we consume
on that country does not enjoy a minimum some threshold our food. If everything done in right manner, the agriculture,
level of “living standards” as compared to the other popula- fisheries and the forestry can provide people with nutritious
tion of that country. Therefore, relative poverty varies from food, can help generate the good incomes while protecting
one place to another and it changes over time. For example, the environment. At present, there is a rapid degradation in
for a family which has two adults and two children living in a our soils, freshwater, oceans, biodiversity and the forests.
country like America in nineteenth century if had a yearly Most importantly the change in the climate is putting much
income less than say $3000 would have been considered as pressure on the resources people depend upon leading to the
living in relative poverty whereas by twentieth century this high risk linked with droughts and floods. Unless we pro-
amount increased by $14,500 a year. Ending poverty from foundly rethink about the global food and agricultural
everywhere in all its forms, forms the first most essential part systems it is estimated that the number of people suffering
of the 2030 sustainable development agenda. from hunger worldwide could exponentially increase
by 2050.
Challenge 2—End Hunger
According to the report published in 2018 by The State of Challenge 3—Ensure Healthy Lives
Food Security and Nutrition in the World, in the duration of We know health leads to wealth. What if your health doesn’t
the years, 1990–1992 the rate of undernourishment in the support you? You will be helpless. With the increase in
developing country had decreased from 23.3 to 12.9% of pollution in every aspect like air, water affecting the people
Sustainable Development in Industry 4.0 43

Fig. 4 Challenges of sustainability

health to an extreme. Pollution leads to the harmful environ- in poor family are almost twice more likely to die before the
ment [17] that results in an unfavorable effect on living age of five compare to those children born in wealthier
beings resulting in one of the major concern areas for the families. Also, the children whose mothers are educated
world. It is a worldwide issue involving the Nations, only if with primary schooling are more likely to survive
governments, institutions and the media. About 17,000 chil- than those children who are raised by the mothers with no
dren die per day back in 1990, and more than five million education. Since 2000 the maternal mortality rate has fallen
children still die within the age of 5 every year. Children born by 37%. Around two-thirds declined rate in maternal
44 S. R. Sangwan and M. P. S. Bhatia

mortality have been noticed in the Eastern Asia, Northern widespread forms of injustice, the elimination of such consti-
Africa and Southern Asia. In developing regions, the portion tute will be the one of the history’s biggest movements for
of mothers that does not survive childbirth compared to those change. Not just the discrimination but the women also
mothers who survive childbirth referred as maternal mortality suffers from the violence in every part of the world. Sadly,
ratio is 14 times higher than the maternal mortality ratio in the one in every three women experience at least one time in her
developed regions as only half of the mothers in developing lifetime the physical or sexual violence. The gaps in gender
regions receive the adequate amount of health care which is equality nearly exists in every sector around the world. For
required. Diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria affecting example, In 1990, in South Asia out of every 100 boys only
adversely to the people health. In 2017, 36.9 million people 74 girls were enrolled in primary school. However, by 2012
worldwide were living with HIV and 940,000 people died the enrollment ratio increased but not significantly. The
from AIDS and over 6.2 million people die from malaria. equality in gender is not only a fundamental right of
People facing difficulty even in breathing, which was till now human, but essential foundation for a peaceful and sustain-
taken as granted. The days are not so far when we will be able world.
buying the fresh air from markets. Thus, its indeed very
important urge to ensure healthy lives and promote the Challenge 6—Water and Sanitation for All
well-being at ages is essential to make function everything, Clean, pure accessible water is essential part of the world
well and proper. where we want to live in. Although there is sufficient fresh
water on the planet but due to bad economics, poor infra-
Challenge 4—Inclusive and Lifelong Learning structure, inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene,
Due to rapid technological change, lifelong learning is a there is a limited water supply which can be useful to people.
growing issue with quality education [18]. The people world- At the current time two billion people are living with a rick to
wide today has more knowledge compare to in earlier days reduction of access to freshwater resources and by 2050, one
but still not everyone is benefited from it. As a policy inter- in four people at least are likely to be affected by shortages of
vention, education enables self-reliance, boosts economic fresh water. Countries are facing a span of water concerns,
growth by improvising skills and opening better such as enlarging water scarcity, water-related calamity,
opportunities for good livelihoods. Ensuring equal access to insufficient access to safe and clean water, and cross-border
education and training is needed so that every individual, management of water. Water pollution is getting worse, and
regardless of her/his origin, social and economic status, men- water resource governance structures are fragile and
tal illness or physical health condition, gender or age can fragmented [20]. The Freshwater reservoir is also under
profit from tailored learning opportunities. The way to life- pressure from agriculture, industry and growing population.
long learning is a matter of equal possibility to full participa- The change in climate is leading to more constant and
tion in society, high-quality jobs and, successfully achieve extreme weather events leading to an increase in levels of
personal growth. Inequalities in our education and training water pollution, scarcity, and flooding. In brief, the world is
systems which are particularly negatively affecting vulnera- not on the path to succeed in the Sustainable Development
ble groups such as migrants and refugees and pushing them Goal (SDG) on clean and safe water. The advancement in
to the margins of society. Clearly, educational attainment decreasing water pollution and reduction in water wastage is
levels are linked to more and better employment, health, going to play a vital part in achieving this goal of SGDs.
democratic and social participation. Therefore, efforts should
be made to give equal opportunities to all eliminating Challenge 7—Modern Energy
prejudices and discrimination. Enlarging energy access to the rural population extends a
critical challenge for its government. The existence of people
Challenge 5—Achieve Gender Equality without access to electricity and billions who depend on
Emancipating women and girls with education, expertise in biomass for cooking specify both the non-fulfillment of past
skills and jobs seems to be a key tool to label issue of gender policies and plans in the world. A Country may look towards
equality [19]. Unfairness against women and girls is a wide- energy tests on three fronts, the existence of majority energy
spread and long-running situation that divides society at poor needing access to modern energy bearer [21]; the
every level. Despite knowing that women are the building requirement for expanding the energy system to fulfill the
block of this world yet people, don’t see the women getting access space and fulfill the needs of a rapid-growing econ-
equal privileges as men. Empowering women and promoting omy and the wish to partner with global economies in the
them is crucial to accelerating sustainable development. attempt to mitigate the climate change threats. Starting from
Basic human right is not just the ending of all forms of efficient energy advancement to production of energy from
discrimination against women but also a multiplier effect solar and wind, and attaching them to the smart area as well
across the other development areas. Since the gender inequal- as storage, various possibilities are there for the modern
ity being the one of the history’s most persistent as well as energy programs to benefit from Industry 4.0 technology
Sustainable Development in Industry 4.0 45

portfolio. The industrial sector consumes a lot more energy developing countries, rarely 30% of products produced from
than any other industry, using 54% of the worldwide deliv- agriculture undergo industrial processing, compared to 98%
ered electricity. Factories and plants naturally are absorbing of products from high income countries.
and wasting tons of energy so the management of output and
usage could have returned cost exceptionally. This is where Challenge 10—Reduce Inequality
industrial IoT, can have a wide much influence on the modern It is well known that the income inequality is on the boom with
energy program. the richest earning up to 40% of the total global income while
the poorer earning only between 2 and 7% of total global
Challenge 8—Sustained Economic Growth income. If only growth of population is considered then 11%
and Productive Employment of inequality have increased in developing countries. These
The annual GDP growth declined from being 4.4% in 2000 to disparities are a widening call for a action that require some
3.2% in 2017. Globally, 61% of total workers were involved adoption of sound policies to uplift the bottom percentile of
in informal employment in 2016 out of which the 10% were income earners and enhance the economic inclusion of all
from the agriculture sector. The global unemployment rate despite of any comparison between sex, race or ethnicity.
was 5.6% in 2017 down from 6.4% in the year 2000, the Till now technology has been shamed for growing inequality.
decline has reduced to 5.9% since 2009. Compare to adult Income and wealth inequality is increasing in most countries
youth are three times more likely to suffer from unemploy- worldwide today. It calls for nations to decrease inequalities in
ment, with the global unemployment rate of 13% in 2017. income, as well as those relying on age, gender, disability,
Poverty elimination is only possible through steady and well- ethnicity, race, origin, caste or economic or any other status
paid jobs. Decent work means a platform for everyone to get within a country [24]. Income inequality is a worldwide prob-
jobs that is productive and output a equal income, safety in lem which requires a worldwide solution. The Goal also aims
the work environment and social security for families, nice inequalities among countries, adding that related characteriza-
tools for personal advancement and social integration. It is tion, and calls for the facilitation of synchronized and secure
also crucial that all women and men are given equal partici- migration and movement of people.
pation in the workplace [22]. Providing young generations
the best platform to transition to a decent work calls for Challenge 11—Make Cities and Human Settlement
investing in education and training of the maximum possible Sustainable
quality, giving youth with skills that match labor market Around 75% of the total world’s population now live in
need, providing the way to social security and basic services urban areas and by 2050 this figure will rise to 95%. Thus,
irrespective of their contract type, so that every aspiring sustainable development is difficult to achieve without
youth can attain the advancement in employment. transforming significantly the way we develop and manage
our urban spaces. In 1990, there were 10 million inhabitants
Challenge 9: Sustainable Industrialization, Innovation with 10 mega cities but in 2014 there are 453 million
and Infrastructure inhabitants with 28 mega-cities. This rapid growth of cities
This is a tricky concern. Sustainability Development is based in the developing world, along with the increase in rural to
on these three inter-related terms—Infrastructure, Industry, urban migration has led to rise in mega cities. National and
and Innovation. In some low income based African countries, city governments find difficult to accommodate the rising
the infrastructure constraints reduced the businesses produc- population in the urban spaces and hence, the poverty must
tivity by around 40%. Also, 2.6 billion people in developing be concentrated to extreme in these areas. Industrial age over
countries lack access to constant electricity. One challenge is the past 300 years has made people settlements unsustain-
the requirement to increase Internet access by micro and able, or unlivable. Centralized development has praised peo-
SMEs in growing countries, particularly LDCs [23]. More ple to cover in small areas in creating and crafting towns and
than four billion people still lack access to internet, 90% of cities. Air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution raised
them being from the developing country. Another issue by the industrial economy have left the cities with a toxic
relates to in sufficient transport, which leads to greater trading environment. To allow persons with different disabilities to
costs, reduced export competitiveness, and decrement in live freely and participate equally in all face of life, States
attraction for foreign direct investment (FDI), mainly in land- Parties shall take proper steps to ensure to persons with
locked developing countries (LLDCs). Overcoming this issue different disabilities way, on an equal aspect with able one,
needs, moving cooperation, multimodal transport, transport to the outer environment, information, transportation and
gallery, and systematic transit methods. In addition, imper- communications, and other facilities and services enabling
fect access to infrastructure, mainly for transportation, elec- to the public in both areas rural as well as urban. These
tricity, and energy, hinders growth, diversification and value methods apply to, Buildings, roads, transportation Informa-
increment in agriculture and agro-industry in rural areas. In tion, and communications.
46 S. R. Sangwan and M. P. S. Bhatia

Challenge 12—Sustainable Consumption and Production compared to the global temperature which was in the during
Sustainable production and consumption are defined as the the year 1850–1900. The average sea level rise is estimated as
production and usage of products and services in a way that is 24–30 cm by 2065 and 40–63 cm by 2100. Without any
socially profitable, economically feasible and environmen- major action today, adapting to these impacts in the upcom-
tally kind over their life cycle [25]. The per capita material ing years will be more difficult and costly.
footprint increased from 5 metric tons in 2000 in developing
countries to 9 metric tons in 2017 with the high use of Challenge 14—Conserve and Sustain Seas, Oceans
non-metallic materials for infrastructure and construction. In and Marine Resources
2002 in OECD countries the motor vehicle stock was 550 mil- Oceans, seas and marine resources forms a crucial compo-
lion out of which 75% were just personal cars. By 2020, the nent of the Earth’s ecosystem and are essential to sustainable
vehicle ownership is expected to increase by 32%. The development. They cover almost more than two-thirds of the
households consume 29% of total energy contributing to earth’s area and contain 97% of the planet’s water. Nearly
21% of CO2 emissions. Every year about one third of global 65% of the earth’s surface is covered by oceans, generating
food produced is wasted which is equivalent to 1.3 billion half of the air we breathe with the production of 16% animal
tones while 1 billion people remain undernourished and the protein. In addition, oceans are important for worldwide food
other 1 billion people go to bed hungry. The world’s fresh security and human health. Over three billion people world-
water supply by means of rivers, lakes are polluted by the wide depends upon marine and coastal resources, generating
disposal of the industry waste into them and the rate at which numerous jobs in various fields such as tourism, fishing,
the rivers and lakes are getting polluted is much faster than shipping and bio technology. However, marine ecosystems
the rate at which the nature can recycle them and purify it to are currently being much threatened by the human activities.
make it again usable by living beings. It is estimated that by Oceans also play significant part in worldwide development
2050, the global population will reach 9.6 billion to meet the which can help fight the poverty. Our oceans are unaware of
requirements of these many people almost three planets could the any kind of political or international borders, thus the
be required to produce the natural resources to sustain the issues related with the oceans and coastal must be deal
current lifestyles. Food loss and waste counts to a adverse internationally with a collaborative strategy. The efforts by
misuse of resources, covering water, energy, land, labor, just one individual company to prevent ocean pollution or
capital and needlessly eliminate greenhouse gas, affecting preventing marines will have only small effect if others are
global warming and changing climate adversely. To ensure not equally contributing to any solution, to have adverse
sustainable consumption necessary entails are needed to impact there is a need of a solution which have simultaneous
maintain the biophysical boundaries of the planet. And to universal commitment. It is the time when our governments,
reduce the global consumption rate to fit the biophysical the companies and we citizens realize, how important our
capacity of planet that will produce well sustainable ecosys- oceans are and accordingly take actions to enhance and
tem services and benefits from them. protect our marine and coastal areas and seas in order to
continue the benefits both the intangible and tangible from
Challenge 13—Combat Climate Change them by enabling, supporting and improving the conditions
Climate Change is the major issue of our time and we are at a of these areas.
critical moment. Every country on every continent is now
affected by the change in the climate. The average global Challenge 15—Increase Sustainability of Ecosystem,
temperature increased by 0.85  C from 1880 to 2012. With and Biodiversity
each 1 of increase in temperature, there has been decline in Biologically diverse ecosystem served by World Bank pro-
grain yields by 5%. Due to warmer climate the Maize, Wheat, vide valuable economic services in countries. The term eco-
and other major crops yields have experienced a significant system introduced in 1935, describe the entire system of
reduction worldwide of 40 megatons per year between the living organisms and abiotic factors such as water, air and
year 1981 and 2002. The oceans are getting warmer day by minerals covering the given space. However, the way in
day, the amounts of snow and ice have significantly dimin- which the species interact with one another and with the
ished. Due to warming and melting of ice the global average environment led to the concept of ecosystem management
sea level rose by 19 cm from 1901 to 2010 as oceans which includes four principles. The first is to protect entire
expanded. From shifting weather representation that habitats and their individual species. The second principle
threatens food production, to increase in sea levels that maxi- talks about maintaining the native ecosystem within each
mize the risk of catastrophic flooding, the effect of frequent region. The third principle deals with management for resil-
climate change is global in span and unprecedented in scale. ience to disturbances and the last principle focuses on
Given present concentrations and current ongoing emissions establishing buffer zones around core reserves. The growing
of thee greenhouse gases, it is estimated that the global awareness was that the extraction of the resources led to
temperature will exceed by 1.5  C by the end of 2020 accelerate the biodiversity loss and degradation of ecosystem.
Sustainable Development in Industry 4.0 47

The association between biodiversity and ecosystem func- 4 The Triple Bottom Line of Sustainable
tioning has raised as a central challenge in ecological and Development
environmental sciences. Community and ecosystem ecology
provide two views on complex ecological systems that have The Triple Bottom Line concept is developed by John
increasingly complementary strengths and weaknesses. Com- Elkington in mid 1990s. To support sustainability Triple
bining the two perspectives are mandatory both to ensure Bottom Line (or otherwise noted as TBL or 3BL) can be an
continued scientific increment and to provide society with important tool by aiming at the comprehensive investment
the scientific way to face growing environmental issues. results based on the performances for People, Profits and the
Planet. The accounting framework, called “the bottom line
Challenge 16—Build Peaceful and Inclusive Societies (TBL),” is related with either “profit” or “loss” generally at
The progress in promoting peace and justice, building effec- the bottom line of the revenue and expenses statements
tive, accountable and inclusive institutions within the regions [26]. TBL framework can also be used by an organization
remains uneven. Due to increase in the violent conflicts in to create higher business value. It is an accounting framework
recent years, there has been highly increase in the armed consisting Planet or Earth or Environmental, Profit or Finan-
conflicts which is causing the civilian casualties in a very cial and People or Social or community. The bottom line for
large number and forcing millions of people to be away from environmental is the practice of the Company’s work with the
their home. Moreover, the countries which has higher income intent of increasing the benefits to nature and not reducing or
rate are more intend to suffer from violence compare to the destroying the environmental things. Managing energy
countries which has low income rate also they are more prone consumptions is the practice which benefits the nature at
to corruption. The crucial relationship between peace and very large amount. There are many other practices available
development has long been declared by the international which can help the nature and can be done easily includes
community, but it is only with the acceptance of the 2030 reduction in waste and avoiding the use of endangered
Agenda for Sustainable Development, that peace and security resources. Once such a process can be “Cradle to grave”
issues have become fully integrated into the worldwide which is a life cycle assessment of products.
development agenda, at both the levels, policy as well opera- Thus, having reduced, reused and recyclable approach.
tional level. Although “terrorism” counts for only a minimum The bottom line for social is that it deals with the intent of
percentage of the total number of brutal deaths, its events providing the benefits of business to the labor and the com-
have increased steadily over the past decade. It recognizes munity. Fair trade agriculture uses fair trade method that is an
that “there can be no sustainable development without peace arrangement designed to help producers in developing
and no peace without sustainable development.” countries achieve trading conditions. Fair salaries to all and
not exploiting child labor are one of the key practices done.
Challenge 17—Foster Global Partnerships There are many other practices available for labors as safe
for Sustainable Development work environment and suitable working hours. The bottom
A successful Sustainable development requires partnerships line for economic is that it deals with the economic value
between the society, private sector and the government. associated with the organization irrespective of the cost of all
Urgent action is required to mobilize, redirect and transform inputs.
the power of private resources to meet the sustainable devel-
opment objective. The people worldwide are more
interconnected than ever before. The access to technology 4.1 Calculation of TBL
and knowledge can provide a good platform to share ideas
and foster innovation. A main shortcoming of the present In general, the trick is not in defining TBL but how we can
global partnership is the absence of accountability of measure it. The TBL measures different dimensions includ-
stakeholders. The issue of today and the transformative ing social welfare, environmental damage, counting
change requirement to achieve sustainable development will endangered species, measuring performance between
need collective action from all countries based on their companies, etc. There is no such universal standardized
respective capacities worldwide. This Global Partnership way for evaluating [27] the TBL as, finding a common unit
focuses to be an inclusive, comprehensive platform that will of measurement is one such challenging task in measuring the
equally support all sustainable development stakeholders. TBL. Use of prices and use of index are the two Approaches
New technologies allow exciting new techniques for citizens can be followed as a common measure of the unit. Prices can
and their organization to grow and use data in a democratic be associated with many products based on that we can
and effective manner. The Global Partnership can present measure whether that is in the bottom line. But, the technique
them with a technique for both navigating through and of finding the correct price for any product is still a problem.
profiting from the Data Revolution. Another solution can be to make use of an index, eliminating
48 S. R. Sangwan and M. P. S. Bhatia

the incompatible units’ issue via allowing the use of univer- reasons for this disagreement by the people—Applying TBL
sally accepted accounting method. Even in this approach in the practical world is a big task. TBL doesn’t talk anything
question may arise. For example, how to weight the various about the Time dimension that is whether the current value is
components of the index? Can we assign the equal weight to preserved while measuring the TBL or not. Difficult to mea-
components as well as the sub-components? A better solution sure planet, people and accounts in terms of a common unit as
can be to make use of the TBL framework adopting the mentioned by TBL that is profit or cash [30, 32]. Adding all
requirement of a different individual, programs, policies, three together is quite complex. Difficulty in achieving the
geographic circumference, etc. The TBL can accommodate global agreement on policies incorporated by TBL.
these differences. The TBL applications which include busi-
ness, governments are convinced by the principle of eco-
nomic growth, environmental development, and social 5 Industry 4.0 Solution to Sustainable
sustainability, but the way in which they are measured can Development Challenges
be totally different. Let us see the parameters associated with
these three: As now we aware of numerous challenges which are making
it difficult for the sustainable development which included—
Measuring Economic Prosperity When the economists Hunger, poverty, inclusive and lifelong learning, scope of
study the growth of economy, its focus is mainly on the targets, lack of controlling power, lack of understanding and
income. The most common and acceptable measure of of the targets, low quality prioritizing, lack of governmental
income worldwide in the gross domestic product (GDP). capacity, good health and well-being, ranked education, gen-
The GDP measure the value of all goods in the market and der fairness, life on land, life underneath water and so on. The
the services associated with that in any country in a year. It challenges for achieving these goals and targets are trusted to
deals with the flow of money in the business world and the be too optimistic, or just too infeasible for the duration of
greater long-term profitability [28]. For measuring prosper- time as the goals are extremely wide in scope and are required
ity, one good starting point can be diving the GDP by the to take greater actions. For example, if we want to know,
number of people in country without the distributional How any city in specific country functions? This simple
considerations. For example, the income of an individual, question gets very difficult due to the lack of unstructured
increment in a job, churn establishment, sector revenue, or abundant data within the country or globally. As even for
taxes paid etc. planning properly and correctly there is need of citizen’s
involvement without which it’s impossible to achieve the
Measuring Environmental Quality It deals with measuring targets. Its indeed an urge to overcome all these challenges
natural resources availability [29, 31]. For example, consump- as without this it’s impossible to achieve the goal of sustain-
tion of energy, fossil fuel, water, management of waste, able development.
concentrating nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxide, greenhouse Industry 4.0 provides many solutions to overcome and
emissions, use of industrial recycled material, public trans- deal with all the problems mentioned above. The fourth
port ridership etc. To incorporate the air, water quality, the industrial revolution is dependent on a combination of ten
toxic waste and consumption of energy. technologies, these technologies could be used to overcome
the challenges and issued faced by sustainable development.
Measuring Social Capital and Equity Include Possible Practical Industry 4.0 Solution—For supporting
measurements related to social dimensions of community or farmers’ industry 4.0 technologies like sensors, drones,
region. For example, poverty, rate of unemployment, the micro-robotics [33] etc. can be used to produce the food in
female labor participation rate, population percentage, house- a more precise manner, designing export-oriented
hold income, Charitable contributions, Average working manufacturing works in developing countries, already increas-
hours of an employee, crime statistics, the mortality rate of ing the number of works is being taken care by robotics. Also,
infants, ownership of the home, voter participation, etc. tools like drones based surveillance helps in providing real-
These can be variables for measuring the education, time data to support the management and maintenance of
health, quality of life and social capital of the community. forests, protections from deforestation, and maximizing affor-
These are the challenges for putting the TBL into practice, estation and reforestation. Virtual and Augmented reality (VR,
which if measured properly can be beneficial to sustainability AR) couples with smart phones to reduce poverty, increase
for a truly long-run perspective. production capacity, remote employment. Irrespective of leav-
ing rural areas, human will be allowed to participate in fruitful
Shortcomings of TBL activities worldwide in operating semiautonomous fruitful
Despite many advantages associated with the use of TBL machinery by immersing in the augmented reality environ-
many people still disagree with the way, TBL enhances the ment also have the potential to maximize the effort of fishing
Sustainability conditions and its measurement. There are many and control unauthorized fishing activities. IoT-enabled
Sustainable Development in Industry 4.0 49

hardware can make the adequate impact with regards to current workers by preparing programs as well as re-planning
savings and storing. Additive manufacturing, software, AI work processes for diminishing the skill mismatch between
and 3D printing, can help reduce wastage, and emission occupations and representatives [40].
could be reduced. Smart phones can be used to train the people Economic Sustainability can be defined as the capacity of
to increment their income level, have the probability to enable an economic system to generate a constant and improving
growing countries to increase innovation resulting in their growth of its economic indicators. The economic pillar of
economies much efficient and productive. Data analytics, sustainability is where most businesses feel they are on firm
smart vehicles, and simulation tool strengthening the supply ground. A business must be profitable, to be called sustain-
chain, increasing the estimation of demand in supermarkets, able. Contrary to what some people might believe, economic
hotels, and enlarging food packaging industry could help to pillar is not about profitability at all. Activities that fit under
decrease the amount of food loss and waste, lowering the economic pillar includes compliance, proper governance and
emission from transportation. Other tools such as by adopting risk management.
smart water policy and programs, the opportunities to develop Economic growth is the process of exploitation of natural
profitable means for lowering water pollution and wastage is resources with the aid of available technology. Economic
incremented, innovative ideas to manage urban traffic development is the outcome of economic growth. The eco-
[35]. The use of Nano technology [36], fog computing [34] nomic dimension of sustainability tells us about the capabil-
and various technologies in food harvesting, distribution and ity of an organization to sustain the populations by using the
processing has much potential to lower this wastage. right mix of resources, while at the same time generating
Advancements are being done in creating solar and wind as economic growth i.e. income and employment. It makes sure
the relevant electrical energy sources. that the economic graph of the company is an upwards one.
The economic dimension of sustainability assesses the
impact an organization has on the economy of its
5.1 Industry 4.0’s Economic Dimension stakeholders and the society. It keeps a check on which
of Sustainability direction the company is heading and at what pace. The
organization in order to be economically sustainable needs
It is very crucial to oversee innovation investments for exis- to maintain the quality of its products and services. Either the
tence of an organization to adapt to great challenge, organization is product based or service based, it must keep
requesting clients, decreased lead times and requirement for their customers satisfied so that the customers always come
huge adaptability existing in the present organization’s con- back wanting for more.
dition. Industry 4.0 guarantees self-ruling creation Figure 5 represents the dimensions of economic
frameworks in smart manufacturing plants bringing about sustainability. The economic dimension does not focus on
expanded efficiencies. Machine, man and assets can legiti- the financial status of the organization. It focuses on these
mately speak with one another, products know and are smart four material aspects:
enough to assess as to how they will be produced and the
entire worth chain is coordinated. To accomplish this imag- 1. Economic Performance—Information regarding the gen-
ined future condition of the manufacturing or designing envi- eration and distribution of direct economic value is known
ronment, customary industry needs to embrace an organized by this aspect. Various economic indicators are utilized in
change program while Industry 4.0 progress has numerous order to measure the efforts of organization for a sustain-
specialized, affordable, authoritative and lawful difficulties. A able growth. Financial implications of the organization’s
powerful administration of task details to embrace those growth on the society and the climate are also assessed. If
difficulties in the Industry 4.0 transition can be a key activity the results of this assessment are not up to a certain
for the upcoming achievement of an organization [34, 36–38]. predefined threshold value, changes are made in the orga-
In the present worldwide environment, competitive nization to meet the predefined demands of the company.
benefit and sustainability of organizations depend for the 2. Market Presence—Market presence of an organization is
most part on the ability of adjustment to changing organiza- defined as the share of the market held by that organiza-
tion prerequisites. The Industrial revolution, more specifi- tion [41]. The larger the share, the more will be the
cally, Fourth Industrial Revolution, leading from the capacity to grow. This aspect also assesses that how
progressions in new digital innovations that is generally many senior management individuals were hired from
referred as industry 4.0, has been significantly changing the local community at significant level of operations. It
dynamics of various organizations [39]. Mechanization of also keeps a check on the standard entry level wage for all
business forms together with development of novel plans of genders.
action imposes new digital expertise requirements for work. 3. Indirect Economic Impacts—An organization’s economy
Developing future workforce involves not just drawing in has various effects on its environment and the society that
and creating new ability required, yet in addition re-skilling we live in. The development of several large
50 S. R. Sangwan and M. P. S. Bhatia

Fig. 5 Dimensions of economic


Resources and Capital Product
Products to Employment Stewardship New Market

infrastructures to support the economic development of abandoning chemical fertilizers or fossil fuels instantly
the company may lead to climate change. Destruction of instead of that phasing in changes [42, 47].
natural habitat in order to procure land and resources must There are various sustainability challenges in the economic
be kept to a bare minimum and if possible, should be domain of an organization such as lack of understanding of
avoided at all costs [43]. goals, overly optimistic targets and low-quality prioritizing
4. Procurement Practices—This aspect assesses the among many others. The possible solution to these problems
practices undertaken by an organization in order to obtain could be given by Industry 4.0’s elements such as robotics,
the right mix of resources required for proper functioning virtual prototyping and big data analytics [44].
and growth of the organization. These practices must be The bottom line when it comes to the economic dimension
applied keeping sustainability in mind. Depletion of natu- of sustainability is that this dimension is necessary for limited
ral resources in the name of progress is a step in the wrong and constructive use of resources at hand. There lies an inter-
direction as far as sustainability is concerned. dependence of growth loops in industry as shown in Fig. 6.
The resources are finite and therefore sustainability is the need
Based on the abovementioned points, it is safe to say that of the hour. The goal from an economic point of view is the
economy and sustainability deal with the same task: distribu- sustainable growth of a company which in turn leads to posi-
tion of resources. tive impacts on the local, national and global economy. Under
Economic pillar of sustainability is closely associated with economic sustainability, an organization’s wealth and revenue
the other two pillars of sustainability i.e. social and ecologi- are better managed and invested. All these practices result in
cal. Economic sustainability is linked to the ecological the organization being better equipped to tackle sustainability
dimension in relation to economical use of resource and challenges which is a necessity in Industry 4.0.
energy and it is linked to the social dimension in relation to
the creation and safeguarding of workplaces. The reasons that
make it feasible for the corporations to come on board with 5.2 Industry 4.0’s Social Dimension
sustainability strategies is the inclusion of profit and eco- of Sustainability
nomic pillar. A counterweight in extreme measures is
provided by the economic pillar because of which the Social dimension of sustainability states that a sustainable
organizations are sometimes pushed to adopt, such as business should have the support and approval of its

Fig. 6 Interdependence of
growth loops

Loop of


GDP Loop of Carbon - based
Significance Loop of
Resource Resource Usage
Growth Depletion
Sustainable Development in Industry 4.0 51

employees, stakeholders and the community it operates in. The say the least and the pay in some cases is barely enough to
main aim here is treating your employees fairly and being a sustain a living. In these circumstances, special measures are
good community member, both locally and globally [46]. It is needed to be enforced to make sure that the employees are
a simple fact, if the employees are kept happy and are provided feeling secure and are motivated enough to keep working
with a positive work environment, the results will be fruitful. there while at the same time maintaining a balanced and
Similarly, if the community members are taken care of, they healthy lifestyle. Measures such as overtime pay, bonuses,
will always let your company feel welcomed. monthly reward system, a greater number of holidays,
Most companies today are starting to understand the deserved promotions and many others can be implemented
importance of the social pillar of sustainability, even more to serve the purpose of keeping the employees content [44].
so after the advent of Industry 4.0. Earlier, companies did not One methodology that has proved itself to be effective in
invest in measures that would ensure employee satisfaction increasing the contentment level of employees is “work from
and happiness. But it was soon realized by companies that the home”. It is also commonly known as laptop lifestyle. The
more content the employees are, the better will be their employees are free to work from wherever they are comfort-
productivity. On the employee side, the company focuses able working from. It is not essential to report to the office
on engagement and retention strategies. They provide the daily if the work assigned to that employee is being
employees with various benefits such as long maternity and completed within the specified deadline. Obviously, this is
paternity leave, flexible working hours, the prospect of work- only limited to companies dealing in IT and software
ing from home, bonuses for overtime or exceptional work solutions.
and various learning and growth opportunities. Another issue other than the happiness of the employee is
On the community side, the companies have turned to of their safety. This is very essential especially in the case of
philanthropy to enhance their image among the people. The factory workers. They must be provided with the appropriate
companies help the locals in fundraising for various events safety equipment. Stabilized designing processes are
happening in the locality. They also provide sponsorship at supported by Industry 4.0 which leads to a continuous
various university and school level events. These companies throughput and positive digital management of processes.
adopt several NGOs and take full responsibility for their The stability generated by the digital management of the
development and care. They provide scholarships to the operations provides well improved and suitable working
underprivileged children so that monetary matters do not conditions and a safe manufacturing environment for the
hinder their educational needs. And moreover, they also employees. It is true that with the Industry 4.0’s arrival, a
invest in local public projects. lot of jobs will be handled by machines that were previously
On a global social scale, a company needs to be aware of handled manually. With the advancement in technology and
how their products are being manufactured. What procedures use of complete system automation, the human factor will be
are being followed every step of the way? Companies need to minimized [41]. This can be seen as a potential drawback of
make sure that there are no ill practices going on to meet the Industry 4.0 in terms of strengthening the employment rates
requested demands. There could be serious consequences if but the quality output produced by an Industry 4.0 system
an organization does not adhere with certain social guidelines will more than make up for the loss of manpower. In tradi-
and laws. For instance, let’s say that some factories or outlets tional organizations, various tasks concerning safety issues
of a particular brand have hired children to carry out the work are performed in order to prevent the operational risks and
at that place. This is illegal and highly unethical. Such safety hazards at the business level. It is however believed
practices must not be supported. In fact, steps must be taken that the environment of new Industry 4.0 is about to be a new
by all the big conglomerates in collaboration with various revolution in safety management practices with “out of the
NGOs and federal agencies to stop such practices at a global box” thinking.
level. Child labor is only one such practice [47]. There are Industry 4.0’s pillar of social sustainability shown in
many others such as corruption at workplace, money laun- Fig. 7 teaches us to care about the community we live in
dering, racketeering etc. The social pillar is against all such and the people that work for us. The term Social
practices and not only condemns it but provides measures to Sustainability can be understood as the capability to guaran-
eradicate it completely. tee welfare in terms of security, health, education etc. and that
Other than ensuring that there are no malpractices going too equitably shared among social classes and gender. Social
around under their noses, the companies must ensure the Sustainability, specifically within a territory denotes the abil-
happiness and safety of the people that work for them ity of the different stakeholders or social actors in terms of
[41]. In today’s corporate scenario, this is easier said than interacting efficiently, aiming towards the same goals, getting
done. The workload is immense, the working hours not encouraged by the close interaction that happens at the
flexible at all, the competition among peers is cutthroat to Institutions, at every level.
52 S. R. Sangwan and M. P. S. Bhatia

Fig. 7 Social sustainability


5.3 Industry 4.0’s Ecological Dimension towards a positive financial impact on themselves [34]. For
of Sustainability instance, reduction in the amount of packaging material will
decrease the overall spending on the products. This type of
Ecological Sustainability is the capability to preserve the thinking is essential for all companies to have. Ecological
following central functions of environment over time: sustainability can be achieved only if all the companies,
whether large or small, adhere to certain guidelines relating
• Resource supply function to sustainable use of resources. The main task of this pillar of
• Waste receiver function Industry 4.0 is that non-renewable resources must be
• Direct usefulness. substituted by renewable resources and renewable resources
should only be devoured to the level to which they could be
To put it other way, within a particular region, environ- regained [38]. At present speed of depletion of natural
mental sustainability can be defined as the ability to improve resources, in 53 years our planet will run out of oil, natural
the significance of environment while making sure that the gas in 54, and coal in 110. The fossil fuels that originated in
renewal and the safety of environmental patrimony and natu-
ral resources is being considered as shown in Fig. 8. It is
believed that Industry 4.0 provides a way of well-organized
resource allocation including energy, water, raw materials Intergenerational
and various other goods. This pillar of Industry 4.0 focuses Decision
on the capacity to utilize natural resources without disturbing
the integrity and equilibrium of ecosystems.
The ecological pillar is often the most talked about. It is Shift to
Renewable Healthy
what comes to most people’s minds when they hear the word Ecosystem
sustainability. It is very easy to imagine and visualize the true Resources
meaning of sustainability in terms of our environment Sustainability
because it is all around us and people can relate to it in a
way which is not possible with the social or the economical
pillar. Industry 4.0 practices are designed in such a way that
minimum amount of resources is required for the functioning More
of the company. preference to Prevent
Nowadays, the focus of companies is on decreasing their welfare than Pollution
use of water, carbon footprints, packaging waste an overall
effect on the environment. It has been realized by companies
that their positive impact on the planet will eventually lead Fig. 8 Ecological sustainability
Sustainable Development in Industry 4.0 53

around 550 years ago had been consumed only in 200 years could improve sustainability as well as business performance.
after their descovery. This is a stigma for the society that we If they do so, a better brand status and a competitive edge
live in today and we all must share it equally. We have no would follow automatically. Improving the business
choice but to shift from non-renewables to renewables such sustainability and bottom line can be completely
as wind, solar, hydropower, biomass etc. synchronized. The efficiency of resource usage can be very
There are companies that have an obvious and undeniable much exploited through closed loop supply chains with,
environmental impact, such as production of food or mining. re-use, recovery and re-utilization [31, 42]. The use of renew-
This type of companies is to be heavily blamed for the able sources of energy as their main power source by
degradation of the environment. They tend to approach the companies will go a long way in securing a better future for
ecological pillar through reduction and benchmarking. The the next generation. If ecological sustainability becomes a
fact that the impact of a business is often not fully priced is a competitive edge among companies, then it could be a boon
major challenge to the ecological pillar. Simply put, there are for all of us. It is the guarantee of Industry 4.0 and its
externalities which are not being properly captured. The total emerging technologies.
cost of carbon dioxide, wastewater, land reclamation and
waste in general are difficult to be calculated. Reason being,
it is not the case always that companies are the ones on the 6 The Future of Sustainable Development
hook for the waste produced by them. This is the place where
benchmarking plays a role in trying to quantify such The future of sustainable development has begun to open
externalities, in order to track and report the progress of through the opportunities provided by Industry 4.0. Sustain-
reduction in a better way. able development is here to stay and it is the need of the hour.
Industry 4.0 practices minimizes the amount of waste An ethical and political principle forms the basis of the notion
generated and holds the company accountable for the waste of sustainable development. The principle infers that the
they produce. It is the company’s moral obligation to guide economic and social dynamics of present economy is com-
that waste in such a way that it does not harm anyone patible with the capability of natural resources to reproduce
including people, wildlife, marine life and the natural in an indefinite manner and up gradation of life conditions.
vegetation’s. The basic feature of Industry 4.0 is the use of The pursuit of the idea of sustainable development is totally
emerging technologies and innovations for the reduction of dependent on the ability of government to promise an inclu-
pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, consumption of natural sive interaction of society, economy and environment as
resources and waste generation and to accomplish various shown in Fig. 9.
other ecological goals. The complete supply chain of a business which includes
Emerging technologies and innovations offer an unparal- the requirement of answerability from primary level, from
leled chance to completely align environmental goals and suppliers to retailers is encompassed by sustainability. When
business. For years, most of the corporations had the thought production of goods in a sustainable manner is seen as a
that improving the substructure and protecting the environ- competitive edge by multinational corporations then this
ment were contradictory objectives. This cannot be the case vision has the potential of reconfiguring many supply chains
any longer. With the advent of Industry 4.0, business, envi- which were based on only cut-rate production. Certainly, that
ronmental and social goals can be achieved all by following picture is completely dependent on whether corporations
the same path. It is a path of advanced technologies and really intend to clasp sustainability or it is just a humbug
human-machine interactions. The technologies in Industry when they talk about it.
4.0 possess the full capacity of making the existing process Let us take an example to illustrate how sustainable devel-
of production ecologically sustainable [37, 42]. opment has started to unfold with the advent of Industry 4.0.
The greediness of big companies and their negligence A machine learning algorithm which was developed for data
towards the environment has led to the rapid depletion of collection and analysis has been successful in the identifica-
non-renewable resources. It has also caused the depletion of tion of a sex trafficking ring. These results were achieved by a
our forests in order to find land for construction and also to PhD student, Rebecca Portnoff. For doing so, machine
get wood as a resource [44]. Furthermore, it has led to the learning algorithms were used to track bitcoin transactions.
degradation of aquatic life as well as wildlife due to dumping This is clearly resonant with the sustainable development
of waste material. These companies when questioned about goals. The complete potential of this work is yet to unfold.
such practices, lie through their teeth and their highly quali- Another instance of Industry 4.0 is the artificial intelli-
fied and heavily paid legal team handles the rest. This type of gence system which is already improving human lives by
behaviour needs to be corrected right away if we want to have improving their health. It diagnoses heart diseases and
a better and sustainable future. providing an estimate of patient’s health condition in future.
In Industry 4.0, companies should aim to be ahead of the It has been done using augmented reality. Data is collected
curve and to put into action technological innovations which from a large number of patients; data patterns are discovered.
54 S. R. Sangwan and M. P. S. Bhatia

complex to take true steps forward towards the purpose.

Many approaches have been tried such as independent
commissions, mega-conferences, campaigns, broad scientific
assessments. And, progress has been witnessed and that too
very heart-warming in some areas. To get a better assessment
of what will be the ecological impact of Industry 4.0, appro-
priate methodologies should be incorporated. For example,
E material intensity [44, 45], life cycle assessment or energy
accounting [30].
C N Overall, it can be said that Industry 4.0 is the tomorrow for
O many, if not all aspects of life which includes the goal of
A M sustainable development. Many doors, linking the rising
E potential of technology and human innovation could bring
about infinite chances for growth and triumph in realizing the
A goals set by humanity. The future has already begun to
L evolve speedily, involving many aspects of life and
presenting more signs of arriving future.

Fig. 9 Three pillars of sustainability 7 Conclusion

Based on these patterns, predictions regarding a patient’s The Sustainable Development Goals provide a set of qualita-
health are made which further enables the doctors to pre- tive objectives, providing a framework for both local and
scribe the appropriate treatment for patients. Hence, patients national governments to work in a common direction. The
get an improved chance of living a long and healthy life. This five P’s of sustainable development—people, planet, pros-
system can be extended to a broader span of health problems. perity, peace and partnership covers all the aspect for
At present artificial intelligence is also assisting the pre- maintaining the sustainable relationship between the eco-
dictive policy framing for law enforcement to deal with nomic, social and ecological system. The sustainable devel-
crime. If developed efficiently, such systems can help police opment looks into 17 major challenges which focus on
to act and stop a crime before taking place. Crime centers ending poverty by allowing all the people to have income
based on big data can also be established to make such above the poverty line, fighting hunger so that everyone at
systems more effective. This, as the cited article discusses, least able to earn three times meal, ensuring healthy life by
lowers restitutions and crime rates, and keeps communities providing measure to fight HIV/AIDS and other harmful
calmer and safer. Further, predictive policing—in software’s diseases, facilities for inclusive and lifelong learning with
such as PredPol or HunchLab, use various metrics and differ- the help of rapid advancement in technology, achieving gen-
ing approaches to reach the same goal, and this means that der equality by emancipating women and girls with educa-
there is still wide field for evolution. As of late, predictive tion, expertise in skills and job, clean, pure accessible water
policing is starting to be used internally, with bigger integra- by decreasing the water pollution and reduction in water
tion. instead of like a third-party software—like it has so far. wastage, enlarging energy by production of energy from
This suggests not only its advancements, but also solar and wind, sustainable economic growth and productive
developments of new features, such as software tactics employment by providing decent work platform, Sustainable
suggestions and further Industry 4.0 upgrades. industrialization, innovation and infrastructure, reducing
Government is taking steps to get their systems and inequality in income and wealth as well as those relying on
institutions ready for cloud to get benefitted by the revolution age, gender, disability, ethnicity, race, origin or caste, making
of Industry 4.0. Cybersecurity is one of the most important cities and human settlement sustainable, production and
aspect in which governments are eager to exploit vast usage of products and services in a way that is socially
opportunities provided by Industry 4.0. Governments are profitable, economically feasible and environmentally kind
aware of the possible risks associated with cloud computing. over their life cycle help in achieving sustainable consump-
Therefore, many preventive measures are being adopted and tion and production, combat climate change, conserve and
undertaken as a component of this complete shift. sustain seas, oceans and marine resources, increasing
When sustainable development presented itself as a new sustainability of ecosystem and biodiversity, building peace
paradigm for civilization, none took it as an easy target to and inclusive societies and foster global partnerships for
accomplish. Also, no one suspected that it would be very sustainable development. The ten technologies of industry
Sustainable Development in Industry 4.0 55

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Management, and Sustainability of Cognitive Cities (pp. 139-162). Saurabh Raj Sangwan is a
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of the Special Collection on eGovernment Innovations in India at Netaji Subhas University of
(pp. 134-139). ACM. Technology, Delhi. He has been
43. Sachin S. Kamble, Angappa Gunasekaran, Shradha A. Gawankar. working with the University for
“Sustainable Industry 4.0 framework: A systematic literature review more than 25 years. He is the
identifying the current trends and future perspectives”, Process Head of Training and Placement
Safety and Environmental Protection, 2018. at the university. With an expan-
44. Kumar, A., & Sebastian, T. M. (2012). Machine learning assisted sive teaching and research profile,
sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of International Conference on Prof. Bhatia has guided many mas-
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45. Kumar, A., Khorwal, R., & Chaudhary, S. (2016). A survey on presented several papers in interna-
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9(39), 1-7. work in peer-reviewed and science
46. Kumar, A., & Khorwal, R. (2017). Firefly algorithm for feature cited journals. His research
selection in sentiment analysis. In Computational Intelligence in interests include but not limited to
Data Mining (pp. 693-703). Springer, Singapore. Deep Learning, Cyber Security,
47. Jain, D. K., Kumar, A., Sangwan, S. R., Nguyen, G. N., & Tiwari, Soft Computing, Social Media
P. (2019). A Particle Swarm Optimized Learning Model of Fault Analytics, Big Data Analytics,
Classification in Web-Apps. IEEE Access, 7, 18480-18489. Knowledge Discovery and Soft-
ware Engineering.
Big Data and Analytics in Industry 4.0

Abhilasha Sharma and Harsh Pandey

machines. This very last level of interference is also going

to be removed with the joint effort of Industry 4.0 and Big
The accelerating pace in change of information and com-
Data. Machines would be provided with enough data which
munication technology has bring a phenomenal change in
will empower them to decide for themselves what would be
industrial environment. The induction of cutting-edge
their next step and a fallback mechanism which will notify
technologies leads to the transition in manufacturing pro-
the respective officers if things get wrong.
cesses that transforms the hand production methods into
In today’s business oriented competitive world, companies
machine driven. This automation of manufacturing
are facing challenges in utilizing big data to its full potential.
mechanisms results in industrial revolution. With the evo-
Many manufacturing industries are not ready to cope up with
lution of social web, the massive amount of data (big data)
such enormous data due to lack of reliable analytical tools.
has been generated and its optimal utilization has
Companies need to rewire their entire framework to deal with
contributed in shaping up the fourth industrial revolution.
such a huge data and get some insights out of it. Various
As a step towards the development of smart and sustain-
limitations that exists [1, 2] are listed as (1) collecting and
able industry, big data analytics is playing a critical role.
filtering high speed data generating from IOT devices
The significance of big data on Industry 4.0 is exemplified
(2) apply the suitable analytical model (3) installing smart
by illustrating its use in research and practice.
IoTs devices (4) setting up cloud computing and data
warehouses (5) skilled labor to understand and operate them
(6) faster connectivity (7) faster processors (8) maintaining and
Big data analytics · Industry 4.0 · Smart manufacturing ·
supervising the entire interconnected automated system and so
Sustainable industry
on. All this requires huge capital investment and time to be
enforced properly. The world is also facing an acute shortage of
data engineers and scientists for comprehending big data. So,
the companies are trying to find solutions in other ways like
1 Introduction giving the task of installing and maintaining this data to a third
party which will also provide the needed business incentives or
Over the past few decades, industries have continued to running campaigns and courses to train their employees etc.
evolve and improve themselves by taking consecutive step Currently, Japan is popularizing the idea of Society 5.0 which
by step growth owing to various industrial revolutions. From aims to solve problems by implementing solutions of industry
using steam power engines to electrical tools even further to 4.0. Canadian Government is trying to implement the
automated machineries using computers. Human intervention blockchain in their system with Canada focusing on cyber
has been reduced significantly by only providing commands physical system enabled manufacturing and service innovation
as input to the computer for processing and handling [3], which proves that despite of the shortage of resources, the
world is continuously moving forward.
A. Sharma (*) The chapter try to explain the definition of industrial big
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Delhi Technological data, its history and impact followed by swot and pest analy-
University, Rohini, Delhi, India sis, general architecture with various tools and techniques. It
H. Pandey is concluded with the elaboration of sustainability achieved
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Netaji with big data and industry 4.0.
Subhas Institute of Technology, Dwarka, Delhi, India

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 57

A. Nayyar, A. Kumar (eds.), A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development,
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation,
58 A. Sharma and H. Pandey

Fig. 1 Evolution of industrial revolution and big data

devices installed inside the plant, data on cloud, smart sensors

2 Big Data and Industry 4.0 data, cyber-based data etc. The term Industrial Big Data
[7, 8] was first coined in 2012 along with industrial revolu-
The accelerating use of social networking sites [4] has been tion 4.0, with the assumption that the data generated by
contributed towards the generation of a huge and massive industrial equipment might hold more important business
amount of data named as big data. It is a large reservoir of values. As soon as a machine would generate data, it would
data [5] comprises of messages, blogs, chats, documents, be detected by a tracker and can either be sent to cloud for
comments, pictures, web forums, online discussions, com- higher level analytics or can be stored in a database for future
mercial transactions, machine generated web logs etc. It can analytics. This processed information will be utilized for
be classified into different categories based on their source of making better decisions, gaining insights and resource opti-
generation such as personal big data (data generated through mization [9–14].
personal usage), social big data (data generated over social
web), professional big data (data generated by officials) etc.
Some of the popular real-time sources may include google 2.2 Evolution of Industrial Big Data
search index, database of Facebook user profiles or the
products displayed on any product-based website and so With the evolution [15, 16] of industrial revolution, big data
on. Industry 4.0 (fourth industrial revolution) [6] is an undergoes with different transformation phases. The
umbrella of various leading-edge information and communi- mapping of different industry versions and big data analytics
cation technologies that helps in early defect detection and has been represented in Fig. 1.
prevention which in turn increases quality, agility and pro- The wave of industrial revolution started in 1760s with
ductivity. Big data analytics has been identified as one of the Great Britain [17] aimed to drive out the textile related work
significant components of industry 4.0 as it provides valuable from homes and shops to industrial plants in order to make
insights for the purpose of smart factory management. This large number of units which would cost less and results in
scenario requires the data to be processed with advanced increase of profit and quality. This revolution [18] prompted
tools and technologies in order to provide relevant informa- people to migrate from the villages to urban area for work
tion. The data that has been generated from the source of with the use of steam and water powered machines. All the
industries is call up as Industrial Big Data. data related to number of items made, cost and sell price,
number of workers, their wages etc. were maintained on
sheets by the officials but the flow was unstable and there
2.1 What Is Industrial Big Data? were many loopholes in the system. Moreover, due to steam
and water powered machines, plants were generally set up
The term industrial big data includes data that is generated near rivers and canals.
inside industries by machines, mobiles, human-machine Few countries like America and Europe started to follow
interfaces, surveillance cameras or Internet of things (IoTs) the model of industrial revolution unfolded by Britain. Due to
Big Data and Analytics in Industry 4.0 59

Fig. 2 Growth rate of big data vs. time

availability of natural resources and man-power America neural network using electrical circuits in order to describe
easily excelled in. how neurons in the brain might work. The effort to simulate a
Next revolution [19] came in 1870s when electricity was neural network continues to fail.
discovered which in turn removes the dependency of water In the late twentieth century or the early twenty-first
rich sites and plants, and they further can be set up close to century, all the pieces for Industrial 4.0 started [23] to fall
the source of raw material. It also reduces the transportation on right places. The development of television, cellphones,
cost. The invention of machines, assembly lines, introduction Internet of Things (IoTs) devices were on high pace. The first
of division of labor strategy has greatly increased the overall successful network was also trained, and the storage of data
throughput of the entire system. The living standards of turned cheaper. Now the data created can be easily stored or
human being has been dramatically changed and uplifts analyzed. The recent industrial technology introduces the
with the arrival of electric telephones, lightings, radios installation of surveillance cameras, interconnected IoT
[20]. The social participation and interaction have been devices inside the plants. These devices will generate data
improved due to facilitation in worldwide connectivity. In that can be analyzed quickly and make real time decision [24]
all, the definition of social life took a huge turn. The creation or can be stored for future analytics. In the twenty-first
of social data has been started but due to technical limitations century, Industry 4.0 connects the IoTs with manufacturing
this data couldn’t be stored, not unless the invention of techniques to enable systems for information share, its analy-
storage devices like disks, floppy, CDs, pen-drives, hard sis and its use to guide intelligent and meaningful actions.
disks which marked the onset of Industrial 3.0. This era is The graph in Fig. 2 describes the evolution of big data
also called as Digital Revolution [21] due to the development with time. There were only 5 exabytes of information created
of computers, networks, web sites etc. Most of the manual by the entire world from the start and the year 2003 and now
work from the industries moved towards a few lines of code the same amount is created in every 2 days. In 2011, the
automating most of the processes. The process of data stor- McKinsey report on big data states that in 2018, USA alone
age, creation of analytical software tools, data analytics has will face a shortage of 140,000–190,000 data scientist as well
started in use not just on profit and loss but on everything [22] as 1.5 million data managers. Currently, every day 4 exabytes
including type of location for plant, weather, raw material, of data is produced, almost the same as the amount of data
transportation, market strategies, and much more. This was produced till 2003.
the beginning of industrial big data. Data has been shifted
from mere piles of white papers to large storage devices for
later analytics. This period also marked the beginning of 2.3 Impact of Big Data on Industry 4.0
neural networks for computation. In 1943, neurophysiologist
Warren McCulloch and mathematician Walter Pitts wrote a The manufacturing industry [25] is most affected by big data
paper on how neurons might work. They modelled a simple trends and possibilities due to the nature and amount of data
60 A. Sharma and H. Pandey

produced by it. Most of the manufacturers have just initiated Daily Production Tracker
the process to discover the potentials of using big data tools, In order to optimize production quality and yield,
but there are already few pioneers within the biggest manufacturers need to have a daily data flow from their
manufacturers who have provided some big data uses cases production lines in order to see discrepancies and
[26, 27] to follow. Major impacts of big data have been listed opportunities in real time. This includes sensor data coming
below. from the production machinery and financial information that
is properly linked together with operational data for analysis
Risk Management purposes. Employee data can also be tracked in real-time by
There are risks involved in industries when they change any allowing a data exchange between employee badges and
of their business strategies or create a new product for production line units.
whether it will be a success or failure. Earlier, there was no
platform or tool to get some insight into it. Suppliers now Data-Driven Enterprise Growth
have the choice to share their products data with their partners By using big data, it becomes possible to quickly compare the
and customers which creates a complete transparency and a performance of different sites and to pinpoint the reasons for
highly effective communication channel for both parties. the differences. In addition to internal production and sales
This way the manufacturer can see exactly whether the sup- data, it is also possible to analyse entire markets, build what-
plier is delayed with production or just in time, to then adjust if scenarios and to use predictive models.
all the related processes and avoid waiting times. Quality data
can also be shared in the same way; manufacturers can have Predictive and Preventive Maintenance
all the production and product related quality metrics from When operational data is analysed with pattern recognition
their suppliers before even receiving the parts. By having method, upcoming failures and need for maintenance can be
greater visibility into supplier quality levels and other perfor- predicted well in advance. This allows preventing downtimes
mance metrics, the manufacturer can have a clear visibility on and costs related to maintenance. At the same time, preven-
their supplier portfolio and have insightful data in their hands tive maintenance will drastically prolong the lifespan of
when it comes to supplier contract negotiations. machines by preventing irreversible failures.

Build-To-Order Configuration Overhead Tracking

Manufacturing ‘products to order’ became a trend and not The overhead cost is determining the profitability of each
just in the automotive industry but in aviation, computer manufacturer. To have real control and visibility over these
services, and even consumer goods. The build to order costs, big data environments are needed with connected data
(BTO) production approach is one of the efficient and profit- sources and advanced analytics capabilities. Part
able business models. But in order to view a real growth standardization is one of the major areas that can hugely
analysis from it, a well-defined data platform needs to be in contribute towards reducing supplier-related costs. It can
place that analyses customer behaviour and sales data. The reach a significant reduction in the part and supplier prolifer-
manufacturer needs to have access over all the sales related ation. This has not only saved cost but also time on managing
data and is able to perform precise predictive analytics to parts data.
foresee order volumes on each possible configuration and
adjust their supply chain accordingly. Testing and Simulation of New Manufacturing Processes
The day has arrived in manufacturing when no risk can be
Improve Product Quality taken for implementing a new product or process. Both
Product quality maintenance is a top priority for manufacturing processes and the products can be tested
manufacturers. Most of them already have the data needed before production/implementation. This is possible due to
to significantly improve quality levels and reduce quality- digital twins, virtual reality environments and manufacturing
related costs, but just few of them can connect their data process simulations. The use of such environments and tools
sources in a way that it would provide actionable insights. can allow manufacturers to eliminate the risk from decision-
making processes. The aim of this so-called digital transfor-
After Sales mation of manufacturing companies is to implement such
The costs of warranties and recalls can easily go out of data platforms that make strategic decision making a science.
control even due to the smallest mistakes in the production
process. With the help of big data, it is possible to either Logistics
avoid or to foresee warranty or recall issues, potentially The usage of big data in logistics is less widespread than in
saving significant amount of money. other manufacturing areas. Warehousing and transportation
Big Data and Analytics in Industry 4.0 61

Fig. 3 SWOT and PEST—quality and performance assessment frameworks

are both areas where big data tools can be used with great SWOT matrix of big data analytics in industry 4.0 followed
Return on Investment but still there are only a few companies by brief explanation of its key characteristics.
around the world who is operating data-driven logistic
services. Strengths

1. Autocratic and independent operating system

3 Assessment Framework for Big Data Use of big data allows the operating system to take inde-
Analytics in Industry 4.0 pendent decisions in determining the most feasible and
optimal algorithm through analysis of trends and patterns
Assessment frameworks [28] are quality management tools in previously stored data.
used (a) to assess the existing performance of an organization 2. Reduced errors due to reduced human intervention
and (b) to identify the needs and measures for its improve- Human errors evaded as the functionality of the industry
ment. The goal is to provide a structured conceptual study of depends solely on the analysis of data, rather than raw
learning outcomes and a well-coordinated planning layout to ideas from the human brain.
meet the above objectives. This section paraphrases the two 3. Increased employment in the IT sector
popular assessment frameworks for big data analytics in Use of big data in industries expands the career scope for
industry 4.0 namely, SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, skilled computer engineers and data scientists and
Opportunities, and Threats) analysis and PEST (Political, increases job opportunities.
Economic, Social and Technical) analysis. Figure 3 illustrates 4. Competitive products
the definition of principal components of both the High quality products based on data collected from user/
frameworks. customer search trends are manufactured to ensure public
acceptability of the product.
5. High flexibility
3.1 SWOT Analysis: Analysing Intrinsic Any change in the routine of the industry can be easily
and Extrinsic Factors incorporated as no physical changes need to be made.
Changes can be efficiently and conveniently incorporated
SWOT analysis framework used by industrial organizations by updating the data set that is fed into the algorithm used
as a strategic planning technique for analysing relevant inter- by industry 4.0 running on big data.
nal and external factors making an impact over people, pro- 6. Availability of real time data
cess, product, projects, initiatives, objectives, outcome of a Since industry 4.0 running on big data makes use of real
system. It is a fundamental model used to evaluate the time data, the products manufactured by the company are
organizations internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as always in accordance with the market trends and can never
external opportunities and threats. It also acts as a vigorous become obsolete or outdated.
mechanism for decision making. Figure 4 represents the 7. Planning ahead
62 A. Sharma and H. Pandey

Fig. 4 SWOT analysis of big data analytics in Industry 4.0

Analysing patterns in previously acquired data allows dependent on computers limits the imagination of humans
future planning within the industry to increase profits and hampers their problem-solving ability.
and work efficiency. 6. Difficulty in obtaining data
Not all data may be freely available on the internet. Some
Weaknesses restricted data might be under the ownership of a few
authorized personnel only and acquiring it may require
1. Huge capital investment required legal permissions.
Large sums of money required for research and develop- 7. Lack of real time intelligence tools
ment to devise suitable algorithms that make efficient use While data is available in huge volumes, this is not the case
of the available data. Further, automation of machines also with the supporting tools and aids that are required to analyse
involves huge expenses. data that will be used in industry 4.0. Currently, very limited
2. Need for highly trained professionals tools are available than can handle real time data analysis.
In contrast to unskilled manual labor in conventional
industries, industry 4.0 necessitates the need for highly Opportunities
trained and intellectual professionals to operate machines
running on big data. 1. Expansion into new markets
3. Need for excessive storage space Analysis of market trends allows the organization to
The accuracy of the results is directly proportional to the expand its horizons and apply previously gained knowl-
size of the data set used to obtain them. Therefore, to edge to new services.
improve the accuracy, a large amount of data is needed 2. Improved global operations
and finding sufficient storage space is a difficult task. Access to worldwide data gives insight into the requirements
4. Lack of clarity of concept of big data of customers of all regions, castes and communities.
Being a relatively new discipline, very less work has been Customized products can be manufactured to suit the needs
done in this field, rendering it difficult to become an expert of each population to enhance global operations.
in big data. 3. Homogeneous products
5. Over reliance on technology Working on similar data sets will allow standardized pro-
Industry 4.0 using big data requires computers for all jobs cesses for product development, consequently warranting
from data collection to data processing. Being entirely uniformity in manufactured products.
Big Data and Analytics in Industry 4.0 63

4. Increased job opportunities for engineers new technologies and may prefer traditional and
With industries shifting to big data, the requirement for established approaches.
skilled engineers will exponentially increase, thereby
leading to an upsurge in job opportunities for engineers.
5. Self-Optimization 3.2 PEST Analysis: Scanning Macro
Gradually with time, the available data worldwide will keep Environmental Factors (Fig. 5)
on increasing. With increase in data, the accuracy of the
results obtained through it will also increase. Therefore, big Political
data analytics in industry 4.0 is a self-optimizing system that
continually improves itself with the addition of new data. 1. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
6. Application of big data in various sectors Intellectual Property Rights must be strongly enforced to
Big data can be exploited for the growth and development protect the interests of individuals, as well as industries.
of various sectors, such as banking industry, agricultural This allows an organization to file a law suit against
industry, sports industry, healthcare industry etc. where no competitors trying to steal the company’s data and seek
such prior work has been done. legal help for the same.
7. New concept, vast scope 2. Government support and funding
Since the concept of big data is yet to be properly Any business in its initial phase requires significant invest-
established, only 0.5% data has been analysed worldwide. ment. However, since industry 4.0 running on big data is a
This leaves a lot of scope for the remaining data to be relatively new concept, the Government might show
exploited for the benefit of the society. reluctance in funding such a venture.
3. Legal policies
Threats Due to certain laws and regulations of the legislature, free
data on a particular subject may not be available to a lay
1. Setbacks suffered by small scale industries man. Only a few authorized personnel may be having the
Small scale industries may find it difficult to survive in the right to access and use certain data, which makes the
market while competing with large industries that can process of big data collection complicated and time
afford operations based on big data. consuming.
2. Reduced employment opportunities for unskilled labour 4. Government instability
Shifting to big data will almost completely exhaust the With a change in the political power, various laws also
need for unskilled labour in industries as negligible man- change. Change in ownership rights of data or open avail-
ual work will be required. ability of data might affect the functioning of an
3. Privacy of customers compromised organization.
To ensure public acceptability of products, buyer trends 5. Taxation policies and Regulatory practices
are carefully studied and analysed, often compromising The big data industry will benefit from low taxation
the privacy of customers. policies and lenient regulations. Such support from the
4. Possible misuse of data by unauthorized personnel Government will encourage industries to shift to big data
Confidential data in the wrong hands could be a huge and give a boom to the rising concept.
threat to the company as the entire industry runs on this
data alone. Economic
5. Data collected may not be resourceful
For extracting patterns from data, huge amounts of data is 1. Market Trends
required, all of which may not contribute to the result Any fluctuations in the prices of products in the market
obtained. This non-resourceful data is nothing but a will result in variations in the data set used in the industry.
waste of storage space and processing time for the 2. Cost of data warehouses
algorithm. Storage cost for huge volumes of data is a major area of
6. Susceptibility to data loss expenditure for industries running on big data.
Over dependency on computers makes the organization’s 3. Monetary value of big data
useful data prone to hacks, leaks and power outages, Big data in its raw form has a lot of potential value that
resulting in loss of important data. can’t be quantized. Therefore, valuing this data is a com-
7. Reluctance of company stakeholders to rely on big data plex, but crucial task as the market value of big data
Big data, being a relatively new concept, is often seen with determines the investment an industry has to make to
skepticism. Stakeholders may be hesitant in investing in purchase it for its use.
64 A. Sharma and H. Pandey

Fig. 5 PEST analysis of Industry 4.0 using big data

4. Investments and Capital regions, castes and communities is collected for use by
For a big data industry to run smoothly, investors must be the industry.
made to realize the scope of big data and its prospective 5. Literacy
returns in the future, so that sufficient funding can be obtained. The level of education of the employees directly affects
5. Business cycle the company standards (highly intellectual data scientists
The ongoing phase in the business cycle directly affects are required to work on big data), while the education
the operations of an organization. Recession in the market level of investors determines their inclination towards
will result in lesser profits for the big data industry. investing into an industry running on big data.

Socio-cultural Technological

1. Employment of data scientists 1. Technical advancements

Unavailability of data scientists due to lack of popularity Progress in technology leads to convenience in tasks.
of the concept of big data makes it difficult to find suitable Automated scripts to process big data according to the data
employees to run such industries. set will avert the need to manually write algorithms each time.
2. Public acceptance of products 2. Research and Development
To ensure public approval of products, buyer trends are Being a new notion, big data analytics requires proper
carefully studied and analysed so that manufactured R&D. The pace and progress of research and development
products meet the needs of the customers. in big data will influence the success or failure of industry
3. Environmental regulations 4.0 using big data.
Norms concerning the environment directly affect 3. Competing technologies
industries using big data as such industries require huge Big data in industries has not gained much popularity due
data warehouses to store large volumes of data. Running to two main reasons- expense of acquiring data and lack of
these data centres require high electricity consumption. real time business intelligence tools. Rival technologies
4. Population diversity such as Spark, Storm and Data Torrent RTS are capable of
Miscellany in the population results in an unbiased data providing solutions to these problems and thus pose a
set. Diversity ensures that data from all age groups, threat to big data analytics in industry 4.0.
Big Data and Analytics in Industry 4.0 65

4. Supporting tools and aids sensor. An interface will read the data and convert
Without real time intelligence tools, big data is just huge it. The conversion speed of normalizer should match the
heaps of irrelevant data. The success of big data analytics data generation speed to avoid any loss of data.
depends on the quality of the tools used to extract the results. 2. The normalized data is then stored in the databases. Local
5. Internet penetration database inside plant and master database on the cloud is
Due to the over dependency of humans on the internet, maintained for storage.
data sharing is becoming increasingly accessible, which 3. The data through the cloud is passed to the analytics block
means all kinds of data is easily and freely available for via the master database. This block consists of data
everyone online. pre-processing tools and a highly trained machine learning
or artificially intelligent model whose output will drive the
oncoming suggestions and steps.
4 Data Analytics in Industry 4.0 4. The next block is a Data Transferring and Alerting System
(DTAS). This is responsible for communicating the results
The exponentially rising generation rate of data has made the to admin via SMS, app or website alerts.
big data analytics a challenging area of research. As the data 5. The user-interface requires an admin to examine the
generation is increasing day by day and the rate of analysis results and take appropriate measures. Suggestive
should be greater than or equal to the rate of data generation so measures are provided by the DTAS where admin can
that after analysis, there would be a threshold for detecting choose solution to take or he can approach the problem
problems and to take the required actions simultaneously. in a different way if he has a better solution.
This section describes a generalized architecture with deeper 6. These decisions are employed in the simulation block and
insights into the analysis part and about the emerging the stability of the system is monitored. The output of the
technologies that industries are opting to simplify the process. simulation validates that the steps are safe and are taken to
the production level. If somehow that step turns to be
unstable, a new step is taken and simulated.
4.1 General Architecture for Data Analysis 7. In case of decision failure, the data is sent back to the
in Industry 4.0 cloud where the model will be retrained to not perform this
step again in future. This functionality is implemented in
The analysis of high-speed real-time data from industrial the correcting block.
equipment and IoT [29] devices is much harder by using the
conventional techniques. Therefore, the problem lies in
finding the correct data and process it. Earlier, in the absence 4.2 Data Science and Machine Learning
of recent technologies such as IoT devices [30], faster network for Smart Manufacturing
connectivity, cloud computing etc. the data was stored locally
and analysed manually or with a prewritten static software Data science is a multidisciplinary [33] blend of data infer-
that will fail to respond in case of improbable situations. With ence, algorithm development, and technology in order to
the inception of machine learning and artificial intelligence, solve analytically complex problems. It involves taking all
models can be trained to respond even to the unexpected the industry related data as input and find useful business
conditions to avoid higher risk and disaster situations. A level information. For example: a manufacturing plant can
well-defined system is necessary which will improvise on take a survey from the customer related to its product and can
itself with time to come up with new upcoming challenges. analyse the data to know the strengths and weakness in order
Table 1 illustrates the basic tools and technologies that are to make changes for better customer experience which would
needed to implement for smart manufacturing in the indus- ultimately turn profitable in the long run. Smart
trial plants. A possible architectural journey of data [31, 32] manufacturing can be done by using the data to check
from its generation by machines to its utilization in taking the which areas to focus on and divert the production on that. It
right decision, has been described in detail. The functional would make a cost efficient and profitable model.
flow diagram represented in Fig. 6 has described the journey Figure 7 shows the mini blocks that made up the whole
of data. The entire processing of the system function is analytics part. It shows that the data entering the cloud system
explained as follows: undergoes data pre-processing [34] such as cleansing of data to
remove unwanted noise and redundant data. The resultant data
1. Data generated from the sensors is first normalized to a would be easy to analyse and interpret. The next step is feature
standard form because of different data formats. The nor- extraction [35] which consists of selecting only the meaningful
malizer block consists of different interfaces for each information out of the huge piles of data. This is a critical step
66 A. Sharma and H. Pandey

Table 1 Installations required in manufacturing plant for system architecture functional flow
Technologies needed Description
Smart sensors These are the main data sources including devices for sensing temperature, speed, valve status, weights, cameras,
etc. For instance, a temperature sensor will read the temperature of an operating machine relative to the threshold
temperature of the whole plant. If the temperature is increasing, it will generate data which will trigger the system to
make required adjustments. If the temperature gets too hot at once, it should not wait for the data flow and analysis,
instead, it will send an alert to either shut the machine automatically or inform the operator to do so

Storage It includes setting up a local database at the plant and a master database on the cloud. The master database will be
treated as the main reservoir of flowing data. The analysis will be performed on the master database. Data coming to
the database is precious and should be protected at any cost. A local database is set up in the plant in case of network
failure. It will act as a temporary reservoir at that time to prevent the loss of data

User-interface It includes apps, websites, and SMS which will notify the admin regularly about the health check of the entire plant.
The results depend on the data analyzed, it can be a simple ‘status: ok’ message or an alert with suggestive measures
to take

Simulation mechanism It consists of a virtual environment where possible steps taken by the admin or the automated system will be tested
by considering the environment parameter same as that of the plant to verify if the steps are stable and safe to

because choosing the wrong features would result in poor of a person applying for the loan to make sure that they are
model performance even if the pre-processing and training going to get the money back.
part is carefully done. Hence, most of the data scientists these • Prescriptive Analytics
days are focused on developing algorithms to extract the best It includes making a model that is self-aware of its sur-
features. Best features lead to best results. Using AutoEncoders roundings. The model will be capable to make intelligent
and their hybrids, word count, creating a bag of words, decisions on its own. It not only predicts but suggests a
ontologies, tf-idf, n-grams are some of the popular feature range of prescribed actions and associated outcomes.
extraction processes. The next step involves training a model Reinforcement learning comes under this.
on the resultant features for finding patterns and make • Machine learning for making prediction and pattern
decisions. Data scientists primarily make decisions and discovery
predictions using predictive casual analytics, prescriptive ana- Machine learning models are used for prediction and
lytics, and machine learning which are discussed as follows: decision making. It consists of training a model with the
predefined dataset to predict the trends in the future. It
• Predictive Casual Analytics works by adjusting its weights according to the pattern it
It includes predicting the possibilities of an event in the finds among the dataset. Table 2 lists a broad classification
future. For instance, banks need to check the background [36] of machine learning algorithms.
Big Data and Analytics in Industry 4.0 67

Fig. 6 System architecture diagram of data analysis in Industry 4.0

4.3 Big Data based Emerging Technologies without the interaction of human-to-human or human-to-
for Industry 4.0 computer [39]. It has evolved from the triangle of wireless
technologies, micro electromechanical systems, and the
This section covers pre-existing and emerging technologies internet. It has enabled the unstructured machine-generated
that can be employed in industrial big data to fully setup the data to be analysed for insights for improvements [40].
sustainable environment of industry 4.0. They are 3. Cloud Computing
represented in Fig. 8 and discussed as follows: It is defined as providing of computing services [41–49]
like servers, storage, databases, networking, software,
1. Cyber Physical System analytics, intelligence and more over the internet, here
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) [37] are integrations of
computation, networking, and physical processes. Embed-
ded computers and networks monitor and control the
physical processes, with feedback loops where physical
processes affect computations and vice versa. The tech-
nology builds on the older (but still very young) discipline
of embedded systems, computers and software embedded
in devices whose principle mission is not computation,
such as cars, toys, medical devices, and scientific
instruments. CPS integrates the dynamics of the physical
processes with those of the software and networking,
providing abstractions and modeling, design, and analysis
techniques for the integrated whole.
2. IoT
Internet of Things [38], is a system of the interrelated net-
work of mechanical and digital machines, computing
devices, objects, animal, even human that are provided with
a distinct identifier and used to transfer data over a network Fig. 7 Block diagram of big data analysis processes
68 A. Sharma and H. Pandey

Table 2 Classification of machine learning algorithms

ML algorithms Examples
Supervised Regressors Logistic, polynomial, support vector regression
Classifiers Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Deep Learning Algorithms like Artificial neural network
Unsupervised Clustering K-means clustering
Association Apriori algorithm, Eclat algorithm, FP-growth algorithms

Fig. 8 Emerging tools and technologies for utilizing big data

cloud, to offer flexible resources, faster innovation and of actions, such as financial transactions, equipment fail-
scalable and distributed system. It reduces overall cost, ure, or some other trigger. These triggers are very minutes
increases speed, productivity, performance, and security. state changes related to a system at a point of time like—a
4. Edge Networks and Analytics click, sensor reading or some measurable activity. The
It is defined as processing and analysis of data [50] near growing IoT devices will immensely increase the amount
the generating devices instead of sending the entire blob of of data that would be generated. Therefore, real-time data
data over a network to a centralized database. Industries manipulation, normalization, cleansing, advanced analyt-
can filter out the data at the time of creation to send an ics and pattern of interest detection would immensely
analysis of only the useful data. Thus, reducing the opera- reduce overall processing time and cost and would
tional cost and time. Edge analytics has gained quite an increase an industries potential. It’s somewhat like edge
attention as the ‘Internet of Things’ model of connected analytics.
devices has become more prevalent. 7. IN Memory Database Technology
5. Prescriptive Analysis Large data is generally stored in hard drives and it is
It is a domain of business analytics [51] which aims at accessed from there to RAM whenever execution needs
finding the best course of actions for a given solution. It is to be performed. IN memory [53] model will provide large
a collaboration of descriptive and predictive analysis. RAM magnitude that saves the time for data transfer.
Descriptive analysis means getting deeper and deeper Giant tech vendors like Microsoft, IBM, SAP, Oracle
insights about a situation based on the previously avail- provides such technologies.
able data whereas predictive analysis refers to the 8. Data lakes and NoSQL Database
forecasting of events in future by finding patterns in events Increasingly, industries are building data lakes for storing
that have already occurred and determining the chances of their vast data repositories [54] that are collected from
events that can occur. different sources and storing it at single database for
6. Streaming Analytics easy access by other domains. This is very different from
also called event Stream Processing, is the analysis of the concept of data warehouse where the data stored is
large, in-motion data generated [52] as an action or set filtered and uniform. Due to large variance of data and
Big Data and Analytics in Industry 4.0 69

their inability to comprehend all at once, it’s better to store be used to attain sustainability in various application areas
unstructured data and process it depending on the (represented in Fig. 9) are described as follows:
use-case. Now, these unstructured data cannot be stored
in relational database due to the organized structure of 1. Manufacturing Industry
those databases. Therefore, NoSQL databases (like Manufacturing industries can use big data applications in a
MongoDB) are required where it is easy to store data variety of ways. It can use analytics to monitor and impro-
whether it is structured or not. vise. Big manufacturing plants create hundreds of
9. Blockchain thousands of mechanical parts every day. But the produc-
Blockchain is a distributed database system [55] that acts tion process faces various challenges like sometimes the
as an open collection for storage and management of quality doesn’t match up to the require mark, sometimes
transactions. Each transaction record is called a block the wastage of huge raw material increases costing, some-
which contains the timestamp of the transaction and the times the workers make unusual demands and stops work-
link between the previous transaction, making it almost ing, affecting the overall productivity of plant and
impossible for anyone to alter the data. Blockchain themselves, sometimes leakage of gases or poisonous
provides for the integrity of transactions but not for the things can have catastrophic effects, etc. All these
analysis, this is where big data comes in. With this problems can be solved with the powerful monitoring of
interlinked data as the source, models can be trained to advanced IoT devices. IoT devices like cameras with
identify the patterns in consumers spending habits and image recognizer, smell sensor to detect poisonous
alert about the risky transactions. gases, weight and quality check sensors can be employed
for such tasks. One the other hand, problems like creating
strategies to increase overall growth and demand in the
market can be solved by using big data which can impro-
vise the system flows inside and outside the plant. Pre-
5 Big Data as a Practical Solution Towards scriptive analytics can come handy for these scenarios to
Sustainable Development create a solution keeping into account events of the past.
2. Sports Industry
Big data and Industry 4.0 have the potential to shape up the Sports is one of the leading industries urging people to
industrial process in terms of resource consumption, process make a career in it. Big data can help players train smarter
optimization, automation and much more. It can be inferred and improving faster. Live streaming of a player playing
that it also plays a key role in achieving sustainable develop- game can be taken using camera which will capture the
ment. A detailed explanation of how these technologies can player’s game from multiple angles, those clips will be

Fig. 9 Real time industries using big data

70 A. Sharma and H. Pandey

supplied to a model which will output the weak points for be used by the model to automate the process of water and
the player and will also provide him with the steps to nutrients addition process. The amount of value to be added
improve. It will be much more efficient than human coaches. will be decided by the model. Hence, the overall system can
It will help a newbie to grasp the game more easily and be automated. These devices will also check the plant’s
efficiently. SciSports is a leading sports industry. Football health and can alarm the farmer when crops will be prone to
analytics company SciSports has won a competition to see disease or pests. It can also be used to check the overall
their football innovations become a reality. The firm uses state of the soil before growing a crop and decides the best-
data to assess the quality and potential of football players suited crop for that condition which will not only increase
around the world to help with recruitment and transfers. the overall productivity but also keeps the health of the soil
3. Quality-Check Industry constant. Growing the same type of crop repeatedly on a
These industries do not create any product; they give the piece of land would result in depletion of nutrition level of
validity of a product. One such example can be taken for the the soil. Therefore, to avoid such deficiency farmers can use
quality test of oranges using drop-test. In drop test, an easily crop rotation technique where the next crop selection will
compressible surface is created with a material of high elas- not be done manually but a model will be trained on the
ticity, the oranges for testing can be dropped on this surface. values generated by these monitoring devices and decides
The surface will be pressed depending on the firmness of the best next crop. The model will not only consider the
oranges. If the orange is too loose, it will be pressed instead nutrition and water level, but also keeps track of tempera-
of pressing the surface. If the orange is too firm, it will press ture, humidity, weather, and geographical location.
the surface, transferring the entire impact to the surface.
Appropriate mechanical sensors can be embedded inside
the surface to calculate the extent of compression, the com- 6 Conclusion
pression data will be sent to a model along with other passive
parameters which can determine the quality of the orange. Big data clubbed with industry 4.0 is a revolutionary tool and
4. Medical Industry its advantages are infinite as validated by the SWOT and
In the medical industry, big data holds a crucial role for the PEST analysis. Automating tasks and implementing an
future. Human activities depend largely upon their mood, optimized, secure architectural model will save resources
surrounding and health condition. Models can be trained to for the next generation and make their lives more sustainable.
monitor the activities of human and find recurring patterns It will take the world a step further into the future by remov-
which may turn out to be a disease. IoTs devices and ing the limitations of human activity. However, keeping pace
smartphones can be employed for that. These devices can with these technologies require an individual to be highly
help to track every day’s human activities and transfer the skilled and well knowledgeable in identifying and solving
data over a cloud to a model. The model can send alert to the any real-time problem. Such problems can be as small as a
person accordingly. Nowadays, IoT devices like minute shift in the data generated, which may affect their
smartwatches are available which are equipped with pulse surroundings, even their lives later. Decrease in human inter-
rate sensors to check human health regularly. They send vention, requires him to be more vigilant and proactive.
regular notifications to the user regarding the schedule for
exercise, health-check-up’s etc. Smart shoes are also devel-
oped which can fit the size of the wearer and make walking References
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productivity, and income inequality (No. 435). American Enterprise 45. Singh, S. P., Nayyar, A., Kumar, R., & Sharma, A. (2019). Fog
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technological drivers, impacts and coping methods. Chinese Geo- 47. Pramanik, P. K. D., Nayyar, A., & Pareek, G. (2019). WBAN:
graphical Science, 27(4), 626-637. Driving e-healthcare Beyond Telemedicine to Remote Health Mon-
25. Shrouf, Fadi, Joaquin Ordieres, and Giovanni Miragliotta. “Smart itoring: Architecture and Protocols. In Telemedicine Technologies
factories in Industry 4.0: A review of the concept and of energy (pp. 89-119). Academic Press.
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the context of industry 4.0.” IEEE Sensors Journal 16.20 (2016): analytics
7373-7380. 52. Mohammadi, M., Al-Fuqaha, A., Sorour, S., & Guizani, M. (2018).
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31. Hermann, Mario, Tobias Pentek, and Boris Otto. “Design principles 53. Berkowitz, B. T., Simhadri, S., Christofferson, P. A., & Mein,
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72 A. Sharma and H. Pandey

54. Pokorny, J. (2013). NoSQL databases: a step to database scalability many publications to her credit in
in web environment. International Journal of Web Information various journals and international
Systems, 9(1), 69-82. conferences. Her research area
55. Karafiloski, E., & Mishev, A. (2017, July). Blockchain solutions for includes Web Applications, Web
big data challenges: A literature review. In IEEE EUROCON 2017- Engineering, Opinion Mining,
17th International Conference on Smart Technologies Social Web, Big Data Analytics,
(pp. 763-768). IEEE. Social Web based Predictive

Abhilasha Sharma is currently Harsh Pandey is presently work-

working as an Assistant Professor ing as software development engi-
in Department of Computer Science neer in Urbanclap. He has received
and Engineering at Delhi Techno- his B.Tech. (Bachelor of Technol-
logical University, Delhi, India. ogy) in Electronics and Communi-
She has 11 years of work experience cation from Netaji Subhas Institute
in industry, research and academics. of Technology, Delhi. His area of
She has received her M.Tech. (Mas- research includes Machine
ter of Technology) and B.Tech. Learning, Deep Learning, Web
(Bachelor of Technology) degrees Quality Assessment, Sentiment
in Information Technology. She is Analysis, Social Big Data, Sustain-
pursuing her Ph.D. in Information able Development.
Technology from Delhi Technolog-
ical University, Delhi, India. She has
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry
4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer

Pijush Kanti Dutta Pramanik, Bulbul Mukherjee, Saurabh Pal, Bijoy Kumar
Upadhyaya, and Shubhendu Dutta

Abstract Production planning · Real-time manufacturing ·

The industrial revolution has changed the socio-economic AMHSR · Cloud manufacturing · Edge computing · IIoT
civilisation of mankind. It started dating back in the late
1700s and has been in continuous evolution since then.
Presently, we are experiencing the latest industrial revolu-
tion, known as Industry 4.0. Among others, ubiquitous
technologies probably have been the most influential in 1 Introduction
the implementation of Industry 4.0. This has led to a new
manufacturing paradigm known as ubiquitous The most impactful revolution in the history of mankind is
manufacturing. This chapter presents an in-depth discus- undoubtedly the Industrial Revolution, and the most
sion on different aspects of ubiquitous manufacturing. In intriguing part of this revolution is that probably it is the
addition to the history of industrial revolutions and the only revolution without any violence and bloodshed. Unlike
fundamentals of ubiquitous manufacturing, the topics other revolutions, it was not a sudden uprising; rather it was a
such as production planning and scheduling, automated long and slow process, the beginning of which cannot pre-
material handling system, and dynamic manufacturing are cisely be pointed out and which has been an ongoing process
meticulously discussed from the perspective of the real- till now. Probably the only revolution that is comparable to
life scenarios, in the age of ubiquitous manufacturing. The this is the Agrarian Revolution, which is the predecessor of
ubiquitous technologies that have enabled ubiquitous the industrial revolution. The agrarian revolution witnessed
manufacturing are reviewed in detail. Several other related innovations such as the idea of cultivating crops in rotation
and advanced manufacturing technologies such as cloud on the same field by Viscount Townshend (1674–1738) and a
manufacturing, cloud robotics, global manufacturing, lean drill, that used to deposit the seeds in straight furrows with
manufacturing, agile manufacturing, additive adequate space in between, by Jethro Tull (1674–1741). In
manufacturing, chaordic manufacturing, etc. are duly fact, the industrial revolution is the effect of agricultural
accentuated. A futuristic view on Industry 5.0 is also societies becoming more industrialized and urban.
presented. The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines industrial revolu-
tion as:
Keywords The process of change from an agrarian and handicraft economy
Industrial revolution · Lean manufacturing · Cloud robotics · to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing.1
Cloud manufacturing · Industry 4.0 · Industry 5.0 ·
Ubiquitous technology · Ubiquitous computing · For centuries, foods and other necessary commodities
such as clothing and houses, and weaponry also were
manufactured manually, i.e. either by hand or utilising animal
P. K. D. Pramanik (*)
National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India labour [1]. In pre-industrial times, people came up with
innovative ways to minimise the manual work; for example,
B. Mukherjee · S. Pal
Bengal Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India the feedback systems into water clocks, designed by the
ancient Greeks and Romans, for self-regulating the devices
B. K. Upadhyaya
Tripura Institute of Technology, Agartala, India and the water-driven trip hammers, invented by the Chinese,
S. Dutta
Aujas Networks, New Delhi, India

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 73

A. Nayyar, A. Kumar (eds.), A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development,
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation,
74 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

Fig. 1 The evolution of the industrial revolution

to automate the pounding and processing of grains and prodigious impact that they have been hailed as
metals. “revolutions” [1].
Towards the dusk of the eighteenth century and at the For instance, the beginning of the Second Industrial Rev-
dawn of the nineteenth century, with the introduction of olution was marked by the introduction of assembly line
systematic manufacturing processes, manufacturing began production which was first implemented in the industry by
to change dramatically [2]. That was the beginning of the the American industrialist Henry Ford (1863–1947) to man-
first stage of the industrial revolution as Industry 1.0; and ufacture his Model T automobiles in 1913. Henry Ford got
since then, it is a rapid and continuous uphill climb leading up this idea from the meat-packing lines when he was visiting a
to the modern industrial era—Industry 4.0. Figure 1 presents slaughterhouse in Chicago. He wrote in his autobiography,
an infographic on the different eras during the evolution of My Life and Work [4]:
the industrial revolution. The idea [of the assembly line] came in a general way from the
Though the idea of a “revolution” in the context of the overhead trolley that the Chicago packers use in dressing beef.
industry was used since the 1820s by several French and
British intellectuals in their articles, the term “Industrial He observed that the animals hung from conveyor belts
pass from butcher to butcher and each butcher performed
Revolution” was formally coined by Auguste Blanqui, a
only a part of the task of butchering the animal [5]. The
French economist, in 1837. He used this term to denote the
economic and social changes, in Britain, caused by the tran- implementation of this principle in automobile production
and drastically lowered the cost and significantly increased
sition from small-scale home-based industries to the factory-
the production speed. The total floor time for a single car
based industries with power-driven machinery [3]. But the
term got popularised in 1882 by the great historian Arnold dropped from 12.5 labour-hours to 93 labour-minutes. And a
“revolution” began.
Toynbee. Actually, these “revolutions” are the result of the
The latest revolution the industry is experiencing is the
ground-breaking technical evolutions as well as the reinven-
tion of the existing industry means and resources. These Industry 4.0 (fourth industrial revolution), and the core of
which is the cyber-physical systems (CPSs) and the ubiqui-
qualitative advancements have sometimes been particularly
tous computing and connectivity. Ubiquitous computing is
associated with a certain time period and have had such a
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 75

and cheaper with increased quantity and improved quality

[8]. The invention of steam-powered locomotive and devel-
opment of railroads accelerated the economic, human, and
material exchanges [7].
The radical change in production ushered in a new eco-
nomic age and changed the existing social structure. It can be
said that Industry 1.0 set the foundation of the industry
culture, which focused evenly on quality, efficiency, and
scale of production [2].
The highlights of Industry 1.0 are mentioned in Fig. 3.
Fig. 2 Dimensions of Industry 4.0

2.2 Industry 2.0 (Second Industrial

considered the most crucial technological base for the Indus- Revolution)
try 4.0 implementation [6]. It has paved the way for ubiqui-
tous manufacturing, one of the most important dimensions of The second industrial revolution (also known as technologi-
Industry 4.0 (as shown in Fig. 2). In this chapter, we explore cal revolution) took place, mainly in Britain, Germany, and
and understand the details of ubiquitous manufacturing. America, in around 1870, nearly after a century of the begin-
The rest of the chapter is organised as follows. Section 2 ning of the Industry 1.0 era, though the background was set
recapitulates the different stages of the industrial revolution. up during 1840–1870. The major thrust behind Industry 2.0
Section 3 establishes the importance of ubiquitous computing was the emergence of new sources of energy like electricity,
and ubiquitous manufacturing in Industry 4.0. The basics of gas, and oil, which initiated new technological advancements
ubiquitous manufacturing are discussed in this section. In [7]. The electric-powered machines being more efficient and
Sect. 4, different components of ubiquitous manufacturing easier to operate and maintain, more sophisticated machines
are explained in a practical sense. Section 5 covers the key were developed, which ultimately increased the production
enabling technologies for ubiquitous manufacturing in greatly.
details. Several other technologies similar to ubiquitous The introduction of the assembly line streamlined the
manufacturing are discussed in Sect. 6. Section 7 dives into process of mass production, allowing to produce more prod-
the future of Industry 4.0. It discusses the probable features of uct in less time and with lower cost. Since the first electric-
Industry 5.0 that are supposed to take the manufacturing powered assembly line built in 1870, various innovative and
process to a new level. The chapter is concluded in Sect. 8. efficient assembly lines were developed that automated pro-
duction flows [8].
Another highpoint of this era is that the industry culture
2 The Journey form Industry 1.0 introduced in Industry 1.0 was transformed into a manage-
to Industry 4.0 ment program to make the manufacturing facilities more
efficient. Various production management techniques such
As shown in Fig. 1, in this section, we shall have a brief look as division of labour, just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing, and
at the continuous evolution of the industrial advancements lean manufacturing principles were introduced that refined
from Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0. the underlying production processes, leading to expanded
output with improved product quality [2].
The highlights of Industry 2.0 are mentioned in Fig. 4.
2.1 Industry 1.0 (First Industrial Revolution)

Following a slow period of proto-industrialization, the first 2.3 Industry 3.0 (Third Industrial Revolution)
industrial revolution started in the United Kingdom around
1760–1780s and spanned until around 1830s [7]. Industry 1.0 The arrival of the first programmable logic controller (PLC),
was mainly driven by the mechanisation powered by steam Modicon 084, in the late 1960s, set the third industrial revo-
engines which replaced the agriculture and farming with lution. Industry 3.0 is driven by the rise of electronics—the
industry to a great extent. The water mills and coal-fired transistors and microprocessors, and the computers and infor-
steam turbines allowed to design new kinds of mation technology. These technological advancements
mechanizations, which made the production of goods faster enabled production automation in a wider spectrum.
76 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

Fig. 3 Highlights of Industry 1.0

Though the term “automation”, was coined in 1947 during

Emergence of heavy industries. Industry 2.0 by Delmar Harder, Ford’s vice president of
manufacturing, to describe the automatic handling of differ-
Development of the combustion engine. ent manufacturing processes by machinery [8], the modern
factory automation has fully shaped after the emergence of
Introduction of assembly line production. computers and robotics. The primary goal of automation in
Industry 2.0 was to lighten the burden for workers, whereas
Evolution of the industry culture into management program, Industry 3.0 has redefined automation with the goal of flexi-
giving birth to “scientific management”.
ble mass production on an increasingly large scale. The
Exponential demands for steel, leading to development of steel earlier automated systems required human input and inter-
vention, but the PLC allowed to have independent advanced
Development of chemical synthesis, yielding synthetic fabric, automated systems in the era of Industry 3.0. Computerised
dyes, and fertilizer.
automation, in many cases, even replaced the human factor
Invention of the telegraph and the telephone revolutionized the completely. Factory automation increasingly became a
communication. C-suite discipline by the late 1980s, and its mass adoption
Streamlined raw material supply and product delivery with resulted in reduced effort, augmented speed, and greater
improved transportation. accuracy.
Advent of semi-automated systems, requiring human input But the automation was not limited to only production
and intervention. processes; the advancement in software, along with hard-
ware, allowed to come up with many management processes
Fig. 4 Highlights of Industry 2.0 such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), consumer
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 77

development in digital communication systems, has removed

Full-fledged factory automation.
the boundaries of the physical and the virtual world. It has
certainly benefitted the manufacturing industry extensively
Leveraging electrical mechanization.
by augmenting the traditional production operations with
certain technological disruptions.
Emergence of PLCs and microprocessors.
The automation has reached to another level by
connecting all production processes and manufacturing
Development of industrial robotics. techniques through IoT. The factories have become smart
with more autonomous machines and processes which can
Development of large business computers and supercomputers. exchange information, trigger actions and control each other
independently [10]. IoT enabled the factories to manage
Development of business software (e.g., SCM, ERP, CRM, etc.). themselves virtually [9].
Industry 4.0, applies the principles of CPS, Internet, and
Arrival of Internet and WWW. future-oriented technologies and smart systems with
enhanced human-machine interaction (HMI) paradigms.
Fig. 5 Highlights of Industry 3.0
The essential core of Industry 4.0 is the CPS, which suggests
that the physical systems (e.g., machines and robots) are
controlled by automation systems equipped with AI, requir-
relationship management (CRM), material requirements ing no or minimal human input and operations. Industry 4.0
planning (MRP), inventory management, operation manage- makes a factory smart by applying advanced information and
ment, supply chain management (SCM), product flow sched- communication systems and future-oriented technologies
uling, tracking throughout the factory, etc., which made the [11]. The CPSs and IoT connected manufacturing processes
overall production activities more efficient [2]. And the have enabled to share and analyse information globally and
development of the hardware and software was well in real-time, which helps in taking intelligent actions for
complemented by the revolution in communication systems various processes in the industry to make the manufacturing
with the onset of the Internet and related computer commu- process smarter and more efficient. Moreover, the sensor-
nication technologies which allowed the global business to attached smart machines enable continuous monitoring for
overcome the effort needed for geographic dispersion. detecting and predicting faults which can be used to take
The highlights of Industry 3.0 are mentioned in Fig. 5. preventive measures and remedial action. This allows better
preparedness and lower downtime for industries [2]. Not only
the production process, but the advantages of CPS, IoT, and
2.4 Industry 4.0 (Fourth Industrial ubiquitous connectivity are also harnessed in other aspects in
Revolution) the industry such as logistics, production scheduling, optimi-
zation of throughput times, quality control, capacity utiliza-
The fourth industrial revolution was first mentioned by tion and efficiency-boosting [2].
Bosch, the German multinational engineering and electronics The concept of business software was conceived during
company, at the Hannover Trade Fair in 2011 to describe the Industry 3.0 such as manufacturing execution systems, shop
applications of modern information and technological floor control and product lifecycle management, etc.,
innovations in production [9]. Inspired by the discussions, implemented with their fullest potential in Industry 4.0,
the German Government took the idea to launch an official thanks to its cutting-edge technological cooperation such as
project, by the name of Industrie 4.0, to prepare the German additive manufacturing, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI),
industry for the future of production. and other cognitive technologies, advanced materials, aug-
The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), along with mented reality, etc. [1]. Another important feature of Industry
other allied technologies such as cloud computing, Big Data, 4.0 is the sustainable manufacturing. The emergence of green
machine learning (ML), ubiquitous computing, etc., has and sustainable technologies and computing models have
brought this latest revolution in the industrial sector as Indus- been a great boost for this [12–14].
try 4.0. The ubiquitous connectivity, resulted from the intense The highlights of Industry 4.0 are mentioned in Fig. 6.
78 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is one sensor tech-

Emergence of the concept of smart factory.
nology which has been highly used for identification and
localization of objects in industry. The RFID technology
Autonomous robots.
allows embedding tiny data as hardwired fabrication in the
form of tags. The tags are sensitive to electromagnetic
Data-driven automation.
radio wave and allow identifying itself by the data embed-
Stress on networking rather than mechanisation or
ded within it. The advantages of RFID tags are usage
computerisation. flexibility, very small size (thin), tags are reusable, tags
could be read by an RFID reader when comes in proximity
Emphasise on M-to-M communication. without physically contacting or visualizing it [15]. More
on RFID can be found in Sect. 5.2.
Convergence of machines, people, processes, and infrastructure. Actuators are the mechanical or electromechanical com-
ponent of a machine or a system which allows moving and
Highly flexible production. controlling mechanism in the system. The actuator
converts electric, air or fluidic energy to the movement.
Better analysis of problem areas. The movements are small and could be of two types linear
or rotational [16]. Actuators are tremendously used in the
Real-time and evidence-based decision making. manufacturing industry for operating heavy machines,
which otherwise is very hard, time-consuming and pains-
Advantage of predictive maintenance. taking to do manually. It allows for very precise move-
ment and controlling of a machine parts or a system.
More reliable predictions and better accuracy. • IoT: Internet of Things is a computing concept which
extends Internet connectivity to everyday object; thereby,
Extensive integration of customers and business partners in the devices can communicate with each other by exchang-
business and value-added processes.
ing data. In Industry 4.0, IoT helps to connect different
Linking of production and high-quality services.
physical entities (mechanical devices) to make a giant
network which communicates data among devices and
intelligent services for fast and on-demand business
Shifting towards sustainable manufacturing.
decisions [17–19]. IoT has been discussed more elabo-
Focus on energy-efficient processes along with more use of rately in Sect. 5.3.
green and renewable energy resources. • Cyber-physical system: Mechanical systems (devices)
have evolved and are becoming automatic with the
Fig. 6 Highlights of Industry 4.0 advancements of computing technology. In CPS, mechan-
ical systems (machines) are being controlled, coordinated
and monitored by computer and computer-based algo-
3 Industry 4.0 and Ubiquitous Computing rithm. Both the systems are tightly integrated with each
and Ubiquitous Manufacturing other through the Internet and to its users. The computer
gives instruction to the mechanical devices for job
3.1 Key Elements of Industry 4.0 processing, and the processing feedback is sent back to
the computer for assessment. Based on the feedback,
Several key factors are responsible for realising Industry 4.0, computers calibrate the algorithm to obtain optimum job
as shown in Fig. 7. They are briefly discussed in the efficiency. CPS not only enhances the job processing
following. efficiency but also brings a sense of automation. More
on CPS can be found in Sect. 5.4.
• RFID, sensors, and actuators: Sensors are one of the key • Cloud computing: Cloud computing is an on-demand
elements of Industry 4.0. Sensors bring sense to dumb delivery of computing service over the internet
mechanical devices. The functioning state of a machine [20, 21]. Services like servers, storage, databases, net-
could be sensed, monitored and assessed by the sensor in a working, software, analytics, intelligence and others can
very efficient manner. Sensor senses and produces data on be availed as an on-demand basis. It is infrastructural
how a machine is working and other contextual information. support for services (hardware, platform, and software)
There are varieties of sensors which are used in the produc- over the internet established by public or private parties.
tion industry to measure different physical measures. The benefits like cost, speed, scalability, performance and
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 79

Fig. 7 Key elements of Industry


productivity are very advantageous to the manufacturing the context of the user and environment and on the basis of
industry in keeping up the pace with changing computing which desired computation is carried to provide necessary
demands [22, 23]. More on cloud computing can be found information or activity. The objective of pervasive and
in Sect. 5.6. ubiquitous computing is to make the real-life object inter-
• Edge/Fog computing: Enterprise computing for active among each other and users.
manufacturing often requires real-time computing, and • Highspeed wireless networks: Wireless network allows
the business cannot depend upon a cloud-centric comput- two or more devices (computing devices) to connect each
ing approach. Fog computing paradigm offloads most other for wireless data exchange. Wireless networks are
computing overhead from the cloud and brings it near to quite evident in connecting the different IoT and ubiqui-
ubiquitous or IoT devices, thus reducing the latency tous devices to keep the network connectivity simple, cost-
[20, 24]. Fog computing advocates devices like routers, effective and maintenance free. Manufacturing industries
switches, Wi-Fi access points, set-top-boxes, base stations are densely crowded with machines, where connecting
etc. in near proximity to the sensor or devices for data each and every device (sensors and computing device)
computing [25, 26]. By providing service near the edge, over a wired network is a non-trivial task. The problem
fog computing enables better data processing and effective escalates when the wired network fails, or new devices
output. More on edge and fog computing can be found in need to be connected to the existing network. A wireless
Sect. 5.7. network allows any number of devices to connect easily at
• Pervasive and ubiquitous computing: It is a distributed any place without the overhead of physical network estab-
computing system, which allows spread of computing and lishment and maintenance. But wireless networks are com-
sensor devices in the real physical environment with the paratively slow to the wired network, which causes a
goal to make each computing and non-computing device problem (packet drop) in data communication when a
to be smart and interactive. The widespread of ubiquitous sensor or other ubiquitous/IoT device produces huge data
or pervasive devices allows the user to access the desired at a high rate. A highspeed wireless network would address
information and computing whenever and wherever need the issue much easier. For establishing Industry 4.0
basis [27]. Small low-powered computing devices/sensors standards in the industry, highspeed wireless network is
collect data which are disseminated for processing through an absolute requirement. Wireless communications are
the ubiquitous network. The ubiquitous computing senses discussed more elaboratively in Sect. 5.8.
80 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

• Big Data analytics: Big Data analytics is a complex data It is the third-generation modern computing paradigm
processing and analysis procedure which gives a mean- which characterizes the fact that decisive information would
ingful insight or information hidden in large data set be available everywhere as every day-to-day object has
[28]. Big Data analytics is very helpful in getting business become smart and as they interact seamlessly with each
and informational insights [29–31]. other. In contrast to early generation computing, where one
• AI and ML: AI and ML, both not only gather data but computer serves many users, ubiquitous computing allows
also analyses it, thereby transforming the data into infor- multiple computing facilities to serve a single user. The
mation and insight, which helps to make precise business decreasing size of processing technology has been the turning
or operational strategies. ML is an application of AI which point of realizing ubiquitous computing. Scaling down of
focuses machines on learning artificially, thereby making digital circuits into mili- to micro-scale encourages
intelligent decisions. The algorithms of ML enable the processing and sensing technology to embed with everyday
machine to learn and uncover the deep information or devices, making them communicative, sensible and smart.
insights embedded into the data sets [32]. Ubiquitous computing technology is woven into the fabric of
• Cognitive computing: Cognitive computing is a techno- daily chores, whereby it enables, mediate, support, and orga-
logical platform which employs AI in computing and thus nize our daily activities.
turning it more intelligent and smarter [33]. Cognitive Ubiquitous computing, unlike desktop-based computing,
computing simulates human cognition for solving com- can occur in any smart device, at any place and time, across
plex problems, particularly the problems which are ambig- any network using any data exchange protocol. Thus, ubiq-
uous and uncertain. One of the characteristic features of uitous technology besides the desktop computers involves a
cognitive computing is learning. The computing model wide range of devices like laptops, notebook, tablets,
learns from experiences and evolves its decision-making smartphones, wearable devices, fleet management and con-
capabilities [34]. trol system, control systems, lighting systems, daily
• Augmented reality: It is an interactive and virtual experi- appliances, sensors, network devices and any other digital
ence of real-world environment or objects where equipment. One of the enabling technologies for ubiquitous
computers augment or superimpose perceptual informa- computing is sensors. Sensors like RFID, global positioning
tion over real-life objects. Images, graphics, audio, video system (GPS), motion detector, camera, microphone, etc.
and animation, are added to real-world object as operate in a standalone manner or embedded with other
superimposed layers of information, further virtual touch devices sensing the surrounding environment [40]. Smart
and feedback are taken into account for interaction, which devices seamlessly communicate among each other using
gives an enhanced user experience. Thus, augmented real- wireless technology like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. Analysing
ity improves one perception of real-life object [35]. the sensed data, and consequently predicting futuristic
• Additive manufacturing: Additive manufacturing is approach and making decision involves a variety of software
often said as 3D printing. It refers to building with capabilities like AI, data analysis and processing, ML,
components by depositing material layer upon layer. distributed computing, etc. [40]. Inputs in ubiquitous com-
This transformative industrial approach allows building puting have different modalities like implicit input from
object which are much stronger and lighter. This tech- sensors where a sensor automatically senses the user’s state,
nology helps to build a great range of shapes, complex gesture or activities, and environment or by explicit mode
shapes without the need for welding or assembling indi- where a user inputs voice, hand gesture, text typing or option
vidual parts [36–38]. More on additive manufacturing selection. The data sensed or inputs given are processed on
can be found in Sect. 6.9. the device or in a distributed manner among devices.
Services like cloud are also popularly integrated with
ubiquitous computing for analysing and processing data.
The integration of cloud and ubiquitous computing provides
3.2 Ubiquitous Computing very powerful resources (hardware, software, and platform)
and services to less enabled ubiquitous technical artefacts.
The term and concept “Ubiquitous Computing” was first Due to the heterogeneity of devices and output resource
brought by Mark Weiser at Xerox Corporation in 1993. A constraint (lacking in proper visual display units, printers),
computing paradigm which proposes blending computation the processed result or output is given in the different form
into the physical environment, so that information could be (e.g., audio-video, image, text), having different structure and
available anywhere and anytime based on contextual dimensions. In other cases, the output is an instruction to
requirements. Mark Weiser stated ubiquitous computing as [39]: another device for performing a job.
The non-intrusive availability of computer throughout the physi- In comparisons to another computer paradigm, ubiquitous
cal environment, virtually, if not effectively, invisible to the user. computing has the following important characteristics which
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 81

make it very special in automatically blending computing to a smart factory, which involves CPS, IoT, cloud computing,
real-life situation [41–43]: and cognitive computing. In this direction, ubiquitous com-
puting applied in manufacturing process promises to help in
• Pervasiveness: Computation capabilities are available realizing four design principles of Industry 4.0—
throughout our physical environment. interconnected facilities, information transparency, technical
• Invisible computers: Computation has been done on any assistance and decentralized decision and thereby fosters
physical entity in any environment, but users are transpar- dynamism, globalization, unlimited production capacity,
ent to the computing entity. and permanent manufacturing service availability.
• Task dynamism: Ubiquitous computing is available
everywhere. It provides seamless services to the user by
adapting the dynamism of a user, environment and 3.3 Ubiquitous Manufacturing
constraints. Further, it adapts to dynamically changing
goal and action of the user. Ubiquitous manufacturing is a manufacturing paradigm
• Device heterogeneity and resource constraint: The which features “design, makes, and sell product anywhere
uniform presence of ubiquitous application could be and at any time”. This paradigm allows unlimited
made either through ubiquitous device carrying the ubiq- manufacturing and services like operations, resource man-
uitous application to move along the user or by wide- agement, logistics, and selling products in a ubiquitous man-
spread of ubiquitous devices all along with the ner. In the manufacturing industry, the wide applications of
environment whereby the application keep switching ubiquitous computing and technology have evolved today’s
among the devices as per the user requirement and move- ubiquitous manufacturing.
ment. Both the approaches adaptability towards the vari- Ubiquitous manufacturing provides an environment
ous heterogeneous devices around the user. The devices enabling on-demand network access to a pooled configurable
which a user may carry or use may include computers, manufacturing resources, and thus helps the platform of
laptops, PDAs, notebook, feature phones, smartphones, manufacturing everywhere and anywhere. Recently, in
smartwatches, and display screens found in transportation industry 4.0, the ubiquitous manufacturing is supported by
or other devices. Each device is very different and has ubiquitous technologies such as RFID, GPS, automatic iden-
many constraints in terms of visual display, sound, tification (auto ID) sensors and autonomous industrial mobile
processing capacity, memory, and network and data com- robots as logistics, distant operation and virtual control of
munication. A ubiquitous application which follows the robotic arms or computerised numerical control (CNC)
user and moves seamlessly across devices around user machines through wireless sensor networks (WSNs) or
adapts to the heterogeneity and resource constraint of through the global system for mobile communications
devices. (GSM) networks.
• Expand human consciousness: Daily-use physical things Ubiquitous manufacturing can be considered as wireless
are embedded with computation features that expand manufacturing or e-manufacturing. Wearable devices in
users’ consciousness. factories can detect an operator’s exhaustion, support in the
• Context awareness: Context awareness is one key char- training of operators, and promptly aware an operator to the
acteristic of ubiquitous computing. Context is the situa- operation error. A real-time WIP management system for a
tional information about an entity. It describes the state of small, flexible manufacturing system (FMS) can be obtained
the entity and its surroundings. Context awareness allows by using smart objects such as RFIDs, auto-IDs, and web
the application to understand the user and its surroundings services. RFID tags are used to recognise operators, pallets,
in a much better way and thus adapting the application and locations on the shop floor. RFID readers are united with
operation as per the user situational requirement giving a smart gateway and enfolded with Web services to be called
him the best user experience. User context is sensed by the with no effort. Thus, while the material flows in the FMS, the
application of the sensor, thereby requirement and state WIP level could be easily monitored, and, accordingly,
are being inferred by an appropriate model. appropriate shop floor control actions could be adopted. In
logistics, RFID tags are used to identify goods to avoid
Some of the applications of ubiquitous computing are misplacement, and weight sensors to avoid the overload of
home automation, smart traffic light, learning, health, acces- vehicles [45]. Thus, heterogeneous information sources are
sibility, games, logistics, commerce, industries, etc. [44]. accumulated to assist the decision making.
In the manufacturing industry, the application of ubiqui- Manufacturing is a combined, coordinated, and
tous computing has shown Industry 4.0 promising new harmonized process of all levels of production from acquiring
heights. Industry 4.0 is the new revolution and a trend in raw materials, to the processing at machine levels,
automation for manufacturing. It fosters the concept of the operations, logistics, end product retailing and to entire
82 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

business level. The entire production process is a complex • Web services: In manufacturing, web services are becom-
procedure and requires synchronization of many subsystems ing vital technology in design, control, information man-
at a different production level. Over the years, manufacturing agement, and decision making. Manufacturing design tool
has evolved tremendously. Due to globalization and dynamic available on the Web, allows the manufacturer in produc-
market requirement, the scope of manufacturing has crossed tion and designing anytime and from anywhere. Besides,
geographical boundaries. The availability of raw material, it allows the manufacturer and customers to interact in
transportation, and labour issues which cause cost overhead business-to-business and business-to-customer
had forced the manufacturer to explore new possibilities like e-commerce model, independent of time and location
distributed manufacturing and adapting to technologies like constraint. The data analytics web services would allow
robotics, remote manufacturing, computers in manufacturing the manufacturer to take decisive business strategies,
and internet technology etc. The fast-growing business, mar- monitor machine state and status, and predict failure.
ket dynamicity and the rising competition has accelerated The prior knowledge of future machine functioning and
manufacturer to be more agile, responsive, efficient, failures would allow to take preventive measures and
customized and productive. The makeover changes in the often remote diagnosis, thus saving money and time.
production industry in meeting the market demands have More on web services can be found in Sect. 5.9.
led to issues like complex manufacturing operation, produc- • IoT: As discussed earlier, IoT allows machines (things) at
tion process synchronization, production data a different level of production to connect through the
management, etc. Internet. The manufacturing machine fitted with sensors
The objective of permanency, sustainability, agility and captures the states and functional operation of machines.
quickness in manufacturing in a competitive market has The data thus produced are analysed in the cloud to know
given force to ubiquitous manufacturing. Ubiquitous com- the present and future state, and machine functioning. This
puting technology comprising of distributed (logically or allows remote control, and automatic diagnosis and pre-
spatially) computing, sensors, communication technology, ventive measure. Thus, the things by understanding the
web services and IoT which applied to manufacturing, requirement and operational patterns act intelligently in
addresses a broad range of manufacturing activities like response as per the environmental and contextual situa-
manufacturing processes (assembly, machine operation, tion. For more on IoT, please refer to Sect. 5.3.
etc.), production scheduling, logistics and inventory, quality • Real-time decision making: Real-time decision making
control (maintenance and product quality testing), etc. The ensures manufactured product are delivered appropriately
manufacturing process produces enormous real-time data; to the customer. The customer may relocate; thus, the real-
ubiquitous computing allows processing these data for a time decision making in real-time data based on the GPS
range of services, like decision making, system reconfigura- location of the customer ensures products are delivered to
tion and agile manufacturing. These information and com- the right customer at the right place. RFID and GPS are
munication services lead the manufacturer to an error-free two most effective sensors for collecting real-time data.
production process. Besides, the real-time data on production machine opera-
Ubiquitous technology in the manufacturing process and tion helps in detecting and diagnosing the current and
operation lead to ubiquity. The technologies which are future errors. The abnormalities found in the data pattern
broadly used in ubiquitous manufacturing are discussed helps in assessing the malfunctioning and take real-time
below [46]. decisions.
• Social network: A social network is the relationship net-
• Ubiquitous sensor: Ubiquitous sensors are sensors which work among different production facilities to share
are applied in ubiquitous manufacturing. The ubiquitous resources for approximating competition, increasing
sensor includes various sensor technologies like RFID, profits and reducing costs. It is a virtual capacity network,
auto ID, Kinect, virtual reality, CPS, GPS, GSM, and which allows gathering factories which intend to acquire
Wi-Fi etc. Among the other available sensors, the use of or take the rent of production facility and factories which
RFID is quite popular in manufacturing for automatic and intended to sell or rent its production facility or machines.
real-time object tracking. The other sensors, like GPS, Further, it acts with information service providers for
GSM, and Wi-Fi, are also used for location and position- matching the demand and supply of machines and
ing, diagnosis, and control. The use of the sensor for resources.
streamlining data production on manufacturing operation
gives clear operational visibility, improved The use of ubiquitous technology in manufacturing is
responsiveness, automation, and cost reduction. varied and widely used in all dimensions of industrial
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 83

business. The application of ubiquitous technology is found production resource control and management and
from the manufacturing process at the workshop floor to manufacturing service compositions. Ubiquitous comput-
logistics and inventory control. The different avenues where ing technology such as cloud service is used for produc-
ubiquitous technology is applied are as follows [47]: tion, inventory and manufacturing services as per the need
basis. Cloud computing technology and IoT are integrated
• Manufacturing processes: Ubiquitous technology is with the production facility to improve performance
applied in various manufacturing processes. There are [48, 49]. It integrates different granular manufacturing
four types of the manufacturing process where ubiquitous services into a layered structure. The other applications
technology could be applied, namely joining process, of cloud services are collaborating with distributed
subtractive/material removal process, near-net shape and manufacturing, essential manufacturing service composi-
additive manufacturing, supportive process. tion, data integration, and resolving the supply and
• Manufacturing control system: Ubiquitous technology demand matching problem. Further, the cloud services,
or ubiquitous computing technology is used crucially in like Big Data analysis and data mining techniques, are
the manufacturing control system. The control system used for production resource allocation planning.
implemented in a manufacturing facility is often
centralized or de-centralized. The control system monitors Industry 4.0 introduces new concepts such as digital
the working condition of manufacturing machines and any threads, digital twin, and CPSs to enable decentralized, self-
critical events. Subsystems like data acquisition systems, controlled systems and processes and to ensure improved
sensor network, actuators and control devices are highly communication and collaboration from initial product design
involved in the control system for ubiquitous to end-of-life and recycling [50]. The computational capacity
manufacturing. Recently, the control systems are involved and capability of self-controlling and self-assessment are
in monitoring energy consumption in a ubiquitous gained by technologies like cloud computing, Big Data,
manufacturing environment. Blockchain, connectivity with IoT, advanced analytics with
• Logistics: Keeping the production performance high, ML and AI, HMI with mobile and wearable technologies,
proper utilization of resources and delivery of the product augmented and virtual reality, cognitive HMI, and digital to
to customer logistics are important. Ubiquitous technol- physical conversion with advanced robotics or 3D printing.
ogy or ubiquitous computing technology in logistics helps
in meeting ubiquity in the manufacturing process. Loca- 3.3.1 Advantages of Ubiquitous Manufacturing
tion and movement-based sensors keep track of produc- The advantages of ubiquitous manufacturing are overwhelm-
tion flow. This ensures supply-demand balance and ing in the way how industrial automation can be made easy
scheduling of production meet as per demands. Tracking and customized to manufacturer needs. The advantages of
and control of conveyor movement, trucks or transporta- ubiquitous manufacturing have propelled the industrial auto-
tion, crane movement, automated guided vehicle (AGV) mation revolution “Industry 4.0” to new horizons. Among
ensures efficient manufacturing and ensures demands are the many advantages of ubiquitous manufacturing [51–55],
met at the right time and at the right place. the ones which are worth mentioning are as following:
• Production scheduling: Ubiquitous technology or ubiq-
uitous computing is widely used for production schedul- Faster and More Informed Decisions In ubiquitous
ing in manufacturing. Production task is allocated to manufacturing, the adaptability to ubiquity leads to much
machine based on criteria like the first task first, task faster and informed decision making. Ubiquitous devices in
priority, minimizing production time span and cost. Pro- manufacturing make available all kinds of machine, opera-
duction data and its pattern are analysed by data analytics tional and logistic data in one click. The data analytics over
and cloud service to obtain efficient production schedul- the industrial data reveals critical data and accurate insights
ing. For open real-time scheduling, in ubiquitous on any situation. This empowers to take a higher quality
manufacturing, RFID and IoT technologies are widely decision much quicker.
used in manufacturing facilities. Wide ranges of
techniques such as Big Data, artificial neural network Quality Improvements Quality product leads to lower
(ANN), and mathematical models have been used to wastage, higher customer satisfaction and improved sales.
obtain optimum scheduling. Production scheduling has Improved quality product implies zero defects or error in
been further discussed in Sect. 4.1. the manufacturing process. Faulty manufacturing equipment
• Production inventory and resource control: always reasons for defective or poor-quality products, and
Manufacturing management and process planning in a most of the time, manufacturers are not aware of the
production facility includes production inventory controls, problems with the equipment. Often the defects in the
84 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

product are not visible at the quality inspection, but are the machine, provide real-time information on machine con-
visible much later when the product is sold to a customer. dition and its operational efficiency. This gives the mainte-
This has far-reaching consequences like customer dissatisfac- nance team a pre-hand knowledge on machines which may
tion, downsizing product and company name etc. Based on need maintenance in future. Thus, performing maintenance at
the data acquired at each step of production, from the off-time could minimize the production downtime which
manufacturing process to packaging, the entire production otherwise had caused for repairing a faulty machine.
life cycle of a manufactured product is visible in ubiquitous
manufacturing. Appropriate data analysis predicts and detects Reduce Workforce Challenges The applications of ubiqui-
quality defect trends along with their causes. Applying a tous technology in manufacturing have led to automation.
corrective course of action would lower the wastage and The machines in the production shop floor are more
improves the production process. connected and take an intelligent decision for production.
With an increase in automation in manufacturing floor
Enhanced Productivity Ubiquitous manufacturing reduces human intervention leading to fewer workers.
improves the overall throughput of the factory. In ubiquitous Workers, instead of focusing on machine handling and oper-
manufacturing the production facilities are connected, ability, could focus on their core responsibility.
whereby the ubiquitous technology provides the
manufacturers with seamless visibility for the different Energy Efficiency Energy consumption in manufacturing is
bottlenecks in the processes, machinery and operational per- huge, which cost a lot to manufacturers. Monitoring energy
formance issues etc. The information helps the manufacturer consumption and the wastage in each production process is
to make the appropriate adjustment to improve quality and vital to save energy. Machines in the production shop floor
production. during off-hours and the other underperforming machines
consume huge energy. Use of ubiquitous technology like
Innovation and Higher Quality Products In ubiquitous the sensor is very effective in monitoring the energy con-
manufacturing, ubiquity not only interconnects the various sumption of each machine at the granular operational level.
manufacturing processes but also links customers directly to The sensors collect energy consumption data for machine
the manufacturer. The data analytics shapes the customer’s right down to each unit operation level, thus giving a real-
feedback and presents the requirements which are useful to time insight on energy consumption statistic of machines.
the manufacturer. This gives the manufacturer the opportu- This gives the manufacturer clear knowledge of which
nity to improve the product line or innovate new products. machines are consuming extra energy and when. Probably,
it is a better inference mechanism to identify the
Maximum Flexibility One of the critical aspects of underperforming machines. Strategies like machine power
manufacturing is meeting the dynamic market demands. automation, optimizing production scheduling, maintenance,
The ups and down in the market produce a fluctuation in machine replacement and others help in saving energy and
production. To meet the dynamic production demand, factory money.
logistics must support the floating manufacturing
requirements. This is a challenging task in terms of produc- Cost Reductions Ubiquitous technology leads to connected
tion scheduling, resource distribution and logistics, supply devices and machines. The data collected helps the manufac-
and distribution of finished products. The ubiquitous feature turer to visualize the production efficiency, wastages and
of ubiquitous manufacturing in this direction ensures to meet foresee the issues which may go to rise. Ubiquity leads the
production flexibility. Advanced sensor technology senses manufacturer to have better insight into supply-chain issues,
the new production demand and automates the logistics, inventory level, delivery status, and production efficiency
and supply for production. This allows the manufacturing issues. Optimizing supply-chain issues, inventory control,
industry to meet the supply chain demand with greater and manufacturing and maintenance issues drastically reduce
agility. wastage, energy consumption, production downtime and
these directly translate to cost savings. Some of the avenues
Predictive Maintenance In manufacturing, faulty machine where costs can be reduced considerably are energy cost,
maintenance causes production downtime. Scheduled main- inventory handling cost, downtime cost, maintenance cost,
tenance or maintenance based on historical maintenance data labour cost, etc.
do not often suitably minimizes the downtime. The ubiqui-
tous technology in manufacturing gives better visibility for 3.3.2 Challenges of Ubiquitous Manufacturing
predicting and resolving the maintenance issues before it can Application of ubiquitous technology is new to
cause production downtime. Ubiquitous sensors, affixed to manufacturing. Lack of standards and architecture raises
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 85

challenges in its acceptance and implementation in industry. Abundant Data Data acquisition and transmission is the
Some of the challenges are as follows [46, 56–58]: backbone of ubiquitous manufacturing. In a manufacturing
facility, different types of machines work together. The
Acceptance Challenge There is a lack of awareness of sensors or data collecting interfaces affix to machines pro-
ubiquitous manufacturing in the industrial community. duce an enormous amount of data. The data being produced
Manufacturers are unaware of how the ubiquitous technology are heterogeneous in nature, having different data type and
in manufacturing would benefit to their productions. As a structure. Integrating these data is a complex endeavour.
reason, most manufacturers are reluctant to accept ubiquitous Further, the transmission and processing of the enormous
manufacturing technology. amount of data considerably network intensive task. For
data communication, ubiquitous devices are networked in
Cost and Maintenance Challenge Setting up ubiquitous distributed or centralized fashion using wireless technology
facility which leads to automation and virtualization of the like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. When the machines are working at
production facility and their continuous maintenance incurs their fullest capacity, enormous sampling data are produced
costs. Ubiquitous devices are delicate and may get damaged by sensors. This may put a huge load on the wireless network
or turn erroneous due to industrial heat, moisture, chemical resulting in packet loss. Often the caching scheme for data
fumes, dust, heavy machinery vibrations, physical impacts, store and transmit is not sufficient since the sensors have low
etc. For error-free performance continues testing, and main- memory and data produced are overwhelming than the stor-
tenance of these devices which are installed in all possible age capacity. In another case, where sensor data of one
places is a really a difficult job. Maintenance like software machine is exchanged as a snippet to other machine poses a
installation, bug fixing, device replacement, error testing and challenge in data integration and consistency.
calibration would result in frequent process breaks. This
cause business downtime, which makes adopting ubiquitous Data Analytics Ubiquitous devices in manufacturing pro-
manufacturing a difficult proposition to accept for duce huge data, which are heterogeneous in structure and
manufacturers. type. Analysing these data to find needful information using
traditional data processing methods is inefficient. Use of data
Interoperability Challenge Ubiquity encourages analytics and Big Data technology over production data is
distributed manufacturing, where products/items are effective for skimming accurate information and getting use-
manufactured in many small-batch manufacturing facilities. ful insights. With the acquired intelligence and knowledge
The finished product of one manufacturing unit can be a manufacturer are benefitted for future product design, deci-
resource for others. The exchange of products and item sion support, operational support and guidance. But selecting
between the facilities requires semantic interoperability the data analytics and Big Data technology for processing the
among them. Establishing automatic interoperability, where data has many challenges as:
machines in production line understand and communicate
among each other for production is an arduous task. Semantic • Determining the right data that would be useful for a
interoperability needs knowledge of contextual information business decision.
of machine and surroundings, ontologies, linked data struc- • Processing huge volume of a variety of production data
ture, etc. The semantic interoperability allows for production produced at high velocity.
scheduling, control and maintenance management. • Synchronizing and sharing of appropriate and accurate
Ontologies are discussed in detail in Sect. 5.13. information between the different business units.
• Putting the analysed result in a presentable format for
Machine Reconfiguration Challenge One of the key decision making.
features of ubiquitous technology is adaptability. As per the • Determining which data analytics service or Big Data tool
contextual requirement, ubiquitous technology keens to adapt would be appropriate for analysing data.
to fit in demand. In ubiquitous manufacturing, machines in
production could be devised to produce new products. One of
the challenges in ubiquitous manufacturing is configuring the 4 Components of Ubiquitous
heterogeneous manufacturing resources through Manufacturing Implementation
virtualization so that the manufacturing process could be
applied for the production of any new products in a plug- As we discussed earlier, the goal of ubiquitous manufacturing
and-play manner. is to enhance the efficiency of the processes, shortening the
fulfilment time of orders, reducing machine set up time and
86 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

most importantly adapting to the processes based on the intervention. In contrast, the information flow in ubiquitous
contextual environment through real-time sharing of infor- manufacturing is facilitated through machine to machine
mation among the various manufacturing processes, equip- interaction, thus capturing the data instantly right from the
ment, products, and systems. Ubiquitous manufacturing is source, leaving no room for manipulation of this operational
also sometimes referred as “Smart factory” since the new data. In the subsequent sections, we discuss how ubiquitous
methods of manufacturing infuse a greater level of intelli- technologies impact the various manufacturing processes.
gence in machines and people using new technology
components such as smart sensors, in-built processors, con-
nectivity, cloud application, analytics, 3-D printing,
4.1 Production Planning and Scheduling
Blockchain, etc. The smart factory is defined in [59], as:
A factory that is context-aware and assists people and machines Traditionally, production planning and scheduling are
in the execution of their tasks by systems working in the back- executed by following the specific manufacturing strategies
ground, so-called Calm-systems and context-aware applications.
depending upon the demand pattern of the finished product.
Context-awareness, here, refers to the knowledge of the The information about customer demand in terms of firm
position and status of objects of interest with respect to its order or demand forecast is generally captured in the ERP
environment, where calm-systems are its hardware and system, which triggers the production planning process fol-
context-aware applications are the software. lowing the master production schedule and the material
The building blocks for the ubiquitous manufacturing are requirements planning route. A schematic view of the pro-
the embedded sensors, microprocessors, software and con- duction planning system is presented in Fig. 8.
nectivity in products which is coupled with a product cloud in In Fig. 8, it is worth noting that the information is fed into
which product data is stored, and some applications are the production planning system from the top (sales order)
running. The embedded sensors in the product, identify infor- while the downstream information is processed using the
mation from its physical environment (geolocation, tempera- business logic inherent in the ERP system. However, this
ture, light, humidity, etc.) and communicate in real-time with does not account for the dynamic information of inventory
the smart environment where the relevant manufacturing on the shop floor or the state of machines, while generating
information is decentralised. This location and state-specific the production order or the purchase order. This results in the
information are instantly shared with the manufacturing sys- following issues:
tem to trigger a production process which substantially
improves the inventory turnover and reduces the machine • The paper-based information fed into the ERP system
idle time. Furthermore, the huge data that is exchanged across always has a latency between the actual shop floor infor-
machines and system is stored and analysed in the cloud mation and the ERP data affecting the information quality
environment that offers rich insights about the manufacturing and hence the accuracy of decisions with regard to the
environment, the demand pattern and inventory bottlenecks. production process [60].
With the use of low-cost sensors, powerful • For the production scheduling, the lack of real-time ware-
microprocessors, ubiquitous connectivity, and AI house and the work-in-process inventory data leads to
technologies, the products and machines become smart in wrong scheduling of machines causing long wait time
the sense that they not only have the capabilities of sensing and inventory pile up [60].
the changes in its state due to environmental factors, but also • In multistage operations, due to lack of synchronisation
communicate with its ecosystem to adjust and adapt to these between warehouse, shop floor inventory, machines, inter-
changes by taking autonomous decisions. This requires the nal transportation and material handling team, the ware-
ability to compute, communicate and control, along with a house is often flooded with inventory causing high
degree of autonomy. This ability to adjust to and learn from inventory carrying cost besides customer order fulfilment
data in real-time can make the manufacturing units more issues [61].
responsive, proactive and predictive, enabling the organiza-
tion to avoid operational downtime and other productivity We now explore the above issues in detail in the specific
challenges. It has a huge potential to transform the manufacturing scenarios and examine the role of ubiquitous
manufacturing processes that are driven by the traditional manufacturing in addressing these issues.
method of information flow across the various processes. In Most of the manufacturing units follow either a make-to-
the traditional manufacturing process, the input to production order strategy of a make-to-stock strategy which are
planning is received either through confirmed sales orders or discussed in the following two subsections from the view of
sales forecast, which is fed into the system through human ubiquitous manufacturing.
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 87

Fig. 8 Traditional production

planning workflow in an ERP
system Firm orders MPS Demand forecast


Reports Production order Purchase orders

MPS: Master production schedule - denotes the finished product.

BOM: Bill of Material - break up of all components required for final product.
MRP: Material requirement planning - dependent on demand components derived from MPS.
CRP: Capacity requirement planning - checks the available capacity of machines.

4.1.1 Make-to-Order Strategy non-compliance to customer requirements and high produc-

Make-to-order manufacturing strategy is followed when the tion lead time.
materials are produced for specific sales orders, and all the In ubiquitous manufacturing, the resources used, i.e. man,
costs incurred towards manufacturing are tracked at the sales machine, and product, are enabled by ubiquitous devices for
order level rather than at the material level. In other words, real-time communication and decision making during the
the production process is triggered only when there is firm production process. This is enabled by the new age
demand for the product. Therefore, make to order strategy technologies such as sensors, microprocessors, connectivity
always supports a very close customer-vendor relationship and software application that has the potential to solve some
through a seamless flow of information because sales orders of the above-mentioned issues in the traditional
are closely linked to production. This manufacturing strategy manufacturing process. First, the customer order can be
is also followed in production using variant configuration and converted into a prototype using 3-D printing that validates
assemble-to-order environments (e.g., ship building or air- the specification and other details required by the customer to
craft manufacturing). However, the challenge in this produc- avoid rework at a later stage. 3-D printing or additive
tion strategy is to keep the replenishment lead time (time to manufacturing is a process by which a digital 3-D design
refill the inventory) low while maintaining a minimum work- data is used to build up a component in layers by depositing
in-progress inventory. In the traditional process, customer material. Generally, the complex structures which cannot be
orders are processed manually by planners with an assump- manufactured using traditional tools can be produced using
tion of unlimited resources/capacities of the machines. additive manufacturing that substantially reduces the cost of
Planners have inadequate information about job statuses at manufacturing. Secondly, the use of sensors in the product in
the manufacturing sites, leading to a very high level of work- making help locating the status of each subcomponent of the
in-process (WIP) inventories and long wait time between the final product. The sensors, enabled with real-time location
machines. Orders are released by a paper-based mechanism, system (RTLS) technology [27], can inform the state of each
which is time-consuming and tedious. Significant amount of subcomponent to the downstream production system and
time is spent on waiting for material arrival or completion of thus can help to schedule the machines properly without
preceding operations [61]. In addition, other disturbances like any idle time. With all this information stored centrally, the
frequent engineering and customer changes, bring a higher customers can also view the real-time status of their order and
number of emergency orders, which cannot be managed by can track this easily. The communication between the
the manual production planning system. This overall leads to machines and the product helps in better coordination of the
a high-cost of manufacturing, customer dissatisfaction due to entire production process.
88 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

4.1.2 Make-to-Stock Strategy resources, namely machines and raw material using the real-
Make-to-stock manufacturing strategy is applicable when the time sharing of information through highly flexible and
materials are not assigned to any sales order, i.e. stocks are reconfigurable manufacturing systems [60]. This agile flexi-
produced independent of the sales order, and the goods can bility allows ubiquitous manufacturing units to adapt to
be provided to the customer from the stock whenever the schedule and product changes with minimal intervention.
order needs to be fulfilled immediately. Goods are produced Such units can also self-configure the equipment and material
anticipating future demand. In this scenario, the dependent flows depending on the product being built and schedule
demand components (e.g., components of automotive parts) changes, and then see the impact of those changes in real-
are produced based on forecast demand and the final assem- time. Additionally, agility can increase factory uptime and
bly is done when the customer order is received. An apt yield by minimizing changeovers due to scheduling or prod-
example of make to stock strategy is the production of uct changes and enable flexible scheduling.
vehicles, where the individual components are produced or
procured as an independent requirement which is assembled 4.1.4 Advantages of Using Ubiquitous
using the assembly line process when a sales order or forecast Manufacturing in Production Planning
order is received. and Scheduling
The most important challenge in executing this Some of the main advantages of using ubiquitous
manufacturing strategy is to accurately forecast the demand manufacturing in production planning and scheduling are as
and offer a mass customised product to the customer. In the follows:
traditional manufacturing process, where the demand forecast
is made using the heuristics, and the scheduling is done using • Synchronised decision making: There are three sources
manual processes that do not take into account the actual of data that is generally captured and integrated for
status of WIP inventory and the machine loading status, the synchronised decision making. The first source is the
lack of synchronisation across the entire production process real-time information in the form of RFID from the shop
leads to high wait time and inaccurate demand forecast. floor, warehouse, machine status and the location of mate-
These inefficiencies can be overcome using the RFID-based rial handling equipment (e.g., forklift). The second source
communication and integration of the real-time information of information is the traditional ERP system that captures
with a production planning system such as ERP and provide a the sales order and the MRP data, which is largely static in
real-time decision support system for the man and machine nature. The third source is the output data from the
on the shop floor. upstream system, i.e. production scheduling, which is the
input for transportation decision and the warehouse inven-
4.1.3 Real-Time Scheduling tory. Finally, all this information is fed into the cloud-
The issue of production scheduling becomes important when based algorithm pool that runs an analytical model to
the manufacturing takes place across various geographically generate an optimised solution for the production sched-
spread locations, and the customer order requires multiple ule, transportation route and the warehouse inventory.
processes, some in parallel and some in series. For example, • Improved productivity: Compared with the traditional
in the case of dependent demand products, the components production line, the ubiquitous manufacturing can pro-
can be manufactured or sourced from various locations using duce small-lot products of different types more efficiently.
multiple manufacturing processes involving lathe machines, On one hand, the setup time is minimized when switching
furnaces, foundry, painting, etc. The production process between different types of products while on the other
sometimes becomes very complex when the customer order hand, as the production process is optimized with the
has more than 20 products with various colours and each help of decision support system and coordination through
requiring different workflows in different manufacturing real-time data exchange, the average manufacturing routes
plants while all are required to be shipped together. This are shrunk, and the utilization rate of machines and other
requires creating a production schedule by fetching real- resources is improved [60].
time information across all the machines, WIP inventory • Faster customer order fulfilment: In cases where a prod-
and warehouse integrated with ERP data. The machine set uct is manufactured through multiple manufacturing pro-
up time for various processes has to be factored in, while cesses (e.g., machining, heat treatment, painting,
preparing the schedule for such a case. assembling. etc.), spreading across multiple locations, it is
Real-time scheduling will be equally critical when fre- important to have a synchronisation among the various
quently changing customer requirements demand frequent processes and the machines to fulfil a customer order in
switching between different types of products with smaller the shortest possible time [60]. In other words, the objective
lots. This can be accomplished by the dynamic routing of function is to minimise the total production flow time of all
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 89

Fig. 9 Real-time information flow across production, transportation, and warehouse (adapted from [61])

orders by minimising the set-up time of the machines. This Figure 9 explains how the information flow across sensors
is possible in ubiquitous manufacturing set up with infor- and ERP data leads to better synchronisation for decisions
mation about a particular sales order (ERP) integrated across production planning, transportation, and warehouse.
through the real-time location information (RFID) of all
inventory along with the status information of the machines
to generate an optimisation model using the AI. 4.2 Automated Material Handling Systems
• The synchronised decision in transportation schedule: Routing and Scheduling
When a customer order needs to be fulfilled through
multiple processes running in different locations, a high Automated material handling system (AMHS) is a combi-
degree of synchronisation is required between the cus- nation of equipment, software, connectivity and sensors that
tomer order, production facilities, the warehouse location enables the automated movement of goods in the factory
of finished product and the transportation equipment. The premise, protection against environmental hazards, storage
objective of the transportation scheduling model is to at the designated location and control of material and
minimise the total transportation flow of all orders, products’ quality throughout manufacturing, warehousing,
i.e. minimising the duration between the first-moved job distribution, consumption and disposal phases. In most of
to the last-moved job in each order, while keeping the total the flexible manufacturing system, AGV (Automated
moving distance of all forklifts to the minimum. Guided Vehicles) is used for automated material handling
90 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

purposes that are computer controlled, wheel-based load range of different products due to its variability, scalability
carriers that travel along the floor of a manufacturing facility and schedulability, which is the basis of flexible
without an onboard operator or driver. Their movement is manufacturing in smart factory. Presently, the problem of
directed by a combination of software and sensor-based the production line is a strong speciality, i.e. an assembly
guidance systems and a near field connectivity that keeps line-based system where each workstation is designed to
probing its neighbouring environment to detect any obstacle carry out specialized jobs that can be enhanced by advance
because they move on a predictable path with precisely planning and control methods. Here, we build a
controlled acceleration and deceleration and include auto- reconfigurable system to simulate the production line and
matic obstacle detection bumpers, AGVs provide safe propose a scheme for reconfiguration. The feasibility of the
movement of loads without any collision with other AGVs proposed scheme is verified by the manufacturing scenario
or any nearby objects. already available in the ERP system. With the aim to respond
Typical AGVs are used in the transportation of raw swiftly to the market requirements, it is necessary to imple-
materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods ment a reconfigurable production line in the smart factory
from one point to another of manufacturing production while keeping the manufacturing cost and the waste at the
lines, and storage, retrieval or other movements in support minimum. The dynamic reconfiguration will lead to the fol-
of picking in warehousing and distribution applications in lowing key benefits to the entire manufacturing process:
much more coordinated fashion to avoid in process delays
[62]. The product movement starting from the raw material • It can help to produce smaller lot sizes more economically,
stage to finished product stage is equipped with an RFID making the manufacturing processes more flexible and
readable tag that contains the production process required at adaptable. This flexibility is possible due to real-time
each stage. This information helps the machines organise to communication between the machine and products that
carry out the required process and configure the production can take autonomous decisions.
route while the content of the RFID tag is kept updated • It can help to improve the manufacturing processes
during the production process. Synchronisation across the through learning and self-optimizing pieces of equipment
machines and the AGVs using the RFID tags and ERP that will, for example, adjust their own parameters as they
system helps to minimise the wait-time for the product. sense changes in the environment.
While the ERP system has the static information about the • The production needs can help to adjust the automated
production process steps, the RFID embedded AGVs offers logistics using autonomous vehicles and robots, which can
the real-time view of the material in process and the state of minimise inventory carrying a cost.
the machine which is used in dynamically configuring the
routing path. Once the processing is complete, and the prod-
uct is ready to be dispatched, the information is shared with 5 The Enabling Technologies
the warehouse system to create storage space. for Ubiquitous Manufacturing
In order to ensure a conflict-free routing and dispatch of
material, the path to be followed by the AGVs is dynamically This section discusses the different technologies that play
determined using the real-time information of sensor- crucial roles in realising ubiquitous manufacturing.
equipped machines and other AGVs along with the static
ERP data fed into a decision support system.
5.1 GPS

4.3 Dynamic Reconfiguration GPS has been widely functional to trace the location of an
and Reconfigurability entity related to the manufacturing. For example, a shop floor
manager can use an appliance to retrieve information in real
Nowadays, the demand for manufacturing products in the time from different manufacturing processes in different
market is characterized by small batches and multiple phases, and those are transmitted via GPS, GSM or Wi-Fi.
varieties. Therefore, to fulfil this need, the production-line
should reconfigure its process paths and recombine
manufacturing units dynamically with the least amount of 5.2 RFID
delay in between. Accordingly, the smart factory should
adjust product type and production capacity in real-time to A real-time intelligent advanced production planning and
keep the machine set up time low. With the use of integrated scheduling (APPS) [63] can be realised by creating RFID
communication technology and the business systems such as enabled ubiquitous environment in the manufacturing indus-
ERP, the reconfigurable production line can generate a large try. By using electromagnetic fields, RFID can track tags
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 91

which comprises information stored electronically of differ- with a stationary reader is transformed into active smart
ent objects or things. The passive tags can be charged by manufacturing objects (ASMOs), enabling them to detect the
radio waves obtained from an RFID reader in close proxim- PSMOs and support workers in running the production logic.
ity. An active tag can have power from a battery and may Each worker should have an RFID enabled employee id-card
work hundreds of meters from an RFID reader. A local power for recognizing every individual and his work [63]. RFID
source such as a battery can supply power to active tags. technology improves shop-floor productivity and quality con-
Siemens’ Corporate Technology [64] researchers have pur- trol by coordinating raw materials, work-in-progress (WIP)
sued the idea of getting energy into the RFID tag or transpon- and finished goods as they act as an effective data collector
der via radio frequency fields by means of electromagnetic and processor [67]. Decisions can be taken on time without
field synthesis by spreading out multiple antennas over an trailing the costly time in production if any fault appears.
area and focusing their electromagnetic radiation to generate
enough energy at a single point to power the transponder. Supports Demand-Driven Manufacturing Approach To
There are two types of RFID, as follows: take decision dynamically according to each customer’s need
and specification, a system is needed that can integrate with
1. Long-range RFID or RAIN RFID: Using the ultra-high the manufacturing control system and can obtain very accu-
frequency band, RAIN RFID is capable of reading tags up rate information about the location, state and identity of each
to 15 m and thus ideal for use in shop-floor. product to avoid probable problems and delays. RFID laid
2. Vicinity RFID: It uses HF band and can read tag up to system has a guarantee to conquer the customization
1.2 m and thus, usable for smartphone users. challenge.

RFID proposes some noteworthy advantages against other Supports Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling
data capture technologies. These are: (APPS) The wireless manufacturing and intelligent
manufacturing are now flourishing as advanced
• Unique serial number identification. manufacturing technologies which support APPS to extend
• Ability to store and modify data. widely for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of
• Placed on common materials easily. production with the RFID-aided real-time ubiquitous envi-
• Fast scanning, up to 300 tags per second. ronment. APPS helps a company a lot to cope up with the
• No line-of-sight mandatory as such; they are appropriate global competition, to curtail product life-cycles, to lessen
to communicate from a long distance (usually, 1–1.5 m). time-to-market, to rise product diversity and to please
• On-chip security. demand while preserving the quality and minimizing the
• Kill command for privacy protection. costs by controlling the workers, machines, and materials in
• Easy integration into printed circuit boards (PCB). real-time.

RFID Technology acts a significant role in ubiquitous

manufacturing in the following ways: 5.3 Internet-of-Things

Supports Optimized Logistics Logistics can be benefitted IoT connects numerous heterogeneous cyber-physical
by active RFID in the following ways [65, 66]: objects or things like appliances, services, automobiles,
farms, factories, even animals with the internet to improve
• Decrease the holding times at gates. the competence of manufacturing. The network-connected
• Larger outcome at peak loading times. cyber-physical devices can communicate via standard
• Enlarged working efficiency at the time of weighing, protocols and share data in different environments via the
loading with the automated detection process. intermediate gateway nodes like modems, routers, switches,
• Logistics facility in real-time. and cellular base stations. Integration of real-life smart
• Enhanced quality of processes by removing manual paper- objects, human, intelligent machines, smart sensors, produc-
based dealings. tion procedure and production lines together make the system
agile, intelligent and networked, thus making the IoT as
Supports Shop Floor Productivity and Quality Internet of Everything (IoE) consisting of Internet of Service
Control RFID tagged basket is transformed into passive (IoS), Internet of Manufacturing Services (IoMs), Internet of
smart manufacturing object (PSMO), carrying the data related People (IoP). In general, as depicted in Fig. 10, the IoT
to production during the manufacturing phases. Each machine system involves three chief components:
92 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

applies ubiquitous computing in the manufacturing industry

to establish a “design anywhere, manufacture anywhere,
trade anywhere, and at any time” model. Manufacturing
products ubiquitously is really tough, but with the advance-
ment in information technology, the science of computing,
communication, storing, sensing, and networking, we can
now get manufacturing services ubiquitously. Smart factories
should have the ability to make use of the continuous flow of
data from all related smart objects, operations and production
systems. The customers can play an important role as a
decision-maker in the production process by giving their
choices, preferences and demand.
Ubiquitous manufacturing accentuates mobility through
on-demand network access and distribution of manufacturing
resources and users. There are three layers in a cloud-based
framework: a network of things, cloud computing, and
applications [68]. To unify huge amounts of heterogeneous
Embedded Systems devices and to manage a huge volume of data retrieved from
Middleware those devices, the service-oriented architectures (SOA)
approach is usually adopted on the internet and cloud-centric
Cloud Services
frameworks. The fundamental technologies of IoT can
reshape the manufacturing sector with pervasive real-time
sensing, actuation, and commanding data-processing

5.3.2 The IoT as a Production Factor

Based on the smart, integrated and interconnected cyber-
hosting physical space, the IoT can assimilate innumerable
Cloud manufacturing devices capable of sensing, identification,
processing, communication, actuation, and networking and
thus creating the new business opportunities for
manufacturing. IoT-enabled manufacturing (e.g., Industry
4.0 [69], Factory of the Future [70], and Made in China
Networking Compute
2025 [71]) is now influencing the world economy greatly.
The following factors involved with IoT have a significant
role in manufacturing, as depicted in Fig. 11.
Fig. 10 A typical IoT system components
• In the era of IoE, a huge number of heterogeneous physical
devices are linked to the Internet, a huge volume of data is
• Embedded systems: Consists of heterogeneous sensors taken and gathered by the RFID, sensors, gateways, etc.,
responsible for providing information about the physical and communicated through the IoT. In addition, mobile
entity. internet, social networking, e-commerce, etc., significantly
• Middleware: Responsible for data aggregation, acquisi- enlarge the scope of the applications of the Internet.
tion control and network connectivity. • The implanting of minute electronics into physical objects
• Cloud services: Provides comprehensive storage, compu- and making them interacting is the basis of intelligent
tation, analytics, application hosting and management integrated cyber-physical infrastructure [72].
mechanisms. • Crowdsourcing through crowdsensing and socialized
manufacturing helps to enlarge the scope and dimension
of manufacturing [73].

5.3.1 Role of IoT in Ubiquitous Computing Making twin models to simulate the behaviours of physi-
The paradigm ubiquitous or pervasive computing allows cal objects in real-world is the concept of the digital twin.
computing anywhere at any time. Ubiquitous manufacturing Therefore, the digital twin is self-possessed of three
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 93

Fig. 11 IoT factors responsible

for manufacturing Cyber-

Smart Advanced
objects connecti-
R&D and vity

Supply Work-in- Real-time

Virtuali- chain progress
zation management management

Marketing Production
& sales management



components, the real-world entities, the virtual models for becoming a major contributor to improve intelligence in all
simulation, and the allied data that bond the previous two parts of IIoT. Figure 12 describes the architecture of IIoT.
[74]. The virtual workshop or factory or machine helps to The major components of the IIoT are as follows:
understand the reality in different environments and under
different test cases and thus helps to achieve optimal • Sensing systems: Numerous heterogeneous sensing
manufacturing (e.g., correctness, constancy, high efficacy devices are attached through the Internet to give real-
and product quality). The data from the different phase of time data continuously.
the product lifecycle are gathered and inherited to innovate • Outer gateway processors: The computing servers com-
the next generation product. prise application servers, edge servers, smart switches and
smart routers, which are energy efficient and offer reduced
latency. The outer gateway processors help to lower band-
5.3.3 Industrial IoT width utilization by reducing and filtering data at the edge
The Industrial IoT (IIoT) institutes a great surfeit of sensing, of the internet.
computing, storing, and networking, which altogether repre- • Inner gateway processors: These are composed of the
sent the essential part of industry 4.0 systems. Efficient micro-clouds, and cloudlet servers exist in the industrial
microprocessors and AI technologies make the products and wide area networks (WANs).
machinery smarter with capabilities of computing, communi- • Outer central processors: These are the computing
cation, and control (3C) as well as autonomy with sociality. servers beneficial in data filtration and data reduction and
The IIoT integrates machine learning with clouds, clusters, used for data processing, routing at inner central
and grids for Big Data storage, processing, and analytics. In processors.
IIoT, end devices continuously produce and convey data • Inner central processors: These comprise clusters, grids,
streams, which result in enlarged data traffic in the network clouds, and multi-cloud systems and stay far from the
between device-cloud communication. Big Data analytics is sensing system.
94 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

Fig. 12 A general IIoT

architecture for manufacturing

5.4 Cyber-Physical Systems The concept of CPS is the extension of the concept of
embedded systems in a way that in the embedded systems the
CPS is defined as a technique to interconnect, manage and computation is carried by the stand-alone devices, whereas
interact between physical devices and computational CPS is intended as a network of cooperating computational
applications firmly integrated with the internet and its and physical devices. The data and information processing
users. In CPSs, physical and software components are work- power of mechatronics is converting progressively the out-
ing at diverse spatial, behavioural, and temporal scales and dated shop floor into an environment to realise elastic,
interrelating with each other in a lot of ways that change reconfigurable, scalable, inter-operable network-empowered
with the situation. Today’s manufacturing world is fully collaboration between distributed embedded devices and
equipped with sensors by which heterogeneous data can arrangements of business processes.
be collected for analytics and decision making. The auto- The CPS, when attached with industry, referred as indus-
mation can be done in a collaborative way with the devel- trial CPS (ICPS), goes hand to hand with multi-agent systems
opment and employment of apparatuses and methods (MAS) and SOA [75]. Often, some complex industrial
accompanied by the computational and data communication manufacturing processes cannot be solved with individual
capabilities. capacity or knowledge, and for handling this complex
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 95

scenario modularity and knowledge sharing are very much 5.5 Autonomous Industrial Adaptive
essential. A MAS is a loosely coupled network of intelligent and Mobile Robots
agents consisting of different cyber-physical components that
interact and communicate to solve problems, take a modular Industry 4.0 may be viewed as an emergent of the implemen-
approach, share individual knowledge by decentralizing the tation of next-generation robotics for industrial applications.
functions, providing a ubiquitous manufacturing platform In his book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab
with adaptability, flexibility and reconfigurability. [78], Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Eco-
PLCs or programmable controller programs (PCP) are nomic Forum, mentions that fourth industrial revolution is
required to guarantee responsiveness and to develop MAS not only characterized by smarter and autonomous automa-
with more control to deliver intelligence and variation. In the tion but also based on the complete amalgamation of the
cyber-physical industrial infrastructures, an enormous vol- cyber and physical extents. It has the potential to renovate
ume of data is gathered in real-time by numerous integrated not only the way things are produced and distributed but also
sensors that must be analysed in real-time. The real-time the dynamics of customer assignation, value creation, man-
analytics applied to Big Data in the cloud computing envi- agement and regulation [79]. The amalgamation of
ronment helps immensely to take decisions dynamically in microprocessors and AI makes robots more autonomous,
the ubiquitous manufacturing context of Industry 4.0. In smarter, flexible, adaptive, and social. Adaptive robots are:
addition, the cloud as a communication medium is
streamlining the communication process as a whole into the • Instrumented, interconnected, and intelligent machines
vast heterogeneous industrial manufacturing system. with the capability of data accumulation and autonomous
Since CPS is human-centred technology, communication decision making.
with humans can be achieved via mobile devices, like • Totally dynamic in nature, i.e. can sense and act on the
smartphones, tablets or wearable devices. The augmented situation with no direct human involvement.
reality technology can be united with things at the time of • Can acquire knowledge by monitoring their own perfor-
installation, operation and maintenance of automation mance, and accordingly update each other time-to-time.
systems, thus improving the productivity and competence • Proficient to act, based on numerous IoT data and with
of operators by providing different relevant information vision, sensing (touch), speech recognition, collision
Google Glass has such augmented reality technology that detection capabilities.
can be used in industrial shop floor environments [76]. • The computation is done on-board and/or in the cloud.
Five-level CPS structure, namely the 5C architecture, was
proposed as a standard to construct CPS [77]. The levels are Adaptive robots are expedient in manufacturing systems,
as follows: specifically in design, manufacturing and assembly phases
because they are autonomous with dynamic thinking capabil-
• Smart connection level: With the effective and appropri- ity and response intensive working principle. They are
ate installation of sensors, data can be obtained directly involved in product assembly, treatment of hazardous
from the machines or from the controller or the enterprise materials, spray painting, cutting, and polishing, travel and
manufacturing systems. transportation, optimizing logistics, assets, operations,
• Data-to-information conversion level: Relevant infor- manufacturing tailored products, shaping warehouses, cus-
mation is inferred from the data by using different tomer engagement and dealings in different places etc.
algorithms and methodologies. YuMi (short form of ‘you and me’, human and robot are
• Cyber level: After gathering of enormous information, working together) is a human-friendly dual arm robot created
precise analytics have to be used to fetch additional infor- by ABB manufacturing operations [80] and commercially
mation, gather additional knowledge from historical infor- launched on April 13, 2015, at the Hannover Messe in
mation, put on peer-to-peer assessment to get the Germany, the world’s largest industrial technology fair.
improved vision over the status of specific machines YuMi can feel and see and empowered with safety measures.
among the fleet. It has a parts-feeding mechanism, camera-founded part loca-
• Cognition level: Since comparative information and indi- tion detection system and gesture control with cooperative,
vidual machine status is obtainable; a decision support dual arm assembly solution.
system can be generated to prioritize and optimize the Another example can be given as Kuka industrial robots
maintaining process. [81] are used in application areas like material treatment,
• Configuration: This stage has supervisory control with a loading and unloading of machines, palletizing and
resilience control system (RCS) to put on the remedial and depalletizing, spot and arc welding. Kuka’s lightweight
precautionary decisions, which has been made at the cog- robots are used to accomplish multifaceted assembly line
nitive level. tasks and deliver real-time data in the process of
96 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

manufacturing, generating cognitive factory environments by

means of IoT technology.
An adaptive behaviour to the deformation of a soft object
robotic controller was proposed in the paper [82].
The workerbot4 is an industrial robot, created from pi4
[83], has a single-armed service with integrated image Filtered/processed Service/decision
data communication /result
processing. The head of workerbot4 is equipped with
integrated image processing and facial recognition so that it
can identify its operating staff and track people by viewing
the entire room. It can verbally communicate status reports, Local Server (Fog/Edge)
and by means of language recognition software, it can receive
verbal instructions.
Raw data and
manual Service/decision
task/service communication /result
5.6 Cloud Computing request

IoT, Big Data, and cloud computing, along with AI, are
Physical Layer (sensors, actuators, etc.)
empowering factors of Industry 4.0, which basically focus
on industrial automation. In current years, the information
technology (IT) has pointedly advanced by cloud computing Fig. 13 Working interfaces of cloud computing in ubiquitous
with on-demand self-service, ubiquitous network access, fast manufacturing
elasticity, pay-per-use, and position-independent resource
pooling [84]. The clouds with infrastructure management
capability are a huge lake of simply usable and reachable Service Provisioning Different virtualised services
virtualized resources like different development platforms, provided by cloud service providers are shown in Fig. 14
applications, services, hardware which can be reconfigured by which distributed collaboration and computing is possible
dynamically to enable self-service, economies of scale and efficiently. Some of the most popular cloud services are:
optimum resource utilization.
Nowadays, ubiquitous manufacturing services can be • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): By this service, one user
provided with the help of advanced technology of informa- can get any software in his own computer by paying a
tion, communication, sensing, and networking. The cloud fixed subscription for a specific time period through inter-
manufacturing [46, 85], permits ubiquitous, appropriate, net from the cloud service provider (CSP) who is the
on-demand network accesses to a shared lake of configurable owner of the license of the particular software application
manufacturing resources. Disseminated resources are cap- • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): Same as one software
tured into cloud services and managed in a centralized way application, one whole platform can be provided by CSP
in cloud manufacturing [86]. Clients can take cloud services to the customer to leverage.
consistent with their necessities. The users of the cloud can • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): One infrastructure
request services of all stages of a product life cycle like such as a server or a machine or a robot or a data center
product design, manufacturing, testing, management etc. can be obtained as a service without investing for a build-
“Design Anywhere Manufacture Anywhere” philosophy ing or a hardware/software and their maintenance costs
can be reinforced by cloud manufacturing with the facility of but just with the specific service charge to CSP.
scalability to the size of business and its needs, ubiquitous • Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS): A customer can host his
network access, and visualization. Abundant information entire desktop computing environment with data storage
systems are deployed in the cloud, and smart heterogeneous and network communication facility through a CSP.
things are coupled to the same cloud. As a result, a new era of
IoT and services is created. The cloud helps in superior
access to design and engineering resources anywhere and 5.7 Edge Computing
anytime with minimal management effort or interaction of
service provider. Ubiquitous access to resources increases Operational technology (OT), empowering the hardware and
scalability, agility, multi-tenancy, and virtualization. Fig- software to sense or cause changes in physical processes,
ure 13 describes the working interfaces of cloud computing events and in the enterprise through direct monitoring
in ubiquitous manufacturing. and/or control integrated with IT in the IIoT empowers the
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 97

Fig. 14 Cloud services: a large

pool of virtualized resources Machine


Cloud services for


Server- Software
as-a -as-a-
Service Service


“smart factory” notion. The smart connected devices with the distributed edge devices. This process helps to simplify data
capability of sensing, collecting, processing and communi- transmission as well as minimizes latency. Edge computing
cating data can regulate and monitor the operational offers edge services close to the source of data to encounter
manufacturing environment. This data accumulated by the different critical situations in real time optimization,
these devices is used for extraction of knowledge, intelligent security, agile connectivity issues.
decision making and forecasting purpose to get more effi-
cient, accurate, cost-effective manufacturing. 5.7.1 Fog Computing for IIoT
The edge consists of smart entities/things involved with The amount of data from the sensor-driven world can be
the manufacturing process, as depicted in Fig. 15, resources measured in the petabytes. Routing the Big Data generated
and smart products used as a smart agent in MAS. A by all the edge things like loads of connected sensors for
distributed intelligent agent-based model for Big Data accu- industrial control systems (ICSs), self-directed drones, indus-
mulation and analysis is presented in [87]. The low-layer trial robots, streaming of video surveillance cameras casing
agents provide information about the work-in-progress, oper- shop floors etc. to the remote cloud would congest the inter-
ational state of resources and availability or quality inspec- net backbone [89]. Traditional IT is approaching to OT
tion results and also can allocate job or rescheduling tasks. environments in the IIoT scenario, but the main challenge
The upper layer agents deal with time-ordered data, analyse in this path is to maintain the required volume, latency,
the covariance of multiple monitored metrics and huge his- mobility, reliability, security, privacy, and network band-
torical data. Then, that gathered knowledge is used for the width. This requires, in turn, a middleware layer with some
optimization of universal cost functions, reconfiguring computational and communication abilities between the edge
resource teams, forecasting actions/events, assessing precau- and the cloud level.
tionary maintenance. Fog is a distributed architecture that ties the cloud and the
Despite moving all data over the cloud for processing, connected devices that don’t need persistent connectivity
some operations can be done close to the IIoT device, i.e. at with the cloud. Fog computing outspreads cloud computing
the edge of the network. An aggregation node [88], as to the edge network. Fog works closer to IoT sensors and
depicted in Fig. 15, with IoT gateway, enabled with the actuators, where the data is generated and used. The fog
software platform is required to process data directly on computing is an architecture which decentralizes the
98 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

Fig. 15 Edge computing


computing structure including data, applications and net- functionality of production planning, operation, modifica-
working resources from remote data centres towards the tion, supply chain maintenance etc.
edge devices. To reduce the communication and service
deployment delays, it is necessary to complement the cloud 5.7.2 Benefits of Fog Computing
through the distribution of the computing-plus networking The basis of fog computing architecture and its benefits are as
resources to edge node level. follows [91].
The fog computing trusts on interconnection capabilities
among nodes, whereas edge computing deals with isolated • Security: Since, things-to-fog (T2F), fog-to-fog (F2F) and
edge nodes. The fog [90] connects the resources and data fog-to-cloud (F2C) connections can be made dynamically
sources between devices exist in the edge in cloud-to-sensor, (as depicted in Fig. 16) across various applications, secu-
and function-to-function or peer-to-peer hierarchies whereas rity is of utmost importance.
edge computing lean towards to a small number of top-down • Scalability: Processing of information mostly occurs
layers often attached with simple protocol gateway functions locally in fog computing, thus reducing the amount of
as depicted in Fig. 16. If it is required to make real-time data required to convey from a shop-floor to the cloud.
decision-making in emergency critical situations, fog nodes This reduces cost and computational capacity, network
can take a decision by its own by not routing it to the cloud. bandwidth, and the fog networks’ storage size can be
This helps to solve potential latency issues, queue delays, or adjusted as per demand to maintain overall production
network/server downtime. The fog nodes can add more efficiency.
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 99

Fig. 16 Edge-Fog-Cloud

• Openness: Different application programming interfaces wireless communication technologies can provide connectiv-
(APIs) can be shared through the fog to aid the factory’s ity to robots, machinery, or workers, and deploy the flexibil-
production equipment, to link up with remote mainte- ity by lessening and significantly simplifying the need for
nance service providers. cable installation in plug and produce setups. WSN [92] is
• Autonomy: The autonomy provided by fog computing significant in manufacturing because the installation and
allows the manufacturer to perform designated actions, maintenance of wired set-up in the shop floor is difficult
even when the cloud is unreachable or overloaded. This and also incurs much cost. Industrial WSN (IWSN) enjoys
enhances high reliability, availability, and serviceability in the advantage of easy and effective arrangement over the
critical production environments and maintenance required range, maintained by battery or wireless charging.
functions. The communication infrastructure has the following features
• Agility: Fast localized and intelligent decision-making is [93]:
possible by fog computing within a fog system. A minor
fault in any machine or any new requirement can be • Ultra-low latencies: The network is able to process huge
spotted and addressed instantly, thus enabling predictive data with an extraordinarily low tolerance for delay or
maintenance which decreases factory downtime. latency.
• Ultra-high reliability: Flexible adjustment as per the
need and capability of automatic fault monitoring make
5.8 Real-Time Communication the system reliable.
• Energy-efficient: The system can go to sleep by virtue of
Real-time communication supports communication without software scheduling when it is not in use, thus gaining
transmission delays, using peer-to-peer architecture. The energy efficiency.
100 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

• Ultra-low communication costs: Different sensor-based applications. The smart EIS, such as the manufacturing exe-
hardware and software are deployed for less power con- cution system (MES) or ERP system, can be tangled in SFW
sumption, downtime reduction and enables JIT communi- involving various devices, sensors, actuators, control systems
cation and thus reducing overall costs. such as PLC, and distributed control systems (DCS) in the
• Efficient data distribution and management: Group- physical platform of the edge tier.
based WSN is emerging to better data distribution, com-
munication and management. 5.9.2 Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services (AWS) [97] is a safe, agile, and
5.8.1 Software-Defined Networking scalable platform having power of data analytics and machine
In today’s era of high-tech networking, the increasing learning thus gaining operational efficiency, helping to
demand for networking, diversification and complexity of design and verify new products, creating new smart-product
the function is causing traditional network architectures grad- business opportunities, optimizing production and scale
ually to become unsuitable for today’s enterprises, operators effortlessly to meet increasing demand as well as improving
and end users, motivating an evolution from traditional net- security position and lowering IT and OT cost structure too.
working to new network architectures which has two parts AWS helps ubiquitous manufacturing in a smart factory
the control plane and the data plane. Software-defined net- by:
working (SDN) [94] has the advantages of programmability,
automation, and network control, allowing operators to estab- • Improving quality and machinery uptime.
lish extremely scalable and flexible networks while adapting • Enabling access to heterogeneous real-time data to expand
to changes in the network environment. overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).
• Empowering AI and ML for real-time data. analytics,
5.8.2 Cognitive Radio Network prediction and decision making.
Cognitive radio network (CRN) [94] is a novel wireless • Generating cloud security and providing robust disaster.
communication technology that defines a primary user with
priority access to a particular band of resources in a wireless
network and allows open secondary users to use unlicensed 5.10 Virtualization and Virtuality
resources; the wireless node be able to sense the surrounding
radio spectrum while controlling use of the band. A CRN can In computing, virtualization is the course of generating a
observe the network environment and identify available idle virtual or logical form of a device or resource like a server,
frequency bands. operating system, network, storage place or one application
program. For developing the ability of self-optimizing, self-
configuring and self-diagnosing abilities in a dynamic way in
5.9 Web Services a smart factory environment, the resource virtualization or
formation of digital twins are very much significant. Digital
A web service is as a self-reliant virtually unified single twins are virtual replicas of physical devices that can be used
logical system, composed of heterogeneous interacting soft- to run simulations before actual devices are built and
ware modules accessible through the Web over the Internet, installed. Simulation of a physical object by digital twin in
accomplishing responsibilities, resolve problems, or real-time suggests visions into performance and potential
conducts transactions for a user or application. The IoS problems of factory, shop-floor or warehouse. Virtualization
[95], is an important support for Industry 4.0, coupled with helps to create a logical copy or digital twin of the physical
IIoT and CPS and fog-cloud computing technology. SOA, machine or original factory floor or warehouse digitally by
through the cloud-based structure is essential for factory-to- merging sensor data acquired from monitoring physical pro-
factory interoperability, cross-layer collaboration, cross-site cesses and equipment. The virtualized view of operations
application between heterogeneous industrial systems. visualized through a 3D interface helps to monitor physical
processes and to manage complexity, optimize processes and
5.9.1 Smart Factory Web Architecture reduce equipment downtime. A digital twin could even assist
Smart factory web (SFW) architecture supports plug and as a prototype itself before any physical version is created. As
work abilities for physical resources to protect data and more complex “things” become connected by virtue of IoT
service integration in cross-site application situations with the capability to produce data, and having a digital
[96]. SFW architecture involves factory-thing device man- correspondent by the benefit of the virtualization or the
agement, factory-thing data management and analysis, and digital twin technology has moved the ubiquitous
service interface. It provides an open API for the SFW portal manufacturing in industry 4.0 to a greater height. A digital
as well as for enterprise information system (EIS) twin helps to identify unbearable deviations from ideal
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 101

settings for business optimization, thus improving quality incompatible code in non-native operating system envi-
and realizing greater efficiencies in the physical world [98]. ronment on a local machine simultaneously.
Oracle IoT Cloud [99] offers the most comprehensive
implementation of the digital twin through: 5.10.1 Virtual Reality
Augmented reality and virtual reality are two pillars to imple-
(a) Virtual twin—A virtual depiction of a physical device ment virtualization in Industry 4.0. The augmented reality is
or an asset with observed and desired attribute values concerned to merge digital elements with real-world
and also using a semantic model activities. Virtual reality offers a computer-assisted simula-
(b) Predictive twin—Building of an analytical or statistical tion tool to recreate a real-life environment. With the rapid
model containing the entire business scenario and development of new technologies like RFID, sensors, RTLS,
generating contextual data for analysis and prediction smartphones, etc., which enabled real-time data flow and
by using a machine-learning technique. integration of CPS with augmented and virtual reality
(c) Twin projections—Integration of predictions and techniques help a lot to create a simulation to achieve a
insights with back-end business applications. smart design paradigm.

Different resources can be virtualized. Some of them are 5.10.2 Virtual Control of Robotic Arms
mentioned below: To achieve a more speedy, accurate and cost-effective pro-
duction system, the manufacturing industry is shifting from
• Storage virtualization: The unification of manifold net- human workers to intelligent robots. The use of IoT and
work storage devices into a virtual one which seems to be information and communication technology (ICT) with AI,
a single storage unit. Storage virtualization or software- cloud computing and advanced information analytics tech-
defined storage or a virtual storage area network (SAN) nology are providing such intelligent industrial robots which
[100] is the merging of multiple physical storage arrays can be controlled from the remote end to the smart factories.
from SANs and giving the impression as a single virtual Industry 4.0 also allows a progression from automated
storage device. embedded system-based manufacturing to CPS-based
• Server virtualization: It is the partitioning of a physical manufacturing equipped smart sensing, actuating, decision
server into smaller virtual servers to enhance the capability making and communication capabilities. The self-estimation
of management. capabilities and self-consciousness of CPS allow intelligent
• Operating system-level virtualization: Same as the production capabilities on the factory floor by monitoring
server virtualization technology at the operating system physical processes, making a digital twin and making
(kernel) layer. decentralized decisions.
• Network virtualization or network function The industrial robots are machines with embedded intelli-
virtualization: Network virtualization can be like virtual gence which help the manufacturing industry in the following
machine services, as it can be used to start network ways:
services conveniently and rapidly. Network virtualization
[94] is currently used in networks in support of packet • More accurate, more efficient and more time specific
delivery, routers, data transmission and other network than human labour: Some critical manufacturing works
functions, and is managed by general network hardware which are beyond the capacity of human labour can be
and control software. Administrators can establish the done by robots with a specific accuracy, efficiency and
required virtual functions of the network on a virtual within a specific time interval.
machine, such as by adding a firewall or intrusion detec- • Reduction of labour force injuries during the produc-
tion and prevention systems (IDPS) to the network. Instal- tion process: As the robots can be employed in various
lation of the required networking capabilities in the risky critical manufacturing processes, it can reduce
network can reduce manpower cost and time. For exam- labour injuries.
ple, in a factory environment, each department may have • Increases efficiency by a collaborative effort of human
its own independent network environment, or different and robot: The collaborative tasks of robot and human
projects may have to be able to use part of the network can increase the efficiency level of manufacturing a lot.
without external interference. Network virtualization slic- • Increases flexibility and reconfigurability in smart fac-
ing technology enables a physical network to be cut into tory environment: Assimilation of industrial wireless
multiple virtual networks for various slices, enabling the networks, cloud, and IoT with smart artefacts like robotic
effective allocation of network resources to users. machines is absolutely vital for dynamic decision-making
• Application virtualization or application service capability, flexibility and reconfigurability of smart
virtualization: Application virtualization helps to run an factory.
102 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

• Autonomous detection of fault and optimization: • Improved customization: Dynamic decision making on
Industrial robots can sense problems in product perfor- the basis of customer demand is possible by intelligent
mance and can resolve it by using its intelligence in many computation.
cases. Modelling, controlling, self-assessment and failure
recovery of production processes and working environ- In recent times, the CNC systems like HNC8 [104],
ment can be achieved, and goal-directed decisions can be FANUC [105], and Sinumerik [106], have adopted the
taken autonomously by robots in a dynamic manner. front-end structure which takes on non-real-time or semi-
real-time tasks, and back-end structure performs real-time
numerical control machining. Both are located together with
5.11 Distant Operation a machine tool and co-operate with each other via a commu-
nication bus (e.g. CAN, RS-485, or RS-232) or an
With the advancement of IIoT with the cloud-based intranet [101].
approach, the whole factory set up is now semi or fully In cloud-based CNC systems, virtualized resources such
automatic. The manufacturing process can be checked from, as virtual operating system, virtual memory, and virtual hard
and the machines can be controlled by robotic arms or hand disk space are provided to support the enhanced front-end
gestures or voice recognition techniques from a remote site. which can then act as the front-end-as-a-service (FaaS) [101].
In risky manufacturing environments, virtual control is just The FAAS approach has four main advantages:
feasible solution to deal with tremendously high or low
temperatures or to handle unsafe and unreliable apparatus. • By using cloud computing technology, it provides
on-demand resources or services for the back-end and
receipts benefit of virtualization technology for better
5.12 CNC Machines obtainability of cloud resources.
• Dynamic resource allocation can be done in a better way
The CNC [101, 102] has a vital role in intelligent in reply to an increase in demand.
manufacturing that includes digitization, networking and • Since the cloud provides a more affluent environment,
information technology in the core manufacturing industry. supporting heterogeneous software [e.g. computer-aided
The CNC system of a machine tool includes the control unit, design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM),
and the motion-control system such as the servomotors, and Computer-aided engineering (CAE)] and user-defined
drives and axis positioning devices. Instead of causing applications, users can access those applications in the
motion by manually, CNC machines permit motions to be cloud-enabled front-end and run these applications to
activated by servomotors under the control of the CNC and deliver smart service area for the back-end.
directed by the respective program. The motion type, the • The cloud layer employs high-end servers which give
sequence of operation, the axe movement, the quantity of powerful computing resources, including CPUs and stor-
motion and its rate are also programmable. age, to the cloud-empowered front-end.
The main features of CNC technology, which helps a lot
in intelligent manufacturing are as follows [103]: The back-end, positioned in a workshop, mainly
comprises of a servo controller, PLC, a numerical control
• Improved automation: CNC machines can be operated unit (NCU) accountable for real-time tasks casing position
without an operator; thus, can avoid operator exhaustion, tackling, speed scheduling, interpolation arithmetic etc. The
human error, and can maintain reliable and expected client offers operators with a collaborative interface from a
machining time for each workpiece. PC, a laptop, or a smartphone.
• Increased productivity with consistency and accuracy:
Several alike workpieces can be easily formed with preci-
sion and consistency, thus increases productivity. 5.13 Epistemology and Ontology
• Flexibility and re-usability: Since all are programmable,
the changeover can be done very fast and recalling of the Adoption of new industrial practices enabled with IIoT, AI and
same program can also be done very easily. ML technologies in design, planning, decision support system
• Short setup time: It helps in today’s JIT requirements. optimization, etc. throughout the life cycle of manufacturing
• Faster and more precise manufacturing: A high- gives birth the need of an intelligent knowledge management
performance hardware architecture and intelligent control system to acquire, represent, and extract manufacturing knowl-
algorithms as well as premium class drive and motor edge used in-factory automation in a machine-interpretable
technology class ensure the highest dynamic performance way. Epistemology is the philosophy which decides which
and machining precision. knowledge should be acquired, the process of acquisition,
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 103

and how that knowledge can be delivered dynamically with 6.1 Cloud Manufacturing
the ubiquity, context awareness and pervasively.
Ontology is a method for representing manufacturing Presently the manufacturing sector is experiencing a new
knowledge which can be used to configure, coordinate and paradigm shift from existing manufacturing practices to the
supervise the manufacturing system in a way which can be service-oriented business model—Cloud Manufacturing, in
interpreted by a machine. A manufacturing ontology can be which the manufacturing capabilities and resources can be
specified for the entire production life cycle. In cloud shared on a cloud platform. Presently the manufacturing
manufacturing, where agent-based SOA is prevalent, sector is experiencing a new paradigm shift from existing
ontologies play an important role to provide a shared, manufacturing practices to the service-oriented business
machine-interpretable vocabulary for exchanging informa- model—Cloud Manufacturing, in which the manufacturing
tion among isolated actors. Ontology can represent heteroge- capabilities and resources can be shared on a cloud platform.
neous dynamic context data about manufacturing. Ontologies X. Xun described cloud manufacturing as [86]:
empowered by description logics (DL) and supported by Networked manufacturing model that exploits on-demand access
standard languages, can be used extensively for the represen- to a shared collection of diversified and distributed
tation of knowledge in structured in computable form and manufacturing resources to form temporary, reconfigurable
also for reasoning purposes thus promoting the exchange of cyber-physical production lines which enhance efficiency,
reduce product lifecycle costs, and allow for optimal resource
knowledge and its re-use. allocation in response to variable-demand customer generated
MASON (MAnufacturing’s Semantics ONtology) [107], tasking.
ADACOR Ontology [108] are the examples of
The new technology combines recent technologies such as
manufacturing ontologies. The Semantic Web Rule Lan-
cloud computing, IoT, service-oriented technologies and
guage (SWRL) [109] is a language powered by Web Ontol-
high-performance computing to remove the bottlenecks of
ogy Language (OWL), developed by the World Wide Web
the manufacturing practices [112]. Cloud manufacturing can
Consortium (W3C) and DL is used to express rules and logic.
be seen from both viewpoint: (a) the direct application of
SPIN (SPARQL Inferencing Notation) [110] is another lan-
cloud computing techniques to manufacturing and
guage with capabilities of meta-modelling can overcome the
(b) manufacturing-oriented cloud computing [113].
drawback of SWRL. Manufacturing Resource Capability
The cloud manufacturing process revolves around the
Ontology (MaRCO) [111] based on OWL, has the ability to
following three groups (as shown in Fig. 17) [114]:
model and infer information about the collective capabilities
of cooperating resources.
(a) Consumer or end user: User may be referred to an
individual or a large group who create the engineering
requirement of a product but don’t have the capabilities
5.14 User-Centric Pervasive Environment
to so in a cost-effective manner. The engineering
requirements with final conditions are then provided to
The IIoT has the capability of self-learning to respond in an
the cloud-based applications by the users.
intelligent way to realize user requirements through context
(b) Application provider: The application provider act as
awareness, to deal with open scenarios driven by the complex
an intermediator between the end user and physical
and wide-ranged different human behaviours. The virtual/
resource provider. Its primary task is to manage and
augmented reality based systems are dependent on HMI
control the cloud-based application layer by interpreting
and collaborations thus resulting of a unification of human
user requirements, transforming them into data required
sense, sentiment and emotion to concept an advanced virtual
for product development.
collaboration environment, where users can feel the perva-
(c) Physical resource provider: The physical resource
sive presence of human-machine at work in the same
providers (PRPs) accept manufacturing data as input
physical site.
from the application providers and produces finished

6 Allied Technologies
Consumer Physical
Industry 4.0 has witnessed the emergence of several or resource
User provider
advanced manufacturing technologies which are closely
related to ubiquitous manufacturing. This section discusses
some of such technologies. Fig. 17 Overview of cloud manufacturing
104 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

product in conformity with user conditions as output. infrastructure, which includes a number of high-end and
Manufacturing equipment are owned by the PRPs hav- proxy servers, large databases, and other associated
ing the expertise in utilizing the machines efficiently. components. The lower block comprises of various types of
The PRPs may be distributed over a wide range of mobile robots, auto driven vehicles, industrial equipment,
geographic locations and are connected via cloud and other physical machinery as required in the present-day
manufacturing network. industry [116].
With the evolvement of Industry 4.0, the cloud robotics
popularity in various industrial application areas such as
6.2 Cloud Robotics simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), grasping,
navigation, etc. have been increased by manifold
Robots are in use for the past few decades to help mankind to [116]. SLAM deals with exploring the unknown environment
perform various difficult tasks in an efficient and precise way. and demands high-end on-board computing facility. Grasp-
In an industrial environment, they are primarily used in ing of unknown objects with high precision in the industrial
manufacturing units to perform tedious, repetitive or hazard- scenario requires huge data processing and computing in the
ous tasks in a precise manner. Use of robots provides com- background. Similarly, during local and global navigation,
petitive advantages by improving the product quality and large numbers of parameters are to be taken into consider-
reduces the cost per product while providing safety to the ation, thereby demanding huge storage and computing capa-
workers. For instance, in the automobile industry, robots are bility. Cloud robotics, owing to its huge cloud-based
deployed for assembling, welding, painting, and packaging computing and storage capability, fits perfectly well in such
where human involvement otherwise would be hazardous, application areas.
inefficient, and inaccurate. The networked robotic system
offers an environment in which the robots are connected via
wired or wireless networking topologies and are empowered 6.3 Manufacturing Grid
to provide an improved functional range. They work in a
collaborative environment to complete a task and are capable The complexity in product manufacturing is increasing day-
of sharing information within themselves. by-day due to the demand of buyers for cost-effective and
Cloud robotics is a new dimension in robotics which has quality products. This requirement forces the industry houses
the potential to work beyond networked robotics. In to make use of its own resources and the resources available
networked robotics, the computational capabilities are lim- elsewhere, employing networking. Grid technology has rap-
ited to respective robots only, and the information sharing is idly become popular in scientific computing, large-scale
restricted to the network only. Due to the advancement in database management, and collaborative works
cloud computing, cloud robotics has the potential to remove [13, 117]. The concept is very new in the field of
some of these bottlenecks and can offer more intelligent, manufacturing and is termed as Manufacturing Grid
efficient and cost-effective solutions [115]. In cloud robotics, (MGrid). The principal idea of MGrid is to organize various
the high complexity computing process is transferred to the types of resources spread over different geographical regions,
cloud platform through communication networks, thereby organizations and other entities. MGrid offers various
reducing the computational load of individual robots. manufacturing services to users more conveniently than
Figure 18 presents the system level architecture of cloud before. It can support specialized manufacturing requirement
robotics. The top-level block represents the cloud of business enterprises through networking. Heterogeneity
and regional distribution of resources are not made visible
to the end user and is provided with a feeling as if all
resources are available to them locally. It is expected that
Server the enterprises and even individuals can obtain different
Proxy server Cloud infrastructure
manufacturing services on the Internet with ease using

6.4 Internet Manufacturing

Various types of robots
Unmanned vehicles Bottom facility Industry 4.0 is the evolvement of new digital industrial-
Industrial machinery etc. technological transformation with the support of various
technological advancements like cloud computing, IoT, Big
Fig. 18 System level architecture of cloud robotics Data analytics, cybersecurity, etc. In this environment,
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 105

sensors, machines, workpieces, and IT systems are connected different data related to regular activities like production,
to each other over the Internet, which spread across different operation, distribution, finance, accounting, sales, purchase,
regions. Interaction between the connected systems takes and human resource management of an organization. In
place using standard internet protocols and have the ability addition, ERP helps an organization to implement the
of self-configuration, prediction of failure, and adapt to advanced business process [122].
desired changes [118]. The idea behind internet
manufacturing or cyber manufacturing [119] is to enhance
the production of high-quality goods at a reduced cost, which 6.6 Virtual Manufacturing
in turn promote industrial growth and change the workforce
profile. Cyber manufacturing utilizes a systematic approach The Virtual Manufacturing process is bringing a revolution in
for manufacturing operations with the involvement of inter- the manufacturing sector. It is a process which utilizes
net technology to achieve the functional objective of an computer-aided design environment to manufacture
enterprise with increased productivity and reduced down- products. It provides a computer-simulated environment of
time. It performs better than its predecessor, the actual manufacturing process with the help of virtual
i.e. e-manufacturing in various aspects like learning ability, reality [123]. It has the capability to provide a better under-
scalability, accessibility, etc. [119]. Lack of standard, standing of a process without making of prototype models,
handling of Big Data, and cybersecurity are some of the reduce time in product and process development cycle,
challenges to be addressed to make internet manufacturing eliminates material waste and faulty design. In addition, the
more popular and acceptable to the industry. virtual manufacturing process helps to train a new operator
quickly in comparison to the conventional manufacturing
system, thereby reducing the wastage of machine time.
Various web-based technologies support the virtual
6.5 Global Manufacturing
manufacturing environment [124]. Web-based virtual systems
are now available to facilitate the design of machine tools,
A Global Manufacturing system is defined as a company that
performance evaluation of these tools and the entire
produces various components, assemblies, and final products
manufacturing process. To animate different manufacturing
for another organization by utilizing the raw material, infra-
processes, web-based CAM subsystems are developed which
structure, cost, and a well-designed supply chain network that
are capable of displaying the real-time manufacturing process.
ma spread over a different part of the world. Manufacturing
Virtual manufacturing network (VMN) helps to interconnect
units spread over different parts of the world require network-
various production companies to develop one virtual produc-
ing to synchronize the production and other related activities
tion system and to execute a production order. The VMN can
among them. Global presence and networking among them
dynamically configure and re-configure different
help to remain them ahead of other local competitors in terms
manufacturing units to accomplish a production task, includ-
of cost, quality and technology. Better coordination in terms
ing its volume and specification [125]. The VMN facilitates
of research and development (R&D), design of product and
the sharing of spare capacity and expertise to produce good
process, manufacturing, engineering, marketing, supply and
quality products.
distribution, etc. among these geographically isolated units
helps to perform better than their local competitors [120]. The
multinational corporations (MNCs) are an example of such a
6.7 Lean Manufacturing
section of enterprises.
The supply chain network in the context of global
Lean Manufacturing is a systematic approach to minimize
manufacturing includes [121]:
waste from production without compromising the production
Suppliers, factories, subcontractors, warehouses, distribution capacity and quality. It actually works relentlessly on
centres, and retailers, through which raw materials are acquired,
eliminating waste from a manufacturing process. In the
transformed, produced and delivered to the end customers.
past, Toyota Motor Corporation has implemented lean
Instead of an individual unit, a group of business entities manufacturing successfully and displayed appreciable
are responsible, in global manufacturing, for procurement, enhancement in productivity and decrease in wastes in its
manufacturing, and distribution activities. Availability of firm. Since then, other manufacturing firms across the globe
ubiquitous high-bandwidth internet connectivity paves the adopted the lean manufacturing approach to increase their
path of strong supply chain management network for global productivity by reducing waste [11]. Implementation of lean
manufacturing. The ERP system has an important role to play technology is attached to many challenges and roadblocks
in the context of global manufacturing. It helps to deal with like proper communication, monitoring, integration, etc., due
the complex management issues, supports to integrate to which some of the industries obtained partial or no success.
106 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

The main objective of lean manufacturing is to create a medicinal and biological systems, and food supply
well-defined sequence of processes to manufacture the fin- chains [130].
ished products at the desired pace of customers with mini- Additive manufacturing is capable of providing a layer-
mum or no waste [126]. Inclusion of lean manufacturing in wise additive method to manufacture products having com-
Industry 4.0 is an important research issue for quite some plex design and shape with a large variety of materials.
time. Automation in production has played an important role Reduced cost of programmable controllers, lasers, inkjet
in this integration. Implementation issues involving supplier, printing, sophisticated CAD software, etc. catalysing the
customer, process and control, and human factors of lean further growth of the additive manufacturing technology.
manufacturing in the industry have been very well addressed As far as the industrial perspective is concerned, it has the
by technologies associated with Industry 4.0. capability to influence the traditional system of production
models in terms of machinery, assembly processes, and sup-
ply chains of industry. Design flexibility, the realization of
6.8 Agile Manufacturing complex geometric shapes, dimensionally accurate product
manufacturing, removal of multiple parts assembly, time and
Agile manufacturing refers to an approach which enables an cost efficiency in production run are some of the vital
organization to develop an internal process and supporting capabilities of additive manufacturing which outweigh the
environment to leverage a competitive advantage over its conventional production system [130].
competitor in the fast-changing market place [127]. Such an Additive manufacturing is considered to be one of the
organization can respond quickly to the changing needs of essential ingredients of Industry 4.0. It empowers the
the customer and market still maintaining the consistent manufacturing sector to embrace the non-conventional
quality at a competitive cost. Development of manufacturing approaches successfully. Additive manufacturing is expected
support technology is considered to be the key factor in to be the key technology for manufacturing highly
implementing agile manufacturing process which permits customized products due to its ability to design and produce
the designer, the production people and the marketing team sophisticated goods, thus offering the highest level of cus-
to share a common database of parts and products, data on tomer satisfaction [131]. Metal additive manufacturing is one
production capacity and associated problems. Initial identifi- of the latest trends in additive manufacturing in which differ-
cation and solution to the problems will be cost effective as ent types of metallic components can be manufactured using
compared to the cost of correcting quality when the problem aluminium, titanium, stainless steel, etc. which can replace
moves in the downstream and become complex. their conventionally manufactured counterparts.
Agile manufacturing empowers an organization to work in
a highly competitive market scenario [128]. Timely
incorporation of small changes in manufacturing a product 6.10 Chaordic Manufacturing
as per market need and feedback offers a huge advantage in
the long run in terms company’s reputation among the cus- Conventionally, complexity is considered as a negative phe-
tomer. In order to implement agile technology, the organiza- nomenon and is regarded as a problem to be minimized,
tion should have a strong network of suppliers and related controlled, or if possible, to be removed [132]. In modern
company along with an internal team of employees to deliver manufacturing system in order to create novelty, complexity
product effectively as per the changing need of the is nurtured instead of elimination. In this context, a new way
customers. In the context of the global economy, a company of thinking known as Chaordic systems thinking (CST) is
which can adapt to the quick changes as per the market need developed. CST is an approach to design a complex
will be preferred by the customer and can sustain very well in organisational system that considers an enterprise not as a
comparison to the others. fixed structure but as ‘flow’. The word Chaordic is derived
from chaord, which is a combination of two wordings chaos
and order. Chaos is treated as [133]:
6.9 Additive Manufacturing A condition of disarray, discord, confusion, upheaval, bedlam,
and utter mess arising from the complete absence of order.
Additive manufacturing refers to a method of production
Chaos theory is very effective in describing and
used to produce a small quantity of specially designed
explaining the behaviour of the complex, dynamical,
products that offer construction advantages, such as complex,
non-linear, co-creative, far-from-equilibrium systems. CST
lightweight designs [129]. It is also known as 3D printing
is also defined recently as a qualitative framework in the
technology which is mostly used to prototype and produce
complex domain which integrates and generalizes the
products in small quantity. The technology is continuously
prevailing ideas from numerous disciplines, instead of devel-
being improved to embrace wider application area such as
automobile, various sphere of engineering and technology, oping fresh ideas.
Ubiquitous Manufacturing in the Age of Industry 4.0: A State-of-the-Art Primer 107

7 Future of Industry 4.0: The Stride 8 Conclusions

towards Industry 5.0
The industrial revolution has shifted the focus from agricul-
Remember the struggle for survival of Will Smith in the film ture to industry. With the technological invention and inno-
“I, Robot”! Yes, it’s coming—embrace it—Industry 5.0; but vative ideas, the industry operations and manufacturing
without the devil robots. This upcoming industrial era is all process have become more sophisticated day-by-day. It
about more cooperation and interaction between men and started with the utilising the steam engines to run machines
machines; the robots making human’s work better and faster. as Industry 1.0. Thereafter, the introduction of assembly lines
In Industry 5.0, the robots will be more collaborative; hence, (Industry 2.0) and computers and factory automation (Indus-
they are termed as “cobots”. These new generation robots are try 3.0) has changed the manufacturing scenario altogether.
cheaper, more mobile, and more flexible than their earlier At present, we are in the era of Industry 4.0 which is hailed as
versions. These cobots can work safely alongside human the age of cyber-physical systems that has taken
workers without requiring any safety cage. Introduction of manufacturing and associated industry processes to an
cloud robotics will allow workers to control robots remotely unforeseen level with flexible production including
eliminating the need for the physical presence of the operator. manufacturing, supply chain, delivery, and maintenance.
The offered flexibility and efficiency will make The key enabler for this is the ubiquitous technologies
manufacturing truly global. The concept of Robotics-as-a- which have led to a new term ubiquitous manufacturing,
Service (RaaS) will allow the small companies pay-per-use which means the manufacturing process can be handled
without an upfront investment on robotics [134]. All these from anywhere and anytime. In this chapter, we have seen
will be well-supported by the launching of high-speed 5G how ubiquitous manufacturing has changed the traditional
networks which, along with the widespread use of wearables production planning and scheduling and how it has helped in
on the factory floor, will take augmented reality in automated material handling and dynamic reconfiguration.
manufacturing to a new level. Moreover, Industry 5.0 will The ubiquitous manufacturing has been well supported by
see the workers be more creative and products to be more technologies such as AI, machine learning, smart robotics,
customer-centric, i.e. customised [135]. In spite of these Big Data analytics, etc. All of these, in unison, have piloted to
developments, it is worth mentioning that Industry 5.0 will smart automation. Advancements in ubiquitous technologies
be the upgradation of Industry 4.0 and not entirely new such as IoT, cloud and edge computing, real-time
paradigm. The highlights of the future Industry 5.0 are men- communications and many others have allowed industries
tioned in Fig. 19. to leverage ubiquitous manufacturing to its fullest. In the
chapter, we have understood different similar and/or related
manufacturing paradigms to ubiquitous manufacturing are
also getting popular in different perspectives. Cloud
More emphasise on creativity and custom-made products. manufacturing, cloud robotics, internet manufacturing, lean
manufacturing, additive manufacturing, etc. to name a few.
Closer cooperation between man and machine. Although Industry 4.0 is yet to develop to its absolute and the
industries are still in the transition state of adopting this, due
Widespread use of collaborative robots (Cobots) to augment to the rapid technological advancements, we are in the verge
of entering to the era of Industry 5.0. Industry 5.0 is going to
More use of cloud robotics and user-friendly APIs for remote be all about collaboration between men and machines with
operation of robotics.
more focus on customised manufacturing. It is expected that
Offering of robotics-as-a-service (RaaS) will make robotics Industry 4.0 is surely going to be replaced by Industry 5.0
affordable to smaller manufacturers.
very soon.
Emergence of 5G will enable manufacturers to be more
informed with mobile workforce due to extensive use of MEC.

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117. Y. Fan, D. Zhao, L. Zhang, S. Huang and B. Liu, “Manufacturing
grid: Needs, concept and architecture,” Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.,
vol. 3032, pp. 653-656, 2004. Pijush Kanti Dutta Pramanik is
118. M. R¨ußmann, M. Lorenz, P. Gerbert, M. Waldner, J. Justus, a PhD Research Scholar in the
P. Engel and M. Harnisch, “Industry 4.0: The Future of Productiv- Department of Computer Science
ity and Growth in Manufacturing Industries,” Boston Consulting and Engineering at National Insti-
Group, 2015. tute of Technology, Durgapur,
119. J. Lee, B. Bagheri and C. Jin, “Introduction to cyber India. He has acquired a range of
manufacturing,” Manufacturing Letters, vol. 8, pp. 11-15, 2016. professional qualifications in the
120. P. Pontrandolfo and O. G. Okogbaa, “Global manufacturing: a core and allied fields of Computer
review and a framework for planning in a global corporation,” Science and Information Technol-
International Journal of Produc-tion Economics, vol. 37, no. ogy, viz., MIT, MCA, MBA (IT),
1, pp. 1-19, 1999. MTech (CSE), and MPhil (CS) and
121. J. X. Jiao, X. You and A. Kumar, “An agent-based framework for has more than 10 years of teaching
collaborative negotiation in the global manufacturing supply chain experience in graduate and post-
network,” Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. graduate levels. He has qualified
22, no. 3, pp. 239-255, 2006. UGC-NET in Computer Science
122. C. Lee, C. S. Leem and I. Hwang, “PDM and ERP information and Applications as well as in Man-
methodolo-gy using digital manufacturing to support global agement. Pijush Kanti is actively
manufacturing,” International Journal of Advanced engaged in research in the domains
Manufacturing Technology, vol. 53, no. 1-4, pp. 399-409, 2011. of IoT, Grid Computing, Fog Com-
123. V. G. Bharath and R. Pati, “Virtual Manufacturing: A Review,” puting, Crowd Computing, Mobile
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Computing, and Recommendation
pp. 355-364, 2015. Systems and has published more
124. K. Kumar, D. Zindani and J. P. Davim, “Introduction to Virtual than 30 research articles in the
Manufacturing,” in Advanced Machining and Manufacturing Pro- refereed journals, edited books,
cesses. Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology, Springer, and reputed international
Cham, 2018. conferences. He can be reached at
125. M. Olender and D. Krenczyk, “Practical application of game theory [email protected].
based production flow planning method in virtual manufacturing
networks,” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engi- Bulbul Mukherjee is an Assis-
neering, vol. 145, no. 022031, 2016. tant Professor in the Department
126. R. Shah and P. T. Ward, “Defining and developing measures of of Computer Science and Engi-
lean production,” Journal of operations management, vol. 25, no. neering at Bengal Institute of Tech-
4, pp. 785-805, 2007. nology, India. She has received
127. A. Gunasekaran, Y. Y. Yusuf, E. O. Adeleye, T. Papadopoulos, MTech degree from MAKAUT,
D. Kovvuri and D. G. Geyi, “Agile manufacturing: an evolutionary West Bengal, India and has several
review of practices,” International Journal of Production years of teaching experience. Her
Research, pp. 1-21, 2018. domains of research interest are
128. V. Manivelmuralidaran, “Agile Manufacturing – An overview,” Software Engineering, IoT, Cloud
International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications, Computing, Machine Learning,
vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 156-159, 2015. etc.
129. S. Vaidya, P. Ambad and S. Bhosle, “Industry 4.0 - Glimpse,”
Procedia Manufacturing, vol. 20, p. 233–238, 2018.
112 P. K. D. Pramanik et al.

Communication Engineering at
Saurabh Pal is an Assistant Pro-
TIT. He is a member of IEEE, Insti-
fessor in the Department of Com-
tution of Electronics and Telecom-
puter Science and Engineering and
munication Engineering (IETE),
Information Technology at Bengal
Indian Society for Technical Edu-
Institute of Technology, India. He
cation (ISTE), and Fellow of Insti-
has more than 10 years of teaching
tution of Engineers (India). He has
experience in the field of Computer
more than 20 publications in peer-
Science. He holds a BSc from the
reviewed journals, edited books,
University of Calcutta, India,
and international and national
MSc-IT from Allahabad Agricul-
conferences. He has been the editor
tural Institute, India, and MTech-
of two edited books. His research
IT from Jadavpur University,
area is Error Control Coding and its
India. Presently he is pursuing
application in digital communica-
PhD in Computer Science and
tion and digital system design
Engineering from National Insti-
using Hardware Description
tute of Technology, Durgapur,
India. His primary research area
includes Education Technology,
Mobile Computing, Context-aware Shubhendu Dutta holds an engi-
Computing, Semantic Web, and neering degree along with a post-
Natural Language Processing. He graduate degree in Management.
has published his research in As a technology professional with
many refereed journals, edited over 23 years of experience in vari-
books, and international ous industries, he has successfully
conferences. led large size delivery and account
management teams in
organisations like IBM. He has
Bijoy Kumar Upadhyaya recei-
also been an integral part of the
ved BTech degree in Electronics
telecom industry revolution in
and Communication Engineering
India and has led several transfor-
from North Eastern Regional Insti-
mation programs for several large
tute of Science and Technology
telecom firms. In his recent stint as
(NERIST), Itanagar, India in
an Information Security consultant,
1998, Masters in Electronics and
he is a Cyber Security advisor to
Telecommunication Engineering
the world’s one of the largest
and PhD (Engineering) from
National Identity management pro-
Jadavpur University, Kolkata,
gram (Aadhaar) for the Govern-
India in 2007 and 2017, respec-
ment of India. As a technology
tively. He joined Tripura Institute
evangelist and researcher, he also
of Technology (TIT, erstwhile
pursues his academic interests in
known as Polytechnic Institute),
Digitisation and Cyber Security
Narsingarh, Tripura, India as a Lec-
domains. He is also a visiting fac-
turer in 2000. He is presently work-
ulty in some of the top management
ing as Associate Professor in the
schools in India.
Department of Electronics and
si3-Industry: Cloud Computing in Industry 4.0

Bandana Mahapatra

Abstract 1 Introduction
The name “Cloud computing” has been named after the
fact of information’s that are retrieved is generally found As we all know typically an IT environment building
remotely either in the cloud or on a virtual space. involves purchasing of servers, hardware’s, licenses as well
Companies providing cloud services facilitates to the as installation of software. This process is considered as
users, helping them to store files and applications at lengthy along with being expensive which brings along
remote servers and thereafter accessing all data’s through many infrastructural demands and long deployment cycles
the Internet. This implies the flexibility for the user to be [1]. This complete IT based internal model can said to be a
able to access the resources and allowing them to work common place. But as we know IT sector is coming up with
remotely as per their convenience. The concept of Cloud lot new technologies. Currently we can state that, utility
computing takes away the heavy burden of lifting required based and service-oriented IT model is no more a plain
in the procedure of crunching and processing data off the mere hardware or software market. Recently the industries
devices the user carries around or sit and work at. The have offered various email apps, production systems security,
technology also moves all of these work into huge com- option storage, as well as the backup services and many more
puter clusters present far away in cyberspace. Here the or just a few of IT components which can be moved onto the
Internet takes place of the cloud, where the data, work, and cloud [2, 3].
applications are accessible from any device which can be This trend in the IT sectors and the software developers
connected to the Internet, irrespective of the geographic have influenced various industry where the industrial sectors
location. Recently the concept of cloud computing has are trying to incorporate and adjust to these recent
contributed towards causing a major shift in the IT indus- innovations in order to benefit themselves. The various
try. Various new technologies have evolved, introducing aspects of cloud in industrial sector can be seen in Fig. 1.
new methods to virtualize IT systems and to access the Few variations caused in the industry due to the incorporation
required applications over the Internet, through web-based of cloud can be listed as follows [3, 4]:
applications removing the need of any IT related costs for
both hardware and servers. 1. Traditional IT job skills are being revamped as new
skills and specialties are increasing. Prior to make a move
Keywords to cloud, the IT staff is required to completely understand
Cloud technology for industry · Cloud infrastructure · the benefits of the cloud computing as well as ways of
Cloud in manufacturing · Cloud integration integrating it to the current business model. Here security
as well as the maintenance issues are required to be
discussed at a priority basis with the cloud. Computing
vendors along with the reputed IT department who would
oversee the process of migration and ongoing relationship
with the cloud providers [5].
2. The IT infrastructure undergoes crucial changes: With
majority of applications being transferred to the cloud,
B. Mahapatra (*) i.e. public or a private cloud. Here the software developers
School of Data Science, Symbiosis Skills and open University, Pune,
Maharashtra, India

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 113

A. Nayyar, A. Kumar (eds.), A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development,
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation,
114 B. Mahapatra

Fig. 2 Contribution of cloud in retail industry

also contribute in order to make the transition an easy

process. Once applications are SaaS, the job of IT depart-
ment trouble shooting reduces [7, 8].

As appropriately defined, cloud computing is all about

shifting the physical resources in order to increase both the
Fig. 1 Contribution of cloud computing in industry
efficiency as well as utility. Figure 2 shows the contribution
of cloud computing in retail industry.
are required to make an adjustment to the ways the Incorporating cloud services also allows the companies to
applications are created as well as delivered. focus on other production activities rather than in IT
3. The number of employees required as a support: Staff process [9].
is reduced along with the reduction in desktop support. The chapter addresses the various contributions of the cloud
However, the need of training the employees to work with computing in order to enhance as well as revolutionise the
and understand the new system and application is industry as a whole. In Sect. 2, cloud based infrastructure is
added [6]. presented, Sect. 4, is about independent as well as integrated
4. The efforts needed in order to maintain the data is also modelling, Sect. 5, discusses sustainable governance with wide
diminished: The relocation of data’s and resources to the and affordable information access and finally the chapter is
cloud front results in loss of physical control reasoning to concluded in Sect. 6.
its storage at the vendors data centre. The clients here
undergo stress regarding security as well as accessibility
aspects, hence making it all the more important to meet 2 Cloud Based Infrastructure for Industry
both the requirements.
5. Security: the cloud providing firms offering a managed The concept of cloud is no more new, but its contribution is
cloud solution induct security experts as staff who manage still revolutionary evolving various technology in divergent
the application as well as handle security related issues. fields. It has completely evolved the business computing and
6. Highly Customizable software: Majority of the software architectures, converting the right set of services
software’s used by industry can be said as ‘non cloud into iterative and scalable set of applications that has con-
appropriate’. This issue is addressed by the software stantly transformed in order to meet out the requirements of
developers who intervene by creating cods specially companies as well as consumers [10].
designed for clouds. However, the cloud providers should
si3-Industry: Cloud Computing in Industry 4.0 115

In the current era of rapidly changing, hyper competitive Based on the recent ‘Gartner Research Report’, the con-
landscape the business world is required to offer superior cept of cloud computing has gained lot of popularity across
flexibility and speed to accomplish the operational success huge number of industries for the basic business support
in the form of satisfaction to the customers demand following functions. The research shows, cloud computing concept is
the solutions provided in spite of its non-scalability or inca- being availed for much more than more IT functions. Many
pable of delivering services at a required speed may be a industries currently view cloud computing with the context of
cause of failure in business. This incompetency in perfor- its support into succeeding in case of evolving market place.
mance at the business front may be due to lack of scalable
technology in the hosted platforms which cause them to fail
in performance while handling large number of subscribers 2.1 Regulated Industries and Cloud
leaving many of them in dark [10, 11]. As we know, the Computing
technology that cannot scale would ultimately crash and
similar result can be expected for the customer base if they The research shows the contribution of cloud computing is
don’t adapt and grace themselves with needed updates. considered as vital in many kinds of industries like banking
A fail in meeting this requirement can put the entire insurance etc. who use the cloud iterative in order to sere
industry in a problematic state. The technology as of now is various competitive functions.
rapidly growing where the constant factor seen is change.
The contribution of cloud technology in meeting the current 1. Insurance: In case of the insurance company the private
marketing strategy, upcoming business requirements and clouds are preferred since they are more secured in com-
operational challenges are [12]: parison to the public cloud. However, it is predicted that,
by 2015 the industry association with the community
1. The power to Transform: the cloud platforms carry with clouds would gain its popularity.
them the resource to globally scale up as well as down, 2. Banking: In case of the banking sectors, the major con-
spontaneously as the demand fluctuates, making way for cern is regarding the security aspects of cloud environ-
unlimited opportunities for the business as well as ment. Hence the banking sectors make use of the clouds
customers. for administrative functions like e-mails, file sharing, as
2. Cost Reduction: They assist in reduction of cost since well as sharing of notes.
business charges are made by cloud service provider when 3. Government: Having multiple opportunities of being
the customer makes use of their platform. used in a variety of ways always exist in case of a cloud
3. Ease of Collaboration: The cloud facilitates easy collab- computing. But it is still not accepted though its biggest
oration across various locations present in the global opportunity are in areas of cloud computing, reasoning the
world that are marked by strict deadline and expanding security issues related to it.
the customers as well as employee bases where the move
of the cloud is considered to be imperative for industry to
dealt with [13, 14]. 2.2 Unregulated Industry and Cloud
For start-ups as well as big and established industries the
cloud concept have supported them to better manage any form The industries need both the private as well as public cloud in
of disruptions, reinvent the business models and have pumped a far more ardent manner. Certain specific ways where the
up the massive improvement in the areas of delivery of appro- industry make use of the cloud computing are [19, 20]:
priate services. For e.g., five years back Adobe noticed that a
perpetual licensing model limited is quite capable to deliver 1. Retail: in the areas of retailing industry, clouds are mostly
new innovations and other capabilities with invention of new implemented as IaaS, or PaaS solutions. The aspects of
technology and launch of trendy and powerful devices like security, availability, as well as vendor maturity are con-
phones, browsers, mobile apps, the costumed based sidered while deciding what functions they would like to
requirements are continuously revolutionising. In order to deploy from cloud.
update itself to meet this requirement, adobe had to move 2. Media: the current era audience are able to access contents
from the traditional boxed software model to a subscription- of all forms in a variety of ways. The service providers as
based licensing management model which later on evolved as well as application developers, both explore a vision based
the adobe creative cloud [15, 16]. This shift on to the cloud on cloud to enable multiscreen entertainment.
gave a boost to both usage as well as flexibility, for customers 3. Manufacturing: the industry may make use of cloud for
as well as the adobe’s business prospects. This transition planning the logistics, functionalities for sales and sup-
brought about greater flexibility, scalability and more transpar- port, Human Resource Management, Product
ency into how users were managing licences.
116 B. Mahapatra

development process, as well as the life cycle manage- (CADD) while performing designing and drafting nature
ment along with certain manufacturing operations. of work.
The CAD systems are basically used for majority of com-
The cloud computing has been adopted by variety of puter related platform such as Windows, Linux, Unix,
industries at varied levels due to the security causes, and Mac, OS. The whole idea of combining a CAD into a
certain other features needed by them [20]. Cloud began in 2012, with the advent of auto desk with
launch of fusion 360. Here the CAD users had a software
option which offered few of the benefits of clouds like
3 Cloud Based Framework for Production access mobility i.e. anywhere, platform agnosticism, com-
paratively preferable, collaboration convenience, high
The futuristic vision of all the manufacturing environments is flexibility etc. [23, 24].
the ability to customize products easily at a low cost. In order The entire concept of moving onto the clouds is to
to meet this requirement for customization of individual improve the product quality as well as catering to the
component/parts in a relatively easier manner CAD, CAM customer services which is definitely an important crite-
technologies have been used. Figure 3 shows the components rion met by industry via cloud [24].
of a MaaS environment [21]. CADD is typically used for
1. Production of detailed engineering related designs via
1. CAD: Computer Aided Design is basically a computer 2D and 3D diagrams of the physical components of
technology which is about designing products along with manufactured products.
documenting the entire designing process. CAD basi- 2. It can create conceptual design, product layout,
cally facilitates the process of manufacturing by transfer- strength and dynamic analysis of the assembling and
ring the diagrammatic data’s of the products material the manufacturing process.
process, tolerance and dimension considering the spe- 3. To prepare reports regarding its environmental impact,
cific conventions for the product. The CAD is generally where the computer aided designs are generally used in
used for producing either 2-Dimensional or case of photographs for both producing as well as
3-Dimensional diagrams which may later on be rotated rendering of the appearance while new structures are
in order to behave viewed from any angle. Here a special being built [25].
printer or plotter is ideally needed for printing profes- 2. CAM: The CAM or Computer Aided Manufacturing con-
sional design [22]. cept is about using software in order to take over the
The CAD may also be termed as a Computer-Aided- machine tools that are related once in the manufacturing
Geometric Design (CAGD) when meant to design geo- process of the work pieces. CAM can also be defined as
metric shapes or Computer Aided design and Drafting the usage of computer in order to help out operations of

Fig. 3 Processing of Manufacturing Service Manufacturing Service

manufacturing service Consumer Provider
descriptions in the MaaS
environment Customised product

Consumer 1
Manufacturer 1
Infrastructure Service extraction
Product Product
Configurator and execution
Directory and
Management Cloud
Component Connector

Manufacturer 2
Consumer 2

Customised product
si3-Industry: Cloud Computing in Industry 4.0 117

Fig. 4 Platform as a service framework

the manufacturing plants which include the procedure of the design environment along with limiting the range of size
planning, management, transportation and storage. Its should be considered for usage [29]. This possibility of the
main area is creation of a process that can enhance the dynamic supply network for retail of consumer products that
production rate, components as well as tooling with more have been expressed by multiple online retailers.
accuracy in dimensions along with material consistency. The cloud computing framework is quite common being
In majority of cases only required amount of raw materials almost more than a decade old. It is defined by key features
are used, thereby minimizing the waste which in the other such as scalability, location transparency, etc. the main
hand reduces the energy consumption [26]. efforts are concentrated at realising the desire to demon-
strate the cloud manufacturing environment that can trans-
Apart from this requirement there has been even greater mit the key characteristics of cloud-based applications into
need of producing bespoke devices as well as machine that the manufacturing paradigm [30]. Here the final resulting
could represent the assembling of many individual tailored framework manufacturing as a service (MaaS) may be
components. Such kind of products generally need a supply conceptually similar to paradigms like platform-as-a-service
chain that involves different manufacturers whose outputs (PaaS) System as shown in Fig. 4, Software-as-a Service, or
are coordinated so as to extract the subcomponents that are Infrastructure-as-a-Service, but involves unique variety of
needed to construct a given design. It has been vividly clear challenges that need new technology-based solutions to
that creation of such a flexible production network requires a make it a reality.
sophisticated IT infrastructure which can relate and map the
customer specific product configuration to the specific pro-
cess plants that are generally put to work in a flexible 3.1 Cloud Based Design and Manufacturing
manufacturing network [27, 28]. This leads to a two-way
exchange, which is needed between the suppliers The concept for cloud computing has proved itself as a
manufacturing the capability which includes the functional- disruptive technology during its internal application field in
ity, cost and availability. IT. It takes the benefits of existing technologies like utility
Here the customized products have a detailed description computing, parallel computing, as well as virtualization
of the components parts that it needs in a language analogue [31]. Few of its main features includes, scalability, elasticity
with respect to the capability of individual suppliers. In case on demand computing, as well as self service provisioning
of an advanced manufacturing environment envisaged, no [2]. It has been picked up from the original cloud computing
reason holds for allowing the designers in order to specify paradigm and incorporated into the stream of computer aided
the size that are larger than that of production systems cur- product development process.
rently can possibly manufacture. As a result, it is required that The concept of cloud based design and manufacturing as
the background limits of the manufacturing resources that are shown in Fig. 5 has gained major speed and attention from both
currently present for a product designer that are reflected in the field of industry as well as academia. The CBDM concept is
118 B. Mahapatra

Fig. 5 Services provided by

cloud to consumers in
manufacturing and design sector
of industry

all about a service oriented networked product development

model where the consumers generally fail to configure, select,
utilize customised product realization resources and services
consisting all from CAE software to reconfigurable
manufacturing system. The various paradigms of cloud
manufacturing can be seen in Fig. 6. This task has been realised
via the synergetic integration of the four key cloud computing
services models i.e. IaaS, PaaS, HaaS, SaaS etc. [3, 31–33].
To completely understand the concepts like breadth,
depth, along with the other opportunities of CBDM as an
emerging paradigm for distributive as well as collaborative
product development [25]. It is necessary to perform an
indepth study, over Cloud Based Design (CBD), Cloud
Based Manufacturing (CBM).

CBD: the concept of CBD indicates a networked design

model which makes use of cloud computing, Service
Oriented architecture (SOA), web 2.0 along with the
semantic web technologies, in order to facilitate the Fig. 6 Paradigms of cloud computing in manufacturing
cloud based engineering design services in a distributive
as well as collaborative environment [7, 34]. Certain vital
needs of a CBD system consists of 360 [17, 18, 35] that enables the users into converting the
(a) It should be cloud computing based. photos of the artifacts into 3D models, creating as well as
(b) It should be commonly available to all the mobile editing the 3D models, generation of associated prototypes,
devices. with the remote 3D printers accessed via internet. In addition
(c) It should be able to handle the complex autodesk also offers a cloud based mobile application.
information flow. AutoCAD 360 allows the design engineers into viewing,
editing as well as sharing the auto CAD digital files while
In case of absence of a proper CBD system, certain using the mobile devices e.g. smartphones or tablets
organizations have also tried into developing, providing as e.g. is a social network site that connects
well as selecting the critical components for a CBD system the consumers with small as well as the medium sized
e.g. autodesk offers a cloud based platform i.e. Autodesk designed companies [36].
si3-Industry: Cloud Computing in Industry 4.0 119

Fig. 7 Features of the social

product development

Cloud Based Manufacturing (CBM) The concept of CBM service providers. Live source enables the whole of service
points to a networked manufacturing model which makes use consumers in order to discover as well as make a collabora-
of the on-demand access to a shared collection consisting of a tion with the quality service providers at small duration of
diverse as well as distributed manufacturing resources which delivery times, giving way to reduced costs as well as more
can form temporary reconfigurable, production lines that can flexible supply chain.
increase the efficiency, reduce the product lifecycle cost, as
well as allow optimal resource allocation as a response to Along with both the cloud based sourcing platforms, 3D
variable demand customer generated tasking. Hubs [17, 39], and web based 3D printing platforms assist in
establishing a connection between 3D printing service
Quick Parts The quick part can be explained as a cloud consumers with those of the providers in the local area. In
based sourcing platform that concentrates over the low vol- accordance to 3D hubs, majority of the 3D printer owners
ume production for a custom manufactured rapid prototypes. make use of the devices, for about less than 10 h a week. The
It acts as a bridge between the service consumers and aim of these 3D hubs is to allow the 3D printer owners for
providers via an infant quoting engine that can convert into establishing the social connections within the local 3D print-
sourcing process from manual to the real time as well as ing community in order to raise the use of their device
automated one. Quick part supports users into uploading [40]. The concept of 3D hubs as of now has provided an
their CAD data from a variety of commercial CAD software innovative business model which creates as well as delivers
packages e.g. CATIA and solid works. Basing upon the values to both the 3D printing service consumers as well as
geometric analysis, quick parts is capable of instant genera- the providers.
tion of a list consisting of qualified service providers that can
manufacture these digital models [37, 38]. It is practically a
cloud based sourcing platform focusing over achieving high 3.2 Social Product Development
volumes production.
The concept of social product development does not deal
Live Source The concept of live source, pioneered by MFG. with inventing social related products (i.e. the products
com permits service consumers for making requests for which can facilitate the social interactions), in-fact it is all
quotations that is being sourced by almost 200,000 global about the developing of the product socially. The social
120 B. Mahapatra

product, social computing technologies regarding the aspects 2. A specified crowd that are qualified for internal or external
of product development can be interpreted in many ways entities
[1]. The concept of social tool allows a broader pool of 3. The concept of open innovation and crowd sourcing forms
people in order to make contributions to product develop- example of the social product development, but do not
ment. The key features for the social product development is make the definition themselves.
about describing as well as qualifying the present crowd, by 4. Its main goal is towards enhancing the communication
method of granting or limiting the access, creating the value via means like creation of relationship, establishing
relations within the contributed content along with the expe- the communities, and encouraging the collaboration.
rience of contributor and skillset or even establishing the
communities in order to practice for certain functional spe- The qualified crowd here does not indicate a high ability
cific collaboration, the web 2.0 tool may be used to obtain crowd which is in fact qualified for the task in hand. There are
feedback from the customers partners, cross functional team many occasions where an average individual is found abso-
members as well as other within the specific crowd. But the lutely fit for the social product development task [44].
freedom is always there with the core product development
team to take decision regarding how the feedback can be
incorporated into the given feedback [39]. The central con- 4 Independent and Integrated Cloud
cept of the social product development as seen in Fig. 7 is Model
generally aroused by using various social tools in order to
improve the value of participants in the product development The Concept of cloud integration is all about putting together
network [41]. various cloud-based systems into a whole integrated form.
Considering this factual information, the concept of social The term indicates the joining of a cloud-based systems with
product development can be defined as “proper use of Web other on-premise systems [42]. The main goal of cloud inte-
2.0 technology and patterns of PLM where the social com- gration is into connecting the divergent elements of various
puting can be considered more as an infrastructure upgrades clouds as well as the local resources with a unit environment
for PLM, specifically for its collaborative pieces”. that is ubiquitous in nature as well as allows the administrators
A product Development/Marketing design where pro- to seamlessly avail as well as manage various applications,
duct or service organizations employ engagement or open data’s, services and systems as can be seen in Fig. 8.
innovation along with both internal as well as external The raise in public cloud computing has supported the
stakeholders in order to develop both the products or services enterprises in order to use a wide assortment of highly
at different stages of product development life cycle. The scalable resources and services on demand, instead of
crowd sourcing can make itself a part of social product constructing as well as maintaining them in-house. How-
management strategy [15]. ever, in certain organisations, the arrival of these diverse
The strategy social media marketing combined with the resources and services have given way to IT Silos as the
concept of collective intelligence gives way to social product management struggle to handle as well as maintain every
innovations [6, 42]. Open Innovation along with the internet, divergent cloud resources or data set. Without cloud inte-
social media and social technology facilitates the concept of gration, IT administrators have to perform every integration
knowledge sharing collaboration, open discussion, relation- work separately as well as manually, a process which
ship building for communities of people, with common involves time, as well as increase the opportunity for errors
interest’s needs or problems. Hence it can be said that Social [12, 45].
media added to the product development gives social product
innovations. Which supports social principles, technologies, Cloud Integration Platforms and Tools
that facilitates innovations achieving business goals, product The organisation can themselves build a customised cloud
development process etc. [8]. These definitions almost over- integration platform themselves, though they might be com-
lap each other with respect to certain aspects that are specific plex in nature apart from being expensive. Many
to only to only one definition [43]. organisations make use of the third-party integration tool,
Few of the commodities can be drawn from various such as integration platforms like, iPaaS.
existing definitions in order to help as well as characterise
Social product Development.
4.1 How Cloud Integration Tool Works
1. The social Computing technologies, Social Tools, Social
Media utilised influences to a great extent the product life The implementation of cloud computing concept cannot be
cycle at all stages. achieved via a single means but include several common
si3-Industry: Cloud Computing in Industry 4.0 121

Fig. 8 Integrated cloud computing platform

concepts to be worked upon. E.g. the concept of mediation, originating as it does not need to wait for the receiver or the
or federation, using cloud integration. The mediation is target application to respond [42].
achieved working between the application where the cloud
integration platform identifies an event within one applica- Synchronous Method This mode typically has to wait for
tion and eventually triggers the response which is transmitted the arrival of a response from the receiving application ensur-
to another connected application [34, 41]. ing the synchronization of all applications prior to its
In comparison to mediation federation act as a front end continuation.
for two or more federation applications where cloud inte- The actual time needed for conducting a process of cloud
gration platform performs the interception as well as integration can diverse typically IT organisation which may
processing the events from outside of these applications finish off certain integration tasks like automatic synchroni-
triggering the corresponding actions. These two approaches zation, fairly fast, where other tasks may need more amount
can eventually be combined, such that mediation would of time, hours days, typically in case the process of synchro-
handle the actions between applications where as the feder- nization involves a human flow.
ation can handle the applications from outside the connected The platform of cloud integration makes use of adapters,
applications. connectors, etc. which are software modules which
The cloud integration can be performed by: communicates with a typical business application. Hence
the cloud integration platform may implement a central inter-
1. Asynchronous Method face or middle man that can take care of issues like security,
2. Synchronous Method authentication when specific adapters adjust to the applica-
tion that are being integrated. Here the notifications as well as
Asynchronous Method The synchronous method the communications are being performed by the connectors.
communicates with both the data as well as commands with-
out the need to wait for a response from the receiving appli- Connectors The connectors here may be used for certain
cation. The method prevents possible delays while sending or specific application e.g. SAP, which may have attributes
122 B. Mahapatra

like being vendor neutral, using Standard Communication operational errors. In due course, cloud integration process
Protocols like SMTP message exchanges, Simple Object can improve the operational efficiency, flexibility and scal-
Access Protocol (SOAP), messaging application program ability as well as lessening the operational costs.
interfaces, (APIs), and Java Connector Architecture (JCA). Apart from the stated benefits the cloud integration puts
For Data integration task the cloud integration platform forth some challenges, majority of which arises due to lack of
makes use of an application independent data format, standardization. Currently there has been no universal or a
e.g. XML. Here every connector translates the applications standardized approach in order to integrate the cloud
specific format, into an independent form prior to any resources and services.
translations or conversions post to which they may exchange At certain time, make use of various communication
the common data with the receiving application. schemes which makes it all the more difficult in order to
communicate with different elements of the cloud along
Types of Cloud Integration The IT team may implement with the local environment [25]. The updates as well as
many types of cloud integration which includes: patches formed over the applications may make changes to
way these applications are communicated and may need
1. Cloud to Cloud: between cloud platforms updates to the time-consuming connectors. There are also
2. Cloud to local: between cloud and on premises additional problems that may cause a disruption to the
environment. cloud integration project. The complex form of integrations
3. Or a mix to both. may need technical expertise and hence is always advisable
to have a dedicated staff who can manage it.
The various types of cloud integration tools available in
the market are [46–50]:
5 Sustainable Governance with Wide
MuleSoft Anypoint Platform—It adds various tools for the and Affordable Information Access
purpose of developing, managing as well as testing Appli-
cation Programming Interface (APIs). The current government of all the developed as well as
Dell Boomi—This platform enables the customers for developing countries have realised the importance of an
designing a cloud-based integration processes termed as affordable broadband internet access which can provide a
Atoms and it transmits data’s among the cloud and wide range of benefits and opportunities to the new
on-premises applications. generations in terms of innovative technologies like cloud,
IBM App Connect—the platform allows administrators into Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Internet of Things, etc.
setting up the workflows which describes how data is Few countries have shown extra need to have this broadband
transmitted from one application to another. since an affordable internet access is a prerequisite necessity
Cleo Integration Cloud—the platform provides a digital in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
integration agility across various clouds and on-premise (SDGs) adopted by United Nations in 2015 [43].
based applications.
Microsoft Azure Logic Apps—It allows the administrators
for providing an automated workflow which can integrate 5.1 The Challenge
the application software’s with the data across cloud
services and on-premises systems. Though cloud-based service has become the vital in our daily
Apache Libcloud—it is a Python library that allows the lives, never the less it demands for a robust, ubiquitous, and
administrators for managing various cloud-based affordable broad-band connectivity making it quite critical.
resources via a Unified Application Programming Inter- There are major gaps which always exist across as well as
face (API). within countries [20] e.g. internet penetration, which is close
to almost 100% in countries like Korea, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
Benefits and Challenges etc. it is estimated that by 2020 only 16% of the world wide
Though the cloud integration process don’t change any data population belonging to poor and 3% of global population
or perform any modification over the application, it can would be connected to internet. This estimation has failed to
synchronise data and applications across an enterprise. meet the expected achievement targeted by Universal Internet
Once implemented properly, the process of integration may Access standard for a low-income nations.
automate complicated work flows along with reducing or All the more the ongoing popularity of Internet of Things
eliminating the redundant data which may make way for has created a huge demand for Internet Access. Cisco Visual
si3-Industry: Cloud Computing in Industry 4.0 123

Network Index (VNI) has forecasted that by 2021 the number which was evolved at its nascent phase over a century ago.
of connected devices would increase from 17 billion to 27 bil- It was optimised around exclusive usage of license protected
lion. A majority of these requirement would need a low-cost by swathe of unused spectrum as a buffer from potential
wireless connectivity to the cloud through internet. interference. Though the model is apt for certain kinds of
services, the current technologies allow the sharing of spec-
trum, that gives an outcome of bigger reuse of the spectrum at
5.2 Policy Recommendations a lower cost which improves an access for all. Currently more
than half of the world’s internet traffic is through unlicensed
A successful closure of existing apps for disjointed ones and shared spectrum. The policy makers should put effort in
would require an innovation in policy, technology as well order to accelerate the time for deployment of these recent
as the business model. The size of existing gap indicates, that technologies while reviewing as well as revising their
it cannot be simply closed via business in a casual manner. approach to the spectrum [41].
There are few policies which create obstacle for investment
by favouring the particular technology industrial sector or Spectrum Management
incumbent. The various regulations supporting the business The policy makers here are needed to accelerate the efforts in
models should be used else in fact may result in order to start new low-mid as well as high frequency bands
no-competition, poor service, as well as high prices. Here for both kind of license as well as unlicensed use. The TV
with the acceleration in the pace of change and agility, it white space is quite an example of the technological
becomes necessary for current policy makers. Here the forth innovation pertaining to the areas of low band spectrum
coming challenge is how to develop the appropriate enabling controlled by the data bases, in case of an unlicensed access
environment that could give way to sustainable growth. In to the TV white space provides affordable internet connec-
order to achieve this the promotion of the following is tivity in the current era across the several countries where
needed [38]. regulators do allows it without incurring any harmful inter-
ference to any protected service [41]. Here the unlicensed
Policy Innovation spectrum is comparatively less in cost than the licensed
For the programs related to expansion of internet access the spectrum since there are no auctions or any licensing fee
related laws need to be reformed in order to enhance the that needs to be considered into account for an operator’s
programs. Various initiatives like alliance for obtaining business model that enables more rapid as well as low cost
affordable internet UN broadband commission for a sustain- deployment scenarios. Considering the spectrum from the
able development along with the I-world connected project deployment results in the artificial scarcity that may tend to
plays vital role in the process of highlighting for example high price for access. Here the policy makers need to ensure
policy innovation around the world would assist the policy that any spectrum licensed on the basis of special cause can
makers for understanding why certain countries are be explored through ‘use it or lose it’ policy. The spectrum
succeeding in order to make the internet access more afford- regulators can also adopt the policies which can support the
able [29, 38]. The process of innovation incurs simulating the sharing of underutilised spectrum as a massive resource as
competition, eradicating the financial barriers, alteration of the digital fuels to the digital economy.
tax policy, migration of government services and much more.
Here both creation of open as well as a competing broadband Business Model Innovation
market provides a market in respective countries should be a The current condition of a telecommunication landscape is
core policy objective and it must mean that policies must quite variant from the one in the past, when national monop-
remove obstacles that limits opportunities that provide access oly careers have launched the circuit switched voice services
and are vitally important. with that of the treaty based international connections. The
current environment consists of numerous public as well as
Technology Innovation the private networks that are interconnected through a wide
Here the technology is under rapid change which is quite an range of the commercial agreements [39]. The current inter-
evident in wireless communications. Here the ability to har- net network build up is in fact an enabler for a digital
ness spectrum from broadband moved over exponentially in a transformation of business, government as well as leisure.
few decades in collaboration with certain technology which Here the policy environment actually invites the experimen-
is able to provide gigabytes per second connectivity. Hence tation over a newly developed business models as well as the
access to spectrum suffers obstacle by a regulatory model partnerships, where unique conversions can be seen
124 B. Mahapatra

occurring, e.g. impact of mobile money in countries like, 6 Conclusion

Africa. The policy makers must be on the process of look
out for the policy as well as regulation which can carry out Cloud is currently a vital aspect of the technical growth in the
with such innovations. society where, majority of industries and services rely over it
Explaining this factor in finance sector, various to carry in major day to day activities. With uplift of technol-
governments have levied rules and restrictions over the for- ogy and growth of digitization all over the world, many
eign investments in the field of telecommunications, mobile industrial organizations have incorporated the electronic
as well as broadband infrastructure, and have also imposed and digital mode of work management, and depends greatly
various other investment policies which can put constraints over the recent technologies in order to enhance its
on the process of entrepreneurs looking for establishing productivity.
themselves in the market. Policies which support the concept The chapter primarily concentrates over the contribution
of public-private partnerships and understands the structural of cloud computing over the various industrial sectors. It
requirements of various funding institutions are required to discusses on the cloud infrastructure for industries. Further,
facilitate the access to capital [45]. it presents various framework for its production which
Moreover, in majority of countries, broadband access is includes design, manufacturing as well as the social product
considered to be a as a luxury need which serves as counter- development. The chapter discusses the various independent
productive since it reduces investment that is contributed for as well as integrated cloud models and finally the government
its infrastructural development on the other hand increasing undertakings to provide the internet services in a cost-
its cost of access, along with underestimating the importance effective manner.
of broadband access in its utility towards day to day services. With the growth of various recent sectors in field of cloud
These kind of policies are interested to contribute into wid- technology, it has provided the industry with various benefits
ening of economy as well as divide socially. Here the of shedding the overhead of having hardware infrastructure
Policymakers should adopt tax policies which stimulate the to support the various IT related work.
rapid investment into and adoption of the connectivity
solutions which can optimize the taxation regimes that can
help them in achieving the goals designed to establish the References
connectivity aspect.
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45. S. Ashtar, A. Eydgahi. (2010). Student Perceptions of Cloud Com- Bandana Mahapatra is an Asst.
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47. Mallikharjuna, Rao, N. Sasidhar, C. Satyendra, Kumar, V. (2010). completed her masters from Biju
Cloud Computing Through Mobile-Learning. International Journal Patnaik University of Technology,
of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. Vol. 1(6), Bhubaneswar in year 2008. She
pp. 42-46. completed her Bachelors of Engi-
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49. Kop, R., Carroll, F. (2011). Cloud Computing and Creativity: chapters in reputed publications.
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50. Sultan, N. (2010). Cloud computing for education: a new dawn? includes various Issues in Adhoc
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pp. 109-116. agement or searching shortest path
for communication using artificial
Modeling and Simulation for Industry 4.0

Rajalakshmi Krishnamurthi and Adarsh Kumar

Abstract 1 Introduction
The recent growth in the industry sector has prominent
role of technology towards the automation in terms of The industry sector is one of the predominant foundations of
computing systems and software products. The objective economic growth of a nation. Today, it is essential that the
of Industry4.0 is automation of industry process through industry sector operations are automated along with comput-
integration of service-oriented architecture, intelligence ing systems and software platforms. To reminisce, there exist
mechanism, proactive maintenance systems. The key three developmental stages of integration of technology with
areas such Robotics and 3D modeling has attracted lot Industrial processes namely traditional models of automation,
research and innovation happening in Industry 4.0 embedded system based Industrial automation, Intelligent
concepts. This chapter presents the various modeling and based automation. In traditional models of automation con-
simulation techniques for Industry 4.0. In the first part, the stitute proprietary developed protocols for integration of
modelling techniques that are existing in literature are manufacturing process with various business processes. In
discussed. It is observed that, there are 16 modelling this model, the eBusiness models are consider as external
techniques possible to address the Industry 4.0. The com- systems that can perform various business-oriented process.
monly used ones like SysML, UML, metamodel, Produc- Example of these models is ModBus, AS-I, Process Field
tion Flow Scheme and Ontology based context modeling Bus (PROFIBUS), Industrial Ethernet (PROFINET). In
are presented in detail. The second part of the chapter is embedded systems based developmental stage, involves inte-
focused on simulation mechanism for Industry 4.0. In this gration of Ethernet and TCP/IP protocol suite to connect with
Simulation Optimization methods and its Applications are remote web servers. The main objective at this stage was to
discussed. Further, how efficiently the Industry 4.0 achieve transparent factory in terms of production,
concepts can be optimized by various parameters and processing, maintenance of Industrial subsystems. Finally,
performance metrics are presented. in intelligent based automation, the focus is Service Oriented
Architecture (SOAP), incorporating intelligence, self-
Keywords management of industry subsystems, proactive maintenance
Robotics · 3D modeling · UML · SysML · Production flow of various components of processing units by using embed-
scheme · Ontology · Optimization ded devices and control systems. These device functionalities
are further integrated with Enterprise Resource Planning
Software Systems (ERP). According to European Research
Projects [1, 2], the convergent approach of the SOA and
embedded devices as advantageous industrial process auto-
mation technologies.
The trending proliferation of Industry 4.0 and design goals
R. Krishnamurthi (*)
Department of Computer Science, Jaypee Institute of Information
are greatly facilitated by Model Based System Engineering
Technology, Noida, India (MBSE). The primary objective of Industry 4.0 is to integrate
e-mail: [email protected] process automation system and its stakeholders within the
A. Kumar value-added chain at low cost and less time. In order to meet
Department of Systemics, School of Computer Science, The University the requirement of analytics and emergence of intelligence
of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India capability with in business, there is need to enhance
e-mail: [email protected]

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 127

A. Nayyar, A. Kumar (eds.), A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development,
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation,
128 R. Krishnamurthi and A. Kumar

mechanism of human to machine interactions and transfer-

ring of digital commands into physical Industrial scenario.
The areas like intelligent robotics and 3D printing are on way
to realise these objectives of Industry 4.0. According to
authors in [3], the four design goals of MBSE Industry 4.0
are interoperability, technical assistance, transparency in
information and decision making in decentralized manner.
Interoperability defines the way of interconnection between
sensors, devices, manufacturing systems, and people. The
assistance in technical aspect ensures understanding of the
motivation and complexity of Industry 4.0 processes and
systems. Transparency in Information defines the runtime Fig. 1 RAMI 4.0 Model
data handling through queries and information processes
based on the data collected form wide range of sensors. digital or virtual representation. Further, each individual
Decision making defines the mechanism to enable intercon- layer defines various functionalities of each component
nection among varied autonomous control systems. that are associated within a system of Industry 4.0. In
According to authors in [4], the challenges encountered in order to ensure that the specification of each component
software engineering form perspective of Industry 4.0 are must be in consistency with Industry Standards, it is
modularized approach for interfaces and maintenance of necessary to have techniques while modeling and design-
such interfaces, tracking system to identify changes in the ing of components.
wide range of heterogeneous and distributed industrial
machineries, the consistency of data, software irrespective
of variants, and adaptation of algorithms and mechanisms
to the huge data handling through Big Data [5]. 2 Modern Design and Virtual Prototyping

RAMI4.0 According to authors in [3] there are 16 modelling techniques

RAMI4.0 stands for Reference Architecture Model for Indus- possible to address the Industry 4.0. They are 3D Modeling,
try 4.0. It is a 3D mapping reference to provide various Architectural Descriptive Language (ADL), Automation ML
solutions to achieve Industry4.0 concept. The several indi- (AML), Business Process Modeling (BPM), Core
vidual components of Industry 4.0 are integrated in a com- Manufacturing Simulation Data (CMSD), Domain specific
mon framework, in order to provide better understanding of languages (DSL), Entity Relation Model (ER Model), Petri
relation among these components. It also represents coordi- Nets and Priced Timed Automata (PN and PTA), General
nated systems for different types of branches in Industry. Programming Languages (GPL), Knowledge Representation
Three main axis of RAMI 4.0 Architecture are life cycle using OWL, Meta modeling techniques, SimuLink/
and value Stream, Hierarchy level and Layers, as depicted MATALB, SysML, UML, XML. Figure 2 represents the
in Fig. 1. most commonly used modeling techniques in Industry 4.0.

• Life cycle and Value stream: This axis represents the life
cycle of various entities of Industry 4.0. The entities are 2.1 SysML
physical parts of plants, products and various control
system of plants. The IEC 62890 standard is followed in This section discusses the SysML based modeling
this layer. The standards incorporate mechanism to man- concerning to Industry 4.0. The primary activities of
age the manufacturing of products in Industry. SysML are (1) composition of basic functional requirements
• Hierarchy level: This axis follows the international stan- (2) identification of various aspects of Industry 4.0 and the
dard IEC6224. The objective is to establish the various perform process modeling (3) specification elaboration of
Industry control systems through regulated integration each data elements (4) consistency validation for all process
process. models.
• Layers: This axis consists of six layers that are stacked
vertically. The various Industry 4.0 components as called • Composition of basic functional requirements
as physical assets. The objective of these layers is to map The composition of requirements provides description
these varieties of physical assets into their corresponding of each requirements in a semi-formal way. Basically,
Modeling and Simulation for Industry 4.0 129

Fig. 2 Common modeling techniques for Industry 4.0

the requirement specifications in SysML are in the form Data Storing: The persistent real world sensed data are
of hierarchical, chart models or table format of the verified. Then these IoT device data are stored on the
different requirements. As discussed in [6], the require- private remote cloud data store.
ment specifications are in the visual representation Data Accessing: Authorized or trusted services are
using UML based use case diagrams, as depicted in involved in order to access various data from the pri-
Fig. 3. vate remote cloud data store.
• Identification of various aspects of Industry 4.0 and the The example of conveyor belt at a mining site
perform process modeling: demonstrates the need of industry process modeling
The primary objective of SysML requirement specifica- based management in order to deal the mission critical
tion is to enable detailed information and analysis of industry process, data handling, components manage-
Industry 4.0 concepts [2, 7]. Some of the identified Indus- ment, varied Industry 4.0 users, and complex flow of
try 4.0 concepts in the conveyor belt operation of mining IoT operations.
site are depicted in Fig. 3. • Specification elaboration of each data elements
IoT devices: Generally, the actors or associated Next step is to elaborate each of the data elements using
subsystems are the components that are consider as UML based class models. The class models are generally
the IoT devices. In the example of conveyor belt, the domain specific. The domain specific class model
sensors devices that monitor and gather information incorporates various aspect of Industry 4.0 such as data set
about the operation of belt are considered as IoT for each of the IoT devices. Based on class model, the process
devices. models are performed. further, the constraints are specified in
IoT operations: The IoT sensor devices have the objec- order to maintain the consistency of each data flow.
tive to monitor and gather information from the • Consistency validation for all process models
surrounding physical environment. Thus actuation The objective of process models is to preserve the consis-
and sensing are the primary operations of these IoT tence and the correctness among different data elements.
devices. In our example, the sensor of conveyor belt Hence, the reviews are performed at each level of overall
has dedicated IoT operations. SysML modeling. It is essential to study and analysis
Data Buffering: In data buffering, the sensed data of IoT impact of correctness on a specific model or data elements,
devices are buffered temporarily based on the different as the data elements are interconnected directed or indi-
use case requirements. In case of conveyor belt, IoT rectly to one other. In fact, repetitive analysis of the
operations of the belt are buffered locally so that can be correctness is performed to ensure less negative impacts
stored into the remote cloud server. among data elements.
130 R. Krishnamurthi and A. Kumar

Fig. 3 Use case diagram for

SysML Requirements depicting
Conveyor belt operation at a
mining site

2.2 Production Flow Scheme/Petri Nets flow between two different items within the same system.
The flow arcs comprise of three types namely primary, sec-
The production flow scheme (PFS) is used to model the ondary and integration flow. The flow represents the interac-
discrete event systems (DES) [8–10]. PFS is a graph-based tion between different component levels like request, process
process interpretation using Petri Net (PN). The PFS/PN and response functions. Figure 4 depicts the basic structure of
consists of various process activities as per the specification PFS/PN.
and flow between the activities, and is specified at the abstract The control structures of various items are
level. The objectives of the PFS are to perform modeling the interconnected through activity flow arcs with respect to
process activities based on the detailed functionality of each the specification of each items involved in the process
component involved in Industry 4.0. Further, the PFS/PN is modeling. There are six types of PFS/PN models name
used to model the functional flow between different system sequential, concurrent, conditional, iterative, and parallel
processes that involved at different levels of software, hard- and synchronization. Basically, in PFS/PN, the system pro-
ware components of Industry 4.0. The PFS/PN modeling cess modeling involves combination of PFS and PN models
ensures correctness and consistency of modeling at compli- or simply based on PN models. However, the system pro-
ance to the specification of RAMI4.0 standards. For this cess modeling begins with abstract representation at higher
purpose, generally high-level programming languages are level. Consecutively, the flow is followed by detailed and
used. This provides platform independency in terms of tech- refined modeling at each basic level. Figure 5 depicts the
nology as well as diverse industries. In fact, it also provides basic modeling cases for PFS/PN.
flexibility in designing the various system specific processes.
It is user friendly, less complex and can be used by any
professionals like engineers, designers or architects. The 2.3 Business Process Modeling
primary characteristics of PFS/PN based modeling are that
ability to model at micro levels as well as macro level. The The basic behavioural notions of the various functional
micro level components like raw materials, tools, machines, elements of the systems are described in business process
products can be modelled. Similarly, at the macro level, models (BPM) [11, 12]. The modelling are performed based
sequence of execution control instructions, data handling on the formal requirements of the functional elements at early
and application services. The basic components of PFS are stages of the design phase. The architectures frameworks
activity, flow arcs and the distributors. The activity such as Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing
components of PFS represent the various elements that are (RM-ODP), Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework
passive within systems. The flow arcs represent the process (FEAF), Object Management Group—Model Driven
Modeling and Simulation for Industry 4.0 131

2.4 Industry 4.0 Process Modeling Method


According to authors in [13] in the modern era, the

manufacturing industry system is amalgamation of cyber,
cyber physical system, and human experts. Further, the Inter-
Fig. 4 Basic elements of PFS/PN structure
net of Things is enhancing this amalgamation of
manufacturing system components through cyber based
interfaces [14–18]. However, the customers expect the
products for their individual needs at low cost, irrespective
of the critical process of manufacturing. On the other hand,
the traditional methods of developing various system
components of manufacturing process are not sufficient to
the demand of the customers. Because, in tradition way, the
manufacturing system comprises three basic components
namely the physical real plant, interconnected computing
systems, and the controller for physical systems to monitor
the manufacturing process. Moreover, the enhancement in
manufacturing process in traditional approach is limited by
independent development of the above basic three
components. Thus, the traditional approach of independent
components is not sufficient to meet the requirement of
demanding customizable customer needs [19–25]. Hence,
the manufacturing process requires flexible, dependable, pre-
dictable and cooperative system components, where the
physical plant parts highly couple with corresponding cyber
Fig. 5 Basic structures of PFS/PN modeling physical systems and IoT systems. The UML based Industry
4.0 Process Modeling Method (I4PMM) design specification
Architecture (OMG-MDA), The Open Group Architecture for the cyber physical part of the mechatronics parts of the
Framework (TOGAF), incorporate process modeling. manufacturing system seem promising solution to the above
Table 1 depicts the major architectural frame works with product customization problem. Basically, the UML based
corresponding scope of models. Industry 4.0 Process Modeling Method (I4PMM) modelling
The BPM model has primary elements such as tasks, of mechatronic components enable the automation of
events and data elements. The tasks include send, receive manufacturing process along with compliance of IoT
and service operations. The language used by the BPM is standards through interfaces known Industrial Automation
Industry 4.0 process Modeling language (I4PML). Moreover, Things (IAT) [26–28].
the process model incorporating the Internet of Things needs
language extension to the existing Industry 4.0. For this
purpose, process architecture such as Internet of Things 2.5 Metamodeling
Architecture (IoT-A) is provided as extension to the BPM.
The process icon used for I4PML profiling in BPM modeling The core aim of the Industry 4.0 concept is to enhance the
includes mobility aspect, actuation task, sensing task, IoT potential of knowledge generation through the manufacturing
devices, human computer interactions, device data object, process and predict the outcomes of the manufacturing
data storage, and cloud applications as depicted in Fig. 6. beforehand. The interest of “Smart Factory” systems is

Table 1 Industry 4.0 architectural frameworks

Sl. Architecture Model
1 Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) Enterprise and Computational Viewpoint Model
2 Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) Business Reference Model
3 Object Management Group—Model Driven Architecture (OMG-MDA) Platform Independent Model
4 The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Business Architecture Model
132 R. Krishnamurthi and A. Kumar

to provide platform for knowledge sharing with layering

approach throughout design, manufacturing and integration
of system process [36–41]. According to [42], a common
knowledge sharing of data and system process, often
involves hidden inter dependencies that are crucial for the
manufacturing process. Hence, the data collected is required
to be analysed and used for improving the manufacturing
process [35].

2.6 Ontology Based Context Modeling

Industry manufacturing automation process consists of three

vital components namely sensors, interconnected computing
devices and industry assets. The objective of industry auto-
Fig. 6 Element icons of I4PML
mation was (1) to validate the internal processing state of the
industry and (2) user should be able to interact effectively
related to the high performance with low cost investment in with various industry components. However, according to
information processing and communication technologies. Industry 4.0 revolution, these vital components are
Hence necessitates renewing the earlier methods of interconnected through Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet
manufacturing technology. The solution to this are listed as protocol across the globe. Hence, the objectives of such
(1) to improve the usage of different aspects of knowledge enhanced concept are (1) to provide context aware execution
domains in industry (2) gradual enhancement to the advanced of industry process (2) to generate value-added information
technologies instead of replacing the entire manufacturing (3) to improve the monitoring and maintenance of various
systems (3) to utilize the user-friendly solution to adapt functions (4) to improve the performance of the industry
industry 4.0 (4) to provide interoperability among different manufacturing process in terms of cost and time. For this
legacy software systems (5) to provide enhance context based purpose, the ontology-based knowledge representation of the
view of interaction between manufacturing hardware and the manufacturing process is preferred. In this, the way that
software solutions. Thus, the two main requirements to various components and machine interact among each other
achieve the concept of Industry 4.0 are (1) knowledge repre- are defined systematically. However, the sensed data from
sentation and (2) adaptability. The knowledge representation IoT based devices are imperfect and varied from device to
based I4.0 target to minimize the human intervention and device. Hence, the manufacturing context model has to
automate integration of different system interfaces with min- account the dynamic nature of data obtained from various
imal expert opinion, and to satisfy the I4.0 concept tools, products and machinery parts. In addition, the impor-
requirements. The adaptability of different I4.0 solutions tant and useful information relevant to the monitoring and
deals with flexibility to permit a gradual incorporation of planning of various manufacturing process need to be
advanced technologies within the existing systems [29– performed. In a way the characteristics of data in context
32]. Basically, it targets to maximize the reutilization of model has to capture and exhibit the changes as well as
existing systems even in case of adding advanced heterogeneity in data. For this purpose, several research
components as system solutions. These features of Industry works exist in literature towards context modeling based on
4.0 are possible only with incorporating Meta model repre- ontology for Industry manufacturing process. The authors in
sentation of knowledge about data, flow and system involved [43–47] discussed the role of ontology through formal and
in Industry. This means that industry with one centralized conceptualization that exhibits explicit way of specification
Meta model with different types of industry applications and shared mode of various manufacturing processes. Basi-
interconnected based on the Meta model. Generally, these cally, the ontology model consists of primitives such as
applications have varied specifications and objectives to be axioms, instance, relations and concepts. A specific context
performed. In [33], addressed the enhanced mechanism of aware knowledge base is created using these four primitives.
knowledge representation, system communications and In ontology, Descriptive Logic Systems (DLS) are used
compliances of various industry standards across the produc- for formalization and structuring knowledge representation
tion process. Authors [34, 35] discussed the sharing of and reasoning. In this account the ontology-based context
manufacturing capability, resource requirements, operation modeling must concern about the specific domain within
and maintenance, and product promotion using remote the industry concept. Hence, there should exist descriptive
cloud computing. The main goal of cloud based approach is knowledge about every entity within the industry. The
Modeling and Simulation for Industry 4.0 133

Table 2 List of ontology based context aware modelling architectures for manufacturing process
CoBrA-ONT Context Broker Architecture Aitken and Chen [43]
SOUPA Standard Ontology for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Applications Finin et al. [44]
CON-ON Context Ontology Wang et al. [45]
MASON Manufacturing Semantics Ontology Lemaniganen et al. [46]
ADACOR Borgo and Loitao [47]

examples of such entities include sensors devices, connecting this computation, a transpose of a column vector is used in
nodes, customers etc. Both the dynamic knowledge as well following form:
static knowledge about the activities need to be collected as
data for further analysis and knowledge generation [48– xT ¼ ½x1 , x2 , . . . , xn  ð1Þ
52]. Similarly, the temporal and spatial information play
crucial role. Along with this, the spatiotemporal relationships Further, minimize optimization problem in n-dimensional
among different activates must also be defined. The Ontology Euclidean space (En) become minimize F ¼ f(x),
based context modeling that are discussed in literature are where x 2 En.
depicted in Table 2.
Maximum Optimization Problem (or Maximum
of Objective Function) In this problem, maximum of F is
3 Simulation Based Optimization obtained by computing the minimum of the negative of
F followed by changing the sign of calculations i.e. max
In computer simulation modelling, simulation-based optimi- [f(x)] ¼  min [f(x)].
zation is a decision-making tool for identifying an optimal
design of a system. Here optimal design means a smart In both forms of optimization problems, various
system with sensing, computing and control capabilities and algorithms are available to achieve the objective function.
improved efficiency [53]. As compared to testing the physical These algorithms follow the following common steps of
prototype, computer-based simulation provides much execution:
cheaper, faster and lesser time-and resource-consuming Algorithm 1 explains the common sequence of steps used
solutions [54]. In an example, by an optimization algorithm [57]. These steps are divided
into four phases: initialisation, computations, convergence
Basic Optimization Problem In optimization, a perfor- checking and observing final outcome and stop. In
mance function F ¼ f(x1, x2, x3, . . ., xn), consisting of initialisation phase, initial variable value is selected and
n  parameters, is derived and evaluated. This evaluation applied for initial objective function calculations. In
is performed by varying the variables : x1, x2, x3, . . ., xn. computations phase, change in variable value is observed
These variables can be dependent or independent. Further, followed by calculating next variable value to be used for
F is a scalar quantity and it can be assumed in various objective function calculation. After computing new objec-
forms. For example, let us assume that F is a function to tive function value, a change in objective function value is
measure cost of a product in an organisation. There could be computed for analysis. In convergence checking phase,
various parameters that can influence cost of a product like: change in variable and objective function values are
material used in manufacturing, labour cost, electricity con- analysed. If these values lie within threshold limits then
sumed, cost of transportation in collecting raw material etc. current value of variable and objective function is considered
[55, 56]. In another example, let us assume that F is a to be final outcome of optimization algorithm.
function to measure the difference between actual and
ideal throughput of a network. In this case, number of Algorithm 1 Optimization Algorithm Common Sequen-
nodes, availability of connections among nodes, data trans- tial Steps of Execution
mission rate etc. influences the computations. Optimization Goal: Obtain the necessary convergence and identify the
problem can be expressed in two forms: values x0 and F0 provided that the objective function gives
optimum solution.
Minimize Optimization Problem (or Minimum of Objective Premises: Let i is the variable, x0 and F0 store the initial
Function) According to this problem, variables (i.e. x1, x2, values of variable and objective function, f(xj) is the
x3, . . ., xn) are adjusted in a manner to get minimum F scalar computational function applied over jth variable, ΔxTi
quantity. This quantity is also known as the objective or cost is the column vector used to compute the changes in ith
function. In order to represent a large number of variables in variable, εFexpected and εxexpected represent the maximum value
134 R. Krishnamurthi and A. Kumar

of convergence expected in objective function and variable over all connected links and it does not go below or above
computations respectively. the lower and upper threshold limits respectively, minimum
number of packet queue length should be available to all
Phase 1: Initialization sending and receiving nodes, and header length of each
packet delivery should not exceed a certain minimum thresh-
A. Initialise i ¼ 0 and starting value of variable to x0. old limit. In this objective function, there are three inequality
B. Compute initial value of objective function i.e. F0 ¼ f(x0). constrains. Similar types of optimization problems are
formalised as follows:
Phase 2: Computations
IEQj ðxÞ  or  0, Where x 2 E n and i 2 f1, 2, . . . , Co g
A. Increment i ¼ i þ 1. ð3Þ
B. Compute the changes in xi as: ΔxTi ¼ ½Δx1 Δx2 . . . Δxn .
C. Compute the next variable as: xi ¼ xi  1 + Δxi. i.e. all constraints (start from i ¼ 1 to i ¼ Co) in the inequality
D. Compute the objective function as: Fi ¼ f(xi). constraint checking (IEQj(x)) must be satisfied before consid-
E. Compute the change in objective function as: ering that the objective of problem is achieved or problem is
ΔFi ¼ Fi  1  Fi. solved. All simulation optimization problems may add one or
more equality of inequality constraints. Thus, these problems
Phase 3: Convergence checking are considered in constrained optimization problem. For-
mally, it is defined as follows:
A. If ΔF i  εFexpected and=or Δxi  εxexpected then goto phase 4.
B. Else goto phase 2. minimize or maximize F ðxÞ Where x 2 E n ð4Þ

Phase 4: Observing final outcome and stopping EQj ðxÞ ¼ 0, Where x 2 E n and i 2 f1, 2, . . . , Cm g ð5Þ
IEQj ðxÞ  or  0, Where x 2 E n and i 2 f1, 2, . . . , Co g
A. x0 ¼ xi and F0 ¼ f(x0). ð6Þ
B. Stop
A simulation optimization problem is considered as
Most of the non-linear simulation optimization algorithms unconstrained optimization problem if it does not add equal-
are classified as: constrained and unconstrained algorithms. ity or inequality constraint. As it can be easily observed that
In constrained simulation optimization algorithms, constrained optimization is much difficult to achieve as com-
constrained can be an equality or inequality form. For exam- pared to unconstrained optimization. Thus, a constrained
ple, an objective function of achieving the desired throughput optimization problem is analysed and changed to uncon-
is acceptable when all nodes participated in the network strained optimization problem by redesigning and
communication, all links are used in these communications reformulating objective function in a manner that it should
and required amount of information is transmitted to its simultaneously satisfies all constraints. Let us discuss few
destination nodes. This is an example of equality constrains IoT related case studies where there is use of constrained
and there are three equality constraints. Similar types of simulation optimization in problem designing and solution.
optimization problems are formalised as follows:
Case Study 1 Consider a network comprises of resource
EQj ðxÞ ¼ 0, Where x 2 E n and i 2 f1, 2, . . . , Cm g ð2Þ constrained wireless sensor and RFID integrated devices.
The application of this network construction is to measure
i.e. all constraints (start from i ¼ 1 to i ¼ Cm) in the equality water quality in various water resources distributed across
constraint checking (EQj(x)) must be satisfied before consid- Dehradun geographical region, and give indications and
ering that the objective of problem is achieved or problem is suggestions to various water consumers (municipal corpora-
solved. Like equality constraint form, in equality constraint tion, industry sector, agriculture sector, forest department
form impose various inequity constraints over variable or etc.) for use and reuse of water using systematic approaches.
parameters for ensuring desired problem. For example, an The objective of giving simulated optimized solution is to
objective function of achieving the desired throughput is maintain the bandwidth consumption above certain threshold
acceptable when network traffic is distributed uniformly with minimum delay and maximum utilisation provided
Modeling and Simulation for Industry 4.0 135

network may increase or decrease in volume. In order to • Maximum bandwidth per connection constraint: This con-
achieve this objective, the cost of bandwidth utilisation is straint states that the maximum bandwidth available
measured and appropriate controls are applied across the between ith source, and jth destination or intermediate
network to maintain the bandwidth above threshold using node for all consumers should not exceed Ri.
the minimum delay and maximum utilisation. This challenge
is to be solved by formulating the problem as an optimization X
problem and propose the solution as well. Bij  Ri , Where, j 2 f1, 2, . . . , T IN þ T DN g ð10Þ
Let us formulate the problem statement using constrained
simulation optimization and identify the solution. Let • Minimum bandwidth per connection constraint: This con-
Bij represents availability of bandwidth from ith source straint states that the minimum bandwidth available
node to the jth destination node. All nodes in the net- between ith source, and jth destination or intermediate
work are assumed to be wireless sensor and RFID integrated. node for all consumers should be greater than or equal
Now, suppose the cost per bit of utilising the bandwidth to Si.
from ith source node to the jth destination node is Pij. Thus,
total cost (Pnetwork) of network bandwidth utilisation is X
Bij  Si , Where, j 2 f1, 2, . . . , T IN þ T DN g ð11Þ
computed as:


Pnetwork ¼ Pij Bij ð7Þ B. Bandwidth-Delay Constraints:

i¼1 j¼1
With incorporation of delay measurement in efficient
Here, TSN, TIN and TDN represents the total number of bandwidth utilisation, one of the possible solution, to solve
source, intermediate and destination nodes available in the the problem, is to reformulate Eq. (7) in quadratic form as:
network respectively. Further, suppose TBS is the total num-
ber of bandwidth sources (wired, wireless and both available X

for use and reuse), TL is the total number of intermediate Minimize Pnetwork ¼
signal strengthen points (repeaters, extender, adapter, i¼1 j¼1

booster) and TUD is the total number of users and devices 1  T    T

 Bij H Bij þ Bij Pij ð12Þ
available in the network for bandwidth consumption. Finally, 2
constrained applied over the system is formalised as follows:
A. Bandwidth Constraints:
• Maximum bandwidth per consumer constraint: This X
Minimize Pnetwork ¼ Bij D Bij
constraint states that the maximum bandwidth con- i¼1 j¼1
sumed by jth consumer (user/device) using all ith  T
bandwidth sources for data transfer between any þ Bij Pij
source, and intermediate or destination node should ð13Þ
be less than or equal to Oi.
T BS Bij ¼ B11 , B12 , B13 , . . . , BððT SN þT IN þT DN Þ1ÞðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ
Bij  Oi , Where, j 2 f1, 2, . . . , T UD g ð8Þ A symmetric matrix H called Hessian is computed as:
2 3
h11 h12 ... h1ðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ
• Minimum bandwidth per consumer constraint: This con- 6 7
straint states that the minimum bandwidth available for jth 6 h21 h22 ... h2ðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ 7
6 7
6 7
consumer (user/device) using all ith bandwidth sources for 6 ... 7
4 5
data transfer between any source, and intermediate or
destination node should be greater than or equal to Qi. hðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ1 h2ðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ2 . . . hðT SN þT IN þT DN ÞðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ

T BS Upper triangular matrix D is computed from H as:
Bij  Qi , Where, j 2 f1, 2, . . . , T UD g ð9Þ
136 R. Krishnamurthi and A. Kumar

2 3 • Minimum BDP per network constraint: This constraint

d 11 d12 ... d1ðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ
6 7 states that the maximum BDP that can occur in the net-
6 0 d22 . . . d2ðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ 7
6 7 work should be greater than or equal to Wnetwork.
6 7
6 ... 7
4 5  T
RTT network Bij  W network ð17Þ
0 0 . . . dðT SN þT IN þT DN ÞðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ
2 3
2h11 h12 . . . h1ðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ
6 7
6 0 2h22 . . . h2ðT þT þT Þ 7 C. Inflow and outflow constraints:
6 SN IN DN 7
¼6 7
6 ... 7
4 5 In order to incorporate inflow and outflow constraints,
0 0 . . . 2hðT SN þT IN þT DN ÞðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ objective function in Eq. (13) can be extended as:

Subject to following bandwidth-delay product (BDP) X

IN þT DN T SN þT IN þT DN  T  
Minimize Pnetwork ¼ Bio
ij D Bio
i¼1 j¼1
• Maximum BDP per connection constraint: This constraint þ Bio
ij Pij
states that the maximum BDP that can occur in the net-
work should be less than or equal to Ti.

T SN Where, Bio ij ¼ B11 ,B12 ,B13 ,...,BðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ1ÞðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ ,
RTT ij Bij  T i , Where, j 2 f1, 2, . . . , T DN g ð14Þ 11 ,B12 ,B13 ,...,BðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ1ÞðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ Þ
Bio io io io

This objective function is acceptable subject to various
Here, RTTij is the round trip time between ith node and jth inflow and outflow constraints. In order to derive these
node. In addition, BDP calculations are acceptable if constraints, consider the network as directed graph
throughput between ith node and jth node is lesser than the G ¼ (X, Y ), Where X ¼ (TSN + TIN + TDN) [ {Tsink} represents
ratio of transmission protocol’s buffer size and round trip the total nodes along with a special sink node Tsink and
time, and transmission protocol’s window size is greater Y represents the set of edges connecting these nodes.
than bandwidth and round trip time product. These Let Zi represents the energy capacity of ith node and zij
conditions are applicable to Eqs. (15), (16) and (17) as well. represents the energy cost of receiving the packet and
forwarding it from ith node to jth node.
• Minimum BDP per connection constraint: This constraint
states that the minimum delay that can occur between ith • Minimum and maximum inflow rate per node: This con-
node and jth node should be greater than or equal to Ui. straint states that the maximum and minimum inflow per
node that can occur between ith node and jth node should
T SN lies between Z 1i to Z 2i .
RTT ij Bij  U i , Where, j 2 f1, 2, . . . , T DN g ð15Þ
IN þT DN T SN þT IN þT DN  T    T
Z 1i  Biij D Biij þ Biij Pij  Z 2i ,
• Maximum BDP per network constraint: This constraint i¼1 j¼1
states that the maximum BDP that can occur in the net- Where, j 2 f1,2, ...,X g
work should be less than or equal to Vnetwork.
RTT network Bij  V network ð16Þ 
Where, Biij ¼ B11 ,B12 ,B13 ,...,BðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ1ÞðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ ,
RTT network 
2 3
RTT 11 RTT 12 ... RTT 1ðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ Bi11 ,Bi12 ,Bi13 ,...,BiðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ1ÞðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ
6 7
6 7
6 RTT 21 RTT 22 ... RTT 2ðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ 7
6 7
¼6 7
6 ... 7
• Minimum and maximum outflow rate per node: This
4 5 constraint states that the maximum and minimum inflow
RTT ðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ1 RTT 2ðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ2 . . . RTT ðT SN þT IN þT DN ÞðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ
per node that can occur between ith node and jth node
should lies between Z 3i to Z 4i .
Modeling and Simulation for Industry 4.0 137

IN þT DN T SN þT IN þT DN  T    T form of tabu [58, 59] algorithm in finding local optimum
Z 3i  Boij D Boij þ Boij Pij  Z 4i , value for QoS parameters. Algorithm 2 is extended form of
i¼1 j¼1
ant-Inspired heuristic algorithm for QoS parameters in Small
Where, j 2 f1,2, ...,X g Scale IoT. Further, this algorithm finds local optimum value
ð20Þ for QoS parameter.

 Algorithm 1 Tabu Search Algorithm for QoS Parameters

Where, Biij ¼ B11 ,B12 ,B13 ,...,BðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ1ÞðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ , in Small Scale IoT
 Premises: Let Q0 is the initial candidate solution
Bo11 ,Bo12 ,Bo13 ,...,BoðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ1ÞðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ for QoS parameter, Lmax is the maximum length of list
containing values of QoS parameters to be analyzed, Qdesired
• Minimum inflow and outflow rate per edge: This con- is the desired QoS parameter value.
straint states that the maximum and minimum inflow per Goal: To identify local optimum values for QoS
node that can occur between ith node and jth node should parameters
Step 1:- Initialize local optimum value for QoS parameters
lies between Z 1i to Z 2i .
i.e. Q ¼ Qlocal_optimum.
Step 2:- Construct a list to record different values for QoS
IN þT DN T SN þT IN þT DN  T    T
parameters i.e. L ¼ {}.
Z e1 Bio ij þ Bij
D Bio Pij  Z e2
ij i ,
i¼1 j¼1 Step 3:- Set the maximum tabu list length i.e. length
Where, j 2 f1,2, ...,X g (L ) ¼ Lmax .
Step 4:- While Qlocal_optimum 6¼ Qdesired:
Step 4a:- Select a neighboring point (Ri) for measuring
 QoS parameter
Where, Biij ¼ B11 ,B12 ,B13 ,...,BðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ1ÞðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ ,
Step 4b:- If Ri 2 L then
11 ,B12 ,B13 ,...,BðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ1ÞðT SN þT IN þT DN Þ Þ
Bio io io io
Step 4c:- If length(L ) > Lmax then
This is brief formulation of any simulation model. Solution Step 4d:- Remove oldest solution from L
to simulation optimisation problem can be analysed using Step 4e:- Append Ri to L
simulation optimization methods. In next section, a simulation Step 4f:- End If
example is taken for experimentation and analysis. Step 4g:- End If
Step 4h:- If QoS parameter (Qi) measured at ith random
point Ri is lesser than previous local optimum value i. e.
3.1 Simulation Optimization Method Qi < Qlocal_optimum then
Step 4i:- Qlocal_optimum ¼ Qi
Most of the existing specialized networks consist of a number Step 5:- return Qlocal_optimum
of network monitoring stations arranged in serial or complex
non-serial configurations. Thus, multi-stage monitoring is an Algorithm 2 Ant-Inspired Heuristic Algorithm for QoS
important design aspect in network construction. In serial and Parameters in Small Scale IoT
multi-stage monitoring, QoS parameters are ensured the net- Goal: To identify local optimum values for QoS parameters
work performance is consistent through the network and as Input: A set of point in Small Scale IoT network for QoS
per specifications. Whereas, complex non-serial configura- parameter evaluation
tion designs deal with measuring the optimal level of QoS Output: A set of points having almost similar local opti-
parameters at different points. In both scenarios, some of the mum values for QoS parameters
important issues to be considered include: (a) should each Step 1:- While all points are not scanned:
QoS parameter need to be evaluated and inspected at all or Step 2:- f ant is unloaded then
particular monitoring stage?, (b) If answer to (a) is ‘yes’ then Step 3:- Pick QoS checkpoint and consider it in attended
100% monitoring is required else there is need to identify the list
optimal number of QoS parameters and acceptable number of Step 4:- End If
monitoring, and (c) in non-serial and complex scenarios. Step 5:- Else If ant is loaded and it finds a checkpoint
Optimum number of QoS parameters are evaluated from having similar QoS performance as compared to currently
local optimum solutions suitable for different scenarios. In loaded checkpoint then
this section, two heuristic algorithms are proposed for Step 6:- Appended the loaded checkpoint in newly find
identifying local optimum solutions. Algorithm 1 is extended similar QoS checkpoint
138 R. Krishnamurthi and A. Kumar

Step 7:- Else If ant is loaded and it does not find a conducted a survey in which simulation optimization has
checkpoint having similar QoS performance as compared to been used for large scale complicated and mathematically
currently loaded checkpoint then intractable practical problems in inventory systems. In one
Step 8:- Formulate a new category of checkpoint and observation, it is found that metaheuristics approaches
append loaded checkpoint in this category focusing on genetic algorithms with stochastic constraints
Step 9:- End While are widely acceptable in literature. Whereas, analysing
Step 10:- While all categories are not scanned: several simulation optimization techniques and their appli-
Step 11:- Pick one category at a time cability to one set of problems in inventory management
Step 12:- Randomly select one checkpoint from this system is also popular in practical implementation and
category research. Chu et al. [62] Chu et al. has proposed another
Step 13: Ant’s agent load a checkpoint and compared its simulation optimization-based framework for real-world
QoS performance with randomly selected checkpoint multi-echelon inventory systems which are mathematically
Step 14:- While Ant does not execute all its agent in challenging to solve. This model shows its novelty in
current category implementing simulation optimization over distributed
Step 15:- If currently loaded checkpoint is local optimum system with an objective of minimizing the inventory
solution then costs. An agent-based system uses Monte-Carlo methods
Step 16:- Save it in Ant’s memory for validating the objective function followed by cutting
Step 17:- Else plane algorithm in finding the local optimal solution. Two
Step 18:- Mark this checkpoint as attended and unload it case studies are taken in demonstrating the proposed frame-
Step 19:- Pick another checkpoint in this category work approach and its outcomes.
Step 20:- End While • Building designs and models: Chen et al. [63] has
Step 21:- End While conducted a detailed survey over simulation-based
Step 22:- If each ant’s agent bring new change in opti- approaches and identifying the research gaps in design
mum solution then of building and their performance in terms of energy and
Step 23:- Change the local optimum value indoor environmental features. In initial design optimiza-
Step 24:- Else tion approach, simulation experiments are conducted
Step 25:- Consider the local optimum value as threshold using mixed-mode ventilation and lighting dimming con-
value of QoS parameter trol algorithms with an objective of designing a local
green building and its assessment. A non-dominated
sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) is subsequently
3.2 Simulation Optimization Applications integrated with modelling experiments which in-turn
helps in finding optimum solution without accepting the
Simulation optimization methods with single or multiple optimization outcome below any dangerous level. This
objectives are applicable to various fields. These fields study is helpful in designing green buildings with objec-
require the optimization of variables with multiple criteria tive of energy-saving capabilities.
and specified objectives. Few examples of simulation optimi-
zation applications are as follows:
3.3 Efficiency and Improvement
• Inventory and production systems: Ye and You [60] used in the Quality of Production
simulation-optimization method in designing an efficient
framework for reducing the total operation cost in an inven- Efficiency and improvement in quality of production can be
tory system using kriging model. This model is applied achieved using various methods. In this work, Ranking and
region-wise and found to be reducing the optimization scaling based simulation optimization algorithm is applied
computational time. Further, it is found that the proposed over network scenarios for identifying local optimum values
approach solve supply chain problems through four for QoS parameters. These local optimum solutions are help-
features: multi-sourcing capability, asynchronous ordering, ful in increasing the network performance and its efficiency.
uncertain demand and stochastic lead time. In order to Simulation annealing based optimized algorithms provides
validate this model, a network of 18 nodes is constructed comparative analysis of consecutive values in identifying
and inventory management capabilities are integrated. After local and global optimum solutions for a performance param-
this construction, model is analysed from two major per- eter or within specific range of parameter’s value. Further,
spective with objective of smooth system working and two QoS parameters (throughput and transit delay) are
reduced operational cost. Jalali and Nieuwenhuyse [61] evaluated for different scenarios.
Modeling and Simulation for Industry 4.0 139

Algorithm 3 Simulation Annealing Enabled Ranking ontology based Descriptive logic systems were discussed as
and Scaling Statistical Simulation Constrained Optimiza- solution for formalization and structuring the knowledge repre-
tion Algorithm sentation. The later part of the chapter discussed the simulation
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point for QoS analysis. Additionally, all agents are activated tool for identifying an optimal design of a system.
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140 R. Krishnamurthi and A. Kumar

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Modeling and Simulation for Industry 4.0 141

International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, International Journal Recent

pp. 1–17, 2016. Patents on Engineering (Bentham
52. M. Lütjen, H.-J. Kreowski, M. Franke, K.-D. Thoben, and Science). Dr. Rajalakshmi is tech-
M. Freitag “Model-driven logistics engineering–challenges of nical program committee member
model and object transformation,” Procedia Technology, vol. and reviewer in several Interna-
15, pp. 303–312, 2014. tional Conferences. She is profes-
53. Xu, J., Huang, E., Hsieh, L., Lee, L.H., Jia, Q.S. and Chen, C.H., sional member in IEEE, ACM and
2016. Simulation optimization in the era of Industrial 4.0 and the CSI.
Industrial Internet. Journal of Simulation, 10(4), pp. 310-320.
54. Inanlouganji, Alireza, Giulia Pedrielli, Georgios Fainekos, and Adarsh Kumar is working as an
Sebastian Pokutta. “Continuous simulation optimization with associate professor in the depart-
model mismatch using Gaussian process regression.” In 2018 Win- ment of systemics, school of com-
ter Simulation Conference (WSC), pp. 2131-2142. IEEE, 2018. puter science, university of
55. Xu, J., Huang, E., Chen, C.H. and Lee, L.H., 2015. Simulation petroleum and energy studies
optimization: A review and exploration in the new era of cloud (UPES), Dehradun, India. He
computing and big data. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational completed his Post-doc from SRI,
Research, 32(03), p. 1550019. AIT, Ireland and actively
56. Carson, Y. and Maria, A., 1997, December. Simulation optimiza- participated in EU H2020 spon-
tion: methods and applications. In Proceedings of the 29th confer- sored research project worth 4 bil-
ence on Winter simulation (pp. 118-126). IEEE Computer Society. lion euros. He is currently
57. Wusheng Lu, Andreas Antoniou, “Practical optimization algorithms executing two research projects.
and engineering applications”, Springer, ISBN-10: 0-387-71106-6, He hold a Ph.D. degree in Com-
2007. puter Science Engineering and
58. Tabu Search Algorithm: Information Technology
metaheuristics-techniques-1-30432226 (CSE&IT) from Jaypee Institute of
59. Glover, F., 1986. Future paths for integer programming and links to Information Technology, Noida,
artificial intelligence. Computers & operations research, 13(5), India. The main focus of his
pp. 533-549. research is related with cryptogra-
60. Ye, W. and You, F., 2016. A computationally efficient simulation- phy primitives and protocols; light-
based optimization method with region-wise surrogate modeling for weight cryptography, post-
stochastic inventory management of supply chains with general quantum cryptosystems, internet
network structures. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 87, pp. of things, mobile ad-hoc networks
164-179. etc. He has the experience of work-
61. Jalali, H. and Nieuwenhuyse, I.V., 2015. Simulation optimization in ing in two continents (ASIA and
inventory replenishment: a classification. IIE Transactions, 47(11), EUROPE) including countries like
pp. 1217-1235. Ireland, united-kingdom, Czech
62. Chu, Y., You, F., Wassick, J.M. and Agarwal, A., 2015. Simulation- republic, India etc. He has more
based optimization framework for multi-echelon inventory systems than 11 years of teaching experi-
under uncertainty. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 73, pp. ence and multi-discipline ability in
1-16. computer science and engineering
63. Chen, X., Yang, H. and Zhang, W., 2018. Simulation-based subjects. For example, cryptograph
approach to optimize passively designed buildings: a case study on and network security, internet of
a typical architectural form in hot and humid climates. Renewable things, wireless and sensor
and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82, pp. 1712-1725.\ networks, software engineering,
object-oriented programming, data
structures, analysis of algorithms,
K. Rajalakshmi is an Assistant discrete mathematics, IT network
Professor in Department of Com- security, security protocols and
puter Science and Engineering, lightweight cryptography. He has
Jaypee Institute of Information more than 35 publications includ-
Technology, Noida, India. ing reputed journals and
Dr. Rajalakshmi has completed conferences in his account. He
her Ph.D. (Computer Science and held various positions in interna-
Engineering) in 2016 at Depart- tional conferences like: IC3,
ment of computer science and engi- SNDS, NGCT, SUSCOM, SICS,
neering, JIIT, Noida, Indian. UPCON etc. Presently, he is guest
Dr. Rajalakshmi has published sev- editor of special issue on “Light-
eral research papers in reputed weight Security Aspects in
International Journals and Resource Constrained Internet of
Conferences, published book Things (IoT) devices and
chapters in CRC Press, Springer, networks” in journal “Recent
IET and IGI global. Patents on Engineering”, Bentham
Dr. Rajalakshmi is guest editor of Science publishers.
Augmented Reality and Industry 4.0

Kruti Lavingia and Sudeep Tanwar

indispensable job in Industry 4.0, AR chooses to assemble

parts and send mechanical flaw status data to applications
Augmented Reality is widely emerging in almost every
introduced on clients’ telephones. Numerous organizations
field whether it is entertainment (gaming), the field of
are creating applications to give constant data about item
visual art, photography, cinema, interactive digital
preparing to specialists. They are additionally making bril-
media, healthcare or industry. This innovation is sprouting
liant applications that help with basic leadership and
in a previous couple of years with a developing number of
improved work systems [3].
luxury and affordable AR gadgets getting to be accessible
to the overall population. AR systems have exhibited the
ability to advance undertaking productivity in an expan-
sive scope of ventures. It is one of the most promising 1.1 Augmented Reality
fields in the context of Industry 4.0. A number of
researchers are working on this emerging technology as Augmented reality is the development that expands our physi-
it is still a challenging area. This chapter discusses the cal world, including layers of electronic information onto it
basics of Augmented Reality, its history, types, working, [4, 5]. AR advancement passes on customers the chance to
applications and its emergence into the Industry 4.0. experience an augmented world by overlaying virtual informa-
tion in reality. This is the manner by which the customer can be
Keywords in contact with both the authentic and virtual world and get
Augmented reality · Industry 4.0 · Virtual reality · Speech progressing data or estimations. As opposed to Virtual Reality
recognition · Marker-based · Marker-less · Holographic (VR), AR does not make the whole fake conditions to override
the genuine condition with a virtual one. AR appears in direct
viewpoint on a present circumstance and incorporates sounds,
chronicles, representations to it. A viewpoint on the physical
genuine condition with superimposed PC made pictures, sub-
1 Introduction
sequently changing the impression of reality, is the AR.
The term itself was initiated in the year 1990, and the most
Industry 4.0 alludes to another modern innovation period that
essential business uses were in TV and military. With the
is changing current frameworks, sensors, machines and
climb of the Internet and PDAs, AR uncovered its second
remaining tasks at hand. It can help make progressively
wave and nowadays is commonly related to the keen thought.
productive procedures utilizing the nine pillars of innovation:
3D models are clearly foreseen onto physical things or
Cybersecurity, AR, automated robot, system integration, sim-
merged ceaselessly, unique augmented reality applications
ulation, big data, additive manufacturing, distributed comput-
influence our penchants, open movement, and news sources.
ing, and the IoT [1, 2]. Amongst the nine pillars of Industry
AR applications consistently partner modernized develop-
4.0 as depicted in Fig. 1, Augmented Reality is one of the
ment to an unprecedented ‘marker’, or with the help of GPS in
most important pillars of Industry 4.0. Assuming an
phones pinpoint the territory. Broadening is going on continu-
ously and inside the setting of nature, for example, overlaying
K. Lavingia · S. Tanwar (*) scores to a live feed game events. Until specific years back, the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Institute of
Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India nonappearance of cost-moderate contraptions was the essential
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] impediment to a wide determination of AR applications.

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 143

A. Nayyar, A. Kumar (eds.), A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development,
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation,
144 K. Lavingia and S. Tanwar

Fig. 1 Nine pillars of Industry 4.0 [3]

Nowadays, no matter how you look at it the determination of the relationship with cutting edge stuff by human
PDAs has emptied this containment, as mobile phones and improvements. This thought in the future was used for
tablets feature all of the sensors and planning units expected explicit projectors, camcorders, and onscreen diagrams.
to make and send AR applications. Moreover, the advancement AR in the 1980 era: Steve Mann, in the year 1980
improvements that impact mobile phones can convey new established a first conservative PC called EyeTap, expected
testing things, conventionally suggested as wearables, and to be worn before our eye. It used to record the scene to
organizations are pushing ahead with new characterizations of superimposed ramifications for it later, and show everything
AR contraptions, for instance, Emacula contact central focuses to a customer who could similarly play with it by methods for
from Innovega, the Vuzix Blade 3000 AR glasses or the Meta head improvements. Douglas George and Robert Morris in
2 AR headset. The overall market for augmented reality is the year 1987, established the model of a heads-up introduc-
growing snappy and the unavoidable choice of AR headways tion (HUD). It demonstrated astronomical data above the
proposes an irrefutable impact on the overall population. certifiable sky.
AR in the 1990 era: 1990 indicated the presence of the
“augmented reality” term. It recently appeared in the study
1.2 Brief History of Augmented Reality made by Thomas Caudell and David Mizell—Boeing associ-
ation researchers. Louis Rosenberg of the US Air Force in the
The author in [6] has summarized the rise of Augmented year 1992 made the AR system called “Virtual Fixtures”. A
Reality starting from the 1960s. AR in the 1960 era: Ivan social occasion of scientists driven by Frank Delgado and
Sutherland and Bob Sproull, in the year 1968 made the first Mike Abernathy in the year 1999, attempted new course
head-mounted feature, they thought of it as The Sword of programming, which made streets and runways data from a
Damocles. Clearly, it was a horrendous contraption that helicopter video.
indicated rough PC structures. AR in the 2000 era: A Japanese analyst Hirokazu Kato, in
AR in the 1970 era: Myron Krueger, in the year 1975 the year 2000 made and conveyed ARToolKit—an open-
made Videoplace—a phony reality lab. The analyst proposed source SDK. Later it was changed as per work with Adobe.
Augmented Reality and Industry 4.0 145

Fig. 2 The rise of Industry 4.0


INDUSTRY 3.0 Cyber physical
INDUSTRY 2.0 Automation, systems, internet of
INDUSTRY 1.0 computers and things (IoT),
Mass production, electronics networks
Mechanization, assembly line,
steam power, electrical energy
weaving loom

1784 1870 1969 Today

Trimble Navigation in the year 2004 showed an outside reasoning can possibly plan and actualize answers for a wide
defensive top mounted AR system. Wikitude, in the year assortment of generation and calculated issues. In these ways,
2008 made the AR Travel Guide for Android mobile phones. Industry 4.0 is taking creation effectiveness to a dimension
AR nowadays: Google beta, in the year 2013 attempted that has never been seen, and Ontario is directly at the cutting
the Google Glass—with web relationship by methods for edge, creating an ideal this new time of assembling.
Bluetooth. In 2015 Microsoft displayed two crisps out of As seen in Fig. 2, Industry 1.0 focused on Mechanization,
the container new progressions: Windows Holographic and steam power, and weaving loom. Industry 2.0 focused on
HoloLens (an AR goggles with heaps of sensors to indicate mass production, assembly line, and electrical energy. Indus-
HD 3D pictures. Niantic in the year 2016, pushed Pokemon try 3.0 focused on Automation, Computers, and Electronics.
Go game for phones. The application propelled the gaming An in-today’s era, with the increasing boom of Internet of
business up and made $2 million of each an essentially Things, Networks, Big Data, and Cyber-Physical Systems,
first week. the term Industry 4.0 came into existence.
The rising of new automated mechanical advancement,
known as Industry 4.0, is a change that makes it possible to
1.3 Industry 4.0 aggregate and research data across over machines, engaging
snappier, continuously versatile, and progressively success-
Lately, Ontario’s assembling economy has entered what ful methodology to make a higher-quality product at dimin-
many are calling “Industry 4.0”—a reference to the fourth ished costs [9]. This gathering revolt will manufacture
mechanical transformation past the basic robotization of the productivity, move money-related issues, develop mechani-
1960s [7]. This new period of industry is characterized by the cal advancement, and modify the profile of the workforce—
utilization of profoundly propelled computerization and finally changing the power of associations and areas.
information to improve proficiency and generation, including Industry 4.0 is a name given to the present example of
endeavors to associate apparatus and items utilizing the computerization and data exchange collecting progresses. It
“Internet of Things.” Scanners, sensors, enormous informa- fuses advanced physical systems, the Internet of things, dis-
tion examination, and exceedingly progressed and versatile persed registering and scholarly figuring. Industry 4.0 is
robots are turning into the new standard. Robots are worked normally suggested as the fourth mechanical change (Fig. 3).
to aid the assembling of items through a joint effort with
different robots and human laborers. They can be reinvented
and utilized in a large number of assignments, as opposed to 2 The Role of Augmented Reality
for a solitary errand like those of the 1960s. Sensors can in Industry 4.0
advise makers on how to improve proficiency, revealing the
exact minute when they will quit working and require fix or The term Industry 4.0 rises up out of the mix of new infor-
substitution to anticipate bottlenecks in the generation proce- mation advances and data examination with front line crea-
dure. Huge information examination can enable makers to tion frameworks and strategies. The most agent features of
accelerate procedures and catch imperfections before items this new time are smart affiliations and data.
are sent out. Virtual and increased the truth are being utilized We are starting at now living in the information time
to plan and structure items and generation forms. Man-made frame. According to Bernard Marr, Big Data ace, more data
146 K. Lavingia and S. Tanwar

Fig. 3 Technologies transforming Industrial Production [10]

has been made over the latest 3 years than in the entire Augmented Reality has experienced a brisk improvement
previous history of mankind. Just to get a little idea of the is the most recent year and ordinary it is less complex to find
volume of data made, Google enlists more than 60,000 another industry that is applying it to its activity. For a
requests reliably. considerable number of individuals, their first contact with
In any case, this tremendous measure of data isn’t ade- this development comes as a videogame or an application.
quate, what really makes it significant is the way wherein it Despite the way that the gaming business is benefitting by the
can improve the essential initiative [11]. This is when splen- mix of the virtual and authentic that AR gives, the actualities
did affiliations ended up being significant, the information affirm that the potential uses of Augmented Reality go past
must be colossal and appeared at the ideal time in an advan- this division.
tageous spot. In this new information time, machines and Without a doubt, the best tech associations on earth are
people are continually related, improving current methods. pointing their undertakings at the development that is set to
The fourth mechanical rebellion does not depend upon change the way in which we see and speak with the world,
one development yet rather a couple of, the blend of these and the AR publicize is required to overcome the Virtual
headways is what can really improve the strategies and capa- Reality grandstand in the inevitable years. By 2020, the
bility of organizations. Considering all these facts, what Augmented Reality exhibit is depended upon to hit $120
activity Augmented Reality is playing? billion in pay, while the Virtual Reality publicize is required
AR advancement passes on customers the chance to expe- to hit $30 billion. This is an instance of how snappy the
rience an augmented world by overlaying virtual information inventive market advances and how AR is outperforming
in reality [11]. Thusly the customer can be in contact with the wants made by VR in the early extended lengths of
both the real and virtual world and get ceaseless data or progress.
estimations. The snappy improvement that AR is experiencing is tak-
For industry 4.0, this can have a couple of focal points. It ing it to different ventures and fields, anyway the focal points
might be the perfect strategy to address noteworthy informa- and experiences it gives makes the enlightening part the
tion for experts and workers in the association, empowering perfect fit for it. Augmented Reality is changing the activity
them to watch progressing information from the work they instructor’s play in the investigation lobby, they need to use
are performing. It is furthermore proper to give authorities courses of action that help their work, improving the learning
information about the issue a machine is encountering, technique of their understudies. Applying AR to their proce-
enabling them to see the customer immediate or even to dure gives progressively individualized learning and motiva-
contact an expert to get continuous assistance. tion to their understudies, among various central focuses.
Another staggering great position AR passes on to Indus- Augmented Reality is credited an unprecedented potential
try 4.0 is the probability of overhauling mechanical planning for certain fields of utilization. Albeit Augmented Reality
and learning while in the meantime lessening perils and costs. applications have been used successfully in restorative or
Augmented Reality and Industry 4.0 147

military settings for quite a while, present day applications perspective on your entire business, demonstrating precisely
are as often as possible seen as separated game plans that are what’s going on and where. It enables administrators and
only important in a portrayed and static working organizers to convey viably utilizing ongoing information
environment. and examination while seeing precisely what’s going on the
Augmented-reality-based systems reinforce a variety of shop floor—bringing about better operational choices over
organizations, for instance, picking parts in a dispersion your business.
focus and sending fix rules over PDAs. These structures are Wellbeing: Worker security is the No. 1 worry for each
at present in their beginning periods, anyway, later on, business, and it’s no misrepresentation to state AR gadgets
associations will use augmented reality to give workers con- will spare lives. Associations will most likely screen working
sistent information to improve fundamental initiative and environments continuously and fundamentally lessen the
work frameworks. “close miss” occurrences that are so ordinarily connected to
As specified in [12] driving makers are utilizing aug- fatalities.
mented reality innovation to improve profitability, profi- The advanced coordinated effort innovation utilized in AR
ciency, and wellbeing in the work environment. laborer arrangements can likewise make other developing ideas
AR is changing the fate of work. From utilities, mining conceivable, including publicly supported master systems.
and assembling to retail and excitement, the appropriation Welcoming thoughts from broad gatherings, typically on the
will detonate as enterprises acknowledge colossal efficiency web, to take care of a typical issue can guarantee that specialists
gains—any semblance of which have not been seen for a or different laborers in the field dependably approach the
considerable length of time. As more organizations try to remote help they need. A specialist system administration can
grasp the capability of AR, here are six different ways that likewise make beneficial things not far off: Experts can creator
driving edge producers are utilizing AR today: insightful agendas for the up and coming age of augmented
Interfacing telecommuters: Enterprises can get gigantic laborers, and more seasoned laborers can keep on contributing
advantages in a successful joint effort by enabling a specialist their insight in semi-retirement or even retirement.
to see precisely what laborers see and direct them to finish
errands. Specialists on the manufacturing plant floor can
investigate apparatus or approach a remote master to fix a 2.1 Working of Augmented Reality
generation stoppage without trusting that the master will
venture out to the office. Resource profitability will improve For AR a particular level of data (pictures, activities,
because of better usage. accounts, 3D models) may be used and people will see the
Helping specialists in complex errands: Using AR to result in both ordinary and fabricated light. In like manner,
overlay guidelines have been demonstrated to diminish blun- customers consider being in reality which is advanced by PC
der rates in assembling get together undertakings by as much vision, not under any condition like in VR.
as 90%. Keen glasses can overlay exact directions onto the AR can be appeared to be changed contraptions: screens,
work territory and precisely control the expert through each glasses, handheld devices, phones, head-mounted
progression, accordingly disposing of postponements, introductions. It wires advances like S.L.A.M. [13] (simulta-
expanding the simplicity of cooperation, limiting neous concealment and mapping), criticalness following
interruptions and upgrading workforce the board. (rapidly, a sensor data figuring the section to the things),
Improving warehousing and co-ordinations: When profi- and then going with portions:
cient co-ordinations mean a genuine benefit, the capacity to Cameras and sensors. Get-together data about customer’s
improve warehousing productivity has colossal financial affiliations and sending it for getting ready. Cameras on
potential. Keen glasses are demonstrated to give 15% effec- devices are looking earth and with this data, a contraption
tiveness enhancements to stockroom pick-and-spot tasks by finds physical things and produces 3D models. It may be
adequately managing laborers and maintaining a strategic thrilling obligation cameras, as in Microsoft Hololens, or
distance from slip-ups. standard phone cameras to take pictures/accounts.
Upgrading preparing and supervision: AR preparing Planning: AR contraptions at long last should act like little
bundles empower immeasurably increasingly powerful PCs, something present-day mobile phones starting at now
learning results for specialists who need to comprehend com- do. Along these lines, they require a CPU, a GPU, streak
plex gear or high-chance situations. Bosses are additionally memory, RAM, Bluetooth/WiFi, a GPS, etc. to have the
ready to guide and survey a laborer’s ability, bringing about choice to check speed, edge, heading, bearing in space, and
higher quality work with fewer oversights. so forth.
Giving a common comprehension of business activity: AR Projection: This prescribes a downsized projector on AR
innovation in the meeting room makes an abnormal state headsets, which takes data from sensors and tries robotized
148 K. Lavingia and S. Tanwar

substance (a result of overseeing) onto a surface to see. for example, CPU, presentations, cameras, sensors, acceler-
Believe it or not, the utilization of projections in AR has ometer, spinner, advanced compass, GPS, and a number of
not been totally grown yet to use it in business things or things. The Fig. 4 shows the basic AR devices that are easily
affiliations. available in the market.
Reflection: Some AR contraptions have mirrors to help Gadgets reasonable for augmented reality fall into various
human eyes by seeing virtual pictures. Some have an “assort- classifications:
ment of inconsequential bent mirrors” and the others have a Cell phones (cell phones and tablets)—the utmost acces-
twofold sided mirror that reflects light to a camera and to a sible and most suitable for AR versatile applications,
customer’s eye. The fundamental point of such reflection extending from unadulterated gaming and diversion to busi-
ways is to play out a credible picture plan. ness investigation, athletics, and long-range interpersonal
communication. With the expanding accessibility of sensors
inside cell phones and inside the world everywhere, an
2.2 Types of Augmented Reality inquiry emerges about how this sensor information can be
utilized by Augmented Reality (AR) gadgets. AR gadgets
Augmented Reality Technology is classified into various have customarily been constrained by the capacity of a given
types [4]: gadget’s exceptional arrangement of sensors. Interfacing
Marker-based AR: Nearly likewise allude it to picture sensors from different gadgets utilizing a Sensor Web could
confirmation, as it needs a noteworthy visual article and a address this issue. Through utilizing this SensorWeb existing
camera to channel it. It may be whatever, from a printed QR AR conditions could be improved and new situations made
code to imperative signs. The AR contraption, what’s more, conceivable, with gadgets that beforehand couldn’t have
realizes the position and heading of a marker to position the been utilized as a feature of an AR domain. In [15], the
substance, on occasion. Along these lines, a marker begins authors have proposed an architecture named SIXTH which
pushed progressions for customers to see, in this manner is a middleware for generating sensor web that allows devices
pictures in a magazine may change into 3D models. to influence diverse exterior sensors in the interior of its
Marker-less AR: A.k.a. zone based or position-based aug- surroundings so that it can help in generating better-off AR
mented reality, that uses a GPS, a compass, a whirligig, and experiences.
an accelerometer to give information dependent on the Extraordinary AR gadgets, structured essentially and
client’s zone. This information by then comprehends what exclusively for augmented reality encounters. One precedent
AR content you find or get in a specific region. With the is head-up showcases (HUD), sending information to a
receptiveness of telephones, this kind of AR regularly passes straightforward presentation legitimately into the client’s
on maps and headings, adjacent affiliations information. view. Initially acquainted with train military warriors pilots,
Applications meld occasions and data, business progressions presently such gadgets have used in flight, car industry,
pop-ups, course support. fabricating, sports, and so on.
Projection-based AR: Anticipating made light to physical AR glasses (or shrewd glasses)—Google Glasses, Meta
surfaces, and once in a while allows to interface with it. These 2 Glasses, Laster See-Through, Laforge AR eyewear, and so
are the multi-dimensional pictures we have all seen in sci-fi on. These units are fit for showing warnings from your cell
motion pictures like Star Wars. It sees customer association phone, helping mechanical production system laborers, and
with a projection by its changes. get to the content without hands, and so on.
Superimposition-based AR. Replaces the main see with an AR contact focal points (or keen focal points), making
augmented, totally or to some degree. Article request foresees Augmented Reality one stride much more distant. Makers
a key occupation, without it the whole thought is basically like Sony and Samsung have reported the advancement of
unfathomable. AR focal points. Individually, Samsung is taking a shot at
focal points as the assistant to cell phones, while Sony is
planning focal points as isolated AR gadgets (with highlights
2.3 Augmented Reality Devices like taking photographs or putting away information).
Virtual retinal presentations (VRD), making pictures by
Numerous advanced gadgets as of now bolster Augmented anticipating laser light into the human eye. Going for splen-
Reality [6]. From cell phones and tablets to contraptions like did, high difference and high-goals pictures, such
Google Glass or handheld gadgets, and these advances keep frameworks yet stay to be made for handy use.
on developing. For preparing and projection, AR gadgets and The Augmented Reality devices can also be classified into
equipment, as a matter of first importance, have prerequisites, four major categories [16] as mentioned in Fig. 5:
Augmented Reality and Industry 4.0 149

Holographic Displays
Promoted in the Star Wars arrangement, Minority report and
the Iron man arrangement in the ongoing occasions, these
sorts of presentations utilize light diffraction to create three-
dimensional types of articles in genuine space. The way that
holographic presentations don’t expect clients to wear any
apparatus to see them is one of their most noteworthy points
of interest. These sorts of displays have dependably been in
the domain of sci-fi and have as of late begun picking up
Fig. 4 AR devices [14]
footing with items like Looking Glass and Holovect.

Head Up Displays (HUD) Smart Glasses

As the locally available controllers on flights turned out to be As the innovation changed from basic applications in safeguard
progressively perplexing, the data handling assignments for and avionics to financially accessible items, savvy glasses have
pilots expanded with an included number of sensors, aeronau- turned out to be one of the more prominent kinds of increased
tics and flight controls. It is significant for pilots to concentrate reality gadgets. Like their name proposes, these are glasses that
on what’s going on outside as opposed to taking a gander at the expand your vision. Smart glasses are of two kinds:
variety of data inside the cockpit. Head up displays were, for
the most part, developed for mission basic applications like Optical transparent/see-through
flight controllers and weapons framework dashboards. Basic In Optical see-through glasses, the client sees reality straight-
data is anticipated on straightforward screens mounted before forwardly through optical components, for example, holo-
the pilot. This empowers pilots to look forward outside as graphic waveguides and different frameworks that empower
opposed to glimpsing down inside the cockpit. Like Grub’s graphical overlay on this present reality. Microsoft’s
collimating reflector, HUDs attempted to tackle the issue of HoloLens, Magic Leap One, and the Google Glass are late
moving concentration by utilizing a kind of collimating pro- instances of optical transparent shrewd glasses.
jector. The data anticipated is collimated (parallel light beams) Video see-through
concentrated on endlessness so the pilot’s eyes don’t have to With these kinds of smart glasses, the client sees a reality that
refocus to see outside the cockpit. is first caught by a couple of cameras mounted on the show-
A standard HUD contains three principle segments; a pro- case. These camera perspectives are then joined with PC
jector unit, a review glass (combiner) and a PC (image genera- created symbolism for the client to see. The HTC Vive VR
tor). HUDs help increment situational mindfulness by headset has an inbuilt camera which is regularly utilized for
diminishing the move of the center for pilots. Progressively making AR encounters on the gadget.
heads up presentations have been discovering ways into new
car plans. Handheld AR
Albeit handheld AR is a kind of video sees through, it merits
Helmet Mounted Displays uncommon notice. The ascent of handheld AR is the tipping
The following intelligent advance for heads up showcases point for the innovation being genuinely inescapable.
was to move from the windshield to the cap. Progressively Increased reality libraries like ARKit, ARCore, MRKit, have
protective cap mounted showcases which utilize the equiva- empowered refined PC vision calculations to be accessible for
lent hidden standards of heads up presentations are being anybody to utilize. In handheld or portable AR, all you need is
utilized in flying and different ventures. a cell phone to approach a large group of AR encounters.

Fig. 5 Classification of
augmented reality devices [16]
150 K. Lavingia and S. Tanwar

3 Technological Requirements Client Requirements

for Augmented Reality Following necessities can be recognized for an AR upkeep
laborer emotionally supportive network covering diverse
There are certain specific requirements for Augmented Real- modern use cases:
ity in industries [17]. The following requirements referenced
are organized by measurement of time (improvement and • Convenient access to all applicable documentation (for
mix, set-up, task). example manual, audio-visual, photograph)
• Summary about required instruments, materials and extra
Prerequisites During Improvement and Joining parts for a particular upkeep task
• Cost-viability: The normal return needs to legitimize the • Assisted direction with AR anticipated 3D objects (partic-
cost that is required during improvement and joining, ularly for bigger machines)
separately the venture expenses of the AR application. • Workflow direction with the assistance of 3D activities
• Information security: If information recording or position • Adding to the current documentation during the errand by
following prompts a reconnaissance of representatives, taking notes or pictures and so on.
certain laws or guidelines apply, and may make clashes • Accessing live telemetry information of explicit machine
with specialists and their gatherings. In this way, any parts while being available at this part
gathering of information ought to be settled upon and • Cross-referencing upkeep cases to reuse arrangements
information security must be ensured. built up in a comparable case
• Relevant guidelines: Regulations, for example, work • Recording measurable information for future arranging of
wellbeing guidelines or cleanliness determinations, are to comparable assignments
be considered during the plan and mix of AR applications • The alternative to open a video meeting to a specialist to
get extra data about the current case
• An include for the master and the upkeep laborer, to share
Prerequisites During Set-up reports (content, picture, video) and increase the common live
• Set-up time: The time required for the set-up of AR feed with bolts, hovers, and so forth., to feature focal points
applications inside the modern condition ought to be • Offline mode to work in territories without Wi-Fi
insignificant. This may incorporate essential repeating association
forms, for example, adjustment or cleaning • Hands-free task
• Framework unwavering quality: The application ought to
require insignificant support and be as dependable as Technical Requirements
could be allowed To help the support laborers with AR a few specialized
conditions should be met:

Requirements During the Task • Data association (favored remote) at all areas of utilization
• The exactness of introduction: Precision in the arrange- • Connectivity to a focal information stockpiling framework,
ment of genuine and virtual items is important to lessen to store general assignment information and documentation
potential blunders • Connectivity to a framework that totals the live telemetry
• Ongoing ability: Tracking and perception of articles ought information of every single included machine
to be performed progressively so as to permit an increas- • Connectivity to extra frameworks for example for extra
ingly natural connection with the application, and dimin- part requesting
ish dangers of mistakes or movement ailment • Operation time of in any event 4 h
• Ergonomy: AR applications for the most part work on the • Minimum of 8 Mbit/s web association for sharing
human side of a human-machine interface. documents or a video gathering at creation webpage

Their plan and activity ought to in this manner be human- Ecological and Regulative Requirements
driven and consider certain human factors, for example, Any AR equipment utilized in the modern condition will be
decreased consideration or eye fatigue during longer presented to earth, fluids (likewise destructive), mechanical
occasions of activity. The exhibited necessities have been perils and electromagnetic impedance. Further, the AR equip-
gathered with a cross-application approach and demonstrate ment must be usable with any required security rigging utilized
a fairly low dimension of detail. This does not constrain them by the specialist. In this setting an AR gadget needs to meet the
to the modern territory, with the goal that they rather may accompanying ecological and regulative prerequisites:
likewise apply for applications in different zones, for exam-
ple, pilot training programs. • Usable with a hard cap, wellbeing glasses as well as
As mentioned by Lorenz et al. in [18], the requirements commotion insurance (close by or incorporated in the
can also be classified by the accompanying: hardware)
Augmented Reality and Industry 4.0 151

• usable with wellbeing gloves (remuneration for debilitated Apart from these specific applications to Industry 4.0, there
signal acknowledgment and contact input) are contributions of a number of researchers who have worked in
• The gadget must almost certainly support a tumble from a the field of Augmented Reality and proposed their architectures
statue of in any event 1.2 m in a variety of fields. Helen Papagiannis in [19] centers around
• The gadget must be impervious to water, airborne residue, AR Joiner arrangement, which applies 2D planar video to form
destructive materials, scratching as well as electromag- novel scenes using different bordered AR markers crosswise
netic impedance (can likewise be accomplished with a over both physical and virtual existence to make new encounters
replaceable spread) of seeing. Xi et al. [20] have displayed three use cases to indicate
• The defensive measures ought not to obstruct the useful- how AR can conceivably bolster increasingly proficient farm
ness of the gadget (for example remote network) board exercises: water quality administration, remote joint effort,
and meeting room exchange specifying the importance of aug-
mented reality in the management of future agriculture farm.
V. Gay-Bellile et al. in [21] address the demanding issue of
vision-based limitation in an urban setting. It quickly depicts
4 Applications of Augmented Reality their commitments in huge conditions modeling and exact cam-
to Industry 4.0 era restriction. Galvão and Zorzal in [22] propose different health
education related different applications with the help of Aug-
For the most part, the utilization of AR to the business space mented Reality. Blum et al. in his work [23] proposes an ultra-
is appropriate since it inconceivably improves the correspon- sound simulator using augmented reality that helps in a medical
dence in thing structure and creation progression: it imaging modality. As mentioned in [24] by Radu, Augmented
recognizes and avoid plan botches in starting times of the Reality also has a powerful impact in the field of education. In
improvement method; it reduces the number of physical [25], Waechter et al. converses various approaches in which
models and extras time and cost for endeavors. AR is consid- people who are tracking in real time can inspire the areas of
ered as a critical instrument for improving and reviving thing Augmented Reality and additional vision based applications. In
and technique headway in various mechanical applications. [26] Bichlmeier et al. covers the techniques and intermediate
The depiction of current AR applications plans to rein- results of the ARAV—Augmented Reality Aided
force the finish of general essentials. Along these lines, a Vertebroplasty venture that started to design an AR framework
wide scope of present-day applications is verified, yet they dependent on a stereo video see through head mounted presen-
are by no techniques complete. Mechanical AR applications tation that is forever accessible in the operation room (OR) and
are ordinary to perform well in the going with regions: thus shows the importance of AR in clinical domain.

• Product structure: Visualization of wise 3D-models in

prototyping and presentation 5 Virtual Reality and Speech Recognition
• Plant structure: Visualization of an orchestrated organiza- in Industry 4.0 Trends
tion inside a certifiable generation line condition
• Training: Augmented getting ready re-enactment or pro- 5.1 Difference Between Virtual
gression of creation frames in veritable circumstances and Augmented Reality
• Production help: Virtual assistance structure through the
impression of setting unstable information on creation frames, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are two of the utmost
manual get-together and things at the shop-floor level problematic and unmistakable advances nowadays. Both
• Quality affirmation: AR-based assistance through the keep creating and showing new applications and game
impression of sensor data or imperfection the board plans they can provide. In spite of the way that they are
information eminent round the globe, the differences among them are
• Production collaborations: Support of indoor course not flawless in any way shape or form. These are the three
through AR-set up together bearing or information as for major differences between AR and VR [27]:
picking frames
• Remote support: AR-based remote relationship for the Drenching
assistance of care staff on the region, teleoperating upkeep The essential complexity amongst these two advances is the
robots or assignment of smart and virtual bearings in the immersion they provide. Augmented Reality makes an abso-
midst of the upkeep of age workplaces. lutely PC created world, everything the customer perceives is
a phony amusement, so the customer loses contact with the
Despite the applications, a couple of makers moreover certifiable situation. On the other hand, Augmented Reality
depict express hindrances and necessities that have been redesigns reality by adding mechanized information to it, so
viewed in the midst of progression and testing. the customer is still in contact with the authentic condition in
152 K. Lavingia and S. Tanwar

the midst of the AR experience. This empowers the customer In this day and age of associated gadgets having hands free
to collaborate with the “extended” objects while existing in computerization is adding another dimension to the associated
contact with this present reality. gadget and Smart Industry Solutions, by exploiting new
innovation, a business can eliminate blunders made by
Devices representatives, sets aside cash and furthermore expands the
Inundation isn’t the standard refinement amongst these two efficiency of their specialists. This is giving adopters an essen-
types of progress, the gadgets they practice to pass on inven- tial favorable position in their business sectors and putting their
tive encounters are additionally stand-out between them. VR business on the forefront of innovation.
utilizes headsets that inundate the client’s vision and hearing Voice recognition has developed as of late as far as speed
into the virtual world. AR is given from an undeniably and precision which is the reason private and modern
general gathering of contraptions: AR headsets, PCs, tablets, enterprises are utilizing them increasingly more to make
telephones. . . Don’t disregard that AR keeps the client in mechanical answers for help in the streamlining of the business.
contact with this present reality, that is the thing that has the The most widely recognized situation we see are clients
best effect between the gadgets utilized. talking into a gadget and having that data recorded, use cases
like talking into a gadget to type that information out for
Edtech Application individuals with incapacities, this has been utilized for a long
The two headways are associated with different organizations, time and is an extraordinary precedent. Voice recognition
as we have quite recently discussed here, yet maybe the busi- innovation has unlimited potential outcomes.
ness where they can turn into the most is preparing. Both of Machine to Machine correspondence in modern robotiza-
them offer the chance to annoy ordinary approaches, yet their tion is currently being executed in production lines to build
applications as edtech game plans are extraordinary. VR can be correspondence and oversee a lot of information that is being
used to immerse understudies into bona fide universes, for created continually by the various procedures of the
example, making it a not too bad response for theoretical machines cooperating in assembling ventures.
works out. In any case, the guideline feature of AR is the ability Voice recognition is additionally utilized as a rule for
to interface with the “extended” world that is the intention it can telecommuters in service organizations who convey adminis-
offer understudies progressively rational activities. tration professionals to assess the distinction work destinations.
The specialists would regularly bear bulky hardware to log
information from the diverse reviewed destinations to transmit
5.2 Speech Recognition that information back to a focal office. Presently with voice
recognition, these administration experts can now effectively
Speech recognition is innovation that can perceive verbally log the essential information by just discussing directions.
expressed words, which would then be able to be changed There are numerous applications for speech recognition in
over to content. A subset of speech recognition is voice modern situations that can encourage streamlining business
recognition, which is the innovation for distinguishing an process, early adopters are utilizing them to tackle the issues
individual dependent on their voice [28]. In this time of that they face with client blunder and not having the assets
new innovation as mentioned in [29] where the Internet of accessible to them, these early adopters are driving the way to
Things is the greatest subject of the day, there are different others seeing the incentive in voice recognition innovation.
advances that occasionally don’t get the consideration that
IoT gets, that doesn’t mean these advances don’t greatly
affect our day by day lives. Speech recognition is one of 5.3 Automated Speech Recognition
these advancements that is having incredible effects in Technology
Smart homes, however considerably greater effects in Smart
Industries by streamlining efficiency in modern conditions Speech recognition is power-driven by Artificial Intelligence
where assets are constrained. Speech recognition is the frameworks that are continually refreshing dependent on a huge
capacity of a machine or program to get and decipher ver- number of client communications. These frameworks, and the
bally expressed words and complete the directions. exactness they bear require the sort of enormous handling
Speech recognition is making head routes in Smart Home power and back-end information that lives in the cloud; and
arrangements with Google Home and Amazon’s Alexa these for certain clients, the possibility of any open cloud execution
gadgets are making home robotization a lot simpler through raises worries about information security, get to control, client
voice recognition. These two items add insightful voice con- protection and legitimate hazard [30, 31] (Fig. 6).
trol to any associated items to enable clients to direction Automated Speech recognition is the capacity of machines
home highlights like playing music, lighting up, diminishing to translate discourse so as to do directions or produce content.
or turning lights on or off, control TV, warming and air A significantly related zone is programmed speaker recognition,
controls and numerous other shrewd home controls. which is the capacity of machines to distinguish people
Augmented Reality and Industry 4.0 153

dependent on the qualities of their voices. Engineered discourse,

or synonymously message to-discourse, is capable of being Speech
Speech Acquisition Preprocessing
heard discourse created by machines from standard PC put Utterance System Module
away content. These controls are firmly related to the grounds
that the two of them include an investigation and comprehen-
sion of human discourse creation and discernment instruments.
Specifically, the examination of discourse into its individual Generation Feature
parts (telephones) and the portrayal of the acoustic waveforms Module Extraction
of these segments are normal to the two orders. Speech recog- module

nition and discourse amalgamation are likewise firmly coupled

at the applications level—for instance, for remote database gets
to where visual showcases are not accessible. The utilization of Database Management System(DBMS)

speech recognition for information and synthesized speech for

(a) Training Phase
production is an amazing blend that can change any phone into a
completely clever hub in a computer network [33]. Preprocessing
Speech Speech
Utterance Acquisition

5.4 Importance of Speech Recognition

in Industries Feature
Template Extraction
Generation module
As specified by Brian Ballard in [28], help for hands-on Module
specialists might be headed from an innovation that has
seen breakout accomplishment in the purchaser world.
New Template
Computerized aides like Amazon Echo and Apple’s Siri
given individuals a chance to cooperate with gadgets, dis-
cover data on the web and perform complex undertakings, all Recognition
through the intensity of the voice. Envision how that could System Matching Word
help specialists who should be associated with data however
don’t have hands allowed to work a console or touchpad. Fig. 6 Block diagram of automatic speech recognition [32]
In the modern condition, that ability needs to pursue
specialists around the manufacturing plant or distribution associate or master. As man-made brainpower abilities develop,
center. Luckily, voice is being packaged with another some product will probably suit setting based questions
innovation to help hands-on laborers: savvy glasses. Keen (“Where does this part go?” or “Am I doing this right?”) will
glasses offer a survey experience that doesn’t expect enable individuals to adapt quickly and work quicker with less
individuals to turn away based on what they’re doing to take exertion, more prominent certainty and fewer mistakes.
a gander at a presentation screen or paper report. Rather, these Organizations that adopt a go-moderate strategy on voice-
head-mounted presentations interface specialists to data like empowered work procedures are passing up on a major change
agendas, maps, item documentation, and information yields and might put themselves, their accomplices and clients, and
from associated machines and even instructional recordings in their specialists in danger of being out-created by contenders
their field of view. It’s a piece of a subset of expanded/blended that have effectively figured out how to quicken with a voice as
reality innovations that we call helped reality. an accessible instrument to the workforce.
The utility of AR and shrewd glasses brings up an issue of The author in [7] state to the sellers providing equipment
UX configuration: How should hands-on specialists cooper- and AR gadgets, similar to Google, Vuzix and RealWear, for
ate with data introduced to them on a presentation gadget that the mechanical endeavor, that they have to offer progres-
isn’t outfitted with customary contributions, in work sively powerful help for voice usefulness, with better quality
situations that don’t take into account them to hold or connect mouthpieces, rough structure and onboard clamor decrease
with even a straightforward cell phone or touchscreen? that address the issues of the modern work environment.
IoT enabled Smart Speaker as in [34] can be used. Voice Expanding interest for speech-driven route frameworks
communication takes care of this issue. Specialists can issue and workstations is advancing development in the equipment
basic voice directions like “mark all means the total” or “open and programming fragments. Reconciliation of voice-
next assignment” to summon the incredible abilities of the empowered in-vehicle infotainment frameworks is picking
framework. Some product considers voice-to-content interpre- up ubiquity over the globe as a few nations start “sans
tation, transforming spoken words into records, explanations on hands” guidelines that administer the utilization of cell phones
an image or procedure, or correspondences with a remote while doing any concentrating errands [13, 24–27, 35–45].
154 K. Lavingia and S. Tanwar

6 Conclusion 15. A. G. Campbell and D. Carr, “Giving Mobile Devices a SIXTH

Sense : Introducing the SIXTH Middleware for Augmented Reality
Applications,” pp. 245–246.
This chapter has presented the basic idea of Augmented Real- 16. Kore (2018) “Understanding the different types of AR Devices”
ity and Industry 4.0. The concepts about the working of
Augmented Reality is covered along with its types. A brief Accessed 9 September, 2018
17. Quandt, M., Knoke, B., Gorldt, C., Freitag, M., & Thoben, K. D.
discussion on the devices that uses Augmented Reality Tech-
(2018). General Requirements for Industrial Augmented Reality
nology and are useful in Industry 4.0 is carried out. I have tried Applications. Procedia CIRP, 72(1), 1130–1135.
to identify various technological requirements for Augmented 18. Lorenz, M., Knopp, S., & Klimant, P. (2018, October). Industrial
Reality in Industry 4.0. These requirements have been classi- Augmented Reality: Requirements for an Augmented Reality Main-
tenance Worker Support System. In 2018 IEEE International Sym-
fied and analyses on the basis of various categories. The
posium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-
chapter also briefs about the concept of Speech Recognition, Adjunct) (pp. 151–153). IEEE.
its working technology and its usefulness in Industry 4.0 when 19. Papagiannis, H. (2009, October). Augmented Reality (AR) joiners, a
blended with Virtual Reality. The literature presented in this novel expanded cinematic form. In 2009 IEEE International Sym-
posium on Mixed and Augmented Reality-Arts, Media and
paper helps in concluding that Augmented Reality is indeed an
Humanities (pp. 39–42). IEEE.
important pillar for Industry 4.0. 20. Xi, M., Adcock, M., & McCulloch, J. (2018, March). Future Agri-
culture Farm Management using Augmented Reality. In 2018 IEEE
Workshop on Augmented and Virtual Realities for Good
(VAR4Good) (pp. 1–3). IEEE.
References 21. Gay-Bellile, V., Lothe, P., Bourgeois, S., Royer, E., & Collette, S.
N. (2010, October). Augmented reality in large environments:
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(pp. 379-405). IGI Global. 22. Galvão, M. A., & Zorzal, E. R. (2013, May). Augmented reality
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Architecture, Applications and Technologies. In 2018 4th International 23. Blum, T., Heining, S. M., Kutter, O., & Navab, N. (2009, October).
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4. Calicut IPCS (2018) “Explanation of Augmented Reality (AR) – In 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented
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and hospitality industry. International Journal of Engineering & 26. Bichlmeier, C., Ockert, B., Heining, S. M., Ahmadi, A., & Navab,
Technology, 7(2.21), 156-160. N. (2008, September). Stepping into the operating theater: ARAV—
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7. Francesco De Pace, Federico Manuri and Andrea Sanna (2018) Reality (pp. 165–166). IEEE Computer Society.
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8. Trillium Network for advance Manufacturing (2017), “The rise of 28. Ayn De Jesus (2019) “AI for Speech Recognition – Current
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9. Industry 4.0 Certification 29. John Walker (2017) “Voice Recognition Applications to Automate
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11. R. Gupta., S. Tanwar., S. Tyagi, N. Kumar, “Tactile Internet for prise is voice. What’s the holdup?”
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Augmented Reality and Industry 4.0 155

34. Vora J, Tanwar S, Tyagi S, Kumar N & Rodrigues J P C, “Home- Her research interests are Software
based Exercise System for Patients Using IoT Enabled Smart Engineering, Internet of Things and
Speaker”, IEEE 19th International Conference on e-Health Net- Fog Computing.
working, Applications and Services (Healthco m-2017), Dalian
University, Dalian, China, 12-15 October 2017, pp. 1-6.(Indexed Dr. Sudeep Tanwar is an Asso-
in IEEE-Xplore, SCOPUS) ciate Professor in Computer Sci-
35. “Voice and Speech Recognition Market Size, Share & Trends Analy- ence and Engineering Department
sis Report, By Function, By Technology (AI, Non-AI), By Vertical at Institute of Technology, Nirma
(Healthcare, BFSI, Automotive), And Segment Forecasts, 2018 – University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat,
2025” India. He is visiting Professor at
recognition-market Jan Wyzykowski University in
36. P. Stief, J. Dantan, A. Etienne, and A. Siadat, “General Polkowice, Poland and University
Requirements for Industrial Augmented Reality France Applications of Pitesti in Pitesti, Romania. He
new methodology to analyze the functional and physical architecture received B.Tech in 2002 from
of existing products for an assembly oriented product family identi- Kurukshetra University, India, M.
fication,” Procedia CIRP, vol. 72, pp. 1130–1135, 2018. Tech (Honor’s) in 2009 from Guru
37. P. Stief, J. Dantan, A. Etienne, and A. Siadat, “General Gobind Singh Indraprastha Univer-
Requirements for Industrial Augmented Reality France Applications sity, Delhi, India, and Ph.D. in
new methodology to analyze the functional and physical architecture 2016 from Mewar University,
of existing products for an assembly oriented product family identi- Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India with
fication,” Procedia CIRP, vol. 72, pp. 1130–1135, 2018. specialization in Wireless Sensor
38. A. Kumari., S. Tanwar., S. Tyagi, N. Kumar, M. Maasberg, K. K. Network. He has authored/
R. Choo “Multimedia Big Data Computing and Internet of Things coauthored more than 100 technical
Applications: A Taxonomy and Process Model”, Journal of Network research papers in leading journals
and Computer Applications, 124:169-195, 2018. and conferences from IEEE,
39. A. Kumari., S. Tanwar., S. Tyagi, N. Kumar, R. Parizi, K. K. Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, etc.
R. Choo “Fog Data Analytics: A Taxonomy and Process Model”, Some of his research findings are
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 128:90-104, 2019. published in top-cited journals such
40. Kumari, A., Tanwar, S., Tyagi, S., & Kumar, N. (2018). Verification as IEEE Transactions on TVT,
and validation techniques for streaming big data analytics in internet IEEE Transactions on Industrial
of things environment. IET Networks, 8(2), 92–100. Informatics, Applied Soft Comput-
41. J. Vora, S. Kanriya, S. Tanwar, S. Tyagi, N. Kumar, M. S. Obaidat, ing, Journal of Network and Com-
“TILAA: Tactile Internet-based Ambient Assistant Living In Fog Environ- puter Applications, Pervasive and
ment”, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol 98, pp. 635-649,, 2019. Mobile Computing, International
42. Kumari A., Tanwar S., Tyagi S., Kumar N., “Fog Computing for Journal of Communication System,
Healthcare 4.0 Environment: Opportunities and Challenges”, Telecommunication System, Com-
Computers & Electrical Engineering, Volume 72, pp. 1-13, 2018. puter and Electrical Engineering
43. Vora J, Tanwar S, Tyagi S, Kumar N & Rodrigues J P C, “FAAL: and the IEEE Systems Journal. He
Fog Computing-based Patient Monitoring System for Ambient has also published three edited/
Assisted Living”, IEEE 19th International Conference on e-Health authored books with International/
Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom-2017), Dalian National Publishers. He has guided
University, Dalian, China, 12-15 October 2017, pp. 1-6. many students leading to M.E./M.
44. Nayyar, A., & Nguyen, G. N. (2018). Augmenting Dental Care: A Tech and guiding students leading
Current Perspective. Emerging Technologies for Health and Medi- to Ph.D. He is an Associate Editor
cine: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, of IJCS—Wiley and Security and
Internet of Things, Robotics, Industry 4.0, 51-67. Privacy Journal—Wiley. His cur-
45. Pandey, N., Lavingia, A., & Lavingia, K. (2015). ANALYZING rent interest includes Wireless Sen-
ENT MODULATION TECHNIQUES. International Journal of Smart Grid, IoT, and Blockchain
Advance Engineering and Research Development, 2(12). Technology. He was invited as
Guest Editors/Editorial Board
Members of many International
Kruti Lavingia is working as an Journals, invited for keynote
Assistant Professor in the Com- Speaker in many International
puter Science and Engineering Conferences held in Asia
Department, Institute of Technol- and invited as Program
ogy at Nirma University since Chair, Publications Chair,
August 2011. She has experience Publicity Chair, and Session Chair
of more than 10 years in the field in many International Conferences
of teaching. She has obtained her held in North America, Europe,
BTech degree in Information Tech- Asia and Africa. He has been
nology from Nirma University, awarded best research paper
Ahmedabad and MTech degree in awards from IEEE GLOBECOM
Computer Science and Engineering 2018, IEEE ICC 2019, and
from Bhagwant University, Ajmer. Springer ICRIC-2019.
Robotics and Industry 4.0

Ruchi Goel and Pooja Gupta

Abstract growth in the field of Artificial Intelligence and its adaptive

Industry 4.0 also known as fourth revolution is a new era processes. Moreover, the collaboration of AI to Machine
in which industry will deal with technologies like Robot- Learning and then to Deep Learning has done tremendous
ics, Automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and many in the area. The Fig. 1 shows how Artificial Intelligence,
more. The adoption of robots in Industries worldwide is Machine learning and deep Learning are linked with each
on the high rise. Robots and human both have their own other. Artificial Intelligence is the process where a computer/
strengths and limitations. Working together in safe man- machine just acts as a human being. Machine learning is a
ner both will provide better quality product with high subset of AI that based on learning examples [1], train the
accuracy in less time. The main aim of Robotics and system and then convert it to adaptive learning. Deep
Industry 4.0 is to improve productivity, produce high Learning is a subset of machine learning that works on
quality product at low price and meet customer expecta- Multilayer Models.
tion. In this chapter we have discussed role of Robotics It is known to all that human do a variety of work and are
and Automation in Industry 4.0, pros and Cons of Robot- busy in work 16 h of a day. Now, here the question arises;
ics in Industry 4.0, various challenges and its applications. what we are exactly? Are we humans or machines. With the
help of machines, it has been possible to accomplish variety
Keywords of work in a less span of time to achieve anything. Figure 2
Artificial Intelligence (AI) · Artificial General Intelligence shows the Human and the Machine (ROBOT); just looking
(AGI) · Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) · ROV like a Human Being. This industrial development (Robotics)
(Remote Operational Vehicles) · Robotics · Industry 4.0 enable human to concentrate only on solving specific
problems while, repetitive kind of task can be done by
There are two kinds of Artificial Intelligence technologies.
1 Introduction Narrow AI and Strong AI. Narrow AI is ability of computer
to solve specific kind of problem to perform specific
The prevailing technology in contemporary era is the adap- self-driving car, Siri are powered by narrow AI. General AI,
tive developments of Artificial Intelligence. This is being Strong AI or Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) are another
evolved over decades and enormously growing. The industry name for strong AI. Currently, AGI does not exist. AI is
is coming up with new technological products almost on within machine that give ability to interact it with physical
daily basis. Starting from the mobile phones, smart watches world. In Robotics we get intelligent agent that can act
and other applications, we are receiving new updates at very accordingly. Further, advancement in AI has enable a lot of
quicker rate. New services and features are adding on regu- transformation in business. The progress of AI can be classi-
larly. Industry is providing conveniences and features at a fied in three waves. The First Wave, Second Wave and the
faster rate even before one feel the need of that service. All Third Wave. Figure 3 shows how the business and industries
this is being possible to happen because of the tremendous transformed during these waves.

R. Goel · P. Gupta (*)

Computer Science Department, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of
Technology, GGSIPU University, Rohini, India

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 157

A. Nayyar, A. Kumar (eds.), A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development,
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation,
158 R. Goel and P. Gupta

Fig. 1 Artificial Intelligence to

Machine learning to Deep

Fig. 2 Human to Robotics

the requirement of more intelligent systems to take smart

The Second decisions. Machines in the form of robots from decades are
The First Wave The Third Wave
used to perform dedicated tasks in manufacturing processes
whereas human in collaboration are assigned predefined tasks
such as Inspecting the quality of product and to discard the
Standardize Automated Adaptive one with some defects. Robots play an important role in
Processes Processes Processes
modern industry that can complete their tasks intelligently,
with their focus on safety, flexibility and collaborative. In the
Henry Ford Walmart
next few years our society will be different from today. The
(Manufacturing Business Process Real Time Data main technologies are Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
of automobiles) Re‐engineering Industry. Robotics and industrial automation has completely
changed the production and manufacturing phase. Both are
Fig. 3 Advancement in AI working in implementing automation to increase production
and hence the economy. The Fig. 4 shows the future of AI
and robotics, where a robotic arm is exposed in comparison
2 Role of Robotics and Automation with human arm.
in Industry 4.0 With the advancement of AI and ML software, traditional
industrial Robotics has changed into a new type of collaborative
It is the era by which organizations are automating many Robot; with the ability to sense their environment, comprehend,
processes, making them more efficient and resulting in col- act and learn. This has also changed the work Environment
laboration of people and machine. Competitiveness in where many of the processes has changed to self-adapting
today’s business environment is increasing day by day. It is processes. This enable the organization to easily deal with the
important to take smarter decisions at right time which gives demand of customized orders. The advances in information
Robotics and Industry 4.0 159

Fig. 4 Future of AI and Robotics

Fig. 6 Robotics and Industry 4.0

Things”. Automation or Intelligent factory as shown in

Fig. 6; means big data, robotics, high end IOT chips and in
which everything is connected wirelessly. Ability is to com-
municate with each other and have ability to control each
The Global competition is increasing day by day due to
which market is changing constantly. Customer requirements
are bringing new challenges for manufactures and will affect
Fig. 5 Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0 every crucial decision. It is very difficult for the manufacturer
to compete in market using old methods because customer
technology like big data, artificial intelligence and cloud change wants customize and latest product at low price in fixed
the use and design of robots in the industry. Advancement in deadline. It is impossible to satisfy everyone because it will
these fields has brought changes not only in the field of be complicated and expensive too. Industry 4.0 is an initia-
Manufacturing but also in the area of sales and Marketing for tive to increase the industrial digitization led by German
e.g. drone designed and build by Autodesk has made possible Government [3]. Today’s business environment increasing
the faster delivery at customer doorstep [2]. Robotics brings the use of internet-based digital technologies in production.
several engineering areas and skills together. Journey from The development of new technologies like ICT technologies,
Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0 is so big. First industrial revolution sensor and their application in robotic technology leads to the
started with steam engine and production in eighteenth century. development of new robots that can work with the workers.
Second Industry revolution started in nineteenth century with Robotics is the foundations of the fourth industrial revolu-
use of electricity. Third industry revolution started in 70 in tion. Robots increases productivity, they use sensors and
twentieth Century with use of computers. Now we are actuators to produce accurate and strong data, but the main
implementing fourth Industrial revolution so industry 4.0 fact is no robot has any future unless it is integrated in to
using Robotics, IOT and Big data as shown in Fig. 5. network system based on latest technologies. “Smart factory”
Industry 4.0 also known as digital industrial technology; is are future and evidence suggest that future factories will be
completely a new phase in Market Revolution in which focus fully automated and robotized. These factories will become a
is on Machine Learning, Automation, Robotics and Real time highly efficient manufacturing location, with machines at
data. Robotics is part of the Industry 4.0 which is the market different production stages and logistics systems that perma-
for smart machines, including expert systems, autonomous nently exchange information without human interference so
robots and digital assistants. According to a recent report much [4]. If this vision is to become reality and if industrial
from Technavio Research ‘Robotics’ is growing, day by production is to become considerably more efficient, we will
day in large part because of the rise of Industry 4.0. The need to see further technological innovations. Technological
aim of Industry 4.0 in Robotics is mainly to develop a smart progress is visible at many levels even today. Modern pro-
industry in which products can find their own way through duction plants are highly flexible. Flexible automation
production and can establish alternatives in case of any solutions enable tailor-made production, which helps to meet
disturbances, as a technological basis serving “Internet of the ever more sophisticated customer and consumer needs.
160 R. Goel and P. Gupta

smarter and smaller and have many advantages as compared

to traditional robots. Cobots can be stopped or change their
positions if anyone applies abnormal force or they came in
contact of human. Industrial robots are costly. It is not possi-
ble for everyone to afford it. Cobots are light weight, afford-
able, easy to program and versatile so they are being
deployed at SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). There
are number of industrial robots models which are used. Some
of them are shown in Fig. 8. Models differ from each other in
payload capacity, distance to reach object and number of axis
to travel. Using Robotics and AIED applications there will be
some educational cobots who will assist teachers in
Fig. 7 Robotics in manufacturing classrooms using sensors who will help students in gaining
more advance concept and will help in data Mining [8]. Main
Mass customization is one of the key goals of the Industry applications of Industrial Robots are pick and place, painting,
4.0 and is no longer in its infancy in many different sectors, ironing, welding, testing and product inspection.
including textiles, shoes, furniture, clocks or jewellery. Pro- Making good products is necessary for the success of a
duction efficiency is also increased by component manage- manufacturing projects, but it is not only enough to sustain
ment networks. In addition, modern industrial production business and gain Profit. Production costs must be low for a
outfits utilize up-to-date image processing systems for quality suitable margin. This can be achieved by increasingly
management purposes [5]. improving the efficiency of a manufacturing system. Auto-
Automation and robotization also affect people’s working mation is necessary for that. Automation plays an important
lives and fundamentally changing the workplace. Robots are role in any factory for manufacturer on their way to Industry
becoming more independent, cooperative, and flexible. Even- 4.0 implementation. Automation provides a boost for indus-
tually, they will work with humans and interact with one trial automation. Manufacturing systems are designed
another and will learn from them. These less cost robots keeping long term profit in mind. If manufacturers want to
will have a greater range of capabilities than those robots be competitive in market, they have to improve both products
which are used in manufacturing today as shown in Fig. 7. and the production systems continuously.
In Industry 4.0 computers and robotics come in a Several robots have been introduced with the latest
completely new manner. The uses of robots include many technology to be the pioneer in Industry 4.0. ‘Kuka LBR
functions: production, logistics, and office management iiwa’ is a lightweight robot for industrial applications that
(to distribute documents) and they can be controlled remotely is designed for safe close cooperation between human
[6]. Various types of robots are used in Industry for different and robot on highly sensitive tasks. ‘Kuka LBR iiwa’ is
purposes. Industrial Robot designed for close cooperation between
Robots can also be used for Predictive Maintenance pur- human and robot on highly sensitive tasks. ‘Iiwa’ stands
pose. Based on current data for Predictive maintenance pur- for intelligent industrial work assistant can learn from its
pose this approach is used to detect robot manipulator human colleagues and can independently check, optimize,
accuracy errors [7]. Machine downtime problem with the and document the results of its own work while connected
equipment can be identified and resolved using sensors. to the cloud [9].
Collaborative robots are flexible robots which enable new The mobile robots are collaborative and the purpose of
forms of human machine interaction. ‘Cobot’ is defined as a designing is to design to work safely with human side.
computer-controlled robot. Collaborative robots are safer, Mobile robots use sensors, software and some gear to find

Fig. 8 Industrial robots models

Robotics and Industry 4.0 161

Autonomous Mobile Robots (Can do

things by themselves, no need of
extarnal control)

Mobile Robotics

Non‐Autonomous Robots (Need

external command or guidance)

Fig. 9 Types of mobile robots

their surroundings. There are two types of mobile robotics:

Autonomous and Non-Autonomous as shown in Fig. 9.
Practically, majority of robots are the semi-autonomous
robots. All robots are autonomous to several degree of func-
tionality. But they need commands for special cases either from
some external control system or from some human expert.
Autonomous Mobile Robots: These mobile robots
Fig. 10 APAS assistant mobile
do not need external guidance and can explore their
environment on their own. Some of the popular autonomous
robots are Pet Robots, Game Bot, Delivery robot, Space APAS Assistant Inline for Fanuc Programmers
Robots etc. It is equipped with a Fanuc LR Mate 200 iD/7L, the standard
Non-autonomous mobile robots: These mobile robots version is programmed using the classic Fanuc control. The
need some guidance system to move. These are also known system is characterized by its price aptitude.
as controlled robots. For Example, a car manufacturing robot
knows how to place the part in assembly line but need APAS Assistant Inline Plus for PLC Programmers
guidance to know exactly when and where to fix that part in In this, the robot is delivered with the Bosch Control plus
assembly line. platform. This is a control system with a function library and
However, few mobile robotics is important today as having number of apps and software services, all are using
companies look at how to utilize artificial intelligence and the latest technologies. All processes are developed in an
machine learning. For example, Alexa and other virtual tools object-oriented modern development environment and can
that are stationary rather than robotic, mobile robots are in but be implemented in a structured manner.
are not in consumer offering [10]. For narrow spaces and
crowded environments Omnidirectional wheels are used for APAS Assistant Inline for KUKA Programmers
wheeled mobile robots, using these Robot will go on a Based on KUKA Agilus, KR 10 R1100-2, the robot is
straight path from one location to another without rotating programmed using the classic KUKA control. The high
first [11]. load capacity and the long reach make the APAS assistant
Bosch also introduces the APAS family robot system inline on KUKA basis a valuable production assistant for
which includes APAS assistant, APAS inspector, and monotonous unfavorable tasks.
APAS base for an agile and flexible production concepts
based on quickly and easily retooled production Human-robot collaboration plays an important role in
systems [10]. Industry 4.0. In human-robot collaboration, the robot assists
The APAS assistant mobile (as shown in Fig. 10) is a the human operator and work hand in hand. It is not easy to
collaborating mobile robot used in the Smart Factories for replace humans in this also machines do not replace humans
flexible use. These Robots can adapt different tasks and be but relives him of tedious tasks like the lifting of heavy loads,
used independent of location. These Robots are highly putting heavy parts from one place to another. The aim
Robust and are easy to handle. As ASPS Robots are equipped behind collaboration is to combine the skills of humans and
with safety concept so when a collision occurs, the APAS machines together so achieve more, precise and accurate
assistant mobile stops—before any contact. As automation output. Human robot collaboration is future for industries in
component these are suitable for mechanical engineers [12]. manufacturing and production. Main advantage of Human
As a collaborative robot, the APAS assistant inline is a robot collaboration is flexibility in production, less risks and
good component for efficient planning production, these are high-quality performance. Using four components of gesture
cost effective and require very less space. APAS assistant recognition like gesture identification, gesture tracking, ges-
inline can be used in many ways. ture classification and sensor technologies a model is
162 R. Goel and P. Gupta

proposed in human-robot collaborative manufacturing robots. The advanced vision system enables collaborative
[13]. FUNAC and KUKA are other leading global robot robots to identify the human worker and accordingly
manufacturer. They built collaborative robots. Collaborative slows down the operations. Moreover, as the human
robots with a connectivity of AI and machine learning results worker gets too closer; the collaborative robots stop the
in creation of intelligent system for industrial robots. These operations immediately.
robots can work with humans. Moreover, earlier traditional 3. Power and Force Limiting collaborative robots are
robots require extensive programming for adding new designed with a series of intelligent collision sensors and
capabilities. But in collaborative robot using AI and machine are built with rounded corners instead of sharped corners.
learning can easily be programmed to add new capabilities. The intelligent collision sensors quickly detect the human
‘KuKa’ has developed robots that are approved for human workers contact and stop operation. It also has a feature force
robot collaboration. ‘KUKA’ LBR are mobile rendered and limitation that ensures no injury even in case of any collision.
can perform different flexible tasks using mobile platforms as 4. Hand Guiding As the name suggest these Robots can
KUKA Fellow. KUKA LBR iisy and KUKA LBR iiwa use simply be re-programmed for new tasks by an operator
high performance sensor and latest technologies which pro- itself through guiding collaborative robot arm by hand.
vide a solution in production. This allow quick reprogramming with minimum time and
A collaborative robot (COBOT) is a robot that can learn also reduce the requirement of specialized programmer
many tasks so it can help humans in many ways. The main with robotic knowledge
purpose of collaborative robot is the action of working with
someone to create or produce something [14]. At a BMW car The adoption of Industry 4.0 will introduce new products
plant in South Carolina engineers found that how a light- and services and it will allow manufacturers to create new
weight robot arm can be fitted with door panel and help in jobs to meet the higher demand which will result in the
lifting door panel [15]. growth of existing markets.
There are mainly four types of collaborative robots. These The key principles of Industry 4.0 are Automation, Digiti-
are classified based on their safety and programming features. zation, and Data collection [16]. By using these principles
Moreover, classification is done based on how they provide manufacturers can improve efficiencies while streamlining
abstraction to human workers to encounter with potentially costs and maintaining a quality customer experience.
dangerous tasks. Each of these robots is also differ in the Essentra components are one of many manufacturers just
technological way to provide safe operating space for starting out on their Industry 4.0 journey.
humans. Thus, they are best suited for different Automation and Industry 4.0 together will help and sup-
environments. COBOTS are used in Manufacturing industry port in longevity of a business. It is a golden time for the
and healthcare. The main collaborative robot manufacturers manufacturing industry and businesses must respond to these
include, KUKA, Rethink Robotics and Franka. new technological developments and ensure they are meeting
the developing demands of their customers.
Major Types of Collaborative Robots Robotics has transformed the whole world in two different
According to ISO 10218 part 1 and part 2 four types of phases. In first phase electric machines were used to avoid
collaborative robots are as listed below: repetitive tasks robots like these were used in car
manufacturing. In second phase industrial robots are used
1. Safety Monitored Stop and their usage is seen in automotive industry. Bosch, has
2. Speed and Separation infused both Robotics and automation across worldwide. In
3. Power and Force Limiting automotive industry also called Smart Automation where five
4. Hand Guiding machines assembly are handled by single robot [17].
Hitachi industry are using artificially intelligent bosses,
The details of each is discussed as follows: and they have also announced a robotic warehouse worker
which can handle goods with two arms. To increase the
1. Safety Monitored Stop collaborative robots are designed productivity, workers have started to take orders from artifi-
for the applications where minimum interaction is cial intelligence programs the company says productivity has
required between robots and human workers. Ideally, already increased in the warehouse environment by 8%,
these types of robots are designed with a series of sensors compared to one of their non-AI run warehouses [18], and
that stop robotic operations as soon as a human enters the they hope to expand “human and AI cooperation”. Autono-
work environment. mous warehouse robots outfitted with AI algorithms are used
2. Speed and Separation robots uses more advanced vision by Amazon to deliver items to the humans packing boxes.
system as compared to safety monitored stop collaborative Intelligent bosses have many capabilities like:
Robotics and Industry 4.0 163

• It can monitor and evaluate how a shop floor worker

tackles daily problems and provide solutions of these
problems with higher efficiency.
• It also has ability to study the changing work environment
and response of these to modify work order.

In another example, Loreal company is using RFID

(Radio-Frequency Identification) and machine learning
techniques. RFID tags uses an alarm if a person reaches too
close to a vehicle [19].
Siemens, the Telecommunication and German Company
in the company’s Princeton, New Jersey lab are creating
spider-like robots that are using AI to 3D-print structures [20].
Arm that learns according to research done by Shohai
hide, chief researcher at preferred N/W. It takes about 8 hours
for an arm to become 90% accurate for assembly kind of
work in factories. This enable human worker to do other more
complex tasks that generally require judgements.
Rethink Robotics, founded by Robotics and AI pioneer
equipped the Robots with more precise sensors and allow Fig. 11 Nike Spike Shoes for Sprinter
robots to recognize objects when they come in proximity, so
to avoid collision. The Robotic arm with sensors can work in Robots can do wonder in product design too. It is a
collaboration with human in any assembly factory. For exam- challenge for many companies to use AI and big data to design
ple, in a car assembly factory if a worker needs to put an the product that meet the exact need of targeted customer. Nike
interior panel on one of the car doors; a robot can help him by was having a challenge to design the spike shoes; where, a stiff
lift the panel and place it into the position. This allow the spike plate was better to give the runner support to push off
worker to just do the fine adjustments and check for the against. But the spike plates were heavy resulting in sprinter
accurate positioning that too without any fear. Thus, robots down. With, the help of robotics software [23], the task is
and human can work in collaboration to their strengths. accomplished with both stiffness and lightness shoe design as
Similarly, at Fraunhoter Institute of Material Flow and shown in Fig. 11. Human designer can accomplish the same
Logistics where in car plants self-adapting assembly lines task after number of iterations even though it would not be so
were tested. These embedded sensors create assembly lines optimized as after the use of robotics software.
that can modify steps in order to fit the demands and results
with highly customizable cars. Thus, has changed the assem-
bly line designed to make one kind of car to adapt the designs
as needed. 3 Technological Requirements
Thus, process engineers don’t require to reconfigure the for Robotics
assembly line for each change in demand rather spend their
valuable time for more creative tasks and thus improve the Robotics technologies are a mixture of computer science with
overall efficiencies. electrical and mechanical engineering. This enables to design
Unmanned Vehicles at BHP Bilito Ltd, Vehicles are and create automated intelligent machines, which is the
equipped with IR sensors and telescopic zoom features. requirement of today’s industry. Robots are automated
This make them suitable to use for problems with safety systems that are designed and build to assist the various
features. These IR sensors Robots [21] make sure that a processes in the industry without direct human intervention
blast zone is clear of detonation. [24]. Robots are now a day required in various industries
Boeing’s Echo Voyager is another robot that is deep related to manufacturing, defense, aerospace automated
sea robot. It has various functions like collecting under systems and everyday lives. Because of the demand of robots
water samples, inspect under water infrastructure. It can in diverse applications, a blend of technologies is required;
draw maps of the ocean floor and help in explaining oil and mainly to design and upgrade the robotics systems and to
gas resources. Unlike other remote controlled unmanned maintain and repair them.
underwater vehicles that stay close to their ships for support Robots are automated machines that intermingle with the
and water this echo voyager [22] is using advanced robotic real world by means of sensors. The advancement in
system and can be autonomously operated for a month. technologies has made it possible to fabricate sensors capable
164 R. Goel and P. Gupta

of acting just like human organs that enable robot to act like a of living creature and of biological particles. The application
human being. These sensors are designed and created to those uses biosensors includes blood glucose monitors, DNA
accomplish the functionalities of various human organs like biosensors etc.
eyes, ears and nose etc. Thus, as the organs are important in
humans so the sensors in robots or robotics technologies [25]. Raindrops Sensors
However, the design and applications of robots varies with Raindrop sensors are used in weather forecasting and analysis
the different requirements and so the technologies required applications. After detecting the rain and weather conditions,
during their designing, manufacturing and maintaining pro- these sensors convert the information thus obtained into num-
cesses. Technologies varies from artificial intelligence, ber of reference signals and further to analogue output.
machine learning, perception, speech recognition, image
processing and sensing, dealing with microphones and wire- Multi-axis Force Torque Sensors
less signals and last but not the least gesture recognition. But As the name specifies this sensor is used to sense force and
without sensors robots’ various functionalities are not possible. torque applied to various axis of a tool by just fitting it on the
Now days in Industry 4.0 robots are not only used in wrist of the robot. Such sensors are fitted onto the wrist of
industrial activities but also have become a significant part robots to detect forces and torques that are applied to the tool.
of military and civil applications, entertainment industry like
media, advertisement and movies [26]. For example, robotic Optoelectronic Torque Sensors
arm plays vital role in various applications such as, assembly, The collaborative applications require safe and more effec-
welding and painting application and to shoot the amazing tive human-machine interactions. In these applications
movie scenes which are not possible by carrying the camera optoelectronic torque sensors are used. These sensors have
and other equipment using the normal arrangement. less than one microvolt of noise even in low-torque range and
Industrial robots necessitate several sensors to simulate a have capability of sensing accuracy up to 0.01%. The
variety of capabilities that human being possess. These principles applied in these sensors guarantees about the
sensors enable robot to see, hear, touch and move like insensitivity to vibrations and to deterioration.
humans. Thus, is responsible for environmental feedback
regarding surroundings and terrain. Inertial Sensors
In self- driving vehicles various sensors that are essential Consumer products like computers, mobile phones, digital
for accurate working comprised of distance, object detection, games and advanced digital cameras necessitate motion sens-
vision and proximity sensors. These further require camera, ing mechanism to provide various facilities. Inertial sensors
IR, sonar, ultrasound, radar and lidar. are employed in a wide range of such consumer products.
An integration of various sensors empowers industrial Inertial sensors are available in various types depending upon
robot to determine size, identify an object and determine its the need of applications. For example, Industrial-grade iner-
proximity. Moreover, wireless sensors devices (such as tial sensor contrived by LORD MicroStrain provide a facility
RFID) support to identify codes and other important infor- to measure tri-axial inertial and to compute attitude and
mation. For the feature to pick small and lift heavy objects it navigation solution.
requires Force sensors. In industrial application where robots
need to sense the force required to be applied on parts of Sound Sensors
some assembly shaft, it is essential to measure and control To enable a robot to receive and process the voice
rotational forces. Torque sensors fulfill this requisite. commands, sound sensing is essential. Thus, sound sensors
Similarly, in industry where need is to govern the temper- are required for voice assistant applications like Google,
ature in order to avoid potentially- harmful heat sources from Alexa and Siri.
environment, temperature sensors plays vital role.
Humanoid robots with AI algorithms can be useful for Emotion Sensors
future distant space exploration missions. Atlas is a 183 cm Many of the times humans interact with each other or talk to
(6-feet) tall, bipedal humanoid robot, designed for a variety other depending upon the mood of the other person, judged
of search-and-rescue tasks for outdoor, rough terrains. It has by just evaluating the facial expressions. Which includes the
an articulated sensor [27] head that includes stereo cameras mood detection, person identification etc. robots can perform
and a laser range finder. the same by using emotion sensors. Emotion sensors when
The various sensors used in robotics are as follows: plug-in to robots make it enable to detect faces and to evalu-
ate mood depending upon the facial expressions. For exam-
Biosensors ple, B5T HVC sensor from Omron Electronics is a human
Biosensors are used in medical applications. These are used vision component trained to recognize faces with speed and
to detect the presence of various chemicals by using a sample accuracy.
Robotics and Industry 4.0 165

Grip Sensors 2. Autonomous Vehicles: As the population is increasing

Robotics Surgery gradually has become the new challenge in and the number of road accidents are increasing day by
Medical Sciences. This has become possible only by the use day. The concern is how to reduce the number of
of Grip sensors. RoboTouch sensor technology has given this accidents on road. Autonomous vehicles are using in
era in robotics that allows robot to sense the touch. many fields like manufacturing, mining, agriculture,
Robotouch’s capacitive tactile technology has enabled indus- logistics, transport etc. [30]. Automated guided vehicle
trial and consumer robots to sense the touch and to grip with (AGVs) are used in to transport material to a warehouse.
great optimized accuracy. This has also proven to be ideal for In a fourth industrial revolution, AGVs are shifting from
OEM integration in robotics gripper. These Grip sensors automation towards intelligence. Using a Wi-Fi module,
comprise of sensors that can either directly be used on hand laser navigation, and latest technologies, an AGV manu-
or built into a glove [28]. These sensors are further facturer has created an intelligent parking robot that can
encompassing of multiple sensing pads, placed on anatomic lift and park a car in just 120 seconds.
segments of hands. Gaps between the sensing are kept intel- 3. In Health Care: Robotics is used in healthcare
ligently to allow hand joints move freely and to measure grip (as shown in Fig. 12) to compound drugs, which helps
computation with higher accuracy. to improve operator safety, cost and quality. Before any
physical action takes place the fusion of emerging
technologies will allow you to train operators and opti-
mise production. Having error free robots means the
4 Application of Robotics in Industry 4.0 robots which perform erring tasks such as aseptic fill
finish, where human error can ruin an expensive batch
The Industrial Revolution will add a new standard of living of drugs, is good. AURA Robot designed starting from
for coming centuries and swill increase the economic growth a traditional robot, in which standard state machine are
of world. In Industry 4.0, robots and humans will work hand still present, but automatic and remote modes are
in hand, using smart sensor human-machine interfaces on subdivided in others three non selectable states: when
interlinking tasks. Autonomous robots are best example the robot is in automatic or remote mode, the laser
across manufacturing industries. In consumer driven world scanner. Robots are Performing accurate surgery and
main aim is to provide more values in shorter time to making them less costly for their patients. Another
consumers. Any defective part that hits the market can bear Major advantage of robots is that they can work with
serious consequences to the credibility and sales of the chemicals that are harmful to humans as well as provide
enterprise. a greater efficiency in operations [31].
There are many applications of Robotics to Industry 4. In Packaging: A new generation of robotic systems and
4.0 discussed as follows: improvements in data flow means package production
can integrate and connect key processes packaging pro-
1. In Manufacturing: There are many challenges related to duction requires design, production, distribution, main-
labours. Main are running cost and lack of skills. One tenance—all into a single integrated approach, rather
solution to this problem is Automation. For instance, than relying on separate pieces of automation.
some automotive work currently requires heavy lifting The most important impacts of latest robotic platforms
in that case a robotic device can be used to relieve a will be felt in converting and distribution.
worker from physically demanding tasks. For example, a Food packaging is one of the robotic applications which is
robot could lift a car’s interior-finishing elements. used in the food industry. Robots can be used in
Experts claim that machines are to take over tasks that
are too physically difficult or dangerous for humans, like
installing hybrid batteries that weigh more than
100 kilos. Embodiment of Industry 4.0. Is the “Smart
factory” —A smart factory is a manufacturing plant
that’s not only automated but all the equipment’s are
digitally interconnected within one system [29]. Such a
factory enables the monitoring and controlling of all the
physical processes in real time. Industrial robots are used
with the current technical innovation to promote the
industry. Robot-based inspection systems are used in
vision systems, allowing for flaw detection in various
parts, and guaranteeing the correct part assembly. The
vision system inspects and finds a part accurately. Fig. 12 In healthcare
166 R. Goel and P. Gupta

Fig. 13 Robots used in Food Packaging

packaging of food, cakes, creams, lettuce and milk as

shown in Fig. 13. Robot in Food Packaging Industry
will increase productivity and it will be easy to handle
products, pick and place items, packing and palletizing
will become efficient [32]. Robots are programmed to fill Fig. 14 Robots in Military
the exact amount of food in packaging modules, whereas,
same is not possible if human employee are assigned the assistants which help customers to find their products,
job. Thus, efficiency and productivity both will increase. retrieve their products which are placed on shelves in
5. In Mining: Mining Industry is also using robotics and which customer is unable to reach as shown in Fig. 15.
current technology. Robot-operated drills are used to 8. Agriculture: In agriculture Self driving tractors are used
drilling deeper in earth. Robots can be used to get which provides guidance on fertilizer application sensor
detailed information inside mine. Autonomous vehicles used can tell the different data on soil conditions and how
combined with drones are used to inspect oil and gas to maintain planted crops as shown in Fig. 16
lines in disputable areas to use autonomous mining 9. 3D Printing and Furniture World: Ashley furniture is
equipment. Indeed, Schlumberger is currently using an using robotics and 3-D technology to expand furniture
autonomous underwater vehicle to use autonomous production in a low labor market; instead of collecting
underwater vehicle to inspect sub-sea conditions requir- the many small parts necessary to equip robots with the
ing no local team support. Similarly, Submersible ROV right tools to make a certain kind of furniture, Ashley
(Remote Operational vehicles) previously were lowered [36] has created those parts in-house in real time and
and supported by a umbilical cord from a mother ship upgraded to 3D Printing.
which supplies power and control signal, but Autono- 10. Robots in Music: Georgia Institute of Technology has
mous ROVs are self-powered. Self-driving vehicles are built a four-armed robot called ‘Shimon’ is able to listen
also used in mined industry. Rio Tinto, world’s largest to music. It can further extemporize and play with human
mining firm [33] using more than 80 trucks at its iron one musician in concert [37]. Gil Weinberg, the lead
mines in Western Australia. researcher at Georgia Tech’s Center for music technol-
6. Military and Public safety Industry: due to rapid ogy and his team has demonstrated their 12 years
change in technology Military Industry and Public Safety research work as ‘Shimon’. Their main aim was to aug-
Industry also changed. Drones are used in Military ment the inventive capabilities of human with robotics.
Industry and robots are used in battlefield support, Shimon thus built can learn from music theory and
conducting surveys and used for guard duty as shown musical notes and styles. It can add element to musical
in Fig. 14. These robots (drones) are equipped with performances and can play chord structure which is
adequate amount of battel material and is able to sense impossible for human to play.
the environment, thus can attack.
In public safety industry remote controlled drones [34]
are used to provide real time analysis of situation and
monitoring dangerous situations. Robots are also used 5 Challenges in Robotics Automation
for monitoring risk assessment.
7. Supermarket and Malls: Wallmart are using automated There are many challenges to robotic automation.
technology and robots to order their products online
when the products are out of stock and robot mopping 1. Employee Skill set and Training: Proper certifications,
up floors. The machines are using sensors to scan for training and education is required for any new system
people [35]. Robots can be used as in-store shopping installed. For robotic environment proper experience
Robotics and Industry 4.0 167

Fig. 15 Robots in supermarket

5. Demand: Increase in smart technologies will increase

demand for complex products. Manufacturers said that
today car buyer wants car model built to his own
6. Balance Repetition and automation: With variation
in demand it is challenge for manufacturer to balance
repetition and automation and maintain a high-quality
product. In production it is important to check that
every tool operates in right way and at right time.

6 Pros of Robotics Automation

1. Decreased Production Costs: with use of Robotics speed

increases which impact production.
2. No time waste: Robots will work in speed without break,
Fig. 16 Robots in agriculture sleep and will give better output than human worker
3. Reliability and Quality improves: In industry precision
and accuracy plays an important role. Some products are
and training is required so employees will have to be manufactured with same process and same specification
hired who have good knowledge and certification in this every time. So robotics will improve precision and
field. accuracy.
2. Safety Measures: Safety is the foremost issue. Manufac- 4. Reduced waste: Robots work with accuracy and it will
turer must ensure compliance before robots get installed reduce the cost on waste.
and provide a safe environment to their workers. 5. Increased Safety: Some parts are dangerous to work or
3. Budgeting: There’s lot of upfront investment associated pick upon. Safety will be increased using this
with robots, although prices are dropping. It is not possible 6. Savings: Quality and customer satisfaction plays a signif-
for everyone to spend too much. icant role. Increase in both will return more customer and
4. Managing Product Workflow: Product workflow is more business.
important. Productivity depends on orientation and move- 7. Multiple Application: robots can perform multiple oper-
ment of parts, speed etc. ation simultaneously which will affect business.
168 R. Goel and P. Gupta

7 Conclusion IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and

Storage (NAS) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
11. Kanjanawanishkul, K. (2015). Omnidirectional wheeled mobile
Industry 4.0 is known as Industrial Internet of Things (fourth robots: wheel types and practical applications. International Journal
Industrial Revolution). Here, all the equipment, devices and of Advanced Mechatronic Systems, 6(6), 289-302.
computers are connected in manufacturing processes. It 12. Robert Bosch GmbH. 2015. Changeable Automation With
TheAPAS family. Stuttgart
provides an environment that is rich enough for big data
13. Liu, H., & Wang, L. (2018). Gesture recognition for human-robot
analysis and self-correcting procedures with an open era for collaboration: A review. International Journal of Industrial Ergo-
many other possibilities. With the help of sensors, smart nomics, 68, 355-367.
machines and products can communicate and learn from 14. Saito, T., & Ikeda, H. (2007). Development of normally closed
type of magnetorheological clutch and its application to safe
each other and all this together is leading to Intelligent
torque control system of human-collaborative robot. In Electro-
factories. Robotics and human cooperation in Industry of rheological Fluids And Magnetorheological Suspensions
the future will help in taking complex decisions in advance (pp. 557-562).
possible by understanding the risk in advance Another key 15.
feature is their ability to control cooperatively each other.
16. Givehchi, O., Trsek, H., & Jasperneite, J. (2013, September). Cloud
Now the most important question is whether the Robotics computing for industrial automation systems—A comprehensive
will replace human or take all job away from humans. overview. In Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation
Humans have great knowledge they can do precision (ETFA), 2013 IEEE 18th Conference on (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
handling and have sense of touch. Robots can do repeated
task with efficiency, speed and reliability. Industry 4.0 and 18.
robotic technology both are our future and together results in for-their-warehouses
customer satisfaction, efficiency and reliability of product. 19.
Then the answer is that it is not possible because for robotics
to be fully functional it requires installation of navigation 21.
devices, elevators, trained people, automatic doors etc. Fur- mous-vehicles/
ther, it is not possible for everyone to afford this. 22.
23. Margaret Rhodes, “Check out Nike’s Crazy New Machine-Designed
Whole process is too much costly. So, robotics will not replace
Track Shoe”, July 20, 2016
human contact 100%. The applications of Industry 4.0 and nikes-crazy-new-machine-designed-track-shoe/
Robotic technologies are also elaborated in this chapter. 24. Batista, N. C., Melício, R., & Mendes, V. M. F. (2017). Services
enabler architecture for smart grid and smart living services
providers under industry 4.0. Energy and Buildings, 141, 16-27.
25. Erol, S., Jäger, A., Hold, P., Ott, K., & Sihn, W. (2016). Tangible
References Industry 4.0: a scenario-based approach to learning for the future of
production. Procedia CIRP, 54, 13-18.
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2. “Industry 4.0: the fourth industrial revolution – guide to Industrie”, 27. foot-tall-humanoid-robot-atlas
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4. Bartodziej, Christoph Jan (2017), The Concept Industry 4.0 An 29.
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5. Batista, N. C., Melício, R., & Mendes, V. M. F. (2017). Services mous-vehicles/
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6. Bartodziej, Christoph Jan (2017), The Concept Industry 4.0 An 32.
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7. Tawfik Borgi, Adel Hidri, Benjamin Neef, Mohamed Saber Naceu, humans-world-s-mines-here-s-why-ncna83163
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9. Andreas Bauer. 2016. KUKA LBR Iiwa. Augsburg: Kuka 37. A four-armed robot can now improvise music as well as human
RoboterGmbH. bandmates, Mike Murphy, 23 May, 2016.
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Robotics and Industry 4.0 169

Ruchi Goel is working as an Pooja Gupta is Assistant Profes-

Assistant Professor at the Depart- sor at Maharaja Agrasen Institute
ment of Computer science and of Technology (MAIT), GGSIPU,
Engineering, Maharaja Agrasen New Delhi India. She has 17+
Institute of Technology, Delhi, years of teaching experience. She
India. She has 15+ years of teach- has completed Ph.D. Computer
ing experience. Currently, She is Science and Engineering from
pursuing PhD from DTU (For- JIIT (April–2014) and MTech
merly Delhi College of Engineer- (CE) from YMCA, Faridabad
ing). She has done her master’s (MDU, Rohtak) (2006). Her area
degree from Delhi College of Engi- of interest are Information
neering in 2011. Her research area Retrieval and Data Mining,
of interests are software testing, Machine Learning, Computer
Web Mining, improving software Networks. She has published more
quality. She has published eight than 12 papers in international
research papers in international journals and conferences.
journals and conferences.
Additive Manufacturing: Concepts
and Technologies

Pimal Khanpara and Sudeep Tanwar

Abstract Keywords
Industry 4.0, the recent industrial uprising, encourages the Additive manufacturing · 3D printing · Smart factory ·
inclusion of smart manufacturing systems and sophisti- Industry 4.0 · Smart materials · Computational geometry ·
cated IT. In this fresh motion, additive production (AM) is Production process
regarded an important component. An extensive analysis
of AM techniques with both its contributions to Industry
4.0 is provided in this paper. The analysis focuses on three
key elements of AM: latest progress on material science,
operation growth, and design consideration
enhancements. The paper’s primary goal is to identify
1 Introduction
and demonstrate its prospective applications of present
There is a need to digitize and intelligentize manufacturing
information (and technological developments) on
procedures for today’s industrial sectors. The production
AM. Industry 4.0 is the modern move toward smart auto-
sectors are now shifting from mass manufacturing to custom
mation of technology. In this current time, the use of
manufacturing. The fast developments in technology and
Additive Manufacturing’s modern abilities in the domain
applications for agricultural manufacturing assist to boost
of IT integration plays a major role in the competitiveness
efficiency [1, 2].
of the industrial domain. This paper provides a fundamen-
A manufacturing chain is the method of converting raw
tal understanding of Industry 4.0’s role of 3DP technol-
materials into commodities. Nevertheless, to transform the
ogy. As can be seen, there is no uncertainty that 3DP
accessible funds into products such as architecture, schedul-
technology is going to contribute to the upcoming signifi-
ing, production and distribution, many measures are required.
cant industrial era. Due to its multifaceted features, time
Recently, as additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing
and price savings, Additive Manufacturing performs a
(3DP) technology has altered its measures, it appears that
significant part in Industry 4.0, being critical to process
the production chain process has shifted. Customized
effectiveness and decreasing entanglement, permitting
products with hard geometries can be constructed and printed
quick prototyping and extremely decentralized
using additive technology. Therefore, markets can be prof-
manufacturing procedures. A large number of
fered without needing businesses to reserve or generate
manufacturing sections are now embracing AM. Future
products at a high cost [1].
intelligent plants communicate all procedures via the
The word Industry 4.0 constitutes the fourth industrial
Internet of Things, integrating higher pliability and indi-
revolution described as a fresh stage of organisation and
vidualization of production procedures.
restrict over the whole product life cycle value chain; it
focuses on increasingly individualized client needs. Industry
4.0 is still innovative but a practical idea which involves:
Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud-based Manufacturing
(CBM), Industrial Internet (II), and Smart Manufacturing
(SM). Industry 4.0 is concerned about the rigorous inclusion
P. Khanpara · S. Tanwar (*)
of people into the manufacturing system to continually
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Institute of
Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India enhance and concentrate on value-adding and waste preven-
e-mail: [email protected] tion operations [3].

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 171

A. Nayyar, A. Kumar (eds.), A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development,
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation,
172 P. Khanpara and S. Tanwar

Fig. 1 Illustration of smart factories in Industry 4.0 [5]

The fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0 is the latest manufacturing environment. All of these cyber techniques
motion on smart computing technologies. The use of contem- assist guarantee that current data is used effectively for
porary production abilities in the framework of incorporating potential intelligent manufacturing [2].
fresh data techniques in this fresh age performs a major part On the other side, the capacity of the current production
in financial competitiveness [4]. As shown in Fig. 1, Industry technologies limits the physical portion of the intelligent
4.0 provides profitable cooperation between cyber and phys- machines. This makes the AM one of Industry 4.0’s essential
ical devices with the aim of constructing intelligent plants by parts. Because of the need for mass customization in Industry
redefining the position of individuals. 4.0, it is necessary to develop non-traditional production
The basic virtual world ideas of smart factories include techniques. Due to its capacity to produce sophisticated
Cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, etc., items with advanced characteristics (fresh fabrics, forms),
while its physical domain involves independent robots and AM can thus become a main technology for manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing [2, 6–25]. tailored goods. AM is presently being used in multiple
With regard to cyber-physical devices, IoT is defined as sectors such as aviation, biomedicine and production, thanks
the notion of using computer networks or enhanced cellular to enhanced consumer quality [3]. While there are still some
links to collect data from physical artifacts. The information questions about its applicability in mass manufacturing,
obtained from the goods, machines or manufacturing lines is owing to the latest technological advances, the use of AM
a significant quantity of statistical data to be shared and in the sector is on the increase. It can give a way to substitute
evaluated. Other data sources are layout documents, order standard production methods in the upcoming age as an
of clients, distribution of providers, information linked to emerging technique to produce precise and reinforced com-
inventory and logistics. Overall, this big amount of informa- plex items with enhanced production velocity.
tion is described as Big Data, which in Industry 4.0 is another Existing production systems’ capability confines the intel-
significant concept. Furthermore, cloud computing, which is ligent factories’ physical portion. Due to the need for mass
linked to the handling of all accessible data, can also be customization in Industry 4.0, fresh non-conventional pro-
regarded one of the most important concepts in the implied duction techniques are constantly being created. AM is
Additive Manufacturing: Concepts and Technologies 173

Fig. 2 Classic and 3DP procedure [27]. (a) The classic procedure. (b) The 3D printing procedure

considered a main technology for production of custom Industry 4.0 is the latest step towards technology intelli-
products [26] due to its capacity to produce sophisticated gent automation. In this current time, the use of AM’s
items with advanced characteristics. Figure 2 illustrates a advanced IT inclusion abilities plays a significant part in the
comparison between standard business method and 3DP industrial economy’s competitiveness. In this sense, this
method: paper tries to offer the fundamental knowledge Industry 4.0
In comparison of conventional manufacturing and addi- and 3DP technology.
tive manufacturing, the overall benefits of additive This paper reviews Industry 4.0’s latest physical literature
manufacturing are the product development and growth to assist AM scientists classify/sort basic expertise in the
skills. Though there are some constraints, businesses are sector. AM is the primary range of this paper because of its
increasingly using AM to get advantage of the many prospec- important position in Industry 4.0. The paper is organized as
tive advantages such as complexity-free production. In tradi- follows: first, the enhancement in material science will be
tional production [28], a straight connection exists between addressed. In the following section, AM’s novel methods are
complexity and production expenses. described in detail, specifically metal additive processes and
High production and tool-making expenses often signifi- hybrid procedures, while the next chapter describes AM’s
cantly restrict designs meant for traditional manufacturing. design associated problems. Lastly, the last segments contain
The higher design flexibility through AM makes it possible to potential AM-related expectations and findings.
integrate the assembly of components into a single unit, thus
lowering the necessary configuration job and expenses. In
addition, implementation capacities [26] do not need to be 2 Materials
3DP emerges as a technology that allows for a broad range Materials are essential for scientific comprehension AM tech-
of fresh applications. Basically, the accessible equipment, nology advancements. New materials appropriate for 3D
manufacturing velocity and resolution of the 3DP procedures printing applications are of great concern to researchers in
should be regarded for each particular implementation this sector. Although there are a big amount of metal/polymer
[29]. Nowadays, there are devices that enable the production components are accessible for AM [26], as demonstrated in
of 3D forms by diverse methods: extruder (fused filament), Fig. 3, certain products attract attention in this field. There-
chemical agent (binder) or laser (sintering/fusion), techni- fore, it is necessary to discuss in detail the characteristics of
cally recognized as additive manufacturing (AM), with sev- potential materials which are likely to be evolved in the era of
eral benefits [30]. Industry 4.0 and to identify their potential uses.
174 P. Khanpara and S. Tanwar

Fig. 3 Materials used in additive

manufacturing [3]

Design flexibility, mass customization, minimization of characteristics of parts manufactured using a laser-based
waste and the capacity to produce complicated constructions MAM method, showing the mechanism of cracking. On the
are the primary advantages of additive manufacturing. The other side, much remains to be developed as the
present situation of growth of 3DP products involves, among manufactured components have not yet fulfilled the standards
many others, concrete [31], the use of wood, metal alloys, of the industry. Some problems that need to be addressed
metal composites, polymer composites, and ceramic include favorable costs, pace of manufacturing, improved
composites. The 3DP technology includes a broad variety of tensile/fatigue/hardness behavior, improved ground perfor-
products used in a wide range of sectors (including jewelry, mance, and homogeneous microstructure [31]. MAM is
aerospace, dentistry, automotive, petroleum and gas, orthope- likely to become a main player in Industry 4.0 development
dic printed electronics, and [32] tooling). Figure 3 presents an in the fresh age as soon as it overcomes these present
outline of the most frequently used products in AM. obstacles through advances in both material engineering
The elements deemed to fuel the additive price of and MAM procedures.
manufacturing are metal costs, labor costs, machine costs, Because of the advantages this method provides, Metal AM
and cost of energy consumption. Material expenses for has started to receive attention in the areas of aviation, petro-
methods of laser sintering are a significant percentage of the leum and gas, marine, automotive, production instruments and
expenses of additive production. The labor cost would be medical applications. Each portion generated by AM can be
2–3% and less than 1% of energy consumption [5]. distinctive and manufactured in an overly less time, making it
possible to customize mass. AM also lowers the demands for
installation by incorporating the amount of parts needed for
2.1 Metal Additive Manufacturing installation into a sole component. It lessens general weight,
time of manufacturing, the amount of necessary production
Because of the favorable mechanical characteristics of metals, procedures, the demands for price and equipment, and
they are probably the most usual substances in engineering. As optimizes the mechanical characteristics needed [32].
an effect, the 3D printing trade is looking for fresh options for Recently, one of the highly investigated fields is the addi-
producing metallic parts that can replace their traditionally tive production of intelligent materials and structures. Smart
manufactured equivalents. Fresh enlargements in 3D printing materials are objects that can alter their form or
technology boosts the efforts in the vital study industry: Metal characteristics under the impact of internal stimulation. As a
Additive Manufacturing (MAM). AM techniques have freshly reaction to internal stimulation implemented by incorporating
made it possible to produce many metallic components using intelligent products, the AM-made parts can alter their form
stainless steel, aluminum, titanium, etc. as the key element of or characteristics over moment (the fourth aspect). This leads
the method [30]. Most company electronic 3D printers use to a latest concept called 4D-printing (4DP), which includes
metal powders, while other appropriate fabric compositions structural changes over period [33].
[26] have also been investigated for MAM.
In addition, the microstructure arising from AM affects the
mechanical characteristics of the components, such as tensile/ 2.2 Smart Materials
fatigue behavior. Consequently, problems relating to micro-
structure, stage structure, and thermal therapy have lately Intelligent materials have been recognized as those resulting
drawn the attention of the AM study community [29]. For from externally exposed circumstances that alter their form or
example, Lee et al. [30] explored certain mechanical material characteristics. They were also categorized as 4D
Additive Manufacturing: Concepts and Technologies 175

printing products due to their evolving characteristics over 2.3 Printable Hydraulics and Electronics
The implementation of smart materials to the AM sector Hong et al. [35] explored an experiment in multi-material
offers advantageous characteristics such as reconfiguring the AM, where the research presents printable hydraulics that
printed framework and achieving the required material concurrently produced strong and fluid products. Modeling
characteristics in moment. Generally speaking, Shape Mem- of fused deposition, called Fused Deposition Modelling
ory Alloys (SMA) and Shape Memory Polymers (SMP) are (FDM) with various nozzles was used to manufacture strong
used as 4D printing material to generate functional structures composed of stiff, versatile components and simul-
components of soft robotic systems, self-developing designs taneously fill the liquid. As a result, hydraulically actuated
and regulated continuous folding applications [5]. operating systems such as smooth robotic grippers were
For their fundamental characteristics of super-elasticity produced for installation in just one phase without further
and heat shape restoration, shape memory alloys are consid- measures. Thus, 3D printing can provide an easy way to
ered. In applications varying from biomedical embeds to manufacture immediate robotics and ready-to-use functional
micro-electromechanical systems, some SMAs such as devices.
nickel-titanium have been widely used. SMPs are too suscep- The implementation of conductive drugs for AM in this
tible to internal stimuli such as light, moisture, and heat fresh age allows for the incorporation of digital circuitry into
gradient as another branch of intelligent products. Because the printed item. As a result, complete circuit integration into
of SMP’s biocompatibility, there is increasing interest in its the associated item (so-called integrated electronics)
medical engineering applications [34]. SMP materials are becomes a significant subject. Pham et al. [37]’s research
also used in the apparel sector and jewelry applications focused on one instance of smart digital integrated apps
were digital light processing is required [31]. Piezoelectric where LEDs and digital PCBs are integrated in an electronic
fabrics are also considered to be another notable option for gaming dice (3D printed). In another job, Cooper [38]
3D printing. 3D nanofabrication of such products can be researched 3D printing (for recovery reasons) of tailored
explored in conjunction with the power conservation and items housing digital equipment. In a modern research on
actuation purposes [33]. All these industries are likely to 3D printed operational parts, further examples of printed
use AM in the era of Industry 4.0 with further changes in equipment such as quad-copters, stretchable tactile detectors
the performance of manufactured components. and micro batteries are stated [39]. Such work findings show
One of the latest application domains for intelligent the potential of AM to manufacture intelligent items for
materials is soft robotics, where researchers have observed flexible areas.
that the functional parts with electro-active polymers can be In summary, together with its electronics, AM offers
enabled externally to modify their rigidity in a supervised possibilities to manufacture goods. In the Industry 4.0 age,
way [34]. Hong et al. [35], for instance, described the self- the loading effectiveness of electronic devices may be
folding/unfolding function of 3D printed SMPs as effective improved, allowing more creative models to be produced
origami and proved the restrict ability of effective multi- with multi-material printing technique in just one phase.
material hinges. One key application of active hinges [32]
is the self-opening satellite parts caused by an inner stimulus.
Likewise, Khoo et al. [36] explored multi-material printing 2.4 Space Materials and Applications
made up of hydrophilic polymer where forced deformations
produce 3D shape self-evolution when exhibited to water. In the previous sub-sections, an overall perspective on new
The outcomes of such explorations will pave the road for AM products has been summarized. In this section, extra AM
research into self-assembled forms. As a prospective result, components are to be addressed shortly, which are probable
smart products can be attainable for acute scenarios such as to be used in the upcoming age. The latest debate on additive
deep sea or space tour by triggering them by water or UV building focuses on building potential houses and
light, respectively. infrastructure.
To outline, 3D printing technique can speed up intelligent As a result, in civil engineering implementations, inquiries
materials implementation. Potential applications would be into concrete and other particular materials shape the founda-
structures of self-assembly, compact settings, stimulus- tion for printing technology [40]. As a distinct part, the fabric
activated systems in severe settings, and programmable production innovations have increased the AM procedures in
components that will be easily used in the coming age. the apparel and jewelry sector. In the fashion sector, some of
However, further study on intelligent components requires the benefits of AM include a fast development method
to be carried out on fresh combinations of components, (i.e. brief manufacturing time) and decreased packaging and
creative production procedures and changes in layout. transport costs [41]. Another exceptional material for 3D
176 P. Khanpara and S. Tanwar

Fig. 4 Commonly used procedures in additive manufacturing [5]

printing is the food industry’s consumable components. Various distinct methods are accessible for 3D printing,
Using the extrusion-based AM methods, diverse applications including, among others, Fused Deposition Modeling
with required ground texture and multiple nutritional content (FDM), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Stereo Lithography
have recently been studied. While the process efficiency, (SL), Photopolymerization (PPT) [37]. Figure 4 demonstrates
permanence, and serviceability difficulties of the consumable the procedures most frequently used in AM.
products have not yet been achieved; AM may have a future Novel AM procedures with a significant focus on those
in meat manufacturing [42]. Today, the use of this technique linked to MAM and hybrid production are described in this
in space exploration is an uncommon subject. That is, some section. Although there is a substantial increase in the amount
surveys researching Moondust’s 3D printing to construct of creative AM procedures, they belong to the firmly-
space colonies [43] discuss the practability of building established basic techniques depicted in Fig. 4. With the
habitations and infrastructure on the Moon with AM technol- technical advances in AM, more improved procedures are
ogy advances [44]. In addition, making excellent use of likely to be created. Most of these procedures, however, are
Mars’ insitu assets as 3D printing material has been created to print custom products such as metals that are
suggested for potential investigation projects to decrease the usually used for non-industrial purposes.
Earth’s carried resources [45]. Specific AM procedures have lately faced the need for
To sum up, some unique products and related procedures substantial engineering applications in the framework of
are shortly indicated with their consequences for the building Industry 4.0. Since metals are the most popular product in
sector, food, clothing, and even aviation sector. AM offers the sector, significant thought has been given to the prob-
excellent opportunities to be investigated in the upcoming lem of MAM in this new era [31]. In fact, the future of
age, boosting competitiveness across a broad range of production is anticipated to lead the sector to combine the
sectors. use of these procedures. This fresh common sector,
recognized as hybrid production, provides a manner to
exercise subtractive techniques accompanying additives in
3 3DP Processes order to manufacture stronger goods with higher ground
performance, fatigue resistance, etc. [46]. Today, the
Three-dimensional printing has recently been outlined as it increasing interest in hybrid production contributes to dif-
demonstrates a huge commitment to execute nearly all struc- ferent combinations of production procedures beyond stan-
tural components of Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD). dard AM procedures.
Additive Manufacturing: Concepts and Technologies 177

3.1 Processes for Metal Manufacturing elevated unit price, and bad completed product mechanical
characteristics. Researchers have lately scrutinized optimiza-
Because of the comprehensive use of metallic components in tion of parameters, searching for accurate sintering activities,
almost every engineering field, MAM plays a crucial position and appropriate powder compounds, etc. [52] to identify
for Industry 4.0. MAM procedures therefore dominate other remedies for these issues. Furthermore, study fields such as
kinds of techniques of printing. Four basic methods can be in-process surveillance and inspection have become very
used to achieve AM of materials: (1) powder bed fusion, important in removing the obstacle for potential metal pro-
(2) direct power deposition, (3) fabric jetting, (4) binder duction [53]. Because MAM is inevitable for Industry 4.0’s
jetting. The first two kinds are the industry’s most prevalent intelligent plants, the evolution of new procedures and
ones. Powder-based techniques such as Selective Laser associated techniques is likely to accelerate in the foreseeable
Sintering/Melting (SLS/SLM) and Electron Beam Freezing future.
(EBM) use a power source to warm the content in a bath, The fundamental concept of the SL method is photopoly-
named after the source used [47]. merization, which is the method of converting a fluid mono-
On the other side, during the processing of mixed metal, mer or tissue into a solidified tissue by adding ultraviolet light
immediate power processing methods such as laser engineer- that functions as a catalyst for the responses; this method is
ing net form (LENS) use heat power for boiling. Further- also known as ultraviolet curing. Like pottery, powders can
more, there were also indirect MAM techniques accessible in also be placed in the liquid [39].
which the molding for steel components and casting is imme- Prometal is a 3DP method for the construction and death
diately achieved [36]. Wire and arc additive production of injection instruments. This is a method based on powder
(WAAM) is a new metal AM method that is defined in that uses stainless steel. The method of printing takes place
conjunction with wire feeding as an integral arc welding when a fluid binder is spurted into metal dust in jets [37]. SLS
process [48]. Due to its supremacy in manufacturing very is already a 3DP process where a carbon dioxide laser beam
big parts and its ability to shape all weldable materials, recent [41] is used to sinter or fuse a powder.
WAAM apps have been introduced in the aviation sector. FDM is a 3DP method where a slender metal filament
Nano Particle Jetting (NPJ) is a recently patented MAM carries a device where it is melted by a print head and is
process in which heated metal nanoparticles are thrown into a typically 0.25 mm thick. Materials used in this method
special liquid medium to construct extremely thin layers of include polyphenylsulfone (PPSF), polycarbonate (PC),
the produced component [49]. Innovators of this fresh PC-ABS blends, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS),
method argue that NPJ allows the finest surface finish and medical-grade PC-ISO. The primary benefits of this
among the existing MAM techniques to deliver elevated method are that there is no requirement for chemical post-
precision without deteriorating production velocity. In addi- procedures, no cure resins, less costly machines and equip-
tion, NPJ is to deliver virtually the same metallurgical ment that result in a more cost-effective procedure [45]. The
characteristics of strong counterparts and provide better pro- drawbacks are that the resolution on the z axis is small
duction circumstances through the elimination of dangerous relative to other additive production processes (0.25 mm),
dust. Another innovative method proposed by Markforged so if a clean surface is required a finishing method is needed
[50] is Atomic Diffusion Additive Manufacturing (ADAM), and it is a slow method that sometimes takes days to construct
where thick steel sections are printed layer by layer using the big complicated components [44]. Few designs allow two
steel dust attached to a metal binder. methods to save time; a completely thick mode and a small
Progressive removal of the metal binder and sintering mode that saves time but clearly reduces the mechanical
produces the finished item, resulting in outstanding mechani- characteristics [43].
cal features owing to the simultaneous sintering of the whole Electron Beam Melting (EBM) is a method that uses an
portion. Similarly, a new MAM technique called Single Pass elevated voltage electron laser beam, typically 30–60 KV, to
Jetting (SPJ) has lately been announced by Desktop Metal melt the dust. The method requires place in a large void room
Company [51]. A continuous binder jetting activity in the SPJ to prevent problems with oxidation as it is designed for the
method causes steel oxide formation and compaction. The construction of steel components. The method is very com-
printing head’s bi-directional motion makes the method parable to SLS other than this. EBM can also process a wide
100 times quicker than standard laser-based metal additive range of pre-alloyed materials. One of the potential
techniques. The firm claims that SPJ provides the first 3D applications of this method is exterior space production as
printer with its competitive manufacturing price per part everything is accomplished in a large vacuum room [54].
estate that is competent of mass production. Polyjet is an AM method that produces physical designs
Despite innovations in MAM, comprehensive study is still using inkjet techniques. The inkjet head rotates in the x and y
ongoing to solve challenges such as absence of system stabil- axes depositing a photopolymer that is healed after each layer
ity/repeatability along with restricted component size, is finished by ultraviolet lamps. The density of the coating
178 P. Khanpara and S. Tanwar

obtained in this method is 16 μm, resulting in elevated trans- order to achieve required surface finish, Rayna et al. [59]
parency of the manufactured components. The components implemented a mixture of selective laser melting with accu-
that this method produces, however, are softer than others, racy milling. Hybrid deposition and later micro-rolling
such as stereolithography and selective laser sintering. A (recognized as HDMR) have also been used to manufacture
gel-type plastic is used to support the characteristics of the components of steel planes with exceptional mechanical
overhang and this material is thrown water after the method is properties [60].
completed. Multiple color components can be constructed The problem of further enhancing hybrid manufacturing
with this method [46]. efficiency is strongly linked to sophisticated process schedul-
It is worth noting that multi-material extrusion in 3DP is ing, layout and production integration. A structure suggested
receiving recognition owing to a broad range of opportunities by Chen et al. [60] implements the mix of AM/SM and test
provided, motivated in particular by the mercantile accessi- procedures. In this context, an algorithm is designed to
bility of a broad range of untraditional filament components. arrange manufacturing operations/sequences with appropri-
As a consequence, it is feasible to print designs that are not ate parameters while optimizing manufacturing time and
restricted to artistic reasons, but can now also give higher resource utilization [61]. Related ideas are introduced in a
features and hence adapted for its function with mechanical notable implementation in which the hybrid method was used
efficiency [47]. by incorporating material and consecutive machining to reuse
It is shown that the use of AM methods is beneficial for current products [62]. Following the Fourth Industrial Revo-
components that have a large purchase: fly percentage, have a lution, future advancement on hybrid systems may come
complicated structure, have a large price of solid-based raw from IT innovations and the effective use of accessible data.
material used for machining, have poor machining speeds As a result of both fresh hybrid procedures and efficient
and are hard and costly to process. For a conventional system scheduling, manufacturing demands are probable to
aerospace-Titanium alloy over a spectrum of purchases, the be fulfilled with the enhanced performance of the item.
particular price of material unloaded by additive production
technologies needed to provide a 30% saving over standard
machines from strong methods is projected: fly ratios [50]. 4 Additive Manufacturing in Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 provides cybernetic and physical devices, as

3.2 Hybrid Manufacturing Processes shown in Fig. 1, to collaborate profitably with the objective
of constructing smart plants, redefining the function of
Hybrid procedures describe the mixture of additive-and sub- humans. There are many meanings to the word Industry
tractive manufacturing (SM) procedures that are 4.0. It aims to define the smart plant, with the Internet of
implemented sequentially or incorporated in mode, including Things interconnecting all procedures. In this sector, the first
adequate fastening and components orientation control developments engaged the inclusion of higher flexibility and
[50]. This method is used for both enhancing dimensional production process individualization [50].
precision and speeding up the manufacturing method as a Industry 4.0’s paradigm is fundamentally described in
whole. In addition, hybrid methods can be used to solve the three aspects: (1) horizontal inclusion throughout the whole
issue of producing complex fields where a single production value development network, (2) end-to-end engineering
method (subtractive or additive) is not sufficient [53]. throughout the entire consumer life cycle, and (3) vertical
In the last century, scientists have developed hybrid integration and networked production systems [58]. Industry
approaches to create goods with chosen engineering 4.0 encourages the inclusion of smart manufacturing systems
attributes [55]. Hagel [56] have recently created a hybrid and sophisticated IT. In this, production is regarded as an
fast prototyping scheme in which FDM was used as an important ingredient [39].
additive method in which the extruder was intended to In Industry 4.0, the application of 3DP technology will
move from AM to SM without compromising workspace. be crucial for system effectiveness and decreased complex-
In a comparable research, CNC machining in regards to the ity, premising for fast prototyping and extremely
deposition angle of the FDM is accompanied by the FDM decentralized manufacturing procedures: the product
method in order to obtain reduced ground roughness of the model could simply be off to the nearest ‘printing’ place
item and not reduce its surface morphology [57]. On the other for the customer, removing the need of intermediate
side, for metals, a hybrid method composed of EBM and manufacturing, storage and warehousing measures
quick CNC machining has suggested improving system effi- [52]. Table 1 shows an overview of the significant
ciency [58]. In their research, together with adequate process innovations and anticipated development in Industry 4.0
scheduling, milling is used as SM technique. Similarly, in for the different factors of value development:
Additive Manufacturing: Concepts and Technologies 179

Table 1 Major developments and growth in Industry 4.0

Equipment Highly automated machine equipment and robots will be used to characterize the production machinery. The machinery will be
prepared to adjust flexibly to modifications in the other variables of value development, e.g. the robots can collaborate on joint
assignments with the workers [58]
Human Current production workers face an elevated danger of being largely automated. Thus, the number of employees will reduce. More
information on this research will include the remaining production employment as well as more short-term and hard-to-plan tasks
[63]. Workers are progressively required to track automated machinery, are incorporated into decentralized decision-making, and
are engineering operations as part of end-to-end engineering [53]
Organization From a certain point onwards, a central instance cannot manage the growing organizational complexity of the production scheme.
Consequently, decision-making will be moved from a key example to decentralized cases. The decentralized cases will regard local
decision-making data autonomously. The choice itself will be made by employees or machinery using artificial intelligence
methods [53]
Process Additive production techniques, also recognized as 3D printing, can be progressively implemented in value creation procedures, as
additive production expenses have fallen quickly over the past few years by concurrently expanding in terms of velocity and
accuracy. This enables more complicated, heavier and lighter geometries to be designed as well as the implementation of additive
production to greater amounts and bigger product scales [64]
Product The goods will be produced in batch size which is in accordance with the customer’s person requirements [51]. This mass item
customization integrates the client into the value chain as soon as feasible. As a part of fresh company designs, the physical item will
also be mixed with fresh facilities providing features and access to the client rather than brand ownership [63]

supports sustainable value creation, leads to a more efficient,

5 Industrialization of 3DP Technology better and customized pharmaceutical industry and, in the
long go, provides competitive benefits for pharmaceutical
Industrial businesses are now facing increasingly compli- businesses. To merge potential activities and pharmaceutical
cated difficulties in the creation of products. Customers are governance throughout the entire life cycle, a more viable
asking for creative, separately customized goods at a fair cost pharmaceutical supply chain should be developed [61].
with elevated consumer quality. Furthermore, the financial
lifetime of goods reduces, forcing businesses to shorten their
business time and their growth cycles [64]. Competition in 5.2 Biomedicine
fertile economies is increasing through globalization. Foreign
business imitators create it more difficult for businesses to Human bodies’ 3DP is one of the world’s recent developments
retain market stocks that have been achieved [60]. A fresh in today’s medical sector. Using present bio-printing tech-
manufacturing technique, the AM [46], provides one alterna- nique, human bodies can be printed straight from neurons. In
tive to boost creativity and shorten time to market. today’s globe, many science and education institutions have
AM innovation is gradually becoming the key technology invested millions of funds to remove the boundaries of body
at present [64] and there is increasing agreement that 3DP imprinting. The researchers’ objective is to effectively substi-
systems will be a fresh significant technological revolution tute a human body. Various devices and equipment are sought
[60]. Figure 5 demonstrates potential Industry 4.0’s 3DP around the globe during the method of organ production. With
operation: this technique, the most printed bodies are brain, cartilage, hair,
Some 3DP technology implementations in different heart and bone cells, etc. The reproduction of living bodies
manufacturing sections are mentioned below: (print organ life), processing settings and post-processing (such
as autoclaving) are some of the main difficulties in these
techniques. Advances in this field obviously indicate that
5.1 Pharmaceutical Sector scientists are very near to the future, where it is possible to
replace the human body with the printed organ [32]. 3D print-
In the 4.0 pharmaceutical sector, 3DP is anticipated to be an ing has shown feasibility in various medical applications,
extremely innovative technique. The primary benefits of 3DP inclusive of the production of eyeglasses, custom prosthetic
in specific are the manufacturing of limited drug batches, devices and dental embeds [62]. 3DP is also common with the
each with custom dosages, forms, dimensions and discharge capacity to print porous scaffolds with manufactured shape,
features. Producing individualized medicines thus becomes a restricted chemistry, and interconnected porosity. Some of
fact. In the short duration, 3DP could be expanded over the these inorganic biodegradable scaffolds have been shown to
drug manufacturing stage from pre-clinical implementations be ideal for bone tissue technology [65]. 3D printing is a
and clinical testing to first-line medical care [59]. Exploring powerful tissue engineering tool that enables 3D cell growth
the changing technologies of the pharmaceutical industry 4.0 within complex 3D biomimetic architectures [66].
180 P. Khanpara and S. Tanwar

Fig. 5 Future 3DP procedure [1]

5.3 Food Industry integrate electrical elements such as detectors in wearable

apps. In the manufacture of such devices and detectors, the
Because of its many benefits like tailored food models, accessibility of cheap, secure, electrically conductive mate-
individualized nutrition, streamlined supply chain and rial will be crucial before the complete potential of 3D print-
extending accessible food content, 3DP food has been exten- ing can be realized for tailored goods integrating electrical
sively researched in the food sector in latest years. However, components. To date, there is still a lack of 3D printable
three primary elements should be regarded in order to achieve conductive filaments with adequately elevated conductivity
a precise idea: material characteristics, system parameters to produce practical devices for mixed deposition
and techniques of post-processing, with unique regard to modeling [69].
rheological characteristics, attachment processes, thermody-
namic characteristics, techniques of pre-treatment and pro-
duction powders. Furthermore, there are three primary 5.6 Casting Industry
difficulties in food 3DP: (1) printing precision and precision
(2) process efficiency and (3) manufacturing of multicolored, Applying 3DP foundry moulds technology allows for a
multiflavored goods [67]. significant speed of work at prototype castings, allowing
for a decrease in the cost of foundry-mold production. A
shell mould can be produced and then complemented with
5.4 Fashion Industry cheaper molding material to decrease production expenses.
The foundry mould making technique in three-dimensional
3DP has a large number of benefits over conventional pro- printing method provides enormous capacity for produc-
duction procedures, including a forwarded construction tion. For this reason; further study on its implementation
method, reduced production time, and reduced stock, for multiple non-ferrous alloy cast components is
warehousing, shipping, and shipping expenses. This paper recommended [70, 71].
describes the five kinds of 3DP techniques with high There is an increasing agreement, therefore, that 3D print-
opportunities for fashion implementation, including ing techniques are playing a significant part in the industrial
stereolithography, selective laser sintering, mixed deposition technological revolution. History has shown that technologi-
modeling, PolyJet, and binder jetting [68]. cal revolution is a pitfall for many companies without appro-
priate company model development. In the era of 3DP, the
issue is then complied by the reality that the implementation
5.5 Electrical Parts of these techniques took place in four consecutive stages (fast
prototyping, fast tooling, electronic manufacturing and house
3D printing is a distinctive technology that can provide a manufacturing) corresponding to a distinct stage of 3DP
large degree of liberty to customize practical goods that participation in the production process [61].
Additive Manufacturing: Concepts and Technologies 181

5.7 Design Related Issues For example, in favor of new electronic file kinds recognized
as AM File Format (AMF) and 3D Fabrication Format (3MF)
Engineers and developers have little experience and inade- [56], drawbacks originating from STL file format have been
quate understanding about AM’s capacities and constraints as studied. Similarly, Junk and Kuen studied the use of open-
a comparatively fresh production technique. Industry 4.0’s source CAD technology projects [65]. Several cutting
evolving digitalization has developed possibilities for algorithms and effective system scheduling methods were
overcoming design-related obstacles to new manufacturing also suggested, such as the one that capitalizes on inhomoge-
techniques. The advances on the latest computer instruments neous interior coherence to minimize printer head
for simulation, visualization and immediate assessment are movements [66].
immediately linked to contemporary manufacturing. The As the industrial and academic study group gains knowl-
design associated problems are to be shortly discussed in edge through effective implementation of new computing
this section. techniques and new design methodologies, the significance
Industry 4.0’s cyber technology advances provide of design-related problems will be significantly increased.
developers with improved computing assets, which then con- Consequently, in the near future, AM’s limitations and
tribute to increased productivity and effectiveness in capacities can be handled more efficiently.
AM. Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) has lately
been implemented as one of the additional design instruments
to optimally select system parameters (such as price, time, 6 Drawbacks and Future Directions
performance, accuracy and CAD limitations).
In reality, DfAM is split into two sections that focus on Industry 4.0 has drawn the attention of both academics and
solutions to a particular layout structure and techniques for sector over the past century as it is regarded as the significant
improving particular product functionality [65]. The former paradigm change in potential manufacturing. AM, as a main
offers a wide view for inexperienced developers to choose the innovation in the framework of the upcoming revolution,
finest alternatives in AM’s design and production phases. For provides excellent possibilities for future innovations in this
example, Salonitis suggested a particular DfAM technique fresh age, provided that in the near future some present
for designing fresh goods (or reforming an current one) in obstacles are overcome. In this section, along with supple-
which client wants, functional specifications, layout mentary suggestions, some predictable projections about AM
parameters and system factors are assessed simultaneously and its probable disadvantages are to be mentioned.
[66]. In a comparable research, another DfAM structure, in Because of the significant drawbacks to its velocity, pre-
which production and installation problems are regarded in cision, repeatability, and price of manufacturing, AM may
the early phase of item growth, offers developers with appro- not be chosen in standard industrial facilities, particularly for
priate choices of materials and processes [67]. On the other mass production of periodic components. However, in the
side, the later method (i.e. DfAM’s second category) manufacture of complex and tailored items, it still has
provides superior goods for a specific purpose at the cost of superiorities over standard production techniques. In reality,
giving less attention to other variables in effect [68]. The AM offers a wide variety of production opportunities in terms
goal-specific approach is primarily focused on topology opti- of content (polymers to metals), size (nanoscale to big
mization (TO) as part of the second branch. It is described as components), and functionality (self-assembly for optimum
a technique to obtain the finest geometry/shape feasible while thermal transfer) [67]. The resistance of the produced
meeting certain demands. For instance, product quantity components is another AM deficiency that can be fostered
optimization while minimal compliance with components by new materials/processes that cause improved
has been studied frequently [72]. There are several novel microstructures and development of the correct design/topol-
TO apps for reduced weight-to-stiffness ratio [33]. The use ogy. In addition, hybrid production makes it possible to
of TO in ideal thermal transfer of buildings manufactured compensate for certain disadvantages, such as the ground
through AM [69] is an exciting objective-specific design performance of the product, as well as offering possibilities
implementation. Similarly, in comparison to hybrid AM for repairing/repairing current components.
[70], the techniques such as Solid Isotropic Material with Decentralization can become feasible as a potential antici-
Penalization have lately been explored. In such techniques, pation by spreading the workload across factories/machines
IoT and Big data plays an important role [73–78]. through the efficient use of cloud services [79]. Another
Other layout optimization research focused on parameters direction for AM in the future is the problem of sustainability,
such as slice density, CAD model geometric data, part con- where AM can perform an important part in decreasing waste
struction orientation, and support structures [79, 80]. CAD capital and decreasing power usage by using just-in-time
software problems have drawn a good deal of concern from manufacturing [80]. In addition, it is expected that 3D print-
scientists in latest years among the parameters mentioned. ing and electronic production will affect society. First, it is
182 P. Khanpara and S. Tanwar

necessary to redefine the position of employees in the sector As a particular perspective, there is a tendency towards the
in such a way that they undertake management/design/analy- availability of fresh products for AM such as intelligent
sis employment rather than being employees. Second, metals and metallic constituents in order to attain the neces-
platforms such as do-it-ourself and motion of manufacturers sary features. Another common tendency is to create func-
promote the involvement of customers in the planning and tional parts/machines in just one manufacturing phase. Due to
production stage [68]. For example, by converting the school the possibilities offered by the new AM techniques, only the
into a tiny hands-on workshop with an affordable 3D printer, imaginations of the people limit the design-and
learners can design their own goods. manufacturing difficulties.
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Modelle, Metho- den, Praxisbeispiele, TeubnerVerlag; Stuttgart, sity. She obtained her PhD degree
1994. from Gujarat Technological Uni-
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printing: a 3D overview from optics to organs. British Journal of vivable Mobile Ad hoc Networks.
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technology in the fashion industry, International Journal of Fashion ence and Engineering Department
Design, Technology and Education, 10:2, 170-179, 2017. at Institute of Technology, Nirma
70. S.W. Kwok et al., Electrically conductive filament for 3D-printed University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat,
circuits and sensors. Applied Materials Today, 9:167-175, 2017. India. He is visiting Professor at
71. G. Budzik, Possibilities of utilizing 3DP technology for foundry Jan Wyzykowski University in
mould making. Archives of Foundry Engineering, 7(2):65-68., Polkowice, Poland and University
2007. of Pitesti in Pitesti, Romania. He
72. I. Dankar, A. Haddarah, F.E.L. Omar, et al., 3D printing technology: received B.Tech in 2002 from
The new era for food customization and elaboration. Trends in Food Kurukshetra University, India, M.
Science & Technology, 75: 231-242, 2018. Tech (Honor’s) in 2009 from
73. A. Kumari., S. Tanwar., S. Tyagi, N. Kumar, M. Maasberg, K. K. Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha
R. Choo “Multimedia Big Data Computing and Internet of Things University, Delhi, India, and Ph.
Applications: A Taxonomy and Process Model”, Journal of Network D. in 2016 from Mewar Univer-
and Computer Applications, 124:169-195, 2018. sity, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India
74. A. Kumari., S. Tanwar., S. Tyagi, N. Kumar, R. Parizi, K. K. with specialization in Wireless
R. Choo “Fog Data Analytics: A Taxonomy and Process Model”, Sensor Network. He has
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 128:90-104, 2019. authored/coauthored more than
75. A. Kumari, S. Tanwar, S. Tyagi, N. Kumar, “Verification and 100 technical research papers in
Validation Techniques for Streaming Big Data Analytics in Internet leading journals and conferences
of Things Environment”, IET Networks, 2019, pp. 1-8, DOI: https:// from IEEE, Elsevier, Springer,, 2019.
Additive Manufacturing: Concepts and Technologies 185

Wiley, etc. Some of his research Journal—Wiley. His current inter-

findings are published in top-cited est includes Wireless Sensor
journals such as IEEE Networks, Fog Computing, Smart
Transactions on TVT, IEEE Grid, IoT, and Blockchain Tech-
Transactions on Industrial Infor- nology. He was invited as
matics, Applied Soft Computing, Guest Editors/Editorial Board
Journal of Network and Computer Members of many International
Applications, Pervasive and Journals, invited for keynote
Mobile Computing, International Speaker in many International
Journal of Communication Sys- Conferences held in Asia
tem, Telecommunication System, and invited as Program
Computer and Electrical Engi- Chair, Publications Chair,
neering and the IEEE Systems Publicity Chair, and Session
Journal. He has also published Chair in many International
three edited/authored books with Conferences held in North Amer-
International/National Publishers. ica, Europe, Asia and Africa. He
He has guided many students has been awarded best research
leading to M.E./M.Tech and guid- paper awards from IEEE
ing students leading to Ph.D. He is GLOBECOM 2018, IEEE ICC
an Associate Editor of IJCS— 2019, and Springer ICRIC-2019.
Wiley and Security and Privacy
Challenges Within the Industry 4.0 Setup

Akshi Kumar and Divya Gupta

Abstract 1 Practical Aspects of Industry 4.0: A Case

The fourth industrial revolution, which is also known as Study
Industry 4.0 elucidates future industry improvement
patterns to accomplish intelligent production processes, The industrial development has lasted for several years.
including dependence on CPS or Cyber Physical Systems, However, at this point, the fourth Industry revolution that is
development of Cyber-Physical Production Systems also known as Industry 4.0 has emerged in the current era.
(CPPS), and execution of smart factories. The purpose of The concept of Industry 4.0 was originally proposed in 2011
Industry 4.0 is to manufacture an exceedingly adaptable for developing the economy of Germany [1–3]. The transi-
generation model of customized and computerized items tion in manufacturing industry from Industry 1.0 to Industry
and administrations, with constant communications 4.0 is as follows
between individuals, products and devices amid the gener-
ation procedure. The “Industrial 4.0” idea was first seen in • The first industrial revolution was represented by mechan-
an article published by the German government as a high- ical production plants which were based on water and
tech policy plan for 2020, in November 2011. “Industry steam power. It was introduced at the end of the eighteenth
4.0” rapidly ascended as the German national plan. Indus- century [4].
try 4.0 will be a new industrial revolution, which will affect • The second industrial revolution was represented with the
global industry. Although it is not a simple and straightfor- mass labor production which was based on electrical
ward aspect to accomplish Industry 4.0, and is presumably energy. It began towards the start of the twentieth
going to take at least a couple of years to figure it out. Right century [5].
now, Industry 4.0 is an aspiration, since it incorporates • The third industrial revolution with automatic production
various perspectives and challenges, including logical, was based on electronics and web innovation
infrastructural, financial, social and legal difficulties. This technologies. It was presented during the 1970s [5, 6].
chapter presents challenges of Industry 4.0 related to the • Now, the fourth or current industrial revolution with the
practical aspects, infrastructure requirements, cyber secu- attributes of cyber physical systems (CPS) production and
rity and business models. based on diverse range of data and information integra-
tion, was introduced in 2011. It is also known as Industry
Keywords 4.0 [1, 4, 7–9].
Industry 4.0 · Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) ·
Sustainability The fundamental role of Industry 4.0 by means of digital
physical frameworks is to satisfy the dynamic prerequisites of
generation, and to improve the adequacy and effectiveness of
the whole business. Industry 4.0 incorporates various
A. Kumar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Delhi Technological
advancements and related ideal models, including Radio
University, New Delhi, India Frequency Identification (RFID), Enterprise Resource
e-mail: [email protected] Planning (ERP), Internet of Things (IoT), cloud-based
D. Gupta (*) assembling, and social product development [2, 10–
School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, 31]. The objectives of Industry 4.0 are to accomplish more
Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
e-mail: [email protected]

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 187

A. Nayyar, A. Kumar (eds.), A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development,
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation,
188 A. Kumar and D. Gupta

operational effectiveness and efficiency with more Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is a mechanism that is
automatization. controlled or monitored by computer-based algorithms,
The key aspects of practical aspects of Industry 4.0 are tightly integrated with the Internet and its users [1, 35]. Physi-
cal and software components are deeply intertwined, each
– digitization, optimization, and customization of generated operating on different spatial and temporal scales, exhibiting
products multiple and distinct behavioral modalities, and interacting
– automation, robotization and adaptation with each other in a lot of ways that change with context.
– human machine interaction (HMI) CPS being an advanced and emerging technology proffer
– value-added services and businesses promising answer to change the procedure of many existing
– automatic data exchange and communication [2, 3, 9] mechanical frameworks [36]. So, the key advances and
standards required for the practical usage and implementation
These attributes are profoundly associated with web of the Industry 4.0 are: Internet of Things, Big Data, Aug-
technologies and advanced algorithms, and they also show mented Reality, Advanced Robotics, Cybersecurity, Simula-
that Industry 4.0 is an industrial procedure of significant value tion, Additive Manufacturing, Horizontal/Vertical
adding and knowledge management [32]. Industry 4.0 supports Integration and Cloud [1, 37, 38] as shown in Fig. 1.
inter-connection and computerization into the traditional indus- These nine standards and technologies must be
try [33]. The goals of Industry 4.0 are to give IT-enabled mass incorporated in the manufacturing process to successfully
customization of manufactured items; to make programmed implement Industry 4.0 [39, 40]. While practically
and flexile adjustment of the production chain; to encourage implementing Industry 4.0 in the various applications, one
communication among parts, items, and machines; to apply must ensure that these six steps are followed:
human-machine interaction (HMI) models; to accomplish
smart factories with IoT-empowered optimization. Industry Step 1: To get the Definition Right
4.0 conveys innovative changes to supply chains, plans of It is very crucial that all partners must understand what they
action, and business processes and models [34]. are planning to achieve. Understanding of the goal is a very
The fundamentals of Industry 4.0 are interoperability, important step. Establishing a common understanding of
virtualization, decentralization, real-time ability and service requirements and goals is important to ensure that all
orientation. It assists in providing greater adaptability, stakeholders desire to achieve the same objective.
decrease lead times and lessen costs. The key major standards
of Industry 4.0 incorporate cloud/intranet, data integration, Step 2: Not to take on too much at once
flexible adaptation, intelligent self-organizing, Adopting a well-ordered strategy guarantees that each of the
manufacturing process, interoperability, optimization, secure components of industry 4.0, for example, organizing,
communication, and service orientation [34]. It can be machine to machine correspondence and integration with
outlined as an incorporated, adapted, improved, service ori- legacy systems, will be considered and tended to in a timely
ented and interoperable assembling process which is related and cost-effective manner. Industry 4.0 can best be accom-
with algorithms, big data, and advanced technologies. plished when the organization has the correct dimension of

Fig. 1 Key standards and

technologies of Industry 4.0
Challenges Within the Industry 4.0 Setup 189

information, certainty and experience—and these are gained To introduce and implement Industry 4.0 in any
in a timely way, ensuring all elements are in place before manufacturing industry, these steps are essential. But achiev-
over-committing resources. ing and fulfilling all these steps while practically
implementing Industry 4.0 is strenuous and prolonged
Step 3: Know what you want to achieve activity.
To set a clear target for execution of Industry 4.0 with Early adopters are starting to implement the Industry
digitalization and having a full comprehension of what the transformation by taking small steps. They are beginning
ultimate objective looks like helps adjusting team members with pilot projects and are acquiring knowledge before
and overcome any potential barriers in the beginning, which reapplying the techniques on an extensive basis. To fully
implies that the Industry 4.0 can be introduced efficiently. embrace the digital transformation journey, the understand-
ing of the opportunities being created through technological
Step 4: To make sure that all stakeholders are accepting developments is necessary.
the change Furthermore, various practical applications of Industry 4.0
For Business transformation, all stakeholders should be ready to technologies have been identified and classified into four
accept the change which is going to be introduced in the process categories, which are represented as follows:
of implementing the Industry 4.0 standards. They should under-
stand and acknowledge the requirement and the changes which 1. Decision support and decision-making
are going to be introduced, and should know how they are Industry 4.0 has the capability to improve decision support
adding value to it. Each stakeholder should understand their and to proffer more automated decision-making with the
responsibility towards the achievement of goals, according to new and advanced technologies. The new possible
the experience they have and the skills they possess. methods to collect and analyze information from
procedures and products can adequately give extraordi-
Step 5: To Establish the Business Model nary advantages for manufacturing logistics, as executives
Industry 4.0 does not imply only the transformation in tech- can base decisions on what is really occurring on the shop
nology but it also proffers a chance to contemplate and design floor of a production facility.
new business models. An unambiguous and intelligible busi- In addition, this can permit automating decision-making,
ness model plays a very important role in implementation and contrasted with conventional ERP frameworks, which
it provides a clear path for progress. For stakeholders, includ- customarily just provides decision support. Industry 4.0
ing employees, clients and providers, the usage of a business innovations additionally guarantee the presentation of
model provides the knowledge and understanding of the artificial intelligence and increased augmented reality in
business model process and its important aspects. The devel- assembling, providing a new way of decision support and
opment of digitalization-based business models influences decision-making. For decision support and decision
organizations across three vital areas: making, the following components of Industry 4.0 are
1. Optimization—Digitalization can enhance an existing – Artificial intelligence
business model. For instance, the utilization of RFID/ – Big data analytics
GPS to follow the constant status of modules throughout – Augmented and virtual reality
the entire inventory network.
2. Exchange—Taking an effective business model starting Practical applications of decision support and decision
with one industry and applying it then onto the next, making are:
where it was not implemented previously. For example,
load sharing resources between factories/businesses, in a • Retailers in UK and USA:
similar fashion to the way in which car sharing works. – Tesco uses the above-mentioned components of Indus-
3. Development of New models—Traditional business try 4.0 for their precise promotions and strategic group-
models are replaced by new business models which ing of existing and potential consumers.
provides the opportunity for truly disruptive change [9, 41]. – Amazon employs the concept to deliver the accurate
recommendations for their consumers.
Step 6: Assess Technical Readiness and Maturity – Walmart uses decision support in supply-chain
To assess the technical readiness and maturity, one should optimization.
consider the current state of digital infrastructure which can • Biopharmaceutical industry, USA:
underpin a wide range of manufacturing activities related to – The biopharmaceutical industries have reduced their
products including integrating sensors and monitoring process flaws by modifying the target process
performances. corresponding to the statistical analysis. It has also
190 A. Kumar and D. Gupta

eradicated the yield variation by increasing its vaccine – The monitoring of systems has been improved effi-
yield by more than 50%. ciently using ICT
• Remote monitoring application for heavy-duty – Agricultural environmental risk zones are focusly clas-
automobiles, USA: sified and treated accordingly
– The application exploited AI to predict the health status
of the diesel engine of the automobile components by 3. Seamless Information Flow
employing classification models to diagnose the analo- This ensures the future factory has a well-formed commu-
gous engine behavior and fuzzy logic based algorithms nication with the various subsystems. It is important to
to determine and predict remaining life of the have a highly digitized and vertically integrated factory to
components. have real time information and seamless data flow to make
the decision which in turn improves the production
2. Identification and Interconnectivity planning and control activities. For seamless information
Industry 4.0 is all about making everything smart. To be a flow, the below mentioned components of Industry 4.0 are
smart machine, it should have relevant data and informa- implemented.
tion sharing in order to identify and analyse the work • Real-time planning and control
done. To achieve this, the system must have interconnec- • Integration of IT systems
tivity between them, and that’s what forms the Internet of – Cloud manufacturing
Things. Automated Identification technology is being
implemented commercially since a long time. Now with Practical applications of seamless information flow are:
Industry 4.0, one is able to network information about
processes and products in a supply chain and within a • Healthcare industry in UK
production facility. With the use of IoT, everything within – Incorporating cloud computing development in the life
a facility can be connected, which really helps in increas- sciences
ing the productivity and to analyse the status of the equip- • Software, IT sector in UK
ment for any faulty reasons. One can properly utilize all – Highlighting future, importance and uniqueness of
the resources using IoT and thus have new ways of cloud computing assisted in analysing the strengths of
implementing better business model with a goal of cloud computing.
servitization. For identification and interconnectivity, the • Education, India
following components of Industry 4.0 are implemented. – Defining the advantages and usefulness of employing
– Sensors cloud computing for students. This has proffered
– Auto ID opportunities for the students to comprehend, experi-
– Networking technology ment and innovate.

Practical applications of identification and interconnectiv- 4. Robotics, Automation and New Production Technology
ity are: Additionally, mechanization and usage of robots, can have
incredible implications for future smart factories. Roboti-
• Communication sector in China, zation can be considered as one of the primary patterns
– Various aspects and features of different devices for and is expected to impart improvements in the Industry
instance wireless sensor networks, IoT, machine to 4.0 idea. One part of computerization identifies with
machine and CPS are integrated and analyzed, to assembling hardware, which will be described by the use
delimit the difficulties related to the CPS design. of very mechanized machine instruments and robots. For
– Machine-to machine home networks were also Robotics, Automation and new production technology,
reviewed. the following components of Industry 4.0 are
• Water Distribution networks in USA, implemented.
– It utilized the simulated processes to exhibit the opera- – Industrial robots
tive performance and interaction of Cyber Physical – 3D printing
networks by enabling CPS modeling. – Automatic guided vehicles
• IoT based gateway systems in China,
– With help of IoT, the telecom operators were able to Practical applications of automation, robots and produc-
transmit and analyse data. tion technology are:
– Sensor networks were also connected via IoT.
– This improved data transmission and also assisted in • Healthcare and Social applications, USA
upgrading the data and topology display. – The utilization of automation and robots helped in
• Soil and Water monitoring in Taiwan, China enhancing the human life quality and in analyzing
Challenges Within the Industry 4.0 Setup 191

potential societal impacts by facilitating ambient intel- P4. Virtualization: Dividing a system into multiple modules
ligence, extensive communication and enhanced and establishing communication between them,
processing abilities. generates the need to test the system extensively. Thus,
• Tata Motor, India to resolve this challenge, virtualization is needed. In this
– Manufacturing of cars is fully automated using robotics principle, an exact copy of the actual environment is
and testing of cars utilizes robots as well as being set up and tested first before handing it to the
automation. users. A virtual system is utilized to examine and manage
– This has improved customer satisfaction. the physical aspects of the actual systems in real time. In
• Usage in Autonomous vehicles, USA and Germany addition, it can be used to give training to the workforce,
– Parallel programming model was proposed for CPSs diagnose, predict faults and also to fix them.
which guaranteed timely completion of real time P5. Service orientation: Industry 4.0 is more aligned towards
processes. selling products and services rather than only selling
products. Manufactured Products are sold to the
customers at almost no profit or margins. And hence
2 Infrastructure Requirements the industries are having a hard time to survive. Industry
4.0 suggests that we need to focus more on services as
The design principles of Industry 4.0 help designers to transit they can generate better profits. In Smart Factories,
manufacturing industries into smart factories using Industry manufacturing industries outsource some of their pro-
4.0. The six principles of Industry 4.0 are modularity, inter- cesses and then concentrate on their core process with an
operability, decentralization, virtualization; service orienta- aim to have a better productivity. Such a system
tion and real-time capability (responsiveness) [42, 43] are energizes development in the improvement of core pro-
described as follows: cesses in which the assets are focused and won’t scatter.
Thus, a production industry will promote and trade its
P1. Modularity: This principle is associated with the struc- core processes as a support of another industry and end
ture of system components. Modularity can be illustrated up making a profit. CM uses an infrastructure that
as the capacity of framework segments to be isolated and utilizes the internet as a method for providing and
joined effectively and rapidly. A system can be merchandising services, and with cloud computing
distributed into multiple modules that are loosely cou- enables the on-demand provision of services.
pled and can be reconstructed on a plug-and-play meth- P6. Real-time capability (responsiveness): Industry 4.0
odology. Modular Systems are easy to debug and are implements the interconnectivity between modules in a
flexible with new changes that are going to be introduced smart factory. A system should be designed in such a
in the system according to the customer’s requirements. way that it automatically detects the malfunction of any
P2. Interoperability: As modularity comes into place, system component or failure of any resource. To ensure that, one
components are loosely connected. Sharing technical needs to have data sharing in real time and information
and business information within system components is should also get processed in real time. The system should
ensured by Interoperability. CPS facilitate connection be robust enough to know where exactly the fault is or it
over the IoT and the IoS. Standardized mechanical, should provide the possibility of where the fault could
electrical and communication data is vital to enhance be, so that it can be fixed in real time. The system should
interoperability. The semantic advances in communica- respond to internal changes, monitoring and controlling
tion have guaranteed to empower interoperability for the in real time. All errors or warning should be detected on
smart factory and thus numerous ontologies have been time and the system should be robust and capable
created. enough to recover rapidly.
P3. Decentralization: Framework components like modules
and products, will autonomously settle on choices,
unsubordinated to a control unit. In these frameworks, 2.1 Requirements of the Industry 4.0
employees settle on choices about common issues and
alter their processes and methodology as per the business The requirements of the industry 4.0 are widely ranging from
circumstances and conditions. Embedded systems tools and machines to workforce, online data control to
empower self-sufficient CPS to cooperate with their con- communication. These requirements are interrelated with
dition by means of sensors and actuators. Such coopera- the design principles of the industry 4.0 [42, 43]. Thus, one
tion will adjust procedures to every individual request, can define the requirements of industry 4.0 in terms of design
empowering minimal effort, and custom-made items. principles as follows:
192 A. Kumar and D. Gupta

R1. Modular machine tools, material handling equipment system without physically present at the system. This
and decentralized control architecture: Every module in requirement implements principle 6 of Industry 4.0.
a system should be self-sufficient and act as a whole in R11. Healability: As Principle 6 suggests, a system should
its own. Any module can be reconfigured according to be robust enough to detect and heal from all the
the requirements and it should directly connect to the disturbances in real time.
cloud system without having any need of human inter-
vention. Principles 1, 3 and 6 are implemented through Other than these requirements, the Industry 4.0
requirement 1. requirements can be further classified into two parts as
R2. Efficient and Multi Skilled Workforce: Workforce in a follows [44]:
smart factory should be efficient and multiskilled.
Every person should work on several tasks including 1. Production perspective
supervision, programming or performing a manual pro- 2. Data center perspective
cess or assembly. Principle 1 is being realized via this
requirement. Production Perspective
R3. Standard infrastructure: This implements principle The production perspective gives rise to a range of IT infra-
1 and 6. Standard supply infrastructure should be structure requirements based on the fundamental principles
used in order to connect the system component to all illustrated in Table 1. Hardware and machine controllers are
supply layers. Every system component can be encapsulated inside an area that communicates with the outside
provided by different vendors. world by means of data interfaces. These enclosures must have
R4. Standard communication and CPS: Every layer should a constant and reliable power supply and also require adequate
communicate via an integration layer so as to imple- and fitting atmosphere control. These compounds must be
ment a standardized communication protocol. Principle monitored in terms of criteria such as humidity, temperature
2 is achieved by the means of standard communication and access. In certain conditions, there are other security
and CPS. necessities that additionally should be considered (protection
R5. Embedded computer: Modularity defines that each category, fire extinguishing system, and so on.).
module in a smart system has to be autonomous and
should be able to take their own decisions based on the Data Center Perspective
information retrieved through cloud computing via The same fundamental principles apply to IT infrastructure in
CPS. Thus, they must have an embedded computer. the data center environment (as shown in the Table 2). The
Embedded computer requirement realizes the principle compounds (IT racks) contain switches, servers and storage
2 and 3. systems that need to have a reliable power supply. These
R6. Secure communication: Information sharing in cloud sensitive devices require appropriate cooling systems to
computing should be authenticated with access keep them within a specified temperature and humidity
requests. This requirement is in accordance to principle range. Operating parameters, statuses and alarms all require
2. careful monitoring. Protection from physical dangers (access,
R7. Virtual system builder: Every physical system should fire, smoke, dust, water, etc.) is also crucial.
have a virtual system builder that operates as an engine
for the virtual system which enables effective simula-
tion. Principle 4 is being achieved through the Virtual 3 Cyber-Security and Legal Issues
system builder requirement.
R8. Core Processes as service: Principle 5 is associated with The fourth industrial revolution which is referred as Industry
this requirement. It states that the factory can provide its 4.0 has emerged in the present era. This industry revolution
principal functions to external manufacturing plants or has changed the course of human history. Industry 4.0
to other internal production lines. integrates information technology and operational technol-
R9. Cloud connection and computing: A system should be ogy. It consists of data driven production systems; Internet of
able to access the requirement of service suppliers and Things or cyber physical systems to be precise. With Industry
customers. And the product service should be shareable 4.0, the interconnected era also dawns. An association
via cloud computing. Principle 5 and 6 are related with between different users (i.e. customers and employees) and
requirement 9. systems is proffered via interconnection. Thus, business per-
R10. Online data analysis, monitoring and control: A system formance is expedited and new opportunities are generated
should provide real time data which should be accessi- by collaboration on a shared platform [45]. Cloud provides a
ble online or via cloud to monitor the status of the common platform on which data can be stored and users from
Challenges Within the Industry 4.0 Setup 193

Table 1 Production perspective of Industry 4.0 requirement 3.1 Security Vulnerabilities

Production perspective
• Real-time data processing The security vulnerabilities are related to the different layers
• Accessibility, redundancy of the IoT architecture. But there is no single universally
• Safeguarding against failure accepted architecture for Internet of Things. Different
• Field level, IT level researchers have proposed various architectures. In general,
• Protocols the Internet of Things layered architecture can be classified
• Interfaces into four major layers as follows [47, 49]:
• Investment cycles
• New technologies (cyber-physical systems, big data) 1. Perception (Sensing) layer: The perception layer is the
first layer of the IoT architecture. It is also known as
Table 2 Data center perspective of Industry 4.0 requirement Sensing Layer. This layer consists of physical objects
Data center perspective
and the detecting gadgets, for example, different types of
• Performance
tangible innovations, RFID sensors. These sensory
• Accessibility, redundancy technologies permit devices for perception and detection
• Security (software-related, physical) of different objects.
• Functionality 2. Network layer: System layer (Network layer) provides the
• Scalability framework to assist remote and wired associations between
• Innovation cycles the data processing frameworks and the sensor devices.
• New technologies (big data, Web 3.0, Internet of Things) 3. Service layer: Service layer is used to manage services that
are essential and required by the clients or the
applications. This layer is linked to the database and is
different locations can collaborate. Industry 4.0 interacts with accountable for the service management process.
huge amount of information, creating human machine asso- 4. Application layer: Interface layer (Application layer)
ciation frameworks and enhance the communication between consists of collaboration techniques with clients or
the computerized and physical environments. This new wave applications. This layer is accountable for conveying
of internet enabled technologies in manufacturing industry application services to the client.
has increased data density which brings new challenges,
especially cyber security [46, 47]. The components utilized at each layer and the security
Cyber security is the prime concern that all legislatures threats related to them are described in Table 3 [50]:
considers with utmost priority. It is an assurance of business On each layer, the security threats are different due to the
data and valuable information regarding a subject or frame- different features and functionalities of each layer [47].
work in digital shape against unapproved access, abuse and As at the sensing layer, the smart sensors automatically
misuse. Cyber-attacks and cyber risks have expanded hugely sense and recognize the environment and exchange informa-
in the most recent times. Any stakeholder that utilizes IoT tion among gadgets. Therefore, most of the threats occurs due
frameworks is directly or indirectly influenced by this issue. to external elements, mainly from sensing and other informa-
Particularly large organizations are vulnerable to maleficent tion gathering devices [51, 52]. Common threats of the per-
and hostile assaults that outcome in genuine financial ception layer are as follows:
troubles with tremendous misfortunes, for example, informa-
tion debasement, framework crashes, security ruptures, glory, – Unauthorized access: Unauthorized accesses are promi-
client, reliability and market misfortunes [48]. nent dangers because of physical or rationale assault.
With growing system associations, cyber-attacks have – Confidentiality: Assailants can put malignant sensors and
turned out to be increasingly inclined to abuse of information gadgets to obtain data from the framework.
for various objectives such as economic and prudent reasons. – Availability: Sometimes the framework is physically or
With boom of this recent innovation, the number of potential logically captured and thus the system does not work.
assailants are expanding and their strategies are becoming – Noisy data: At times, the data contains partial and incor-
advanced, complex, more refined and effective. In this man- rect information when transmitted over networks covering
ner, it should be secured against dangers and vulnerabilities vast distances.
so as to accomplish the most noteworthy capability of IoT. – Malicious code assaults: Using malicious code like virus
In this section one of the mainstream subjects of current and Trojan, attackers cause software failures.
times, cyber security is being discussed. The security threats
of IoT, fundamental reasons of cyber-attacks, cyber security The system layer associates everything in Internet of
requirement and some cyber security measures in detail are Things and carries a huge amount of data. It is therefore
also discussed.
194 A. Kumar and D. Gupta

Table 3 Security threats and vulnerabilities by level

S. No. Layer Components Security threats
1 Perception Barcodes, RFID tags, RFID reader-writers, Intelligent Unauthorized access, Confidentiality, Availability, Noisy data,
Layer sensors, GPS, BLE devices Malicious code attacks
2 Network Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), WLAN, Social Denial of Service (DOS), Routing attack, Transmission threats,
Layer Networks, Cloud Networks Data breach, Network congestion
3 Service Service management, Database, Service APIs Manipulation, Spoofing, Unauthorized access, Malicious
Layer information, DoS attacks
4 Application Smart applications and management, interfaces Configuration threats, Malicious code (Malware) attacks,
Layer Phishing Attacks

sensitive to attacks [52, 53]. Following are the security The uppermost layer from which the user interacts is the
threats at this level: application layer. The application layer consists of interfaces
and applications [52, 53]. The security threats of application
– Denial of Services (DoS) attacks: Denial of Service layer are as follows:
attacks are the most frequent threats. In DoS attack, the
attackers continuously post failure messages and fake – Configuration threats: Configuration threats includes
requests on the targeted network [54, 55]. failing configurations at interfaces and false misconfi-
– Routing attack: Routing attacks are related with the routing guration at remote hubs.
path of the message. In this, the attackers alters the directing – Malicious code attacks: Malicious assaults are made to the
data, create routing loops and send error messages. product framework directly to sabotage the expected
– Transmission threats: Transmission threats includes behavior of the framework.
blocking, interrupting and information exploitation. – Phishing Attacks: In these attacks, the assailants try to get
– Data breach: Data breach is the liberation of secure and sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, credit card
confidential data, intentionally or unintentionally, to an details.
untrusted source and environment.
– Network congestion: Network congestion may occur due The security prerequisites at all layers are confidentiality,
to various sensor information with various gadget verifi- integrity, accessibility, validation, non-repudiation and pro-
cation in a network system. tection. These prerequisites are discussed in detail in later
The service layer facilitates correspondence and manage-
ment of information in applications and services. It also
assists and contains the services utilizing application pro- 3.2 Evolution of Cyber Attacks
gramming interfaces (APIs). The data security is critical in
this layer as compared to other layers. A few of the security The digital world is continuously changing and advancing due
dangers of this layer are: to the change in technologies, the intricacy of the assailants,
the value of potential targets and the impacts of assaults. With
– Manipulation: Manipulation is the alteration of the infor- the extensive use of networking in manufacturing industries,
mation by the attackers. hackers have exploited network-based services for suspicious
– Spoofing: In spoofing the attacker masquerades as another plans. It is crucial to understand the security and privacy
source and gain illegitimate access to falsify the informa- concerns entirely to apply security controls to systems prop-
tion. This occurs due to the lack of adequate authentica- erly. Addressing security objectives appropriately will allow
tion control mechanisms [54]. the risks to diminish [47]. This implies that following the
– Unauthorized access: Abuse of services as they are being principles of security is essential to ensure that the cyber
accessed by unapproved clients. security is attained completely.
– Malicious information: Privacy and security of data are Cybercrime is triggered by advanced and revolutionary
jeopardized with pernicious tracking [54]. technologies. Cyber security demands safety against a wide
– DoS attacks: Useful and important service and assets are scope of difficulties. It is getting difficult with new
made inaccessible to legitimate users by imposing false innovations, technologies, trends in mobile usage, online
requests and exposing it to traffic beyond its normal networking, great wall-financed and methodical foes and
capacity. Mirai botnet, Brickerbot and the Repeater 24 h assaults. Cybercrimes directly affect companies and
botnets are some of the high profile IoT botnets that are organizations. From affecting the stock trade rate to brand
used for DoS attacks [54, 55]. reputation, everything is on stake now.
Challenges Within the Industry 4.0 Setup 195

The following Fig. 2 shows the evolution of cybercrimes Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), CrySys
over the years. Lab and the MAHER Center of Kaspersky Lab, on May
Towards the beginning of the 1980s, the digital assaults 28, 2012 [47].
started with password cracking and secret word speculating – July 2009 Cyber Attacks: Some digital assailants released
strategies. Today, the crimes have evolved and started occur- botnet and attacked prime government and business
ring via packet spooling, advance scanning and refusal of websites, of the United States and South Korea. This
service. In future, the digital assaults are predicted to destroy was done by capturing the computers which further
vital focus centres using bots, morphing and pernicious overloaded the servers by traffic flooding. It is estimated
codes. Over the period of time, the behavior of digital that more than 3 laks PCs were seized from various
assaults has transformed from being simple to advanced, locations. White House, The Pentagon, Ministry of
complicated and sophisticated. Defense and National Intelligence Service were among
the affected websites. The attacked caused disruption
rather than stealing the data [47].
3.3 Cases of Cyber-Attacks – Steel mill attack: The programmers assaulted a steel mill
in Germany on December 2014, utilizing booby trapped
The cyber world is a continuously developing network where emails to capture logins that gave them access to the
everyone can connect with each other independently of time plant’s control system. Assailants entered into the steel
and distance via the networking services. Due to this reason, factory’s corporate system using spear-phishing and social
attackers utilize the digital world for their own benefits engineering. The plant’s production network was then
targeting people, organizations, banks and even military and reached from this network. Parts of the plant failed
government offices. Some of the digital assaults are being which in turn led to failure of control components and
discussed as follows: all manufacturing appliances were cut off. Thus, the blast
furnace could not be legitimately closed, resulting in the
– Flame: Skywiper, Flamer or Flame, is a modular PC massive damage [47].
malware found in 2012 as a virus. It assaulted Microsoft – Operation Ghoul: SFG malware, found in an European
Windows working framework PCs in the Middle East. At energy company network in June 2016, has made an
the point when assailants utilized Flame as a digital indirect access for focused mechanical control
weapon for spying, it damaged other frameworks through frameworks. As per security specialists at SentinelOne
a local area network (LAN) and gathered private data. Labs, the objective was to extract information from the
Skype and other audio conversations, console action, power network or to halt the power network. Windows-
screenshots and computer display contents, stored files, based SFG malware was made to conquer conventional
contact information and network traffic were recorded. antivirus programs and firewalls.
Flame is reported as most sophisticated and complex – New York Dam Attack: In March 2016, PC based control
malware ever found. It is also believed that Flame was of a dam in New York was confiscated by aggressors
operating since August 2010. Flame infected 1000 utilizing cellular modems.
machines including government organizations and educa- – Ukrainian Power Outage: In December 2015, a power
tional institutes. Iranian Oil Ministry computers was its organization situated in western Ukraine endured a
main target. The virus was discovered by Iranian National power blackout that affected a vast territory that including

Fig. 2 Evolution of cyber attacks

Less Complex, Fairly Very

General Attacks

Directed Attacks

Strategic Attacks

less complex, Complex,

sophisticated Relatively highly
attacks sophisticated sophisticated
e.g. Password attacks e.g. Bots,
Cracking, e.g. Advanced Malicious
Phishing, DNS Scanning, codes,
attacks DoS Morphing
196 A. Kumar and D. Gupta

the provincial capital of Ivano-Frankivsk. Three different shares individual data to other people is determined by the
energy organizations, known as “Oblenergos”, were degree of privacy it provides.
assaulted and obstructed the power of 225,000 users.
The assault was done by programmers who utilized
BlackEnergy malware that misused the macros in 3.5 Cyber Security Measures
Microsoft Excel report. The bug was transplanted in the
company’s network through spam messages [47, 54]. Cyber security measures must be taken to restrict digital
dangers [47]. Some essential cyber security measures that
The assaults on industrial frameworks will be persistent could forestall any possible assault are discussed as follows:
due to the increased mechanization and web association. This
implies the quantity of such destroying digital assaults pro- – Never permit the machines to associate directly to a
ceed to rise and along these lines all the harmed associations machine on a business network. Organizations might not
will pay an overwhelming cost for the assaults. be aware that any such association network exist, but a
digital assailant could find this gap and exploit mechanical
control frameworks to cause physical harm.
3.4 Strategic Principles of Cyber Security – A firewall is a program that filters approaching and active
traffic between various parts of a network. Try not to
The essential security standards of an efficient IoT security enable a risk to the system framework by lessening the
are addressed from six aspects. These standards must be quantity of routes in the network and applying security
guaranteed for security to be ensured in the whole IoT frame- conventions to the routes.
work [47, 56, 57]. – Remote access to a system utilizing some moderate
techniques like Virtual Private Network (VPN) gives
– Confidentiality: The capacity to conceal data from enormous points of interest to the end clients. The remote
individuals who are unapproved or unauthorized to use access can be fortified by diminishing the quantity of IP
that data is known as confidentiality. The data thus needs addresses that can get to it by utilizing system gadgets or
security from unapproved access. It is significant security potentially firewalls to identify IP addresses.
highlight in IoT. In most of the situations, private user – Role-based access control authorizes or decline access to
information, government data and military secure data and network resources dependent on business capacities. This
credentials should be avoided from unapproved disclosure. confines the capacity to get to files or framework parts that
– Integrity: Data integrity defines the data shielding from clients or aggressors ought not have the capacity to get to.
unapproved, unforeseen or inadvertent modifications. – Having solid passwords is the most effortless approach to
Trustworthiness is an obligatory security property as a fortify the security. Programmers can utilize programming
rule so as to give dependable services to IoT clients. devices that can effectively increase unapproved access.
– Availability: Availability is defined as the access to the As indicated by Microsoft, you ought to definitely abstain
data required by a client or a gadget whenever needed. In from utilizing individual information, (for example, date
this way, the IoT assets must be accessible on a timely of birth), in reverse known words, and character or num-
basis to address issues or to avoid significant misfortunes. ber successions that are near one another on the console.
– Authenticity: Authentication enables only the approved Make a secret key strategy to enable workers to screen
entities to carry out specific tasks in the system. Diverse best practices for security.
system confirmation requires distinctive arrangements. – It is imperative to guarantee attention to fix and updates.
The authenticity property enables only the approved Organizations ought to consider refreshing framework and
entities to perform specific activities in the system net- programming settings naturally to abstain from missing
work. Some authentication requires strong control authen- basic updates.
ticity while some need moderate passwords authentication – The representatives of an organization are in charge of
systems. guaranteeing the security of the business. It is critical to
– Nonrepudiation: The property of nonrepudiation give the representatives awareness about safe online
introduces certain proof in situations where the client or practices and training.
gadget can’t deny an activity, for example, payment activ- – Due to the versatile nature, there is a more serious danger
ity. IoT administration must give a believed review trail of smart gadgets. Encoding your workstation is the least
for establishing trust. demanding approach to avoid potential risk.
– Privacy: The extent of interference of a system with its – Nevertheless, Firewalls, interruption recognition and
attributes and environment along with the level to which it counteractive action sensors and logs from the servers
Challenges Within the Industry 4.0 Setup 197

ought to be observed regarding faults indications. A viable field where this is as of now happening is AI. A key thought
digital safety effort will confine the harm, increment the for organizations trying to utilize AI in their business is the
trust of accomplices and clients, and lessen recuperation manner by which they can ensure their investment into
expenses and time. AI. Licensed innovation is not only concerned with just
calculations on which the AI model is based, but also ideas
As new frameworks and associated environment for or developments that are made by AI.
connected devices keeps on developing, security budgets Copyright: Most jurisdictions ensure the outflow of the
are bound to increase exponentially for every organization. algorithms and AI process in the form of software through
The fate of the digital security strongly relies upon con- copyright. Nonetheless, there is a bigger challenge where the
sidering threat landscapes and developing patterns in AI keeps on learning and thus make changes to its very own
technologies based on big data, IoT and cognitive product structure. By what means should controllers react in
computing. such manner: would it be a good idea for them to perceive
copyright in works made by AI, and the responsibility for
works? For example, the idea of computer authorship is
3.6 Legal Implications for Industry 4.0 authorized in UK law: if the work is PC produced, the creator
will be the individual by whom the courses of action funda-
Other than offering plenty of opportunities, Industry 4.0 could mental for the production of the work are attempted. This
likewise be viewed as a concern for the numerous dangers definition is worthy when a specialist plans a straightforward
present where choices are made by systems and not by people. calculation and effectively inputs a given arrangement of
The disruptive technologies of Industry 4.0 desire access to large information with the motivation behind inspiring the produc-
volumes of information. Ineffectively drawn laws and govern- tion of another PC program. Be that as it may, how would it
ment arrangements can obstruct gainful access without be extended for progressively complex situations that include
diminishing the dangers exhibited by Industry 4.0. The multifaceted models that are fit for learning and growing
advances in manufacturing industry raise significant moral and without human supervision? Thus, all these situations effects
security concerns that could dissolve trust if not addressed inquiries of possession, duty, and responsibility.
keenly. Endeavoring to wed something as specialized as Indus- Obligation: Issues relating to civil and criminal risk would
try 4.0 with strong guideline displays new difficulties. The turn out to be progressively significant in fields, for example,
further developed Artificial Intelligence become, the more they operability, ecological assurance, and wellbeing and security.
become “secret elements”, where the maker of the AI frame-
work does not by any stretch of the imagination known on the
premise on which the AI is settling on its choices. In this way, 4 Development of New Business Models
guaranteeing responsibility and consistency in AI conduct turns
out to be troublesome. The administrative systems should have With the emergence of Industry 4.0, the manufacturing
the capacity to satisfactorily oversee and control the hazard in industry has seen massive transformations. Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0-based items, administrations and methodologies. which is represented with aspects of operational excellence
These dangers, and the capacity to manage them, are a test both have brought new wave of innovation [58].
for the organizations concerned and the controllers entrusted This rapid digitization have consequences for the way
with securing customer interests and the integrity of the admin- companies offer value to clients, their competitive position
istrative and legal system. Controllers, in general, will adopt a in the market and thus their business model.
technology-neutral strategy to rule-making, concentrating on The existing business models need to be reconsidered to
activities and their results rather that the methods of delivery. integrate the technological innovations in the business
Subsequently, on a fundamental level, strategies for performing models [41]. Thus, the development of new business models
existing exercises or accomplishing existing results should fall is realized with the emergence of industry 4.0, which is being
perfectly inside existing lawful and administrative structures. If discussed in this section.
this methodology works, then there is no requirement for new
laws or guidelines, simply new understandings of plans of action
and business models, or hazards, and of the viability of risk 4.1 Features, Challenges and Requirements
management systems. However, the introduction of self- of the Industry 4.0 with Respect
sufficient non-human on-screen characters in Industry 4.0 deci- to Business Models
sion making process procedures could offer elevation in com-
plex inquiries with respect to the risks. Industry 4.0 has upended traditional ways of doing business.
Licensed innovation: The idea of protected innovation Advances in technology, connectivity and manufacturing
rights as would be tested in the time of Industry 4.0. One have changed the way the products and services are
198 A. Kumar and D. Gupta

consumed. As a result, designers are incorporating new New Approaches are arising in the market and the existing
technologies like automation, augmented reality, virtual real- approaches are changing constantly. The need to intro-
ity and cloud computing to meet customer expectations duce new approaches or to introduce a change in existing
driven by the same. Thus, the business models are evolving one is because the horizontal and vertical integration of
and with them the requirements for the business models have the value chain and the associated interoperability
also evolved. The business models require more efficient diversifies firms’ traditional boundaries due to the organi-
ways to merge technologies into the product life cycle [59]. zation and the stakeholders’ network. As a result, better
The following Table 4 summarizes the principal features methodologies for making and offering value through
of Industry 4.0 and key issues that affects the traditional ecosystems that goes past individual value chains are
business models. It also describes the requirements to face raising. Due to competition, conventional manufacturing
the digital transformation [60, 61]. industries that were aligned towards product sales are now
more aligned with the ideas of Industry 4.0 [59, 63].
3. A user-driven method
4.2 Various Methodologies Influencing This method creates new ways to make manufacturing
Business Models increasingly receptive to user driven design and to adjust
it better with consumer value creating processes and
In the following section, different methodologies that contexts. In this approach, organizations should be capa-
respond to the features of Industry 4.0 and challenges to ble for both learning about their customers and becoming
face digitization are discussed. Each method focuses on a a better ecosystem far from individual value chain. A
specific issue, yet they all are interrelated. Methods such as Company can learn about their customers by promoting
service-oriented method, network-oriented method and user- evidence-based decision making, and with obtaining
driven method are described below. more information about the customers using digital
tools. Industry 4.0 provides opportunities to focus more
1. A Service-oriented method on customer demands and to build a more promising and
Industry 4.0 is pushing towards selling infrastructures as prominent relationships with the stakeholders as well.
service as well as products, so a new approach of Hybrid Besides, an upgraded customer introduction is shown
model is needed. Mixing Product with service business by the extension of creative administration advertising
has been recognized as Hybrid model. Apart from this, [58, 59, 64].
business model, which were only into digital industries
until now, are now becoming applicable to traditional
product-based industries. Now with industries moving 4.3 Four Different Ways to Direct the Digital
towards a Service approach by outsourcing their services Transformation in Manufacturing
does not have to particularly depend upon manufacturing Companies
cost to make profits. The result is alleged product-service
system (PSS) concept, it describes a hybrid model which The theories explaining innovation levels and the
offers a specific product-service bundle as a solution with frameworks based on the Business model definitions are
more integrated development and realization of the system examined to explore the implications of Industry 4.0 in
[59, 62, 63]. Business Model innovation. In this way, four different ways
2. A network-oriented method to implement the innovative digital transformation in

Table 4 Main features of Industry 4.0 and main issues that affects the traditional business models
Industry 4.0 features Traditional business model issues Digital transformation requirements
Interoperability Networking and reduction of barriers Standardization
Virtualization Flexibility and personalization Work organization
Decentralization of decision making Individualized mass production Availability of products
Real-time capability Local production New business models
Service orientation Low price Know-how protections
Modularity Smart goods and services Availability of skilled labour
Fragmentation of the value chain Research investment
Globalization and decentralization of production Professional development
V-H integrated production systems Legal frameworks
Human Ingenuity
Challenges Within the Industry 4.0 Setup 199

manufacturing industries have been identified according to Table 6 Outcomes of improvement in customer interfaces
the changes applied to different levels and different elements Value delivery
of the business model to transform all elements of business • Segmentation based on data analysis
model to a better one. • More Direct, closely, efficient and long-term relationships
A Business Model describes “the rationale of how an • Improved digital sales
Value creation
organization creates, delivers, and captures value”. Every
• Management of new touchpoints
proposition is depicted in this way, demonstrating the change • Data collection, monitoring and interpretation
in the value creation (core function and partnerships), value • Development of new services
delivery (mixture of services and products offered, commu- Value capture
nication and sales) and value capture (revenue and cost • Cost Saving
gained by the firm). • New revenue streams: dynamic pricing, pay-per-use, online payment
1. Optimization of Internal and External Processes
This approach represents an incremental innovation that Table 7 Outcomes of introduction of new ecosystems and value
improves the current business without making any big networks
changes. The changes that are introduced are in the form Value creation
of new modules with new technologies such as big data, • Business infrastructure connected to key partners infrastructures
additive manufacturing, augmented reality, which opti- • Real time information about production, inventories, status,
availability of personnel, etc.
mize the value creation architecture, increasing its produc-
Value delivery
tivity and efficiency by reducing the cost, time, employee
• Access to new customer segments
dependencies. This is the first step to introduce industry • Broader offering of products
4.0 standards in traditional manufacturing companies. Value capture
This approach has the lowest risk as one is not making • Potential increase in value capture due to cost reduction for all
any changes in the already working process. Changes are stakeholders
introduced in business model components to accomplish
the advancement of internal and external procedures
[59]. The following Table 5 elucidates the outcomes in components to accomplish improvements in customer
terms of value creation, value delivery and value capture, interfaces.
by introducing changes via this approach in the traditional 3. Introduction of New Ecosystems and Value Networks
business model. This model focuses on improving the core business (core
2. Improvement in Customer Interfaces activities of the company), and sharing the issues with other
This idea is focused on improving the value delivery. companies and learning new required skills and resources
Values provision through product and service offering, which are needed because of the introduction of new
customer relationships, customer segments. With the pre- technologies like virtual reality, cloud computing and big
sentation of new technologies like Big data and cloud data. In this way, companies value creation is linked with
computing, allows us to understand the customers’ needs partners processes, which establishes an ecosystem rather
and better customer experiences. After optimizing internal than individual value creation, which in turn increases the
and external processes, this approach could add more stakeholder’s knowledge. This approach requires a change
value to the conventional business [59]. Table 6 explains in many business processes like core activities, customer
the outcomes by introducing changes in business model relationships with both customers and stakeholders,
resulting in new ways of capturing values [59]. (Table 7).
4. Introduction of New Business Models: Manufacturing
Smart Products and Services
Table 5 Outcomes of optimization of internal and external processes
In comparison to other models, this model suggests a
Value creation whole different business model which is based on new
• Product and resource traceability
technologies like big data, cloud computing, embedded
• Machine to Machine connections
• Employee training systems, that offers new and innovative goods and
• Data driven decision making services. This model introduces changes in almost every
Value delivery business element, which provides the opportunity for the
• More Flexible Offers; Individualized mass production, customizations business to expand in markets. As this approach is not
etc. related to traditional business model, it can be
Value capture implemented in parallel to working business models.
• Cost optimization due to more efficient processes and use of resources
With this approach, companies could experience better
200 A. Kumar and D. Gupta

Table 8 Outcomes of introduction of new business models: faces various challenges and demands various
manufacturing smart products and services methodologies for storing, processing and management of
Value delivery such data. To overcome these challenges new algorithms,
• Smart Products products and models are required to use and gain the benefits
• Innovation in associated services of data. Engineers are required to break down such data and
• Co-creation
• Direct relationship to discover relationship between data streams and to increase
Value creation new bits of knowledge from the information which were not
• New Physical, human and intellectual resources are needed thought before. There is an issue in which a large amount of
Value capture data is stored or exchanged via emails, excel sheets, printouts
• New revenue streams: dynamic pricing, pay-per-use, performance- on which is very difficult to keep track and analyze the data.
based revenues etc. Data could be stored in heterogeneous database solutions
between various departments. Major problem is data redun-
performance as to the current model and can experiment in dancy, with all these sources of information merging into a
new model while the other one still provides revenues single place, a big amount of data get redundant. Engineers
[59]. The outcomes of this model are illustrated in have to face a big challenge to rectify it. Primitive software’s
Table 8. which were getting used in the organization might not be
compatible with the data standards of the future generation
As discussed, the main goals of Industry 4.0 have been and data might get lost. Inconsistent data leads to incorrect
fulfilled and to understand the concepts and the effect of decisions [8, 41].
Industry 4.0 in Business models, one must have a better 2. Data Exchange with Partners
knowledge of possible advancements that can be applied to Companies outsource their core functions which in turn
traditional business models through Industry 4.0. Three dif- exposes the data to the partners to whom they have
ferent Industry 4.0 approaches to get close to Industry 4.0 outsourced to. They have to exchange data inter depart-
standards are networked ecosystems, service orientation and ment to keep their processes optimized. This is a trend that
customer orientation. A set of features, requirements and Industry 4.0 emphasis on sharing their processes and
issues which have been acknowledged to implement Industry infrastructure as a service to other companies for revenue
4.0 are discussed. Introducing industry 4.0 in traditional busi- gain rather than selling only a product. Data transparency
ness models enables the identification of different ways to is required at this point as other companies might get
transform them into a better model. Majorly emphasizing on hands on the data of the company selling their infrastruc-
creating value due to both products and services is defined. ture to them. Companies might have to share their prog-
Valuing customers and aligning more towards their needs ress status of some of the products manufactured at their
makes a better value. Also, there is a need to understand the factory for future aspects if needed. Shop floor and ERP
role of value in new ecosystem, how it should be perceived level integration is often missing. Traditionally it is not
and created, and should be broken down to approaches and very practical to exchange data in real time and indepen-
ways, and then analyzed to understand the different ways to dently, which creates a gap between both things. There’s
help the discovery driven process of new Business models. often a delay in data transfer. Sometimes, the physical
product is transferred on the conveyor belt but the infor-
mation to carry out operations on the product doesn’t get
5 Addressing the Challenges updated, which results in higher cost. Normally in a pro-
duction facility, a product has only three stages, produc-
The individual technologies that form the components of Indus- tion started, in progress and finished, which are not well
try 4.0, have been in development for quite a while. But their integrated with ERP systems. So it’s a big challenge to
integration with these individual technologies have been in devel- have a proper communication and data transfer [8].
opment for some time, their integration with industry frameworks 3. Training and Skill Development
prompts new benefits as well as challenges [54]. In this section Industry 4.0 requires modern and multi skilled staff which
the prime challenges of Industry 4.0 are being discussed. is a major challenge, majorly because of aging population
and currently working staff are very reluctant to change.
1. Data Challenge Most people who used to work in production are retiring
Industry 4.0 is purely based on data and its analytics, it without transferring any production knowledge to anyone
generates data in different ways and analyze it according to else. Other major issue is young staff wants more perks and
the requirements. In production environment, different types frequent promotions and frequent in changing jobs. As
of data is collected via different sources like machine sensors, most of the staff includes old people, they are working in
product data, plant data, quality data, infrastructure data, and a routine since many years and do not want to learn new
logistics data, all of these contribute in data size. Such data technologies. New machines, gadgets and technologies are
Challenges Within the Industry 4.0 Setup 201

very difficult to be introduced to them. This is a major With these quick transitions of organizations, another
challenge as Industry 4.0 is based on eminent change [8]. environment is being created. One with progressively effec-
4. Process Flexibility tive assembling methods, shared modern systems and
Industry 4.0 ensures modular and process flexibility, which advanced inventory network processes and another towards
is a challenge in implementation. Such individualization and structure and execution of generation. So, there ought to be
customization require flexibility at a production level. Cur- the topic of how the practical improvement of manufacturing
rently used technology at the production facility is inade- industries fits with the concept of sustainable development.
quate and not capable enough to achieve flexibility. Sustainable development (SD) is defined as the idea of living,
Traditionally, systems used at production level are made working and developing as a society, while saving the planet at
modular and isolated with time and after introducing several least in its present condition. Sustainable development is a funda-
changes. Management changes are hardest to introduce in a mental aspect of economic development in all nations [66]. The
production facility. Introducing a change in a traditional balance between the need of humankind to create and the longing
process impacts a lot of dependencies in the system and to not pulverize the planet in the process is continuously
handed over in form of printouts or emails. Usually each addressed. With the new models that Industry 4.0 has presented
change is introduced department wise without any to the world, and with the consistently growing opportunities for
predefined standards and makes the system more complex innovations, generation, and improvement of the manner in
and cost taking. There is a need of standardization which organizations work, the subject of sustainability stands.
and synchronization between all of the modules of a pro- So, in this section the interrelationship between Industry 4.0 and
duction facility to achieve flexibility in an effective manner sustainable development is being discussed.
[8, 41, 65].
5. Security
Security is a major concern in Industry 4.0 standards and 6.1 Challenges for Sustainable Development
for the future of industries. Industries need to ensure their
people, product and production facilities environment Despite the fact that challenges for SD could be characterized
secure from security risks. Using smart devices in produc- from numerous viewpoints and methodologies, it would be
tion is trending which is a good advantage to ease our lives preferable to acknowledge sustainable development
but it also has a higher security risk. A smart device can be challenges by the UN’s General Assembly’s Resolution and
monitored on the basis of hardware and software, which is Agenda on Sustainable Development. In 2015, the UN
often ignored. All devices including industrial machines defined 17 noteworthy objectives with 169 goals as the
should be updated with time so as to get secure against real objectives to “end destitution, secure the planet, and
potential threats which are arising on a daily basis. guarantee success for all” by 2030. These objectives are
Keeping a track of every update for every machine is a classified into five noteworthy classes: People, Planet, Pros-
hectic task. IoT devices are only capable of a small perity, Peace, Partnership [67-69] as highlighted in Fig. 3.
processing power, so a new set of tools and guidelines The challenges to accomplish the set objectives in these
are required to make the device secure. A cloud classifications differ. Few objectives are unachievable for the
connected device is vulnerable to get hacked. A simple span of time whereas some are wide in degree and requires far
virus can enter from any smart device to any production more prominent measures of activities. Other significant
environment and can affect the product which will result difficulties for the accomplishment of the objectives are:
in major product returns, heavy fines and reputation absence of substantial leadership (to motivate not only strategy
loss [8, 41]. change, but also investment, incorporation, awareness, and
mobilization towards the objectives), an understanding of the
fundamental tones of the objectives (which means a general
6 Challenges to Achieve Sustainable move in the manner individuals work, produce, devour, and
Development invest their energy), as well as unification of some of the
objectives of all nations (for instance, setting universal
Industry 4.0—the fourth modern industrial revolution, is benchmarks for clean water, clean air, and so forth). Some of
changing how the universe of business operates. This new the key difficulties in the method for accomplishing the SD
revolution is not only the method for creation and structure of objectives are absence of access to data of governments, low
items, procedures and associations, but also the incorporation quality of prioritizing the present goals, along with the lack of
of different new on-screen characters like artificial reasoning, capacity of governments to confront the size of the SD
programming, and people into the manner in which society objectives. Government find numerous troubles in
and business work. accomplishing the objectives of sustainable development due
202 A. Kumar and D. Gupta

Fig. 3 Categories of challenges

People Prosperity Planet Peace Partnership
of sustainable development

No Poverty Affordable and Climate action Peace, justice Partnership for

Zero Hunger clean energy Life below and strong the goals
Good health Decent work water institutions
and well-being and economic Life on land
education Industry,
Access to clean innovation and
water and infrastructure
sanitation Sustainable
Gender cities and
equality communities
and production

to the absence of organized and boundless information univer- creating an easy-to-utilize course strategy according to their
sally. Without that information and without the required capac- location, or the state their country is currently in, and to have a
ity of governments, to try and even plan effectively the better understanding of the circumstances they are facing.
necessities of their residents to get nearer to the goals, the System integration can be very helpful in growth of limits
targets cannot be accomplished. Another approach to see the of government and also to gather and integrate data from a
objectives is with the objective to lead the planet and every one wide range of sectors which should be more coupled and
of its occupants to a superior reality and better future. consistent yet they are not. System integration will bring
standard unification, transparency and accessibility of data
across the border.
6.2 Practical Solutions of Sustainable At last, cloud technologies are cost effective and more
Development Challenges accessible, and also creates numerous processes which improves
capacity, are simpler, faster and more effective. Cloud
The developments identified with the rise of Industry 4.0 can technologies develops a lot of new opportunities to achieve
be associated with the challenges of sustainable development. effective and efficient SD goals. It provides a wide and afford-
The future prospects lies in the integration of Industry 4.0 and able solution which can be unified globally and thus makes a
the sustainable development as shown in the Fig. 4. standard for information processing, awareness rising, etc.
The sustainable development challenges can be overcome The following Table 9 presents the potential industry 4.0
with the assistance of the technologies of the Industry 4.0. solutions corresponding to the sustainable development
As Industry 4.0 embodies interconnectivity, it makes challenges.
sense that more than one of its components would provide a Procedures and opportunities are yet not totally accessible
possible solution, mainly in collaboration with others. to governments for the accomplishment of the sustainable
Robotics emerged with virtual prototyping and augmented development objectives, that remains a challenge for all
reality as its corresponding components. Although the countries. Besides, realizing an answer for the lack of signifi-
computational forces of autonomy and mechanical cant initiative and inspiration, the only option is that people
innovation can make various decisions, but virtual
prototyping in this setting can play out the developed
situations for simpler decision making. On the contrary,
Augmented reality, will make a much more clear picture of
the current state, and will sparkle a light on the profundity of
the potential outcomes and make the extent of the objectives Future Sustainable
unambiguous for the policy producers. Industry Prospects Development
Big data and analytics add to the boundless opportunities 4.0 Challenges
for data gathering and data analyzing. When implemented Opportunities
accurately even as a stand-alone tool it can be a way to settle
a portion of difficulties; particularly the absence of access to
data and unified standards. SD goals can get prioritized with the
enormous data gathered via approaches inherited in Industry Fig. 4 Opportunities and future prospects of sustainable development
4.0, along with virtual prototyping which can also help in challenges
Challenges Within the Industry 4.0 Setup 203

Table 9 The potential industry 4.0 solutions corresponding to the sustainable development challenges
SD challenge Potential Industry 4.0 solutions
Phrasing of objectives: Vagueness, highly optimistic targets etc. Robotics, Modeling and simulation technologies (for e.g. virtual processing)
Scope of goals Robotics, Augmented reality, Big data and Analytics
Absence of comprehension of objectives Robotics, virtual Prototyping
Absence of unified benchmarks System integration
Cloud technologies Big data and analytics
Lack of access to information Big data and analytics
System integration Cloud technologies Augmented reality
Low quality prioritizing Virtual prototyping
Big data and analytics

handle the challenges of sustainable development on their own As it is known that the principles and components of
with the help of the innovations in technology. As of now there Industry 4.0 have the basic purpose of increasing the automa-
are instances where advancements of Industry 4.0 helped in tion and efficiency of creating products and services. The fourth
improving societies, in increasing efficiency, in better intercon- industrial revolution brought new talent and innovation to the
nectivity and finally at sustainable development. manufacturing industry. This transformation made it feasible to
The fate of Sustainable development has begun to unfurl accumulate and analyze data across machines, empowering
through the possibilities which Industry 4.0 is proffering. faster, more flexible, and more efficient procedures to create
Some of the examples are discussed as follows: higher quality goods at reduced costs. It has increased produc-
tivity, shifted the economics of many countries, has fostered
1. The work done by Rebecca Portnoff used machine industrial growth and altered the profile of the workforce. Thus,
learning and artificial intelligence which with the help of the sustainable development challenges like decent work and
algorithms have gathered and analyzed information that economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure; sus-
helped in recognizing a sex trafficking ring. This work is tainable cities and communities; and responsible consumption
without a doubt in resonant with the objectives of the and production are being met. As examined, there are numer-
sustainable development [70]. ous prospects, which are already being investigated in this
2. Another example of Industry 4.0 that aids in improving direction. However, the next greater challenge is to find not
human lives and wellbeing is achieved with the means of only a probable solution to achieve the other objectives of
augmented reality and artificial intelligence. In this system sustainable development, but also the required time span to
the patients with coronary illness are diagnosed and an test and integrate many of the potential solutions.
estimate about their future condition is predicted via the
system. This is accomplished with the assistance of the
historical information and chronicled information for the References
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Challenges Within the Industry 4.0 Setup 205

50. A. Varghese and D. Tandur, “Wireless requirements and challenges Union of Mechanical Engineering, Industry 4.0, Vol. 2, Issue 6,
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51. H. Suo, J. Wan, C. Zou, and J. Liu, “Security in the internet of 70. R. S. Portnoff et al., “Tools for Automated Analysis of
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52. S. A. Kumar, T. Vealey, and H. Srivastava, “Security in internet of
things: Challenges, solutions and future directions,” Proc. Annu. Akshi Kumar is an Assistant
Hawaii Int. Conf. Syst. Sci., vol. 2016–March, pp. 5772–5781, 2016. Professor in the Department of
53. Inayat Ali, Sonia Sabir, and Zahid Ullah, “Internet of Things Secu- Computer Science and Engineering
rity, Device Authentication and Access Control: A Review,” Int. at Delhi Technological University
J. Comput. Sci. Inf. Secur. (IJCSIS), vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 456–466, (formerly Delhi College of Engi-
2016. neering). She has been with the
54. N. Tuptuk and S. Hailes, “Security of smart manufacturing university for the past 11 years.
systems,” J. Manuf. Syst., vol. 47, no. November 2017, She has received her Ph.D. in Com-
pp. 93–106, 2018. puter Engineering from Faculty of
55. L. Barreto, A. Amaral, A. Santana, P. Afonso, A. Zanin, and Technology, University of Delhi in
R. Wernke, “Network and information security challenges within 2011. She completed her Master of
Industry Costing models,” Procedia Manuf., vol. 13, pp. 1253– Technology with honours in Com-
1260, 2017. puter Science and Engineering
56. G. D. Rodosek and M. Golling, “Cyber Security : Challenges and from Guru Gobind Singh
Application,” pp. 179–180, 2013. Indraprastha University, Delhi in
57. M. Abomhara and G. M. Køien, “Cyber Security and the Internet of 2005. She received her Bachelor
Things : Vulnerabilities, Threats, Intruders,” vol. 4, pp. 65–88, of Engineering degree with distinc-
2015. tion in Computer Science and
58. C. ARNOLD, D. KIEL, and K.-I. VOIGT, “How the Industrial Engineering from Maharishi
Internet of Things Changes Business Models in Different Dayanand University, India in
Manufacturing Industries,” Int. J. Innov. Manag., vol. 20, no. 2003. She has presented several
08, p. 1640015, 2016. papers in international conferences
59. J. Ignacio, “Business model innovation through Industry 4.0 : and published work in peer-
A review,” Procedia Manuf., vol. 22, pp. 4–10, 2018. reviewed and science cited
60. K. D. Thoben, S. A. Wiesner, and T. Wuest, “‘Industrie 4.0’ and journals. Dr. Kumar has also
smart manufacturing-a review of research issues and application authored a book ‘Web Technology:
examples,” Int. J. Autom. Technol., vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 4–16, 2017. Theory and Practice’ published by
61. M. Maslarić, S. Nikoličić, and D. Mirčetić, “Logistics Response to CRC Press, Taylor and Francis
the Industry 4.0: the Physical Internet,” Open Eng., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. Group. She is active reviewer of
511–517, 2016. many top journals of IEEE, IET,
62. E. Fleisch, M. Weinberger, and F. Wortmann, “Geschäftsmodelle im Springer, Emerald and Elsevier. In
Internet der Dinge,” HMD Prax. der Wirtschaftsinformatik, vol. addition, she is currently serving as
51, no. 6, pp. 812–826, 2014. a Guest Editor of Springer Energy
63. M. M. A. Iivari Petri; Komi, Marjaana; Tihinen, Maarit; Valtanen, Systems. Her research interests are
Kristiina, “Toward Ecosystemic Business Models in the Context of in the area of intelligent systems,
Industrial Internet,” J. Bus. Model., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 42–59, 2016. user-generated big-data, social
64. M. Ehret and J. Wirtz, “Unlocking value from machines: business media analytics and soft
models and the industrial internet of things,” J. Mark. Manag., vol. computing.
33, no. 1–2, pp. 111–130, 2017.
65. Y. Zhang, T. Qu, O. Ho, and G. Q. Huang, “Real-time work-in- Divya Gupta is currently work-
progress management for smart object-enabled ubiquitous shop- ing as an Assistant Professor at
floor environment,” Int. J. Comput. Integr. Manuf., vol. 24, no. Galgotias University, Greater
5, pp. 431–445, 2011. Noida. She has received her M.
66. T. Stock and G. Seliger, “Opportunities of Sustainable Tech. (Master of Technology) in
Manufacturing in Industry 4.0,” vol. 40, no. Icc, pp. 536–541, 2016. Software Engineering from Delhi
67. J. M. Müller, “What Drives the Implementation of Industry 4.0 ? Technological University and B.
The Role of Opportunities and Challenges in the Context of Tech. (Bachelor of Technology) in
Sustainability,” 2018. Information Technology from
68. G. Prause, “Sustainable business models and structures for industry GGSIPU. Her research interests
4.0 JOURNAL OF SECURITY AND SUSTAINABILITY include Intelligent Systems, Web
ISSUES,” vol. 2, no. December 2015, 2016. Mining and Web-based Software
69. R. Tsvetkova, “What does Industry 4.0 mean for sustainable devel- Engineering.
opment?”, International Scientific Journal of Scientific Technical

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