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Driving India towards the clean energy technology frontier

Will Hall, Associate Fellow POLICY BRIEF

$$ The energy transition is continuing at an unprecedented pace and scale, requiring new low
carbon technologies.
$$ To date, India has had limited success in capturing the manufacturing benefits of certain clean
energy technologies, such as solar PV and batteries.
$$ TERI sees green hydrogen as the next ‘clean energy prize’, which will require coordinated action
from industry and government for India to capture the benefits.
$$ Early demand markets for hydrogen include fuel cells for trucking, balancing supply and
demand in the power sector and replacing fossil fuels in industry.
$$ The potential scale of hydrogen use in India is huge; increasing between 3 and 10 times by
$$ Hydrogen can provide a supplementary role to renewables and batteries, in a transition to a
carbon neutral economy.
$$ Hydrogen can be divided into ‘grey’ (produced from fossil fuels), ‘blue’ (produced from fossil
fuels with carbon capture and storage) or ‘green’ (produced from renewable electricity).
Technology for the energy transition India’s track record on technology
The world is undergoing a transition to clean, low carbon innovation
sources of energy at an unprecedented pace and scale. There are a few clean energy technologies which have
New technologies are required to replace existing fossil dominated the energy transition so far, namely, solar
fuels in order to move towards a net carbon neutral PV, wind (both onshore and offshore) and lithium ion
economy at the earliest. Keeping ahead of the technology batteries. The large-scale manufacture and deployment
curve is a matter of strategic importance for all countries of these technologies has seen their costs plummet, with
but especially India, which will be one of the world’s costs falling by 84% for batteries, 87% for solar PV, 47% for
largest markets for these technologies in the decades onshore wind and 32% for offshore wind between 2010
to come. India needs to position itself at the technology and 2018 (see Figure 1).
frontier to maximise the benefits of the energy transition
– to be a technology maker, not a technology taker. The development and manufacture of these technologies
has occurred largely outside India (apart from onshore
Whilst the markets for clean technologies such as solar PV wind), with companies weighted towards the US,
and lithium ion batteries have already been dominated Europe and China (Mazzucato, Semieniuk, & Watson,
by a few leading companies, there is a need for new 2015). To become technology leaders, these countries
technologies to reduce emissions from other sectors have implemented strong supply-push policies for
of the economy, beyond electricity. One such area is priority technologies, in part by ensuring adequate and
technologies related to the production, transportation, appropriate financing across the innovation chain (see
storage and use of low carbon hydrogen. Figure 2), with both public and private funding playing

Li-ion battery Solar PV Onshore wind Off shore wind




Figure 1: Cost reductions for key clean energy technologies, 2010-2018

Source: TERI analysis based on (NREL, 2019; BNEF, 2019). Shows world average data. Data for
different regions and countries will vary.

an important role. In parallel, they have also introduced India has largely lost out on the benefits of manufacturing
demand-side policies to pull technologies towards these technologies, which include high value-added
deployment and diffusion, including subsidies for employment, increased tax return and the ability to
novel technologies or standards and regulations, which innovate on existing manufacturing processes to develop
have limited the deployment of fossil fuel equivalents the next generation of renewable technologies. To avoid
(Mazzucato & Semieniuk, 2017). Deployment, in particular, missing out on the future benefits of the energy transition,
played a significant role here. For example, the German India needs to be proactive in creating a productive
Feed-in-Tariff scheme and subsequent solar auctions innovation ecosystem for the development, deployment
guaranteed markets for the mass manufacture of solar and diffusion of technologies. This policy brief outlines how
panels in China, which in turn caused costs to plummet. this can be achieved for hydrogen-related technologies.

Stage Research & Demo & proof Pilot & Diffusion / Maturity
Development of concept deployment commercialisation

Government (R)
Finance Venture Capital Project Finance
& Companies (D)

Tech Green H2 Batteries Solar Grey H2

Blue H2 Wind


Figure 2: Innovation chain, finance requirements and key clean technologies

Source: Adapted from (Mazzucato & Semieniuk, Public financing of innovation: new questions, 2017). Grey H2 = hydrogen produced from
fossil fuels; Blue H2 = hydrogen produced from fossil fuels, with carbon capture and storage (CCS); Green H2 = hydrogen produced using
renewable electricity.

It is also the case that India has played an important role The limits of direct electrification
in helping to bring down the costs of these technologies
India is already experiencing first-hand the range of
by deploying them at scale. From 2014 to 2018, a total of
benefits that come with renewable electricity, including
$42bn was invested in India’s renewables sector, helping
providing greater energy access, reducing local air
to further drive down costs (IBEF, 2019). Whilst there are
pollution and carbon dioxide emissions and reducing
significant benefits of deploying renewables, not least
energy imports. There are clear routes for increasing
reducing local air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions,
the role of renewable electricity in the grid (Pachouri,
unfortunately for India, much of this spending was to the
Spencer, & Renjith, 2019), as well as in end-use sectors,
benefit of companies based outside the country.


such as transport and industry. There are nonetheless India’s heavy-duty transport market is set to rapidly
cost, technology and practicality barriers to the full-scale expand and with it, associated CO2 emissions. According
electrification of all existing energy uses, which limits the to the IEA, oil demand from heavy-duty road transport in
extent to which renewable electricity can directly replace India will nearly treble by 2040 (IEA, 2017). India will see
fossil fuels. the greatest increase in heavy-duty road transport of any
Transport region in the world, presenting both a huge challenge
and an opportunity.
In transport, whilst the majority of light passenger vehicles
look set to be electrified over the coming decades, the Zero-carbon trucks, using hydrogen fuel cells are already
options for heavy-duty vehicles looks less certain. This is technically feasible, although the cost and carbon intensity
largely due to the limiting factors of batteries energy-to- are currently greater than that of diesel equivalents,
weight ratios and the speed at which such large batteries assuming an emissions intensity of grid electricity for India
could be recharged versus the rate of hydrogen refuelling of around 700gCO2/kWh. Nonetheless, there is a clear
(ETC, 2018). Presently, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCEVs) path towards cost parity, which is expected in the 2020s.
can be recharged between 5-15 minutes, versus the well Companies are showing support for this technology, with
over 90 minutes required for battery electric vehicles the US-based FCEV truck manufacturer, Nikola, already
(BEVs). receiving orders for 14,000 trucks (Freightwaves, 2019).

Charging speed
5-15 mins
15-90 mins
> Well over 90 mins
3.0 (assuming charging
speed of 400w)
Weight (tonnes)


Gas / liquid fuel ICE

1.0 Overhead wire

High feasibility Limited feasblity with current
for use for use technologies
0.0 Volume (m3)
0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 3: Weight and volume characteristics of different vehicles

Source: (ETC, 2018)

Industry Power
In industry, full-scale electrification of process heat In the power sector, as the electricity grid approaches
can incur significant costs and is often impractical or higher and higher shares of variable renewable electricity
technically challenging. It is also the case that many generation from the likes of wind and solar, it will become
industrial processes require chemical feedstocks, such increasingly difficult to balance the electricity grid over
as iron ore direct reduction for primary steel production, long periods, without thermal or hydro generation
that switching to direct electrification would not provide (or other forms of long-term seasonal storage). This is
(Hall, Spencer, & Kumar, 2020). Whilst carbon, capture and especially true for India’s renewable generation, which
storage (CCS) has a potential role to play in decarbonising can experience significant seasonal variation during
industry, its future is highly uncertain in India, given the monsoon and winter periods.
lack of understanding around its potential scale and costs.
Batteries will be able to provide cost-effective intraday
Taking the steel sector as an example, pilot plants using storage, as a result of their high round-trip efficiencies
high shares of hydrogen are already being established and ability to cycle multiple times within 24 hours. This
in Europe. The HYBRIT project in Sweden aims to have allows energy to be shifted from times of the day of high
a demonstration plant up and running by 2026, a full- renewable energy production to times of low production
scale plant operating in 2035, with the intention to have and high demand. However, batteries are unlikely to
switched over their entire fleet by 2045 (SSAB, 2019). If provide cost-effective storage on the time scale of several
supplied with zero-carbon hydrogen and combined days or weeks and for this purpose, hydrogen may be
with an electric arc furnace supplied with zero-carbon a more suitable option (see Figure 4). This is due to the
electricity, this has the potential to reduce emissions by lower capital costs of developing hydrogen storage
over 94% compared with conventional technologies. facilities at scale, including salt caverns or steel tanks. The
Residual emissions occur from the use of graphite lower the electricity input cost, the lower the final cost of
electrodes in the EAF, as well as use of lime and natural electricity stored, with hydrogen becoming competitive
gas. These could be brought down to zero with further at lower costs as the capital costs become the dominating
research and development (Vogl & Ahman, 2019). factor, over the operating efficiencies.

Electricity input costs USD 50/MWh Electricity input costs USD 0/MWh
10,000 10,000


1000 1000

100 100

10 10
0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Discharge duration (h) Discharge duration (h)

Li-Ion PHES CAES Compressed hydrogen

Ammonia CCGT with CCUS

Figure 4: Levelised costs of storage as a function of discharge duration

Source: (IEA, 2019). PHES = pumped-hydro energy storage; CAES = compressed air energy storage; Li-ion = lithium-ion battery;
Compressed hydrogen storage refers to compressed gaseous storage in salt caverns, ammonia storage to storage in tanks.


Scale Hydrogen as the next clean energy prize
When combining these end-uses together, across several Given the limits of direct electrification and the potential
sectors, demand for hydrogen has the potential to increase of hydrogen to overcome some of these barriers, we see it
significantly in the coming decades. Global demand for as the next clean energy prize under the energy transition.
hydrogen is currently around 70Mt but the ETC, BNEF and A range of countries, companies and multi-lateral
the Hydrogen Council all expect this to multiply many organisations are already pushing ahead with ambitious
times over by 2050, to enable countries to transition to plans to develop and deploy hydrogen at scale. Whilst
low carbon. There is still considerable uncertainty in these ‘grey’ hydrogen production technologies are mature,
projections given the unknowns around levels of policy many ‘green’ hydrogen technologies are still at a stage
support, speed of cost reduction and cost-effectiveness of emergence, whereby markets are still developing and
versus alternatives. manufacturers are engaged in experimentalist learning
In India, current hydrogen demand is largely focused in (Victor, Geels, & Sharpe, 2019).1
the chemical and petrochemical sectors. Future demand At the country level, Japan has been at the forefront of
will be driven by greater use across transport, industry developing hydrogen technologies, with strong support
and power. Scaling this demand to these existing from government and industry. The Ministry for Economy,
projections could see demand for hydrogen increasing Trade and Industry (METI) first developed a Strategic
between 3 to 10 times in India by 2050. This represents Roadmap for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in 2014. This was
a significant scale of demand for India, which in turn can most recently revised in 2019, where the Council for
generate further cost reductions as technologies, such as a Strategy for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells set out (i) new
electrolysers, are deployed. targets on the specification of basic technologies and the

Hydrogen Demand (Mt)


400 10X


Global ETC BNEF Hydrogen India India
2020 2050 Council 2020 2050

Figure 5: Potential scale of hydrogen demand

Source: TERI analysis based on (ETC, 2018; BNEF, 2020; Hydrogen Council, 2017). Shaded bars represent the range of forecasts.

Grey H2 = hydrogen produced from fossil fuels; Blue H2 = hydrogen produced from fossil fuels, with carbon capture and storage (CCS); Green H2
= hydrogen produced using renewable electricity.

breakdown of costs; (ii) necessary measures for achieving fertilisers. Most hydrogen in India is produced through
these goals; and (iii) the intention to convene a working reforming methane (CH4), resulting in significant carbon
group to review the status of implementation in each dioxide emissions. There is the potential to capture
area of the roadmap (METI, 2019). Recently, Japan opened these emissions using carbon capture and storage (CCS)
the largest green hydrogen plant, with a 20 MW solar technology, although this is relatively underdeveloped in
array feeding a 10 MW electrolyser plant (RECHARGE, India. An alternative means of production is electrolysis,
2020). Interest is also now growing elsewhere, with the where water (H2O) is split into its component parts
European Union, the United States, Australia and China using electricity. India has claim to one of the first large-
all developing serious plans for the deployment of scale alkaline electrolyser facilities in the world, which
hydrogen technologies in sectors such as steel, shipping, produced hydrogen from electricity at the Nangal Facility
petrochemicals and power. from 1962. Whilst there is significant research activity
around electrolysis, photolysis and biogenic methods of
In terms of companies, there are a number of multinational
producing hydrogen, these low carbon technologies are
corporations undertaking serious activity on hydrogen.
yet to be deployed at scale.
This includes Shell, who has hydrogen refuelling stations
operational in Europe and the US and is working with truck In part, this is due to the costs of hydrogen production
manufacturers to expand into the heavy-duty transport from low carbon sources today, which are higher than
sector. The Swedish steel company, SSAB, along with fossil fuel-based hydrogen or other fossil-fuel equivalents.
partners LKAB and Vattenfall are planning to deploy a It is however possible that these costs could reach parity in
commercial-scale hydrogen direct reduction steel plant future, with green hydrogen undercutting grey hydrogen
by 2026, the first in the world. Maersk, the shipping in favourable regions. This is made more possible in India,
company, have identified low carbon hydrogen as vital where renewable electricity tariffs are already among the
for decarbonising sea-borne freight, through using it to lowest in the world and supplies of natural gas are limited
produce green ammonia. The German-based engineering and costly.
firm, Siemens, is also expanding its activity in hydrogen, Along with electricity prices, the other important factor
continuing to manufacture PEM electrolysers, as well as for reducing the costs of green hydrogen is the capital
developing hydrogen-fuelled turbines to facilitate clean cost of electrolysers (see Figure 6). These are expected to
electricity generation. Lastly, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power continue to fall with a scale-up in deployment, as most
Systems are planning to switch natural gas turbines to electrolysers today are manufactured on a relatively small-
run on 100% hydrogen in Los Angeles before 2035. scale (BNEF, 2019). Marco Alvera, CEO of Snam Chemicals,
There is also growing interest in hydrogen among estimates in his book ‘Generation H’ that the world will
multilateral organisations focused on coordinating need to build 50 GW of electrolyser capacity (vs. 135 MW
innovation activities between countries. This includes today) to help drive the prices of green hydrogen down
Mission Innovation, which India is a founding member of, to $2/kg, where it will become competitive with a range
who launched an innovation challenge on ‘Renewables of fossil fuels (Alvera, 2019; BNEF, 2020).
and Clean Hydrogen’. Also, the Clean Energy Ministerial, In this context, it is also worth comparing electrolysers
coordinated by the International Energy Agency (IEA), with previous clean energy technologies, such as those
launched their ‘Hydrogen Initiative’ in 2019, focused illustrated in Figure 1. Arguably, electrolysers are similar
on the use of hydrogen in industry, transport and to batteries, being modular in design and relatively
communities. easy to transport. Batteries and electrolysers also share
the same electrochemical foundations, both applying
Current status of hydrogen in India electrolyte and membrane materials. As a result, we could
Hydrogen is already used extensively in India, mainly as see global supply chains developing for electrolysers, as
an industrial feedstock in the creation of ammonia-based we have with batteries, where a significant amount is



7 $80/MWh

6 $70/MWh
Hydrogen ($/kg)

5 Coal SMR

4 $40/MWh

3 $20/MWh

2 $10/MWh

200 400 600 800 1000
Electrolyser capex ($/kW)

Figure 6: Costs of hydrogen from electrolysis

Source: (Hall, Spencer, & Kumar, 2020)

manufactured in China but used throughout Europe Across Indian industry, there are considerable efforts to
and the US. This provides India with an opportunity to establish a hydrogen economy in India, not least, the
develop a manufacturing hub here, taking advantage work being taken forward by Indian Oil (see box).
of competitive labour costs and a technically proficient Despite these positive moves from Government and
workforce. industry, current activity is still an order of magnitude
below where it needs to be to fully take advantage of a
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has
transition to hydrogen technologies, with manufacturing
seen hydrogen as an area of strategic interest since at least centred in India. In terms of the investment requirements,
2006, when the first Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Roadmap if India is to deploy green hydrogen as a clean energy
was launched (MNRE, 2006). More recently, in 2016, solution for key sectors, including transport, industry and
MNRE published a report laying out a comprehensive power, by 2050, this would require significant investment
plan for increasing R&D activity. This included significant in electrolysers. Beyond this, additional investment in
funding for different electrolyser technologies and their renewable electricity would be required, at a time when
other demands for electricity in India will still be growing
integration with renewable electricity sources, which has
rapidly. This would clearly be a challenge to deliver, which
strong potential in India given the cost and availability of
is why it is imperative that India begins now in scaling-up
renewable electricity. activity.

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) has been proactive in pushing for the adoption of hydrogen technologies
in India, motivated by environmental considerations, energy security, positive technology developments and
the versatility of hydrogen as an energy carrier. IOCL see hydrogen’s potential across the economy in mobility,
industrial heating, domestic / commercial uses and in the power sector. In terms of their R&D focus, IOCL has
projects investigating new hydrogen technology solutions in the following areas:
Hydrogen production
In terms of hydrogen production, IOCL has a wealth of experience looking across the range of production
technologies, including hydrogen from biomass, methane reformation, electrolysis and photolysis (photoelectrical
water splitting).
Most recently, they have announced plans to establish a hydrogen production station, outputting 95Nm3/hr,
which will test three different electrolyser technologies:
$$ Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolysis
$$ Alkaline electrolysis
$$ Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) electrolysis
Hydrogen storage
The development of the Type-3 High Pressure Hydrogen Cylinder, in collaboration with IIT Kharagpur, which
increases the energy storage density over existing cylinders.

0.75 Max. stress
0.625 Tsai- Hill Failure
Tsai- Wn Failure

Diagram and photo of the Type-3 Cylinder

They have also focused on the development of material-based hydrogen storage, including metal-organic
frameworks, or MOFs. Their research is focussed on producing high energy density MOFs, which can be scaled up
Hydrogen infrastructure
IOCL is owner and operator of the 1st high pressure hydrogen storage and dispensing terminal in India, with the
refuelling station located in Delhi. This refuelling station uses a PEM electrolyser, outputting hydrogen at 30Nm3/
hr at a purity of 99.999%, which is required for fuel cell vehicles.
Hydrogen fuel cells
One of the barriers to the wide-scale use of hydrogen fuel cells is the requirement of high purity hydrogen, which
can be more expensive to produce. IOCL is carrying out work to customise hydrogen fuel cells to operate with
lower purity hydrogen, therefore expanding their applicability and potentially lowering the cost of operation.
They have also recently put out a tender for 15 fuel cell buses, as part of a Rs 300 crore ($40mn) demonstration
project for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
Source: (IOCL, 2020)


An ambitious Hydrogen Mission for India
For India to guarantee its role as a technology leader in the next phase of the energy transition, it will need to greatly
increase activity across the public and private sectors to develop a hydrogen economy. India should focus public money
for R&D and technology development to try and be on the global frontier in each part of the value chain of green
hydrogen, with the objective of lowering costs and increasing deployment. This requires a coordinated push from the
supply-side, with increased investment and R&D commitments by government and industry, as well as demand-side
support in the form of guaranteed markets, enabled by government procurement, subsidy schemes or regulations /
standards on fossil fuel alternatives.
To ensure success, significant commitments under a National Mission, along with effective public-private partnerships,
are required; there would be little point in a sub-optimal effort that fails to mobilise sufficient resources. This is an
opportunity for India to expand on the successes seen in the Defence and Pharmaceutical sectors, to commit strategic
resources to deliver breakthroughs for hydrogen technologies, yielding significant benefits for the Indian economy.
Whilst it is important that India pushes ahead with developing and manufacturing hydrogen technologies domestically,
it will also be important for other countries to do the same. Only through the mass manufacture and deployment of
hydrogen technologies at scale will we see cost reductions where hydrogen can start to displace significant amounts
of fossil fuel use, without government subsidy.
Our recommendations for driving forward hydrogen in India include:

Mission statement:
‘India is committed to the rapid expansion of the hydrogen economy, ensuring the cost-
effective deployment of low carbon hydrogen technologies across the transport, industry
and power sectors by 2030’
$$ Clear recognition of hydrogen’s cross-economy role, with outlines for scaling-up use in
transport, industry and power
$$ Commitment to update existing regulations to permit the safe use of hydrogen, at high
pressure, across a number of end-use sectors
$$ ‘Make in India’ policy support to maximise domestic manufacturing content across all
parts of the value chain, including joint ventures with multinational companies
$$ Champion electrolyser manufacture and commercialisation, realising their suitability to
the Indian market and significant potential for emissions reduction
$$ Significant increases in existing hydrogen R,D&D spending, to support demonstration
projects in the steel and power sectors, as well as the commercialisation of more mature
$$ Policies to create a guaranteed market for hydrogen technologies, where they are not yet at
cost parity with fossil-fuel equivalents, for example in the steel sector
$$ Meaningful engagement in international collaborations on developing hydrogen
technologies, including Mission Innovation and the Clean Energy Ministerial

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This policy brief is part of TERI’s Energy Transitions Commission India work program. Energy Transitions Commission
(ETC) India is a research platform based in The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in Delhi. ETC India is the Indian
chapter of the global Energy Transitions Commission, which is co-chaired by Lord Adair Turner and Dr Ajay Mathur.
Learn more at:
This work would not have been possible without financial support from the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation

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