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This Agreement of construction is made and executed on this day of 03/March/ 2019
at Hyderabad by and between

Sri. S.Sharath Kumar Reddy, S/o. Late s . V e n k a t r a m a R e d d y , aged

about 46 years, Occ: G o v t Employee, R/o.MIG-1-67, New Aphb Colony,
Kanteshwar, NizamaBad. 503 002.

(Hereinafter called the First Part which expression shall mean and include her heirs, successors
in interest etc.).
Sri. P. Srinivas . S/o. P. Bikshapathi aged about 40 year’s Occ. Engineer, O/o. 202,
Diamond Tower , Patny, Sec’bad-03.

(Hereinafter called the Contractor of the Second Part.

Whereas the first party is in possession of residential house plot bearing no – 596, in Sy.No.
59(P), Situated at Teacher’s Colony, Of Karman Ghat (v) Saroornagar (m) R.R dist. Telangana.
And whereas the first party is desirous to construct a building on scheduled property and agreed
to offered the Material Contract to second party who has vast experience in construction works.

• Now this deed witnesses the conditions and stipulations as follows: In the pursuance of
the said agreement the first party has to handover the vacant possession of the scheduled
property to the Contractor for construction.

• That subjected to the conditions herein after appearing the first party will pay to the
Contractor the estimated cost of proposed Ground Floor building per sft slab area is
Rs.1350/sft (Rupees Thirteen hundred an Fifty Rupees per sft). Ground floor Roof slab area
Is approximately 2060.00 sqft . finally payment will be prepared by existing slab area.

• Payment Schedule in percentage of total amount

Token advance at the time of signing this agreement - Rs 5,98,000/-

At the time of plinth beams Rs. 2,00,000/-
At the time ground floor roof slab Rs 5,50,000/-
At the time of ground floor brick work Rs.2,50,000/-
At the time of Ground floor plastering Rs.2,50000/-
At the time of Flooring Rs.1,55,000/-
At the time of Electrical fittings Rs. 1,20,000/-
At the time of Sanitary fittings Rs 1,00,000/-
At the time of Painting Rs 1,00,000/-
At the time of Doors frames &windows Rs. 1,00,000/-
At the time of M.S Shutters Rs. 1,00,000/-
At the time of out Site flooring. Rs. 50,000/-
At the time of M.S Terrace Flooring Rs. 70,000/-
At the time of Compound Wall Rs. 80,000/-

Final payment after completion of satisfactory work Total _____________

• The contractor will finish the residential building within 6 months period from the date of
execution of the work with a grace period of three month

• Provided the first party fulfills all the conditions of this agreement including financial
commitments as given in clause 2. And 3.

• The possession of the completed building should be handed over by the builder/contractor
to the first party only after the final installment is duly paid with necessary dues, if there
are any.

• The second party shall procure the material for the purpose of construction of the
residential building which can be inspected, by the first party or his representative. Any
escalation of material price in the market and if it is more than 10% of the cost at the time
of this agreement is made the exceeded amount will be born from first party.

• The First party shall not incur any liability from second party if the second party unable to
construct and deliver the residential building is delayed or stopped by reason of non-
availability of building materials in the open market or due to any natural calamities.

• Any item, which is not included in the specifications clause of this agreement, will be
treated as an extra item and will be carried out on extra cost, which will be charged as per
market rates.

• The first party is required to inspect the site work along with the second party whenever the
first party feels necessary.

• Upon the possession of the said building being delivered to the first party, He shall be
entitled to occupy the same and thereafter he shall not have any claim against the builder in
respect of any defect in any item of work or construction of residential building. Except
manufacturing of any item or bad workmanship.

• In the event of the builder delaying the construction of the building for no fault of the first
party, he shall be liable to pay the prevailing rental value of the said building in the same
locality till the work is completed after stipulated time is over.

• The proposed residential building plan will be enclosed with this agreement, which is
approved by the second party, and the entire work will be carried out as per the approved
plan. Any changes or alterations in the plan will be carried out on extra payment.

• The first party is liable to pay any outgoing charges or sum of rupees towards departmental
charges (like municipal, electrical, revenue & water works department tax assessment etc.,)
for sanctions and approvals, tips or any.

• Any objections or obligations, arguments raised by the neighbors or local residents will be
listening by first party and will be sought out accordingly.

• The water and electricity for construction & space for the material storage will be given to
Contractor free of cost.

Attention: Mr. S. Sharath Reddy.


1 Excavation Earth work excavation up to hard Morum as per
Engineer direction.
2 Basement CRS Masonry –East wall double, south and east single row will
Be provided, Below plinth beam one layer will be provided.
2 PCC 6” pcc in all column pits/Basement Below and floor below
3 Rcc elements Footing as p e r t h e d e s i g n . No. of footings -12 no’s,
RMC Concrete (M 20) or Miller mix with ultra tech/Acc
5 Basement JSW BARS
Entire Basement filling with old house construction
Filling debris/demolition material with top 1’ height filling with morum
4 Plinth beams Plinth beams use 12 mm and 8mm steel, size – 9”
x12” ( M20 ) steel JSW BARS
5 Column Columns Sizes are 16 no’s, size i.e. 9”x15” , 9”x18”,
Steel r e q u i r e d a s per design 8mm , 12mm, 16mm,
20mm, Concrete (M20). Manual or ready Mix - steel JSW
6 Roof beams BARSbeams 9”x12” and 9”x 15” with concrete m 20 and
slab 8mm, 10 mm, 12mm ,16mm and 20 mm as per design ,
stirrups- 8mm , slab thickness 5 ” .RMC (M20) or manual mix
7 Basement steel JSW BARS
Basement height should be 3’-0” with plinth beam level,
8 Parapet wall with Morum.
Parapet Extra raising
wall around charges
the building willHeight
3’3” be paid by Owners.
9 Head room Head room construction will not be done . if req slab rate will
be charge if RCC 800/- Per Sft or ACC roof 500/- Per Sft.
10 Toilet charge.
Toilet one will be construct below staircase- Tiles up to 5’0”
of 200 to 250 box price, toilet 1EWC+2 taps+2 Nahni
traps+I wash basin. Terrace will be provide 1000 ltrs 2 core
any branded water tank with req accessories ect.

11 Doors and Solid teak wood door frames 3’-6”x7’-0”-2 Nos, doors –
windows solid flush with two side skin with branded all req hard
ware. Be provided with 2 windows of 4’-0” x4’-0” will
be provided. (windows branded upvc make )
12 Flooring Thandoor blue stone flooring with cudapha scaring will
14 Walls 8” AAC /local light weight brick work external only, internal 5”
15 Outside thick
Cement walls
rough flooring only
16 Electrical Fino lex/Fine cab wires, and Anchor Roma switches and ac
17 Internal Two coats of cement primer.
18 External Two coat of cement primer.
19 Sump Water Sump construct With Brick work - no charges
20 RCC -9”x8”x7” will be charged Rs 50,000/-
21 Compound Compound wall up to 5’-0” height with mud brick/Aac/Solid
Cement block as per available in market .
22 M.s Gate 3’-6” wide wicket gate with providing ramp.
23 M.S M.S rolling Shutters ground floor -3,

Note: Cement: Ultra tech, Birla A1 or ACC for (53 grades), concrete works, brick works,
Birla/rasi /bavya/sree Opc 43 grade or ppc
Steel –JSW only
As per slab one sft charge Rs 1350/- per sq.ft ( Thirteen Hundred an Fifty Rupees )

Witnesses: First Party Second party

Date 03-03-2018


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