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Tutorial 4 - activity

Revenue cycle - Risk and control activity

Stages in cycle Risks Control Activity

Received order from customer Customer unlikely to pay Grants/denies credit based on
the customer’s credit history
contained in the credit history
Product not available An authorization for the
customer to receive notice
about whether the delay of
the product or about the
cancellation of the product
Goods dispatched Customer does not receive Check whether its true or not
delivery before sending another
product again or reimburse
Wrong items sent When items are return,
receiving employee will
inspect and prepare return slip
the returned goods and return
slip sent to warehouse for
Invoice raised Wrong items invoiced Only authorized personnel can
override and correct it
Errors in posting to Receivable Only authorized personnel can
Control account override and correct it
Payment received Payment is stolen by Create a supervision of
employees employees to serves as a
deterrent to dishonest acts
Limit the access to both cash
and the GL cash account could
remove cash from the firm and
adjust the cash account to
cover the act.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. B 4. B 7. D
2. A 5. D 8. C
3. A 6. D

Short Answer Questions

1. = cash receipts separate from accounting records

= accounts receivable sub-ledger separated from general ledger

2. Segregation of duty
= There should be different person handling customer payments on account and another
person handling accounts receivable ledger.

3. = Transaction authorization should be separated from transaction processing.

= Asset custody should be separate from asset record-keeping.
= The organization should be so structured that the perpetration of a fraud requires
collusion between two or more individuals

4. In POS entire sales transaction gets completed at a single point. While revenue cycle of a
manufacturing firm is split between sales order processing subsystem and cash receipts
subsystem comprising of various steps.

5. ABC Hardware

No a) Internal Control Description b) Improvement

1. No independent The accounting department clerk The accounting
verification manually prepares an invoice and department clerk
sends it to the customer without should check with the
checking with the warehouse warehouse first before
whether the warehouse can ship the prepares an invoice
order or have available stock to ship and sends it to the
or nat. customer
2. No authorisation A warehouse employee picks the The warehouse
product and sends it to the shipping employee should get
department along with the stock authorisation first
release upon receiving the shipping before he/she picks
notice the product and sends
it to the shipping
3. No Segregation of The warehouse clerk updates the There should be
duties inventory records on the warehouse different person who
PC and files the sales order in the updates the inventory
warehouse. The clerk also prepares a records on the
hard copy of the inventory summary warehouse PC and files
and sends it to the general ledger the sales order in the
department warehouse.

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