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Questionnaire lesson 6

1.Complete the conditionals

1. If Alice learns to use Skype, she will be happy.

2. If we receive an e-mail from our teacher, we will read it.
3. If he uploads this video on youtube, he will laugh.
4. They will read your blog if they have time.
5. She won’t come to the party if you don’t call.

2.Transform using as…as

1. Lynn is taller than Fred. Lynn isn’t as tall as Fred.

2. This house is more expensive than your house. This house isn’t as cheap as your house.
3. Alexander is more interested in history than Louise. Alexander isn’t as interested in
history as Louise.
4. This car is faster than our car. This car isn’t as slow as our car.
5. My friends drive more slowly than me. My friends don’t drive as fast as me.

3. Write sentences including the words given: (haz una frase en cada ejemplo incluyendo las
palabras indicadas)

1. Headphones / listen /use. I use headphones to listen to music.

2. need / printer. I need a printer.
3. want /screen / bigger. I want a bigger screen.
4. lose / mouse/laptop. I lose the mouse of the laptop.
5. borrow/ webcam. I borrow my sister a webcam.

4. Correct the mistakes

1. If my brother comes tomorrow, they will visit us.

2. This book isn’t as short as you told me.
3. He won’t start school if he doesn’t feel well.
4. Will they buy a new house?
5. If you don’t have a lot of money, you won’t buy a good Smartphone

5.Choose one of these options and write about 80 words (elige sólo un tema)

A. Should five-year-old children have mobile phones, do you think? Why/why not?

B. Do you think technology is bad for young peolple? Why/why not?

I think technology is really good today for some things, but it also can be very dangerous.
Technology is very important in our world but there are positive and negative effects.
Children and people spend a lot of time with technology. You can see people with mobile
phones in restaurants, parks, cinema, etc. They use technology every day. One positive effect is
that we can find information on Internet. We use technology to do homework and it is funny.
Technology is good or bad, you decide.

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