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Start Of Setup

Scenery: Awakened Wyldwood - Setup

After territories have been chosen but before armies are set up, you can set up the AWAKENED
WYLDWOOD anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 1" from any other terrain features, more than 1"
from enemy territory and more than 6" away from any objectives.

During Setup

Sylvaneth Allegiance - Forest Spirits

Instead of setting up a SYLVANETH unit on the battlefield, you can place it to one side and say that it is set up
in the hidden enclaves as a reserve unit. You can set up one reserve unit in the hidden enclaves for each unit
you set up on the battlefield.

Sylvaneth Allegiance - Places of Power

After territories have been chosen but before armies are set up, you can pick 1 terrain feature on the battlefield
that was not set up by your opponent as part of their army. Do not take battleshock tests for friendly
SYLVANETH units while they are wholly within 6" of that terrain feature.

During Game

Dryads - Impenetrable Thicket

Add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target this unit while it contains 10 or more models.

Kurnoth Hunters - Envoys of the Everqueen

If a friendly SYLVANETH HERO uses a command ability, friendly SYLVANETH units wholly within 12" of this
unit are treated as being in range of that command ability.

Kurnoth Hunters - Huntmaster

1 model in this unit can be a Huntmaster. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by that model.

Scenery: Awakened Wyldwood - Overgrown Wilderness

Models are not visible to each other if an imaginary straight line 1mm wide drawn between the closest points
of the two models crosses over more than 1" of an AWAKENED WYLDWOOD. This scenery rule does not
apply if either model can fly.

During Hero Phase

Alarielle The Everqueen - Lifebloom

In your hero phase, you can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to each friendly SYLVANETH unit wholly within
30" of this model (roll separately for each unit)

Alarielle The Everqueen - Magic

Alarielle the Everqueen is a WIZARD. She can attempt to cast three spells in your hero phase, and attempt to
unbind three spells in the enemy hero phase. She knows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and Metamorphosis

Artifact: Gnarlroot (Glade) - Chalice of Nectar

When making a casting or unbinding roll for the bearer, roll 3D6, remove 1 dice of your choice, and then use
the remaining 2D6 to determine that casting or unbinding roll.

Branchwraith - Magic
This model is a WIZARD. It can attempt to cast one spell in your hero phase, and attempt to unbind one spell
in the enemy hero phase. It knows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and Roused to Wrath spells.

Branchwych - Magic
This model is a WIZARD. It can attempt to cast one spell in your hero phase, and attempt to unbind one spell
in the enemy hero phase. It knows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and Unleash Spites spells. 2

During Hero Phase (continued)

Command Ability: Treelord Ancient - Heed the Spirit-song

You can use this command ability in your hero phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly model with this command
ability. Until your next hero phase, you can re-roll save rolls of 1 for attacks that target friendly SYLVANETH
units wholly within 12" of that model.

Command Trait: Gnarlroot (Glade) - Nurtured by Magic

Once in each of your hero phases, if this general successfully casts a spell that is not unbound, pick 1 friendly
GNARLROOT unit wholly within 18" of this general. You can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to that unit.

Endless Spell: Balewind Vortex - Arcane Invigoration

A Wizard on a Balewind Vortex can attempt to cast an additional spell in each of their hero phases (including
the turn in which the Summon Balewind Vortex spell was cast), and you can add 6" to the range of any spells
that the Wizard casts.

Endless Spell: Balewind Vortex - Summon Balewind Vortex

Casting value of 6. WIZARDS with a Wounds characteristic of 9 or more, that are part of a unit of two or more
models, or that are already on a Balewind Vortex, cannot attempt to cast this spell. Set up a Balewind Vortex
model within 1" of the caster and more than 3" from any enemy models, and then place the caster on the
upper platform.

Endless Spell: Spiteswarm Hive - Summon Spiteswarm Hive

Only SYLVANETH WIZARDS can attempt to cast Summon Spiteswarm Hive. Casting value of 7. Set up a
Spiteswarm Hive model wholly within 15" of the caster.

Scenery: Awakened Wyldwood - Roused by Magic

In the hero phase, if a spell is successfully cast by a WIZARD wholly within 6" of an AWAKENED
WYLDWOOD and not unbound, roll a D6 for each unit within 1" of that AWAKENED WYLDWOOD which does
not have the SYLVANETH keyword. On a 5+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds after that spell's effects have
been resolved.

Spell - Regrowth
Casting value of 5. Pick 1 friendly SYLVANETH unit wholly within 18" of the caster and visible to them. You can
heal up to D6 wounds allocated to that unit.

Spell - The Dwellers Below

Casting value of 7. Pick 1 enemy unit within 10" of the caster and visible to them and roll a number of dice
equal to the number of models in that unit. For each 6+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.

Spell - Throne of Vines

Casting value of 5. Add 2 to casting rolls for the caster until the caster makes a move or is set up in a different

Spell - Verdurous Harmony

Casting value of 7. Pick 1 friendly SYLVANETH unit wholly within 18" of the caster and visible to them. You can
return 1 slain model to that unit. If you picked a unit of DRYADS, TREE-REVENANTS or SPITE-REVENANTS,
you can return up to D3 slain models to that unit instead of 1.

Spell: Alarielle The Everqueen - Metamorphosis

Casting value of 7. Pick 1 enemy unit within 16" of the caster that is visible to them and roll a number of dice
equal to the casting roll. For each 4+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. In addition, if that unit is destroyed by
the mortal wounds inflicted by this spell, you can set up 1 AWAKENED WYLDWOOD terrain feature wholly
within 12" of the last model from that unit to be slain, and more than 1" from any other model, terrain feature or
objective, and add it to your army.

Spell: Branchwraith - Roused to Wrath

Casting value of 7. You can summon 1 unit of 10 DRYADS and add it to your army. The summoned unit must
be set up more than 9" from any enemy units, and wholly within 1" of an AWAKENED WYLDWOOD that is
within 12" of the caster. The summoned unit cannot move in the following movement phase.

Spell: Branchwych - Unleash Spites

Casting value of 5. Roll a number of dice equal to the casting roll for each enemy unit within 9" of the caster.
For each 6, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound. 3

During Hero Phase (continued)

Spell: Treelord Ancient - Awakening the Wood

Casting value of 6. Pick 1 friendly AWAKENED WYLDWOOD that is wholly within 30" of the caster. Each
enemy unit within 3" of that AWAKENED WYLDWOOD suffers D3 mortal wounds (roll separately for each

Treelord Ancient - Magic

This model is a WIZARD. It can attempt to cast one spell in your hero phase, and attempt to unbind one spell
in the enemy hero phase. It knows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and Awakening the Wood spells.

Treelord Ancient - Silent Communion

Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can pick 1 friendly model with this ability and set up 1 AWAKENED
WYLDWOOD wholly within 18" of that model and more than 1" from any other model, terrain feature or
objective, and add it to your army.

End Of Hero Phase

Endless Spell: Spiteswarm Hive - The Hive Nourishes

At the end of the hero phase, if this model is on the battlefield, the player who set it up can pick one of the
effects below and immediately resolve that effect. The same unit cannot be picked to be affected by this ability
more than once per hero phase.

Vital Venoms: Roll a D6 for each SYLVANETH unit wholly within 8" of this model. On a 2+ add 3" to that
unit's normal moves and charge moves until the end of the turn.

Shielding Swarm: Roll a D6 for each SYLVANETH unit wholly within 8" of this model. On a 2+ re-roll save
rolls of 1 for attacks that target that unit until the end of the turn.

Start Of Movement Phase

Treelord Ancient - Spirit Paths

At the start of your movement phase, if this model is wholly within 6" of a friendly AWAKENED WYLDWOOD,
it can walk the spirit paths instead of making a normal move in that movement phase. If it does so, remove this
model from the battlefield and set it up wholly within 6" of a different friendly AWAKENED WYLDWOOD and
more than 9" from any enemy units.

During Movement Phase

Sylvaneth Allegiance - Navigate Realmroots

Instead of making a normal move in your movement phase, 1 friendly SYLVANETH unit wholly within 6" of an
AWAKENED WYLDWOOD can navigate the realmroots. If it does so, remove that unit from the battlefield and
then set it up again wholly within 6" of another AWAKENED WYLDWOOD and more than 9" from any enemy

End Of Movement Phase

Alarielle The Everqueen - Soul Amphorae

Once per battle, at the end of your movement phase, you can summon 1 of the following units to the
20 Dryads
10 Tree-Revenants
10 Spite-Revenants
3 Kurnoth Hunters
1 Branchwych
1 Treelord

The summoned unit is added to your army, and must be set up wholly within 9" of this model and more
than 9" from any enemy units 4

End Of Movement Phase (continued)

Sylvaneth Allegiance - Forest Spirits

At the end of your movement phase, you can set up one or more of the reserve units that are in the hidden
enclaves on the battlefield wholly within 6" of an AWAKENED WYLDWOOD and more than 9" from any
enemy units. Any reserve units in the hidden enclaves that are not set up on the battlefield before the start of
the fourth battle round are slain.

During Shooting Phase

Branchwraith, Dryads - Blessings of the Forest

Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this unit if it is wholly within 6" of any friendly AWAKENED

Endless Spell: Balewind Vortex - Against the Aetheric Wind

Add 1 to save rolls for a Wizard on a Balewind Vortex.

Gnarlroot (Glade) - Shield the Arcane

Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by friendly GNARLROOT units while they are wholly within 12" of any

Start Of Charge Phase

Kurnoth Hunters - Tanglethorn Thicket

At the start of the charge phase, you can say that this unit will sprout thorned branches. If you do so, until the
end of the turn, this unit cannot move except to pile in up to 1", but you can re-roll save rolls for attacks that
target this unit.

During Charge Phase

Alarielle The Everqueen - Living Battering Ram

Roll a D6 for each enemy unit that is within 1" of this model after this model makes a charge move. On a 4+
that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

End Of Charge Phase

Scenery: Awakened Wyldwood - Wyldwood

At the end of the charge phase, roll a D6 for each unit within 1" of an AWAKENED WYLDWOOD which does
not have the SYLVANETH keyword. On a 6, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Start Of Combat Phase

Command Ability: Alarielle The Everqueen - Ghyran's Wrath

You can use this command ability at the start of the combat phase. If you do so, in that phase you can re-roll
wound rolls of 1 for attacks made by friendly SYLVANETH units while they are wholly within 14" of a friendly
model with this command ability.

Command Ability: Gnarlroot (Glade) - The Earth Defends

You can use this command ability at the start of the combat phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly GNARLROOT
unit wholly within 12" of a friendly GNARLROOT HERO. Until the end of that phase, roll a D6 each time you
allocate a wound or mortal wound to that unit. On a 6+ that wound or mortal wound is negated.

Dryads - Enrapturing Song

At the start of your combat phase, pick 1 enemy unit within 3" of this unit. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by
this unit that target that enemy unit in that phase.

Treelord Ancient - Groundshaking Stomp

At the start of the combat phase, pick 1 enemy unit within 3" of this model and roll a D6. On a 4+ that unit
fights at the end of that combat phase, after the players have picked any other units to fight. 5

During Combat Phase

Alarielle The Everqueen - Sweeping Blows

Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with this model's Great Antlers if the target unit contains 5 or more model.

Alarielle The Everqueen - Talon of the Dwindling

If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made by the Talon of the Dwindling is 6, that attack inflicts D3 mortal
wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage.

Branchwraith, Dryads - Blessings of the Forest

Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this unit if it is wholly within 6" of any friendly AWAKENED

Branchwych - Fury of the Forest

Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by this model while it is wholly within 6" of any friendly AWAKENED

Branchwych - Quick-tempered
Add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of this model's Greenwood Scythe whilst any wounds are allocated to this

Dryads - Branch Nymph

1 model in this unit can be a Branch Nymph. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that model's Wracking

Endless Spell: Balewind Vortex - Against the Aetheric Wind

Add 1 to save rolls for a Wizard on a Balewind Vortex.

Gnarlroot (Glade) - Shield the Arcane

Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by friendly GNARLROOT units while they are wholly within 12" of any

Kurnoth Hunters - Sundering Strikes (Greatswords)

If the unmodified wound roll for an attack made with a Kurnoth Greatsword is 6, that attack inflicts 1 mortal
wound on the target in addition to any normal damage.

Treelord Ancient - Impale

If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with Massive Impaling Talons is 6, that attack inflicts D6 mortal
wounds on the target and the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound or save roll)

End Of Combat Phase

Kurnoth Hunters - Trample Underfoot

At the end of the combat phase, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of this unit and roll 1 dice for each model
in this unit. For each 4+ that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.

During Battleshock Phase

Sylvaneth Allegiance - Places of Power

Do not take battleshock tests for friendly SYLVANETH units while they are wholly within 6" of the Place of
Power terrain feature.
Units: Kurnoth Hunters | Dryads | Branchwych | Branchwraith | Treelord Ancient | Alarielle The Everqueen
Artifact: Chalice of Nectar
Command Trait: Nurtured by Magic
Command Abilities: Heed the Spirit-song | The Earth Defends | Ghyran's Wrath
Allegiance: Gnarlroot (Glade)
Spells: Unleash Spites | Roused to Wrath | Awakening the Wood | Throne of Vines | Verdurous Harmony
Regrowth | Metamorphosis | The Dwellers Below
Endless Spells: Balewind Vortex | Spiteswarm Hive
Scenery: Awakened Wyldwood

Generated by AoS Reminders

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