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He dropped out of school on account of the fact that it was necessary for him to help support his
He dropped out of school because he needs to support his family
2. It is expected that the new schedule will be announced by the bus company within the next few days.
The bus company is expected to announce the new schedule.

3. The reason I missed the exam is because my car broke down.

I missed the exam because my car is broken.

4. The complaint was dismissed by the court.

The court dismissed the complainant

5. In the event that the debtor fails to pay the loan, the mortgage must be foreclosed immediately.
The mortgage must be foreclosed if the debtor fails to pay the loan.

6. We are instigating inquiries into the matter.

We are inquiring into the matter.
7. They made a selection of the important books.
They selected the important books
8. Abe weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of about 170 pounds.
Abe weighed 170 pounds in the neighborhood.
9. Baguio has grown in stature as a tourist destination because of the fact that its weather is mild.
Baguio has grown in stature as a tourist destination because of its weather.
10. Domestic tourists are flocking to Baguio by virtue of the fact that the economy has improved.
Baguio’s economy has improved because domestic tourist are coming.

11. Trouble is caused when people disobey rules that have been established for the safety of all.

12. The reason why he came to UC was because of its inexpensive tuition.
He came to UC because of its expensive tuition.
13. Despite the fact that she was feeling ill, she came to the conclusion that she would go to work.
She decided to go to work although she’s sick
14. In my opinion, I think the study of law is very fascinating.
I think, the study of law is challenging.
15. The husband gave a donation of a car to his wife on their 20th year wedding anniversary.
The husband donated a car to his wife on their 20th year wedding anniversary.
16. The girl who was talented gave a concert.
The talented girl given a concert.
17. Franklin Roosevelt is perhaps one of America's greatest modern presidents because of the fact that he
did something amazing even though he was disabled and had lost his leg.
Franklin Roosevelt is one of America’s greatest modern presidents because of his amazing
deeds even if he was disabled.
18. At the age of 19 years old, Abe was diagnosed by doctors as having an unusually rare form of bone
The doctor diagnosed that Abe has unusual form of bone cancer at the age of 19 years old.
19. Please take action on this complaint.
Please action this complaint.

20. The watermelon was huge in size.

The watermelon was large.

21. Because of the fact that he got a good grade on the midterm, he decided to take the night off.
He decided to take a night off because he got a good grade on midterm.

22. I think smoking in public places should be banned.


23. In order to get the true facts of the case, the lawyer interviewed four witnesses.
To get the facts of the case, the lawyer interviewed for witnesses.
24. Pursuant to Article 1 of the Family Code, marriage is a special contract of . . .
According to Article 1 of the Family Code, marriage is a special contract of…
25. The parties hereto mutually agree that…
The parties to this contract agreed that…

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