1Q. in My View Schools Are Second Home To All of Us. We Spend Majority of Our Time in

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1Q. In my view schools are second home to all of us.

We spend majority of our time in

schools and the school plays a very important role in molding and shaping every student for
a better future both academically and personally.
                  My idea of a good school would start by having good teachers. Teachers are the
guiding lights for students and teachers who have the passion and interest would definitely
help in getting their students too interested in the subject that they teach and would find the
potential of the student and get him or her to the best.
      My dream school should be students must be self-disciplined. They should maintain
Cleanliness of campus. Each should take care of plants and Vegetable garden. All the
teachers should work with dedication and commitment towards their duties. Parents should
support teachers in the development of their children.
Students should participate freely in all cocurricular activities.
5 Best values Students should have:
 Honesty:
‘Honesty is the best policy”, it should be instilled as one of the most important values in a
child and one must be encouraged to tell the truth regardless of the mistakes made. This will
help live without any guilt and build confidence resulting in the overall growth of the child.
 Respect:
As a child, a student should learn to respect others which include his peers, elders, different
religions, races, sexes, ideas, and lifestyles. It is a very essential moral value as it will make
him more concerned about others and benefit him in life in the future.
 Hard work
A child should be made to understand the importance of education and its impact on his life
and encouraged to study and attaining knowledge. A child should understand the importance
and value of hard work.
 Compromise
When absolutely necessary, a child should learn to compromise and adjust but not at the cost
of his own life, resulting in harm to himself. This attitude will take him long and far in his
life and build good relations with people
 Forgiveness
A child should be made to understand that abusing, hurting or harming others results not
only in physical but also emotional, psychological and mental agony and should be
discouraged to abuse, encouraged to apologize and forgive people who hurt us.
Unwillingness to forgive is the root cause of anger, violence, and fights.
Best 5 values Teachers should have are,
 Integrity:
It is necessary for a teacher to be honest with her job role and responsibility. Students always
follows what teacher does and that reflect in them. Once a teacher not sticking to her words’
student shall also start ignoring the teacher.
 Patience:
Good Teachers Have Patience
No matter what grade level you're teaching, your patience will be tested while working as an
Whether you’re managing classroom behavior, working with colleagues with different views
or communicating student issues or progress with parents, patience is one of the most
important skills to practice as a teacher.
 Dedication to teaching:
Dedication refers to a love of teaching or passion for the work, which includes commitment
to students’ success. Responses often referred to loving the subject matter or simply being
dedicated to the work. To a student, this means a teacher should be “always willing to help
and give time.”
 Hard Work:
Teachers value hard work, they help students to learn that they must work for what they
earn, both in and outside of the classroom. Teachers often display this value by working
diligently to grade each of their students' assignments, staying after school for special
classes, attending parent-teacher meetings and taking on any number of other duties as
 Continuous Self-Learning:
If you are thinking, teachers are meant to teach to students then you are missing something.
Teachers aren't just to teach but they are in continuous process of learning too. Every teacher
should update her knowledge depending on the present generation and technology.

2Q. Vision statement is very important to every institution.

A vision statement is a public declaration that schools use to describe their goals to achieve
for the future so that all the teachers, students and their families are working together.
3Q. Vision statement of APSWREIS- Education for life, not just livelihood is the best vision
statement in my view. Because most of our Society schools’ kids are came from below
poverty line. Most of the student’s parents are illiterates only. The parents dream is to see
their kids in a better position in this World. So, it is the major responsibility of every teacher
to raise the students towards their big goals not just for living purpose.

4Q. Our school vision statement is "preparing girls for the aspiration of bright world."

5Q. While a mission statement describes what a School wants to do now, a vision statement
outlines what a school wants to be in the future.
The Mission statement I like most is
“Every student should be physically fit, mentally strong, emotionally balanced,
academically brilliant, socially responsible and spiritually elevated."
All the above values are very important for every student for his/her overall development.

6Q. The Mission statement of our School is

“To produce Literate, Strong, emotionally balanced and responsible citizen capable of
creating a peaceful world.”

The idea of having a Vision statement and Mission statement is very interesting.
A vision statement can describe the goals to be achieved in the future so that all the teachers,
students and their families are working together.
The mission statement encompasses the values of the staff, the actions that the school will
take, and the areas it will address (e.g., curriculum, assessments, data) to achieve its vision.
It is very important for every school to have both Vision and Mission statement.
Firstly, awareness should be created among students, teachers and parents about the
necessity and benefits of having Vision and Mission statements. The relationship between
the mission and the vision must be clear. Every should take part in this and feel responsible
in achieving those goals in time. Especially School leader and teacher should work on list
goals that are to be achieved in future. After drafting those rules, they are to be written or
made poster and placed in the school so that it reminds of their goals and duties to achieve
In order to realize school's vision and mission, we must model our school's beliefs, values,
and collective commitments while demonstrating enthusiasm for what will come next.
Perhaps most important, our vision and mission establish clear expectations and standards for
our staff.

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