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Rheological and Textural Properties of Cosmetic Emulsions

Tereza Morávková1,2*, Petr Stern1*

1 Institute of Hydrodynamics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,

Pod Pat’ankou 5, 16612 Prague 6, Czech Republic

2 Department of Dairy and Fat Technology, Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology,
Institute of Chemical Technology, Technická 5, 16628 Prague 6, Czech Republic

* Corresponding authors: [email protected] & [email protected]

Fax: x420.2322181

Received: 16.11.2010, Final version: 17.2.2011

A set of 31 cosmetic emulsions, as the most frequent cosmetic dispersions, comprising lotions and creams (o/w,
w/o), was analyzed by rheological procedures (RheoStress 300, Thermo Fischer Scientific) and by sensory profil-
ing. The power law model was used for pseudoplastic body lotions and the Herschel-Bulkley model for viscoplas-
tic creams to get basic rheological parameters (apparent viscosity, consistency parameter, yield stress value, plas-
tic viscosity and flow behaviour index). The content of TiO2 in sun lotions probably caused better agreement with
viscoplastic creams. Rheological analysis proved to be more suitable for the storage stability testing of the emul-
sion than sensory evaluation. Psychorheology was applied as a suitable complex method. Rheological parame-
ters were compared to sensory texture attributes (removing from a package, ease of spreading, skin feel and thick-
ness). Almost 60% of relationships among rheological and sensory parameters were statistically significant (P =
0.05). Considering relationships only between rheological and sensory characteristics (with each other), 46 % were
statistically significant (P = 0.05). In the case of apparent viscosity and removing the lotion from a bottle the rela-
tionship was reliable enough (correlation coefficient 0.91) to estimate the sensory attribute by fast rheological
measurement. The other statistically significant relationships (correlation coefficients 0.53 – 0.80) proved that the
sensory texture acceptability of a cosmetic emulsion could be partly predicted by rheological analysis.

31, größtenteils häufig verwendete kosmetische Dispersionen, darunter Lotionen und Cremes (o/w, w/o), wurden
rheologisch und durch Erstellung eines sensorischen Profils charakterisiert (RheoStress 300, Thermo Fisher Scien-
tific). Für die pseudoplastischen Körperlotionen wurde das Potenzgesetz-Modell und für die viskoelastischen Cremes
das Herschel-Bulkley-Modell angewandt, um die grundlegenden rheologischen Parameter (scheinbare Viskosität,
Konsistenzparameter, Fließspannung, plastische Viskosität und den Fließkurvenindex) zu ermitteln. Der TiO2-
Gehalt in den Sonnencremes führte zu einer besseren Übereinstimmung mit den viskoelastischen Cremes. Die Ana-
lyse der rheologischen Größen erwies sich als geeigneter für die Stabilitätsversuche als die Sensorevaluation. Psy-
chorheologische Methoden wurden ebenfalls als geeignete komplexe Methode angesehen. Die rheologischen
Parameter wurden mit senorischen Größen verglichen (Fließen aus dem Behälter, Einfachheit der Verteilung der
Dispersion, Hautgefühl und Dicke). Fast 60% der Beziehungen zwischen den rheologischen und den sensorischen
Größen waren statistisch ausreichend signifikant (P = 0.05). Die Beziehungen zwischen den rheologischen und sen-
sorischen Größen alleine waren zu 46% statistisch signifikant (P=0.05). Im Falle der scheinbaren Viskosität und des
Entleerens eines Behälters war die Korrelation ausreichend zuverlässig (Korrelationskoeffizient 0.91), um die sen-
sorischen Größen durch schnelle rheologische Messungen zu ermitteln. Die weiteren statistisch signifikanten Kor-
relationen (Korrelationskoeffizient 0.53–0.80) zeigten, dass die Akzeptanz der sensorischen Größen einer kosme-
tischen Emulsion teilweise durch eine rheologische Größe vorhergesagt werden kann.

Un ensemble de 31 émulsions cosmétiques, pris comme dispersions cosmétiques les plus fréquentes, comprenant des
lotions et des crèmes (h/e, e/h), a été analysé à l’aide de procédures rhéologiques (RheoStress 300, Thermo Fischer
Scientific) et de profilométrie sensorielle. La loi de puissance a été utilisée pour modéliser les lotions corporelles pseu-
do plastiques, et le modèle de Herschel-Bulkley pour les crèmes viscoplastiques, afin d’obtenir les paramètres rhéo-
logiques (viscosité apparente, paramètre de consistance, valeur de la contrainte seuil, viscosité plastique et index du
comportement d’écoulement). La quantité de TiO2 dans les lotions solaires est probablement à l’origine du meilleur
accord avec les crèmes viscoplastiques. L’analyse rhéologique s’est avérée être plus appropriée pour tester la stabili-
té durant le stockage des émulsions plutôt que l’analyse sensorielle. La psychorhéologie a été appliquée comme une
méthode complexe convenable. Les paramètres rhéologiques ont été comparés aux attributs de texture sensorielle
(extraction de l’emballage, facilité d’étalage, épaisseur et sensibilité sur la peau). Environ 60% des relations entre les

© Appl. Rheol. 21 (2011) 35200 DOI: 10.3933/ApplRheol-21-35200

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paramètres rhéologiques et sensoriels sont statistiquement significatives (P=0.05). Dans le cas de la viscosité appa-
rente et de l’extraction de la lotion hors du flacon, le relation est assez solide (coefficient de corrélation de 0.91) pour
pouvoir estimer l’attribut sensoriel au moyen d’une mesure rhéologique rapide. Les autres relations statistiquement
significatives (coefficient de corrélation entre 0.53 et 0.80) montrent que l’acceptabilité de texture sensorielle pour
une émulsion cosmétique peut être partiellement prédite par une analyse rhéologique.

Key words: cosmetic emulsions, rheology, texture, sensory analysis, psychorheology

1 INTRODUCTION dough rheology concerning sensory properties,

Scott-Blair [5, 7] formulated a special term for a
Emulsions are the most frequent dispersions in
combination of both methods – psychorheology,
cosmetic industry. The principle components are
which investigates a relation between sensory
always water and oil, emulsifiers or surfactants
findings about rheological properties and instru-
are needed to ensure the stability of oil droplets
mental measurements. In other words psy-
dispersed in water (o/w type emulsions) or vice
chorheology is the sensory judgement of rheo-
versa (w/o type emulsions) [1]. Rheology is very
logical properties. Scott-Blair concerned with
useful for evaluation of the application beha -
psychorheology henceforward, representing it in
viour, manufacturing processing and thermal
many studies [8]. Originally psychorheology is a
storage stability of lotions and other personal term used in the food industry. Brummer [1] sum-
care products. It can be used to relate lotion’s vis- marizes the sensation at evaluation of a skin feel
cosity and elasticity to end-use performance [2]. as primary and secondary skin feels. The term pri-
There are several reasons to measure rheological mary skin feel comprises the sensation perceived
characteristics of an emulsion. Flow and defor- near the yield stress at the start of distribution
mation parameters are important to engineering on the skin. The sensory perceptions in the fur-
and technology projects, some physical mea- ther course of application define the term sec-
surement provides information about emulsion ondary skin feel.
structure and gives a possibility to predict a sen- Another reason to study the relationship
sory assessment of product’s selected texture between rheological and sensory analysis is the
attributes [3]. The question of the emulsion‘s sta- objectivity. Even if the sensory assessment is car-
bility is always a concern in development and ried out with carefully selected well-trained pan-
production [1, 4]. That was the starting point for el, the consistence of its judgments is not en-
studies on cosmetic emulsion using yield stress sured, while the instrumental analysis provides
measurements. Rheological properties, compris- objective values. However, this fact partly limits
ing stability, can also be studied as a function of the prediction efficiency of subjective character-
temperature, often carried out as storage test istics from objective measurement [9]. Today,
(samples are stored at a freezer for one week, the relation between rheology and texture is
then viscosity is re-measured). often examined in food technology, mostly in
Sensory properties act in user’s decision con- dairy technology [10] or using model systems [11,
siderably. They include texture, ease of rubbing 12]. The sensory texture was related to the rheo-
on the skin and overall skin feeling after applica- logical properties in both studies and a number
tion. In general the sensory assessment can be of significant correlations were detected, though
defined as a measurement of product quality the results differ according to a type of watched
based on information obtained by human sens- rheological or texture character. There are older
es. Texture is primarily perceived by touch (tac- studies concerning psychorhelogy of cosmetic
tile sense), additional information important for product [13], targeted on the representation of
texture determination can provide eye, eventu- the texture using rheological variables, but com-
ally ear [3]. Initially, the psychorheology devel- prise no particular data and relationships.
oped from the psychophysics – the investigation In previous papers [14, 15], we studied sever-
of the connection between subjective experience al food emulsions, in most cases the significant
and objective events of nature is a concern of the relations between rheological and sensory char-
psychophysics [5, 6]. In 1939, after the study of acteristics were found. Then we focused, in co-

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Figure 1:
Example of the flow curve
(sample cr 4 - eye cream).

Table 1:
Tested samples.

Table 2 (below):
Sensory descriptors for char-
acteristics assessed with
operation with cosmetics producers, on cosmet- graphic unstructured scale.
ic emulsions, as very few studies deal with psy-
chorheology of this type of products [16]. The aim
of this work is to detect, whether these relations
exist also for cosmetic emulsions as an example
of the non-food emulsions. The next question is
if eventual relations would be significant enough
to enable the prediction of sensory acceptability
by rheological analysis. Such prediction would
allow great simplification for the cosmetics man-
ufacturers, because the fast rheological analysis time of “up-curve” and “down-curve” (Figure 1)
could consequently replace time-consuming and has been 60 s each. It proved to be sufficient time
expensive sensory assessment. Partial results because a stationary flow curve would be very
were already published [17]. difficult to measure due to the thixotropy of
emulsions (Figure 1). A cone-and-plate sensor
system was used for all measurements, with sen-
sor C60/2° for analysis of body lotions and face
creams (involving creams with olive wax), sensor
2.1 MATERIAL C35/Ti 1° was chosen as suitable for sun lotions
A set of 31 samples of cosmetic emulsions was and eye creams.
studied, both lotions and creams, representing
w/o as well as o/w emulsion types, as shown in 2.3 SENSORY EVALUATION
Table 1. The basic ingredients of body lotions were Sensory evaluation is a basic routine method to
water, paraffin oil, isopropyl myristate and glyc- assess the texture of a cosmetic product. Trained
erin. Sun lotions contented less oil phase ingredi- panelists completed special questionnaires con-
ents and isopropyl myristate as emollient was cerning 11 – 14 parameters (according to the par-
substituted with diethylhexyl carbonate and ticular sample) including the colour, fragrance,
caprylic/capric triglyceride. Oil phase of the eye shine and other basic sensory properties of a cos-
creams contained no paraffin oil, only caprylic/ metic emulsion. There was a category scale for
capric triglyceride, cetyl ricinoleate and vegetable each parameter, evaluator ticks observed cate-
oils (avocado, macadamia). Basic emollients of the gory. In addition 4 selected parameters, impor-
face creams were paraffin oil and diethylhexyl car- tant for following analysis, involved graphic
bonate or isopropyl myristate (depending on a unstructured scale (100 units, minimum = 0,
concrete sample). Creams with olive wax were maximum = 100) - removing from a package (RE),
made without paraffin oil, with diethylhexyl car- ease of spreading on face (SF) and on hand (SH),
bonate, caprylic/capric triglyceride and vegetable skin feel after application (FE) and thickness (TH)
oils (olive, avocado). All emulsions were made as shown in Table 2. In this case, the evaluator
using routine laboratory equipment and semi- signs appropriate value on the scale. Sensory
plant mixer Becomix RW15 (A. Berents, Stuhr, Ger-
many). A total amount of one sample of body
lotion was 10 kg, afterwards filled in 250 ml bot-
tles. Creams were filled to 50 ml pots, total
amount of each sample was 2 kg. All samples were
stored at room temperature.


A rotational rheometer RheoStress 300 (Thermo
Fischer Scientific, Karlsruhe, Germany) was used
for the determination of a relation between
shear stress and shear rate. Flow curves were
determined at shear rate range from 0 to 600 s-1
and constant temperature 25 °C. The measuring

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Volume 21 · Issue 3
Table 3 (left above):
Parameters of the power
law model.

Table 4 (right above):

Parameters of the Herschel-
Bulkley model.

Table 5 (below):
Results of the sensory analy-
sis (mean values).

analysis was carried out under standard condi- mine consistency parameter, K, and flow index,
tions as specified by the respective ISO standards: p. Apparent viscosity, ha, was calculated at shear
the testing booths after ISO 8589 (2007), judges rate 10 s-1. All results are summarized in Table 3.
after ISO 8586.1 (1993), and methodology after High differences (applying all parameters)
ISO 6658 (2005). Each result was calculated at among samples confirm a great influence of used
least from 18 determinations. Relationships be - emulsifier.
tween rheological and sensory variables were The same analysis for creams showed that
described by correlation coefficients (P = 0.05). they act as viscoplastic substances. The results
The correlation coefficient defines the reliability correspond to the Herschel-Bulkley model, t = t0
of the relationship if it is high enough (consider- + hplg· n (regression coefficients higher than 0.97)
ing number of samples), the relationship is sta- Surprisingly, the Herschel-Bulkley model agrees
tistically significant. better with sun lotions than the power law mod-
el. So sun lotions behave similarly as face creams,
3 RESULTS AND this fact is probably caused by the content of the
DISCUSSION mineral sun screen TiO2 in the formulation.
Hence sun lotions were viewed as creams in fol-
lowing evaluation. Yield stress value, t0, plastic
3.1 RHEOLOGICAL viscosity, hpl, and flow behaviour index, n, were
ANALYSIS calculated for viscoplastic samples (Table 4).
A RheoWin Data Man- There is a large extension of the results because
ager software (ver- of great sample variability. It is interesting to
sion 3.50) was used to compare samples in particular group such as
obtain flow properties cr 1-3, cr 4-7, cr 8-13, and cr 14-16 (Table 1). In the
parameters from the first group rheological parameters are affected
down-curves of deter- by TiO2 content in the emulsion, analysis of the
minated flow curves. results in the second group indicates different
Using regression ana - behaviour of the cream depending upon used
lysis the parameters stabilizer. Samples cr 8-13 are too various to draw
of the power law and a clear conclusions only from rheological datas.
Herschel-Bulkley mo- In the last group (cr 14-16) a relation between
dels were calculated. olive wax content and flow exponent can be
According to the ana- observed. The mean standard deviation for all
lysis of a down-curve parameters was less than 2 %. Correlation coef-
at lower shear rates ficients were figured out to analyse a relation-
(0–600 s-1) it was con- ship among particular rheological results, 67 %
firmed that samples of these relationships were statistically signifi-
of body lotions are cant (P = 0.05).
pseudoplastic sub-
stances and the pow- 3.2 SENSORY ANALYSIS
er law model, t = Kg· p,
It was expected that properties of emulsions
was used (regression
would be very variable depending on the partic-
coefficients higher
ular type of product, as confirmed by the exper-
than 0.98) to deter-
iments, Table 5 shows particular results for each

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Figure 2 (left):
Relationship between the
SF - ease of spreading on
face/palm and SH - ease of
spreading on hand (N = 31,
correlation coefficient 0.74,
P = 0.05).

Figure 3:
Relationship between the
RE - pouring from a bottle
and ha - apparent viscosity
(solid line: N = 15, correla-
tion coefficient 0.91,
P = 0.05) and RE and
K - consistency parameter
(dotted line: N = 15, correla-
tion coefficient 0.57,
P = 0.05).

Table 6:
Correlation coefficients
sample. Considering all samples, the mean value relationships is 23 out of 39 combinations - 59 %. between rheological and
sensory results (P = 0.05).
of removing the cream from a pot is 46, pouring This value is affected by a higher number of reli-
lotion from a bottle is 18, the difference between able relationships among sensory attributes
both emulsion characters is evident. Assessment (89%). More important is to compare rheological
of the ease of spreading (SF, SH) gives mean val- data to sensory assessment with each other (see
ue 80 (both SF, SH) for creams and 84 (SF) and 83 Table 6), 46 % of relationships were statistically
(SH) for lotions, similar results for creams and significant (in bold). This is quite good ratio con-
lotions mean low impact of emulsion character sidering high diversity of both methods used and
on its ease of spreading. Descriptor FE of the skin great variability among samples.
feel after cream application is 75, thickness (TH) Figure 3 depicts a relationship between sen-
for body lotions is 41, in mean values. The mean sory characteristic RE (pouring from a bottle) and
standard deviation of the results is 18 (from 16 at rheological parameter, apparent viscosity at low
TH assessment to 21 at FE assessment). shear rate (10 s-1) for body lotions. Here close rela-
The emulsion stability was evaluated by tionship was expected and is confirmed by the
both rheological (stability at shear stress) and highest correlation coefficient (0.91). In this case
sensory tests (storage stability), the sensory the rheological measurement of apparent vis-
analysis assessed only one sample (lo5) as unsta- cosity can predict the sensory attribute – how dif-
ble – the separation of oil and water phase was ficult is to pour the lotion from a bottle. Figure 3
visible. The other samples, which were rheologi- also shows a relationship between RE and con-
cally declared as unstable, exhibited no visible sistency parameter, with correlation coefficient
changes during sensory assessment. It can be 0.57. This is still statistically significant result, but
summarized that rheological analysis of stability not enough to use the relationship for the pre-
at shear stress can detect microscopical changes diction of texture property using rheological
in the emulsion structure leading to instability, measurement.
before these changes become visible and so Figure 4 describes other selected statistical-
observable for sensory testing. When comparing ly significant relationships, between ease of
the sensory results using correlation coefficients, spreading on a back of hand (SH) and consisten-
almost 90% of relationships were significant cy parameter or apparent viscosity. Correlation
(P = 0.05). The highest correlation was found be- coefficients are -0.75 and -0.72 respectively, this
tween pouring lotion from the bottle and thick- values are not high enough to enable the predic-
ness (correlation coefficient was 0.81). As the tion of ease of spreading by instrumental meth-
assessment of ease of spreading gives very simi- ods. Further investi-
lar mean values on face/palm (SF) and on the back gation involving more
of hand (SH), the correlation coefficient between samples and more
SF and SH is only 0.78, see Figure 2. It seems to be determinations could
sure to assess the ease of spreading on two dif- improve the reliability
ferent places. of these relationships,
then fast rheological
AND SENSORY VARIABLES demanding sensory
testing of the ease of
Involving all rheological and sensory analysis
results, total number of statistically significant

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Volume 21 · Issue 3
Figure 4:
Relationship between the
SH - ease of spreading on a
back of hand and K - consis-
tency parameter (solid line:
N = 15, correlation coeffi-
cient - 0.75, P = 0.05) and
SH and ha - apparent viscosi-
ty (dotted line: N = 15, corre-
lation coefficient - 0.72,
P = 0.05). Department of Food Chemistry and Analysis at the
Institute of Chemical Technology for provided lab-
oratory, useful help and valuable experience.

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The authors wish to acknowledge The Ministry of Pokorny J: The influence of stabiliser and TiO2 con-
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support of the Institutional Research Plan No. Proc. Int. Conf. on Cosmetology, Bratislava, Slo-
AV0Z20600510 and No. MSM6046137305. The vakia (2008) 81–84.
authors wish to acknowledge J. Pokorny and Z.
Panovská from the sensory laboratory of the

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