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Angry Angrily Happy happily
Fast fast Slow slowly
Good Well Bad badly
Sudden suddenly Nice nicely
Noisy noisily quiet quietly
Hard hard Soft softly
Careful carefully careless caressly
Polite politely Rude rudely
Quick quickly Loud loudly

1Choose a word in brackets to fill the gaps.

1 They dance the chachacha beautifully (beautiful / beautifully)

2 She planned their trip to Greece very/ carefully (careful / carefully)
3 Jim painted the kitchen very badly (bad / badly)
4 She speaks very quietly (quiet / quietly)
5 Turn the stereo down. It's too loud (loud / loudly)
6 He skipped happily down the road to school. (happy / happily)
7 He drives too fast (fast / well)
8 She knows the road well (good / well)
9 He plays the guitar terribly (terrible / terribly)
10 We're going camping tomorrow so we have to get up early (early / soon)
11 Andy doesn't often work hard (hard / hardly)
12 Sometimes our teacher arrives late for class. (late / lately)

2Complete the blanks with the correct adjective. First you have to change to Adverb.
Polite – sad – nervous – quick – shy – incorrect – impolite – happy – angry – kind

1. “I just got engaged!” she said happily .

2. “My dog just died,” he said sadly .
3. “I’m in a hurry,” she said quickly .
4. “I no make mistakes,” he said incorrectly .
5. “May I please make a telephone call?” she asked politely .
6. “Bring me a menu, fast!” he said impolitely .
7. “This is the last time I’m telling you! Clean up your room!” she said angrily .
8. “W-w-will you m-m-marry m-m-me?” he asked nervously .
9. “Please don’t ask me to speak in front of the class,” she said shyly .
10. “Can I help you?” he asked kindly .

3Rewrite these sentences using the verb in parentheses and a suitable adverb of manner.
Example: My son is a safe driver. (careful) --------- My son drives carefully.

1. Baryshnikov is an excellent dancer. (graceful)

Baryshnikov dances gracefully
2. Uta Piipig is a great runner. (fast)
Uta Piipig run fast
3. My father is a good teacher. (patient)
My father teaches patiently

4. The President is a good speaker. (effective)

The President is a speaks effectively
5. Andrea Bocelli is a wonderful singer. (beautiful)
Andrea Bocelli sings beautifully

6. Teachers are hard workers. (diligent)

Teachers work diligently
7. He is a well behaved child. (polite)
He behaves politely
8. Some students are fast learners. (quick)
Some students learn quickly

9. These painters are messy workers. (sloppy)

These painters worker sloppily

10. She is a good thinker. (quick/clear)

She thinks quickly

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