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Name:_________________________________ Date:__________ Score:_________

School:________________________________ Teacher:_______________________

DIRECTION: Read each question carefully and write only the letter of the correct answer.

1. In the year 2004, how many are drug users in the Philippines that was recorded by the Dangerous
Drugs Boards (DDB)?

a. 7 million b. 8 million c. 6.7 million d. 9 million

2. What is the function of PNP, NBI, and PDEA towards drug issues?

a. They helped arrest local and international drug syndicate members, traffickers, and destroy secret
laboratories and warehouse.
b. They helped those drug users escape.
c. They send those drug addict to rehabilitation.
d. They are responsible for keeping the drugs safe.

3. How can you describe drug misuse?

a. It is the condition of the body to adapt the effects of substances to the body.
b. Are drugs commonly abused by users.
c. It is the use of a substance incoherent with the prescribed dosage or frequently.
d. It is any substance or chemicals.

4. Why does drugs work?

a. It works because when chemicals absorbed in our body either nasal or oral way have psychological,
emotional, and behavioural effects on a person.
b. It works because of it’s chemicals.
c. It works because it’s chemicals has powerful effect when inhaled.
d. It works because there is a larger amount of substance.

5. Give an example of drug abuse?

a. rugby
b. solvents
c. narcotics
d. shabu, marijuana, inhalants

6. Give and justify your opinion on Gateway Drugs?

a. Drugs which speed up a person’s central nervous system

b. Cigarettes and alcohol are legal drugs that a non-drug user might try, which can lea him/her to more
dangerous drugs such as marijuana and shabu.
c. It is one of the most common drugs of abuse.
d. It is found in ordinary household chemical products and anesthetics.

7. Which one is an example of Gateway Drugs?

a. Narcotics
b. Marijuana
c. Cigarettes and Alcohol
d. Shabu
8. What are the myhs and misconceptions about drugs of abuse?

a. Drugs of abuse can improved memory and helped in the digestion of food
b. Drugs of abuse can change the behaviour of a person
c. Drugs of abuse can destroy health of a person
d. Drugs of abuse can lead to organ damage like brain damage

9. What facts can you gather about Euphoria?

a. It is the use of a substance for non-medicinal purpose

b. It is the high sensation of feeling good and extremely relaxed
c. It is the positive efforts bearing fruits and achievements
d. It is a feeling of irritation and depression

10. What would happen if the person used the gateway drugs?

a. It makes you feel good and look good

b. The use of gateway drugs put a person at risk of using more dangerous and illicit drugs
c. It makes you fat
d. It makes you rich

11. Depressants are also called sadatives which used to treat anxiety, mental disorder, and sleep disorders
like insomnia. What are the long-term effects of depressants on the body.
a. stress
b. stomach problem
c. low blood pressure
d. paralysis of the muscles and nerves

12. Narcotics are administered to patients with mental problems. They are also given to cancer patients to
sever pain. Which one of the following is the short-term effects of narcotics on the body?

a. increase respirational
b. rapid heart rate
c. inflammation of the veins
d. overdose leading to coma

13. The following are the steps to practice resistance skills in saying ‘’ N0 ” to drugs EXCEPT one?

a. What is the problem?

b. What could happen?
c. What are the ways of saying NO?
d. What are the solution?

14. What are the most important skills that a person must posses in order to be able to refuse temptations
and offers from known drug users?

a. decision-making skills and resistance skills

b. positive outlook in life
c. thinking skills
d. God fearing

15. What is the possible cause of the Dangerous Drugs Board in cooperation with the Department of
Health offers treatment and rehabilitation programs to Filipino’s who become ill?

a. Drug Abuse
b. Drugs
c. Cocaine
d. Depressants

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