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FOD3040 Yeast Products Recipe Book INDEX

EC9992 Yeast Rolls ​By Ethel Diedrichsen​ …… Pages 2 - 6

Sweet Yeast Dough ……………………. Page 2
Glaze for Breads and Rolls……………. Page 2
Yeast Batter …………………………….. Page 3
Brown and Serve Rolls ………...…....... Page 3
Shaping Techniques …………………… Page 4
Parker House Rolls ……………………. Page 7
Cloverleaf Rolls ………………………… Page 8
30 Minute Dinner Rolls A & B …….…... Page 9
Whole Wheat Rolls …………………….. Page 10
Cheesy Herb Bread ……………………. Page 11
Whole Wheat Seed Bread …….………..Page 12
Five Grain Bread …………………...….. Page 14
Bagels ……………………………….….. Page 15
Cream Cheese Spread …………..……. Page 16
Doughnuts …………………………..….. Page 17
Naan Bread ………………………..…….Page 18
Lefse ………………………………..…….Page 19
Sweet Cardamom Bread ………………. Page 20
Taco Cornmeal Bread ………………….. Page 21
French Bread ……………………………. Page 22

Please read through this entire recipe book before selecting recipes!

First 5 Pages of Notes are Recipes are from
EC9992 Yeast Rolls By Ethel Diedrichsen - April 2014

Sweet Yeast Dough

Straight-Dough Method
Basic Sweet Dough Richer Sweet Dough
Milk ¾ cup ½ cup
1 pkg yeast in ¼ cupwater 1 pkg yeast in ⅛ cup water
Sugar ¼ cup ¼ cup
Salt 1 tsp ½ tsp
Shortening ⅛ cup ¼ cup
1 egg 1 egg
Flour 3 ½ to 4 cups 2 ¼ to 2 ½ cups

1. The straight-dough method is the most often used for making fine-textured rolls and coffee cakes.
Sometimes the recipe calls for a high proportion of yeast to speed the rising process. Steps in the
straight-dough method follow.
2. Scald the milk; add sugar, salt and shortening and cool the mixture to about 83 F.
3. Soak the yeast in lukewarm water 5 to 10 minutes and combine with the milk mixture.
4. Add beaten eggs and one-half of the flour. Beat until smooth.
5. Add the remainder of flour and knead on lightly floured board.
6. Place in a greased bowl; brush top with melted shortening; cover with a clean tea towel.
7. Let stand in oven with light on and door closed until doubled in bulk about 1 ½ hours.
8. Punch down, form into desired shapes and bake according to directions.

Glaze for Breads and Rolls

Before baking:​Brush rolls with melted fat, with heavy cream or with ¼ cup of milk in which 1
Tbs of sugar has been dissolved. For another variation, try streusel topping on coffee cakes.

Streusel Topping
Flour ¼ cup
Sugar 2 Tbsp
Butter 2 Tbsp
Dry bread crumbs ¼ cup
Cinnamon ½ tsp
Blend together until mixture is crumbly. Sprinkle over top of coffee.

When nearly baked​ : Remove rolls from the oven about 5 minutes before they are done. Brush them with
slightly beaten whole egg, egg white or egg yolk diluted with 1 Tbsp water or milk, and return to oven to
glaze and finish baking.

When baked:​ As soon as the rolls are taken from the oven brush them with butter, or with ¼ cup of
cream containing 2 Tbsp of sugar, or with confetioner’s sugar icing.

Confectioners Sugar Icing

Sifted Icing Sugar 1 cup
Warm water, milk or cream 1 to 2 Tbsp
Vanilla or lemon juice ½ tsp
Mix together, then spread or drizzle over bread or rolls while slightly warm.
Page 2
Other Yeast Products
Yeast Batters: ​If you like the flavour of yeast breads but want something that takes less time to
make, the yeast batter is just the thing for you. From this you can easily make tempting drop
muffins, drop rolls or coffee cakes having that delicious nutty flavour of regular yeast rolls.

Yeast batters are quite different from yeast doughs. They are mixed quickly and lightly in much
the same way, but are thin enough to pour. No kneading is required and the only rising is in the
pans. The yeast batter rolls have a slightly more open-grained texture and thinner crust.

Yeast Batter

Milk 1 ¼ cups Salt 1 ½ tsp

Yeast in ¼ cup water 2 pkgs Shortening ¼ cup
Flour 3 ¼ cup Sugar 1 ½ tsp

1. Scald milk: add sugar, salt and shortening, and cool the mixture to about 83 F.
2. Soak the yeast in lukewarm water with 1 tsp of sugar for 5b to 10 minutes, and combine
with the lukewarm milk mixture.
3. Stir in the flour and pour into muffin pans, cake pans, or ring mold. Make about half full.
4. A streusel topping or the following mixture may be sprinkled over the top.
Brown sugar ½ cup
Shortening 2 Tbsp
Chopped nuts ¼ cup

5. Cover with a tea towel and let stand in the oven with light on and door closed until it has
doubled in bulk for about 30 to 45 minutes.
6. Bake in a hot oven at 425 F for 20 minutes.

Brown and Serve Rolls

To have fresh-from-the oven rolls often, try brown-and-serve rolls. Use any sweet dough and
shape as desired. Let rise and bake in a slow oven 275F for 30 minutes instead of at the usual
high temperature. The rolls should be completely baked inside but white instead of brown on the
outside. When ready to serve, brush the tops with melted butter or margarine, an bake in a very
hot oven 450 F about 7 minutes. The rolls will be hot, fragrant and golden brown.
Brown-and-serve rolls will stay fresh several days at room temperature, 2 weeks in a refrigerator
and longer in the freezer.

Page 3
Shaping Techniques
Sweet yeast doughs lend themselves to a number of interesting shapes and variations. After
shaping, let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake on a lightly greased pan in a hot oven 425 F for 12
to 20 minutes depending on the size.

Dinner Rolls : ​Roll dough into cylindrical shape, approximately 4 inches

long, tapering at ends.

Parkerhouse Rolls: ​Roll dough ¼ inch thick. Cut with biscuit cutter. Brush
with melted butter. Make crease across each. Fold so top half slightly
overlaps. Press edges together at crease. Place close together on pan.

Cloverleaf Rolls: ​Form bits of dough into balls about 1 inch in diameter.
Place 3 balls in each greased muffin cup. Brush with melted butter.

Lucky Clovers: ​Shape balls and place in muffin pans. With scissors divide
the rolls in half, then in quarters, cutting almost through to the bottom of
the rolls. Brush lightly with water or melted butter. If desired, brush with
slightly beaten egg white diluted with 1 Tbsp of water and sprinkle with
poppy or sesame seeds.

For all the twisted shapes, roll dough a little less than ½ inch thick. Cut into
strips ¾ inch wide and about 6 inches long.

Knots: ​Twist and tie each strip into a knot. Press ends down on a
greased baking sheet.
Braids: ​Braid three or four strips together.
Twists: ​Fold an 8 inch strip in half and twist in opposite directions.
Snails: ​With a forefinger hold one end of the strip on the baking sheet.
Twist and wind the strip around and around. Tuck the other end
Rosettas: ​Tie a loose knot in the center of an 8- inch strip.
Bring one end up through the center and the other end
over the side and tuck underneath.

Butterflies: ​Roll dough ⅛ inch thick into an oblong 6

inches wide. Spread with soft butter and roll up like a jelly
roll. Cut into 2 inch pieces. Press across the center of
each with a knife handle.(to resemble a butterfly).
Crescents: ​Roll dough into circular shape about ¼ inch
thick. Cut into wedge-shaped pieces. Brush with melted butter and roll up,
beginning at the wide end. Press point down firmly and curve into crescents when
placed on pan.
Fan Tans: ​Roll dough to a very thin sheet. Brush with melted butter. Cut into
strips 1 inch wide. Stack 6 strips evenly and cut into 1 ½ inch pieces. Place cut
Page 4
side down in muffin pan.

The basic sweet dough recipe may be turned into a number of tasty sweet buns and coffee
cakes by changing the shape, the topping or icing, the fruit and nuts, and the sugar-cinnamon
mixtures that are used for fillings.

Bubble Loaf: ​When the dough is

light, punch down. Let rise for 10
minutes. Divide into pieces the size
of a walnut and shape into balls.
Place one layer of balls, ½ inch
apart, on the bottom of a greased
loaf pan 1 ½ x 4 ½ inches. Arrange
second layer on top of the first,
placing over spaces in first layer.
Arrange third layer of balls. Pour
caramel glaze over all. Let rise until
double in size (about 1 hour). Bake
in moderate oven 350 F, for 35 to 40
minutes. Let stand in the pan 5
minutes before turning out.

Caramel Glaze
Dark corn syrup ¼ cup
Melted butter or margarine 1 Tbsp
Lemon extract ½ tsp
Vanilla extract ¼ tsp

Combine all ingredients. Mix thoroughly.

Cinnamon Rolls: ​Use ½ basic

sweet dough. Roll dough into a
rectangle ¼ inch thick. Spread
with 2 Tbsp softened butter and
sprinkle with ½ cup sugar and 2
tsp cinnamon. One-half cup
raisins may be added. Roll up
tightly, beginning at the wide
side. Seal well by pinching the
edges of the roll together. Cut
roll into 1 inch slices. Place cut
side down on greased baking
pan. Cover and let rise until
double in bulk. Bake in
moderate oven 375 F for 20 to 25 minutes.

Caramel Pecan Rolls: ​Use ½ basic sweet dough. Proceed as for cinnamon rolls, omitting
raisins and using brown sugar inside the roll. Spread ¼ cup soft butter, ½ cup brown sugar and

Page 5
¼ to ½ cup pecans in 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking pan. Place rolls on this with cut side down. Let rise
until double in bulk. Bake in moderate oven 375 F for 20 to 25 minutes.

Orange Rolls: ​Roll out basic sweet dough into rectangle ¼ inch thick. Spread with orange
marmalade or the orange filling below. Roll up and cut into 1 inch pieces. Pinch the underside of
each roll to hold in the juice and place cut side down on greased pan. Let rise until double in
bulk. Bake in moderate oven 375 F 20 to 25 minutes.

Orange Filling

Sugar ½ cup
Grated orange rind 1 Tbsp
Orange juice ¼ cup
Butter ¼
Mix, cook 2 minutes and cool.

Kolache: ​Shape basic sweet dough into two-inch balls. When they are light, make a depression
in the center of each ball and fill with fruit filling or jam. The fillin may be made by cooking 25
prunes or dried apricot halves until soft. Drain, mash, and add 4 Tbsp of sugar. Bake fruit-filled
rolls in moderate oven 350 F for 20 minutes.

Stollen: ​Use ½ basic sweet dough. After dough rises, turn onto lightly floured board and flatten.
Knead in;
Chopped blanched almonds ½ cup
Chopped citron ¼ cup
Candied cherries ¼ cup
Grated lemon rind 1 Tbsp

Pat out dough into an oval about 8 x 12 inches. Spread with soft butter. Fold over like a large
Parkerhouse roll and shape into a crescent. Press folded edge firmly so it won’t spring open.
Place on a lightly greased baking sheet and brush the top with melted butter. Let rise until
double in size. Bake in a moderate oven 375 F for 30 to 35 minutes. Frost while warm with
confectioner’s sugar icing and decorate with chopped almonds and pieces of citron and

Swedish Tea Ring: ​Use ½ basic sweet dough. After dough rises, punch down and roll into a
rectangular shape ¼ inch thick. Spread chopped raisins or prune down and roll into a
rectangular shape ¼ inch thick. Spread chopped raisins or prune filling evenly over the dough.
Roll up tightly, starting at the wide edge. Seal the edge well and place on greased baking sheet.
Join the ends of the ring at 1 inch intervals. Turn each piece of dough on its side. Let rise; bake
at 375 F about 25 minutes. While the ring is still warm, frost with confectioner’s sugar icing
Prune Filling
Cooked prunes, cut 1 cup
Cinnamon ¼ tsp
Lemon juice 1 Tbsp
Sugar ¼ cup
Simmer until thick, Cool.

Page 6
Parker House Rolls
Slightly sweet bread with a buttery flavour. ​Lab 1

Milk 1 cup 250ml

Butter or hard margarine 1 ½ Tbsp 25 ml
Granulated sugar 1 Tbsp 15 ml

Granulated sugar ½ tsp 2.5 ml

Warm water ⅛ cup 30 ml
Active dry yeast ⅛ oz 4g

All purpose flour 1 ½ cups 375 ml

All purpose flour, 1 ¼ cups 310 ml


Butter or hard margarine, melted 1 Tbsp 15 ml

1. Combine milk, butter, first amount of sugar and salt in a saucepan. Heat and stir to scald
milk. Cool to lukewarm.

2. Stir second amount of sugar in warm water in a small bowl. Sprinkle yeast over top. Let
stand for 10 minutes. Stir to dissolve yeast. Pour lukewarm milk mixture into a large
bowl. Add yeast mixture. Stir.

3. Add first amount of flour. Beat well.

4. Work in enough remaining flour until dough pulls away from sides of bowl. Turn out onto
floured surface. Knead 7 to 8 minutes until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl,
turning once to grease top. Cover with tea towel. Let stand in oven with light on and door
closed for about 1 ½ hours until doubled in bulk. Punch down.

5. Roll out dough ¼ to ⅓ inch (6 to 8 mm) thick. Cut in 3 inch circles (7.5 cm). Pull into
slightly oblong shape. Butter ½ of top side. Make crease with dull edge of knife in centre
crosswise. Fold one half over buttered half. Gently press ends together. Do not flatten.

6. Arrange on greased baking sheet ½ inch (12 mm) apart. Cover with tea towel. Let stand
in oven with light on and door closed about 45 minutes until almost doubled in size. Bake
in 400 degree F (205 C) oven for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove to racks to cool. Makes 1
and ½ dozen.

Cheese Buns: Add 1 cup (250 ml) grated sharp cheddar cheese with first amount of flour.
Shape into egg-size buns. Sprinkle each bun with a few shreds of cheese before baking. Bake
in 375 F (190 C) oven for 15 to 20 minutes. Cool on racks. Makes 1 dozen.

Page 7
Cloverleaf Rolls
Neat looking rolls. Easy break off the three knobs, one at a time.
​ ab 2 option 1

Boiling water 1 ¼ cups 310 ml

Butter or hard margarine ⅛ cup 30 ml
Granulated sugar ½ Tbsp 7.5 ml
Salt 1 tsp 5 ml

Granulated sugar 1 tsp 5 ml

Warm water ¼ cup 62 ml
Active dry yeast ¼ oz 4g

All purpose flour 2 cups 500 ml

All purpose flour, approximately 2 ¾ cups 685 ml

Butter or hard margarine, melted 1- 1 ½ Tbsp 15 - 25


1. Measure first 4 ingredients into large bowl. Stir to melt butter. Cool to lukewarm.

2. Stir second amount of sugar in warm water in small bowl. Sprinkle yeast over top. Let
stand 10 minutes. Stir to dissolve yeast. Add to mixture in large bowl.

3. Add first amount of flour. Beat until smooth.

4. Work in enough remaining flour until dough pulls away from sides of bowl. Place in
greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover with greased waxed paper and tea
towel. Let stand in oven with light on and door closed about 1 ½ hours until doubled in
5. Punch dough down. Divide dough into 2 portions. Divide each of 2 portions in half,
making 4 pieces. Roll each into a log of 6 inches (15 cm) long. Divide each log into 3
pieces. Divide each of the 3 pieces into 6 balls. Put 3 balls each into greased muffin cup.

6. Brush tops with melted butter. Cover with greased waxed paper and tea towel. Let stand
in oven with light on and door closed about 45 minutes until doubled in size. Bake in
400F (250C) oven for about 15 minutes until golden. Turn out onto racks to cool. Makes
25 rolls.

Page 8
30 Minute Dinner Rolls
Recipe by Tinkerbell_16
​ ab 2 Option 2
Ready in: 30 minutes Serves: 5-6

Warm water 1 cup 250 ml

Very warm water 2 Tbsp 30 ml
Oil ⅓ cup 78 ml
Granulated sugar ¼ cup 62 ml
Dry yeast 2 Tbsp 30 ml
Salt 1 tsp 5 ml
Egg, beaten 1 1
All purpose flour 3-4 cups 750 - 1000 ml

1. Mix warm water, oil, sugar and yeast; let rest 10 minutes until yeast activates.
2. Add salt and beaten egg; blend well.
3. Add flour, one cup at a time until soft dough is formed.
4. Knead on a floured surface 5-10 minutes or until dough is smooth and elastic.
5. Shape into small balls (walnut sized) and put into a greased baking pan.
6. Let rise at least 5 - 10 minutes.
7. Bake at 425 F for 15 - 20 minutes.

30 Minute Dinner Rolls B

From Real Mom Kitchen
Lab 2 Option 3

Warm Water 1 cup plus 2 Tbsps 250ml plus 30 ml

Oil ⅓ cup 78 ml
Active Dry Yeast 2 Tbsp 30 ml
Granulated sugar ¼ cup 60 ml
Salt ½ tsp 2.5 ml
Egg 1 1
All Purpose flour 3 ½ cups 875 ml

1. Preheat oven to 400 F

2. In a bowl of your stand mixer, combine the warm water, oil, yeast and sugar. Allow the
mixture to rest for 15 minutes.
3. Mix 2 cups (500 ml) of flour, the salt and the egg into the yeast mixture using a dough
hook. Add the remaining 1 ½ cups (375 ml) flour ½ cup (125 ml) at a time.
4. Shape dough into 12 balls and place in a 9 x 13 pan. Let dough rest for 10 minutes.

Page 9
5. Bake for 10 minutes or until tops are just golden brown.

Whole Wheat Rolls

Light rolls with a good texture. Contains a large proportion of whole wheat flour. You will make
these often.
Lab 2 Option 4

Granulated sugar 1 tsp 5 ml

Warm water 1 ¼ cups 300 ml
Active dry yeast ¼ oz 8g

Large eggs 2 2
Butter or hard margarine, softened 2 Tbsp 30 ml
Mild molasses 3 Tbsp 50 ml
Salt 1 tsp 5 ml
All purpose flour 1 ¾ cups 425 ml

Whole wheat flour, approximately 2 ¾ cups 675 ml

1. Stir in warm water in large bowl. Sprinkle yeast over top. Let stand 10 minutes. Stir to
dissolve yeast.
2. Beat in next 5 ingredients in order given. Beat on medium for about 2 minutes until
3. Work in enough whole wheat flour until dough pulls away from sides of bowl. Turn out
onto floured surface. Knead 8 to 10 minutes until smooth and elastic.
4. Place in greased bowl, turning once to grease top.
5. Cover with tea towel. Let stand in oven with light on and door closed about 1 ¼ hours
until doubled in bulk.
6. Punch dough down. Cut off egg-size pieces. Shape into buns.
7. Place on greased baking sheet. Cover with tea towel. Let stand in oven with light on and
door closed for about 45 minutes until doubled in size.
8. Bake in 400 F ( 205 C) oven for about 12 minutes.
9. Turn out onto racks to cool. Makes 1 ½ dozen

Page 10
Cheesy Herb Bread
Makes a large loaf: Spicy with a fine texture.
Lab 2 option 5

All purpose Flour 2 cups 500 ml

Instant yeast ¼ oz 8g
Chopped chives 2 tsp 10 ml
Parsley flakes 2 tsp 10 ml
Ground rosemary ¾ tsp 4 ml
Ground marjoram ¾ tsp 4 ml
Seasoned salt ¾ tsp 4 ml
Onion powder ¼ tsp 1 ml
Pepper ¼ tsp 1 ml

Milk 1 cup 250 ml

Granulated sugar 2 Tbsp 30 ml
Salt 1 ½ tsp 7 ml
Butter or hard margarine ¼ cup 60 ml
Large egg, beaten 1 1

Grated sharp Cheddar cheese ¾ cup 175 ml

All purpose flour, approximately 1 ¾ cup 425 ml

Butter or hard margarine, softened, 1 tsp 5 ml

For brushing top

1. Measure first 9 ingredients into large bowl. Stir. Make a

2. Heat milk, sugar, salt and butter in small saucepan until
quite warm. Pour into well. Mix. Add beaten egg and mix
3. Add cheese. Mix.
4. Work in enough remaining flour until dough pulls away
from sides of bowl. Turn out onto floured surface. Knead
8 to 10 minutes until smooth and elastic.
5. Place in greased bowl, turning once to grease top.
Cover with tea towel. Let stand in oven with light on and
door closed for 1 to 1 ½ hours until doubled in bulk.
6. Punch down dough. Shape into loaf. Place in greased 9
x 5 x 3 inch (22 x 12x 7 cm) loaf pan. Cover with tea
towel. Let stand in oven with light on and door closed
about 45 minutes until doubled in size.
7. Bake in 375 F ( 190C) oven for 30 to 35 minutes. Turn
out onto rack to cool.
8. Brush warm top with butter. Makes 1 loaf.

Page 11
Whole-Wheat Seed Bread
These attractive loaves are sprinkled with a variety of seeds, adding texture and flavour to this
mildly sweet bread.
Lab 3 Option 1

Caraway seeds 1 Tbsp 15 ml

Fennel seeds 1 Tbsp 15 ml
Poppy seeds 1 Tbsp 15 ml
Quick-cooking rolled oats 1 Tbsp 15 ml
Raw Pumpkin seeds 1 Tbsp 15 ml
Raw sunflower seeds 1 Tbsp 15 ml
Sesame seeds 1 Tbsp 15 ml

Milk 1 ¼ cup 300 ml

Bulgar ¼ cup 60 ml
Quick-cooking rolled oats ¼ cup 60 ml

Warm water ¼ cup 60 ml

Liquid honey ¼ cup 60 ml
Active dry yeast ¼ oz 60 ml

Large egg, fork-beaten 1 1

Whole-wheat flour 2 cups 500 ml
Cooking oil ¼ cup 60 ml
Liquid honey ¼ cup 60 ml
Warm water ¼ cup 60 ml
Salt 1 Tbsp 15 ml

All purpose flour 2 cups 500 ml

All purpose flour, approximately ⅓ cup 75 ml

Large egg 1 1
Water 1 tsp 5 ml

Directions on the next page…

Page 12
Whole-Wheat Seed Bread Directions
1. Combine first 7 ingredients in a bowl.
2. Heat milk in small saucepan on medium until very hot and bubbles form around edge of
saucepan. Add bulgar and oats. Stir.
3. Transfer to large bowl. Let stand, uncovered, for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until
cooled to room temperature.
4. Combine first amount of warm water and honey into a separate bowl. Sprinkle yeast over
top. Let stand for 10 minutes. Stir until yeast is dissolved.
5. Add next 6 ingredients to milk mixture. Beat with spoon until smooth. Add yeast mixture
and half of caraway seed mixture. Stir.
6. Add first amount of all-purpose flour, ½ cup (125 ml) at a time, mixing until soft dough
7. Turn out onto lightly floured surface. Knead for 5 to 10 minutes until smooth and elastic,
adding second amount of all-purpose flour 1 Tbsp (15 ml) at a time, if necessary to
prevent sticking.
8. Place in greased extra-large bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover with greased
waxed paper and tea towel. Let stand in oven with light on and door closed for about 1
hour until doubled in bulk.
9. Punch dough down. Turn out onto lightly floured surface. Knead for about 1 minute until
smooth. Divide into 2 portions. Pat each portion out to 8 inch (20 cm) rounds. Place
about 3 inches (7.5 cm) apart on large greased baking sheet. Cover with greased waxed
paper and tea towel. Let stand in oven with light on and door closed for about 30
minutes until almost doubled in size.
10. Whisk second egg and third amount of water in small cup. Brush over loaves. Sprinkle
with remaining caraway seed mixture.
11. Using sharp knife and starting at outside edge of loaf, make shallow cut,about ⅛ inch (3
mm) deep, to centre of loaf. Repeat 4 times, spacing evenly to divide bread into fifths.
Repeat with second loaf.
12. Bake in 350 F (175 C) oven for about 30 minutes until browned and hollow sounding
when tapped. Remove bread from baking sheet and place on wire racks to cool.
13. Makes 2 loaves. Each loaf cuts into 12 slices, for a total of 24 slices.

Page 13
Five Grain Bread
Good Wholesome flavour. One slice isn’t enough.
Lab 3 Option 2

All purpose flour 1/2 cup 125 ml

Whole wheat flour 1/2 cup 125 ml
Rolled oats (not instant) 1/4 cup 60 ml
Yellow cornmeal 1/8 cup 30 ml
Natural bran (not cereal) 1/8 cup 30 ml
Wheat germ 1/8 cup 30 ml
Dark rye flour 1/8 cup 30 ml
Salt 1 tsp 5 ml

Granulated sugar 1/2 tsp 2.5 ml

Warm water 1/4 cup 85 ml
Active dry yeast 1/8 oz 4g

Very warm milk 1 1/8 cups 275 ml

Honey 1 1/2 Tbsp 25 ml
Dark cooking molasses 1 1/2 Tbsp 25 ml
Cooking oil 1/8 cup 60 ml

All-purpose flour, approximately 2 3/4 cups 625 ml

1. Measure first 8 ingredients into large bowl. Stir.

2. Stir sugar and warm water together in small bowl. Sprinkle yeast over top. Let stand 10
minutes. Stir to dissolve yeast.
3. Combine next 4 ingredients in separate bowl. Stir. Add yeast mixture. Stir. Pour into dry
ingredients. Beat until well mixed.
4. Stir in enough remaining flour until dough pulls away from sides of bowl. Knead 8 to 10
5. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover with a tea towel. Let stand in
oven with light on and door closed for about 1 ¼ hours until doubled in bulk.
6. Punch dough down. Shape into loaf. Place in 1 greased 9 x 5 x 3 inch (22 x 12 x 7 cm)
loaf pans. Cover with tea towel. Let stand in oven with light on and door closed about 45
minutes until doubled in size.
7. Bake in 350 F (175 C) oven for 30 minutes. Turn out onto racks to cool. Makes 1 loaf.

Page 14
Real gems cut in half and toast, serve with flavoured cream cheese or broil each half with
cheddar cheese. The possibilities are endless.
Lab 4

Granulated sugar 1 tsp 5 ml

Warm water ¾ cup 175 ml
Active dry yeast ¼ oz 8g

Large eggs 2 2
Cooking oil 2 Tbsp 30 ml
All-purpose flour 2 cups 500 ml
Granulated sugar 1 Tbsp 15 ml
Salt 1 ¾ tsp 9 ml

All-purpose flour, approximately 1 ½ cups 375 ml

Poaching Liquid
Water 4 quarts 4L
Granulated sugar 2 Tbsp 30 ml

Large egg, beaten 1 1
Sesame seeds or poppy seeds,
To coat tops

1. Stir first amount of sugar in warm water in large bowl. Sprinkle yeast over top. Let stand
for 10 minutes. Stir to dissolve yeast.
2. Whisk in eggs and cooking oil. Beat in first amount of flour, second amount of sugar and
salt until smooth.
3. Work in enough remaining flour to make soft dough. Turn out onto floured surface.
Knead 8 to 10 minutes until dough is smooth and elastic.
4. Place in greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover with tea towel. Let stand in
oven with light on and door closed for 1 to 1 ½ hours until doubled in bulk.
5. Punch dough down. Divide into 12 equal portions. Roll each portion into 10 inch (25 cm)
rope. Cover remaining portions with damp tea towel while rolling and shaping each rope.
Bring the ends of rope together, overlapping slightly. Pinch end to firmly seal. Place on
floured baking sheet. Cover with tea towel. Let stand in oven with light on and door
closed for 15 minutes.

Poaching liquid​: Bring water to a boil in large saucepan. Add sugar. Reduce heat to medium to
keep water at a slow boil. Slip bagels into water, 3 or 4 at a time. Poach for 1 minute. Turn.
Poach 1 minute. Remove bagels to well-greased baking sheet.

Recipe directions continued on the next page…..

Page 15
Topping​: Brush egg over top of each bagel. Sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds. Bake in 400
F (250 C) oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Place on racks to cool. Makes 12

Whole Wheat Bagels​: Use half all-purpose flour and half whole wheat flour. Reduce the
amount of warm water by 2 Tbsp (30 ml). Add 1 Tbsp (15 ml) each of honey and mild molasses
after adding the egg and oil.

Raisin Bagels​: Add 1 Tbsp (15 ml) ground cinnamon and ⅓ cup (75 ml) dark raisins with dry

Serve with bagels

Cream Cheese, softened 4 oz 125 g

Garlic powder ¼ tsp 1 ml
Grated parmesan cheese 2 Tbsp 30 ml
Honey ¼ cup 60 ml
Orange marmalade ¼ cup 60 ml
Maple Flavoured syrup 1 Tbsp 15 ml
Frozen concentrated juice 1 Tbsp 15 ml

1. Beat cream cheese in a

bowl until quite soft.
2. Flavourings: Add one of the
flavourings listed above.
3. Mix well.

Makes ½ cup (125 ml)

Page 16
Lab 5
MUST be group of 3-4 if you want to make whole recipe REDUCED ½ for groups of 2
Sugar 3 cups 750 ml 375 mL
Butter 1 Tbsp 15 ml 7.5 mL
Eggs 5 5 3 Eggs - small eggs
Salt ½ tsp 2 ml 1 mL
Nutmeg (optional) 1 tsp 5 ml 2.5 mL
Milk 3 cups 750 ml 375 mL
Cream ¾ cup 185 ml 92.5 mL
Baking powder 6 tsp 30 ml 15 mL
Flour to make dough soft but easy to roll out

1. Put eggs into a large bowl, beat slightly.

2. Add milk and cream, mix.
3. Add sugar and butter, mix.
4. Add salt, nutmeg and baking powder.
5. Gradually add enough flour to make a soft dough.
6. Roll dough into a log.
7. Slice log into approximately ¾ slices.
8. Cut out doughnut holes.
9. Deep fry in hot oil.

Notes: Make Mini doughnuts by cutting smaller.

Page 17
Naan Bread
Soft and chewy. Cut or tear into pieces and serve as a healthy snack for the kids.
Lab 6 Option 1

Large eggs 1 1
Plain Yogurt ⅛ cup 30 mL
Milk ¾ cup 90 mL
Cooking oil ⅛ cup 30 mL

All Purpose flour 2 cups 500 mL

Granulated sugar 1 ½ Tsp 7.5 mL
Baking powder 1 ½ Tsp 7.5 mL
Baking soda ¼ Tsp 1 mL
Salt ¾ Tsp 3.5 mL

1. Beat Eggs in large bowl until frothy. Add yogurt, milk and cooking oil. Mix.
2. Measure remaining ingredients into separate bowl. Stir well. Add to egg mixture.
3. Stir. Turn out onto floured surface. Knead 8 to 10 times until dough is smooth, Cut into
15 pieces about the size of a golf ball. Cover with damp tea towel. Let stand 1 hour.
4. Roll or pat each ball on floured surface into 6 inch (15 cm) circles. Arrange on greased
baking sheets.
5. Bake in 450 F (230C)oven for about 3 to 4 minutes until puffed and browned. Makes 15.

Page 18
A lefse rolling pin works best. These make nutritious snacks for the kids.
Option 2

Milk 1 cups 250 ml

Evaporated milk or cream ½ cup 125 ml
Butter or hard margarine 1 cup 62.5 ml
Salt ½ tsp 2.5 ml
Granulated sugar (optional) 1 Tbsp 15 ml

Potato flakes 1 ½ cups 375 ml

All-purpose flour ⅔ cups 162.5 ml

1. Heat first 5 ingredients in large saucepan, stirring often, until butter melts. Remove from
2. Add potato flakes. Whip in until smooth. Cool completely.
3. Mix flour into potato mixture. Turn out onto well-floured surface. Knead 6 to 8 times.
4. Divide into 20 equal portions. Roll each portion, dusting with flour as needed, as thin as
5. Fry on hot griddle about 1 scant minute until you see brown spots. Turn and fry 1 more
scant minute. Makes 20.

Cinnamon Lefse: ​Spread cooled lefse with butter or margarine. Sprinkle with granulated sugar
and cinnamon. Fold twice into quarters or roll up like a jelly roll.
May be spread with jam instead of sugar and cinnamon.

Page 19
Sweet Cardamom Bread
When this is dressed up for tea it is a sure winner. Good cardamom flavor.
Option 3

Milk 1 cups 250 ml

Butter or margarine 3 Tbsp 50 ml

Granulated sugar ⅜ cup 87.5 ml
Salt ¾ tsp 3.5 ml

Granulated sugar 1 tsp 5 ml

Warm water ¼ cup 62.5 ml
Active dry yeast ¼ oz 1 x 8 g or 8 mL

Large eggs 2 2
Ground cardamom 1 1/2 Tsp 7.5 ml

All-purpose flour, approximately 4 ½ cups 1125 mL

Icing sugar ⅔ cup 150 ml
Water 2-3 tsp 10 - 15 ml

Glazed cherries, quartered ⅓ cup 75 ml

Finely chopped walnuts or pecans ½ cup 125 ml

1. Scald milk in saucepan. Remove from heat.

2. Add butter, first amount of sugar and salt. Stir to melt butter and dissolve sugar and salt.
Cool to lukewarm.
3. Stir second amount of sugar in warm water in small bowl. Sprinkle yeast over top. Let
stand 10 minutes. Stir to dissolve yeast.
4. Beat eggs in large bowl. Add cardamom. Add milk mixture and yeast mixture. Stir.
5. Work in enough flour until dough pulls away from sides of bowl.
6. Place in greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover with tea towel. Let stand in
oven with light on and door closed about 1 ¾ hours until doubled in bulk.
7. Punch down. Divide into 3 equal portions. Place in 3 greased 9 x 5 x 3 inch (22 x 12 x 7
cm) loaf pans. Cover with tea towel. Let stand in oven with light on and door closed for
about 45 minutes until doubled in size.
8. Bake in 350F (175C) oven for 40 to 45 minutes. Turn out onto racks to cool.

Glaze:​ Mix icing sugar and water in small bowl to make a barely pourable glaze. Drizzle over
loaves using back and forth motion.
Topping:​ Mix Cherries and nuts together and sprinkle over top of bread.

Page 20
Taco Cornmeal Bread
An orange shade to this yummy loaf. Just right to eat with chili or even just with butter.
Option 4

Milk 1 ½ cups 375 ml

Granulated sugar 1 tsp 5 ml

Warm water 1/4 cup 62 ml
Active dry yeast 1 x ¼ oz 1x8g

Large egg 1 1
Honey ¼ cup 62 ml
Cooking OIl ¼ cup 62 ml
Salt 1 tsp 5 ml
Taco seasoning mix 1 ½ oz 40 g
Whole wheat flour 1 cup 250 ml
Cornmeal ¾ cup 185 ml

Whole wheat flour ½ cup 125 ml

All-purpose flour, approximately 2 cups 460 ml

Milk, for brushing tops 1 tsp 5 ml

1. Scald milk in saucepan. Cool to lukewarm.

2. Stir sugar into warm water in small bowl. Sprinkle yeast over top. Let Stand 10 minutes.
Stir to dissolve yeast.
3. Beat egg in large bowl. Add milk and yeast mixture. Add next 6 ingredients. Beat on low
to moisten. Beat on high until smooth.
4. Work in second amount of whole wheat flour. Turn out onto floured surface. Knead 8 to
10 minutes until dough is smooth and elastic.
5. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover with tea towel. Let stand in
oven with light on and door closed for 1 ½ hours until doubled in bulk.
6. Punch down. Shape loaf. Place in 1 greased 9 x 5 x 3 inch (22 x 12x 7cm) loaf pan.
Cover with a tea towel and place in oven with light on and door closed for about 45
minutes until doubled in size.
7. Brush top with milk. Bake in 375 F (190 C) oven for about 30 minutes. Turn out onto
racks to cool. Makes one loaf.

Page 21
French Bread
Eat as is or use to make your favorite barbeque loaf. Best
eaten fresh.
Option 5

All-purpose flour 1 cup 250 ml

Salt 1 tsp 5 ml
Active Dry yeast 1 x ¼ oz 8g
Granulated sugar ½ Tbsp 7 ml

Warm water 1 cup 250 ml

All-purpose flour, approximately 1 ½ cups 375 ml

Cornmeal, sprinkle

Egg( Large) ½ ½
Water ½ Tbsp 7 ml

1. Place first 4 ingredients in large bowl. Stir.

2. Add warm water. Beat on low to moisten. Beat on high for 3 minutes.
3. Work in enough remaining flour until dough pulls away from sides of bowl.
4. Turn out onto floured surface. Knead 8 to 10 minutes until smooth and elastic.
5. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover with tea towel. Let stand in
oven with light on and door closed for 1 to 1 ¼ hours until doubles in bulk.
6. Punch dough down, Roll out dough into 12 x 15 inch (30 x 38 cm) rectangle on floured
surface. Roll up from long side. Pinch to seal. Press ends to taper. Place seam side
down on greased baking sheet that has been sprinkled with cornmeal.
7. Beat egg white and water together in small bowl with fork. Brush over loaf. Cover with
tea towel. Let stand in oven with light on and door closed about 45 minutes until loaf is
doubled in size.
8. Make 3 diagonal cuts ⅛ inch (3mm) deep across top of loaf.
9. Bake in 375 F (190 C) for 40 to 45 minutes. Turn out onto rack to cool. Makes 1 loaf.

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