Gross Power Output Net Power Output: Manufacturers' Ratings

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3,100 kW 3,000 kW

100 kW 100 kW


AC motor AC motor
Power not

Generator set Scope of Supply Generator set Scope of Supply

Example 1. Generator set with electronically driven cooling fan Example 1. Generator set with electronically driven cooling fan

3,000 kW

When comparing various generator sets,

it is important to evaluate them based on
net power output.

Generator set Scope of Supply

Example 2. Generator set with mechanically driven cooling fan

MANUFACTURERS’ RATINGS Without the cooling fan power draw, the Load Factor
generator set’s power rating is derived from the Load factor is commonly misunderstood in
Some manufacturers deviate from the ISO gross power output since some of the published the industry, since generator sets are
8525-1 ratings in order to best fit their customer power output will have to be used by the commonly known as their maximum
requirements, performance capabilities or generator set to sustain its own operation. If the application (nameplate) rating. As generator
maintenance schedules. Four of the most cooling package’s fan power draw is subtracted set technology progressed, the equipment
common confusion points are net power versus from the generator set’s output, this rating is was required to run harder than in the past.
gross power output, overload capability, load considered the net power output. This can be Generator manufacturers used the average
factor and maximum run time allowed. thought of in terms of a salary, where gross pay load factor as described by ISO-8528 as a
is the amount prior to tax withholdings, and key assumption to establish their
Gross Power Output versus Net Power Output net pay is the “take-home” amount after taxes. maintenance schedules.
Most generator manufacturers offer remote- When comparing genset ratings, it is important
cooled generator set versions designed to allow to evaluate them based on the complete system When comparing products with different
a third party to supply the cooling package. power output. published load factors, it’s important to consider
This gives the system designer more flexibility some of the advantages of a generator set with
as it allows for the cooling package to be Overload Capability a higher published load factor. In the past, a
mounted remotely in a different location than Historically, the PRP generator set output was simple, single-step, generator set loading
the generator set, which can be beneficial for less than the ESP rating, and this would allow method was often used. It typically had the
some installations. Since a third party provides an overload capability to be utilized. For PRP- highest power requirement for the generator
the cooling package, the cooling fan power draw rated units, this is commonly advertised as the set, and consequently the generator set size
is often not considered as part of the complete 10% overload capability for some amount of was dictated by this rating. This is known as
system’s power output. time. For MTU powered generator sets, the your “starting power requirement.” In these
10% overload is available for one hour out of system designs, the average power requirement
every 12 hours, up to 87 hours per year. Other of the generator set after the initial loading
generator set manufacturers state that this (called the “running power requirement”) was
one-hour overload can only be used up to typically 40-60% of the nameplate rating which
25 hours per year. follows the 70% guideline from ISO-8528.

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