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Lecture given by Daskalos

19 MARCH 1990
We must speak again something about elementals, so that we will proceed with our lesson.
We'll make just a brief description of what we are and what is the state in which we exist now. We
said what we are: We are Beings in the multiplicity of the Absolute Beingness, God, the Father.
We avoid using the word "God" and so we'll use a more real description—Infinite Beingness. We,
all of us human beings, are Beings in the Absolute Beingness. So, the Absolute Beingness has Its
Multiplicity: One Absolute Beingness, one man—many cells composing one man, yet many Beings
composing the Absolute Beingness. Now, what are the characteristics of the Absolute Beingness? Its
nature is Life; life is the Absolute Beingness, in Its nature the Absolute Beingness is— this means
eternally. There was not any time when the Absolute Beingness was not and there will not be any
sense of time when the Absolute Beingness will not be. The Absolute Beingness is Life, Life eternal,
Life everlasting. So, now, the main characteristic of the Absolute Beingness is Life.

Now, in the nature of the Absolute Beingness is the Self-abundance, Self-sufficiency; it lacks
nothing. Yet, in the Absolute Beingness you find certain characteristics—movement, motion, will—
motion in the sense of place and space, and will—motion as condition. So, we have one of the
characteristics of the Absolute Beingness—will, the will to express Itself in Itself. The expression
means the Logos. Another meaning of the word Logos, except expression, is—to express Itself in
Itself by Itself—meaning the Beings composing Its Multiplicity.

But to express Itself in Itself the Absolute Beingness must create from Its own Beingness the means
to express Itself, and so, the Mind was created. Mind was created. What about now? Mind was
created, is created now and will always be created. There was not any time when the Mind didn't
exist. But Mind is not God. Mind is the means, Holy Super-substance, through which the
Absolute Beingness expresses Itself in Itself, meaning there is not any sense of space where the
Absolute Beingness is not. Space and the Absolute Beingness? What's this space? The Absolute
Beingness? Yes, it is the nature of the Absolute Beingness.

So, what is the Absolute Beingness? Life. What is and exists is the expression of the Absolute
Beingness through and by the Mind. Now, the Mind is living, since it is a part of the Absolute
Beingness which is Life. The Mind is living. It is the carrier of Life. Yet, it is not the Holy Spirit.
Germans are making the mistake to call the Mind "Geist", and then, call the Holy Spirit "Heilige
Geist". I think we better separate the words not to mix them. Because, the Holy Spirit is the Absolute
Beingness in a dynamic expression, while the Mind as "Geist" is the means (not the actor), the
means through which the actor experiences Himself. So, in the expression we have the Logos and
the Holy Spirit.

Now, we mentioned the Mind. We may find the Mind in many kinds of vibrations. We may find it as
the Super-substance, formless, pure. In lower vibrations, we find it as Substance. In still lower
vibrations, we find it (which, as an expression, gives feelings and sentiments - what we call the
psychical plane) as Matter-substance. And then, in yet lower vibrations, as Matter. Matter is the
Mind solid. Nothing exists, nothing existed and nothing will exist in the future which is not the
Mind. We can call the Mind (according to the Will/Expression) a condition. The Will expressed in
the sense of place (the Will of God). We will find it as Life in its Multiplicity. So, we have the Mind
as Super-substance, Substance, Matter-substance (energy), and Matter. What can we observe in all
those vibrations of the Mind? We observe the characteristics of the Absolute Beingness, which are
the Total Wisdom, Total Power, and Total Love.

I was asked one day by the Greek circles "What is the Total Love in matter?" What's the Law of
cohesion, creating the matter? What's that Law by which energy becomes matter, and then, from
matter back to energy? The orthodox science has found that now, and we are not speaking contrary
to the orthodox science of today. So, where is the Total Wisdom in matter? Orthodox science found
it in its investigations the motion, harmony, and the law that keeps everything in order. If you split
an atom, what will you find out? You will find that an atom has a nucleus, electrons, protons, ions
and so many things: The Will of God, or motion—everything going around the nucleus in harmony.
The distance and the speed around the nucleus are giving us the forms of matter. Of course, these
things that the orthodox science has found out now, were known to the mystics of the past. The atom
is the same as the solar system, the same work. Motion (expression of the Infinite Beingness) is in
the atom and in the solar system, as well as in the galaxy. So, everywhere there is Mind-matter (we
shall call it like that) and there we'll find the law—the Total Wisdom, the Total Love, the Law of
cohesion, and Might, Power, Energy (call it whatever you like). Everywhere there is order.

Now, how do we find this order—reach the conclusion that the characteristics and the nature of the
Absolute Beingness is the Total Wisdom, and the Total Power (or Energy)? Studying all living
forms around us we'll come to the conclusion that every living form (billions, and billions, and
billions of living forms - expressions of Life on the material plane) is under the Law of Possibilities,
Existence and Probabilities. And, studying these laws, one will reach the decision that everything is
ruled, governed, by the Absolute Total Wisdom, Total Love, and Total Power (Might, Energy, call it
whatever you like). Everywhere is order!

We said that the Absolute Beingness is in Its Multiplicity—the Beings in the Absolute Beingness (in
God the Father) are not characterized by anything distinguishing them. They are Ego-Spirit-Self-
consciousnesses or Self-Super-consciousnesses. But, those expressing themselves in the Absolute
Beingness get certain characteristics, according to their nature which is in those Beings. According
to their characteristics and nature they are going to perform work in the worlds of manifestation (or
in the worlds of existence). And so, we find them in collective groups. According to their work in the
worlds of manifestation we call them Archangels of the Elements (and of the Substance, and the
Supersubstance). We distinguish these Beings collectively as the Michaels, the Gabriels, the
Raphaels, the Uriels, the Cherubs, the Seraphs, and not to mention the highest orders which
remain in the Absolute Beingness, the Father—the Authorities, the Principalities. The exception is
the order of the Thrones, since one Metathronius coming from that order is to accompany any
Spirit-Ego-Super-consciousness to be humanized, to become a man. So, now we can know the
orders of the Archangels and their work. Their work—by what means? By the Mind. So, the Mind is
the stuff composing the elements. Elements? Matter - fire, water, air, magnetism (electricity), and
everything to be discovered by the orthodox science.

So, the Absolute Beingness is, eternally, the Eternal Life. And, the Absolute Beingness is and exists
(now) as the Logos and as the Holy Spirit. It can exist in many, many other ways which human
brains cannot conceive. But, as human beings, using what I call the human intelligence, we can
understand much regarding the nature of God, of the Absolute Beingness, and in Its expressions as
the Logos and the Holy Spirit. These two only? As long as we live in a material body (in a human
body), using that handful of earth we call the material brain, we cannot conceive more. Yet, away
from the material body, expanding our nature beyond the self-consciousness of the Present-day-
personality, we can know more, conceive more. Then again, expanding our selves, not as Soul-Self-
consciousnesses, but as the Spirit-Ego-Self-Super-consciousnesses, we may know everything. But,
we cannot bring that back to the human consciousness, except by feeling that there is something
magnificent, bright, a kind of inexplicable bliss (by human words or to be described by anybody).
Yet, we know! There is now a conviction that we know the Truth by becoming the Truth.

Now, I made a brief description of Life in Itself, and Life expressed in the various worlds. Worlds?
Do you think that the only world is the material earth (though only one fourth of this material earth
is known and the other three fourths is water, the oceans)? Yet, the surface of this earth (we call
land), the oceans and the bottom of the oceans, are full of life. Life—just the ones which can be
produced by those conditions. So, Life is everywhere. The Researcher of the Truth must study Life
in all of its expressions on the material plane—in the air, on the land, and in the seas.
What will the Researcher of the Truth find? We said there is not only one world—the material
world, we have worlds of finer vibrations, worlds of which the material plane is but a shadow. Our
material plane is not the reality; the reality is in the causes and not in the effects. So, we have other
worlds, what we call the psychical world of this planet. Some books are calling it the astral plane.
Why do they call it the astral plane? Because this world is self-luminous. That's why they call it the
astral plane. Now, the psychical plane is on the earth, the earth, and many thousands of kilometers
around the earth. Any planet, any satellite, any single material body in the sky has its psychical
double. And again, in those celestial material worlds, we have the Mind (it's the Mind again),
vibrating a scale higher than the vibrations of matter. It is the whole material thing in them and
many, many thousands of kilometers around those celestial bodies. Yet, their psychical bodies in the
solar system and beyond, are not touching each other. These are the psychical worlds. Knowing the
psychical world of our planet, we know all the psychical worlds of all solar systems everywhere. In
the same way, knowing the human body of a man, you know how any human body is composed.

Now, one scale still higher we have still other worlds. Not one world, many worlds—the noetical
worlds. The noetical world, the material planet is in it, the psychical counterpart of the planet is in it,
and it goes infinitely. So, the whole solar system is in this substance—the noetical substance. Now,
we spoke about the solar system. Thousands of solar systems are in a galaxy. For everything
existing, for an amoeba, a planet, a solar system, even a galaxy, we may see its circle of possibilities,
existence and probabilities. That means, nothing is escaping the Total Wisdom, the Total Love and
the Total Energy (or Power) of the Infinite Beingness. The Super Intelligence is all that.

But there are still more worlds. We have described three. The Church says seven. Maybe there are
many, many more. But, it is not for the human beings to know or even detect them as long as they
live in a material body. It is the Archangels who are living and working in these worlds. So, it is
enough for a human being to know the material world. Knowing his material body, to know the
material world, to know the psychical planes and sub-planes, be the master of his psychical body,
and to know the noetical worlds, becoming master of his noetical body. And then, what will he find
out? That these worlds, magnificent as they are, are the stage on which he or any being have to play
a role. The less intelligent play an awkward role on the material plane only. Those who learn more
and more, becoming masters of that stage we call the material plane, are better actors performing
their roles in one or in all the subplanes of the psychical plane. Those who are still better actors (they
have to train themselves for that) are acting on what we also call the mental plane. What do they find
out? "Whether I am working in the material world, in a material body, as a Present-day-personality
(a man or a woman), or, if I am performing in the highest worlds, 'I am I': no more, no less." It is
the role that is different, not our nature. This is what they will find out. This is the task of every
human being, not only of the Researcher of the Truth, and this is what will be known, sooner or
later, because, if that is not the aim, then the Gods would have been dead in matter. This is
This is what we said in the previous lesson. Death does not exist. What exists is Life. Life Eternal.
Yet, there is change, constant change, because the characteristic of the phenomena of life is the
constant change. But, the nature of Life is not change, rather, eternal.

So, we as Self-Spirit-Super-consciousness are not changing, we are eternal. We are Life. But, we as
Souls (again Self-Super-consciousnesses), we are and we exist. We partake of the two natures. It's
there - we change since we exist. There is a change in the behavior, in the expression of our self as a
Soul. Definitely, it is so. And our selves now, we the "small selves" of our Present-day-personality,
living in a human being, and in the other two bodies—in these bodies is the change, constant
change, instability. So, we as Life, never bigger, never smaller, are expressing our selves in various
ways - in a spermatozoa, in a child, in a young man, a grown- up man, in growing old and passing
over. The change is on the bodies and in the bodies.

So, what are we now as living beings? If we are intelligent, this will not escape us. We live in a
family. We have lived as children, growing up. We see other people growing up. Marrying, bringing
to life other children. An intelligent being, using the Mind as thought (animals cannot do that),
having self-consciousness, must study all these events around him and, definitely, should ask: "What
is life? Where does it come from? What's life coming from—a spermatozoa, being in the belly of a
mother for many months to develop? What's birth, giving birth? Then, what is going on by growing,
and growing, and growing?" Obeying the Circle of Possibilities? The Circle of Possibilities cannot
change! A human being cannot become a citrus tree. So, studying the Circle of Possibilities of every
living form around us, we'll come to the same conclusions as all the mystics (all who studied these
things). And this means that they caught the relative truth leading to the Truth, all of them. What did
they find? What can we also find? What will the others coming in centuries after us find? The same
things! They will find that Life is, and that living beings are and exist in various worlds of
manifestations. They will find the nature of the worlds of matter, of psychical matter, of noetical
matter. They will find all the same things. Then, at the end, they will find who they are as Spirit-

Now, what is most interesting to be studied is what we call the self-consciousness, self-
consciousness as a Present-day-personality, and self-consciousness in the other expressions of ours
as Souls and as Spirits. And now we will look around us and see the world, see the human beings. In
every part of the world, everywhere, all these people now, and of course, not only now, rather
always, it was in the past centuries and it will be so in the future—what will be? A common thing to
all human life on the planet (for the time being—things will change after many, many centuries) that
every human being has a form - the human form, from which no human being can escape. You must
study the human form on the material plane (of a man and of a woman). And, you will find the
characteristics (common things, like, to prolong life) and the differences. These you will find in the
world of duality in every phenomenon of life around us. So, every phenomenon of life has a duality.
You have this duality even in the material body. Two lobes of brain, two eyes, two nostrils, two
cheeks, two ears, left and right, two sides of the thyroid, two lungs, chambers in the heart (upper and
lower, on the left and on the right). Then, what else can you find? In the place of the spleen on the
other side you have liver, two balls for a man, two ovaries for a woman, two tubes, two feet. Now,
about this duality, I am afraid I am not allowed to speak more.

Then, we have inner currents - centers of energy, what I call the etheric double of the material
body. We are teaching it. The Hindus know these centers of energy and they call them chakras. We
don't use this word - we call them centers of energy. You can study them and use them in the proper
way. Misuse of these centers of energy is creating much mischief to the user and to the other people.
So, it is better not to give the keys to the irresponsible ones. So, what did the mystics of the past
find? They exposed their findings. We can find them in some books. But, we can find it also by
ourselves. Of course, we should do that to have the first-hand knowledge of the Truth. The
knowledge of the others should guide, not convince us, to come, through ourselves, to the conviction.
Yes, what will we find? Studying this material body we find it very, very nice and very, very good
(if in good health). We can find that it is built and supervised by other intelligences—Michaels,
Raphaels, Gabriels, Uriels, and others. And these Archangels, one from each order, are working in a
human being in the material, psychical and noetical body, day and night. During the time you think
you are sleeping and don't see any dreams, they are working in your body. The circulation of blood,
the repairing, yes we can say, of the damages (we do all sort of things). When we have a wound and
we are sleeping, they are working to cure it. These things will not escape the attention of the
Researcher of the Truth—what is going on in his material body, and then (later) in his psychical
body, and then, in his noetical body. Common people do not know that they also have a psychical
body(and they are using it subconsciously). And noetical body? Some are using it. In most, it has
atrophied. They wait for other to think for them, not using their privilege to use the formless Super-
substance of the Mind - visualizing, creating and using what we call elementals. Now, we come to
our subject.

What are elementals? Elementals are certain forms loaded with energy, created by a human being
for what that human being considers to be his purpose in life. Now, Archangels are creating
elementals. The elementals of the Archangels are the Angels. The same way the Archangels are
creating Angels (for the creation - all around us in all the worlds), human beings are creating
elementals, unfortunately not very holy sometimes. Now, the Researchers of the Truth will start
(consciously now, later self-consciously) to see how people around them and how he himself is
creating these elementals. How are they created? Everyone is creating elementals (subconsciously)
without knowing what one is creating. Yet, one is always under their influence. They dominate one.
So, you must study the nature of these elementals, their source, how we create them subconsciously,
and how in the future we will be able to create them consciously (by visualization). Now, every
thought and emotion of any human being is creating an elemental. Definitely! Whether the one
creating an elemental sees it or not, it gets a form. Nothing can exist without having a form. And the
form of an elemental is according to its nature. Every serious Researcher of the Truth will, with
concentration, meditation and observation, study the nature of these elementals, and the nature of
the collective groups of these elementals, composing his or her personality. I am telling you, the
present-day-personality of a man or a woman is the sum-total of these elementals. As no
building can be built unless you have bricks, no Present-day-personality of a man can be built if we
don't have the elementals. So, the sum-total of these elementals, plus certain conditions coming from
previous lives (20 percent of the personality, and 80 percent from these elementals), together are
composing the Present-day-personality of a man or a woman. Thus, the quality of any Present-day-
personality of a man or a woman depends on the quality of these elementals. This means that these
elementals, as a group, are forming the psychical body from which those vibrations (stronger now)
can create similar elementals, giving us what you call our interests in life. What do we like, what do
we want, what we expect to have.

So, what is now the life of a human being (a man or a woman) on the planet? Studying the human
bodies of two men—they are the same. Shorter or taller, doesn't matter, the composition is the same.
I'll say again, taller or shorter, doesn't matter. A woman is a woman, a man is a man. Studying the
body of a human being, of a man, you know the human body of any man. This is anatomy. Studying
the present-day-personality of a man, do you know the present-day-personality of any man? No!
Though the material bodies are similar, what we call the psychic bodies (with their etheric doubles)
of men and women are different, and - you will never find two the same. Because, the psychical
bodies (and noetical bodies) are the sum-total of their elementals. And, their elementals express
themselves now in a very different way from their Beingness, and that's their egoism. You have to
get rid of it.

Now, the whole life of a man or a woman is such as to be influenced and dependant on these group
elementals (good, bad, or mixed) they have created. And in them (even in the material body) they
have what we call the sub-consciousness. This sub-consciousness of a human being (one branch of
it) is the sum-total of these elementals which a man has to face boldly, observe, study, and make
repairs. That is one side of the sub-consciousness. The other side is clean! It is the source by which
the Mind is coming down to be used by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Archangels in building the
bodies. Happily, the human being is not able to influence it, as long as he is under the slavery of
egoism. I'll put it in another way. When we start our exercises on what we call the etheric double of
our material body to study it and use the qualities of this etheric double as kinetic, aesthetic, and
impressive ether, we cannot use what I call the creative ether. That branch of our subconscious is
the pure Super-substance of the Mind, which the Holy Spirit, in all of our human bodies, material,
psychical and noetical, is using to build them.

So, a human being as he is today (a man or a woman) everywhere around us, living the life he is
living now, he can use subconsciously what we call kinetic ether, moving the body, displacing it,
moving any part of his body; the aesthetic ether, feeling; subconsciously using the imprinting ether,
creating elementals; but he cannot use the creative ether, constructive thoughts. Since we made a bad
use of it in the past, the Absolute Beingness deprived human beings from being able to use creative
thought. Yet, the psychotherapists, making a good use of the etheric double and all that, will be
entrusted by the Holy Archangels, when they come in conscious and self-conscious contact with
them—entrusted with the Mind as the creative ether. This is a reward from the Absolute Beingness!
How can one be sure about it? Because he will be able to materialize and dematerialize. He will
know that he is the master of matter. He will know how to make substance from matter, and matter
from substance.

Now, we are Christians. The Logos (the Infinite Beingness in Its expression as the Logos) incarnated
into a human being. When He came down to the world, did He have the need of impressing people
to praise Him? He never accepted that. Why did He do all those things we call miracles? What do
you think? Raising the dead even, or calling them back to the material body (I say it this way,
because He never said that they are dying, but, that they are sleeping and that He is going to wake
them up). He came just to teach this truth. Why do you think, when many people came to hear Him
talking in the desert (in one instance 5,000, in another 3,000 of them), not caring if they were
hungry, and, as we may read it in the Bible, He fed them all with two loaves of bread and five fishes
(it is said that 12 coffins remained full of that substance) - why and how did He do it? To show that
one can create matter from the Super-substance and that matter can turn back into Super-substance
of the Mind. That means He was a master of the Mind. He did it publicly and said: "What I am
doing, the one who believes in me ..." in the Self-consciousness "... and has as little faith as a seed of
a mustard creeper, can do more than I am doing." Was He lying? Was He telling nonsense? No! It
was just to teach that a man as an inner Spirit-Self-consciousness can become a master of Matter and
of anything in the Mind vibrating as an emotion and as a thought. How did He do it? By prayer.
But, what is prayer? Now, we come to another point.

What's a prayer? Just going to a building we call a church, kneeling down and reciting what the
others thought us to be prayers? Using the time just to recite it, subconsciously thinking of thousands
of other things coming and going? Is this a prayer? No! Are there answers to such prayers? Yes,
sometimes I am wondering when I see that there is an answer. The Holy Father knows what you are
in need of and He is giving it whether you ask for it or not. I have seen such cases, many cases. But,
is that the proper prayer? What's a prayer? For me, it is concentration, meditation and observation.
That means prayer for me. And, after knowing the reality - adoration. That means thanksgiving to
the Infinite Intelligence. That must be prayer - creating angelic elementals, constructive
elementals, praying for the health of others, helping our fellow men.

So, if you get the New Testament (and I suggest that everyone should have the new Testament as his
or her best friend) - read it! But, not just read it, because, I had a fellow reading it for years and
years (and years), and when I asked him "You have read about the miracles, what did you
understand?" he responded "That Christ did it". Why did He do it? What for did He do it? To be
applauded? So, it is not only reading and not understanding what you are reading. You must have the
Bible and the New Testament, and go through it to understand the Godman on earth and what we
are. What you think you are, you are not, you are the shadow of your Self, and you are far more than
what you think you are!

Christ said "You are all gods and Sons of the Almighty". In the past even the prophets said that and
Christ repeated it. "We are gods". Really, are we gods? What is that in us we can call God? Our
body, our feet, our limbs, our chest, our heart? Or the body you are making so much bad use of it—
abused it? Who is God? Christ says that our bodies are the Temples of God. So it is. Of course it is.
But, who is that God? To find the Truth it is not necessary (I am speaking to Swiss, Germans, and
others) to go far to the East, only to come back disappointed. You have the treasures and the Truth in
your hands. Where are these treasures? Your ability in using the Mind - in visualization, in thinking,
in using your mind! Unless you get the custom of using the Mind yourself, no matter how many
times most of you will go to see Sai Baba or others in the East and come back, you will not be
benefited in anything. So, what is needed is to use the Mind, you yourselves, in meditating, in
concentrating, in observing—to reach the Truth. This is the point. So, what's the Truth now? To
learn the nature of the elementals we are creating, producing and storing up in our sub-
A good disciple of Sai Baba came to me a couple of days ago, because, when people are going to see
him he is not doing any healing or very little. (He is just sending them to Cyprus, to Daskalos. They
are coming here. Never mind. Whatever we can do, we are doing.) Why? Because, in the Hindu
culture there is no saying of Christ "Shoulder the burden of the weaker". In that culture everybody
shoulders his own Karma, a different way of thinking and living. But, you are Christians and
Christian teaching is very different. The Christian teaching says "Shoulder the burden of the others".
So, that disciple of Sai Baba wanted me to tell him (of course) my opinion concerning Sai Baba (and
I told him my opinion), when he came I asked him "There are so many people coming to you, and
not only to you, but to many, many Avatars (and I don't know how many Avatars there are), and
they are disappointed, most of them". I told him that we know why. "I will tell you and you tell it to
Sai Baba. Some are coming curious, coming with their own beliefs. They come not to know
something new, but to see if your knowledge is what they believe. They are leaving you
disappointed. It is not the fault of Sai Baba. It is the fault of those who want to go there, approach
him, without (what I call) an open mind". I tell you, Sai Baba has much to offer. But, how much the
others will accept and assimilate? When I talked to the disciple I told him to tell Sai Baba to insist on
that. "You come to me. Why do you come to me? What for? What are you in need of? What can I
offer you?" And, simply teach them the right way of concentration, observation and meditation, and
tell them how to work—by themselves. He said, "But so many people are coming and we don't have
so much time for all that". "Then people will be disappointed". Now, it is not a fault of Sai Baba or
any Hindu master. They are good for their own people. Have that in your mind. So, what is a
European or an American or someone from the Middle East, in need of? Many Cypriots have gone
to Sai Baba and other people. They come back and say, "They sent us back to you". And I say "You
spent so much money. What for?"

What I want to say is: Those who really want and need (what they call) spiritual development or
upliftment, they cannot find it in books. Books are simply guides, sometimes dangerous. Don't catch
a book on Hatha Yoga and think you have become an expert, because, I have seen many who have
just damaged their bodies and their nervous systems like that. What you really want to know is to
use the Mind. To start, you yourself, to observe, to meditate, and to know. This is what you need.
And what you need is sincerity with yourself in your room, in your house, in your office, yet - serious
work. In what? In searching honestly and sincerely your sub-consciousness, trying to understand the
quality of your emotions. Start to study through introspection or, looking within, which a Researcher
of the Truth is to do every night, your shortcomings, your behavior, and why. Why that, and why
that, and, why that? Why I said that and why I did that? What I should and I didn't do, and what have
I done?

It needs much, much work which one will undertake for himself, if one wants to advance. This is
what I call meditation. There is no other more useful way of meditating. Of course, there are many,
many other things. Concentrating and learning about the circles of possibilities and probabilities.
These are what I call studies and you can find them even in books. Yes, when we start with that,
sometimes we have to stop, because we cannot exhaust the source of studying all these things.
Yet, what you need is becoming the master of concentration by practicing these exercises (and don't
underestimate their value!) for a certain period of time, and then, when you master the Mind in
visualization, meditation and concentration—you have a most serious work to do. Start reading
that book which is your life, because in this book you have written many pages in the past, and
every day you are writing—no, every moment you are writing. See what you are supposed to write
in the future. Don't grieve for the dirty pages in the past. They serve to give you the lessons. See that
you don't write new pages as dirty as those!

What is really interesting in observation and meditation is your Present-day-personality, if you want
to have a gain out of this meditation, observation and concentration. Seriously and honestly, start
observing and then meditating on all of your expressions and behaviors. With a burning why—with
the wife, with the husband, with the children ... they raised up their voice and, of course, they
quarrel, dispute ("I said these words, and you said ... "), fighting, and all that. Put a question there—
why? What was the aim of it? Now and in the past, day and night, husbands and wives are
quarreling, fighting, sometimes divorcing. Finished. They never asked, "Day and night, quarreling?
Why? What for?" Some people come to me and I tell them, "So many years fighting, fighting and
fighting. Do you know why?" "Why?" "Because you want to dominate over your husband and he
wants to dominate over you. Because you don't respect each other. You don't accept that he can have
his opinions, and you can have yours. Cooperate instead of fight. You are making the children cry
only to imitate you tomorrow". Some who are coming to us I teach the new way of observation and
behavior (checking their expressions - what I call the expressions of their egoism), they change their
lives. Becoming better? No. Becoming wiser - not quarreling.

The other day I had a fellow. He also went to India two times, together with his wife—fighting even
there. Spending a lot of money to come back here—still fighting. I said, "Look here, you went two
times to India,"(they didn't go to Sai Baba but to another guru) "good. You came just as you were—
quarreling again. Didn't that guru teach you to tolerate one another, respect and love the other?" "No,
he gave us methods of a kind of meditation". "Meditation?" "Yes. He gave us secret mantras". I
started laughing. "Taking money and giving the same mantra to many?" "He said not to tell it to
others". That's what Maharishi is doing now. Many are coming and telling me, "I paid seventy
pounds, you know, to be given a mantra and, of course, I asked a close friend just to see that he has
the same mantra, and some others too". And what's the use of reciting a mantra without knowing
what it means? Vibrations? Mysteries - stupidities!

So, they came fighting, fighting the whole day long. I said, "Why did you go there? What for?" What
am I aiming at now? Their aimless meditations, which are just a waste of time. Leave them. What
one is in need of is to study the quality and the nature of his own personality, to see what he can do
with his egoism, to detach his real Self from that egoism and kill it. And then—improve. This is the
real aim of progress. Yes, but is that for the spiritual upliftment? What is spiritual upliftment? Very
often we hear this word. Gaining psychical powers? Another misleading expression. What does it
mean—to gain psychical powers? "Then, what do you suggest, Daskale?" Self-realization.
Understand who you are, how are you living, pass over from consciousness to self-consciousness,
have self-realization (self-knowledge) and now, I come back to Christ - "See the Kingdom of the
Heavens which is in you and everything will be added to you." It is there, in the Bible!

What are the Kingdoms of the Heavens within us? The Self-realization. Knowing who we are. I'll
put it more plainly now. Knowing that I can use the Super-substance of the Mind and make it into
thought forms and emotional forms—elementals, by which I was building, in the past that present-
day-personality of mine. I am supposed to continue living like that. Now, I must see what quality of
elementals I will create to continue building. What I have to get rid of and how to make my present-
day-personality, say, cleaner, changing the character…say it like that if you like. What is the goal?
You never reach any goal. But, through time you will find more Self-realization. In the beginning,
Self-realization is to understand what and how is your self-present-day-consciousness, which is not
your real Self in reality, but its shadow. Yet, you start from that point, from the point of that self.
And then, advancing and advancing, analyzing your emotions, becoming the master of emotions,
analyzing the thoughts, becoming the master of thoughts. Then you can know your self in a different
stage of evolution (yet - the same self), brighter, better, not egoistic, casting away those dirty clothes
we call egoism. Ascending, ascending and ascending the ladder of evolution. That is Self-
realization. This is the real aim of any Researcher of the Truth, at least of the circles all over the
world I am heading. I don't disapprove of getting lessons from other sources. But I insist on—what?
One should get what is most necessary for his life, to live his life in the material world, in the
material body, in a better way. In knowing the Truth, which will liberate you from all kinds of
illusions, pain, sorrow, and despair. Life is precious even as a phenomenon. You should respect life.
Respect your life to know how to live it. Yes. Questions?

I'll put a question to you. What are elementals? We'll do just like in some schools.

"Thoughts accompanied with energy."

Now, look here, we have classified thoughts in two classes. The emotional thought forms and the
thought with little emotion. In the first the dominant part is the emotion (or the passion—the
weakness) with very little thought. The stronger the emotion, the weaker the thought. That thought
serves the emotion to accomplish it. These are the spirits (void and meaningless) the Christ is
mentioning in the New Testament. The most powerful and the most torturing are the group
elementals. In one case they called themselves the Legion. We may read about it and see what
happened to the fellow obsessed by these group elementals composing his sub-consciousness. We
have the emotional thought forms in various degrees of purity and that purity of the elementals
depends on the nature of the emotions and the amount of thought in the emotions. But, if you find
the thought a slave of an emotion, then that elemental is the elemental not desired to be built up!
Now, the thought emotional elementals are not that. The thought dominates. There is only a slight
feeling of emotion to know the truth about thought. These are the constructive thought forms

All these elementals, emotional or thought elementals, get a form. And the form of it, the color of the
form, brown color, even what you call the black color, are the thought forms of passions,
weaknesses, hatreds, envy. You can see elementals with very dark yellow color (which you wouldn't
like to see). Especially elementals of envy have this color. Though those who create elementals do
not see them, they are under their influence, because they are in their sub-consciousness. If people
could see the elementals they are projecting, they would be frightened! So, our whole life, day and
night (and during the night you are creating elementals, because you continue vibrating with the
vibrations of your emotions), a present-day-personality, a human being, creates elementals. Our
work is to know the nature of the whole present-day-personality we express. Now, the worse the
personality we are expressing, the easier for us to distinguish ourselves that we are not that. This is
a game. How? Everybody knows what is good and what is evil, and when one does something evil,
when he stays alone, he must say "No, I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have said that. That's
not good." Why and why? Now, we'll get the advantage of this nature of our inner Self—to be able
to check so that we may find our real Self in meditation, concentration and observation. Sometimes,
when something is done which you consider evil, that evil is torturing us—why? We say we have
stings of consciousness. Who is doing that? When a present-day-personality, a human being, is
overdoing it, then the Guardian Angel interferes. How? You will see by observation and meditation
that there is a dialogue in yourself all the time, without you being aware of it. With whom do you
think you are speaking? "With myself." Who is yourself? You are speaking with and to yourself, yes,
but there is a dialogue. Maybe you are in touch (without knowing it) with your Guardian Angel
whom you should consult and get his advice. He is most wise. This is a kind of meditation we are
teaching to the inner circle.

Remain calm. See what comes to the surface. They will come—thoughts, visions, pleasing,
threatening, displeasing. Don't do anything. Only observe what comes to the surface. After a while,
there will be a discussion, a conversation. Ask yourself "With whom am I talking now? Who is
suggesting now: that isn't good or that is good? But I thought that it was good before. How does it
happen now to find that it was not good? This is observation. By observing you learn. "Who
interferes now?" In this way, slowly, slowly, you will come in conscious contact with your Guardian
Angel. Some say "With our inner Self"—that's not your inner Self. That's your Guardian Angel.
When you put the question is it your inner Self, he will say no. "You are you, and I am like you,
because I am egofied, I have become one with you, but I am not you." This, of course, needs many,
many years of practicing to enter into that introspection. The real gain is that you know who you are
then! By knowing it, instead of expressing the self egoistically, instead of egoism, you have the self-
dignity, the Self-Dignity. But, it needs observation, meditation and concentration. For me, this is the
real aim of these conditions, using the Mind and the emotion. Of course, visualization is good, but it
is not only that.

Yes, now, what are elementals? Making thought forms, consciously or not, by our desires and/or our
thoughts from the formless supersubstance of the Mind, by bringing it to a form, because nothing
can exist without having a form. Now, do you know that during the night many children have
nightmares. It is the quarrels of their parents during the day. Not knowing it, they create these
elementals and the children vibrate to the vibrations of the parents. They are tortured by the
elementals of their parents.

The other day a fellow came and said, "My little daughter, Daskale, she shrieks all the night and sees
elementals, what can we do?" "Stop quarreling! Stop fighting! Stop being fools, both of you. Why
are you fighting?" "We are never fighting in front of the children." "Doesn't matter - they feel it! You
affect them subconsciously!" There.

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