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Lecture given by Daskalos on


All around us are people like ourselves, living. Many people, human
beings, like ourselves. What is the difference between all these living
people, on the planet, and what is the common thing for all of them?
Now, on our planet there is so much unhappiness, misery and trouble.
What is the cause of all this trouble, and why? What are we after all?
Besides human beings there are so many thousands of other forms of
life: the plant life, vegetables, the animal life and so many other living
beings. Every day the sun rises to set and will rise again the next
morning. Every day a new day of life, and every night a necessary period
for rest, not only for the human beings but for the whole nature around
us. And that is what we call life on the planet.

But again, what's life? What is this life on the planet? What is our place
on the planet as a phenomenon of life, amongst all the other billions of
phenomena of life? Now, let us study what is life on the planet, what is
our own life, what we are. Because, if we know what we are, then all this
misery would not happen all around us. So much evil should not be on
the planet. What do we see around us? Beauty? Now, as the planet is
today, everything is so nice. Our planet is an earthly paradise. That's the
reality. Everything is in abundance for every living being: as a vegetable,
as a tree, as an animal, as a bird, in the sea ...

Now, what is this phenomenon of life? Can there be shadow less there is
light? No. Is the planet with all its beauty the shadow of life? Of the Life?
The shadow of Life. The "Life"-light, is a different thing from darkness.
But, of course, what life is on the planet in a human being and all the
animal life around us remains a mystery even to the highest, highest
intelligences on the planet. But beyond such a mystery, there is
something, behind it, which every intelligent person will understand.
Behind all these phenomena of life around us on the planet is a Super
Intelligence, most wise because everything is created in the most wise
way, and nothing escapes its control. It's what you call All-Mightiness.
But, where is this Intelligence? You can see the effects of this Intelligence
in every phenomena of life: from the amoeba, a worm, a bear, an animal,
and our bodies, or us as human beings. And by constant observation
and (of course) right thinking, we can reach a conclusion—the
conclusion all the mystics and hierophants and gurus (call them
whatever you like) have reached. The same conclusion for everyone who's
a serious thinker. What's that, conclusion?

That, first, from nothing nothing can exist. This is also the scientific law.
So, for something to exist means that behind it is the cause of it.
Otherwise, nothing can exist. So, we have all these billions of phenomena
of life. We have behind it Life. But now, what is Life, what is our life?
What is our part in this life? Always there are people who are calling this
Life God—but, it is interconnected, God with life. What did Christ, the
Godman, say teaching the people? "I am the Way, the Life and the Truth".
With what right a young man of 30 years of age claimed that he was Life?
One must think seriously. Why? A young man, of not 33 years of age (he
was crucified before 33 years of age) claimed and said "I am the Way".
Which Way? "I am the Truth and Life" he said. "I am Life". And he also
said on another occasion: "Before the mountains and the Earth and
everything existed, I Am". "I Am" means always, eternally. He was the
first, maybe, who spoke about the Eternal Now. So, not only having the
words of Godman, Christ, you have also his advice to us. He said "Be ye
perfect as perfect is your Heavenly Father". He didn't claim something
only for himself and gave us the Lord's prayer to call and say "Our Father
who art in Heaven". But what is Heaven now? Who is our Father who is
in Heaven? What I do not understand is the earth—matter, touching it,
having a material body. And when asked he said "No, the flesh is
nothing. It is the Spirit which is giving life. It is the Life-giver". You can
read all that in the New Testament and each good Christian should
consult these scriptures. Was He telling the truth? He said "Flesh is
nothing. It is the Spirit which is giving life" and he described what is the
Spirit, He said "God is Spirit and those who should worship and
approach Him should approach Him in Spirit and in Truth". How can we
approach God in Spirit and in Truth unless we are the Spirit? So, we
have all the keys of the wisdom and the truth in the New Testament.
No, I am not giving a theological lecture; I am speaking what is the truth
even in the most scientific way. What does it mean in the most scientific
way? It is in reach of every good thinker, to have the truth for himself,
not to believe blindly because somebody said that and another body said
something else, and accept what is pleasing and dropping away what is
not pleasing.

Now, I'll return to the point I have started. Around all of us is the world.
In every community, in every nation, in every place on the planet, there
is misery, unhappiness, pain, illnesses. Now, illnesses. What are
illnesses? There were ill persons during the time of the Godman, Joshua
the Christ, who was curing all of them. But, before doing that he was
telling them "Your sins are forgiven". Why? Because, unless you take
away the causes, the results will not go away. So, it means that every
illness, every thing happening, has its source in a deeper than the
material plane. And he felt the need for relieving the consciousness of
men of their sins (I don't like this word), of those transgressions let us
say, before curing their bodies. And he used to say "Your faith has saved
you". Faith. What is faith now? Can you have faith and believe in
something unless you know that this something is the truth? But again,
he said "Know the Truth, and the Truth will liberate you".

But what's the Truth? What can be the Truth concerning our planet, life
on our planet, and the phenomena of life all around us? So, the Truth,
Life and the phenomena of life (and life for every human being) must be
most precious. Now, what are we? What did all these Saints teach us?
Prophets, gurus, religious people (I mean serious religious people), what
did they say about life and man? What are we? A human being is born
(as a boy or as a girl), in his surroundings, in his environment, in his
home, in a community. But, the communities are very different one from
the other. The nations are very different in the way of believing and
behaving. Yet, what is common for all these communities, whether these
communities are German, Greek, French, American, English, Japanese,
or Chinese? What is different and what is common to all? Different—the
kind of mentality; common—the needs. Every man is in need of having a
work, or having things ready to support himself eating. Another common
thing—breathing. Having the sunshine, breathing the fresh air—to live.
That's all. The five ways to keep life going in their material bodies. That's
common to all.

The second things one should observe is: we are under the same burden.
The needs of the one are the same as the needs of everyone, of every
other human being. We live in sight of the animal kingdom. God
supports them and God cares about them. But, we should just see about
our own life. The color of the blood of all is the same, red blood, and it is
needed so the material body can stay in life and good health. And the
tears of pain of a Chinese, of a German, of an American, of an
Englishman, have the same color always and the same bitterness. Pain is
common to all. And if you don't want to have it, you should never give it
to the others. I'll come back again to the words of Godman, Joshua the
Christ "Don't do to others what you don’t want others to do you" or "Do to
others what you like the others do to you". He gave a new commandment
"Love God with all your heart, with all your spirit, and with all your power,
and love your neighbor as yourself." Not less. "As yourself". He said "A
new commandment I give to you", and that is the commandment. And
then we should question "Why love God? And who is this God I am
instructed to love? Must I not find that God? And, what's God? Shall I
accept as God all those gods in past centuries people were worshipping
and adoring? The old Greeks, the old Egyptians, the Chinese, the
Hindus, are those real gods?" One is instructed to love God, not gods.
One God. He didn't say love the gods, worship the gods. "Love God".
So, it's our duty to find what is that God (I didn't say which is that God
or who is that God, but what is that God). Because, definitely, God
(better called the Absolute Beingness) is All (not every thing), the source
of everything. He spoke also about the Archangels and the Angels and
many things, but he didn't say worship the Archangels. He said "Love
God". He didn't say worship God, he said "Love God".

What is the difference between worshipping and loving (because here is a

great misunderstanding and a grave mistake thought by the Church and
the religions)? Godman, the Christ, didn't say worship God, he said "Love
God". You worship something you are afraid of, and to approach that
something, worshipping, we beseech for favors. He said "Love God". Why
love God, then? Because God gave you everything. No need to ask.
Though, not feeling that, human beings at those times and today also,
are all the time asking, and asking, and asking. I say all right, all right, it
will be given to you, even if you don't ask, again it is given to you - all
that is necessary, because, much a child shouts and cries and asks his
parents to give him a piece of bread, or food to eat, and his parents know
at the time that child is in need of having food and will provide that food
for the child.

So, already we are given everything we need by God, by the Absolute

Beingness, by Life, because God is Life. What more are we in need of to
live? First thing, to breathe. Breathing the air and living. It is given in
abundance (if we don't contaminate the air ourselves). What do we also
need to have to live? Food. Don't you think there is enough food already
for every (not only human) being—even for the animals to support
themselves? You sow a grain of wheat and you have 30, 40, 50 seeds. Is
He not giving everything in abundance? But, we are ungrateful.
Ungrateful human beings. Just see what is going on in the nature
around us, in what you call production of Mother Earth. So, what do we
expect more? Everything is ready, given to us. But what's wrong now? If
you are getting them, calling things mine, depriving them from the
others, that is not the thought of God and the thought of Life. It is the
stupidity of the human beings and their egoism.

Now I am touching the point to find what is the cause of all this misery,
and all this trouble on the planet, not only in various nations, rather,
even in the families, and in the communities. In the family you will see
the father and the mother having some money, collecting some money, to
give them to their children. One of them wants to get everything and
deprive his brothers and sisters to get what you call the family fortune.
You find it everywhere, in every community, in every nation, everywhere
on the planet.

So, the evil is common again. And what's this evil? Now, the Researchers
after the Truth insist that one should definitely kill egoism in himself.
Unless egoism is killed (killed - annihilated, exterminated) the world will
not recover. The families will never be at peace. The communities will
never be at peace. The nations will not be at peace.
So, the greatest Devil on the planet is the personal egoism which
presents itself as the Angel of Light, sometimes deceiving people. So, for
every Seeker after the Truth, the first duty is to kill his personal egoism
and to find himself that dignity of who he is. Find his real beingness.
How? Of course, I will not talk now what the religions are teaching,
Buddhist religion, Taoist, Christianity, Mohammedan or any other
religion. They are all teaching the Truth, but in what way? It is in an
unacceptable way. What one should really do, no matter which religion
they are following (in the right way they'll find everything good in it) is to
practice what this religion is instructing so that they will find the truth
themselves. Now, the most accurate religion is the Christian religion.
Why? Because it states clearly "Know the Truth, and the Truth will
liberate you." I am giving you all the instructions on what you are, I give
you also the code of good behavior and life in the community, but apart
from that, you should find the Truth. "Know the Truth, and the Truth
will liberate you". Unless you know the Truth, you cannot free yourself
from the illusions and from the miseries of life. And He said "Cheer up, I
have already got the world, I have won the world, and here I show the

So, now, everybody has the Truth revealed through teachers and their
religions and he is not in need of anything to find the Truth. He has the
duty to work on it. In your Bible, in all the religions, the serious
religions, you're taught that a man, a human being, is a creation. What
does it mean—creation? A created being. What does the Bible say, the
Old Testament? "And God said 'Let us create man to our image and
according to our likeness'". To whom did He say that? Of course, to our
brothers, the Holy Archangels, the Lords of the Elements. It's quite clear.
They don't need worship. They need love. Worship only if we need it. But
again, why worship? We should love God, because He loves us. He is
loving us every moment. So, every human being, man or woman, has
been created. From what? From the soil, the dust of the earth, that's the
material body. So, our material body is created. Also, all the mystics of
the past spoke of three bodies, not only one. Apart from the material
body, you have what you call the psychic body and what you call the
noetic body. Three bodies, with their counterparts. What do they
compose? The Present-Day-Personality of every man or every woman.
Yes, you say that we have three bodies: Material body and the so-called
psychic body (St. Paul is calling it the psychic body) and also, we'll say,
the noetical body, the noetic body (St. Paul calls it the spiritual body.
But, for you not to confuse it with the Spirit, which is God, we call it the
noetic body, the noetical body). So you have three bodies. One has the
right to come and say "Yes, you say that. Show them to me. The material
body, you can show it to me. I am living in it, I am moving it about, I do
so many works with my hands, with my feet going here and there, I
touch it (clap, clap). This is my material body and I am telling you," he
continues "I have one body, my material body. Why are you telling me I
have three bodies?" And you will tell him "Yes, there is a dead person,
not moving. That's a material body there. And maybe the doctors will find
that the material body is in perfect and good condition. And now what do
they claim? Take samples from a newly dead man and transplant them
on a living person!"

So, the material body can be all right. Here it is. But, the man is not in it.
Are we the material body only? You should tell him "Look here, those
who found out that they have three bodies, they can prove it to you, but
you must take the trouble to investigate." Christ said "Know the Truth"
and you should know the Truth. Not me. I'll tell you that and you'll
accept it. The instructions are given by those who know. But, that is not
enough. Everybody, according to the instructions, should find out the
Truth himself.

So, which is our second body? We call it the psychic body, or the body of
emotions. And the third? The mind body, the noetic body, the body of
thoughts and reasoning. Because all of this, the Present-Day-Personality
of a man is not the product of the material body, and of the vegetables
we are consuming or the flesh of the animals human beings are killing to
feed themselves. So, all said the same things, no matter in which part of
the planet they were living and in what time, they found the same truth
all over. So, today, a civilized (so-called civilized) man, living in every
nation, he has the ready-made truth to work and investigate that Truth.
One could say "Yes, but why? I am not interested in that". They say that.
"Well, it doesn't matter. I don't have time to investigate this truth". And
you reply "You have to, because you are living in a hell of your own and
nobody can take you out of your hell unless you know the Truth". He
may say "Am I in a hell?" "Definitely you are! Fighting people around you
and behaving in a hellish manner. Hating people, thinking that they are
your enemies. You are being inimical to them, fighting them. And you
have to know the Truth to save them from the illusions which your
egoism made you believe. Because, those who deny to see the Truth are
the most unhappy ones on earth, on the planet. And, what is the gain in
knowing the Truth? Yes? You find who you are, or rather, what you are".
I said already "You have it ready-made for everybody", and you say "Each
human being is the reflection of his real self". Which real self? The Spirit-
Soul-Ego? The self-consciousness, or rather the Self-
Superconsciousness, reflecting itself in creating his bodies, to be
incarnated, to become humanized? But, of course, the instructions are
given. The very moment that a group of Spirit-Souls decided to be
incarnated the Holy Archangels of the Elements started cooperating.

Cooperating, in which way? One Archangel of the Thrones embraced that

Spirit-Soul (to be egofied, becoming one) yet keeping its own identity and
its Archangelic nature. That's your Guardian Angel, and every human
being has a Guardian Angel. Then, we'll return to the Bible: "God said
'Let us create man to our own image and according to our likeness'". So
the Absolute Beingness in its Total Wisdom felt that man should be
created. All the Archangels of the Elements vibrated in the same
vibrations of God the Father. They did not get any orders, simply they
started vibrating according to the vibrations of the First Cause. And they
created man to the image—to their image. "According to our own image
and to our likeness". What is that image in which you have been created?
Expressing a self, becoming self-conscious entities. Nobody can deny
that every human being, a man or a woman, is expressing a self. That's
the nature of God. And "to our likeness"? Just exactly as we are, that
means our Spirit-Soul-Ego is the Infinite Beingness. We are eternal,

So, we find ourselves on the material plane, being born, a boy or a girl, in
a house. The mother is giving birth and, maybe, the mother is completely
illiterate. She knows nothing. She expresses a personality, a kind of
time-and-place self, in a very, very poor way. Yet, she is giving birth to a
child which may be most healthy. And the father? The father made love
(sometimes) and his wife became pregnant. Did he know anything about
the coming life? No, if you ask him what is in the belly of his wife, a boy
or a girl, he doesn't. But, who really cared, getting that spermatozoid
from him in the belly of the mother, uterus of the mother, to create a
child according to its will, the Will of God—not the father's will. Just
obeying the Divine Law, a child is born and the mother says "My child",
and the father says "My child". The first thing is "My", because, a human
being in his weakness thinks that everything belongs to him. And he will
pass it to the child—this ill feeling of "My", that's "mine". Later, for things
around, getting things, he calls them mine. And are the things around
the person his in reality or does he belongs to the things? It is where we
make a mistake. "That's mine". A lady sees a nice jewel, a diamond.
She'll do everything to call it mine, get it and put it on her finger, and
show it "That's mine. It's my ring. It's made of diamond and gold. That's
mine." But, is that ring really hers, or she belongs to the ring? She
enslaved herself to a ring with a diamond. What are people doing for
everything around us? My house, mine that and mine this, and this is
mine, becoming slaves of things around us. Is that the Will of God? God
is not giving you things to enslave yourself to them and become theirs as
you say "That's mine". Just think of it. Are things you call mine yours or
you belong to them? This is the cause of evil.

So, we said that you have a material body and you can touch it, here
(clap), move about, and even that material body is not yours because you
don't know what it is. You simply use it, most of the time
subconsciously. Not consciously and far, far away from self-consciously.
Yet (clap), you call it mine (clap)—my body. "That's my body". And, if
somebody will ask you, what do you know about that body? If there is an
illiterate man, a man in the streets, just a cart driver or something like
that, and you tell him "Look, where are your lungs?" He will tell you
"What are the lungs?" Unless one is taught what is in the body, getting a
book of anatomy and seeing things, never. The other day a fellow said
"Daskale, but really, besides the lungs, yes indeed, do I have these two
things here?" I started laughing "You always had them and you will have
them as long as you are living". "Oh, I didn't know I have that". Can you
imagine how many organs are in your material body, functioning in the
most wise way, cooperating in their work? The brain, the eyes, the
glands, the lungs, the heart, the pancreas, the spleen, the liver, the solar
plexus, the genitals. So many things in a human body, functioning every
moment. Who is looking after that? Who knows the work of these organs
in your body? You are living in that body and you don't know all these
things. You don't know that the Holy Archangels, the Lords of the
Elements are building up the material bodies of all living human beings.
From the time of the spermatozoa until the passing over of an old man.
All the time, unceasingly working in his material body, and not only in
the material body, in all of his bodies—working. And the proof? But you
see the proof! You don't know anything about all these organs
functioning in your material body, yet, these Holy Archangels, obeying
the Will of the Infinite Beingness (Life), creating your material body - are
working in it. And Christ the Godman, Joshua, said "The hairs, the hairs
on your body are counted and are growing in mathematical precision".
And you don't know about this growing. So, an Intelligence, far superior
than your human intelligence of today is working most wisely. But, who
gives the instructions? We say the Holy Spirit. Still people are doubting.
"But where is this Holy Spirit?" Inside you and everywhere. And so, I said
most wisely, yes. Why are your eyes in these cavities of the head? Why in
these cavities? For protection, of course. They are not exposed, they have
these cavities and they are inside them. And they are protected. And also
the eyelids and everything, for their protection. The brain, two lobes
inside the head, inside your skull, they have enough protection by the
skull, because the brain must be more protected than any other organ in
your body. Why? Everybody knows why. Because it is a center of your
existence. Most necessary, as long as you are living in the material body.
And who decided to protect them, putting the lobes in the skull? The
Total Wisdom of the Infinite Beingness? Call it the Divine Plan. Call it
whatever you like. And then, the lungs? The lungs and the heart need
protection. Why do you have the ribs and behind, the shoulder blades? Is
it not for the protection of the heart and the lungs? They need enough
protection, the heart and the lungs, and the glands also. The ribs are the
protection. And the belly? You have the bowels, the spleen, the pancreas,
the liver. They are protected partly by the ribs, but the peritoneum is
enough protection. They don't need so much protection as the heart and
the lungs. Who provides for the necessary protection in the material body
of a man (not only of a man, of any animal around us)?

And so, now, studying the material body as it is, studying what is
growth, growing up, as a matter of fact pregnancy also, giving birth to a
boy or a girl, and then that boy or a girl is growing, growing, growing up
to be a young man or a young woman, developing in the material body all
the necessary functions of the body. A boy to become a father, and a girl
to become a mother. Who cares for that? Intelligence of that young man
or of that young girl? Who cares? What am I aiming at now? That the life
of the material body is independent of our own life as a personality. And
you are allowed to live in it, to live in a body we don't know. Now,
orthodox science knows something about the material body and the
functioning of the organs, but I am telling you they don't know much. If
you ask a doctor, even now, today, what's metabolism, anabolism and
catabolism? They'll say "What's that all? Yes, we know what's
metabolism. Is there an anabolism and catabolism?" Yet, metabolism is
the balancing of anabolism and catabolism, because, if that was not so,
because of the anabolism, you'll grow, grow, and grow, and if there was
no control of the metabolism, you would become a huge person. And
catabolism? Of course, that must counteract the anabolism to keep you
in balance and lead properly the material body. So, metabolism is
nothing more than balancing anabolism and catabolism. "Oh!" the doctor
told me "You should go to University and teach these things". I said
"They didn't teach this thing to you?" I was wondering "We come to this
conclusion by reasoning, by putting our self the question: what is that
and why is that?" Circulation of the blood in you? In every one of you
now the blood circulates. I am putting you the question: what is the
thyroid? Some of you, touch here. It's here. I ask, what is the functioning
of this thyroid? You don't know, but I tell you: every 13 minutes, 14 the
maximum, 12 the minimum, the whole lot of blood in your body passes
through the thyroid (the orthodox science comes to know about it now).
Why? To kill germs so that you will live without illnesses. So, a
reasonable doctor of medicine today should just wonder and admire the
Total Wisdom (if he doesn't want to call him God) of Nature (so to say).
We are living in the material body. A step forward now: how do we live in
the material body, and who are we, living in these material bodies? The
material bodies are the same. If you just study the material body of that
young boy and that young boy, you know what is the material body of
every young boy of that age, even the organs—how they are functioning
and everything. But, that body, from the other body, the one from
another, are very, very different in their expressions, in the way they live.
What is the difference? The one may be a saint and the other may be a
devil, a criminal tomorrow. Why? The material bodies are the same. They
may be fed the same food, both of them. Why? Why this difference
between George and John, Mary and Helen? You have to study
(separately from the material bodies) what you call the Present-Day-
Personality of each person. Then you know what is the psychic body, the
body of the emotions. So, all the material bodies of people are similar.
The so-called psychic bodies are very, very different from the one to the

So, what is composing this Present-Day-Personality of a man? The Holy

Archangels? The Holy Spirit? But, now, another condition interferes—
the life both are living. Persons, men and women, are creating what you
call elementals, and these elementals are building up the Present-Day-
Personality of a man or a woman. The quality of these elementals is
building up a personality of a man or a woman to be good or evil. So, this
does not depend on the material body. The two bodies are very similar,
the functioning of the bodies is the same. Yes. So, the Holy Archangels
and the Holy Spirit are working unceasingly in the bodies of every man
and every woman, every child, every person, in building and doing their
best to keep that material body in good order and good health. But, what
is the personality of a man doing all this time? In what way is the
personality of a man expressing itself? Causing troubles, depriving the
Holy Archangels of that vitality they need to build up the bodies. And
then, what's the result? Illnesses.

Now, we come to another point of study. What is this energy in the

material body? From where is a person provided that energy in the
material body? In what quantities? And how much of these quantities do
the Holy Archangels need to build the bodies (of a young man or a young
woman) and keep them in good order, in good health? Can you find that?
Yes, of course, but it needs attention, study, meditation, and observation
to know. And then, admire the creative work of our brethren the Holy
Archangels in our bodies.

So, the existence of the Holy Archangels is not just a myth or a story. It
is a reality. They are the workers in the material bodies of all the human
beings. What about the psychic body? Yes, of course, they are providing
the material I call the substance for the psychic body. But now, what I
call the Present-Day-Personality of a man interferes. Plus the egoism. So,
we have to study what is egoism in a human being, in a man or a
woman, and how is this egoism built up? And this egoism, is it all the
time evil, bad, or sometimes good also? It depends. But, egoism is
egoism, and egoism is not knowing the Truth. You should be very careful.
So, how can we tangle then with this egoism of ours? Of ours? Is this
egoism not our Self? It is if we feel we are that egoism. Yes, this is the
grand mistake. Everyone thinks that he or she is the egoism. But, we
said, the egoism and the Present-Day-Personality (call it sinful if you like)
is a product of a misuse of the mind in creating elementals and
composing the personality. This is what one should try to know. No need
to care too much about the material body, except washing it and eating
the proper food. The Holy Archangels are taking care of the material
body. But, he has now to study his own expressions as a Present-Day-
Personality and how it is composed. How shall he find that out? By self-
analysis which is most necessary. When I say self-analysis I mean the
little self of the Present-Day-Personality, because that self is not your
true Self, your Soul, your Spirit-Soul-Ego. Later, by assimilation of the
Present-Day-Personality (after being purified), you have to realize and to
know who you really are. Because, your Spirit-Soul- Ego is a Beingness,
while you, as a Present-Day-Personality, you are a being in time and
place (space)—a being. Comparing a being (being with small letters) with
Beingness of yourself—there is a great difference. Yet, you are the image
according to the likeness of God. After studying all these things, you'll
understand your place in life and you'll feel who you are. But, to reach
that you must free yourself from influences and the burden of your
emotions. These emotions in you—I call them also the sub-

What is now the sub-consciousness? All the thoughts, all the emotions,
everything you feel creates an elemental, and an elemental has a form.
Christ has mentioned these elementals in the Bible, calling them evil
spirits. All are not evil, of course. We must classify them. And so, that
elemental has a form, projects itself, returns back, attaches itself to your
noetical, psychical and etheric bodies, composing your Present-Day-
Personality, or the egoism. So, every day and night, every moment, you
are creating or revitalizing elementals, which you make part of your
bodies (your bodies—meaning the psychic and the noetic body) and
that's your Present-Day-Personality. You think that you are that Present-
Day-Personality. How should we find out that we are not that
personality? We are that or we are not? It's a line, and always, a line has
two points. We'll find these two points and see if these two points are
clean, so that the line is clean, and make the line shorter, and shorter,
and shorter—just to control it, to be our real personality.
So, our Present-Day-Personality is both, and the egoism and dirty
clothes, and the body of our self, which is we. And you have to free
yourself from the dirty clothes. Now, I'll give you an example I had. I have
seen such living examples every day. Say, before six months there was a
fellow. His name was George. He was under the burden of many, many
weaknesses. He was married to a very, very beautiful woman and he had
already four children, very nice, two boys and two girls. Yet, he was
under the influence of such elementals we call gambling, even stealing,
taking money secretly from the place he was working, playing very bad
games to his consciousness. After finishing the work, going to the house,
he was full of nervousness, even striking his wife, beating the children. If
they told him something, he just became furious. A real devil, disturbing
not only the home and the family, but the whole neighborhood, which
often calls after him "That fool started shouting again." Sometimes,
coming late in the night, coming to the house, he was trying to find a
reason to quarrel and beat. He made himself most miserable, that fellow.
Of course, his wife could not tolerate him, she wanted to get a divorce,
because she was working, he was spending all his money, and even the
money his wife was earning, leaving the children even without shoes,
without food. Of course, in himself he had the sense of guilt, which
means that he was not only that George who was behaving in a stupid
way. Some friends brought him to me. He started crying without telling
anything. I was looking at him. He said "I want to tell you many things,
Sir, but I don't know where from to start talking". "I know everything and
I know what is happening to you". He said "How do you know?" "Well, I'll
tell you, don't worry. You are a golden coin which you have thrown," I
said "in the mud. Men are stepping over it even in the filth of the street,
not to say something worse". "Yes, Sir, I realize I am that". "But you are a
golden coin, no matter that you find yourself in the mud now. You can
take it up, wash it and put it somewhere. Nobody will think that you
have been in the mud, because, you are a golden coin". Looking at me he
wondered. "So, cheer up". "Yes, but" he said "you don't know, sir, what is
happening". "I know you are gambling, even stealing, drinking, beating
your wife, beating the children, doing all these things and then
repenting, just to repeat it the next day". "And do you think, sir, that's
right?" I said "Stop it", and then explained to him what I am saying now.
You are divinity. Your egoism, what you call these kinds of emotions,
thoughts and violent expressions of your person, is not you in reality. It's
part of you. You can get rid of it. Because, your ego is not the egoism.
You must kill the egoism so that you find your ego shining, becoming the
best golden coin. He said "Am I good, sir?" "Definitely you are good. Of
course, you are good". So he said "Can I attend some of your lessons?" I
said "Of course you can". Now, this fellow has changed. He is again
George, the same name, the same material body, but very different now.
Everybody had noticed it and said "Oh, but he has changed". His wife
said "Daskale, my husband is handsome now. He is very good at
spending. He comes home, helps me in the house, helps me take care of
the children, he is not drinking any more, he is not going out to gamble,
he is sitting with the children, helping them with the lessons. He has
changed completely". The neighbors: "Good Lord, that isn't him". I said
"No, that is he. He has cast away what wasn't he". Now look at him. Now,
he is teaching his lesson and I tell you that he is the most competent in
teaching it because he knows exactly how to fight these weaknesses and
how to control his emotions.

But, one needs to know the Truth and to start with self-analysis to check
his emotions which are creating elementals. These elementals by
repetition become stronger and more dangerous, becoming real devils.
The orthodox science calls them fixed ideas. A psychiatrist calls them
fixed ideas. But, if you put him the question "What do you mean? Fixed
ideas?" He will not be able to reply to you.

So, what is necessary is, first, the sincerity. Truth about our self, our
real Self. To find it out in our expressions. What are we? Now, I will put
the question back. Am I not also George, the egoist? Of course, you are
that also, but not only that. That you can kill, that you can cast away,
and behave like an Angel, or rather, like a real human being, because a
real human being should be like an Angel, not a devil.

So, looking around us in the various communities, you find people in

their illusions, in their hells, finding out that the aim of life is not getting
and calling things mine. Of course, I have seen even millionaires
committing suicide. You have such. I was very, very sorry to hear about
certain people, millionaires, thinking they were most successful in their
lives, yet tired, nervous breakdowns, committing suicide. Why? Because
they never valued what is life. And what had some value for them were
these things they were calling mine and finding out, no, that did not give
permanent satisfaction. Temporary satisfaction, yes. And even that
temporary satisfaction gave them the feeling of being tired. Now, the first
thing a man or a woman should do is just check the nature of his or her
emotions. Did these emotions reach to the point of being weaknesses,
enmity, hatred, the feeling of taking revenge and violence? Then this
egoism is devilish and should be annihilated or exterminated from the

But, there is another point. Do people really wish to do that? I had a

fellow the other day who came to me and said "Now, I have attended
certain lessons. You were saying that we shouldn't hate, we should love
the fellows and this and that. That's all good. Yes, I approve that, but
look here, I shall be good after taking revenge against that fellow who," as
he believed, "made me much harm". I said he didn't. "You have done
harm to yourself by listening to your egoism". He was offended, he said
that ... He spoke words. "If you didn't listen to them, they wouldn't do
any harm to you. You are harming yourself by listening to these things".
"Look here", he said "all right, I admit what you call the truth, but I'll
become good after taking revenge". I started laughing. "Yes, you can take
revenge, but, you'll find out a great, great truth". He said "Don't tell me
that. I'll take the revenge and then come to you". "All right, you will take
the revenge but in the end you'll not have success. It will benefit him".
He started planning, took revenge, then came to me and said "Now, I
shall become good. I took my revenge". I said "Can't be. What you have
done to him has made him wiser. You found him new opportunities—not
to rely on other people to feed his family and himself. You have not done,
as you think, any damage to him. You woke him up. You just succeeded
the contrary of what you tried to do. And now, revenge is a very nice and
sweet fruit. When you get it you enjoy it, but it is very bad indigestion
then. What about it?" "Yes, sir, I am ... Yes, you are right. It is very bad,
this fruit of revenge, in the digestion". "Now, digest it", I said "more
peacefully, knowing that you have not done much harm to him. You have
done him also some good, to this man".

So, one's duty is, first of all, to know what is life, to value life. To value
his own life as a Present-Day-Personality, as a man living in a material
body as long as he lives (for certain years)—and then, we change our
body. We are not dying. We are changing place and the way of living.
But, (there is a but) where do we go? In a place? Maybe we don't change
even the place at all if we are earthbound. Condition? Yes, slowly, slowly.
But, why not start changing from now? From now we can build our
paradise or our hell, and already we are in one, either paradise or a hell,
each one of us. In certain lessons I said nobody can go to any paradise or
to any hell he is not already in. So, what is the need, and how can we
value life? Is there a way? Yes, realizing what is the Truth. What is Life?
What's our life? What is the aim in life? What are prospects in life?
Which is the real way? "I am the Way, the Truth, and Life" said Christ.
Which is the Way? In catching, seizing, stealing, getting things, calling
them ours? Of course, not that. "What then? In not doing anything? To
cross our hearts and hands and say: Yes, all these things are in vain?"
We don't go to the other end because this is stupid, or because we are
under certain needs. So, God is giving us the mind to find the way, (and
He's helping us) to have what we need to live a better life. Ask Him to give
us. Christ said "Ask and it will be given to you". Is it necessary to ask—
one doesn't know? Of course, He does, but, by asking we get the faith
that we'll have it. It is for our benefit to ask. Who is not in need to ask
Him to give us that or that? He is giving everything around us in

So, it is a realization of what we need. And what we need, we can ask

and have it. So, should we not become rich? Should we not work and
find opportunities in this kind of work to earn riches and money? I
advise you to have them. Because, the more you have, the more you can
help. And leaving everything and crossing your hands, seeing the pain all
around you, what can you do? Seeing starving people around you, how
can you do something good to them if you don't have some money to give
them to go and buy something to eat? What am I aiming at? Money and
everything is good. What is not good? Enslaving yourself with money or
by certain things and conditions. This is what is not good. Don't become
a slave of anything! But, having them and using them in the good way,
you are on the Way, the right Way of God. Because, if there were no good
things around you, why did God create them? So, you have the right to
have everything in the right way and in the Way God want you to have
them—not by stealing, not by seeing others having and coaching yourself
to have, rather, by using your mind that you are being provided with
everything you want to have.

Now, this is another point. Seeing things and feeling the desire of having
them (of course, using the mind)—will that having them (or the task of
obtaining that thing) give me satisfaction? In what way? The real benefit
is not in having them. The real benefit is in exciting your mind to use
thought in how you'll find them. That's the real gain. Maybe this is why
God is bringing us certain circumstances - to use our mind. And in giving
you everything just like that, God is spoiling you and He doesn't like to
do that, sometimes depriving you of everything to make you realize what
you are and use the brain, use the right value of things, never
overestimating or underestimating things.

"Rat-sata" refugees, they lost everything. They were very, very rich. That
fellow in Famagusta, every time he was changing a new suit of clothes he
also changed the car, because the color of his motor car has to be just
like the color of his dress and he liked it very much. He was spoiled. I
called him an urchin. I told his parents "You have spoiled him", and
everything. His father was a hotel keeper in his hotel. They lost
everything and became refugees one day. I lost them for some years, and
then found that spoiled person working in a restaurant as a waiter. I said
"Is that you?" "Yes, sir", he said "now ..." "Now what?" "You remember?"
"Of course I remember!" "You see", he said looking in my eyes, "now I am
a man. Now I know what I am in life. Now I know how to do things and
even ... but, my father and mother didn't tolerate this thing and they
don't know I am a waiter. Please, don't tell them if you meet them, if they
happen to meet you". I said "Why? They should be proud of you". "They
wouldn't". "Why not? You are earning your own money now. Do you
have" I said "a car?" (Chuckles) "I don't have even a bicycle". "You don't
need it, you have strong and nice feet and you are a strong young man.
You never valued", I said "your feet". "Yes, you are right. When I was
hearing those lessons you were giving in Famagusta at the time I said
'What is this fool saying all the time?' Now I know what you were saying
at the time. Really". "Yes," I said "really, now you are a poor person".
"Rather. Of course, I don't mind it, I get a salary. But, I have found
myself. Sir, I am a gentleman". I said "Really, I see that you are a
gentleman. Ask and it will be given to you." He said "Oh, I didn't ask.
Besides," he said "having much means nothing to me now". "Yet," I told
him "boy, you have asked already subconsciously and it will be given to
you". Looking at me he said "How?" "Because I know something you don't
know. The daughter, I said "of the hotel keeper who is your boss, loves
you". "Yes, I know. I love her too, but what am I?" "What are you?" Our
love hatchling was looking at me. This means that they are married now
and he is the owner of a hotel. And I told him 'Now, now you are a
gentleman" I said "Won't you buy a BMW or a Mercedes or something like
that?" "No, I will buy a Roll Royce" which means, just, the recovered
secondhand car. He said, "That is just good enough to carry me". "Do you
remember you were changing cars, selling them just like that, because
you..." "Oh, I was a foolish man then".

Now, compare him with the story I told before of George and see the
difference. Is that not the same person? Yes, but different now, who has
cast away his egoism and stupidity. Now he values life. He knows what is
life. He is happy living and enjoying everything. At that time he could not
enjoy anything except his egoism.

So, now, looking around us, in every country, in every place, in all the
communities, don't you think that the story is repeated? And if it is
repeated with a happy end, everything will be all right. But, if that is not
the case, in inducing or being too violent with ourselves and with the
environment, we end up in a medical clinic or in a lunatic asylum by
breaking our nervous system, unhappy. And, unfortunately, I have seen
even that. And then it is much more difficult with such a nervous person
to make psychoanalysis to teach them that they have lost nothing really.
Because, for everybody the Sun rises in the morning, everybody has his
share in breathing the air and living. There is everything in abundance
all around us to make us happy. Those of you who are staying here,
tomorrow we shall speak more about elementals and how to make a self-
analysis, and by self I mean the Present-Day-Personality of yours. There.

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