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Lecture given by Daskalos on

We read in the Bible that God said, "Let us create man to our image and
in our likeness." And, He created man. To whom did He say that? Of
course, to the Holy Archangels of the Elements. These Holy Archangels
were and are Gods. There is only one God in Its Multiplicity, which
means, in God, in the Absolute Beingness are Beings, Gods, making His
Multiplicity. And, these Gods according to the way they are expressing
themselves in the creation are classified in certain orders. Of course, we
know the Archangels, the Lords of the Elements. Mahael, Michael, is the
Lord of Light and Fire. Gabriel is the Lord of Water, the Liquids and the
Sky. Raphael is the Lord of the Electromagnetic energy around the
planet and in space. Uriel is the Lord of Coordination and Harmony,
balancing the elements. Of course, there are other Archangels, other
Archangelic Orders in the Absolute Beingness (the Holy Spirit).

The Christian religion believes in one God in Its Triplicity as the Logos
and as the Holy Spirit, a triangle with equal sides. More we will say in
the analysis of the Symbol of Life.

Now, these Lords of the Elements are many in each order, which means
there are billions of Michaels, billions of Gabriels, billions of Raphaels
yet; they all vibrate in the same rate of vibration as one. These mysteries
should be known by experienced, by the Mystic Circle of the Truth.

What is a human being? All human beings are Gods. They are Archangels
belonging to the human evolution. Christ said, "Ye are all Gods, Sons of
the Almighty." So, it is in our religion. Of course, this is written in the
Bible. Anybody can read it. But, what's the point of it? Those who wrote,
did they know the reality, the Truth behind it?

What is a human being in reality, as we know him today? We said he is a

God. He is a God expressing his divinity. He is a Spirit-Soul God. He is
the Breath of God, because, we can read in the Bible that He breathed in
a human being who became a living creature. What's a creature now?
The human being. So, a human being is a Spirit-Soul-Ego, Self-
conscious Ego, or rather, a Super-conscious Ego, eternal, everlasting.
We, as Spirit-Soul-Egos, have never been born and will never cease to
exist, because, we are in the Multiplicity of God. We are the Breath of God
which exists in the Infinite Beingness. That Breath of God created man, a
human being. But, as a human being, what are we? As a human being
we are the microcosm and the Infinite Beingness is the macrocosm. "Let
us create man to our image and according to our likeness." That's why
the mystics are calling a human being the microcosm and the Absolute
Beingness the macrocosm. And, as the Absolute Beingness has Its
Triplicity, so do we—God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. What
are we? We are Soul-Spirit-Egos. We are a Soul-personality, human, and
we are the Present-Day-Personality living in our material bodies. So, the
Absolute Beingness in Its Multiplicity is like our material bodies with its
cells. How many cells do we have in our body? Many. Now, in the
Absolute Infinite Beingness, the galaxies, the solar systems have as we
have, apart from our material bodies, the so-called psychical bodies. And,
of course, as we have our noetical body, every material celestial body,
planet, satellite, solar system, has its noetical counterpart.

Those who have studied things speak about Seven Heavens. We can
study them as the separate worlds of various dimensions. We can see
things scientifically now, not only from the religious side. What are these
Seven Heavens? They are states and conditions of Life. What did Christ
say? "The Kingdom Heavens is within you." Who really understood these
words that the Kingdom of the Heavens is within us? Within us, how? As
what? As the material body? Not that, of course. What's within us? What
are we that the Kingdom of the Heavens is within us? Of course, the
Spirit-Soul-Ego-Self-consciousnesses. But, you must find who we really
are by Self-realization. Because, what are we? If I ask any one of you,
you'll show me your material body and say "I". But, I tell you "No, that's
not you. What you are showing me is your body, not you, not your Self."
So, if we want to know the Truth we must start with self-analysis and
study our real Self to see what we really are. But, this needs time and
sincerity. We as Present-Day-Personality have to find out who we really
are. What can we find in the course of time? Just the Truth and the
reality of which we read in the Holy Bible. We can come in contact,
conscious contact, with the Holy Archangels, our brethren. What shall we
find then? What are these Holy Archangels working in our bodies—in our
material body, in its so-called etheric double, in our psychical body and
its etheric double, and in our noetical body and its etheric double? It's
not a problem of going too far and communicating with them. Now, what
do the mystics, Searchers of the Truth know after serious study,
observation, concentration and meditation? What do they know about
the Archangels? We said that we know about the Archangels what
concerns man, the creation and our bodies. There are other Orders of
Archangels…unapproachable. If we know something about them it is
through the Archangels of the Elements. These are the Thrones, the
Authorities and the Principalities. These Orders are not easy to contact.
Now, what do we know? When a Man-God has (a Man-God, not the
Godman—there was only one Godman, Joshua the Christ—all other of
us are Men-Gods: Gods who are coming down to, through incarnations
and evolution, reach the reality), by high authority Intelligences, revealed
part of the Truth (not the whole Truth, because, even if they were to
reveal it, we would not be in the condition to understand it) that when a
Spirit-Soul-Ego (man) is to be humanized from the Divine State he is
accompanied by one of the Archangels of the Thrones. We call him the
Metathronius. That Archangel is egofied. Egofied? Becoming one with the
Spirit-Soul to be incarnated. Becoming its double. Egofied. He is our
Guardian Angel in all our incarnations and even after returning back
home to our state. Of course, some who come in contact with their
Guardian Angel asked me "Is our Guardian Angel what you say our
higher Self?" I say - no! Because, there is no lower and a higher Self.
There is one Self expressed in various ways and degrees. There are no
lower and higher Selves. Have that in your mind.

So, the Guardian Angel, the Metathronius, is a different Spirit-Soul

entity egofied with us. Not out of sacrifice, but, out of love. This is the
greatest expression of Love. Now, he was the first to hear God saying "Let
us create man to our likeness and to our image." Soon, the Archangels of
the Elements, one from each Order, came to assist, to cooperate, and
start, according to the Divine Plan, the Divine Man, to build the bodies in
which that Spirit-Soul-Ego will express itself. So, they started the work
under the supervision of the Holy Spirit, using the Total Wisdom of the
Infinite Beingness (the Idea of Man), to create human beings. So, a
human being is a creature. You as human beings are creatures. But, you
as a Spirit-Soul-Ego are Gods—immortal. Now a new condition is created.
The human being. So, we have a double expression of the Self. We are
dressed with the bodies. So, these Holy Archangels of the Elements start
creating the atoms with which they will build the bodies, dressing the
Idea of Man with Total Wisdom. First, they create the noetical body, then
in it, the so-called psychical body; and in them, the physical atoms, the
physical body.

Now, everyone of you (now, at this moment), awakened in what you call
the common everyday self-consciousness, are living at the same time in
three bodies—in a material body, in a psychical body, and in a mind
body. Yet, how active are they? And who are you living there now? You
are creating a new ego-personality, your personality. Your personality is
not God, but it has God in it. Of course, this should be known by Self-
analysis. When I say Self-analysis, I don't mean analyzing the Present-
Day-Personality, but, to know, deep in meditation, concentration and
contemplation, all your bodies, their nature, their expression, and how to
use them (and, by knowing how to use them, you know who you are by
using them). There is no other way.

So, a Researcher after the Truth, a teacher, Daskalos, after knowing all
these things, his duty is to teach it. To teach every human being as a
Present-Day-Personality who that personality is. Sometimes they ask me
"Well, since the personality, our personality, is a product and a creation
in time and place-space, changing all the time, what's the use of caring
so much about this Present-Day-Personality of ours? What is the proof
that we are not only that but also the Spirit-Soul-Ego-Self-

Of course, you have to work for it. Daskalos will teach you the way how
to do it: The real way of meditation, not just meditating simply on aimless
subjects; the real meditation, concentration and observation to find the
Truth. That's why all belonging to our Circles are called the Seekers of
the Truth. We don't have any other name. We just show what we are,
seekers after the Truth.

So, what do we come to know now, not theoretically, but, practically?

What can we know? First we start with our material body and study
what it is. How it works. And, what do we find out? That knowing it or
not, it works perfectly. It’s made of many, many organs. It's functioning
in its own way. By whom? Just by chance? We cannot have any work
unless a worker works on it and has the material to work with. So,
logically now, we know that other intelligences, apart from our
intelligence as a human being, as a personality, are working in our
material body. Every moment, whether we as a personality are awake in
this material body or asleep. I would rather say that during the time we
are asleep as a Present-Day-Personality, these Holy Archangels of the
Elements find the opportunity to work more effectively to cure illnesses,
close and cure wounds—whether you know it or not.

So, by observation now (which common people are lacking) you start to
see things and you start to meditate: "But, what is going on in this body I
call mine, yet, is it mine? Do I live in this body by authority or by Mercy
and Grace?" You are not living in the material body by authority,
because, you know nothing about it (common men) and you do nothing
about the life of the material body. The life of the material body is
independent from the life of ourselves as the Present-Day-Personality. So,
by observation, meditation and right thinking we start to see what is
going on in our material body. And, what do you find out? That organs
and parts in the material body are protected according to the work they
are doing, more or less. You find the material brain (the two lobes)
enclosed in the head, a box made out of bones. Enough protection. You
see the eyes in the cavities to be protected. You don't see them—out?
Why? You see the lungs and the heart, they need less protection then the
brain. For them, for the glands and for everything in the chest, the
shoulder blades in the back and the ribs in the front are enough. The
ribs are for protection. Less protection then the protection of the skull. Of
course, the bowels, the abdomen, the liver and the spleen are protected
in the upper part by the ribs and in the lower part by the peritoneum,
which is enough. They need less protection then the lungs and the heart.
The peritoneum is enough. And so, we see by observation that each
organ is functioning in the most wise way to keep the body living and
keep you (now), as a Present-Day-Personality, a creation in time and
place-space, living in it. Why? Why is our Present-Day-Personality so
valuable? So that the Holy Archangels of the Elements will create a body
for it to live in it.

But, now, who created the Present-Day-Personality? What is the Present-

Day-Personality of a man or a woman? What are the expressions of a
person, his emotions, his wishes, his thoughts?

So, these Archangels have built the etheric doubles, the moulds, in which
and by which the relative body will be kept in good order. They make the
etheric double of the material body. Common people do not know it
though they use it subconsciously. The Seekers after the Truth know it,
they master it and they work with it. We said that the emotions are, what
we call, the psychical body and its etheric double. That etheric double
and the psychical body should be known and be used rightly by the
Present-Day-Personality now, so it is with the noetical body, or, the mind

Saint Paul mentioned these three bodies in his letters because he knew
them practically. And, he said, "I saw a man who reached the Third
Heaven". It was him. He knew it, but he was not allowed to reveal more
to the public.

Now, what is our Present-Day-Personality? The sum-total of our thoughts

and of our emotions, either as right thoughts and wishes or as
weaknesses, composing a kind of self-consciousness we call the egoism.
Yet, it cannot exist unless it has, as a backbone, the Soul! So, your
Present-Day-Personality is also the Soul; the Soul plus the mind body
and the psychical body, living in the material body, or outside of it. Every
night you are out of your body, thus giving time to the Holy Archangels of
the Elements (our brothers) to work and repair the damage you have
caused (by the way you are living) to your material bodies. This is the
cause of illnesses. A Present-Day-Personality man is making very, very
bad use of the material body he is allowed to live in! He is doing nothing
for it except causing damages, interfering in the work of the Holy

The Seeker after the Truth should know all of that by observation,
meditation and concentration. So, we are also a Present-Day-Personality
self (though we are a creation in time and space). I wouldn't say its
backbone is the Soul, I'll say it's the heart. It's the heart, which makes
your Present-Day-Personality living. It's you as the Soul. Which means
that you as a Present-Day-Personality should find it out. You should
meditate and find out that "My little self (an expression, not a creation) in
time and place-space, after all, is my Self. I am that. So, my Present-Day-
Personality is at least divine, never mind that I made it very dirty and
devilish sometimes. Yet, I am that. And, by my meditation now, I find the
way back to my nature. Where back? To my nature, to what I am."
Christ said: "The perishable should become the imperishable, and the
mortal (that means the Present-Day-Personality) will become immortal."
Now, seeing that, there is no reason in it. How is that possible? Even
some clergy say, "Well, you see, Christ..." I was discussing the other day
with a bishop: "Daskale, how do you explain these most unexplainable
things? How can the mortal become immortal? And, how can the
perishable become the imperishable?" I explained him what I meant. "Oh,
now there is a meaning. There is reason." Then he said "What is me in
these two cases? My Present-Day-Personality?" (According to the way
they are thinking: a sinful being and also a God, knowing everything.) I
said, "Look here, you are a line as a Present-Day-Personality with two
ends. There can be no line without two ends. There can be no personality
unless it is the Present-Day-Personality and yourself as the Soul. The
one side of the line is golden, bright, brilliant, and clean. The other side
(from the middle of the line) has many, many other colors (the qualities of
the Present-Day-Personality of every human being), even dark, dirty
colors. So, you are a line." "Oh?" "You are the whole line. Well,
sometimes, half of the line (from the middle to the dirty point) withdraws.
Now that part of the line, half of it, with many colors, we divide in three
parts—the noetical, the psychical and the material body. So, you have to
withdraw that point to the middle of the line. And then? Then, back
again, with more clear colors. And then? Then, back again, just to extend
yourself. That means—reincarnations." "Oh, so there is a sense for
reincarnation?" "Of course there is. So, that part of the line, extending
itself and coming back, has a new point. Not the point going out and
coming back. The point that stays. Now you have a line with two bright
points. That point (extending itself and coming back) is conditionally
mortal, but, in a sense—immortal, conditionally changeable, perishable,
which will become imperishable, bearing with it all the knowledge of the
experiences it gets as a self-personality. Now, I think I made that clear
(theoretically), but you have to work on it practically, for yourself.
Because, unless you do it, you cannot find the real relation between you
as the Spirit-Soul, God, and your Present-Day-Personality Ego. But, after
experiencing much, cleaning the Present-Day-Personality, finding
yourself, that you are you anywhere you are—not a lower or a higher
Spirit-Self—you are one Self only, extending your Self in the worlds of
matter and existence, or withdrawing from it. You are immortal. But, it
needs time." "Tell me, what do you mean by time? A few weeks of
experimenting? Maybe a few months or some years?" I said "No!
Centuries. Because, in every reincarnation (or, incarnation) of yours you
have to pass the lessons you get from one reincarnation to the other."
"But, who is reincarnating then, since I, my self as the Present-Day-
Personality, a creation of time and place-space, am changing all the
time?" "It's just that point extending itself and coming back. Your
Permanent Personality, or, your Soul Personality. So, you must realize
that you are the Soul-Ego Personality. That's what I call real Self-
realization that needs, as I said, centuries."

What do we learn in each incarnation? Is there any meaning in the

parable of Christ, the parable of the prodigal son? Of course. It is the
light of the Truth in that parable. The parables of the Godman, Joshua
the Christ, are most precious, giving all the information in their tales.
That's why I am suggesting all the time that the best friend of the Seeker
of the Truth is the New Testament. No need to run to Eastern
philosophies! You have everything in the New Testament, though, much
has been taken out, yet, and much is in it even now. You can find it. I
don't mean that you shouldn't read books of the East, the Upanishads
and all that. There is much wisdom in them. What I said is that there is
nothing in them, which is not in the New Testament! I didn't say that the
flowers in the garden of our neighbors are not good, or less nice then
ours. I said that we have the same or maybe even better quality flowers
in our garden. So, you shouldn't have the xenophobia. What's wrong in
making comparisons? It makes me feel glad that really, those people over
there have found the same truth we are finding here! Yes, with such a
point of view you are right. I have studied the Eastern philosophy myself.
So, one who is interested to know what is the Truth—and what is the
Truth? Christ said: "I am the Way and Life and Truth." Meaning: Himself
as the Logos in the Absolute Beingness.

So, what's the Truth? Life. Somebody may ask, "Why should we believe
in God? We don't see God." I say: "Who says you don't see God? Of
course you see God and, you can hear God." It was at a lecture—"Where
did you see God?" I said, "Definitely, I did!" What does Christ say?
"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." He mentioned the
heart? Do you want to hear God? That fellow said, "Yes". Lay down on
your bed. Close your eyes. Put your hand on your chest, above the heart.
What do you hear? "Nothing." Are you sure? Don't you hear your heart
beating? He said, "Yes, of course I do. Why, it's only my heart beating."
Who makes your heart beat? Who gives you the heart? You didn't think
about it. God. What does it say? "I love and you live. I love you and you
live." You cannot translate what you hear because of your pouring mind.
That is what it says. "I love you so, you live." Where do you want to find
God? God is Life. Everywhere. Life in you and around you. What other
kind of God do you want to find? God is Life! Why did Christ say, "I am
the Way and the Life and the Truth."? "What are you believing in," I said
"as a dignitary?" Then, he asked, "God is only life?" I said, "With all its
characteristics, which means—Love. What is Love? Life. Love, in the
material world? The law of cohesion and attraction—is that not Love?
And, as we have that, couldn't we have matter from energy? No, of
course. So, the law of cohesion and attraction is Love on the material

So, Life and Love are synonymous. What is Love now amongst the
human beings? What did Joshua, the Beloved Godman, teach? What did
He teach? Love. This law on the psychical plane, the emotional plane.
What is the coincidence of thoughts? Love. The law of attraction. But,
now we have to see things from a different point of view, not just from
the angle of our personal interest. Because, from our personal interest,
measuring things with that egoistic measure of our personality, we
distort the meaning of everything. Distorting love in a relationship of
personalities, in the family, in the community, everywhere. We may find
what is wrong: enmity, clashes in the family. A man claims to love his
wife very much and, maybe he kills her one day. Why? A woman loves
her husband and her children very much, yet, torturing them every
moment. How does that woman love them? If you ask her "Do you really
love them?" she would say, "Of course I love them." "But you are
torturing them." "They don't obey me. They don't listen to what I say.
They don't do what I want them to do." "Then, you don't love them if you
torture them, punish them, because they don't do what you want them
to do" What do I mean? Human beings love by reflection. Love what
satisfies their egoism and their way of thinking. Is that Love? Yes and no.
I'll give a very poor example. Suppose you need, in a winter night, to have
a fire to warm yourself. This is what happens to many families
everywhere on the planet. You get a piece of wood, light a fire and it
burns. Then, it gives out smoke that makes your eyes wet. You are
sitting around it out of necessity to warm yourself up. If I put you the
question "Is that light and fire?" you'll say, "Of course it is." But, of
course, it is not the light and the heat of the Sun. It is changing all the
time making your eyes wet. This is the love certain people are expressing
and, this kind of love is giving pain, agony! Now, analyze in yourselves
what is love in you towards your own people, the people you say you
love, parents, wife, husband or children. Is that really Love? Or just an
expression of your egoism, which has to be dominated and then killed.
We have to kill the egoism in us if we are supposed to see the light of
Now, apart from that, we come to the lesson: what should we learn
(having certain truths ready for us to work on them)? What is really our
material body we are living in? What is our relation with our material
body and what are the causes of illnesses? And, how can we, by
removing the causes, remove the illnesses (this is the duty of the so-
called psychotherapists and psychic healers)? They need to know much,
to study, in order to be able to claim that they are good psychotherapists.
Secondly, we must know what is our etheric double, the etheric double of
our material body (in our material body). You are using it subconsciously
day and night, without knowing of its existence (and it is there) and how
to use it. Of course, in the course of time you will learn the qualities of
this etheric double. Those who know will teach you that this etheric
double of the material body is the mould in which the material body is
built. Every molecule, every blood cell, every atom in your material body
has its etheric double. This is what you call energy in the material body.
We call it the etheric vitality. By practicing, of course, we classify it in
four parts. The creative ether, which is under the supervision of the
Holy Spirit and the Holy Archangels of the Elements. By becoming able
to know this creative ether you come in the conscious contact with the
Holy Archangels of the Elements. A part of it we call the aesthetic ether,
the feeling giving ether. Your feeling that you are living. You are using
this ether without knowing of its existence and how you do it. So, people
are living subconsciously (not consciously, and then, self-consciously).
Then, the kinetic ether, from the word kinesis, Greek word meaning
movement. You use it all the time. With that energy you can raise your
body and move about, use any part of your material body, feet, hands
(but, instead of doing something good, you are doing something useless—
instead of working you are beating, instead of doing something good you
are kicking). So, you have to know this nature of your etheric double,
which I call motion, movement, the kinetic ether. Now, what you know
(subconsciously) is just to move your material body about and cause a
movement of certain organs of your material body. You will learn - you -
to fix a point in your body and move it (yourself) about in your material
body, using your aesthetic ether - feeling that you are doing it. You can
do that by concentration, observation and meditation in the body - in the
etheric double. So, when you learn how to move about inside your
etheric double of the material body, you can come in contact with the
organs in your material body. You start gaining what I say "seer ship",
clairvoyance, subconscious at the beginning. You have to develop it to
self-conscious clairvoyance by studying and knowing how to use the
etheric double as imprinting ether. That means visualization. By
learning the art of visualization you use the Mind as the imprinting
ether. Who? You as the Present-Day-Personality. So, you have all the
possibilities and the probabilities of expressing yourself, apart from a
creation of time and place-space, as a Soul. In which way? By expressing
a will. Your will power. And, advancing and advancing you start knowing
yourself - who you are.
Now, who are you? Who you thought you were? A male or a female
person having a male or a female name, George, John, Marry, Helen.
This you know. But, this is a creation of time and place-space experiences
through what we call emotions. And, we said that the Present-Day-
Personality of yours is the sum-total of the elementals you have created
(sent out and now they come back to you). Now, by using the imprinting
ether you learn the use of the Mind. You learn (consciously now) how
you are creating elementals. You are doing it all the time subconsciously,
not knowing what you are doing. You are creating, as Christ says,
meaningless spirits. He describes them in the Gospel, Christ Himself. We
can see the nature of these, how we call them, emotional thought forms.
This happens by making the use of the Super-substance of the Mind by
visualizing. You visualize all the time but not consciously.
Subconsciously. You are visualizing what you wanted to have. What you
desired to have. And, believe me - visualizing perfectly, when your
Present-Day-Personality wants something.
I was amazed hearing a boy seventeen years of age, illiterate, who didn't
go to school. Just some classes in the elementary school. He came to me
and while talking he said to me "Sir, my only wish is to get a car. I am
working very, very hard and I gain money. I want just a motor car." I
asked him which one. He described me all these cars, the BMW's, the
Mercedes’, and many others, explaining me things - that illiterate boy
who went just to the first class of the elementary school. Not knowing
English, just seeing things in the catalogues. I could read in his mind
that he was visualizing things clearly and nicely.
So, everybody is using subconsciously the power of the imprinting ether.
For what. For the interests of his Present-Day-Personality. But, what do
you need consciously and self-consciously now is to use the Holy Super-
substance of the Mind in creating elementals. Not just any kind of
elementals. I mean thought forms. A Seeker after the Truth should,
definitely, learn the nature of these elementals of his own creation,
composing his Present-Day-Personality. Composing, what I call, his
subconsciousness. So, it is much work and needs sincerity with
But, now I see something else. You don't know yet that you are the Soul.
You didn't reach the Self-realization to know who you are. First, because
you don't know it. You are afraid of changes. Of the change you call
death. Death is not existing. What exists in life are the changes. One
changes leaving behind the material body. Because, if death existed then
the Infinite Beingness would be mortal. The Infinite Beingness would
have death in Itself. So, such a thing as death is not existing. It is the
change - the first thing you have to learn, and you will have to learn it.
By knowing the Truth.
So, what are the people doing all the time? Trying to gain money.
Amassing up money and property, gaining possessions and becoming
rich. Millionaires. You have so many all around you in all the countries,
especially in Switzerland. That's true. I have seen many, many
millionaires there and I have met some who didn't know how much they
are possessing. Yet, they were afraid of death! When it happens that a
friend or a member of their family passes over, they are most despairing
because they face the unknown. I asked them "What have you really
gained until now?" Christ says in the Bible "What will a man gain if he
gains the whole world and looses his soul?" How can we loose our soul?
Not knowing what it is - that's what He meant. Without finding out that
all of your attention with the senses, until this present moment, was
outside of the body and not - inward. Not finding the Truth in you
through introspection. One of the duties of the Seekers after the Truth is
to see the Truth every night analyzing their desires, their behavior, their
emotions, studying the events of the day that passed, giving much
importance to introspection, or, looking within.
So, what's the real thing? Finding who you are. Knowing who you are.
Don't be afraid of the changes because, you are under the changes all
the time. It is what you call the "past". Just start thinking. Before my life
on the planet now (centuries and centuries) there is a whole eternity
behind me in time. What I know is the present moment and that I am
here - now. I exist. How did I appear in life - now, if I was not existing all
the time (in a different form of life, of course). And, in front of us, as the
future, there is the whole eternity again. What shall I be in that eternity?
Annihilated? How is that? If I am to be annihilated, to stop existing and
stop being (being and existing are two different things) then, how is it that
today, at this present moment, I am living and I know that? Suppose that
somebody somewhere asked you this twenty centuries ago? It would be
the same thing. I would know that moment I was living then. I would
never suspect what I am now. (There are some who remember their past
reincarnations and what they have been. There is a way to know.) Then,
what have I been, what were I all these centuries I call the "past time"?
Am I just a straw on the surface of the Ocean not knowing where I am?
As a Present-Day-Personality - yes, that's the truth. But, as a Spirit-
Soul-Ego - it is not, especially when you gain what I call Super-conscious
Self. Becoming God? No! Realizing that you are God. You are not going to
become something you are not already now.
Many religions make the mistake saying that we will be deified. That we
will become Gods. I had a priest preaching that. Yes. "Our destiny is,
when you are good men and not sinners, to become Archangels and
Gods." Nothing more stupid. You can never become something you are
not now! What will happen is just to get to know and realize what you are
now, being concentrated in time and space, and in your bodies. This is
the Truth. There is something Christ said about it. He said that there
was a fellow trying to find and possess certain jewels and treasures. He
was piling and piling them up, but that wasn't really giving him
satisfaction. Until he found the precious pearl. When he found it he
didn't care about anything else he was possessing before. His care was
that precious pearl. Christ was saying that in Greek. (He was speaking in
Greek, Latin and Aramaic language.) "Polytimos margaritis." Precious
pearl - which means? When a man, searching and searching around,
collecting and gathering, catching and stealing, calling things his own,
finds his Self he won't care about these any more. That's the precious
pearl - finding the Self.
Now, I don't mean that a man shouldn't care about material things.
Definitely. Because, he will find out that everything is precious according
to the use you make of it. You should collect riches and money, because,
making good use of it you can help the others. Suppose you denounce
everything and you don't have anything. They are not precious things for
you. One day you see some people starving. In need of food, bread. You
don't have any money to give them to purchase something to eat. You'll
feel sorry. Yet, if you had, you could just help them. Help the people. Do
something good around you. So, earning money in a honest and decent
way is good. It will make you able to help those in need.
Walking around the other day I was talking with Margaret. We were
talking about these things. I told her "Rich people here. Only if they
made good use of their money. Money is good." She said, "I wish I had
money." "Definitely - if you make good use of it." Then she asked, "What
is money to be so important to so many people?" I said "A two edged
knife. In the hands of a surgeon it can take out a cancer and cure the man,
but, in the hands of a criminal it can kill. Yet, there is nothing wrong in the
knife. What is wrong is the disposition of those who hold the knife in their
hands. It is not so only with a knife, but with everything. With authority.
So, there is nothing bad or evil in the world. Because, if something was
bad or evil God would not have created it. Every thing is good. What is
bad is the disposition of men. How they use things. So, you must have
that in mind. Earning money in a decent and a correct way is good. It is
much better then staying lazy without doing anything! And - of course,
you'll have time for meditation and all that we are teaching. There is
plenty of time for working and for doing all these things. We don't need
more time for all these things. You don't have to spend all of your time in
meditation only. Everyone has to work, to keep his mind occupied with
something around him. Is that not a kind of concentration and meditation
you think? Of course it is. So, one should, definitely, have a job to earn
his living and what is necessary for his family, to keep the family well fed
and in a good state. And, one has much, much time for meditation,
concentration and observation."
What will be the aim of the Seeker after the Truth, as a first step? Study
the material body. Study anatomy, especially those who wish to claim to
be good psychotherapists. Meditate on the work of the intelligences (the
Holy Archangels) and see it on your bodies. Study the creative work of
the Holy Spirit and the Archangels within your own material body.
Meditate on your material body: the organs, functioning, and all that.
Then, the second step. Just concentrate on what we call your etheric
double of your material body. Apart from knowing it theoretically we have
to use it practically. At the beginning it is not possible to see the etheric
double. But, by starting to use it, you will have the knowledge that it
exists. And then - you can use it. You'll use it as the imprinting ether
(visualizing). It is not difficult because you are doing it all the time
subconsciously, serving your personality's interests. Now, you have to
use it not just like that, but - consciously. I want to do that and that,
and I'll visualize it for a certain time. What will you see? That when you
start meditating, even meditating before visualizing, hundreds of
thoughts will come to take your attention away. So, now, you have to
become the master of situation - be able to concentrate on a thing for a
time you want to, not allowing any other thought or any other emotion to
take your attention away from you. This is a most difficult part of your
exercises! But, you can succeed. Then, other exercises to keep completely
calm, relaxed and silent and see what comes to the surface of your mind
from your subconsciousness. You have to observe what is your
subconsciousness. The nature of the subconsciousness and what comes
forward. These are the exercises you have to do. And - what you find out
- put is down in writing to see it again, what experiences you had. In the
course of time you will gain the subconscious clairvoyance. So, there is a
gain in it. Then, you have to use your kinetic and aesthetic ether to move
in the body in a certain point you have selected and feel it. So, the
kinetic and the aesthetic ether are together. In the course of time you will
be able to concentrate in any part of your body, everywhere in your body.
What is the gain of it? You can take the pain out from any part of your
body when you feel it. And, when you master everything in your body,
you can extend what I call your kinetic ether away from your body,
accompanied with the aesthetic ether. This is not exosomatosis - this is
projection. Well, this is the beginning of exosomatosis. Because,
projecting part of yourself, creating an elemental and sending it, and
being in touch with it no matter how far you send it, is not exosomatosis.
Exosomatosis is you leaving the material body, going there and being
there. You cannot do that unless you become the master of aesthetic and
kinetic ether of your material body. You must learn more by
concentration and meditation (to be thought by those who know already
the nature of this etheric double). You'll learn, for your Present-Day-
Personality, what is the material body that personality lives in. And, you
have much work to do on your personality. This is much more difficult!
To know of the existence of your psychical body and its etheric double.
There is much work, much work to do in analyzing your emotions, your
weaknesses, your desires, your wishes, and your behavior. This is a
much more difficult work to do and - you have to do it. Now, this goes
together with the work on the noetical plane, because, you'll find out that
there is no wish, desire, or emotion when you leave the mind out of it.
This is the way of disenergizing elementals. You'll learn it later. So, you'll
learn the nature of your emotions, weaknesses, desires, by fixing your
attention - not in the way you have used it before, serving the emotions
and the desires. Now, you have two kinds of elementals. One is pure
thought form in your hands to judge and learn in which way the mind,
slave of a desire, was behaving. Taking it back you disenergize the
elementals, which were torturing you all the time. The most torturing
elementals, not seen, yet people being under their burden all the time,
are what you call fixed ideas. A term used much now by the
parapsychology teachers. They are using terms and don't know the
nature of them. Because, believe me, psychology and parapsychology are
in its infancy now. If you want you may work and work with them just to
free yourselves from the influence of this kind of elementals.
Now, any questions on the lesson?
Tomorrow the lesson will be more on the etheric double of the material
body. That will be very good for those who will have psychotherapeutic
- I would like to know if you could lead a meditation now?
Yes, we will have an exercise. An elementary exercise.
Relax yourself completely. Start from the feet, the toes of your feet. Relax
completely. This is most necessary before any exercise. Feel your toes
and go up to the knees. Feel them relaxed. If you are sitting on a chair, the
feet are completely relaxed. Your belly is relaxed. Your hands are relaxed.
Feel the chest completely relaxed. Feel your head. Everything in your body
relaxed. Concentrate on this relaxation. Now, meditate.
This moment the Holy Archangels of the Elements are working with this
material body of mine. What is the circulation of the blood? Whether you
know it or not the blood is circulating in all of the material body. The
etheric double in your material body, of your material body, is functioning
now in making the material body, every organ of it, every part of it, every
blood cell, every molecule - alive and well lotted with energy.
The Lord of Light and Fire, Michael, is making your blood warm. Gabriel,
the Lord of the Liquids, cooperating, is composing the blood cells. Raphael,
the Lord of Electricity and Magnetism (and other forces), is loading the
blood cells, the organs, and the whole body, with that electromagnetic
energy. And, Uriel, in your material body, is balancing this creative work
of the Archangels keeping the organs and the body in good order, provided
that your Present-Day-Personality is not interfering wasting this vitality or
energy by the way of living, thinking, moving about. Living, that means
expressing weaknesses, hatred, jealousy, enmity. All these are burning
the etheric vitality needed by the Holy Archangels to keep in health and in
good order all the organs of your body. This moment you are living in the
material body, the Holy Spirit and the Archangels are working for you.
Think what is the circulation of the blood. Now, about the work of the
Archangel Raphael in your body. Think what is anabolism, catabolism and
metabolism, that means, building up, dissolving and keeping the balance
in the body.
By studying this functioning in the body you will know the Total Wisdom
and the Almightiness of the Lord. Studying these things you understand
what is life in the material body. The Total Wisdom is in your material
body, provided you don't interfere, hindering this great work of your
brothers the Archangels. And, practicing in time you will come in self-
conscious touch with these Archangels. First you'll come in touch with
your Guardian Angel with whom you are talking all the time without
knowing it. Some times, when you overdo it, he interferes with what you
call the stings of consciousness. The first Archangel you will come in
touch with is your Guardian Angel. He knows everything about you,
though you know nothing about him. He is in you, egofied with you.
Concentrate in your relaxed body. Feel the aesthetic ether - that you are
in your body, calm and quiet. Calm down all emotions and thoughts. Try
to find who you are.

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