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In the section ‘Adaptation to Labor Practices’ from ‘Disney’s Successful Adaptation in Hong

Kong’, Matusitz (2009), examines the employees’ problems with the working conditions that

caused the high staff turnovers and how the Disney Company came to find resolutions.

One problem was the staff being forced to smile, as for not only does it cause tensions among

the Chinese visitors but also to their employee due to their conservative culture. They felt

trapped in a form of ‘Emotional Labor’ (Bryman, 2006). This caused Disney to stop its smiling

policy for the sake of adapting to the local environment.

The second problem was low pay and the working conditions. The employees complained

about lack of staffs, unreasonable working hours, inequality, unfair treatments and low wages.

To resolve all these issues in one, Disney commissioned a Trade Union in which the staff could

talk and work out problems.

Disney’s actions proved to be beneficial in the long run.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020 Portfolio 2 - Academic Summary Zaw*

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