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While Xu Xiao Buo is mentions decently about the idea that global standards should be

maintained as a way to outperform the competitors in preparation, I’d rather prefer to

follow Zhong Tianbing’s advice that Liu should be asked to guide both the company of

Germany and China in its relations.

This is because Tianbing’s approach in understanding between one-another from

different nations, would help benefit in making decisions that affect one another

(especially in this incident with the Almond Company). Its Parent-Company which

originated from Germany is having clashes between its Chinese counterparts due to the

difference and disagreement between the ideas of how it should be running.

With Germany favoring its standards to be worked, and China defying after its struggling

tries due to its rules do not work the same: it is clear to me that helping each other from

different sides to understand in coming together for a common ground would be a

reason to stand for. In my view, even if standards from one country are enforced

another which is opposed, tensions would come for the problem that causes this

incident is ignored. So, it would be logical to me if the two companies are willing to sort

out its values with Liu’s help and persuasion to change their old ways for Germany and

China. It is undeniable that China should change its bribery practices since its leads to

corruption as well as to Germany to reconsider its standards in being adaptable, for

what the companies do to settle down the disagreement would agreeably benefit in the


Wed, February 26, 2020 Portfolio 3 – A Reflection Paragraph Zaw*

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