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Ethics of Everyday Life

Ethics and Morality
Morals and Morality
Philosophy of Everyday Life

What is the definition of moral judgment?

Lexmilian De Mello, Graduated first class honors in it and have always upheld virtuosity.
Answered Aug 17, 2015

Interesting question, as of just recently I compiled two mini-eBooks on the nature of 'what
creates morals?'  This available from my website @ Lex's Digital Autobiography(on Morality
Lesson pt.1 & pt.2).  I also have studied ethics graduating with high honours.  So defining…
Moral judgment is the process by which one defines what is wrong, good, bad, zany, absolutely
bizarre, surreal, quasi-reasoned, ethical vs unethical vs neutral or adjoining deviations to the
previous as stated that warrant categorizations of their own accord depending on the nature of the
object or entity to be judged (as one's reasoning has to be aligned for justice), fundamentally, in
sentient human perspective, against some standard of 'good' as established by rational consensus
formed from an established ideal by whose commune the incumbent exhibiting or contradicting
moral judgment is affiliated with for purposes of actualization of the question as dictated above.
Moral judgments involve a process of opinions and evaluations that usually comprise the
1) Inaction
2) Intention
3) Motive
4) Character Trait
5) Situational Aspects
6) Environment

7) Historicity that Led to the Cause

8) Retribution and Compensation as Fit for Conformance of the Individual or Matter in Question
Back to an Established Consensus [that may need to be evaluated back to step (1) considering
new facts as they emerge]
To me moral judgment primarily comes from intuition and the amount of lore that I have
amassed over my life by witnessing first hand atrocities from others, not only to me but to other
people to, this through the news too, just like everyone else.  It then becomes easy to become
ethnocentric and believe that our intuition is better than someone else's and that is why some
study law, and the wiser ones study Ethics as core foundations to their good sense of 'moral
judgement' (NB:  Merely studying is not enough, one has to immerse his/herself to all aspects of
good throughout his/her entire life if possible to be of sound wisely mind frame – preferably).
Moral judgments aren’t just opinions.  They are the decisions with which we condemn others to
social exclusion, jail, and even violent retaliation.  Given their weight, moral judgments are often
assumed to be rational, though recent psychological research has suggested that they may be
more like gut feelings.  Unfortunately accrued cultural feelings of disgust serve as the primary
motivator for moral judgment (Haidt, 2001 – and this means indoctrination at an early age could
have a huge impact that is why multi-culturalism needs to be taught early).  Ahem, in this theory,
there are natural or socially learned intuitions of what is right or wrong that prompt snap
judgments of a given moral situation.  Rather than deliberating over the causes, intent, and
effects of harmful actions, Haidt argues that situations that provoke prohibitive moral judgment
often come from harmless, hard to justify situations – the note to be taken here is that the
groups/individuals one chooses to ostracize themselves to (if that is the case, that is why the
media is not necessarily bad as it keeps the isolated sane) will have a drastic impact on one's
moral judgment through a process of which I call isolatry bias.  A catalyst, in this case, for
immoral conduct may manifest itself as a seed that once germinated within the confines of a
limited/enclosed group may manifest itself as an aberration of moral judgment – this could be
vile sick humour that escalates out of proportion, rude comportments and lack of social etiquette
due to being accustomed to tolerance by friends or associates, or any number of factors really. 
All of the above has the chance of impacting one's moral judgment in relations to the greater
majority which by all effects probably own/run the very society the incumbent lives in.  As soon
as that isolatry based group's chain is torn, and the incumbents interact with the real world, one
of three things may happen:
1) Other's will be shocked and may, or may not, correct the individual's moral judgement flaws.
2) The distorted incumbent may propagate a habit that may spread like wildfire if he/she initiates
conduct to the right people mayhap at the right time.
3) People will just accept it as their inherent 'character' trait and may feel no unease or some
degree of discomfort or mayhap find it all very amusing.
Deontological ethics would explain a lot about the background foundations of 'moral judgment',
but it is never a good school of Ethics to be used alone, hell, by far no!!!  One should take into
consideration Utilitarianism and its more advanced mitigations such as levels of empathetic
understanding and what not proposed by more modern philosophers, and one should take into
account knowledge of the ancients (in particular my favourite philosopher) like Aristotle and his

Virtue ethics.  And then professional ethics should be touched based on depending on the
situation along with situational ethics.  It is only when we have a firm understanding of all this
that we can properly define 'moral judgment' as a process that is objective in nature, warrants
order to a process that is 'self-sustainable' at large (NB:  I do not see evil as a notion that is self-
sustainable on the long run, so in parody to anti-matter and matter, the former decays an
astronomically amount of times faster than matter – so too does evil in contrast to good for good
encompasses wisdom, and evil does not as its self serving along other issues).
The problem with moral judgment is that mayhap it can be distorted/twisted or turned into an
aberration by playing and twerking one's level of emotionality (providing a catalytic extreme
nuisance, hurt, discomfort or etc…) which can leave one prone to manipulation if not rescued by
outside influences.  In short, moral judgment is the capability to distinguish right from wrong or
any of the above stated values (as I hate to think in a world of just dualities).
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Alan Smith
Answered Feb 24, 2017

Morality = Labels of write and wrong.

Labels = Mental constructs assigned to a certain existence.

Judgement = The act of placement of a label onto a certain existence.

Moral Judgement = The placement of a label of write or wrong onto a certain existence.

Labels are mental contstructs therefore Morality and Judgement don’t actually exist except from
in our imagination.

Which world do you want to live in? Reality or your emotional, irrational, ignorant and dogmatic
mind? The choice is yours.

2.2k Views · View Upvoters

Micheal Planck, studied at U of Arizona, Tucson AZ (1985)

Answered Nov 4, 2017 · Author has 360 answers and 230.4k answer views

Moral judgment is the ability or action of applying moral principles and reasoning.

For humans, morality essentially consists of fairness.

Thus moral reasoning is really quite simple: suppose you are cutting a piece of cake in half to
share with someone else. How do you do so in a fair manner? Simply by imagining two futures:
one in which you get one half, and another in which you get the other half. Because of this, you
cut the cake in a way that you would be most satisfied with either outcome; you make the two
slices fair.

All human beings have the ability to perform this kind of imagining. Most human beings have a
natural inclination and emotional attachment to this kind of imagining (sociopaths and certain
Quora posters aside).

So, in human beings, moral judgement consists of the ability to imagine being in the other
person’s shoes.


Herb Bennett, Connecting to source and the blessing of the flow of knowledge is natural law.
Answered Dec 4, 2016

When you connect to SOURCE moral judgement; MANMADE laws, become irrelevant.
Judgement is based on personal “values”, ego and superiority. Compassion, forgiveness are quite
removed from this inherently negative habit or behavior. They deal with material and
psychological expressions and experiences society creates. Morality relates to a set of rules made
by social institutions. They often use religious doctrine and other group conventions and
traditions as gauges.

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Gordon Hide
Answered Aug 10, 2015 · Author has 727 answers and 268.9k answer views
Any decision you make which has the capacity to affect other people is a moral decision. The
moral judgement is that which has most regard for the general wellbeing.

Of course you might be talking about criticising the moral behaviour of others. My advice,
unless it is your job, try and resist doing that.
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Bob Callens, studied at University College Ghent

Answered Nov 4, 2016

Morals are a core human construct. Based on acceptable behaviour in different cultures. Whats
wrong in someones eyes for one. might not be true for someone else or not having a deeper
insight. Yet everyone judges on their core perception. Dont feel fully qualified for this answer
tho yet gave u one.


Joe Goebel, studied at University of California, Los Angeles

Answered Aug 10, 2015 · Author has 568 answers and 541k answer views
Be the person you wish other people to be.
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