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TED EdLessons Worth Sharing

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Get Involved
The most meaningful TED-Ed videos are collaborations between the TED-Ed team and at least
one of the following: a curious learner, an exceptional educator, or a talented visualization artist.
If you are one of these types of people, or if you know someone who is, please help guide our
effort to create a library of lessons worth sharing by acting on one of the options below.

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TED-Ed Club

We are looking for excellent visualization artists who are interested in developing animations on
a freelance basis. If you are or know an animator interested in working with us to produce
education videos that will be featured on TED-Ed, please let us know through our animator
recommendation form.

Your Information
* if nominating someone other than yourself

Animator Information

Your First Name*

Your Last Name*
Your Email Address*
Your Telephone Number*
First Name*
Email Address*
Last Name*
Phone Number
Links (to reel, storyboard, website, etc. Please separate by comma.)
Why do you think this animator may be interested in working with TED-Ed?

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