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Profiling of Microbial Colonies for High-Throughput Engineering of

Multistep Enzymatic Reactions via Optically Guided Matrix-Assisted
Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Tong Si,†,¶ Bin Li,‡,§,∥,¶ Troy J. Comi,‡,§,¶ Yuwei Wu,‡ Pingfan Hu,⊥ Yuying Wu,⊥ Yuhao Min,‡
Douglas A. Mitchell,†,‡,# Huimin Zhao,*,†,‡,⊥,∇,⊗ and Jonathan V. Sweedler*,†,‡,§

Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, ‡Department of Chemistry, §Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and
Technology, ⊥Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, #Department of Microbiology, ∇Department of Biochemistry,

Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois at Urbana−Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, United States

State Key Laboratory of Natural Medicines, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 210009, China
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight

(MALDI-ToF) mass spectrometry (MS) imaging has been used for rapid
phenotyping of enzymatic activities, but is mainly limited to single-step
conversions. Herein we report a label-free method for high-throughput
engineering of multistep biochemical reactions based on optically guided
MALDI-ToF MS analysis of bacterial colonies. The bacterial cells provide
containment of multiple enzymes and access to substrates and cofactors via
metabolism. Automated MALDI-ToF MS acquisition from randomly
distributed colonies simplifies procedures to prepare strain libraries without
liquid handling. MALDI-ToF MS profiling was utilized to screen both
substrate and enzyme libraries for natural product biosynthesis. Computa-
tional algorithms were developed to process and visualize the resulting mass spectral data sets. For analogues of the peptidic
antibiotic plantazolicin, multivariate analyses by t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding were used to group similar spectra
for rapid identification of nonisobaric variants. After MALDI-ToF MS screening, follow-up analyses using high-resolution MS
and tandem MS were readily performed on the same sample target. Separately, relative ion intensities of rhamnolipid congeners
with various lipid moieties were evaluated to engineer enzymatic specificity. The glycolipid profiles of each colony were overlaid
with optical images to facilitate the recovery of desirable mutants. For both the antibiotic and rhamnolipid cases, large
populations of colonies were rapidly surveyed at the molecular level, providing information-rich insights not easily obtained with
traditional screening assays. Utilizing standard microbiological techniques with routine microscopy and MALDI-ToF MS
instruments, this simple yet effective workflow is applicable for a wide range of screening campaigns targeting multistep
enzymatic reactions.

Mass spectrometry (MS) has become an invaluable analytical
reactions, such as enzyme complex formation, temporal and
stoichiometric control to avoid intermediate build-up, and the
technique, in part because it offers label-free analyses of target need to fine-tune reaction conditions to be compatible with
molecules. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of- multiple enzymes. This may explain the limited use of MSI-
flight (MALDI-ToF) MS is particularly well suited for the rapid based screening of multistep biochemical reactions. To
inspection of a large number of biological samples because of its engineer a multistep reaction, modified intermediates must be
simple sample preparation, high salt tolerance, and wide accepted at each step of the catalytic sequence to obtain a final
coverage of diverse biomolecules.1,2 Accordingly, MALDI mass product. Engineering an individual step in isolation ignores
spectrometry imaging (MSI) has been increasingly applied for possible downstream effects, and MSI screening platforms
the rapid profiling of enzymatic reactions.3−8 However, MALDI primarily designed for single-step enzymatic reactions may be
MSI uses fixed raster steps for sampling, which requires high- ill-suited for engineering multistep pathways. Multistep biosyn-
density deposition of reaction components in a regular array.6−8 thesis is vital for the production of many important molecules,
Although up to three enzymes with no cross-activities have including fuels, fine chemicals, and pharmaceuticals,12,13 driving
been multiplexed in MSI screening,7,9−11 it is technically the need to develop improved methods to screen multistep
demanding to colocalize multiple enzymes, requiring advanced enzymatic reactions.
liquid handling, such as acoustic deposition,7 to increase the
throughput. Compared with multiplexed enzyme assays, there Received: May 8, 2017
are further challenges associated with screening multistep Published: August 9, 2017

© 2017 American Chemical Society 12466 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b04641

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 12466−12473
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

In this work, we apply optically guided MALDI-ToF MS to

engineer multistep enzymatic reactions via high-throughput,
direct profiling of microbial colonies. Using microbial cells as
reaction vessels, a set of enzymes are encoded as a single
biosynthetic pathway on a DNA vector. Routine molecular
biology enables mutagenesis, delivery, and expression of
multiple enzymes encapsulated in a single cell. Similarly, living
microbial colonies have been utilized to express a single
heterologous enzyme for biocatalyst screening using desorption
electrospray ionization (DESI) MS,14 which is an ambient
pressure liquid extraction-ionization technique particularly
suitable for real-time monitoring of living microbial cells.15−17
In addition, cell growth and metabolism in colonies facilitate
analyte accumulation, which may help to eliminate the current
requirement of analyte immobilization/capture for optimal
sensitivity in MSI screening. 8 MALDI MSI has been
successfully utilized to study the spatial heterogeneity of
microbial metabolism in biofilms,18−20 multispecies cocul-
tures,21−24 and host−pathogen interactions.25 The approach
has not been applied to screen libraries of microbial colonies,
which are randomly distributed and widely spaced on agar
media when prepared using standard techniques. MSI of such
sparse objects is inefficient as most acquisitions occur on the
spaces between colonies because of the fixed raster steps.14 As
beneficial mutations are generally rare, a large number of
mutants are often screened to isolate desirable variants.12,26,27
Advanced liquid handling systems may be used to deposit
colonies into defined patterns for MSI screening,6−8 but they
are costly and time-consuming. Our alternative approach
utilizes microscopy images coupled with feature detection in
image analyses to program the MALDI-ToF MS acquisition for
rapid “colony picking” (Figure 1). The use of optically guided
MS profiling for bacterial colonies is an extension of the Figure 1. Optically guided MALDI-ToF MS screening. (A) Strain
methodology developed for single-cell MS analysis.28−31 library preparation. (B) Imprinting of a colony biomass onto indium
Engineering multistep enzymatic pathways may modify the tin oxide (ITO)-coated glass slides (blue arrows indicate the coating
side). (C) Generation of laser coordinates for automated MALDI-ToF
structures and/or quantities of the reaction products. These MS profiling using machine vision on microscopic images. (D)
changes can be reflected in the mass spectra, such as mass shifts Multivariate analysis and visualization of resulting mass spectra data
in nonisomerization reactions, or differences in the relative ion sets.
intensities of congeners as a result of altered enzymatic
specificities. The mass spectra obtained from the microbial structure-based screening remains a main bottleneck in this
library screening provide a large, information-rich data set, research area.34,35
which requires computational tools to extract, interpret, and Here, we utilized MALDI-ToF MS profiling of microbial
visualize the most relevant signals to aid mutant recovery. The colonies for rapid screening of NP analogue libraries. We first
diverse molecular profiles can be surveyed with targeted, characterized the substrate tolerance of a five-enzyme pathway
multivariate clustering if the molecular weight information on synthesizing the antibiotic plantazolicin (PZN) from a
the desirable products is available. Alternatively, for discovery ribosomal precursor peptide. We then applied MALDI-ToF
efforts, nontargeted clustering can group colonies exhibiting MS screening in directed protein evolution to alter the
similar spectra without a priori knowledge. For researchers with congener compositions of rhamnolipids (RLs) produced from
limited MS experience, it is desirable to be able to visualize the a two-enzyme pathway. Custom sampling and analysis
screening data in a manner similar to classical, colorimetric algorithms were developed for each system, with the former
assays. Given the wide application of multistep enzymatic focusing on the structural variations of analogues and the latter
reactions, data analysis pipelines tailored for diverse engineering on the relative abundance of target congeners. We demon-
objectives are needed. strated the successful application of optically guided MALDI-
Research on natural products (NPs) advances fundamental ToF MS profiling in both examples, resulting in the discovery
biochemistry and provides a valuable source of chemical matter of new compounds and isolation of enzymes with the desirable
for drug discovery.32,33 Many NP molecules synthesized via chemical selectivity.
secondary metabolism contain complex chemical modifications
created via a number of enzymatic reactions. NP analogues are
widely applied in mode-of-action, substrate tolerance, and
Workflow Development. The workflow for high-through-
structure−activity relationship studies.34 NP variants are also put MALDI-based characterization of bacterial colonies consists
engineered to develop compounds with improved medicinal of the creation of a strain library, optically guided MALDI-ToF
properties.34 However, the lack of high-throughput methods for MS profiling, and data analyses and visualization (Figure 1).
12467 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b04641
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 12466−12473
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

Scheme 1. Structure of PZN 1

Recombinant variants of a multienzymatic pathway are In both cases, high-dimensional data are reduced to low-
constructed as plasmid DNA libraries, which are used to dimensional variates to reflect a target phenotype, such as
transform a production host such as Escherichia coli (Figure spectral classifications or congener ratios. The reduced data sets
1A). The transformants are plated on a filter membrane for are then visualized by overlaying optical images with false color
straightforward manipulation of many colonies simultane- markers to produce straightforward readouts similar to
ously,36 such as exchanging culture media or imprinting onto colorimetric assays (Figure 1D). Notably, as m/z values in
MALDI targets. Microbial cells are initially cultivated on the MALDI-ToF mass spectra are utilized in the computational
noninducing agar media to obtain individual colonies and then analyses to link mass spectral signals to target compounds,
transferred onto inducing plates to initiate enzyme expression analyte assignments are further confirmed using high-resolution
and target molecule production (Figure 1A). Each clonal MS and tandem MS (MS/MS). These analyses can be
population contains a single variant of the multistep pathway. performed subsequent to high-throughput profiling, as more
Separation of the induction phase from the growth phase allows than 60% of the analytes remain on the target even after
accumulation of sufficient biomass before cellular resources are exhaustive MALDI-ToF MS measurements.40 This two-tiered
diverted to target enzyme production, and minimizes uneven approach allows rapid survey of the whole library, which helps
growth among mutant colonies if the final products affect to identify colonies of interest for slower but more informative
cellular fitness. MS analyses. Finally, select colonies are recovered for further
For MALDI-ToF MS analyses, colonies are imprinted on characterization, such as DNA sequencing or liquid fermenta-
conductive, indium tin oxide (ITO)-coated glass slides (Figure tion (Figure 1D).
1B). Relative to agar bacterial cultures mounted directly onto a Substrate Libraries of a Peptidic NP. We first applied the
MALDI target, profiling from imprinted biomass on a uniform workflow to survey the structural diversity of PZN 1 analogues,
target surface obtains better ion signal for cell-associated created using a substrate library. Ribosomally synthesized and
compounds.37 The use of transparent MALDI targets allows post-translationally modified peptides (RiPPs) form a major
acquisition of optical images prior to matrix application using class of NPs.41,42 As the product is synthesized from a
an artist’s airbrush (Figure 1C). To aid automated colony ribosomal peptide, product variants can be generated by
finding, whole-slide images are acquired to locate the etched mutagenesis of the precursor gene.43,44 PZN 1 is a member of
fiducials and imprinted colonies in bright-field and autofluor- one RiPP subclass termed the linear azol(in)e-containing
escence images (Figure 1C). At least 16 fiducial markers were peptides. During biosynthesis of this subclass, a trimeric
etched directly on the ITO-coated slide in the area surrounding heterocycle synthetase converts select cysteine (C), serine
the imprint region (Figure 1B) using a diamond-tipped pen. A (S), and threonine (T) residues in the C-terminal (core) region
target accuracy of ∼20 μm during MALDI-ToF MS profiling of the precursor peptide to thiazol(in)e and (methyl)oxazol-
can be achieved following fiducial training.38 A Python platform (in)e heterocycles (Scheme S1). PZN 1 is naturally produced
for image-guided MS analyses, microMS,38 is used to generate by Bacillus velezensis FZB4245 and exhibits remarkable
MALDI laser coordinates for automatic colony profiling antibacterial selectivity against Bacillus anthracis,46 the causative
(Figure 1C). Laser shots are patterned around the peripheries agent of anthrax. We previously achieved heterologous
of the imprinted colonies for optimal sensitivity, as described production of PZN 1 in E. coli using a fosmid bearing the
below. corresponding biosynthetic gene cluster.47 Analogues of PZN 1
The resulting mass spectra are processed using multivariate were also created by site-directed mutagenesis of the precursor
statistical analyses. For a strain library producing analogues of a peptide gene, followed by liquid cultivation and methanol
target compound, t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding extraction before MS analyses.47 For successful synthesis of an
(t-SNE)39 was utilized to visualize spectral similarity and analogue of PZN 1, a mutant precursor peptide must be
identify nonisobaric variants (Figure 1D). t-SNE is a accepted as a substrate by multiple enzymes of the biosynthetic
dimensionality reduction method, similar to principle compo- pathway, including the cyclodehydratase, dehydrogenase, leader
nent analysis (PCA), for the visualization of high-dimensional peptidase, and methyltransferase (Scheme S1).47
data sets.39 While PCA is commonly utilized to separate To apply optically guided MALDI-ToF MS screening to
dissimilar data within a low-dimensional map, t-SNE also keeps E. coli colonies producing PZN 1 analogues, we targeted two
similar data close together. As such, we found clearer grouping noncyclized positions, I7 and I8 (Scheme 1, red; the numbering
of spectra within a t-SNE plot than a PCA score plot. The for original core residues is given in Scheme S1), where
observed grouping is advantageous for spectral data with mutations are relatively tolerated by the native biosynthetic
multiple classes, such as those acquired from a compound machinery.47 Site-saturation mutagenesis was performed using
analogue library. Alternatively, when screening a strain library degenerate codon (NNK)-containing primers. Polyclonal
producing the same set of products at different ratios, ion plasmid DNA was used to transform competent E. coli cells
intensities at select m/z values are extracted to calculate the harboring a refactored version of the PZN cluster, where native
total and relative abundances. Bacillus promoters were replaced with a strong T7 promoter to
12468 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b04641
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 12466−12473
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

enhance production. Isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (Figure S1), respectively. However, further analyses are
(IPTG) was used to induce production of PZN 1 on M9 required to differentiate the single-residual mutations between
medium containing acetate as the sole carbon source. glutamine (Q) and lysine (K), as well as between leucine (L)
For I7 and I8 libraries, 352 and 393 colonies were screened, and isoleucine (I). It is challenging to distinguish the 0.036 Da
respectively, achieving a > 99.9% probability of full coverage of mass difference between the Q and K mutations, as an m/z
the NNK libraries.48 Following the analysis workflow, we first tolerance of ±0.25 Da was employed to assign residue
performed t-SNE analyses for unsupervised clustering of the substitutions of PZN analogues from the MALDI-ToF MS
resulting mass spectra, utilizing each binned m/z value to data. Such mass accuracy results from the limited mass
evaluate population heterogeneity and variance. We manually resolution of a ToF mass analyzer (∼10 000 in a m/z window
examined each spectral class for tentative PZN peaks, and of 1100−1600 for PZN molecules), and uneven sample heights
found all the base peaks (Figure S1) were consistent with of imprinted biomass that affect the time-of-flight of target ions
single-residual-mutation analogues with “wild-type-like” mod- and reduce mass accuracy. As noted above, after MALDI-ToF
ifications: nine azole rings, one azoline ring, leader peptidolysis MS profiling, enough of the analytes remain on the targets,40
N-terminal to arginine R1, and N-terminal dimethylation allowing follow-up analyses. High-resolution MALDI-Fourier
(Scheme 1).47 A targeted clustering (Figure 2) was then transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) MS analyses were
performed using the predicted m/z values of these analogues performed on selected colonies of interest, and unambiguously
differentiated between Q and K mutations, revealing both K
(see SI “Multivariate data analysis” for details) (Figure S1).
and Q substitutions at I7, but only Q at I8 (Figure S1). The
From the MALDI-ToF MS data alone, we observed 12 and 9
high-resolution MS data also corroborated the predicted
variant classes of PZN 1 for the libraries of I7 (Figure 2) and I8
molecular formulas of other PZN analogues with <1 ppm
mass errors (Figure S1)
On the other hand, as the PZN analogues with I and L
substitutions are isomers with no mass differences, DNA
sequencing is necessary to differentiate these two mutants
(Figure S2). Colonies belonging to each class were inoculated
in liquid cultures for plasmid isolation and DNA sequencing.
Each colony sequenced presented mutations consistent with
predicted and observed mass shifts in the base peaks assuming
full maturation (Figure S1). In this study, all 13 previously
isolated PZN analogues with single residue mutations at I7 or
I8 were detected,47 as well as 10 previously unreported variants
(Figure S1). Select analogues with sufficient residual analytes
on the sample target were subjected to in situ ion identification
with MS/MS (Figures S2−S5). The tandem mass spectra
suggested “wild-type-like” modifications (Scheme 1) for all
examined base peaks (Figures S2−S5). The detection of
unreported PZN analogues in this study validates the improved
methodology. Production of PZN 1 was increased through
pathway refactoring and growth medium optimization, enabling
observation of PZN variants not previously detected due to
insufficient amounts. Also, enhanced production allowed
detection of PZN 1 analogues directly from single colonies.
This improvement was leveraged by optically guided MALDI-
ToF MS to substantially increase analytical throughput,
allowing more comprehensive codons (NNK versus NNC47)
for mutagenesis while retaining high probabilities of full library
In addition to spectral classes containing base peaks
matching predicted m/z values of PZN analogues, a class
exhibiting a low signal-to-noise ratio or chemical background
was also observed (Figure 2). This spectral class likely resulted
either from (1) mutations not tolerated by the biosynthetic
machinery or reducing analogue production below our
detection limit, (2) the UAG stop codon contained in the
degenerate NNK codon, (3) artifacts during optical image
acquisition such as dust, and/or (4) problems targeting
Figure 2. Multivariate analysis of PZN analogues. (A) Visualization irregularly shaped colony imprints (Figure 3B). The first two
with targeted t-SNE clustering of the I7 library from a single
possibilities were not further investigated given the consistency
experiment. Each point corresponds to a single mass spectrum, with
each cluster surrounded by a 95% confidence ellipsoid. The N/A between current and previous results.47 The latter two can be
cluster contains spectra without observable peptide signals. The alleviated by more vigilant colony finding and target patterning.
position of (B) each mutant or (C) N/A colony is mapped onto the In particular, we found the best sensitivity was obtained when
optical image to aid mutant recovery. The three colonies highlighted in directing the MALDI laser to the peripheries of the imprinted
panel B are displayed in more detail in Figure 3. biomass (Figure 3). Direct sampling on the imprinted biomass
12469 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b04641
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 12466−12473
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

Scheme 2. Biosynthesis of RL 5

canoate as the fatty acyl moiety, as in RL 5b, which is attributed

to the role of RhlA as a “molecular ruler” with a high preference
toward β-hydroxydecanoyl-ACP (2, x = 6) in vitro.53 As fatty
acyl chain lengths affect the physiochemical and biological
properties of RLs,50,55 it is desirable to produce RLs with
custom congener compositions for specific applications.
Previous screening assays relied on the link between
antimicrobial activity and RL mixture composition, and suffered
from low chemical specificity.55 Here we sought to directly
measure the relative abundance of different RL congeners using
MALDI-ToF MS in high throughput.
We first examined the composition of the mono-RL 5
mixtures produced from recombinant E. coli colonies using
optically guided MALDI-ToF MS profiling. Heterologous
production of mono-RL 5 in E. coli was achieved by
coexpression of the wild-type rhlA and rhlB genes of
P. aeruginosa, as previously reported56 (denoted as WT).
Following the screening workflow (Figure 1), eight peaks in the
MALDI mass spectra were tentatively assigned as Na+ and K+
adduct ions of RL 5a−d, based on mass matching (Figure S6A)
and comparison of MS/MS results with previous reports18,19
(Figure S6B). We utilized the ion intensities of the RL 5a−d
peaks in the MALDI mass spectra to estimate relative congener
abundance, and the results provided a good approximation of
Figure 3. Detailed view of annotated colonies (i, ii and iii) from Figure the RL 5b percentile when compared with the MALDI-ToF
2 shown in panels (A−C) respectively. The color of each cluster MS or liquid chromatography (LC)−MS/MS quantification of
corresponds to the t-SNE plot in Figure 2. Average spectra of each organic solvent extracts from ∼100 WT colonies (Figure S7,
cluster for the colony are displayed with the base peak labeled. white bars). For the percentiles of RL 5a, 5c and 5d, however,
Mutations were confirmed by DNA sequencing (Figure S1). different results were observed among the MALDI MS of
colonies, MALDI MS of extracts, and LC−MS of extracts
often yielded mass spectra with a low signal-to-noise ratio (Figure S7). Such discrepancies may result from two sources.
(Figure 3B), possibly due to insufficient matrix-to-analyte The variations between the MALDI MS and LC−MS results of
mixing and nonideal matrix crystallization,37,49 poor laser focus, the same extract (Figure S7) suggest that congener ionization
or inefficient ion transfer from the elevated sample heights. efficiency may vary in different mass analyzers. Also, the relative
Enzyme Libraries in Biosynthesis of RL 5. Next, we transfer efficiency of RL 5a−d during imprinting may differ
sought to quantify changes in the relative abundance of the from that during solvent extraction. Therefore, we devised a
reaction products (RLs 5a−d) due to modified enzymatic two-step screening strategy, where MALDI-ToF MS screening
specificities. We focused on a two-step biochemical pathway for served as the first approximation of relative congener content in
RL synthesis (Scheme 2). Initially discovered from Pseudomo- high throughput, followed by LC−MS quantification on liquid
nas aeruginosa,50 RLs are a class of biosurfactants that have been cultures of identified mutant strains without solvent extraction.
extensively studied for their potential application in enhanced Liquid cultures were utilized as a confirmation as they are more
oil recovery, biodegradation, and bioremediation.51,52 To form similar to industrial fermentation conditions than colonies on
monorhamnolipids (mono-RLs, RL 5), RhlB (rhamnosyltrans- agar media.
ferase 1 chain B) catalyzes the condensation of 3 and 4. We then applied directed protein evolution to RhlA to
Different variants of 3 are synthesized by RhlA (rhamnosyl- engineer the relative abundance of RL 5a−d in mono-RL
transferase 1 chain A) using 2 of varying chain lengths and production. Random mutations were introduced in the WT
degrees of unsaturation,53 contributing to the structural rhlA gene using error-prone polymerase chain reaction
diversity of RL lipid moieties in nature.54 (PCR).57,58 The PCR product was inserted into a plasmid
The most abundant RL species produced by P. aeruginosa harboring a WT rhlB gene, and the resulting DNA library was
and other bacteria consist of β-hydroxydecanoyl-β-hydroxyde- used to transform the E. coli cells. Following the MALDI-ToF
12470 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b04641
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 12466−12473
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

MS screening workflow (Figure 1), the resulting data sets were

visualized by overlaying the optical image with a bubble chart to
provide a rapid assessment of the variance in relative abundance
and total production of RL molecules (Figure 4). Each circle

Figure 5. Comparison of RL production in liquid cultures between

WT and isolated mutant strains quantified using LC−MS/MS in
multiple reaction monitoring mode. Error bars indicate the standard
deviations of biological triplicates. Significant differences were
determined between WT and mutants using an independent two-
tailed, two-sample t-test for equal sample sizes and equal variance.
Significance levels: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.

formation, one mutant strain (R2#71) was isolated bearing a

single amino acid mutation (L269I, Table S1) that reduced the
proportions of RL 5c and RL 5d in liquid cultures compared
with WT, but failed to further enhance the relative abundance
Figure 4. Visualization of MALDI-ToF MS screening results of mono- of RL 5b relative to the parent R1#6 (Figure 5). Future
RL-producing E. coli colonies. (A) WT. (B) Strain library in the first investigation is needed to elucidate the mechanisms on why
round of mutagenesis (R1). For each circle overlaying the selected mutations confer distinct observed phenotypes.
corresponding colony, the radius scales with the log-base 10 intensity Currently, ∼1000 colonies can be screened per slide with an
of the sum of all RL peaks, and the false color scales with the relative MS sampling rate of 1−2.5 s (2000−5000 MALDI laser shots)
abundance of RL 5b. Only a small, representative region is shown. per colony. With regard to sample preparation, the total time
and cost to analyze one colony takes approximately 5 s and
has a radius determined by the log-base 10 intensity of the sum $0.0065 using the optically guided approach, compared with 15
of all RL peaks. The color is determined by the relative s and $0.86 using a liquid-handing robot (see SI “Comparison
abundance of RL 5b. Compared with the WT strain (Figure with liquid-handling approaches” for details). This throughput
4A), the strain library in the first round of mutagenesis is sufficient for screening variant libraries of small sizes (<104),
(denoted as R1) exhibited increased diversity in terms of both such as those created in this study via site-saturation
the total intensities of RL ions and relative percentiles of RL 5b mutagenesis at a single residue or error-prone PCR at a low
(Figure 4B). These results agree with the description of RhlA as mutation rate. But the approach becomes limiting when
the “molecular ruler” of RL lipid moiety synthesis.53 From R1 screening larger populations. The throughput may be further
(3085 colonies were screened), variant strains producing RL 5b improved by several approaches. First, it currently takes ∼1 h to
at larger fractions relative to WT were recovered with the visual acquire both bright-field and fluorescence images of a 25 mm ×
aid of bubble charts (red circles). After plasmid isolation and 75 mm ITO-coated glass target using a 10× microscopic
retransformation into a fresh strain background, two mutant objective lens. With more advanced machine vision, a single
strains (R1#6 and R1#15) were confirmed to produce bright-field image at lower resolution or even a cell phone
significantly larger proportions of RL 5b than WT in liquid image could be utilized for both fiducial and colony finding,
cultures (Figure 5). R1#6 and R1#15 harbor a single amino potentially reducing total analysis time to <2 s per colony.
acid mutation of V10I and A64V, respectively (Table S1). Second, the current upper limit of colony density (2000−3000
The mutated rhlA gene from the R1#6 strain was subjected per 100 mm Petri dish analyzed on two ITO slides) is largely to
to another round of mutagenesis to further increase the relative ensure reliable picking of individual clones.59 To further
abundance of RL 5b. However, the majority of the recovered improve the throughput, it is necessary to plate variant strains
strains from the second round of screening (R2, 3649 colonies at higher densities, shorten growth time to minimize over-
were screened) were found to contain no additional mutations lapping clones, and utilize robotic mutant recovery of smaller
relative to the parent R1#6. To understand the challenge in colonies.
isolating mutants with larger RL 5b portions, RL production of In the current workflow, colonies are transferred onto
WT, R1, and R2 was compared in the same batch, and the MALDI targets using imprinting, which is suitable for detection
relative abundance of RL 5b on the population level was of cell-associated compounds. As organic solvents are used for
observed in the sequence of R2 < R1 < WT (Figure S8). These airbrush spray coating of matrix solutions, intracellular
observations suggest that as the WT RhlA exhibits relatively molecules are extracted, incorporated into matrix crystals, and
high selectivity,53 most random mutations tend to decrease detected together with secreted molecules. However, the
rather than enhance its catalytic specificity.26 After retrans- sample preparation procedure can be modified and optimized
12471 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b04641
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 12466−12473
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

to specific target analyte classes. For example, matrix Huimin Zhao: 0000-0002-9069-6739
application by sublimation offers a solvent-free preparation to Jonathan V. Sweedler: 0000-0003-3107-9922
minimize detection of intracellular metabolites. Alternatively, Author Contributions
the geometry of MALDI laser shots is easily modified to ¶
T.S., B.L., and T.J.C. contributed equally.
examine the interior regions of imprinted biomass to enhance
detection of intracellular metabolites (provided there is Notes
sufficient solvent extraction and matrix crystallization on top The authors declare no competing financial interest.
of the biomass). Finally, colonies grown on thin agar may be
mounted directly on a MALDI target to acquire mass spectra
from areas surrounding colonies to improve detection of
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National
secreted compounds.49

Institutes of Health (GM077596 to H.Z., AI113219 to J.V.S.,
and GM097142 to D.A.M.). J.V.S. also acknowledges NSF
CONCLUSIONS CHE 16-067915. T.S. acknowledges postdoctoral fellowship
We have developed an integrated workflow for high-throughput support from the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
screening of multistep enzymatic reactions in bacterial colonies. (UIUC). T.J.C. acknowledges support from an NSF Graduate
Traditional screening methods are either limited to photo- Research Fellowship Program, the Springborn Fellowship, and
metrically active molecules and labeled surrogates, or require the Training Program at the Chemistry-Biology Interface (T32
low-throughput chromatographic separation.12 MS provides a GM070421). We thank Prof. Joshua D. Shrout at the
label-free, highly sensitive platform for monitoring products, University of Notre Dame for kindly providing P. aeruginosa
reactants, and byproducts with high accuracy. Incorporating genomic DNA. We thank Elizabeth Neumann for the help with
machine vision and automatic target patterning greatly microscopy and FT-ICR analyses, Sage J.B. Dunham for
improves MS acquisition efficiency over traditional MSI assays, initiating the rhamnolipid engineering project, and Adam J.
especially for randomly distributed colonies. The resulting mass DiCaprio with the construction of PZN analogue libraries. We
spectra data sets may be subjected to multivariate clustering or also thank Dr. Benjamin Bowen at the Lawrence Berkeley
reduced into univariate plots to quickly assess and select National Lab for the help with mass spectrum deposition at
mutants with desirable phenotypes. Moreover, the capacity to OpenMSI.
rapidly survey the molecular contents of a whole library
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