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Diabetes insipidus in pediatric germinomas of the suprasellar region:

characteristic features and significance of the pituitary bright spot

Article  in  Journal of Neuro-Oncology · September 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s11060-014-1619-7 · Source: PubMed


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J Neurooncol
DOI 10.1007/s11060-014-1619-7


Diabetes insipidus in pediatric germinomas of the suprasellar

region: characteristic features and significance of the pituitary
bright spot
John-Paul Kilday • Suzanne Laughlin •
Stacey Urbach • Eric Bouffet • Ute Bartels

Received: 30 April 2014 / Accepted: 21 September 2014

Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract The pituitary bright spot is acknowledged to with a symptom interval above one year in eight cases
indicate functional integrity of the posterior pituitary gland, (42 %). Desmopressin was commenced and maintained in
whilst its absence supports a diagnosis of central diabetes 16 patients (84 %). The pituitary bright spot was lost in most
insipidus (DI). This feature was evaluated, together with the diagnostic interpretable cases, but was appreciated in three
incidence and clinical characteristics of DI in children with patients (18 %) who had normal serum sodium values
suprasellar/neurohypophyseal germinomas. We performed a compared to ‘absent’ cases (p = 0.013). For two such cases,
review of all suprasellar (SS) or bifocal (BF) germinoma spots remained visible until last follow-up (range
pediatric patients treated in Toronto since 2000. Demo- 0.4–3.3 years), with one still receiving desmopressin. No
graphics, symptomatology, treatment outcome and imaging case of bright spot recovery was observed following therapy.
were evaluated. Nineteen patients fulfilled inclusion criteria Protracted symptom intervals for germinoma-induced cen-
(10 SS, 9 BF; median age 12.5 years (6.2–16.8 years)). All tral DI may reflect poor clinical awareness. Explanations for
remained alive at 6.4 years median follow-up (1.2–13.7 persistence of the pituitary bright spot in symptomatic
years) after receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy patients remain elusive. Desmopressin seldom reverses the
(13 focal/ventricular, four whole brain, two neuraxis), with clinical features of germinoma-induced DI to allow discon-
only one progression. All had symptoms of DI at presentation tinuation, nor does treatment cause bright spot recovery.

Keywords Diabetes insipidus  Pediatric  Germinoma 

Suprasellar  Bifocal  Pituitary bright spot

J.-P. Kilday (&)

Department of Haematology/Oncology (Children’s Brain
Tumour Research Network), Royal Manchester Children’s
Hospital, Oxford Road,
Manchester, Greater Manchester M13 9WL, UK In Western society, intracranial germ cell tumors comprise
e-mail: [email protected] less than five percent of childhood tumors of the central
nervous system [1, 2]. The incidence rises to over ten
S. Laughlin
Division of Neuro-Radiology, Hospital for Sick Children, percent in parts of Eastern Asia [3, 4]. Within this heter-
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5G 1X8, Canada ogeneous tumor group, germinomas represent the most
common histological subtype, accounting for approxi-
S. Urbach
mately 65 % of all cases [5, 6]. Germinomas arise in
Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Hospital for Sick
Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5G 1X8, midline, diencephalic brain structures. The two most
Canada common locations are the pineal and suprasellar (neuro-
hypophyseal) regions, reported at an incidence of 2:1
E. Bouffet  U. Bartels
respectively [7, 8]. Simultaneous primary involvement of
Department of Paediatric Neuro-Oncology, Division of
Haematology/Oncology, Hospital for Sick Children, University both such sites, termed bifocal germinoma, has been
of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5G 1X8, Canada observed in up to one-quarter of cases [9].

J Neurooncol

Central diabetes insipidus (DI) is a recognized, often (AFP) and beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (bhCG)
solitary presenting feature of intracranial germ cell tumors levels B100 IU/Lin serum and/or cerebrospinal fluid
[10, 11]. Along with anterior pituitary dysfunction and (CSF). Except for bifocal cases, histological confirmation
visual disturbances, DI is typically associated with supra- of germinoma was required in the presence of normal
sellar/bifocal germinomas, where it has been described in markers. Patients with focal pineal germinomas or intra-
over 80 % of comparable subgroup analyses [9, 12–25]. cranial non-germinomatous germ cell tumors (the latter
It is widely acknowledged that the clinical and bio- with AFP and bhCG levels exceeding aforementioned
chemical diagnosis of central DI is supported by an thresholds) were excluded from the study to enable ana-
absence of hyperintense signal on T1-weighted MR lysis of a homogenous cohort with regards to tumor loca-
imaging of the posterior pituitary gland [25–28], stemming tion and histopathological diagnosis.
from hypotheses that this pituitary ‘bright spot’ reflected Diabetes insipidus was diagnosed by attending endocri-
functional integrity of the gland by representing arginine nology colleagues on the basis of clinical assessment, abnor-
vasopressin accumulation [26, 29–31]. Indeed, loss of the mal serum and urine electrolytes and osmolality results (using
pituitary bright spot has been reported as a cardinal or institutional normal ranges), urine specific gravity analysis
universal feature of tumor-induced central DI [10, 15]. and, in selected cases, water deprivation. Complete DI was
However other studies refute this, reporting persistence and characterized by a serum osmolality above 300 mOsm/kg
even recovery of the bright spot in patients with symp- combined with a urine osmolality below 200 mOsm/kg, and
tomatic central DI from a variety of etiologies including partial DI by the urine osmolality being above 200 mOsm/kg
malignancy [29, 32], thereby questioning the biochemical yet less than 300 mOsm/kg.
composition and functional relevance of the bright spot. To
date, evaluation of this imaging characteristic in a sub-
stantial cohort of pediatric germinoma patients is lacking.
In order to address these issues, we performed an ana-
MRI imaging was performed at SickKids, Toronto using a
lysis of DI in cases of childhood suprasellar and bifocal
GE LX 1.5-tesla MRI scanner with 8 channel head coil
germinoma. We specifically explored the incidence and
(General Electric Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA).
symptom characteristics of DI in this tumor cohort, whilst
Evaluation of the pituitary bright spot was performed
attempting to ascertain the frequency, clinical significance
independently and blinded from other analyses on both
and implications of retaining or losing the pituitary bright
the diagnostic and most recent follow-up brain MRI
spot for these patients.
scans. All patients in the study underwent sagittal, 3D-T1
weighted images without contrast at 1.5 mm slice depths.
If no bright spot was identified, sagittal T1 FLAIR
sequences and dedicated sellar sequences were subse-
quently performed. Whole brain imaging using contrast
and non-contrast T1 sequences in standard planes (sagit-
tal, axial, coronal) at 1.5 mm slice depths was also per-
A retrospective review of all patients either diagnosed or
formed (Fig. 1).
treated at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto (Sickk-
ids) from 2000 to 2013 was performed. Sickkids is the
principal referral center for childhood brain tumors in Statistical analysis
Southern Ontario, encompassing a population of approxi-
mately one million children and adolescents (aged less than Analyses were performed using SPSS (version 21.0, SPSS
18 years). In turn, cohort analyses can be considered Inc, IBM, NY, USA). Comparison of parametric continu-
population-based. Secondary to a large Asian population, ous variables was performed by Independent sample
the incidence of intracranial germ cell tumors in Toronto is t-testing with 95 % confidence intervals (CIs), while cat-
relatively high [33]. Data on patient demographics, pre- egorical variables were compared using Fisher’s exact
senting symptomatology, therapy, outcomes and imaging testing. Symptom interval was defined as the time lapsed
were collated from institutional clinical and imaging dat- from initial complaint to diagnostic scan. Survival analysis
abases which are regularly maintained for such work [34– was performed by the Kaplan–Meier method. Progression-
36]. The study received approval from the local Research free survival (PFS) was defined in years from the date of
Ethics Board. tumor diagnosis to the date of further disease progression,
Patients with either suprasellar or bifocal germinomas death or censorship if alive. Median follow-up was esti-
were included for evaluation. Patients had to have dem- mated by the inverse Kaplan–Meier method [37]. Signifi-
onstrated normal institutional levels of alpha fetoprotein cance was achieved with p-values below 0.05.

J Neurooncol

Fig. 1 Variable presence of the pituitary bright spot at diagnosis in presence of the posterior pituitary bright spot, distinguishable from
cases of pediatric suprasellar/bifocal germinoma. a diagnostic, non- the dorsum sellae (red arrow in magnified image of pituitary gland
contrast enhanced sagittal-T1 MRI of patient G12 who presented with (outlined box)). This is in contrast to the corresponding diagnostic
bifocal germinoma and acute hydrocephalus (with ventricular image for patient G7 (B), where the posterior pituitary spot is
dissemination noted at subsequent endoscopic biopsy). Note the typically absent

Results (n = 17) or partial DI (n = 2) across all patients. Hypo-

pituitarism was also identified at this point in the majority
Demographics of the cohort (n = 16, 84 %). The most common signs on
initial physical assessment of the group included papille-
Among the 46 patients with intracranial germ cell tumors dema (n = 9, 47 %), and visual impairment (field cut,
treated from January 2000 until December 2013, 19 chil- Parinaud’s syndrome or loss of acuity; n = 8, 42 %).
dren fulfilled inclusion criteria (summarized in Table 1).
The median age of the group was 12.5 years (range Treatment and outcomes
6.2–16.8 years) with a female: male ratio of 1.7:1. Tumors
were localized SS lesions (n = 9), non-metastatic bifocal All 19 children were treated with both chemotherapy, fol-
disease (n = 5), or tumors with neuraxial dissemination lowed by radiotherapy which was either focal (n = 1)
which was observed either by MRI (n = 4; all BF) or as ventricular ± boost (n = 12), whole brain (n = 4) or cra-
‘‘ventricular studding’’ at the time of endoscopic ventric- niospinal (n = 2) (Table 1). The chemotherapy regimens
ulostomy (n = 1; SS). A histological diagnosis of germi- used were predominantly platinum and etoposide based,
noma was made for twelve patients, whilst seven bifocal incorporating ifosfamide for patients treated until 2008. At
cases were diagnosed by a combination of imaging and a median follow-up of 6.4 years (range 1.2–13.7 years), all
tumor marker analysis. patients remain alive. Five-year progression-free survival
was 93 % as a result of localized tumor recurrence in
Clinical presentation patient G5 who had been treated for SS disease with 3
cycles of chemotherapy (carboplatin, etoposide) followed
All 19 patients demonstrated symptoms of DI at diagnosis by ventricular radiotherapy (2,340 cGy). This patient
with increased frequency of micturition being a universal relapsed below the level of the ventricular radiation field at
finding (Fig. 2). Polydipsia was described by almost the the foramen of Luschka, 9 months post completion of
entire cohort (n = 18, 95 %), with five patients drinking in therapy and was successfully salvaged with chemotherapy
excess of five liters of fluid per day. Symptoms of raised including high dose carboplatin, thiotepa, autologous stem
intracranial pressure and visual disturbance were also fre- cell rescue and craniospinal radiation at a dose of
quent complaints. The median symptom interval across the 2,340 cGy.
group was protracted at 6 months (range 1–48 months) and Several clinical sequelae were reported during the
was over one year in eight cases (42 %). Endocrinology follow-up period of this germinoma cohort. Pituitary
assessment and investigations at diagnosis confirmed DI dysfunction, already present in most of the children at

J Neurooncol

Table 1 Patient and treatment characteristics diagnosis, was the most frequent (n = 18, 95 %).
Variable Patient cohort (n = 19)
Encouragingly, vision either remained stable or
improved across the cohort. Other late effects included
Median age 12.5 years (6.2–16.8 years) behavioral difficulties or psychiatric disorders (n = 4,
Median follow-up 6.4 years (1.2–13.7 years) 21 %), memory impairment (n = 4, 21 %) and high
Gender frequency hearing loss (n = 3, 16 %).
Male 7 (37 %)
Female 12 (63 %)
Pituitary bright spot presence, serum sodium values
and desmopressin use
Caucasian 12 (63 %)
Asian 4 (21 %)
An evaluation of brain imaging, laboratory electrolyte
African 1 (5 %)
results and DI therapy, both at diagnosis and most recent
Other 2 (11 %)
follow-up, was performed for all patients in the cohort
(Fig. 3). Bright spot interpretation could not be performed
Suprasellar 10 (53 %) for two patients in the cohort (G2 and G15) as their MRI
Bifocal 9 (47 %) images did not include T1, non-contrast enhanced
Dissemination on MRI sequences. Furthermore, one patient (G6) began treatment
Yes 4 (21 %) overseas and did not have documented diagnostic serum or
No 15 (79 %) urine electrolytes.
Markers The pituitary bright spot was absent in the majority of
Median AFP cases at diagnosis (n = 14/17, 82 %), but was identified in
Serum 1.5 IU/L (range 0–4 IU/L) three patients (G12, G14, G16; 18 %) (Fig. 3a). These three
Lumbar CSF 1.0 IU/L (range 0–1 IU/L) patients had serum sodium values within the institutional
Median bhCG reference range (135–145 mmol/L) when compared to cases
Serum 2.0 IU/L (range 0–38 IU/L) with bright spot loss (p = 0.013, Fisher’s exact test),
Lumbar CSF 2.0 IU/L (range 0–96 IU/L) although direct comparison of mean serum sodium values
Largest tumor diameter between groups did not reach significance (143 mmol/L
Less than 2 cm 8 (42 %) (bright spot present) versus 155 mmol/L (bright spot
Greater than 2 cm 11 (58 %) absent); p = 0.148, Independent t test). Despite the serum
Treatment sodium values, all three bright spot cases had a reduced
Surgery urine: serum osmolality ratio in keeping with a diagnosis of
Biopsy 10 (53 %) DI, which was no less pronounced than the group demon-
PR 2 (11 %) strating bright spot loss (ratio mean 0.62 (bright spot pres-
Plus temporary EVD 3 (16 %) ent) versus mean 0.66; p = 0.817, Independent t test).
Plus ETV 5 (26 %) Desmopressin (DDAVP) was commenced in the vast
Plus VP Shunt 1 (5 %) majority of the cohort (n = 17, 90 %), including two of the
No CSF diversion required 10 (53 %) three patients with a diagnostic bright spot (G12, G14). The
Chemotherapy 19 (100 %) two children not treated with DDAVP (G13 (bright spot
Radiotherapy absent), G16 (bright spot retained)) were diagnosed with
Focal 1 (5 %) partial DI and had symptoms deemed manageable through
Ventricular ± boost 12 (63 %) education, without the need for medication.
Whole brain 4 (21 %) At most recent patient follow-up, the pituitary bright
CS 2 (11 %)
spot remained detectable in two of the three originally
visualized cases (G12 and G16), at 0.4 and 3.28 years from
Alive without progression 18 (95 %)
diagnosis respectively (Fig. 3b). The third patient (G14)
lost the pituitary bright spot on imaging, 9 months after
Alive with progression 1 (5 %)
diagnosis. Intriguingly, this occurred despite the patient
MRI magnetic resonance imaging, AFP alpha fetoprotein, bhCG beta discontinuing DDAVP after 3 months as her symptoms had
human chorionic gonadotrophin, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, IU inter-
national units, L liter, cm centimeters, PR partial resection, CS cra-
resolved. For the remaining cohort, DDAVP use was
niospinal, EVD external ventricular drainage, ETV endoscopic third ongoing for all those who had initially received it, as it had
ventriculostomy ± septostomy brought about electrolyte stability and reduced both the

J Neurooncol

Fig. 2 Presenting symptoms of

the suprasellar/bifocal
germinoma cohort. The median
patient symptom interval (time
from initial complaint to
diagnostic scan) was 6 months
(range 1–48 months). Visual
impairment included upward
gaze palsy (n = 4), diplopia
(n = 3), visual field deficit
(n = 2), monocular visual loss
(n = 2) and photophobia
(n = 1) with symptom overlap
in certain patients

Fig. 3 Serum sodium values, pituitary bright spot presence and (patient G6 who was treated initially overseas) (right group, n = 3).
desmopressin (DDAVP) usage at diagnosis (a) and last follow-up The left and middle groups are ranked by age at diagnosis. The
(b) for the suprasellar/bifocal germinoma cohort. In both figures, normal institutional range for serum sodium (135–145 mmol/L) is
cases are grouped according to presence of the pituitary bright spot at highlighted by the two horizontal red lines on the graph. Where
diagnosis (left group, n = 3), absence of the bright spot at diagnosis available, the diagnostic urine: serum osmolality ratios and urine
(middle group, n = 13), and those with inadequate diagnostic specific gravities are demonstrated. Y yes, N no, X inadequate
imaging (patients G2 and G15) or absent serum sodium results imaging (no T1, non-contrast enhanced MRI images available)

frequency of micturition and consequent lifestyle disrup- Discussion

tion for affected patients. Pituitary bright spot recovery was
not observed for any patient where it had been absent at This retrospective, population-based regional study iden-
diagnosis. tified symptoms of central DI in all children with

J Neurooncol

suprasellar or bifocal germinoma. Significantly protracted dissemination and aggravate long-term consequences [18].
symptom intervals were observed for over one-third of Supportive interventions advocated by this group would be
patients, albeit with excellent survival outcomes following to perform brain MRI with dedicated pituitary sequences in
treatment strategies incorporating chemotherapy and all cases of new onset, idiopathic pediatric DI, and incor-
radiotherapy. This is the first study to evaluate the inci- porate MRI into the initial panel of investigations for
dence and clinical significance of pituitary bright spot suspected cases. Moreover, serial scans may prove an
visualization in a sizeable cohort of symptomatic DI invaluable surveillance tool for detecting occult lesions
patients with suprasellar pediatric germinomas, demon- causing endocrinological imbalance and subtle imaging
strating that while bright spot loss was the archetypal anomalies which precede eventual radiological evidence of
finding, its presence was identified in almost 20 % of tumor growth [18, 25, 41]. Indeed, work analyzing 26
diagnostic cases. Desmopressin was commenced and children with idiopathic DI, loss of the pituitary bright spot
maintained in over 80 % of the cohort but oncological and pituitary stalk thickening concluded that performing
management seldom reversed the clinical features of ger- MRIs every 3–6 months until 3 years from DI diagnosis
minoma-induced DI, nor did it result in bright spot represented a comprehensive method of capturing cases of
recovery for cases of initial absence. inconspicuous suprasellar germinoma [25].
This analysis represents one of the larger single-insti- The pituitary bright spot is typically evident on unen-
tution cohort studies of suprasellar and bifocal germinomas hanced T1-weighted MRI sequences with mean dimensions
in childhood. The demographics of the population analyzed of 4.8 9 2.4 mm, varying according to patient age [44]. Its
were consistent with preceding pediatric intracranial ger- etiology, composition, and therefore functional role,
minoma analyses with respect to median patient age [13, remain uncertain. Whilst the signal intensity has been
15–17, 19, 20, 38] and the female predominance that is ascribed to a high concentration of the neuromodulator
apparent in suprasellar cases [12, 15, 17, 18, 20, 38, 39]. oxytocin in the posterior pituitary [45], or lipid accrual in
The finding that our entire cohort presented with symptoms pituicytes and neurosecretory vesicle membranes [26, 29],
of central DI is also comparable when reviewing recent the most common belief is that the signal intensity repre-
published data on the presenting features of pediatric and sents a protein complex incorporating arginine vasopressin
adolescent patients with suprasellar germinomas, where DI and its transporter neurophysin [26, 30, 31, 46, 47].
was diagnosed in 84 % of patients (n = 150/178), often Depending on the cause, central DI is typically thought to
accompanied by visual impairment and anterior pituitary be associated with vasopressin depletion through either
anomalies as was observed from our experience [9, 12–24]. excessive excretion, storage impairment or production
The prolonged median symptom interval of 6 months in failure, and is assumed to underpin the loss of pituitary
our study cohort remains an ongoing concern amongst bright spot frequently observed [26].
neuro-oncologists, as most other brain tumors of childhood Our findings confirm that absence of the pituitary signal
have a shorter time to diagnosis [18]. This was originally on MRI is the typical finding in central DI secondary to
highlighted in 1985 by a meta-analysis of 215 intracranial germinomatous neurohypophyseal infiltration. However,
germ cell tumors [6], where over a third of germinoma the bright spot can be retained in a proportion of patients,
patients had been symptomatic for greater than 6 months substantiating reports of signal persistence following ther-
before diagnosis. Evidence from our work and that of apy in cases of familial, idiopathic and lesional central DI
comparable studies suggests little improvement has been [29, 48–51]. Explanations for this phenomenon remain
made in reducing this symptom interval over the past theoretical. Since it has been proposed that lesion-induced
30 years [14, 18, 20, 22, 40, 41]. The insidious, non-spe- central DI appears to manifest clinically after destruction of
cific symptomatology of neurohypophyseal lesions 90 % of hypothalamic nuclei [29], it could be argued that
undoubtedly underpins this issue, including the gradual residual functioning pituitary tissue was responsible for the
modification of fluid balance to counteract impaired diagnostic bright spots observed in three of the patients
osmoregulation in cases of DI. Symptoms observed in our from our cohort. This appears substantiated by all three
cohort, ranging from polyuria and polydipsia to delayed children having normal serum sodium values and intact
puberty and anorexia in adolescence, can also be attribut- thirst mechanisms at presentation, albeit with impaired
able to a range of etiologies, the majority of which are urine concentrating ability. Such a hypothesis would
encountered far more frequently than a suprasellar tumor. require verification in a larger cohort of patients since the
As a consequence, awareness of the existence of such difference in serum sodium values between groups with or
lesions among primary healthcare professionals is lacking without a diagnostic bright spot in this analysis, whilst
[42]. Educational programs are now being launched to considerable, did not reach statistical significance. An
address this [43], as evidence suggests delays in diagnosing alternative, unsubstantiated hypothesis for bright spot
intracranial germ cell tumors may increase the risk of persistence despite clinical DI is the aforementioned

J Neurooncol

presence of oxytocin containing granules because oxytocin diagnostic regularity amongst this tumor population. This
is less affected by changes in osmolality [45]. potentially reflects ongoing poor clinical awareness
From our analysis, any theoretical germinoma-induced amongst both medical professionals and the public which
neurohypophyseal injury appears irreparable since no cases warrants consideration by global health authorities. In the
of bright spot recovery were observed and desmopressin interim, surveillance MRI scanning that incorporates sag-
was unable to be discontinued for almost all of those ittal, non-enhanced T1 weighted images and dedicated
commenced on it. This appears to contrast other neoplastic pituitary sequences to optimize bright spot identification is
processes such as Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, where advocated to support the imperative endocrinological
bright spot recovery has been reported with chemotherapy evaluation of all cases of new onset, idiopathic DI.
and desmopressin [32]. In addition, Japanese colleagues
have suggested that the ongoing requirement of desmo-
pressin maintenance therapy in suprasellar germinomas is Conflict of interest All authors declare no conflict of interest.
paradoxically related to the size of the tumor at presenta-
tion, with smaller lesions (less than 2 cm maximum Funding The work was supported by funding from B.R.A.I.N.child,
diameter) requiring more sustained therapy following Canada.
tumor disappearance [13]. Our study refutes this theory, as
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