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[G.R. No. 200972. December 11, 2019.]





This Petition for Review on Certiorari 1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court assails
the July 29, 2011 Decision 2 and February 7, 2012 Resolution 3 of the Court of Appeals
(CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 94046. HTcADC

The Antecedents
Respondent Manuel C. Bulatao (Bulatao) was formerly the Senior Vice-President
(SVP) of the Information Technology (IT) Group of petitioner Philippine National Bank
(PNB). Bulatao's appointment as SVP was evidenced by a letter 4 dated October 3,
1996 which indicated that the Board of Directors (Board) of PNB approved his
appointment by virtue of Board Resolution No. 27 dated September 4, 1996. The same
letter speci ed that his appointment shall take effect on September 16, 1996. Bulatao
averred that he accepted the said appointment as re ected in the conforme portion of
the letter which he signed on October 7, 1996. 5 Another appointment letter 6 dated
February 17, 1999 con rmed Bulatao's appointment as SVP of the IT Group pursuant
to Board Resolution No. 04 dated January 18, 1999.
Bulatao alleged that on October 1, 1999, Mr. Benjamin Palma Gil (Mr. Palma Gil),
then PNB's President, and a certain Mr. Samit Roy (Mr. Roy), an Indian national, hosted a
dinner meeting for PNB's IT staff to announce the conclusion of a Joint Venture
Agreement (JVA) between PNB and Mr. Roy. During dinner Mr. Roy announced that not
all of the IT staff would be retained since everyone had to undergo an International
Competitive Test as a prerequisite for absorption. Those who would not be absorbed
would be offered retirement packages instead. Bulatao contended that the conduct of
the International Competitive Test was a ploy to force IT personnel not supportive of
the project to leave the bank. Notably, Bulatao was one of those who objected to the
JVA because of the supposed huge capital exposure on PNB's end. 7
Eventually, Bulatao manifested his intent to retire in a letter 8 dated November 10,
1999 addressed to Mr. Palma Gil. The pertinent portions of the said letter are as
This is to inform you that I am taking the Bank's offer to retire on 31 December
1999 as announced during your recent meeting with all the IT staff held at the
Skyline Executive Lounge last October 20, 1999.
Kindly appoint my replacement effective today because I am going on an
official leave of absence.
My continued stay is no longer tenable for the following reasons:
• The working environment brought about by the recent decisions by
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management makes it difficult for me to be productive.
• I cannot, in conscience, support the decision on the Joint Venture.
Consequently, I cannot endorse this project to my staff for support and
While I am responsible for introducing Mr. Umen Bewtra of FI of London, I had
certain expectations which could have made the venture more acceptable.
These are:
• That FI would be our partner in view of their track record of managing the
venture at the Bank of Scotland rather than SciCom, which is based in
India and is more of an IT consulting company.
• That due process would be followed wherein IT Mancom will collectively
evaluate the proposal prior to any decision of higher management, which
is what is currently done to procurement of IT resources or decisions
requiring IT Steercom deliberation.
Further, on several occasions, I sought an appointment with Mr. Samit Roy to
discuss sensitive issues that I verbally brought to his and his partners' attention.
These were: aScITE

• 10% charge based on annual IT expenditure. This is a clear con ict of

interest since there is no motivation for the Joint Venture to reduce PNB's
annual costs.
• Elimination of the MIS plan since we already paid Kirchman Corporation for
the Strategic Study.
Furthermore, in compliance to your instructions last September 21, 1999, we did
seek for an appointment with Mr. Roy. However, VP Claro Fernandez and myself
were not able to meet with him although he con rmed a meeting on two
The aforementioned are the reasons for this decision and I hope they explain
clearly why I cannot stay in the employ of the Bank.
xxx xxx xxx
In closing, I would like to express my gratitude for the privilege of having worked
with this fine banking institution. 9
Conversely, PNB alleged that Bulatao felt pessimistic about its plan to outsource
the services of the IT Group to an "Indian" group. Given that the deal with the "Indian"
group did not materialize, Bulatao made a sudden turn-around. 1 0 Meanwhile, Bulatao
alleged that on December 26, 1999, he had a meeting with Mr. Lucio Tan (Mr. Tan), then
a member of the Board, who asked him to reconsider his decision to retire and join Mr.
Tan's management team. Because of this, Bulatao alleged that he went back to work on
January 1, 2000. 1 1 Around that time, aware that the Board had not yet acted on his
application for retirement, Bulatao withdrew the said application in a Memorandum 1 2
dated January 25, 2000 addressed to Feliciano L. Miranda, Jr., then O cer-in-
Charge/Chief Executive Officer of PNB.
On January 29, 2000 or four days from the date of his Memorandum, Bulatao
received a call from the SVP of Human Resource Division who informed him not to
report for work in February 2000 as the Board already accepted his "resignation." For
this reason, Bulatao stopped reporting for work. Subsequently, he led a Complaint 1 3
for illegal dismissal on February 27, 2000 with the National Labor Relations
Commission (NLRC).
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Thereafter, Bulatao received a letter 1 4 dated March 23, 2000 from Manuel C.
Mendoza, the Executive Vice-President of PNB, informing him that the Board, by virtue
of Resolution No. 38 of January 28, 2000, approved and con rmed the acceptance of
his resignation (given that the Board treated his application for retirement as a
Meanwhile, the Complaint led by Bulatao with the NLRC was dismissed for lack
of jurisdiction. The NLRC held that since Bulatao was an appointed o cer of a
corporation, it is the Regional Trial Court (RTC) which has jurisdiction over the case in
accordance with Republic Act (RA) No. 8799 or the Securities Regulation Code. In view
of this, Bulatao led a suit for Illegal Termination of Appointment and Damages 1 5
before the RTC of Parañaque City.
In his testimony, Bulatao averred that PNB erroneously considered his
application for retirement as a resignation. He explained that he applied for retirement
because he objected to a deal with the "Indian" group which he claimed will drain the
bank in the amount of P970 Million. 1 6 He added that Mr. Samit announced that the
entire IT team will undergo a test in order to select the people who will be hired in view
of the JVA. Furthermore, he stated that he feared a potential bank run may arise due to
the JVA. 1 7
Bulatao asserted that after he talked to Mr. Tan, he went back to work so that he
would not be declared to be on Absence Without O cial Leave (AWOL). Afterwards, he
withdrew his application for retirement. However, he received a call from the SVP of
Human Resource Division informing him not to report for work starting February 2000
because the Board has already accepted his "resignation." 1 8
Claro Bernardino (Bernardino), the previous Records Custodian of the Records
Division of the Human Resource Division and who also previously held a position with
the Bene ts Division of PNB, testi ed that at the time, he was in-charge of the
processing of separation, retirement, and resignation of PNB personnel. He averred
that PNB offered a Special Separation Incentive Plan (SSIP) from July 13, 1998 until
September 13, 1998 wherein employees have to apply by submitting forms to the
Human Resource Division. Thereafter, PNB again offered a Special Separation Plan
(SSP) from February 15, 2001 to April 10, 2001. Bernardino clari ed that there was no
other offer for retirement plans in between the periods covered by the SSIP and the

On cross-examination, Bernardino stated that his o ce did not receive Bulatao's

application for retirement dated November 10, 1999 but posited that it received a
resignation letter. 2 0 He said that the letter was treated as one for resignation even if its
introductory sentence indicated that it was an application for retirement. Nonetheless,
he admitted that if an employee's application for retirement is denied, he or she would
accordingly be informed of the said denial and would not be terminated. However, he
clari ed that if the retiring/resigning employees held the rank of Vice President or
Senior Vice President, the Board was tasked to approve their respective resignations or
retirement applications. 2 1
The Ruling of the Regional Trial Court

In a May 19, 2009 Decision, 2 2 Branch 196 of the RTC of Parañaque City found no
proof that Bulatao returned to work. Additionally, there was no document showing that
his absence was with prior leave, leading the trial court to conclude that Bulatao
abandoned his employment when he went on voluntary leave for 81 days from
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November 11, 1999 to January 31, 2000 upon submission of a request to avail of an
early retirement scheme. His intention to sever his employment with PNB was clearly
re ected in his letter when he stated that he cannot stay in the employ of the bank and
that PNB should nd a replacement. It found that when Bulatao immediately went on
leave and did not report without justi able reason, this signi ed his intention to sever
his relations with the bank which constituted as abandonment of work. Accordingly, the
trial court held that Bulatao's application to retire was belied by his actions which
actually demonstrated an intention to abandon work, much like a resignation letter
which is effective immediately.
The RTC further held that Bulatao did not render service until after his request for
retirement was properly screened which disrupted the operations of his division.
Bulatao did not even inquire about the status of his request, except when he was
informed not to report for work as his resignation had already been approved. The RTC
opined that his actions in leaving the bank with haste and staying unaccounted for quite
some time left much to be desired for a senior bank official like him.
Moreover, the trial court found that PNB cannot be faulted for considering that
Bulatao has resigned from employment given that he has already manifested his
intention to leave the bank and in fact immediately left without any valid explanation.
PNB was not precluded from accepting Bulatao's resignation as it was the only thing
left to be done considering that his acts of abandonment were tantamount to a
voluntary resignation. It interpreted Bulatao's memorandum withdrawing his
application for retirement as an afterthought given his actuations before the ling
thereof, especially when he did not return to work after ling a notice of retirement.
Hence, the RTC dismissed Bulatao's Complaint for lack of merit.
Bulatao asked for a reconsideration 2 3 but it was denied by the RTC Order 24
dated August 25, 2009. Dismayed, Bulatao appealed 2 5 to the CA.
The Ruling of the Court of Appeals

The CA, in its assailed July 29, 2011 Decision, 2 6 held that PNB failed to present
evidence to show that there was no announcement regarding the availability of a
retirement scheme which encouraged Bulatao to apply for one. It ruled that the
announcement made by the President of PNB is akin to the principle of promissory
estoppel. It declared that Bulatao properly relied on the announcement made by Mr.
Samit and Mr. Palma Gil. However, since there was no actual retirement plan or scheme
which Bulatao could have availed of, he correctly withdrew his application for
retirement, although it was done for a different reason (which was the supposed
prodding of Mr. Tan for him to continue working for PNB).
In any case, the appellate court held that Bulatao's withdrawal of his application
for retirement left PNB without any application to accept or deny. Thus, the issuance of
Board Resolution No. 38 was awed because the matter of Bulatao's application was
already out of the Board's purview after Bulatao withdrew the same.
The CA noted that even if Bulatao's application for retirement is treated as a
resignation letter, the circumstances under which he manifested his desire to leave
work rendered the same involuntary. It ruled that Bulatao was prompted to apply for
retirement due to unbearable conditions brought about by the employer and not due to
his desire to sever his working relationship with PNB. ATICcS

The appellate court found that Bulatao went on o cial leave immediately after
ling his application for retirement but returned to work on January 1, 2000 until he was
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verbally informed on January 29, 2000 not to report for work starting February 2000.
Bulatao went back to work even without any notice from PNB for him to return; hence,
there was no basis for the charge of abandonment. It further found that: "Resolution No.
[3]8 that treated [Bulatao's] application for retirement as a resignation letter is silent on
this point nor did it mention anything about the lack of a valid leave form to cover the
period that Bulatao was supposed to be on leave. Worse, said resolution came three (3)
days after [Bulatao] withdrew his application for retirement. To hold [Bulatao] guilty of
abandonment when [PNB] had the opportunity to charge him for the same will be
violative of [Bulatao's] right to due process and an evasion of PNB's duty to observe the
two (2) notice rule." 2 7
In view of foregoing ndings, the CA declared that Bulatao was illegally
dismissed and entitled to reinstatement and backwages as well as damages. The
dispositive portion of the appellate court's assailed Decision reads:
WHEREFORE , the appeal is GRANTED and the Decision dated May 19,
2009 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE . Appellant is hereby found to have been
illegally dismissed and is hereby ordered REINSTATED to his former or
equivalent position without loss of seniority rights. Accordingly he is entitled to
1. Backwages, inclusive of allowances, and bene ts or their monetary
equivalent, computed from the time the same were withheld up to the time
of appellant's actual reinstatement;
2. Moral damages in the amount of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND
(PHP100,000.00) PESOS;
3. Exemplary damages in the amount of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND
(PHP100,000.00) PESOS;
4. TEN (10%) PERCENT attorney's fees.
This case is remanded to the court of origin for computation of
backwages and other monetary awards due appellant.

PNB led a motion for reconsideration which was denied by the CA in a

Resolution 2 9 dated February 7, 2012. Discontented, PNB elevated 3 0 this case before
Us and raised the following errors:

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Thus, the main issue in this Petition is whether or not Bulatao was illegally
The Ruling of the Court
The Petition is unmeritorious.
PNB argues that the appellate court erred in giving credence to Bulatao's reliance
on a supposed announcement of an early retirement plan and faulted PNB for its failure
to show proof that no such announcement was made. It asserts that considering
Bulatao's position, he should have not merely relied on a verbal announcement and
instead con rmed whether there was indeed such company policy and its basis,
including the necessary formality and documentation for the processing of the
supposed application for retirement. It contends that Bulatao has the burden of proof
to show that he applied for inclusion in the alleged early retirement plan. 3 2
Furthermore, the bank points out that Bulatao's demand to sever his employment
ties was immediate and categorical as indicated in his letter. While he intended to go on
terminal leave, he never led and presented evidence that he actually led any
application to go on such leave. Instead, he went on "voluntary leave" for 81 days
without permission or justi able reason, except for his demand to retire early. It argues
that PNB should not be faulted for accepting Bulatao's voluntary act of resignation and
should not be expected to accommodate his sudden change of heart, especially since
he manifested his intention to leave at once. 3 3
Moreover, PNB asserts that "[g]iven the nature and position of [Bulatao's]
appointment, coupled with his expressed sentiments, overt acts, and
omissions ( e.g. , failure to le an application for 81-day leave or inclusion in
any form of retirement plan), all of which evinced his desire to leave the Bank,
the conclusion is inevitable. His separation from the Bank was voluntary ." 3 4
Furthermore, it questions why the CA did not consider the trial court's ndings on the
matter. 3 5
Bulatao counters that his testimony and PNB's admissions prove that there was
an offer for early retirement to PNB's IT staff. He emphasizes that PNB admitted the
existence of the retirement offer during the pre-trial conference before the trial court
since it admitted Bulatao's letter dated November 10, 1999 in its entirety. He adds that
PNB did not present any evidence to counter his claim that an offer for early retirement
was made. 3 6
He avers that Resolution No. 38 was invalid and insists that his letter dated
November 10, 1999 was not a resignation letter but an application for early retirement,
as he believed in good faith that PNB's offer was valid. He adds that PNB's witness,
Bernardino, admitted during trial that it was not the practice of PNB to automatically
terminate the employee in the event that his/her application for retirement is denied. In
spite of this, his letter was deemed as a resignation which was wrong and unfair.
Moreover, he states that Resolution No. 38 was issued on January 28, 2000, or three
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days after the withdrawal of his application for retirement through a Memorandum
dated January 25, 2000. 3 7
Bulatao insists that he did not abandon his work and that PNB failed to show
proof that he did so or that he intended to resign, or that his o cial leave was not
granted. This was even demonstrated by his ling of cases for illegal dismissal which
were inconsistent with abandonment. 3 8
PNB rebuts that Bulatao failed to prove the existence of the offer of an early
retirement plan. It argues that Bulatao did nothing more to formalize or follow-up his
supposed application for retirement. It maintains that given the position and nature of
Bulatao's appointment, coupled with his sentiments, actuations and omissions, he
demonstrated his desire to leave PNB. His acts amounted to abandonment since he
went on voluntary leave without justi able explanation and asked that his replacement
be appointed effective November 10, 1999, which were indicative of his intention to
sever the employer-employee relationship. 3 9 AIDSTE

At the outset, it should be noted that during the period when Bulatao opted to
avail of the supposed offer for an early retirement, there was no existing documented
retirement offers from PNB. Apparently, PNB only offered an SSIP 4 0 from July 13,
1998 to September 13, 1998 and an SSP 4 1 from February 15, 2001 to April 10, 2001.
These offers were evidenced by circulars and other documentation, which required an
employee to ll out an application form and to comply with the conditions for eligibility.
Notably, there was no documented offer for a retirement plan from September 14,
1998 to February 14, 2001, 4 2 the period covering Bulatao's application for early
However, as the appellate court found, PNB did not present any proof to counter
Bulatao's positive assertion that there was a verbal announcement about an option for
early retirement for those who attended the meeting. In fact, PNB admitted that there
was a meeting at that time. 4 3 Believing in good faith that there was a valid offer as the
same came from a top o cial of the bank, Bulatao deemed it best to avail of it since he
also believed that the future working conditions would not be comfortable for him due
to the entry of the "Indian" group. As the CA ruled, the circumstances in which the bank
expected Bulatao to work impelled him to apply for retirement, and not because he
actually wished to sever his employment ties with PNB.
As declared by the appellate court, the situation calls for the application of the
doctrine of promissory estoppel, which is "an exception to the general rule that a
promise of future conduct does not constitute an estoppel. In some jurisdictions, in
order to make out a claim of promissory estoppel, a party bears the burden of
establishing the following elements: (1) a promise reasonably expected to induce
action or forbearance; (2) such promise did in fact induce such action or forbearance[;]
and (3) the party suffered detriment as a result." 4 4 In the case at bench, Bulatao was
constrained to apply for early retirement due to the announcement of its availability and
because of the unfavorable future working conditions he would face after the supposed
JVA with the "Indian" group and the conduct of the International Competitive Test.
Consequently, Bulatao suffered detriment as his application for early retirement was
unexpectedly interpreted as a resignation by the Board and he was subsequently
advised not to report for work anymore notwithstanding the withdrawal of his
application for early retirement.
Bulatao withdrew his application for early retirement since Mr. Tan purportedly
asked him to work in a different capacity in the bank. Hence, he manifested such
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withdrawal through a Memorandum three days before PNB's Board released Resolution
No. 38 accepting his supposed resignation. In effect, the Board did not have any basis
for its resolution since Bulatao already withdrew his application.
In his letter dated November 10, 1999, Bulatao also mentioned that he was
taking an o cial leave of absence immediately after ling the said letter. Notably, he
failed to submit proof that he lled out an o cial leave form and led the same with
PNB's Human Resource Division. Curiously, though, even with the receipt of Bulatao's
letter dated November 10, 1999, the bank did not require him to le the corresponding
leave form. Additionally, PNB did not order him to return to work lest he be deemed to
be on AWOL given that his o cial leave was supposedly not approved. In fact, PNB did
not charge him with abandonment in spite of its allegation that he did not report for
work for around 81 days. PNB failed to issue any notice to explain or a notice of
hearing, or even to conduct a clari catory meeting to shed light on Bulatao's supposed
case of abandonment. There was a signi cant inaction on the part of PNB which
suggested that although not the norm, Bulatao's acts, as a senior o cial, were not
considered as highly irregular especially with regard to his taking an o cial leave of
absence. PNB's inaction could be deemed that it has accepted Bulatao's application for
leave, even though it was not in the standard form or strictly in accordance with the
bank's practices.
In view of the attendant circumstances, Bulatao could not be considered as
having abandoned his employment. To establish abandonment, the employer must
prove that "first, the employee must have failed to report for work or must have been
absent without valid or justi able reason; and second, [that] there must have been a
clear intention on the part of the employee to sever the employer-employee relationship
manifested by some overt act." 4 5 AaCTcI

In this case, it was clear in Bulatao's letter dated November 10, 1999 that he was
taking an o cial leave of absence following his statement that he was taking the
bank's offer to retire. Thus, there was reason for Bulatao's absence at the time, which
We already noted to be accepted and approved due to PNB's undeniable inaction.
Moreover, while Bulatao intended to take up the offer to retire which would have led to
the severance of the employer-employee relationship, it should be considered that the
circumstances surrounding such decision was in uenced by the JVA with the "Indian"
group which Bulatao did not agree with. As held by the CA, such instance did not stem
from Bulatao's desire to willingly and unconditionally cut ties with PNB but because of
the JVA which he believed to be disadvantageous to the bank.
In addition, Bulatao categorically withdrew his application to retire as mentioned
in his memorandum which he submitted before the Board "approved" his application to
"resign." Indeed, "[t]here must be a positive and overt act signifying an employee's
deliberate intent to sever his or her employment," 4 6 which is wanting in this case. There
are doubts surrounding his intent to retire coupled with the fact that he speci cally
desisted from doing so. Jurisprudence pronounced that "mere absence from work,
even after a notice to return, is insu cient to prove abandonment." 4 7 In Bulatao's case,
there was not even any notice to return to work. Simply put, the totality of Bulatao's
acts, coupled with PNB's inaction, led to the conclusion that he did not intend to
summarily cut his ties with PNB.
Even if Bulatao's application for retirement were to be considered premature, he
contended that his employment should not have been terminated and that PNB should
have just denied his application and ordered him to report back to work, 4 8 as
Bernardino testi ed during the trial. Unfortunately, Bulatao was not informed whether
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he committed lapses with regard to his applications for o cial leave and early
retirement. He was left under the impression that everything was in order when in fact
his letter dated November 10, 1999 was already being treated as a resignation letter
for consideration of the Board.
Also, it was likely that PNB might have interpreted his application for o cial
leave as terminal leave prior to his "resignation." If this was the case, PNB should have
required Bulatao to properly fill out a leave form for his terminal leave or official leave of
absence. To stress, however, the bank did not send any notice to Bulatao to explain his
absence, considering his position as SVP.
Bulatao even alleged that he returned to work on January 1, 2000. But then on
January 29, 2000, he was suddenly verbally informed not to report for work starting
February 2000. Around that time, apparently, the Board released Resolution No. 38 on
January 28, 2000 which "approved and con rmed" the acceptance of his "resignation."
Yet, it still took more than a month, speci cally on March 23, 2000, for Bulatao to be
informed in writing about the said decision by the Board. The Court nds without
justi cation PNB's treatment of Bulatao's letter as one for resignation and its
subsequent "acceptance" of the same to ultimately terminate his employment. Neither
was there any basis to charge him with abandonment for his failure to report for work.
It is also important to note that ling an illegal dismissal case is inconsistent
with abandonment, as in fact, in his complaint with the RTC, Bulatao prayed for
reinstatement. 4 9 Indeed, "[a]n employee who loses no time in protesting his layoff
cannot by any reasoning be said to have abandoned his work, for it is already a well-
settled doctrine that the ling by an employee of a complaint for illegal dismissal with a
prayer for reinstatement is proof enough of his desire to return to work, thus negating
the employer's charge of abandonment." 5 0 PNB failed to show that Bulatao had a clear
and deliberate intent to sever his employment without any intention of returning, as it
was not able to rebut with su cient evidence Bulatao's withdrawal of his application
for retirement. Additionally, PNB did not convincingly disprove Bulatao's claim that the
real reason behind his ling for early retirement was his dissatisfaction with the
agreement with the "Indian" group, even if the said agreement did not materialize.
In light of these observations and ndings, PNB failed to prove by convincing
evidence that there was just or authorized cause for terminating Bulatao from
employment. 5 1 Moreover, jurisprudence states that "[w]hen the evidence of the
employer and the employee are in equipoise, doubts are resolved in favor of labor. This
is in line with the policy of the State to afford greater protection to labor." 5 2
We note that the CA ordered the reinstatement of Bulatao. It should be
emphasized, however, that although reinstatement is a matter of right, the award of
separation pay is an exception to such rule, as it is awarded in lieu of reinstatement in
the following circumstances: "(a) when reinstatement can no longer be effected in view
of the passage of a long period of time or because of the realities of the situation; (b)
reinstatement is inimical to the employer's interest; (c) reinstatement is no longer
feasible; (d) reinstatement does not serve the best interests of the parties involved; (e)
the employer is prejudiced by the workers' continued employment; (f) facts that make
execution unjust or inequitable have supervened; or (g) strained relations between the
employer and employee." 5 3 EcTCAD

Taking into account the lapse of time as well as the age and capacity to work of
Bulatao, reinstatement is no longer feasible. In fact, Bulatao revealed that he has
suffered and is still suffering from various medical ailments such as stroke, arthritis,
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gout, cervical spondylosis, and even had to undergo cancer treatments and heart
surgery during the pendency of this case. 5 4 Thus, the grant of separation pay in lieu of
reinstatement is more appropriate under the circumstances.
Likewise, as ruled by the CA, Bulatao is entitled to damages and attorney's fees
55 since "the proper action on [Bulatao's] application for retirement should have been to
deny the same instead of immediately terminating [Bulatao] and treating the same as a
resignation letter. Worse, the actual notice of Resolution No. [3]8 dated March 3, 2000
was received by [Bulatao] months after he was told not to report for work anymore." 5 6
It is settled that "moral damages are recoverable where the dismissal of the employee
was attended by bad faith or fraud or constituted an act oppressive to labor, or was
done in a manner contrary to morals, good customs, or public policy, while exemplary
damages may be awarded if the dismissal was effected in a wanton, oppressive or
malevolent manner." 5 7 Moreover, attorney's fees may be awarded since there is a
factual, legal, or equitable basis for doing so in light of the circumstances surrounding
the case. 5 8 Bulatao was compelled to engage the services of counsel in order to
protect his rights after he was unjustly dismissed.
Lastly, the backwages including allowances and bene ts or their monetary
equivalent which were granted in favor of Bulatao shall, in accordance with Our ruling in
Nacar v. Gallery Frames , 5 9 earn legal interest of twelve (12%) percent per annum from
the time these were withheld until June 30, 2013 and six percent (6%) per annum from
July 1, 2013 until fully paid.
WHEREFORE , the Petition for Review on Certiorari is hereby DENIED . The
assailed July 29, 2011 Decision and February 7, 2012 Resolution of the Court of
Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 94046 are hereby AFFIRMED with MODIFICATIONS in
that respondent Manuel C. Bulatao is AWARDED :
1. FULL BACKWAGES , inclusive of allowances and other bene ts or their
monetary equivalent from the time these were withheld until nality of this
month salary for every year of service, with a fraction of at least six (6)
months considered as one whole year computed from the date of his
appointment as Senior Vice-President of the Information Technology
Group until finality of judgment.
Moreover, the total monetary award shall EARN legal interest at twelve percent
(12%) per annum from the time his salary and other bene ts were withheld until June
30, 2013 and at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum from July 1, 2013 until full
satisfaction of the same.
The case is REMANDED to the court of origin for the proper computation of
separation pay and backwages, other allowances and bene ts or their monetary
equivalent, and for the execution of the award. HSAcaE

Perlas-Bernabe, A.B. Reyes, Jr., Lazaro-Javier * and Delos Santos, JJ., concur.

* Designated additional member per Raffle dated November 20, 2019.
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1. Rollo, pp. 29-59.
2. Id. at 9-23; penned by Associate Justice Magdangal M. de Leon and concurred in by
Associate Justices Mario V. Lopez (now a member of this Court) and Socorro B. Inting.

3. Id. at 25-26.
4. Id. at 81.
5. Id.
6. Records, p. 91.

7. Rollo, p. 62.
8. Id. at 97-99.
9. Id.
10. Id. at 35-36.
11. Id. at 63.

12. Id. at 105.

13. Id. at 101.

14. Id. at 100.

15. Id. at 84-95.

16. TSN, April 27, 2006, p. 33.

17. Id. at 38-39.

18. Id. at 43-46.

19. TSN, August 14, 2008, pp. 5, 9-18.

20. Id. at 24.

21. TSN, October 21, 2008, pp. 5-13.

22. CA rollo, pp. 11-19; penned by Judge Brigido Artemon M. Luna II.

23. Records, pp. 620-633.

24. CA rollo, p. 25.

25. Id. at 22-24.

26. Rollo, pp. 9-23.

27. Id. at 20.

28. Id. at 21-22.

29. Id. at 25-26.

30. Id. at 29-59.

31. Id. at 41-42.

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2020

32. Id. at 43-44.

33. Id. at 45-46.

34. Id. at 48.

35. Id. at 50-51.

36. Id. at 66-69.

37. Id. at 70-71.

38. Id. at 71-73.

39. Id. at 232-237.

40. Records, pp. 445-462.

41. Id. at 463-494.

42. CA rollo, pp. 81-82.

43. Records, p. 83.

44. Mendoza v. Court of Appeals, 412 Phil. 14, 29 (2001), citing 28 Am Jur 2d 481.

45. Hubilla v. HSY Marketing Ltd., Co., G.R. No. 207354, January 10, 2018, 850 SCRA 372, 399,
citing MZR Industries v. Colambot, 716 Phil. 617, 627 (2013); Samarca v. Arc-Men
Industries, Inc., 459 Phil. 506, 515 (2003); MSMG-UWP v. Ramos, 383 Phil. 329, 371-371
(2000); Icawat v. National Labor Relations Commission, 389 Phil. 441, 445 (2000); and
Seven Star Textile Company v. Dy, 541 Phil. 468, 481 (2007).
46. Hubilla v. HSY Marketing Ltd., Co., id., citing Samarca v. Arc-Men Industries, id.

47. Hubilla v. HSY Marketing Ltd., Co., id., citing Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Employees
Association-NATU v. Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd., 147 Phil. 194, 217 (1971).
48. CA rollo, p. 85.

49. Rollo, p. 94.

50. Hantex Trading Co., Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 438 Phil. 737, 744 (2002).

51. See LABOR CODE, Articles 296 and 300; Aldovino v. Gold and Green Manpower
Management and Development Services, Inc., G.R. No. 200811, June 19, 2019.
52. Hubilla v. HSY Marketing, Ltd., Co., supra note 45 at 397.

53. Fernandez, Jr. v. Manila Electric Co., G.R. No. 226002, June 25, 2018, citing Ergonomic
Systems, Philippines, Inc. v. Enaje, G.R. No. 195163, December 13, 2017, 848 SCRA 503;
Holcim Phils., Inc. v. Obra, 792 Phil. 594, 609 (2016); and Balais, Jr. v. Se'Lon by Aimee,
787 Phil. 287 (2016)
54. Rollo, pp. 344-345, 352.

55. CIVIL CODE, Article 2208; Aldovino v. Gold and Green Manpower Management and
Development Services, Inc., supra note 51.
56. Rollo, p. 21.

57. Freyssinet Filipinas Corp. v. Lapuz, G.R. No. 226722, March 18, 2019, citing Pasos v.
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2020
Philippine National Construction Corporation, 713 Phil. 416, 437 (2013).
58. See Pardillo v. Bandojo, G.R. No. 224854, March 27, 2019.

59. Nacar v. Gallery Frames, 716 Phil. 267, 280-283 (2013); see Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Monetary Board Circular No. 799, Series of 2013.

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2020

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