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The Uzbek-American Expedition in Bukhara. Preliminary Report on the Third

Season (2017)
Sören Starka, Fiona J. Kiddb, Jamal K. Mirzaakhmedovc, Shujing Wanga, Robert N. Spengler IIIf, Siroj
J. Mirzaakhmedovc, Zachary Silviae, Silvia Pozzid, Husniddin Rakhmonovc, Megan Sligare and Munira Sultanovac
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, New York, NY, USA; bNew York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, UAE;
Institute of Archaeology, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Samarkand/Tashkent, Uzbekistan; dUniversità degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Naples,
Italy; eDepartment of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA, USA; fDepartment of Archaeology, Max Planck
Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany

Excavations at the site of Bashtepa, at the western interface of the Bukhara oasis and the Kyzyl-kum Sogdiana; Bukhara; Bashtepa;
desert, and at the kurgan sites at Kuyu-Mazar and Lyavandak on the eastern and north eastern fringes Kuyu-mazar; Lyavandak
of the oasis, are detailed here, enriching our understanding of agro-pastoralism in Antiquity. At
Bashtepa, results indicate a shifting site function, from a border fortress, over a phase during
which a monumental though still poorly understood platform dominated the northern part of the
site, to a final phase when the site evolved into a small rural settlement characterized by pit
houses. Preliminary archaeo-botanical and paleo-zoological studies demonstrate an engagement
with grain farming, but also with animal husbandry, as well as hunting and fishing. Ceramics
indicate contacts with the surrounding oases. Excavations at the kurgan provide new data on
burial architecture and funerary customs, including a collective burial with khums being used as
containers for human bones. Results challenge the chronology of previously excavated
comparable kurgans in the area, suggesting an earlier date. The analysis of ceramics from the
kurgan burials underlines the need to rework the dating of the ceramic typology for the Bukhara
oasis, especially for the period between the 3rd century BCE and the 3rd century CE.

Introduction (by Sören Stark with

Contributions by Fiona J. Kidd)
agricultural fields, and as burial assemblages. The latter
Since 2015 the Uzbek-American Expedition in Bukhara show strong connections with Late Iron Age pastoral cul-
(UzAmEB) – a collaborative project between the Acad- tures across the Eurasian steppes. This article provides a
emy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, the Institute for the preliminary report of the results of our third project sea-
Study of the Ancient World at New York University, son, which took place from July to October 2017.
and New York University Abu Dhabi – has been inves- The oasis of Bukhara is shaped by the delta of the Zer-
tigating the area that was the periphery of the oasis of afshan River and currently covers an area of ca. 3200 km²
Bukhara in Uzbekistan during Antiquity.1 The overall (Figure 1). In 2017, we concentrated our investigations in
aim of our work is to develop a better understanding two areas: (1) in an area of the Kyzyl-Kum desert (called
of agro-pastoral economic and cultural networks at the Kemirek-Kum)2 that was during antiquity the western
oasis-steppe interface of western Central Asia during limit of the oasis and is now partially covered by moving
the last centuries of the 1st millennium BCE and the sands; and (2) at the eastern periphery, where the oasis bor-
early centuries of the 1st millennium CE. Our immediate ders the plateau of the so-called “Middle steppe/desert” (in
study areas – one at the western and one at the eastern Tūrkī: ūrta chūl) – an extensive desert steppe between the
periphery of the oasis – include rural settlement sites, Middle and Lower Zerafshan (Kattakurgan and Bukhara)
production areas, water management installations, and the Lower Kashka-Darya (Qarshi/Nakhshab). In the

CONTACT Sören Stark [email protected] Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, 15 East 84th Street, New York, 10028 NY, USA
For our earlier field work in 2015 and 2016 see Stark et al., “Bashtepa 2016: Preliminary Report of the First Season of Excavations (with an appendix by Aleksandr
This toponym might by derived from the “Kanpirak” wall, the famous late-antique and medieval oasis wall the remains of which can be found in this same stretch
of desert. On this wall see Мухамедов, Из истории древних оборонительных стен вокруг оазисов Узбекистана. »Стена Канпирак«
древнебухарского оазиса (автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических наук), Штарк and
Мирзаахмедов, “Первые результаты новых исследований на оазисной стене Бухарского Согда «Девор-и Канпирак»”; Stark and Mirzaakhmedov,
“The Eastern Gate of Bukhārān Soghd.”
This article has been republished with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.
© 2020 British Institute of Persian Studies

Figure 1. Map.

old oasis territory to the west of the present-day oasis we Around the site, our preparatory intensive survey, con-
continued our excavations at the site of Bashtepa. At the ducted in July and August 2015 over an area of 416 ha,
eastern border of the oasis – which has been stable for at revealed a dense clustering of additional anthropogenic
least the past two millennia – we renewed excavations at traces. These finds ranged from low mounds, significant
two of the numerous Late Iron Age kurgan cemeteries in scatters of ceramics and worked stones (perhaps the
this area: Kuyu-mazar and Lyavandak. remains of open sites where agricultural produce was pro-
cessed), to traces of field lot systems and water manage-
ment structures.4 This landscape must be largely
contemporary with the existence of Bashtepa and the
1. Excavations at Bashtepa (by Sören Stark) neighbouring smaller tepas and thus predates the mediae-
The site of Bashtepa is the westernmost of a cluster of more val period with its extensive landscape transformations.5
than a dozen tepas, ca. 50 km northwest of the city of Excavations at Bashtepa started in 2016 and were contin-
Bukhara (small map in Figure 1). These tepas are very ued and extended during the 2017 season (Figures 2–3).
small in size, measuring between 0.01 and 0.2 ha. Despite They pertain to the following sectors and features:
the small size, the site of Bashtepa is characterised by
impressive fortifications. In all likelihood it served orig- . Continuing excavation of the pit-house and waste
inally as a border fortress and way station on what was deposit complex in the centre of the site (quadrants
the most direct route between Sogdiana and Choresmia.3 E05NW, E05NE, F05SE, F05SW);
See on this in detail Stark et al., “Bashtepa 2016.”
See in detail Kidd and Stark, “‘Urbanism’ in Antique Sogdiana?”
On the results of the survey see Stark et al., Report on the Works of the Uzbek-American Expedition.

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