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Rune Factory 3 Walkthrough and General Guide

by Freyashawk

Created on 8 November 2010

Last updated on 23 December

Note on 9 November: This is a preliminary Guide and will be updated

at this point. I am transferring and organising my game journal
into my Guides as quickly as possible but you will have to be patient as

My new Rune Factory 3 site can be found at:

As of 15 November, I have created this Walkthrough/General Guide, a

Recipes Guide, an Items Guide, a Characters Guide, a Requests Guide and
Bestiary and Dungeons Guide.

My primary Harvest Moon site is at:

Table of Contents

Request System
Free Items
Basic Farming
Shara's Farming Tutorial
Farming Controls
Basic Farm Tools
Introduction to Cooking
The Fruits of any Harvest
Energy Recovery
Early Exploitations
Initial Priorities
Social Interactions
The Value of Gifts
Advice from Subsidiary Characters
Poison Squares and Neutral Agent
Befriending Monsters with Cooked Dishes
Calendar of Festivals and Birthdays
Introduction to Fishing
Friendship and Social Interactions
Your Introduction to Combat
Access to Weapons and Equipment
Combat Strategies
Basic Rules of Dungeons
Walkthrough: Privera Forest
Initiation into Monster Transformation
Building a Monster Barn
Walkthrough: Sol Terrano Desert
Univir Settlement
Expansion of the Sharance Tree
Walkthrough: Skelafang and Second Orb
2nd Expansion of Sharance Tree
Furniture at the General Store
Walkthrough: Oddward Valley
Sakuya and the Howling Food Stealer
The Twin Dragons and the Third Orb
Walkthrough: Vale River
Walking on Water
Sinister Laughter
Basic Descriptions of the Seasonal Dungeons
Privera Forest
Sol Terrano
Oddward Valley
Vale River
Monster Behaviour Guide
Ranch Products and Gifts
Working with Monsters
Dungeons and the Four Seasons
Transport Monsters
Monster Lists
Privera Forest Bestiary
Sol Terrano Bestiary
Oddward Valley Bestiary
Vale River Bestiary
Dragon Cave
Items from Dungeons
Ores and Gems
War Trophies
Local Shop Menus
Diamond General Store
Fantastic Flowers
The Witch's Cauldron
Evelyn's Clothing Store
The Miyako Inn
Paradise Bathhouse
Gift Shop
Blaise's Diner
Carlo's Resort
A Guide to Fishing
Fish List
A Guide to Cooking
Easy Dishes for an Aspiring Chef
Quality and Value
Kitchen Cookbooks
Forging in Rune Factory 3
Forge Recipes
Workbench Recipes
Pharmacy Recipes
Items Lists
Weapons, Equipment and Accessories
Foraged Items
Ingredients from Shops
Rune Skills
Special Items: Presents


Rune Factory, at its inception, was part of the Harvest Moon series and
in fact
had 'A Fantasy Harvest Moon' appended to the title. Some reviewers of
game referred to it as 'Harvest Moon with a sword'. In fact, it quickly
developed into a series that, while sharing the fundamental philosophy
of life
with Harvest Moon, was unique.

Rune Factory 3 is the third Rune Factory game made for the DS platform.
It has
much in common both with Rune Factory 1 and Rune Factory 2 but will
fans of the series with surprising new aspects that have been added to

As with any Rune Factory game, there is a strong plot that will unfold
as your
Character attains higher levels of success, unlocks new areas and
close relationships with every member of the community. Requests given
other Characters can result simply in a material Reward or can advance
Romance or the Main Story.

Essentially, all Rune Factory games are based on farming and combat
together as
a means by which ingredients can be obtained to create items in many
categories: Medicines, Cooked Dishes, Weapons, Equipment and

As in other Rune Factory games, items have more than one Level. One
goal when
farming is to obtain higher levels of Crop Seeds in order to grow better
Crops. Your Character will be able to forge his own Weapons and
upgrading them by using higher levels of ingredients. War Trophies
taken from
defeated Monsters are essential ingredients in creating Weapons,
Equipment and

Requests System

Players of Rune Factory 2 will be familiar with the Request System but
operation is slightly different in Rune Factory 3. Although Requests do
appear on the Bulletin Board outside the Flower Shop, you will be able
to find
them in your postbox and obtain them from an Owl. In Rune Factory 2,
could choose often between more than one Request. This is true in Rune
Factory 3 as well.

As in all Rune Factory games, you will be given most of your basic
tools if you
are patient and satisfy the requirements of the giver. Watering Pot
and Hoe
are given by Shara as soon as she introduces you to your new home in the
Sharance Tree. Sickle, Axe, Hammer and Fishing Rod follow when you
Requests from villagers.

Shara will make the very first Request, asking you to introduce
yourself to
every one in the village. This follows the pattern established in
games such
as Animal Crossing where your Character will familiarise
himself/herself with
the map and with all residents of the village by meeting and greeting
one. Note that meeting an individual outside will not satisfy the
requirement. You must experience every Introduction Event that occurs
a Building AND properly introduce yourself to each Character. When
you have
completed this 'Request', she will ask you to ship one item. You can
anything you wish. Return to her and she will give you four Pink

Items given to you in Rune Factory 3 will be thrown onto the ground
wooden Chests. Access the Chest and the contents will pop out onto the
ground. Always remember to take the Item (s) that you are given!
Note that you often will be able to find Chests randomly on the ground
in the
dungeons. The items these Chests contain are random but can consist of
Medicines, Crops or even Accessories.

The next Request is made by Wells. He will ask you to deliver a

message to
Marjorie. When you complete his Request, he will give you a Sickle.

In the next two Requests, you will be given a farm Tool that will allow
you to
perform the Request.

Sherman will ask you for 9 Wood. He will give you an Axe so that you
can chop
branches or stumps into Wood.

When you complete his Request, you will be given 3000 Gold as well as
the Axe
that you used to perform the task.

Gaius will ask for a piece of Iron Ore and will give you a Hammer so
that you
can smash the Rocks that contain Ores. He will not give you any reward
se, but you will be allowed to keep the Hammer.

Evelyn next will request a piece of Scrap Metal. Like her father, she
generous and will give you 2000G when you hand the Scrap Metal to her.

The next Request is made by Carmen. She will ask you to meet her for
in fishing. When you do so, she will give you a Fishing Rod and
request that
you catch any Spring Fish. When you give her the Fish, she will give
you a

Although Raven's 1st Request has no Reward attached to it and is more

like an
examination, as you must substitute for her at the Smithy and give the
prices for three Items on the Menu to customers who appear, her 2nd
Board Request is a potential Treasure Trove of Items. Raven's 2nd
Board Request is an opportunity to obtain valuable Weapons and Items.
All you
have to do is enter her Smithy after accepting the Request. Six Items
will be
displayed on the carpet. She will tell you to take as many as you
wish. When
you exit, the Request will be completed. As these Items are chosen
at the time when the Request is accepted, you should save your game
before you
accept her Request. If you do not receive Weapons or Items that
you, simply reload your game and try again. This Request is a Simple
however, and therefore may appear at a different point in the game.

There are three types of Requests in Rune Factory 3. Ordinary Requests

from an
individual that have no sub-division appear to occur in a specific
Battle Requests and Simple Requests are the other two types of
Requests. They
appear randomly at the three locations and do not have any specific
order. It
is possible for Battle Requests and Simple Requests to appear and be
more than once.

Next to the Bulletin Board is another board that provides Request Tips
follows: Simple Requests and Battle Requests are requests that you can
complete many times. Once you complete them, people will usually
repost them
soon. Simple Requests usually involve fetching certain items. Battle
Requests will require you to defeat certain monsters. The Items that
given as Rewards for completion of Simple Requests often are chosen
from a group of Items. For example, if the Reward is a bag of Seeds
and a
Formula, you may receive a different bag of Seeds and a different
strength of
Formula if you reload and try the Request again. Ordinary Requests, on
other hand, tend to have set Rewards that will not vary.

Although you cannot accept a Request from another location while any
remains pending, once a Request is completed, you will be able to
accept a
Request from each of the other locations. The limit is one Request per
location per day. Note, however, that once a Request is accepted from
location, you will not be able to take another Request from THAT
location on
the same day even if you abandon the first Request.

Free Items

There are free items to be found throughout the village, stashed in

where you can interact with objects, usually inside buildings. The
interesting aspect to this treasure hunt is that you must access the
object in
the right circumstances in order to find the 'treasure'. Usually, this
only when the owner of the house or one of its residents is present in
room. If you access the object when no one is in the room, you
simply make an observation to yourself.

Some of the items that you can find are as follows:

Flower Shop, lower left corner: 1 Bag of Toyherb Seeds

Flower Shop, upper floor:

1 Pudding in the centre of the northern wall, only when Shara's
sister Monica
is present and awake (between 9.45 p.m. and 9.55 p.m.)
1 Rice Ball in the top right corner, only when Shara is present and
(after 10.00 p.m.)

In a tub in the Inn in Pia's room: a Squid

In a drawer to the left of Daria's bed: Miso Eggplant

In Blaise's Diner in the northeast: Wine

At the table on the upper floor of the Blacksmith, Snapper Sashimi

(9.15 p.m.
when Raven has gone down the stairs but Gaius is upstairs and still

In a hole in a cliff on the shore of the river in the Autumn Dungeon:


Basic Farming

Your home is in a Tree in Rune Factory 3, and it is no ordinary Tree

but one
that is sacred and akin to the Mother Tree in ToT and Animal Parade.
your living space are two fields where you can grow Crops. These
fields are
subject to the passing of the Seasons

Veteran players of the Rune Factory series will be familiar with the
rules of farming. Crops remain seasonal as in any Harvest Moon game,
but in
Rune Factory, fields can be found somewhere on the map that are ruled
by each
of the four Seasons. Fields that are ruled by a specific season
the year are located in the Dungeons in any Rune Factory game.
In Rune Factory 3, the four Seasonal Dungeons will be accessible from
the start
of the game. The Spring Dungeon, Privera Forest, is populated with the
powerful Monsters and therefore should be the first that you explore.
Main Plot requires that you face a Boss Monster in Privera Forest to
your powers of Tranformation as well. You therefore will find yourself
in a
position where the first Dungeon Fields that you can till will be those
by the current Season at the start of the game, which is Spring.

You will be given Seeds by other Characters in the form of Toyherb

Seeds and
Pink Turnip Seeds. The same Seeds can be purchased at the General
Store as
well. There are other Spring Seeds and although they will not be sold
at the
General Store, they can be obtained fairly easily in Privera Forest.

Crop Seeds are sold at the General Store by Hazel and her lazy daughter
but all Flower Seeds are sold by Shara at the Flower Shop. In Spring,
will offer Flower Seeds for all Seasons. It would be a good idea to
a few Moondrop Seeds, but you need not purchase Toyherb Seeds.

In Rune Factory 3, it is not necessary to purchase Seeds for the most

part and
this is where the game differs substantially from earlier Rune Factory
Seeds can be found randomly in any field when you harvest a Crop or
forage by
collecting an item grown randomly, such as coloured Grasses, Medicinal
Antidotal Herbs and even Weeds.

The Seeds that are found in this manner are not linked to the identity
of the
item you harvested or collected. In other words, you can find Pink
Seeds when you collect a Black Grass or other Item.

Other methods of obtaining Seeds are by defeating Monsters or finding

Chests in
the Dungeons. Chests will be deposited randomly throughout the Dungeon
and their contents always are random. They may contain Seeds, Crops or
Ingredients, Cooked Dishes or even Accessories. Foraging and
therefore are an excellent way of obtaining Items in the first Spring
to ship or to use as Ingredients or Gifts.

Another way in which Rune Factory differs a little from previous games
is in
the way Crops grow as well as the quality of the soil. Crops can turn
even if you have tended them properly, but it would be a mistake to
think that
they therefore will not mature. As in Grand Bazaar, you simply need to
them in order to restore them to health.

Brown Crops, however, do have a function in that, if harvested, they

Withered Grass which is akin to Fertiliser. Throw a piece of Withered
on any square and then till it with your Hoe to improve the quality of
Soil. Soil WILL need to be improved if you have grown Crops there
As with soil in the real world, repeated plantings will leach the
from the land. Use the Formulae A, B or C or Withered Grass to
revitalise the

The easiest way to restore soil is by rotating your Crops, however.

allow the land to rest for a time, planting new Crops in different
squares on
the field. If you replant in squares where you have harvested Crops,
the new
Crops will take longer to mature and will be of inferior quality. They
grow and they can be harvested ultimately, but it is far better to plant
elsewhere, even if the lazy player will be tempted by the sight of a
square in a location where a Crop has been harvested.

Weather is another element that is slightly different from previous

games in
the series. It is more realistic in a sense as the weather can change
in the
course of a single day, beginning with sun and ending with showers.

You may wish to wait until afternoon before you water your Crops as a
shower may water them for you, saving you time and energy.

Another method of obtaining Seeds is by cutting a ripened Crop with

your Sickle
instead of harvesting it with your hands. A Crop that is cut will
yield Seeds
at a higher rank, but you will not be able to obtain a Crop as well!

At the start of the first Spring, Formula A and B are sold by local
but it is not necessary to use them as there are other more pressing
that will require money. Purchasing defensive equipment for combat and
Utensils for cooking are far more important.

Where foraging is concerned, most Items simply can be harvested by

pressing the
A Button, but Bamboo Shoots are rooted in the soil. You therefore need
to use
any sharp Tool or Weapon to sever the roots from the soil, then press A
harvest the Bamboo Shoot.

In dungeon areas, you will find the usual seasonal array of coloured
Medicinal Herb and Antidotal Herb as well as Branches, Rocks and Weeds
on the
Fields, but often Items can be found as well along the edges of any
Investigate wherever you see a red arrow to find Crops, Flowers and even
Cooked Dishes!

Incidentally, the Treasure Chests that appear randomly on certain

screens in
every Dungeon contain random items that can include Seeds. The Seeds
found in
any Treasure Chest need not be specific seasonally to the Dungeon in
which you
found them. In other words, you may find Summer or Winter Seeds in a
Chest in the Spring Dungeon.

Shara's Farming Tutorial

After you save your game for the first time during the tour of your
home, Shara
will take you to your Fields. You have two Fields at the foot of the
Tree. Both will be filled with coloured Grasses, Medicinal Herb,
Herb, Branches, Weeds, Rocks, Stumps and Boulders.

During her Tutorial, you will be required to defeat a Monster who

appears with
your Hoe. After this, two more Monsters will appear and you will be
offered a
Weapon of your choice by Gaius from the Weapons Shop. After the two
are defeated, Shara will remark that the monsters 'looked pretty

You now will have a choice of responses:

Yes, they were strong!

They were pretty weak, actually...
If you agree that they were strong, Shara will move forward to give you
farming tutorial. If, however, you declare that the Monsters were
weak, your
arrogance will cause three more Monsters to appear. These Monsters
will be
more powerful than the first three and you may use most of your RP and
before you are able to defeat them. When defeated, a prompt will
appear to
the effect that the game difficulty level now has been set to 'Hard'.

This is another aspect of Rune Factory 3 that is new to the series.

You can
set the difficulty of combat in your Trophy Room. It is only if you
about the weakness of the Monsters that the game automatically will be
set to
'Hard' but if you wish for the most challenging combat, you can set it
'Hard' yourself at any point.

Once the Monster situation has been resolved, whether by the defeat of
the two
Monsters or the defeat of three additional Monsters, Shara will offer
to give
you a Farming Tutorial. It is your choice whether to accept or not.
If you
accept, you will gain a number of advantages, even if you know how to

When you accept the offer, she will place 9 Weeds on the Field in a
single plot
and tell you to clear the plot. This is an opportunity to clear both
entirely. Note that you cannot harvest any Bamboo Shoots at this point,
however, as Shara will tell you to 'stop fooling around' if you attempt
equip any Tool or Weapon! You can harvest all Wild Grasses as well as
Medicinal Herbs, Antidotal Herbs and, if you wish, all Branches and
If you wish to clear both Fields, you should not collect the Weeds she
until all other Items have been collected as, when the ninth Weed has
collected, she will tell you to equip your Hoe.

You now will be told to till 9 squares in the plot where the Weeds had
placed. When this has been done, Shara will give you 9 Toyherb Seeds
to sow.
After the Seeds have been sown, Shara will place six Withered Grass and
Toyherbs on the Field to the right in another square. You will be told
harvest both the Flowers and the Withered Grass. This will give you
Toyherb and six Withered Grass to use or ship.

She will point out the location of the Wood Shed and place a piece of
lumber on
the ground for you to collect and deposit there.

Shara finally will give you three Toyherb Seeds and take her leave.

If you refuse her offer of a Tutorial, you will receive only three
Seeds and the clock will begin to run when she takes her leave

Farming Controls

You can harvest ripe Crops as Crops or cut them with a sickle to obtain
level seeds. B Button tills land, uses weapons and tools. A picks up
and talks to people.

Basic Farm Tools

Shara will give you a basic Watering Pot and Hoe at the start of the
When you complete Well's first Request, he will give you a basic
Accepting Sherman's first Request will allow you to obtain a basic Axe
when you accept Gaius' first Request, you will be given aa basic
Hammer. When
Carmen's first Request appears, accept it to obtain a basic Fishing
Rod. In
many of these cases, the Farm Tool is not the actual reward for
completing the
task but a necessary item if you wish to perform the Request.

The initial Requests that allow you to obtain your Basic Farm Tools,
the Fishing Rod, appear in a set order, beginning with Well's Request
gift of Sickle) and ending with Carmen's Request (with gift of Fishing
When you have completed Carmen's Request, she will tell you:

Carmen: (!) Oh wait a second! have you been looking in your mailbox?

My mailbox...?

Yeah! You know, the mailbox next to your front door! As you get to
know the
people around here better and better, they'll send letters to your

Oh really?

Yes! So be sure to take a look in your mailbox sometime! Some one

might be
looking for your help, and you wouldn't even know it! So be sure you
ignore them!

Note that all the basic Farm Tools that are given to you are sold by
Raven at
the Weapons Shop. If you 'lose' any Tool, therefore, you can replace
it by
purchasing another. In Rune Factory 3, Tools can be shipped. Remember
you can accept only one Request from each Location daily. If, then,
you wish
to be able to fish immediately, purchase a Cheap Fishing Pole from
Raven at
the Smithy and then ship it when you find Carmen's Request on the

You can find Tools, Weapons, Equipment and Accessories in the Dungeons.
Wooly in Privera Forest dropped a pair of Clippers as a War Trophy, and
found a Cheap Hammer in a Treasure Chest on the same screen. Cheap
often are dropped by Orcs in Privera Forest as well.

Introduction to Cooking

In order to be able to begin to cook, you will need a Kitchen Counter.

You can
obtain this (as well as Cookware later) from Blaise when he is behind
counter. Simply ask about his Cookware and he will give you a Kitchen

Kitchen items from Blaise are delivered instantly to your House and
in your Kitchen.

A new aspect of Cooking in Rune Factory 3 is the concept of Recipe

instead of Cookbooks. Recipe Breads made by Blaise, when consumed,
will teach
you a single Recipe in a specific category. Breads are manufactured
and sold
in the following categories:

Cooking Bread: 200G

Weapon Bread: 350G
Accessory Bread: 300G
Farming Bread: 450G

You can buy 3 to 5 loaves of Bread per day from Blaise. The Recipes
in these loaves of Bread appear to be loaded into the game at the
moment of
consumption. You therefore can save your game before you eat any and
reload if you obtain no useful knowledge from the Recipe Bread.

There are superior Breads in the form of Recipe Bread + that will teach
Recipes instead of one. When Blaise announces that the loaf he baked is
particularly 'delicious', it denotes Recipe Bread +.

Learning Recipes by consuming Recipe Bread is possible only if your own

Level is sufficient to meet the minimum requirements to make the
specific Item
that is the subject of the Recipe. If your Skill Level is too low, you
learn nothing when you eat the Bread. This is another reason to save
game BEFORE you consume any Recipe Bread.

There is a nameless 'Traveler' who appears in the village and wanders

from shop
to shop who will offer to sell you Recipe Breads for 800G each. You
choose a Category of Bread when buying from the Traveler. It is quite
and very overpriced, similar to Won's visits to your Farmhouse when he
his special Apples for exorbitant prices. On the other hand, there is
no set
limit to the number of loaves that you can purchase from the traveler.

You actually can make Cooked Dishes without having the Recipe for them,
but if
you have been 'taught' the Recipe, your chances of success will be
As in other Rune Factory games, you must Cook frequently and make the
simple Dishes again and again in order to raise your Skill Level in
Cooking to
allow you to make more complex Dishes.

Fortunately, Pink Turnips, a Spring Crop, can be made into Pickled

Turnips with
nothing more than the Kitchen Counter given to you by Blaise. Your
chance of
success will not be guaranteed initially but Pickled Turnips may be the
easiest of all Cooked Dishes to make.

Refer to the detailed sections on Cooking and Recipe Lists for more

The Fruits of any Harvest

Runes exist but their appearance is a little different in this game. A

may appear randomly AFTER you harvest any Crop. Rune Spirits can appear
in the
same fashion. If not used immediately, the Rune or Rune Spirit will
You therefore should not harvest your Crops as soon as you awaken when
your RP
gauge is full but rather wait until it needs to be replenished.

Wells will inform you that:

Wells: When you pick crops from your field, runes and rune spirits
might pop
up. If you get a rune, it will replenish some RP and raise a skill
If you get a rune spirit, it will replenish some RP and raise one of
stats a bit. If you don't pick them up quick, they'll disappear, so
keep an
eye out for them.

For players new to the series, Runes are tiny shining orbs of white
light that
hover over your field at a location where a Crop has ripened. In RF3,
appear only AFTER you harvest the Crop. Rune Spirits resemble the
Runeys in
Rune Factory Frontier, as they are tiny carrot-shaped ghostly creatures
appear over a square where you have harvested any Crop. Their
appearance in
RF3 appears to be utterly random.

Another source of Runes incidentally are the Rune Flowers that can be
found in
dungeons. Use your Sickle to cut them. Once cut, you will be required
wait until the next day for their reappearance.

Flowers, when consumed, replenish RP to some extent. Like most food

items, the
effect is of temporary duration, usually lasting 3 Hours. When your
eats any food item, the icon of an Apple will appear next to his Energy
indicating the beginning of the time period of its effect.

Blue Rune Crystals can be found in the dungeons and when smashed with
Hammer, will yield a Rune.
Bags of Seeds can appear randomly whenever you harvest either a Crop or
a Wild
Item on your Field or on a Field in any Dungeon. They are not specific
to the
Season that rules the Dungeon in the same way that Seeds found in
Chests in a Dungeon can be Seeds for ANY Season.


Lumber or Wood always is a vital Item in Harvest Moon and Rune Factory,
as it
is required for any construction projects, including building
expansions and
new building projects.

In Rune Factory 3, however, Wood is extremely easy to obtain. You will

Branches strewn across both of your fields as well as Stumps. ALL of
can be chopped with the Rusty Axe you receive from Sherman. One chop
destroy a Branch. Each chop on a Stump will produce one Wood and you
obtain a total of 12 Wood from any Stump.

A Monster Barn requires 40 Wood but has no other cost. Your next
projects will
be to create a Forge, Workshop and Pharmacy. The costs of these are:

Forge: 100 Wood + 5000G

Workshop: 50 Wood + 3000G
Pharmacy: 40 Wood + 2000G

You will be able to build a Monster Barn once you have defeated the
Raccoon in
Privera Forest. This does not require a high level of Skill, actually
and you
should be able to defeat him and move forward into the Sol Terrano
Desert at
the end of the first week of Spring without any difficulty. If you
wish to
move the plot forward, simply dash through the screens in the Desert
until you
find the Univir Settlement in the north. Once you have spoken to
Kuruna about
the history of the enmity between Monsters and Humans, the Sharance
Tree will
expand to allow you to build a Forge, Workshop and Pharmacy.

The initial Barn will have a single room with space for four Monsters.
You can
order additional 'barns' or chambers from Raven.
When you have tamed Monsters, setting them to work in different
quadrants of
your Field will allow them to chop Wood for you as well as watering
your Crops
and collecting wild Items. If you set them to sow Seeds, you will be
to pay for the privilege, but they will collect the Seeds that are
during harvests and sow them. If you do not set them to sow the Seeds
and you
do not collect them yourself, you will find that you have lost a useful
in terms of Seeds for new plantings.

Energy Recovery

Your Character should awaken each morning at 6.00 a.m. with full HP and
RP. Staying awake through a night is possible but will sap your
resistance and he usually will catch a Cold at 6.00 p.m. if he has not
gone to

You need not sleep a set number of hours, however, and it appears that
going to
bed close to 5.00 a.m. even with both HP and RP severely depleted will
affect your chance of awakening fully refreshed.

Cold Medicine is one of the Items that can be found randomly in Chests
in the
Dungeons. It would be a good idea to keep one on hand in case of

As in other games, your RP gauge can reach zero without causing your
to pass out. It is when your HP gauge reaches zero that your Character
faint. Whenever this occurs, he will find himself in Marjorie's hands
at the
clinic. She will inform you of a random amount as her fee to restore
you to
consciousness but usually will waive the fee. Passing out will not
cause you
to lose any time at all, unlike other games where you will be forced to
often through an entire day.

There are many methods by which you can recover both HP and RP during
the day.
All Wild Grasses have some restorative powers. Medicinal Herb restores
while coloured Grasses restore both HP and RP in most cases. Antidotal
incidentally, will stop the course of poison if you have been poisoned.

Use of any Magical Spells apart from Teleport requires RP. If your RP
gauge is
empty, you will not be able to perform any offensive magic. You will
be able
to teleport out of any Dungeon or from any location back to your home
even if
your RP gauge is empty.

The power to Transform that you have will remain inert until you have
the Raccoon in Privera Forest and touched the magical orb on the Dais
Once you have the power of transformation, your Character will be able
to set
it to the X or Y Button.

The first Magical Spell you should purchase is Cure, which will be sold
Marian from the start of the game. Cure will restore some HP to your
Character, but you will need some RP to use it.

If you go to the Bathhouse, you can pay Pia to use the Men's Bath.
This will
replenish your Energy.

Remember that almost any activity in Rune Factory requires energy,

Cooking and Forging. Whenever you are working on any project, you must
attention to your Energy Gauges as it is very easy to deplete your RP
completely. Once your RP is at zero, HP will deplete at an alarming
sending you to the Apothecary when the gauge reaches zero.

Note that Marjorie will not charge for your Recovery until you have met
Univir Tribe in Sol Terrano Desert.

Recovery Items

A simple Medicinal Herb will restore +20 points of HP. Any coloured
Grass will
restore +3 HP and +3 RP. This may appear insignificant at first
glance, but
the key to good health in Rune Factory is never to allow your RP gauge
to fall
to zero. As previously discussed, with RP at zero, your HP begins to
drastically. It therefore will help if you eat one coloured Grass if
your RP
reaches zero BEFORE you undertake any action, whether to till or water a
square in a Field or to cook a Dish.
Bamboo Shoot is one of the best of the Items you can find on the Fields
in the
first season of your game, as its values are:

Bamboo Shoot: HP Rec +5, RP Rec +15, HP Max +3, RP Max +3, STR +1, VIT
Eat a Bamboo Shoot to restore RP, then eat Medicinal Herb to fill your
gauge again if it has decreased.

Cooked Dishes always provide better Recovery than raw Items and where
RP is
concerned, one of the best Items you can make fairly early is Medium

Medium Cheese: RP Rec +75%

Medium Cheese is made in a Mixer, using any size of Milk and one Yellow
You do have to have some Cooking Skill to make it but it is worth the
as you can see. Most of the other Recipes that you can make early in
the game
restore more HP than RP and HP can be restored by eating the humble
Grass that grows everywhere. Furthermore, as discussed earlier, you
can use
the Cure Spell to restore HP but only if you have some RP!

The Cooking section of this Guide gives more suggestions for some easy
for a player in early Spring.

Early Exploitations

On your very first day in Sharance, you can collect many of the 'free'
stashed throughout the village. Their locations are given in another
of this Guide. Make certain that you ship them before 5.00 p.m. if you
to have more income than the initial 500G that you have in your

Go into Privera Forest even if your Level is low, saving your game
before you
enter the Dungeon. There often is a Chest on the first screen that can
contain two to four random Items, including Crops, Cooked Dishes,
or Accessories. Exit and re-enter the Forest again and again to find
Chests. Ship the Items that you find for early profits in order to be
able to
purchase basic defensive equipment, Cooking Utensils and Ingredients
from the
General Store.

Incidentally, your Character actually can find basic Tools in Chests in

Dungeons and Tools as well as Weapons and Accessories may be dropped as
Trophies by Monsters. For example, the Wooly in Privera Forest may
drop a
pair of Clippers!

Another exploitation that is not restricted to the first few days

exists with
respect to the Special Deals Menu at the Blacksmith. The Items in this
will be loaded at the time of your first visit to the Blacksmith on any
day. Some special Weapons and Accessories that are far superior to
found in the regular categories are offered as Special Deals.

Save your game BEFORE you go to the Smithy for the first time. Go to
Smithy and ask about the Special Deals for the day. If the Item or
Items you
seek are not included in the day's Menu, reload your game and try again.

Initial Priorities

In any Harvest Moon or Rune Factory game, it always is a mistake to

become too
focused on a single aspect of your Character's life, whether it is
Romance, Mining, Combat or even the Main Plot in the game. One of the
greatest challenges that faces any player is that of managing to juggle
different tasks and goals successfully, never surrendering to 'tunnel

Every player probably has a favourite aspect of gameplay in Harvest

Moon and
Rune Factory, but you cannot pursue one activity to the exclusion of
all other
aspects of the game. Social interactions and Friendship are as vital as
obtaining a good income. Raising your Cooking Skills and completing
Cookbook is as important as exploring all of the Dungeons. You
need to plot out your days to some extent, making an effort to meet and
the villagers as well as the Eligible Girls, while maintaining control
your Fields, harvesting ripe Crops, planting new Crops, and spending
time in the Dungeons to increase your Combat Skills and obtain as many
Trophies as possible so that your Character can create new Items.
Cooked Dishes often will have more FP value as Gifts than any raw
so early success in raising Friendship Levels may depend somewhat on
ability to create the Dishes that will please a Character most.
Remembering a
Character's Birthday with a Favourite Gift is an easy way to raise FP.
discover an Individual's Birthday, you need to interact with him/her
frequently. Furthermore, the Requests that form the foundation of the
are unlocked by specific Friendship Levels with the Individual who
makes each
Request. If you do not raise the Friendship Levels of all Individuals,
will be unable to perform all possible Requests.

Do not be impatient to move forward in any particular area of the game

quickly. It is far better to cover every aspect of the game than to
raise one
Skill to the maximum level. If your Character is at Level 99 but has
neglected other Individuals, he will be unable to activate new Requests.

It is when you defeat the Raccoon in Privera Forest that the plot will
forward. Moreover, all Shops will display an expanded Menu after this
More Seeds will be sold at the General Store, more Weapons and
will be sold at the Smithy and more Spells will be sold at the Chemist.
importantly, a Monster Barn can be built and Monsters tamed. There is
real reason to rush forward, however. Requests should be fulfilled,
one day
at a time while you divide your time equally between farming, fishing
exploring the Dungeons.

Social Interactions

Meeting and Greeting individuals is of fundamental importance in any

Factory or Harvest Moon game and serves many purposes. First and
foremost, it
raises Friendship Levels and this is a requirement for unlocking many
options, including new Requests as well as Events.

When you speak to any Character, you may learn important information as
In Rune Factory 3, there are two basic types of Characters. There are
Character with whom social interactions have value in terms of
Points and there are Subsidiary Characters who simply impart important
with respect to every aspect of gameplay.

Speak to every one, therefore, whenever you encounter some one anywhere
on the

The Value of Gifts

Gift-giving is very interesting in Rune Factory 3. Even the Gift of an

Item to
which a Character is indifferent can be very useful as it prompts
about the Gifts that the Individual would rather have.

There are two ways of going about any research of Favourite Gifts. You
perform your social rounds armed with a few stacks of inexpensive
grasses, giving one to each Individual you encounter and noting their
Responses. Birthdays often will be forthcoming as well.

Whenever an Item is given as a Gift, a small number will be displayed

near the
Character who accepts the Item. The colour of the number indicates
whether it
is received positively or negatively. Gifts with positive values will
a green number. Gifts with negative values will display a red number.
ordinary Gift to which an Individual is fairly indifferent usually
elicits a
green 3 or 6.

For example, when Freyr gave Wells a Pink Turnip, it elicited a green 6
and the
following Response:

Wells: This isn't a bad gift, but to be honest, I'd rather have a rice

Only one Gift per day will 'count' in terms of raising or lowering

Tips from other Characters

Evelyn: I heard that if you propose under the Sharance Tree, that love
blossom. ... Maybe I should try it.
Shino: Here's atip for when you get tired fighting in the dungeons...
for some blue flowers or crystals. If you cut the flowers or break the
crystals, you'll find runes that will replenish your RP.

Advice from Subsidiary Characters

Some of the tips that you can obtain from Subsidiary Characters include:

Poison Squares and Neutral Agent

Zod: I stepped on a poison puddle the other day. Next time, I'll use
Agent on it!

Poison Puddles or Poison Squares are deep purple in colour and can be
randomly on any Field in a Dungeon. Your Character will be poisoned if
steps in one. More annoyingly, perhaps, is the fact that you will not
be able
to till the square until the Poison Puddle is removed. The only way to
accomplish this is by dumpiing Neutral Agent on the Poison

Befriending Monsters with Cooked Dishes

Sally: Feed monsters something you've cooked if you want to be friends.

Save Points as Warnings

Your primary Save Point is in the 'Diary' at your bedside table but
there are
Save Points at the entrance to each of the Dungeons. You will find
Save Point in any Dungeon near the chamber where a Boss Monster is
Save Points are purple Crystal Pyramids. In Rune Factory 3, you
actually can
practice your Combat Skills on them and raise your Skill Levels. When
smashed, they will reappear when you exit the screen and re-enter.

Bard: If you find a save point in a dungeon, save. It maeans something

dangerous is near.

Sho: There are some people who fight monsters with farm tools. I
don't get
This hint refers to the fact that every Item has its own unique Stats.
course, as Shara told you to defeat the first Monster you ever
with a Hoe, your Character will be well-aware of the ability to use
Tools as


Festivals serve many purposes in Rune Factory and Harvest Moon. They
are an
opportunity to socialise with other individuals. It always is a good
idea to
attend any Festival even if you cannot participate. In Rune Factory 3,
of the Festivals are Contests that will award special prizes if you win
offer consolation prizes in the form of Recipe Bread if you simply

The first Festival is the Bean-Throwing Festival on 6 Spring. Your

will be asked to play the part of a Demon and other Characters will
Beans of different colours as well as Failed Dishes at him. The object
is to
be hit by as many Beans as possible while dodging the Failed Dishes.

Even if you fail to win, you will be given 3 Cooking Recipe Breads for
participating in the Contest.

As Festivals take virtually no time at all and you can participate at

any point
during the day by speaking to Wells in the Square before 5.00 p.m.,
there is
no excuse for missing a Festival Event.

Unlike most other Harvest Moon and Rune Factory games where Events
cannot occur on a Festival day, in Rune Factory 3, you can accept and
Requests as well as experience key events even in the middle of a

Calendar of Birthdays and Festivals

The Calendar on the Wall of your chamber in the Sharance Tree will be
with the dates of the Festivals but will include only a couple of
birthdays as
Birthdays information must be given to you by some one in the village
it will appear on the Calendar. Shara will inform you of her Birthday
Raven's Birthday, so you will find them on the Calendar but you will
need to
engage in regular social interactions with other Characters if you wish
have all Birthdays added.

Seasonal Information:
Marjorie: The items you can forage in your field change with the
seasons. You
can get Bamboo Shoots in Spring, and Blue Grass, Green Grass, Purple
Grass and
Indigo Grass in summer. White Grass only grows in winter, so it's not
easy to
gather it.

Spring Season:

Wild Items found on Fields: Bamboo Shoots, Red Grass, Yellow Grass,
Grass, Black Grass
Spring Fish: Masu Trout, Gibelio, Needlefish, Lover Snapper, Cherry
Squid and Lamp Squid

1 Spring: New Year's Day

6 Spring: Bean Throwing Festival
8 Spring: Hazel's Birthday (Bamboo Shoot)
11 Spring: Shara's Birthday (Any Flower)
15 Spring: Catch the Most Fish Contest
19 Spring: Wooly Festival
21 Spring: Evelyn's Birthday (Fish)
24 Spring: Daria's Birthday (Any Coloured Grass)
26 Spring: Monica's Birthday (Any Accessory)
28 Spring Spring Crop Festival
29 Spring: Raven's Birthday (Pendant or Ore)

Summer Season

Wild Items found on Fields: Medicinal Herb, Antidotal Herb, Blue Grass,
Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass
Summer Fish: Sardine, Char, Chub, Turbot, Sunsquid, Shrimp, Crucian
Lobster, Lover Snapper and Squid

1 Summer: Beach Day

3 Summer: Carlos' Birthday (Snapper, other Fish)
6 Summer: Pia's Birthday (Fruit or Squid)
8 Summer: Sherman's Birthday
12 Summer: Gaius' Birthday (Iron, Curry Udon)
15 Summer: Catch the Biggest Fish Contest
19 Summer: Flea Market
28 Summer: Summer Crop Festival

Autumn Season:

Wild Items found on Fields: Medicinal Herb, Antidotal Herb, Red Grass,
Grass, Black Grass
Autumn Fish: Skipjack, Salmon, Squid, Mackerel, Pike, Snapper, Fall
and Lover Snapper

5 Autumn: Eating Contest

15 Autumn: Catch the Most Squid Contest
19 Autumn: Throwing Contest
21 Autumn: Collette's Birthday
28 Autumn: Fall Crop Festival

Winter Season

Wild Items found on Fields: Medicinal Herb, Antidotal Herb, White

Winter Fish: Tuna, Flounder, Glitter Snapper, Poison Rainbow Trout,
Yellowtail, Girella, Taimen, Squid, Lover Snapper and Pond Smelt

1 Turnip: Turnip Fight

15 Winter: Catch a Variety of Fish Contest
28 Winter: Winter Crop Festival
30 Winter: New Year's Eve

Introduction to Fishing

Although you can purchase a basic Fishing Rod as well as any basic Tool
Raven from the very start of the game, you should wait as you will
receive all
of these in the course of performing Requests for Villagers. Your
Fishing Rod
will be given to you by Carmen when you agree to perform her Request,
which is
purely and simply to catch any Spring Fish for her and deliver it to
her. You
will be given a Sardine as a 'Reward' but being allowed to keep the
Rod is the real reward for this act.

Fishing is very interesting in Rune Factory 3 in that, apart from being

able to
fish freely in any body of water in the village or in the dungeons, you
pay Carmen or Carlos for the privilege of fishing in their 'stocked'

Most Fish are seasonal, but in any Rune Factory game, you can catch Fish
restricted to each of the Seasons by finding the right location in a
All four Seasonal Dungeons will be unlocked at the very start, although
Monsters will be progressively powerful and difficult to defeat in the
Dungeons ruled by the later Seasons.

Fishing Controls: Use the B Button to equip, B to cast and B when the
bites to reel it in. Do not hit the button when the fish first
nibbles on
the bait. It may nibble three or four times before it actually takes

Friendship and Social Interactions

Any one familiar with Rune Factory 2 will realise at once how critical
Friendship Levels are in this game as the Requests that appear are
linked to
the Friendship Levels of the Characters who make them. Romance is one
of the
pursuits as well and knowing what gifts and cologne an Eligible Girl
likes as
well as her Birthday will advance your cause considerably. Remembering
one's Birthday in fact is important to your success in life in any
Moon or Rune Factory game.

In Rune Factory 3, although every Character's Birthday will be included

on the
Calendar on your Wall, you will have many reminders in case it slips
mind. When you speak to other villager's on any Character's Birthday,
are likely to mention the occasion and even hint at an appropriate

Give any Item to a Character and he/she usually will tell you what Item
be preferred. Characters are very forthcoming about their Likes and
in Rune Factory 3.

A service Shara offers at the Flower Shop without charge is that of

your Character in Cologne. The Scent will change on a daily basis and
Scent appeals to different people. Favourite Scents as well as Likes
Dislikes, Birthdays and Request information are included in my Rune
Factory 3
Characters Guide.
Your Introduction to Combat

Combat is an essential part of life in any Rune Factory game. Your

will be initiated into combat in his first visit to the fields at the
roots of
the Sharance Tree where first one and then two more Monsters will

You will be directed to use your Hoe to defend yourself against the
Monster but when two more Monsters appear, Gaius will arrive and offer
to give
you a Weapon.

You now can choose your first Weapon:

Use shortsword!
Use longsword!
Use spear!
Use hammer!
Use axe!
Use Staff!
Use dual blades!

If you choose any weapon, you will see a prompt that gives you a little
information about the style of attack that the weapon type offers:

I'll take the easy-to-use shortsword! (Broadsword)

I'll take the heavy longsword! (Claymore)
I'll take the spear, so I can attack from a distance! (Spear)
I'll take the hammer, so I can knock them out quickly! (Battle Hammer)
I'll take the axe! It's slow, but it does a lot of damage! (Battle Axe)
I'll take the magical staff! (Rod)
I'll take the dual blades, so I can attack quickly! My defence will be
though! (Short Dagger)

My own personal choice always is the shortsword, as I tend to favour

the use of
a Shield for defence and other Weapon types require two hands to use.
You can
choose a different Weapon, however, in order to ship it for income,
the less expensive Broadsword from the Blacksmith after the encounter.

Of all the Weapons, the Broadsword is the least valuable in terms of

and the Battle Hammer is worth the most.

Access to Weapons and Equipment

Weapons, Equipment and Accessory Items can be purchased or forged by

Character once he has a Forge and Workshop. Some Weapons, Equipment and
Accessories will be sold from the start of the first Spring. It is the
Special Deals Menu at the Blacksmith Shop that will offer Weapons that
not appear in the specific Categories at this stage in the game.

For example, although Raven sells a Broadsword in her Sword/Shields

Menu, the
more powerful Steel Sword and Cutlass only appear randomly in the
Deals Menu. It therefore is a good idea to access her Special Deals on
daily basis if you wish to improve your Weapons and Equipment.

Combat Strategies

Never underestimate the importance of Defence in Combat in Rune

Factory. A
simple Broadsword may not be as powerful as a pair of duel knives or an
but it will allow you to equip a Shield. Make certain that you
purchase some
equipment and Accessories as early as possible in the game. Even the
Hand-Knit Hat and Cheap Bracelet, coupled with a Small Shield will keep
Character healthy far longer than a powerful Weapon without any

In Rune Factory 3, you can set the difficulty level of the game by
visiting the
Trophy Room, accessed through the stairway on the right in your Home.
If you
brag to Shara that the two Monsters you defeated during the Farming
were fairly weak, the game will set your Difficulty Level to Hard
automatically but this can be changed at any time if you wish.

Basic Rules of Dungeons

Dungeons in Rune Factory are places that are ruled by specific Seasons
inhabited by Monsters. Players familiar with the series will find Rune
Factory 3 similar to previous games in most respects.

You will find a purple crystal in the shape of a pyramid at the

entrance to any
Dungeon. This is a Save Point. It is a good idea to save your game
you enter any hostile territory.

Monsters are screen-specific for the most part in Dungeons and are
spawned by
Generators on the same screen. In Rune Factory 3, these Generators can
be of
different colours. When you destroy them, you can obtain an Item
The items obtained from destroyed Generators are elemental Crystals.
colour of the Generator will indicate the Element that rules it and any
Crystal obtained will correspond with the same Element.

Gaius: Sometimes you can find crystals when you destroy those portal
that the monsters come out of. And you can get different crystals
on the colour of the portal you destroy.

Whenever you leave a Dungeon screen and then re-enter, both Monsters and
Generators will respawn.

Walkthrough: Privera Forest

The Privera Forest, ruled by Spring, is the easiest Dungeon to explore

as the
Monsters are weaker than those of the Dungeons ruled by later Seasons.
Moreover, it is essential to explore the Forest if you wish to regain
power of Transformation into Monster form.

Initiation into Monster Transformation

In the beginning of the first Spring, many Characters will speak of an

Raccoon who has been vandalising the town, stealing food and ruining
After this and after you have completed Well's first Request, when you
the entrance to Privera Forest, you should experience an Event with
Wells that
will initiate the first step in the main Plot.

Freyr: I have a strange feeling. Like something's pulling me towards


??? What are you up to?

Freyr: Wells?

Wells: You shouldn't wander into Privera unless you're prepared.

Freyr: Why? What's in there?

Wells: Monsters, of course! If you don't have a weapon with you,

liable to get walloped! And I here that troublesome raccoon is hiding
there, too. It'd be nice if osme one would take care of him.

Freyr: Wells...

Your choices now:

I'll do it.
Sounds too tough for me.

Choose: I'll do it!

Wells: Really?!

Freyr: Sure. I think I can take down a raccoon at least.

Wells: Thank you. Glad to hear it. The monsters in Privera Forest
aren't too
tough if you're ready for them. Just don't try exploring any other
areas yet.

Freyr: Other areas?

Wells: On the west side of town are entrances to Vale River and Sol
Dessert. On the east side, you'll find Oddward Valley. The monsters i
those places are a lot more dangerous than the ones you'll find in
Forest. So you'd better stick to Privera Forest until you've got a lot
epxerience fighiting monsters.

Freyr: Got it.

Wells: I shoudl also tell you about Teleport. You can use Teleport
when you
need to get home fast. If you're i a doungeon, it'll take you to the
entrance. if you're in town, it'll take you straight to the Sharance
Open the quick equip menu with L and equip the spell to X or Y. It
use any RP, so you can use it any time. Teleport is a special ability.
can't removed it, so you'll always have it with you.

Freyr: Sounds useful. I'll try it out.

He begins to leave, then:

Wells: (!) And don't you go bringing any monsters back into town! I
those danged things!

Me (with tear) Right. You're not a fan of monsters. Got it.

Once you have experienced this Event, you need to explore Privera
Forest to
find the two screens on either side of the river that contain two
each. By pressing A next to any of the four Statues, you will be able
rotate it. A prompt on the ground between the two Statues on either
side will
inform you that once the Statues face one another, the door will open.

It is not the two Statues on the same side of the river that need to
face one
another, but the two matching Statues of each pair. One will be found
either side of the river. Turn each Statue therefore so that its face
across the river. When this is accomplished, a stairway will open on
sides of the river.

You now need to descend each stairway to discover that the bridge to
which they
lead is broken on both sides. You will be required to find some one
who is
able to fix the bridge.

If you speak to Wells, he will recommend both Gaius and Daria for the
When you speak to Gaius, he will tell you to ask Daria for help.

Daria will agree to perform the task and will create a Rainbow Bridge
in an Event. You now can cross the bridge on either side to a small
platform. A set of stairs can be found on the right of the platform.
It will
lead you to the Raccoon.

The Raccoon is a boss Monster although he will appear fairly innocuous

initially. The gate behind you will shut as soon as you confront him,
so that
you will not be able to retreat.

It is not too difficult to defeat the Raccoon although your first

defeat of him
will cause him to tranform into a monstrous version of his smaller
self. Near
the end, he will acquire two Shadow selves who will aid him. When he is
defeated, he will drop a special item in the form of a Raccoon Leaf.

You then will be directed to explore an area to the east where you will
find a
glowing orb on a dais. Press A to touch the Orb and you will regain
your own
powers of transformation.

Your Character now will have the power to transform himself into a
Wooly during
battles. When in Monster form, he will be able to execute special
moves using
the A, B, X and Y Buttons.

Oddly enough, although your Character will not be able to transform

into a
Wooly in the presence of villagers, he CAN ride a Monster into any home
shop without causing any comment whatsoever.

Building a Monster Barn

It is only when you have defeated the Raccoon in Privera Forest that
you will
be given the opportunity to build a Monster Barn.

When you speak to Raven at the Smithy after defeating the Raccoon, you
experience a dialogue with her as follows:

Raven: Why did you defeat the monster in Privera Forest?

Freyr: Well, it seemed like it was causing problems for every one. I
wish I hadn't had to...

Raven: Even though it was a monster?

Freyr: Well, it's not like all monsters are bad or anything...

Raven: I see.. We can build you a monster barn if you give us some of

Freyr: A monster barn...?

Raven: Just talk to Gaius or me when we're working.

Freyr: Wait... I'm still confused...

Raven: What?

Now when you speak to her, a new option will appear in the Menu:

I've come to talk.

I've come to buy.
I want a barn.
Never mind.

Raven: To build a barn, we'll need 40 wood. Is that okay?

After you confirm the order, she will tell you:

Raven: Now you can befriend monsters you find in the dungeons and take
back with you. Monsters will come home with you if you give them food.

Freyr: Oh, really? Thanks, I'll try it out!

Raven: But they won't befriend you if they think you are weaker than
are... So don't get eaten by mistake...

Freyr: I... I'll be careful...

The range of Weapons and Equipment that she sells will be expanded as
well and
some Items that only appeared randomly prior to this as Special Deals
now will
be added to each of the Categories.

When you have met the members of the Univir Tribe and the Sharance Tree
expanded, her Menu will expand again.

Walkthrough: Sol Terrano Desert

After defeating the Raccoon in Privera Forest, you will experience a

very brief
encounter when you approach the Sharance Tree on your way home. A
standing near the Tree, seeing you, will bolt towards the path in the
that leads to the Desert. When you first enter the entrance to the Sol
Terrano Desert after this, you will catch a momentary glimpse of the
again before it disappears into the Desert.

Wells will approach you at the entrance to the Desert, warniing you not
enter. Obviously, the Desert is the next destination for you if you
wish to
make progress in the main Plot!

Univir Settlement

When you begin to explore the Sol Terrano Desert, you should experience
Event when you first arrive at a narrow defile in the north. Here is
entrance to the Univir Settlement, a fabled tribe of creatures who, led
by the
'Horned Girl' Kuruna, have declared unrelenting war against humanity.

You will be unable to enter the Settlement, in fact, until you have
into your Wooly persona. When you have done this, you will be welcomed
and urged to join their cause.

Karuna is the 'Elder' and leader of the Univir. You need to speak to
her in
order to experience the following dialogue:

Kuruna: Do you know the town nearby? The people there ran us univir
out of
their town! (with cross hurt)

Freyr: Really?

Kuruna; Yes, univir and humans used to live together.

Did something happen?

Kuruna: ... I am not sure.

Freyr: ...

Kuruna: i don't know the reason. It was before I was born. But we
exiled, and now we live here. They are all savages! So you should be
not to wander too much outside. The humans might do something to you.

Freyr (She really hates them. I wonder what happened...) (Maybe Wells

Introduce yourself to the handsome dwarf Zaid and to Ondorus, then

return to
your home to experience an Event with Wells.

When you return to the Sharance Tree, you will experience an Event with

Freyr: (Huh?) The Sharance Tree grew...?

Wells: (!) What in the world...?

He walks up to me. Freyr now is in human form although he never

after leaving the Univir Settlement.

Wells: Have you been feeding the Sharance Tree a special fertiliser or

Freyr: No, I didn't do anything.

Wells: What could have caused this, then?

Freyr: Um, Wells. Did you know about the univir's camp?

Wells: Yes.
Freyr: Is that why you told me not to go into the desert?

Wells: Yes, I didn't want you to run into that camp of human-hating
I'll bet their elder kicked you out the second she laid eyes on you.

Freyr: Huh? Oh, yeah! S-She sure did. Because I looked totally
human, of

Wells: I thought so.

Freyr: Thought the elder did say something about how the univir lived
in this
town until they were chased out. Do you know anything about that?

Wells: All I know is that happened a long, long time ago. There
aren't any
records of what happened or why.

Freyr: I see...

Wells: Freyr...

Freyr: Yes?

Wells: Don't do anything foolish.

Freyr: What?

Wells: We're better off without the univir.

Freyr: But...

Wells: Humans and monsters were never meant to live together. It's
just not

He walks off.

Freyr (with black cloud) watches him leave.

Freyr: Wells hates the univir just as much as they hate humans. But
why do
they hate each other so much? Maybe I should go talk to Kuruna again.

Before doing so, you can enter your home to discover how an upper floor
been added. Shara now will appear, whatever the hour to suggest that
empty room upstairs could be a perfect work area where a forge,
pharmacy and
workshop could be installed. You now will have the ability to craft
after visiting Raven's Smithy to order a Forge or Workshop. When you
the Chemist to speak to Marian, the option to build a Pharmacy will be
to her Menu.

Incidentally, the only item in the new room upstairs will be a Storage
Sad to say, it is the same Storage Chest that you have in your original
chamber and no new slots will have been added to it.

When you visit Raven's Shop now:

Raven: The Sharance Tree got bigger...?

Freyr: Yeah, I've got a new room in there now!

Raven: I see... Gaius said that if you wanted, we could put a forge
workshop in your house...

Freyr: What? Really?

Raven: Well, as long as you have enough gold and wood... Just be
Gaius may make it look easy, but forging is a lot of work...

Freyr: Thanks for the heads up.

Raven: Don't mention it. Let us know when you'd like them built...

Freyr: Will do! Thanks!

Now a new option will appear when you access her Menu:

I want a Forge/Workshop:
Cost: 5000G, 100 Wood
Cost: 3000G, 50 Wood

When you next speak to Marian at the Apothecary Shop, she will offer a
option to create a Pharmacy.

Walkthrough: Skelafang and the Second Orb

If you wish to move the story forward, you need to return to the Univir
Settlement to receive instructions from Kuruna. Note here that there
is a
primary Quest for Kuruna which must be distinguished from the Owl
initiated by Kuruna as well as Zaid and Ondorus.

The primary Quest by Kuruna requires that you accompany Zaid to two new
in the desert to obtain special items. The first item consists of
Bones from an area in the southeast. When you give the Dragon Bones to
Kuruna, she then will direct you to obtain a Cactus Flower in an area
in the

Both of these areas have voracious carnivorous plants in the sand that
damage your Character severely if his levels are low and he is not
properly for defence. Zaid will fight the Monsters in the area with
you, but
if his Energy Bar reaches zero, he will fall to the ground until you
defeated all Monsters on the screen.

When you have obtained the Cactus Flower, return to the Settlement to
experience an Event. While you were on your expedition, a Monster
and the Univir Tribe fear that it will be only a matter of time until
the camp
is overrun.

You will volunteer to fight the Monster and Kuruna will open the gate
north of
the Settlement.

You now have to defeat the Skelafang Dragon. It appears to be fueled

by an
energy cube that, when you have smashed all its bones, will cause it to
re-assemble. The worst damage to your Character occurs when the
skeleton has
been smashed and the cube is in the process of regenerating the Dragon.
will mount a whirling attack with its tail. The Dragon will reassemble
a few
times before it finally is defeated. You definitely will obtain Dragon
from Skelafang's skeleton and you may obtain Fish Fossils and a common
as well.

The Desert is strewn with dinosaur bones but the Dragon Bones that you
initially for Kuruna are quite different from the Dragon Bones obtained
as a
War Trophy after defeating Skelafang. The former falls into the
category of a
'Present' while the latter can be used to upgrade Items.

When you have collected the War Trophies from Skelafang, go north to
find a
second Orb similar to the one you found in Privera Forest after
defeating the
Raccoon. When you activate the Orb, you will recover a few more
Make certain that you give the Cactus Flower to Kuruna before you
return to
the Sharance Tree.

2nd Expansion of the Sharance Tree

When you return to the Sharance Tree, you will experience a little
Event with
Sakuya. She will offer to give you some 'lunch' if you come to the Inn
collect it later. When you enter the screen of the Inn, you will
an Event that will lead you ultimately to the next Dungeon.

Furniture at the General Store

Meanwhile, the practical effect of defeating Skelafang and finding the

Orb is a second expansion to the Sharance Tree which will allow you to
add new
furniture in the form of a Double Bed, a Bookshelf and a larger Storage
These new options can be found on the Menu at the General Store.

Sakuya and the Howling Food Stealer

When you attempt to visit the Inn next, you will experience an Event
Sakuya. You will find her on the ground. Evidently, a large shadow
stole the
lunch she had intended to give to you and has made off with it.

The lunch is Salted Char, according to Sakuya. Go to Oddward Valley

now to
retrieve it. At each new screen, your Character will stop briefly to
that the howling is growing louder...

At length, you will find a new Save Point at a screen hitherto

inaccessible to
you. When you go north beyond the Save Point, you will find the dish
on the
ground in the centre of a little circle. (Although Sakuya claimed to
made Salted Char, the actual Dish is Super Fail.)

Crimson, Amaranthine and the Third Orb

Take the Dish and return to the village. You need to experience a
series of
Events before you can confront the Stealer of Char. Speak first to
and she will announce that the Diner has been vandalised.

When you enter the Diner, you will experience an Event with Collette and
Blaise. Once again, the Monster came to the village because it was
to Salted Char. The message is clear. If you wish to confront the
you need to prepare Salted Char yourself and take it to the clearing in
Oddward Valley.

In case you did not recognise the connection, however, you will
experience one
more Event when you approach the entrance to Oddward Valley. Carmen
will run
towards you to announce that HER Salted Char was stolen by a lion-like
in Oddward Valley.

Catch a Char, prepare Salted Char and gird your loins for battle. If
you do
not know how to make Salted Char, Blaise will be more than happy to
you if you speak to him after the Event with Carmen at the entrance to

When you enter the Oddward Valley with your Salted Char, you will be
able to
advance unimpeded until you reach the Bamboo Cliffs. Here, two gates
slam shut, trapping you temporarily. Four Monsters of different
varieties now
will appear. You will be required to defeat them all before the gates
open for you to allow you to go to the next screen in the west.

On this screen, two gates will slam shut, preventing your escape and
this time,
five Monsters of different varieties will appear. Once you have
defeated all
of them, the gates will open, allowing you to enter the screen with the
save point.

Save your game and advance north to the little clearing to place your
Char in the centre of the circle where you collected the Super Fail Dish

As soon as the Salted Char is placed, TWO Lion-like Monsters will

appear. One
is Red and one is Blue.
Freyr: Wait, another one?! Which one attacked the diner?!

Both roar in unison.

Freyr: Guess it doesn't matter! They're both about ready to make me


When the Red one is defeated, he will drop Red Lion Fur. When the Blue
one is
defeated, he will drop Blue Lion Fur and Quality Fur. You now will be
able to
go north to another clearing with a dais in the centre. An orb floats

When you investigate the Orb, you will experience more of your hitherto
memories and discover that you came to Sharance in fact on the trail of
Monsters. So far, you have encounted and defeated four of them... One

A Research Lab?

When you next speak to Marian after defeating the twin Lion Monsters,
she will

Marian: Your home got bigger... So you have room for a research lab...

Freyr: What?!

No new options will appear on her Menu, however.

Walkthrough: Vale River

Sinister Laughter

When you approach the entrance to the Winter Dungeon for the first time
defeating the twin Lions, you will experience a little Event.

Some awfully sinister laughter will be heard in the distance.

Freyr: (!) Was that some one... laughing?! Disturbing... It sounded

like it
came from across the river. I think I might be able to cross the river
with a
magic seed... Now, where to find one...?
Walking on Water

Even the description of Vale River hints at the need to be able to

cross the
river: 'An ice-cold river divides the land. You'll need to find a way
cross it.'

Obviously, you can purchase a Magic Lily Pad Seed from the Flower Shop.
are some Water Shoes at the Smithy in the Special Deals section
at this point that will allow you to cross water as well. The list of
offered as Special Deals is generated randomly so if you wish to own
the Water
Shoes but have not obtained the Recipe yet to make them yourself,
simply save
your game before you visit the Smithy and, should the Menu not include
reload your game.

Water Shoes: 50220G

Special ninja shoes that allow you to walk on water.
Sell: 1460G
DEF +83

You will be required to cross the river more than once in the Vale River

In order to pursue the source of the sinister laughter, you must cross
water of the Vale River Dungeon and then continue north through a
tunnel in
the ice.

When you enter the Crystal Cave area, your Character will halt to
Yikes! That eerie cackling again! Looks like the road ahead's
protected by a
powerful wind... Do I have to defeat all the monsters in this area...?

You will be confronted by a number of Turnip Ghost Monsters, Orc

Vikings and
Dark Slimes. An arrow at the western edge of the icy ground will
prompt a

Freyr: This ice seems ... unstable..

Your choice now:

Try pushing it.
Leave it alone.

Choose: Try pushing it.

Freyr: Uh... maybe that was a little too hard.

The pillar of ice will fall, creating a bridge to the western side of

Freyr: Well, I can get across now, so it's all good!

The enemies from the other side of the area can move freely back and
forth now
as well. You will be required to defeat all enemies on either side of
water as well as the two Monster Generators in order to be able to move
forward. When this has been accomplished:

Freyr: It feels like the gusts have died down. I'll try moving ahead

To move forward, you need to exit the Crystal Cave at the northeast
When you enter the next screen, which is the Icy River:

Freyr: Ack! Again with the cackling! The gusts are knocking me back
And who... or what... is behind all the laughing?

The view shifts to the other side of the water.

Freyr: Hmm... I'm getting a bad feeling from over in that area. If I
all the monsters in the cave, I might be able to move on.

You now need to defeat a pack of Silver Wolves, Little Wizards and more
Slimes in order to clear the area. Once again, there are two
Generators and
one will be found on either bank of the river. There is no way to
create a
bridge here, however, and you therefore will need either to have the
to walk on water or to float across on a leaf. Although you need to
clear the
area on the west bank of the River, the path to the source of the
will be in the northeast corner again.

Dungeons and the Four Seasons

There are four seasonal dungeons in Rune Factory 3. Each successive

season is
progressively more difficult in terms of the strength of its monsters.

Spring Dungeon: Privera Forest

Privera Forest is ruled by Spring and has the following:

Privera Forest:
Difficulty: 1 Star
Suggested Level: 1

An enchanting forest. Ancient ruins hint at a great city that once

stood there
many ages ago.

But lately, some new statues have been added to the scenery.

Mineable Items Here: Scrap Metal, Iron, Bronze, Earth Crystal, Amethyst

Monsters: Wooly, Orc, Orc Hunter, High Orc, Orc Archer, Elephant, Giant
Hercules Beetle, Flower Blossom, Spider, Ant, Killer Ant, Buffamoo,
Chipsqueek, Leaf Ball, Big Mushroom, Planhoa, Onion Ghost, Orc Rider,

Spring Fishing: Masu Trout, Gibelio, Needlefish, Lover Snapper, Cherry

Squid and Lamp Squid

Summer Dungeon: Sol Terrano Desert

Sol Terrano Desert

Difficulty: 2 Stars
Suggested Level 15

a harsh and unforgiving desert. the bleached white bones of many

litter the landscape.

Most people stay away from this area, unless they have a very good
reason to
visit it. So do you have a good reason to be here, or are you some
kind of

Or are you here to visit the Hidden Univir Settlement deep in the

Mineable Items here: Scrap Metal, Iron, Bronze, Silver, emerald, Ruby,

Monsters Here:Duck, Piney, Tomato Ghost, Slime, Monster Box, Scorpion,

Stalker, Ignis, Goblin Gangster, Goblin Pirate, Goblin Captain, Goblin
Shadow Panther, Weegull, Flower Lion, Tricky Mushroom, Troll, Titan,
Troll, Master Troll, Big Duck

Summer Fishing: Sardine, Char, Chub, Turbot, Sunsquid, Shrimp, Crucian

Lobster, Lover Snapper and Squid

Autumn Dungeon: Oddward Valley

Oddward Valley is ruled by Autumn and has the following:

Oddward Valley, Difficulty 3

Suggested Level 28

Enjoy picturesque hiking through caves and a creek in this autumnal

Make it all the way to the top of the hill to enjoy a serene view.

Mineable Items here: Scrap Metal, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Aquamarine,


Monsters here: Tortoise, Hobgoblin, Buffalo, Chickadoodle, Goblin

Goblin Sniper, Goblin, Blackbird, Sky Fish, Hornet, Hercules Beetle,
Spider, Flower Lilly, Faerie, Furpuff, Moppe Moppe, Minotauros,
Planchoa, Pepper Ghost, Death Fungus

Autumn Fishing: Skipjack, Salmon, Squid, Mackerel, Pike, Snapper, Fall

Flounder and Lover Snapper

Winter Dungeon: Vale River

Vale River is the Winter Dungeon.

Vale River, Difficulty 4 1/2 Stars

Suggested Level 40

A terribly cold region where the snow never thaws. The harsh
allows only the toughest monsters to survive. An ice-cold river
divides the
land. You'll need to find a way to cross it.

Mineable Items here: Scrap Metal, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Water


Monsters Here: Flower Crystal, Doardo, Snowy, Silver Wolf, Hunter

Wolf, Turnip
Ghost, Mammoth, Little Wizard, Tundra, Ghost, Necro, Dark Slime,
Penguin, Orc
Viking, High Orc Viking, Ogre Viking, High Ogre VIking

Winter Fishing: Tuna, Flounder, Glitter Snapper, Poison Rainbow Trout,

Blowfish, Yellowtail, Girella, Taimen, Squid, Lover Snapper and Pond

Monster Behaviour Guide

One could devote an entire book to Monsters and their habits and
indeed, they
are an important aspect of any Rune Factory game. Monsters are your
antagonists in the Dungeons and in DEFeating them, your Character will
increase his Skill Levels in Combat as well as obtaining important
Items as
War Trophies. When tamed, Monsters serve the purpose of Ranch Aniimals
Farm Workers. You can obtain products from them and set them to tasks
on your

You will not be able to tame any Monsters until you have a Monster
Barn. The
option to build one will be added to Raven's Menu only after you defeat
Raccoon in Privera Forest. There is no cost apart from supplying 40
Wood for
the project.

When the Barn has been ordered, it will be completed instantly. You
can go directly to any Dungeon to tame your first Monster! In Rune
Factory 3,
you do not use a 'Pet Glove' to tame Monsters. Instead, you need to
ply the
Monster with Food. The number of Items required to tame the Monster
to depend partly on the Monster's Strength or Level and on the food
Item used.
A simple Medicinal Herb or coloured Grass CAN be used to tame a
Monster, but
you have to give it quite a few before it will be persuaded to come
home with

When the Monster has been tamed, you will be asked to choose a name for
it and
you then can keep it with you in the Dungeon or send it to the Barn

As soon as you arrive at the Barn after taming your first Monster, you
receive a visit from Gaius, who will give you a tutorial about Monster
Care as
well as 9 Grass.
Grass is the ordinary Feed for Monsters in Rune Factory 3. Grass Seeds
can be
purchased from the Flower Shop from the very start of the game and as
Grass is
a Multiple Harvest Crop, you can plan ahead by growing some even before
have the ability to tame and house Monsters. Use your Sickle to cut
Grass for Monster use.

Monsters provide a wide variety of services in Rune Factory 3 and the

nature of these always depends on the type of Monster you have tamed.
Monsters can accompany you to the Dungeons as BATKle Companions. There
are a
few Monsters that can be used for transport as in other Rune Factory

Another service Monsters will provide is that of working in your

Fields. The
system is a little different from other Rune Factory games.

When you speak to a Monster, you will have a number of options:

Take it with you.

Help with the farm.
Return to the Forest of Beginnings.

The choice to take it with you will open a new Menu:

Send back to the barn.

If the Monster is one that can be used for Transport, choosing 'Ride'
allow you to mount. If the Monster cannot be used for Transport, you
receive a prompt to that effect. In RF3, any Monster who is being used
Transport can follow you into buildings and when you speak to villagers
mounted, they will ignore the Monster completely! Furthermore, whether
mounted or not, if a Monster Companion follows you into your home and
you go
to sleep, it will be waiting next to your bed when you awaken.

If you choose:
Help on the farm.

Which part of the farm?

You now have the following choices:

Let it decide
Upper Left
Upper Right
Lower Left
Lower Right

Note that only one Monster can be set to any quarter of a Field. You
will be
cautioned not to set two Monsters to work in the same area as they then
fight. If a Monster has been set to work in a particular quarter, that
will not appear in the Menu when choosing an area for another Monster
to tend.

When you have made the assignment for the Monster you will see a new

I can ask it to sow the fields if I pay for the seeds and work. What
should I

Ask to sow seeds.

Don't ask to sow seeds.

This is an option with respect to the Seeds that are obtained from
Crops. If you neither set your Monster to sow Seeds nor harvest your
Crops, you will lose a valuable asset in terms of the Seeds dropped
whenever a Crop is harvested.

Once a Monster is set to work, you will see the following if you speak
to it:

The monster is currently assigned to work the upper right of the field.
Choices now:

Remove from sowing.

Remove from work.
Take it with you.

You therefore can choose to ask a Monster to accompany you even if it

is set to
work in the Fields.

Make certain that you have enough Grass as Feed in the Barn for all your
Monsters. They will organise their own Feed if the Barn is stocked.
each Monster daily and, to raise Heart Levels, feed it a Cooked Dish

Note that Monsters set to work in your Fields will tire after a couple
of days.
You do need to feed them Cooked Dishes in order to restore their Energy
Levels! Grass in the Barn will not be sufficient for this purpose.

Ranch Products and Gifts

In Rune Factory Frontier, a tamed Monster randomly might leave you an
when you released it to the Forest of Beginnings but if it were not a
that produced Ranch Products regularly, you would not receive any Items
your tamed Monsters until then. In Rune Factory 3, on the other hand,
are a number of Monsters who, when tamed, will leave offerings for you
in the

For example, a tame Chipsqueek will leave Fur on the floor of the Barn
and a
Wooly will leave a Small Fleece, even though you can obtain more Small
from your Woolies by shearing them.

As previously discussed, Monsters set to work in your Fields will tire

after a
couple of days. When you see an icon that indicates this, feed the
Monster a
Cooked Dish to restore its Energy Levels.

Working with Monsters

As previously discussed, you will not be able to interact socially with

Monsters until you have Defeated the Raccoon in Privera Forest. Once
that is
accomplished, Raven will add the option of ordering a Monster Barn to
Menu. It costs only 40 Wood to build a Barn and when ordered, will be
completed instantly.

Your Monster Barn is located in the northwest corner of your Field at

the root
of the Sharance Tree. When you first arrive at the Barn after taming a
Monster, Gaius will appear there to offer a Monster Tutorial.

When you have asked about every aspect of Monsters that interests you,
will give you a Brush as well as 9 portions of Grass. If you have
tamed a
Wooly, he will provide you with a pair of Clippers as well.

Gaius' Monster Tutorial

How do I raise Monsters?

Gaius: Raven told me that if you give gifts to monsters, it'll make
stronger. Different presents have different effects, though. For
example, if
you give them a nice dish you've cooked, that works great.

Freyr: Uh, so what should I cook for them...?

Gaius: Uh... I dunno. Ask the monster, I guess. Only the first gift
you give
them is effective, though.

How do I befriend Monsters?

Gaius: Raising your friendship with monsters is just like raising your
friendship with people. It takes effort. Make sure to feed your
every day. Your monsters won't like you if you don't feed them, after
Besides that, if you don't feed them, their health won't recover, so
won't do any work. Also, they'll be deprived of important nutrients if
don't feed them. So, for example, a wooly won't grow wool.

Freyr: So, how much food should I give them per day?

Gaius: One piece of grass is enough for one room. Just place the Grass
in the
ffed slot on the front of the barn. You can also put it in the box
inside the
barn that's on the right side, just as you enter. Check the notebook
for the
amount of food you need and the food you have. Basically, monsters
will be
happy if they're well-fed, and they'll begin to trust you more. And
just give them feed... Cook food for them from time to time. They'll
appreciate it.

How can monsters help me?

Gaius: Take your monsters outside, and they'll follow and fight
alongside you.
Some monsters even let you ride them, so you should try it out.
You should give your monsters daily chores to do as well. Sowing seeds,
watering crops, harvesting... Your monsters can help you with a variety
chores. But if you want them to sow seeds, it'll cost you money,

Freyr: Why does it cost money for the monsters to sow seeds?

Gaius: No idea. Also, if you assign two monsters to work in the same
of your fields, they'll fight. So, be sure to keep them apart. Your
are very large, though, so it should be okay. Just use the notebook.
monsters will work hard for you. And the stronger your bond with them,
harder they'll work for you.

When the tutorial is complete:

Gaius: Oh, that's right. Raven wanted you to have these.

Freyr: What are they?

Gaius: It's a Brush and Clippers. They're for taking care of your

Freyr: How are they used?

Gaius: The Brush is used for brushing your monsters, and the Clippers
are for
shearing fur from woolies.

Freyr (sweating profusely) Sh-Shearing...?

Gaius: Hm? You look like you're shaking, Freyr. Is something

Anyway, you should brush your monsters frequently. All monsters seem
to enjoy
a nice brushing. Oh, and here's some Grass for you, too.

Introduction to Forging and other Upgrades

Rune Factory 3 is different from prior games in the series where Forging
Weapons, Tools and Accessories is concerned. In previous games, there
set ingredients that had to be used to make any new Item or to upgrade
existing Item. In Rune Factory 3, there are set Recipes to create NEW
but where Upgrades to existing Items are concerned, any War Trophy can
used. This is the case both with respect to Items upgraded at the
Forge and
those that are upgraded at the Workbench.

When you access the list of War Trophies, you will find that each has
its own
unique characteristics and these will affect any upgrade made using
that Item.
Any Item used to upgrade an existing Weapon or Accessory will have an
on one or more of the following: Attack, Defence, Magic Attack, Magic
Strength, Vitality and Intelligence. Most effects are positive but a
few are

Items can be upgraded only to Level 10, so make certain that you choose
upgrade materials wisely as you will be able to use only 9 ultimately.
Dungeons and the Four Seasons

There are four seasonal dungeons in Rune Factory 3. Each successive

season is
progressively more difficult in terms of the strength of its monsters.
will find tillable fields in all of the seasonal Dungeons. Wild Items,
including Medicinal Herb, Antidotal Herb and Coloured Grasses specific
to the
Season will grow randomly in all Dungeon Fields and you will find
Rocks, Weeds and Stumps on these Fields as well. You can plant Crops
to the Season in the Dungeons.

Poison Squares or 'Puddles' are deep purple and can be found randomly on
tillable Fields in the Dungeons. Use Neutraliser purchased at the
Clinic to
dissipate a Poison Square,Puddle.

If your Character walks over a Poison Square, he will be poisoned.

if you can persuade any Monster to follow you through a Poison
IT will be poisoned as well! You should deal with any Poison Effects
immediately. An Antidotal Herb can be eaten to clear all Poison from
Character's system.

Monsters are Dungeon-specific and Screen-Specific and each has a set

list of
War Trophies. War Trophies are random effects of defeating any Monster
you may not find ANY Items after a successful encounter with one. As
Combat situation increases your Skill Level, however, it is to your
to fight the same Monsters again and again.

Many of the War Trophies dropped by defeated Monsters are ingredients

that can
be used to create and upgrade Items when you have a Forge, Workshop and
Pharmacy of your own. Ores and Gems are used in similar fashion, so
you may
wish to stash a few War Trophies and Ores/Gems for future use.

Where forging Weapons and Accessories are concerned, there are no set
ingredients for Upgrades. Instead, you can choose the Item that you
wish to
use based on its stats. Weapons strong in Attack can be upgraded with
that give Defence or Magical Defence, for example, if you feel that you
more defensive power. Each Item that can be used in Upgrades has
stats. These are included in the War Trophies List.

In the following Monster Lists, you will find the name of the Monster
with its
official description, the Combat Level at which it can be tamed, its
Stats in
terms of HP, Attack (ATK), Defence (DEF), Magic Attack (MGC ATK), Magic
Defence (MGC DEF), Strength (STR), Vitality (VIT) and Intelligence
(INT), the
War Trophies that it may 'drop' when defeated and the Item that it
when tamed. The specific screen or screens in any Dungeon where the
can be found is included as well.

In Rune Factory 2, the appearance of Monsters on any screen in most

cases were
regulated by the time of day. There were Monsters who appeared on a
only during the day and others who would appear at night. Rune Factory
3 is
quite different. Although each Screen has specific Monster types, the
Monsters who appear when you enter any screen are chosen randomly from
group of Monsters specific to the area.

For example, the first screen in Privera Forest is the Lightway, where
Pomme-Pommes and Woolies appear. Whenever you enter the area, you can
two Monsters. They may be two Pomme-Pommes, two Woolies or one Pomme-
and one Wooly.

The Gifts that a Monster leaves on the floor of the barn each day may
or may
not be one of its War Trophies. For example, in the case of the
the Gift that it leaves for you on the floor of the Barn is Fur, which
is one
of its War Trophies. In the case of the Wooly, however, its Gift is
Fleece, which is the item that you will obtain when you use the
Clippers, but
NOT one of its War Trophies.

Monster Health

In the same way that soil must rest in Rune Factory 3 in order to
continue to
produce high quality Crops, tame Monsters must rest from time to time
or they
will become tired or ill. If a Monster displays any of the status
icons, the gift of a Cooked Dish usually will cure it, but you may wish
rotate your Monsters in their chores as well. A Monster who is not in
condition will not leave a Gift on the floor of the Barn.

Transport Monsters

Many of the Monsters that you tame in Rune Factory 3 can be used for
Whenever you interact with a Monster, you will have access to a prompt
'Ride' it. If it is a Monster that can be used for Transport, you will
able to mount it by using that option. If it is NOT a Monster that can
used for Transport, attempting to use the option will result in a
message to
the effect that you will not be able to ride this particular Monster.

Some of the Monsters that you should be able to use for Transport are as

Hercules Beetle
Hunter Wolf
Silver Wolf
Sky Fish
Tricky Mushroom

Spring Dungeon: Privera Forest

Privera Forest is ruled by Spring and has the following:

Privera Forest:
Difficulty: 1 Star
Suggested Level: 1

An enchanting forest. Ancient ruins hint at a great city that once

stood there
many ages ago.

But lately, some new statues have been added to the scenery.

Mineable Items Here: Scrap Metal, Iron, Bronze, Earth Crystal, Amethyst
Monsters: Wooly, Orc, Orc Hunter, High Orc, Orc Archer, Elephant, Giant
Hercules Beetle, Flower Blossom, Spider, Ant, Killer Ant, Buffamoo,
Chipsqueek, Leaf Ball, Big Mushroom, Planhoa, Onion Ghost, Orc Rider,

Fish caught in Spring: Masu Trout, Gibelio, Needlefish, Lover Snapper,

Salmon, Squid and Lamp Squid.

Privera Forest Monster List


Lv.: 6 (tiny EXP)
HP: 164
ATK: 9
DEF: 8
STR: 9
VIT: 8
INT: 8
Description: Wanders around aimlessly, sometimes remembering to ATK.
Location: Crescent Path, Green Path,The Eye
War Trophies: Speckled Skin, Wood

Big Mushroom

Big Mushroom
Lv.: 7 (tiny EXP)
HP: 131
ATK: 10
DEF: 9
STR: 12
VIT: 19
INT: 13
Description: A gigantic mushroom as tall as a person. Emits poison
powder if it
senses danger.
Location: Green Path
War Trophies: Spore, Poison Powder

Lv.: 6 (tiny EXP)
HP: 240
ATK: 21
DEF: 8
STR: 21
VIT: 8
INT: 17
Description: Gentle and calm. It doesn't usually ATK people, but try
not to
make it mad.
Location: The Pupil
War Trophies: Small Milk , Medium Milk


Lv.: 9 (tiny EXP)
HP: 240
ATK: 19
DEF: 9
STR: 19
VIT: 10
INT: 21
Description: A charming little creature. It is always eating something.
Location: The Pupil
War Trophies: Fur, Quality Fur, Branch
Gives: Fur


Lv.: 8 (tiny EXP)
HP: 200
ATK: 12
DEF: 20
STR: 12
VIT: 20
INT: 10
Description: A giant monster with a large nose. It can shoot jets of
Location: The Eye , The Pupil
War Trophies: Watering Can, Fur, Quality Fur

Flower Blossom
Flower Blossom
Lv.: 6 (tiny EXP)
HP: 180
ATK: 10
DEF: 10
STR: 10
VIT: 10
INT: 14
Description: It fires seeds from its mouth and is very sensitive to
Location: The Pupil , Crescent Path
War Trophies: Root, Plant Stem

Giant Beetle

Giant Beetle
Lv.: 11 (tiny EXP)
HP: 250
ATK: 14
DEF: 14
STR: 14
VIT: 14
INT: 10
Description: Lifts and throws enemies with its horns. Its aim is to
DEFeat a
Hercules Beetle in a fight.
Location: Ruins , The Eye
War Trophies: Hard Horn, Insect Skin

High Orc

High Orc:
Lv.: 8 (tiny EXP)
HP: 270
ATK: 12
DEF: 11
STR: 12
VIT: 11
INT: 7
Description: Very cautious, lives deep in the woods. Highly territorial
Location: The Eye , Green Path , Ruins
War Trophies: Cheap Bracelet, Cheap Cloth
Killer Ant

Killer Ant:
Lv.: 7 (tiny EXP)
HP: 170
ATK: 9
DEF: 9
STR: 9
VIT: 9
INT: 8
Description: The ant chief. Can even chrew through rocks with its
Location: Crescent Path , Green Path
War Trophies: Wood, Speckled Skin, Insect Skin


Lv.: 12 (tiny EXP)
HP: 268
ATK: 13
DEF: 12
STR: 13
VIT: 12
INT: 11
Description: A floating plant monster. It likes sunny places.
Location: Ruins , The Pupil , The Eye
War Trophies: Strong Vine, Plant Stem, Root

Onion Ghost

Onion Ghost
Lv.: 8 (tiny EXP)
HP: 220
ATK: 11
DEF: 14
STR: 11
VIT: 14
INT: 15
Description: Onion-headed ghost. Be sure to eat your vegetables, or
they will
haunt you!
Location: The Pupil
War Trophies: Onions, Onion Seeds

Lv.: 4 (tiny EXP)
HP: 122
ATK: 8
DEF: 7
STR: 8
VIT: 7
INT: 9
Description: Not very bright, but curious and active. May visit the
town out of
Location: Stoneway
War Trophies: Cheap Bracelet, Cheap Cloth, Glue

Orc Archer

Orc Archer:
Lv.: 5 (tiny EXP)
HP: 116
ATK: 7
DEF: 7
STR: 7
VIT: 7
INT: 9
Description: Calm and laid back personality. Works at one speed: Slow.
Location: Stoneway , The Pupil
War Trophies: Arrowhead, Gunpowder, Recovery Potion

Orc Hunter

Orc Hunter:
Lv.: 9 (tiny EXP)
HP: 254
ATK: 10
DEF: 10
STR: 10
VIT: 10
INT: 10
Description: Forest hunter. Very few creatures can evade an Orc
Hunter's arrow.

Location: Green Path , The Pupil

War Trophies: Arrowhead, Glue, Recovery Potion

Orc Rider

Orc Rider:
Lv.: ???
HP: ???
ATK: ???
DEF: ???
MGC ATK: ???
MGC DEF: ???
STR: ???
VIT: ???
INT: ???
Description: N,A
Location: The Eye , The Pupil
War Trophies: Proof of Warrior, Cheap Cloth, Cheap Bandage, Glue

Pomme Pomme

Pomme Pomme
Lv.: 2 (with little EXP)
HP: 58
ATK: 4
DEF: 5
STR: 4
VIT: 5
INT: 5
Description: Sometimes it looks just like an apple with its round body,
it's too big…
Location: Lightway
War Trophies: Apple


Lv.: 6 (tiny EXP)
HP: 160
ATK: 8
DEF: 8
STR: 8
VIT: 8
INT: 9
Description: Scurries about quickly, overcoming its prey with speed and
Location: Crescent Path
War Trophies: Strong String, Sparkle String, Insect Jaw


Lv. 1 (with 50% EXP)
HP: 52
ATK: 4
DEF: 5
STR: 4
VIT: 5
INT: 7
Description: If you try to cut its fur in winter, it pleads you not to
with its
big, round eyes…
Location: Lightway
War Trophies: Wooly Furball, Shears
Gives: Small Fleece

Summer Dungeon: Sol Terrano Desert

Sol Terrano Desert

Difficulty: 2 Stars
Suggested Level 15
Season: Summer

a harsh and unforgiving desert. the bleached white bones of many

litter the landscape.

Most people stay away from this area, unless they have a very good
reason to
visit it. So do you have a good reason to be here, or are you some
kind of

Or are you here to visit the Hidden Univir Settlement deep in the

Mineable Items here: Scrap Metal, Iron, Bronze, Silver, emerald, Ruby,

Monsters Here: Duck, Piney, Tomato Ghost, Slime, Monster Box, Scorpion,
Stalker, Ignis, Goblin Gangster, Goblin Pirate, Goblin Captain, Goblin
Shadow Panther, Weegull, Flower Lion, Tricky Mushroom, Troll, Titan,
Troll, Master Troll, Big Duck
Fish caught in Summer: Sardine, Char, Chub, Turbot, Sunsquid, Shrimp,
Carp, Lobster, Lover Snapper and Squid

Walkthrough: After defeating the Raccoon

After defeating the Raccoon in Privera Forest, you will experience a

very brief
encounter when you approach the Sharance Tree on your way home. A
standing near the Tree, seeing you, will bolt towards the path in the
that leads to the Desert. When you first enter the entrance to the Sol
Terrano Desert after this, you will catch a momentary glimpse of the
again before it disappears into the Desert.

Wells will approach you at the entrance to the Desert, warniing you not
enter. Obviously, the Desert is the next destination for you if you
wish to
make progress in the main Plot!

Univir Settlement

When you begin to explore the Sol Terrano Desert, you should experience
Event when you first arrive at a narrow defile in the north. Here is
entrance to the Univir Settlement, a fabled tribe of creatures who, led
by the
'Horned Girl' Kuruna, have declared unrelenting war against humanity.

You will be unable to enter the Settlement, in fact, until you have
into your Wooly persona. When you have done this, you will be welcomed
and urged to join their cause.

After you encounter Kuruna and the Univir Tribe, the Sharance Tree will
giving you an upper floor where a Forge, Workbench and Pharmacy can be
Raven will offer the Forge and Workbench while Marian will offer the

The third location for Requests is in the Univir Settlement where, by

to an Owl perched near the Elder's Tent, you can accept Requests.

Sol Terrano Monster List

Death Stalker

Death Stalker
Lv.: 25
HP: 451
ATK: 42
DEF: 58
STR: 42
VIT: 38
INT: 31
Description: Captures its prey in its claws, then kills it with its
Location: Sand Sea , Cactus Cove , Hardlands
War Trophies: Scorpion Pincer, Scorpion Tail, Speckled Skin, Insect


Lv.: 13
HP: 271
ATK: 32
DEF: 14
STR: 17
VIT: 14
INT: 11
Description: Waddles about cutely. It is faster than it looks.
Location: Bone Bridge
War Trophies:
Default Name: Dox

Flower Lion

Flower Lion
Lv.: 18
HP: 315
ATK: 22
DEF: 30
STR: 22
VIT: 30
INT: 30
Description: Sprouts impressive leaves that look like a lion's mane.
Location: Open Dunes, Hardlands
War Trophies: Plant Stem, Strong Vine, Root

Goblin Captain

Goblin Captain
Lv.: 22
HP: 380
ATK: 34
DEF: 34
STR: 34
VIT: 34
INT: 23
Description: A tough goblin leader. Skillful at using two knives.
Location: Cactus Cove , Sand Sea
War Trophies: Skull, Wine, Quality Cloth

Goblin Don

Goblin Don
Lv.: 13
HP: 273
ATK: 28
DEF: 20
STR: 19
VIT: 13
INT: 13
Description: Looks like a pineapple, bites like a monster.
Location: Sand Sea
War Trophies: Cheap Bandage, Quality Cloth, Skull, Wine

Goblin Gangster

Goblin Gangster
Lv.: 16
HP: 251
ATK: 22
DEF: 22
STR: 22
VIT: 22
INT: 15
Description: A crazy rascal who flings around knives, and tries to pick
Location: Sandpit
War Trophies: Quality Cloth, Skull, Oil, Cheap Bandage

Goblin Pirate

Goblin Pirate
Lv.: 15
HP: 240
ATK: 28
DEF: 23
STR: 23
VIT: 23
INT: 18
Description: Thinks he's the strongest. Actually weaker than Goblin
Location: Rock Valley , Sandpit
War Trophies: Quality Cloth, Silk Cloth, Oil, Skull

Hammer Troll

Hammer Troll
Lv.: 21
HP: 648
ATK: 52
DEF: 20
STR: 38
VIT: 20
INT: 18
Description: Swings a huge hammer and hates anything that is immune to
Location: Open Dunes
War Trophies: Giant's Fingernail, Giant's Glove


Lv.: 27
HP: 616
ATK: 18
DEF: 38
MGC DEF: 155
STR: 16
VIT: 38
INT: 47
Description: Creates heat. It can be used during winter to heat your
Location: Hardlands , Cactus Cove
War Trophies: Fire Crystal, Magic Crystal

Monster Box

Monster Box
Lv.: 23
HP: 314
ATK: 34
DEF: 40
MGC DEF: 120
STR: 34
VIT: 40
INT: 41
Description: A monster shaped like a treasure chest. Lures in
adventurers, then
Location: Sand Sea , The Fossil , Hardlands
War Trophies: Broken Box, Broken Hilt, Failed Dish, Super Fail


Lv.: 13
HP: 273
ATK: 28
DEF: 20
STR: 19
VIT: 13
INT: 13
Description: Looks like a pineapple, bites like a monster.
Location: Bone Bridge
War Trophies: Pineapple
Default Name: Plono


Lv.: 19
HP: 370
ATK: 35
DEF: 31
STR: 35
VIT: 31
INT: 27
Description: Hides in the sand to hunt its prey. Stores a powerful
poison in
its tail.
Location: Rock Valley , Open Dunes
War Trophies: Scorpion Tail, Scorpion Pincher, Speckled Hide, Insect

Shadow Panther

Shadow Panther
Lv.: 22
HP: 369
ATK: 32
DEF: 54
STR: 32
VIT: 34
INT: 23
Description: A rare beast that can walk on two legs. Skillfully uses
its front
legs to eat.
Location: Open Dunes , The Fossil , Sand Sea
War Trophies: Panther Claw, Fur


Lv.: 14
HP: 171
ATK: 38
DEF: 32
STR: 22
VIT: 12
INT: 12
Description: A gelatinous monster. Its jelly-like body protects its
Location: Bone Bridge
War Trophies: Ruby, Emerald


Lv.: 26
HP: 650
ATK: 51
DEF: 40
STR: 49
VIT: 40
INT: 25
Description: Their punches can break through steel and will cause you
more than
just a bump.
Location: Cactus Cove
War Trophies: Giant's Gloves, Giant's Fingernail

Tomato Ghost
Lv.: 20
HP: 394
ATK: 34
DEF: 31
MGC DEF: 132
STR: 28
VIT: 24
INT: 30
Description: Tomato-headed ghost. Disappears, then throws tomatoes when
Location: Open Dunes , The Fossil
War Trophies: Tomato seeds, Hood

Tricky Mushroom
Lv.: 24
HP: 460
ATK: 37
DEF: 39
MGC DEF: 180
STR: 37
VIT: 39
INT: 32
Description: Monster mushroom that glows fluorescent. Glowing is the
way it
Location: Sand Sea
War Trophies: Spore, Poison Powder, Plant Stem


Lv.: 17
HP: 277
ATK: 38
DEF: 32
STR: 32
VIT: 32
INT: 12
Description: Massive creatures of enormous strength. One punch can
smash nearly
any enemy.
Location: Rock Valley
War Trophies: Giant's Fingernail, Giant's Gloves


Lv.: 24
HP: 520
ATK: 37
DEF: 36
STR: 37
VIT: 36
INT: 38
Description: It hunts its prey from high above and can kill swiftly
from the
Location: Hardlands , Cactus Cove
War Trophies: Branch, Bird Wing

Big Monsters

Big Duck

Big Duck
Location: The Fossil

Master Troll

Master Troll
War Trophies: Hammer Piece, Formuade
Location: Sand Sea

Autumn Dungeon: Oddward Valley

Oddward Valley is ruled by Autumn and has the following:

Oddward Valley, Difficulty 3

Suggested Level 28

Enjoy picturesque hiking through caves and a creek in this autumnal

Make it all the way to the top of the hill to enjoy a serene view.

Mineable Items here: Scrap Metal, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Aquamarine,


Monsters here: Tortoise, Hobgoblin, Buffalo, Chickadoodle, Goblin

Goblin Sniper, Goblin, Blackbird, Sky Fish, Hornet, Hercules Beetle,
Spider, Flower Lilly, Faerie, Furpuff, Moppe Moppe, Minotauros,
Planchoa, Pepper Ghost, Death Fungus

Fish caught in Autumn: Skipjack, Salmon, Squid, Mackerel, Pike,

Snapper, Fall
Floudnder and Lover Snapper

Oddward Valley Monster List


Lv. 32
HP: 616
ATK: 58
DEF: 57
MGC DEF: 200
STR: 58
VIT: 57
INT: 42
Description: Thought black like the night, its poor vision keeps it
during the day.
Location: Flooded Valley , Windy Wetlands , Forest Path
War Trophies: Bird Wing, Branch
Gives: Bird Wing


Lv. 29
HP: 556
ATK: 52
DEF: 44
STR: 52
VIT: 44
INT: 38
Description: A beast known for charging when irritated. Can be ridden.
Location: Windy Cave , Tempest River
War Trophies: Bull Horn


Lv. 10
HP: 100
ATK: 21
DEF: 5
STR: 21
VIT: 5
INT: 20
Description: Makes a loud cry early in the morning, so its been used as
alarm for ages.
Location: Windy Cave
War Trophies: Small Egg


Lv. 39
HP: 525
ATK: 51
DEF: 73
MGC DEF: 380
STR: 51
VIT: 73
INT: 70
Description: A small and quick fairy. Especially good at playing tag.
Location: Bamboo Cliffs
War Trophies: Prelude to Love, Fairy Dust
Gives: Fairy Dust

Flower Lily

Flower Lilly
Lv. 37
HP: 960
ATK: 31
DEF: 36
MGC DEF: 148
STR: 28
VIT: 36
INT: 45
Description: A monster with lovely blossoms containing a very sweet
Location: Windy Hill
War Trophies: Root
Gives: Root


Lv. 37
HP: 398
ATK: 68
DEF: 87
STR: 68
VIT: 47
INT: 53
Description: Its long, thick fur has a great texture. Just petting it
will make
you happy.
Location: Windy Hill
War Trophies: Fur, Quality Fur, Branch
Gives: Fur


Lv. 43
HP: 966
ATK: 88
DEF: 90
STR: 88
VIT: 70
INT: 65
Description: Their unique style of swinging means nothing gets away
from them.
Location: Bamboo Cliffs , Archway
War Trophies: Hammer Piece, Giant's Gloves, Giant's Fingernail


Lv. 31
HP: 573
ATK: 57
DEF: 47
STR: 57
VIT: 47
INT: 39
Description: Sly little monsters that like to sneak behind and ATK from
Location: Tempest River , Flooded Valley
War Trophies: Proof of Warrior, Glue, Rice Ball, Cheap Bandage

Goblin Archer

Goblin Archer
Lv. 31
HP: 489
ATK: 53
DEF: 46
STR: 53
VIT: 46
INT: 46
Description: It lacks composure and tends to drop its arrows
Location: Tempest River , Flooded Valley
War Trophies: Arrowhead, Cheap Bandage, Gunpowder

Goblin Sniper

Goblin Sniper
Lv. 36
HP: 518
ATK: 65
DEF: 63
MGC DEF: 192
STR: 65
VIT: 63
INT: 56
Description: Unmatched marksmanship. Never lets a target get away.
Location: Forest Path , Windy Hill
War Trophies: Gunpowder, Recovery Potion, Arrowhead, Cheap Bandage

Hell Spider

Hell Spider
Lv. 35
HP: 387
ATK: 66
DEF: 69
MGC DEF: 126
STR: 66
VIT: 69
INT: 53
Description: Lounges about among the tree branches on a hammock made of
Location: Forest Path , Windy Hill
War Trophies: Strong String, Sparkle String, Insect Jaw
Gives: Strong String

Hercules Beetle

Hercules Beetle
Lv. 38
HP: 874
ATK: 71
DEF: 76
STR: 71
VIT: 76
INT: 59
Location: Windy Hill
War Trophies: Hard Horn, Insect Skin
Gives: Hard Horn


Lv. 34
HP: 585
ATK: 67
DEF: 61
STR: 67
VIT: 61
INT: 41
Description: Looks that can scare a devil. It's simply terrifying.
Location: Windy Wetlands , Forest Path
War Trophies: Glue, Rice Ball, Proof of Warrior


Lv. 33
HP: 380
ATK: 63
DEF: 52
STR: 63
VIT: 52
INT: 52
Description: Works feverishly for the queen bee. Relentlessly stings its
Location: Flooded Valley , Windy Wetlands
War Trophies: Insect Jaw, Speckled Skin, Insect Skin
Gives: Honey


Lv. 41
HP: 920
ATK: 74
DEF: 77
STR: 74
VIT: 77
INT: 45
Description: A huge monster with a huge axe, but too big to make small
Location: Bamboo Cliffs , Archway
War Trophies: Hammer Piece, Devil Horn, Protein Boost

Moppe Moppe

Moppe Moppe
Lv. 29
HP: 330
ATK: 50
DEF: 62
MGC DEF: 120
STR: 50
VIT: 42
INT: 36
Description: A close cousin of the Pomme Pomme.
Location: Windy Cave
War Trophies: Grapes

Pepper Ghost

Pepper Ghost
Lv. 40
HP: 567
ATK: 67
DEF: 74
MGC DEF: 188
STR: 67
VIT: 74
INT: 80
Description: Green pepper-headed ghost. Another reason to eat your
Location: Bamboo Cliffs
War Trophies: Green Pepper Seed


Lv. 30
HP: 608
ATK: 66
DEF: 39
MGC DEF: 266
STR: 66
VIT: 39
INT: 64
Description: Smarter than it looks. It can understand human language.
Location: Windy Hill
War Trophies: Strong Vine, Plant Stem
Gives: Plant Stem

Sky Fish

Sky Fish
Lv. 31
HP: 641
ATK: 51
DEF: 42
MGC DEF: 202
STR: 51
VIT: 42
INT: 60
Description: A mysterious fish that floats in the sky. Blows a powerful
Location: Tempest River
War Trophies: Rare Can, Can, Fish Fossil

Winter Dungeon: Vale River

Vale River is the Winter Dungeon.

Vale River, Difficulty 4 1,2 Stars

Suggested Level 40
A terribly cold region where the snow never thaws. The harsh
allows only the toughest monsters to survive. An ice-cold river
divides the
land. You'll need to find a way to cross it.

Mineable Items here: Scrap Metal, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Water


Monsters Here: Flower Crystal, Doardo, Snowy, Silver Wolf, Hunter

Wolf, Turnip
Ghost, Mammoth, Little Wizard, Tundra, Ghost, Necro, Dark Slime,
Penguin, Orc
Viking, High Orc Viking, Ogre Viking, High Ogre VIking

Fish caught in Winter: Tuna, Flounder, Glitter Snapper, Poison Rainbow

Blowfish, Yellowtail, Girella, Taimen, Squid, Lover Snapper and Pond

Vale River Monster List

Dark Slime

Dark Slime
Lv. 49
HP: 737
ATK: 88
DEF: 112
STR: 88
VIT: 72
INT: 40
Description: Body color darkens to protect its core. Can it really see
inside there?
Location: Crystal Cave
War Trophies: Small Crystal
Gives: Small Crystal


Lv. 56
HP: 732
ATK: 101
DEF: 154
MGC DEF: 453
STR: 101
VIT: 74
INT: 100
Description: Can live on land or in water. Too heavy to catch with a
Location: Cracked Ice
War Trophies: Fish Fossil

Flower Crystal

Flower Crystal
Lv. 47
HP: 684
ATK: 72
DEF: 128
MGC DEF: 305
STR: 30
VIT: 50
INT: 68
Description: This mysterious plant has transparent leaves that look like
Location: Frozen Shore , Ice Valley
War Trophies: Root, Strong Vine, Plant Stem


Lv. 53
HP: 951
ATK: 97
DEF: 124
MGC DEF: 300
STR: 97
VIT: 84
INT: 95
Description: The ghost suddenly appears from behind, surprising its
Location: White Tree, Cathedral Cavern
War Trophies:

High Ogre Viking

High Ogre Viking

Lv. 58
HP: 1104
ATK: 102
DEF: 116
MGC DEF: 312
STR: 102
VIT: 116
INT: 95
Description: Its jacket is extremely expensive. Inside the jacket are
lots of
Location: Cracked Ice , Windless Cave , Silver Spring
War Trophies: Glue, Shoulder Piece, Wine

High Orc Viking

High Orc Viking

Lv. 57
HP: 1138
ATK: 112
DEF: 119
MGC DEF: 260
STR: 112
VIT: 119
INT: 105
Description: A proud and imposing warrior. Hates heat and sticks to
cold areas.
Location: White Tree , Cracked Ice , Windless Cave , Silver Spring
War Trophies: Glue, Wine, Shoulder Piece

Hunter Wolf

Hunter Wolf
Lv. 52
HP: 1075
ATK: 115
DEF: 142
MGC DEF: 416
STR: 105
VIT: 102
INT: 78
Description: Its dazzling fur catches the eye. You'll feel like a
prince riding
Location: Windless Cave , Silver Spring
War Trophies: Fur, Quality Fur, Wolf Fang
Gives: Wolf Fang

Little Wizard

Little Wizard:
Lv. 51
HP: 720
ATK: 72
DEF: 68
MGC DEF: 504
STR: 72
VIT: 78
INT: 87
Description: Prankster wizard. Good at water magic. He squirts
travelers with
his water gun.
Location: Icy River
War Trophies: Magic Powder, Magic Crystal, Small Crystal, Medicine


Lv. 59
HP: 1782
ATK: 122
DEF: 133
STR: 122
VIT: 133
INT: 90
Description: Can weather extreme cold. Very tough and will shrug off
most ATKs.
Location: Cracked Ice , Windless Cave , Silver Spring
War Trophies: Fur, Quality Fur, Old Waterpot


Lv. 60
HP: 1072
ATK: 119
DEF: 142
MGC DEF: 344
STR: 110
VIT: 102
INT: 127
Description: A face hidden behind a mask… No one knows its true face.
Location: Windless Cave , Silver Spring
War Trophies: Skull, Hood

Ogre Viking

Ogre Viking
Lv. 48
HP: 721
ATK: 80
DEF: 91
MGC DEF: 250
STR: 80
VIT: 91
INT: 74
Description: Hurls two hand axes, but doesn't have very good control.
Location: Frozen Shore , Ice Valley
War Trophies: Shoulder Piece, Glue

Orc Viking

Orc Viking
Lv. 48
HP: 814
ATK: 84
DEF: 93
MGC DEF: 175
STR: 84
VIT: 93
INT: 72
Description: A brutal orc warrior. Acts violently for his own
Location: Frozen Shore , Ice Valley , Crystal Cave
War Trophies: Shoulder Piece, Wine, Glue


Lv. 46
HP: 687
ATK: 77
DEF: 87
MGC DEF: 292
STR: 77
VIT: 84
INT: 53
Description: A bipedal monster that lives in cold regions. It can run
over ice.

Location: Frozen Shore , Ice Valley

War Trophies: Fur, Quality Fur, Bird Wing

Silver Wolf
Silver Wolf*
Lv. 21
HP: 953
ATK: 103
DEF: 108
MGC DEF: 268
STR: 103
VIT: 108
INT: 76
Description: Wolf that lives in cold areas. Hard to tame due to its wild
Location: Icy River, White Tree
War Trophies: Wolf Fang, Fur, Quality Fur
Gives: Wolf Fang

*The Silver Wolf has been Freyashawk's beloved companion throughout all
Factory games.


Lv. 45
HP: 573
ATK: 86
DEF: 86
MGC DEF: 290
STR: 80
VIT: 78
INT: 42
Description: It looks like a snowman, but it's surprisingly fluffy.
Location: Frozen Shore , Ice Valley
War Trophies: Orange


Lv. 55
HP: 939
ATK: 90
DEF: 142
MGC DEF: 402
STR: 70
VIT: 80
INT: 115
Description: Can move even if its body is frozen. Hates hot spots where
it will
Location: White Tree, Cathedral Cavern
War Trophies: Water Crystal, Magic Crystal
Turnip Ghost

Turnip Ghost
Lv. 50
HP: 824
ATK: 85
DEF: 101
MGC DEF: 350
STR: 83
VIT: 101
INT: 109
Description: Turnip-headed monster. It can use sonic wind, but
sometimes hits
Location: Crystal Cave
War Trophies: Turnip Seed, Turnip

Boss Monsters

An ancient friend of the ocotopirate. It's very tough, but a little
against magic.
War Trophies: Ammonite

Greater Demon:
War Trophies: Chest Hair, Fur

War Trophies: Chimera Tail

Dragon Cave


HP: 1245
ATK: 119
DEF: 221
MGC DEF: 448
STR: 80
VIT: 95
INT: 165
Description: Appears with the wind, and leaves just as suddenly.
Location: Pebble Pass , Winter Way
War Trophies: Wind Crystal, Magic Crystal
Arch Demon

Arch Demon
HP: 1327
ATK: 140
DEF: 166
MGC DEF: 240
STR: 140
VIT: 126
INT: 121
Description: Incredible skill with the spear. It has a heart of ice and
no mercy.
Location: Guardian Way , Needle Path , Fall Way , Old River
War Trophies: Devil Horn, Devil Blood

Blood Panther

Blood Panther
HP: 1754
ATK: 152
DEF: 131
MGC DEF: 320
STR: 133
VIT: 131
INT: 90
Description: Has powerful hind legs. Can close the distance to its prey
in one
Location: Rock Pass , Rock Wall , Cavern , Summer Way , Guardian Way ,
War Trophies: Panther Claw, Quality Fur, Devil Blood
Gives: Panther Claw

Claw Dragon

Claw Dragon
HP: 1749
ATK: 240
DEF: 160
MGC DEF: 600
STR: 160
VIT: 160
INT: 70
Description: Has sharp claws and scales. It can't be fought with normal
Location: Pebble Pass , Twin Columns , Winter Way
War Trophies: Dragon Tooth, Small Crystal

Dark Faerie

Dark Faerie
HP: 950
ATK: 116
DEF: 151
MGC DEF: 750
STR: 116
VIT: 151
INT: 180
Description: A fairy that induces nightmares. One whisper from its lips
is all
it takes.
Location: Old River , Twin Columns
War Trophies: Fairy Dust, Love Potion
Gives: Fairy Dust


HP: 1236
ATK: 115
DEF: 154
MGC DEF: 220
STR: 115
VIT: 114
INT: 106
Description: A sly demon who specializes in hit and run tactics.
Location: Entrance , Spring Way
War Trophies: Devil Blood, Devil Horn


HP: 1353
ATK: 121
DEF: 149
MGC DEF: 430
STR: 121
VIT: 109
INT: 133
Description: Known as the Grim Reaper, he visits people who are close
to death.

Location: Water Pass , Spring Way , Cavern , Guardian Way

War Trophies: Skull, Hood

King Minotauros

King Minotauros
HP: 2016
ATK: 205
DEF: 155
STR: 149
VIT: 153
INT: 122
Description: The ramming power unleashed from its huge body could
uproot a
large tree.
Location: Old River , Pebble Pass
War Trophies: Protein Boost, Hammer Piece, Devil Horn

Little Emperor

Little Golem

Little Golem
HP: 2028
ATK: 168
DEF: 362
STR: 145
VIT: 159
INT: 30
Description: It can separate its hands from its body to grab something
Location: Fall Way , Needle Path
War Trophies: Silver, Platinum, Diamond, Gold

Little Mage

Little Mage
HP: 1044
ATK: 93
DEF: 80
MGC DEF: 535
STR: 93
VIT: 100
INT: 120
Description: Tiny Wizard, Good at fire magic. He loves to use his
powers to
grill fish.
Location: Entrance , Water Pass , Spring Way , Rock Pass
War Trophies: Small Crystal, Magic Crystal, Magic Powder, Medicine


HP: ???
ATK: ???
DEF: ???
MGC ATK: ???
MGC DEF: ???
STR: ???
VIT: ???
INT: ???
Description: N,A
Location: Rock Wall , Cavern , Summer Way
War Trophies: Broken Box, Super Fail, Broken Hilt, Failed Dish
*No numbers appeared during combat

Queen Bee

Queen Bee
HP: 1029
ATK: 119
DEF: 123
MGC ATK: 114
MGC DEF: 180
STR: 119
VIT: 123
INT: 160
Description: A ferocious queen bee. Gracefully buzzes through the air.
Location: Rock Pass , Rock Wall
War Trophies: Honey, Insect Jaw, Insect Skin
Gives: Honey

Transport Monsters
Aerian, Blood Panther, Claw Dragon, Faust, King Minotauros, Little
Golem, Necro

Boss Monster


War Trophies: Dragon Fin, Legendary Scale

Dragon Fin: 90,000G

The fin of an ancient dragon. Incredibly hard but light as a feather
Sell: 8400G

In the encounter with the Boss:

Choose between:

Please fight me.


If you choose: Nothing.

What a strange fellow for coming all this way for no reason...

If you choose: Please fight me!

Testing your strength? Very well.

Freyr: I won't lose.


Ores, Gems and War Trophies all fall into the Category of Goods in Rune

Ores and Gems

Ores and Gems can be found by smashing Rocks in any Dungeon. Some Ores
Gems are dungeon-specific but others, including Scrap Metal and Iron,
can be
found in all areas. Ores and Gems can be dropped as War Trophies by
Monsters as well. Elemental Crystals are found most often when a
Generator is destroyed. The colour of the Generator will determine the
of Elemental Crystal that can be obtained randomly when it is smashed.
Scrap Metal: 60G
Has very limited use, so it doesn't fetch much of a price.
Sell: 20G
ATK -4, DEF -2

Iron: 200G
A metal ore used to make weapons and accessories. Can be found in
Sell: 50G
ATK +2, DEF +1
Upgrade Difficulty 14

Bronze: A metal ore used to make weapons and accessories. Can be

found in
abundance anywhere.
Buy: 360G
Sell: 90G
ATK +3, DEF +1
Upgrade Difficulty 19

Silver: 1040G
A metal ore use dot make weapons and accessories. Very versatile and
sell for a lot.
Sell: 260G
ATK +4, DEF +2
Upgrade Difficulty 30

Gold: 1720G
A metal ore used to make weapons and accessories. Very versatile and
sell for a lot.
Sell: 430G
ATK +6, DEF +4
Upgrade Difficulty 52

Platinum: 3000G
A metal ore used to make weapons and accessories. Very rare and hard
Sell: 750G
ATK +7, DEF +5
Upgrade Difficulty 83

Earth Crystal: 1000G

Crystallised earth magic. Super hard.
Sell: 100G (Privera Forest)
VIT +5

Fire Crystal: 1100G

A crystal in the shape of flames. Feels warm to the touch.
Sell: 200G (Sol Terrano Desert)
STR +5
Upgrade Difficulty 28
Wind Crystal: 1100G
Crystallised wind magic. You can always feel a breeze around it.
Sell: 200G (Sol Terrano Desert)
Upgrade Difficulty 28

Love Crystal: 1000G

Crystallised love. Brings happiness. Foes share their HP when you
Sell: 100G
Upgrade Difficulty 28

Dark Crystal: 1000G

Crystallised dark magic. Its dark powers swallow the light.
Sell: 100G
STR +3, INT +3
Upgrade Difficulty 28

Light Crystal: 1000G

Crystallised light magic. Emits a natural light.
Sell: 100G
VIT +3, INT +3
Upgrade Difficulty: 28

Water Crystal: 1100G

A fragile crystal in the shape of a water droplet. Handle with care.
Sell: 200G
Upgrade Difficulty 28

Amethyst: 1200G
A jewel said to have mysteirous power since ancient times.
Represents 'inner
Sell: 300G
Upgrade Difficulty 11

Aquamarine: 3000G
A deep blue jewel, reminiscent of the sea. Represents 'equanimity'.
Sell: 890G
Upgrade Difficulty 40

Diamond: 5600G
The 'King of Precious Stones'. Extremely hard, it represents purity.
Sell: 1800G
Upgrade Difficulty 72

Emerald: 1800G
An eye-catching green gem. The less flaws the stone has, the more
worth. Represents 'happiness'.
Sell: 580G
Upgrade Difficulty 22
Ruby: 2300G
A crimson jewel. The most valuable ones create a star of refracted
inside. Represents 'passion'.
Sell: 550G
Upgrade Difficulty: 22

Sapphire: 3600G
A jewel of many colours, not just pink but blue, yellow and green.
Represents 'benevolence'.
Sell: 1100G
Upgrade Difficulty: 56

War Trophies

War Trophies can consist of Items that SOLELY can be obtained as

'drops' from
defeated Monsters or can be Crops, Fruits, Tools and Accessories.
Onions can
be obtained from the Onion Ghost and Clippers from a Wooly, for
Apples can be obtained from a Pomme-Pomme.

Arrowhead: 300G
Rusted through and pretty much useless. May shine if polished up,
Sell: 80G
ATK +1, DEF +1
Upgrade Difficulty 22

Bird Wing: 660G

A wing that is soft to the touh. Upgrades resist fatigue.
Sell: 240G
MGC ATK +3, MGC DEF +6, INT +1
Upgrade Difficulty: 48

Broken Box: 2300G

A broken-down old box. Can't really be used for anything. Upgrades
resist all status effects.
Sell: 850G
DEF +5
Upgrade Difficulty 47

Broken Hilt: 2140G

Nothing but the hilt of an old weapon. When used to upgrade, raises
of sealing foes.
Sell: 610G
ATK +4
Upgrade Difficulty: 48
Bull Horn: 760G
A sharp and dangerous horn. When used to upgrade, it's easier to
knock away
Sell: 190G
ATK +5, DEF -1
Upgrade Difficulty: 51

Cheap Bandage: 440G

A very cheap bandage that looks like it could fall apart at any
Sell: 220G
DEF +5
Upgrade Difficulty 45

Cheap Cloth: 80G

Poor-quality cloth. Easily torn.
Sell: 40G
DEF +1
Upgrade Difficulty: 18

Devil Horn: 2160G

A horn from a demon. Packed with magical power.
Sell: 540G
ATK +4, MGC ATK +5
Upgrade Difficulty 74

Fairy Dust:
Powder gathered from fairies. Glows at night. Increases magic

Fish Fossil: 1480G

The fossilised remains of an ancient fish. Give it to Pia to make
her cry.
Sell: 445G
MGC ATK +7, INT +1
Upgrade Difficulty 52

Fur: 280G
Rough, coarse hide. Upgrades resist knockouts a little.
Sell: 160G
DEF +3
Dropped by a Chipsqueek
Upgrade Difficulty: 17

Giant's Fingernail: 480G

The massive fingernail of a giant. Upgrades increase chance of
Sell: 280G
ATK +3, DEF +1
Upgrade Difficulty: 40

Giant's Gloves: 520G

Huge gloves worn by a giant. Use in upgrades to increase chance of
Sell: 320G
ATK +1, DEF +3
Upgrade Difficulty: 33

Glue: 500G
Made by soaking hides in water then boiling them. Resists criticals,
weak against poison.
Sell: 180G
DEF +3, MGC DEF +2
Upgrade Difficulty 48

Gunpowder: 640G
Very dangerous, explodes if exposed to fire. Requires very careful
Sell: 250G
Upgrade Difficulty: 39

Hammer Piece: 400G

A piece of broken hammer. Upgrades increase chance of knockouts and
delay time.
Sell: 200G
Upgrade Difficulty: 36

Hard Horn: 380G

A jagged, saw-like horn. Upgrades increase chances of knockouts.
Sell: 220G
ATK +2, DEF +4
Upgrade Difficulty: 22

Hood: 1660G
A hood that conceals the face. Upgrades allow HP drain but leave you
vulnerable to criticals.
Sell: 490G
ATK +5, MGC. ATK +4, MGC DEF +2, INT +1
Upgrade Difficulty: 61

Insect Jaw: 280G

The powerful jaw of a monster. When used to upgrade, it raises
chance of
Sell: 120G
ATK +1
Upgrade Difficulty: 30

Insect Skin: 120G

The shed skin of an insect. Surprisingly tough. Use in upgrades to
Sell: 40G
DEF +1, M. DEF +2
Upgrade Difficulty 17

Magic Crystal: 1200G

A magical crystal that formed over the years. Upgrades greatly
resist seal
Sell: 400G
Upgrade Difficulty 81

Panther Claw: 360G

Deadly razor claw. When used to upgrade, increases chance of
critical hits.
Sell: 140G
DEF -3, STR +1
Upgrade Difficulty 67

Plant Stem: 300G

The hardy, thick stem of a plant. Has a variety of uses.
Sell: 150G
Upgrade Difficulty: 19

Proof of Warrior: 560G

Passed down for generations in certain warrior clans. Proof of
having become
a true warrior.
Sell: 110G
STR +6, INT -4
Upgrade Difficulty 52

Quality Cloth: 480G

High-quality cloth. Made from tough fibres, very hard to tear.
Sell: 120G
DEF +2, MGC DEF +1, STR +1
Upgrade Difficulty 30

Quality Fur: 1440G

Warm, soft hide. Silky smooth, a dream to touch and stroke.
Upgrades resist
Sell: 360G
DEF +2, MGC DEF +1

Root: 740G
The root of a tree. When used to upgrade, resists poison, paralysis
Sell: 260G
M. ATK +2, INT +1
UPgrade Difficulty 22

Scorpion Pincer: 340G

Pincers that can snip easily through branches. Upgrades increase
chance of
critical hits.
Sell: 190G
ATK +5
Upgrade Difficulty 40

Scorpion Tail: 400G

Poisonous Tail. When used to upgrade, increases critical hits and
Sell: 250G
Upgrade Difficulty 29

From Death Stalker

Shoulder Piece:
A crude wooden shoulder piece. Use in upgrades to resist knockouts
critical hits.

Skull: 2480G
A creepy skull that's used as an accessory. Upgrades increase
chance of
one-hit kills.
Sell: 300G
STR -4, VIT -4, INT -4
Upgrade Difficulty: 70

Small Crystal: 2100G

Runes crystallised over many years. Very rare and valuable. Greatly
magical attacks.
Sell: 300G
Upgrade Difficulty: 73

Sparkle String: 220G

Glittery string. Not very strong. When used to upgrade, resists
Sell: 110G
DEF +2
Upgrade Difficulty: 25

Speckled Skin: 280G

The shed skin of an insect. Has a charming spotted pattern.
Sell: 180G
DEF +1, MAG DEF +4
Upgrade Difficulty: 34

Spore: 260G
A mushroom spore. When used to upgrade, can sometimes poison enemies.
Sell: 180G
DEF +2, M. DEF +2
Upgrade Difficulty: 26

Strong String: 160G

Very elastic and quite hard to cut. When used to upgrade, it resists
critical hits.
Sell: 80G
DEF +1
Upgrade Difficulty: 21

Strong Vine: 290G

A long, thin and strong vine of a plant. Can be used to tie up and
Sell: 150G
DEF +2, M. DEF +3
Upgrade Difficulty: 14

Tortoise Shell: 820G

A very hard tortoise shell. Upgrades resist critical hits and
Sell: 280G
DEF +7, M.DEF -2
Upgrade Difficulty: 61

Wolf Fang:
An incredibly sharp fang. Can take out prey in a single strike.

Wooly Furball: 80G

Fur dropped by a Wooly. So unbelievably soft. When used to upgrade,
can put
foes to sleep.
Sell: 20G
DEF +2
Upgrade Difficulty 15

Special War Trophies from Bosses

Racoon Leaf: 3000G

A special magic leaf the raccoon naeeds to use magic. Very useful
Sell: 2500G
ATK +8, DEF +7, INT -6
Actually, a War Trophy, obtained when you defeat the Raccoon in
Upgrade Difficulty: 34

Dragon Bones: 24000G

Skelafang's bones. Only its skull can be useful.
Sell: 5000G
ATK +12, MGC ATK +1, VIT -8
Upgrade Difficulty: 48
(This is the second Dragon Bones you will obtain, after defeating

Red Lion Fur: 22500G

Beautiful red lion fur. It's fiery colour invokes strength.
Upgrades can
inflict paralysis.
Sell: 4000G
ATK +13, DEF +2, MGC ATK -2, MGC DEF -6
Upgrade Difficulty 62
Dropped by Crimsone when defeated.

Blue Lion Fur: 22500G

Beautiful blue lion fur. Its flowing deep blue colour invokes
Sell: 4000G
ATK -2, DEF -6, MGC.ATK +15, MGC DEF +4
Upgrade Difficulty 62
Dropped by Amaranthine when defeated.

Ammonite: 16800G
Sell: 3800G
VIT +16, INT -5
Obtain from Octopirate

Chest Hair: 9600G

Sell: 3600G
ATK +10, DEF +2, M. DEF -4
Obtain from Greater Demon

Chimera Tail:
The snake tail of a Chimera. Its tail has its own brain. Upgrades
paralysis and poison.
ATK +9, MGC ATK +8, STR +4, INT +8
Obtain from Chimera

Dragon Fin: 90,000G

The fin of an ancient dragon. Incredibly hard but light as a feather
Sell: 8400G
Obtain from Aquaticus

Grimoire Scale: 144000G

A scale from the legendary Grimoire. Greatly increases your stats.
Sell: 7000G
ATK +12, DEF +2, MGC ATK +14, MGC DEF +8, STR +2, VIT +2, INT +2

Ice Nose: 26100G

Modeled after the trunk of a crystal Mammoth. Commissioned by a
Sell: 4400G

Local Shops

Diamond General Store

Diamond General Store

Open: 8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

Your initial choices:

I've come to talk.

I've come to buy.
Never mind.
I've come to buy.

What can I get you?

Spring seeds
Summer seeds
Fall seeds
Winter seeds
Items and General Ingredients

Seed Menus:

The variety of Seeds sold for each Season will increase first when you
defeated the Raccoon in Privera Forest and then, after you defeat the
Skelafang in the Desert:

Spring Seeds

Pink Turnip Seed: 80G

Sown in spring. Allows beautiful pink turnips to be grown. A great
Sell: 8G
3 Days

Cabbage Seed: 100G

Sown in spring. Grows quickly and is rather resilient.
Sell: 10G
6 Days

After you defeat the Raccoon in Privera Forest, the following will be

Onion Seed: 110G

Sown in spring. Easy to harvest and easy on the soil.
Sell: 11G
12 Days

Strawberry Seed: 260G

Sown in spring. Multiple harvests are possible; takes 2 days to bear
Sell: 26G
9 Days

After you defeat the Skelafang in the Desert, the following will be

Pink Melon Seed: 620G

Sown in spring. The efforts of a sweet girl created these cute seeds.
Sell: 62G
7 Days

Formula A will be available from the start:

Formula A: 600G
Sprinkle on soil to shorten growth time. Crops will be a little more
Sell: 300G
Secret Medicine

Summer Seeds

Cucumber Seed: 80G

Sown in summer. Multiple harvests are possible. takes 2 days to bear
Sell: 8G
6 Days

Tomato Seed: 140G

Sown in summer. Mutliple harvests are possible. takes 1 day to bear
Sell: 14G
11 Days

When you have defeated the Raccoon in the Forest, the following Seeds
will be

Corn Seed: 130G

Sown in summer. Multiple harvests are possible; takes 2 days to bear
Sell: 13G
13 Days

Pumpkin Seed: 220G

Sown in summer. A large vegetable with a good balance of resilience
Sell: 22G
10 Days

When you have defeated the Skelafang in the Desert, the following will

Eggplant Seed: 160G

Sown in summer. Multiple harvests are possible; takes 2 days to bear
Sell: 16G
9 Days

Formula A will be available from the start:

Formula A: 600G
Sprinkle on soil to shorten growth time. Crops will be a little more
Sell: 300G
Secret Medicine
Autumn Seeds

Potato Seed: 90G

Sown in fall. Has surprisingly beautiful flowers.
Sell: 9G
3 Days

Carrot Seed: 100G

Sown in fall. A well-balanced vegetable.
Sell: 10G
8 Days

When you have defeated the Raccoon in the Forest, the following Seeds
will be

Yam Seeds: 120G

Sown in fall. Multiple harvests possible; takes 1 day to bear
fruit. Will
grow on its own.
Sell: 12G
6 Days

Spinach Seed: 60G

Sown in fall. Grows quickly but it's very frail. Make sure to water
it every
Sell: 6G
2 Days

When you have defeated the Skelafang in the Desert, the following will

Green Pepper Seed: 150G

Sown in fall. Multiple harvests possible; takes 2 days to bear fruit.
Sell: 15G
9 Days

Formula A will be available from the start:

Formula A: 600G
Sprinkle on soil to shorten growth time. Crops will be a little more
Sell: 300G
Secret Medicine

Winter Seeds

Turnip Seeds: 130G

Sown in winter. A simple vegetable that's great for a beginner to
try their
hand on.
Sell: 13G
3 Days

Leek Seed: 120G

Sown in winter. An easy to grow winter crop. A little easy to
Sell: 12G
6 Days

When you have defeated the Raccoon in Privera Forest, the following
Seeds will
be added:

Daikon Seed: 160G

Sown in winter. Good balance of fast growth and resilience.
Sell: 18G
7 Days

W. Cabbage Seed: 200G

Sown in winter. Takes a short while to grow.
Sell: 20G
12 Days

When you have defeated the Skelafang in the Desert, the following Seeds
will be

Hot-Hot Fruit Seed: 470G

Sown in winter. Takes a tad bit of time to grow, but they're
Sell: 47G
18 Days

Formula A will be available from the start:

Formula A: 600G
Sprinkle on soil to shorten growth time. Crops will be a little more
Sell: 300G
Secret Medicine

Items and General Ingredients:

General Ingredients do not vary and are available from the start.
Items will
become available as you ship them, but the actual selection will be
randomly on a daily basis from the list of Items shipped:

General Ingredients

Rice: 100G
A beloved staple of the dining table. Goes well with all other foods.
Sell: 50G
HP Rec +30, HP Max +5
Effect: 6 Hours

Chocolate: 450G
Smooth and sweet. The standard by which all other sweets are judged.
also be bitter.
Sell: 150G
RP Rec +10%, INT +2
Effect: 3 Hours

Wine: 1600G
An alcoholic beverage made from grapes. an old standard. Helps you
critical hits.
Sell: 800G
HP Rec +100, RP Rec +40, STR - 3, VIT -2, INT -2
Effect: 3 Hours

Youth Grass: 750G

Deep blue grass from foreign fields. Said to be good for maintaining
Sell: 250G
HP Max +1, INT +2
Effect: 3 Hours

Flour: 250G
Powder made from wheat. A vital ingredients in a large number of
Sell: 125G
HP Rec -20, HP Max +1
Effect: 3 Hours

Oil: 500G
Mainly used when frying foods to prevent burning or sticking. Makes
vlunerable to fire damage.
Sell: 250G
HP Rec -50% RP Rec -25%, VIT +5
Effect: 3 Hours

Curry Powder: 140G

Powder that forms the basis of curry. Created from spicy herbs.
Halves fire
Sell: 70G
HP Rec -20, RP Max -50%, STR +2

Dumpling Powder: 80G

Can make rice dumplings from this powder. Creaes a sticky, squishy
Sell: 40G
HP Rec +5
Effect: 3 Hours
Farm Tool

Magnifying Glass: 2000G

Allows you to examine the soil level. Examine field to discover
growth rate
and health.
Sell: 500G


This is simply an example of Items that probably will appear very early
Spring as they will be among the first that you can ship:

Pink Turnip: 400G

A beautiful pink turnip. The result of one girl's tireless efforts
to expand
beyond white turnips.

Bamboo Shoot: 300G

Crisp and aromatic. Grows fast and covers the fields during spring.

N.B. The Items that are sold, such as Turnips and Bamboo Shoot, appear
you have shipped them yourself!

Furniture Menu

When you have defeated the Skelafang in the Desert, a new option will
be added
to the Menu:

I've come to talk.

I've come to buy.
I'd like furniture.
Never mind.

I'd like furniture:

Hazel: What do you want to buy?

The total amount of Gold and Wood will be displayed with the following

Double Bed: 15000G, 80 Wood

Bookshelf: 4000G, 120 Wood
Storage Box: 6000G, 160 Wood

N.B. If you order the Storage Box, Hazel will respond: Let's see, for
bookshelf, I'll need 6000 gold and 160 pieces of wood. Do not be
however. You will have a larger Storage Box when you complete the
despite her confusion.

Fantastic Flowers

Fantastic Flowers
Open 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

I've come to talk.

I've come to buy.
I'd like cologne.
Never mind.

If you choose the option to Buy:

Buy Flower Seeds

Buy Magic Seeds
Buy Flowers

Flower Seeds:

Flower Seeds

Grass Seed: 300G

Cut to make feed for monsters. Multiple harvest possible; takes 1
day to
grow back.
Sell: 30G
3 Days

Moondrop Seed: 70G

Sown in spring. an easily grown flower.
Sell: 7G
7 Days

Toyherb Seed: 60G

Sown in spring. A delicate flower that requires some hard work. Eat
to cure
Sell: 6G
2 Days

Cherry Grass Seed: 120G

Sown in spring. Blooms with light pink flowers.
Sell: 12G
6 Days

Pink Cat Seed: 50G

Sown in summer. Fast-growing flowers that are easy to grow. Fairly
hard to
Sell: 5G
4 Days

Fireflower Seed: 260G

Sown in summer. Black seeds that look like gunpowder.
Sell: 26G
6 Days

Charm Blue Seed: 40G

Sown in fall. A good balance of ease of growth and resilience.
Sell: 4G
6 Days

Formula A: 600G
Sprinkle on soil to shorten growth time. Crops will be a little more
Sell: 300G
Secret Medicine

Magic Seeds

The following will be available initially:

Sword Magic Seed: 4800G

A plant sword fights alongside you. Returns to normal in one day if
Sell: 2400G

Jack Magic Seed: 6900G

A Jack-o-Lantern appears to help you. Returns to normal in one day
if it
Sell: 3450G

When you have defeated the Raccoon in Privera Forest, two more Magical
will be added to the Menu:

Banana Magical Seed: 2200G

A banana appears to help slip up enemies. Returns to normal in one
day if it
Sell: 1100G

Water Leaf M.S.: 5100G

A plant that makes water appear to refill cans. Returns to normal in
one day
if it tires.
Sell: 2550G

When you have defeated the Skelafang in the Desert, five more Magic
Seeds will
be added:

Cactus Magic Seed: 8800G

A cactus appears to help you. Returns to normal in one day if it
Sell: 4400G

Lily Pad M.S.: 3200G

A giant leaf appears to help you cross rivers. Returns to normal in
one day
if it tires.
Sell: 1600G

Ironflower M.S.: 7400G

A plant shield protects you. Returns to normal in one day if it
Sell: 3700G

Bombelon M.S.: 5000G

A plant bomb appears to help you. Returns to normal in one day if it
Sell: 2500G

Windmill M.S.: 5000G

A plant windmill blows gusts. Returns to normal in one day if it
Sell: 2500G

Buy Flowers:

Weeds: 10G
A plant disliked by many. has an uncanny ability to survive in any

When the Menu is expanded after the defeat of the Raccoon, you will

Withered Grass: 8G
Dried-up produce and grass. Also poisonous. Till into the ground to
soil quality.
Sell: 1G

Toyherb: 1260G
A medical herb said to be good for your health. Can be tricky to
Sell: 207G

Moondrop: 4200G
A mysterious flower that grows by moonlight. Shines as though it
fell from
the moon.
Sell: 600G

Antidote Herb: 60G

A wild herb that cures poison. Very bitter. How bitter? Let's just
very, very bitter.
Sell: 6G
The option to ask for Cologne has no cost, but is a free service that
will perform on a daily basis. She will choose the scent each day and
it will
appeal to a specific group of people. Wearing a scent that some one
when you speak to him/her will raise Friendship Levels. The favourite
for each Character are included in my Rune Factory 3 Characters Guide.

Among the various Colognes that Shara offers are:

Shara: Oh, cologne? How fashionable of you. Today's scent is...


Freyr: D-Delicious Delight...?

Shara: People who like cooking or eating will like this one.

Shara: Today's scent is Worldly Traveler. This is afavourite amonst

with strong ties to forign lands.

Shara: Today's scent is Strange Scent. I bought it because it sounded

iintriguing, but I don't see the appeal. Maybe strange people like it.

Shara: Today's scent is... Rainbow!

Freyr: What do rainbows even smell like?

Shara: I have no idea, but that's how Daria described it.

Shara: Today's scent is... Magic Musk. It's perfume made from magic
People who like magic are sure to love it.

Shara: Today's scent is... Fish!

Freyr: F-Fish?!

Shara: (Very nice.) Sure! Now any one who loves fish will also love


Open 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Raven: What do you want?

Your choices:
I've come to talk.
I've come to buy.
Never mind.
If you choose: I've come to buy:

Farm tools
Special Deals


Broadsword: 630G
A light, easy-to-use sword. Recommended for beginners. So
versatile, some
also use it as a chopping knife.

Claymore: 960G
A longsword that's easy to swing. Its decorative rings can be toyed
with to
pass the time.

Short Dagger: 950G

Wield a sword in each hand to overwhelm foes. However, it renders all
shields useless.

Small Shield: 530G

A small, easy-to-use shield that offers only limited defence.
Sell: 320G


Spear: 900G
A simple spear. Perfect for the beginner. So simple, that it has
been used
as a food skwer in the past.

Battle Hammer: 1400G

A hammer designed for battle. Great for blowing off steam when you
send your
foes flying.

Battle Axe: 1300G

An axe with a wild, uncontrolled swing. Handle with care.

Farm Tools

Rusty Axe: 1400G

An old, used axe. So battered and worn that it can't be charged.

Cheap Hammer: 1600G

An old, used hammer. Too worn to break large rocks, but it can still
uised to flatten land.

Cheap Pole: 1800G

An old, battered fishing pole. Can be used to catch fish, but not

Rusty Sickle: 700G

An old, rusty sickle. Can be used to cut weeds and grass. Cut crops
to get
high-quality seeds.

Brush: 2400G
An item used when caring for monsters. Capable of grooming even the
of fur.

Clippers: 1900G
Used to trim and clip monster fur. Designed so that it's impossible
to cut
or hurt the monster.


Cheap Bracelet: 560G

An old, worn-out bracelet. Raises magic defence a little, but it is
a bit

Field Gloves: 630G

Protect your hands from blisters and calluses. No farmer should be
without a

Handknit Hat: 980G

A hat knitted from wool. Warms botht he head and the soul.

Leather Boots: 770G

Sturdy, long-lasting boots made from leather. Loved by travelers
DEF +14

Special Deals:

Note that Special Deals are randomly chosen and you can reload your
game before
you visit the Shop for the first time on any given day to find a
selection of items that can include Weapons, Equipment and Accessories.
can be the same as those offered in the specific categories. Items NOT
offered in the regular Menu until you have defeated the Raccoon but
that may
appear at the start of the first Spring as Special Deals include:

Steel Sword:1010G
A shortsword forged from steel. Its long blade gives it extended
Sell: 210G
ATK +10

Cutlass: A sword used by pirates and brigands long ago. Now is worn
like a
good luck charm by sailors.
Buy: 3580G
Sell: 480G
ATK +32

Zweihander: 1800G
A two-handed sword. Nothing remarkable. Just don't get cocky and try
swinging it one-handed.
Sell: 460G
L. Sword

Thief Knife: Dual blades often used by pirates and bandits.

Buy: 3670G
Sell: 960G

Steel Edge: Two iron-sharp swords. Slightly difficult to wield, since

Buy: 1510G
Sell: 340G
D. Blade

Bronze Shield: A simple shield made frm bronze. Now wider, this
shield has a
better chance of stopping attacks.
Buy: 1210G
Sell: 320G

Heavy Shield: A shield made from layers of steel. Resists critical

hits. A
little bit too heavy.
Buy: 7200G
Sell: 1120G

Silver Hammer: Reinforced with silver. Now very tough, it can break
rocks as well as be sued to flattan land.
Buy: 29610G
Sell: 3370G

Battlescythe: 1800G
A very sharp axe. It's sharper and larger than a farming sickle.

Rod: 1080G
A staff that boosts magical power. Was not designed to be used as a

Wet Boots: 630G

They're slippery and easy to trip over. Raises chances of critical
INT: -5
Cheap Bracelet: An old, worn-out bracelet. Raises magic defence a
little, but
it is a bit rusty.
Buy: 560G
Sell: 80G

Emerald Ring: A ring with a glittering emerald that will make your
sparkle. Halves wind damage.
Buy: 2180G
Sell: 640G

Dekash: Smells very fishy and may attract felines. Makes it easier to
out foes.
Buy: 11360G

Backscratcher: 2000G
the cure for itchy backs everywhere. Messes with enemy minds, and
eaiser to knock them out.
ATK from 5 to 27, MAG ATK from 0 to 48, price: 2000G

Charm: 420G
A charm that protects from misfortune. Immunity from receiving

When you have defeated the Raccoon in Privera Forest, the option to
build a
Barn will be added to Raven's Menu.

I want a Barn.
Cost: 40 Wood

The initial Barn will be a single chamber with space for four Monsters.
you have ordered it, you will be able to order expansions in the form
of more
'Barns' or chambers from Raven. Each expansion will be completed
allowing you to order another if you wish. Each successive expansion
is 40
Wood more than the previous one.

2nd Barn: 80 Wood

3rd Barn: 120 Wood
4th Barn: 160 Wood

Defeating the Raccoon in Privera Forest will expand Raven's Items Menu,
Weapons and Equipment that formerly were found only randomly in Special
in the regular Menu and making it possible to find even more powerful
Items in
Special Deals.
In the Swords/Shields Category, new additions include:

Steel Sword: 1010G

A shortsword forged from steel. Its long blad gives it extended
Sell: 210G
ATK +10

Cutlass: 3560G
A sword used by pirates and brigands long ago. Now is worn like a
good luck
charm by sailors.
Sell: 480G
ATK: +32

Aquasword: 4700G
A sword imbued with the power of water magic. Its blade is
constantly wet.
Sell: 590G

Zweihander: 1800G
A two-handed sword. Nothing remarkable. Just don't get cocky and try
swinging it one-handed.
Sell: 480G
ATK +22

Greatsword: 4270G
A longsword treated to prevent it from becoming dull. Its balance
has been
tweaked so it's easy to use.
Sell: 1010G
ATK +52

Steel Edge: 1510G

Two iron-sharp swords. Slightly difficult to wield, since they're
Sell: 340G
D. Blade
ATK +13

Thief Knife: 3670G

Dual blades often used by pirates and bandits.
Sell: 960G
ATK +35

Bronze Shield: 1210G

A simple shield made from bronze. Now wider, this shield has a
better chance
of stopping attacks.
Sell: 320G
DEF +12


New items in this Category include:

Lance: 1480G
Has a unique triangular shape. Said to have been the main weapon of
a large
empire, long ago.
Sell: 320G
ATK +14, DEF +5

Needle Spear: 4460G

A spear with a long blade. Cuts across a wider range, making it a
top seller
and perennial customer favourite.
ATK 41, DEF 8

War Hammer: 3720G

Heavier than it looks. Puts a massive strain on your back, so be
when swinging it.
Sell: 1680G
ATK +46

Poleaxe: 3750G
An axe with a crrescent blade. Has a spiked head that can also be
like a spear.
Sell: 1530G
ATK +47

No new Farm Tools in her regular Menu.

New Hats/Accessories include:

Bronze Bracelet: 1190G

A bronze bracelet. Raises magic defence a little. Quite heavy.
Sell: 170G
M. DEF +35

Leather Belt: 1120G

A regular, commonplace belt. It heightens roslve and slightly raises
Sell: 160G
DEF +30

Amethyst Ring: 1980G

An astringent, cool amethyst that creates a calm, mature atmosphere.
earth damage.
Sell: 330G
Earth Power

Emerald Ring: 2180G

A ring with a glittering emerald that will make your finger sparkle.
wind damage.
Sell: 640G
Wind Power

Focus Earring: 1400G

Earrings that dangle from your ears. Raise magic defence a little.
Sell: 100G
M. ATK +12, M. DEF +15

Fireproof Hood: 1890G

Protect your head. Don't push. Don't run. Don't talk.
Sell: 270G
DEF +15, M. DEF +12

Heavy Boots: 1550G

Boots made from steel. Offer high defence, but are also very heavy.
Sell: 550G
DEF +26

Piyo Sandals: 910G

Boots that make a sound every time you take a step.
Sell: 130G
DEF +14

Secret Shoes: 1050G

Are you short? Put these on to make you feel nice and tall! Go on!
them on!
Sell: 150G
DEF +20

Special Deals may include:

Steel Sword +: 2910G

A Steel Sword, strengthened by a mysterious power. Now a different
it is a completely new weapon.
Sell: 340G
ATK +21, M. ATK +5

War Hammer +: 7600G

A War Hammer strengthened by a mysteirous power. Now places less
strain on
the back.
Sell: 3000G
ATK +62, M. ATK +15

Chopping Axe: 3390G

A slightly improved axe. Charging the axe increases its range.
Sell: 570G
ATK +35

Sea Cutter: 4880G

As its name suggests, a longsword that can cut the seas. Listen, and
you can
also hear the waves.
Sell: 1620G
ATK +58, M. ATK +25

When you have defeated the Skelafang in the Desert, new Weapons and
will be added as follows:
Swords and Shields:

Defender: 10040G
A sword created to be used with a shield. Greatly improves chances of
avoiding incoming attacks.
Sell 1020G
ATK +63, DEF +15

Earth Shade: 11120G

A sword blessed by the earth. Its design, like a crevice in the
makes a striking impression.
Sell: 3010G
Type: Earth
ATK +97, MGC ATK +45

Wind Edge: 9260G

The two swords summon the wind to slice through enemies.
Sell: 160G
Type: Wind
ATK +66, MGC ATK +30
Dual Blades

Round Shield: 5870G

A round shield. Used to turn attacks aside rather than stop them
Sell: 820G
DEF +21


Corsesca: 9080G
A spear with a wide blade. A focus on accuracy led to the creation
of this
Sell: 2680G
ATK +79, DEF +15

Great Hammer: 11500G

A hammer designed to lessen the shock to the user upon impact.
Sell: 3420G
ATK +82

Basilisk Fang: 11940G

A weapon that shreds everything like cloth. Can paralyse foes.
Sell: 3440G
ATK +99

Farm Tools:

Sturdy Hoe: 2340G

A slightly improved hoe. Can cover a wider area.
Sell: 920G
Type: Earth
ATK +18, MGC ATK +5

Tin Waterpot: 3540G

A tin waterpot. A little heavy, but can be charged to water the
Sell: 540G
Type: Water

Chopping Axe: 3390G

A slightly improved axe. Charging the axe increases its range.
Sell: 570G
ATK +35

Bronze Hammer: 5570G

Reinforced with bronze. Now tough enough to crack large rocks, it
can also
be used to flatten land.
Sell: 940G
ATK +30

Beginner's Pole: 3580G

A pole for the beginning fisherman. Charge it to attract faraway
Sell: 320G
ATK +10, MGC ATK +15

Iron Sickle: 1630G

A slightly sharper sickle. Used to cut weeds and grass. Cut crops
to get
high-quality seeds.
Sell: 510G
ATK +30


Silver Bracelet: 3430G

A silver bracelet. Simply slipping it onto your arm raises magical

Sell: 530G

Poison Ring: 4890G

A ring grants immunity to poison. Can poison foes.
Sell: 250G

Critical Ring: 6460G

A ring that raises critical attacks by showing you the best place to
Sell: 580G

Magic Ring: 6970G

A ring brimming with magic power. Shortens the time it takes to
charge up.
Sell: 760G
Hachimaki: 6360G
The Far East equivalent of a bandana. Resists paralysis.
Sell: 480G
ATK +20, DEF +32, MGC DEF +27

Silver Boots; 4560G

Standard silver boots. Increases defence.
Sell: 880G
DEF +60

Sneakers: 4010G
Shoes to help you practice walking. Give them a try.
Sell: 230G
DEF +32

When you have defeated the twin Lions in the Oddward Valley, new
Weapons and
Equipment will be added. In the Swords/Shields category, you will find:

Sakura: 15200G
A cursed crimson sword. Though its name is beautiful, its edge is
laced with
Sell: 3300G
ATK +89
Type: Darkness

Luck Blade: 18990G

A sword that makes the owner lucky. easier to land critical hits and
foes out.
Sell: 3340G
ATK +97

Big Knife: 13720G

A big knife. A very, very big knife. Try to chop an apple with
this, and
you'll chop off more than fruit.
Sell: 3520G
ATK +139

Katana: 26620G
A sword from the far east. Beauty, sharpness and strength combine
into this
professional's choice.
Sell: 6580G
ATK +192

Rampage: 13000G
Named for its firepower and fury. Makes it eaiser to land critical
Sell: 3020G
ATK +96
Dual Blades

Desert Wind: 18880G

Beautiful blades modeled after the desert winds. Very popular for
beauty and majesty.
Sell: 3840G
ATK +115, MGC ATK +75
Dual Blades

Magic Shield: 9830G

A shield that protects against magical attacks and being sealed.
Best used
with a magical staff.
Sell: 2210G
MGC DEF +42, INT +15

Tortoise Shield: 12500G

A collection of tortoise shells fitted together to make a shield.
Makes it
harder to knock you back.
Sell: 3050G
DEF +43


Heavy Lance: 12700G

A lance focused on attack power. Very heavy and hard to use.
Sell: 3160G
ATK +113, DEF +25

Flare Lance: 21640G

A burning-hot lance that's hotter toward the tip. Also good for back
and improving blood circulation.
Sell: 5500G
Type: Fire
ATK +140, DEF +25, MGC ATK +70

Flame Hammer: 21360G

Imbued with the power of fire on one side. Ignites, aiding the
wielder when
Sell: 4870G
ATK +153, MGC ATK +70

Toy Hammer: 25200G

If you get hit by this hammer, you must pretend that you were hurt.
to knock foes out.
Sell: 1530G
Type: Light
ATK +80, MGC ATK +160

Tomahawk: 13060G
A single bladed, easy to use axe. The cluster of adornments on its
constantly blow in the wind.
Sell: 4100G
Type: Wind
ATK +130, MGC ATK +60

Heat Axe: 24660G

An axe with a burniing blade. Also known as the 'Phoenix Wings', it
become the symbol of rebirth.
Sell: 6650G
Type: Fire
ATK +157, MGC ATK +75

In Accessories, new items include:

Gold Bracelet: 7500G

A golden bracelet. Simply slipping it onto your wrist considerably
magical defence.
Sell: 830G

Curse Charm: 14760G

A foreign charm filled with great power. Draws forth great power
from its
Sell: 1050G

Aquamarine Ring: 2380G

A boldly appealing ring that halves all incoming water damage.
Sell: 980G
Type: Water

Fancy Hat: 13850G

A bright red, eye-catching hat. It's well-ventilated, so you can
wear it for
hours on end.
Sell: 550G
DEF +45, MGC DEF +45

Silver Hairpin: 9950G

A traditional accessory from the far east. Said to ward off evil
when worn in the hair.
Sell: 570G
MGC ATK +30, MGC DEF +62

Bone Boots: 8800G

Boots made of bone. They appear prehistoric, but their defence is
Sell: 3000G
DEF +68

Snow Shoes: 9840G

Special snow shoes. Never slip on ice again.
Sell: 2120G
DEF +40, MGC DEF +15

Strider Boots: 12140G

These boots actually increase your stride.
Sell: 2020G
ATK +25, DEF +25, MGC ATK +25, MGC DEF +25

Special Deals may include:

Water Spear: 5770G

A spear infused with the power of water magic. Always wet, so be
that your hands don't slip.
Sell: 1010G
Type: Water
ATK +52, MGC ATK +30, MGC DEF +5

Strong Stone:5210G
A big hunk of metal connected ot the blade. Its weight is the reason
for the
high attack.
Sell: 2120G
ATK +58

Water Shoes: 50220G

Special ninja shoes that allow you to walk on water.
Sell: 1460G
DEF +83

Corsesca +: 11000G
A Corsesca strengthened by a mysterious power. Now half the weight,
it is
much easier to use than before.
Sell: 2800G
ATK +105, DEF +20, MGC ATK +25

Salamander; 11100G
Dual blades that burn red. Will burn at a mere touch.
Sell: 2820G
ATK +88, MGC ATK +45
Type: Fire
Dual Blades

When you have introduced yourself to the Univir Tribe, the Sharance
Tree will
'grow' to give you an upper chamber where a Forge, Workshop and
Pharmacy can
be placed. Raven's Menu then will be expanded to include the following:

I want a Forge/Workshop:
Cost: 5000G, 100 Wood
Cost: 3000G, 50 Wood

Her other Menus will remain the same at this point.

The Witch's Cauldron

The Witch's Cauldron

Open 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Marian's Clinic:
I've come to talk
I've come to buy
What do you want?
Magic Tomes/Staves
Never mind.


Recovery Potion: 500G

A pale green liquid medicine. Drink to recover HP.
Sell: 100G
HP Rec +500

Antidote Potion: 600G

Antidote medicine that is much easier to swallow than in its herb
Sell: 125G
HP Rec +300

Para-Gone: 700G
Medicine that cures paralysis of the body. Also makes you resistant
paralysis for a time.
HP Rec +500
Effect: 3 Hours

Roundoff: 700G
Medicine that cures the sealed status. Also makes you resistant to
seal for
a time.
Sell: 150G
HP Rec +500
Effect: 3 Hours

Cold Medicine: 1800G

Catch a cold, and you'll need to act fast. also makes you resistant
catching cold for a time.
Sell: 500G
HP Rec +1000
Effect: 3 Hours

Neutraliser: 40G
The best way to deal with poison in the fields. Sprinkle to
Sell: 20G
Secret Medicine

Formula B: 2200G
Sprinkle on soil to shorten growth time. Crops will be more
Sell: 500G
Secret Medicine

Greenifier: 3000G
Raises the quality of crops when they are harvested.
Sell: 880G
Secret Medicine

Medicinal Herb: 80G

A wild medicinal herb that can be used to recover HP, so long as you
stand the bitter taste.
Sell: 8G
HP Rec +20

Black Grass: 90G

Grass as dark as the night sky. often gets trampled, as it cannot be
seen at
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Orange Grass: 30G

Grass the colour of the summer sun. Just looking at gives any one a
boost of
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Red Grass: 30G

Its passionate, flame-red hue somehow promotes growth, growing faster
other grasses.
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Yellow Grass: 30G

Said to bring good luck. Many people carry a hunk of it in order to
their financial luck.
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Blue Grass: 30G

So cool to the touch, it'll give you chills. It has a calming effect
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3
Green Grass: 30G
Regular green grass, working hard to achieve uniqueness after always
called 'plain'.
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Purple Grass: 30G

Top-quality grass. Very proud, it will only grow in top quality soil.
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Indigo Grass: 30G

Calming grass. Said to spontaneously sprout at the feet of people
so they make up.
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

White Grass: 90G

Beautiful, pure white grass. Due to its colour, it's easy to miss
after a
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Any other Items are added according to the list of items that you ship:

Weed: 10G
A plant disliked by many. Has an uncanny ability to survive in any
Sell: 1G

When the Raccoon in Privera Forest was defeated, the following were

Neutralizer: 40G
The best way to deal with poison in the fields! Sprinkle to
Sell: 20G
(Secret Med)

Greenifier: 3000G
Raises the quality of crops when they are harvested.
Sell: 880G
(Secret Med)

Staves/Magic Tomes


Available from the start:

Rod: 1080G
A staff that boosts magical power. Was not designed to be used as a
Type: Fire

When the Raccoon in Privera Forest was defeated, the following was

Staff: 3580G
A simple magical staff. Give this rod a try to see if you have any
skill or not.
Sell: 1120G
Type: Earth
ATK +6, MAG ATK +32

When the Skelafang is defeated, the following will be added:

Ice Staff: 8000G

A staff imbued with the power of water magic. Its tip is freezing
giving off a chilly mist.
Sell: 2800G
Type: Water
ATK +7, MGC ATK +60

Magic Tomes:

Available from the start:

Fireball: 2200G
Hurl small balls of fire. Can hurl up to 3 in a minute.
Sell: 1100G

Water Laser: 2400G

Emits a water beam that can penetrate stone. Hold down the button to
the spell.
Sell: 1200G

Cure: 1200G
Recover HP. Doesn't recover much, but RP consumption is reasonable.

When the Raccoon in Privera Forest was defeated, the following were

Screw Rock: 2300G

Summon a sharp rock. This spell really packs a punch, and is
designed for
fighter mages.
Sell: 1150G
Sonic Wind: 2500G
Unleash a wind scythe. Automatically homes in on enemies and shreds
them to
Sell: 1250G

Light Shield: 3000G

Emit two balls of light in front of you to shield you from enemies.
won't break easily.
Sell: 1500G

Dark Ball: 2800G

A dark ball of energy that travels slowly, destroying all in its path.
Sell: 1400G

Medipoison: 1800G
Cures poison. Cleanses the body of poison with a purifying light.
Sell: 800G

Parallel Laser: 4800G

Emits 2 water beams that can penetrate stone. Hold down the button
to extend
the spell.
Sell: 2400G

When the Skelafang in the Desert is defeated, the following will be


Earth Spike: 4600G

Summon a column of rocks that homes in on foes, sending them flying.
Sell: 2300G

Adding a Pharmacy

It is when, having encountered the tribe at the Univir Settlement, the

Tree is expanded that Marian will add the option to build a Pharmacy to

Marian: Oh, I saw that the Sharance Tree grew bigger, but did the
rooms get
bigger, too?

Freyr: Yeah.

Marian: I was thinking that as my resarch assistant, you should have a


Freyr: What?

Marian: Alright! So get the gold and wood together! ASAP!! I'll let
grandma know, too. So just come see us when you're ready!
Freyr: What?!

Marian: When you get it ready, come talk to me when I'm in the
examining room.

Her Menu options now will be:

I've come to talk.

I've come to buy.
Buy a Pharmacy.
Never mind.

Buy a Pharmacy.
You'll need 2000 gold and 40 wood!

Evelyn's Clothes Store, Sharance Branch

Evelyn's Clothes Store

Open 12.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.,
Monday, Wednesday, Friday

In Evelyn's Shop

Buy Clothes:

Swimsuit: 3000G
You need a swimsuit for summer. I hope you get a chance to swim.

Green Outfit: 3000G

When you have defeated the Raccoon, her Menu will expand to include:

Cobalt Outfit: 3000G

Red Outfit: 3000G

When you have defeated the Skelafang, new outfits will be added:

Blue Outfit: 3000G

Yellow Outfit: 3000G

Once the Lion appears in Oddward Valley, Evelyn will begin to sell

Table: 2000G
Chair: 1000G

Potted Plant:
Spring Plant: 700G
Summer Plant: 700G
Fall Plant: 700G
Winter Plant: 700G
Cactus Plant: 700G

When you have defeated the twin Lions, she will add a new Category:

Stuffed Animals:

P. Pomme Toy: 800G

Wooly Toy: 800G
Chpsqk Toy: 800G
Duck Toy: 800G
S. Wolf Toy: 1200G

For the Silver Wolf Toy, Evelyn will declare: A stuffed silver wolf...
very manly. The price is 1200G.

Note that the Stuffed Animals sold by Evelyn are nothing more than cute
decorative objects that can be used to decorate your house. There is
category of Toys that can be made at your Workbench and actually are
that can be used in battle.

Miyako Inn

Paradise Bathhouse
Open 10.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.

Gift Shop
Open 10.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

At the start of the first Spring:

Iris Room: Booked
Bellflower Room: Booked
Peony Room: Available

Miyako Inn

Miyako Inn
Paradise Bathhouse
Open 10. a.m. to 10 p.m.
Gift Sho[p
Open: 10.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Gift Shop

The Items that appear on Sakuya's Menu are chosen randomly on a daily
from the list of Goods that your Character has shipped. If you ship no
Sakuya will have nothing to sell.

Paradise Bathhouse

At the Bathhouse Counter, Pia sells Skills. The following are available

Power Wave: 1300G

Weapon Shortsword. Charge up and unleash a great shockwave.
Sell: 650G

Wind Slash: 3400G

Weapon Longsword
Jumping spinning attack. Continually press the button to keep
Sell: 1700G

Sky Hurricane: 2100G

Weapon Spear
Toss up and juggle your foes in the air.
Sell: 1050G

Stardust Upper: 1900G

Weapon Axe or Hammer.
Knock foes in the air. Can inflict damage while spinning around.
Sell: 850G

Gust: 2600G
Weapon: Dual Blades
Perform a great leaping attack. Also great at dogding attacks
Sell: 1300G

.When you have defeated the Raccoon in Privera Forest, the following
will be
added to the Menu. The selection appears to vary, so you may not find
all of
these on any given day:

Special Concerto: 3800G

A tune that rouses allied monsters to perform their special attacks.
Sell: 1900G

Mindthrust: 2800G
Weapon: Shortsword
Lunge at your foe. Can sometimes inflict a status ailment.
Sell: 1400G

Rush Attack: 3800G

Weapon: Shortsword
A flurry. Press repeatedly to increase attacks and a finish.
Sell: 1900G

Storm: 4500G
Weapon: Dual Blades
Perform a flurry in the air. Continually press the button to keep
Sell: 2250G

When you have defeated the Skelafang in the Desert, the following will

Dash Slash: 2000G

Weapon: Shortsword
Closes the gap between foes in a flash. Peform a leg drop if dashing.
Sell: 1000G

Flash Strike: 9800G

Weapon: Longsword
Draw up your energy and unleash a strong attack on your enemies.
Sell: 4900G

Reaper Slash: 2700G

Weapon: Spear
Has a large range of attack. Great when surrounded.
Sell: 1350G

Tornado Swing: 2400G

Weapon: Axe or Hammer
A great spin attack. Continually press the button to keep attacking.
Sell: 2400G

Rail Strike: 3800G

Weapon: Dual Blades
A jump-spin attack. Very hard to counter this move.
Sell: 1900G

After you defeat the twin Lions:

Steel Heart: 3800G

Weapon: Longsword
Stand fast and take enemy attacks without being knocked around.
Sell: 900G

Bath Option

If I choose to:
Take a Bath.
It's 300 gold. Do you want to take one?

Blaise's Diner

Blaise's Diner
Open 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

I've come to talk.

Buy Recipe Bread.
Cooking appliances.
Expand refrigerator.
Never mind.

Blaise: When you eat recipe bread, you'll learn a recipe depending on
wha kind
of recipe bread you ate. I can bake 5 more for you today.

Medicine Bread: 160G

Cooking Bread: 200G
Weapon Bread: 350G
Accessory Bread: 300G
Farming Bread: 450G

When you eat Medicine Bread, you'll learn recipes that you can use in
pharmacy. That'll be 160 Gold. Is that okay?

Cooking Bread: When you eat Cooking Bread, you'll learn recipes that
you can
use in your kitchen. That'll be 200 gold. Is that okay?

When you eat Farming Bread, you'll learn recipes you can make farm
with at your forge. That'll be 450G

When you eat Weapons Bread, you'll learn recipes that you can use at
forge. That'll be 350G

When you eat Accessory Bread, you'll learn recipes that you can use in
workshop. That'll be 300 gold.

When you access the Kitchen Appliances for the first time:

Kitchen Appliances:
Blaise: You wanna cook? Then lemme give ya this Kitchen Counter!
Freyr: Uh, aren't you gonna need that?
Nah, I got plenty of spares. Gotta get my practice in, right? But
just to
clarify, you can only cook with your bare hands on a Kitchen Counter.
Freyr: What if I want to cook more complex dishes?
You'll need other cooking appliances. You'll have to buy those
Freyr: I'll have to keep an eye out for those, then!
Blaise: Okay, I'll deliver the Kitchen Counter to your house!
As soon as he announces this, you will find the three Basic Kitchen
in the menu.
After that, if I choose Cooking Appliances:

Blaise: Let me show you some basic cooking appliances, which one would
Knife: 1200G
Frying Pan: 2600G
Mixer: 500G

When you have purchased all three Basic Appliances, he will declare:

Blaise: You already have all the basic appliances. Let me show you the
advanced ones.

Oven: 10000G
Steamer: 5600G
Pot: 8800G

Ovens are a necessity in the kitchen if you're going to do any baking.

be 10000G gold.

The steamer is a cooking appliance you should definiately have in your

That'll be 5600 gold.

You can cook a lot of interesting dishes with a pot. That'll be 8800

The final option at the start of the game is:

Expand Refrigerator.

Blaise; If you expand your refrigerator, you can store more food
inside. Is
30000 gold okay?

Carlo's Resort

Carmen: It costs 1200 gold to enter Carlo's Resort! Is that okay?

What fish are in season?

Let's seel...
Well, in spring, you can catch Masu Trout, Gibelio, Needlefish, Lover
Cherry Salmon, Squid and Lamp Squid.

In Summer, you can catch Sardine, Char, Chub, Turbot, Sunsquid, Shrimp,
Carp, Lobster, Lover Snapper and Squid!

In Fall, you can catch Skipjack, Salmon, Squid, Mackerel, Pike,

Snapper, Fall
Floudnder and Lover Snapper!

In Winter, you can catch Tuna, Flounder, Glitter Snapper, Poison

Rainbow Trout,
Blowfish, Yellowtail, Girella, Taimen, Squid, Lover Snapper and Pond
And that's all of 'em! In town, the fish you can catch changes with the
season. You can catch squid and lover snapper no matter what season it

Flea Market

The Flea Market is a festival that is held on 19 Summer. There is no

venue per se although some Characters will collect in the Plaza.
Almost every
one has something to offer, whether it is the option to buy or trade
Daria and Monica offer games of chance where you may win a valuable
prize or
items that are fairly worthless. In Daria's case, the Items most often
are Cans, Boots and Rocks, but she sometimes will give Silver or even

To experience the Flea Market, you only need to interact with a

anywhere on the Map.

Here are the options that each will offer:

Raven: ... Just buy anything you like.

Handknit scarf: 4425G
Hanknit Hat: 490G
Sun Pendant: 8100G

Collette's Kitchen:
Baked Rice Ball: 90G
Tempura Bowl: 5150G
Curry Rice: 860G

Sakuya: Welcome! Feel free to take a look!

Super Fail: 1000G
Raccoon Leaf: 5000G
Dragon Bones: 10000G

Evelyn: Ah, Freyr! Just the man I wanted to see! If you give me a
I'll let you take your pick of the following:
Formula C
Raccoon Leaf

Sofia: I would be appalled if some one gave me Heavy Spice.

Don't give.

Your reward: Curry Rice, Gold, Small Crystal

Marian: Hi, if you have a Raccoon Leaf, I'll trade you for a Heavy

Rusk: Welcome to Rusk's Pastry Palace. Want anything?

Cheesecake: 1970G
Chocolate Cake: 1505G
Chocolate Cookie: 1330G

Shino: Please have a look:

Paralyse Ring: 2445G
Silent Ring: 2445G
Critical Ring: 3230G

Marjorie: I'm making some trades:

Vital Gummi: Royal Curry
Love Potion: Ultimate Curry
Invinciroid : Curry Rice

N.B. All three of the Items that Marjorie desires can be obtained
purchase or trade with other Characters during the Flea Market.
is the most valuable Item that she has.

Turbot Sashimi: 300G
Pizza: 4810G
Mixed Juice: 5475G

Welcome to 'Carmen's Paradise!... You'll pay me up front, and then you

get to
find out what you've just bought! You might find a real bargain. What
do you
think? Getting interested, right? You only get one pick. So pick

Fished Item: 500G

(Random Fish)
Sparkly Item: 500G
Silver Ore
Mystery Item: 500G
Random War Trophy (Freyr obtained Small Crystal and Tortoise Shell in
different files.)

From Carlos, same stall but different stuff.

Special Gift: 500G

Token Gift: 500G
Top Gift: 500G

Special Gift? Most of them are sweets!

Token Gift? You'll remember this forever! (Freyr obtained Aquamarine)

Top Gift? This is... This is really good! It's 500G (Freyr obtained
Sashimi, Level 7)
Greenifier: 440G
Lamp Grass Seed: 24G
Salmon Rice Ball: 950G

Karina: This is for you, Freyr.

3 Cabbage, Level 1

Sherman: Chef prepared Royal Curry for me... But I would actually
Ultimate Curry, young squire.
Give Ultimate Curry.
Don't give.

If you give the Ultimate Curry to Sherman, he will give you Royal
Curry, which
is worth far more.


Generally, the 'Buy' Price for any Fish, even when no local merchant
sells it,
is ten times higher than the 'Sell' or 'Shipping' Value.

Boot: 60G
A boot, lost in the water somehow. Very battered and old.
Sell: 30G

Rare Can: 200G

A rare can that's no longer in production. Extremely sought after by
Sell: 100G

Can: 5G
An empty can that some one tossed away. You must not follow their
Sell: 1G

Char: 2000G
A commonly sought-after catch by fishermen everywhere. Likes cold
Sell: 200G

Cherry Salmon: 700G

A small freshwater fish. Has made its way all over the world, so
very easy
to find.
Sell: 70G
Spring Dungeon

Crucian Carp: 900G

Matures quickly and lives for a long time. Mainly eats plankton so
skill is
needed to hook it with bait.
Sell: 90G
Summer Dungeon

Fall Flounder: 28000G

Looks like a fallen leaf. Schools swimming on the ocean floor make
it look
like a forest in fall.
Sell: 2800G

Gibelio: 2900G
Very few males of this fish exist. Lives in calm areas with little
Sell: 290G

Girella: 1100G
A winter, salt water fish. A popular, easy to hook catch. Puts up a
bit of
fight when reeling in.
Sell: 110G

Glitter Snapper: 100000G

A dazzling fish that glitters in the sun, making it easy to spot.
it is not so easy to catch.
Sell: 10000G

Lamp Squid: 21000G

A squid that has evolved a lamp as part of its body. Just a couple
enough to light the sea at night.
Sell: 2100G

Legendary Scale: 30000G

A scale of Dragon Lake's legendary fish. When used to upgrade, can
lots of HP.
Sell: 3000G
Upgrade Difficulty: 78
Found when fishing in the Lake in Summer.

Lover Snapper: 38000G

A rare breed of snapper. So rare that its very existence is debated
Sell: 38000G

Mackerel: 1950G (Lv. 10)

Easily spoils. Usually cooked or boiled.
Sell: 195G
Autumn Dungeon

Masu Trout: 1200G

A fisherman's standard catch. A freshwater fish, though some may
travel to
the ocean.
Sell: 120G
Spring Dungeon

Needlefish: 1200G (Lv. 5)

Long and slender. Swims near the surface. Has a greenish back and a
silver-white belly.
Sell: 120G
Autumn Dungeon

Pike: 520G (Lv. 3)

This fish gets its name from its long and slender shape. A fall
dish. Very
good for you.
Sell: 52G
Autumn Dungeon

Poison Rainbow Trout: 1600G

A mid-sized freshwater fish. Just as its name suggests, the males
take on a
rainbow lustre when breeding.
Sell: 160G

Rockfish: 990G
An unusual fish that swims in the sand. Has an extremely hard head
crushes rocks.
Sell: 99G

Salmon: 1600G
Live most their lives in the ocean, but famously swim upriver to
Used in many dishes.
Sell: 160G
Autumn Dungeon

Sand Flounder: 500G

An unusual fish that swims in the sand. Feeds on rocks and ores.
Sell: 50G
Caught in Desert Sands

Sardine: 1400G
A relatively easy fish to catch. Swim in breathtaking, perfectly
Sell: 140G
Summer Dungeon

Shrimp: 1800G
A type of crustacean, encased in a hard shell. Trivia: It has 13
pairs of
Sell: 180G
Summer Dungeon

Skipjack: 16800G (Lv. 9)

A popular fall fish. Requires both skill and strength to land.
Sell: 1680G
Autumn Dungeon

Snapper: 4800G
Thought to bring good luck. Has been served at festivals and on
occasions since ancient times.
Sell: 480G
Autumn Dungeon

Squid: 800G
A mollusk that is active at night. Uses the fins on its body to
seeminly fly
through the water.
Sell: 80G
Autumn Dungeon

Sunsquid: 74000G
A squid washed in from southern seas. Swims close to the surface, so
often sunburned.
Sell: 7400G

Tuna: 61000G
These large fish are popular for their delicious taste. They are very
Sell: 6100G

Turbot: 3570G (Lv. 2)

Both eyes are on the right side of this fish's body. Can change
colour to
blend in with its surroundings.
Sell: 357G
Summer Dungeon

Yellowtail: 45000G
The name yellowtail is actually used for a number of fish. This
variety is
said to bring good luck.
Sell: 4500G

Cooking in Rune Factory 3

As in any Harvest Moon or Rune Factory game, Cooked Dishes have a

variety of
uses and any player who mistakenly believes that he/she cn neglect
skills in favour of combat soon will discover that the two go hand-in-
For a start, creating Weapons, Accessories and Medicines are based on
the same
principles as Cooking in the Kitchen. Furthermore, Cooked Dishes have
values that are superior to those of raw Items.
Your home in the Sharance Tree will not include any area for cooking
but when you first speak to Blaise and choose the 'Cookiing Appliances'
in his Menu, he will give you a Kitchen Counter. Basic Cookware then
appear in the Menu under that heading.

With the Kitchen Counter alone, you will be able to create 'No Utensil'
'Hand' Dishes. Learning an actual Recipe will increase your chances of
success with any specific Cooked Dish but is not a requirement. You
can use
the old 'trial-and'error' method or use this Guide to create new
Whenever a new Dish is created successfully, the Recipe will be added
to your
Cookbook. The difference between this method and the purchase and
of Recipe Bread is that eating Recipe Bread will add the Recipe to your
Cookbook whether or not you have or can make the Dish successfully.

In Rune Factory 3, Skill Levels in Cooking determine your success rate

any specific Cooked Dish is concerned. You will not be able to make a
Dish at
all if you do not have the right Cookware or Utensil but even if you
have both
the correct Cookware AND the Recipe for a Dish, you may be unable to
make it
successfully if your Cooking Skill Level is too low.

If, therefore, you are using the 'trial-and-error' method to experiment

in your
Kitchen, you must not suppose that a failure signifies a lack of
ingredients. It may mean solely that you do not have sufficient Skill
prepare the Dish.

In Rune Factory 3, you will not have a Pet Glove to tame Monsters. If
you wish
to tame any Monster, you must give it Food. Cooked Dishes again have
far more
value than raw Items in terms of persuading Monsters to surrender and
accompany you back to the Monster Barn. In like fashion, a favourite
Dish often will raise the Friendship Levels of human Characters faster
any raw Items.

When the actual Cooked Dish has been obtained but the Recipe has not
acquired, the entry will not display the ingredients. Those will be
added as
soon as they are confirmed. Item information for any Cooked Dish when
accessed in-game does not include Skill Level requirements or the list

Tip: When you wish to discover the actual Energy and Status Effects of
any food
Item, press L and a detailed description of the Item with all Energy
and Stat
Effects will be displayed.

Cooking Appliances from Blaise

In order to be able to begin to cook, you will need a Kitchen Counter.

You can
obtain this (as well as Cookware later) from Blaise when he is behind
counter. Simply choose his Cookware option from the Menu and he will
give you
a Kitchen Counter.

Kitchen items from Blaise are delivered instantly to your House and
in your Kitchen.

As soon as you have the Kitchen Counter, the three basic Cookware items
will be
available from Blaise. These are as follows:

My choices:
I've come to talk.
Buy Recipe Bread.
Cooking appliances.
Expand refrigerator.
Never mind.

Choose: Cooking appliances.

Blaise: You wanna cook? Then lemme give ya this Kitchen Counter!

After that, if you choose Cooking Appliances:

Blaise: Let me show you some basic cooking appliances, which one would
Knife: 1200G
Frying Pan: 2600G
Mixer: 500G

When you have purchased all three Basic Appliances, he will declare:

Blaise: You already have all the basic appliances. Let me show you the
advanced ones.

Oven: 10000G
Steamer: 5600G
Pot: 8800G

Ovens are a necessity in the kitchen if you're going to do any baking.

be 10000G gold.

The steamer is a cooking appliance you should definiately have in your

That'll be 5600 gold.

You can cook a lot of interesting dishes with a pot. That'll be 8800

A new aspect of Cooking in Rune Factory 3 is the concept of Recipe

instead of Cookbooks. Recipe Breads made by Blaise, when consumed,
will teach
you a single Recipe in a specific category. Breads are manufactured
and sold
in the following categories:

Medicine Bread: 160G

Cooking Bread: 200G
Weapon Bread: 350G
Accessory Bread: 300G
Farming Bread: 450G

You can buy 5 loaves of Bread per day from Blaise. The actual Recipe
that is
contained in the Recipe Bread will be random. If, therefore, you are
given a
Recipe that is fairly useless, you can reload and try again.

Note, however, that you will be unable to access the Recipe you have
and learned unless you have the appropriate workspace or Cooking
In other words, you can purchase and 'learn' Forge Recipes by consuming
Bread, but you will not be able to access these Recipes until you have
a Forge
of your own.

From time to time, Blaise will announce that the Recipe Bread you have
purchased is particularly delicious. These superior Bread loaves will
two Recipes instead of one.

There is a nameless 'Traveler' who appears in the village and wanders

from shop
to shop who will offer to sell you Recipe Breads for 800G each. You
choose a Category of Bread when buying from the Traveler. It is quite
and very overpriced, similar to Won's visits to your Farmhouse when he
his special Apples for exorbitant prices.
You actually can make Cooked Dishes without having the Recipe for them,
but if
you have been 'taught' the Recipe, your chances of success will be
As in other Rune Factory games, you must Cook frequently and make the
simple Dishes again and again in order to raise your Skill Level in
Cooking to
allow you to make more complex Dishes.

Fortunately, Pink Turnips, a Spring Crop, can be made into Pickled

Turnips with
nothing more than the Kitchen Counter given to you by Blaise. Your
chance of
success will not be guaranteed initially but Pickled Turnips may be the
easiest of all Cooked Dishes to make.

Another simple Dish that requires no Utensils is Rice Ball, made with
Cooked Rice that you can purchase at the General Store.

Easy Dishes for an Aspiring Chef

As discussed previously, with a Kitchen Counter and no Cookware, you

will be
able to make a few Cooked Dishes almost immediately. You will not have
success rate initially, but you will gain sufficient Cooking Skill to
guarantee success after you have made the Dish a few times.

Having the required Ingredients as well as Cooking Skill Levels will

the Cooked Dishes that can be made in the beginning of Spring.

Cooked Rice is one of the Items that can be purchased at the General
With this, you can make a Rice Ball.

Rice Ball: 300G

Rice pressed into a triangle shape. Often packed as lunches, as
they're good
on the go
Ingredients: Rice.
Sell: 150G
HP Rec +50%
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 6

Flour is another Item that can be purchased at the General Store and
Bread can
be made without any Cookware. It does require a little more Skill than
a Rice
Ball or Pickled Turnips, however.
Bread: 660G
A staple of cooking. Can be toasted or filled and used in a variety
Ingredients: Flour
Sell: 330G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +20%, HP Max +10
Skill Level 9

You should be able to harvest your first Pink Turnips within a couple
of days
and you then can make:

Pickled Turnip: 960G (Lv. 1)

Picked turnip. Its refreshing taste is great for cleaning the palate.
Ingredients; Pink Turnip
Sell: 480G
HP Rec +40, RP Rec +35%, STR -3, INT +3
Skill Level 2

Pickled Turnips are one of the easiest Dishes to make. Making Pickled
from the Pink Turnips that you harvest is advantageous for a number of
reasons. Level 1 Pickled Turnips ship for 480G while a raw Pink Turnip
only for 200G. You therefore can double your income by cooking and
your Skill Level at the same time.

Once you have raised your Skill Level in the Kitchen, you should be
able to

Bamboo Rice: 400G (Lv. 1)

Rice mixed with bamboo shoots. A delciious spring dish.
Ingredients: Rice, Bamboo
Sell: 200G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +50%, RP Max +10%, STR +2, VIT +2
Skll Level 10

Bamboo Shoots are plentiful in Spring in your own Fields. You can use
sharp Tool to harvest them but if you use your Hoe, you will till a
square of
land at the same time, allowing you to plant Seeds afterwards.

Another Ingredient that is plentiful once you have entered Privera

Forest is
the Apple. Apples are War Trophies dropped by the Pomme Pomme Monsters
well as fruit that grows on Trees in more than one area of the Forest.

To prepare the Apples, you will need a Mixer, but the Mixer is the least
expensive of the Basic Cooking Appliances sold by Blaise. With a
Mixer, you
can make:
Apple Juice: 166G
Fresh apple juice. Allows the natural taste, colour and flavour of
apples to
be completely enjoyed.
Sell: 84G (Lv. 2)
Skill Level 8
HP Rec + 20%, RP Rec +30%, STR + 1, INT +4

Sashimi is another class of Dishes that requires a Basic Cooking

Appliance in
the form of a Knife. The Skill Level requirements for Sashimi depend
on the
type of Fish that is used, so there are Sashimi Dishes that can be made
by an Expert Chef. Others, like Squid Sashimi, can be made by a
You can find a raw Squid in a tub in Pia's room in the Inn.

Squid Sashimi: 260G

Slices of raw squid served up for consumption. Generally eaten with
Ingredients: Squid
Sell: 130G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +30%, STR +1, VIT +4
Skill Level 9

In Harvest Moon, unless you have a Greenhouse, you are fairly limited
in the
Ingredients you can obtain in any given Season, especially at the start
of any
game. In Rune Factory, this is not the case, as there are Dungeons
that are
ruled by each of the four Seasons. You are limited only by your skill
exploration and combat. If you can run fast, you can find Items in
at the start of the game in Rune Factory 3 even if you would be defeated
instantly if you were to be forced to fight any of the Monsters there.

Quality and Value

In Rune Factory 3, an Item's Quality is defined by its Level. Level 1

represents the lowest quality and the Level of an Item determines more
its Shipping Value. In terms of Items that can be consumed or used,
the Level
will determine the potency and effect that the Item will have. A Level
Steel Sword will be more powerful than a Level 1 Steel Sword. A Level
Squid Sashimi will have a more potent effect than a Level 1 Squid
Sashimi when
If you compare all the values of a Level 1 Squid Sashimi with a Level
10 Squid
Sashimi, you will see that the differences are significant both in
terms of
Shipping Value and in terms of potency. The only variable that will not
change is the duration of the Item's Effect.

Squid Sashimi: 260G (Lv. 1)

Slices of raw squid served up for consumption. Generally eaten with
Sell: 130G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +30%, STR +1, VIT +4
Effect: 3 Hours

Squid Sashimi: 2600G (Lv.10)

Slices of raw squid served up for consumption. Generally eaten with
HP Rec +38%, RP Rec +57%, STR +2, VIT +8
Effect: 3 Hours

Cooked Dishes Recipe Lists

Cooked Dishes are organised by Cookware or Utensil as the Cookbook will

found only when you access the appropriate Utensil at your Kitchen
As failures can be created using any Utensil, I have created a separate
category for these.


Failed Dish: 10G

A failed, charred-black attempt at cooking. You can still eat it,
but you'll
only taste failure.
Sell: 2G
HP Rec -20%, HP Max -10%, RP Max -10%, STR -10%, VIT -10%, INT -10%
Effect: 3 Hours

Super Fail: 100G

Is it possible to fail this miserably? Eat at your own peril.
Sell: 50G

Hand/No Utensil Dishes:

Pickled Turnip: 960G (Lv. 1)

Picked turnip. Its refreshing taste is great for cleaning the palate.
Ingredients; Pink Turnip
Sell: 480G
Skill Level 2

Pickled Turnip: 960G (Lv. 1)

Picked turnip. Its refreshing taste is great for cleaning the palate.
Ingredients; Turnip
Sell: 480G
Level 3

Pickles: 500G
Cucumber pickled for a short period. Very popular to munch on.
Ingredients: Cucumber
Sell: 250G
HP Rec +50, RP Rec +35%, HP Max +50
Level 6

Rice Ball: 300G

Rice pressed into a triangle shape. Often packed as lunches, as
they're good
on the go
Ingredients: Rice.
Sell: 150G
Skill Level 6
HP Rec +50%
Effect: 6 Hours

Bread: 660G
A staple of cooking. Can be toasted or filled and used in a variety
Ingredients: Flour
Sell: 330G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +20%, HP Max +10
Skill Level 9

Bamboo Rice: 400G (Lv. 1)

Rice mixed with bamboo shoots. A delciious spring dish.
Ingredients: Rice, Bamboo
Sell: 200G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +50%, RP Max +10%, STR +2, VIT +2
Skll Level 10

Raisin Bread: 1340G

Bread sprinkled with dried raisins. Soft, with a sweet-yet-sour tang.
Ingredients: Bread, Grape
Sell: 670G
Skill Level 12

Pickle Mix: 1680G

A mix of spring and winter turnip pickles. The white and crimson
make a striking contrast.
Ingredients: Turnip, Pink Turnip
Sell: 840G
HP Rec +80, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +20, INT +2
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 12
Ice Cream: 960G
A dessert made from frozen milk. Halves water damage, but makes you
vulnerable to fire damage.
Ingrediens: Small Milk
Sell: 420G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +65%, RP Max +50, VIT -8, INT +6
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 14

Salmon Rice Ball: 3800G

Salted salmon surrounded by rice, then formed into a triangle.
Raises chance
of criticals.
Ingredients: Salted Salmon, Rice
Sell: 1900G
HP Rec +75%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30, STR +14%
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 15

Fruit Sandwich: 2380G

Fruit placed between slices of bread. Its refreshing taste makes it
a tasty
Ingredients: Strawberry, Bread, Orange, Apple
Sell: 60G
RP Rec +50%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +60, RP Max +80, STR -2, INT +2
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 15

Salad: 7920G
A combination of raw vegetables. Very, very nutritious.
Ingredients: Boiled Egg, Cucumber, Daikon Radish, Tomato, Cabbage
Sell: 390G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +100, RP Max +50, STR -4
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 16

Ice Cream: 960G

A dessert made from frozen milk. Halves water damage, but makes you
vulnerable to fire damage.
Ingrediens: Medium Milk
Sell: 480G
Skill Level 16

Sandwich: 6960G
Veggies and other fillings placed between slices of bread. Can be
eaten with
just one hand.
Ingredients: Pink Cat, Tomato, Cucumber, Boiled Egg, Bread
Sell: 3480G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +125, RP Max +110, STR -3, VIT +2
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 18

Ice Cream: 960G

A dessert made from frozen milk. Halves water damage, but makes you
vulnerable to fire damage.
Ingredients: Large Milk
Sell: 480G
Skill Level 18

Turnip Heaven: 5160G

The turnips of the world, finally together. Eat all three colours at
for the best experience.
Ingredients: Turnip, Pink Turnip, Gold Turnip
Sell 2580G
Skill Level: 20

Relax Tealeaves: 140G

A combination of various medicinal herbs. Can be eaten as is, but
when made into a tea.
Ingredients: White Grass, Medicinal Herb, Green Grass, Yellow Grass,
Grass, Purple Grass
Sell: 70G
HP Rec +10%, RP Rec +10%
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 25

Knife Dishes

Squid Sashimi: 260G

Slices of raw squid served up for consumption. Generally eaten with
Ingredients: Squid
Sell: 130G
Skill Level 9

Masu Trout Sashimi: 200G

Slices of raw masu trout served up for consumption. Generally eaten
with soy
Ingredient: Masu Trout
Sell: 100G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +10%, STR +3, INT -2
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 12

Char Sashimi: 640G

Slices of raw char served up for consumption. Grenerally eaten with
Ingredients: Char
Sell: 320G
HP Rec +25, RP Rec +15, STR +4, VIT -1, INT -1
Skill Level 15

Sardine Sashimi: 440G

Slices of raw sardine served up for consumption. Generally eaten
with soy
Ingredient: Sardine
Sell: 220G
HP Rec +10%, RP Rec +15%
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 15

Shrimp Sashimi: 580G

Shrimp, first shelled, then served up raw. Generally eaten with soy
Sell: 290G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +20%, STR -5%, INT +7%
Skill Level 17

Cherry Sashimi: 240G

Slices of raw cherry salmon served up for consumption. Increases
chance of
Ingredient: Cherry Salmon
Sell: 120G
HP Rec +15%, RP Rec +10%, STR +2, INT -1
Skill Level 18

Pike Sashimi: 140G

Slices of raw pike served up for consumption. Resists seal effect.
Ingredient: Pike
Sell: 70G
HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +20%, HP Max +10%, STR +2, INT -1
Skill Level 18

Poison Sashimi: 540G

Slices of raw poison rainbow trout served up for consumption. It
still has
poison left.
Sell: 270G
HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +30%, HP Max +10, STR +12%, VIT +1
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 21

Needlefish Sashimi: 280G

Slices of raw needlefish served up for consumption. Generally eaten
with soy
Ingredients: Needlefish
Sell: 140G
HP Rec +25%, RP Rec +25%, STR +4, INT +1
Skill Level 22

Salmon Sashimi: 560G

Slices of raw salmon served up for consumption. Generally eaten with
Ingredients: Salmon
Sell: 280G
HP Rec +40%, RP REc +30%, HP Max +20%, STR +5, VIT -15
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 25

Skipjack Sashimi: 1480G

Slices of raw skipjack tuna served up for consumption. Generally
eaten with
soy sauce or wasabi.
Ingredient: Skipjack
Sell: 740G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +40%, STR +6%, VIT -2
Skill Level 28

Turbot Sashimi: 1200G

Slices of raw turbot served up for consumption. The outer rim of the
fish is
especially tasty.
Ingredient: Turbot
Sell: 600G
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +45%, RP Max +20, STR +6, INT -2
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 29

Flounder Sashimi: 2360G

Slices of raw flounder served up for consumption. The outer rim of
the fish
is especially expensive.
Sell: 1180G
HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +20, STR +9, VIT -4
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 31

Snapper Sashimi: 1740G

Slices of raw snapper. Increases chance of crit hits, but also makes
more vulnerable to them.
Ingredients: Snapper
Sell: 870G
HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +30%, HP Max +15%, STR +2, VIT +4
Level 32

Yellowtail Sashimi: 23840G

Slices of raw yellowtail served up for consumption. Its layers of
fat give
it a rich, full taste.
Ingredients: Yellowtail
Sell: 11920G
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +30%, STR +8, VIT +6
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 35

Fall Sashimi 17860G

Sashimi cut from raw fall flounder. its outer edge is said to help
beauty and youthful looks.
Ingredients: Fall Flounder
Sell: 8930G
Skill Level 37
Lamp Squid Sashimi: 15380G
Lamp squid, sliced raw and its lamp gently seasoned. But if you eat
lamp, you'll become sealed.
Ingredient: Lamp Squid
Sell: 7690G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +60%, RP Max +15%, STR +8, VIT +2
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 38

Taimen Sashimi 33860G

Slices of raw taimen served up for consumption. Generally eaten with
Ingredients: Taimen
Sell: 16930G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +30%, STR +18%
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 40

Glitter Sashimi 45920G

Rare glitter snapper. The ultimate in high-class sashimi. Greatly
light damage.
Ingredients: Glitter Snapper
Sell: 22960G
Skill Level: 41

Sunsquid Sashimi: 36240G

A rare squid sliced raw. Its flavour is popular with a select group
people in the know.
Ingredient: Sunsquid
HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +45%, STR +12%, VIT +10
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 42

Lobster Sashimi: 1560G

Lobster, first shelled, then sliced up. Its sweet flavour is very
Ingredient: Lobster
Sell: 780G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec + 25%, STR -4%, INT +12%

Frying Pan Dishes

Salted Char: 620G

Char, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it'll be
Ingredients: Char
Sell: 310G
HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +25%, STR +3, INT +1
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 12

Croquettes: 3220G
Potatoes mashed, then made into small cakes and fried. Loved by the
for their simplicity and taste.
Ingredients: Oil, Potato, Small Egg
Sell: 1610G
HP Rec +240, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 14

Croquettes: 3220G
Potatoes mashed, then made into small cakes and fried. Loved by the
for their simplicity and taste.
Ingredients: Oil, Potato, Medium Egg
Sell: 1610G
HP Rec +240, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 16

Fried Squid: 308G (Lv. 2)

Squid, salted then fried. Goes well with mayonnaise and mustard.
Ingredients: Squid
Buy: 147G
HP Rec +25%, RP Rec +25%, STR +4, VIT +2
Skill Level 16

Cornflakes: 2360G
Corn, flattened and then baked. High in nutrition, it's manly eaten
Ingredients: Corn, Small Milk
Sell: 1180G
HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +60%, STR +3
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 17

Salted Masu Trout: 200G

Masu Trout, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier
it'll be
when cooked.
Ingredients: Masu Trout
Sell: 100G
HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +15%, STR +2, INT -1
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 17

Croquettes: 3220G
Potatoes mashed, then made into small cakes and fried. Loved by the
for their simplicity and taste.
Ingredients: Oil, Potato, Large Egg
Sell: 1610G
HP Rec +240, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 18

French Toast: 3760G

Bread fried lightly with milk and eggs. Known and loved for simply
in your mouth.
Ingredients: Oil, Bread, Small Egg.
Sell: 1880G
Skill Level 19

Dried Sardines: 1660G

Numerous sardines skewered, then dried. Raises chance of landing
Ingredients: Sardine x 3
Sell: 830G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +25%
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 20

Cornflakes: 2360G
Corn, flattened and then baked. High in nutrition, it's manly eaten
Ingredients: Corn, Medium Milk
Sell: 1180G
HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +60%, STR +3
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 20

Salted Pond Smelt: 140G

Pond Smelt, salted then fried. The resher the fish, the tastier
it'll be
when cooked.
Ingredients: Pond Smelt
Sell: 70G
HP Rec +10%, RP Rec +25%, STR +4, INT +1
Skill Level 21
Found first in a tiny cave opening on the river in the Autumn Dungeon.

Grilled Shrimp: 600G

Shrimp, flavoured, then whole-grilled. Its crispy crunch is loved by
Ingredients: Shrimp
Sell 300G
HP Rec +240, RP Rec +50%, STR -4, INT +5
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 22

Pancake: 8020G
Often eaten at breakfast. Makes you resistant to poison, paralysis
Ingredients: Flour, Honey, Sweet Powder, Medium Milk, Medium Egg
Sell: 4010G
Skill Level 22
Cornflakes: 2360G
Corn, flattened and then baked. High in nutrition, it's manly eaten
Ingredients: Corn, Large Milk
Sell: 1180G
HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +60%, STR +3
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 23

Salted C. Salmon: 240G

Cherry Salmon, salted, then fried. Increases chance of critical hits.
Sell: 120G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +20%, STR +2, VIT +1, INT -1
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 23

Salted Pike: 2360G

Pike, Salted, then fried. Often eaten in fall. Resists seal damage.
Ingreidients: Daikon Radish, Pike
Sell: 1180G
HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +15%, STR +3, VIT -4
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 23

French Toast: 3760G

Bread fried lightly with milk and eggs. Known and loved for simply
in your mouth.
Ingredients: Oil, Bread, Medium Egg.
Sell: 1880G
Skill Level 23

French Fries: 1980G

Peeled and sliced potatoes fried in oil. So crispy, salty and
Sell: 990G
HP Rec +260, RP Rec +40%, RP Max +20%, INT +2
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 23

Fried Udon: 3460G

The first person to fry udon is said to have done so on a whim. Now
widely loved.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Onion, Carrot, Cabbage
Sell: 4730G
HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +25%, VIT +12
Effect: 12 Hours
Skill Level 24

Fried Crucian Carp: 320G

Cruician Carp, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier
it will
be when cooked.
Sell: 160G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +45%, STR +6, VIT -1
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 24

Fried Mackerel: 440G

Mackerel, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it
will be
when cooked.
Ingredient: Mackerel
Sell: 220G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +20%, STR +3, INT +1
Skill Level 24

Pancake: 8020G
Often eaten at breakfast. Makes you resistant to poison, paralysis
Ingredients: Flour, Honey, Sweet Powder, Large Milk, Large Egg
Sell: 4010G
Skill Level 24

Baked Apple: 14520G

A sweet treat, blending spices and the flavour of apple perfectly.
fire and wind damage.
Ingredients: Hot-Hot Fruit, Apple
Sell: 7260G
Skill Level 25

Gyoza: 6760G
A meat and vegetable mix wrapped in a thin piece of dough. Can be
fried or boiled.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Onion, Cabbage.
Sell: 3380G
HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max -40, STR +4, VIT +1, INT +2
Effect: 6 hours
Skill Level: 25

Salted P. Trout: 560G

Poison Rainbow Trout, salted, then fried. Careful! Some poison's
left over!
Ingredients: Poison Rainbow Trout
Sell: 280G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +30%, HP Max +10%, STR +6%, VIT +1
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 26

French Toast: 3760G

Bread fried lightly with milk and eggs. Known and loved for simply
in your mouth.
Ingredients: Oil, Bread, Large Egg.
Sell: 1880G
Skill Level 27

Salted Chub: 1360G

Chub, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it will
be when
Ingredient: Chub
Sell: 680G
HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +30%, STR +6
Effect: 6 hours
Skill Level 27

Popcorn: 1200G
Corn kernels heated until they pop. Generally eaten salted, but
sugar or
even caramel will work.
Ingredients: Corn
Sell: 610G
VIT +2
Skill Level 27

Cabbage Cakes: 5480G

Cabbage added to a water and flour paste, then baked. Each region
has its
own recipe.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Cabbage, Small Egg
Sell: 2740
HP Rec + 40%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +20%, RP Max +10%, STR +2, VIT +8
Skill Level 28

Cabbage Cakes: 5480G

Cabbage added to a water and flour paste, then baked. Each region
has its
own recipe.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Cabbage, Medium Egg
Sell: 2740
HP Rec + 40%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +20%, RP Max +10%, STR +2, VIT +8
Skill Level 29

Salted Salmon: 580G

Salmon, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it
will be
when cooked.
Ingredient: Salmon
Sell: 290G
HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +12%, STR +2, VIT -7
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 30

Cabbage Cakes: 5480G

Cabbage added to a water and flour paste, then baked. Each region
has its
own recipe.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Cabbage, Large Egg
Sell: 2740
HP Rec + 40%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +20%, RP Max +10%, STR +2, VIT +8
Effect: 12 Hours
Skill Level 30

Fried Eggs: 1100G

The definitive home-cooked egg dish. Makes you a bit resistant to
Ingredients: Small Egg
Sell: 550G
HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +40%, VIT +6, INT +3
Skill Level 30

Omelet 2420G
A standard, plain omelet. Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
Ingredients: Small Milk, Small Egg
Sell: 1210G
HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +50%, STR -4, VIT +9, INT +4
Skill Level 32

Fried Eggs 1100G

The definitive home-cooked egg dish. Makes you a bit resistant to
Ingredients: Medium Egg
Sell: 550G
HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +40%, VIT +6, INT +3
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 33

Fried Skipjack: 1520G

Skpjack, lightly fried on one side. Halves all incoming wind damage.
Ingredients: Skipjack
Sell: 760G
HP Rec +25%, RP Rec +25%, STR +4, VIT -2, INT +1
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 33

Fried Gibelio: 1060G

Gibelio, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it
will be
when cooked.
Ingredients: Gibelio
Sell: 530G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +45%, STR +9
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 34

Fried Turbot: 1240G

Turbot, salted, then fried. Slightly increases chance of landing
Ingredients: Turbot
Sell: 620G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +40%, RP Max +10, STR +3
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 34

Miso Eggplant: 1520G

Miso added to roasted eggplant. Has a mellow, distinguishing taste.
Ingredients: Eggplant
Sell: 760G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +35%, STR -2, VIT +3
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 34

Omelet 2420G
A standard, plain omelet. Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
Ingredients: Medium Milk, Medium Egg
Sell: 1210G
HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +50%, STR -4, VIT +9, INT +4
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 34

Donuts: 5620G
Flour and butter shaped into a ring, then baked. Resistant to seal
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Butter, Medium Egg
Sell: 380G
HP Rec +20, STR +2
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 35

Fried Flounder: 2440G

Flounder, salted, then fried. Slightly increases chance of landing
Sell: 1220G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +10, STR +9, VIT -1
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 36

Omelet 2420G
A standard, plain omelet. Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
Ingredients: Large Milk, Large Egg
Sell: 1210G
HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +50%, STR -4, VIT +9, INT +4
Skill Level 36

Fried Eggs 1100G

The definitive home-cooked egg dish. Makes you a bit resistant to
Ingredients: Large Egg
Sell: 550G
HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +40%, VIT +6, INT +3
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 36

Fried S. Flounder: 200G

Sand flounder, salted, then fried. Halves fire and earth elemental
Sell: 100G
HP Rec +70%, RP Rec -10%, HP Max +20%, STR +12, VIT +5
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 36

Donuts: 5620G
Flour and butter shaped into a ring, then baked. Resistant to seal
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Butter, Large Egg
Sell: 380G
HP Rec +20, STR +2
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 37

Fried Rice: 5980G

Rice and egg fried together in oil. Makes you a bit resistant to
knocked away.
Ingredients: Oil, Rice, Leek, Green Pepper, Medium Egg
Sell: 2990G
HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30%, VIT +12
Effect: 12 Hours
Skill Level 37

Fried Snapper: 1800G

Snapper, salted, then fried. Raises chances of landing critical hits.
Sell: 900G
HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +32%, STR +1, VIT -2
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 37

Omelet Rice: 12880G

Chicken and rice wrapped in an omelet. Makes you a bit resistant to
Ingredients: Omelet, Rice, Ketchup
Sell: 6440G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +60%, VIT +13, INT +8
Effect: 12 Hours
Skill Level 39

Risotto: 7780G
Rice and sauce in wonderful harmony. Halves all types of damage.
Ingredients: Oil, Rice, Onion, Tomato, Toyherb
Sell: 3980G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +40%, VIT -50%
Effect: 12 Hours
Skill Level 39

Fried Rice: 5980G

Rice and egg fried together in oil. Makes you a bit resistant to
knocked away.
Ingredients: Oil, Rice, Leek, Green Pepper, Large Egg
Sell: 2990G
HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30%, VIT +12
Effect: 12 Hours
Skill Level 39

Tempura 9180G
Various foods coated in flour and egg, then fried.
Ingredients: Oil, Onion, Shrimp, Medium Egg.
Sell: 4590G
HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max -25%, RP Max +50%, STR +8
Skill Level 40

Dry Curry: 5340G

Unlike regular curry, made without a sauce. Makes you vulnerable to
all type
Ingredients: Oil, Curry Powder, Rice, Carrot, Green Pepper, Onion
Sell: 2870G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +45%, RP Max -50%, STR +15%, INT +15
Effect 6 Hours
Skill Level 40

Curry Bread: 15800G

Baked bread with curry in the centre. Makes you vulnerable to all
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Dry Curry
Sell: 7900G
HP Rec +420, RP Rec +50%, RP Max -50%, STR +20%, INT +20%
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 42

Fried L. Snapper: 22660G

Lover Snapper, salted, then fried. Resists critical hits.
Sell: 11330G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +60%, STR -4, VIT +8, INT +4%
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 44

Fried G. Snapper: 47520G

Glitter Snapper, salted, then fried. Greatly reduces light damage.
Ingredients: Glitter Snapper
Sell: 23760G
HP REc +60%, RP Rec +50%, STR +12, VIT +2
Skill Level 48

Mixer Dishes

Medium Mayonnaise: 560G

Made from processing eggs. Has a variety of uses on many types of
food, from
vegetables to fish.
Ingredient: Small Egg
Sell: 280G
Skill Level 5

Medium Yogurt: 600G

Made from processing milk. Settles and smooths the workings of the
Ingredients: White Grass, Small Milk
Sell: 300G
RP Rec +50%
Skill Level 5
Apple Juice: 166G
Fresh apple juice. Allows the natural taste, colour and flavour of
apples to
be completely enjoyed.
Sell: 84G (Lv. 2)
Skill Level 8
HP Rec + 20%, RP Rec +30%, STR + 1, INT +4

Butter: 620G
Churned milk. Unlikely to be eaten alone, generally used as an
ingredient in
Sell: 310G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +15%, VIT +4
Skill Level 9

Medium Mayonnaise: 560G

Made from processing eggs. Has a variety of uses on many types of
food, from
vegetables to fish.
Ingredient: Medium Egg
Sell: 280G
Skill Level 10

Medium Yogurt: 600G

Made from processing milk. Settles and smooths the workings of the
Ingredients: White Grass, Medium Milk
Sell: 300G
RP Rec +50%
Skill Level 10

Orange Juice: 200G

Fresh oranges squeezed dry to make juice. Behind the crisp acidity
lies the
perfect sweetness.
Sell: 100G
Skill Level 11
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +45%, STR -1, VIT -1, INT +5

Pineapple Juice: 2860G

Juice freshly squeezed from fresh piineapples. Has a beautiful
fragrance, and sweet, sweet taste.
Ingredient: Pineapple
Sell: 1480G
Skill Level 13

Vegetable Juice 7240G

Juice packed with highly nutritious vegetables. Addicting, even
though it's
bitter and not so tasty.
Ingredients: Pumpkin, Pink Turnip, Carrot, Spinach.
Sell: 3620G
Skill Level 14
Medium Mayonnaise: 560G
Made from processing eggs. Has a variety of uses on many types of
food, from
vegetables to fish.
Ingredient: Large Egg
Sell: 280G
HP Rec +100
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 15

Vegetable Ole: 13700G

Vegetables mixed with milk to take off its bitterness. Some people
like this unique flavour.
Ingredients: Vegetable Juice, Small Milk
Sell: 8850G
Skill Level 15

Strawberry Milk: 2340G

A mixture of strawberries and milk, the ratio of the two depends on
taste. Sweet and easy to drink.
Ingredients: Strawberry, Sweet Powder, Small Milk
Sell: 1170G
Skill Level 15

Grape Juice: 240G

Fresh grape juice. Very sweet, with a strong, enticing aroma.
Ingredients: Grape
Sell: 120G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +40%, VIT +1, INT +3
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 15

Fruit Juice 4760G

A mixture of fruit juices. Twice the flavor, twice the nutrition,
four times
the enjoyment,
Ingredients: Pineapple, Apple, Grapes, Orange
Sell: 2380G
Skill Level 16

Vegetable Ole: 13700G

Vegetables mixed with milk to take off its bitterness. Some people
like this unique flavour.
Ingredients: Vegetable Juice, Medium Milk
Sell: 8850G
Skill Level 16

Vegetable Ole: 13700G

Vegetables mixed with milk to take off its bitterness. Some people
like this unique flavour.
Ingredients: Vegetable Juice, Large Milk
Sell: 8850G
Skill Level 17
Strawberry Milk: 2340G
A mixture of strawberries and milk, the ratio of the two depends on
taste. Sweet and easy to drink.
Ingredients: Strawberry, Sweet Powder, Medium Milk
Sell: 1170G
Skill Level 17

Butter: 620G
Churned milk. Unlikely to be eaten alone, generally used as an
ingredient in
Ingredient: Medium Milk
Sell: 310G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +15%, VIT +4
Skill Level 18

Fruit Ole: 9600G

A mixture of fruit juices. Twice the flavour, twice the nutrition,
times the enjoyment.
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Small Milk
Sell: 4800G
HP Rec +55%, RP Rec +60%, VIT -8, INT +10
effect: 3 hours
Skill Level 18

Tomato Juice: 840G

Juice packed with the rich nutrients from tomatoes.
Ingredients: Tomato
Sell: 420G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +15%, INT +5
Skill Level 18

Strawberry Milk: 2340G

A mixture of strawberries and milk, the ratio of the two depends on
taste. Sweet and easy to drink.
Ingredients: Strawberry, Sweet Powder, Large Milk
Sell: 1170G
Skill Level 19

Hot Juice 15080G

A drink made from Hot-Hot Fruits. Never gets cold. Halves fire
Ingredients: Hot-Hot Fruit, Red Grass, Heavy Spice.
Sell: 7540G
Skill Level 19

Fruit Ole: 9600G

A mixture of fruit juices. Twice the flavour, twice the nutrition,
times the enjoyment.
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Medium Milk
Sell: 4800G
HP Rec +55%, RP Rec +60%, VIT -8, INT +10
Skill Level 19

Fruit Ole: 9600G

A mixture of fruit juices. Twice the flavour, twice the nutrition,
times the enjoyment.
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Large Milk
Sell: 4800G
HP Rec +55%, RP Rec +60%, VIT -8, INT +10
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 20

Medium Cheese: 660G

Made from processing milk. Has a distinctive flavour. Can e eaten
as is, or
used on or in many dishes.
Ingredients: Yellow Grass, Small Milk
Sell: 330G
RP Rec +75%
Skill Level 20

Medium Yogurt: 600G

Made from processing milk. Settles and smooths the workings of the
Ingredients: White Grass, Large Milk
Sell: 300G
RP Rec +50%
Skill Level 20

Ketchup: 3240G
A condiment made from tomatoes. Goes well with eggs, potatoes and
Ingredients: Tomato, Onion
Sell: 1620G
HP Rec +25%, RP Rec +20%, HP Max +18
Skill Level 23

Prelude to Love: 13000G

Its sweet-yet-sour rush hits you like Cupid's arrow. Halves all
types of
Ingredients: Pink Melon, Strawberry
Sell: 6500G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max -50%, RP Max -50%
Effect: 3 hours
Skill Level 24

Medium Cheese: 660G

Made from processing milk. Has a distinctive flavour. Can e eaten
as is, or
used on or in many dishes.
Ingredients: Yellow Grass, Medium Milk
Sell: 330G
RP Rec +75%
Skill Level 25

Butter: 620G
Churned milk. Unlikely to be eaten alone, generally used as an
ingredient in
Ingredient: Large Milk
Sell: 310G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +15%, VIT +4
Skill Level 27

Mixed Ole: 44380G

Fruit, veggies and milk all mixed together. Cures fatigue and
resists status
Ingredients: Fruit Ole, Vegetable Ole
Sell: 22190G
HP Rec +80%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +20%, VIT +8, INT +19
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 28

Medium Cheese: 660G

Made from processing milk. Has a distinctive flavour. Can e eaten
as is, or
used on or in many dishes.
Ingredients: Yellow Grass, Large Milk
Sell: 330G
Skill Level 30
RP Rec +75%
Effect: 3 Hours

Fruit Ole: 9600G

Fruit and milk combine in a smooth, easy-to-drink mixture. Cures seal
Sell: 4800G
HP Rec +80%, RP Rec +65%, VIT -6, INT +14
Effect: 3 Hours

Vegetable Ole: 13700G

Vegetables mixed with milk to take off its bitterness. Some people
like this flavour.
Sell: 6850G
HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +75%, HP Max +10, RP Max +30%, STR -10, VIT +5,
INT +16

Pot Dishes

Hot Milk: 900G

The simplest of dishes. Just warm milk. Makes you slightly
resistant to
Ingredients: Small Milk
Sell: 450G
HP Rec +120, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +30, VIT +2
Skill Level 5

Hot Milk: 900G

The simplest of dishes. Just warm milk. Makes you slightly
resistant to
Ingredients: Medium Milk
Sell: 450G
HP Rec +120, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +30, VIT +2
Skill Level 7

Hot Milk: 900G

The simplest of dishes. Just warm milk. Makes you slightly
resistant to
Ingredients: Large Milk
Sell: 450G
HP Rec +120, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +30, VIT +2
Skill Level 9

Hot Chocolate: 360G

Chocolate added to warm milk. Makes you slightly resistant to poison.
Ingredients: Chocolate
Sell: 180G
Skill Level 12

Boiled Egg: 940G

Simple dish usiing eggs. Can be runny or hard. Resists seal effect.
Ingredient: Small Egg
Sell: 470G
Skill Level 13

Boiled Spinach: 440G

Spinach, boiled, then flavoured. Boil it for too long, through, and
it'll be
completely bland.
Ingredients: Spinach
Sell: 220G
Skill Level 14

Boiled Egg: 940G

Simple dish usiing eggs. Can be runny or hard. Resists seal effect.
Ingredient: Medium Egg
Sell: 470G
Skill Level 14

Boiled Egg: 940G

Simple dish usiing eggs. Can be runny or hard. Resists seal effect.
Ingredient: Large Egg
Sell: 470G
HP Rec +120, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +25, STR +2
Skill Level 15

Grape Liqueur: 6800G

A combination of wine and grapes cooked in a pot. Easier to land
after drinking.
Ingredients: Grape, Charm Blue, Purple Grass, Wine
Sell: 800G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +60%, VIT -15, INT -10%
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 18

Apple Jam: 600G

A sweet preserve made from apples. Generally eaten spread on bread
or toast.
Ingredients: Apple x 3
Sell: 300G
HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +40%, STR -12%, VIT +2, INT +12%
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 23

Marmalade: 780G
A sweet preserve made from oranges. The peels are also grated up and
Ingredients: Orange x 3
Sell: 390G
HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +40%, STR -2%, INT +10%
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 24

Strawberry Jam: 1760G

A sweet preserve made from strawberries. Generally eaten spread on
bread or
Ingredients: Strawberry x 3
Sell: 880G
HP rec +30%, RP +40%, STR -4%, INT +16%
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 25

Boiled Gyoza: 3020G

Gyozas with thicker dough are used to allow boiling. Has a moist,
Ingredients: Flour, Spinach, Cabbage
Sell: 1510G
HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +50,%, HP Max -25, STR +4, VIT +2, INT +2
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 26

Udon: 24200G
Thick, wide noodles. Slippery to pick up, but go down easily.
Ingredients: Pink Turnip, Carrot, Flour, Mixed Herbs
Sell: 12100G
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +30%
Skill Level 29

Egg Bowl: 4340G

A flavoured egg mixture poured over rice. The eggs can be sweet or
depending on your own taste.
Ingredients: Rice, Onion, Small Egg
Sell: 2170G
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +120, STR -8, VIT +2
Skill Level 32
Rice Porridge: 36080G
Rice boiled in water, softening it. Cures fatigue and colds,
resistant to
Ingredients: Rice, Mixed Herbs, Hot-Hot Fruit
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50, VIT +8, INT -4
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 33

Curry Udon: 4200G

A combination of udon and curry. Udon generally goes well with
grains, but
this combination works, too.
Sell: 2100G
Max -50%, STR +10%, INT +10%
Effect: 12 Hours
Skill Level 33

Tempura Bowl: 20600G

Tempura and sauce on top of a bowl of rice. The combination of the
creates a great taste.
Ingredients: Rice, Tempura, Sour Drop
Sell: 10300G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +70%, HP Max +25%, RP Max +50%
Effect: 12 Hours
Skill Level 34

Boiled Pumpkin: 3640G

Flavoured pumpkin boiled in a pot, creating a hot, sweet pumpkin dish.
Sell: 1820G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +45%, HP Max +100, VIT +8, INT -2
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 35

Egg Bowl: 4340G

A flavoured egg mixture poured over rice. The eggs can be sweet or
depending on your own taste.
Ingredients: Rice, Onion, Medium Egg
Sell: 2170G
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +120, STR -8, VIT +2
Skill Level 35

Flavoured Radish: 1780G

Daikon radish boiled, then flavoured. Easily disgested and gentle on
Ingredients: Daikon Radish
Sell: 890G
Hp Rec +40%, RP Rec +80, RP Max +80, INT +4
Skill Level: 36

Egg Bowl: 4340G

A flavoured egg mixture poured over rice. The eggs can be sweet or
depending on your own taste.
Ingredients: Rice, Onion, Large Egg
Sell: 2170G
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +120, STR -8, VIT +2
Skill Level 38

Glazed Yam: 1380G

Fried yam glazed with sweet honey. Fun to eat, and a very popular
Ingredients: Yam, Sweet Powder
Sell: 690G
HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +15%, VIT +5, INT +6
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 39

Rockfish Stew: 5080G

Stewed until the meat falls off. Cures paralysis, halves fire and
Ingredients; Rockfish, White Cabbage
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +40%, STR -11, VIT +15
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 41

Milk Porridge: 1600G

Milk added to rice porridge. Cures fatigue and colds; also raises
Ingredients: Rice, Small Milk
Sell: 800G
HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +60%
Effect: 12 Hours
Skill Level 42

Milk Porridge: 1600G

Milk added to rice porridge. Cures fatigue and colds; also raises
Ingredients: Rice, Medium Milk
Sell: 800G
HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +60%
Effect: 12 Hours
Skill Level 44

Milk Porridge: 1600G

Milk added to rice porridge. Cures fatigue and colds; also raises
Ingredients: Rice, Large Milk
Sell: 800G
HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +60%
Effect: 12 Hours
Skill Level 46

Grape Jam: 900G

A sweet preserve made from grapes. Generally eaten spread on bread
or toast.
Sell: 450G
HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +40%, STR -8%, INT +12%
Curry Rice: 3440G
A mealtime staple-- so much that there isn't any one who hasn't had
Halves fire damage.
Ingredients: Rice, Carrot, Curry Powder, Orange Grass, Heavy Spice
Sell: 1720G
Skill Level 55

Ultimate Curry: 7140G

The product of years of seeking the ultimate curry. Halves fire
Sell: 3570G
HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +50%, RP Max -50%, STR +25%, INT +25%

Royal Curry: 35860G

A curry loved by nobles. Requires a top chef to prepare. Greatly
fire damage.
Sell: 17930G

Steamer Dishes

Dumplings: 120G
Small balls of sweet rice paste on skewers. Cures poison and highly
critical hits.
Ingredients: Dumpling Powder
Sell: 60G
Skill Level 11

Plain Manju: 23640G

Ingredients wrapped in a soft, plump skin and steamed. Resists all
Ingredients: Flour, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Mixed Herbs
Sell: 11820G
Skill Level 30

Pudding: 1100G
A wobbly, quivering dessert. Cures fatigue and colds and resists
Ingredients: Small Egg
Sell: 550G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max -20%, VIT +10, INT +8%
Skill Level 31

Pudding: 1100G
A wobbly, quivering dessert. Cures fatigue and colds and resists all
Ingredients: Medium Egg
Sell: 550G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max -20%, VIT +10, INT +8%
Skill Level 33
Steamed Bread: 4640G
Bread that's been steamed. Makes you a bit resistant to all status
Ingredients: Flour, Honey, Small Egg
Sell: 2320G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +45%, HP Max +80, STR -5, VIT +2
Skill Level 33

Curry Manju: 3520G

A curry-filled manju. Resists all status effects but makes you
vulnerable to
elemental damage.
Ingredients: Flour, Carrot, Curry Powder, Bamboo Shoot
Sell: 1760G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +40%, RP MAX -50%, STR +10%, INT +10%
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 34

Pudding: 1100G
A wobbly, quivering dessert. Cures fatigue and colds and resists all
Ingredients: Large Egg
Sell: 550G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max -20%, VIT +10, INT +8%
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 35

Steamed Bread: 4640G

Bread that's been steamed. Makes you a bit resistant to all status
Ingredients: Flour, Honey, Medium Egg
Sell: 2320G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +45%, HP Max +80, STR -5, VIT +2
Skill Level 36

Steamed Bread: 4640G

Bread that's been steamed. Makes you a bit resistant to all status
Ingredients: Flour, Honey, Large Egg
Sell: 2320G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +45%, HP Max +80, STR -5, VIT +2
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 39

Steamed Cake: 4820G

A light, fluffy cake. Cures fatigue and makes you a bit resistant to
status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Honey, Small Millk
Sell: 2410G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, STR -5%, VIT +4, INT +7
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 41

Steamed Cake: 4820G

A light, fluffy cake. Cures fatigue and makes you a bit resistant to
status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Honey, Medium Millk
Sell: 2410G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, STR -5%, VIT +4, INT +7
Skill Level 42

Steamed Cake: 4820G

A light, fluffy cake. Cures fatigue and makes you a bit resistant to
status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Honey, Large Millk
Sell: 2410G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, STR -5%, VIT +4, INT +7
Skill Level 43

Pumpkin Pudding: 9640G

Pudding with the added sweetness and fragrance of pumpkin. Makes you
all stat effects.
Ingredients: Honey, Pumpkin, Yellow Grass, Medium Egg
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +15%, VIT +12, INT +6%
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 44

Cheese Bread: 6140G

Streamed bread baked with cheese. Makes you a bit resistant to all
Ingredients; Flour, Honey, Medium Cheese
Sell: 680G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +18%, STR -2, VIT +15, INT +4
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 45

Steamed Gyoza: 7580G

Gyoza, cooked the standard way. Makes you resistant to all status
Sell: 3790G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +20%, STR -16%, VIT +12
Effect; 6 Hours
Skill Level 45

Pumpkin Pudding: 9640G

Pudding with the added sweetness and fragrance of pumpkin. Makes you
all stat effects.
Ingredients: Honey, Pumpkin, Yellow Grass, Medium Egg
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +15%, VIT +12, INT +6%
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 48

Poundcake: 2300G
A sweet, square cake. Cures paralysis and fatigue and makes you
resistant to
all status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Small Egg
Sell: 150G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30%, VIT +18
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 48

Meat Dumplings: 10220G

A popular snack. Resists seal and other status ailments.
Ingreidients: Flour, Cabbage, Green Grass, Shrimp, Onion
Sell: 5110G
HP Rec +25%, RP Rec +35%, HP Max +22%, STR -14%, VIT +15, INT +8%
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 49
Poundcake: 2300G
A sweet, square cake. Cures paralysis and fatigue and makes you
resistant to
all status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Medium Egg
Sell: 150G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30%, VIT +18
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 51

Poundcake: 2300G
A sweet, square cake. Cures paralysis and fatigue and makes you
resistant to
all status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Large Egg
Sell: 150G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30%, VIT +18
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 54

Oven Dishes

Cookie: 1800G
Simple, baked flour mix cookie. Crisp and obviously handmade, it
makes the
perfect gift.
Ingredients: Flour, Small Milk
Sell: 900G
HP Rec +15%, RP Rec +40%, STR -12, INT +8
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 12

Toast: 1000G
Beautifully browned bread. Fights daily with cereal for the title
'King of
Ingredients; Bread
Sell: 500G
HP Rec +50, HP Rec +55, RP Rec +20%, HP Max +50, STR +8, VIT +4
Skill Level 14

Cookie: 1800G
Simple, baked flour mix cookie. Crisp and obviously handmade, it
makes the
perfect gift.
Ingredients: Flour, Medium Milk
Sell: 900G
HP Rec +15%, RP Rec +40%, STR -12, INT +8
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 15

Cookie: 1800G
Simple, baked flour mix cookie. Crisp and obviously handmade, it
makes the
perfect gift.
Ingredients: Flour, Large Milk
Sell: 900G
HP Rec +15%, RP Rec +40%, STR -12, INT +8
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 18

Baked Rice Ball:360G

A rice ball that has been baked. Its crispy crunch just can't be
Ingredients: Rice Ball
Sell: 180G
HP Rec +75%
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 22

Chocolate Cookie: 5320G

Simple, baked flour mix cookie. Covered in plenty of chocolate, its
yet bitter taste is addictive.
Ingredients: Chocolate, Cookie, Butter
Sell: 2660G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +50%, STR -18, INT +16
Skill Level 22

Roasted Yam: 600G

A slow-roasted yam. Prevalent in the fall, often baked in the flames
of a
Ingredients: Yam
Sell: 300G
HP rec +65%, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +20%, RP Max +10%, VIT +5
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 24

Corn on the Cob: 2760G

Fragrantly roasted corn. Sweet and juicy.
Ingredients: Butter, Corn
Sell: 1380G
HP Rec +190, RP Rec +35%, HP Max +100, RP Max +30
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 28

Jam Roll: 10500G

Bread baked with jam in the middle. Makes a great snack. Cures
Ingredients: Strawberry Jam, Butter Roll
Sell: 5250G
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80, STR -2%, VIT +8, INT +15%
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 32

Jam Roll: 10500G

Bread baked with jam in the middle. Makes a great snack. Cures
Ingredients: Apple Jam, Butter Roll
Sell: 5250G
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80, STR -2%, VIT +8, INT +15%
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 32

Jam Roll: 10500G

Bread baked with jam in the middle. Makes a great snack. Cures
Ingredients: Grape Jam, Butter Roll
Sell: 5250G
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80, STR -2%, VIT +8, INT +15%
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 32

Jam Roll: 10500G

Bread baked with jam in the middle. Makes a great snack. Cures
Ingredients: Marmalade, Butter Roll
Sell: 5250G
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80, STR -2%, VIT +8, INT +15%
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 32

Butter Roll: 4780G

Sweet bread slow baked with lots of butter. Also known as 'table
they're small and easy to eat.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Small Egg, Small Milk
Sell: 2390G
HP Rec +100, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +60
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 36

Apple Pie: 6160G

A bounty of apple baked in a pie crust. Cures fatigue.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Honey, Apple x 2
Sell: 3080G
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +60%, RP Max +14%, INT +8%
Skill Level 36

Butter Roll: 4780G

Sweet bread slow baked with lots of butter. Also known as 'table
they're small and easy to eat.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Medium Egg, Medium Milk
Sell: 2390G
HP Rec +100, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +60
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 38

Butter Roll: 4780G

Sweet bread slow baked with lots of butter. Also known as 'table
they're small and easy to eat.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Large Egg, Large Milk
Sell: 2390G
HP Rec +100, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +60
Effect: 6 Hours
Skill Level 40

Yam Dessert: 5540G

Butter and milk mixed into yam strainings, then poured into moulds
and baked.
Ingredients: Yam, Butter, Sweet Powder, Medium Milk
Sell: 2770G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max -25%, RP Max +16%, INT +18%
Skill Level 44

Pizza: 19240G
Various toppings placed on round dough, then baked. There are
unlimited variations.
Ingredients: Ketchup, Eggplant, Flour, Onion, Medium Cheese x 2
Sell: 9620G
HP Rec +20, RP Rec +30, HP Max +5
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 44

Yam Dessert: 5540G

Butter and milk mixed into yam strainings, then poured into moulds
and baked.
Ingredients: Yam, Butter, Sweet Powder, Large Milk
Sell: 2770G
HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max -25%, RP Max +16%, INT +18%
Skill Level 48

Seafood Pizza: 20920G

A pizza topped with shrimp and squid. Looks fantastic and smells
great, too.
Ingredients: Ketchup, Squid, Flour, Shrimp, Medium Cheese x 2
Sell: 10460G
HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +30%, STR +10%, VIT +4
Effect: 12 Hours
Skill Level 48

Gratin: 10840G
Sauce and cheese mixed and baked in a dish. Slightly increases
chance of
Ingredients: Flour, Onion, Orange Grass, Medium Cheese x 2
Sell: 5240G
HP Rec +80%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +38%, RP Max +60, VIT +16
Effect: 12 Hours
Skill Level 51

Chocolate Cake: 6020G

Cake covered in chocolate. Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
HP Rec +80%, RP Rec +90%, RP Max +40%, INT +22%
Sell: 3010G

Recipes to Make Medicines

In order to be able to make Medicines, which include spices for Cooking

incidentally, you first must order a Pharmacy from Marian at the
Shop. As with orders for the Forge or Workbench, the project will be
completed instantly. You then can purchase Medicine Bread to learn

Pharmacy Dishes

Recovery Potion: 500G

A pale green liquid medicine. Drink to recover HP.
Ingredients: Medicinal Herb x 2
Sell: 100G
HP Rec +500
Skill Level 4

Antidote Potion: 600G

Antidote medicine that is much easier to swallow than in its herb
Ingredients: Antidotal Herb x 2
Sell: 125G
HP Rec +300
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 8

Sweet Powder: 300G

Spice made from sweet leaves. Like a big, sweet, pot of honey.
Ingredients: Apple x 2
Sell: 100G
INT +4
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 9

Formula A: 600G
Sprinkle on soil to shorten growth time. Crops will be a little more
Ingredients: Green Grass x 2, Red Grass x 2
Sell: 300G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3
Skill Level 11

Heavy Spice: 30G

Spice made from spicy leaves. Eat it raw, and you'll be spewing fire
you know it.
Ingredients: Red Grass x 2
Sell: 10G
STR +4
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 12

Recovery Potion: 500G

A pale green liquid medicine. Drink to recover HP.
Ingredients: Toy Herb Flower
Sell: 100G
HP Rec +500
Skill Level 14

Para-gone: 700G
Medicine that cures paralysis of the body. Also makes you resistant
paralysis for a time.
Ingredients: Yellow Grass x 2
Sell: 150G
HP Rec +500
Skill Level 14

Sour Drop: 240G

Spice made from sour leaves. Super-sour, but puts you into a
refreshed mood.
Ingredients: Orange, Yellow Grass
Sell: 80G
VIT +4
Skill Level 15

Roundoff: 700G
Medicine that cures the sealed status. Also makes you resistant to
seal for
a time.
Ingredients: Purple Grass, Blue Grass
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3
Skill Level 16

Neutraliser: 40G
The best way to deal with poison in the fields! Sprinkle to
Ingredients: Charm Blue, Antidote Herb
Sell: 20G
Type: Secret Medicine
Skill Level 17

Healing Potion: 1500G

A dark green liquid medicine. Drink to recover HP.
Ingredients: Medicinal Herb x 3
Sell: 400G
HP Rec +1000
Skill Level 20
Cold Medicine: 1800G
Catch a cold, and you'll need to act fast. Also makes you resistant
catching cold for a time.
Ingredients: Leek, Green Pepper, Green Grass, Orange Grass
Sell: 500G
HP Rec +1000
Skill Level 21

Formula A: 600G
Sprinkle on soil to shorten growth time. Crops will be a little more
Ingredients: Moondrop Flower
Sell: 300G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3
Skill Level 22

Cold Medicine: 1800G

Catch a cold, and you'll need to act fast. Also makes you resistant
catching cold for a time.
Ingredients: Fireflower
Sell: 500G
HP Rec +1000
Skill Level 27

Neutraliser: 40G
The best way to deal with poison in the fields! Sprinkle to
Ingredients: Antidote Herb x 3
Sell: 20G
Type: Secret Medicine
Skill Level 29

Para-gone: 700G
Medicine that cures paralysis of the body. Also makes you resistant
paralysis for a time.
Ingredients: Cherry Grass
Sell: 150G
HP Rec +500
Skill Level 31

Healing Potion: 1500G

A dark green liquid medicine. Drink to recover HP.
Ingredients: Noel Grass
Sell: 400G
HP Rec +1000
Skill Level 40

Roundoff: 700G
Medicine that cures the sealed status. Also makes you resistant to
seal for
a time.
Ingredients: Lamp Grass
Sell: 150G
HP Rec +500
Skill Level 76

Antidote Potion: 600G

Antidote medicine that is much easier to swallow than in its herb
Ingredients: Pom-Pom Grass
Sell: 125G
HP Rec +300
Effect: 3 Hours
Skill Level 82

Mixed Herbs: 8490G

A mixture of many herbs taken from the wild. Has a wonderful aroma.
RP Max +25
Sell: 2830G
Effect: 3 Hours

Sour Drop: 240G

Spice made from sour leaves. Super-sour, but puts you into a
refreshed mood.
Sell: 80G
VIT +4
Effect: 3 Hours

Protein Boost: 70000G

A health supplement created by a special process. Increases physical
Sell: 500G

Invinciroid: 136860G
Become invincible! Heals all status ailments and grants immunity to
Sell: 45620G
HP Rec +100%, RP Rec +100%, HP Max +25%, RP Max +25%, STR +10%, VIT
+25%, INT

Love Potion: 50000G

A drink every one loves. one sip... and they're yours. Heals all
effects and raises resistance.
Sell: 500G
RP Rec +50%

Vital Gummi: 70000G

A health supplement created by a special process. Increases vitality.
Sell: 500G
VIT +1

Forging in Rune Factory 3

Forging is a process that will be familiar to players of prior games in

series, but Rune Factory 3 is unique in many ways. First of all, you
learn Recipes by means of the Weapons Bread that you can purchase and
Second of all, although the creation of a new Weapon requires set
delineated in the Recipe, the Upgrade of Weapons and Equipment can be
with any number of Items.

In Rune Factory 3, War Trophies have specific Stats that will affect
any Item
to which they are added in order to upgrade it.

The Menu at your Forge will be divided into two Options:

Make Item
Upgrade Item

If you choose the Option to Make an Item, you will be able to make it
by using
the required Ingredients, and the Recipes that you have learned will be

If you choose to Upgrade an Item, you will see two slots to the right:


Below them:

Will Make:

The percentage that represents your chance of success then will be


For example, one can add a Plant Stem to an Aquasword.

The Aquasword has the following Stats:

Aquasword: 4700G
A sword imbued with the power of water magic. Its blade is
constantly wet.
Sell: 590G
Stats: ATK +41, MGC ATK +24

If you wish to raise the Magic Attack as well as Magic Defence of the
Aquasword, you can add a Plant Stem.

In RF3, a Plant Stem has the following Stats:

Plant Stem: 300G

The hardy, thick stem of a plant. Has a variety of uses.
Sell: 150G
Stats: MGC ATK +4, MGC DEF +1

There will be a difficulty rating for each upgrade Item as well. For
the Plant
Stem, the Difficulty rating is 19.
With a successful upgrade that adds the potency of the Plant Stem to an
ordinary Aquasword, you will have the following:

Aquasword: 4888G (Lv. 2)

Sell: 613G
ATK +41, M. ATK +28, M. DEF +1

As you can see, the Magic Attack and Magic Defence possessed by the
Plant Stem
were incorporated into the upgraded Aquasword.

With the addition of a Hard Horn, Freyr further augmented the power of

Hard Horn: 380G

A jagged, saw-like horn. Upgrades increase chances of knockouts.
Sell: 220G
ATK +2, DEF +4

With this Item added, the Aquasword became:

Aquasword: 4982G (Lv. 3)

Sell: 625G
ATK +43, DEF +4, MGC ATK +28, MGC DEF +1

Each Upgrade raises the Level of the Weapon. Do not forget that
forging like
cooking requires Energy. You must pay attention to your Energy Gauges
if you
do not wish to find yourself at the Apothecary!

Forge Recipes

When the Sharance Tree has been expanded, you will be able to order a
from Raven for 100 Wood and 5000G. It will be completed instantly and
will give you 9 Weapon Bread to help you begin your new craft. It is a
quality of Weapons Bread that you must be within a certain Skill Level
to be
able to obtain a specific Recipe. At least half of the Weapons Breads
Raven gives will be advanced Recipes that you will not be able to
It may be best to save your game before you consume the Weapons Bread
and then
save only when the Recipe is one that you can learn. Store the rest of
Weapons Bread until you have spent some time at the forge.

Recipes to Make Weapons

Broadsword: 630G
A light, easy to use sword. Recommended for beginners. So
versatile, some
also use it as a chopping knife.
Ingredients: Iron
Sell: 60G
Skill Level 4

Rod: 1080G
A staff that boosts magical power. Was not designed to be used as a
Ingredients: Iron, Amethyst
Sekill Level 4

Claymore: 960G
A longsword that's easy to swing. Its decorative rings can be toyed
with to
pass the time.
Ingredients: Iron x 3
Sell: 190G
Skill Level 5

Battleaxe: 1300G
An axe with a wild, uncontrolled swing. Handle with care.
Ingredients: Iron x 4
Sell: 280G
ATK +10
Skill Level 6

Spear: 900G
A simple spear. Perfect for the beginner. So simple, that it has
been used
a food skewer in the past.
Ingredients: Iron, Wood
Skill Level 6

Battle Hammer: 1400G

A hammer designed for battle. Great for blowing off steam when you
send your
foes flying.
Ingredients: Iron x 5
Sell: 380G
Skill Level 7

Steel Sword: 1010G

Ingredients: Broadsword, Iron x 2
Sell: 210G
Skill Level 8

Staff: 3580G
A simple magical staff. Give this rod a try to see if you have any
skill or not.
Ingredients: Rod, Iron, Strong Vine
Sell: 1120G
Skill Level 10

Steel Sword +: 2910G

A Steel Sword, strengthened by a mysterious power. Now a different
it is a completely new weapon.
Ingredients: Steel Sword, Iron x 2

Axe: 2100G
A fierce axe now stripped of its farming power.
Ingredients: Rusty Axe, Arrowhead x 2
Sell: 400G
ATK +28, MGC ATK +20
Skill Level 12

Iron Edge: 2980G

Well-balanced dual blades that have been further reiinforeced. Easy
to use.
Ingredients: Steel Edge, Iron x 2
Sell: 750G
ATK +13
Skill Level 13

Bat: 2750G
Wooden stick for a game. Not sure how it's used. Easier to knock
foes away.
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Wood
ATK +36
Skill Level 13

Wooden Staff: 3030G

Type: Spear
A tough, wooden staff. Wield it like an angry old man for extra
Ingredients: Wood x 2, Strong Vine x 2
Skill Level 14

Zweihander + : 3020G
A Greatsword strengthened by a mysterious power. Makes it easier to
foes out.
Ingredients: Zweihander, Iron x 2
Sell: 460G
ATK + 36, MGC ATK +5

War Hammer: 3720G

Heavier than it looks. Puts a massive strain on your back, so be
when swinging it.
Ingredients: Battle Hammer, Iron, Bronze x 2
ATK +46
Skill Level 15

Cutlass: 3560G
A sword used by pirates and brigands long ago. Now is worn like a
good luck
charm by sailors.
Ingredients: Broadsword, Bronze, Quality Cloth x 2
Sell: 480G
ATK +32
Skill Level 16

Ice Staff: 8000G

A staff imbued with the power of water magic. Its tip is freezing
giving off a chilly mist.
Ingredients: Rod, Bronze, Emerald
Sell: 2800G
ATK + 7, MGC ATK +60
Type: Water
Skill Level 16

Strong Stone: 5210G

A big hunk of metal connected to the blade. Its weight is the reason
for its
high attack.
Ingredients: Battle Hammer, Iron x 2, Bronze x 3
Sell: 2120G
ATK +58
Skill Level 19

Backscratcher: 2000G
The cure for itchy backs everywhere. Messes with enemy minds, and
easier to knock them out.
Ingredients: Branch
Sell: 30G
ATK +26, MGC ATK +48
Skill Level 20

Water Spear: 5770G

A spear infused with the power of water magic. Always wet, so be
that your hands don't slip.
Ingredients: Spear, Bronze x 2, Quality Cloth
Sell: 1010G
Type: Water
ATK +52, MGC ATK +30, MGC DEF +5
Skill Level 21

Sea Cutter: 4880G

As its name suggests, a longsword that can cut the seas. Listen, and
you can
also hear the waves.
Ingredients: Claymore, Iron, Quality Cloth, Giant's Fingernail
Sell: 1620G
Type: Water
ATK +58, MGC ATK +25
Skill Level 21

Lightning Staff: 13200G

A staff imbued with the power of wind magic. Said to be able to
storms and call down lightning.
Ingredients: Rod, Bronze, Insect Jaw
Sell: 120G
ATK +14, MGC ATK +88
Skill Level 21

Aquasword: 4700G
A sword imbued with the power of water magic. Its blade is
constantly wet.
Ingredients: Broadsword, Bronze, Quality Cloth
Sell: 590G
ATK +41, MGC ATK +24
Skill Level 22

War Hammer+: 7800G

A War Hammer strengthened by a mysterious power. Now places less
strain on
the back.
Ingredients: War Hammer, Iron, Bronze x 2
Sell: 3000G
Skill Level 22

Flare Staff: 29800G

A staff imbued with the power of fire magic. Its tip is red hot, and
crackles with sparks.
Ingredients: Rod, Silver, Fire Crystal, Ruby
Sell: 4820G
ATK +21, MGC ATK +112
Skill Level 24

Windsword: 8400G
A sword imbued with the power of wind magic. Each swing is said to
send out
a gust of wind.
Ingredients: Broadsword, Iron, Scorpion Pincer
Sell: 900G
ATK 56, MGC ATK 28
Skill Level 26

Cyclone Blade: 10840G

A sword imbued with the power of wind maigc. Narrow and set with
holes in
order to whip up a gust.
Ingredients: Claymore, Silver x 2, Panther Claw
Sell: 2880G
ATK +83, MGC ATK +40
Type: Longsword
Skill Level 27

Corsesca: 9080G
A spear with a wide blade. A focus on accuracy led to the creation
of this
Ingredients: Spear, Silver x 2, Bull Horn
Sell: 2680G
ATK +79, DEF +15
Skill Level 27
Wind Edge: 9260G
The two swords summon the wind to slice through enemies.
Sell: 1160G
Type: Wind
ATK +66, MGC ATK +30
Skill Level 28

Dekash: 11360G
Smells very fishy and may attract felines. Makes it easier to knock
Ingredients: Tuna
Sell: 4000G
Type: Water
ATK +76, MGC ATK +72
Skill Level 29

Defender: 10040G
A sword created to be used with a shield. Greatly improves chances of
avoiding incoming attacks.
Ingredients: Broadsword, Bronze x 2
Sell: 1020G
ATK +83, DEF +15
Skill Level 29

Basket: 19000G
A basket that can hold more than it seems. Don't forget to take out
lunch first.
Ingredients: Strong String, Speckled Skin, Strong Vine x 2
Sell: 2780G
Type: Earth
ATK +50, MGC ATK +102, VIT +20
Skill Level 29

Broken Wall: 10440G

Dual blades instilled with the power of the earth. Not only cuts,
but also
Ingredients: Short Dagger, Silver, Earth Crystal, Hammer Piece
Sell: 2300G
ATK +75, MGC ATK +40
Skill Level 30

Burnin' Blade: 12400G

A sword that burns along its entire blade. The blade whispers,
'Touch me,
and I'll burn ya!'
Ingredients: Broadsword, Silver, Arrowhead, Fire Crystal
Sell: 2500G
ATK +78, MGC ATK +35
Type: Fire
Skill Level 30

Gaia Sword: 12900G

A sword imbued with the power of earth. Made from very hard
materials, so it
won't chip easily.
Ingredients: Broadsword, Silver, Earth Crystal, Hammer Piece
Sell: 2040G
ATK +80, MGC ATK +40
Type: Earth
Skill Level 31

Iron Bat: 12460G

Iron stick for a game. Not sure how it's used, but you might be able
to send
a all far with it.
Ingredients: Bat, Iron x 3
Sell: 3840G
ATK +110
Skill Level 32

Spoon: 10140G
Cursed weapon that gives those who equip it an insatiable craving for
Ingredients: Iron, Sparkle String
Sell: 440G
ATK +50, MGC ATK +98
Skill Level 34

Recipes to Make Farm Tools

You can obtain Recipes for Farm Tools by eating Farming bread:

Old Waterpot: 900G

A battered waterpot; can water the fields. Press the B Button
repeatedly to
water on the move.
Ingredients: Scrap Metal, Iron
Sell: 130G
Type: Water
Skill Level 5

Rusty Hoe: 1000G

An old, battered hoe. Used to hoe the fields. The blade's rusty and
Ingredients: Scrap Metal, Iron x 2
Sell: 240G
Skill Level 5

Rusty Sickle: 700G

An old, rusty sickle. Can be used to cut weeds and grass. Cut crops
to get
high-quality seeds.
Ingredients: Scrap Metal x 2, Iron x 1
Sell: 180G
Skill Level 5

Rusty Axe: 1400G

An old, used axe. So battered and worn that it can't be charged.
Ingredients: Scrap Metal x 2, Iron x 2
Sell: 180G
Skill Level 5

Cheap Hammer: 1600G

An old, used hammer. Too worn to break large rocks, but it can still
be used
to flatten land.
Ingredients: Scrap Metal x 2, Iron x 3
Sell: 270G
ATK +3
Skill Level 5

Cheap Pole: 1800G

An old, battered fishing pole. Can be used to catch fish, but not
very well.
Ingredients: Wood, Strong String
Skill Level 5

Beginner's Pole: 3580G

A pole for the beginning fisherman. Charge it to attract faraway
Ingredients: Cheap Pole, Sparkle String
Sell: 320G
ATK +10, MGC ATK +15

Tin Waterpot: 900G

A battered waterpot; can water the fields. Press the B Button
repeatedly to
water on the move.
Ingredients: Old Waterpot, Bronze x 2
Sell: 130G
M. ATK +2
Skill Level 15

Iron Sickle: 1630G

A slightly sharper sickle. Used to cut weeds and grass. Cut crops
to get
high-quality seeds.
Ingredients: Rusty Sickle, Bronze
Sell: 510G
ATK +30
Skill Level 15

Chopping Axe: 3390G

A slightly improved axe. Charging the axe increases its range.
Ingredients: Rusty Axe, Bronze x 2
Sell: 570G
ATK +35

Sturdy Hoe: 2940G

A slightly improved hoe. Can cover a wider area.
Ingredients: Rusty Hoe, Bronze x 2
Sell: 920G
Type: Earth
ATK +18, MGC ATK +5
Skill Level 15

Bronze Hammer: 5570G

Reinforced with bronze. Now tough enough to crack large rocks, it
can also
be used to flatten land.
Ingredients: Cheap Hammer, Bronze x 3
ATK +30
Skill Level 15

Recipes to Make Accessories

Cheap Bracelet: 560G

An old, worn-out bracelet. Raises magic defence a little, but it is
a bit
Ingredients: Iron, Cheap Cloth
Sell: 80G
Skill Level 1

Small Shield: 530G

A small, easy-to-use shield that offers only limited defence.
Ingredients: Iron x 2
Sell: 110G
DEF +6
Skill Level 2

Charm: 420G
A charm that prevents from misfortune. Immunity from receiving
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Strong String
Sell: 60G
Skill Level 3

Field Gloves: 630G

Protect your hands from blisters and calluses. No farmer should be
without a
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth
ATK +15
Skill Level 4

Yarn Ball: 4800G

A large ball of yarn.
Ingredients: Small Fleece x 3
Sell: 900G
DEF +3, MGC DEF +2
Skill Level 5
Yarn Ball: 4800G
A large ball of yarn.
Ingredients: Medium Fleece
Sell: 900G
DEF +3, MGC DEF +2
Skill Level 6

Pin: 770G
A snazzy-looking pin. Some people like to collect them. Raises
vitality a
Ingredients: Iron
Sell: 60G
VIT +10
Skill Level 6

Yarn Ball: 4800G

A large ball of yarn.
Ingredients: Large Fleece
Sell: 900G
DEF +3, MGC DEF +2
Skill Level 7

Bronze Shield: 1210G

A simple shield made from bronze. Now wider, this shield has a
better chance
of stopping attacks.
Ingredients: Bronze x 2
Sell: 320G
DEF +12
Skill Level 8

Handknit Hat: 980G

A hat knitted from wool. Warms both the head and the soul.
Ingredients: Yarn Ball
Sell: 900G
DEF +3, MGC DEF +2
Skill Level 9

Wet Boots: 630G

They're slippery and easy to trip over. Raise chance of critical
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth x 2, Strong String
Sell: 90G
INT -5
Skill Level 9

Bronze Bracelet: 1190G

A bronze bracelet. Raises magic defence a little. Quite heavy.
Ingredients: Bronze, Cheap Cloth x 2
Skill Level 10

Piyo Sandals: 910G

Boots that make a sound every time you take a step.
Ingedients: Insect Skin x 2, Wooly Furball
Sell: 130G
DEF +14
Skill Level 10

Secret Shoes: 1050G

Ingredients: Iron, Insect Skin x 2
Sell: 150G
DEF +20
Skill Level 11

Focus Earring: 1400G

Earrings that dangle from your ears. Raise magic defence a little.
Ingredients: Iron, Arrowhead
Sell: 100G
MGC ATK +12, MGC DEF +15
Skill Level 12

Leather Belt: 1120G

A regular, commonplace belt. It heightens resolve and slightly raises
Ingredients: Fur x 2, Speckled Skin
Sell: 160G
DEF +1, MGC DEF +4
Skill Level 13

Heavy Boots: 1550G

Boots made from steel. Offer high defence, but are also very heavy.
Ingredients: Iron x 4, Bronze x 2
DEF +26
Skill Level 14

Emerald Riing: 2180G

A ring with a glittering emerald that will make your finger sparkle.
wind damage.
Ingredients: Emerald
Sell: 640G
Type: Wind
DEF +5, MGC DEF +3, STR +1
Skill Level 15

Sapphire Ring: 2580G

A ring with a beautifully glittering sapphire. Halves light damage.
Ingredients: Sapphire
Sell: 1210G
Type: Light
Skill Level 15

Ruby Ring: 2180G

Has a mysterious, appealiing design. Halves all incoming fire damage.
Ingredients: Ruby
Sell: 610G
ATK +10, DEF +15, MGC ATK +10, MGC DEF +10, INT +10
Type: Fire
Skill Level 15

Dark Ring: 2580G

A twisted, bizarre-looking ring. Its thorns hurt when you put it on.
dark damage.
Ingredients: Skull
Sell: 1200G
Type: Darkness
Skill Level 15

Aquamarine Ring: 2380G

A boldly appealing ring that halves all incoming water damage.
Ingredients: Aquamarine
Sell: 980G
Type: Water
Skill Level 15

Fireproof Hood: 1890G

Protect your head. Don't push. Don't run. Don't talk.
Ingredients: Quality Cloth x 2, Giant's Gloves
Sell: 270G
DEF +15, MGC DEF +12
Skill Level 16

Umbrella: 3990G
A luxurious umbrella meant to shield you from the harsh sunlight.
Ingredients: Iron x 2, Speckled Skin, Strong Vine, Bird Wing
Sell: 3780G
DEF +8, MGC DEF +20
Skill Level 17

Round Shield: 5870G

A round shield. Used to turn attacks aside rather than stop them
Ingredients: Bronze x 2, Iron x 2
Sell: 820G
DEF +21
Skill Level 17

Leather Gloves: 2030G

Quality gloves made from leather. Protect your hands and look
stylish at the
same time.
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Wooly Furball, Quality Cloth, Giant's
Sell: 270G
ATK +30
Skill Level 18

Sneakers: 4010G
Shoes to help you practice walking. Give them a try.
Ingredients: Speckled Skin x 2, Spore, Strong Vine
Sell: 230G
DEF +32
Skill Level 18

Earth Pendant: 3800G

A pendant that halves earth damage and raises the abilities of magic
Ingredients: Silver Pendant, Earth Crystal x 2
Sell: 800G
Type: Earth
Skill Level 19

Silver Pendant: 2870G

A silver pendant. A simple but highly attractive design. Raises
Ingredients: Iron, Silver
Sell: 390G
Skill Level 20

Heavy Shield: 7200G

A shield made from layers of steel. Resists critical hits. A little
bit too
Ingredients: Iron x 3, Hard Horn
DEF +28
Skill Level 22

Magic Shield: 9830G

A shield that protects against magical attacks and being sealed.
Best used
with a magical staff.
Ingredients: Bronze x 2, Amethyst, Quality Cloth
Sell: 2210G
MGC DEF +42, INT +15
Skill Level 24

Silver Bracelet: 3430G

A silver bracelet. Simply slipping it onto your farm raises magical
Ingredients: Silver, Quality Cloth x2
Sell: 530G
Skill Level 25

Silver Boots: 4560G

Standard silver boots. Increase defence.
Ingredients: Bronze, Silver, Giant's Gloves, Hammer Piece
Sell: 880G
DEF +40
Skill Level 26

Poison Ring: 4890G

A ring grants immunity to poison. Can poison foes.
Ingredients: Bronze, Spore x 2
Sell: 250G
Skill Level 27

Paralyse Ring: 4890G

A ring that increases resistance to paralysis. Can paralyse foes.
Ingredients: Bronze, Plant Stem x 2
Sell: 280G
Skill Level 28

Silent Ring: 4890G

A ring that increases resistance to being sealed. Can also seal foes.
Ingredients: Bronze, Lamp Squid
Sell: 1500G
Skill Level 29

Critical Ring: 6480G

A ring that raises critical attacks y showing you the best place to
Ingredients: Silver, Hard Horn, Panther Claw
Sell: 580G
Skill Level 30

Happy Ring: 9999G

A ring that brings good fortune. Increases chance of finding dropped
Ingredients: Diamond, 4-Leaf Clover
Sell: 4444G
Skill Level 30

Magic Ring: 6970G

A ring brimming with magic power. Shortens the time it takes to
charge up.
Ingredients: Silver, Magic Crystal
Sell: 760G
Skill Level 31

Bone Boots: 8800G

Boots made of bone. They appear prehistoric, but their defence is
Ingredients: Dragon Bones
Sell: 3000G
DEF +68
Skill Level 31

Hachimaki: 6360G
The Far East equivalent of a bandana. Resists paralysis.
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Bandage x 2
Sell: 480G
ATK +20, DEF +32, MGC DEF +27
Skill Level 32

Strider Boots: 12140G

These boots actually increase your stride.
Ingredients: Emerald x 2, Insect Jaw, Panther Claw
Skill Level 33

Tortoise Shield: 12500G

A collection of tortoise shells fitted together to make a shiled.
Makes it
harder o knock you back.
Ingredients: Tortoise Shell x 3
Sell: 3050G
DEF +43
Skill Level 34

Fancy Hat: 13850G

A bright red, eye-catching hat. It's well-ventilated, so you can
wear it for
hours on end.
Ingredients: Cheap Bandage, Bird Wing, Fur x 2
Sell: 550G
DEF +45, MGC DEF +45
Skill Level 35

Field Pendant: 9600G

A pendant that halves wind damage and raises the abilities of your
Ingredients: Silver Pendant, Wind Crystal x 2
Sell: 1250G
Type Wind
Skill Level 35

Bone Shield: 19700G

A shield that is both light and hard. Its light weight allows the
user to
react quickly to fast attacks.
Ingredients: Silver x 2, Insect Jaw, Bull Horn x 2
DEF +36, MGC DEF +20
Skill Level 36

Kite Shield: 28000G

A shield that balances high defence and ease of use. Makes it harder
to be
knocked out.
Ingredients: Silver x 2, Gold x 2
Sell: 5930G
DEF +61
Skill Level 37

Skate Boots: 7140G

Boots made to feel like you're skating on ice. You won't be able to
triple Lutz, though.
Ingredients: Water Crystal x 2, Tortoise Shell
Sell: 1020G
Skill Level 38

Silver Hairpin: 9950G

A traditional accessory from the far east. Said to ward off evil
when worn in the hair.
Ingredients: Silver, Glue
Sell: 570G
MGC ATK +30, MGC DEF +62
Skill Level 38

Gold Bracelet: 7500G

A golden bracelet. Simply slipping it onto your wrist considerably
magical defence.
Ingredients: Gold, Quality Cloth x 2
Sell: 830G
Skill Level 39

Star Pendant: 4800G

A pendant shaped like a glittering night star. Increases rate of
Ingredients: Silver Pendant, Light Crystal, Dark Crystal
Sell: 1660G
Type: Light
Skill Level 40

Chaos Shield: 29900G

Companion to the Chaos Blade. Resists poison, paralysis and seal
Ingredients: Silver x 2, Scorpion Tail, Scorpion Pincer, Proof of
Sell: 5020G
DEF +18, MGC DEF +50
Skill Level 41

Power Gloves: 12520G

Gloves that tightly fit the hands. Allows heavy items to be lifted
Ingredients: Insect Skin x 2, Hammer Piece, Panther Claw
Sell: 1020G
ATK +65
Skill Level 42

Monkey Toy: 1100G

A lovely stuffed animal.
Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Strong String, Wooly Furball x 2
Sell: 900G
DEF +55, MGC DEF +12
Type: Light
Skill Level 43

Handknit Scarf: 8850G

A scarf knitted from wool that is very warm. Halves RP consumption
some exceptions.)
Ingredients: Wooly Furball x 6
Sell: 1066G
Skill Level 43
Snow Shoes: 9840G
Special snow shoes. Never slip on ice again.
Ingredients: Iron, Strong Vine, Wolf Fang, Quality Fur x 2
Sell: 2120G
DEF +40, MGC DEF +15
Skill Level 43

Shield Ring: 16450G

A ring with great defence, but small area of use. Can occasionally
damage to one.
Ingredients: Gold, Hammer Piece, Bull Horn, Silver, Fish Fossil
Sell: 2300G
DEF +42
Skill Level 44

Farm Aids

Formula A: 600G
Sprinkle on soil to shorten growth time. Crops will be a little more
Sold at the General Store.

Formula B: 2200G
Sprinkle on soil to shorten growth time. Crops will be more
Sold by the Chemist.

Neutralizer: 40G
The best way to deal with poison in the fields! Sprinkle to
Sell: 20G
(Secret Med)
Sold by the Chemist.

Greenifier: 3000G
Raises the quality of crops when they are harvested.
Sell: 880G
(Secret Med)
Sold by the Chemist.


Swimsuit: 3000G
You need a swimsuit for summer. I hope you get a chance to swim.

Green Outfit: 3000G

Cobalt Outfit: 3000G

Red Outfit: 3000G

Blue Outfit: 3000G

Yellow Outfit: 3000G

Decorative Items for the Home

Table: 2000G

Chair: 1000G

Potted Plants:

Spring Plant: 700G

Summer Plant: 700G

Fall Plant: 700G

Winter Plant: 700G

Cactus Plant: 700G

Stuffed Animals:

P. Pomme Toy: 800G

Wooly Toy: 800G

Chpsqk Toy: 800G

Duck Toy: 800G

S. Wolf Toy: 1200G

Weapons and Equipment

Weapons, Equipment and Accessory Items can be purchased or forged by

Character once he has a Forge and Workshop. Some Weapons, Equipment and
Accessories will be sold from the start of the first Spring. It is the
Special Deals Menu at the Blacksmith Shop that will offer Weapons that
not appear in the specific Categories at this stage in the game.

For example, although Raven sells a Broadsword in her Sword/Shields

Menu, the
more powerful Steel Sword and Cutlass only appear randomly in the
Deals Menu. It therefore is a good idea to access her Special Deals on
daily basis if you wish to improve your Weapons and Equipment.

Players of RF2 will be familiar with the Weapons and Equipment in RF3.
is one essential difference, however, in terms of the Plus Weapons such
Steel Sword +, which were available only to players who traded via Wi-
Fi in
RF2. In RF3, they are offered for sale at the Smithy as Special Deals
on a
random basis.



Broadsword: 630G
A light, easy-to-use sword. Recommended for beginners. So
versatile, some
also use it as a chopping knife.
Sell: 60G
ATK +5

Steel Sword: 1010G

A shortsword forged from steel. Its long blade gives it extended
Sell: 210G
ATK +10

Steel Sword +: 2910G

A Steel Sword, strengthened by a mysterious power. Now a different
it is a completely new weapon.
Sell: 340G
ATK +21, M. ATK +5

Cutlass: 3580G
A sword used by pirates and brigands long ago. Now is worn like a
good luck
charm by sailors.
Sell: 480G
ATK +32

Aquasword: A sword imbued with the power of water magic. Its blad is
constantly wet.
Buy: 4700G
Sell: 590G

Back Scratcher: 2000G

The cure for itchy backs everywhere. Messes with enemy minds, and
eaiser to knock them out.
ATK +27, M. ATK +48
Defender: 10040G
A sword created to be used with a shield. Greatly improves chances of
avoiding incoming attacks.
Sell 1020G
ATK +63, DEF +15

Sakura: 15200G
A cursed crimson sword. Though its name is beautiful, its edge is
laced with
Sell: 3300G
ATK +89
Type: Darkness

Luck Blade: 18990G

A sword that makes the owner lucky. easier to land critical hits and
foes out.
Sell: 3340G
ATK +97

Durandel: 27720G
The entire blade glows white, distracting the foe with its beauty.
Use that
moment to strike!
Sell: 6120G
ATK +133, DEF +30


Claymore: 960G
A longsword that's easy to swing. Its decorative rings can be toyed
with to
pass the time.
Sell: 190G
ATK +11

Zweihander: 1800G
A two-handed sword. Nothing remarkable. Just don't get cocky and try
swinging it one-handed.
Sell: 480G
ATK +22

Greatsword: 4270G
A longsword treated to prevent it from becoming dull. Its balance
has been
tweaked so it's easy to use.
Sell: 1010G
ATK +52
Sea Cutter: 4880G
As its name suggests, a longsword that can cut the seas. Listen, and
you can
also hear the waves.
Sell: 1620G
ATK +58, M. ATK +25

Flame Sabre: 9120G

A sword imbued with the power of fire magic. Striking red, a single
will make you sweat.
Sell: 2520G
ATK +75, MGC ATK +35

Dekash: 11360G
Smells very fishy and may attract felines. Makes it eaiser to knock
Sell: 4000G
ATK +76, MGC ATK +72
Type: Water

Earth Shade: 11120G

A sword blessed by the earth. Its design, like a crevice in the
makes a striking impression.
Sell: 3010G
Type: Earth
ATK +97, MGC ATK +45

Poison Blade: 12940G

A longsword coated with poison. A single scratch from this bad boy
can be
Sell: 2880G
ATK +124

Big Knife: 13720G

A big knife. A very, very big knife. Try to chop an apple with
this, and
you'll chop off more than fruit.
Sell: 3520G
ATK +139

Katana: 26620G
A sword from the far east. Beauty, sharpness and strength combine
into this
professional's choice.
Sell: 6580G
ATK +192

Shine Blade: 29290G

Has a super-hot blade, but a cool tip. The heat difference inflicts
Sell: 6600G
Type: Fire
ATK +201, MGC ATK +90

Dual Blades

Short Dagger: 950G

Wield a sword in each hand to overwhelm foes. However, it renders all
shields useless.
Sell: 110G
ATK +6

Thief Knife: 3670G

Dual blades often used by pirates and bandits.
Sell: 960G
ATK +35

Steel Edge: 1510G

Two iron-sharp swords. Slightly difficult to wield, since they're
Sell: 340G
ATK +13

Iron Edge: 2980G

Well-balanced dual blades that have been further reinforced. Easy to
Sell: 750G
ATK +24, M. ATK +5

Frost Edge: 4630G

Dual Blade
A coldness emanates from the two swords. It might be hard on you if
don't like the cold.
Sell: 1020G
ATK +46, M. ATK +20

Wind Edge: 9260G

The two swords summon the wind to slice through enemies.
Sell: 1160G
ATK +66, M. ATK +30

Rampage: 13000G
Named for its firepower and fury. Makes it eaiser to land critical
Sell: 3020G
ATK +96
Dual Blades

Sonic Dagger: 17630G

Slim dual blades that generate cutting winds that create sonic booms.
Sell: 3380G
ATK +104, MGC ATK +55
Type: Wind
Dual Blades

Desert Wind: 18880G

Beautiful blades modeled after the desert winds. Very popular for
beauty and majesty.
Sell: 3840G
ATK +115, MGC ATK +75
Dual Blades

Force Divide: 25000G

Dual blades with both fire and water elements. Thermodynamics
causes armour
to break down.
Sell: 5200G
Type: Fire and Water
ATK +145, MGC ATK +90
Dual Blades


Small Shield: 530G

A small, easy-to-use shield that offers only limited defence.
Sell: 320G
DEF +6

Bronze Shield: 1210G

A simple shield made from bronze. Now wider, this shield has a
better chance
of stopping attacks.
Sell: 320G
DEF +12

Heavy Shield: A shield made from layers of steel. Resists critical

hits. A
little bit too heavy.
Buy: 7200G
Sell: 1120G

Round Shield: 5870G

A round shield. Used to turn attacks aside rather than stop them
Sell: 820G
DEF +21

Magic Shield: 9830G

A shield that protects against magical attacks and being sealed.
Best used
with a magical staff.
Sell: 2210G
MGC DEF +42, INT +15

Tortoise Shield: 12500G

A collection of tortoise shells fitted together to make a shield.
Makes it
harder to knock you back.
Sell: 3050G
DEF +43

Bone Shield: 19700G

A shield that is both light and hard. Its light weight allows the
user to
react quickly to fast attacks.
Sell: 4320G
DEF +36, MGC DEF +20



Spear: 900G
A simple spear. Perfect for the beginner. So simple, that it has
been used
as a food skwer in the past.
Sell: 110G
ATK +7, DEF +2

Lance: 1480G
Has a unique triangular shape. Said to have been the main weapon of
a large
empire, long ago.
Sell: 320G
ATK +14, DEF +5

Lance +: 3850G
A Lance strengthened by a mysterious power. The weapon is now a
golden hue.
Sell: 810G
ATK +27, DEF +10, M. ATK +5

Needle Spear: 4460G

A spear with a long blade. Cuts across a wider range, making it a
top seller
and perennial customer favourite.
ATK 41, DEF 8

Wooden Staff: 3030G

A tough, wooden staff. Wield it like an angry old man for extra power.
Spear, Lv. 1
Sell: 750G
Earth Power
ATK +18, DEF +8

Pitchfork: 8280G
Based on the eating utensil, the fork. Now if only you could find a
cake of
proportionate size.
Sell: 780G
ATK +68, DEF +18

Heavy Lance: 12700G

A lance focused on attack power. Very heavy and hard to use.
Sell: 3160G
ATK +113, DEF +25

Corsesca: 9080G
A spear with a wide blade. A focus on accuracy led to the creation
of this
Sell: 2680G
ATK +79, DEF +15

Flare Lance: 21640G

A burning-hot lance that's hotter toward the tip. Also good for back
and improving blood circulation.
Sell: 5500G
Type: Fire
ATK +140, DEF +25, MGC ATK +70

Poison Queen: 22850G

A grab bag of poisonous items. Be careful, or YOU ight be the one
Sell: 5800G
ATK +148, DEF +5

Brionac: 27670G
Capable of piercing anything. Even said to have once made a hole in a
ountain in a single blow.
Sell: 6870G
ATK +172, DEF +25, MGC ATK +85


Battle Hammer: 1400G

A hammer designed for battle. Great for blowing off steam when you
send your
foes flying.
Sell: 380G
ATK +10

War Hammer: 3720G

Heavier than it looks. Puts a massive strain on your back, so be
when swinging it.
Sell: 1680G
ATK +46
War Hammer +: 7600G
A War Hammer strengthened by a mysteirous power. Now places less
strain on
the back.
Sell: 3000G
ATK +62, M. ATK +15

Bat: 2750G
Wooden stick for a game. Not sure how it's used. Easier to knock
foes away.
Sell: 410G
ATK +36

Iron Bat: 12460G

Iron stick for a game. Not sure how it's used, but you might be able
to send
a ball far with it.
Sell: 3840G
ATK +110

Great Hammer: 11500G

A hammer designed to lessen the shock to the user upon impact.
Sell: 3420G
ATK +82

Flame Hammer: 21360G

Imbued with the power of fire on one side. Ignites, aiding the
wielder when
Sell: 4870G
ATK +153, MGC ATK +70

Toy Hammer: 25200G

If you get hit by this hammer, you must pretend that you were hurt.
to knock foes out.
Sell: 1530G
Type: Light
ATK +80, MGC ATK +160

Gigant Hammer: 28870G

A massive hammer. Make sure you hit the foe and not yourself when
Sell: 7420G
ATK +204


Battle Axe: 1300G

An axe with a wild, uncontrolled swing. Handle with care.
Sell: 280G
ATK +10
Poleaxe: 3750G
An axe with a crrescent blade. Has a spiked head that can also be
like a spear.
Sell: 1530G
ATK +47

Poleaxe +: 7800G
A Pole Axe strengthened by a mysterious power. Easier to use,
greater accuracy than before.
Sell: 3100G
ATK + 63, M. ATK +15

Battlescythe: 1800G
A very sharp axe. It's sharper and larger than a farming sickle.
Sell: 440G
ATK +19

Basilisk Fang: 11940G

A weapon that shreds everything like cloth. Can paralyse foes.
Sell: 3440G
ATK +99

Tomahawk: 13060G
A single bladed, easy to use axe. The cluster of adornments on its
constantly blow in the wind.
Sell: 4100G
Type: Wind
ATK +130, MGC ATK +60

Crescent Axe: 14740G

An axe with a single aerodynamic blade. Top heavy, so it's hard to
raise the
blade vertically.
Sell: 4800G
ATK +143

Heat Axe: 24660G

An axe with a burniing blade. Also known as the 'Phoenix Wings', it
become the symbol of rebirth.
Sell: 6650G
Type: Fire
ATK +157, MGC ATK +75

Lollipop: 32000G
A candy weapon. Makes it easier to knock out foes.
Sell: 7800G
ATK +192, VIT +50

Farm Tools
Old Waterpot: 900G
A battered waterpot; can water the fields. Press the B Button
repeatedly to
water on the move.
Ingredients: Scrap Metal, Iron
Sell: 130G
Type: Water
Skill Level 5

Rusty Axe: 1400G

An old, used axe. So battered and worn that it can't be charged.

Cheap Hammer: 1600G

An old, used hammer. Too worn to break large rocks, but it can still
uised to flatten land.

Cheap Pole: 1800G

An old, battered fishing pole. Can be used to catch fish, but not

Rusty Sickle: 700G

An old, rusty sickle. Can be used to cut weeds and grass. Cut crops
to get
high-quality seeds.

Brush: 2400G
An item used when caring for monsters. Capable of grooming even the
of fur.

Clippers: 1900G
Used to trim and clip monster fur. Designed so that it's impossible
to cut
or hurt the monster.

Sturdy Hoe: 2340G

A slightly improved hoe. Can cover a wider area.
Sell: 920G
Type: Earth
ATK +18, MGC ATK +5

Tin Waterpot: 3540G

A tin waterpot. A little heavy, but can be charged to water the
Sell: 540G
Type: Water

Chopping Axe: 3390G

A slightly improved axe. Charging the axe increases its range.
Sell: 570G
ATK +35
Bronze Hammer: 5570G
Reinforced with bronze. Now tough enough to crack large rocks, it
can also
be used to flatten land.
Sell: 940G
ATK +30

Beginner's Pole: 3580G

A pole for the beginning fisherman. Charge it to attract faraway
Sell: 320G
ATK +10, MGC ATK +15

Iron Sickle: 1630G

A slightly sharper sickle. Used to cut weeds and grass. Cut crops
to get
high-quality seeds.
Sell: 510G
ATK +30

Silver Hammer: Reinforced with silver. Now very tough, it can break
rocks as well as be used to flattan land.
Buy: 29610G
Sell: 3370G


Cheap Bracelet: 560G

An old, worn-out bracelet. Raises magic defence a little, but it is
a bit

Field Gloves: 630G

Protect your hands from blisters and calluses. No farmer should be
without a
ATK 15

Leather Gloves: 2030G

Quality gloves made from leather. Protect your hands and look
stylish at the
same time.
Sell: 270G
ATK +30

Handknit Hat: 980G

A hat knitted from wool. Warms both the head and the soul.

Leather Boots: 770G

Sturdy, long-lasting boots made from leather. Loved by travelers
DEF +14
Wet Boots: 630G
They're slippery and easy to trip over. Raises chances of critical
INT: -5

Heavy Boots: 1550G

Boots made from steel. Offer high defence, but are also very heavy.
Sell: 550G
DEF +26

Piyo Sandals: 910G

Boots that make a sound every time you take a step.
Sell: 130G
DEF +14

Secret Shoes: 1050G

Are you short? Put these on to make you feel nice and tall! Go on!
them on!
Sell: 150G
DEF +20

Charm: 420G
A charm that protects from misfortune. Immunity from receiving

Emerald Ring: A ring with a glittering emerald that will make your
sparkle. Halves wind damage.
Buy: 2180G
Sell: 640G

Dekash: Smells very fishy and may attract felines. Makes it easier to
out foes.
Buy: 11360G

Bronze Bracelet: 1190G

A bronze bracelet. Raises magic defence a little. Quite heavy.
Sell: 170G
M. DEF +35

Silver Bracelet: 3430G

A silver bracelet. Simply slipping it onto your arm raises magic
Sell: 530G

Leather Belt: 1120G

A regular, commonplace belt. It heightens roslve and slightly raises
Sell: 160G
DEF +30
Amethyst Ring: 1980G
An astringent, cool amethyst that creates a calm, mature atmosphere.
earth damage.
Sell: 330G
Earth Power

Emerald Ring: 2180G

A ring with a glittering emerald that will make your finger sparkle.
wind damage.
Sell: 640G
Wind Power

Sapphire Ring: 2580G

A ring with a beautifully glittering sapphire. Halves light damage.
Sell: 1210G
Light Power

Silent Ring: 4890G

A ring that increases resistance to being sealed. Cna also seal foes.
Sell: 1500G

Poison Ring: 4890G

A ring grants immunity to poison. Can poison foes.
Sell: 250G

Critical Ring: 6460G

A ring that raises critical attacks by showing you the best place to
Sell: 580G

Magic Ring: 6970G

A ring brimming with magic power. Shortens the time it takes to
charge up.
Sell: 760G

Focus Earring: 1400G

Earrings that dangle from your ears. Raise magic defence a little.
Sell: 100G
M. ATK +12, M. DEF +15

Fireproof Hood: 1890G

Protect your head. Don't push. Don't run. Don't talk.
Sell: 270G
DEF +15, M. DEF +12

Charm: 420G
A charm that protects from misfortune. Immunity from receiving
Sell: 60G

Yarn Ball: 4800G

A large ball of yarn.
Sell: 900G
DEF +3, MGC DEF +2
Magic Ring: 6970G
A ring brimming with magic power. Shortens the time it takes to
charge up.
Sell: 760G

Hachimaki: 6360G
The Far East equivalent of a bandana. Resists paralysis.
Sell: 480G
ATK +20, DEF +32, MGC DEF +27

Silver Boots; 4560G

Standard silver boots. Increases defence.
Sell: 880G
DEF +60

Sneakers: 4010G
Shoes to help you practice walking. Give them a try.
Sell: 230G
DEF +32

Gold Bracelet: 7500G

A golden bracelet. Simply slipping it onto your wrist considerably
magical defence.
Sell: 830G

Curse Charm: 14760G

A foreign charm filled with great power. Draws forth great power
from its
Sell: 1050G

Aquamarine Ring: 2380G

A boldly appealing ring that halves all incoming water damage.
Sell: 980G
Type: Water

Fancy Hat: 13850G

A bright red, eye-catching hat. It's well-ventilated, so you can
wear it for
hours on end.
Sell: 550G
DEF +45, MGC DEF +45

Silver Hairpin: 9950G

A traditional accessory from the far east. Said to ward off evil
when worn in the hair.
Sell: 570G
MGC ATK +30, MGC DEF +62

Gold Hairpin: 23950G

A gold-plated hairpin that's quite gorgeous. Resists seal effects a
Sell: 1850G
DEF +20, MGC ATK +50, MGC DEF +80

Bone Boots: 8800G

Boots made of bone. They appear prehistoric, but their defence is
Sell: 3000G
DEF +68

Snow Shoes: 9840G

Special snow shoes. Never slip on ice again.
Sell: 2120G
DEF +40, MGC DEF +15

Water Shoes: 50220G

Special ninja shoes that allow you to walk on water.
Sell: 1460G
DEF +83

Strider Boots: 12140G

These boots actually increase your stride.
Sell: 2020G
ATK +25, DEF +25, MGC ATK +25, MGC DEF +25

Staves/Magic Tomes

Magic Spells, as they are contained in Tomes, can be shipped in Rune

Factory 3.

Rod: 1080G
A staff that boosts magical power. Was not designed to be used as a
Type: Fire

Staff: 3580G
A simple magical staff. Give this rod a try to see if you have any
skill or not.
Sell: 1120G
Type: Earth
ATK +6, MAG ATK +32

Ice Staff: 8000G

A staff imbued with the power of water magic. Its tip is freezing
giving off a chillly mist.
Sell: 2800G
Type: Water
ATK +7, MGC ATK +60

Lightning Staff:

Fireball: 2200G
Hurl small balls of fire. Can hurl up to 3 in a minute.

Water Laser: 2400G

Emits a water beam that can penetrate stone. Hold down the button to
the spell.

Cure: 1200G
Recover HP. Doesn't recover much, but RP consumption is reasonable.

Screw Rock: 2300G

Summon a sharp rock. This spell really packs a punch, and is
designed for
fighter mages.
Sell: 1150G

Sonic Wind: 2500G

Unleash a wind scythe. Automatically homes in on enemies and shreds
them to
Sell: 1250G

Light Shield: 3000G

Emit two balls of light in front of you to shield you from enemies.
won't break easily.
Sell: 1500G

Dark Ball: 2800G

A dark ball of energy that travels slowly, destroying all in its path.
Sell: 1400G

Medipoison: 1800G
Cures poison. Cleanses the body of poison with a purifying light.
Sell: 800G

Crop Seeds

Spring Seeds

Pink Turnip Seed: 80G

Sown in spring. Allows beautiful pink turnips to be grown. A great
Sell: 8G
3 Days

Cabbage Seed: 100G

Sown in spring. Grows quickly and is rather resilient.
Sell: 10G
6 Days

Onion Seed: 110G

Sown in spring. Easy to harvest and easy on the soil.
Sell: 11G
12 Days

Strawberry Seed: 260G

Sown in spring. Multiple harvests are possible; takes 2 days to bear
Sell: 26G
9 Days

Pink Melon Seed: 620G

Sown in spring. The efforts of a sweet girl created these cute seeds.
Sell: 62G
7 Days

Gold Cabbage Seed: 230G

Sown in spring. Grows into gorgeous golden cabbage.
Sell: 23G
14 Days
Obtain on Flea Market Day

Summer Seeds

Cucumber Seed: 80G

Sown in summer. Multiple harvests are possible. takes 2 days to bear
Sell: 8G
6 Days

Tomato Seed: 140G

Sown in summer. Mutliple harvests are possible. takes 1 day to bear
Sell: 14G
11 Days

Corn Seed: 130G

Sown in summer. Multiple harvests are possible; takes 2 days to bear
Sell: 13G
13 Days

Pumpkin Seed: 220G

Sown in summer. A large vegetable with a good balance of resilience
Sell: 22G
10 Days

Eggplant Seed: 160G

Sown in summer. Multiple harvests are possible; takes 2 days to bear
Sell: 16G
9 Days

Golden Pumpkin Seed: 190G

Sown in summer. Grows into gorgeous golden pumpkins.
Sell: 19G
15 Days

Autumn Seeds

Potato Seed: 90G

Sown in fall. Has surprisingly beautiful flowers.
Sell: 9G
3 Days

Carrot Seed: 100G

Sown in fall. A well-balanced vegetable.
Sell: 10G
8 Days

Yam Seeds: 120G

Sown in fall. Multiple harvests possible; takes 1 day to bear
fruit. Will
grow on its own.
Sell: 12G
6 Days

Spinach Seed: 60G

Sown in fall. Grows quickly but it's very frail. Make sure to water
it every
Sell: 6G
2 Days

Green Pepper Seed: 150G

Sown in fall. Multiple harvests possible; takes 2 days to bear fruit.
Sell: 15G
9 Days

Winter Seeds

Turnip Seeds: 130G

Sown in winter. A simple vegetable that's great for a beginner to
try their
hand on.
Sell: 13G
3 Days

Leek Seed: 120G

Sown in winter. An easy to grow winter crop. A little easy to
Sell: 12G
6 Days

Daikon Seed: 160G

Sown in winter. Good balance of fast growth and resilience.
Sell: 18G
7 Days

W. Cabbage Seed: 200G

Sown in winter. Takes a short while to grow.
Sell: 20G
12 Days

Hot-Hot Fruit Seed: 470G

Sown in winter. Takes a tad bit of time to grow, but they're
Sell: 47G
18 Days

Flower Seeds

Grass Seed: 300G

Cut to make feed for monsters. Multiple harvest possible; takes 1
day to
grow back.
Sell: 30G
3 Days

Moondrop Seed: 70G

Sown in spring. an easily grown flower.
Sell: 7G
7 Days

Toyherb Seed: 60G

Sown in spring. A delicate flower that requires some hard work. Eat
to cure
Sell: 6G
2 Days

Cherry Grass Seed: 120G

Sown in spring. Blooms with light pink flowers.
Sell: 12G
6 Days

Emery Flower Seed: 1000G

Sown in spring. Takes a long time to grow. Fairly resilient, and
easy to
Sell: 100G
27 Days
Obtain on Flea Market Day

Lamp Grass Seed: 480G

Sown in spring. Takes a long time to grow. Mainly used as an
ingredient in
Sell: 48G
Obtain on Flea Market Day

Pink Cat Seed: 50G

Sown in summer. Fast-growing flowers that are easy to grow. Fairly
hard to
Sell: 5G
4 Days

Fireflower Seed: 260G

Sown in summer. Black seeds that look like gunpowder.
Sell: 26G
6 Days

Charm Blue Seed: 40G

Sown in fall. A good balance of ease of growth and resilience.
Sell: 4G
6 Days

Pom-Pom Grass Seed: 510G

Sown in fall. Takes a long time to grow. Soft white seeds.
Sell: 51G
22 Days
Obtain on Flea Market Day

Autumn Grass Seed: 440G

Sown in fall. Takes a long time to grow. Reddish, oval seeds.
Sell: 44G
15 Days

Magic Seeds

Sword Magic Seed: 4800G

A plant sword fights alongside you. Returns to normal in one day if
Sell: 2400G

Jack Magic Seed: 6900G

A Jack-o-Lantern appears to help you. Returns to normal in one day
if it
Sell: 3450G

Banana Magical Seed: 2200G

A banana appears to help slip up enemies. Returns to normal in one
day if it
Sell: 1100G

Water Leaf M.S.: 5100G

A plant that makes water appear to refill cans. Returns to normal in
one day
if it tires.
Sell: 2550G

Cactus Magic Seed: 8800G

A cactus appears to help you. Returns to normal in one day if it
Sell: 4400G

Lily Pad M.S.: 3200G

A giant leaf appears to help you cross rivers. Returns to normal in
one day
if it tires.
Sell: 1600G

Ironflower M.S.: 7400G

A plant shield protects you. Returns to normal in one day if it
Sell: 3700G

Bombelon M.S.: 5000G

A plant bomb appears to help you. Returns to normal in one day if it
Sell: 2500G

Windmill M.S.: 5000G

A plant windmill blows gusts. Returns to normal in one day if it
Sell: 2500G

Skills for Weapons

Pia sells Rune Skills:that are designed to be used with a specific

weapon type.
As with other Magic Spells sold at the Chemist, these CAN be shipped!
Moreover, you can learn them during the course of ordinary combat even
if you
do not purchase them. They can be found randomly as well in Treasure
in dungeons.

Power Wave: 1300G

Weapon Shortsword. Charge up and unleash a great shockwave.

Wind Slash: 3400G

Weapon Longsword
Jumping spinning attack. Continually press the button to keep

Sky Hurricane: 2100G

Weapon Spear
Toss up and juggle your foes in the air.

Stardust Upper: 1900G

Weapon Axe or Hammer.
Knock foes in the air. Can inflict damage while spinning around.

Gust: 2600G
Weapon: Dual Blades
Perform a great leaping attack. Also great at dogding attacks.
When you have defeated the Raccoon in Privera Forest, the following
will be
added to the Menu. The selection appears to vary, so you may not find
all of
these on any given day:

Special Concerto: 3800G

A tune that rouses allied monsters to perform their special attacks.
Sell: 1900G

Mindthrust: 2800G
Weapon: Shortsword
Lunge at your foe. Can sometimes inflict a status ailment.
Sell: 1400G

Rush Attack: 3800G

Weapon: Shortsword
A flurry. Press repeatedly to increase attacks and a finish.
Sell: 1900G

Storm: 4500G
Weapon: Dual Blades
Perform a flurry in the air. Continually press the button to keep
Sell: 2250G

When you have defeated the Skelafang in the Desert, the following will

Dash Slash: 2000G

Weapon: Shortsword
Closes the gap between foes in a flash. Peform a leg drop if dashing.
Sell: 1000G

Flash Strike: 9800G

Weapon: Longsword
Draw up your energy and unleash a strong attack on your enemies.
Sell: 4900G

Reaper Slash: 2700G

Weapon: Spear
Has a large range of attack. Great when surrounded.
Sell: 1350G

Tornado Swing: 2400G

Weapon: Axe or Hammer
A great spin attack. Continually press the button to keep attacking.
Sell: 2400G

Rail Strike: 3800G

Weapon: Dual Blades
A jump-spin attack. Very hard to counter this move.
Sell: 1900G
Special Items: Presents

In other Rune Factory games, these Items were known as Curios. In RF3,
fall into the Category of Presents. They are Items without any Shipping
Value. If you ship them, they will be returned to you.

Strange Pendant:
A pendant from Sofia. It's hard to imagine any one would wear it
with its
'unique' look.
Details: One of Karina's Requests

Dragon Bones:
A very fragile-looking dragon bone, but it's managed to withstand
wear and
Details: 1st Item requested by Kuruna, found in southeast corner of
(There is another Dragon Bones that you will obtain later when you

Shade Stone:
A mysterious stone that absorbs light.
Details: One of Evelyn's Requests

Special Mediciine:
Secret medicine that you were supposed to give Collette. It smells
Detail: One of Marian's Requests

Cactus Flower:
A giant cactus flower. It's very pretty, but also very big.
Detail: Obtain for Karuna

Items and Shipping Lists

Items and Ingredients:


Withered Grass: 8G
Dried up produce and grass. Also poisonous. Till into the ground to
soil quality.
Sell: 1G
RP Rec -50%*
*Note that you lose half your total RP when you consume this item. Its
use is as fertiliser!

Pink Turnip: 400G (Lv. 1)

A beautiful pink turnip. The result of one girl's tireless efforts
to expand
beyond white turnips.
Sell: 200G
HP Rec +8, RP Rec +6
Effect: 3 Hours

Cabbage: 1920G (Lv. 1)

A well-balanced vegetable that tastes good raw, fried or boiled.
Great after
a big meal.
Sell: 480G
HP Rec +10, HP Max +10, VIT +2
Effect: 3 Hours

Onion: 3120G
Crisp when raw, mellow when fried. Chopping it doesn't make your eyes
water.. it makes you stronger.
Sell: 780G
HP Rec +20, RP Rec +30, HP Max +5

Pink Melon: 12600G

A pink melon brimming with cuteness. A favourite among young girls.
Sell: 4200G
HP Rec +50, RP Rec +30, HP Max +5
Effect: 3 Hours

Tomato: 900G
Shiny and red, like the summer sun. Packed with nutrition and highly
Sell: 300G
HP Rec +15, RP Rec +10
Effect: 3 Hours

Corn: 1320G
Vegetable with plenty of tiny yellow kernels. But which side do you
Sell: 440G
HP Rec +25, RP Rec +10, HP Max +10, RP Max +10
Effect: 3 Hours

Pumpkin: 4960G
A popular type of squash. You can hollow it out to turn it into a
Sell: 1240G
HP Rec +50, HP Max +30, VIT +3
Effect: 3 Hours

Potato: 840G
A beloved veggie that can be anything from a food staple to a hors
Sell: 280G
HP Rec +5, RP Rec +5

Carrot: 1770G
A long, orange vegetable. Said to increase motivation if dangled in
front of
Sell: 590G
RP Rec +15
Effect: 3 Hours

Eggplant: 1040G
this purple vegetable actually has nothing to do with eggs!
Sell: 480G
HP Rec +15, RP Rec +10, VIT +5

Spinach: 340G
Green and highly nutritious. Canned spinach has been known to
provide super
strength among sailors.
Sell: 140G
HP Rec +5, RP Rec +10, HP Max +3, STR +3, VIT +1, INT -2
Effect: 3 Hours

Yam: 440G
Packed with fibre, this vegetable will give your insides a thorough
Sell: 140G
HP Max +10, VIT +5
Effect: 3 Hours

Green Pepper: 930G

Often disliked because of its bitter taste. It is easily depressed
of this.
Sell: 310G
RP Rec +15, RP Max +10
Effect: 3 Hours

Leek: 1500G
A staple of winter hot-pots. Also used to identify allies during
Sell: 500G
HP Rec +5, RP Rec +10, STR +2

Turnip: 1260G
The king of all farm cops. Lovingly rasied across the entire world
to this
very day.
Sell: 420G
HP Rec +10, RP Rec +5, STR -2, INT +3
Effect: 3 Hours

Daikon Radish: 2310G

The radish's long, white cousin. Its taste allows it to be used in a
multitude of ways.
Sell: 770G
HP Rec +5, RP Rec +20
Effect: 3 Hours

Hot-Hot Fruit: 24000G

Covered in thick fuzz. Water boils faster when you toss these in the
Sell: 4800G
HP Rec +50, RP Rec +50, VIT +8, INT -4

Gold Turnip: 7000G

A rare golden vegetable. Created to accommodate requests for turnips
match some one's hair.
Sell: 1400G
HP Rec +30, RP Rec+10, RP MAX +20, STR -8, INT +7

4-Leaf Clover: 14700G

A lucky, lucky item. Just carrying it makes you happy, and giving it
as a
gift makes you doubly so.
Sell: 2100G
RP Rec +15%
Effect: 3 Hours


Toy Herb: 1260G

A medical herb said to be good for your health. Can be tricky to
Sell: 180G
HP Rec +2%, RP Rec +15%
Effect: 3 Hours

Moondrop: 4200G
A mysterious flower that grows by moonlight. Shines as though it
fell from
the moon.
Sell: 600G
RP Rec +15%, INT +6%

Cherry Grass: 6020G

Plants with pink flowers. Seeing them is like seeing a bard sing
of the wonders of spring.
Sell: 860G
RP Rec +15%
Effect: 3 Hours

Pom-Pom Grass: 46200G

Has a white, cotton ball-like flowwer that takes to the air when the
winds blow.
(In our world, I suspect this is the dandelion.)
Sell: 6600G
RP Rec +15%
Effect: 3 Hours

Lamp Grass: 32060G

The petals of this flower are filled with a sparkling powder that's
said to
be able to cure insomnia.
Sell: 4580G
HP Rec +10%, RP Rec +15%

Fireflower: 8400G
A uniquely shaped flower. Often called 'the fireworks of the wild'.
Sell: 1200G
RP Rec +15%, STR +10%

Charm Blue: 2240G

A dark blue flower. Its large petals and striking colour could
mesmerise one
Sell: 320G
HP Rec +5%, RP Rec +15%
Effect: 3 Hours

Noel Grass: 29547G

A grass that is shaped, for some reason, like a tree. A really big
tree if
you happen to be a Dwarf.
Sell: 4221G
RP Rec +15%, VIT +12

Foraged Items

Foraged Items in Rune Factory 3 include Herbs, Coloured Grasses, Fruits

Trees in Dungeons and Fungi. Although you can find Cooked Dishes and
randomly by the wayside in Dungeons, they are listed in separate


Apple: 120G (Lv. 1)

A little bundle of love from Privera Forest. So good for you, it may
your doctor out of business!
Sell: 60G
RP Rec +10, INT +2

Strawberry: 2160G
Red and petite. Its sweet, tangy taste and bite-sized shape just beg
to be
Sell: 720G
RP Rec +6%, INT +1

Pineapple: 6000G
Spiky on the outside, sweet on the inside. Just smelling it is
enough to
invoke the feeling of summer.
Sell: 1200G

Grape: 180G
A small, round, purple fruit. Eat a bunch of 'em at once, and it's
having a carnival in your mouth.
Sell: 90G
RP Rec +15, INT +3
Effect: 3 Hours

Orange: 160G
Balances the taste of both sweet and sour more than any other fruit.
Sell: 80G
RP Rec +20, INT +4

Wild Grasses

Medicinal Herb: 80G

A wild medicinal herb that can be used to recover HP, so long as you
stand the bitter taste.
Sell: 8G
HP Rec +20

Antidotal Herb: 60G

A wild herb that cures poison. Very bitter. How bitter? Let's just
very, very bitter.
Sell: 6G
HP Rec. +5

Black Grass: 90G

Grass as dark as the night sky. often gets trampled, as it cannot be
seen at
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Orange Grass: 30G

Grass the colour of the summer sun. Just looking at gives any one a
boost of
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Red Grass: 30G

Its passionate, flame-red hue somehow promotes growth, growing faster
other grasses.
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Yellow Grass: 30G

Said to bring good luck. Many people carry a hunk of it in order to
their financial luck.
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Blue Grass: 30G

So cool to the touch, it'll give you chills. It has a calming effect
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Green Grass: 30G

Regular green grass, working hard to achieve uniqueness after always
called 'plain'.
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Purple Grass: 30G

Top-quality grass. Very proud, it will only grow in top quality soil.
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Indigo Grass: 30G

Calming grass. Said to spontaneously sprout at the feet of people
so they make up.
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

White Grass: 90G

Beautiful, pure white grass. Due to its colour, it's easy to miss
after a
Sell: 5G
HP Rec +3, RP Rec +3

Other Wild Items


Bamboo Shoot: 300G

Crisp and aromatic. Grows fast and covers the fields during spring.
Sell: 12G
HP Rec +5, RP Rec +15, HP Max +3, RP Max +3, STR +1, VIT +1
3 Hours

Mushroom: 100G
Wild mushroom. Is it safe to eat? You never know.
Sell: 10G
HP Rec +100, RP Rec +50

Branch: 40G
A wooden branch, blown iin from somewhere. Can be chopped up to make
with an axe.
Sell: 20G

Rock: 10G
A rock, nothing more. Can be smashed with a hammer.
Sell: 2G

Wood: 80G
Wood needed to make buildings. Gather it up for a rainy day, as it's
sure to
come in handy.
Sell: 40G

Stumps and Boulders cannot be removed from the ground and thus are not
Any Stump when chopped will make 10 Wood. Boulders when smashed will
Rocks occasionally.

Ranch Products

Small Egg: 560G (Lv. 1)

A small egg taken from a Cluckadoodle. encased in a fragile white
Resists Seal Effect.
Sell: 280G
HP Rec +10, STR +1
Effect: 3 Hours

Small Milk: 520G

A small amount of milk taken from a Buffamoo. High in calcium.
Resistant to
Sell: 260G

Medium Milk: 760G

Milk taken from a Buffamoo. high in calcium and nutrients. Resistant
Sell: 380G

Large Milk: 1000G

A large amount of milk taken from a Buffamoo. High in calcium.
Resistant to
Sell: 500G
Small Fleece: 500G
Fleece from a Wooly. Can be used to make balls of yarn.
Sell 120G

Medium Fleece: 2000G

Fleece from a Wooly Can be used to make balls of yarn.
Sell: 500G

Large Fleece: 2800G

Fleece from a Wooly. Can be used to make balls of yarn.
Sell: 700G

Honey: 1000G
Honey gathered for the queen bee. Its nutritional value along with
sweetness make it a hit.
Sell: 680G
HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +20%, STR -4, VIT -2
Effect: 3 Hours

General Ingredients:

The following are sold by the Diamond General Store from the start:

Rice: 100G
A beloved staple of the dining table. Goes well with all other foods.
Sell: 50G
HP Rec +30, HP Max +5
Effect: 6 Hours

Chocolate: 450G
Smooth and sweet. The standard by which all other sweets are judged.
also be bitter.
Sell: 150G
RP Rec +10%, INT +2
Effect: 3 Hours

Wine: 1600G
An alcoholic beverage made from grapes. an old standard. Helps you
critical hits.
Sell: 800G
HP Rec +100, RP Rec +40, STR - 3, VIT -2, INT -2
Effect: 3 Hours

Youth Grass: 750G

Deep blue grass from foreign fields. Said to be good for maintaining
Sell: 250G
HP Max +1, INT +2
Effect: 3 Hours

Flour: 250G
Powder made from wheat. A vital ingredients in a large number of
Sell: 125G
HP Rec -20, HP Max +1
Effect: 3 Hours

Oil: 500G
Mainly used when frying foods to prevent burning or sticking. Makes
vlunerable to fire damage.
Sell: 250G
HP Rec -50% RP Rec -25%, VIT +5
Effect: 3 Hours

Curry Powder: 140G

Powder that forms the basis of curry. Created from spicy herbs.
Halves fire
Sell: 70G
HP Rec -20, RP Max -50%, STR +2

Dumpling Powder: 80G

Can make rice dumplings from this powder. Creaes a sticky, squishy
Sell: 40G
HP Rec +5
Effect: 3 Hours

Farm Tool

Magnifying Glass: 2000G

Allows you to examine the soil level. Examine field to discover
growth rate
and health.
Sell: 500G



Generally, the 'Buy' Price for any Fish, even when no local merchant
sells it,
is ten times higher than the 'Sell' or 'Shipping' Value.

Boot: 60G
A boot, lost in the water somehow. Very battered and old.
Sell: 30G

Rare Can: 200G

A rare can that's no longer in production. Extremely sought after by
Sell: 100G

Can: 5G
An empty can that some one tossed away. You must not follow their
Sell: 1G

Char: 2000G
A commonly sought-after catch by fishermen everywhere. Likes cold
Sell: 200G

Cherry Salmon: 700G

A small freshwater fish. Has made its way all over the world, so
very easy
to find.
Sell: 70G
Spring Dungeon

Crucian Carp: 900G

Matures quickly and lives for a long time. Mainly eats plankton so
skill is
needed to hook it with bait.
Sell: 90G
Summer Dungeon

Fall Flounder: 28000G

Looks like a fallen leaf. Schools swimming on the ocean floor make
it look
like a forest in fall.
Sell: 2800G

Gibelio: 2900G
Very few males of this fish exist. Lives in calm areas with little
Sell: 290G

Girella: 1100G
A winter, salt water fish. A popular, easy to hook catch. Puts up a
bit of
fight when reeling in.
Sell: 110G

Glitter Snapper: 100000G

A dazzling fish that glitters in the sun, making it easy to spot.
it is not so easy to catch.
Sell: 10000G

Lamp Squid: 21000G

A squid that has evolved a lamp as part of its body. Just a couple
enough to light the sea at night.
Sell: 2100G

Legendary Scale: 30000G

A scale of Dragon Lake's legendary fish. When used to upgrade, can
lots of HP.
Sell: 3000G
Upgrade Difficulty: 78
Found when fishing in the Lake in Summer.

Lover Snapper: 38000G

A rare breed of snapper. So rare that its very existence is debated
Sell: 38000G

Mackerel: 1950G (Lv. 10)

Easily spoils. Usually cooked or boiled.
Sell: 195G
Autumn Dungeon

Masu Trout: 1200G

A fisherman's standard catch. A freshwater fish, though some may
travel to
the ocean.
Sell: 120G
Spring Dungeon

Needlefish: 1200G (Lv. 5)

Long and slender. Swims near the surface. Has a greenish back and a
silver-white belly.
Sell: 120G
Autumn Dungeon

Pike: 520G (Lv. 3)

This fish gets its name from its long and slender shape. A fall
dish. Very
good for you.
Sell: 52G
Autumn Dungeon

Poison Rainbow Trout: 1600G

A mid-sized freshwater fish. Just as its name suggests, the males
take on a
rainbow lustre when breeding.
Sell: 160G

Rockfish: 990G
An unusual fish that swims in the sand. Has an extremely hard head
crushes rocks.
Sell: 99G

Salmon: 1600G
Live most their lives in the ocean, but famously swim upriver to
Used in many dishes.
Sell: 160G
Autumn Dungeon
Sand Flounder: 500G
An unusual fish that swims in the sand. Feeds on rocks and ores.
Sell: 50G
Caught in Desert Sands

Sardine: 1400G
A relatively easy fish to catch. Swim in breathtaking, perfectly
Sell: 140G
Summer Dungeon

Shrimp: 1800G
A type of crustacean, encased in a hard shell. Trivia: It has 13
pairs of
Sell: 180G
Summer Dungeon

Skipjack: 16800G (Lv. 9)

A popular fall fish. Requires both skill and strength to land.
Sell: 1680G
Autumn Dungeon

Snapper: 4800G
Thought to bring good luck. Has been served at festivals and on
occasions since ancient times.
Sell: 480G
Autumn Dungeon

Squid: 800G
A mollusk that is active at night. Uses the fins on its body to
seeminly fly
through the water.
Sell: 80G
Autumn Dungeon

Sunsquid: 74000G
A squid washed in from southern seas. Swims close to the surface, so
often sunburned.
Sell: 7400G

Tuna: 61000G
These large fish are popular for their delicious taste. They are very
Sell: 6100G

Turbot: 3570G (Lv. 2)

Both eyes are on the right side of this fish's body. Can change
colour to
blend in with its surroundings.
Sell: 357G
Summer Dungeon
Yellowtail: 45000G
The name yellowtail is actually used for a number of fish. This
variety is
said to bring good luck.
Sell: 4500G


You will find the lists of War Trophies, Ores and Gems in the sections
of this
Guide that deal with the Dungeons.


I owe a great debt of gratitude to Mars Frog and Nathan without whom the
Monster Lists would not be as comprehensive as they are at this stage.
thanks to Cherie for her help with all aspects of the game and for her
Submitted by Freyashawk - Created 11/10/10 (Last Modified 12/23/10)
See All Rune Factory 3: A Fantasy Harvest Moon Walkthroughs and FAQs
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