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2250+ Multiple Choice Question with detailed explanation

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CA Yearbook 2020

Current Affairs Yearbook 2020 by Examstocks

1. ‘Mukhyamantri Kirayedaar Bijli Meter [C] West Bengal
Yojna’, sometimes seen in the news, has been launched [D] Kerala
by ______. Correct Answer – [C] West Bengal
[A] Delhi Explanation: The museum will come up at Vidyasagar’s
[B] UP residence at Badur Bagan area. It is worth noting that he
[C] MP was a well-known writer, intellectual and supporter of
[D] Maharashtra humanity.
Correct Answer – [A] Delhi
Explanation: Under this scheme, electricity will be 6. According to the IMD World Digital Competitiveness
provided to renters on subsidised rates. Those who Ranking 2019 (WDCR), India has advanced four places
consume upto 200 units of electricity, will get no electricity to ___ position in terms of digital competitiveness.
bill. From now on, tenants in Delhi can install prepaid [A] 40th
meters. [B] 44th
[C] 52nd
2. A new species of cat snake has been found in the [D] 56th
Western Ghats nearly after 125 years and has been Correct Answer – [B] 44th
named after ______. Explanation: India has made improvement in terms of
[A] Tejas Thackeray knowledge and future readiness to adopt and explore digital
[B] Himansh Gupta technologies. While the largest jump in the overall ranking
[C] Rohit Verma was registered by China, and Indonesia.
[D] Uddhav Thackeray
Correct Answer – [A] Tejas Thackeray 7. ____ held on to the number one spot in IMD World
Explanation: This new species is non-venomous and is Digital Competitiveness ranking (WDCR) in 2019.
known to grow up to 890 mm. It is known to feed on the [A] US
eggs of the frogs. This new species is presently only known [B] UK
in a few localities near Koyna in Satara district. [C] India
[D] Denmark
3. ______ has been named among four winners of an Correct Answer – [A] US
international award dubbed the “alternative Nobels”. Explanation: Notably, all top five economies in the World
[A] Greta Thunberg Digital Competitiveness ranking (WDCR) remained
[B] Irom Sharmila unchanged: USA, Singapore, Sweden, Denmark and
[C] Phoolan Devi Switzerland. These rankings are produced by the IMD
[D] Asha Roy World Competitiveness Center.
Correct Answer – [A] Greta Thunberg
Explanation: The Right Livelihood Award is often called 8. RamanSat 2, a miniature satellite made by ___________
the “Alternative Nobel Prize. This award was established in was successfully launched by NAS[A]
1980 to “honor and support courageous people solving [A] Nikhil Verma
global problems.” Thunberg shares this year’s award with [B] Aabhas Sikka
Davi Kopenawa (Brazil), Guo Jianmei (China) and [C] Hemant Chaturvedi
Aminatou Haidar (Western Sahara). [D] Shilpa Desai
Correct Answer – [B] Aabhas Sikka
4. A short handwritten letter by Mahatma Gandhi 80 Explanation: It has been made by a 17-year old student
years ago on the same day the World War II broke out, Aabhaas Sikka during his internship with SPACE-India. Its
has been unveiled for the first time by the National sate-of-the-art equipment measures the radiation from the
Library of ______. Sun and space to make space exploration safer.
[A] India
[B] America 9. Joint Military Exercise KAZIND-2019 between India
[C] Russia and ____ will be conducted at Pithoragarh from 02 to
[D] Israel 15 October 2019.
Correct Answer – [D] Israel [A] Kazakhstan
Explanation: Gandhi’s letter was written on to mark the [B] Kyrgyzstan
Jewish new year on 1 Sep 1939. It offers a glimpse into [C] Mauritius
Gandhi’s relationship with the Holocaust. Gandhi wrote the [D] Sri Lanka
letter to Head of the Bombay Zionist Association (BZA) A Correct Answer – [A] Kazakhstan
E Shohe. Explanation: KAZIND-2019 will comprise of nearly 100
soldiers from both Indian and Kazakhstan Army. It’s the
5. Which state government has decided to set up museum fourth edition of an annual event which is conducted
at the house of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar? alternatively in Kazakhstan and Indi[A]
[A] Haryana
[B] Punjab 10. _____ International Airport Ltd has been selected as the
best airport in terms of services it offered to passengers,
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CA Yearbook 2020
based on a survey conducted by Airport Council 15. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize, sometimes seen in the
International (ACI). news, is associated with _______.
[A] Cochin [A] Journalism
[B] New Delhi [B] Science
[C] Chandigarh [C] Literature
[D] Hyderabad [D] Philosophy
Correct Answer – [A] Cochin Correct Answer – [B] Science
Explanation: This airport was emerged the topper in 5-15 Explanation: It is a prestigious honour and an annual
million passenger category (Asia-Pacific region). The award in science and technology (S&T). It is awarded by
annual Airport Service Quality (ASQ) awards recognise CSIR. It is named after its founder Director Dr Shanti
and reward the best airports in the word. Swarup Bhatnagar. It is announced each year on the 26th of
September to mark the CSIR Foundation Day.
11. World Environmental Health Day is celebrated on
_____ annually. 16. ______ metro will be named after Indian King “Raja
[A] 25 Sep Bhoj” and be called “Bhoj Metro”.
[B] 26 Sep [A] Delhi
[C] 27 Sep [B] Bengaluru
[D] 28 Sep [C] Bhopal
Correct Answer – [B] 26 Sep [D] Mumbai
Explanation: This year’s theme focuses on climate change Correct Answer – [A] Delhi
and its challenges. The serious threats to health that climate Explanation: Raja Bhoj was an 11th century ruler from the
change continues to pose, have to be mitigated by taking Parmar dynasty which once ruled the area. According to the
protective measures. project, the metro rail would run on total 27.8 7 kilometre
track in the City on two lines.
12. World Rabies Day, sometimes seen in the news, is
observed on _____. 17. Delhi Police recently launched the single emergency
[A] Sep 27 helpline number ____ for immediate assistance.
[B] Sep 28 [A] 112
[C] Sep 29 [B] 1099
[D] Sep 30 [C] 786
Correct Answer – [B] Sep 28 [D] 99
Explanation: More than 59,000 people die from the Correct Answer – [A] 112
disease around the world each year. It creates awareness Explanation: This will augment its response time and
about rabies and bring together partners to enhance ensure better policing, a single emergency helpline number.
prevention and control efforts worldwide. Even if an emergency call is made by dialling 100 or 101 or
102, it will automatically connect to 112.
13. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has initiated PCA
against Lakshmi Vilas Bank Limite[D] Expand PC[A] 18. Former President Pranab Mukherjee on Wednesday
[A] Prompt Corrective Action released a book ‘Reset: Regaining India’s Economic
[B] Peer Corrective Action Legacy’ written by _________.
[C] Prompt Correction Action [A] Amit Shah
[D] Prompt Corrective Analysis [B] Subramanian Swamy
Correct Answer – [A] Prompt Corrective Action [C] Narendra Modi
Explanation: Due to high level of bad loans, insufficient [D] Rahul Gandhi
capital to manage risks, negative returns on assets, high Correct Answer – [B] Subramanian Swamy
leverage, this action has been taken. It is worth noting that Explanation: The book ‘Reset: Regaining India’s
The PCA is invoked when certain risk thresholds are Economic Legacy’ tracks the country’s economic
breached. development over the years and offers solutions for future
growth. According to Swami, unless India targets 10%
14. A minor planet, between Mars and ____, has been growth rate, it will not be able to remove unemployment in
named after Pandit Jasraj, the doyen of Indian classical the next 10 years.
vocal musi[C]
[A] Jupiter 19. Which girl from Rajasthan, received the Changemaker
[B] Earth Award, presented by the Bill and Melinda Gates
[C] Mars Foundation?
[D] Saturn [A] Payal Jangid
Correct Answer – [A] Jupiter [B] Rupa Kumari
Explanation: International Astronomical Union has named [C] Ritika Ahuja
minor planet 2006 VP32, as ‘Panditjasraj’. It was [D] Heena Das
discovered on November 11, 2006. With this, Padma Correct Answer – [A] Payal Jangid
Vibhushan recipient Pandit Jasraj has become the first Explanation: Jangid was recognised for her work towards
Indian musician to join the galaxy of immortal composers. abolition of child marriage and child labour in her village.
She became the first Indian to win the award. Payal

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CA Yearbook 2020
received the award from Amina J Mohammed, Deputy [C] BSP
Secretary-General of the UN. [D] Akali Dal
Correct Answer – [A] BJP
20. International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Explanation: The joining of 2 sports stars is a big boost to
Weapons, is annually observed on ________. the Bharatiya Janata Party in Haryana ahead of the
[A] 24 Sep upcoming Assembly elections. Notably, assembly polls will
[B] 26 Sep be held in Haryana in a single phase on October 21.
[C] 28 Sep
[D] 30 Sep 25. Who is the Chairman of the reconstituted Economic
Correct Answer – [B] 26 Sep Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM) for
Explanation: This special day calls for all countries to get a period of 2 years ?
rid of nuclear weapons. Notably, one of the UN’s oldest [A] Arvind Panagariya
goals is to achieve worldwide nuclear disarmament. Over [B] Surjit Bhalla
2,000 nuclear tests conducted to date according to the UN’s [C] Rathin Roy
disarmament wing. [D] Bibek Debroy
Correct Answer – [D] Bibek Debroy
21. International Cricket Council partnered with Explanation: On September 25, 2019, Union Government
_________ which will become the exclusive digital reconstituted the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime
content rights partner for ICC global events in the Minister (EAC-PM) for a period of 2 years with effect from
Indian sub-continent. September 26, 2019.
[A] Facebook
[B] Microsoft 26. Name the E-Commerce website that will be launched to
[C] Google enable MSMEs to sell their products in the domestic
[D] Twitter and international markets ?
Correct Answer – [A] Facebook [A] ‘E- Sale’
Explanation: With this deal, Facebook has become the [B] ‘Bharat Mart’
ICC’s exclusive digital content right partner till 2023. The [C] ‘E Bharat’
package includes 12 key ICC tournaments. Last year, Star [D] ‘E Market
India acquired digital and TV rights to live-stream and Correct Answer – [B] ‘Bharat Mart’
broadcast all of Indian cricket teams’ matches. Explanation:
A new E-Commerce website ‘Bharat Mart’ will be
22. Bulgarian economist Kristalina Georgieva has been launched to enable MSMEs to sell their products in the
selected as the new managing director of the ______. domestic and international markets.
[A] World Bank
[B] IMF 27. Name the first Indian, who received the Changemaker
[C] UNESCO Award 2019 at the Goalkeepers Global Goals Awards
[D] UNGA 2019 presented by the Bill and Melinda Gates
Correct Answer – [B] IMF Foundation in New York, United States ?
Explanation: She has become the first person from an [A] Truptraj Pandya
emerging economy to become the IMF’s MD. The former [B] Payal Jangir
World Bank chief executive starts her five-year term as [C] Shorya Mahanot
MD from October 1. She is also the second woman after [D] Priyanshi Somani
outgoing Christine Lagarde to head the IMF. Correct Answer – [B] Payal Jangir
About IMF: The IMF was conceived at a UN conference Explanation: Rajasthan’s Payal Jangir, aged 17, became
in Bretton Woods, United States, in July 1944. the first Indian to receive the Changemaker Award 2019 at
the Goalkeepers Global Goals Awards 2019 presented by
23. Army Chief General ______ will take over as the new the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at a ceremony held
Chairman of Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC) from in New York, United States.
the outgoing Air Chief BS Dhano[A]
[A] Bipin Rawat 28. Name the second women, who has been elected as the
[B] Manan Malhotra chief of International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
[C] Shah Firdausi [A] Nadia Calviño
[D] Tushar Sharma [B] Irina Bokova
Correct Answer – [A] Bipin Rawat [C] Ursula von der Leyen
Explanation: The Chairman Chiefs of Staffs Committee is [D] Kristalina Georgieva
the seniormost officer in the three defence forces. General Correct Answer – [D] Kristalina Georgieva
Rawat was commissioned into Fifth Battalion, the Eleventh Explanation: Bulgaria’s economist Kristalina Georgieva
Gorkha Rifles in 1978. (66) has been elected as the new head of the International
Monetary Fund (IMF). She will be the second woman chief
24. Olympic Medallist Yogeshwar Dutt and former Indian of the 189-member IMF & will take over as Managing
Hockey captain Sandeep Singh joined which among the Director of the IMF on October 1, 2019. She will replace
following political parties? Christine Lagarde, who resigned from her post after being
[A] BJP elected president of the European Central Bank (ECB).
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CA Yearbook 2020
29. Name the Indian duo, who won the International crush up to 3,000 bottles per day. The PET bottle crusher
Billiards & Snooker Federation (IBSF) World Snooker machine was installed in the train as part of the Indian
Team Championship 2019 in Mandalay, Myanmar ? Railways’ Swachh Bharat and Go Green missions and ties
[A] Geet Sethi and Ashok Sandilya in with an impending ban of single-use plastic by the
[B] Aditya Mehta and Geet Sethi Centre.
[C] Pankaj Advani and Aditya Mehta
[D] Geet Sethi and Pankaj Advani 33. Which new honour will be bestowed annually to an
Correct Answer – [C] Pankaj Advani and Aditya individual or any institution to further national
Mehta integration on the pattern of Padma awards?
Explanation: The Indian duo of Pankaj Advani and Aditya [A] Mother Teresa National Unity Award
Mehta clinched International Billiards & Snooker [B] Gandhi National Unity Award
Federation (IBSF) World Snooker Team Championship [C] Bhagat Singh National Unity Award
2019 held in Mandalay, Myanmar by defeating Thailand’s [D] Sardar Patel National Unity Award
[C]Pongsakorn and [D]Poramin by 5-2. Correct Answer – [D] Sardar Patel National Unity Award
Explanation: Sardar Patel National Unity Award, a new
30. What was the theme of the World Environmental honour for outstanding efforts to further national
Health Day (WEHD) 2019 ? integration on the pattern of Padma awards will be
[A] Theme – “Global Food Safety and Sustainability” bestowed annually to an individual or any institution or
[B] Theme – “Climate change challenges, time for global organisation, the Union Home Ministry sai[D]
Environmental Health to act in unison”
[C] Theme – “Children are our future , Let’s protect their 34. Recently DRDO successfully flight-tested the Beyond
Environment and Health” Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile (BVRAAM). Name it?
[D] Theme – “Tobacco Control-a response to the global [A] Shakti
tobacco pandemic” [B] Astra
Correct Answer – [B] Theme – “Climate change [C] Veyu
challenges, time for global Environmental Health to act [D] Nabi
in unison” Correct Answer – [B] Astra
Explanation: World Environmental Health Day (WEHD) Explanation: Defence Research and Development
was observed on September 26, 2019 under the theme Organisation (DRDO) has successfully flight tested the
“Climate change challenges, time for global Environmental Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile (BVRAAM)
Health to act in unison”. The day was declared by the ‘Astra’ from Su-30 MKI platform off the coast of
International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) to Chandipur in Odish[A]
review environmental health issues and take appropriate
35. Which Indian Actress launched pan India campaign
actions. It was first observed in the year 2011 in
“Climate Warriors “?
[A] Disha Patani
31. What was the theme of the World Maritime Day [B] Diya Mirza
(WMD) 2019 ? [C] Deepika Padukone
[A] Theme – “Empowering women in the maritime [D] Bhumi Pednekar
community” Correct Answer – [D] Bhumi Pednekar
[B] Theme – “Our Heritage – Better Shipping for a Better Explanation: Using her star power in the right direction,
Future” actor Bhumi Pednekar voiced her concern towards the
[C] Theme – “Connecting Ships, Ports and People” ongoing climate change and launched a pan India campaign
[D] Theme – “Shipping: indispensable to the world” – “Climate Warrior” – to raise awareness on the same.
Correct Answer – [A] Theme – “Empowering women
36. Recently Indian Army conducted which exercise near
in the maritime community”
China border in Eastern Ladakh?
Explanation: World Maritime Day (WMD), which is
[A] Lee Wei
usually held on the last Thursday of September, was
[B] Chang Thang
observed on September 26, 2019. It stresses the importance
[C] Indiana
of safety, maritime security, and marine environment and
[D] Chu Su
marks the contribution of international maritime industries
Correct Answer – [B] Chang Thang
towards the economy of the worl[D]
Explanation: The Indian Army conducted a massive rare
32. Recently which railway zone installed first plastic bottle exercise named ‘Chang Thang’ involving all its arms and
crushing machine in train? services including tanks, artillery and helicopters, in
[A] Northern Railways Eastern Ladakh bordering China, for testing and improving
[B] Western Railways its war-fighting capabilities.
[C] North Central Railways
37. Recently Nasscom’s Data Security Council of India
[D] Eastern Railways
(DSCI) collaborated with which company to launch
Correct Answer – [B] Western Railways
Digital Payments Abhiyan?
Explanation: The Western Railway for the first time has
[A] Wipro
installed a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle crushing
[B] Microsoft
machine in Mumbai Rajdhani Express. This machine can
[C] Apple
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CA Yearbook 2020
[D] Google 43. Where is the HQ of Organisation for Economic Co-
Correct Answer – [D] Google operation and Development (OECD)?
Explanation: Nasscom’s Data Security Council of India [A] Geneva
(DSCI) said that it has collaborated with the electronics and [B] Paris
IT ministry (MeitY) and Google India to launch a [C] New York
nationwide awareness campaign ‘Digital Payment [D] Rome
Abhiyan’. Correct Answer – [B] Paris

38. Who became the first Indian boxer to enter the finals of 44. Where is the HQ of Ola?
the Men’s World Boxing Championships? [A] Bengaluru
[A] Akhil Kumar [B] Mumbai
[B] Amit Panghal [C] Chennai
[C] Shiv Thapa [D] Pune
[D] Vikas Krishnan Correct Answer – [A] Bengaluru
Correct Answer – [B] Amit Panghal
Explanation: Amit Panghal became the first Indian boxer 45. A documentary based on Uttarakhand farmer’s life
to enter the finals of the Men’s World Boxing _______ has been recently nominated for the Oscars.
Championships. Panghal defeated Saken Bibossinov 3-2 in [A] Moti Bagh
the semi-finals in the 52 kg weight category. [B] Kisaan
[C] Karza
39. Which state school won U-17 Junior Boys Subroto Cup [D] KamDhenu
International Football Tournament? Correct Answer – [A] Moti Bagh
[A] Assam Explanation: It is a documentary film, which is based on
[B] Bihar the struggle of a farmer in a remote Himalayan village.
[C] Maharashtra Moti Bagh is jointly produced by Doordarshan and Public
[D] Meghalaya Service Broadcasting Trust.
Correct Answer – [D] Meghalaya
Explanation: Hopewel Elias Higher Secondary School, 46. Which among the following is the energy capital of the
Meghalaya defeated Bangladesh Krida Shiksha Prothishtan world?
(BKSP) by 1-0 in the final of U-17 Junior Boys Subroto [A] Houston
Cup International Football Tournament at Dr Ambedkar [B] Los Angeles
Stadium in Delhi. [C] San Jose
[D] Boston
40. Who is the author of book “Rethinking Good Correct Answer – [A] Houston
Governance’? Explanation: It is home to 4,600 energy-related firms. It
[A] Rajiv Mehrishi must be mentioned here that the new energy technologies
[B] Mehboob Khan such as hydraulic fracturing and deep-water offshore
[C] T Manoharan technology are centered in Houston.
[D] Vinod Rai
Correct Answer – [D] Vinod Rai 47. International Day of Peace and Non-Violence (UN) is
Explanation: The Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu observed on _______.
released the book ‘Rethinking Good Governance’, authored [A] 20 Sep
by the former CAG, Shri Vinod Rai, in New Delhi. [B] 21 Sep
[C] 22 Sep
41. Who released the book Himalayan Odyssey’? [D] 23 Sep
[A] Veerendra Kumar Correct Answer – [B] 21 Sep
[B] Smriti Irani Explanation: It is unofficially known as World Peace Day.
[C] M Venkaiah Naidu UNhas declared “Climate Action for Peace” as a theme for
[D] Narendra Modi International Day of Peace-2019. This day is dedicated to
Correct Answer – [C] M Venkaiah Naidu fortifying the principles of peace.
Explanation: The Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu
released the book ‘Himalayan Odyssey’, the English 48. The second season of Saif Ali Khan’s digital debut
translation of the award-winning Malayalam original – series _______ has been nominated in the best drama
‘Haimavathabhuvil’, written by Shri M.P. Veerendra category for the International Emmy Awards.
Kumar, Member of Parliament and Chief Managing [A] Sacred Games
Director of Mathrubhumi, in New Delhi [B] The Family Man
[C] Typewriter
42. Where is the HQ of Securities and Exchange Board of [D] Delhi Crime
India? Correct Answer – [A] Sacred Games
[A] Pune Explanation: Anurag Kashyap and Neeraj Ghaywan
[B] New Delhi directed the second season of “Sacred Games”. In this, Saif
[C] Chennai Ali Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui reprised their roles as
[D] Mumbai Sartaj Singh and Ganesh Gaitonde.
Correct Answer – [D] Mumbai
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CA Yearbook 2020
49. World Alzheimer’s Day (WAD) is observed on heart disease and stroke, is the world’s leading cause of
__________. death. It claims 17.9 million lives each year.
[A] Sep 21
[B] Sep 25 54. Rangapahar Reserve Forest, sometimes seen in the
[C] Sep 28 news, is located in ______.
[D] Oct 2 [A] Nagaland
Correct Answer – [A] Sep 21 [B] Assam
Explanation: Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain [C] UP
disorder. It typically appears in individuals who are in their [D] Bihar
mid-60s. Notably, the disease was first described by Alois Correct Answer – [A] Nagaland
Alzheimer in 1906. There are over 4 million people in India Explanation: The state government had decided to set up
who suffer from some form of dementi[A] this wildlife sanctuary in 1986

50. _______ has been honoured with the Magnificent 55. 5th edition of India International Science Festival (IISF)
Performing Arts Award at the annual 21st Century 2019 will be held at _______.
Icon Awards in London. [A] Kolkata
[A] Sonu Nigam [B] Mumbai
[B] Lata Mangeshkar [C] Chennai
[C] Jagjit Singh [D] Ladakh
[D] Himesh Kumar Correct Answer – [A] Kolkata
Correct Answer – [A] Sonu Nigam Explanation: The IISF 2019 is the fifth edition since its
Explanation: The 21st Century Icon Awards are the inception in 2015. It is a festival to celebrate the
brainchild of UK-based Indian-origin entrepreneurs Tarun achievements of India’s scientific and technological
Ghulati and Preeti Ran[A] Nigam was among a host of advancements. It expects to host a gathering of
winners across a range of categories at a gala awards approximately 12,000 participants from India & abroa[D]
ceremony last week.
56. The theme of this year’s India Water Week is
51. A consistent Bajrang Punia registered his third medal ___________________.
at the World Wrestling Championships by winning a [A] Water cooperation: Coping with 21st Century Troubles
bronze in the men’s ____ freestyle category. [B] Water cooperation: Coping with 20th Century
[A] 40 kg Challenges
[B] 50 kg [C] Water cooperation: Coping with 21st Century Conflicts
[C] 65 kg [D] Water cooperation: Coping with 21st Century
[D] 100 kg Challenges
Correct Answer – [C] 65 kg Correct Answer – [D] Water cooperation: Coping with
Explanation: Bajrang defeated Tulga Tumur Ochir of 21st Century Challenges
Mongolia 8-7 in the bronze medal bout. Earlier, Bajrang Explanation: This is the sixth event of its kind with the
had won a bronze in 2013. It is worth mentioning that India theme “Water Cooperation – Coping with 21st Century
concluded its run at the World Wrestling Championships Challenges”. It focuses on need and importance of water
2019 in Nur-Sultan (5 medals). use across all sectors. The India Water Week (IWW) 2019
will be organized by the Ministry of Water Resources.
52. In a historic decision, the United Kingdom Supreme
Court has unanimously declared the prorogation of UK 57. Bollywood's megastar ______ has been selected for
Parliament by _______ to be unlawful and voi[D] Dada Saheb Phalke award 2019.
[A] Donald Trump [A] Aamir Khan
[B] Vladimir Putin [B] Salman Khan
[C] Boris Johnson [C] Amitabh Bachchan
[D] Angela Merkel [D] Ritish Kumar
Correct Answer – [C] Boris Johnson Correct Answer – [C] Amitabh Bachchan
Explanation: The unanimous Supreme Court ruling Explanation: Sh. Bachchan has been selected for the Dada
declared the order to suspend Parliament “void and of no Saheb Phalke award 2019 for his immeasurable
effect.” In this nation, the case marked a rare confrontation contribution to Indian cinem[A] The Dada Saheb Phalke
between the PM, the courts and Parliament over their rights award was conferred on the late Vinod Khanna in 2018.
and responsibilities.
58. World Tourism Day, is marked on ______ each year.
53. World Heart Day is celebrated every year on ________. [A] Sep 27
[A] 28 Sep [B] Oct 16
[B] 29 Sep [C] Oct 20
[C] 30 Sep [D] Oct 25
[D] Oct 2 Correct Answer – [A] Sep 27
Correct Answer – [A] 28 Sep Explanation: World Tourism Day was first celebrated on
Explanation: CVD (Cardiovascular Diseases) including September 27, 1980. On this day the laws of the UNWTO
came into force in the year 1970.

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CA Yearbook 2020
59. Major Ponung Doming has become the first army [B] 21 September
officer from _____ to be elevated to the rank of a [C] 19 September
Lieutenant Colonel. [D] 18 September
[A] Punjab Correct Answer: [B] 21 September
[B] Nagaland Explanation: The International Day of Peace is observed
[C] Arunachal Pradesh annually on 21 September to spread awareness and preach
[D] Himachal Pradesh peace and harmony all across the globe. The day was
Correct Answer – [C] Arunachal Pradesh sanctioned by United Nations in 2001. Theme 2019 –
Explanation: Ponung Doming was commissioned into the Climate Action for Peace
Indian Army in 2008. She is a resident of Pasighat in East
Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh. Reportedly, she 67. Which nation cut off its ties with Taiwan recently,
has also served briefly on a UN Peacekeeping Mission in reducing its allies to just 15?
Congo. [A] Kiribati
[B] Nauru
60. Which renowned personality has been named for 2019 [C] Marshall Islands
Dada Saheb Phalke Award? [D] Tuvalu
[A] Rajkumar Hirani Correct Answer: [A] Kiribati
[B] Lata Mangeshkar Explanation: Taiwan has cut off its ties with Kiribati
[C] Sanjay Leela Bhasali thereby losing its second ally within a matter of a week.
[D] Amitabh Bachchan The Solomon Islands has earlier announced that it would be
Correct Answer – [D] Amitabh Bachchan breaking its long-standing ties with Taiwan. Taiwan now
has official diplomatic relations with only 15 countries
61. Adam Harper, who has been awarded the 2019 worldwide.
SASTRA Ramanujan prize, is from which country?
[A] Germany 68. Who has been elected as the new Chairman of the Audit
[B] Poland Bureau of Circulations (ABC) for 2019-20?
[C] England [A] Debabrata Mukherjee
[D] Italy [B] Madhukar Kamath
Correct Answer – [C] England [C] Hormusji N Cama
[D] Jivanji Jamshedji Modi
62. Gandan Tegchenling Monastery, which is in news Correct Answer: [B] Madhukar Kamath
recently, is located in which country? Explanation: Madhukar Kamath has been elected
[A] Sri Lanka chairman of the Audit Bureau of Circulations (AB[C] for
[B] Mongolia 2019-20. He is the chairman emeritus of DDB Mudra group
[C] Nepal and mentor of Interbrand India. Kamath has also been the
[D] Vietnam president of Advertising Agencies Association of India.
Correct Answer – [C] Mongolia
69. Bajrang Punia recently won the bronze medal for India
63. Which tech giant has joined hands with the Union in which of these bouts in the World Wrestling
Government for 'Digital Payment Abhiyan'? Championships 2019?
[A] Facebook [A] 67kg
[B] Twitter [B] 51kg
[C] Google [C] 53kg
[D] Microsoft [D] 65kg
Correct Answer – [C] Google Correct Answer: [D] 65kg
Explanation: In Wrestling, Bajrang Punia defeated Tulga
64. Who is the author of the book "Girl Power: Indian
Ochir of Mongolia in the men’s freestyle 65kg bout to win
Women Who Broke The Rules"?
a bronze medal for India in World Wrestling
[A] Paro Anand
Championships in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. This is
[B] Roopa Rai
Bajrang’s second consecutive medal while overall third at
[C] Amish Tripathi
the World tournament. Also, Ravi Dahiya defeated Iran’s
[D] Neha J Hiranandani
Reza Atrinagharchi in 51kg bout to win bronze medal for
Correct Answer – [D] Neha J Hiranandani
India in the tournament. This was his first medal in the
65. Which country lifted 2019 Asian Men's Volleyball World Championship.
Championship title?
70. The Union Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated the
[A] Australia
Emergency Response Support System (ERSS – Dial
[B] India
112), ‘E-Beat Book’ System and the ‘E-Saathi App’ of
[C] Pakistan
which state police recently?
[D] Iran
[A] Delhi
Correct Answer – [D] Iran
[B] Maharashtra
66. When do we observe the International Day of Peace? [C] Chandigarh
[A] 20 September [D] Gujarat

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Correct Answer: [C] Chandigarh Juvenile Justice panel on alleged ill-treatment and illegal
Explanation: Union Minister for Home Affairs, Shri Amit detention of children in Jammu and Kashmir.
Shah has launched three citizen-centric services of the
Chandigarh Police. These are: Emergency Response 76. As per Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s recent
Support System (ERSS – Dial 112), ‘E-Beat Book’ System press conference, what is the new income tax rate of the
and the ‘E-Saathi App’. new domestic manufacturing companies?
[A] 22
71. NTPC has announced to set up India’s biggest solar [B] 22.5
park in which state? [C] 20
[A] West Bengal [D] 15
[B] Gujarat Correct Answer: [D] 15
[C] Karnataka Explanation:
[D] Uttar Pradesh The Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
Correct Answer: [B] Gujarat announced that in order to attract more investment in
Explanation: India’s largest power company NTPC has manufacturing, a new provision has been inserted in the
planned to set up 5 gigawatt (GW) solar park at Kutch in Income Tax Act that will allow any new domestic company
Gujarat. It will be the biggest solar park in the country. The incorporated on or after October 1, 2019 making fresh
estimated cost of the project is about Rs 25,000 crore ($3.5 investment in manufacturing to pay income tax at a rate of
billion). 15 percent.

72. Name the new Chief executive Officer of the Royal 77. Who among the following won the National Geoscience
Bank of Scotland? Young Scientist Award-2018?
[A] Alison Rose [A] Dr. Sohini Ganguly
[B] Karen Pierce [B] Dr. Yamuna Singh
[C] Polly Higgins [C] Dr. Debjani Sarkar
[D] Emily Maitlis [D] Mr. Pradipta Sur
Correct Answer: [A] Alison Rose Correct Answer: [A] Dr. Sohini Ganguly
Explanation: Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc has Explanation: The National Geosciences Young Scientist
announced the appointment of Alison Rose as the chief Award-2018 was awarded to Dr. Sohini Ganguly from Goa
executive officer of the bank. She will be the first women University for her significant work in the fields of
to head RBS. volcanology, geochemistry and petrology.

73. Name the agri digital platform launched by Bank of 78. Which state government has made Sanskrit language
Baroda compulsory from 3rd to 8th grade in all government
[A] Baroda Utpadan and private schools?
[B] Baroda Fasal [A] Uttarakhand
[C] Baroda Kisan [B] Haryana
[D] Baroda Krishi [C] Punjab
Correct Answer: [C] Baroda Kisan [D] Rajasthan
Explanation: Bank of Baroda has launched an agri digital Correct Answer: [A] Uttarakhand
platform named “Baroda Kisan”. It is a web-based portal Explanation: The Uttarakhand government announced
that can also be accessed by farmers via mobile. recently that Sanskrit language will be a mandatory subject
in all private and government school from class 3rd to 8th.
74. When is the World Alzheimer’s Day observed? Apart from that, Uttarakhand CM, TS Rawat has launched
[A] September 18 music CD of Sanskrit poems.
[B] September 19
[C] September 20 79. Who among the following has been named as next IAF
[D] September 21 chief?
Correct Answer: [D] September 21 [A] JBS Kaushik
Explanation: Every year on September 21, World [B] SS Narayan
Alzheimer’s Day is observed all around the globe. Purpose: [C] VK Pachauri
Raise awareness about the stigma that runs around [D] RKS Bhadauria
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Theme 2019: Raising Correct Answer: [D] RKS Bhadauria
awareness and challenging stigma. Explanation: Air Marshall Rakesh Kumar Singh
Bhadauria has been named as next Indian Air Force chief
75. The Supreme Court has sought report from Juvenile by the Government of India. RKS Bhadauria has
Justice Panel of which state/UT on alleged illegal experience of flying 26 different types of fighter jets.
detention and ill-treatment of children?
[A] West Bengal 80. World Health Organization celebrated the first World
[B] Uttar Pradesh Patient Safety Day on which day?
[C] Jammu and Kashmir [A] 20 September
[D] Delhi [B] 19 September
Correct Answer: [C] Jammu and Kashmir [C] 18 September
Explanation: The SC has sought a report from J&K’s [D] 17 September
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Correct Answer: [D] 17 September [D] Sara Ali Khan
Explanation: World Health Organisation (WHO) Correct Answer: [B] Alia Bhatt
celebrated first World Patient Safety Day on 17 September Explanation: Alia Bhatt has won Best Actress Award in
2019. It aims to create awareness about safety of patients. IIFA Awards 2019 for film Raazi. This film was based on a
WHO has prepared an oath letter regarding the same. Now, story of an Indian female spy. Vicky Kaushal was male
every year World Patient Safety Day will be observed on supporting actor in this movie. It was directed by Meghna
17 September. Gulzar.

81. Who was honoured with the National Geoscience 86. Which State/UT police recently launched ‘Tatpar’
‘Award of Excellence’? mobile app?
[A] Prof. Syed Wajih Ahmad Naqvi [A] Chandigarh
[B] Mr. Prabhakar Keshaorao Raut [B] Rajasthan
[C] Dr. Janardhana Raju Nandimandalam [C] Delhi
[D] Dr. Ashim Kumar Sinha [D] Uttar Pradesh
Correct Answer: [A] Prof. Syed Wajih Ahmad Naqvi Correct Answer: [C] Delhi
Explanation: The National Geoscience ‘Award for Explanation: Delhi Police has recently launched a mobile
Excellence’ was conferred to Prof. Syed Wajih Ahmad application named ‘Tatpar’. The citizens of Delhi can take
Naqvi from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research benefit of this app through 50 services included in it. All
(CSIR) for his significant global contributions in the field those services launched by Delhi Police like e-FIR, lost and
of aquatic biogeochemical research. found, Himmat Plus etc are available in this app.

82. Union Ministry of Electronics and IT & DSCI recently 87. Google Assistant is now available in how many Indian
collaborated with which company to launch ‘Digital languages?
Payment Abhiyan’? [A] 10
[A] Facebook [B] 9
[B] Google [C] 8
[C] WhatsApp [D] 12
[D] IBM Correct Answer: [B] 9
Correct Answer: [B] Google Explanation: Google Assistant is now available in 9 Indian
Explanation: Union Ministry of Electronics and IT languages including Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Marathi,
(MeitY) and Data Security Council of India (DSCI) Telugu, Gujarati, Urdu, Kannada and Bengali. The user can
recently collaborated with Google India to launch ‘Digital set the Google assistant to speak in any of the 9 languages
Payment Abhiyan’ to increase awareness about cashless by just saying, “Ok Google, Hindi bolo or talk/ speak to me
payment. in Hindi”.

83. Who has become the first Defence Minister to fly LCA 88. The Google Research India AI lab will be set up in
Tejas? which city?
[A] Amit Shah [A] New Delhi
[B] Nirmala Sitharaman [B] Hyderabad
[C] Rajnath Singh [C] Bengaluru
[D] Venkaiah Naidu [D] Chennai
Correct Answer: [C] Rajnath Singh Correct Answer: [C] Bengaluru
Explanation: Rajnath Singh has become the first Defence Explanation: Google announced the setting up of Google
Minister to fly indigenously-built fighter aircraft Tejas. The Research India, a new AI research team in Bengaluru,
Defence Minister flew a 30-minute sortie in the twin-seater which will focus on advancing computer science and
version of Tejas. applying AI research to solve big problems in healthcare,
agriculture and education.
84. Who has been appointed as the new National Security
Adviser of the United States? 89. Which state has announced to observe 2020 as an
[A] Robert O’Brien Artificial Intelligence Year?
[B] Jay Powell [A] Telangana
[C] Terrence K. Williams [B] Madhya Pradesh
[D] Jim Jordan [C] Bihar
Correct Answer: [A] Robert O’Brien [D] Uttar Pradesh
Explanation: Robert O’Brien has been named as Trump's Correct Answer: [A] Telangana
fourth national security adviser, replacing John Bolton who Explanation: Telangana has announced to observe 2020 as
was fired last week. He will be the fourth national security Artificial Intelligence (AI) Year. It will be included various
adviser under Donald Trump‘s administration. technical events in schools, colleges and educational
institutions. IIT Khadagpur is also planning to open its
85. Which of the following movie stars recently won Best regional branch at Telangana to boost AI in the state.
Actress Award at IIFA Awards 2019?
[A] Deepika Padukone 90. Which among the following universities has included
[B] Alia Bhatt Triple Talaq law in LLB, LLM syllabus?
[C] Katrina Kaif [A] Chaudhary Charan Singh University
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[B] Mahatma Gandhi University Correct Answer: [B] West Bengal
[C] Jawahar Lal Nehru University Explanation: The Union Ministry of Coal on September
[D] Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University 16, 2019 signed an allotment agreement with the West
Correct Answer: [D] Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited
Rohilkhand University (WBPDCL). Under the agreement, WBPDCL has been
Explanation: Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand allotted the Deocha Pachami Dewanganj-Harinsingha coal
University of Uttar Pradesh has inducted Triple Talaq law block.
in its revised LLB, LLM syllabus. It is the first university
in the country who inducted Triple Talaq in the syllabus. 96. Who has been appointed as the Press Secretary to
President Ram Nath Kovind?
91. What is the name of young environmental activist who [A] Ajay Singh
called for Global School strike for climate on 20 and 27 [B] Ravish Kumar
September? [C] Rajat Sharma
[A] Greta Thunberg [D] Ashok Malik
[B] Elina Rodricks Correct Answer: [A] Ajay Singh
[C] Maria Williams Explanation: Ajay Singh’s appointment as the Press
[D] Noten Marcy Secretary to President Ram Nath Kovind was approved by
Correct Answer: [A] Greta Thunberg the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC
Explanation: Greta Thunberg (16) is a Swedish recently. Singh has been appointed for one year on contract
environmental activist. She is leading for Friday School basis. Singh succeeds Ashok Malik.
Strike campaign from 150 countries. Its aim is to protest
against government’s inaction on climate change. 97. Which State launched the Helpline ‘1100’ recently for
Mukhya Mantri Seva Sankalp?
92. Who among is following issued the following statement- [A] Rajasthan
“PoK is a part of India”? [B] Haryana
[A] S Jaishankar [C] Punjab
[B] Amit Shah [D] Himachal Pradesh
[C] Rajnath Singh Correct Answer: (D] Himachal Pradesh
[D] Narendra Modi Explanation: Himachal Pradesh Government recently
Correct Answer: [A] S Jaishankar launched the Mukhya Mantri Seva Sankalp Helpline ‘1100’
Explanation: The External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar to enable speedy redressal of public grievances using
clearly stated that PoK is and has always been a part of digital medium.
India and India expects to have physical jurisdiction over
the area one day. 98. How many agreements were signed recently between
India and Slovenia to promote bilateral relations?
93. Who celebrated his 69th birthday on September 17, [A] 10
2019? [B] 9
[A] Narendra Modi [C] 8
[B] Sonia Gandhi [D] 7
[C] Rahul Gandhi Correct Answer: [D] 7
[D] Manmohan Singh Explanation: Indian President Ram Nath Kovind and his
Correct Answer: [A] Narendra Modi Slovenian counterpart signed seven MoUs and agreements
Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi turned 69 on to promote bilateral relations. The agreements have been
September 17, 2019. PM Modi began his birthday by first signed on investment, sports, culture, clean ganga mission,
visiting the Statue of Unity on Narmada River in Gujarat. science and technology among others.

94. Which missile was launched recently by DRDO from 99. Which Indian documentary has been nominated for the
Su-30 MKI fighter jet? Oscars?
[A] NAG [A] Roar of the Lion
[B] Astra [B] Lady Tiger
[C] Exocet [C] Wild Karnataka
[D] Dhanush [D] Moti Bagh
Correct Answer: [B] Astra Correct Answer: [D] Moti Bagh
Explanation: The DRDO recently successfully flight- Explanation: Moti Bagh, a documentary based on the life
tested the Air-to-Air missile, Astra off the Odisha coast. of an Uttarakhand farmer Vidyadutt has been nominated for
The missile was launched from the fighter jet Su-30 MKI. the Oscars. The documentary film has been directed by
Nirmal Chander. The film shows how the 83-year-old
95. Ministry Coal signed an allotment agreement with struggles to keep his farm alive and till the uninhabited
which state’s Power Development Corporation hilly lands.
[A] Maharashtra 100. ISRO has signed MoU with which organization to
[B] West Bengal procure critical technologies for Human Space Mission?
[C] Gujarat [A] CIA
[D] Uttar Pradesh [B] RAW
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[C] DRDO [C] Soni Razdan
[D] IAF [D] Kirron Kher
Correct Answer: [D] DRDO Correct Answer: [B] Neena Gupta
Explanation: ISRO has signed an agreement with Explanation: Bollywood actor Neena Gupta has been
DRDOto develop human-centric systems for the Human honoured with two awards at the Indian International Film
Space Mission to demonstrate India’s human space flight Festival of Boston. The actress won the Best Actress award
capabilities. DRDO will be providing critical technologies for her role in world-renowned chef Vikas Khanna’s
to ISRO such as space crew health monitoring and directorial debut- ‘The Last Colour’. The film also won the
emergency survival kit, space food and parachutes for the Best Feature Film award. The Last Colour deals with taboo
crew module’s safe recovery. surrounding widows in Vrindavan and Varanasi in India.

101. Which region has been renamed as the ‘Kalyana 106. Who among the following set a new record in cue sports
Karnataka’ recently? by winning his 22nd World Billiards Title?
[A] Hyderabad-Karnataka Region [A] Sourav Kothari
[B] Mumbai-Karnataka Region [B] Rajdeep Sarkar
[C] Panaji Karnataka Region [C] Abhinav Bindra
[D] Amaravati Karnataka Region [D] Pankaj Advani
Correct Answer: [A] Hyderabad-Karnataka Region Correct Answer: [D] Pankaj Advani
Explanation: Karnataka Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa Explanation: Pankaj Advani recently won his 22nd World
recently announced that Hyderabad-Karnataka Region has Billiards Title at the IBSF World Billiards Championship
been renamed as Kalyana Karnataka Region that comprises 2019. This is Advani’s fourth consecutive world title in
six districts of Karnataka: Koppal, Ballari, Bidar, billiards short format (150-up). Pankaj Advani has won
Kalaburagi, Yadgir and Raichur. more world titles in cue sports more than anyone in the
world making him the greatest cueist of all time.
102. Who among the following recently became the first
Indian wrestler to qualify for the Tokyo Olympics 107. The Supreme Court has allowed which Congress leader
2020? to visit J&K?
[A] Yogeshwar Dutt [A] Rahul Gandhi
[B] Vinesh Phogat [B] Sonia Gandhi
[C] Sushil Kumar [C] Manmohan Singh
[D] Sakshi Malik [D] Gulam Nabi Azad
Correct Answer: [B] Vinesh Phogat Correct Answer: [D] Gulam Nabi Azad
Explanation: Vinesh Phogat recently became the first Explanation: The Supreme Court on September 16, 2019
Indian wrestler to qualify for 2020 Tokyo Olympics after allowed senior Congress leader and former J&K Chief
defeating world number one Sarah Ann Hildebrandt in the Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad to visit Jammu and Kashmir to
ongoing World Wrestling Championship in Kazakhstan. meet the people. The SC bench headed by CJI Ranjan
Gogoi and comprising Justices S A Bobde and S Abdul
103. Who recently became India’s first woman officer to be Nazeer however clarified that the Congress leader cannot
posted as a military diplomat at Moscow in Russia? hold any political rally in the state.
[A] Sandhya Suri
[B] Kiran Shekhawat 108. Which state recently launched Jan Soochna Portal for
[C] Anjali Singh its citizens?
[D] Samridhi Singh [A] Rajasthan
Correct Answer: [C] Anjali Singh [B] Maharashtra
Explanation: Anjali Singh has become India’s first woman [C] Gujarat
officer to be posted as military diplomat “Deputy Naval [D] Madhya Pradesh
Attache” at Moscow in Russia. Correct Answer: [A] Rajasthan
Explanation: Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot
104. The scientists of Botanical Survey of India have launched a “Jan Soochna Portal” aimed at easing the access
discovered two new species of ginger in which state? to information for the beneficiaries of welfare schemes.
[A] Nagaland The portal has been created by the Department of
[B] Assam Information Technology and Communication (DoIT&[C]
[C] Karnataka in collaboration with civil society.
[D] Kerala
Correct Answer: [A] Nagaland 109. Who has been appointed as the first Lokayukta of
Explanation: Scientists have recently found two new Andhra Pradesh?
species of ginger in Nagaland. These two new species are - [A] Justice A Goswami
Zingiber perenense and Zingiber dimapurense. A detailed [B] Justice P Lakshman Reddy
report about both discoveries was published in a journal. [C] Justice S D Manirattnam
[D] Justice Ram Rao
105. Who among the following has won two awards at the Correct Answer: [B] Justice P Lakshman Reddy
Boston Film Festival? Explanation: Justice P Lakshman Reddy was sworn in as
[A] Shabana Azmi the first Lokayukta of the Andhra Pradesh. Justice Reddy
[B] Neena Gupta
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will be holding the position for the next five years. He is [C] 11500
the first Lokayukta to be assuming charge since the state [D] 12500
bifurcated in 2014. Correct Answer: [D] 12500
Explanation: Union Government has set a target of setting
110. What is the name of Indian player who recently won the up 12 thousand 500 Ayush Health and Wellness Centres
world’s toughest ‘Enduroman Triathlon’ with a world across the country. Out of which four thousand will be set
record? up during this year.
[A] Sanjay Bhatt
[B] Jayprakash Govind 115. Who has been appointed as the chairperson of the
[C] Lakshya Thapar committee of the Parliamentary Committee on Finance?
[D] Mayank Vaid [A] Jayant Sinha
Correct Answer: [D] Mayank Vaid [B] PKSinha
Explanation: Mayak Vaid has become first Indian to [C] Juan Oram
complete Enduroman triathlon in a record time. Mayank [D] Vijay Reddy
took 16 hours 35 minutes for running, 12 hours 48 minutes Correct Answer: [A] Jayant Sinha
for swimming and 13 hours 29 minutes for cycling, total Explanation: The government announced the formation of
463 kms. new house committees and appointed its members and
111. Which state government recently launched a pilot
project to track stolen mobile phones? 116. Recently which organisation formed committee to
[A] Uttar Pradesh formulate steps to stop illegal groundwater extraction?
[B] Andhra Pradesh [A] Ministry of Tribal Affairs
[C] Maharashtra [B] UNESCO
[D] Punjab [C] UNO
Correct Answer: [C] Maharashtra [D] National Green Tribunal
Explanation: The Maharashtra state government has Correct Answer: [D] National Green Tribunal
launched a portal which will help the users to detect their Explanation: Expressing concern over depleting
lost or stolen mobile phones. If your mobile is stolen or groundwater levels, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has
lost, you have to lodge an FIR and inform Department of set up a committee to formulate steps required to prevent its
Telecom (DoT) via helpline number 14422. DoT will block unauthorised extraction.
the reported lost/stolen phone across the network which
will prevent the reuse of the phone. 117. The fifth edition of the International Ramayana Festival
began in which city/UT?
112. Which international organization has decided to [A] New Delhi
publish the writings of Guru Nanak Dev in [B] Mumbai
international languages? [C] Kanpur
[A] UNESCO [D] Gorakhpur
[B] World Bank Correct Answer: [A] New Delhi
[C] Obama Foundation Explanation: The fifth edition of the International
[D] Clinton Foundation Ramayana Festival began in New Delhi. After the national
Correct Answer: [A] UNESCO capital, the festival will be held in Lucknow between
Explanation: The United Nations Educational, Scientific September 20-22 and in Pune on September 21. It will also
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has decided to travel to the city of Ayodhya.
translate and publish an anthology of the writings of Guru
Nanak Dev in world languages to mark his 550th birth 118. Which country has inaugurated Southeast Asia’s
anniversary. largest solar power farm?
[A] India
113. Which organisation to publish anthology of Guru [B] China
Nanak Dev writing in world languages? [C] Nepal
[A] FAO [D] Vietnam
[B] UNDP Correct Answer: [D] Vietnam
[C] UNESCO Explanation: Vietnam has inaugurated Southeast Asia’s
[D] IFC largest solar power farm which has the capacity to produce
Correct Answer: [C] UNESCO 688 million kWh of electricity annually.
Explanation: The United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has decided to 119. Recently Megan Schutt became the first woman to
translate and publish an anthology of the writings of Guru claim two hat-tricks in white ball cricket. She belongs to
Nanak Dev in world languages to mark his 550th birth which country?
anniversary. [A] England
[B] Zimbabwe
114. Recently Union government has decided to set up how [C] Australia
many Ayush Health and Wellness Centres across India? [D] WestIndies
[A] 14500 Correct Answer: [C] Australia
[B] 13000 Explanation: Australia fast bowler Megan Schutt scripted
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history be becoming the first woman to claim two hat-tricks Money has passed away. The ‘Two Tickets to Paradise’
in white ball cricket after she cleaned up the West Indies fame singer was 70.
124. Where is the HQ of UNESCO?
120. Recently which institute made a surprising entry with [A] Rome
IISc Bengaluru on the list as the Number 1 among the [B] New Delhi
56 Indian institutes on the list of the best universities of [C] Paris
the world compiled by UK-based Times Higher [D] New York
Education (THE)? Correct Answer: [C] Paris
[A] IIT Kanpur
[B] IIT DElhi 125. Where is the HQ of National Green Tribunal?
[C] BHU [A] Mumbai
[D] IIT Ropar [B] Chennai
Correct Answer: [D] IIT Ropar [C] New Delhi
Explanation: According to the Times Higher Education [D] Bhopal
World University Ranking 2020, IIT Ropar made a Correct Answer: [C] New Delhi
surprising entry on the list as the Number 1 among the 56
126. Which state government has recently launched two
Indian institutes on the list of the best universities of the
insurance schemes “Mukhyamantri Vyapari Samuhik
world compiled by UK-based Times Higher Education
Niji Durghatna Beema Yojana” and “Mukhyamantri
(THE). It shared the ranking with Indian Institute of
Vyapari Kshatipurti Beema Yojana” for registered
Science (IIS[C] Bengaluru and they stand at among the top
small and medium traders?
301-350 universities of the world.
[A] Haryana
121. Recently how many Indian women officers were [B] Uttar Pradesh
honoured by the United Nations for their commendable [C] Bihar
services in UN mission in South Sudan? [D] Odisha
[A] 2 Correct Answer: [A] Haryana
[B] 6 Explanation: Haryana government launched two insurance
[C] 5 schemes “Mukhyamantri Vyapari Samuhik Niji Durghatna
[D] 7 Beema Yojana” and “Mukhyamantri Vyapari Kshatipurti
Correct Answer: [C] 5 Beema Yojana” for registered small and medium traders in
Explanation: Five Indian women police officers were an apparent bid to woo voters.
honoured by the United Nations for their commendable
127. Which state government has decided to make
services in UN mission in South Sudan. Reena Yadav,
Ayushman Bharat card for the families having an
Inspector, Chandigarh Police; Gopika Jahagirdar, DSP,
annual income of upto Rs 1.80 lakh under the centre’s
Maharashtra Police, Bharati Samantray, DSP in the
flagship health scheme “Ayushman Bharat Yojana”?
Ministry of Home Affairs, Ragini Kumari, Inspector in the
[A] Bihar
Ministry of Home Affairs, and Kamal Shekhawat, ASP,
[B] Maharashtra
Rajasthan Police were conferred the UN medal.
[C] Uttar Pradesh
122. Recently BN Yugandhar passed away. He was related to [D] Haryana
which field? Correct Answer: [D] Haryana
[A] Politics Explanation: The Haryana government has decided to
[B] Journalist make Ayushman Bharat card for the families having an
[C] Bureaucrat annual income of upto Rs 1.80 lakh under the centre’s
[D] Politics flagship health scheme “Ayushman Bharat Yojana”.
Correct Answer: [C] Bureaucrat
128. Recently Scientists from the Botanical Survey of India
Explanation: Former bureaucrat B N Yugandhar, father of
(BSI) have discovered two new species of Zingiber from
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, has passed away. He was
which state?
82. Yugandhar had served in the Prime Minister’s Office
[A] Assam
during late P V Narasimha Rao’s regime and also as
[B] Kerala
director of the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of
[C] Nagaland
Administration at Mussorie.
[D] Sikkim
123. Recently Eddie Money passed away. He was related to Correct Answer: [C] Nagaland
which field? Explanation: Scientists from the Botanical Survey of India
[A] Actor (BSI) have discovered two new species of Zingiber,
[B] Social Activist commonly referred to as ginger, from Nagaland. While
[C] Journalist Zingiber perenense has been discovered from the Peren
[D] Singer district of Nagaland, Zingiber dimapurense was found in
Correct Answer: [D] Singer the Dimapur district of the State.
Explanation: Iconic American singer-songwriter Eddie
129. Recently DRDO handed over which airborne warning
plane to Indian Air Force?
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[A] Idei solar system with Earth-like temperatures that could
[B] Netra support life.
[C] Trilok
[D] Veta 134. The 25th Senior Women’s National Football
Correct Answer: [B] Netra Championship kicked off in Which state?
Explanation: The Defence Research Development [A] Sikkim
Organization (DRDO) handed over the second airborne [B] Assam
warning plane, Netra, to the Indian Air Force. The Netra, [C] Arunachal Pradesh
an Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEWC) aircraft, [D] Maharashtra
had played a stellar role during the Balakot air strikes that Correct Answer: [C] Arunachal Pradesh
had been carried out by the IAF in February this year. It Explanation: The 25th Senior Women’s National Football
provided surveillance and radar coverage to the five Mirage Championship kicked off at Pasighat in Arunachal Pradesh.
jets that bombed terror launch pads in Balakot in Khyber- 30 teams are participating in the 15-day event.
Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan.
135. Who was appointed as head of Hodeidah Mission?
130. Which country is first in Asia to roll out plain cigarette [A] Nitin Singh
packaging? [B] Antonia Guterres
[A] China [C] Abhijit Guha
[B] Nepal [D] Arunima Sinha
[C] Thailand Correct Answer: [C] Abhijit Guha
[D] India Explanation: United Nations Secretary-General Antonio
Correct Answer: [C] Thailand Guterres appointed Lieutenant General (Retired) Abhijit
Explanation: Thailand rolled out plain cigarette Guha as the head of the UN mission in Hodeidah, Yemen.
packaging, the first country in Asia to introduce what
136. Recently PM Akilisi Pohiva passed away. He was the
activists say is an effective way to reduce the appeal of
former PM of which nation?
smoking. In 2012, Australia became the first country to
[A] Vietnam
require tobacco products to be sold without colourful brand
[B] Australia
[C] Rwanda
131. According to a report in Journal of Vertebrate [D] Tongan
Paleontology, Scientist discovered Which species of Correct Answer: [D] Tongan
largest flying animal? Explanation: Tongan PM Akilisi Pohiva, a pro-democracy
[A] Tenaioys and climate change campaigner, has passed away at the age
[B] Pterosaur of 78.
[C] Carnicos
137. Where is the HQ of Shanghai Cooperation
[D] Cretaceous
Correct Answer: [B] Pterosaur
[A] Beijing
Explanation: Scientists unveiled a new species of
[B] Tokyo
pterosaur, the plane-sized reptiles that lorded over primeval
[C] Paris
skies above T-rex, Triceratops and other dinosaurs of the
[D] Abu Dhabi
late Cretaceous.
Correct Answer: [A] Beijing
132. Recently which country has flagged off make in India
138. What is the currency of Thailand?
train “Pulathisi Express”?
[A] Won
[A] Sri Lanka
[B] Baht
[B] Nepal
[C] Krone
[C] China
[D] Dinar
[D] Bhutan
Correct Answer: [B] Baht
Correct Answer: [A] Sri Lanka
Explanation: Sri Lanka has flagged off Pulathisi Express, 139. Where is the HQ of International Finance Corporation?
train to Polonnaruwa from Colombo Fort Railway station, a [A] Rome
newly ‘Make In India’ train rake. [B] Paris
[C] NewYork
133. In Which exoplanet, astronomers found water on a
[D] Washington DC
potentially habitat exoplanet? Correct Answer: [D] Washington DC
[A] K3-16 C
[B] K2-11 a 140. Recently PM Narendra Modi launched the National
[C] K1-12 b Animal Disease Control programme in which city?
[D] K2-18 b [A] Noida
Correct Answer: [D] K2-18 b [B] Mathura
Explanation: In an “incredibly exciting” finding, [C] Kanpur
astronomers have for the first time discovered water in the [D] Gorakhpur
atmosphere of a planet orbiting a distant star outside our Correct Answer: [B] Mathura

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Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Correct Answer: [D] Andhra Pradesh
National Animal Disease Control programme as well as the Explanation: In a major boost to the indigenous missile
National Artificial Insemination Programme in Mathura, development programme, India successfully test-fired the
Uttra Pradesh. Man Portable Anti Tank Guided Missile (MP-ATGM) from
a firing range in Andhra Pradesh’s Kurnool.
141. Recently Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched
Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana (KMDY) in which city? 146. Recently Geoffrey Boycott and Which other cricket
[A] Surat personality have been given knighthoods by Theresa
[B] Kolkata May in her resignation honours list?
[C] Ranchi [A] Alastair Cook
[D] Raipur [B] Kevin Petersen
Correct Answer: [C] Ranchi [C] Andrew Strauss
Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched [D] Marcus Treskothick
Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana (KMDY) in Ranchi, Jharkhand Correct Answer: [C] Andrew Strauss
which will secure the lives of 5 crore small and marginal Explanation: England cricket greats Geoffrey Boycott and
farmers by providing a minimum pension of Rs 3,000 per Andrew Strauss have been given knighthoods by Theresa
month to those who have attained the age of 60. May in her resignation honours list.

142. Recently Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated to 147. Who has been appointed as Principal Advisor to Prime
the nation India’s second riverine Multi-Modal terminal Minister with effect from September 11, 2019?
(MMT) in which state? [A] Pradeep Kumar Sinha
[A] Bihar [B] Amar Singh
[B] Uttar Pradesh [C] Kiran Negi
[C] Maharashtra [D] Ravneet Gill
[D] Jharkhand Correct Answer: [A] Pradeep Kumar Sinha
Correct Answer: [A] Bihar Explanation: The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet
Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated to (ACC) approved the appointment of Pradeep Kumar Sinha
the nation India’s second riverine Multi-Modal terminal as Principal Advisor to Prime Minister with effect from
(MMT) built at Sahibganj in Jharkhand. September 11, 2019. The veteran bureaucrat was earlier
made OSD in Prime Minister’s Office on August 30.
143. Recently Srivilliputtur palkova of Which state got
Geographical Indication tag? 148. Who has been appointed as the new Principal Secretary
[A] Tamil Nadu to Prime Minister Narendra Modi?
[B] Assam [A] PK Mishra
[C] Odisha [B] Anurag Kishor
[D] Bihar [C] Sandeep Singh
Correct Answer: [A] Tamil Nadu [D] Vaibhav Singh
Explanation: The famous Srivilliputtur palkova, a sweet Correct Answer: A] PK Mishra
made from cow milk and sugar, has got the Geographical Explanation: Pramod Kumar Mishra has been appointed
Indication (GI) tag from the Geographical Indications as the new Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Narendra
Registry in Chennai. The palkova is manufactured in and Modi. He succeeds Nripendra Misra who stepped down
around the municipality of Srivilliputtur in Virudhunagar recently.
149. Who has been conferred with the Order of Zayed II, the
144. According to Lancet Journal, what is the rank of India highest civilian honour in the country, by President
in global malaria cases in 2017? Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan?
[A] 1st [A] PK Bezburah
[B] 2nd [B] Sandeep Patil
[C] 3rd [C] Vijay Kumar Singh
[D] 4th [D] Navdeep Singh Suri
Correct Answer: [D] 4th Correct Answer: [D] Navdeep Singh Suri
Explanation: India ranked fourth in the global incidence of Explanation: Outgoing India’s ambassador to the United
the deadly mosquito-borne disease malaria in 2017, with Arab Emirates (UAE) Navdeep Singh Suri has been
four per cent of the cases worldwide reported in the conferred with the Order of Zayed II, the highest civilian
country, according to a report published in The Lancet honour in the country, by President Sheikh Khalifa bin
journal. Zayed Al Nahyan.

145. Recently DRDO successfully test-fired the Man 150. Who has been selected to receive the 2019 ‘Power,
Portable Anti Tank Guided Missile (MP-ATGM) from Together Award’ by the Women Leaders Global Forum
a firing range from which state? (WLGF) at Reykjavik, Iceland?
[A] Assam [A] Oprah Winfrey
[B] Telangana [B] Larry Page
[C] Odisha [C] NR Narayana
[D] Andhra Pradesh [D] Arunachalam Muruganathan
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Correct Answer: [D] Arunachalam Muruganathan [A] Tamil Nadu
Explanation: Arunachalam Muruganathan, the real [B] Assam
‘PadMan’ and a social entrepreneur, has been selected to [C] Kerala
receive the 2019 ‘Power, Together Award’ by the Women [D] Odisha
Leaders Global Forum (WLGF) at Reykjavik, Iceland. Correct Answer: [C] Kerala
Explanation: Kerala will set up India’s first international
151. Recently Dilip Satpathy passed away. He was related to women’s trade centre (iWT[C] , in consonance with the
which field? United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs), in
[A] Politics Kozhikode.
[B] Author
[C] Social Activist 158. Recently which typhoon hit the city of Tokyo?
[D] Journalist [A] Meedi
Correct Answer: [D] Journalist [B] Faxai
Explanation: Senior journalist Dilip Satpathy from Odisha [C] Idei
has passed away at the age of 56. He had been suffering [D] Katrina
from bone marrow cancer Correct Answer: [B] Faxai
Explanation: Typhoon Faxai became one of the strongest
152. Recently Goverdhan Kalla passed away.He was related typhoons in recent years to strike Japan’s capital city as the
to which field? Greater Tokyo area was left under assault from fierce
[A] Journalist winds to heavy rain.
[B] Sports
[C] Politics 159. Recently Diego Matos has been given a life ban from
[D] Poet professional tennis. He belongs to which country?
Correct Answer: [C] Politics [A] France
Explanation: Veteran Congress leader and former MLA [B] Brazil
Goverdhan Kalla passed away after a prolonged illness in [C] Netherlands
Jaisalmer. He was 89. [D] Germany
Correct Answer: [B] Brazil
153. What is the currency of Nigeria? Explanation: Brazil’s Diego Matos has been given a life
[A] Naira ban from professional tennis and fined $125,000 after being
[B] Rand found guilty of match-fixing.
[C] Won
[D] Nika 160. Who was inducted to the 2019 Asia Pacific Golf Hall of
Correct Answer: [A] Naira Fame later this year for his support to the sport in India
and around the world?
154. Where is the HQ of Defence Research and Development [A] ArjunAtwal
Organisation? [B] Indra Nooyi
[A] Chennai [C] Pawan Munjal
[B] Lucknow [D] Shiv Chaturvedi
[C] New Delhi Correct Answer: [C] Pawan Munjal
[D] Mumbai Explanation: Hero MotoCorp Chairman and Managing
Correct Answer: [C] New Delhi Director Pawan Munjal will be inducted to the 2019 Asia
Pacific Golf Hall of Fame later this year for his support to
155. Where is the HQ of IDBI Bank?
the sport in India and around the world.
[A] New Delhi
[B] Kolkata 161. Who was appointed as new managing director of
[C] Mumbai Microsoft India Research and Development Pvt Ltd
[D] Chennai (MIRPL)?
Correct Answer: [C] Mumbai [A] Pratik Jaiswal
[B] Vikas Singh Chaturvedi
156. India and which other country recently inaugurated the
[C] Shiv Sethi
Motihari Amlekhganj petroleum product pipeline?
[D] Rajiv Kumar
[A] Pakistan
Correct Answer: [D] Rajiv Kumar
[B] Nepal
Explanation: Microsoft has appointed Rajiv Kumar as the
[C] Bhutan
new managing director of Microsoft India Research and
[D] China
Development Pvt Ltd (MIRPL). He is currently served as a
Correct Answer: [B] Nepal
Corporate Vice-President of Microsoft’s Experiences and
Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Nepal
Devices (E+[D] Group. He will replace Anil Bhansali,
counterpart K P Sharma Oli jointly inaugurated the
who held this role for six years.
Motihari-Amlekhganj petroleum product pipeline via a
video link. 162. Recently Jack Ma stepped down from the post of
Chairman from which company?
157. Which state will set up India’s first international
[A] Paytm
women’s trade centre (iWTC)?
[B] Alibaba
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[C] Walmart forgotten past, 1883-1924″ is penned by Bengaluru-based
[D] Purplle historian Vikram Sampath and published by Penguin.
Correct Answer: [B] Alibaba
Explanation: Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, the Chinese 168. Who was recently fired by US President Donald Trump
e-commerce giant, has stepped down as chairman. Daniel from his post of National Security Adviser?
Zhang will officially take over the reins of Alibaba and [A] John Bolton
serve as the chairman of the group. [B] Mike Pompeo
[C] Joseph Maguire
163. Who will be conferred with the 40th edition of [D] Gina Haspel
prestigious Sarala Puraskar? Correct Answer: [A] John Bolton
[A] Rajiv Nath Explanation: US President Donald Trump abruptly fired
[B] Amitav Ghosh his national security adviser John Bolton on September 10,
[C] Devika Sethi 2019. Trump tweeted, “I informed John Bolton last night
[D] Pradeep Dash that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I
Correct Answer: [D] Pradeep Dash disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did
Explanation: Noted Odia writer Pradeep Dash will be others in the Administration.”
conferred with the 40th edition of prestigious Sarala
Puraskar for his poetry work Charu Chibar O Charjya. 169. The September 11 terrorist attacks completed how
many years in 2019?
164. Who has scripted history by becoming the first female [A] 17
pilot from the backward region of Odisha Naxal hit [B] 19
region? [C] 20
[A] Arunima Sinha [D] 18
[B] Sneha Ranade Correct Answer: [D] 18
[C] Anupriya Lakra Explanation: The 18th anniversary of the September 11
[D] Preeti Lokesh terror attacks on the World Trade Centre was
Correct Answer: [C] Anupriya Lakra commemorated on September 11, 2019. The attacks were
Explanation: Hailing from Odisha’s Naxal-affected one of the worst terrorist attacks on American soil, as four-
Malkangiri district, 27-year-old Anupriya Lakra has passenger airliners were hijacked by militants and two of
scripted history by becoming the first female pilot from the the planes were crashed into the twin towers of the World
backward region. Trade Centre in New York, US.

165. Who became the youngest person to pass the Maha 170. Which country was the honour country at the 84th
Pariksha? Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF)?
[A] Priyavrata [A] Canada
[B] Anukesh [B] France
[C] Ankush [C] India
[D] Shubhendu [D] Pakistan
Correct Answer: [A] Priyavrata Correct Answer: [C] India
Explanation: Priyavrata, 16, created a record by becoming Explanation: India was the honoured country at the 84th
the youngest person to clear 14 levels of the Tenali Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) in Greece. The new
Pariksha. Priyavrata became the youngest person to pass India pavilion was inaugurated on the occasion by Prime
the Maha Pariksha. Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Kyriakos Mitsotakis and
the Minister of State for Commerce and Industry, Hardeep
166. Recently Heeralal Sharma passed away. He was related Singh Puri on September 7, 2019.
to which field?
[A] Politics 171. Who was appointed as the Principal Secretary to the
[B] Actor Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently?
[C] Freedom Fighter [A] Pramod Kumar Mishra
[D] Social Activist [B] Arun Kumar Goyal
Correct Answer: [C] Freedom Fighter [C] Ramesh Gupta
Explanation: Rajasthan born freedom fighter of India [D] Abhishek Menon
Heeralal Sharma has passed away at the age of 95. He took Correct Answer: [A] Pramod Kumar Mishra
an active participated in the freedom struggle and was Explanation: The Appointments Cabinet Committee
jailed for two years. (AC[C] recently approved the appointment of Pramod
Kumar Mishra as Principal Secretary to Prime Minister
167. Who is the author of the book “Savarkar: Echoes from Narendra Modi with effect from September 11, 2019.
a forgotten past, 1883-1924″ ? Mishra is currently working as an Additional Principal
[A] Vikram Sampath Secretary to the Prime Minister.
[B] Raonit Singh
[C] Dipshika Singh 172. Who has been appointed as the Principal Advisor to
[D] Amitav Ghosh Prime Minister Narendra Modi?
Correct Answer: [A] Vikram Sampath [A] Rajiv Gauba
Explanation: A book titled “Savarkar: Echoes from a [B] PK Sinha
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[C] Pulok Chatterji saw the Monegasque claim his second victory in as many
[D] Nripendra Misra weekends, winning the Italian Grand Prix for Ferrari for the
Correct Answer: [B] PK Sinha first time since 2010.
Explanation: P.K. Sinha has been appointed as Principal
Advisor to Prime Minister Narendra Modi with effect from 178. Recently Mohammed Nabi retired from which sports?
September 11, 2019. Sinha is currently functioning as the [A] Tennis
Officer on Special Duty (OS[D] in the Prime Minister's [B] Cricket
Office. [C] Badminton
[D] Hockey
173. Malaria can be eradicated from the world by which Correct Answer: [B] Cricket
year as per the latest ‘Lancet’ report? Explanation: Afghanistan all-rounder Mohammad Nabi is
[A] 2030 all set to retire from Test cricket after the ongoing one-off
[B] 2040 game against Bangladesh.
[C] 2050
[D] 2055 179. Who will continue to head the Khadi and Village
Correct Answer: [C] 2050 Industries Commission (KVIC)?
Explanation: The latest Lancet Report suggested that it [A] Abhishek Upamanyu
may be possible to eradicate malaria from the world by [B] Devika Sethi
2050. The report titled, ‘Malaria eradication within a [C] Vinai Kumar Saxena
generation: ambitious, achievable, and necessary’ has [D] Sanjay Mittal
prepared by 41 leading scientists, economists and health- Correct Answer: [C] Vinai Kumar Saxena
policy experts. Explanation: Khadi and Village Industries Commission
(KVI[C] Chairman Vinai Kumar Saxena will continue to
174. Recently Ram Nath Kovind inaugurated the National head the organisation for another three years.
Youth Summit in Which city/UT?
[A] Mumbai 180. Who was elected as chairman of Press Trust of India?
[B] Chennai [A] Vijay Kumar Chopra
[C] New Delhi [B] Vikas Chaturvedi
[D] Pune [C] Renu Mathur
Correct Answer: [C] New Delhi [D] Vineet Jain
Explanation: Ram Nath Kovind, the President of India, Correct Answer: [A] Vijay Kumar Chopra
inaugurated the National Youth Summit in New Delhi, Explanation: Vijay Kumar Chopra, Chief Editor of the
organised by the Youth Awakening Mission, a youth wing Punjab Kesari Group of newspapers and Vineet Jain,
of Paavan Chintan Dhara Charitable Trust, Ghaziabad. Managing Director of Bennett, Coleman and Company
Limited(BCCL), the publisher of Times of India, were
175. Which country won Subroto Cup Under 17 girls unanimously elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman
trophy? respectively of Press Trust of India (PTI), the country’s
[A] Pakistan premier news agency.
[B] India
[C] Bangladesh 181. Recently Chandrasekhar Warrier passed away. He was
[D] Nepal related to which field?
Correct Answer: [C] Bangladesh [A] Philosopher
Explanation: Bangladesh Krida Shiksha Prothishtan [B] Director
(BKSP) thrashed Nilmani English School, Manipur, 4-0 in [C] Actor
the final of the Diamond jubilee edition of Subroto Cup [D] Kathakali Maestro
(under-17 girls) at Ambedkar Stadium in Delhi. Correct Answer: [D] Kathakali Maestro
Explanation: Renowned Kathakali maestro and head of
176. Who won Men’s US Open Title? PSV Natya Sangham Kottakkal Chandrasekhara Warrier
[A] Roger Federer passed away. He was 74. He was under treatment for heart
[B] Danilo Medvedev ailments.
[C] Rafael Nadal
[D] Kento Momoto 182. Recently Rajasekhar passed away. He was a famous
Correct Answer: [C] Rafael Nadal actor and was also related to which profession?
Explanation: Spain’s Rafael Nadal has won his fourth US [A] Politics
Open title and 19th major championship with a 7-5, 6-3, 5- [B] Journalist
7, 4-6, 6-4 win over Russia’s Daniil Medvedev. [C] Social Activist
[D] Director
177. Who won the Italian Grand Prix 2019? Correct Answer: [D] Director
[A] Max Verstappen Explanation: Popular Tamil actor-director Rajasekar has
[B] Lewis Hamilton passed away at the age of 62. He garnered fame by playing
[C] Charles Leclerc the role of the grandfather in Praveen Bennett’s directorial
[D] Sebastian Vettel serial ‘Saravanan Meenatchi.’
Correct Answer: [C] Charles Leclerc
Explanation: A riveting performance from Charles Leclerc
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183. Recently Veeru Krishnan passed away. He was related [A] China
to which profession? [B] Singapore
[A] Dancer and Philosopher [C] Somalia
[B] Journalist and Writer [D] Sri Lanka
[C] Film Director and Actor Correct Answer: [D] Sri Lanka
[D] Actor and dancer Explanation: Two Sri Lankan naval ships, Sindhurala and
Correct Answer: [D] Actor and dancer Suranimala, arrived at the port of Visakhapatnam to
Explanation: Actor and Kathak dancer Veeru Krishnan participate in ‘SLINEX 2019’, the bilateral maritime
passed away in Mumbai. He was best known for his work exercise between India and Sri Lanka.
in films like Raja Hindustani, Dulhe Raja, Akele Hum
Akele Tum among others. 190. Who released the books ‘Loktantra Ke Swar’ in Hindi
and ‘The Republican Ethic’ in English Recently?
184. What is the theme of this year’s International Literacy [A] Smriti Irani
Day? [B] Venkaiah Naidu
[A] Reading the Past, Writing the future [C] Narendra Modi
[B] Literacy in a Digital World [D] Ram Nath Kovind
[C] Literacy and Skill Development Correct Answer: [B] Venkaiah Naidu
[D] Literacy and Multilingualism Explanation: Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Friday
Correct Answer: [D] Literacy and Multilingualism released books – ‘Loktantra Ke Swar’ in Hindi and ‘The
Explanation: Every year International Literacy Day is Republican Ethic’ in English, which are the compilations of
celebrated on 8 September globally to raise awareness and speeches of President Ram Nath Kovind from his second
remind people of the importance of literacy as a matter of year in office.
dignity and human rights. UNESCO declared this day as an
opportunity for governments, civil society and stakeholders 191. Which team won the 2020 Breakthrough Prize in
to highlight improvements in world literacy rates, and Fundamental Physics?
reflect on the world’s persisting literacy challenges.The [A] Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration
2019 Theme for International Literacy Day: Literacy and [B] Transiting Exoplanet Collaboration
Multilingualism. [C] Indian Space Collaboration
[D] Survey Satellites Collaboration
185. What is the capital of Bahamas? Correct Answer: [A] Event Horizon Telescope
[A] Nassau Collaboration
[B] Freeport Explanation: An international group of astrophysicists,
[C] Georgetown who captured the first image of the black hole back in
[D] Cays April, received the 2020 Breakthrough Prize in
Correct Answer: [A] Nassau Fundamental Physics.

186. Where is the HQ of Khadi and Village Industry 192. Recently Ram Jethmalani passed away. He was the
Commission? former Union Minister and related to which other
[A] Pune profession?
[B] New Delhi [A] Actor
[C] Mumbai [B] Lawyer
[D] Chennai [C] Journalist
Correct Answer: [C] Mumbai [D] Social Activist
Correct Answer: [B] Lawyer
187. What is the currency of Bahamas? Explanation: Eminent lawyer and former Union Minister
[A] Euro Ram Jethmalani has passed away, just six days short of his
[B] Dollar 96th birthday.
[C] Rupee
[D] Peso 193. What is the currency of Sri Lanka?
Correct Answer: [B] Dollar [A] Rial
[B] Rupee
188. Recently PM Modi inaugurated the first metro coach [C] Dinar
under Make in India in which city/UT? [D] Rufiyaa
[A] New Delhi Correct Answer: [B] Rupee
[B] Mumbai
[C] Chennai 194. What is the currency of China?
[D] Kochi [A] Rupee
Correct Answer: [B] Mumbai [B] Renminbi
Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated [C] Dollar
the first coach for Mumbai Metro built under the ‘Make in [D] Euro
India’ programme. Correct Answer: [B] Renminbi

189. The exercise SLINEX-2019 is a exercise between India 195. What is the capital of Canada?
and which other country? [A] Rome
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[B] Ottawa beneficiaries into Ujjawala, Ayushman Bharat fold?
[C] Amsterdam [A] Angikaar
[D] London [B] BharatUday
Correct Answer: [B] Ottawa [C] Ujjavan
[D] Antodhay
196. Who has become the first bowler to scalp four wickets Correct Answer: [A] Angikaar
on consecutive deliveries in both T20I and ODIs? Explanation: The Union Housing and Urban Affairs
[A] Lasith Malinga Ministry launched the ‘Angikaar campaign’, a move aimed
[B] Jasprit Bumrah at bringing beneficiaries of PMAY (urban) into the fold of
[C] Mitchell Starc other central schemes such as Ujjawala and Ayushman
[D] Rashid Khan Bharat.
Correct Answer: [A] Lasith Malinga
Explanation: Sri Lanka pacer Lasith Malinga has become 203. Recently Union Home Minister Amit Shah flagged off
the first bowler to scalp four wickets on consecutive battery operated 8 electric buses for Janmarg Bus
deliveries in both T20I and ODIs. Rapid Transit System in which state?
[A] Andhra Pradesh
197. Recently who broke the record to become the youngest [B] Gujarat
ever Test captain? [C] Madhya Pradesh
[A] Mohammed Nabi [D] Uttarakhand
[B] Shakib Al Hasan Correct Answer: [B] Gujarat
[C] Rashid Khan Explanation: Union Home Minister Amit Shah flagged off
[D] Mohd Ramanullah battery operated 8 electric buses for Janmarg Bus Rapid
Correct Answer: [C] Rashid Khan Transit System -BRTS route in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Explanation: Rashid Khan scripted history as he became
the youngest ever Test captain leading Afghanistan against 204. Recently The Lifeline Express, also known as “Hospital
Bangladesh in the one-off Test. on Wheels”, has been inaugurated in which state?
[A] Madhya Pradesh
198. Who is the author of book, “Phoolpur: Indian Flowers, [B] Uttar Pradesh
Their Myths, Traditions and Usage”? [C] West Bengal
[A] Sandeep Patil [D] Maharashtra
[B] Devika Sethi Correct Answer: [D] Maharashtra
[C] Malcolm Roy Explanation: The Lifeline Express, also known as
[D] Jhelum Biswas Bose “Hospital on Wheels”, has been inaugurated at Chhatrapati
Correct Answer: [D] Jhelum Biswas Bose Shivaji Maharaj Terminus by the Central Railway (CR) for
Explanation: A new book, “Phoolpur: Indian Flowers, its latest project, which involves providing medical
Their Myths, Traditions and Usage” written by Jhelum treatment to poor patients.
Biswas Bose is set to be released on September 8, 2019. It
is published by Penguin India. The book’s foreword is 205. Which state government recently banned Pan Masala
written by actor Lisa Ray. The book explains the subtle containing magnesium carbonate in the state, said
power and meaning of different Indian flowers. commissioner of food safety?
[A] Bihar
199. Where is the HQ of UNESCO? [B] Uttar Pradesh
[A] London [C] Odisha
[B] Geneva [D] Maharashtra
[C] Paris Correct Answer: [A] Bihar
[D] Rome Explanation: Bihar government banned Pan Masala
Correct Answer: [C] Paris containing magnesium carbonate in the state, said
commissioner of food safety.
200. What is the currency of Thailand?
[A] Krone 206. Which state released National Register of Citizens?
[B] Won [A] Meghalaya
[C] Baht [B] Sikkim
[D] Dinar [C] Assam
Correct Answer: [C] Baht [D] Manipur
Correct Answer: [C] Assam
201. Where is the HQ of World Health Organisation?
Explanation: The Assam government has finally released
[A] London
the final version of the National Register of Citizens
[B] Paris
(NR[C] in Assam. The final NRC has left out over 19 lakh
[C] Rome
people in Assam who now face the danger of being
[D] Geneva
declared illegal migrants if they don’t contest their
Correct Answer: [D] Geneva
202. Recently The Union Housing and Urban Affairs
207. As per government data, Indian economy slowed to how
Ministry launched which campaign to bring PMAY(U)
much percent in April to June quarter?
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[A] 6% [C] PK Sinha
[B] 5.5% [D] Nripendra Mishra
[C] 5% Correct Answer: [C] PK Sinha
[D] 6.5% Explanation: Former Cabinet Secretary PK Sinha has been
Correct Answer: [C] 5% appointed as OSD (Officer on Special Duty) in the PMO
Explanation: The economic growth slowed to a seven-year after Nripendra Misra’s request to be relieved as Principal
low of 5 per cent in April to June quarter from 8 per cent a Secretary was accepted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
year ago, government data showed.
213. Who has created a new history by reading continuously
208. According to a report by Economist Intelligence Unit, for 27 hours and five minutes while making his way to
which city topped in Safe Cities Index? the Golden Book of World Records?
[A] Budapest [A] Anirudh
[B] London [B] Faizal
[C] Tokyo [C] Farooq
[D] NewYork [D] Alauddin
Correct Answer: [C] Tokyo Correct Answer: [D] Alauddin
Explanation: Mumbai has been ranked as the 45th safest Explanation: Alauddin, a student of Chhatrapati Shahu Ji
city on the Safe Cities Index (SCI), while Delhi stood at the Maharaj University has created a new history by reading
52nd position, according to a report by Economist continuously for 27 hours and five minutes while making
Intelligence Unit. his way to the Golden Book of World Records.

209. Which city school won the U14 Subroto Cup Title? 214. Who has been conferred the prestigious SKOCH
[A] Assam Governance Gold Award?
[B] Mizoram [A] Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban
[C] Sikkim Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM)
[D] Bihar [B] Ministry of MSME
Correct Answer: [B] Mizoram [C] SIDBI
Explanation: Saidan Secondary School of Mizoram was [D] PMGSY
crowned Under-14 boys champions of Subroto Cup Correct Answer: [A] Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-
International Football tournament after defeating Unique National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM)
Model Academy of Manipur 2-0 in the summit clashin Explanation: Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National
New Delhi. Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM), has been
conferred the prestigious SKOCH Governance Gold
210. Who has become the first Indian cricketer to score over Award. It has been conferred the award for its initiative
6,000 runs and take over 300 wickets in first-class “Portal for Affordable Credit and Interest Subvention
cricket and still not have played for Team India? Access (PAiS[A] ”. DAY-NULM is a flagship mission
[A] Jalaj Saxena under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.
[B] Naveen Kaur
[C] Shubman Gill 215. Which mobile application won global tech prize in USA
[D] Naresh Ahirwar recently?
Correct Answer: [A] Jalaj Saxena [A] MyCircle
Explanation: Kerala all-rounder Jalaj Saxena has become [B] Vayu
the first Indian cricketer to score over 6,000 runs and take [C] Maitri
over 300 wickets in first-class cricket and still not have [D] Meghdoot
played for Team India. Overall, he is the 19th Indian to Correct Answer: [C] Maitri
score 6,000 runs and take 300 wickets in first-class cricket. Explanation: Five girls in Noida have developed a mobile
The 32-year-old achieved the feat during a Duleep Trophy App that connects children at orphanages with senior
match. citizens in old-age homes, with their innovation fetching
them a bronze medal at a global tech competition in the US.
211. Who won the Women’s Player of the Year award for
the 2018/19 UEFA Champions League campaign? 216. Who is the author of book “Obama: the call of history
[A] Wendie Renard “?
[B] Alex Morgan [A] Ian Kershaw
[C] Ellyse Perry [B] Ben Judah
[D] Lucy Bronze [C] Nina Antonia
Correct Answer: [D] Lucy Bronze [D] Peter Baker
Explanation: England footballer Lucy Bronze won the Correct Answer: [D] Peter Baker
Women’s Player of the Year award for the 2018/19 UEFA Explanation: Obama: The Call of History’, written by
Champions League campaign. Peter Baker, the Chief White House Correspondent for The
New York Times, chronicles a period of “great hope,
212. Who has been appointed as OSD (Officer on Special tumult, accomplishments, and, yes, failure”. It will give an
Duty) in the PMO? in-depth account of the former US President’s years in
[A] Atanu Chaturvedi office, while examining his legacy as it stands today.
[B] Ravneet Gill
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217. Which state has launched a new health insurance Explanation: The Reserve Bank of India has given mobile
scheme — Ayushman Bharat-Mahatma Gandhi wallet providers time till February 29, 2020 to fully comply
Swasthya Bima Yojna (AB-MGRSBY)? with Know Your Customer (KY[C] norms, in a major
[A] Himachal Pradesh relief to companies such as Paytm, Amazon Pay and
[B] Odisha PhonePe just a day before the expiry of its earlier deadline.
[C] Rajasthan
[D] Bihar 222. According to global advisory KPMG, Digital Payments
Correct Answer: [C] Rajasthan in India is growing at how much percent with CAGR?
Explanation: The Rajasthan government has launched a [A] 13.5%
new health insurance scheme — Ayushman Bharat- [B] 11.5%
Mahatma Gandhi Rajasthan Swasthya Bima Yojna (AB- [C] 12.7%
MGRSBY) — from September 1. [D] 10.8%
Correct Answer: [C] 12.7%
218. Which state government has decided to form a Special Explanation: Digital payments in India are witnessing
Tiger Force for Corbett Tiger Reserve? thriving growth with a compound annual growth rate
[A] Uttarakhand (CAGR) of 12.7 per cent in the number of non-cash
[B] Uttar Pradesh transactions, global advisory KPMG said.
[C] Punjab
[D] Madhya Pradesh 223. Which country won SAFF U-15 title at the Kalyani
Correct Answer: [A] Uttarakhand Stadium in Kalyani, West Bengal?
Explanation: The Uttarakhand government has decided to [A] Nepal
form a Special Tiger Force for Corbett Tiger Reserve. The [B] India
STPF will be effective in checking illegal human intrusion [C] Indonesia
into the reserve through villages located on its fringes. The [D] Pakistan
STPF will serve as a second layer of protection for tigers at Correct Answer: [B] India
the Corbett Tiger Reserve. Explanation: A convincing India U-15 team thrashed
Nepal 7-0 to lift the SAFF U-15 title at the Kalyani
219. Which country recently changed its capital to Borneo? Stadium in Kalyani, West Bengal
[A] South Korea
[B] Brazil 224. Who was appointed governor of Kerala?
[C] Rwanda [A] Kalraj Mishra
[D] Indonesia [B] Bhagat Singh
Correct Answer: [D] Indonesia [C] Arif Mohammed Khan
Explanation: Indonesia has chosen the eastern edge of [D] P. sathasivam
jungle-clad Borneo island for its new capital, President Correct Answer: [C] Arif Mohammed Khan
Joko Widodo said, as the country looks to shift its political Explanation: President Ram Nath Kovind has appointed
heart away from congested megalopolis Jakarta. The new Governors for five states: Rajasthan, Maharashtra,
proposed location — near the regional cities of Balikpapan Himachal Pradesh, Kerala and Telangana.
and Samarinda — is in the geographical centre of the
225. Who was appointed as governor of Himachal Pradesh?
Southeast Asian archipelago and an area where the
[A] Kalraj Mishra
government already owns some 180,000 hectares (445,000
[B] C Vidyasagar Rao
acres) of land, he added.
[C] Kalyan Singh
220. On above how much amount, TDS on cash withdrawal [D] Bandaru Dettaterya
will be deducted from September 1, 2019? Correct Answer: [D] Bandaru Dettaterya
[A] ₹ 1 cr Explanation: President Ram Nath Kovind has appointed
[B] ₹ 1.5 cr new Governors for five states: Rajasthan, Maharashtra,
Himachal Pradesh, Kerala and Telangana.
[C] ₹ 2 cr
[D] ₹ 3 cr 226. Who took charge of Vice Chief of the Army Staff?
Correct Answer: [A] ₹ 1 cr [A] General Mohan Singh
Explanation: Those who have withdrawn ₹one crore or [B] Anurag Kishor
more in cash from banks or post offices upto 31 August [C] Hemant Shivvhare
will be liable to a 2% tax deducted at source (TDS) on [D] Manoj Mukund Naravane
further cash withdrawals from 1 September as a new Correct Answer: [D] Manoj Mukund Naravane
provision in tax law kicks in from next month. Explanation: Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund
Naravane took charge of Vice Chief of the Army Staff.
221. Recently RBI gave how much deadline to mobile wallets
for KYC guideline? 227. Recently the government has accepted resignation of
[A] August 31,2020 Anshula Kant as MD of which bank?
[B] Jan 31,2020 [A] BOB
[C] Feb 29,2020 [B] PNB
[D] Dec 31,2019 [C] IDBI
Correct Answer: [C] Feb 29,2020 [D] SBI
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Correct Answer: [D] SBI situated at Akbar Road in the national capital has been built
Explanation: The government has accepted the resignation at a cost of around 131 crore rupees by the Gujarat
of State bank of India’s managing Director Anshula Kant, Government.
following her appointment as MD and chief financial
officer of the World Bank. 233. Which state launched National Nutrition Month
228. Who is the author of book “Jin Dhoondha Tin [A] Odisha
Paaiyan”? [B] Bihar
[A] Chetan Bhagat [C] Madhya Pradesh
[B] MR Singh [D] Uttar Pradesh
[C] OP Singh Correct Answer: [D] Uttar Pradesh
[D] Devyani Sethi Explanation: With an aim to make the Rashtriya Poshan
Correct Answer: [C] OP Singh Maah (National Nutrition Month) a success, Uttar Pradesh
Explanation: Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched a month long
released a book titled ‘Jin Dhoondha Tin Paaiyan’ penned drive against malnutrition in the state and stressed on the
by senior IPS officer O P Singh. need for public participation in order to make the campaign
229. Who is the author of book “A Short history of Indian
Railways “? 234. Tinsukia railway station of which state has become the
[A] Ram Vilas 4,000th railway station in the country to have free
[B] MD Chaturvedi public Wi-Fi service?
[C] Rajendra B Aklekar [A] Mizoram
[D] Diya Sethi [B] Assam
Correct Answer: [C] Rajendra B Aklekar [C] Sikkim
Explanation: A new book named “A Short History of [D] Meghalaya
Indian Railways”, has been penned by veteran journalist Correct Answer: [B] Assam
and author Rajendra B Aklekar. This new book on the Explanation: Tinsukia Junction Railway Station in
history of Indian Railways chronicles the journey of the Tinsukia, Assam has become the 4,000th railway station in
national transporter from the 1830s to the new high-speed the country to have free public Wi-Fi service.
Train 18 and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious
bullet train project. 235. What is rank of India on Happiness Index 2019
conducted by market firm Ipsos?
230. Recently Valerie Harper passed away. She was related [A] 7th
to which field? [B] 5th
[A] Poet [C] 6th
[B] Politics [D] 9th
[C] Journalist Correct Answer: [D] 9th
[D] Actress Explanation: Global Happiness Survey” from market
Correct Answer: [D] Actress research firm Ipsos said that when it come to happiness,
Explanation: Actress Valerie Harper, the star of “The Indians consider good financial conditions and physical
Mary Tyler Moore Show” and spin-off series “Rhoda”, has well-being among the top-most reasons to remain joyous,
passed away after a long battle with cancer. She was 80. adding that India ranked 9th on happiness index among 28
global markets.
231. Who will be awarded from Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation for Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan? 236. The World Police and Fire Games 2019 held in which
[A] Ram Nath Kovind country?
[B] Ram Vilas Paswan [A] China
[C] Narendra Modi [B] India
[D] Amit Shah [C] Russia
Correct Answer: [C] Narendra Modi [D] Hungary
Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will receive Correct Answer: [A] China
an award from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for Explanation: Constable Baljit of Haryana Police has won a
Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan during his visit to the United gold medal in the 130-kg wrestling category of the recently
States in September 2019. concluded World Police and Fire Games (WPFG)
International Championship held in Chengdu, China.
232. Recently Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated
the Garvi Gujarat Bhawan in Which city/UT? 237. Who has became the most successful Indian pace
[A] Chennai bowler outside Asia, surpassing Kapil Dev who held the
[B] New Delhi record till now?
[C] Mumbai [A] Mohammed Shami
[D] Pune [B] Ishant Sharma
Correct Answer: [B] New Delhi [C] Sreesanth
Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated [D] Bhubaneswar Kumar
the Garvi Gujarat Bhawan in New Delhi. The new building Correct Answer: [B] Ishant Sharma
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Explanation: Ishant Sharma has became the most 243. The 36th National Games will be held in which state?
successful Indian pace bowler outside Asia, surpassing [A] Uttar Pradesh
Kapil Dev who held the record till now. [B] Chhattisgarh
[C] Goa
238. Who has become the highest wicket-taker in the T20I [D] TamilNadu
cricket, surpassing Pakistan’s all-rounder Shahid Correct Answer: [C] Goa
Afridi? Explanation: The much-delayed 36th National Games will
[A] Bhubaneswar Kumar be staged in Goa from 20 October to 4 November next
[B] Mitchell Starc year, the Indian Olympic Association (IO[A] said. The
[C] Lasith Malinga IOA finalised the dates during its meeting with the Goan
[D] Kuldeep Yadav delegation.
Correct Answer: [C] Lasith Malinga
Explanation: Sri Lankan pacer Lasith Malinga has become 244. Which country topped the list in ISSF World Cup
the highest wicket-taker in the T20I cricket, surpassing Rifle/Pistol Championship in Rio De Janeiro?
Pakistan’s all-rounder Shahid Afridi. [A] Brazil
[B] India
239. Who won the Belgian Grand Prix 2019? [C] China
[A] Max Verstappen [D] Russia
[B] Sebastian Vettel Correct Answer: [B] India
[C] Lewis Hamilton Explanation: India finished at the top of the ISSF World
[D] Charles Leclerc Cup Rifle/Pistol Championship in Rio De Janeiro with 5
Correct Answer: [D] Charles Leclerc gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals.
Explanation: Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc won the Belgian
Grand Prix at Spa-Francorchamps to record the maiden 245. Who has clinched a silver medal with a best throw of
victory of his career. 20.09m in his last attempt during an athletic meet at
Decin, Czech Republic?
240. Which month will be celebrated as Rashtriya Poshan [A] Abhishek Verma
Maah? [B] Tejinderpal Singh Toor
[A] December [C] Dilbagh Singh
[B] October [D] Yashwant Sahu
[C] September Correct Answer: [B] Tejinderpal Singh Toor
[D] November Explanation: Asian Games gold medallist shot putter
Correct Answer: [C] September Tejinderpal Singh Toor has clinched a silver medal with a
Explanation: The entire month of September will be best throw of 20.09m in his last attempt during an athletic
celebrated as the Rashtriya Poshan Maah. This year the meet at Decin, Czech Republic.
theme is Complementary Feeding. Prime Minister’s
Overreaching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment – 246. Who is the author of the book “India’s Lost Frontier
POSHAN Abhiyaan is a multi- ministerial convergence the Story of the North-West Frontier Province of
mission with the vision to address malnutrition with a Pakistan”?
targeted approach by 2022. [A] Ashok Joshi
[B] Devika Sethi
241. Recently M Venkaiah Naidu inaugurated the country’s [C] Raghuvaran Dayal
longest electrified rail tunnel in which state? [D] Raghvendra Singh
[A] Assam Correct Answer: [D] Raghvendra Singh
[B] Maharashtra Explanation: The book, “India’s Lost Frontier the Story of
[C] Bihar the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan”, has been
[D] Andhra Pradesh penned by veteran civil servant Raghvendra Singh. He was
Correct Answer: [D] Andhra Pradesh the Director-General of the National Archives of India.
Explanation: Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu
inaugurated the country’s longest electrified rail tunnel 247. In which state, Nuakhai festival was celebrated?
between Cherlopalli and Rapuru and the electrified railway [A] Bihar
line between Venkatachalam and Obulavaripalli. [B] Assam
[C] Odisha
242. The fourth Indian Ocean Conference 2019 was held in [D] Sikkim
which city? Correct Answer: [C] Odisha
[A] Amsterdam Explanation: Nuakhai, the greatest harvesting festival of
[B] Vienna Odisha was celebrated recently. Nuakhai, as the name
[C] Male suggests that nua means new and khai means food.
[D] Rome
Correct Answer: [C] Male 248. Which city tops the list in world’s most liveable cities
Explanation: 4th Indian Ocean Conference 2019 was held ranking owing to climate change according to survey by
in Male, Maldives. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar Economic Intelligence Unit?
participated in the Conference. [A] Vienna
[B] New Delhi
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[C] Rome 253. The 73rd Glenmark National Swimming Championship
[D] London held in which state?
Correct Answer: [A] Vienna [A] Odisha
Explanation: The national capital has dropped by six [B] Sikkim
places to rank 118th on a list of the world’s most liveable [C] WestBengal
cities due to increase in cases of petty crimes and poor air [D] Gujarat
quality, according to an annual survey by the Economist Correct Answer: [D] Gujarat
Intelligence Unit. Explanation: Gold hunt at the 73rd Glenmark National
Swimming Championship turned out to be a family affair.
249. Which country is planning to set up more than 20
nuclear power units in India in next 20 years? 254. Who was presented with 2019 UEFA President Award?
[A] Russia [A] Devender Sikri
[B] USA [B] Ravinder Singh
[C] Germany [C] Aleksander Ceferin
[D] China [D] Eric Cantona
Correct Answer: [A] Russia Correct Answer: [D] Eric Cantona
Explanation: Russia said that it is planning to set up more Explanation: Eric Cantona has been presented with the
than 20 nuclear power units in India in the next 20 years. 2019 UEFA President’s Award in Monaco
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who arrived in Russia’s Far
Eastern city of Vladivostok, gave a joint statement at the 255. Who is the author of book “First They Erased Our
20th Annual Summit between the two countries, along with Name: A Rohingya Speaks”?
Russian President Vladimir Putin by side. [A] Sophie Ansel
[B] Jasper Forde
250. The fifth Eastern Economic Forum was held in which [C] Patrick Madiano
country? [D] Elena Ferantee
[A] India Correct Answer: [A] Sophie Ansel
[B] China Explanation: A new book entitled “First They Erased Our
[C] Hungary Name: A Rohingya Speaks” book written by journalist
[D] Russia Sophie Ansel(France) has been released by Penguin
Correct Answer: [D] Russia Random House on September 9, 2019.
Explanation: 5th Eastern Economic Forum was held in
Vladivostok, Russia. PM Narendra Modi also attended the 256. Recently Udit Pratap Dev,king of Kalahandi of Which
forum meeting. He also paid a visit to the India Business state passed away?
Pavilion on the sidelines of the 5th Eastern Economic [A] Assam
Forum. [B] West Bengal
[C] Odisha
251. The exercise “Yudh Abhyas” is an exercise between [D] Bihar
India and which other country? Correct Answer: [C] Odisha
[A] China Explanation: Udit Pratap Deo, former king of the
[B] USA erstwhile princely state of Kalahandi n Odisha, has passed
[C] Russia away. He was 71. Deo was a former lawmaker from
[D] SriLanka Junagarh Assembly segment in Odisha from 1974 to 1977
Correct Answer: [B] USA
Explanation: The joint Military Exercise Yudh Abhyas – 257. Where is the HQ of Central Board of Direct Taxes?
2019 between India and USA started at Joint Base Lewis [A] Pune
Mc Chord, Washington, USA from 05-18 September 2019. [B] Chennai
Exercise Yudh Abhyas is one of the largest joint running [C] New Delhi
military training and defence corporation endeavors [D] Mumbai
between India and USA. This will be the 15th edition of the Correct Answer: [C] New Delhi
joint exercise hosted alternately between the two countries.
258. Who is the present governor of Uttar Pradesh?
252. What is the rank of India on World Travel & Tourism [A] Jagdish Mukhi
Competitiveness Index 2019? [B] BD Mishra
[A] 35th [C] Kalraj Mishra
[B] 33rd [D] Anandiben Patel
[C] 36th Correct Answer: [D] Anandiben Patel
[D] 34th
259. Where is the HQ of Rupee Cooperative Bank?
Correct Answer: [D] 34th
[A] Lucknow
Explanation: India has jumped six places to claim 34th
[B] Chennai
spot on world Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index
[C] Pune
2019, according to a report by World Economic Forum
[D] Mumbai
(WEF).Spain tops the ranking index followed by France
Correct Answer: [C] Pune
and Germany.

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260. Where is the HQ of Asian Development Bank? 269. What is the currency of Maldives?
[A] Pasig [A] Rufiyaa
[B] Mandaluyong [B] Euro
[C] Chengdu [C] Rupee
[D] Makati [D] Krone
Correct Answer: [B] Mandaluyong Correct Answer: [A] Rufiyaa

261. What is the currency of Indonesia? 270. What is the currency of Czech Republic?
[A] Rial [A] Riel
[B] Dinar [B] Dinar
[C] Rupiah [C] Koruna
[D] Rupee [D] Won
Correct Answer: [C] Rupiah Correct Answer: [C] Koruna

262. Where is the HQ of KPMG? 271. Where is the HQ of Wipro?

[A] Naardeum [A] Chennai
[B] Bussum [B] Bengaluru
[C] Amstelveen [C] New Delhi
[D] Amsterdam [D] Mumbai
Correct Answer: [C] Amstelveen Correct Answer: [B] Bengaluru

263. Where is the HQ of RBI? 272. What is the tagline of ICICI Bank?
[A] Kolkata [A] Experience our Expertise
[B] Pune [B] Hum Hai na Khayaal Aapka
[C] Mumbai [C] Trusted Since 1906
[D] Chennai [D] A tradition of Trust
Correct Answer: [C] Mumbai Correct Answer: [B] Hum Hai na Khayaal Aapka

264. Where is the HQ of Association of South East Asian 273. Where is the HQ of Insurance Regulatory and
Nation? Development Authority of India?
[A] Beijing [A] Lucknow
[B] Tokyo [B] Ahmedabad
[C] Mumbai [C] Hyderabad
[D] Jakarta [D] Mumbai
Correct Answer: [D] Jakarta Correct Answer: [C] Hyderabad

265. Where is the HQ of Central Bank of India? 274. What is the currency of Russia?
[A] Kolkata [A] Euro
[B] Mumbai [B] Ruble
[C] Pune [C] Rupee
[D] Delhi [D] Dollar
Correct Answer: [B] Mumbai Correct Answer: [B] Ruble

266. What is the tagline of Central Bank of India? 275. In a significant step, Saudi Arabia has increased India’s
[A] A tradition of Trust Haj quota to _________.
[B] India’s International Bank A. 200,000
[C] Central to You Since 1911 B. 250,000
[D] Trusted Since 1906 C. 300,000
Correct Answer: [C] Central to You Since 1911 D. 350,000
Correct Answer – A. 200,000
267. What is the currency of Belgium? Explanation: Last year, Saudi Arabia increased India’s Haj
[A] Peso quota by 5,000. It is worth noting that the Haj subsidy was
[B] Krone removed last year.
[C] Euro 276. Who was recently elected as a member of the
[D] Dollar International Olympic Committee?
Correct Answer: [C] Euro A. Raj Shukla
B. Sachin Manohar
268. What is the currency of Russia?
C. Hemant Gokhale
[A] Dinar
D. Narinder Batra
[B] Riel
Correct Answer – D. Narinder Batra
[C] Ruble
Explanation: Batra secured 58 votes out of 62 while four
[D] Euro
voted against him. In 2016, Nita Ambani was elected as an
Correct Answer: [C] Ruble
individual member of the IOC in 2016.

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277. EQUIP, an ambitious project of HRD Ministry, stands D. RedCircles
for ____________. Correct Answer – B. PUNCH
A. Education Qualification Upgradation and Inclusion Explanation: PUNCH will consist of a ‘constellation’ of
Programme four suitcase-sized microsats that will orbit the Earth in
B. Education Quality Updation and Inclusion Programme formation and study how the corona. PUNCH stands for
C. Education Quality Upgradation and Inclusive “Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere.”
Programme 283. NASA’s Curiosity rover discovered high amounts of
D. Education Quality Upgradation and Inclusion methane in the air on which among the following
Programme planets?
Correct Answer – D. Education Quality Upgradation and A. Jupiter
Inclusion Programme. B. Mars
Explanation: It is meant to bridge the gap between policy C. Uranus
and implementation. It aims to improve the quality of D. Neptune
higher education over the next 5 years. Correct Answer – B. Mars
278. Asteroid Day, sometimes seen in the news, is observed Explanation: The existence of methane is a possible sign
on ________. of life. Curiosity Rover has been on the surface of Mars
A. June 30 since 2012.
B. July 5 284. Who became the first civil servant and IPS officer to
C. July 10 achieve the incredible and rare feat of completing ‘7
D. July 16 Summits’ challenge?
Correct Answer- A. June 30 A. Rishu Sachdeva
Explanation: It aims to raise public awareness about the B. Aparna Kumar
possible hazardous impacts of asteroids. They pose C. Saurav Narang
potentially catastrophic threats to our planet, as they pass D. Hema Kapoor
close to the Earth’s orbit. Correct Answer – B. Aparna Kumar
279. CAFE regulations in India came into force in 2017. Explanation: It is worth noting that The “Seven Summits”
Expand CAFE. is a mountaineering challenge which includes scaling the
A. Corporate Average Free Efficiency/Economy highest mountains from each of the seven continents.
B. Corporate Average Fume Efficiency/Economy Patrick Morrow was the first man to climb the Seven
C. Corporate Analysis Fuel Efficiency/Economy Summits in 1986.
D. Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency/Economy 285. Government of India has celebrated ________ as the
Correct Answer – D. Corporate Average Fuel Statistics day.
Efficiency/Economy A. June 22
Explanation: CAFE regulations aim at lowering fuel B. June 29
consumption of vehicles by lowering carbon dioxide C. July 5
emissions. D. July 10
280. Similipal National Park, sometimes seen in the news, is Correct Answer – B. June 29
located in which among the following states? Explanation: June 29 is the birth date of Professor P C
A. Nagaland Mahalanobis. The theme of Statistics Day, 2019 is
B. Odisha “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”.
C. Manipur 286. RBI has opened third office of the
D. Tripura Banking Ombudsman and Ombudsman for Digital
Correct Answer – B. Odisha Transactions (ODT) at __________.
Explanation: Similipal derives its name from ‘Simul’ (Silk A. Chandigarh
Cotton) tree. It has some beautiful waterfalls like Joranda B. New Delhi
and Barehipani. C. Bengaluru
281. Minaret of Jam, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is D. Varanasi
located in _________. Correct Answer – B. New Delhi
A. Afghanistan Explanation: The Banking Ombudsman scheme is an
B. Pakistan expeditious and inexpensive forum for bank customers for
C. Iran resolution of their complaints.
D. Saudi Arabia 287. Reserve Bank of India has developed a FLAIR system
Correct Answer – A. Afghanistan for Indian companies to report the Foreign Liabilities
Explanation: It is one of the few well-preserved and Assets. Expand FLAIR.
monuments. It represents the exceptional artistic creativity A. Foreign Liabilities and Assets Information Reporting
& mastery of structural engineering. B. Foreign Liabilities and Assets Infomatics Reports
282. Dipankar Banerjee, solar physicist from Indian C. Foreign Liabilities and Asset Evaluations Information
Institute of Astrophysics has become a Co-Investigator Reporting
of which mission of NASA? D. Forex Liabilities and Assets Information Reporting
A. BlueRocks Correct Answer – A. Foreign Liabilities and Assets
B. PUNCH Information Reporting
C. MartianSoil Explanation: Indian companies which have received FDI

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and/or made FDI abroad should file the annual return on C. South Africa
Foreign Liabilities and Assets. The FLA return is required D. Kenya
to be filed on an annual basis on or before 15th July of Correct Answer – B. Iran
every year. Explanation: It is worth noting that some 52,000 Chinese
288. Which Indian-born Australian won the title of Miss tourists visited Iran during the 12 months to March.
Universe Australia 2019 in Melbourne? Sanctions-hit Iran is attempting to boost tourism in the face
A. Priya Serrao of an economic crisis.
B. Anamika Ahuja 294. Popularly called as the city beautiful, Chandigarh has
C. Sheetal Chopra become a UHI. Expand UHI.
D. Meenakshi Das A. Urban Heat Island
Correct Answer – A. Priya Serrao B. Urban Health Island
Explanation: Born in Karnataka, she grew up in Oman. C. Urban Housing Island
Later, her family moved to Australia. She will now start D. Urban Hill Island
gearing up for Miss Universe 2019 competition that is to be Correct Answer – A. Urban Heat Island
held in South Korea. Explanation: According to MET Department, the average
289. India’s chief national badminton coach Pullela minimum temperature of Chandigarh has risen by a degree
Gopichand was bestowed upon an honorary doctorate during the past three decades. It is worth noting that an
by ________. urban heat island occurs when a city experiences much
A. IIT Delhi warmer temperatures than nearby rural areas.
B. IIT Kharagpur 295. The entire state of __________ has been declared a
C. IIT Kanpur “disturbed area” for six more months.
D. IIT Roorkee A. Punjab
Correct Answer – C. IIT Kanpur B. Nagaland
Explanation: On the occasion of the 52nd convocation, the C. Manipur
badminton coach received the honour from former ISRO D. Assam
chairman Prof K Radhakrishnan. Correct Answer- B. Nagaland
290. _______ has been selected for the prestigious Explanation: The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act has
President’s Award for Excellent CSR. been in force in Nagaland for several decades. The act
A. SAIL empowers security forces to conduct operations anywhere
B. NALCO and arrest anyone (without prior notice).
C. Infosys 296. Who has been elected as the Director of World Customs
D. HPL Organisation (WCO), Brussels for five years?
Correct Answer – B. NALCO A. Pranab Das
Explanation: It has been chosen for introducing and B. Hemant Khare
implementing schemes like Nalco ki Ladli, which is turning C. Nageswara Rao
out to be a powerful trigger for women empowerment. D. S Raghavan
291. ‘Transforming North East India through Science and Correct Answer – A. Pranab Das
Technology’ conclave was recently held in _________. Explanation: He defeated the British Customs officer with
A. Maharashtra a huge margin. He is the first Indian to be elected to the
B. Meghalaya WCO Director post.
C. Tripura 297. Who became the second batsman to hit five consecutive
D. Nagaland fifty plus scores in a World Cup tournament?
Correct Answer – B. Meghalaya A. Virat Kohli
Explanation: It has been organised by the Institute of Bio- B. Sachin Tendulkar
resources and Sustainable Development. It is worth noting C. MS Dhoni
that populated by approximately 48 million people, NE D. Shikhar Dhawan
states account for about 4% of India’s population. Correct Answer – A. Virat Kohli
292. Who became the most expensive Indian bowler in Explanation: It is worth noting that Kohli equalled
World Cup history? Graeme Smith and Aaron Finch to become the 3rd captain
A. Yuzvendra Chahal in Cricket World Cup history to hit four back to back half
B. MS Dhoni centuries. Kohli also became the fastest to 20,000
C. M Sharma international runs.
D. R Ashwin 298. Garuda-VI joint exercise, sometimes seen in the news, is
Correct Answer – A. Yuzvendra Chahal between India & ________.
Explanation: Yuzvendra Chahal finished with the worst- A. France
ever bowling figures for Indians.It is worth noting that B. Russia
Javagal Srinath was the previous holder of this unwanted C. Ukraine
record. D. Japan
293. Which nation will no longer require Chinese visitors to Correct Answer – A. France
obtain visas? Explanation: This is the sixth edition of Exercise Garuda
A. India and is being planned in France. This will enhance
B. Iran

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understanding of interoperability during mutual operations B. Rohit Gandhi
between the two Air Forces. C. Injeti Srinivas
299. Yeoman, a butterfly species endemic to Western Ghats, D. Mohan Kapoor
has been declared as the state butterfly of _______. Correct Answer – A. Karnam Sekar
A. Kerala Explanation: Prior to this, he was MD & CEO of Dena
B. Andhra Pradesh Bank (September 21, 2018 – March 31, 2019). He started
C. Goa his banking career as a Probationary officer in SBI in
D. Telangana December 1983.
Correct Answer – E. None of these 305. World UFO Day is celebrated on ________.
Explanation: Tamil Nadu has become the 5th state in the A. 1st July
country to announce its state butterfly. According to the B. 2nd July
officials, the name of the butterfly reflects Tamil culture. C. 4th July
Besides, it is endemic to Western Ghats. D. 10th July
300. Which among the following countries has breached the Correct Answer – B. 2nd July
limit of its enriched uranium stockpile set in a 2015 deal Explanation: Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are the
with major powers? flying objects that are completely unidentified. The first
A. Iran World UFO Day was observed in the year 2001.
B. Pakistan 306. Central government has given how many months’
C. North Korea extension to complete the enumeration process for
D. US updating the National Register of Citizens (NRC)?
Correct Answer – A. Iran A. 1 month
Explanation: Iran had exceeded the relevant limit of 300 B. 3 months
kg of uranium hexafluoride. It is worth noting that the C. 6 months
uranium enrichment limit set in the deal is sufficient for D. 10 months
power generation but far below to manufacture nuclear Correct Answer – A. 1 month
weapons. Explanation: The final NRC list will be published on July
301. ________ has elected Manoj Kumar Nambiar, as its 31 this year. When the NRC was first prepared in Assam
chairman. (1951), the state had 8 million citizens.
A. NITI Aayog 307. Congress president _________ officially quit his post
B. NALCO recently.
C. SAIL A. Sonia Gandhi
D. MFIN B. Rahul Gandhi
Correct Answer – D. MFIN C. Motilal Vohra
Explanation: Microfinance Institutions Network (MFIN) D. Sachin Pilot
comprises 56 NBFC-MFIs and 40 associates including Correct Answer – B. Rahul Gandhi
banks, small finance banks and NBFCs. Explanation: In his resignation letter, Mr. Gandhi held
302. Who became the WBC Asia silver welterweight himself accountable for the 2019 Lok Sabha loss. He took
champion recently? to Twitter and wrote, “I owe the country and my
A. Vaibhav Yadav organisation a debt of tremendous gratitude and love.”
B. Vikas Krishan 308. Which among the following countries has announced
C. N Ram that salaries of teachers, doctors, nurses, and all
D. Rajeev Mohan medical staff will be hiked to make them the highest
Correct Answer – A. Vaibhav Yadav paid civil servants in the country?
Explanation: After defeating Fahpetch Singmanassak, A. Ireland
Indian pro boxer Yadav became the WBC Asia silver B. Bhutan
welterweight champion. It was conducted by the Asian C. Norway
Boxing Council. D. Ukraine
303. Who was re-appointed as deputy governor of the Correct Answer – B. Bhutan
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for one more year? Explanation: The cabinet has not only ensured that the
A. NS Vishwanathan professionals are paid well, but have also overturned the
B. Viral Acharya unofficial civil service ‘hierarchy’. The proposal was
C. BP Kanungo announced by Bhutan’s Prime Minister Lotay Tshering.
D. MK Jain 309. Which Indian middle-order batsman has announced his
Correct Answer – A. NS Vishwanathan retirement from all forms of cricket, including the IPL?
Explanation: The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet A. MS Dhoni
has approved his re-appointment with effect from July 4 B. Shikhar Dhawan
this year. He was Executive Director at the central bank, C. Rohit Sharma
before his appointment. D. Ambati Rayudu
304. Who has taken charge as Managing Director and Chief Correct Answer – D. Ambati Rayudu
Executive Officer of Chennai-based Indian Overseas Explanation: Rayudu made his ODI debut against
Bank (IOB)? Zimbabwe in 2013. He played his last ODI against
A. Karnam Sekar

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Australia in Ranchi this year. It is worth noting that Rayudu Independence by the delegates from the 13 colonies was
never got a chance to represent India in Test cricket. commemorated on this day. This year marks the 243rd
310. The United States has declared the ______________ as a celebration of the American national holiday.
global terrorist organization recently. 316. Which among the following released the report titled
A. Balochistan Liberation Army “India: Health of the Nation’s States”?
B. Hazara Freedom Party A. NITI Aayog
C. Jamote Quami League B. ICMR
D. Mazdoor Kissan Army C. MCI
Correct Answer – A. Balochistan Liberation Army D. UGC
Explanation: BLA is an armed separatist group that targets Correct Answer – B. ICMR
security forces and civilians, mainly in ethnic Baloch areas. Explanation: According to the report, the contribution of
It is worth noting that BLA remains a proscribed entity in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) to total deaths in the
Pakistan since 2006. country was 61.8%.
311. Reserve Bank of India today released the 19th issue of 317. The Korean Armistice Agreement, sometimes seen in
the FSR. Expand FSR. the news, was signed in ______.
A. Financial Stability Report A. 1953
B. Funds Stabilization Record B. 1967
C. Futures Seamless Record C. 1984
D. Forex Stipulations Rendition D. 1999
Correct Answer – A. Financial Stability Report Correct Answer – A. 1953
Explanation: It reflects the collective assessment of the Explanation: The armistice agreement ended the three-
Sub-Committee of the Financial Stability and Development year war between North and South Korea in a truce. The
Council. terms of the armistice included the creation of the
312. Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has Demilitarized Zone.
opened its first ‘Aadhaar Seva Kendra’ in ______ and 318. Who was elected as the new president of the European
Vijayawada. Parliament?
A. Chandigarh A. David-Maria Sassoli
B. Ranchi B. Jan Zahradil
C. Kochi C. Sira Rego
D. Delhi D. Ska Keller
Correct Answer – D. Delhi Correct Answer – A. David-Maria Sassoli
Explanation: The centre has the capacity to handle upto Explanation: Sassoli is a former television journalist who
500 requests per day. UIDAI has an ambitious plan to set turned to politics as a centre-left MEP.
up 114 such centres by the year-end. 319. The second World Artificial Intelligence Conference is
313. Australia and ______ are the first two teams to qualify to be held in _______.
for the semis of the 2019 World Cup. A. China
A. Pakistan B. India
B. India C. Russia
C. England D. Ukraine
D. Afghanistan Correct Answer – A. China
Correct Answer – B. India Explanation: The conference is scheduled to run from Aug
Explanation: Now, England also joined Australia and 29 to 31 this year. Two summits on S&T innovation and 10
India in the semi-finals of the World Cup. It is worth noting industry panels will be held during the event.
that England reached the semis for the first time since 320. ________ has withdrawn its decision to host
1992. International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) Awards
314. Chief Economic Adviser _______ has tabled the new 2019 this August.
government’s first Economic Survey in the Parliament. A. Pakistan
A. Nirmala Sitharaman B. Sri Lanka
B. Arun Jaitley C. Afghanistan
C. KV Subramanian D. Nepal
D. Ram Jethmalani Correct Answer – D. Nepal
Correct Answer – C. KV Subramanian Explanation: The decision to host the 20th edition of IIFA
Explanation: It contains a summary of developments in was taken by Nepal. The expenditure was estimated to cost
the economy, government’s development programmes. over USD 4 million, leading to criticism on social media.
315. US Independence Day is annually celebrated on 321. The latest Henley Passport Index 2019 ranked the
_______. Indian passport on the _____ position.
A. 2nd July A. 56th
B. 4th July B. 86th
C. 6th July C. 90th
D. 8th July D. 120th
Correct Answer – B. 4th July Correct Answer – B. 86th
Explanation: The adoption of the Declaration of Explanation: India shares the 86th position with

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Mauritiana and Sao Tome and Principe. For the first time, A. 10%
UAE has entered the top 20 slot. The ranking is based on B. 12.5%
exclusive data from the International Air Transport C. 15%
Association. D. 20%
322. Among all states, _________ had the highest number of Correct Answer – B. 12.5%
suicides in 2015, according to NCRB sata tabled by the Explanation: India is one of the largest gold importers in
government in Parliament. the world. In 2013, the the government had raised import
A. Haryana taxes on gold to 10%.
B. Maharashtra 328. The government has proposed to levy TDS of ____ on
C. Kerala cash withdrawal exceeding Rs 1 crore in a year from a
D. Andhra Pradesh bank account.
Correct Answer – B. Maharashtra A. 2%
Explanation: The NCRB data show that 1/3rd of the B. 4%
suicides in the country in 2015 were committed ( by under C. 6%
30 age group ). UP (the most populous state) had the 11th D. 8%
highest suicide count. Correct Answer – A. 2%
323. The first-ever Global Ethanol Summit (GES), is Explanation: The move is aimed at promoting digital
scheduled to be held in ________. payments and discouraging cash transactions.
A. Washington DC 329. The 2019 “State of the Education Report for India:
B. Mumbai Children with Disabilities”, sometimes seen in the news,
C. Beijing has been released by _________.
D. Paris A. NITI Aayog
Correct Answer – A. Washington DC B. UNICEF
Explanation: It is worth noting that the GES follows two C. PISA
previous regional ethanol summits. It will also feature a D. UNESCO
U.S. sales component that builds on current ethanol trade. Correct Answer – D. UNESCO
324. The 2019 Intercontinental Cup is to be held in Explanation: The report acknowledged that inclusive
________. education is complex to implement. According to the
A. Chandigarh report, three-fourths of the children with disabilities at the
B. Ahmedabad age of five years do not go to any educational institution.
C. Mumbai 330. Who became the first batsman in the history of cricket
D. Pune to score five hundreds in one World Cup?
Correct Answer – B. Ahmedabad A. Rohit Sharma
Explanation: Intercontinental Cup is slated to kick-off at B. Virat Kohli
the EKA Arena, Ahmedabad from July 7. This is the first C. Sachin Tendulkar
time, the state of Gujarat is hosting a Senior Men’s D. MS Dhoni
International competition. Correct Answer – A. Rohit Sharma
325. Japan and _________ held first position collectively in Explanation: It is worth noting that Sharma hit hundreds
the Henley Passport Index 2019. vs South Africa, Pakistan, England, Bangladesh & Sri
A. US Lanka. He has been in sensational form in the 2019 World
B. Israel Cup.
C. Singapore 331. __________ has commissioned the longest electrified
D. Malaysia tunnel, measuring 6.6 Kms between Cherlopalli and
Correct Answer – C. Singapore Rapuru stations?
Explanation: In other words, Japan and Singapore have A. South Central Railway
the world’s most powerful passports. The index B. North Eastern Railway
periodically measures the access each country’s travel C. East Coast Railway
document affords. D. North Central Railway
326. Who became the first English player to amass 500 runs Correct Answer – A. South Central Railway
in a single edition of the ICC Men’s Cricket World Explanation: It is worth noting that the tunnel has been
Cup? completed in a record time of 43 months. New Australian
A. Joe Root Tunneling Method (NATM) had been used. The cost
B. Jos Buttler incurred is Rs.460 crores..
C. Adil Rashid 332. There have been estimated savings/benefits of Rs.
D. Jason Roy 59,599 crore for the Government upto March, 2019
Correct Answer – A. Joe Root under the ‘PAHAL’ scheme of which among the
Explanation: He is now the fifth highest run-getter of the following ministries?
premier tournament. The list is topped by Rohit Sharma ( A. Petroleum & Natural Gas
India – 544 Runs ). B. Corporate Affairs
327. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman proposed C. Finance
increase in import duty on gold and other precious D. HRD
metal to _____. Correct Answer – A. Petroleum & Natural Gas

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Explanation: Under this scheme, beneficiaries buy LPG A. Afghanistan
cylinders at market rate. Subsequently, they receive subsidy B. Pakistan
directly in their bank accounts. C. Saudi Arabia
333. Finance Minister, in the budget, announced an D. Malaysia
additional Income Tax deduction of Rs ________ on Correct Answer – B. Pakistan
affordable home loans. Explanation: The second formal meeting between the two
A. 50,000 sides ( India & Pakistan ) was organized recently. The work
B. 1.0 lakh is expected to be completed by October 31 this year. It is
C. 1.5 lakh worth noting that the last scheduled meeting
D. 2.0 lakh was cancelled over objections over pro-Khalistan elements.
Correct Answer – C. 1.5 lacs India has asked for consular presence at Kartarpur Sahib
Explanation: It is worth noting that it is applicable on Gurudwara.
loans of up to Rs 45 lakh borrowed upto 31 March 2020. 339. ________ is set to become the first state in India to
334. Under the new income tax rules, PAN card and manufacture electric cars.
_________ will be made interchangeable soon. A. Kerala
A. Driving License B. UP
B. Aadhar Card C. West Bengal
C. Ration Card D. Tamil Nadu
D. Passport Correct Answer – D. Tamil Nadu
Correct Answer – B. Aadhar Card Explanation: Tamil Nadu might get this coveted
Explanation: It is worth noting that taxpayers will need distinction as Hyundai is planning for its Chennai facility
either Aadhaar or PAN card to file their income tax returns. the same. Other facts to be noted are as follows:
Currently, they need to have both to file ITR. The state is aiming to attract Rs 10,000 crore in defence
335. According to the global MPI (Multidimensional Poverty sector on five years.
Index) 2019 report, between 2005-06 and 2015-16, Tamil Nadu ranks 3rd in the amount of invested capital in
_______ lifted 271 million out of poverty. the industrial sector.
A. India 340. Risco Caído and the cultural landscape of the sacred
B. Pakistan mountains of Gran Canaria, located in ________, has
C. Saudi Arabia been declared as a Unesco World Heritage Site.
D. Iran A. Israel
Correct Answer: A. India B. Kenya
Explanation: The global MPI (Multidimensional Poverty C. Sudan
Index) tracks 101 nations on deprivations across 10 D. Spain
indicators. India and Cambodia reduced their MPI values Correct Answer – D. Spain
the fastest. India’s MPI value reduced to 0.123 in 2015-16. Explanation: Risco Caído show the culture of the ancient
336. Multinational pharmaceutical group Wockhardt has island populations. While, the Sacred Mountains of Gran
conferred a lifetime achievement award to _________. Canaria are a cultural landscape: formed by 1,500 caves &
A. Narendra Modi a thousand rocky pubic triangles.
B. Rahul Gandhi 341. Mozu-Furuichi Tumulus Clusters, have been recently
C. Amartya Sen added to the World Cultural Heritage site. They are in
D. Kailash Satyarthi _____.
Correct Answer – D. Kailash Satyarthi A. Japan
Explanation: Satyarthi was felicitated by Group Chairman B. South Africa
Dr. Habil Khorakiwala. Mr. Kailash kickstarted his efforts C. Russia
in the field when he founded the Bachpan Bachao Andolan D. US
in 1980s. He has rescued over 88,000 bonded and Correct Answer – A. Japan
trafficked children. Explanation: The WHC (World Heritage Committee)
337. Cricketer-turned-politician Navjot Singh Sidhu has decided to include a group of ancient tombs to UNESCO’s
resigned from the state cabinet. He was a minister in World Cultural Heritage List. It represents an ancient burial
which among the following states? system and the hierarchy of society at the time. With this,
A. Haryana the island nation will now have 19 World Cultural Heritage
B. Punjab sites in addition to 4 World Natural Heritage sites.
C. Maharashtra 342. World Youth Skills Day is observed on ______.
D. Gujarat A. 14th July
Correct Answer – B. Punjab B. 15th July
Explanation: Since the 2019 Lok Sabha polls, Punjab CM C. 16th July
Amarinder Singh and Mr. Sidhu have been at loggerheads. D. 17th July
Reportedly, he had been upset over the Cabinet reshuffle Correct Answer – B. 15th July
last month. Notably, Sidhu had joined the Congress in Explanation: This day highlights the current rising
2017 after quitting the BJP. joblessness among youth, besides the steps, that need to be
338. __________ agreed to allow year-long visa-free access to taken to curb this. This day becomes important as young
Indian pilgrims to the holy Gurudwara of Kartarpur. people are the drivers of a sustainable future.

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343. Jodrell Bank Observatory has been added to the 349. According to the “Global Prime Office Occupancy
UNESCO World Heritage List. It is located in ______. Costs”, ________ continues its position to be the most
A. UK expensive location in the world for the second
B. Japan consecutive year.
C. US A. Hong Kong
D. North Korea B. Karachi
Correct Answer – A. UK C. New Delhi
Explanation: This observatory has been at the forefront of D. Mumbai
astronomical research for decades. It opened in 1945. Correct Answer – A. Hong Kong
344. ________ has drafted a stringent law to deal with Explanation: The report tracks the cost of leasing prime
increasing incidents of mob lynching. office space globally. Notably, 6 of the world’s 10 most
A. UP expensive office markets are found in Asia.
B. Rajasthan 350. India’s first cow sanctuary will be privatised by the
C. Bihar Congress-led government. It is located in _______.
D. Maharashtra A. UP
Correct Answer – A. UP B. Madhya Pradesh
Explanation: The draft UP Combating of Mob Lynching C. Telangana
Bill, 2019, was submitted by Justice (retired) Aditya Nath D. Kerala
Mittal. It has recommended jail terms ranging from seven Correct Answer – B. Madhya Pradesh
years to life imprisonment. Explanation: It was set up by Madhya Pradesh
345. India’s first elephant rehabilitation centre, sometimes government in 2017. Around 4,000 cows are living in the
seen in the news, is planned to be set up in ______. sanctuary.
A. Telangana 351. The UNESCO World Heritage Committee added
B. Kerala Dilmun Burial Mounds located in _________ to the
C. Haryana World Heritage List for its “globally unique
D. UP characteristics.”
Correct Answer – B. Kerala A. India
Explanation: The centre will house orphaned, injured and B. Pakistan
older elephants. It is expected to come up in Kottoor, which C. Bahrain
is an ecotourism village near Thiruvananthapuram. D. Saudi Arabia
346. _________ is introducing a new education feature called Correct Answer – C. Bahrain
Learning Playlists. Explanation:
A. YouTube The burial grounds, include 21 archeological sites built
B. Netflix between 2050 and 1750 BC.The Dilmun Burial Mounds is
C. Unacademy Bahrain’s third World Heritage Site.
D. Byjus 352. _______ will host the 44th session of the World Heritage
Correct Answer – A. YouTube Committee in 2020.
Explanation: It will offer dedicated landing pages for A. India
educational videos. YouTube will be working with the B. China
companies which include the Khan Academy, TED-Ed and C. Spain
Crash Course. D. Germany
347. _______ launched a toll-free Chief Minister helpline Correct Answer – B. China
1076 that will enable people to register their complaints. Explanation: Fuzhou, a Chinese city, will host the 44th
A. UP session of the World Heritage Committee in 2020. It is
B. Andhra Pradesh worth mentioning that the World Heritage List now
C. Telangana features 1,121 sites in 167 countries.
D. Maharashtra 353. Who became the first Indian woman track and field
Correct Answer – A. UP athlete to clinch a gold medal in the World
Explanation: The helpline number will work 24×7. For Universiade?
this, the 500-seater call centre has been established. A. Dutee Chand
348. __________ has defied the global trend in the battle B. Hima Das
against measles, with the country declared free of the C. Meenakshi Pawar
highly infectious disease by the WHO. D. Gurleen Kaur
A. Maldives Correct Answer – A. Dutee Chand
B. India Explanation: Chand is a student at Kalinga Institute of
C. Pakistan Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar. She clocked 11.32
D. Sri Lanka seconds to win the gold.
Correct Answer – D. Sri Lanka 354. Menstrual Hygiene Scheme, sometimes seen in the
Explanation: The last case of measles was reported by the news, is for adolescent girls in the age group of ______.
country caused by an indigenous virus in 2016. In WHO A. 8-16
South-East Asia Region, Sri Lanka is the 4th country after B. 9-17
Bhutan, Maldives and Timor-Leste, to eliminate measles. C. 10-19

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D. 12-21 Expand SFJ.
Correct Answer – C. 10-19 A. Sikhs For Justice
Explanation: The scheme was initially implemented in B. Socialist Freedom Justice
2011. It aims to increase awareness among adolescent girls C. Sikhism Foreign Justice
on Menstrual Hygiene. D. Social Freedom Fighter Society
355. Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) went past _____ to Correct Answer – A. Sikhs For Justice
become the most-valued firm in terms of market Explanation: It is worth noting that as part of its separatist
valuation. agenda, SFJ is pushing for Sikh Referendum 2020.
A. TCS 361. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) finalised a three-year
B. Infosys roadmap/strategy named _________ to improve
C. L&T regulation and supervision.
D. MindTree A. Utkarsh 2022
Correct Answer – A. TCS B. Niti 2022
Explanation: It is worth mentioning that the m-cap of C. Bharat 2022
companies changes daily with stock price movement. In the D. Vikas 2022
list of top-five domestic firms, RIL was placed at the top Correct Answer – A. Utkarsh 2022
followed by TCS, HDFC Bank, HDFC and HUL. Explanation: It is in line with the global central banks’
356. _______ has been awarded the best innovation award in plan to strengthen the regulatory mechanism. RBI’s budget
Indian Railways for the 2018-19 fiscal, for ‘Plan Bee.’ for the July 2019—June 2020 period has also been
A. South Central Railway approved.
B. Eastern Railway 362. Who will now be holding the full-time charge of the
C. Northeast Frontier Railway head of aviation regulator DGCA?
D. South Central Railway A. Sushil Shinde
Correct Answer – C. Northeast Frontier Railway B. Arun Kumar
Explanation: It is an amplifying system to keep wild C. Manohar Lal
elephants away from railway tracks. It is worth mentioning D. Himansh Modi
that a mix of Plan Bee and other measures have helped Correct Answer- B. Arun Kumar
them. Explanation: Kumar is an IAS officer of 1989 batch of
357. Global Study on Homicide 2019 has been recently Haryana cadre. It is worth noting that the Appointments
published by _______. Committee of the Cabinet has approved his appointment.
A. WHO 363. 19th Commonwealth Foreign Affairs
B. UNODC Ministers’ Meeting is to be held in _______.
C. IMF A. London
D. UNICEF B. Sydney
Correct Answer – B. UNODC C. New Delhi
Explanation: The 2017 average global homicide rate D. Lahore
masks dramatic regional variations. Globally, some 81% of Correct Answer – A. London
homicide victims recorded in 2017. Explanation: The conclave will be held at the
358. Rajya Sabha passed a statutory resolution for levying Commonwealth’s headquarters in Marlborough House.
_______ duty on all goods exported from Pakistan. 364. Who was recently appointed as Head of Cricket at the
A. 100% National Cricket Academy (NCA)?
B. 150% A. Sachin Tendulkar
C. 200% B. Rahul Dravid
D. 300% C. Gautam Gambhir
Correct Answer – C. 200% D. Shikhar Dhawan
Explanation: It approved the amendment in the first Correct Answer – B. Rahul Dravid
schedule of the Customs Tariff Act. It is worth noting that Explanation: He will oversee all cricket related activities
India had also withdrawn MFN status to Pakistan. at NCA. He’ll also work closely with the National Men’s
359. Prosecco hills were added to the World Heritage list by and Women’s Head Coaches.
the UN cultural organisation. They are located in 365. The Second India-Russia Strategic Economic Dialogue
______. (IRSED) was held in _________ recently.
A. Germany A. Moscow
B. Russia B. Beijing
C. Israel C. New Delhi
D. Italy D. Mumbai
Correct Answer – D. Italy Correct Answer – C. New Delhi
Explanation: They are home to the world-famous Explanation: IRSED (India-Russia Strategic Economic
sparkling wine prosecco. This coveted designation Dialogue) focussed on six core areas of cooperation like
safeguards the cultural landscape of this small agricultural tourism & connectivity, small & medium business support,
area. transport infrastructure, digital transformation etc.
360. Pro-Khalistani group SFJ was banned by the 366. Union Cabinet has recently approved Grant of
government for its alleged anti-national activities. Organised _________ status to Indian Railway

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Protection Force (RPF). Explanation: It was created about 6,600 years ago by the
A. Group A Gunditjmara people. It’s the 20th site in Australia to make
B. Group Z it on to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
C. Group M 372. Asia’s first Six Sigma Institute of Mountain Medicines
D. Group C and High Altitude Rescue is to be located in ________.
Correct Answer – A. Group A A. MP
Explanation: This decision will improve career B. Uttarakhand
progression of the officers & keep up their motivational C. Telangana
level. It is worth noting that in 2012, Delhi HC had directed D. Kerala
Railways to grant Group ‘A’ Service status to RPF. Correct Answer – B. Uttarakhand
367. _______ was honoured with NETPAC Award for Best Explanation: Uttarakhand CM Trivendra S Rawat agreed
Asian Film at the Bucheon International Fantastic Film to a proposal given by the medical director of Six Sigma
Festival (BIFAN) in South Korea. Healthcare, Dr Bhardwaj. In addition, government would
A. Kabir Singh also provide land for the institute in Rudraprayag district.
B. Gully Boy 373. World Youth Cup, organised by World Karate
C. Dangal Federation, was recently held in _______.
D. Taare Zameen Par A. India
Correct Answer – B. Gully Boy B. Croatia
Explanation: ‘Gully Boy’ was based on the lives of street C. Ukraine
rappers in Mumbai. The film will also be screened at the D. Poland
2019 Indian Film Festival of Melbourne in July. Correct Answer – B. Croatia
368. 10th Tamil World Conference was recently held in Explanation: The tournament was held in Croatia from
________. July 1 to July 5. Arinjeeta Dey has won a silver medal in
A. Chennai the World Youth Cup.
B. Chicago 374. DRDO carried out three successful test firings of the
C. Beijing Nag missiles in _______.
D. Tehran A. Pokharan
Correct Answer – B. Chicago B. Sriharikota
Explanation: International Association of Tamil Research, C. Kochi
Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America & Chicago D. Jaipur
Tamil Sangam organized this conference. The 9th edition Correct Answer – A. Pokharan
was held at Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia in 2015. Explanation: Last year, Defence Acquisition Council has
369. Delhi police have rescued 333 children from Delhi and approved the procurement of NAG Missile System
handed them over to their families in different parts of (NAMIS). It is a third generation anti-tank guided missile,
the country under ___________. which has top attack capabilities.
A. Operation Sankalp 375. Audrey Azoulay, sometimes seen in the news, is the
B. Operation Masoom Director-General of ________.
C. Operation Milap A. UNESCO
D. Operation Baal B. WHO
Correct Answer – C. Operation Milap C. IMF
Explanation: Operation Milap was launched in December D. World Bank
2014. Anti Human Trafficking Unit rescues the trafficked Correct Answer – A. UNESCO
or kidnapped person and arrests the kidnappers. Explanation: UNESCO was founded in 1945. It is
370. _______ recently won the record-extending eighth governed by the General Conference and the Executive
CONCACAF Gold Cup. Board.
A. US 376. __________ beat the Netherlands 2-0 to win the 2019
B. Mexico FIFA Women’s World Cup title.
C. UK A. India
D. Ukraine B. Mexico
Correct Answer – B. Mexico C. US
Explanation: Mexico scored only 1 goal to win D. Japan
CONCACAF Gold Cup with 1-0. It is worth noting that it Correct Answer – C. US
is an international men’s football championship of North, Explanation: It is worth noting that the U.S. has won four
Central American, and Caribbean region. World Cup titles in its history. USA claimed their first
371. Budj Bim Cultural Landscape has finally been added to championship in Canada four years ago.
the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is located in 377. ______ has been ranked the best place in the world to
________. live and work, according to HSBC’s Expat 2019 Global
A. India Report.
B. Iran A. Singapore
C. Austria B. Switzerland
D. Australia C. Spain
Correct Answer – D. Australia D. Turkey

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Correct Answer – B. Switzerland 383. The ancient Mesopotamian city of Babylon has been
Explanation: It is worth noting that more than 18,000 declared a Unesco World Heritage Site. It is located in
adults living overseas took part in the survey. While _______.
Singapore has been pushed into second place overall. A. Syria
378. World Population day, sometimes seen in the news, is B. Bangladesh
an annual event observed on _______ every year. C. Sri Lanka
A. July 8 D. Iraq
B. July 11 Correct Answer – D. Iraq
C. July 14 Explanation: It was once a tourist attraction before Iraq
D. July 17 suffered one war after another in the past decades. Babylon
Correct Answer – B. July 11 is one of the archaeological sites across Iraq, many of
Explanation: It was established as World Population which were destroyed by ISIS/ISIL.
Day in 1989 by the United Nations. This day was initiated 384. This year’s International Day of Cooperatives has been
to combat the issue of growing population. observed on _______.
379. A portal named ‘Meri Fasal Mera Byora’ has been A. 4th July
launched in which among the following states? B. 6th July
A. Punjab C. 8th July
B. Haryana D. 10th July
C. Maharashtra Correct Answer – B. 6th July
D. Kerala Explanation: It is worth noting that it is celebrated
Correct Answer – B. Haryana annually on the first Saturday of July. International Day of
Explanation: It has been designed to ensure that the Cooperatives 2019 theme was “coops4decentwork.”
farmers get the benefits offered by the state. This initiative 385. Recently, a three-year-old child in Kashmir has been
is a step forward towards realizing the vision of doubling awarded as the “youngest hiker” by SAVAE. Expand
the farmer’s income by 2022. SAVAE.
380. BSF has launched a massive exercise, code named A. South Africa Voluntary Association of
_________ to fortify the ‘anti-infiltration grid’ along the Environmentalists
Pakistan border in Punjab and Jammu. B. South Asia-Pacific Voluntary Association of
A. Shakti Environmentalists
B. Viraat C. South Asian Voluntary Association of Environmentalists
C. Sudarshan D. South Asian Voluntary Association of Ecologists
D. Meenakshi Correct Answer – C. South Asian Voluntary Association
Correct Answer – C. Sudarshan of Environmentalists
Explanation: The operation was launched on July 1. It Explanation: SAVAE stands for South Asian Voluntary
would cover the entire Indo-Pak International Border. It is Association of Environmentalists. It is a Kashmir-based
worth noting that BSF is the primary force guarding this organization which focuses on environmental policy in
frontier as the ‘first line of defence’. South Asia.
381. The world’s first ever floating farm has been built in 386. Rath Yatra, the Festival of Chariots of Lord
_________. Jagannatha, is celebrated every year in ______.
A. Netherlands A. UP
B. Switzerland B. Odisha
C. Ukraine C. Andhra Pradesh
D. Russia D. Telangana
Correct Answer – A. Netherlands Correct Answer – B. Odisha
Explanation: The project is located in the warehousing Explanation: The festival is also known as Ghosa Jatra,
area of Rotterdam’s Merwehaven harbor. It is worth noting Navadina Jatra, Dasavatara Jatra etc. It is worth noting that
that Rotterdam is often considered as one of the world it’s celebrated every year at Puri (the temple town
cities best adapted to sea level rise. in Odisha).
382. Vice President of India, has released the 387. Which among the following cities, known for its iconic
book _________ in 10 languages. It is a concise book of architectural legacy and vibrant culture, made its entry
aphorisms that contains glimpses of India’s wisdom. into the UNESCO World Heritage Site list?
A. DeshDarpan A. Jaipur
B. Vivekadeepini B. Ludhiana
C. BharatMala C. Bhopal
D. SagarKosh D. Aurangabad
Correct Answer – B. Vivekadeepini Correct Answer – A. Jaipur
Explanation: “The pieces of wisdom initially written by Explanation: The historic city of Jaipur in Rajasthan under
Adi Shankaracharya in Prashnottara Ratnamalika have the patronage of Sawai Jai Singh II. Also, it is an
universal relevance”, said Sh. Naidu. It is worth noting that exceptional example of a late medieval trade town in South
this book is a summary of Prashnottara Asia.
Ratnamalika (written by Adi Shankaracharya). 388. Losharik, a highly advanced Nuclear powered
submarine, is of which among the following countries?

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A. Russia C. TVS Motor company
B. China D. Hero MotoCorp Motor company
C. South Africa Correct Answer – C. TVS Motor company
D. North Korea Explanation: Multinational motorcycle company
Correct Answer – A. Russia headquartered at Chennai, TVS Motor company launched
Explanation: It is a deep-diving special missions ship. It is India’s first ethanol-based motorcycle TVS Apache RTR
operated by the Russian Navy. Its interior hull is built using 200 Fi E100 to help reduce crude imports and reduce air
titanium sphere. pollution.
389. Augsburg was recently granted World Heritage status 394. Where was the 9th edition of the SAARC( South Asian
by UNESCO for its over 800-year-old water Association for Regional Cooperation) festival 2019 held
management system. It is located in _______. ?
A. Spain A. Kabul, Afghanistan
B. Poland B. Colombo, Srilanka
C. Germany C. Dhaka, Bangladesh
D. Russia D. Malé, Maldives
Correct Answer – C. Germany Correct Answer – B. Colombo, Srilanka
Explanation: The old town centre of Augsburg is criss- Explanation: The 9th edition of the SAARC( South Asian
crossed with canals and boasts over 500 bridges. Association for Regional Cooperation) festival 2019 in
390. UNESCO inscribed which nation’s ancient capital of Colombo, Srilanka.
Bagan as a World Heritage Site? 395. Which film has won the four awards, ‘Best Director’,
A. Sri Lanka ‘Best Actor’, ‘Best Original Score’ and ‘Best Feature
B. Myanmar Film’ at the 9th edition of the SAARC( South Asian
C. Pakistan Association for Regional Cooperation) festival 2019?
D. Bhutan A. Nagarkirtan
Correct Answer – B. Myanmar B. Drishtikone
Explanation: The decision recognizes the importance of C. Haami
the central Myanmar site. It is worth mentioning that Bagan D. Samantaral
was first nominated as a World Heritage Site in 1995. Correct Answer – A. Nagarkirtan
391. Which state will host the ‘Women Startup Summit Explanation: The 9th edition of the SAARC( South Asian
2019’ with the theme “Developing an Inclusive Association for Regional Cooperation) festival 2019 in
Entrepreneurship Ecosystem” ? Colombo, Srilanka. Bengali filmmaker Kaushik Ganguly’s
A. Kolkata, West Bengal film ‘Nagarkirtan’ has won four awards (Best Director’,
B. New Delhi, Delhi ‘Best Actor’ and ‘Best Original Score’) including ‘Best
C. Kochi, Kerala Feature Film’ at the festival.
D. Mumbai, Maharashtra 396. Who was conferred with the Gandhi Mandela Peace
Correct Answer – C. Kochi, Kerala Medal 2019 during first edition of Gandhi-Mandela
Explanation: The nodal agency of the Kerala state Peace Initiative?
government for entrepreneurship development and A. Bhuvan Lall
incubation activities, Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) in B. Savita Hiremath
association with the Indian Women Network floated by C. Tarina Pate
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) will host a one day D. Thich Nhat Hanh
event ‘Women Startup Summit 2019’ at the Integrated Correct Answer – D. Thich Nhat Hanh
Startup Complex, Kochi, Kerala on August 1, 2019 with Explanation: Believe Foundation(India) and Dr. Raman
the theme “Developing an Inclusive Entrepreneurship Bhai Patel Foundation (RBF, South Africa) hosted the first
Ecosystem”. The summit aims to encourage aspiring edition of Gandhi-Mandela Peace Initiative to celebrate 150
women professionals to take up their entrepreneurial years of Gandhi and 100 years of Mandela’s inspirational
journey and develop an inclusive entrepreneurship lives. The 1st edition has three events took place in New
ecosystem. Delhi, (11th July), Mumbai, (12th July) and Ahmedabad,
392. NEFT is in news recently, what does ‘E’ stands for (13th July).
_____________ . 397. Name the MD of the State Bank Of India(SBI) who has
A. E – Enterprise been appointed as managing director (MD)and chief
B. E – Efficiency financial officer(CFO) of the World Bank(WB).
C. E – Electronic A. Arijit Basu
D. E – Elasticity B. Girish K. Ahuja
Correct Answer – C. E – Electronic C. Anshula Kant
Explanation: E stands for Electronic in National D. Chandan Sinha
Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT). Correct Answer – C. Anshula Kant
393. Name the motorcycle company which launched India’s Explanation: On July 13, 2019, Anshula Kant, the
first ethanol-based motorcycle to help reduce crude managing director(MD) of the State Bank Of India(SBI)
imports and reduce air pollution. has been appointed as managing director (MD)and chief
A. Suzuki Motor company financial officer(CFO) of the World Bank(WB). Since
B. Honda Motor company

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September 2018 she has been a Managing Director and Correct Answer – 4) Kerala
member of the World Bank Board. Explanation: Literacy: Kerala had the highest literacy rate
398. Which country is set to host the 18th edition of the followed by Lakshadweep and Mizoram.
FIFA U-17 World Cup for the year 2019 ? 402. Name the poorest region in the world which has the
A. Australia fastest poverty reduction rate from 74.9% in 2006 to
B. Brazil 46.5% in 2016 .
C. Switzerland A. Kastina, Nigeria
D. Canada B. Khulna, Bangladesh
Correct Answer – B. Brazil C. Jharkhand, India
Explanation: On July 11, 2019, Federation Internationale D. Rattanak Kiri, Cambodia
de Football Association (FIFA) U-17 World Cup draw was Correct Answer – C. Jharkhand, India
held in the Home of FIFA in Zurich, Switzerland. The 18th Explanation: No.1: Jharkhand is among the poorest
edition of the FIFA U-17 World Cup for the year 2019 will regions in the world improving the fastest (poverty
be hosted by Brazil between 26 October and 17 November reduction from 74.9% to 46.5% in the ten years) followed
2019. by Rattanak Kiri in Cambodia.
399. Name the operation launched by the Railway Protection 403. Which became the first country in world to pass GAFA
Force (RPF) in New Delhi to crackdown the selling of (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) Tax on digital
unauthorized Packaged Drinking Water (PDW) in the giants?
premises of railway stations. A. Poland
A. Operation Pani B. France
B. Operation Thirst C. Germany
C. Operation Aqua D. Russia
D. Operation Water Correct Answer – B. France
Correct Answer – B. Operation Thirst Explanation: On July 11, 2019, France became the first
Explanation: The Railway Protection Force (RPF) has country to pass GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook,
launched an all India drive ‘Operation Thirst’ (on 8-9 July Amazon) Tax on digital giants in defiance of a probe
2019) in New Delhi to crackdown the selling of ordered by the United States (US) President Donald Trump.
unauthorized Packaged Drinking Water (PDW) in the It will levy a 3% tax on total annual revenues of the largest
premises of railway stations. During the drive,1,371 people tech firms providing services to French consumers.
were arrested and over 69,294 bottles of unauthorised 404. Who topped the Forbes Celebrity 100 list 2019 for the
brands were seized under the sections of 144 and 153 of the second time after 2016?
Railway Act 1989, by the RPF.The special operation A. Taylor Swift
covered almost all major stations over Indian Railway and B. Kylie Jenner
a total fine amount of Rs. 6,80,855 has been realized by C. Kanye West
offenders.The drive will be followed by continuous action D. Roger Federer
by concerned Zonal PCSCs (Principal Chief Security Correct Answer – A. Taylor Swift
Commissioners) on this issue. Explanation: The Pop singer Taylor Swift topped the
400. Name the article that provides special status to Jammu Forbes Celebrity 100 list 2019 for the second time after
and Kashmir which is a temporary provision in Part 2016. She is the highest-paid celebrity with her 2019
XXI (Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions) estimated earnings to be over $185 million.
of the Constitution . 405. Name the only Indian, who stood at 33rd spot globally
A. Article 340 in the Forbes Highest-Paid Celebrities 2019 .
B. Article 360 A. Salman Khan
C. Article 370 B. Amitabh Bachchan
D. Article 380 C. Shahrukh Khan
Correct Answer – 3) Article 370 D. Akshay Kumar
Explanation: On July 10, 2019, Union Minister of State Correct Answer – A. Akshay Kumar
for Home Affairs G Kishan Reddy stated that Article 370, Explanation: Akshay Kumar was the only Indian in the
which provides special status to Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) Forbes Highest-Paid Celebrities 2019. He stood at the 33rd
is contained as a temporary provision in Part XXI spot with earnings of Rs 444 crore ($65 million).
(Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions) of the 406. Name the bill approved by the cabinet, to provide
Constitution. Article 35A, that gives special rights to the social, economic and educational empowerment for
natives of the state contained in the Constitution transgender.
(Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Order, 1954, was A. Transgender Persons (Providing Equality) Bill, 2019
added through a Constitution order issued by the President B. Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2019
of India under Article 370. C. Transgender Persons (Right of Empowerment) Bill,
401. Name the state, which has the highest literacy rate as 2019
per the Performance Grading Index 2017-18. D. Transgender Persons (Empowerment) Bill, 2019
A. Lakshadweep Correct Answer – B. Transgender Persons (Protection of
B. Mizoram Rights) Bill, 2019
C. Arunachal Pradesh Explanation: Approval was given to the proposal to
D. Kerala introduce the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights)

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Bill, 2019. It will provide for the social, economic and unpredictable ways. It is published by Cambridge
educational empowerment of transgenders. It will benefit University Press.It is divided into 4 parts.
the transgender persons, mitigate the stigma, discrimination 411. Which among the following countries became the 76th
and abuse against the marginalized section and bring them country to sign the ISA (International Solar Alliance
into the mainstream of society which will lead to Framework Agreement?
inclusiveness and make the transgender persons productive A. Palau
members of the society. B. Jamaica
407. Expand ASEAN? C. Peru
A. Association of Southeast African Nations D. New Zealand
B. Association of Southeast American Nations Correct Answer – A. Palau
C. Association of Southeast Antartic Nations Explanation: The ISA (International Solar Alliance) was
D. Association of Southeast Asian Nations jointly launched by India & France in 2015. Its First
Correct Answer – D. Association of Southeast Asian Assembly was held in New Delhi in October 2018. Palau is
Nations a part of the Micronesia region. Additionally, Palau will
Explanation: host the 2020 edition of the ‘Our Oceans conference’.
ASEAN stands for Association of Southeast Asian Nations. 412. The government recently cut the interest rate on
408. Who was named as the Men’s Footballer of the year General Provident Fund (GPF) and other similar funds
2019 at the All India Football Federation‘s (AIFF) to _________.
Awards for the third consecutive year? A. 5.3%
A. Amrinder Singh B. 6.5%
B. Subhasish Bose C. 7.9%
C. Sunil Chhetri D. 8.4%
D. Narender Gahlot Correct Answer – C. 7.9%
Correct Answer – C. Sunil Chhetri Explanation: Following the decline in financial system’s
Explanation: On July 9, 2019, Sunil Chhetri, Indian men’s overall interest rates, the government did tinker with the
football team captain, was named the Men’s Footballer of GPF rates. It is worth noting GPF is provident fund account
the year 2019 at the All India Football Federation‘s (AIFF) where only government employees are entitled to be a
Awards. He won the award for the third consecutive year. member.
He is also the second-highest active international scorer (70 413. Biswa Bhushan Harichandran has been appointed as
goals for India) after Portugal’s Cristiano Ronaldo. In the governor of which among the following states?
women’s category, it was conferred to footballer Ashalata A. Telangana
Devi. B. Andhra Pradesh
409. Name the bill passed by the Parliament which allows C. Kerala
voluntary use of Aadhaar as proof of identity for users D. Rajasthan
to open bank accounts and get mobile phone Correct Answer – B. Andhra Pradesh
connection? Explanation: Presently, ESL Narasimhan is the governor
A. Aadhaar to open bank accounts (Amendment) Bill, 2019 of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It is worth noting that he
B. Aadhaar as proof (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was elected to Odisha assmebly for the 5 times from
C. Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2019 Bhubaneshwar & Chilika. At the same time, Andhra
D. Aadhaar to identity Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2019 Pradesh got its first full-time Governor after 5 years of
Correct Answer – 3) Aadhaar and Other Laws bifurcation.
(Amendment) Bill, 2019 414. Asian Development Bank recently lowered India’s GDP
Explanation: On July 8, 2019, Parliament passed Aadhaar growth forecast to ____ for the current year on the back
and Other Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2019 which allows of fiscal shortfall concerns.
voluntary use of Aadhaar as proof of identity for users to A. 5.8%
open bank accounts and get a mobile phone connection. B. 6.4%
410. Who is the author of the book titled “War over Words: C. 7.0%
Censorship in India, 1930-1960” that explains the state D. 7.6%
censorship in India in the transition period from Correct Answer – C. 7.0%
colonial to national rule ? Explanation: According to ADB’s projections, India is
A. Aravind Adiga expected to grow by 7% in 2019 & 7.2% in 2020. Due to
B. Kiran Desai moderation in global demand, the multi-lateral funding
C. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni agency had lowered India’s growth forecast in April too.
D. Devika Sethi 415. Nelson Mandela International Day, sometimes seen in
Correct Answer – 4) Devika Sethi the news, is observed on ______.
Explanation: The book titled “War over Words: A. 12th July
Censorship in India, 1930-1960” authored by Devika Sethi B. 16th July
who teaches modern Indian history at Indian Institute of C. 18th July
Technology (IIT)-Mandi was released. It explains the state D. 22nd July
censorship in India in the transition period from colonial to Correct Answer – C. 18th July
national rule, when historical actors behaved in Explanation: This day recognizes the former South
African President’s contribution to “the culture of peace

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and freedom.” Mandela was born in South Africa, on July getting Rs 25 lakh. Whereas, personnel wounded in conflict
18, 1918. He was jailed in 1963 for leading the liberation will get compensation in the range from Rs 20 lakh to Rs
movement against apartheid. 60 lakh each (depending upon injuries’ severity).
416. China has gifted a warship ‘P625’ to which among the 421. Who was appointed recently as Chhattisgarh
following countries? Governor?
A. Sri Lanka A. Anusuiya Uikey
B. Myanmar B. Anandiben Patel
C. Iran C. Raman Singh
D. South Africa D. LK Advani
Correct Answer – A. Sri Lanka Correct Answer – A. Anusuiya Uikey
Explanation: It is worth noting that Sri Lankan’s navy has Explanation: Reportedly, Uikey is the 1st tribal to hold the
50 combat and support ships. It must be mentioned here charge of Chattisgarh Governor. She hails from
that China has acquired Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port in Chhindwara Lok Sabha constituency. She began her
2017. It has been ramping up its ties with the island nation. political career in the Congress party. She became an MLA
It also established its logistics base in Djibouti. in 1985 in MP.
417. The 2019 Summer Universiade, sometimes seen in the 422. The Cabinet recently approved the long-
news, was held in ______. awaited _______________ to replace the Medical
A. Italy Council of India (MCI).
B. France A. National Medical Commission Bill, 2019
C. India B. AIIMS Committee Bill, 2019
D. UK C. National Physician Commission Bill, 2019
Correct Answer – A. Italy D. Ayush Medical Commission Bill, 2019
Explanation: It is an international university sports and Correct Answer – A. National Medical Commission Bill,
cultural event. It encourages student-athletes to combine 2019
high sports performance with their intellectual pursuits. It is Explanation: The NMC bill seeks to repeal Indian Medical
worth noting that Italy last organised the event in Sicily in Council Act 1956. It proposes a common final year MBBS
1997. exam, to be called as National Exit Test (NEXT).
418. More than __________ people suffered from hunger, The NMC will have four autonomous boards:
food insecurity and malnutrition worldwide last year, • Under-Graduate Medical Education Board
according to the United Nations data. • Post-Graduate Medical Education Board
A. 821 million • Medical Assessment and Rating Board
B. 459 million • Ethics and Medical Registration Board
C. 642 million 423. Internet Saathi initiative, sometimes seen in the news,
D. 1037 million will be expanded to villages in Punjab and _______.
Correct Answer – A. 821 million A. Odisha
Explanation: Malnutrition remains widespread in African B. UP
& Asian where approximately 20% & 12% of the C. Kerala
population is affected respectively. According to the report, D. Haryana
to include the poorest people in the world, a “structural Correct Answer – A. Odisha
transformation” was needed. Explanation: The programme will cover around 5,000
419. Commonwealth Table Tennis Championship 2019, villages in Punjab. Internet Saathi programme is a digital
sometimes seen in the news, is being held in ________. literacy initiative of Google India and Tata Trusts. It was
A. Odisha launched as a pilot project in Rajasthan in July 2015.
B. Maharashtra 424. Lok Sabha recently passes the National Investigation
C. Gujarat Agency (Amendment) Bill, 2019. NIA was set up in
D. Rajasthan _____.
Correct Answer – A. Odisha A. 2007
Explanation: 12 countries are participating in 21st edition B. 2009
of Commonwealth Table Tennis Championship. It must be C. 2015
mentioned here that in the first week of July, Odisha signed D. 2018
an MoU with Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI) to Correct Answer – B. 2009
host the event. Explanation: NIA was set up in 2009 following the 26/11
420. ______ increased compensation to Rs 1 crore from Rs Mumbai terror attacks. The Bill proposes the following
25 lakh for families of security personnel hailing from amendments to the NIA bill of 2008:
the state who lay down their life in the line of duty. • Special courts for NIA trials for the trial of scheduled
A. Maharashtra offences
B. Punjab • Expansion of agency’s jurisdiction to investigate
C. Jammu & Kashmir scheduled offences committed outside India
D. Haryana • Providing agency with more teeth to investigate cases
Correct Answer – A. Maharashtra related to:
Explanation: A decision to this effect was taken at the – Human trafficking
Cabinet meeting. So far, the families of jawans were – Counterfeit currency

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– Manufacture or sale of prohibited arms – Export-import transactions
– Cyber-terrorism Additionally, MSMEs, can also download ‘InstaBIZ’ to
425. Mukesh Ambani is world’s ______ wealthiest person enjoy its unparalleled convenience.
with a net worth of $51.8 billion in the Bloomberg 430. India’s ambitious second mission to the Moon,
Billionaires Index. Chandrayaan-2 will now lift off on ________.
A. 13th A. July 20
B. 15th B. July 22
C. 20th C. July 24
D. 22nd D. July 26
Correct Answer – A. 13th Correct Answer – B. July 22
Explanation: The list of Bloomberg Billionaire index Explanation: Reportedly, the launch will now take place
includes 18 Indians. Amazon Founder and CEO Jeff Bezos from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota at 2.43
is the world’s richest person ( USD 125 billion ). While the pm. It must be mentioned here that due to technical snag,
richest woman, Francoise Bettencourt Meyers, is at the Chandrayaan-2 launch was called off on July 15. It will
Number 10 spot. take 54 days to accomplish the task of landing on the
426. The year-old Ebola epidemic in ______ is now Moon.
considered a global health emergency, according to the 431. Reliance Brands has completed acquisition of British
World Health Organization. toy retailer Hamleys for about __________ in an all-
A. Democratic Republic of Congo cash deal.
B. Kenya A. ₹620 crore
C. South Korea B. ₹920 crore
D. Zimbabwe C. ₹1522 crore
Correct Answer – A. Democratic Republic of Congo D. ₹2514 crore
Explanation: WHO has declared this crisis a “public Correct Answer – A. ₹620 crore
health emergency of international concern”. The outbreak, Explanation: Hamleys was founded in London in 1760. It
being the second largest in history, started in August 2018. is one of the world’s oldest retailers of toys. Through a
427. The sixth tranche of CPSE ETF has been subscribed special purpose vehicle (SPV) company set up in UK,
over two times. Expand ETF. Reliance Brands, a subsidiary of Reliance Industries, has
A. Exchange Traded Fund completed this acquisition.
B. Emission Tracking Fund 432. Athivaradar festival, sometimes seen in the news, is
C. Electric Trading Funded Securities being held in which among the following states?
D. Event Term Fund A. Odisha
Correct Answer – A. Exchange Traded Fund B. Tamil Nadu
Explanation: The CPSE ETF tracks shares of 11 central C. West Bengal
public sector enterprises (CPSEs). It is worth mentioning D. UP
that the government aims to raise record Rs 1.05 lakh crore Correct Answer – B. Tamil Nadu
through disinvestment in 2019-20. For institutional Explanation: The 48-day festival commenced on July 1
investors, the issue opened for subscription on July 18. and will go on till August 17. Athivaradar is a 9-feet idol
428. ________ have been suspended from the ICC with made out of the fig tree. This fest came in the spotlight
immediate effect. after 4 people died in a stampede there.
A. Pakistan 433. The Incredible India “Find the Incredible You”
B. Zimbabwe campaign has been declared winner of the PATA Gold
C. India Award 2019. Expand PATA.
D. South Africa A. Pacific Asia Travel Association
Correct Answer – B. Zimbabwe B. Pacific Asian Tourists Association
Explanation: Zimbabwe Cricket was in breach of Article C. Petroleum Asia Travelling Association
2.4 (c) and (d) of the ICC Constitution. It is worth noting D. Pacific African Tourist Attraction
that Zimbabwe Cricket had been unable to provide a Correct Answer – A. Pacific Asia Travel Association
process for conducting free and democratic elections. Explanation: This campaign has been declared winner in
429. ________ recently launched a new digital platform the “Marketing – Primary Government Destination”
‘InstaBIZ’ curated specially for MSMEs. category.PATA Gold Awards are given to tourism industry
A. HDFC organizations and individuals. These awards recognize the
B. ICICI notable contribution towards the successful promotion of
C. PNB the travel industry throughout the Asia Pacific Region.
D. DCB Bank 434. Neeraj Shekhar recently resigned as a member of Rajya
Correct Answer – B. ICICI Sabha. He belonged to which among the following
Explanation: This first-of-its-kind comprehensive digital parties?
platform will provide: A. BJP
– Instant overdraft facility (upto Rs 15 lakh) B. INC
– Business loans C. BSP
– Easy bulk collection & payments D. SP
– Automatic bank reconciliation Correct Answer – D. SP
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Explanation: Neeraj Shekhar is the son of former Prime Explanation: It has been set up under the National
Minister and socialist leader Chandra Shekhar. His term in Agriculture Development Scheme- RAFTAAR. It aims to
the Upper House was to end in November 2020. It is worth make farming a remunerative economic activity by:
noting that his demand to contest the 2019 Lok Sabha polls • Strengthening farmer’s effort
from Ballia had been rejected. • Risk mitigation
435. ______ is celebrated as World Day for International • Promotion of agribusiness entrepreneurship
Justice. 440. A World Bank arbitration court has imposed a penalty
A. 16th July of over five billion dollars on ______ for unlawful denial
B. 17th July of a mining lease to a company for the Reko Diq project
C. 18th July in 2011.
D. 19th July A. India
Correct Answer – B. 17th July B. Myanmar
Explanation: 17th July marks the adoption of the Rome C. China
Statute by international community. This treaty created the D. Pakistan
International Criminal Court (ICC), which began its work Correct Answer – D. Pakistan
in The Hague, Netherlands in 2002. Explanation: The decision came as a major blow to
436. ByteDance has appointed ________ as its India Pakistan owing to being a cash-strapped economy. Tethyan
Marketing Head. Copper Company (TCC) had filed claims after the
A. Misha Kapoor Balochistan government rejected a leasing request from the
B. Rohan Tyagi company.
C. Yashwant Chopra About Reko Diq:
D. Rajesh Raman • Diq mine is famous for its vast gold & copper reserves.
Correct Answer – B. Rohan Tyagi • Reko Diq in Chagai district (Balochistan) is located in a
Explanation: He was also associated with ABP News from desert area.
2014-2017. ByteDance owns online video sharing apps like 441. Bastille Day, sometimes seen in the news, takes place on
TikTok, Helo, Vigo. _______ each year.
437. Pakistan has breached Article 36 paragraph (b) of A. July 12
_____________ by not granting consular access to B. July 14
Kulbushan Jadhav without delay, according to the ICJ C. July 16
ruling. D. July 18
A. Vienna Convention on Consular Relations Correct Answer – B. July 14
B. Brettonwoods Convention Explanation: In France, it is known formally as La Fete
C. Paris Convention Nationale or Le 14 Juillet. This day marks the storming of
D. Basel Norms the Bastille in the 1700s. One of the oldest and largest
Correct Answer – A. Vienna Convention on Consular regular military parade lis held in Paris in front of the
Relations French president and his guests.
Explanation: Due to violations by Pakistan of the Vienna 442. India observes Kargil Vijay Diwas on ________ every
Convention on Consular Relations, 1963, India had year to mark the anniversary of the day.
instituted proceedings at ICJ in 2017. Accorrding to the A. 24th July
ICJ’s decision, Jadhav’s death sentence should remain B. 26th July
suspended until Pakistan reconsiders the conviction & C. 28th July
sentence effectively. D. 30th July
438. World War Two codebreaker Alan Turing has been Correct Answer – B. 26th July
revealed as the face of the banknote of which among the Explanation: The war took place in 1999 in Kargil district
following countries? of J&K. It is worth noting that Operation Vijay was
A. UK launched to flush the enemies from the Kargil
B. Spain sector. While India won the war, it resulted in the death of
C. Germany many soldiers on both Indian & Pakistan’s side.
D. Russia 443. Who has been named as the interim coach of the USA
Correct Answer – A. UK cricket team?
Explanation: Alan was war hero for breaking Nazi A. Gautam Gambhir
communication code. Dr Turing was homosexual. He was B. Sachin Tendulkar
convicted of gross indecency for his relationship with a C. Kiran More
man. The new polymer note, is set for release by the end of D. Rahul Dravid
2021. Correct Answer – C. Kiran More
439. An Agri Business Incubation Centre has started in Explanation: Mr. Kiran will take over from the former
which among the following states? coach Pubudu Dassanayake. He has served as the Chairman
A. Punjab of the Indian selection committee. Moreover, he was the
B. J&K wicketkeeping-consultant of Mumbai Indians in IPL.
C. Chattisgarh 444. The golden jubilee celebration of the International Film
D. West Bengal Festival of India (IFFI) is to be held in ________.
Correct Answer – C. Chattisgarh A. Andhra Pradesh

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B. Goa A. India
C. Maharashtra B. Pakistan
D. Gujarat C. Afghanistan
Correct Answer – B. Goa D. Canada
Explanation: It will be held from 20th to 28th November Correct Answer – B. Pakistan
2019 in Panaji, Goa. IFFI aims at providing a common Explanation: The foundation stone of the university was
platform to project the excellence of the art of laid by (Pak) Punjab CM Buzdar. It has been laid in
filmmaking. It is India’s most prestigious Film Festival. Nankana Sahib, Pakistan. It is to be noted that it is the
445. ____________ resolved to censure the salutations “My birth place of founder of Sikhism Baba Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Lord” and “Your Lordship” from courtroom protocol. The proposal of the university was first surfaced in 2003.
A. Rajasthan HC 450. National Simplicity Day is observed in honour of the
B. Delhi HC birthday of ___________.
C. Bombay HC A. Henry David Thoreau
D. Punjab & Haryana HC B. Mahatma Gandhi
Correct Answer – A. Rajasthan HC C. Walt Whitman
Explanation: The decision to abandon the colonial era D. Leo Tolstoy
practice was taken on Sunday. It is worth noting that the Correct Answer – A. Henry David Thoreau
resolution was the brainchild of Chief Justice of Rajasthan Explanation: It commemorates the life of American
High Court Ravindra Bhatt. philosopher Henry David Thoreau. He was a proponent of
446. Who has been appointed as an international judge of simple living. He was also involved in the transcendentalist
the Singapore international commercial court (SICC)? movement in US. His most famous work is Walden (1854).
A. AK Sikri 451. _______ has been ranked best among states and Union
B. Dipak Misra territories in the field of education, according to the
C. Ranjan Gogoi Performance Grading Index 2017-18.
D. Subhash Verma A. New Delhi
Correct Answer – A. AK Sikri B. Chandigarh
Explanation: The SICC (Singapore International C. Haryana
Commercial Court) is a division of the Singapore High D. Kerala
Court. It has 16 international judges in its panel. Justice Correct Answer- B. Chandigarh
Sikri retired as a Supreme Court judge on March 6. His Explanation: PGI (Performance Grading Index) assesses
term will expire on January 4, 2021. areas of deficiency in each state’s school education system.
447. Who has been appointed as Secretary, Overseas Indian The grading of all 36 states and UTs is based on 70
Affairs, according to an order issued by the Personnel indicators. The system also envisages the 3rd party
Ministry? verification such as by international organisations.
A. Sushma Swaraj 452. ‘Himalayan Conclave’, sometimes seen in the news,
B. Narendra Modi would be held at ________.
C. Vikas Swarup A. Shimla
D. S Jaishankar B. Darjeeling
Correct Answer – C. Vikas Swarup C. Mussoorie
Explanation: Swarup is a 1986-batch officer of the IFS. D. Ladakh
Currently, he is India’s High Commissioner in Ottawa. It is Correct Answer – C. Mussoorie
worth noting that he has been appointed as the Secretary Explanation: It is worth mentioning here that the
(consular, passport, visa and Overseas Indian affairs) w.e.f. Himalayan conclave is being organised for the first time in
August 1. Uttarakhand. It aims to discuss common issues with respect
448. _______ has partnered with Axis Bank to launch a co- to the states located in the Himalayan region. Its aim would
branded credit card, which will be powered by be protection of Himalayan eco-system from global
Mastercard. warming.
A. Amazon 453. Indian scientists at _________ have developed ‘black
B. Walmart gold’ which could potentially be used for solar energy
C. Snapdeal harvesting to desalinating seawater.
D. Flipkart A. TIFR
Correct Answer – D. Flipkart B. IIT-Delhi
Explanation: This partnership is the latest effort to C. IIT-Kanpur
improve access to credit and further expand the fast D. IIT-Roorkee
developing credit card ecosystem in India. The co-branded Correct Answer – A. TIFR
credit card will offer best-in-class benefits. Explanation: TIFR scientists used gold nanoparticles and
• A few weeks ago, Citi Bank came up with a similar offer by rearranging size and gaps between them.
by tying up with Paytm. • It has unique properties like capacity to absorb light and
• Flipkart-Axis Bank co-branded credit cards will be CO2.
available for select users in July. • It has the ability to absorb the entire visible and near-
449. The foundation stone of Baba Guru Nanak infrared region of solar light.
International University has been laid in __________.

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454. _________ and the BRICS Chamber of Commerce and B. Snapchat
Industry, signed an MoU for promoting trade and C. Twitter India
investments between the BRICS countries and the D. Microsoft
eastern part of India. Correct Answer – A. TikTok
A. CII Explanation: NSDC has joined hands with TikTok to
B. FICCI leverage the platform & make aware its 200 million users.
C. BCC It is worth noting that TikTok has become the preferred
D. SAARC platform for expression of India’s digital savvy youth.
Correct Answer – C. BCC (Bharat Chamber of 459. __________ along with its European partners formally
Commerce) inaugurated a new metal dome encasing the destroyed
Explanation: This wll enable both the BCC and the reactor at the infamous Chernobyl plant.
BRICS chamber to share trade related information. It was A. Ukraine
signed by BCC president Sitaram Sharma and BRICS B. UK
Chamber Director General B B L Madhukar. C. Poland
455. _________ became the first state to approve a draft D. Germany
water policy to address water issues, conservation, and Correct Answer – A. Ukraine
protection of water sources in the state. Explanation: The 1.5 billion euro ($1.7 billion) structure
A. Meghalaya has been sponsored by 45 countries. It has to undergo a
B. Uttarakhand year-long pilot operation period.
C. Rajasthan • The project was partly funded by the European Bank for
D. Maharashtra Reconstruction and Development.
Correct Answer – A. Meghalaya • It has been branded as the world’s largest moveable
Explanation: The policy was drafted by the state Water metal structure.
Resources department. The committees will be formed at • The Chernobyl nuclear power station was the scene of
village level. In addition to this, the issue of groundwater civilian nuclear accident in 1986.
will also be catered through this policy. Being a hilly state, 460. For which scheme, central government has approved a
Meghalaya receives a lot of rainfall but the same water sum of Rs 206.8 crore that aims at double farmers’
cannot be retained. income by the year 2022 ?
456. Prasar Bharati signed an MoU with __________ for A. Agriculture Policy: Vision 2020
research collaboration in various areas. B. Policy on doubling farmers income
A. IIT-Kanpur C. Implementation of Agriculture Export Policy
B. IIT-Kharagpur D. Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna (PKVY)
C. IIM-Delhi Correct Answer – D. Implementation of Agriculture
D. IIM-Amritsar Export Policy
Correct Answer – A. IIT-Kanpur Explanation: On July 18, 2019, The central government
Explanation: The move is likely to boost research has approved a sum of Rs 206.8 crore for a Central Sector
activities in the broadcasting field. The areas of research Scheme called ‘Implementation of Agriculture Export
collaboration include: Policy’, which aims at double farmers’ income by the year
• Direct to Mobile Broadcasting 2022.Of the total amount, Rs 134.50 crore has been allotted
• Convergence with 5G to setup clusters for mangoes, pomegranate, and marine
• Rural broadband products, etc along with pre & post-harvest management of
• Artificial Intelligence the production, upgrading the supply chain to achieve high
• Next Generation Broadcasting Standards exports.The scheme also entails the sum for post-harvest
It will remain in force for a period of 5 years. The institutes infrastructure in clusters, capacity building, grant towards
may extend the term in writing through mutual agreement. Public-Private Partnership (PPP)for Integrated Agriculture
457. The 2023 ICC Cricket World Cup will be held in Development (IAD) and laboratories.
________ from February 9 to March 26, 2023. 461. Which two countries participate in Hand-in-Hand
A. India Military exercise ?
B. Japan A. India & China
C. New Zealand B. India & Russia
D. South Africa C. India & France
Correct Answer – A. India D. India & Myanmar
Explanation: It will be the 13th edition of the men’s Correct Answer – A. India & China
Cricket WC. It is worth noting that England have hosted Explanation: India and China participate in Hand-in-Hand
the most number of World Cups. The 1987 World Cup was (HiH) Military exercise.
the first edition to be hosted away from England in India 462. Where will the 8th edition of Hand-in-
and Pakistan. Hand(HiH)Military exercise 2019 to be held on
458. _______ and National Skill Development Corporation December 2019 ?
(NSDC) have collaborated to celebrate ‘World Youth A. West Bengal
Skills Day 2019’ by launching an in-app campaign B. Maharashtra
‘Skills4All’. C. Madhya Pradesh
A. TikTok D. Meghalaya

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Correct Answer – D. Meghalaya appointed as governors of Chhattisgarh and Andhra
Explanation: The 8th edition of Hand-in- Pradesh respectively earlier.
Hand(HiH)Military exercise 2019 between India, China 467. Who was appointed as the private secretary to Prime
will be held on December 2019 at Umroi near Shillong in Minister Narendra Modi?
Meghalaya. A. Kamal Pande
463. HADR was in news recently, What does ‘R’ stands for B. Vivek Kumar
_________ . C. B. K. Chaturvedi
A. R – Rate D. Ajit Seth
B. R – Relief Answer – B. Vivek Kumar
C. R – Reserve Explanation: As per the order issued by Department of
D. R – Risk Personnel and Training (DoPT), Government of India,
Correct Answer – B. R – Relief 2004 batch IFS officer(Indian Foreign Service), Vivek
Explanation: R stands for Relief in HADR. The full form Kumar has been appointed as private secretary to Prime
of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief missions. Minister Narendra Modi. He replaces Sanjeev Kumar
464. Which town gets India’s first ‘Garbage Cafe’ for Singla, who has been appointed India’s ambassador to
ragpickers and provide food to the them for collecting Israel.The appointment will come into effect from the day
plastic waste ? of the assumption of charge& his tenure will be on the co-
A. Lahaul and Spiti,Keylong, Himachal Pradesh terminus basis or until further orders, whichever is earlier.
B. Agond, Karnal, Haryana Kumar is currently working as a Director in the Prime
C. Barwani district, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Minister’s Office(PMO).
D. Ambikapur, Surguja district, Chhattisgarh 468. Which organization developed the third generation
Correct Answer – D. Ambikapur, Surguja district, anti-tank guided missile NAG ?
Chhattisgarh A. Lockheed Martin India Pvt Ltd
Explanation: The municipal officials of Chhattisgarh have B. Defence Research and Development Organisation
launched a unique garbage cafe scheme in Ambikapur of (DRDO)
Surguja district which has become India’s first ‘Garbage C. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL)
Cafe’ for Ragpickers. The ragpickers and the homeless will D. Boeing India Pvt Ltd
collect plastic waste, and in return, the municipal Answer – B. Defence Research and Development
corporation will offer them food. The fund allocated for Organisation (DRDO)
this scheme is Rs. 5.5 lakh. Explanation: The Indian Army successfully conducted the
465. Motihari-Amlekhgunj oil pipeline to start commercial trials of third generation anti-tank guided missile NAG,
operation from August 2019,Motihari is in which state ? developed by the Defence Research and Development
A. Andhra Pradesh Organisation (DRDO), at Pokhran, Rajasthan from July 7-
B. Odisha 18, 2019. It was launched from the NAG Missile Carrier
C. Bihar (NAMICA) and is capable of carrying up to 6 combat
D. West Bengal missiles. It will be inducted in the Indian Army. It will be
Correct Answer – C. Bihar engaged in highly fortified enemy tanks in all weather
Explanation: The Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) and the conditions with day and night capabilities.It has a minimum
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) successfully range of 500 metres and maximum range of four
concluded the ‘testing transfer’ of Rs 325 crore Motihari in kilometres.6 missions were carried out under extreme
Bihar to Amelkhgunj in Nepal pipeline project and it is set temperature in Pokhran ranges as a part of the NAG
to start commercial operation from August 2019. The 69- summer user trials. The winter user trials were conducted in
km long petroleum pipeline was constructed by India which February 2019.
was first proposed in 1996.It will tackle the oil storage 469. Rani Banga is associated with which sport?
problem in Nepal and eliminate transportation of petroleum A. Boxing
products through tankers.It will ensure smooth, cost B. Pilates
effective and environmentally-friendly supply of petroleum C. Tennis
products to Nepal. D. Gymnastics
466. Who was the first woman governor of Uttar Pradesh Correct Answer – D. Gymnastics
appointed by President of Ram Nath Kovind since its Explanation: Rani Banga won a gold medal in the Rope
inception in 1950? exercise and a silver medal in the clubs exercise at the
A. Anandi Ben Patel annual Championship held at Holon, northern city of Israel.
B. Maneka Joshi She also recently bagged a gold medal and a Silver Medal
C. Anju Lal Joshi at the 2019 pirueta cup in Croatia.
D. Vaibhavi Kant Shastri 470. Which state cricket association became the newest
Answer – A. Anandi Ben Patel associate member of the Board of Control for Cricket in
Explanation: This is the first time that UP(Uttar Pradesh) India (BCCI)?
get a woman Governor as Anandi Ben Patel since its A. Cricket Association of Puducherry(CAP)
inception in 1950. Sarojini Naidu was the first Governor in B. Cricket Association of Bengal(CAB)
1947 but the state was then known as the United C. Uttarakhand Cricket Association(UCA)
Provinces.Sitting Rajya Sabha member Anusuiya Uikey D. Arunachal Pradesh Cricket Association(ACA)
and senior BJP leader Biswa Bushan Harichandan were Answer – A. Cricket Association of Puducherry(CAP)

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Explanation: On July 17, 2019, The Cricket Association of for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Film Festival for the
Puducherry (CAP) became the newest associate member of year 2019 was held at the National Film Corporation
the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) after the Cinema Hall, Colombo, Sri Lanka from July 2-7, 2019. The
Committee of Administrators (CoA) accepted their SAARC Cultural Centre conducted it. It screened 34 films,
proposal. The final decision in favour of the CAP was which consisted of 15 feature films, 13 short films and 6
taken by the Supreme Court appointed CoA. master films from the SAARC Member states of
471. Three time Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit passed away Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal,
recently, she was the chief minister of which state? Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
A. Bihar 476. Which film bagged Best Feature Film in 9th Edition of
B. West Bengal South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
C. New Delhi (SAARC) Film Festival for the year 2019 ?
D. Odisha A. Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi
Correct Answer – C. New Delhi B. Nagarkirtan
Explanation: On July 20, 2019, Former 3 time chief C. Gully Boy
minister of Delhi from Congress Sheila Dikshit passed D. Uri: The Surgical Strike
away at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Okhla in New Delhi Correct Answer – B. Nagarkirtan
due to cardiac arrest. She was 81 years old.Born on March Explanation: Indian entries bagged 6 awards.Nagarkirtan,
31, 1938 in Kapurthala, Punjab, she had served as the a Bengali film, was awarded the Best Feature Film.Best
president of Delhi Congress, chief minister of Delhi for 15 Director Award was conferred to Kaushik Ganguly for
years from 1998-2013 and the governor of Kerala.She Nagarkirtan.Riddhi Sen won the best actor award and
became a Member of Parliament (MP) for the first time Prabuddha Bannerjee bagged Best Original Score for
from Kannauj Lok Sabha seat in Uttar Pradesh in 1984. Nagarkirtan.Best Short Film Award was conferred to Na
472. Expand PMRPY scheme? Bole Wo Haram directed by Nitish Patan.Special Jury
A. Pradhan Mantri Rural Protsahan Yojana Award for Direction and Story was conferred to ‘Walking
B. Pradhan Mantri Raksha Protsahan Yojana with the Wind’, by Praveen Morchhale.
C. Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana 477. Which has become India’s most valuable brand for the
D. Pradhan Mantri Rakshit Protsahan Yojana second straight year in 2019 as per “Brand Finance
Correct Answer – C. Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan India 100 2019” ?
Yojana A. State Bank of India(SBI)
Explanation: PMRPY’s full form is Pradhan Mantri B. Infosys
Rojgar Protsahan Yojana. C. Tata
473. Name the two new district formed by Tamil Nadu state D. Life Insurance Corporation(LIC)
government . Correct Answer – C. Tata
A. Erode and Thiruvarur Explanation: According to the London-based consultancy
B. Tenkasi and Chengalpattu Brand Finance annual report , “Brand Finance India 100
C. Sivagangai and Dindigul 2019”, “Tata” has become India’s most valuable brand for
D. Tiruppur and Thiruvarur the second straight year in 2019 with the brand value of
Answer – B. Tenkasi and Chengalpattu $19.6 billion followed by LIC(Life Insurance Corporation)
Explanation: On July 18, 2019, The Chief Minister of (2nd )with $7.3 billion and Infosys (3rd )$6.5 billion.
Tamil Nadu(T.N), Edappadi K. Palaniswami stated that two 478. Name the weight lifter who broke the Youth World,
new districts Tenkasi and Chengalpattu will be created for Asian and Commonwealth records in the snatch
administrative convenience by bifurcating Tirunelveli and category at Commonwealth Weightlifting
Kancheepuram districts respectively. After including Championship 2019.
Tenkasi and Chengalpattu, the total number of districts in A. Achinta Sheuli
the Tamil Nadu will go up to 35. B. Jeremy Lalrinnunga
474. Expand FMCG ? C. Gulam Navi
A. Fast Moving Currency Goods D. Jacob Vanlaltluanga
B. Fast Moving Capital Goods Correct Answer – B. Jeremy Lalrinnunga
C. Fast Moving Consumer Goods Explanation: Jeremy Lalrinnunga competing in 67 kg
D. Fast Moving Current Goods male event broke a youth world record with lift of 136 kg
Correct Answer – C. Fast Moving Consumer Goods in snatch. This same lift also set new youth record at Asian,
Explanation: Full form of FMCG is Fast Moving Commonwealth and National level, as well as set a new
Consumer Goods. junior record at Commonwealth and National level. Indian
475. Where was the ninth Edition of South Asian Association weightlifter Ajay Singh created a new Commonwealth
for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Film Festival for record in the clean and jerk category by lifting more than
the year 2019 held? double his body weight (190kg). Pardeep Singh created a
A. Singapore, Singapore new record in the clean and jerk category by lifting 202kgs.
B. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia His earlier successful attempt of 148kg took his total to
C. Mumbai, India 350kgs. Jhilli Dalabehera won the gold in the women’s 45
D. Colombo, Sri Lanka kg event, and set 6 records with a clean and jerk lift of 94
Answer – D. Colombo, Sri Lanka kg and a total lift of 164 kg at the Commonwealth (Senior
Explanation: The 9th Edition of South Asian Association and Junior) and Junior National level.

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479. Who was the 6th Indian Cricketer inducted into Explanation: Chauhan was administered the oath of office
International Cricket Council’s (ICC) Hall of Fame ? by Chief Justice of Patna High Court. It is worth noting that
A. Sunil Gavaskar he started his political career in 1985 from the political
B. Vijay Hazare party Dalit Mazdoor Kishan Party.
C. Sachin Tendulkar 484. Which among the following states announced the
D. Virender Sehwag launch of “Didi ke bolo” campaign?
Correct Answer – C. Sachin Tendulkar A. West Bengal
Explanation: Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar was B. Punjab
inducted into International Cricket Council’s (ICC) Hall of C. Sikkim
Fame along with South African pace legend Allan Donald D. Arunachal Pradesh
and Australian woman cricketer Cathryn Fitzpatrick. With Correct Answer – A. West Bengal
this, Tendulkar became the 6th Indian cricketer to be Explanation: Being an online platform, it will be
inducted into ICC’s Hall of Fame after Bishen Singh Bedi, monitored by a special IT team. It is worth noting that the
Kapil Dev, Sunil Gavaskar, Anil Kumble, and Rahul campaign aims to highlight and solve issues that the people
Dravid. decide to bring into the notice of the administration.
480. Name the Indian Sprinter, who won gold medal in 485. Nandan Nilekani has now come up with an industry
women’s 200m race at the Tabor Athletics Meet 2019 in body called _________, an account aggregator model.
the Czech Republic . A. Sahamati
A. Hima Das B. Utkarsh
B. Dutee CHand C. KrishiJagran
C. V.K.Vismaya D. AadharPro
D. M. R. Poovamma Correct Answer – A. Sahamati
Correct Answer – A. Hima Das Explanation: It is worth noting that this model will help
Explanation: Star Indian sprinter Hima Das (24) from individuals & small businesses share their digital financial
Assam clinched her 4th international gold in women’s data with third-parties in a secure way. It will apply for the
200m race with a time of 23.25 seconds and Muhammed SRO (self-regulatory organisation) licence with the RBI.
Anas Yahiya (Kerala) also won gold in the men’s 400m 486. Who has been appointed the chairman of the estimates
with the time of 45.40s at the Tabor Athletics Meet 2019 in committee recently?
the Czech Republic.She won her 3rd international gold in A. Amit Shah
women’s 200m race at the Kladno Memorial Athletics B. Narendra Modi
Meet 2019 in the Czech Republic on July 15, 2019. C. Girish Bapat
481. Which among the following states cancelled the birth D. Manish Chhabra
anniversary celebrations of Tipu Sultan? Correct Answer – C. Girish Bapat
A. Karnataka Explanation: Estimates committee is one of the three
B. J&K financial standing committees of the parliament. The
C. Goa members of Estimates Committee include Parvesh Sahib
D. Maharashtra Singh Verma, Danish Ali, Rajiv Pratap Rudy,
Correct Answer – A. Karnataka Rajyavardhan Rathore, D Maran, Kamlesh Paswan, Dilip
Explanation: The decision has been taken by new Ghosh, PP Choudhary & KC Patel.
Yediyurappa government. The Tipu Jayanti celebrations 487. Which among the following has received the
began under the Siddaramaiah-led Congress government. It geographical indication (GI) tag for its local version of
must be mentioned here that Tipu was a ruler of the the Rasgulla?
erstwhile Kingdom of Mysore. A. Odisha
482. _________ is set to become home to the first-ever B. Punjab
Bamboo Industrial Park in the northeast. C Andhra Pradesh
A. Sikkim D. Bihar
B. Nagaland Correct Answer – A. Odisha
C. Assam Explanation: The GI tag is a name/sign used on products
D. Tripura originating in a specific geographical location. Earlier,
Correct Answer – C. Assam West Bengal won its own GI tag for the delectable eastern
Explanation: It will be set up in Manderdisa in Assam’s sweet.
Dima Hasao district. The project is set to be completed by 488. Gujarat is set to get a new greenfield airport named
March 2021. It will be built in an area of 75 hectares at a __________ International Airport.
total cost of Rs 50 crores. A. Dholera
483. Fagu Chauhan, a six-time member of the Uttar Pradesh B. Navsari
Assembly, was sworn in as the 29th Governor of C. Dohad
_______. D. Bharuch
A. Bihar Correct Answer – A. Dholera
B. MP Explanation: The Dholera International Airport is a part of
C. Odisha Dholera Special Investment Region of Gujarat. This project
D. Maharashtra aims to decongest the saturated Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Correct Answer – A. Bihar International Airport in Ahmedabad.

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CA Yearbook 2020
489. Who won the People’s Choice Award at a prestigious Explanation: The event was held in South Africa. She is
sand sculpting festival in the U.S. battling through hearing-impaired conditions. She was
A. Sudarsan Pattnaik chosen among the 11 finalists from 16 participating
B. Ramesh Chawla countries.
C. Vipul Kapoor 495. The Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR)’s
D. Akhtar Waseem National Institute for Medical Statistics (ICMR –
Correct Answer – A. Sudarsan Pattnaik NIMS), in partnership with Population Council,
Explanation: Pattnaik was among the top sand artists recently launched the NDQF.
selected to participate in the 2019 Revere Beach A. National Data Quality Forum
International Sand Sculpting Festival. The festival ran from B. National Data Quantum Forum
July 26-28. C. National Database Quality Forum
490. ___________ is set to be appointed as Head of English, D. Nationalised Data Quality Forum
Infotainment and Kids cluster at Disney-Star India, as Correct Answer – A. National Data Quality Forum
per media reports. Explanation: NDQF will integrate learnings from
A. Anju Jain scientific and evidence-based initiatives. In addition to this,
B. Ramisha Khanna it will guide actions through periodic workshops and
C. Anuradha Aggarwal conferences.
D. Rohan Sidana 496. Which state government has introduced the Japanese
Correct Answer – C. Anuradha Aggarwal Miyawaki method of afforestation?
Explanation: It is worth mentioning that Aggarwal was A. Telangana
associated with Marico (2015 -2018). She started her career B. Andhra Pradesh
with HUL as Area Sales Manager in 1998. C. Tamil Nadu
491. _______ has been appointed as the next Director D. Odisha
General (DG) of country’s largest border guarding Correct Answer – A. Telangana
force, BSF. Explanation: Miyawaki is a technique pioneered by
A. Nakul Mehta Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki. It helps build dense,
B. VK Johri native forests. In other words, it is a technique of growing
C. Sushant Malik dense plantations in a short time.
D. Chirag Abdul 497. Central government appointed _____________,
Correct Answer – B. VK Johri Additional Director of CBI as the Director General of
Explanation: Johri is a 1984-batch Indian Police Service Fire Services, Civil Defence and Home Guard.
officer of Madhya Pradesh (MP) cadre. Presently, he is A. M Nageswar Rao
serving as the Special Secretary in RAW. The BSF has a B. Ramesh Chand
present strength of about 2.5 lakh personnel. C. Abdullah Yameen
492. Global Tiger Day, often called International Tiger Day, D. Vikram Bajwa
is observed on _______. Correct Answer – A. M Nageswar Rao
A. 27th July Explanation: He will continue to hold the post till
B. 29th July superannuation in July 2020. Rao is a 1986-batch IPS
C. 1st August officer from Odisha cadre.
D. 5th August 498. Who has been felicitated with the prestigious ‘Indian
Correct Answer – B. 29th July Woman of Influence’ award at the House of Lords, the
Explanation: It was created in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg United Kingdom Parliament, London?
Tiger Summit. Notably, PM Modi launched a census report A. Priya Priyadarshini Jain
– ‘The Tiger Estimation Report 2018’. According to the B. Ritu Kumar
report, population of tigers in India has increased from C. Neeta Luthra
2,226 to 2,967 in 2018. D. Anamika Khanna
493. World Nature Conservation Day is observed all over the Correct Answer – A. Priya Priyadarshini Jain
world on ______ of every year. Explanation: The awards were presented by the Barons of
A. July 21 the UK Parliament. his award assures that women of Indian
B. July 28 origin are the leaders in their respective fields in the
C. August 6 countries they presently live.
D. August 10 499. Under ‘Pradhan Mantri Laghu Vyapari Maan-dhan
Correct Answer – B. July 28 Yojana‘, each subscriber of the scheme shall receive
Explanation: Its origin and history are unknown. It aims to minimum assured lifelong pension of _________ per
increase awareness about and protecting the natural month.
resources that the Earth is bestowed with. A. Rs 2000
494. Who was crowned Miss Deaf World 2019 recently? B. Rs 3000
A. Vidisha Baliyan C. Rs 4000
B. Meena Kumari D. Rs 5000
C. Satya Roop Correct Answer – B. Rs 3000
D. Aneeta Raj Explanation: Its each subscriber will receive minimum
Correct Answer – A. Vidisha Balyan assured lifelong pension of Rs 3000/- per month after

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attaining the age of 60 years. The entry age for PMLVMY B. Sunil Chhetri
is between 18 to 40 years. C. Ashish Bhasin
500. Who has been appointed Chairman of the Committee D. Rupinder Gill
on Public Accounts (PAC of Parliament)? Correct Answer – C. Ashish Bhasin
A. Amit Shah Explanation: The Advertising Agencies Association of
B. Rahul Gandhi India (AAAI) was formed in 1945. The announcement was
C. Arun Jaitley made at the AAAI Annual General Body Meeting.
D. Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury Moreover, Anupriya Acharya has been re-elected as Vice-
Correct Answer – D. Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury President of the Association.
Explanation: Chowdhury is the lone member of the party 506. ________ will take part in the Russian Navy Day
in the PAC from the House. It is worth noting that parade.
Mallikarjun Kharge was the Chairman of the PAC earlier. A. INS Viraat
PAC has 15 members from Lok Sabha and seven from B. INS Vikramaditya
Rajya Sabha. C. INS Shaurya
501. Who has been appointed as director of Institute of D. INS Tarkash
Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)? Correct Answer – D. INS Tarkash
A. B Harideesh Kumar Explanation: More than 40 ships will take part in the naval
B. Ramesh Chopra parade, in addition to 40 planes and helicopters. Notably, it
C. Yash Hinduja is interesting to note that Chinese destroyer Xian will also
D. Anitha Kumar participate in the celebrations.
Correct Answer – A. Harideesh Kumar 507. Who took over as the new power secretary recently?
Explanation: Earlier, he was Executive Director of Canara A. AK Bhalla
Bank. He hails from Dakshina Kannada district of B. SC Garg
Karnataka. C. Raman Mishra
502. Who became the first Indian-origin person to ever hold D. K Gupta
the British home secretary post? Correct Answer – B. SC Garg
A. Priti Patel Explanation: Earlier, he was in charge of the Department
B. Rahul Thukral of Economic Affairs (DEA). He is a 1983 batch IAS officer
C. Sajid Javid of Rajasthan cadre. It is worth mentioning that reportedly
D. Ramesh Kapoor after this, Garg applied for voluntary retirement. He was
Correct Answer – A. Priti Patel due to retire on October 31, 2020.
Explanation: Patel, along with 10 other MPs , is a member 508. Who was sworn in as chief minister of Karnataka for
of the British Parliament’s FAC – Foreign Affairs the fourth time?
Committee. She is known for her outspoken criticism of A. BS Yediyurappa
former prime minister Theresa May. She was elected as a B. KR Ramesh
Conservative MP for Witham in Essex in 2010. C. JP Nadda
503. In a first, _______ is planning to ply ‘water taxis’ in its D. Amit Shah
inland waterways. Correct Answer – A. BS Yediyurappa
A. Goa Explanation: In 2007, Yediyurappa became Karnataka
B. Telangana chief minister for the 1st time. This will be his fourth stint.
C. Rajasthan None of his previous lasted the full term.
D. Himachal Pradesh 509. Aaykar Diwas, sometimes seen in the news, is observed
Correct Answer – A. Goa on ________.
Explanation: The performance budget of the River A. 22nd July
Navigation department (RND) for the financial year 2019- B. 24th July
2020 has bee tabled in Goa. Notably, Sagarmala project has C. 26th July
also funded reconstruction of 9 jetties in Goa. D. 28th July
504. Panasonic India has appointed __________ as Head of Correct Answer – B. 24th July
Brand and Marketing Communications. Explanation: 24th July, 2019 has been observed by
A. Shirish Agarwal Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) as Aaykar Divas.
B. Rohan Ahuja On this day, Income Tax (IT) was introduced for 1st time in
C. Sikander Sharma India by Sir James Wilson.
D. Reema Chaturvedi 510. ________ would establish the world’s first dedicated
Correct Answer – A. Shirish Agarwal office to police Facebook Inc and Google.
Explanation: He is a Marketing Communications A. Australia
professional with 15 years of experience. Among others, he B. New Zealand
has worked with brands like Samsung India, Hewlett- C. Russia
Packard India and Times Internet. D. UK
505. Who has been re-elected as President of the Advertising Correct Answer – A. Australia
Agencies Association of India (AAAI) for the year 2019- Explanation: This is designed to rein in the US technology
20? giants, setting a precedent for global lawmakers. It would
A. Rakesh Munjal form the antitrust watchdog to scrutinize how the

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CA Yearbook 2020
companies used algorithms to match advertisements with A. Gabriella Cigliano
viewers. B. Shruti Chopra
511. Lasith Malinga is set to retire from one-day C. Yuliya Ibraeva
international cricket. He is associated with which D. Peng Hao
among the following teams? Correct Answer – A. Gabriella Cigliano
A. Sri Lanka Explanation: The annual iPhone Photography Awards
B. Pakistan showcases the potential of mobile photography. The award-
C. UK winning photograph was shot using the iPhone X.
D. Bangladesh 517. Who was appointed economic affairs secretary in the
Correct Answer – A. Sri Lanka finance ministry?
Explanation: His retirement was first announced by A. Atanu Chakraborty
skipper Dimuth Karunaratne. It is worth mentioning that he B. Subhash Chandra Garg
was Sri Lanka’s highest wicket-taker at the World Cup. C. Bimal Jalan
512. The government has set a target for the installation of D. Mukesh Agnihotri
Rooftop Solar projects of forty thousand MegaWatt by Correct Answer – A. Atanu Chakraborty
______ in the country. Explanation: Earlier, Chakraborty was the Director
A. 2020 General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) in the petroleum ministry.
B. 2022 He was instrumental in garnering ₹80,000 crore through
C. 2024 disinvestment proceedings (2018-19).
D. 2026 518. BCCI announced that _______ has replaced Oppo India
Correct Answer – B. 2022 as the official Team India sponsor.
Explanation: Gujarat has stood 1st with total 261.97 MW A. Vivo India
of installed rooftop solar capacity. It is worth mentioning B. Samsung
that the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has given C. Unacademy
its approval for the Phase-II of Grid Connected Rooftop D. Byju’s
Solar Programme in February 2019. Correct Answer – D. Byju’s
513. Who among the following is known as “Butcher of Explanation: Byju’s logo will be seen on the jersey of
Beijing”? Indian team from September 2019 onwards. Byju’s will be
A. Li Peng taking all associated sponsor rights of the current team
B. Deng Xiaoping sponsor.
C. Xi Jinping 519. Indian cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni, will join his
D. Celia Hatton battalion in ______ at the end of the month and carry
Correct Answer – A. Li Peng out duties with the troops.
Explanation: Former Chinese Premier Li Peng has died at A. Himachal Pradesh
the age of 90. He was known as “Butcher of Beijing” for B. UP
his role in the Tiananmen Square crackdown on pro- C. Jammu & Kashmir
democracy protesters (1989). D. Telangana
514. The BCCI has approved the ICA: the body formed as Correct Answer – C. Jammu & Kashmir
per the board’s new constitution to look after the Explanation: It is worth mentioning that Dhoni is not part
interest of former players. Expand ICA. of Indian cricket team’s tour of the West Indies. He will be
A. Indian Cricketers Association with the 106 Territorial Army battalion from 31st July to
B. Indian Cricketers Authority 15th August.
C. Indian Cricket Mentors Association 520. __________ became the first state to reserve 75% jobs
D. Indian Cricket Veterans Association for local youth in industrial units, factories, joint
Correct Answer – A. Indian Cricketers Association ventures and projects set up under public-private
Explanation: It is only open to former men and women partnership mode.
cricketers. Its functioning will be independent of BCCI’s A. Telangana
functioning. Kapil Dev, Ajit Agarkar and Shantha B. Andhra Pradesh
Rangaswamy are the directors at ICA. C. Maharashtra
515. ________ has been officially confirmed as the world’s D. Haryana
first National Park City. Correct Answer – B. Andhra Pradesh
A. New Delhi Explanation: With the passage of Andhra Pradesh
B. London Employment of Local Candidates in Industries/Factories
C. Beijing Act, 2019, it has recently become the 1st state to offer 75%
D. New York reservation to locals in private jobs.
Correct Answer – B. London 521. ___________ reported 233 cases of ATM fraud in 2018-
Explanation: Mayor of London Sadiq Khan co-signed the 19, the highest in the entire country.
National Park City Charter for London. It is worth noting A. Kerala
that NPCF created the first International Charter for B. Punjab
National Park Cities (NPC). C. Maharashtra
516. Who won the acolade of iPhone Photographer of the D. Rajasthan
Year for his/her portrait titled Big Sister? Correct Answer – C. Maharashtra
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Explanation: In Maharashtra, people lost Rs 4.8 crore platform that aims in achieving the target of child labour
to bank fraud. It is worth noting that last year, RBI had free society. The PENCIL Portal has various components:
mandated banks to replace all existing magnetic stripe-only – Child Tracking System
cards with EMV chip cards. The most commonly used trick – Complaint Corner
is installing skimmer devices on ATMs to fraudulently – State Government
copy data. – National Child Labour Project
522. Boris Johnson has been elected new Conservative leader – Convergence
in a ballot of party members and will become the next 527. World Hepatitis Day is recognized annually on ______.
PM of _____. A. July 27th
A. UK B. July 28th
B. Germany C. July 29th
C. Spain D. July 30th
D. Ukraine Correct Answer – B. July 28th
Correct Answer – A. UK Explanation: This day aims to raise global
Explanation: Reportedly, Johnson faces an uphill battle to awareness of hepatitis. 28th July is the birthday of Nobel-
deliver Brexit by the 31 October deadline. He was Mayor prize winning scientist Dr Baruch Blumberg. He discovered
of London from 2008 to 2016. hepatitis B virus (HBV).
523. The International Federation of Association Football 528. Who became the sixth Indian to be inducted into the
(FIFA) has awarded the hosting rights for the 10th ICC Cricket Hall of Fame?
edition of the Under-20 Women’s World Cup to be held A. Rahul Dravid
in 2020, to ________. B. Sachin Tendulkar
A. South Africa C. Virat Kohli
B. India D. Saba Kareem
C. Nigeria Correct Answer – B. Sachin Tendulkar
D. Kenya Explanation: After Bishan Singh Bedi, Kapil Dev, Sunil
Correct Answer – C. Nigeria Gavaskar, Anil Kumble and Rahul Dravid, Tendulkar is the
Explanation: Nigeria will now become the first African 6th Indian to be inducted. He is the only batsman who has
country to ever host the tournament. It is worth noting that scored 100 international centuries. It is worth noting that he
both India and South Korea withdrew their bids. retired in November 2013.
524. The committee led by _________ recommended that 529. Who has been nominated for the International
private cryptocurrencies be banned completely in India. Association of Athletics Federation’s (IAAF) ‘Veteran
A. Ramesh Ahuja Pin’?
B. Subhash Chandra Garg A. PT Usha
C. Meena Mukherjee B. Sania Mirza
D. Tripendra Mehta C. Mary Kom
Correct Answer – B. Subhash Chandra Garg D. Jwala Gutta
Explanation: The committee has drafted a law titled Correct Answer – A. PT Usha
‘Banning of Cryptocurrency & Regulation of Official Explanation: PT Usha is often called the “queen of track
Digital Currency Bill, 2019’. It mandates a fine and and field”. She became the first Indian to reach the finals of
imprisonment of up to 10 years. Cryptocurrencies don’t the 400m hurdles in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.
have any intrinsic value of their own and lack any of the 530. Who has been deputed as the Joint Secretary to
attributes of a currency, according to the report. President Ram Nath Kovind at the Rashtrapati
525. India improved its ranking in the Global Innovation Bhavan?
Index to _________. A. Ajay Bhadoo
A. 40th B. S Jaishankar
B. 52nd C. Sushma Swaraj
C. 67th D. Hemant Bajwa
D. 88th Correct Answer- A. Ajay Bhadoo
Correct Answer – B. 52nd Explanation: Ajay has been the municipal commissioner
Explanation: GII ranks 129 economies based on 80 of Vadodara since July 2018. It is worth noting that Bhadoo
indicators. Switzerland retained its number-one spot on the was conferred the Best Collector Award twice in 2008 and
index. This is the first time that the GII has been launched 2010.
in Asia. 531. National Broadcasting Day is observed on __________.
526. PENCIL portal, sometimes seen in the news, is A. 22nd July
associated with which among the following? B. 23rd July
A. Women Empowerment C. 27th July
B. Child Labour D. 28th July
C. Renewable Energy Correct Answer – B. 23rd July
D. Terrorism Explanation: On this day, the 1st ever radio broadcast
Correct Answer – B. Child Labour went on the air from the Bombay Station. It is worth noting
Explanation: PENCIL stands for Platform for Effective that All India Radio has 414 stations in 23 languages &
Enforcement for No Child Labour. It is an electronic

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CA Yearbook 2020
broadcasts in 179 dialects. Currently, AIR is one of the B. 18th July
largest broadcasting organisations worldwide. C. 22nd July
532. Who has been appointed as the next Vice Chief of Army D. 30th July
Staff (VCOAS)? Correct Answer – C. 22nd July
A. Anil Vajpayee Explanation: Pi can be expressed as the fraction 22/7.
B. Manoj Mukund Naravane And, 22nd July could also be written as 22 July or 22/7. Pi
C. Sheetal Verma Approximation Day is also known as Casual Pi Day. The
D. Devraj Anbu mathematical constant pi is normally designated as a Greek
Correct Answer – B. Manoj Mukund Naravane letter.
Explanation: Naravane was commissioned into the 538. Ntangki National Park, sometimes seen in the news, is
7th Sikh Light Infantry in June 1980. He succeeds Lt Gen in _________.
D Anbu who retires on August 31. A. Nagaland
533. Who became India’s first gold-medallist at B. Assam
the President’s Cup boxing tournament after getting a C. UP
walkover in the finals in Astana, Kazakhstan? D. Andhra Pradesh
A. Shiva Thapa Correct Answer – A. Nagaland
B. Mukesh Agnihotri Explanation: This park is located about 35 kms from
C. Zakir Hussain Dimapur, Peren district. Ntangki National Park was
D. Abdullah Yameen declared a national park in the year 1993. The Park is also
Correct Answer – A. Shiva Thapa referred to as Intanki National Park.
Explanation: Thapa had defeated Kyrgyzstan’s Argon 539. Chandrayaan 2 will make India the _______ country to
Kadiribekuulu (4-1) in the last-four stage bout. This was soft land on the lunar surface.
India’s 1st ever gold medal at this tournament since its A. 2nd
inception in 2006. B. 4th
534. Who has been appointed as the Commonwealth Table C. 5th
Tennis Federation? F. 6th
A. Vivek Kohli Correct Answer – B. 4th
B. MP Sharma Explanation: After Russia, America and China, India is to
C. Alok Verma become the 4th country to do so. It was launched from
D. Sanjay Kapoor Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota, Andhra
Correct Answer – A. Vivek Kohli Pradesh. The spacecraft weighs around 3,850 kg. It
Explanation: It is worth noting that the CTTF elections comprises an orbiter, the lander and the rover. It is worth
were held in Bhubaneswar. In addition to this, M P Singh noting that the Chandrayaan-2 has 13 payloads in total.
has been elected as its secretary general. The CTTF 540. India’s Lightest Bullet Proof Jacket __________ was
president’s post is held by Dushyant Chautala. launched at the International Police Expo 2019.
535. _________ is to set up country’s first state-of-the-art A. Bharat Kavach
Space Systems Park. B. Virat Kavach
A. Tamil Nadu C. Bhabha Kavach
B. West Bengal D. Vikram Kavach
C. Assam Correct Answer – C. Bhabha Kavach
D. Kerala Explanation: Reportedly, Bhabha Kavach is built from
Correct Answer – D. Kerala layers of high-density thermo-sealed polyethelene. It is
Explanation: Kerala government will transfer around 20 worth noting that this Kavach has four hard armour plates,
acres as lease to the Kerala State Information Technology which protect the wearer from the front, back, and either
Infrastructure Ltd. The project will be implemented by the side.
Electronics and IT department. 541. Union Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan recently
536. Paramarsh scheme, sometimes seen in the news, is inaugurated the Next Generation Sequencing (NSG)
associated with _______. facility at the Centre for Cellular and Molecular
A. HRD Ministry Biology in _______.
B. Finance Ministry A. Kochi
C. Corporate Affairs Ministry B. Hyderabad
D. MSME Ministry C. Bengaluru
Correct Answer – A. HRD Ministry D. Gandhinagar
Explanation: To promote Quality Assurance in Higher Correct Answer – B. Hyderabad
Education, this scheme is primarily for mentoring NAAC Explanation: The Next Generation Sequencing (NSG)
Aspirant Institutions. It is worth noting that it will be would help prenatal genetic screening and counselling. It is
operationalized through a “Hub & Spoke” model. worth noting that the machine has been acquired at a cost
Reportedly, this scheme will target 1000 Higher Education of Rs. 8 crore. It can sequence 18,000 samples in 8
Institutions. minutes.
537. Pi Approximation Day is celebrated worldwide on 542. Senior Congress leader Sheila Dikshit passed away. She
_______ every year. was the longest-serving CM of _______.
A. 12th July A. Delhi

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B. Haryana C. Chandigarh
C. Uttarakhand D. Bengaluru
D. HP Correct Answer – D. Bengaluru
Correct Answer – A. Delhi Explanation: In terms of “most digitised cities”, Bengaluru
Explanation: Smt. Dixit lost the 2013 Delhi state elections is followed by Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune and Delhi,
after ruling for 3 consecutive terms. It is worth noting that according to the Era of Rising Fintech Report. The report
Delhi government declared a two-day mourning as a mark has been released by Razorpay Software Pvt Ltd.
of respect. She had served as Delhi’s chief minister for 15 548. Expand NSSO ?
years from 1998-2013. She ushered in an era of all-round A. National Sample Survey Office
development that transformed the capital into a world class B. National Statistics Survey Office
capital. C. National Sample Statistics Office
543. First Meeting of BRICS Vice-Ministers of Agriculture D. National Survey Office
has been hosted by ________ recently. Correct Answer – A. National Sample Survey Office
A. China Explanation: The full form of NSSO is National Sample
B. Brazil Survey Office.
C. India 549. Phumelela Mapukata of which country won the Mr.
D. South Africa Deaf World 2019 ?
Correct Answer – B. Brazil A. Tanzania
Explanation: The BRICS Vice-Ministers reiterated the 5 B. Brazil
priority areas by the Joint Action Plan (2017-2020). Indian C. South Africa
Delegation led by Shri Sanjay Agarwal, Secretary, D. Lesotho
Department of Agriculture, participated in this meet. Correct Answer – C. South Africa
544. Who has become Israel’s longest-serving prime Explanation: Mr. Deaf World 2019 was won by South
minister? Africa’s Phumelela Mapukata.
A. David Ben Gurion 550. To which state, Anandiben Patel was appointed as the
B. Benjamin Netanyahu governor recently ?
C. Avichai Mandelbli A. Uttar Pradesh
D. John Dane B. Madhya Pradesh
Correct Answer – B. Benjamin Netanyahu C. Maharshtra
Explanation: The title was earlier held by the country’s D. Kerala
founding father and first leader (David Ben-Gurion). He Correct Answer – A. Uttar Pradesh
still needs to win a September election and survive the Explanation: On July 29,2019, Anandiben Patel took oath
impending corruption cases to continue his tenure. as the Governor of Uttar Pradesh(UP). Govind Mathur, the
545. Pakistan would allow _____ Sikh pilgrims per day Chief Justice of the UP High Court administered her the
throughout the year to visit Gurudwara Kartarpur oath of Office and Secrecy at Raj Bhawan in Lucknow, UP.
Sahib. Outgoing Governor Ram Naik also attended the swearing-
A. 2500 in ceremony.
B. 5000 551. To which committee, Girish Bhalchandra Bapat was
C. 7500 appointed as the chairman by Lok Sabha Speaker Om
D. 10,000 Birla ?
Correct Answer- B. 5000 A. Basel Committee
Explanation: The corridor will connect Darbar Sahib B. Estimates Committee
(Pakistan) with Dera Baba Nanak shrine (India). Moreover, C. Sarkaria Committee
it will facilitate visa-free movement of Indian Sikh pilgrims D. Bhurelal Committee
to visit Kartarpur Sahib. Correct Answer – B. Estimates committee
546. A team of researchers at __________ has built what Explanation: On July 27, 2019, Lok Sabha Speaker Om
they describe as a Ramanujan machine. Birla has appointed Pune Lok Sabha member Girish
A. Israel Institute of Technology Bhalchandra Bapat as chairman of the estimates committee,
B. IIM which is one of the three financial standing committees of
C. DRDO the parliament apart from the public accounts
D. ISRO committee(PAC) and committee on public undertakings.
Correct Answer – A. Israel Institute of Technology 552. SUPARCO, is the space agency of which country ?
Explanation: It has been named so as the algorithm A. Ukraine
reflects the way Srinivasa Ramanujan worked during his B. Romania
brief life. Reportedly, Ramanujan machine is an algorithm C. Pakistan
that automatically generates conjectures for fundamental D. Nigeria
constants. Correct Answer – C. Pakistan
547. __________ has topped the list of “most digitised cities” Explanation: Pakistan’s National Space Agency is
accounting for highest card payments in a study ‘SUPARCO’ (Space and Upper Atmosphere Research
conducted by payments solution company Razorpay. Commission) was set up in 1961. The first communication
A. New Delhi satellite was launched 50 years later with help from a
B. Pune

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subsidiary of China Aerospace and Technology D. Myanmar
Corporation. Correct Answer – A. Nepal
553. Which sport, is added for the first time to the Tokyo Explanation: Manohar Lal Khattar, Chief Minister of
2020 Olympics Games ? Haryana has invited Nepal to be the partner country for
A. Curling 2019 International Gita Jayanti Mahotsav scheduled to be
B. Fencing held at Kurukshetra, Haryana from December 3 to 8, 2019.
C. Powerlifting Khattar made this offer to Nilamber Acharya, Ambassador
D. Table Tennis Mixed Doubles of Nepal to India.
Correct Answer – D. Table Tennis Mixed Double 558. Who was re-appointed Chairperson of National Anti-
Explanation: For the first time in the Olympic Games’ profiteering Authority (NAA) for 2 years ?
history, Table Tennis Mixed Doubles event added in a new A. Amit Kumar Agarwal
Tokyo 2020 Olympics Games. Manika Batra to pair with B. Pranesh Pathak
Sharath Kamal for mixed doubles spot in Tokyo Olympics. C. H.Rajesh Prasad
Table tennis had appeared at the Summer Olympics in eight D. Badri Narain Sharma
previous occasions beginning with the 1988 Summer Correct Answer – D. Badri Narain Sharma
Olympics in Seoul.The 2008 Games in Beijing, China saw Explanation: On July 25, 2019, The appointment
men’s &women’s singles and team events. committee of cabinet (ACC), Government of India has re-
554. Who won 2019 Formula 1 German Grand Prix ? appointed Badri Narain Sharma (1985-batch IAS officer
A. Max Verstappen from Rajasthan) as chairman of the National Anti-
B. Sebastian Vettel profiteering Authority (NAA). He will continue as the
C. Lewis Hamilton NAA chairman for two years.
D. Charles Leclerc 559. Name the Lieutenant general, who will be the next
Correct Answer – A. Max Verstappen Director-General of Military Operations (DGMO) of
Explanation: Red Bull Racing driver Max Verstappen the Indian Army .
(Dutch) of won 2019 Formula 1 German Grand Prix. It was A. Manoj Mukund Naravane
his second win for the year 2019.Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel B. Paramjit Singh
won the second place and Scuderia Toro Rosso’s Daniil C. Ranbir Singh
Kvyat finished third.Lewis Hamilton of Mercedes finished D. Satinder Kumar Saini
11th. Correct Answer – B. Paramjit Singh
555. Which state received the Board of Control for Cricket Explanation: Lt Gen Paramjit Singh, currently serving as
in India’s (BCCI) affiliation after a wait of 40 years ? General Officer Commanding of the Army’s Nagrota-based
A. Bhopal XVI Corps will be the next Director-General of Military
B. Chandigarh Operations (DGMO) of the Indian Army.
C. Punjab 560. Which country’s cricketer, Mohammad Amir
D. Haryana announced his retirement from Test cricket recently?
Correct Answer – B. Chandigarh A. India
Explanation: After the Chandigarh Cricket Association of B. Bangladesh
Punjab decided to merge with the Union Territory Cricket C. Srilanka
Association (UTCA), the Supreme Court-appointed D. Pakistan
Committee of Administrators (CoA) cleared the UTCA to Correct Answer – D. Pakistan
get the Board of Control for Cricket in India’s (BCCI) 561. Who presented the third edition of Journal Excellence
affiliation after a wait of 40 years to run the sport. Now, award instituted by The CSR Journal for the year 2019
Chandigarh has its own team in the Ranji Trophy and other ?
domestic tournaments organised by the BCCI. A. Raj Kumar Singh
556. Which state ranked first with the highest number of B. Shripad Yesso Naik
tigers counted to 526? C. Rao Inderjit Singh
A. Maharashtra D. KishanReddy
B. Rajasthan Correct Answer – D. KishanReddy
C. Uttar Pradesh Explanation: The third edition of Journal Excellence
D. Madhya Pradesh award instituted by The CSR Journal, a digital and print
Correct Answer – D. Madhya Pradesh news publication awarded six firms in terms of best
Explanation: Madhya Pradesh ranked first with the highest practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The
number of tigers at 526. The second spot was claimed by theme was “India first”. These 6 firms were felicitated
Karnataka at 524. Uttarakhand ranked third with 442 tigers. awards by the Union Minister of State for Home Affairs,
Chhattisgarh and Mizoram saw a decline in their tiger KishanReddy.
numbers. The numbers in Odisha remained constant. 562. Who was appointed as the chairman and managing
557. Which country has invited to be the partner country for director of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited
2019 International Gita Jayanti Mahotsav that is to be (MTNL)?
held in Kurukshetra, Haryana ? A. Sunil Kumar
A. Nepal B. P K Purwar
B. Srilanka C. Sanjeev Kumar
C. Bangladesh D. Rakesh Nangia

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CA Yearbook 2020
Correct Answer – A. Sunil Kumar The launch was co-hosted by The Dialogue, a Delhi based
Explanation: On July 25, 2019, A state-owned think-tank which works on the intersection of technology,
telecommunications service provider, Mahanagar society and public-policy.
Telephone Nigam Limited(MTNL) ’s director Sunil Kumar 568. What was the theme of 20th anniversary of Kargil Vijay
has been given additional charge of chairman and Diwas or Kargil Vijay Diwas (July 26) 2019?
managing director of the company. A. Theme – “Leadership for road safety”
563. To which committee, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury was B. Theme – “Partners in Progress”
appointed as the chairman by Lok Sabha Speaker Om C. Theme – “Prevent future international financial crises”
Birla? D. Theme – “Remember, Rejoice and Renew”
A. House Committee on Rules(HCR) Correct Answer – D. Theme – “Remember, Rejoice and
B. Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Renew”
C. Estimates Committee(EC) Explanation: On July 26, 2019, the 20th anniversary of
D. Committee on Public Undertakings(CPU) Kargil Vijay Diwas was celebrated throughout India to
Correct Answer – B. Public Accounts Committee (PAC) commemorate India’s victory over Pakistan in the 1999
Explanation: On July 26, 2019, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Kargil War.
Birla appointed Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, Congress floor 569. Which of the following cricket stadium will be renamed
leader in Lok Sabha as the chairman of the Public Accounts as Arun Jaitley Stadium, in memory of its former
Committee (PAC). president?
564. Who was appointed as the Secretary in the Power A. Wankhede Stadium
Ministry? B. Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium
A. Anant Narayan Nanda C. Eden Gardens
B. Ramesh Abhishek D. Feroz Shah Kotla Stadium
C. Pradeep Singh Kharola Correct Answer: D. Feroz Shah Kotla Stadium
D. Subhash Chandra Garg Explanation: The Delhi and District Cricket Association
Correct Answer – D. Subhash Chandra Garg (DDCA) on Tuesday decided to rename Feroz Shah Kotla
Explanation: Subhash Chandra Garg, who was the former Stadium as Arun Jaitley Stadium in memory of its former
finance secretary in the Department of Economic Affairs president, who passed away on Saturday.
(DEA) has now been appointed as the new Power 570. The NGT has formed a committee to examine illegal
Secretary. sand mining in which river?
565. Aishwarya Pratap Singh Tomar is associated with A. Kaveri
which sport? B. Damodar
A. Badminton C. Ganga
B. Shooting D. Yamuna
C. Tennis Correct Answer: D. Yamuna
D. Table Tennis Explanation: The National Green Tribunal has formed a
Correct Answer – B. Shooting committee to examine alleged illegal sand mining in the
Explanation: Aishwarya Pratap Singh Tomar is associated Yamuna river after the chief executive officer of Delhi Jal
with shooting.She recently clinched the gold in the 50m Board moved the green panel on the matter.
Rifle 3×40 Men Junior with a junior world record 459.3 571. Indian-American teenager who has won the 2019 South
score in the final. Asian Spelling Bee contest is;
566. Kristof Milak of Hungary broke world record in which A. Syamantak Payra
sport? B. Kavya Kopparap
A. Wrestling C. Navneeth Murali
B. Shooting D. Dhruv Gaur
C. Swimming Correct Answer: C. Navneeth Murali
D. Heptathlon Explanation: Navneeth Murali, an Indian-American
Correct Answer – C. Swimming teenager from New Jersey, has won the 2019 South Asian
Explanation: A 19year-old swimmer Kristof Milak of Spelling Bee (SASB) contest. The prize money for this
Hungary broke men’s 200 metres butterfly world record to contest is USD 3,000. The SASB is an annual spelling bee
win the gold medal. platform in the US for children of South Asian descent. The
567. Who authored the book titled ‘New-Age Technology competition is open to any student at or below the age of
and Industrial Revolution 4.0’ which is launched by 14, who has at least one parent or grandparent who is of
Vice President of India Shri Venkaiah Naidu? South Asian descent, or whose lineage can be traced to
A. Ram Shakal Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal,
B. Rakesh Sinha Pakistan, and/or Sri Lanka.
C. Dr Narendra Jadhav 572. The capital of Morocco is______
D. Suresh Gopi A. Pretoria
Correct Answer – C. Dr Narendra Jadhav B. Addis Ababa
Explanation: On July 25, 2019, The Vice President of C. Rabat
India Shri Venkaiah Naidu released book titled ‘New-Age D. Algiers
Technology and Industrial Revolution 4.0’ in New Delhi. It Correct Answer: C. Rabat
is authored by Rajya Sabha Member, Dr Narendra Jadhav. Explanation: The capital of Morocco is Rabat.

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573. Whose birth anniversary on August 20 is also its largest tech base outside the Seattle headquarters,
commemorated as Sadbhavana Diwas (harmony day)? which has about 155,000 contract employees.
A. Morarji Desai 578. PM Modi recently inaugurated Mangdechhu
B. Lal Bahadur Shastri hydroelectric power plant in which country?
C. Indira Gandhi A. Nepal
D. Rajiv Gandhi B. Bhutan
Correct Answer: D. Rajiv Gandhi C. Sri Lanka
Explanation: Every year on August 20, Sadbhavana Diwas D. Singapore
(harmony day) is celebrated commemorating the birth Correct Answer: B. Bhutan
anniversary of former Prime Minister (PM) Rajiv Gandhi. Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday
This day is observed to encourage the national integration, inaugurated the Mangdechhu hydroelectric power plant,
peace, affection and communal harmony among the Indian one of the major projects under Bhutan's initiative to
people of all religions. 2019 commemorates the 75th birth generate 10,000 MW hydropower by 2020 with the Indian
anniversary of Rajiv Gandhi. Senior leaders paid tribute to government's support.
him at a prayer meeting organized at "Veer Bhumi", a 579. By which year, government of India has set goals to
memorial of Rajiv Gandhi in New Delhi. eliminate HIV/AIDS?
574. Which organization recently released a report 'Quality A. 2030
Unknown: The Invisible Water Crisis'? B. 2035
A. UNESCO C. 2040
B. UNICEF D. 2050
C. WHO Correct Answer: A. 2030
D. World Bank Explanation: The Indian government has set a goal to
Correct Answer: D. World Bank eliminate HIV/AIDS by 2030. National AIDS Control
Explanation: As per the report 'Quality Unknown: The Organization (NACO) has played a very big role in
Invisible Water Crisis'released by World Bank there is significantly reducing the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the
direct relation between water pollution and economic country, and that too faster than the global rates
growth. According to the analysis by the World Bank, poor 580. Next G-7 summit in 2020 will be held in________
water quality is affecting economic growth and worsening A. USA
health conditions. B. India
575. The book 'Straight from the Heart' has been written C. China
by? D. Japan
A. Imran Khan Correct Answer: A. USA
B. Sunil Gavaskar Explanation: The 46th G-7 summit, 2020 will be held in
C. Kapil Dev USA.
D. Sachin Tendulkar 581. According to India Ratings and Research, what is the
Correct Answer: C. Kapil Dev GDP growth of India for 2019-20?
Explanation: Kapil Dev has written three autobiographical A. 7.2%
works. By God's Decree came out in 1985 and Cricket my B. 6.8%
style in 1987. He released his most recent autobiography, C. 6.5%
titled Straight from the Heart in 2004. D. 6.7%
576. According to Greenpeace data, which country is the Correct Answer: D. 6.7%
largest emitter of SO2? Explanation: India Ratings and Research has revised its
A. USA projection of the India's GDP growth in financial year
B. China 2019-20 to 6.7%. It has reduced the GDP growth rate from
C. India 7.3% to 6.7%. It expects GDP growth to recover to 7.4% in
D. Japan the second half of financial year 2019-20.
Correct Answer: C. India 582. Which three banks will be merged into a single entity to
Explanation: According to Greenpeace, India is the largest form the second largest bank of India?
emitter of SO2 in the world with more than 15% of all the A. PNB, OBC & United Bank of India
anthropogenic sulphur dioxide (SO2) hotspots detected by B. Indian Bank, OBC, Syndicate Bank
NASA OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument) satellite. C. Allahabad Bank, Canara Bank & PNB
577. Amazon has opened its largest campus in the world in D. PNB, Corporation Bank & Bank of India
__________. Correct Answer: A. PNB, OBC & United Bank of India
A. Chennai Explanation: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on
B. Hyderabad August 30, 2019 announced the merger of several banks
C. Mumbai under the Bank Consolidation plan. Punjab National Bank,
D. Bengaluru Oriental Bank of Commerce, United Bank of India will be
Correct Answer: B. Hyderabad merged as one single entity. Punjab National Bank will be
Explanation: Amazon has opened its largest campus in the the anchor bank.
world in Hyderabad. The campus covers 1.8 million square 583. Which nation has launched its own Space Command?
feet and can accommodate 15,000 workers. This is A. Russia
Amazon's first owned-building outside of the US and and is B. China

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C. United States B. 38th
D. Israel C. 45th
Correct Answer: C. United States D. 78th
Explanation: US President Donald Trump launched the Correct Answer – C. 45th
US Space Command on August 29, 2019. Trump Explanation: Cities in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region
announced the establishment of the space command as the made up 6 of the top-10 safest cities. Mumbai and New
newest US military combatant command in a ceremony at Delhi are the only 2 Indian cities that made an appearance
the Rose Garden, White House. on the index.
584. Who among the following cricketers has come out of his 589. Recently Dindigul lock and Kandangi saree of which
retirement and made himself available for all formats? state got Geographical Indication Tag?
A. Shoaib Malik A. West Bengal
B. Yuvraj Singh B. Tamil Nadu
C. Ambati Rayudu C. Manipur
D. Hashim Amla D. Assam
Correct Answer: C. Ambati Rayudu Correct Answer: B. Tamil Nadu
Explanation: Ambati Rayudu, who had announced his Explanation: Two well-known products from Tamil Nadu
retirement on July 3, made a u-turn and said that he would — Dindigul lock and Kandangi saree — have been given
like to come out of retirement on August 30, 2019. the Geographical Indication (GI) tag by The Geographical
Ambati Rayudu wrote a letter to Hyderabad Cricket Indications Registry in Chennai.
Association (HCA., in which he said, "I would like to bring 590. Recently Nimu Bhowmik passes away.He was related to
to your notice that I would like to come out of retirement which field?
and play cricket in all formats.” A. Journalist
585. Which state government has banned wearing of jeans B. Social Activist
and T-shirts by the employees in the state secretariat? C. Actor
A. Bihar D. Philosopher
B. Gujarat Correct Answer: C. Actor
C. Odisha Explanation: Veteran actor Nimu Bhowmik who essayed
D. Jharkhand major character roles in Bengali classics such as
Correct Answer: A. Bihar ‘Ganadebata’, ‘Baghini’ and ‘Dadar Kirti’ has passed away
Explanation: Bihar Government has imposed a ban on following prolonged illness. He was 84.
wearing of T-shirts and jeans by the employees in the state 591. Who was re appointed as chairman of Central Board of
secretariat. The government has ordered the employees to Direct Taxes?
wear decent, simple, sober and comfortable clothes in the A. Ravneet Singh
office. B. Pramod Sawant
586. The final list of the National Register of Citizens (NRC), C. Pramod Chandra Mody
will be published on 31st August. It is associated with D. Rishi Rana
which among the following states? Correct Answer: C. Pramod Chandra Mody
A. Assam Explanation: The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet
B. UP (ACC. , headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has
C. Himachal Pradesh approved “re-appointment” of Pramod Chandra Mody for a
D. J&K period of one year. Mody was to retire on August 31.
Correct Answer – A. Assam 592. Who bagged the Forward of the Season award for the
Explanation: Currently, the NRC is unique to Assam and 2018/19 UEFA Champions League campaign?
has been called the largest citizenship exercise in India and A. Christiano Ronaldo
possibly globally. B. Neymar
587. Deendayan Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban C. Virjil Van
Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM), a flagship mission D. Lionel Messi
under the __________ has been conferred the Correct Answer: D. Lionel Messi
prestigious SKOCH Governance Gold Award. Explanation: Barcelona’s Lionel Messi bagged the
A. HRD Ministry Forward of the Season award for the 2018/19 UEFA
B. Housing & Urban Affairs Ministry Champions League campaign.
C. Corporate Affairs Ministry 593. Who won the gold medal in the men’s 10m air pistol
D. Personnel Ministry event of the World Cup at Rio de Janeiro?
Correct Answer – B. Housing & Urban Affairs Ministry A. Randhir Singh
Explanation: Its portal Affordable Credit and Interest B. Prabhakar Jadhav
Subvention Access (PAiSA) has been conferred the C. Tankay Verma
prestigious SKOCH Governance Gold Award. PAiSA is a D. Abhishek Verma
centralized IT platform which simplifies and streamlines Correct Answer: D. Abhishek Verma
release of interest subvention. Explanation: In shooting, Abhishek Verma won the gold
588. Mumbai has been ranked as the _____ safest city on the medal in the men’s 10m air pistol event of the World Cup
Safe Cities Index (SCI). at Rio de Janeiro.
A. 23rd

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594. Recently which country carried out test missile of Explanation: Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu
Ghaznavi? inaugurated Aqua Aquaria India 2019 in Hitex Exhibition
A. UAE Center, Hyderabad, Telangana.
B. China 599. Recently Union Minister Prakash Javadekar inagurated
C. Pakistan Gorewada International Zoo in which city?
D. Afghanistan A. Pune
Correct Answer: C. Pakistan B. Kanpur
Explanation: Pakistan has successfully carried out a night C. Nagpur
training launch of 290-km range surface-to-surface ballistic D. Kochi
missile Ghaznavi. Ghaznavi was developed after studying Correct Answer: C. Nagpur
Chinese M-11 missiles, which were delivered to Pakistan in Explanation: Union Minister Prakash Javadekar
1987. announced the approval for the new Gorewada
595. Which states topped the list in Child well being index International Zoo to be inaugurated in Nagpur district of
released World Vision India? Maharashtra.
A. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, UP and Manipur 600. Recently The Dominican Republic has released a postal
B. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh and Puducherry stamp to mark which birth anniversary of Mahatma
C. Meghalaya, Manipur, Odisha and Bihar Gandhi?
D. Bihar, Meghalaya, Himachal Pradesh and Assam A. 114th
Correct Answer: B. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Himachal B. 150th
Pradesh and Puducherry C. 125th
Explanation: Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh and D. 145th
Puducherry topped the charts in the child well-being index, Correct Answer: B. 150th
a tool designed to measure and tracks children’s well-being Explanation: The Dominican Republic has released a
comprehensively. Meghalaya, Jharkhand and Madhya postal stamp to mark the 150th birth anniversary of
Pradesh featured at the bottom, as per a report released by Mahatma Gandhi.
the non government organisation World Vision India and 601. Recently The Union Government approved how much
research institute IFMR LEAD. The report is an attempt to percent FDI in coal mining and contract
look at how India fairs on child well-being using a manufacturing?
composite child well-being index. A. 75%
596. Which state launched Mukhyamantri Parivar Samridhi B. 70%
Yojana? C. 100%
A. Uttar Pradesh D. 50%
B. Odisha Correct Answer: C. 100%
C. Bihar Explanation: In major decisions to liberalise Foreign
D. Haryana Domestic Investment (FDI) norms to boost investment, the
Correct Answer: D. Haryana Union Cabinet approved 100 per cent FDI in coal mining
Explanation: Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal and contract manufacturing through automatic route.
Khattar launched Mukhyamantri Parivar Samridhi Yojana 602. Recently Ajanta Mendis announced his retirement from
from Red Bishop, Panchkula. which sports?
597. Recently which state CM inaugurated ‘walk to work’ A. Tennis
campaign under Fit India Movement? B. Badminton
A. Manipur C. Football
B. Mizoram D. Cricket
C. Meghalaya Correct Answer: D. Cricket
D. Nagaland Explanation: Sri Lanka spinner Ajantha Mendis has
Correct Answer: C. Meghalaya announced his retirement from all forms of cricket. The 34-
Explanation: Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma year-old made his Test debut in 2008 and played 19 Tests
took the lead to launch the campaign of Fit India matches claiming 70 wickets in the format.
Movement which has been launched in the country by the 603. Recently Cecil Wright announced his retirement from
Prime Minister. which sports?
The Chief Minister took a two-kilometer walk from his A. Tennis
residential quarters to his office chamber at Main B. Football
Secretariat, Shillong launching the C. Cricket
#WalktoWorkMeghalaya which is a part of the ‘Fit India D. Badminton
Campaign’. Correct Answer: C. Cricket
598. Recently Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu Explanation: At an age where players retire from Test
inaugurated Aqua Aquaria India 2019 in which city? cricket in their 20s and early 30s, West Indies’ Cecil
A. Hyderabad Wright has finally announced his retirement from all forms
B. Kochi of cricket at the ripe old age of 85.
C. Pune 604. Who has been selected as next chairman of Coal India?
D. Mumbai A. K Sreekant
Correct Answer: A. Hyderabad B. Atanu Chakraborty

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C. Anil Kumar Mohanty A. Karnataka
D. Pramod Agarwal B. Kerala
Correct Answer: D. Pramod Agarwal C. Bihar
Explanation: Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB. D. Odisha
has selected Pramod Agarwal as the next chairman of Coal Correct Answer: A. Karnataka
India. He is a 1991 batch IAS from Madhya Pradesh cadre. Explanation: Karnataka will have three Deputy CMs for
He will take over after the present chairman A K Jha who the first time after the newly formed BJP government
will retire in January 2020. appointed Govind Makthappa Karajol, CN Ashwath
605. Which Indian Film bagged the top award in the ‘Under Narayan and Laxman Sangappa Savadi to the post. While
30 minute’ category at the 14th edition of the ‘We Care Makthappa has been allotted Public Works Department,
Film Festival on Disability Issues’? Narayan and Savadi have been given higher education and
A. Gulabi Gang transport portfolios, respectively.
B. Period:End of Sentence 610. Pakistan and which other country jointly exercised
C. I’m Jeeja ‘Shaheen-VIII’ exercise?
D. India’s Daughter A. Nepal
Correct Answer: C. I’m Jeeja B. Australia
Explanation: Indian documentary film I’m Jeeja beat C. China
several international films to bag the top award in the D. Oman
‘Under 30 minute’ category at the 14th edition of the ‘We Correct Answer: C. China
Care Film Festival on Disability Issues’. Explanation: The air forces of Pakistan and China are
606. Who secures highest-paid female singer spot with $185 jointly exercising ‘Shaheen-VIII’ in Chinese city of Holton,
million According to Forbes? close to the Indian border near Ladakh. The annual joint
A. Lady Gaga training is the eighth of its kind between the two countries
B. Katy Perry since it was first launched in March 2001.
C. Scarlett Johnson 611. The 2019 BWF Para-Badminton World Championships
D. Taylor Swift held in which country?
Correct Answer: D. Taylor Swift A. Germany
Explanation: Singer Taylor Swift is the highest-paid B. China
entertainer in the world after earning $185 million pretax C. Switzerland
in the last year, according to a list of music’s highest- D. India
paid women published by Forbes. Correct Answer: C. Switzerland
607. When is National Sports Day observed? Explanation: The 2019 BWF Para-Badminton World
A. Aug 27 Championships was held from 20 to 25 August 2019 in
B. Aug 30 Basel, Switzerland. India won a total of 12 medals in the
C. Aug 28 Championship with 3 Gold Medals. China won the
D. Aug 29 championships with a total of 13 medals (7 GolD. .
Correct Answer: D. Aug 29 612. Which Indian city recently got clearance as the first
Explanation: The National Sports Day in India is venue for FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup India 2020?
celebrated on 29 August, on the birth anniversary of hockey A. Kolkata
legend Major Dhyan Chand. This day marks the birthday of B. Kochi
Major Dhyan Chand Singh, the hockey player who won C. Bhubaneswar
gold medals in Olympics for India in the years 1928, 1932 D. Dispur
and 1936. He scored over 400 goals in his career, from Correct Answer: C. Bhubaneswar
1926 to 1948. Explanation: The city of Bhubaneswar got a provisional
608. Union Minister for Chemicals and Fertilizers, D.V. clearance as the first venue for the FIFA U-17 Women’s
Sadananda Gowda has recently launched which mobile World Cup India 2020, the Organising Committee
application for generic medicines? confirmed.
A. Jan Aushadhi 613. Who has become the first female officer in the country
B. Janaushadhi Sugam to become the Flight Commander of a flying unit?
C. Jan Sugam A. S Dhami
D. Jan Suvidha B. Mohana Singh
Correct Answer: B. Janaushadhi Sugam C. Akanksha Singh
Explanation: Union Minister for Chemicals and D. Kavya Koverrupu
Fertilizers, D.V. Sadananda Gowda has launched a mobile Correct Answer: A. S Dhami
application “Janaushadhi Sugam” and has announced that Explanation: Indian Air Force’s Wing Commander S
“Jan Aushadhi Suvidha Oxo-Biodegradable Sanitary Dhami has become the first female officer in the country to
Napkin” will now be available at only One Rupee per become the Flight Commander of a flying unit.
pad.He said that the “Janaushadhi Sugam” will enable 614. Recently which ministry launched National Digital
people to search Janaushadhi generic medicines and the Library of India Project?
stores at the tip of their fingers. A. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
609. Which state will have three deputy CMs for the first B. Ministry of Finance
time? C. Ministry of Human Resource Development

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D. Ministry of Defence B. Belgium
Correct Answer: C. Ministry of Human Resource C. Rwanda
Development D. Bahrain
Explanation: Human Resource Development Ministry Correct Answer: D. Bahrain
under its National Mission on Education through Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the
Information and Communication Technology, NMEICT $4.2 million redevelopment project of the 200-year-old
has launched the National Digital Library of India project Lord Sri Krishna temple in Manama, Bahrain and said it
to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning manifests the strong ties between India and Bahrain.
resources with a single-window search facility. 620. Who won the BWF World Championships title in Basel,
615. Who became the first Indian to win a set against Roger Switzerland?
Federer? A. Nozomi Okuhara
A. Abhilash Sahu B. Aleck Yamaguchi
B. Prannoy Kumar C. Serena Williams
C. Sumit Nagal D. PV Sindhu
D. Sameer Verma Correct Answer: D. PV Sindhu
Correct Answer: C. Sumit Nagal Explanation: Indian shuttler PV Sindhu won the BWF
Explanation: Sumit Nagal became the first Indian to win a World Championships title by defeating Japan’s Nozomi
set against Roger Federer. Nagal achieved the feat during Okuhara in straight games by 21-7, 21-7 at St. Jakobshalle
his first-round match against Federer in the US Open as he in Basel, Switzerland.
outclassed him in the first set. Nagal ended up losing the 621. Who won the gold medal at 2019 World Youth Archery
match 6-4, 1-6,2-6,4-6 against Federer. Championship?
616. Who was given Lifetime Achievement Award at A. Akanksha Singh
Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Awards2019? B. Naaz Joshi
A. Dipankar Ghosh C. Komalika Bari
B. Wangchuk Sherpa D. Shreya Jadhav
C. Chen Yufi Correct Answer: C. Komalika Bari
D. Aparna Kumar Explanation: The seventeen-year-old Indian Komalika
Correct Answer: B. Wangchuk Sherpa Bari defeated Japan’s Waka Sonoda in the recurve cadet
Explanation: Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Awards women’s final to win a gold medal at the 2019 World
are given every year to recognize the achievements of Archery Youth Championships in Madrid, Spain.
persons in the fields of adventure, to encourage young 622. Who won British Grand Prix?
people to develop the spirit of endurance, risk–taking, A. Nico Rosberg
cooperative teamwork and quick, ready and effective B. Alex Rins
reflexes in challenging situations and to provide incentive C. Lewis Hamilton
to the young people for getting exposed to the adventure D. Max Verstappen
activities. Correct Answer: B. Alex Rins
617. Recently country’s first women DGP passed away. Explanation: Spain motorcycle racer, Alex Rins of the
Name her? Team SUZUKI ECSTAR has won the British Grand Prix.
A. Kanchan Chowdhury Bhattacharya He defeated Marc Marquez by 0.013 seconds.
B. Kavya Koreppu 623. Who has been chosen for the ‘Eminent Engineer Award
C. Akanksha Singh Chaturvedi for the Year 2019’ by the Institution of Engineers (India
D. Priyanka Dubey for his distinguished and exemplary Service in the field
Correct Answer: A. Kanchan Chowdhury Bhattacharya of Engineering and Technology?
Explanation: The first woman Director General of Police A. Suhan Rajput
(DGP), Kanchan Chaudhary Bhattacharya, passed away B. Prabhakar Singh
following an illness. Bhattachary, a 1973 batch IPS officer, C. TN Maniharan
made history when she was appointed the DGP of D. NK Singh
Uttarakhand in the year 2004. Correct Answer: B. Prabhakar Singh
618. Which state ranked first in free medicine scheme Explanation: Shri Prabhakar Singh, Director General,
implementation? Central Public Works Department has been chosen for the
A. Madhya Pradesh ‘Eminent Engineer Award for the Year 2019’ by the
B. Bihar Institution of Engineers (IndiA. for his distinguished and
C. Odisha exemplary Service in the field of Engineering and
D. Rajasthan Technology.
Correct Answer: D. Rajasthan 624. Who was conferred ‘The King Hamad Order of the
Explanation: Chief minister Ashok Gehlot’s flagship free Renaissance’ by Bahrain?
medicine scheme secured the top position in the country in A. Smriti Irani
the ranking issued by the National Health Mission (NHM). B. Ram Nath Kovind
619. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the $4.2 C. Narendra Modi
million redevelopment project of the 200-year-old Lord D. Venkaiah Naidu
Sri Krishna temple in which country? Correct Answer: C. Narendra Modi
A. Gambia Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi was

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conferred ‘The King Hamad Order of the Renaissance’ B. Narendra Jadhav
during his meeting with the King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa C. Mihir Dalal
Al Khalifa in Manama. PM Modi is the first Indian Prime D. Devika Sethi
Minister to visit Bahrain. Correct Answer: C. Mihir Dalal
625. Which country has officially become the 73rd non- Explanation: IIT graduates Sachin Bansal and Binny
regional member of the Asian Infrastructure Bansal founded out of an apartment in Bangalore what
Investment Bank (AIIB)? would become India’s biggest e-commerce start-up.
A. Ukraine Recounting the astounding story of how the Bansals built
B. Serbia Flipkart into a multi-billion-dollar powerhouse in a span of
C. North Korea few years, journalist Mihir Dalal has penned a new book.
D. Netherlands 631. Who was awarded with the Order of Zayed, UAE
Correct Answer: B. Serbia highest civilian honour?
Explanation: Serbia has officially become the 73rd non- A. Gajendra Singh Shekhawat
regional member of the Asian Infrastructure Investment B. Nitin Gadkari
Bank (AIIB) C. Smriti Irani
626. What is the rank of India in 2019 Henley Passport D. Narendra Modi
Index? Correct Answer: D. Narendra Modi
A. 81st Explanation: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has
B. 87th awarded PM Modi with the Order of Zayed, its highest
C. 86th civilian award, which was conferred earlier in April 2019 in
D. 79th recognition of his distinguished leadership for giving a big
Correct Answer: C. 86th boost to bilateral relations between the two countries. PM
Explanation: The new Henley Passport Index is out, and Modi is on a visit to UAE.
there has been a major shuffle in the global ranking of the 632. Who will head the committee that has been formed to
world’s passports.India slipped to 86th spot from the advise the government on the “Fit India Movement”?
previous 79th place with access to 58 countries. The A. Kiran Rijiju
country shared the spot with Mauritania, and Sao Tome and B. Rajyavardhan Rathore
Principe. C. Smriti Irani
627. Who became the first Indian male shuttler in 36 years D. Rajnath Singh
to secure a medal in BWF World Championship 2019? Correct Answer: A. Kiran Rijiju
A. Anurup Tyagi Explanation: A committee comprising government
B. G Sathiyan officials, members of Indian Olympic Association (IOA. ,
C. B Sai Praneeth national sports federations, private bodies and fitness
D. Saurav Verma promoters has been formed to advise the government on the
Correct Answer: C. B Sai Praneeth “Fit India Movement”.
Explanation: India’s B Sai Praneeth lost the men’s singles 633. Which state topped in Composite Water Management
semi-final 13-21, 8-21 to World No. 1 Kento Mmomta of Index?
Japan at the BWF World Championships 2019 in Basel but A. Karnataka
finished with his maiden medal at the world meet. B. Gujarat
628. Which team won the 129th Durand Cup? C. Madhya Pradesh
A. Mohun Bagan D. Himachal Pradesh
B. Bengaluru FC Correct Answer: B. Gujarat
C. Chennai FC Explanation: CWMI (Composite Water Management
D. Gokulam Kerala FC Index) 2.0 ranks various states for the reference year 2017-
Correct Answer: D. Gokulam Kerala FC 18 as against the base year 2016-17. “Gujarat continues to
Explanation: In football, Gokulam Kerala FC won the hold on to its rank one in the reference year (2017-18),
129th Durand Cup, defeating heavyweights Mohun Bagan followed by Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Goa,
2-1 at the Salt Lake Stadium in Kolkata Karnataka and Tamil Nadu,” the release said.
629. Who has been named the world’s highest-paid actress 634. Which country recently allowed women over the age of
with earnings of $56 million (₹400 crore earnings) from 21 to travel abroad without permission from male
June 1, 2018-June 1, 2019? guardian?
A. Taylor Swift A. Zimbabwe
B. Angelina Jolie B. Afghanistan
C. Emma Watson C. Saudi Arabia
D. Scarlett Johnson D. UAE
Correct Answer: D. Scarlett Johnson Correct Answer: C. Saudi Arabia
Explanation: Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson has Explanation: In Saudi Arabia, a landmark reform allowing
been named the world’s highest-paid actress with earnings women over the age of 21 to receive passports and travel
of $56 million (₹400 crore earnings) from June 1, 2018- abroad without permission from a male guardian has
June 1, 2019. begun.
630. Who is the author of book “Big Billion StartUp”? 635. Which country launched world’s first floating nuclear
A. Atrup Chaturvedi reactor in Arctic?

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A. Japan D. Animal Planet
B. USA Correct Answer: C. Discovery India
C. Russia Explanation: To help save the world’s only mangrove
D. China tiger habitat, Discovery India and WWF (World Wide Fund
Correct Answer: C. Russia for Nature) India have partnered with the Forest
Explanation: Russia launched the world’s first floating Directorate, the government of West Bengal and local
nuclear reactor. The vessel weighs 21,000 tons and has two communities in the Sundarbans.
reactors with a capacity of 35 megawatts each. This reactor 641. Who has been appointed as India’s new batting coach?
loaded with nuclear fuel, the Akademik Lomonosov left the A. Bharat Arun
Arctic port of Murmansk to begin its 5,000 kilometres B. Vikram Rathour
(3,000-mile) voyage to Pevek in northeastern Siberia. C. R Sridhar
636. Recently Moody’s Investor Service has cut India’s GDP D. Sanjay Bangar
growth forecast to how much percent for 2019? Correct Answer: B. Vikram Rathour
A. 6.8% Explanation: Former opener Vikram Rathour will replace
B. 6.7% Sanjay Bangar as India’s new batting coach while Bharath
C. 6.2% Arun and R Sridhar were expectedly retained as bowling
D. 6.6% and fielding coaches respectively.
Correct Answer: C. 6.2% 642. Which country’s men hockey team won the Olympic
Explanation: Moody’s Investors Service has cut India’s Test Event?
GDP growth forecast for the calendar year 2019 to 6.2 per A. Pakistan
cent from its previous estimate of 6.8 per cent. B. England
637. Who has become the fastest Indian bowler to scalp 50 C. India
Test wickets? D. New Zealand
A. Mohd Shami Correct Answer: C. India
B. Bhubaneswar Kumar Explanation: The Indian men’s hockey team won the
C. Jasprit Bumrah Olympic Test event, beating New Zealand 5-0 to avenge
D. Ishant Sharma the loss it endured in their round robin clash.
Correct Answer: C. Jasprit Bumrah 643. Who was appointed as Home Secretary in the Ministry
Explanation: Pacer Jasprit Bumrah has become the fastest of Home Affairs?
Indian bowler to scalp 50 Test wickets. The 25-year-old A. SS Sridhar
recorded 50 Test wickets in his 11th match for the team in B. Ajay Rathour
the longest format of the game. C. Ajay Kumar Bhalla
638. The World Archery Youth Championship held in which D. PV Ramesh
city? Correct Answer: C. Ajay Kumar Bhalla
A. Paris Explanation: The Union Cabinet approved the
B. Beijing appointment of Ajay Kumar Bhalla as Home Secretary in
C. Tokyo the Ministry of Home Affairs.
D. Madrid 644. Who launched the book titled “The Diary of Manu
Correct Answer: D. Madrid Gandhi”?
Explanation: The Indian team of Sukhbeer Singh, A. Prahlad Patel
Sangampreet Singh Bisla and Tushar Phadtare clinched a B. Giriraj Singh
bronze medal in the junior compound men’s team event in C. Rajnath Singh
the World Archery Youth Championships in Madrid, D. Narendra Modi
Spain. Correct Answer: A. Prahlad Patel
639. Recently the government launched its own desi version Explanation: Culture and Tourism Minister Prahlad Singh
of e-commerce portal. Name it? Patel launched the book titled- the Diary of Manu Gandhi’.
A. VandeBharat The book has been brought out by National Archives of
B. DigitalIn India, on the occasion of 150th anniversary of Mahatma
C. Bharatcraft Gandhi in collaboration with Oxford University Press.
D. BharatJe 645. Which state tribal development department has
Correct Answer: C. Bharatcraft launched an academic programme for young tribal
Explanation: Taking inspiration from e-commerce students aspiring to be doctors and engineers known as
behemoths like Alibaba and Amazon, the government is Super 50?
planning to launch its own desi version of an e-commerce A. Odisha
portal. The government has named the portal Bharatcraft, B. Bihar
which will provide a platform for MSMEs to markets and C. Uttar Pradesh
sell their products. D. Maharashtra
640. Which channel tied up with World Wide Fund for Correct Answer: D. Maharashtra
Nature (WWF) to preserve Sundarbans? Explanation: Maharashtra’s Tribal Development
A. Tv24 Department in association with the Pace Educational Trust
B. National Geographic launched an academic programme for young tribal students
C. Discovery India aspiring to be doctors and engineers.

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646. The World Economic Forum India Economic Summit D. Akshay Kumar
will be held in which city/UT? Correct Answer: C. Dwayne Johnson
A. Chennai Explanation: Dwayne Johnson has added another feather
B. Kochi to his cap by emerging as the highest-paid actor on the
C. Mumbai 2019 Forbes’ list. The ‘Hobbs and Shaw’ actor’s earnings
D. New Delhi of 2018 were rock solid as he raked in a total income of
Correct Answer: D. New Delhi USD 89.4 million.
Explanation: Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina 652. When is World Senior Citizens Day observed?
and tennis star Sania Mirza will be among co-chairs for A. Aug 23
India Economic Summit to be held in New Delhi in B. Aug 19
October by the World Economic Forum, where hundreds of C. Aug 20
Indian and global leaders would discuss India’s role in D. Aug 21
South Asia and on the world stage. Correct Answer: D. Aug 21
647. Which country’s women hockey team won Olympic Explanation: The World Senior Citizen’s Day is
Test Event in Tokyo? celebrated on the 21st of August each year. The day is
A. Pakistan known to increase awareness of the factors and issues that
B. China affect older adults, such as age deterioration and the study
C. Japan of problems that affect their lives, elder abuse. It is also a
D. India day to recognize and acknowledge the contributions of
Correct Answer: D. India older people to society.
Explanation: The Indian Women’s Hockey team won the 653. Recently President Edgar Chagwa Lungu arrived in
Olympic Test Event by registering a 2-1 win against Japan India. He is the President of Which country?
in the final at Oi Hockey Stadium in Tokyo, Japan. A. Croatia
648. Who was appointed as new Defence Secretary? B. Austria
A. Ravneet Gill C. Ukraine
B. Sanjay Mitra D. Zambia
C. Ajay Kumar Correct Answer: D. Zambia
D. Sanjay Bhalla Explanation: President of Zambia Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Correct Answer: C. Ajay Kumar arrived in New Delhi on a three-day visit to India. Mr
Explanation: The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet Lungu will meet President Ram Nath Kovind and will hold
(ACC. approved the appointment of senior IAS officer delegation-level talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Ajay Kumar as the new Defence Secretary. He will replace 654. Which organisation to introduce two awards – the
Sanjay Mitra whose term ends on August 23. Neelum Sharma Tejaswini award and the
649. Who was appointed as new Cabinet Secretary? Achyutananda Sahoo Award?
A. NK Singh A. Doordharshan
B. PK Sinha B. NITI Aayog
C. Sanjay Mitra C. Prasar Bharti
D. Rajiv Gauba D. Indian Space Research Organisation
Correct Answer: D. Rajiv Gauba Correct Answer: C. Prasar Bharti
Explanation: Union Home Secretary Rajiv Gauba has Explanation: Prasar Bharti Chairman A Suryapakash has
been appointed the new Cabinet Secretary, the country’s announced that Prasar Bharati would soon be introducing
top bureaucratic post, for a tenure of two years. He will two awards – the Neelum Sharma Tejaswini award and the
succeed P K Sinha. Achyutananda Sahoo Award.
650. Who was conferred with the Pushkin Medal, the highest 655. Who has become the first Asian swimmer to cross the
International Award given to a scholar of Russian Catalina Channel of America?
language and literature? A. Nihal Chaturvedi
A. Priyal Chatterjee B. Nandan Singh
B. Meeta Narain C. Satendra Singh Lohia
C. Seema Sharma D. Sanjeev Singh Natiyal
D. Priyanka Dubey Correct Answer: C. Satendra Singh Lohia
Correct Answer: B. Meeta Narain Explanation: Divyang Satendra Singh Lohia from Madhya
Explanation: Prof. Meeta Narain of Jawaharlal Nehru Pradesh has become the first Asian swimmer to cross the
University (JNU) was conferred with the Pushkin Medal, Catalina Channel of America. Satendra holds the Asian
the highest International Award given to a scholar of record of crossing both the English and Catalina channels.
Russian language and literature for outstanding 656. What will be the retirement age of the Central Armed
contribution to Russian studies abroad. It is named after the Police Force personnel as per the order issued by the
famous Russian author and poet Alexander S. Pushkin. Ministry of Home Affairs?
651. Who has emerged as the highest paid actor on 2019 A. 58
Forbes list? B. 59
A. Robert Downey Jr C. 60
B. Tom Cruise D. 61
C. Dwayne Johnson Correct Answer: C. 60

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Explanation: As per the order issued by Union Home C. UAE
Ministry, all personnel of the forces, the Border Security D. Japan
Force, Sashastra Seema Bal, Central Reserve Police Force Correct Answer: C. UAE
and Indo-Tibetan Border Police will retire at the age of 60, Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be
instead of 57 years. travelling to the UAE and Bahrain from 23-25th August.
657. Which nation accused India of waging "fifth-generation During the visit, PM Modi will receive the 'Order of
warfare” by using water as a weapon? Zayed', the highest civil decoration of the UAE, which was
A. China conferred to him in April 2019.
B. Pakistan 662. Former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh has
C. Bangladesh recently been elected as a member of Rajya Sabha from
D. United States which state?
Correct Answer: B. Pakistan A. Rajasthan
Explanation: Pakistan accused India of waging "fifth- B. Punjab
generation warfare” by using water as a weapon on August C. Gujrat
19. Pakistan claimed that India failed to inform it about the D. Uttar Pradesh
release of excess water from a dam over River Satluj, Correct Answer: A. Rajasthan
which could cause flooding in the nation. Explanation: Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh got
658. Whose 75th birth anniversary was observed on August elected unopposed to Rajya Sabha from Rajasthan after the
20, 2019? opposition BJP failed to field a candidate against him. The
A. Rajiv Gandhi bypoll was necessitated by the death of BJP
B. Jawaharlal Nehru parliamentarian Madan Lal Saini.
C. A P J Abdul Kalam 663. The music composer of films like 'Umrao Jaan',
D. Narendra Modi 'Bazaar', 'Kabhi Kabhi' passed away recently. What
Correct Answer: A. Rajiv Gandhi was his name?
Explanation: Former Prime Minister of India, late Rajiv A. Omar Abdul Bhatt
Gandhi’s 75th birth anniversary was observed on August B. Mohammad Khayyam
20, 2019. Rajiv Gandhi was born on August 20, 1944 in C. Amzad Hussain
Mumbai. The Indian National Congress observes the day as D. None of the above
'Sadbhavna Divas'. Correct Answer: B. Mohammad Khayyam
659. The Direct Tax Code (DTC. task force has Explanation: Veteran music director of India Mohammed
recommended a major cut in corporate tax for both Zahur Khayyam, known as Khayyam, passed away on
domestic and foreign companies. What is the newly August 19, 2019. He was 92. Khayyam was best known for
recommended corporate tax rate? his music in movies like Kabhi Kabhi and Umrao Jaan.
A. 25 percent Mohammed Zahur Khayyam was honoured with the
B. 30 percent National Film Award for his work in Umrao Jaan.
C. 15 percent 664. Which country described recent US missile test as
D. 20 percent 'escalation of military tensions'?
Correct Answer: A. 25 percent A. North Korea
Explanation: The Direct Tax Code (DTC. task force has B. Japan
recommended a major cut in the corporate tax for both C. Russia
domestic and foreign companies. The panel has proposed D. South Korea
reducing the tax from earlier 30 percent for large Correct Answer: C. Russia
companies and 40 percent for foreign companies to an even Explanation: Russia said on August 20, 2019 that the
rate of 25 percent for both domestic and foreign United States was escalating military tensions by testing a
companies. medium-range cruise missile weeks after tearing up a pact
660. Which glacier in Iceland has lost its identity due to with Russia. The tested missile was not nuclear equipped.
climate change? 665. Which court has agreed to hear Facebook’s plea for
A. Okjokull transfer of Aadhaar- social media linking cases?
B. Sesami A. Delhi HC
C. Milami B. Allahabad HC
D. Sumatra C. Supreme Court
Correct Answer: A. Okjokull D. Madras HC
Explanation: Iceland unveiled a plaque to its Okjokull ice Correct Answer: C. Supreme Court
sheet, the first of the country’s hundreds of glaciers to melt Explanation: The Supreme Court has agreed to hear the
away due to climate change. Scientists see the shrinking of plea of Facebook for transfer of cases related to demands
glaciers as one of many warning signs that the earth’s for linking of user-profiles with Aadhaar that are pending
climate is lurching toward dangerous tipping points. before the Madras High Court, Bombay HC and Madhya
661. Which country will be bestowing its highest civilian Pradesh HC to the apex court.
award 'Order of Zaid’ upon Indian Prime Minister 666. When will Chandrayaan-2 lander Vikram be separated
Narendra Modi? from the orbiter?
A. Bhutan A. 2 September
B. Thailand B. 3 September

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C. 4 September C. 99
D. 5 September D. 23
Correct Answer: A. 2 September Correct Answer: A. 18
Explanation: The Vikram lander will separate from the Explanation: Team India has revealed new test jerseys that
Chandrayaan-2 orbiter on September 02, 2019, marking a have the names of the players and their preferred numbers
special day for ISRO. Following this, orbit maneuvers will at the back of the jersey. Virat Kohli was seen wearing
be performed on Vikram to place it in a 100 km X 30 km number 18 at the back, while Test vice-captain Ajinkya
orbit around the Moon. Rahane was seen sporting number 3 jersey.
667. Which organization recently handed over Mobile 672. According to the latest report of the World Health
Metallic Ramp (MMR) to the Indian Army? Organization, which infectious disease outbreak is
A. ISRO increasing rapidly in the world?
B. DRDO A. Measles
C. JBL B. Chicken pox
D. L&T C. Malaria
Correct Answer: B. DRDO D. Cholera
Explanation: Defence Research and Development Correct Answer: A. Measles
Organisation (DRDO) has developed an indigenous Mobile Explanation: WHO suggests that there are major measles
Metallic Ramp (MMR). This Mobile Metallic Ramp outbreaks currently occurring in Angola, Cameroon, Chad,
(MMR) has a a load-bearing capacity of 70 metric ton Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Philippines, South Sudan and
(MT). Thailand. In the WHO European region, there were
668. Which organization recently released a report ‘Quality approximately 90,000 cases reported in the first six months
Unknown: The Invisible Water Crisis’? of 2019.
A. UNESCO 673. Who among the following has been nominated for the
B. UNICEF Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna in the National Sports
C. WHO Awards 2019?
D. World Bank A. Ravindra Jadeja
Correct Answer: D. World Bank B. R. Ashwin
Explanation: As per the report ‘Quality Unknown: The C. Deepa Malik
Invisible Water Crisis’released by World Bank there is D. Dipa Karmakar
direct relation between water pollution and economic Correct Answer: C. Deepa Malik
growth. According to the analysis by the World Bank, poor Explanation: A day after wrestler Bajrang Punia's name
water quality is affecting economic growth and worsening was recommended for the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, the
health conditions. 12-member selection committee added 2016 Rio
669. What is the name of former Madhya Pradesh CM who Paralympics silver medallist Deepa Malik to this
passed away recently? prestigious list. Malik is the second Indian Paralympian
A. Jeetan Ram after Devendra Jhajharia (2017), and the first woman in the
B. Ajeet Sarkar category, to be nominated for this coveted award.
C. Babulal Gaur 674. PM Modi recently inaugurated Mangdechhu
D. Varun Saxena hydroelectric power plant in which country?
Correct Answer: C. Babulal Gaur A. Bangladesh
Explanation: Former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh B. Bhutan
Babulal Gaur died in Bhopal on Wednesday morning. The C. Sri Lanka
89-year-old was admitted to the hospital on August 7 in a D. Malaysia
critical condition after his blood pressure dropped. He was Correct Answer: B. Bhutan
CM of the state from August 2004 to November 2005. Explanation: Mangdechhu hydroelectric power plant in
670. India signed six MoUs to expand cooperation in the Bhutan was recently inaugurated by Prime Minister of
fields of geology, defence and arts & culture with which India Narendra Modi. It is a one of the major projects under
nation on August 21, 2019? Bhutan's initiative to generate 10,000 MW hydropower by
A. Mozambique 2020.
B. Zambia 675. Which former Chief Minister of Bihar recently died in
C. Peru Delhi at the age of 83?
D. Egypt A. Jagannath Mishra
Correct Answer: B. Zambia B. Jeetan Ram Manjhi
Explanation: India and Zambia signed six Memorandums C. Satyendra Narayan Singh
of Understanding (MoUs) in several areas including D. Chandrashekhar Singh
geology, defence, arts and culture during Zambian Correct Answer: A. Jagannath Mishra
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu's state visit to India. Explanation: Former Bihar Chief Minister Jagannath
671. Team Indian skipper Virat Kohli has which among the Mishra passed away at a hospital in New Delhi on August
following numbers written at the back of his new test 19, 2019. He was 82 and suffering from some health issues
jersey? for several months. He was three-times Chief Minister of
A. 18 the state.
B. 44

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676. Punjab and Haryana High Court started its first virtual 681. The NGT has formed a committee to examine illegal
court through video conferencing in which city? sand mining in which river?
A. Panipat A. Ganga
B. Rohtak B. Yamuna
C. Hisar C. Cauvery
D. Faridabad D. Godavari
Correct Answer: D. Faridabad Correct Answer: B. Yamuna
Explanation: A Punjab and Haryana High Court started Explanation: The national green tribunal has formed a
first virtual court in Faridabad. It would deal with traffic committee to examine the allegations of illegal sand mining
challan cases from across the State. The project will be in Yamuna River. The NGT formed the committee to
launched under the guidance of e-Committee of the examine the issue after Delhi Jal Board CEO Anil Kumar
Supreme Court of India. Singh moved the green panel alleging illegal sand mining
677. Which country hosted the 28th BASIC Ministerial in the Yamuna.
meeting on Climate Change? 682. When was World Humanitarian Day 2019 observed?
A. India A. August 20th
B. Brazil B. August 18th
C. China C. August 19th
D. USA D. August 17th
Correct Answer: B. Brazil Correct Answer: C. August 19th
Explanation: BASIC countries (Brazil, South Africa, India Explanation: The world humanitarian day 2019 was
and China) held their 28th Ministerial meeting on Climate observed on August 19, 2019. The day is observed
Change recently in Sao Paulo, Brazil. These four countries annually to pay tribute to the humanitarian aid workers who
collectively account for one-third of world’s geographical endanger their lives for humanitarian service as well as to
area and nearly 40% of world’s population. rally support for the people affected by the crisis.
678. Which country is the largest emitter of SO2, according 683. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the creation
to Greenpeace data? of the post of Chief in which sector in his Independence
A. Russia Day speech 2019?
B. India A. Finance
C. China B. Defence
D. Saudi Arabia C. Railways
Correct Answer: B. India D. Infrastructure
Explanation: India is the largest emitter of anthropogenic Correct Answer: B. Defence
sulphur dioxide in the world, as per the data released by Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced
environmental NGO Greenpeace on August 19, 2019. the appointment of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) in his
Anthropogenic sulphur dioxide is produced from burning sixth consecutive Independence Day speech. The Chief of
of coal and it is known to largely contribute to air pollution. Defence Staff will help integrate all three services – the
679. Which country hosts the world’s largest SO2 emission Indian Army, the Air Force and the Indian Navy.
hotspot? 684. Which batsman has become first cricketer to score
A. China 20,000 international runs in a decade?
B. South Africa A. Virat Kohli
C. India B. Rohit Sharma
D. Russia C. Babar Azam
Correct Answer: D. Russia D. Francois du Plessis
Explanation: The NASA data revealed that Norilsk Correct Answer: A. Virat Kohli
smelter complex in Russia is the largest SO2 emission Explanation: Virat Kohli has become the first batsman to
hotspot in the world, followed by Kriel in Mpumalanga score 20,000 international runs in a decade during the
province in South Africa and Zagroz in Iran. However, in match against West Indies. He has scored 20,502 runs
the country-wise ranking, India tops the list in emitting across three formats out of which he has scored 20,018 runs
SO2 as it has the maximum number of hotspots. in the ongoing decade.
680. Researchers have discovered five new species of fish in 685. What is the name of scheme PM Modi recently
which state? announced for water conservation and household
A. Arunachal Pradesh pipeline supply?
B. Manipur A. Pradhanmantri Jal Abhiyan
C. Assam B. Jal Shakti Mission
D. Meghalaya C. Jal Jeevan Mission
Correct Answer: A. Arunachal Pradesh D. Jal hai toh kal hai
Explanation: Five new species of fish have been Correct Answer: C. Jal Jeevan Mission
discovered from different districts of Arunachal Pradesh. Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced
The discovery was made by a fisheries and aquatic ecology during his Independence Day speech that the government
research team from the zoology department of Rajiv will launch a Jal Jeevan Mission to bring piped water
Gandhi University (RGU). The research team was headed supply to every house. He also urged the people to come
by Professor DN Das. forward and contribute in conserving water resources.

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686. Who has been recently honoured with Dr A. P. J. Abdul inaugurated the International Conference titled ‘Journey of
Kalam Award? Teacher Education: Local to Global’ in New Delhi.
A. Amitabh Kant 691. The San-Sadhan Hackathon launched by the
B. K. Sivan government is related to :
C. Dr. Rajiv Kumar A. Special Marathon arranged for the member of
D. M.K. Rudra Parliament
Correct Answer: B. K. Sivan B. Affordable toilets for the disabled
Explanation: ISRO Chairman K. Sivan, was awarded Dr. C. Art competition for school children at national level by
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Award by Tamil Nadu government. government
He was awarded in recognition of his stellar work in D. Training physically challenged people on setting up start
promotion of science and technology. The award carries 8 ups
gm gold medal, Rs.5 lakh in cash and a citation. Correct Answer: B. Affordable toilets for the disabled
687. Which country celebrate its Independence Day on 17 Explanation: Under San-Sadhan Hackathon, startups,
August every year? student innovators, technology enthusiasts, academicians
A. Indonesia and industry experts have been invited by the Central
B. Pakistan government to create composite and affordable toilet
C. Bangladesh solutions for Divyang or physically challenged people.
D. Sri Lanka 692. The National Tribal Festival “Aadi Mahotsav” has
Correct Answer: A. Indonesia started in which region?
Explanation: Indonesian Independence Day is celebrated A. Shimla
on 17 August every year. This day is celebrated as the B. Udaipur
declaration of independence from Dutch colonization in C. Ladakh
1945. D. Delhi
688. The National Essential Diagnostics List (NEDL) for Correct Answer: C. Ladakh
India has been finalized by which organisation? Explanation: Union Minister for Tribal Affairs Arjun
A. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Munda today inaugurated a nine-day National Tribal
B. AIIMS Festival, Aadi Mahotsav in Polo Grounds of Leh. This is
C. Ministry of AYUSH the first mega event arranged by the Centre after the
D. Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) announcement of Union Territory status for Ladakh region
Correct Answer: A. Indian Council of Medical Research which has 97 per cent tribal population.
(ICMR) 693. Iconic Hazratganj Chauraha has been renamed as the
Explanation: India has become the first country to compile ‘Atal Chowk’, in honour of former Prime Minister Atal
such a list that would provide guidance to the government Bihari Vajpayee. The place is located in which city?
for deciding the kind of diagnostic tests that different A. Ahmadabad
healthcare facilities in villages and remote areas require. B. Lucknow
689. President Ram Nath Kovind has inaugurated the C. Mumbai
underground ‘Bunker Museum’ in which city recently? D. Raipur
A. New Delhi Correct Answer: B. Lucknow
B. Mumbai Explanation: Lucknow city’s iconic Hazratganj Chauraha
C. Ahmedabad has been renamed as the ‘Atal Chowk’, in honour of former
D. Guwahati Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Correct Answer: B. Mumbai 694. Which state government, setting up of Lemru Elephant
Explanation: President Ram Nath Kovind inaugurated an Reserve (LER), spanning over an area of 450 square
underground Bunker Museum at Raj Bhavan Mumbai. The kilometres?
thematic underground bunker museum spread over an area A. Odisha
of 15,000 sq.ft. will be opened for the general public B. West Bengal
through prior online booking later during the year. The C. Chhattisgarh
Bunker Museum has Virtual Reality Booths in which D. Manipur
visitors can time-travel to the 19th century when the bunker Correct Answer: C. Chhattisgarh
was constructed to fire cannons at approaching enemy Explanation: Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel announced
ships. the formation of ‘Lemru Elephant Reserve’ in Chattisgarh.
690. Who inaugurated International Conference on Teacher Chhattisgarh government, setting up of Lemru Elephant
Education? Reserve (LER), spanning over an area of 450 square
A. Shri Dinesh Gupta kilometres, is aimed at minimizing human-elephant conflict
B. Shri Prakash Javedakar and destruction of property in addition to providing a
C. Shri Suresh Prabhu permanent habitat for the wild tuskers.
D. Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank 695. Which state government launched a scheme “School
Correct Answer: D. Shri Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal Fagadaba” to improve infrastructure of government
Nishank schools in the state.
Explanation: The Honorable Union Minister of Human A. Mizoram
Resource Development Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ B. Manipur
C. Meghalaya

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D. Maharashtra defeated Chinese Taipei 2-1 in the summit clash to win the
Correct Answer: B. Manipur title.
Explanation: Launching the “School Fagadaba” (Make 701. Hima Das, Mohammad Anas clinched gold at
education bettter) scheme, Singh said the objective was to Athleticky Mitink Reiter 300m race event. The event
ensure better infrastructure, quality education and overall was held in____________.
improvement of government schools to make them model A. Germany
schools. B. Russia
696. Tawlhlohpuan and Mizo Puanchei are the latest C. Japan
addition in the GI tag list. The products belong to which D. Czech Republic
state? Correct Answer: D. Czech Republic
A. Nagaland Explanation: Top Indian sprinters Hima Das and
B. Sikkim Mohammad Anas have won a gold each in 300m races at
C. Assam the Athleticky Mitink Reiter event in Czech Republic.
D. Mizoram 702. Which country has won the 2019 Victoria Rugby Cup?
Correct Answer: D. Mizoram A. Uganda
Explanation: PalaniPanchamirtham from Palani Town in B. Zambia
Dindigul District of Tamil Nadu State, Tawlhlohpuan and C. Zimbabwe
Mizo Puancheifrom the state of Mizoram and Tirur Betel D. Kenya
leaf from Kerala are the latest additions to the list of Correct Answer: A. Uganda
registered GI. Explanation: The Victoria Cup is a rugby union
697. Which institution researchers have developed a tournament played between four African nations involving
multimodal robotic system with good grasping, Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Zambia based on a double
manipulation and locomotion abilities? round-robin system.
A. IIT Madras 703. Richard Williams, who died recently was a noted
B. IIT Delhi ____________
C. IIT Roorke A. Former President of UK
D. IIT Khanpur B. Animation Director
Correct Answer: A. IIT Madras C. Singer
Explanation: Called ‘GraspMan,’ the system comprises a D. Author
pair of graspers that are capable of holding objects securely Correct Answer: B. Animation Director
and manipulate it much like the human hand. Explanation: Richard Williams, the three-time Oscar-
698. Who is the author of the novel “Second Night”? winning animator best known to the world for Who Framed
A. Satyendra Dubey Roger Rabbit, and to the animation industry for “The
B. Krishna Kant Animators Survival Kit,” his seminal instructional book,
C. Sandeep Pandey DVD and app set, passed away at the age of 86
D. Rajiv Dogra 704. Ranjit Guru who passes away recently, was a veteran
Correct Answer: D. Rajiv Dogra journalist from which state?
Explanation: This is the third book written by Rajiv Dogra A. West Bengal
the other two being – “Durand’s Curse” and “Where B. Maharashtra
Borders Bleed: An Insider’s Account of Indo-Pak C. Odisha
Relations”. D. Bihar
699. Who is the author of the book ‘Kashmir’s Untold Story: Correct Answer: C. Odisha
Declassified’? Explanation: Noted journalist and columnist Ranjit Guru
A. Gurvinder Singh and Gaurav Arya passed away following a brief illness.He was 61. He spent a
B. Ritwik Ghatak and Sushant Sareen major part of his career working for Odia daily ‘Sambad’ as
C. Adoor Gopalakrishnan and G. D. Bakshi a senior Editor.
D. Iqbal Chand Malhotra and Maroof Raza 705. Renowned journalist Neelum Sharma who died recently
Correct Answer: D. Iqbal Chand Malhotra and Maroof was the founder anchor of which of these news channel?
Raza A. CNBC
Explanation: The book has been written by filmmaker B. DD News
Iqbal Chand Malhotra and defence analyst Maroof Raza. C. India Today
Published by Bloomsbury, the book will hit stands on D. NDTV
September 18. Correct Answer: B. DD News
700. Under- 12 Asian Tennis Team championship 2019 is Explanation: She was among the founding anchors of DD
hosted by which country? News and was associated with Doordarshan for over 2
A. Kazakhstan decade since 1995. Sharma was known was her
B. India programmes like ‘Tejaswini’ and ‘Badi Charcha’. She was
C. Indonesia awarded the Nari Shakti Puruskar 2018 by President Ram
D. UAE Nath Kovind in March 2019.
Correct Answer: B. India 706. The biennial multilateral naval exercise MILAN will be
Explanation: India have won gold at the Under 12 Asian held in which city in 2020?
Tennis Team championship held in Kazakhstan. India A. Visakhapatnam

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B. Andaman and Nicobar Correct Answer – D. Rajdeep Sardesai
C. Kochi Explanation: The annual award carries a prize of Rs 2 lakh
D. Thiruvananthapuram It was established in the memory of veteran journalist Prem
Correct Answer: A. Visakhapatnam Bhatia, who was famous for his political reporting. While,
Explanation: The Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the 2019 award for environmental reporting went to Down
Eastern Naval Command (ENC., Vice Admiral Atul Kumar to Earth’s Ishan Kukreti and independent journalist Sharada
Jain has announced that the Indian Navy will organise Balasubramanian.
the multilateral naval exercise MILAN at Visakhapatnam 712. _________ has become India’s first junior World
in March 2020. Champion in 18 years.
707. World Mosquito Day is observed annually on _______. A. Ramesh Thakkar
A. 17 August B. Deepak Punia
B. 20 August C. Teerath Singh
C. 23 August D. Mohan Urbash
D. 26 August Correct Answer – B. Deepak Punia
Correct Answer: B. 20 August Explanation: Punia defeated Russia’s Alik Shebzukhov 2-
Explanation: This day commemorates Ross’ discovery 2 in the 86 kg gold medal bout. It is worth noting that he
(1897) that female mosquitoes transmit malaria between will be representing the country at the Senior World
humans. It aims to raise awareness about the causes of Championships in Kazakhstan next month.
malaria and its prevention. 713. Union Minister Prakash Javadekar released a patriotic
708. _______ will continue as the title sponsor of the Indian song called ______ produced by Doordarshan on
cricket board’s domestic and international matches for Tuesday ahead of the Independence Day celebrations.
the next five years. A. Bharat
A. Paytm B. Watan
B. Amul C. Desh
C. Vivo D. Karma
D. Oppo Correct Answer – B. Watan
Correct Answer – A. PayTm Explanation: The song pays a tribute to New India,
Explanation: According to the BCCI, the bid from One 97 besides highlighting several path-breaking initiatives of the
Communications (holding company of Paytm) of Rs 326.80 government.
crore was the winning bid. It is worth mentioning that the 714. India’s first Space Science Museum opened
new deal will be effective Sep 15, when the South African in ________ recently.
team will visit India. A. Bengaluru
709. Which Indian sprinter has been made a member of the B. Chandigarh
Athletes Commission of the Asian Athletics C. Hyderabad
Association? D. Mumbai
A. PT Usha Correct Answer – C. Hyderabad
B. Banoo Gulzar Explanation: It is a collaborative effort between the Indian
C. Saathi Geeta Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the B M Birla
D. Nilma Ghose Science Centre. ISRO will provide some 65 models of
Correct Answer – A. PT Usha various spacecrafts, satellites and rockets of varying sizes.
Explanation: PT Usha will be one of the six members of 715. Who will continue as the head coach of India cricket
the AAA Athletes Commission. The commission would be team for another two years?
headed by 1992 Olympics gold medallist hammer thrower A. Kapil Dev
Andrey Abduvaliyev (Uzbekistan). B. Sachin Tendulkar
710. ________ has bagged the “best innovation and initiative C. Ravi Shastri
leadership award” for its achievements in higher D. Virat Kohli
education in the World Education Summit-2019. Correct Answer – C. Ravi Shastri
A. J&K Explanation: Ravi Shastri’s tenure has been extended till
B. Himachal Pradesh the T20 World Cup in 2021. Under Ravi Shastri, India won
C. Uttarakhand their first-ever Test series in Australia earlier this year.
D. Rajasthan India, under him, also reached the semi-final of World Cup
Correct Answer – D. Rajasthan 2019.
Explanation: Minister of State for Higher Education 716. The government recently appointed ________ as Drug
Bhanwar Singh Bhati received the award. It is worth noting Controller General of India (DCGI).
that representatives of 8 countries and 17 states of India A. VG Somani
attended the 2-day World Education Summit-2019. B. Rakesh Asthana
711. Who has been awarded the 2019 Prem Bhatia Award C. Pardeep Mehra
for Outstanding Political Reporting? D. Neelam Sood
A. Sudhir Chaudhary Correct Answer – A. VG Somani
B. Raveesh Kumar Explanation: Somani is currently Joint Drugs Controller of
C. Amish Devgan India. His appointment will end the wait of having full-time
D. Rajdeep Sardesai DCGI for the last 2 years. It must be mentioned here that

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DCGI heads the Central Drugs Standard Control C. Mera Desh
Organisation (CDSCO). D. Hum Sathi
717. Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently announced the Correct Answer: A. Watan
creation of a CDS position. Expand CDS. Explanation: Union Information and Broadcasting (I&B.
A. Chief of Defence Staff Minister Prakash Javadekar released a music video titled
B. Commission of Defence Staff ‘Watan’. It has been sung by renowned Bollywood singer
C. Chief of Defensive Staff Javed Ali and written by lyricist Alok Shrivastav and music
D. Chief of Defender Staff composed by Dushyant.
Correct Answer – A. Chief of Defence Staff 723. Who has recently won ‘Doodle for Google’ 2019 award?
Explanation: The CDS will coordinate between the three A. Misty Lawrance
services, the Army, Air Force and Navy. Presently, India B. Jane Peterson
has a Chiefs of Staff Committee (CoSC). C. Arantza Pena Popo
718. Which police department was dragged to court for D. Andrew Cornwell
referring to Independence Day as Republic Day? Correct Answer: C. Arantza Pena Popo
A. UP Police Explanation: Google has announced Arantza Pena Popo as
B. Delhi Police a winner of ‘Doodle for Google’ contest 2019. She belongs
C. MP Police to the Georgia who won for her Doodle titled “Once You
D. Karnataka Police Get It, Give It Back.” Google is honored to award Arantza
Correct Answer: B. Delhi Police with a USD 30,000 college scholarship and a USD 50,000
Explanation: Delhi Police reportedly referred to August 15 technology award for her school.
as India’s Republic Day instead of Independence Day. This 724. Who will be awarded with Vir Chakra during
blunder got printed in an advisory. Following the incident, Independence Day 2019 celebrations?
a petition was filed against Delhi Police in the Delhi High A.Rajiv Arora
Court on August 13. B. K L Nayak
719. Donald Trump accused which two countries of taking C. Abhinandan Varthaman
advantage of the WTO’s ‘developing economies’ tag? D. Sumit Prakash
A. China and Japan Correct Answer: C. Abhinandan Varthaman
B. India and Pakistan Explanation: Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman,
C. Pakistan and China who was part of an aerial engagement with Pakistan a day
D. India and China after the Balakot air strike and was later caught by Pakistan
Correct Answer: D. India and China after his Mig-21 crashed on their side, is set to get Vir
Explanation: US President Donald Trump stated recently Chakra on Independence Day.
that India and China are no longer “developing nations” 725. When will the World Sanskrit Divas 2019 be
and that both were taking advantage of the developing celebrated?
nations tag given by the World Trade Organization. A. 14 August
720. IWF has provisionally suspended five athletes belonging B. 15 August
to which nation? C. 16 August
A. India D. 17 August
B. Japan Correct Answer: B. 15 August
C. Russia Explanation: World Sanskrit Divas 2019 will be observed
D. China on 15 August 2019 this year. It is celebrated every year on
Correct Answer: C. Russia Shravana Purnima that is on full moon day in the month of
Explanation: The International Weightlifting Federation Shravana according to the Hindu calendar.
(IWF) announced on August 14, 2019 that it has 726. Who was elected as the first woman President of Indian
provisionally suspended five Russian weightlifters, National Science Academy (INSA.?
including a 2012 Olympic bronze medallist, after A. Chandrima Shaha
conducting dope tests on samples recovered from the B. Aditi Pant
Moscow lab. C. Shubha Tole
721. Which state’s police has banned offering of namaz on D. Yamuna Krishnan
roads? Correct Answer: A. Chandrima Shaha
A. Delhi Explanation: Chandrima Shaha was recently elected as the
B. UP President of Indian National Science Academy (INSA..
C. Madhya Pradesh With this, Shaha became the first woman to be elected as
D. Maharashtra President of INSA. She will serve the post from 2020 to
Correct Answer: B. UP 2022.
Explanation: The UP police have banned offering namaz on 727. Which nation has introduced new rules to deny green
roads across the state, as it causes disruption in road traffic cards to immigrants using public benefits?
and interrupts smooth traffic flow. A. Canada
722. What is the name of the patriotic song released by I&B B. UK
Minister Prakash Javadekar recently? C. US
A. Watan D. Germany
B. Azadi Correct Answer: C. US

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Explanation: The United States has announced new rules Affairs, Hardeep Singh Puri launched the fifth edition of
that aim to deny US citizenship to the immigrants who use the annual cleanliness survey ‘Swachh Survekshan 2020’
public benefits. Under the new rules, those already in the on 13 August 2019. The Survey will be conducted in
US and availing public benefits will be denied the January 2020.
opportunity of getting the green card. 733. Name the waste management mobile app that was
728. Which court refused to pass any order on J&K saying launched recently to track waste collection.
that it will wait for normalcy to return to the state? A. Swachh Nagar App
A. Delhi HC B. Swachh Prayavaran App
B. Madras HC C. Swachh Prakarti App
C. Supreme Court D. Swachh Gali App
D. Allahabad HC Correct Answer: A. Swachh Nagar App
Correct Answer: C. Supreme Court Explanation: Minister of State for Housing & Urban
Explanation: The Supreme Court has refused an urgent Affairs, Hardeep Singh Puri recently launched SBM Water
hearing of a PIL on the security clampdown in Kashmir PLUS Protocol and Toolkit, Swachh Survekshan 2020
Valley. The petition was filed by activist Tehseen Toolkit, Swachh Nagar and mSBM Apps while launching
Poonawalla challenging the Centre's decision to impose the Swachh Survekshan 2020.
restrictions in Jammu and Kashmir, following revoking of 734. Who won the National Film Award 2019 for Best
Article 370. Actress?
729. Who has become the first Indian to win world title in A. Alia Bhatt
motorsports? B. Radhika Apte
A. Aishwarya Pissay C. Tabu
B. Mehul Sahney D. Keerthy Suresh
C. Mrinal Pandey Correct Answer: D. Keerthy Suresh
D. Rita Vieira Explanation: Keerthy Suresh won the Best Actress award at
Correct Answer: A. Aishwarya Pissay the 66th National Film Awards for her performance in
Explanation: Aishwarya Pissay won the FIM World Cup in Telugu film Mahanati.
women’s category in Hungary, becoming the first-ever 735. When will the PM Modi Man vs Wild episode with Bear
Indian to win a world title in motorsports. Aishwarya Grylls be telecasted?
Pissay also finished second in the FIM Junior category. A. August 12th
730. The MCC has decided to review overthrow rules after B. August 13th
an overthrow incident in the ICC World Cup final 2019 C. August 15th
involving which two players? D. August 16th
A. Kane Williamson and Jos Buttler Correct Answer: A. August 12th
B. Ben Stokes and Martin Guptill Explanation: PM Modi Man vs Wild special episode with
C. Tom Latham and Jason Roy Bear Grylls will be telecasted across the world at 9 pm on
D. James Neesham and Chris Woakes August 12. PM Modi will be seen venturing into the wild
Correct Answer: B. Ben Stokes and Martin Guptill with Bear Grylls in a special Discovery broadcast.
Explanation: Following the overthrow incident involving 736. Which company would be acquiring 20 percent stake in
Ben Stokes and Martin Guptill in the ICC World Cup final Reliance’s oil refinery and chemical business?
2019, the MCC (Marylebone Cricket CluB., custodians of A. Sinopec
the Laws of Cricket, said that they are considering B. ExxonMobil
reviewing overthrow rules in September 2019. C. Saudi Aramco
731. The Bar Council of India (BCI) recently imposed D. Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
moratorium of how much period on opening of new law Correct Answer: C. Saudi Aramco
institutions? Explanation: Saudi Aramco would be acquiring 20 percent
A. 1 Year stake in RIL’s oil refinery and chemical business at a value
B. 2 Years of $75 billion or over 5.3 lakh crore. The announcement
C. 3 Years was made by Mukesh Ambani during the 42nd Annual
D. 4 Years General Meeting of Reliance Industries on August 12.
Correct Answer: C. 3 Years 737. What was the theme of International Youth Day 2019?
Explanation: The Bar Council of India (BCI) recently A. Education for All
imposed 3 year moratorium on opening of new law B. Transforming Education
institutions in the country. However, the moratorium will C. Equal Opportunities
not apply to the National Law Universities (NLUs). D. Youth the Future
732. Which Union Minister launched the Swachh Correct Answer: B. Transforming Education
Survekshan 2020 recently? Explanation: The International Youth Day was observed
A. Amit Shah across the world on August 12 to recognize the efforts put
B. Hardeep Singh Puri in by the youth for the betterment of the society. The
C. Gajendra Singh Shekhawat International Youth Day 2019 theme is “Transforming
D. Smriti Irani education”.
Correct Answer: B. Hardeep Singh Puri 738. Which film won the national film award 2019 for “Best
Explanation: Minister of State for Housing & Urban Film”?

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A. Uri B. Jaipur
B. Padman C. Chennai
C. Hellaro D. Hyderabad
D. Andhadhun Correct Answer: A. Delhi
Correct Answer: C. Hellaro Explanation: NITI Aayog has launched the Fourth Edition
Explanation: Gujarati Movie Hellaro won the ‘Best Film’ of Women Transforming India (WTI) Awards, in
award at the 66th national film awards 2019. collaboration with the United Nations in New Delhi. The
739. Which ministry recently approved child care leave in nominations can be filed on behalf of individuals or by the
case of when a male is single parent? individuals themselves at
A. Ministry of Finance 744. Who among the following was conferred the Bharat
B. Ministry of Defence Ratna honour?
C. Ministry of Railways A. Ram Nath Kovind
D. Ministry of Education B. Pranab Mukherjee
Correct Answer: B. Ministry of Defence C. Arun Jaitely
Explanation: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has approved D. Meira Kumar
extending benefits of child care leave to single male service Correct Answer: B. Pranab Mukherjee
personnel. Single male service personnel and woman Explanation: President Ram Nath Kovind conferred the
officers of defence forces will also be able to avail CCL in Bharat Ratna to former President Pranab Mukherjee and
respect of child with 40 per cent disability without any posthumously to Assamese singer Bhupen Hazarika and
restriction of age limit for the child. Bharatiya Jana Sangh leader Nanaji Deshmukh.
740. Name the book based on M. Venkaiah Naidu’s two 745. World Archery suspended the Archery Association of
years as Vice President of India. which among the following countries?
A. Listening, Learning and Leading A. India
B. From a party worker to Vice President of India B. China
C. Not a common man C. Pakistan
D. Vice President of India as Citizen of India D. Bangladesh
Correct Answer: A. Listening, Learning and Leading Correct Answer: A. India
Explanation: Union Minister for Home Affairs, Amit Shah Explanation: The Archery Association of India has been
launched the book ‘Listening, Learning and Leading’ suspended by World Archery for defying its guidelines by
recently. This book is based on Vice President of India, M. appointing two parallel bodies. Indian archers will have to
Venkaiah Naidu’s two years in office. The book captures compete in World Archery events as independents under
glimpses of the Vice President’s 330 public engagements the World Archery flag till the suspension on AAI is lifted.
across the country during this period. 746. Who among the following cricketers announced his
741. Which state government launched 'Mukhyamantri retirement from all forms of International cricket on
Madad Yojana' to provide assistance on the birth of a August 8, 2019?
child and death of a family member in a tribal family? A. Dale Steyn
A. Rajasthan B. Imran Tahir
B. Uttar Pradesh C. Hashim Amla
C. Telangana D. Quinton de Kock
D. Madhya Pradesh Correct Answer: C. Hashim Amla
Correct Answer: D. Madhya Pradesh Explanation: Hashim Amla announced his retirement from
Explanation: Under the Mukhyamantri Madad Yojana, 50 all formats of international cricket on August 8, 2019. The
kg wheat and rice will be given to the family on birth of a South African cricketer has hit 55 centuries in 349 matches
boy or girl in a tribal family. On the death of a member of across all cricketing formats in his 15-year continued
the family, the government will provide 100 kg of wheat or career. Amla said that he will continue to play domestic
rice and utensils for cooking. cricket.
742. What is the name of the father of ISRO, on whose 100th 747. Which film won Best Hindi Film award in the 66th
birthday, Google has dedicated a doodle? National Film Awards?
A. Homi Bhabha A. Badhaai Ho
B. Ramesha Chandra B. Uri
C. Vikram Sarabhai C. Andhadhun
D. Anil Vijayan D. Padmaavat
Correct Answer: C. Vikram Sarabhai Correct Answer: C. Andhadhun
Explanation: Google has paid its tribute to the founder of Explanation: Andhadhun won the national film award for
ISRO Vikram Sarabhai by a Google Doodle. Google is Best Hindi Film and Padman won the Best Film on Social
celebrating the 100th birth anniversary of award-winning Issues award.
Indian physicist, industrialist, and innovator Vikram 748. Who won the Best Director award at the 66th National
Sarabhai. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai is also known as the father Film Awards?
of Indian space programme. A. Sriram Raghavan
743. NITI Aayog recently launched the fourth edition of B. Aditya Dhar
Women Transforming India Awards in which city? C. Amit Sharma
A. Delhi D. Sanjay Leela Bhansali

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Correct Answer: B. Aditya Dhar convention is also called “Singapore Convention on
Explanation: Uri Director Aditya Dhar won the Best Mediation”.
Director award and Ayushmann Khurrana and Vicky 754. Who will be awarded with Vir Chakra in 2019?
Kaushal shared the Best Actor national film award. A. Wing Commander Abhinandan Vardhman
749. Which film won the Best Popular Film award in 66th B. Captain Saurabh Verma
National Film Awards? C. Wing Commander JS Verma
A. Mahanati D. Captain Suresh Tiwari
B. Uri Correct Answer: A. Wing Commander Abhinadan
C. Stree Vardhman
D. Badhaai Ho Explanation: Abhinandan Varthaman, Indian Air Force
Correct Answer: D. Badhaai Ho pilot, is likely to be awarded a Vir Chakra for his gallantry.
Explanation: The 66th National Film awards were Five Mirage-2000 fighter jet pilots who dropped bombs on
announced on August 9, 2019 by Rahul Rawail, the Head the terror facility of the Jaish-e-Mohammed will also get
of the Jury for feature films. Hindi movie ‘Badhaai Ho’ the Vayu Sena Medal for gallantry.
won the Best Popular Film’ award. 755. Which state government has approved the “Mukhya
750. Which Ministry launched the Samagra Shiksha-Jal Mantri Be-sahara Gau-Vansh Sahbhagita Yojana”?
Suraksha drive recently? A. Uttar Pradesh
A. Ministry of Human Resource Development B. Rajasthan
B. Ministry of Jal Shakti C. Madhya Pradesh
C. Ministry of Home Affairs D. Karnataka
D. Ministry of Defence Correct Answer: A. Uttar Pradesh
Correct Answer: A. Ministry of Human Resource Explanation: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath
Development has approved the "Mukhya Mantri Be-sahara Gau-Vansh
Explanation: The Union Ministry of Human Resource Sahbhagita Yojana". Scheme has been launched for the
Development launched the Samagra Shiksha-Jal Suraksha welfare of stray cattle that will also help generate
drive recently. The aim behind the drive is to create employment opportunities.
awareness about Water Conservation among the school 756. Saudi Arabia has de-recognized which nation’s PG
students. medical programmes?
751. Which state topped the Breastfeeding, Infant & Young A. Pakistan
Child Feeding Practices in India? B. India
A. Kerala C. Bangladesh
B. Haryana D. Malaysia
C. Manipur Correct Answer: A. Pakistan
D. Sikkim Explanation: Saudi Arabia has de-recognized Pakistani PG
Correct Answer: C. Manipur medical degree programmes such as MS/MD degrees. The
Explanation: Manipur topped the Breastfeeding and Infant gulf nation has asked doctors with Pakistani MS/MD
and Young Child Feeding Practices ranking in India. The degrees to be ready to leave or be deported. Qatar, UAE
report on Breastfeeding was released by the Union Ministry and Bahrain have also followed suit.
of Health and Family Welfare. 757. Pakistan has permanently stopped which train’s
752. Which Minister launched the electronic version of services to India?
Rozgar Samachar? A. Shimla express
A. Suresh Prabhu B. Kartarpur express
B. Prakash Javadekar C. Samjhauta express
C. Ram Nath Kovind D. Attari express
D. Dharmendra Pradhan Correct Answer: C. Samjhauta express
Correct Answer: B. Prakash Javadekar Explanation: Pakistan has permanently cancelled the
Explanation: Union Minister of Information & Samjhauta Express train services that linked India and
Broadcasting, Prakash Javadekar launched the e-version of Pakistan. The announcement follows the decision of the
Rozgar Samachar recently with an aim to spread awareness Indian government to scrap Article 35 A and Article 370
of job opportunities in public sector enterprises, banks and thus, revoking the special status of Jammu & Kashmir and
other government sectors. bifurcating the state into two Union Territories- Jammu &
753. India recently signed which international convention on Kashmir and Ladakh.
mediation? 758. Which Indian freedom struggle movement completed 77
A. UNISA years on August 8, 2019?
B. UNCAC A. Civil Disobedience
C. UNFCCC B. Quit India
D. UNCBD C. Non Cooperation
Correct Answer: A. UNISA D. Paika Rebellion
Explanation: India's High Commissioner to Singapore Correct Answer: B. Quit India
Jawed Ashraf signed the United Nations Convention on Explanation: The 77th anniversary of Quit India movement,
International Settlement Agreements (UNISA.. The also known as August Kranti Diwas, was observed on
August 8, 2019. The Quit India movement began with

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Mahatma Gandhi’s clarion call of “Do or Die” to end the Explanation: Saudi Arabia issued new laws on Friday that
British rule in India. will allow Saudi women to travel abroad without approval
759. Which state has extended its existing MoU with from a male guardian. The new rule allows women to
Netherlands for cooperation in several fields by another obtain passports and travel freely, ending an age-old
five years? restriction.
A. Himachal Pradesh 764. United States on August 9, 1945 dropped another
B. Arunachal Pradesh atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan, which was
C. Uttar Pradesh codenamed ________.
D. Uttarakhand A. Little Boy
Correct Answer: C. Uttar Pradesh B. Fat Man
Explanation: The Uttar Pradesh government and C. Shoddy Toddler
Netherlands have extended their existing bilateral D. Heroic Baby
agreement of cooperation in several fields by another five Correct Answer – B. Fat Man
years till 2024. The MoU was signed in the presence of UP Explanation: The nuclear bombing of Nagasaki and
CM Yogi Adityanath and the Netherlands ambassador to Hiroshima forced Japan to surrender, which ended the
India, Marten van den Berg. World War II. It is worth mentioning that the weapon
760. The US has approved the sale of 12 multi-mission weighed nearly 10,000 pounds, & was around 11 feet long.
Seahawk helicopters to which among the following 765. _________ clinched the Men’s Singles title in the
countries? Hyderabad Open.
A. India A. Ajay Naik
B. Pakistan B. Gaurav Singla
C. Israel C. Sourabh Verma
D. South Korea D. Pardeep Jadeja
Correct Answer: D. South Korea Correct Answer – C. Sourabh Verma
Explanation: The United States has approved the sale of 12 Explanation: Verma beat Singapore’s Loh Kean Yew in a
multi-mission Seahawk helicopters to South Korea. The 52-minute final clash. Sourabh, hailing from MP, had won
helicopters are worth 800 million USD. The helicopters the Slovenian International in May this year.
bolster anti-surface and anti-submarine missions and can 766. More than 5 lakh Rohingya refugees living in
handle secondary missions such as search and rescue and _________ have been issued identity documents by the
replenishment and communications relay. UNHCR.
761. The United States has formalized ban on government A. Bangladesh
contracts to which Chinese company? B. India
A. Oppo C. Sri Lanka
B. Xiaomi D. Pakistan
C. Vivo Correct Answer – A. Bangladesh
D. Huawei Explanation: The current registration exercise started in
Correct Answer: D. Huawei June 2018. It is worth mentioning that these ID cards will
Explanation: The United States introduced rules formally help in safeguarding the right of Rohingya refugees to
banning Chinese technology giant Huawei and other return to their homes in Myanmar.
Chinese firms from government contracts on August 7. The 767. Independence Day of Pakistan is observed annually on
move is a part of the escalating trade war between the two ________.
countries. A. 14th August
762. Footballer Gabriel Jesus recently received a two-month B. 20 September
international ban. He plays for which country? C. 3rd June
A. Spain D. 15th July
B. Germany Correct Answer – A. 14th August
C. Brazil Explanation: Pakistan was formed on August 14, 1947, as
D. Italy a result of the Pakistan movement. In Persian and Urdu, the
Correct Answer: C. Brazil word ‘Pakistan’ means, “the land of Pure”.
Explanation: According to the statement released by South 768. Huawei has announced it is developing a new operating
American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL), Brazil system called _________.
striker Gabriel Jesus has been banned from international A. AddOS
football for two months for improper conduct in last B. HarmonyOS
month's Copa America final. C. EcoOS
763. Which among the following countries recently allowed D. StrawOS
women to travel abroad without approval from a male Correct Answer – B. HarmonyOS
guardian? Explanation: HarmonyOS would first be used in devices
A. Jordan such as smart speakers and watches, according to Huawei.
B. Saudi Arabia Being an open-source platform, anybody could use the
C. UAE software to create compatible devices.
D. Bahrain 769. __________ is all set to find a place in the Asia Book of
Correct Answer: B. Saudi Arabia Records for becoming the most visited museum in the

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Indian sub-continent on a single day. D. Amish Devgan
A. Virasat-e-Khalsa Correct Answer – B. Ravish Kumar
B. Rail Museum Explanation: Kumar is among the five recipients of the
C. National Museum 2019 Magsaysay award. The four other winners are: Ko
D. Gandhi Museum Swe Win (Myanmar), Angkhana Neelapaijit (Thailand),
Correct Answer – A. Virasat-e-Khalsa Raymundo Pujante Cayabyab (Philippines), Kim Jong-Ki
Explanation: It is worth mentioning that on March20, the (South Korea)
museum had witnessed a record footfall of 20,569 visitors Ramon Magsaysay Award is regarded as the Asian version
on a single day. It may be recalled that this museum was of the Nobel Prize.
built to commemorate the rich history and culture of Punjab 775. Which articles are repealed by government of India that
and Sikhism. It was inaugurated in November 2011. grants special status to Jammu and Kashmir ?
770. National Sports Day in India is observed on ________ A. Article 350 and 31A
every year. B. Article 370 and 31A
A. 20th August C. Article 350 and 35A
B. 22nd August D. Article 370 and 35A
C. 25th August Answer – D. Article 370 and 35A
D. 29th August Explanation: On August 5, 2019, Government announced
Correct Answer – D. 29th August to repeal Article 370 [except the first clause 370 (1)] and
Explanation: This day honours, celebrates & Article 35A which grants special status to Jammu and
commemorates the legendary hockey player Dhyan Chand Kashmir (J&K).
as he was born on this day in 1905. 776. Who introduced the Jammu and Kashmir
771. “Nanoseaweed”, sometimes seen in the news, is the Reorganization Bill, 2019 in Rajya Sabha which seeks to
world’s thinnest ___________. bifurcate the state of Jammu and Kashmir into 2 Union
A. Gold Territory– J&K and Ladakh?
B. Silver A. Nitin Gadkari
C. Magnesium B. Amit Shah
D. Copper C. Rajnath Singh
Correct Answer – A. Gold D. Ravi Shankar Prasad
Explanation: The gold nanoseaweed is just two atoms Answer – B. Amit Shah
thick. At just 0.47 nanometres – it is regarded as 2D. Due Explanation: Home Minister Amit Shah announced to
to the gold’s nanoscale dimensions, it appears green in bifurcate the state into 2 Union Territories – Jammu and
water. Kashmir.
772. International Youth Day is commemorated every year 777. Which newly formed Union Territory after bifurcation
on _______. will have a legislature like Delhi and Puducherry?
A. 10th August 1) Jammu and Kashmir
B. 12th August 2) Ladakh
C. 14th August 3) Both 1 & 2
D. 18th August 4) Either 1 & 2
Correct Answer – B. 12th August Answer – A. Jammu and Kashmir
Explanation: The theme of International Youth Day 2019 Explanation: Home Minister Amit Shah announced to
is “Transforming education.” It aims to promote ways to bifurcate the state into 2 Union Territories – Jammu and
engage the youth in becoming more actively involved in Kashmir, which will have a legislature like Delhi and
making positive contributions to their communities. Puducherry, and Ladakh, which will be without a
773. Which country has conferred ‘The National Order of legislature like Chandigarh
Merit’, its highest award to President Ram Nath 778. Lok Sabha recently passed ___________________,
Kovind ? which seeks to ban commercial surrogacy.
A. Ghana A. Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019
B. Guinea B. Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2016
C. Gambia C. Child Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019
D. Benin D. Altruistic Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019
Answer – 2) Guinea Correct Answer – A. Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019
Explanation: The President of Guinea, Alpha Condé Explanation: This bill regulates altruistic surrogacy and
conferred ‘The National Order of Merit’, its highest award prohibits commercial surrogacy. It provides for
to President Ram Nath Kovind. He was awarded for his constituting: National Surrogacy Board, State Surrogacy
contribution to overall relations and development of mutual Boards. According to the bill, “Surrogacy is a practice
cooperation between India and Guinea. where a woman gives birth to a child for an eligible couple
774. Which Indian journalist has been named for the and agrees to hand over the child to them after the birth.
prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award for “harnessing 779. The Quit India Movement, sometimes seen in the news,
journalism to give voice to the voiceless”? was launched by Mahatma Gandhi on __________.
A. Sudhir Chaudhary A. 8th August 1942
B. Ravish Kumar B. 9th August 1940
C. Arnab Goswami C. 12th August 1934

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D. 15th August 1947 785. Sangai festival, sometimes seen in the news, is
Correct Answer – A. 8th August 1942 celebrated by which state?
Explanation: On 8th August 1942, Mohandas Karamchand A. Assam
Gandhi launched the ‘Quit India’ movement. The B. Manipur
movement was followed, nonetheless, by large-scale C. Arunachal Pradesh
violence too. On this day, Gandhiji gave the famous clarion D. Kerala
call of ‘Do or Die’ to all Indians. Correct Answer – B. Manipur
780. Mission Shakti, sometimes seen in the news, to train Explanation: It is an annual cultural festival organised
athletes from Chandrapur and Gadchiroli for by Manipur Tourism Department every year. This aims
international events like the Olympics, was recently to promote Manipur as a world class tourism destination. It
launched in __________. showcases the best of what the state has to offer to the
A. Goa world.
B. Maharashtra 786. Which state passed a Bill providing for life
C. Tamil Nadu imprisonment and a fine from ₹1 lakh to ₹5 lakh to
D. Kerala those convicted in cases of mob lynching leading to
Correct Answer – B. Maharashtra victim’s death?
Explanation: This mission aims to groom tribal students A. Punjab
from 2 tribal-dominated districts for Olympic 2024. It is an B. Delhi
initiative by Maharashtra minister Sudhir Mungantiwar. C. Maharashtra
781. Which will be the largest Union Territory (UT) in the D. Rajasthan
country in terms of area once it is carved out. Correct Answer- D. Rajasthan
A. Ladakh Explanation: ‘The Rajasthan Protection from Lynching
B. J&K Bill, 2019’ was introduced by Parliamentary Affairs
C. Delhi Minister Shanti Dhariwal. The Bill also empowers the state
D. Lakshadweep police chief to appoint a state coordinator to prevent the
Correct Answer – B. J&K lynching incidents.
Explanation: By revoking Article 370, NDA government 787. Hiroshima Day, sometimes seen in the news, is observed
proposed that J&K be bifurcated into 2 separate UTs of on __________.
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. With the addition of 2 A. August 4
new UTs, its total number will go up to 9. B. August 6
782. ISRO laid the foundation stone for the Space C. August 8
Situational Awareness Control Centre in _________. D. August 10
A. Bengaluru Correct Answer – B. August 6
B. Hyderabad Explanation: During WWII, on August 6, 1945, in
C. Pune Hiroshima, more than a quarter of a million people died
D. Puri due to the nuclear bomb explosion by the USA. After three
Correct Answer – A. Bengaluru days another atomic bomb was dropped in Nagasaki.
Explanation: The control centre would facilitate the 788. ‘Machail Mata Yatra’, sometimes seen in the news, is
intensified activities foreseen for SSAM (Space Situational observed in ______.
Awareness & Management). It would enable research A. J&K
activities pertaining to active debris removal. B. Himachal Pradesh
783. Who was conferred with the Lifetime Achievement C. UP
award by the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB)? D. West Bengal
A. Saurav Ganguly Correct Answer – A. J&K
B. Arun Lal Explanation: Due to security reasons, ‘Machail Mata
C. Ramesh Chand Yatra’ in Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir has been
D. Rahul Dravid suspended. It was scheduled to end on September 5.
Correct Answer – B. Arun Lal 789. ______________ announced the launch of ‘Samarth’ – a
Explanation: Lal played 16 Test matches and 13 One-Day breakthrough initiative aimed at bringing India’s
Internationals for India between 1982 and 1989. He was a artisans, weavers, and handicrafts producers onto
major figure in Bengal’s Ranji Trophy triumph in 1989. ecommerce.
784. Navegaon National Park, sometimes seen in the news, is A. Flipkart
in _________. B. Amazon
A. Maharashtra C. Walmart
B. Gujarat D. Infosys
C. Kerala Correct Answer – A. Flipkart
D. Odisha Explanation: The initiative will open up national market
Correct Answer – A. Maharashtra access for these underserved communities. To boost
Explanation: It is located in eastern part of Maharashtra entrepreneurship, it will leverage increasing internet
state. It was declared as a National park in the year of 1975. penetration in rural India.
The name “Navegaon” comes from the word Nave + gaon. 790. Which nation recently opened the doors of the historic
Gurdwara Chowa Sahib to Sikh devotees?
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A. India Correct Answer- A. Netherlands
B. Afghanistan Explanation: The move appeared to be unpopular with the
C. Pakistan general public in the Netherlands. Between 200 and 400
D. Sri Lanka women are estimated to wear a burqa or niqab. The
Correct Answer – C. Pakistan legislation was passed in June last year.
Explanation: The gurdwara in situated in the Jhelum 796. According to World Bank’s Gross Domestic Product
district of Punjab province (Pakistan). It was commissioned (GDP) rankings in 2018, which is now the seventh-
by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The gurdwara was completed in largest economy?
1834. A. France
791. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Money Museum, B. India
sometimes seen in the news, is in ________. C. UK
A. Kolkata D. Canada
B. Guwahati Correct Answer – B. India
C. Patna Explanation: In 2018, India’s GDP was $2.72 trillion,
D. Varanasi according to World Bank’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Correct Answer – A. Kolkata rankings. It is worth noting that India has set the target of
Explanation: Its main attention is a huge tree made using becoming a $5 trillion economy in GDP terms by 2024.
defunct coins and demonetised notes. Besides 3 sections, 797. India recently test-fired a sophisticated all-weather and
there is an interactive games centre for kids too to promote all-terrain Quick Reaction Surface-to-Air Missile
financial literacy. (QRSAM) from a test range in ______.
792. Who will receive the IBC’s highest honor, the A. Andhra Pradesh
International Honor for Excellence, at the International B. Tamil Nadu
Broadcasting Convention awards ceremony? C. Odisha
A. Andy Serkis D. Kerala
B. Peter Jackson Correct Answer – C. Odisha
C. James Cameron Explanation: The missile can be mounted on a truck and
D. Jeffrey Katzenberg, stored in a canister. QRSAM uses solid-fuel propellant and
Correct Answer – A. Andy Serkis has a range of 25-30 km. It is worth noting that the state-of-
Explanation: Today, Serkis is best known for his the-art missile has been developed by DRDO for the India
performance capture roles. His greatest achievement, is in Army.
making the shift from mere motion capture towards a 798. Who will head the Group of Ministers (GoM) that was
combination of technology. constituted last year to combat lynching.
793. Which among the following countries will allow women A. Arun Jaitley
to travel abroad without permission from a male B. Amit Shah
guardian? C. Jitendra Singh
A. Pakistan D. Rajiv Kumar
B. Iraq Correct Answer – B. Amit Shah
C. Syria Explanation: Since the GoM was position-specific, there
D. Saudi Arabia was no need to reconstitute it. Last week the SC issued a
Correct Answer – D. Saudi Arabia notice to seek the implementation of its July 2018 judgment
Explanation: The new rule allows women over the age of to combat the crime of lynching.
21, to apply for a passport without authorisation. Notably, 799. Which has been shortlisted for ‘The Structural Awards
the kingdom has recently eased other long-standing social 2019’ of the UK-based Institution of Structural
restrictions on women. Engineers (IStructE).
794. Shawala Teja Singh temple, sometimes seen in the news, A. Taj Mahal
is located in ______. B. Red Fort
A. Cambodia C. Gateway Of India
B. Myanmar D. Statue of Unity
C. India Correct Answer – D. Statue of Unity
D. Pakistan Explanation: It is among the 49 structures that will vie for
Correct Answer – D. Pakistan the prestigious award. The statue has been designed by
Explanation: It is an ancient Hindu temple located in architect Ram Suthar. It has been built by Larsen and
Pakistan’s Sialkot city. Built by Sardar Teja Singh, it is Toubro (L&T).
dedicated to Hindu deity Shiva. It has been re-opened for 800. Darvaza gas crater, known locally as the Door to Hell or
devotees recently by Pakistan. Gates of Hell, is located in __________.
795. Which country has banned face-covering clothing, such A. Kazakhstan
as a burqa or niqab, in public buildings and on B. India
transport? C. Turkmenistan
A. Netherlands D. Poland
B. Croatia Correct Answer – C. Turkmenistan
C. Japan Explanation: Karakum Desert is the home to the strange
D. UK human-made natural site. It was created in 1970s when a

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drilling rig accidentally punched into a massive Explanation: The committee will work for the AI-powered
underground natural gas cavern. Since 1971, it has now Cardiovascular Disease Risk Score API. It will provide
been burning non-stop. guidance on all cardiology and cardiovascular-related
801. Who has taken charge as Director (Operations) at artificial intelligence projects.
Bengaluru-headquartered Hindustan Aeronautics 810. World Wide Web Day is celebrated on __________
Limited? every year.
A. Sunil Kumar A. August 1
B. M S Velpari B. August 5
C. Rohit Chaudhary C. August 7
D. Hansa Bansal D. August 10
Correct Answer – B. MS Velpari Correct Answer – A. August 1
Explanation: Velpari joined HAL as a management trainee Explanation: Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide
in 1985. Notably, he was instrumental in the sustained Web in the year 1989. WWW has now become the
growth of LCA production (from 2015-16 to 2018-19). principal means of transaction, interaction and
802. Which has granted infrastructure project status for a communication. Reportedly, the world’s first website was
$10-billion plan to build the world’s first ultra-fast hosted on Berners-Lee’s NeXT computer.
hyperloop project. 811. Who took over as the Controller General of Accounts
A. Gujarat (CGA) with effect from August 1, 2019?
B. Maharashtra A. Giriraj Prasad Gupta
C. Kerala B. Ramesh Chand
D. Tamil Nadu C. T Laxmi
Correct Answer – B. Maharashtra D. Shanta Kumar
Explanation: The project is expected to cost about 700 Correct Answer – A. Giriraj Prasad Gupta
billion rupees. It aims to link the financial hub of Mumbai Explanation: CGA is the apex accounting authority under
with the neighbouring city of Pune. Notably, the route the Central Government. Sh. Gupta has worked at higher
from Mumbai to Pune is one of India’s busiest (roughly 75 positions in CBDT, Ministry of Rural Development and
million passenger journeys every year). Ministry of Finance.
803. ‘Vhali Dikri Yojna’ has been launched recently in 812. World Lung Cancer Day, sometimes seen in the news, is
which among the following states? observed on _______.
A. Gujarat A. 31st July
B. Maharashtra B. 1st August
C. Rajasthan C. 6th August
D. UP D. 13th August
Correct Answer – A. Gujarat Correct Answer – B. 1st August
Explanation: Vhali Dikri Yojna is a cash incentive scheme Explanation: According to American Lung Association
for every girl child born in the state. The State Government (ALA), lung cancer is the most common cancer, accounting
will pay: for 2.09 million cases in 2018. It aims to raise awareness of
804. Rs. 4,000 to every girl child (at the time of admission to risks and increase early detection for the best possible
Standard 4th) outcomes.
805. Rs. 6,000 (at the time of taking admission to Standard IX) 813. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal announced free power for
806. Rs. 1-lakh (at the time of taking admission for higher households consuming ____ units or less per month.
education at the age of 18) A. 100
807. Another Rs. 1 lakh (at the time of marriage) B. 200
808. Who was recently awarded with the prestigious C. 350
Entrepreneur Award 2019? D. 500
A. Ruhan Rajput Correct Answer – B. 200
B. Sid Sharma Explanation: This decision came less than 8 months ahead
C. Vikas Nagpal of polls in the national capital. While those consuming 201
D. Summit Mehra to 401 units will continue to get 50% power subsidy from
Correct Answer – A. Ruhan Rajput the government.
Explanation: Rajput was acknowledged for his 814. The 22nd National Conference on e-Governance 2019 is
contributions and achievements in the business industry. He to be held in _______.
is the co-founder and Director of Einfolge Technologies A. New Delhi
Pvt Ltd. B. Chandigarh
809. ___________ and Apollo Hospitals Group have joined C. Shillong
hands to set up a National Clinical Coordination D. Guwahati
Committee (NCCC). Correct Answer – C. Shillong
A. Google India Explanation: This is the 1st time the event is being
B. Microsoft India organised in Northeastern region. This conference at
C. Facebook India Shillong is part of the DARPG’s 100 days initiatives in the
D. MindTree new government. Its theme is ‘Digital India: Success to
Correct Answer – B. Microsoft India Excellence’.

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815. Reserve Bank of India has nominated Economic Affairs 820. __________ recently appointed Siddhartha Sanyal as
Secretary _________ on its central board. chief economist and head of research.
A. Atanu Chakraborty A. Bank of Baroda
B. SC Garg B. SBI
C. Shakti Gohil C. Bandhan Bank
D. Ramesh Ujjwal D. ICICI Bank
Correct Answer- A. Atanu Chakraborty Correct Answer – C. Bandhan Bank
Explanation: The central government has recently Explanation: Sanyal will spearhead the bank’s research
appointed Atanu Chakraborty as the new economic affairs and business strategy. Before this, he was with Barclays,
secretary. He is a 1985 batch Gujarat cadre IAS officer. Reserve Bank of India and Edelweiss Capital.
Chakraborty successfully met the Rs 80,000 crore 821. World Day Against Trafficking in persons, sometimes
disinvestment target in FY19. seen in the news, is observed on _____.
816. The Union cabinet recently approved signing of the A. 28th July
UNISA. Expand UNISA. B. 30th July
A. United Nations Convention on International Settlement C. 3rd August
Agreements D. 8th August
B. United Nations Convention on International Settler Correct Answer – B. 30th July
Agreements Explanation: Since 2003, around 225,000 victims of
C. United Nations Conference on International Settlement trafficking have been detected worldwide. In 2013, the UN
Agreements General Assembly adopted resolution for this day.
D. United Nations Convention on Multi-National Globally, an estimated 40.3 million people are entrapped in
Settlement Agreements modern slavery.
Correct Answer – A. United Nations Convention on 822. Which among the following state passed a bill against
International Settlement Agreements honour killing, with punishment ranging from life
Explanation: The convention will boost the confidence of imprisonment to death sentence.
the investors. In addition to this, it would provide a positive A. Rajasthan
signal about India’s commitment to adhere to international B. Maharashtra
practice on ADR mechanism. The convention will be C. Punjab
signed either in Singapore on August 7 or at UN HQ. D. MP
817. One Nation-One Ration Card scheme has been Correct Answer – A. Rajasthan
launched on a pilot basis in how many states? Explanation: The bill titled, ‘Rajasthan Prohibition of
A. Three Interference with the Freedom of Matrimonial Alliances in
B. Four the Name of Honour and Tradition Bill, 2019’ was recently
C. Six passed, which was introduced by minister Shanti Dhariwal
D. Eight in the House.
Correct Answer – B. Four According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)
Explanation: The system would enable beneficiaries to get figures:
their quota of grains from any ration shop of their own 28 cases in 2014, 251 cases in 2015, 77 cases in 2016 were
choice. These four states are as follows, where this system reported with motive as honour killing.
has been implemented on a pilot basis: Telangana, Andhra 823. Who won the Hungarian Grand prix 2019 ?
Pradesh, Maharastra, Gujarat. A. Charles Leclerc
818. Who has been given the additional charge of the B. Sebastian Vettel
counter-terror force NSG? C. Max Verstappen
A. Harsh Luthra D. Lewis Hamilton
B. Abhishek Sharma Answer – D. Lewis Hamilton
C. SS Deswal Explanation: Mercedes’ Lewis Hamilton overtook red
D. R Teerath bull’s Max Verstappen in the final moments of the Formula
Correct Answer – C. SS Deswal 1 Hungarian grand prix to win the title. He outpaced max
Explanation: The NSG DG post is occupied by an IPS verstappen to the second spot.This is Lewis Hamilton’s 7th
officer. NSG was formed in 1984 as a “Special Operations victory at the Hungaroring (motorsport race track in
Force”. They are also called Black Cats because of their Mogyród, Hungary, where formula 1 Hungarian grand prix
black coloured drill cotton coveralls. is held) and also 81st of his career.Ferrari’s Sebastian
819. Tx2 goal, sometimes seen in the news, aims to double Vettel and Charles Leclerc took third and fourth spot
the number of wild tigers by ______. respectively.The Hungarian Grand Prix called as Magyar
A. 2020 Nagydíj in Hungary.
B. 2022 824. Name the Indian wrestler, who won the gold medal in
C. 2024 women’s 53kg category in the Poland Open Wrestling
D. 2026 Tournament in Warsaw, Poland.
Correct Answer – B. 2022 A. Babita Kumari
Explanation: Using a strategic & long term approach, Tx2 B. Vinesh Phogat
works across entire landscapes and encourages trans- C. Sakshi Malik
boundary collaboration. D. Kavita Devi

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Answer – B. Vinesh Phogat help farmers .
Explanation: 24-year-old Vinesh Phogat won her 3rd A. HelpFarmers
consecutive gold in women’s 53kg category in the Poland B. Landmand
Open Wrestling Tournament in Warsaw, the capital of C. Agriculture
Poland. She defeated wrestler Roksana of Poland by 3-2. D. Meghdoot
She had won gold at the Grand Prix of Spain and at the Answer – D. Meghdoot
Yasar Dogu International at Istanbul, Turkey in July 2019 Explanation: The app will provide forecast relating to
825. Which government body will become paperless from temperature, rainfall, humidity, and wind speed and
the next session? direction, which play critical roles in agricultural
A. Lok Sabha operations. It also gives advisories to farmers on how to
B. Rajya Sabha take care of the crops and livestock. Information given by
C. Election Commission of India the app is in the form of images, maps, and pictures. The
D. Both 1 & 2 app is available on Google Play Store & it also been
Answer – A. Lok Sabha integrated with WhatsApp and Facebook to help farmers
Explanation: On July 31, 2019, Speaker of Lok Sabha, share advisories with them. The app would be available for
Om Birla announced that the Lower House (Lok Sabha) 150 districts in different parts of the country & It will be
will become paperless from the next session. It will save extended to other parts of the country in a phased manner.
crores of rupees to the exchequer/ national treasury. 829. Expand PRAGATI?
826. Name the Indian Cricketer, who was conferred with A. Pro-Active Growth and Target Inflation
Bharat Gaurav Award 2019. B. Pro-Active Growth and Transaction Interest
A. Sourav Ganguly C. Pro-Active General and Trade Implementation
B. Sachin Tendulkar D. Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation
C. Kapil Dev Answer – D. Pro-Active Governance and Timely
D. Sunil Gavaskar Implementation
Answer – C. Kapil Dev Explanation: The full form of PRAGATI is Pro-Active
Explanation: On August 1, 2019, Former Indian cricketer Governance and Timely Implementation.
Kapil Dev was conferred with Bharat Gaurav Award 2019 830. Name the founder of the largest coffee chain in India,
on the 99th foundation day of East Bengal Club, the Cafe Coffee Day(CCD), who passed away recently .
Kolkata soccer giants, at the award ceremony held at Netaji A. V. G. Siddhartha Hegde
Indoor Stadium, Kolkata, West Bengal.Kapil B. Harshad Mehta
Dev.Footballer Bhaichung Bhutia was honoured with the C. Harivansh Rai Bachchan
‘Identifying and Nurturing the Icon’ award.Former India D. B.M. Khaitan
captains Manoranjan Bhattacharya and Bhaskar Ganguly Answer – A. V. G. Siddhartha Hegde
were conferred with a lifetime achievement award. Iconic Explanation: Indian billionaire and a founder of the largest
footballer P.K. Banerjee was conferred with the ‘Coach of coffee chain in India, Cafe Coffee Day(CCD), V. G.
Coaches’ award. Laldanmawia Ralte conferred with ‘Best Siddhartha Hegde has been found dead on the banks of the
Footballer of the Year’ award. Netravati river near Mangaluru. Siddhartha was the son-in-
827. By using which method, Indus Valley inscriptions were law of former Karnataka chief minister SM Krishna.Hailing
written as per research paper titled “Interrogating from the Chikmagalur district of Karnataka, he established
Indus inscription to unravel their mechanism of Cafe Coffee Day in 1996, which is an Indian café chain
meaning conveyance” written by Ms. Bahata Ansumali owned by Coffee Day Global Limited serves 1.8 billion
Mukhopadhyay ? cups of coffee, annually, in six countries like Malaysia,
A. Allograph Egypt, the Czech Republic, and Austria.
B. Logograph 831. Recently Indian Air Force successfully tested which
C. Ideogram missile at Trak Island in Andaman and Nicobar
D. Semasiograph islands?
Answer – B. Logograph (A) Dhanush
Explanation: A research has found that a majority of the (B) Brahmos
Indus Valley inscriptions were written logographically i.e (C) Prahaar
by using word signs and not by using phonograms i.e (D) Astra
speech sounds units. It was published in a Nature group Correct Answer: (B) Brahmos
journal Palgrave Communications.The research paper was Explanation: The Indian Air Force (IAF) fired two
titled as “Interrogating Indus inscription to unravel their BrahMos surface-to-surface missiles at Trak Island in
mechanism of meaning conveyance”. The author of the Andaman and Nicobar islands and the mock targets were
paper is Ms. Bahata Ansumali Mukhopadhyay.The hit successfully.
inscriptions can be compared to the structured messages 832. What is the rank of India in the World Intellectual
found on stamps, coupons, tokens and currency coins of Property Indicators 2019?
modern times.The seals were inscribed with Proto- (A) 7th
Dravidian or Proto-Indo-European names of the seal- (B) 6th
owners. (C) 5th
828. Name the mobile app launched by Minister for Earth (D) 8th
Science, Science and Technology Dr. Harsh Vardhan to Correct Answer: (A) 7th

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Explanation: India ranked as the 7th nation in the ranking (D) Actress
of the total (resident and abroad). IP filing activity by Correct Answer: (C) Editor
origin, revealed World Intellectual Property Indicators Explanation: Subha Dutta, editor of one of the largest
2019, which published such data for 49 countries. circulated Bengali dailies of West Bengal, Bartaman has
833. Recently in which city world’s oldest pearl was passed away. She was 67.
discovered? 839. What is the currency of Nigeria?
(A) Gangtok (A) Won
(B) Beijing (B) Ngultrum
(C) Shanghai (C) Naira
(D) Abu Dhabi (D) Lira
Correct Answer: (D) Abu Dhabi Correct Answer: (C) Naira
Explanation: The world’s oldest natural pearl named ‘Abu 840. Recently Union Cabinet approved merger of which
Dhabi Pearl’ has been discovered on an island off Abu company with MTNL?
Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. The 8,000- (A) Jio
year-old pearl was found during excavations at Marawah (B) BSNL
Island which also revealed the earliest architecture in the (C) Vodafone
UAE. (D) Idea
834. The 2019 World Military Games held in which city? Correct Answer: (B) BSNL
(A) Rome Explanation: The Union Cabinet approved merger of
(B) NewDelhi Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) with
(C) Beijing Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL). The centre
(D) Wuhan approved a package of nearly Rs 70,000 crore for the two
Correct Answer: (D) Wuhan financially stressed entities.
Explanation: Para-Athlete Anandan Gunasekaran bagged 841. Which state government decided to give no government
two gold medals for the Indian contingent in the World jobs having more than two children after January 1,
Military Games here in Wuhan, China. 2021?
835. Recently who has become India’s 65th Grandmaster? (A) Assam
(A) Raunak Sadhwani (B) Maharashtra
(B) E Srinivasan (C) Bihar
(C) Srikant Dixit (D) Manipur
(D) Lavnya Sharma Correct Answer: (A) Assam
Correct Answer: (A) Raunak Sadhwani Explanation: The Assam Cabinet decided that no
Explanation: Raunak Sadhwani has becomes India’s 65th government jobs will be given to persons having more than
Grandmaster. He defeated Russian GM Alexander Motylev two children after January 1, 2021 as per the small family
to become the Grandmaster at the age of 13 years, 9 months norm.
and 28 days. 842. As per Crime in India Report 2017, which state tops the
836. Who has won the 2019 Stockholm Open title? list of states in crimes against women?
(A) Denis Shapovalov (A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Milos Raonic (B) Maharashtra
(C) Jospeh Miles (C) Bihar
(D) Traver Simons (D) Assam
Correct Answer: (A) Denis Shapovalov Correct Answer: (A) Uttar Pradesh
Explanation: Canadian player Denis Shapovalov has won Explanation: The annual Crime in India Report 2017 was
the Stockholm Open title. He has become the first Canadian released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCR.
ATP singles champion since Milos Raonic won at Brisbane 3,59,849 cases of crime against women were reported in
in January 2016 India. Uttar Pradesh topped the list of states with the most
837. Recently Justin Trudeau was sworn in as PM of which number of crimes against women with 56,011 cases. It was
country? followed by Maharashtra with 31,979 cases and West
(A) Australia Bengal with 30,002 cases.
(B) Ukraine 843. The 2024 Olympic Games will held be in which city?
(C) Canada (A) New Delhi
(D) Netherlands (B) Geneva
Correct Answer: (C) Canada (C) Paris
Explanation: Justin Trudeau has won a second term as (D) Rome
Canada’s prime minister after the country’s federal Correct Answer: (C) Paris
election, losing the majority but delivering unexpectedly Explanation: Paris has unveiled a gold-medal-shaped
strong results.. emblem for the 2024 Olympics and Paralympic Games that
838. Recently Subha Dutta passed away. She was related to incorporates the Olympic flame and the lips of Marianne.
which field? 844. Who was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of
(A) Philosopher Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)?
(B) Sports (A) Nilesh Jain
(C) Editor (B) D Arora

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(C) Sunil Arora 850. Who has become the 1st Indian man to win a gold
(D) Pankaj Kumar medal at the Wushu World Championships?
Correct Answer: (D) Pankaj Kumar (A) Sanjay Chaturvedi
Explanation: The government appointed Pankaj Kumar, a (B) Triloknath Awasthi
1987-batch IAS officer, as the new Chief Executive Officer (C) Madhav Singh
of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), as (D) Praveen Kumar
part of a major reshuffle in the top bureaucracy that saw the Correct Answer: (D) Praveen Kumar
appointments of new secretaries in crucial ministries. Explanation: Praveen Kumar has become the 1st Indian
845. Where is the HQ of BSNL? man to win a gold medal at the Wushu World
(A) Lucknow Championships. He defeated Philippines’ Russel Diaz by 2-
(B) Chennai 1 in the men’s sanda event in the 48kg category of the 15th
(C) New Delhi World Wushu Championships held in Shanghai.
(D) Mumbai 851. Who has made history by becoming the first female
Correct Answer: (C) New Delhi umpire to officiate in a men’s first-class game in South
846. Recently PV Sindhu and which other personality was Africa?
named the ambassadors for Bharat Ki Laxmi, an (A) Lauren Agenbag
initiative by Prime Minister Narendra Modi? (B) Ellyse Perry
(A) Disha Patani (C) E Watson
(B) Deepika Padukone (D) GS Lakshmi
(C) Sania Mirza Correct Answer: (A) Lauren Agenbag
(D) Katrina Kaif Explanation: Lauren Agenbag has made history by
Correct Answer: (B) Deepika Padukone becoming the first female umpire to officiate in a men’s
Explanation: Actor Deepika Padukone and shuttler PV first-class game in South Africa. The 23-year-old officiated
Sindhu were named the ambassadors for Bharat Ki Laxmi, in the match between Central Gauteng Lions and Boland in
an initiative by Prime Minister Narendra Modi that aims at the Cricket South Africa’s (CSA) Provincial three-day
bringing commendable work done by women across the competition in Johannesburg.
nation to light ahead of the Diwali festival. 852. Who has been conferred life membership by Mohun
847. According to a study published in report Current Bagan Athletic Club?
Biology, which is world’s loudest bird? (A) BS Doval
(A) Bellbird (B) Abhijeet Banerjee
(B) Sunbird (C) Saurav Ganguly
(C) Peafowl (D) NK Dhanojia
(D) Drongos Correct Answer: (B) Abhijeet Banerjee
Correct Answer: (A) Bellbird Explanation: The Mohun Bagan Athletic Club has
Explanation: The male white bellbird is the world’s conferred life membership to Nobel laureate Abhijit
loudest bird which hits 125.4 decibels. This study was Banerjee. The club handed him the First Day Cover of
published in the journal Current Biology. This was 1911 and the maroon green jersey with his name written on
recorded by Biologist Jeff Podos at Brazil in the mountains it. He was also given a book on the history of the club.
of the northern Amazon. 853. Who is the author of Ten Studies in Kashmir: History
848. What is the rank of India in the World Bank’s Ease of and Politics?
Doing Business 2020 survey? (A) Roopa Singh
(A) 71 (B) Ashish Ray
(B) 83 (C) Nilanjana Roupy
(C) 63 (D) Kashinath Pandit
(D) 92 Correct Answer: (D) Kashinath Pandit
Correct Answer: (C) 63 Explanation: An Indian historian, educationist and Padma
Explanation: India climbed 14 rungs in the World Bank’s Shri recipient, Kashi Nath Pandit’s new book entitled “Ten
Ease of Doing Business 2020 survey to stand at 63, among Studies in Kashmir: History and Politics”, published by
190 countries, making it the one of world’s top 10 most Academic Foundation.
improved countries for the third consecutive time. 854. Recently the government accorded ‘Maharatna’ status
849. Recently which Indian para athlete wins three gold to state-owned Hindustan Petroleum and which other
medals at World Military Games in Wuhan, China? organisation?
(A) Subedar Anandan Gunasekaran (A) BSNL
(B) Pradhan Singh (B) Shipping Corporation of India
(C) Alok Singh Trilok (C) Nuclear Power Corporation of India
(D) Panchanand Pachuriya (D) Power Grid Corporation
Correct Answer: (A) Subedar Anandan Gunasekaran Correct Answer: (D) Power Grid Corporation
Explanation: Indian Para Athlete of Madras Engineering Explanation: The government accorded ‘Maharatna’ status
Group & Centre, Subedar Anandan Gunasekaran, clinched to state-owned Hindustan Petroleum and Power Grid
three gold medals in the seventh World Military Games Corporation, thus giving them greater operational and
2019 in China. financial autonomy.

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855. What is the rank of India in terms of providing pension Assembly declared 24 October, the anniversary of the
and retirement benefits to citizens according to report Charter of the United Nations, as which “shall be devoted
by Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index (MMGPI) to making known to the people of the world the aims and
2019? achievements of the United Nations and to gaining their
(A) 35 support for” its work.This year’s theme is ‘Our Planet. Out
(B) 31 Future’.
(C) 32 861. Where is the HQ of UNICEF?
(D) 33 (A) Rome
Correct Answer: (C) 32 (B) Washington DC
Explanation: India has marginally improved its ranking to (C) New York
32nd position in terms of providing pension and retirement (D) London
benefits to citizens compared to last year, according to a Correct Answer: (C) New York
report. The country’s score in the Melbourne Mercer 862. Where is the HQ of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation
Global Pension Index (MMGPI) 2019 rose to 45.8 from Limited?
44.6 last year. (A) Pune
856. Which year will mark the 75th anniversary of United (B) Mumbai
Nations (UN)? (C) New Delhi
(A) 2025 (D) Chennai
(B) 2022 Correct Answer: (B) Mumbai
(C) 2021 863. Who has been appointed as the chairman of Airports
(D) 2020 Authority of India?
Correct Answer: (D) 2020 (A) Sukhbir Singh Sandhu
Explanation: United Nations Secretary-General Antonio (B) PC Mody
Guterres announced the UN’s plan to feature a global (C) Ashwani Lohani
conversation to build a collective future to mark its 75th (D) Arvind Singh
anniversary. 24th October 2020 will mark the 75th Correct Answer: (D) Arvind Singh
anniversary of United Nations (UN) Explanation: Senior IAS officer Arvind Singh has been
857. Which state won the Vijay Hazare trophy? appointed as the chairman of Airports Authority of India
(A) Tamil Nadu and Sukhbir Singh Sandhu will head the National
(B) Karnataka Highways Authority of India as part of a major
(C) Assam bureaucratic reshuffle effected by the Centre.
(D) Odisha 864. Which social media platform has decided to ban
Correct Answer: (B) Karnataka political advertising?
Explanation: Karnataka defeated Tamil Nadu by 60 runs (A) Facebook
to lift the Vijay Hazare trophy. With this, Karnataka has (B) Instagram
won the Vijay Hazare trophy for the fourth time. (C) Twitter
858. Who was appointed as new Governor of Mizoram? (D) Whatsapp
(A) Gita Naik Correct Answer: (C) Twitter
(B) Ram Naik Explanation: Twitter has decided to ban all political
(C) PS Sreedharan Pillai advertising from its platform. This was announced by
(D) Kalraj Mishra Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey who tweeted saying that political
Correct Answer: (C) PS Sreedharan Pillai message reach should be earned, not bought.
Explanation: President Ram Nath Kovind appointed BJP 865. Which city is hosting the 35th ASEAN Summit?
leader P.S. Sreedharan Pillai as the Governor of Mizoram. (A) New Delhi
859. Who was appointed as the first Lt Governor of Jammu (B) Shanghai
(C) Bangkok
and Kashmir?
(D) Kathmandu
(A) Girish Chandra Murmu
Correct Answer: (C) Bangkok
(B) Satya Pal Malik
Explanation: The 35th ASEAN Summit began in Bangkok
(C) Ram Sevak Kushwaha
on October 31, 2019 and will continue till November 4,
(D) RadhaKrishna Mathur
2019. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be attending the
Correct Answer: (A) Girish Chandra Murmu
summit on November 3-4, 2019.
Explanation: President Ram Nath Kovind appointed
866. The first day-night Test match will be played between
Girish Chandra Murmu as the first Lt Governor of Jammu
India and Bangladesh on which ground?
and Kashmir and Radha Krishna Mathur as the first Lt (A) Arun Jaitley Stadium
Governor of Ladakh. (B) Eden Gardens Stadium
860. What is the theme of this year United Nations Day? (C) Wankhede Stadium
(A) Environment protection (D) Nehru Stadium
(B) Universe and Earth Correct Answer: (B) Eden Gardens Stadium
(C) Planet and Earth Explanation: The first day-night Test between India and
(D) Our Planet, Our Future Bangladesh will be played at the Eden Gardens Stadium in
Correct Answer: (D) Our Planet, Our Future Kolkata from 22 November. Another feature of this match
Explanation: In 1948, the United Nations General is that it will be played with a pink colored ball.
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867. Which former Prime Minister's death anniversary is Correct Answer – (A) Leeladhar Jagoori
observed on October 31? Explanation: The award was instituted in 1991. It is given
(A) HD Deve Gowda by the KK Birla Foundation. It recognises outstanding
(B) I K Gujaral literary work in Hindi authored by an Indian citizen. It
(C) Jawahar Lal Nehru carries a cash prize of Rs 4 lakh. Jagoori has been chosen
(D) Indira Gandhi for the prestigious award for his poetry collection- Jitne
Correct Answer: (D) Indira Gandhi Log Utne Prem
Explanation: The 35th death anniversary of former Indian 873. Nirmal Purja has created history by scaling the world’s
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was observed on October 31, 14 highest peaks in a record 190 days. He is from
2019. Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her own _______.
bodyguards on October 31, 1984 for launching Operation (A) Nepal
Blue Star. (B) Bhutan
868. Former Parliamentarian, Gurudas Dasgupta passed (C) India
away at the age of 83 on October 31. He had served as (D) Bangladesh
the Deputy General Secretary for which political party? Correct Answer – (A) Nepal
(A) CPI Explanation: Nirmal Purja completed the climb of the 14
(B) INC mountains in seven months. He was a member of the
(C) TMC Gurkhas, as well as the elite Special Boat Service. He
(D) BJP kicked off his ambitious “Project Possible” in April.
Correct Answer: (A) CPI 874. Who was appointed as Deputy National Security
Explanation: Gurudas Dasgupta, veteran CPI leader Advisor (NSA) recently?
passed away in Kolkata on October 31, 2019. He was 83. (A) Amit Juneja
The parliamentarian was suffering from heart and kidney- (B) Devendra Fadnavis
related ailments. (C) Narendra Shah
869. The ICC has imposed a two-year ban on which among (D) Dattatray Padsalgikar
the following cricketers for failing to report a corrupt Correct Answer – (D) Dattatray Padsalgikar
approach? Explanation: Padsalgikar had earlier served in the
(A) Steve Smith Intelligence Bureau (IB) for 26 years
(B) Shakib Al Hasan 875. Gandhi Mandela Foundation, has recently constituted
(C) Rashid Khan India’s first International Award, known as
(D) David Warner __________.
Correct Answer: (B) Shakib Al Hasan (A) Gandhi Mandela Award
Explanation: The ICC has imposed a two-year ban on (B) Shanti Swarup
Bangladesh’s Shakib Al Hasan, with one year suspended, (C) Peace of Love
for failing to report a corrupt approach by a bookie. (D) Ahimsa Puruskar
870. Who has been appointed as the 47th Chief Justice of Correct Answer – (A) Gandhi Mandela Award
India? Explanation: The award aims at honouring those who
(A) Justice NV Ramana have been inspired by and furthered the ideas and ideals of
(B) Justice AK Mishra the Mahatma Gandhi & Nelson Mandela.
(C) Justice SA Bobde 876. Indo-French Joint Exercise Shakti-2019, will be held in
(D) Justice RF Nariman _______.
Correct Answer: (C) Justice SA Bobde (A) Rajasthan
Explanation: President Ram Nath Kovind signed a warrant (B) Punjab
formally appointing Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde as the (C) Tamil Nadu
47th Chief Justice of India on October 29, 2019. Justice (D) Haryana
Bobde will be sworn in as the CJI on November 18, a day Correct Answer – (A) Rajasthan
after the retirement of current CJI Ranjan Gogoi. Explanation: The bilateral exercise will be conducted
871. Who has been appointed as the first Lieutenant from 31 Oct to 13 Nov 2019.
Governor of Ladakh? 877. World Polio Day, sometimes seen in the news, is
(A) Mridula Sinha observed on ______ every year.
(B) PS Sreedharan Pillai (A) Sept 24
(C) Girish Chandra Murmu (B) Oct 24
(D) Radha Krishna Mathur (C) Nov 24
Correct Answer: (D) Radha Krishna Mathur (D) Dec 24
Explanation: The Government has chosen Radha Krishna Correct Answer – (B) Oct 24
Mathur to be the first Lieutenant Governor of the Union Explanation: World Polio Day was established by Rotary
Territory of Ladakh. Mathur formerly served as the Chief International.
Information Commissioner till November 2018. 878. The 2020 ICC Under-19 Cricket World Cup is to be
872. The 28th Vyas Samman for the year 2018 was conferred held in _______.
on well known Hindi writer ___________. (A) India
(A) Leeladhar Jagoori (B) South Africa
(B) RS Birla (C) Pakistan
(C) Rustam Singh (D) Kazakhstan
(D) Uday Prakash Correct Answer – (B) South Africa
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879. Which nation will host the first edition of expanded 24- (D) 22nd October
team FIFA World Cup for Clubs in 2021? Correct Answer: (C) 21th October
(A) China Explanation: The Police Commemoration Day was
(B) US observed across India on October 21, 2019 with an aim to
(C) Iran commemorate the brave policemen who sacrificed their in
(D) Pakistan the line of duties.
Correct Answer – (A) China 885. Which State Government recently agreed to implement
Explanation: The competition, which currently features the Central scheme PM-KISAN?
seven teams, will be expanded to 24 teams for the first (A) Madhya Pradesh
time. (B) Rajasthan
880. National Unity Day, sometimes seen in the news, is (C) Delhi
celebrated on _____. (D) Kerala
(A) Oct 28 Correct Answer: (C) Delhi
(B) Oct 31 Explanation: Delhi Government on October 21, 2019
(C) Nov 5 agreed to implement Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi
(D) Nov 14 (PM-KISAN) scheme to provide the income support of Rs
Correct Answer – (B) Oct 31
6,000 to eligible farmers in a year.
Explanation: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is popularly known
886. Who won the Vogue award for Sportsperson of the
as the Iron Man of India. This day remembers Sardar
Year 2019?
Patel’s stupendous role in integrating the princely States
(A) M.S.Dhoni
into independent India
(B) Dutee Chand
881. Where is the Col. Chewang Rinchen Setu bridge
(C) Saina Nehwal
(D) Mary Kom
(A) Leh
Correct Answer: (B) Dutee Chand
(B) Kashmir
Explanation: Odisha sprinter Dutee Chand won the Vogue
(C) Ladakh
award for Sportsperson of the Year 2019. Dutee Chand
(D) Srinagar
holds the national record in women’s 100m. She has
Correct Answer: (C) Ladakh
brought many laurels to the country and state. In October,
Explanation: The bridge was constructed by the Border
she clocked 11.22 seconds in the semi-final of women’s
Roads Organisation (BRO) of India The bridge is built
100m event at the 59th National Open Athletics
between Durbuk and Daulat Beg Oldie in eastern Ladakh at
Championships 2019 in Ranchi. With this score she broke
an altitude of 14,650 feet. The bridge is named in honor of
the own previous national record of 11.26 seconds. She
Colonel Chewang Rinchen, who was one of the highly
aims to win gold medal for India in the 2020 Tokyo
decorated officers in the Indian Army from Ladakh, and he
was awarded the Maha Vir Chakara twice.
887. World’s oldest known natural pearl was discovered off
882. IMNEX-19 is a naval exercise that is carried out
which city’s coast?
between India and ________.
(A) Abu Dhabi
(A) Maldives
(B) Male
(B) Myanmar
(C) Jakarta
(C) Mongolia
(D) Amman
(D) Malawi
Correct Answer: (A) Abu Dhabi
Correct Answer: (B) Myanmar
Explanation: World’s oldest known natural pearl was
Explanation: The second edition of IMNEX-19, the India
discovered off the coast of Abu Dhabi, the capital city of
Myanmar Naval Exercise, began at Visakhapatnam on 19
the United Arab Emirates. It was discovered by
October. The opening ceremony was conducted onboard
archaeologists working at a Neolithic site on Marawah
INS Ranvijay. The exercise aims to grow maritime
cooperation between the two navies.
888. Which Indian cricketer broke Don Bradman’s record of
883. Who won a gold medal at the Asian Track Cycling
highest average in Test cricket on home soil?
Championships in 2019?
(A) Rohit Sharma
(A) Sreedhar Savanur
(B) Virat Kohli
(B) Amrit Singh
(C) Ajinkya Rahane
(C) Bikram Singh
(D) Ravindra Jadeja
(D) Ronaldo Singh
Correct Answer: (A) Rohit Sharma
Correct Answer: (D) Ronaldo Singh
Explanation: Rohit Sharma broke Australian cricketer Don
Explanation: Indian cyclist Ronaldo Singh won a gold
Bradman’s record of highest average in Test cricket on
medal in the men’s junior Keirin event held at the Asian
home soil during the Day 2 of India’s third test against
Track Cycling Championships at Incheon in South Korea
South Africa. Rohit Sharma with 212 runs recorded an
on 18 October 2019.
average of 99.84 on home soil, which is higher than Don
884. When was the Police Commemoration Day 2019
Bradman’s average of 98.22 on home soil in test cricket.
observed in India?
889. Where was the 54th All India Railway Rifle Shooting
(A) 19th October
Championship held?
(B) 20th October
(A) Pune
(C) 21th October
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(B) Jaipur (B) Anil Agarwal
(C) Ahmedabad (C) Anand Mahindra
(D) Bhopal (D) Pawan Kumar Goenka
Correct Answer: (A) Pune Correct Answer: (A) Sajjan Jindal
Explanation: Ayonika Paul, Commonwealth Games’ silver Explanation: The World Steel Association (Worldsteel)
medalist, won the second position in the individual 10m Air has elected Sajjan Jindal, Chairman and Managing
Rifle event at the 54th All India Railway Rifle Shooting Director, JSW Steel, as Vice-Chairman of the association
Championship at the Balewadi Sports Complex, Pune on for one year.
19 October. She represented the Central Railway zone of The association has also appointed Tata Steel CEO and MD
Indian Railways. The shooting championship will conclude T V Narendran and Arcelor Mittal Chief L N Mittal as its
on 22 October. The championship has several top Indian members.
shooters competing. The board also elected a 14-member Executive Committee.
890. The Ayurveda Palliative Care Unit was inaugurated 895. Book titled “Mind Master: Winning Lessons from a
recently in which city? Champion’s Life” is penned by whom?
(A) Bengaluru (A) Abhijit Kunte
(B) New Delhi (B) Krishnan Sasikiran
(C) Pune (C) Pentala Harikrishna
(D) Haridwar (D) Viswanathan Anand
Correct Answer: (B) New Delhi Correct Answer: (D) Viswanathan Anand
Explanation: AYUSH Ministry recently inaugurated the Explanation: Indian Chess player, Viswanathan Anand has
Ayurveda Palliative Care Unit at Palliative Care Centre, the penned a book titled “Mind Master: Winning Lessons from
Base Hospital at Delhi Cantt, New Delhi. a Champion’s Life”.
891. Who constructed the Col. Chewang Rinchen Setu 896. Which of the following space agency completing the
Bridge? first-ever all-female spacewalk?
(A) National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) (A) SUPARCO
(B) Border Roads Organisation (BRO) (B) ROSCOSMOS
(C) Indian Railways (IR) (C) JAXA
(D) Ministry of Defence (MoD) (D) NASA
Correct Answer: (B) Border Roads Organisation (BRO) Correct Answer: (D) NASA
Explanation: The bridge was constructed by the Border Explanation: Nasa astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica
Roads Organisation (BRO) of India The bridge is built Meir have made history by completing the first-ever all-
between Durbuk and Daulat Beg Oldie in eastern Ladakh at female spacewalk.
an altitude of 14,650 feet. The bridge is named in honor of 897. Which Indian player, at the age of 30, has made a debut
Colonel Chewang Rinchen, who was one of the highly in India vs South Africa Series?
decorated officers in the Indian Army from Ladakh, and he (A) Ajay Punia
was awarded the Maha Vir Chakara twice. (B) Sanjay Singh
892. Which edition of the India Myanmar Naval Exercise (C) Shahbaz Nadeem
2019 is held? (D) Rashid Faizan
(A) 2nd Correct Answer: (C) Shahbaz Nadeem
(B) 4th Explanation: A left-arm spinner Shahbaz Nadeem has
(C) 5th made his debut in third and last test-match of India vs
(D) 7th South Africa three-match series.
Correct Answer: (A) 2nd 898. Who has recently approved the proposal to give
Explanation: The second edition of IMNEX-19, the India admission to girls from the session 2021-22 in Sainik
Myanmar Naval Exercise, began at Visakhapatnam on 19 Schools?
October. The opening ceremony was conducted onboard (A) Nirmala Sitharaman
INS Ranvijay. The exercise aims to grow maritime (B) Rajnath Singh
cooperation between the two navies. (C) Amit Shah
893. Where was the Sangam Youth Festival 2019 organised? (D) Narendra Modi
(A) Delhi Correct Answer: (B) Rajnath Singh
(B) Maharashtra Explanation: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has
(C) Uttar Pradesh approved a proposal to give admission to girls in Sainik
(D) Jammu and Kashmir Schools from 2021-22 school sessions. Sainik School was
Correct Answer: (D) Jammu and Kashmir established in India in the year 1961.
Explanation: Over 1,500 students from 32 different 899. Which state’s cultural department has approved India’s
colleges and university participated in the ‘Sangam Youth first training and demonstration program for ‘Khon
Festival’ organised at Bhadarwah, Jammu and Kashmir. Ramlila’?
It was organised by the Indian Army in collaboration with (A) Bihar
Jammu University Campus (B) Punjab
894. Who has been elected as the Vice-Chairman of the (C) Karnatak
World Steel Association (Worldsteel) in October 2019? (D) Uttar Pradesh
(A) Sajjan Jindal Correct Answer: (D) Uttar Pradesh

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Explanation: Thailand’s Khon Ramleela has been included (C) Justice Arun Kumar Mishra
in UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage. It is a (D) Justice RF Nariman
masked dance depicting scenes from Ramlil(A) Uttar Correct Answer: (a) Justice SA Bobde
Pradesh Government will prepare some artists from the Explanation: CJI Ranjan Gogoi on October 18, 2019,
state for this art. recommended Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde for
900. According to the recently released UNICEF report, appointment as the 47th Chief Justice of India Chief Justice
what percentage of Indian Children are underweight? Gogoi is set to retire on November 17, 2019.
(A) 33 per cent 905. Who among the following has been appointed as
(B) 28 per cent Director-General of National Security Guard (NSG)?
(C) 20 per cent (A) Sudeep Lakhtakia
(D) 13 per cent (B) Sudhir Pratap Singh
Correct Answer: (A) 33 per cent (C) Anup Kumar Singh
Explanation: UNICEF has released a report titled – The (D) R.(C) Tayal
State of the World’s Children recently. This report Correct Answer: (C) Anup Kumar Singh
informed that about 35% of children in India are suffering Explanation: A senior 1985-batch IPS officer of Gujarat
from stunting, and 2 per cent of children are overweight cadre Anup Kumar Singh has been appointed as Director-
while 33 per cent of children are underweight. General of the National Security Guard (NSG).
901. What will be India’s economic growth rate for the year 906. Who among the following internationally acclaimed
2019 and 2020 as per the report released by IMF? painter of Bangladesh recently passed away?
(A) 5.5 per cent (A) Zainul Abedin
(B) 6.1 per cent (B) Kalidas Karmakar
(C) 6.5 per cent (C) Rashid Choudhury
(D) 7 per cent (D) Nitun Kundu
Correct Answer: (B) 6.1 per cent Correct Answer: (B) Kalidas Karmakar
Explanation: IMF – International Monetary Fund, has Explanation: Internationally acclaimed painter of
recently released the World Economic Outlook report. The Bangladesh Kalidas Karmakar passed away in Dhaka.
report specifies that India’s economic growth rate will be 907. Who is the present president of the UN Human Rights
6.1% in 2019 and 7 in 2020. A couple of months before this Council (UNHRC)?
report, IMF projected that India’s economic growth rate (A) Coly Seck
will be 7.3% in 2020. (B) Mary Robinson
902. Which Indian state is organizing its annual Shirui Lily (C) Bertrand Ramcharan
Festival 2019? (D) Louise Arbour
(A) Manipur Correct Answer: (A) Coly Seck
(B) Assam Explanation: The present president of UN Human Rights
(C) Nagaland Council(UNHRC) is Coly Seck.
(D) Arunachal Pradesh 908. European Union leaders confirmed the appointment of
Correct Answer: (A) Manipur ________________ as the new chief of the European
Explanation: Manipur’s annual Shirui Lily Festival 2019 Central Bank.
is being organized at Ukhrul. It is a four-day cultural (A) Michel Camdessus
festival which was inaugurated by Union Tourism Minister (B) Rodrigo Rato
Prahlad Singh Patel. Among many other programs, Folk (C) Christine Lagarde
songs and folk dances are performed by different cultural (D) Dominique Strauss-Kahn
artists. Correct Answer: (C) Christine Lagarde
903. A new national highway NH- 703AA connecting Explanation: European Union leaders confirmed the
Gobindwal Sahib and Taran Tarana in Punjab named appointment of Christine Lagarde as the new chief of the
after which Sikh Guru? European Central Bank.
(A) Guru Nanak Dev 909. According to the ‘State of the World’s Children’ Report
(B) Swami Vivekananda 2019, malnutrition causes around ________% of
(C) Guru Ram Das children’s death in India.
(D) Guru Tegh Bahadur (A) 28
Correct Answer: (A) Guru Nanak Dev (B) 43
Explanation: A new National Highway NH- 703AA was (C) 57
recently announced and approved by Road Transport and (D) 69
Highways Minister Nitin Gaddkari. This highway is Correct Answer: (D) 69
starting from Kapurthala and ending at Taran Tarana in Explanation: The ‘State of the World’s Children’ Report
Punjab. NH- 703AA is named after Sikh Guru – Shri Guru 2019 of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Nanak Dev Ji Marg’ to mark 550th Birth Anniversary of states that Malnutrition causes around 69 per cent of
Guru Nanak Dev. children’s death in India. As per the report, 149 million
904. Who has been recommended to be appointed as the children of under 5 age were stunted and around 50 million
47th Chief Justice of India? children were wasted in 2018. The report also says that
(A) Justice SA Bobde every second Indian woman is suffering from anaemia.
(B) Justice Indu Malhotra

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910. Recently, CJI Ranjan Gogoi recommended the name of Correct Answer: (A) Sudhaker Shukla
Justice ________ for appointment as the next Chief Explanation: The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet
Justice of India. (ACC) has approved the appointment of Sudhaker Shukla
(A) N. V. Ramana as Whole-Time Member of Insolvency and Bankruptcy
(B) Ashok Bhushan Board of India (IBBI). He is a 1985 Indian Economic
(C) S. Abdul Nazeer Service officer.
(D) SA Bobde 915. According to 20th Livestock Census 2019, which of the
Correct Answer: (D) SA Bobde following state has the highest number of livestock in
Explanation: CJI Ranjan Gogoi on October 18, 2019 India?
recommended the name of Justice SA Bobde for (A) Uttar Pradesh
appointment as the next Chief Justice of India. If appointed, (B) Rajasthan
Justice Bobde will take the oath of November 18, 2019, a (C) Madhya Pradesh
day after the retirement of incumbent CJI Gogoi. (D) West Bengal
Justice Bobde will serve as the 47th Chief Justice of India Correct Answer: (A) Uttar Pradesh
(CJI) for a total period of one year and five months till Explanation: According to 20th Livestock Census 2019,
April 23, 2021. Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of livestock of 67.8
911. Which country won the 3rd Edition of the SAFF U-15 million in India
Women’s Championships 2019? 916. Which of the following is not the new member of the UN
(A) Bhutan Human Rights Council (UNHRC)?
(B) China (A) Brazil
(C) India (B) Germany
(D) Bangladesh (C) China
Correct Answer: (C) India (D) Indonesia
Explanation: The Indian football team won the 3rd Edition Correct Answer: (C) China
of the SAFF U-15 Women’s Championships 2019 by Explanation: The United Nation General Assembly has
beating Bangladesh by 5-3 in the penalty shoot-out. elected 14 States to the 47 member body of UN Human
The tournament was organized by the South Asian Football Rights Council (UNHRC). The Assembly elected Armenia,
Federation (SAFF) and was held at Changlimithang Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Libya, Marshall
Stadium in Thimpu, Bhutan. Islands, Mauritania, Namibia, Netherlands, Poland,
Indian captain is Shilky Devi. Republic of Korea, Sudan and Venezuela.
912. Who has edited the book titled ‘India in a Warming 917. Railways Minister Piyush Goyal recently flagged off
World: Integrating Climate Change and Development’? nine trains connecting small towns to major cities.
(A) Sunita Narain Name this particular category of trains.
(B) Anil Agarwal (A) Sewa Service
(C) Dr Friederike Otto (B) Grameen Rail
(D) Navroz K Dubash (C) Rurban Sewa
Correct Answer: (D) Navroz K Dubash (D) Vande Bharat
Explanation: A new book titled ‘India in a Warming Correct Answer: (A) Sewa Service
World: Integrating Climate Change and Development’ is Explanation: Tamil Nadu is the biggest beneficiary in the
set to release on November 2019. This book is featuring a first set of launches. The flagging off of the Kota-Jhalawar
collection of articles by climate experts including Sunita City train has been postponed, The ‘Sewa service’ initiative
Narain, Anil Agarwal, Dr Friederike Otto & Shibani aims for better connectivity between smaller towns and
Ghosh, edited by Navroz K Dubash. It is published by important cities.
Oxford University Press. 918. India has ranked ____ among the 128 countries
913. Where was the 11th Edition of Nuclear Energy surveyed by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) in its
Conclave 2019 inaugurated? World Giving Index.
(A) Mumbai (A) 23
(B) New Delhi (B) 56
(C) Bengaluru (C) 82
(D) Hyderabad (D) 102
Correct Answer: (B) New Delhi Correct Answer: (C) 82
Explanation: Dr Jitendra Singh inaugurated the 11th Explanation: The study surveyed 1.3 million people in 128
Edition of Nuclear Energy Conclave 2019 in New Delhi. It countries over a decade.
was organized by India Energy Forum. 919. Vahli Dikri Yojana, sometimes seen in the news, is a
914. Who has been approved by the Appointments scheme by which among the following states?
Committee of the Cabinet to be appointed as the Whole- (A) Rajasthan
Time Member of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of (B) MP
India in October 2019? (C) Gujarat
(A) Sudhaker Shukla (D) Maharashtra
(B) Devendra Sahoo Correct Answer: (C) Gujarat
(C) Ratan Chaurasia Explanation: The state government, under this scheme,
(D) Vinod Dubey grants a subsidy of INR 1,10,000 on birth of the first girl

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child. This scheme aims to reduce the child mortality rate Explanation: The United Nations’ (UN) International Day
and eliminate child marriage cases in society. for the Eradication of Poverty is observed on October 17
920. Which island is named after Abdul Kalam? each year since 1993
(A) Wheeler Island, Odisha 926. What is the length of India’s longest Tunnel Chenani-
(B) Landfall Island Nashri on NH 44, in Jammu and Kashmir?
(C) Bhavani Island (A) 11.3 km
(D) Sriharikota (B) 9.2 km
Correct Answer: (A) Wheeler Island, Odisha (C) 6.5 km
Explanation: The Wheeler Island is located in Odisha. (D) 7.2 km
Currently this island is known as the Dr. Abdul Kalam Correct Answer: (B) 9.2 km
Island. This is an island off the coast of Odisha, Explanation: Chenani- Nashri Tunnel on NH 44, in
approximately 150 kilometres east of the state capital Jammu and Kashmir. It is India’s longest road tunnel with a
Bhubaneshwar. length of 9.2 km.
921. Which of the following book is not written by the Abdul 927. Which State topped the India Innovation Index 2019 of
Kalam? NITI Aayog?
(A) Failure to Success: Legendry Lives (A) Karnataka
(B) You Are Born to Blossam (B) Kerala
(C) Ignited Minds (C) Tamil Nadu
(D) A House for Mr Biswas (D) Gujarat
Correct Answer: (D) A House for Mr Biswas Correct Answer: (A) Karnataka
Explanation: A House for Mr Biswas is written by the V. Explanation: Karnataka has topped the India Innovation
S. Naipaul in 1961. Rest of the books given in the options Index, the first-ever index launched by NITI Aayog to
were written by the Dr. Abdul Kalam. promote competitiveness among Indian states.
922. Dr. Abdul Kalam was the ……President of India. 928. Which organization recently retained Pakistan on its
(A) 9th Grey List for its failure to combat terror funding?
(B) 10th (A) Afghanistan
(C) 11th (B) Syria
(D) 12th (C) Pakistan
Correct Answer: (C) 11th (D) Yemen
Explanation: Dr. Abdul Kalam was the 11th (in person) Correct Answer: (C) Pakistan
President of India He remained in office from 25 July 2002 Explanation: FATF decided to retain Pakistan on its ‘Grey
to 25 July 2007. List’ till February 2020. The Financial Action Task Force
923. Who received the 2018/19 Golden Shoe recently, the (FATF) has directed Pakistan to take extra measures in
sixth of his career and the third consecutively? combating money laundering and funding of terrorists.
(A) Cristiano Ronaldo 929. Which Union Territory got the first rank in India
(B) Lionel Messi Innovation Index 2019?
(C) Luis Suarez (A) Goa
(D) Kylian Mbappe (B) Daman and Diu
Correct Answer – (B) Lionel Messi (C) Puducherry
Explanation: Messi became the first player to win the (D) Delhi
accolade for three successive years. Notably, this award is Correct Answer: (D) Delhi
given to the player who scores the most league goals across Explanation: Delhi has got the first place in the list of
Europe’s top divisions. Union Territories and small states in the India Innovation
924. The 17-year-old Mumbai teenager_______________ Index 2019. Delhi is at the first place with 42.98 points
make history as he became the youngest cricketer in the while Chandigarh is in second place with 27.97 points.
world to score a double century in One Day cricket. 930. India is the _______ largest producer of coffee in the
(A) Ayush Jethwa world.
(B) Aman Tiwari (A) 3rd
(C) Aayush Zimare (B) 6th
(D) Yashasvi Jaiswal (C) 9th
Correct Answer: (D) Yashasvi Jaiswal (D) 12th
Explanation: The 17-year-old Mumbai teenager Yashasvi Correct Answer: (B) 6th
Jaiswal make history as he became the youngest cricketer Explanation: India is the sixth-largest producer of coffee
in the world to score a double century in One Day cricket. in the worl(D) It produces about 5% of the total world
925. Which of the following day is observed as United coffee production. Countries like India, Vietnam,
Nations International Day for the Eradication of Indonesia, Nepal account for almost 33% of the world’s
Poverty? coffee production in Asia.
(A) 15 October 931. When is the World Maths Day observed?
(B) 19 October (A) 18 September
(C) 18 October (B) 15 October
(D) 17 October (C) 15 May
Correct Answer: (D) 17 October (D) 12 April

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Correct Answer: (B) 15 October (C) Jammu and Kashmir
Explanation: World Maths Day is celebrated on 15 (D) Maharashtra
October every year. The Day aims to encourage students Correct Answer: (C) Jammu and Kashmir
globally to take part in competitive math-themed games. Explanation: India’s longest Tunnel Chenani- Nashri on
The winners of the events will be given an opportunity to NH 44, in Jammu and Kashmir will be named after
win prizes and scholarships. Bhartiya Jansangh Founder Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee.
932. Which of the following country announced the 937. As per the announcement by Indian Railways (IR),
establishment of the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Indian Railways will become a net-zero carbon emitter
Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI)? by which year?
(a) Saudi Arabia (A) 2030
(b) Oman (B) 2029
(c) Iran (C) 2028
(d) UAE (D) 2027
Correct Answer: (D) UAE Correct Answer: (A) 2030
Explanation: UAE announced the establishment of the Explanation: Indian Railways (IR) has announced that it
Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence will become a net-zero carbon emitter by 2030.
(MBZUAI) in Abu Dhabi. 938. Name the Mercedes’ racer who won the 2019 Japanese
933. India ranks _________ in the 2019 Hurun Global Grand Prix held at the Suzuka International Racing
Unicorn List. Course in Suzuka in Mie Prefecture, Japan.
(A) 3rd (A) Sebastian Vettel
(B) 7th (B) Carlos Sainz Jr.
(C) 21st (C) Alexander Albon
(D) 43rd (D) Valtteri Bottas
Correct Answer: (A) 3rd Correct Answer: (D) Valtteri Bottas
Explanation: India ranked third in the 2019 Hurun Global Explanation: Mercedes’ Valtteri Bottas (Finland) won the
Unicorn List. It accounts for 21 of the world’s 494 2019 Japanese Grand Prix held at the Suzuka International
unicorns. China topped the list with 206 Unicorns, followed Racing Course in Suzuka in Mie Prefecture, Japan.
by the US with 203 Unicorns. The first edition of the Hurun 939. _________________________ has released its 2019
Global Unicorn List 2019 was released by the Hurun World Economic Outlook report.
Research Institute. The list is a ranking of the world’s (A) The United Nations
billion-dollar tech start-ups that were founded in the 2000s (B) World Economic Forum
and not yet listed on a public exchange. (C) International Monetary Fund
934. Who is the Chairman of the Competition Commission (D) World Trade organisation
of India (CCI)? Correct Answer: (C) International Monetary Fund
(A) Saravana Kumar Explanation: International Monetary Fund has released its
(B) PK Singh 2019 World Economic Outlook report.
(C) Vijay Kumar Agarwal 940. What is India’s rank out among the 117 qualifying
(D) Subojith Singh countries in the recently released Global Hunger Index
Correct Answer: (A) Saravana Kumar 2019?
Explanation: Competition Commission of India (CCI) was (A) 100
formed on 14 October 2003. The chairman is Vijay Kumar (B) 101
Agarwal. The Secretary of CCI is PK Singh. CCI is (C) 102
responsible for enforcing the Competition Act 2002 across (D) 103
India It aims to prevent activities that will cause an Correct Answer: (C) 102
appreciable adverse effect on competition in India CCI is a Explanation: India ranks 102nd out of 117 qualifying
Trade Practices Commission. countries in the recently released Global Hunger Index
935. Who has been appointed as the new chairman of Indian 2019.
Banks’ Association (IBA)? 941. Who is present ICC Chairman?
(A) Rakesh Sharma (A) N Srinivasan
(B) Rajnish Kumar (B) Jagmohan Dalmiya
(C) S S Mallikarjuna Rao (C) Dave Richardson
(D) Madhav Kalyan (D) Shashank Manohar
Correct Answer: (B) Rajnish Kumar Correct Answer: (D) Shashank Manohar
Explanation: He succeeded Sunil Mehta, who was the MD Explanation: The International Cricket Council (ICC) has
& CEO of Punjab National Bank (PNB). The IBA changed the super-over rule for all its major events
represents banks' interests with the government and following the uproar over the outcome of the men’s World
regulators. Cup final this year when England was declared winners
936. India’s longest Tunnel Chenani- Nashri on NH 44, in against New Zealand on boundary count. As per new rule,
_______________ will be named after Bhartiya in case of a super over tie, there will be a repeated super
Jansangh Founder Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee. over until one team has more runs than the other. ICC
(A) Andhra Pradesh Chairman: Shashank Manohar; Headquarters: Dubai,
(B) Kerala United Arab Emirates.

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942. Who have jointly won the 2019 Booker Prize after [D] First Run
judges flout the rules by declaring a tie? Correct Answer: [A] Super Over
(A) George Orwell and Graeme Gibson Explanation: As per the ICC’s new rule, if both teams
(B) Margaret Atwood and Bernardine Evaristo score equal runs then a super over will decide the winner. It
(C) Salman Rushdie and Chetan Bhagat was also announced by ICC that super over will continue
(D) Alice Munro and Elisabeth Moss until one team emerged as a winner.
Correct Answer: (B) Margaret Atwood and Bernardine 948. What is the name of Indian Origin economist who
Evaristo recently declared a winner of Nobel Prize 2019 for
Explanation: Margaret Atwood and Bernardine Evaristo economics?
have jointly won the 2019 Booker Prize after judges flout [A] Vishwajit Chatterjee
the rules by declaring a tie. The Booker rules say the prize [B] Abhijit Banerjee
must not be divided, but the judges insisted they could not [C] SK Burman
separate Atwood’s – ‘The Testament’ and ‘Girl, Woman, [D] Anil Joseph Mukharjee
Other’ by Evaristo, who is the first black woman to win the Correct Answer: [B] Abhijit Banerjee
prestigious award since its creation in 1969. Explanation: Abhijit Banerjee, along with his wife, Esther
943. Which team clinched the 2019 title of Pro Kabaddi Duflo and Michael Kramer will be awarded the Nobel Prize
League (PKL)? for their research on 'Experiments to ending global
(A) U Mumba poverty'. Amartya Sen was given this honour in the year
(B) Patna Pirates 1998 prior to Abhijit Banerjee.
(C) Bengal Warriors 949. Who among the following was recently elected as
(D) Dabbang Delhi president of Tunisia?
Correct Answer: (B) Rajnish Kumar [A] Mohammad Albaruni
Explanation: In the final, they defeated Dabang Delhi by [B] Altaf Hussain
39-34 at the EKA Arena by TransStadia in Ahmedabad. [C] Kais Saied
This is Bengal's first PKL title. [D] Iftikhar Khan
944. N Chandrasekaran, who authored the book ‘Bridgital Correct Answer: [C] Kais Saied
Nation’, is the chairman of which company? Explanation: Kais Saied, a former law professor, won the
(A) Infosys presidential election in Tunisia by a huge margin. He
(B) Tata Sons received about 77% of votes in his favour while opposite
(C) Wipro candidate Nabil Karoui got 23% of votes. Large-scale
(D) Birla rallies and door-to-door campaigns were conducted during
Correct Answer: (B) Rajnish Kumar his election campaign.
Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has recently a 950. When World Standard Day is observed?
book titled ‘Bridgital Nation’ in New Delhi. The book has [A] 14 October
been authored by Chairman of Tata Sons, N [B] 13 October
Chandrasekaran and Roopa Purushothaman. The book [C] 12 October
presents a powerful vision of the future where technology [D] 11 October
and human beings co-exist in a mutually beneficial Correct Answer: [A] 14 October
ecosystem. Explanation: Every year World Standard Day is observed
945. Tulagi Island, sometimes seen in news, is the territory of on October 14. The day is celebrated with the aim of
which country? creating awareness among regulators, industry and
(A) Kiribati consumers. It also raises its importance of standardization
(B) Solomon within the global economy.
(C) Tuvalu 951. What is the name of joint military exercise that will be
(D) Nauru held between India and Japan at Mizoram?
Correct Answer: (B) Solomon [A] Vishva Vijeta-2019
946. When International Rural Women Day is observed? [B] Raksha Parv-2019
[A] 12 October [C] Ultra Battle-2019
[B] 13 October [D] Dharm Guardian-2019
[C] 14 October Correct Answer: [D] Dharm Guardian-2019
[D] 15 October Explanation: India and Japan are organizing Dharm
Correct Answer: [D] 15 October Guardian-2019, a joint military exercise, at Mizoram to
Explanation: This day is observed every day on 15 strengthen the military bond. It was first organized in the
October with an objective to improve the economic and year 2018. Last joint military exercise was also held at
social condition of rural women. This day also highlights Mizoram. Both countries share their war-related expertise.
the importance of rural women in the modern-day economy 952. The United States recently imposed sanctions on which
and campaign against climate change. country over its incursion into Syria?
947. Which rule will decide a winner during a tie match as [A] Iraq
per the new ICC rule? [B] Iran
[A] Super Over [C] Turkey
[B] Duckworth Luis [D] Afghanistan
[C] Knock Out Correct Answer: [C] Turkey

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Explanation: The United States recently imposed new [B] Venezuela
sanctions against Turkey over its invasion into northern [C] Colombia
Syria. The sanctions call for a ceasefire, increase in steel [D] Ecuador
tariffs and cancellations of the negotiations over a trade Correct Answer: [D] Ecuador
deal with Turkey. Explanation: Ecuador will quit Organization of the
953. Which Indian Airlines became the first in the world to Petroleum Exporting Countries from January 1, 2020 due
use Taxibot on an A-320 aircraft with passengers on to its fiscal problems.
board? 959. Kyrgyz lawyer Azizbek Ashurov has won __________
[A] SpiceJet Nansen Refugee Award 2019.
[B] Air India [A] UNHCR
[C] IndiGo [B] UNDP
[D] Go Air [C] UNICEF
Correct Answer: [B] Air India [D] UNESCO
Explanation: Air India became the first airline globally to Correct Answer: [A] UNHCR
use a Taxibot on an A-320 aircraft that too with the Explanation: Kyrgyz lawyer Azizbek Ashurov has won
passengers on board. Taxibot is a robot-accessed aircraft UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award 2019.
tractor that is used for taxiing the aircraft from parking bay 960. ___________ and Doordarshan has joined hands for TV
to runway. show on Gandhi’s 150th anniversary.
954. Justice Arup Kumar Goswami was recently sworn-in as [A] UNESCO
the Chief Justice of which High Court? [B] UNICEF
[A] Sikkim High Court [C] WB
[B] Manipur High Court [D] WEF
[C] Guwahati High Court Correct Answer: [A] UNESCO
[D] Chandigarh High Court Explanation: UNESCO and Doordarshan has joined hands
Correct Answer: [A] Sikkim High Court for TV show on Gandhi’s 150th anniversary.
Explanation: Justice Arup Kumar Goswami was sworn in 961. A documentary on football club ___________ has been
as the Chief Justice of Sikkim High Court, succeeding nominated in BAFTA Awards.
Justice Vijai Kumar Bist. He was administered the oath by [A] Bengaluru FC
Governor Ganga Prasad. [B] Real Kashmir FC
955. Who won the 2019 Booker Prize? [C] Kerala Blaster FC
[A] Lucy Ellmann [D] ATK
[B] Margaret Atwood Correct Answer: [B] Real Kashmir FC
[C] Chigozie Obioma Explanation: A documentary on Srinagar-based football
[D] Elif Shafak club Real Kashmir FC has been nominated in BAFTA
Correct Answer: [B] Margaret Atwood Awards.
Explanation: Margaret Atwood and Bernardine Evaristo 962. ____________ has opened its Melbourne office thus
won the 2019 Booker Prize jointly. The Award is awarded becoming the first Indian bank to have a branch in the
every year for the best novel written in English language Australian state of Victoria.
and published in the United Kingdom. [A] SBI
956. President Kovind has presented Swachchta [B] BOI
Ambassador award 2019 to ___________ at India [C] IOB
Today Safaigiri Summit held in New Delhi. [D] PNB
[A] Virat Kohli Correct Answer: [A] SBI
[B] Sachin Tendulkar Explanation: State Bank of India has opened its
[C] MS Dhoni Melbourne office thus becoming the first Indian bank to
[D] Rohit Sharma have a branch in the Australian state of Victoria.
Correct Answer: [B] Sachin Tendulkar 963. Bangladesh Prime Minister ___________ has been
Explanation: President Kovind has presented Swachchta conferred with ‘Vaccine Hero’ award of Global Alliance
Ambassador award 2019 to Sachin Tendulkar at India for Vaccination and Immunisations.
Today Safaigiri Summit held in New Delhi [A] Mo. Sheikh
957. What is the Capital of Syria? [B] Arif Alvi
[A] Aleppo [C] Sheikh Hasina
[B] Lira [D] Sheikh Fatima
[C] Lima Correct Answer: [C] Sheikh Hasina
[D] Damascus Explanation: Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
Correct Answer: [D] Damascus has been conferred with ‘Vaccine Hero’ award of Global
Explanation: Syria: Capital: Damascus || Currency: Syrian Alliance for Vaccination and Immunisations.
pound or Syrian lira 964. The 4th Edition of Joint Military Exercise KAZIND-
958. __________ will quit Organization of the Petroleum 2019 between India and _________ will be conducted at
Exporting Countries from January 1, 2020 due to its Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand.
fiscal problems. [A] Kazakhstan
[A] Bolivia [B] Kyrgyzstan

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[C] Uzbekistan [A] Saudi Arabia
[D] Tajikistan [B] Thailand
Correct Answer: [A] Kazakhstan [C] Indonesia
Explanation: The 4th Edition of Joint Military Exercise [D] Malaysia
KAZIND-2019 between India and Kazakhstan will be Correct Answer: [B] Thailand
conducted at Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand. Explanation: Indo-Thailand Joint exercise ‘Maitree’ is
965. _______ has topped Niti Aayog’s School Education ongoing at Umroi Military station in Meghalaya.
Quality Index. 971. Indian Tennis player __________ has won the Buenos
[A] Karnataka Aires Challenger Tournament.
[B] Kerala [A] Sumit Nagal
[C] Tamil Nadu [B] Yuki Bhambri
[D] Odisha [C] Saketh Myneni
Correct Answer: [B] Kerala [D] Ankit Raina
Explanation: Kerala has topped Niti Aayog’s School Correct Answer: [A] Sumit Nagal
Education Quality Index. Explanation: Indian Tennis player Sumit Nagal has won
966. The __________ edition of World Hindu Economic the Buenos Aires Challenger Tournament.
Forum (WHEF) 2019 was held in Mumbai, 972. Venkaiah Naidu conferred ________ poet K Siva Reddy
Maharashtra. with 28th Saraswati Samman award 2018.
[A] 7th [A] Telugu
[B] 8th [B] Tamil
[C] 9th [C] Kannada
[D] 10th [D] Odia
Correct Answer: [A] 7th Correct Answer: [A] Telugu
Explanation: The 7th edition of World Hindu Economic Explanation: Venkaiah Naidu conferred Telugu poet K
Forum (WHEF) 2019 was held in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Siva Reddy with 28th Saraswati Samman award 2018.
967. Indian journalist Kallie Puri of __________ was 973. Lata Mangeshkar’s sister _____________ has released
honoured with ‘India’s Most Powerful Women in her Hindi book named ‘Didiaur Main’.
Media’ award. [A] Hridaynath Mangeshkar
[A] The Hindu Group [B] Usha Mangeshkar
[B] India Today Group [C] Deenanath Mangeshkar
[C] Times of India Group [D] Meena Mangeshkar Khadikar
[D] DNA Group Correct Answer: [D] Meena Mangeshkar Khadikar
Correct Answer: [B] India Today Group Explanation: Lata Mangeshkar’s sister Meena
Explanation: Indian journalist Kallie Puri of India Today Mangeshkar Khadikar has released her Hindi book named
Group was honoured with ‘India’s Most Powerful Women ‘Didiaur Main’.
in Media’ award. 974. Book ‘The Tech Whisperer’ is authored by digital
968. __________ and Central University of Jammu has transformation expert ___________.
signed an MoU to set up Kalam Centre for Science and [A] Jaspreet Bindra
Technology. [B] Geeky Ranjit
[A] DRDO [C] Vir Shanghvi
[B] ISRO [D] Saurabh Sharma
[C] HAL Correct Answer: [A] Jaspreet Bindra
[D] BEL Explanation: Book ‘The Tech Whisperer’ is authored by
Correct Answer: [A] DRDO digital transformation expert Jaspreet Bindra
Explanation: DRDO and Central University of Jammu has 975. ___________ has been appointed as Executive Director
signed an MoU to set up Kalam Centre for Science and for India at IMF.
Technology. [A] Surjit S Singh
969. The International Day of Older Persons is observed on [B] Surjit S Sircar
__________each year. [C] Surjit S Bhalla
[A] October 1 [D] Surjit S Sumanta
[B] October 2 Correct Answer: [C] Surjit S Bhalla
[C] October 3 Explanation: Surjit S Bhalla has been appointed as
[D] October 4 Executive Director for India at IMF.
Correct Answer: [A] October 1 976. What is the Capital of Greece?
Explanation: The International Day of Older Persons is [A] Santorini
observed on October 1 each year. On December 14, 1990 [B] Thessaloniki
the United Nations General Assembly voted to establish [C] Athens
October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons as [D] Mykonos
recorded in Resolution 45/106. The holiday was observed Correct Answer: [C] Athens
for the first time on October 1, 1991. Explanation: Greece: Capital: Athens || Currency: Euro
970. Indo-___________ Joint exercise ‘Maitree’ is ongoing at 977. Who is the Chairman of Central Board of Direct Taxes?
Umroi Military station in Meghalaya. [A] Pramod Chandra Mody

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[B] Pramod Chandra Bose [B] Jaipur
[C] Pramod Chandra Basu [C] Bhopal
[D] Pramod Chandra Modi [D] Kota
Correct Answer: [A] Pramod Chandra Mody Correct Answer: [B] Jaipur
Explanation: Chairman of Central Board of Direct Taxes: Explanation: According to ‘Swachh Rail, Swachh Bharat
Pramod Chandra Mody. 2019 report’, Jaipur has topped the list of cleanest railway
978. SS Mallikarjuna Rao has been appointed as Managing stations in the country.
Director and Chief Executive Officer of ____________ 984. _____________ has become fully electrified states after
replacing Sunil Mehta providing electricity to over 5 lakh 15 thousand
[A] PNB households under Soubhagya Scheme.
[B] BOB [A] Telangana
[C] BOI [B] Andhra Pradesh
[D] CBI [C] Punjab
Correct Answer: [A] PNB [D] Gujarat
Explanation: SS Mallikarjuna Rao has been appointed as Correct Answer: [A] Telangana
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Explanation: Telangana has become fully electrified states
Punjab National Bank replacing Sunil Mehta after providing electricity to over 5 lakh 15 thousand
979. _____________ has named Amur Swaminathan households under Soubhagya Scheme
Lakshminarayanan as its Managing Director and Chief 985. Oil India Limited has appointed _________ as its New
Executive Officer. MD and CEO replacing Utpal Bora.
[A] Tata Technologies [A] Sushma Chandra Mishra
[B] Tata Communications [B] Subhash Chandra Mishra
[C] Tata Motors [C] Sushil Chandra Mishra
[D] Tata Teleservices [D] Suyesh Chandra Mishra
Correct Answer: [B] Tata Communications Correct Answer: [C] Sushil Chandra Mishra
Explanation: Tata Communications has named Amur Explanation: Oil India Limited has appointed Sushil
Swaminathan Lakshminarayanan as its Managing Director Chandra Mishra as its New MD and CEO replacing Utpal
and Chief Executive Officer. Bora
980. _____________ has become first Indian state to launch 986. Javelin thrower _________ broke her own national
policy on Pneumoconiosis. record with a career-best 62.43m at World Athletics
[A] Gujarat Championships in Doha Qatar.
[B] Rajasthan [A] Annu Rani
[C] Odisha [B] Hima Das
[D] Karnataka [C] Dutee Chand
Correct Answer: [B] Rajasthan [D] Tinku Luka
Explanation: Rajasthan has become first Indian state to Correct Answer: [A] Annu Rani
launch policy on Pneumoconiosis. Explanation: Javelin thrower Annu Rani broke her own
981. World Teachers’ Day, also known as International national record with a career-best 62.43m at World
Teachers Day, is an international day held annually on Athletics Championships in Doha Qatar.
__________ by UNESCO. 987. England cricketer ___________ bagged Professional
[A] October 4 Cricketers’ Association Players’ Player of the Year
[B] October 6 award.
[C] October 3 [A] Ben Stokes
[D] October 5 [B] Joe Root
Correct Answer: [D] October 5 [C] Jos Buttler
Explanation: World Teachers’ Day, also known as [D] Jofra Archer
International Teachers Day, is an international day held Correct Answer: [A] Ben Stokes
annually on October 5 by UNESCO. Explanation: England cricketer Ben Stokes bagged
982. Former Sri Lanka captain __________ took charge as Professional Cricketers’ Association Players’ Player of the
the President of Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC). Year award.
[A] Tillakaratne Dilshan 988. The first e-waste clinic of India will be set up in
[B] Kumar Sangakkara ___________.
[C] Mahela Jayawardene [A] Bhopal
[D] Sanath Jayasuriya [B] Mathura
Correct Answer: [B] Kumar Sangakkara [C] Jaipur
Explanation: Former Sri Lanka captain Kumar Sangakkara [D] Agra
took charge as the President of Marylebone Cricket Club Correct Answer: [A] Bhopal
(MCC). Explanation: The first e-waste clinic of India will be set up
983. According to ‘Swachh Rail, Swachh Bharat 2019 in Bhopal. It will be jointly set up by Bhopal Municipal
report’, __________ has topped the list of cleanest Corporation (BMC) and the Central Pollution Control
railway stations in the country. Board (CPCB).
[A] Indore

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989. India’s 1st plant to produce diesel from plastic waste is Explanation: Pakistan’s pacer Mohammad Hasnain has
installed at _________. become youngest player to take a T20 hat-trick.
[A] Lucknow 995. Indian Army’s first mountain combat exercise ‘Him
[B] Mathura Vijay’ 2019 has started in _____________.
[C] Nasik [A] Arunachal Pradesh
[D] Nagpur [B] Ladakh
Correct Answer: [B] Mathura [C] Sikkim
Explanation: India’s 1st plant to produce diesel from [D] Uttarakhand
plastic waste is installed at Mathura. Correct Answer: [A] Arunachal Pradesh
990. Sweden’s climate activist Greta Thunberg and Explanation: Indian Army’s first mountain combat
Cameroon’s peace campaigner Divina Maloum will be exercise ‘Him Vijay’ 2019 has started in Arunachal
presented with 15th International Children’s Peace Pradesh.
Prize on International Children’s Day ___________. 996. Scott John Morrison is the current Prime Minister of
[A] November 15 ___________.
[B] November 14 [A] Spain
[C] November 13 [B] France
[D] November 12 [C] Germany
Correct Answer: [A] November 15 [D] Australia
Explanation: Sweden’s climate activist Greta Thunberg Correct Answer: [D] Australia
and Cameroon’s peace campaigner Divina Maloum will be Explanation: Scott John Morrison is an Australian
presented with 15th International Children’s Peace Prize on politician who is the 30th and current Prime Minister of
International Children’s Day November 15. Australia and Leader of the Liberal Party since August
991. World Teachers’ Day, also known as International 2018.
Teachers Day, is an international day held annually on 997. World Post day happens each year on ____________,
___________. the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union, which
[A] October 5 started in 1874 in Switzerland.
[B] September 5 [A] October 7
[C] November 5 [B] October 8
[D] December 5 [C] October 9
Correct Answer: [A] October 5 [D] October 10
Explanation: World Teachers’ Day, also known as Correct Answer: [C] October 9
International Teachers Day, is an international day held Explanation: World Post day happens each year on
annually on October 5. October 9, the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union,
992. The 5th edition of World Parliament of science, religion which started in 1874 in Switzerland.
and philosophy 2019 held in _________. 998. SARAS AajeevikaMela has started in New Delhi by
[A] Pune ______________ under the initiative of the Deendayal
[B] Hyderabad Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission.
[C] Mumbai [A] Ministry of Urban Development
[D] Kolkata [B] Ministry of Rural Development
Correct Answer: [A] Pune [C] Ministry of Skill Development
Explanation: The 5th edition of World Parliament of [D] Ministry of Home Affairs
science, religion and philosophy 2019 held in Pune, Correct Answer: [B] Ministry of Rural Development
Maharashtra. Explanation: SARAS AajeevikaMela has started in New
993. UNESCO has appointed __________ actress Yalitza Delhi by the Ministry of Rural Development under the
Aparicio as Goodwill Ambassador for indigenous initiative of the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National
people. Rural Livelihoods Mission.
[A] Mexican 999. Planet Saturn with a total of _________ has overtaken
[B] American Planet Jupiter with 79 moons as the planet with most
[C] British moons.
[D] French [A] 80 moons
Correct Answer: [A] Mexican [B] 81 moons
Explanation: UNESCO has appointed Mexican actress [C] 82 moons
Yalitza Aparicio as Goodwill Ambassador for indigenous [D] 83 moons
people. Correct Answer: [C] 82 moons
994. ___________’s pacer Mohammad Hasnain has become Explanation: Planet Saturn with a total of 82 moons has
youngest player to take a T20 hat-trick. overtaken Planet Jupiter with 79 moons as the planet with
[A] Afghanistan most moons
[B] Pakistan 1000. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2019 was
[C] Bangladesh awarded to Austrian author ____________.
[D] Maldives [A] Sophie Semin
Correct Answer: [B] Pakistan [B] Wim Wenders
[C] Peter Handke

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[D] Libgart Schwarz 1006. Who is the director of the short film based on
Correct Answer: [C] Peter Handke boat race named “Spirit of Kerala” that won the
Explanation: The Nobel Prize in Literature 2019 was People’s Choice Award 2019 at My Rode Reel Film
awarded to Austrian author Peter Handke. Peter Handke is Competition 2019(world’s largest short film
an Austrian novelist, playwright, translator, poet, film competition)?
director and screenwriter. In the late 1960s, he was [A] Lal Jose
recognized for works such as the play [B] Adoor Gopalakrishnan
Publikumsbeschimpfung and the novel Die Angst des [C] Hariharan
TormannsbeimElfmeter. [D] Arun Joseph
1001. What is the Capital of Bahrain? Correct Answer: [D] Arun Joseph
[A] Muscat Explanation: ‘Spirit of Kerala’, a short film based on a
[B] Manama boat race from Kerala directed by Arun Joseph, won the
[C] Bahraini People’s Choice Award 2019 at My Rode Reel Film
[D] Doha Competition 2019 which is the world’s largest short film
Correct Answer: [B] Manama competition worth over $1,000,000.
Explanation: Bahrain: Capital: Manama || Currency: 1007. Name the Olympic champion and world
Bahraini dinar record holder, who became the first person to run a
1002. Indian referee _________ will become the first marathon under 2 hours?
woman referee of India to officiate in an ICC event. [A] Wilson Kipsang Kiprotich
[A] GS Lakshmi [B] Dennis Kipruto Kimetto
[B] Subbu Lakshmi [C] Eliud Kipchoge
[C] Sri Ramaya [D] Kenenisa Bekele
[D] Sneha Mohan Correct Answer: [C] Eliud Kipchoge
Correct Answer: [A] GS Lakshmi Explanation: An Olympic champion and world record
Explanation: Indian referee GS Lakshmi will become the holder from Kenya Eliud Kipchoge, aged 34, became the
first woman referee of India to officiate in an ICC event. first person to run a marathon in under 2 hours by finishing
1003. Between which two countries military exercise the INEOS 1:59 Challenge in 1 hour, 59 minutes, 40.2
named ‘Dharma Guardian’ held recently ? seconds in Vienna’s Prater Park, Austria. He covered the
[A] India and Japan distance of 26.2miles.
[B] India and Sri Lanka 1008. Where was the World Youth Chess
[C] India and United States Championship 2019 held?
[D] India and Russia [A] Guwahati, Assam
Correct Answer: [A] India and Japan [B] Mumbai, Maharashtra
Explanation: Joint military exercise ‘Dharma Guardian- [C] Kolkata, West Bengal
2019’ to promote military cooperation between India and [D] Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Japan will be held in Mizoram. Correct Answer: [B] Mumbai, Maharashtra
1004. Name the joint military exercise that held Explanation: World Youth Chess Championship 2019 was
between India and the US (United States) in Seattle, held in Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel in
Washington ,US? Mumbai, India. India bagged seven medals (highest medals
[A] Emerald Mercury than any other country) in the Championship including 1
[B] Desert Strike gold, 3 silver, and 3 bronze medal. Russia won 5 medals in
[C] Nomadic Elephant the Championship and followed by India.
[D] Vajra Prahar 1009. Praggnanandhaa R was in news recently, he is
Correct Answer: [D] Vajra Prahar associated with which sport?
Explanation: On October 13, 2019, The joint military [A] Chess
exercise ‘Vajra Prahar’ between India and the US (United [B] Tennis
States) begins at Seattle’s (in Washington, US) Joint Base [C] Badminton
Lewis-McChord (JBLM). This is the 10th edition of the [D] Cricket
joint exercise, which will run until 28 October 2019. It is Correct Answer: [A] Chess
held alternately in India and America. In 2018, the practice Explanation: R Praggnanandhaa coveted gold in the U-18
took place in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Open category in the World Youth Chess Championships.
1005. Which organization has released the report 1010. Who is the author of the book titled “The
titled “South Asia Economic Focus, Fall 2019: Making Great Game in the Buddhist Himalayas: India and
(De) centralization Work”? China’s Quest for Strategic Dominance”?
[A] World Trade Organization(WTO) [A] Salman Rushdie
[B] United Nation(UN) [B] Margaret Atwood
[C] Reserve Bank of India(RBI) [C] Phunchok Stobdan
[D] World Bank(WB) [D] James Patterson
Correct Answer: [D] World Bank(WB) Correct Answer: [C] Phunchok Stobdan
Explanation: On October 13, 2019, World Bank has Explanation: A distinguished academician, diplomat,
released the report, titled “South Asia Economic Focus, author and foreign policy expert, Phunchok Stobdan’s new
Fall 2019 : Making (De)centralization Work”. book.

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1011. Where was the 2nd edition of Indian Navy literature award body, has passed away after having
(IN) –Bangladesh Navy (BN) Coordinated Patrol suffered from breast cancer for several years.
(CORPAT) 2019 held ? 1016. On which date, 1st World Cotton Day (WCD)
[A] Khulna, Bangladesh is observed?
[B] Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh [A] October 6
[C] Dhaka, Bangladesh [B] October 7
[D] Northern Bay of Bengal [C] October 8
Correct Answer: [D] Northern Bay of Bengal [D] October 9
Explanation: The 2nd edition of Indian Navy(IN) – Correct Answer: [B] October 7
Bangladesh Navy(BN) Coordinated Patrol (CORPAT) Explanation: The 1st Edition of the World Cotton Day
2019 has been held in Northern Bay of Bengal from (WCD) was observed on October 7, 2019. It was organized
October 10-11, 2019. by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The 5 day WCD
1012. Who inaugurated the India’s 1st ‘Garbage programme was held in Geneva, Switzerland.
Cafe’ recently? 1017. Which country will issue a commemorative
[A] Ajit Jogi coin to mark the 150th birthday anniversary of
[B] Bhupesh Baghel Mahatma Gandhi?
[C] T S Singh Deo [A] United Kingdom(UK)
[D] Charan Das Mahant [B] Russia
Correct Answer: [C] T S Singh Deo [C] China
Explanation: On October 10, 2019, Chhattisgarh state [D] United States(US)
Health Minister T S Singhdeo has inaugurated India’s 1st Correct Answer: [A] United Kingdom(UK)
‘Garbage Cafe’.The concept of this cafe is that ragpickers Explanation: On October 10, 2019, The United
and the homeless will collect plastic waste, and in return, Kingdom’s (UK) Chancellor of the Exchequer Mr Sajid
the municipal corporation will offer them food Javid (Pakistani-origin British finance minister) notified
1013. Where was the India’s 1st ‘Garbage Cafe’ that the UK (United Kingdom) government will issue a
inaugurated? commemorative coin to mark the 150th birthday
[A] Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
[B] Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 1018. Which country becomes the member of Group
[C] Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh of 20 (G20) Global Smart Cities Alliance on Technology
[D] Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Governance recently?
Correct Answer: [A] Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh [A] United States
Explanation: On October 10, 2019, Chhattisgarh state [B] India
Health Minister T S Singhdeo has inaugurated India’s 1st [C] Bangladesh
‘Garbage Cafe’ situated in Ambikapur of Surguja district [D] Myanmar
.The concept of this cafe is that ragpickers and the Correct Answer: [B] India
homeless will collect plastic waste, and in return, the Explanation: On October 11 2019, India became a
municipal corporation will offer them food. member of Group of 20 (G20) Global Smart Cities Alliance
1014. What is the rank of India as per the annual on Technology Governance which works towards
report on the most valuable and strongest nation advancing the responsible and ethical use of smart city
brands named Brand Finance Nation Brands 2019? technologies.
[A] 4th 1019. What is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of
[B] 5th India for the FY20 (Fiscal Year 20) as per the India
[C] 6th Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) forecast?
[D] 7th [A] 6.3%
Correct Answer: [D] 7th [B] 6.1%
Explanation: On October 11, 2019, an annual report on the [C] 6.7%
most valuable and strongest nation brands named Brand [D] 6.5%
Finance Nation Brands 2019 was released by Brand Correct Answer: [B] 6.1%
Finance in which India was ranked 7th from 9th rank of Explanation: On October 10, 2019, India Ratings and
2018 with 18.7% growth in brand value to $2,562 bn. The Research(Ind-Ra) has reduced India’s Gross Domestic
list was topped by the United States of America (USA) Product(GDP) for FY20 (Fiscal Year 20) to 6.1% from its
with 7.2% growth in brand value to $27,751 bn. previous estimate of 6.7%. This downgrade in GDP was
1015. Name the deceased literature critic, author due to a slowdown in rural and urban consumption demand
and the first female head of the prestigious Swedish growth.
Nobel’s literature award body? 1020. Name the first Ethiopian, who was felicitated
[A] Sara Danius with Nobel Peace Prize 2019?
[B] Katarina Frostenson [A] Abiy Ahmed Ali
[C] Horace Engdahl [B] Meles Zenawi
[D] Jean-Claude Arnault [C] Isaias Afwerki
Correct Answer: [A] Sara Danius [D] Lemma Megersa
Explanation: Sara Danius, literature critic,author and the Correct Answer: [A] Abiy Ahmed Ali
first female head of the prestigious Swedish Nobel’s Explanation: The Norwegian Nobel Committee of the

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Norwegian Nobel Institute (Norska Nobelinstitutet) has 2020. It will be published by UK-based Allen Lane
awarded the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize which is the 100th publishers. The book is about climate change and the
Nobel Peace Prize to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy possible solutions to prevent an environmental crisis.
Ahmed Ali, aged 43, for his efforts to promote 1025. What was the theme of the International Day
reconciliation, solidarity and social justice, and in particular of the Girl Child 2019?
for his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict [A] Theme – “EMPOWER girls: emergency response and
(more than 20 years of conflict) with neighbouring Eritrea. resilience planning”
He is the first Ethiopian to be awarded a Nobel Prize. [B] Theme – “Girls’ Progress = Goals’ Progress: What
1021. Who topped in the Forbes India Rich List Counts for Girls”
2019 for the 12th consecutive year with a net worth of [C] Theme – “A Skilled Girlforce”
$51.4 billion by Forbes India? [D] Theme – “GirlForce: Unscripted and Unstoppable”
[A] Uday Kotak Correct Answer: [D] Theme – “GirlForce: Unscripted
[B] Pallonji Mistry and Unstoppable”
[C] Mukesh Ambani Explanation: International Day of the Girl Child by the
[D] Gautam Adani United Nations(UN) is observed annually on the 11th of
Correct Answer: [C] Mukesh Ambani October.
Explanation: On October 11, 2019, Forbes India Rich List 1026. On which date, World Obesity Day is
2019 was released by Forbes India in which Mukesh observed annually ?
Ambani, aged 62, Chairman of Reliance Industries Ltd [A] October 8
(RIL) held the top spot for the 12th consecutive year with a [B] October 11
net worth of $51.4 billion. [C] October 10
1022. Name the space weather satellite launched by [D] October 9
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Correct Answer: [B] October 11
(NASA) to study earth’s ionosphere? Explanation: The World Obesity Day is observed annually
[A] Skylab on October 11, organized by the World Obesity Federation,
[B] HAMSAT a non-profit body which is in official relations with the
[C] Satellite with ARgos and ALtiKa(SARAL) World Health Organization (WHO).
[D] Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) 1027. Name the late Indian Air Marshall, who was
Correct Answer: [D] Ionospheric Connection Explorer honoured with commemorative stamp for his exemplary
(ICON) service?
Explanation: On October 10, 2019, National Aeronautics [A] Jagjit Singh Aurora
and Space Administration (NASA) launched Ionospheric [B] Arjan Singh
Connection Explorer (ICON) space weather satellite from [C] K. M. Cariappa
Northrop Grumman’s L-1011 Stargazer aircraft, with the [D] Subroto Mukerjee
company’s Pegasus XL rocket attached beneath, from the Correct Answer: [B] Arjan Singh
Skid Strip runway at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Explanation: On October 9, 2019, Prime Minister (PM)
Florida, United States. Ionosphere is the layer of the earth’s Narendra Modi has released a commemorative stamp of
atmosphere that contains a high concentration of ions and Marshal of the Indian Air Force (IAF) late Arjan Singh in
free electrons and is able to reflect radio waves. honor of his exemplary service to our nation. The stamp
1023. Name the saxophone player & Padma Shri was issued at an event of the ‘at home’ program of the IAF
awardee, who passed away recently? to mark its 87th raising day in New Delhi.
[A] Kadri Gopalnath 1028. Which country has delivered the first set (36)
[B] Rudresh Mahanthappa Rafale aircrafts to India?
[C] Pravin Godkhindi [A] Germany
[D] Kunnakudi Vaidyanathan [B] United States
Correct Answer: [A] Kadri Gopalnath [C] Russia
Explanation: Renowned saxophone player & Padma Shri [D] France
awardee Kadri Gopalnath has passed away at a private Correct Answer: [D] France
hospital in Mangaluru, Karnataka following a cardiac Explanation: Defence minister of India Mr Rajnath Singh
arrest. visited Paris, France from October 7-9, 2019. He was
1024. Who is the author of the book titled “How to received by a military guard of honour at Hotel de Brienne,
Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the headquarters of the French Armed Forces ministry in
the Breakthroughs We Need”? Paris. During the visit, he received the first of the 36 Rafale
[A] Mark Zuckerberg aircrafts.
[B] Elon Musk 1029. Which countries topped in the Passport Index
[C] Bill Gates 2019 released by the Henley & Partners on October 9,
[D] Jeff Bezos 2019?
Correct Answer: [C] Bill Gates [A] Spain and Sweden
Explanation: The founder of Microsoft Corporation and [B] Italy and Luxembourg
American philanthropist Bill Gates’ new book titled “How [C] Japan and Singapore
to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and [D] South Korea and Germany
the Breakthroughs We Need” will be released on June Correct Answer: [C] Japan and Singapore

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Explanation: On October 9, the latest 2019 Henley developed by Northrop Grumman, US (United States) for
Passport Index ranking was released. Japan and Singapore its wholly-owned subsidiary Space Logistics LLC, in
both hold the most powerful passport by ranking 1st in the partnership with NASA (National Aeronautics and Space
list. The study was conducted by Henley & Partners. Administration) through a no-funds exchanged NASA
1030. What is the rank of India in the Henley partnership called Collaborations for Commercial Space
Passport Index 2019? Capabilities.
[A] 82 1034. What was the theme of the World Mental
[B] 81 Health Day (WMHD) 2019?
[C] 80 [A] Theme – “Universal Health Coverage: everyone,
[D] 86 everywhere”
Correct Answer: [A] 82 [B] Theme – “Young people and mental health in a
Explanation: On October 9, the latest 2019 Henley changing world”
Passport Index ranking was released. In the report, India is [C] Theme – “Mental Health Promotion and suicide
currently ranked at 82nd place in 2019, which is one place prevention”
down from its previous rank of 81 in 2018. The study was [D] Theme – “Suicide Prevention”
conducted by Henley & Partners. Correct Answer: [D] Theme – “Suicide Prevention”
1031. Who won the 2018 Nobel Prize of Literature Explanation: The World Mental Health Day (WMHD) is
for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic observed annually on the 10th of October in order to raise
passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form awareness on mental health issues and the efforts needed to
of life? support mental health.
[A] Peter Handke 1035. Name the India’s first dedicated two long-haul
[B] Joanna Bator special aircraft equipped with missile defence systems
[C] Olga Tokarczuk that will serve Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
[D] Jennifer Croft President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice President
Correct Answer: [C] Olga Tokarczuk Venkaiah Naidu ?
Explanation: The Swedish Academy’s Nobel Committee [A] Boeing 777-300ER aircraft
has decided to award 2018 Nobel Prize for Literature to [B] Boeing 737-300ER aircraft
Polish author Olga Tokarczuk “for a narrative imagination [C] Boeing 757-300ER aircraft
that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossing of [D] Boeing 797-300ER aircraft
boundaries as a form of life” and 2019 Nobel Prize in Correct Answer: [A] Boeing 777-300ER aircraft
Literature to Austrian author Peter Handke “for an Explanation: India’s first dedicated two long-haul special
influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored Boeing 777-300ER aircraft equipped with missile defence
the periphery and the specificity of human experience.” systems that will serve Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
1032. Where did researchers have discovered two President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice President Venkaiah
‘plastic-eating’ bacterial strains namely Naidu is likely to reach New Delhi, India by June 2020. As
Exiguobacterium sibiricum strain DR11 and per the proposal, It will be kept under control by Indian
Exiguobacterium undae strain DR14 ? Airforce (IAF) rather than Air India. If IAF got the charge
[A] Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh of plane then the name also changes from Air India One to
[B] Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Air Force One.
[C] New Delhi, Delhi 1036. Which country topped in the World Economic
[D] Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh Forum (WEF)’s 2019 Global Competitiveness Index 4.0.
Correct Answer: [A] Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh ?
Explanation: A team of researchers at Shiv Nadar [A] Switzerland
University in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh (UP) have [B] Netherlands
discovered two ‘plastic-eating’ bacterial strains namely [C] Singapore
Exiguobacterium sibiricum strain DR11 and [D] United States
Exiguobacterium undae strain DR14 from the wetlands of Correct Answer: [C] Singapore
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Explanation: On October 8, 2019 the World Economic
1033. Name the first satellite-servicing spacecraft Forum(WEF) released its report on 2019 Global
launched from Russia’s Baikonur Cosmodrome Competitiveness Index 4.0. The index was topped by
(launching site for spacecraft) in Kazakhstan ? Singapore as the world’s most competitive economy by
[A] Mariner 1 replacing the United States in second place.
[B] Voyager 1 1037. What is the rank of India in the World
[C] Mission Extension Vehicle-1(“MEV-1”) Economic Forum (WEF)’s 2019 Global Competitiveness
[D] Sputnik 1 Index 4.0. ?
Correct Answer: [C] Mission Extension Vehicle- [A] 68
1(“MEV-1”) [B] 70
Explanation: On October 10, 2019, the first satellite- [C] 60
servicing spacecraft named “MEV-1” (Mission Extension [D] 75
Vehicle-[A] was launched on the Russian Proton rocket Correct Answer: [A] 68
that took off from Russia’s Baikonur Cosmodrome Explanation: On October 8, 2019 the World Economic
(launching site for spacecraft) in Kazakhstan. It was Forum (WEF) released its report on 2019 Global

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Competitiveness Index 4.0. In the index, India was ranked Hamilton India. It examines the history of Christianity in
68th in the list, which is down by 10 places from its India in the context of local and global events.
previous rank of 58 in 2018. The index was topped by 1042. Which month is celebrated as the “Breast
Singapore as the world’s most competitive economy by Cancer Awareness month” for the year 2019?
replacing the United States in second place. [A] August
1038. Who won the 2019 Nobel Prize in the field of [B] September
chemistry for their pivotal role in making lithium-ion [C] October
batteries? [D] November
[A] John B Goodenough, M Stanley Whittingham and Correct Answer: [C] October
Akira Yoshino Explanation: The Breast Cancer Awareness month is
[B] Edwin Mattison McMillan, Kurt Alder and John B observed annually from October 1 till October 31 in order
Goodenough to raise awareness about the disease and also to raise funds
[C] Kurt Alder, M Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino for its research, diagnosis, prevention, etc. On October 7,
[D] Otto Paul Hermann Diels, M Stanley Whittingham and 2019, Indian shuttler PV Sindhu launched the world’s first
Kurt Alder ‘Life-size Augmented Reality'(AR) technology in the
Correct Answer: [A] John B Goodenough, M Stanley “ABC of breast health” app.
Whittingham and Akira Yoshino 1043. Who was awarded with Nobel Prize in Physics
Explanation: On October 8, 2019, The Royal Swedish 2019 for theoretical discoveries in physical cosmology
Academy of Sciences (RSAS) has awarded the 2019 Nobel (after the Big Bang theory)?
Prize in the field of chemistry to John B Goodenough (97), [A] Gérard Mourou
M Stanley Whittingham (77) and Akira Yoshino (71) for [B] Arthur Ashkin
their pivotal role in making lithium-ion batteries. The trio [C] James Peebles
shares the prize money of 9 million kronor (£738,000). [D] Donna Strickland
1039. Name the oldest person, who received the Correct Answer: [C] James Peebles
Nobel prize? Explanation: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
[A] Akira Yoshino (RSAS) decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2019
[B] William Francis Giauque “for contributions to our understanding of the evolution of
[C] M Stanley Whittingham the universe and Earth’s place in the cosmos”; with one
[D] John Bannister Goodenough half of the prize to James Peebles of Princeton University,
Correct Answer: [D] John Bannister Goodenough United States of America (USA) “for theoretical
Explanation: John Bannister Goodenough is a German discoveries in physical cosmology” (after the Big Bang
American professor at the University of Texas at Austin, theory) and the other half jointly to Michel Mayor from the
US. He becomes the oldest winner of a Nobel Prize. The University of Geneva, Switzerland and Didier Queloz,
previous record-holder was Arthur Ashkin, who won the University of Geneva, Switzerland, University of
Physics Nobel in 2018 at 96. Goodenough doubled the Cambridge, United Kingdom (UK) “for the discovery of an
lithium battery’s potential, creating the right conditions for exoplanet orbiting
a vastly more powerful and useful battery. 1044. Name the Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer,
1040. Who received the honorary Doctorate of Arts who was honoured with the 4th Asia Environmental
degree from the University of Salford in Greater Enforcement Award for 2019?
Manchester, England? [A] Ramesh Pandey
[A] Varsha Bhosle [B] Vijay Keshav Gokhale
[B] Asha Bhosle [C] Nirupama Rao
[C] Lata Mangeshkar [D] Shivshankar Menon
[D] Anup Jalota Correct Answer: [A] Ramesh Pandey
Correct Answer: [B] Asha Bhosle Explanation: The 1996-batch Indian Forest Service (IFS)
Explanation: On October 7, 2019, the University of officer Ramesh Pandey will be felicitated with the
Salford in Greater Manchester, England honored Indian prestigious United Nations Asia Environmental
playback singer Asha Bhosle (86) with an honorary Enforcement Award 2019 by the United Nations
Doctorate of Arts degree in recognition of her contribution Environment Programme (UNEP) on November 13, 2019
to the field of music & her role in inspiring future at the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC) in
generations to participate in the arts and media. Bangkok, Thailand for combating trans-boundary
1041. Who is the author of the book titled environmental crime. It is the 4th Edition of the awards.
“Carpenters and Kings: Western Christianity and the 1045. Name the largest archaeological site from
Idea of India”? where remains of a 5,000-year-old city belong to the
[A] Preeti Shenoy Bronze Age that was discovered by the Israeli
[B] Siddhartha Sarma archaeologists?
[C] Khushwant Singh [A] Chichén Itzá
[D] Mulk Raj Anand [B] En Esur
Correct Answer: [B] Siddhartha Sarma [C] Stonehenge
Explanation: Book titled “Carpenters and Kings: Western [D] Moche
Christianity and the Idea of India” written by Siddhartha Correct Answer: [B] En Esur
Sarma was released. It is published by Penguin Hamish Explanation: On October 6, 2019 Archaeologists of Israel

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have unveiled remains of a 5,000-year-old city believed to and adapt to oxygen availability. This was announced by
be the biggest in the region from the Bronze Age. The site the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute, Sweden.
known as “En Esur” included fortifications, a ritual temple, 1050. Who was re-elected as the Prime Minister of
and a cemetery. An even earlier settlement, believed to be Portugal on October 6, 2019?
7,000 years old, was discovered beneath the city. It is [A] António Luís Santos da Costa
regarded as the ‘New York City’ of its time period. [B] José Manuel Durão Barroso
1046. Who is the author of the book titled [C] Pedro Manuel Mamede Passos Coelho
“Becoming: A Guided Journal for Discovering Your [D] Pedro Miguel de Santana Lopes
Voice”? Correct Answer: [A] António Luís Santos da Costa
[A] Halle Berry Explanation: On October 6, 2019, The Socialist Party of
[B] Melania Trump Goa-origin Portuguese Prime Minister (PM) António Luís
[C] Serena Williams Santos da Costa has won re-election of Prime Minister but
[D] Michelle Obama failed to secure an absolute majority in parliament. It will
Correct Answer: [D] Michelle Obama have to form a minority government. Nicknamed “babush”,
Explanation: Former First Lady of the United States of Costa is expected to renew his commitment to stick to
America, Michelle Obama‘s second book titled budget rules.
“Becoming: A Guided Journal for Discovering Your 1051. Where was the 17th edition of the
Voice” is set to release on November 19, 2019. It is International Association of Athletics Federations
published by Clarkson Potter, an imprint of Random (IAAF) World Athletics Championships for 2019 held?
House, a division of Penguin Random House. The journal [A] Doha, Qatar
will be published in more than 20 countries. [B] Beijing, China
1047. On which date, Indian Air Force (IAF) [C] Moscow, Russia
celebrated its 87th Air Force Day? [D] Jakarta, Indonesia
[A] October 6, 2019 Correct Answer: [A] Doha, Qatar
[B] October 7, 2019 Explanation: The 17th edition of the International
[C] October 8, 2019 Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) World
[D] October 9, 2019 Athletics Championships for 2019 was held at Khalifa
Correct Answer: [C] October 8, 2019 International Stadium, Doha, Qatar from September 27-
Explanation: On October 8, 2019 the Indian Air Force October 6, 2019. The event mascot was “Falah”, an
(IAF) celebrated its 87th anniversary on Air Force Day at anthropomorphic falcon dressed in athletic gear in the
Hindon Air Base in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. Air Force maroon colour of the flag of Qatar.
Chief, Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria,Army Chief 1052. Who became the oldest person to win a medal
General Bipin Rawat and others were present during the in the history of the World Athletics Championships at
event. the age of 43 by winning silver medal in the men’s 50km
1048. Name the joint exercise that held between walk?
India and Maldives? [A] Gordie Howe
[A] Khanjar [B] John Magowan
[B] Ekuverin [C] Joao Vieira
[C] Garuda Shakti [D] Gary Player
[D] Prabal Dostyk Correct Answer: [C] Joao Vieira
Correct Answer: [B] Ekuverin Explanation: Portugal’s Joao Vieira, aged 43, became the
Explanation: Joint Military exercise between India and oldest person to win a medal in the history of the World
Maldives was named as Ekuverin. On October 7, 2019 the Athletics Championships with silver in the men’s 50km
10th edition of the joint exercise between India and walk. Japan’s Yusuke Suzuki won the first place.
Maldives named Ekuverin for the year 2019 begun at 1053. Name the athlete, who broke the world record
Aundh Military Station in Pune, Maharashtra. held by Jamaica’s Usain Bolt (11 golds) by winning 13
1049. Who were jointly awarded with 2019 Nobel gold medals at the 17th edition of the IAAF World
Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering how Athletics Championships for 2019?
cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability? [A] Allyson Felix
[A] Michael W. Young, Peter J Ratcliffe and Gregg L [B] Jasmine Blocker
Semenza [C] Tyrell Richard
[B] William G Kaelin Jr, Peter J Ratcliffe and Gregg L [D] Dalilah Muhammad
Semenza Correct Answer: [A] Allyson Felix
[C] William G Kaelin Jr, Peter J Ratcliffe and James P. Explanation: Allyson Felix from United States of America
Allison (USA) broke the record held by Jamaica’s Usain Bolt (11
[D] Tasuku Honjo, Peter J Ratcliffe and Gregg L Semenza golds) by winning 13 gold medals at the World
Correct Answer: [B] William G Kaelin Jr, Peter J Championships.
Ratcliffe, and Gregg L Semenza 1054. Avinash Sable was qualified for Tokyo
Explanation: William G Kaelin Jr, Peter J Ratcliffe, and Olympics, he is associated with which sport?
Gregg L Semenza are jointly awarded 2019 Nobel Prize in [A] Long jump
Physiology or Medicine for discovering how cells sense [B] Men’s 3000m steeplechase
[C] Javelin throw

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[D] Shot put [A] 22 November
Correct Answer: [B] Men’s 3000m steeplechase [B] 24 November
Explanation: Avinash Sable in men’s 3000m steeplechase [C] 25 November
event finished in 8 minute 21.37 seconds and bettered his [D] 26 November
own national record of 8:25.23. He also qualified for Tokyo Correct Answer: [D] 26 November
Olympics in men’s 3000m steeplechase event by finishing Explanation: National Constitution Day is celebrated on
it in 8 minute 21.37 seconds. Olympics qualifying standard 26 November every year in India. On this day, the efforts
was 8:22.00.
of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, are remembered on this day.
1055. Sumit Nagal is associated with which sport ?
The Indian constitution was adopted on 26 November 1949
[A] Tennis
by the Constituent Assembly of India.
[B] Badminton
[C] Chess 1060. The Bill regarding the merger of two Union
[D] Cricket Territories was introduced in Lok Sabha on 26
Correct Answer: [A] Tennis November. The Bill calls for merger of which two UTs?
Explanation: Sumit Nagal is associated with Tennis.Indian [A] Ladakh & Jammu & Kashmir
tennis player Sumit Nagal, aged 22, from Haryana achieved [B] Dadra and Nagar Haveli & Daman and Diu
a career-best ranking of 129 in the latest Association of [C] Lakshadweep & Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Tennis Professional (ATP) men’s singles rankings 2019. [D] Delhi & Chandigarh
1056. Which country has the largest number of Correct Answer: [B] Dadra and Nagar Haveli & Daman
migrants living abroad, as per World Migration Report and Diu
2020? Explanation: Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy on
[A] Japan November 26, 2019 introduced the Bill regarding the
[B] Mexico merger of Union territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and
[C] China Daman and Diu in Lok Sabha. The Bill is named as “Dadra
[D] India and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu (Merger of Union
Correct Answer: [D] India Territories) Bill, 2019”.
Explanation: India is largest country of origin of 1061. When will the term of the 15th Finance
international migrants, with 17.5 million living abroad, Commission end?
followed by Mexico (11.8 million) and China (10.7 [A] October 30, 2020
million). [B] March 31, 2020
1057. According to latest government notification, [C] July 31, 2021
the GDP of second quarter shows how much growth [D] April 30, 2020
rate? Correct Answer: [A] October 30, 2020
[A] 5 percent Explanation: The term of the 15th Finance Commission
[B] 3.5 percent has been extended till October 30, 2020. The Finance
[C] 4.5 percent Commission will be submitting its interim report by
[D] 5.7 percent November 30, 2019.
Correct Answer: [C] 4.5 percent 1062. Which country was recently elected to the
Explanation: The latest notification by the Government of World Heritage Committee of UNESCO for first time?
India revealed that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for [A] Israel
quarter 2 shows a growth rate of 4.5 percent. [B] Saudi Arabia
1058. The Parliament passed Transgender Persons [C] Venezuela
(Protection of Rights) Bill. Which among the following [D] Brazil
provisions of the bill was seen as contentious? Correct Answer: [B] Saudi Arabia
[A] Right to movement Explanation: Saudi Arabia was recently elected to the
[B] Opportunity to hold public office World Heritage Committee of the United Nations
[C] Getting a certificate of identity from District Magistrate Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
[D] Right to rent, live or otherwise occupy property (UNESCO) for the first time. The development came after
Correct Answer: [C] Getting a certificate of identity from the Kingdome won the membership of UNESCO Executive
District Magistrate Board.
Explanation: The transgender bill 2019 was passed by the 1063. Which film won the Golden Peacock Award at
Lok Sabha on August 5, 2019. The transgender community IFFI 2019?
has been protesting for the bill to be sent to a select [A] Particles
committee as it fails to address the fundamental right of a [B] Jallikattu
transgender to determine his or her identity but rather it [C] Marighella
confers power to the District Magistrate to grant certificate [D] Balloon
of identity to Transgender applicants. Correct Answer: [A] Particles
1059. When is National Constitution Day observed Explanation: A French-Swiss film directed by Blaise
every year? Harrison, ‘Particles’ won the Golden Peacock Award at the

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50th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa. The works graced several newspapers in a career spanning 58
award carried a trophy, citation and a cash prize worth Rs years, passed away.
40 lakh. 1069. Which of the following country host 2023
1064. Who among the following has been awarded Men’s Hockey World Cup?
the International Children's Peace Prize for the year [A] New Zealand
2019? [B] Pakistan
[A] Greta Thunberg [C] India
[B] Julia Brassels [D] Australia
[C] Jenifer Loy Correct Answer: [C] India
[D] Rebeca Johnson Explanation: India wins bid to host 2023 Men’s Hockey
Correct Answer: [A] Greta Thunberg World Cup Kalinga Hockey Stadium in Bhubaneswar and
Explanation: Swedish citizen Greta Thunberg was recently Biju Patnaik Hockey Stadium in Rourkela to be the venues
honoured with the International Children's Peace Prize. She for the tournament.
launched a global campaign called 'School Strike' for which 1070. The Indian Army has successfully test-fired
she was given this award. ______________________ long-range anti-tank missiles
1065. Which country had the largest number of at Mhow in Madhya Pradesh.
stateless persons in 2018? [A] Nag
[A] India [B] Mamba
[B] Myanmar [C] Spike
[C] Bangladesh [D] Kornet
[D] Canada Correct Answer: [C] Spike
Correct Answer: [C] Bangladesh Explanation: The Indian Army has successfully test-fired
Explanation: Bangladesh had the largest number of 2 Spike long-range anti-tank missiles at Mhow in Madhya
stateless persons (around 906,000). It was followed by Côte Pradesh. Spike is a 4th-generation missile which can
d’Ivoire (692,000) and Myanmar (620,000). The total engage any target with precision at ranges up to 4 km.
number of stateless persons globally in 2018 was 3.9 1071. Union Minister
million. _________________________________ launched 3
1066. The Lok Sabha has passed a bill to regularise books which are a collection of stories for Children
the unauthorised colonies of which city? namely Kumbh, Garam Pahad and Dilli ki Bulbul
[A] Mumbai (Sindhi edition) in New Delhi.
[B] Delhi [A] Subrahmanyam Jaishankar
[C] Bengaluru [B] Arjun Munda
[D] Chennai [C] Thaawar Chand Gehlot
Correct Answer: (b) Delhi [D] Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’
Explanation: The Lok Sabha on November 28, 2019 Correct Answer: [D] Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’
passed the bill to regularize property of residents living in Explanation: Union HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal
unauthorized colonies in Delhi by securing the rights of ‘Nishank’ launched 3 books which are a collection of
ownership. stories for Children namelyKumbh, Garam Pahad and Dilli
1067. Who among the following took oath as the ki Bulbul (Sindhi edition) in New Delhi.
Chief Minister of Maharashtra? 1072. Name the Australian writer and broadcaster,
[A] Ahmed Patel who recently passed away.
[B] TR Baalu [A] Thomas Keneally
[C] Raj Thackeray [B] Patrick White
[D] Uddhav Thackeray [C] Kate Grenville
Correct Answer: [D] Uddhav Thackeray [D] Clive James
Explanation: Shiv Sena Chief and Maha Vikas Aghadi Correct Answer: [D] Clive James
nominee Uddhav Thackeray took oath as the Chief Minister Explanation: Australian writer and broadcaster, Clive
of Maharashtra. He is the 19th Chief Minister of James passed away. He was born in 1939, he moved to
Maharashtra. England in 1961 and rose to prominence as a literary critic
1068. Name the renowned cartoonist whose works and TV columnist.
graced several newspapers, recently passed away. 1073. Where the 47th All India Police Science
[A] Sudhir Tailang Congress (AIPSC) has started?
[B] O.V. Vijayan [A] Pune
[C] Abu Abraham [B] Gandhinagar
[D] Sudhir Dar [C] Lucknow
Correct Answer: [D] Sudhir Dar [D] Delhi
Explanation: Renowned cartoonist Sudhir Dar whose Correct Answer: [C] Lucknow
Explanation: The 47th All India Police Science Congress

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(AIPSC) begins in Lucknow. The event will be inaugurated Explanation: The Board of Tata Communications (Tata
by Puducherry Lieutenant Governor and retired IPS officer Comm) appointed Amur Swaminathan Lakshminarayanan
Kiran Bedi. as the managing director (MD) and chief executive officer
1074. Who among the following to be the first Chief (CEO) of the telecom company for a term of five years
of Defense Staff of India? with effect from 26 November 2019.
[A] Manoj Mukund Naravane 1079. In a major step to conserve the endangered
[B] Ranbir Singh vulture population, the _________________ government
[C] Bipin Rawat will set up the state’s first vulture conservation and
[D] Karambir Singh breeding centre.
Correct Answer: [C] Bipin Rawat [A] Haryana [B] Chhattisgarh
Explanation: General Bipin Rawat to be first Chief of [C] Uttar Pradesh [D] Uttarakhand
Defense Staff. He will end his tenure as the Army Chief in Correct Answer: [C] Uttar Pradesh
December 2019. He will take over as the first Chief of Explanation: In a major step to conserve the endangered
Defense Staff–a four-star position being created as part of a vulture population, the Uttar Pradesh government will set
defense management overhaul. up the state’s first vulture conservation and breeding centre
1075. Name the country where Indian Women’s in farenda area of Maharajganj district.
Association (IWA) has donated two electric vehicles. 1080. Who among the following will be honoured as
[A] Nepal Billboard’s 2019 Woman of the Year?
[B] Bangladesh [A] Lady Gaga
[C] Myanmar [B] Madonna
[D] Bhutan [C] Billie Eilish
Correct Answer: [A] Nepal [D] Selena Gomez
Explanation: Indian Women’s Association (IWA) has Correct Answer: [C] Billie Eilish
donated two electric vehicles to Pashupati Area Explanation: Singer Billie Eilish will be honoured as
Development Trust (PADT) in Nepal. Billboard’s 2019 Woman of the Year. Billie has disrupted
1076. Lokpal Chairman __________________ the entertainment industry through her music and social
launched the new logo and motto for the apex anti- media platforms, leaving an indelible impact on the global
corruption ombudsman. cultural zeitgeist.
[A] S. Rajendra Babu 1081. Which of the following state has decided to
[B] Y.K. Sabharwal declare Guru Ghasidas National Park as a tiger
[C] Pinaki Chandra Ghose reserve?
[D] H.L. Dattu [A] Uttar Pradesh
Correct Answer: [C] Pinaki Chandra Ghose [B] Gujarat
Explanation: Lokpal Chairman Justice (retired) Pinaki [C] Maharashtra
Chandra Ghose launched the new logo and motto for the [D] Chhattisgarh
apex anti-corruption ombudsman. A new motto, “Ma Correct Answer: [D] Chhattisgarh
Gridhah Kasyasvidhanam (Do not be greedy for anyone’s Explanation: The Chhattisgarh government has decided to
wealth)”, was also adopted. declare Guru Ghasidas National Park in the state’s Korea
1077. Who among the following has conferred the district as a tiger reserve.
honorary fellowship of the Royal Aeronautical Society 1082. Which of the following is the first Indian
for the year 2019? company to cross Rs9.5 lakh in market capitalization
[A] V. M. Chamola (m-cap)?
[B] R Madhavan [A] MTNL
[C] Ajit Doval [B] Reliance Industries Limited
[D] G Satheesh Reddy [C] Bharti Airtel
Correct Answer: [D] G Satheesh Reddy [D] Idea and Vodafone Limited
Explanation: Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) London Correct Answer: [B] Reliance Industries Limited
has conferred the Honorary Fellowship of the Society for Explanation: Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) is the first
the year 2019 to G Satheesh Reddy, Secretary Department Indian company to cross Rs.9.5 lakh in market
of Defence R&D and Chairman DRDO. capitalization (m-cap).
1078. Who among the following has been appointed 1083. Odia women weightlifter
as the MD and CEO of Tata Communications? ___________________________, who has brought
[A] Madhusudhan Mysore laurels for both the State and the country in several
[B] Anthony Bartolo national and international events, will receive the 27th
[C] Genius Wong Ekalabya Award for 2019.
[D] Amur Swaminathan Lakshminarayanan [A] Punam Yadav
Correct Answer: [D] Amur Swaminathan [B] Karnam Malleswari
Lakshminarayanan [C] Jhilli Dalabehera

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[D] Saikhom Mirabai Chanu [A] Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of
Correct Answer: [D] Saikhom Mirabai Chanu India
Explanation: Odia women weightlifter Jhilli Dalabehera, [B] Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority
who has brought laurels for both the State and the country [C] Confederation of Indian Industry
in several national and international events, will receive the [D] Securities and Exchange Board of India
27th Ekalabya Award for 2019. Correct Answer: [C] Confederation of Indian Industry
1084. Who among the following honoured India’s Explanation: This award was awarded by trade body
first ‘Quality Ratna’ award? Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Institute of Quality,
[A] Ajit Gulabchand in its 27th Quality Summit held in Bengaluru.
[B] Naveen Jindal 1089. Who among the following will be honoured
[C] Rahul Bajaj Billboard’s 2019 Woman of the Decade award?
[D] Suresh Krishna [A] Ciara
Correct Answer: [D] Suresh Krishna [B] Beyonce
Explanation: India’s first ‘Quality Ratna’ award to Suresh [C] Taylor Swift
Krishna, Chairman, Sundram Fasteners Ltd. He has been a [D] Katy Perry
role model for society in embracing the principles of Correct Answer: [C] Taylor Swift
quality in both personal and professional life. Explanation: Taylor Swift will also be honoured at
1085. On 11th anniversary of the 26/11 Mumbai Billboard’s event, receiving the inaugural Billboard’s 2019
terror attacks, a book titled Woman of the Decade award.
___________________________ was released in 1090. On which of the following day Constitution
Mumbai, Maharashtra. Day or Samvidhan Divas is celebrated?
[A] 26/11 : The Attack on Mumbai [A] 22 November [B] 24 November
[B] The Siege: The Attack on the Taj [C] 25 November [D] 26 November
[C] Hemant Karkare: A Daughter’s Memoir Correct Answer: [D] 26 November
[D] Black Tornado: The Three Sieges of Mumbai 26/11 Explanation: Constitution Day or Samvidhan Divas is
Correct Answer: [C] Hemant Karkare: A Daughter’s celebrated 26 November cross the country to mark the
Memoir adopting of the Indian Constitution by the Constituent
Explanation: On 11th anniversary of the 26/11 Mumbai Assembly on this day in 1949.
terror attacks, a book titled “Hemant Karkare -A 1091. In which of the following state Etawah Lion
Daughter’s Memoir” by his daughter Jui Karkare Navare Safari, formally known as Etawah Safari Park is
was released in Mumbai, Maharashtra. situated?
1086. Name the Indian journalist who recently [A] Uttar Pradesh [B] Uttarakhand
received 2019 International Press Freedom Awards. [C] Gujarat [D] Maharashtra
[A] Shereen Bhat Correct Answer: [A] Uttar Pradesh
[B] Shereen Bhan Explanation: The Etawah Lion Safari, formally known as
[C] Shoma Chaudhury Etawah Safari Park was thrown open for public in Uttar
[D] Neha Dixit Pradesh.
Correct Answer: [D] Neha Dixit 1092. Where is Indian Railway sets up his Railway
Explanation: Indian journalist Neha Dixit has receipt 2019 Institute of Financial Management?
International Press Freedom Awards. This award is [A] Mumbai
awarded by Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), a non- [B] Pune
profit organization whose aim is to enable journalists to [C] Bengaluru
work without the fear of reprisal. [D] Hyderabad
1087. Noted writer from Rajasthan, Correct Answer: [D] Hyderabad
______________________,was awarded the 28th Bihari Explanation: The Indian Railway Institute of Financial
Puraskar for 2018 for her novel ‘Swapnapash’. Management (IRIFM) has been set up in Hyderabad,
[A] Om Thanvi Telangana.
[B] Manisha Kulshreshtha 1093. National Milk Day is celebrated across the
[C] Satya Narayan country on __________________every year.
[D] Bhagwati Lal Vyas [A] 23 November [B] 24 November
Correct Answer: [B] Manisha Kulshreshtha [C] 25 November [D] 26 November
Explanation: Noted writer from Rajasthan, Manisha Correct Answer: [D] 26 November
Kulshreshtha, was awarded the 28th Bihari Puraskar for Explanation: National Milk Day is celebrated across the
2018 for her novel ‘Swapnapash’. The award is presented country on November 26 every year. The significance of
by the KK Birla Foundation and is for writers of Rajasthani National Milk Day lies in the fact that this day celebrates
origin. the importance of milk in a person’s life.
1088. Which of the following body distribute the 1094. National Milk day marks the birth
‘Quality Ratna award? anniversary of ______________________ the Father of

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White Revolution in India. 1100. Who will host the Shanghai Cooperation
[A] Vishal Tewari Organisation (SCO) Forum of Young Scientists and
[B] Arun Krishnan Innovators in 2020?
[C] Durgesh Patel [A] India [B] China
[D] Verghese Kurien [C] Russia [D] Kazakhstan
Correct Answer: [D] Verghese Kurien Correct Answer: [A] India
Explanation: National Milk Day is celebrated across the Explanation: India will host the Shanghai Cooperation
country on November 26 every year on the birthday of Dr Organisation (SCO) Forum of Young Scientists and
Verghese Kurien. This day marks the birth anniversary of Innovators in 2020.
Verghese Kurien, the Father of White Revolution in India. 1101. Which of the following state/UTs achieves
1095. Which of the following state celebrates the highest road length under PMGSY in 2019?
“Sangai Festival 2019 [A] West Bengal
[A] Manipur [B] Arunachal Pradesh [B] Jammu & Kashmir
[C] Mizoram [D] Assam [C] Ladakh
Correct Answer: [A] Manipur [D] Uttar Pradesh
Explanation: Every year the State of Manipur celebrates Correct Answer: [B] Jammu & Kashmir
the “Manipur Sangai Festival” from 21st to 30th Explanation: Jammu and Kashmir have achieved the
November. The ‘Festival’ is named after the State animal, highest road length in the country this year so far under a
Sangai, the brow-antlered deer found only in Manipur. Centre’s rural roads’ programme with the completion of
1096. Which of the following countries recently around 11,400 kilometres covering 1,838 habitations.
celebrated the Ocean Dance Festival 2019? 1102. Name the first woman pilot of India, who will
[A] Bangladesh [B] India join naval operations of Indian Navy?
[C] Maldives [D] Japan [A] Lieutenant S Vijaya Devi
Correct Answer: [A] Bangladesh [B] Lieutenant P Swathi
Explanation: The Ocean Dance Festival 2019 kicked off in [C] Lieutenant Pratibha Jamwal
Cox Bazar of Bangladesh. The theme of this year’s festival [D] Lieutenant Shivangi
is ‘Bridging the distance’ or Durotter Shetubandhan. Correct Answer: [D] Lieutenant Shivangi
1097. Who among the following has won the Scottish Explanation: The first woman pilot, Lieutenant Shivangi,
Open badminton men’s singles title in Glasgow, will join naval operations on completion of operational
Scotland? training here on December 2. She hails from Muzzafarpur,
[A] Srikanth Kidambi Bihar. She was inducted into Indian Navy as SSC (Pilot) as
[B] Syed Modi part of 27 NOC course in Indian Naval Academy,
[C] Chetan Anand Ezhimala.
[D] Lakshya Sen 1103. Who among the following teen activist was
Correct Answer: [D] Lakshya Sen awarded an international children’s peace prize, for her
Explanation: India’s Lakshya Sen has won the Scottish work in the struggle against climate change which has
Open badminton men’s singles title, defeating Brazilian resonated with schoolchildren across the world?
Ygor Coelho to seal his fourth title in 3 months. [A] Jill Duggar Dillard
1098. Who among the following has clinched Davis [B] Jazz Jennings
Cup title 2019? [C] Jaclyn Corin
[A] Dominic Thiem [D] Greta Thunberg
[B] Denis Shapovalov Correct Answer: [D] Greta Thunberg
[C] David Goffin Explanation: Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg was
[D] Rafael Nadal awarded an international children’s peace prize, for her
Correct Answer: [D] Rafael Nadal work in the struggle against climate change which has
Explanation: Rafael Nadal has clinched 6th Davis Cup resonated with schoolchildren across the world.
title for Spain after beating Denis Shapovalov of Canada in 1104. Oxford Dictionaries has named
front of a jubilant home crowd in Madrid. “_____________________________” as its 2019 Word of
1099. On which day International Day for the the Year.
Elimination of Violence against Women is observed? [A] Flight Shame
[A] 17 November [B] 24 November [B] Eco-Anxiety
[C] 22 November [D] 25 November [C] Climate Denial
Correct Answer: [D] 25 November [D] Climate Emergency
Explanation: The International Day for the Elimination of Correct Answer: [D] Climate Emergency
Violence against Women is observed across the world on Explanation: Oxford Dictionaries has named “climate
25 November annually. The theme for this year is “Orange emergency” as its 2019 Word of the Year.
the World: Generation Equality Stands Against Rape” 1105. Who among the following former hockey
player turned bodybuilder won ‘Mr. Universe (Pro)

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2019’? Explanation: The WHO (World Health Organization) and
[A] Mohammed Shahid Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
[B] Ajit Pal Singh (GOLD) organize World COPD (Chronic Obstructive
[C] Dhanraj Pillay Pulmonary Disease) Day on the third Wednesday of
[D] Chitahresh Natesan November every year.
Correct Answer: [D] Chitahresh Natesan 1111. On which day World Children’s Day is
Explanation: Chitahresh Natesan 33yr old former hockey observed globally?
player turned bodybuilder also known as the ‘Indian [A] 18 November [B] 19 November
Monster’ by bodybuilding circles became the first Indian to [C] 20 November [D] 21 November
win ‘Mr. Universe (Pro) 2019’ in 90kg category at the 11th Correct Answer: [C] 20 November
World Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Explanation: World Children’s Day was first established
Championship(WBPF) in South Korea. in 1954 as Universal Children’s Day and is celebrated on
1106. Who among the following has recenlty take 20 November each year to promote international
oath as Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra? togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and
[A] Chandrikapure Manohar Gowardhan improving children’s welfare.
[B] Ajit Pawar 1112. Who among the following won Indira Gandhi
[C] Anil Bhaidas Patil Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development 2019?
[D] Karemore Raju Manikrao [A] Trevor Huddleston
Correct Answer: [B] Ajit Pawar [B] Sam Nujoma
Explanation: Ajit Pawar of the NCP has also taken oath as [C] Sir David Attenborough
Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra. [D] Jimmy Carter
1107. Who among the following Indian Shooter Correct Answer: [C] Sir David Attenborough
recently won gold medals in ISSF World Cup Finals in Explanation: The Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace,
Putian, China? Disarmament and Development for 2019 will be conferred
[A] Ronak Pandit on renowned naturalist and broadcaster Sir David
[B] Ronjan Sodhi Attenborough for his tireless work to preserve and protect
[C] Vijay Kumar biodiversity.
[D] Divyansh Panwar 1113. Which of the following city has installed first
Correct Answer: [D] Divyansh Panwar of its kind high-end reverse transcription-polymerase
Explanation: Divyansh Panwar clinching gold medals in chain reaction (RT-PCR) machines in India for quick
their events to give the country its best ever single-day detection of diseases like dengue, tuberculosis and swine
show in the ISSF World Cup Finals in Putian, China. flu?
1108. Who among the following has occupied the top [A] Bengaluru [B] Kolkata
spot in Fortune’s Businessperson of the Year 2019 list? [C] Delhi [D] Mumbai
[A] Margaret Keane Correct Answer: [B] Kolkata
[B] Elizabeth Gaines Explanation: The Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC)
[C] Satya Nadella has installed first of its kind high-end reverse transcription-
[D] Jayshree Ullal polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) machines in India for
Correct Answer: [C] Satya Nadella quick detection of diseases like dengue, tuberculosis and
Explanation: Microsoft’s India-born Chief Executive swine flu.
Officer Satya Nadella has occupied the top spot in 1114. Parliament has passed the Jallianwala Bagh
Fortune’s Businessperson of the Year 2019 list. National Memorial (Amendment) Bill, 2019. The Bill
1109. Name the state which is top-ranked state in seeks to amend the Jallianwala Bagh National
Swachh Survekshan Grameen 2019? Memorial Act,_________.
[A] Tamil Nadu [B] Telangana [A] 1951 [B] 1971
[C] Andhra Pradesh [D] Kerala [C] 1956 [D] 1969
Correct Answer: [A] Tamil Nadu Correct Answer: [A] 1951
Explanation: The Union Minister of the Ministry of Explanation: Parliament has passed the Jallianwala Bagh
Chemical and Fertilizers, conferred the Swachh Survekshan National Memorial (Amendment) Bill, 2019. The Bill seeks
Grameen 2019 awards to top-ranked states Tamil Nadu. to amend the Jallianwala Bagh National Memorial Act,
1110. On which day World COPD (Chronic 1951.
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Day is observed 1115. Who won the F1 Brazilian Grand Prix at
globally? Interlagos in São Paulo, Brazil?
[A] First Monday of November [A] Daniel Ricciardo
[B] Third Wednesday of November [B] Mark Webber
[C] Third Sunday of November [C] Carlos Sainz
[D] Second Saturday of November [D] Max Verstappen
Correct Answer: [B] Third Wednesday of November Correct Answer: [D] Max Verstappen

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Explanation: Red Bull’s Max Verstappen (Netherlands) [C] Lt Col Jyoti Sharma
won F1 Brazilian Grand Prix at Interlagos in São Paulo, [D] Lt Col Aanchal Choudhary
Brazil. Correct Answer: [C] Lt Col Jyoti Sharma
1116. Name the Indian women shooter, who recently Explanation: Lieutenant Colonel Jyoti Sharma has been
won World Cup finals in Women’s 10m Air Pistol event appointed as Indian Army’s first female Judge Advocate
at Putian, China. General officer to be deployed on a foreign mission.
[A] Shibani Biswas 1121. Which of the following team won 18th edition
[B] Avneet Sidhu of the FIFA under 17 World Cup trophies?
[C] Manu Bhaker [A] Argentina
[D] Sriyanka Sarangi [B] France
Correct Answer: [C] Manu Bhaker [C] Ghana
Explanation: India’s Manu Bhaker created history at [D] Brazil
World Cup Finals in Women’s 10m Air Pistol event. She Correct Answer: [D] Brazil
bagged India’s first gold medal in the tournament this year. Explanation: The Brazilian football team defeated the
She shot 244.7 to claim the top prize in the season-ending football team of Mexico in the finals for 2-1, to win the
tournament of International Shooting Sport Federation at 18th edition of the FIFA (Fédération Internationale de
Putian in China Football Association) under 17 World Cup trophy held in
1117. Who among the following Indian crickter was Brasilia, Brazil.
named People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals 1122. Who among the following Indian wrestler has
(PETA) India’s ‘Person of the Year for 2019? been conferred the Indian Personality of the Year
[A] Rohit Sharma Award (Sports) at the Indo Arab Leaders Summit &
[B] Yuvraj Singh Awards 2019?
[C] Virat Kohli [A] Jeet Rama
[D] MS Dhoni [B] Pawan Kumar
Correct Answer: [C] Virat Kohli [C] Yogeshwar Dutt
Explanation: India captain Virat Kohli was named People [D] Bajrang Punia
for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India’s Correct Answer: [D] Bajrang Punia
‘Person of the Year for 2019’ for his animal advocacy Explanation: Indian wrestler Bajrang Punia has been
efforts. conferred the Indian Personality of the Year Award
1118. Navies of India and ______________ have (Sports) at the Indo Arab Leaders Summit & Awards 2019
started a 5-day bilateral maritime exercise “Za’ir-Al- in Dubai.
Bahr”. 1123. Name the Justice of Supreme Court who took
[A] Myanmar oath as the 47th Chief Justice of India.
[B] Qatar [A] Ashok Bhushan
[C] Oman [B] S Abdul Nazeer
[D] Indonesia [C] D Y Chandrachud
Correct Answer: [B] Qatar [D] Sharad Arvind Bobde
Explanation: Navies of India and Qatar have started a 5- Correct Answer: [D] Sharad Arvind Bobde
day bilateral maritime exercise “Za’ir-Al-Bahr” begins in Explanation: Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde took oath as
Doha, Qatar. the 47th Chief Justice of India. President Ram Nath Kovind
1119. What is the rank of India in International administered him the oath of office at Rashtrapati Bhavan.
Institute of Management Development’s World Talent 1124. Which of the following day is observed as
Ranking 2019 report? World Toilet Day?
[A] 57th [A] 18 November
[B] 58th [B] 19 November
[C] 59th [C] 20 November
[D] 60th [D] 21 November
Correct Answer: [C] 59th Correct Answer: [B] 19 November
Explanation: The International Institute of Management 1125. Which of the following country becomes 1st
Development’s (IMD) World Talent Ranking (WTR) report country to introduce new vaccine to combat typhoid?
for the year 2019 was released. In the released report, India [A] Japan
was ranked at 59th position, a slip by 6 places on a global [B] China
annual list of 63 countries. [C] Pakistan
1120. Who among the following has been appointed [D] India
as Indian Army’s first female Judge Advocate General Correct Answer: [C] Pakistan
to be deployed on the foreign mission? 1126. Name the satellite which will be launched by
[A] Lt Col Ragni Jaswal ISRO on November 25, 2019.
[B] Lt Col Deepika Kalra [A] Cartosat-3

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[B] Astrosat Explanation: The veteran actors Sridevi and Rekha were
[C] Microsat-R conferred with the Akkineni Nageswara Rao National
[D] Bhaskara Award for 2018 and 2019 respectively.
Correct Answer: [A] Cartosat-3 1132. Name the Indian table tennis star who
Explanation: India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, defeated Amalraj Anthony to win men’s singles title at
PSLV-C47 will launch Cartosat-3 into Sun Synchronous ITTF Challenge Indonesia Open 2019 held at Batam,
orbit from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Indonesia.
Sriharikota. [A] Harmeet Desai
1127. Name the state of India which recently [B] Ayhik Mukherjee
inaugurated the 4th International Cherry Blossom [C] Sathiyan Gnanasen
Festival 2019. [D] Anthony Amalraj
[A] Mizoram Correct Answer: [A] Harmeet Desai
[B] Manipur Explanation: Indian paddler Harmeet Desai defeated
[C] Assam Amalraj Anthony to win men’s singles title at ITTF
[D] Meghalaya Challenge Indonesia Open 2019 held at Batam, Indonesia.
Correct Answer: [D] Meghalaya 1133. Who among the following was sworn in as the
Explanation: Meghalaya Chief Minister has Inaugurated new Chief Justice of the High Court of Tripura?
the 4th International Cherry Blossom Festival 2019 held in [A] Justice Ajit Singh
Shillong, Meghalaya. [B] Justice Dr Ravi Ranjan
1128. Name the veteran actor who was recently [C] Justice Ravi Shankar Jha
conferred with the Akkineni Nageswara Rao National [D] Justice Akil Abdulhamid Kureshi
Award for year 2018. Correct Answer: [D] Justice Akil Abdulhamid Kureshi
[A] Sridevi Explanation: Justice Akil Abdulhamid Kureshi was sworn
[B] Madhuri Dikshit in as the new Chief Justice of the High Court of Tripura.
[C] Raveena Tandon 1134. Who among the following has been elected as
[D] Karishma Kapoor the new president of Sri Lanka?
Correct Answer: [A] Sridevi [A] Mahinda Rajapaksa
Explanation: The veteran actors Sridevi and Rekha were [B] Maithripala Sirisena
conferred with the Akkineni Nageswara Rao National [C] Sajith Premadasa
Award for 2018 and 2019 respectively. [D] Gotabaya Rajapaksa
1129. The International Association of Athletics Correct Answer: [D] Gotabaya Rajapaksa
Federations (IAAF) has officially changed its name and Explanation: Gotabaya Rajapaksa has been elected as the
will now be known as “__________________”. new president of Sri Lanka.
[A] Global Athletics 1135. Who among the following was sworn in as the
[B] Universal Athletics Chief Justice of Jharkhand High Court?
[C] World Athletics [A] Justice Ajit Singh
[D] Sports Athletics [B] Justice Ravi Shankar Jha
Correct Answer: [C] World Athletics [C] Justice Dr Ravi Ranjan
Explanation: The International Association of Athletics [D] Justice Vijaya Kamlesh Tahilramani
Federations (IAAF) has officially changed its name and Correct Answer: [C] Justice Dr Ravi Ranjan
will now be known as “World Athletics”. Explanation: Justice Dr Ravi Ranjan was sworn in as the
1130. Name the Spain’s striker who has recently Chief Justice of Jharkhand High Court.
announced his retirement from football. 1136. Renowned Rabindra Sangeet exponent
[A] Xavi Rezwana Choudhury Bannya has been conferred the
[B] Carles Puyol Indira Gandhi Cultural Centre (ICCR) distinguished
[C] Fernando Torres alumni award in Dhaka, Bangladesh. She is from?
[D] David Villa [A] India
Correct Answer: [D] David Villa [B] Bangladesh
Explanation: Spain’s striker David Villa has announced [C] Bhutan
his retirement from football. [D] Nepal
1131. Name the veteran actor who was recently Correct Answer: [B] Bangladesh
conferred with the Akkineni Nageswara Rao National Explanation: Renowned Rabindra Sangeet exponent
Award for year 2019. Rezwana Choudhury Bannya has been conferred the ICCR
[A] Jaya Bhaduri distinguished alumni award in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[B] Rekha 1137. The United Nations observes “World Day of
[C] Hema Malini Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims” every year.
[D] Meena Kumari The United Nations is headquartered at?
Correct Answer: [B] Rekha [A] New York, USA

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[B] Paris, France [C] Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
[C] Geneva, Switzerland [D] Bhubaneswar, Odisha
[D] Lyon, France Correct Answer: [C] Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Correct Answer: [A] New York, USA Explanation: The India-U.S. tri-services amphibious
Explanation: The United Nations observes “World Day of exercise “Tiger Triumph” has begun in Visakhapatnam,
Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims” every year. The Andhra Pradesh.
United Nations is headquartered at New York, USA. 1143. The new signal fish ““Pteropsaron Indicum””
1138. India has successfully conducted the first night was found in Lakshadweep sea off _______________
trial of Agni-II, its versatile surface-to-surface medium- coast, which is the home for unusual species like fish
range nuclear-capable missile from Dr Abdul Kalam with a unique color.
Island off Odisha coast. It is an? [A] Tamil Nadu
[A] Medium-range ballistic missile [B] Kerala
[B] Inter Continental ballistic missile [C] Karnataka
[C] Intermediate-range ballistic missile [D] Gujarat
[D] Supersonic Cruise Missile Correct Answer: [B] Kerala
Correct Answer: [C] Intermediate-range ballistic missile Explanation: The new signal fish ““Pteropsaron
Explanation: India has successfully conducted the first Indicum”” was found in Lakshadweep sea off Kerala coast,
night trial of Agni-II, its versatile surface-to-surface which is the home for unusual species like fish with a
medium-range nuclear-capable missile from Dr Abdul unique color.
Kalam Island off Odisha coast. It is an intermediate-range 1144. Jair Bolsonaro will be the chief guest at
ballistic missile. India’s Republic Day 2020 celebrations. He is the
1139. Name the Indian Professional boxer who is President of which country?
among the 6 boxers from 5 continents who were elected [A] France
as members of AIBA Athletes Commission. [B] Italy
[A] Saweety Boora [C] Canada
[B] Jamuna Boro [D] Brazil
[C] Lovlina Borgohain Correct Answer: [D] Brazil
[D] Laishram Sarita Devi 1145. Name the renowned Indian mathematician
Correct Answer: [D] Laishram Sarita Devi who served as a professor at the Indian Institute of
Explanation: Laishram Sarita Devi (Manipur) is among Technology, Kanpur (IITK) and the Indian Statistical
the 6 boxers from 5 continents who were elected as Institute (ISI), Kolkata, passed away recently.
members of AIBA Athletes Commission. [A] C. R. Rao
1140. The Government of India has issued fresh [B] Narendra Karmarkar
rules under the IBC to govern the rescue of non-bank [C] Vashishtha Narayan Singh
lenders. IBC stands for? [D] Harish-Chandra
[A] Insolvency and Bank Code Correct Answer: [C] Vashishtha Narayan Singh
[B] Insolvency and Bankholding Code Explanation: Renowned mathematician Vashishtha
[C] Insolvency and Booking Code Narayan Singh passed away.
[D] Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 1146. The 2019 World Kabaddi Cup will take place
Correct Answer: [D] Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code from December 1 to 9 and will be hosted by India in the
Explanation: The Government of India has issued fresh state of?
rules under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) to [A] Haryana
govern the rescue of non-bank lenders. [B] Rajasthan
1141. Laishram Sarita Devi is among the 6 boxers [C] Punjab
from 5 continents who were elected as members of [D] Uttar Pradesh
AIBA Athletes Commission. She is from which state? Correct Answer: [C] Punjab
[A] Nagaland Explanation: The 2019 World Kabaddi Cup will take
[B] Manipur place from December 1 to 9 and will be organised by the
[C] Tripura Punjab government in Punjab.
[D] Assam 1147. Where is the headquarter of Federation
Correct Answer: [B] Manipur Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)?
Explanation: Laishram Sarita Devi (Manipur) is among [A] Geneva, Switzerland
the 6 boxers from 5 continents who were elected as [B] Zurich, Switzerland
members of AIBA Athletes Commission. [C] Bern, Switzerland
1142. The India-U.S. tri-services amphibious [D] Lucerne, Switzerland
exercise “Tiger Triumph” has begun in? Correct Answer: [B] Zurich, Switzerland
[A] Hyderabad, Telangana Explanation: Fédération Internationale de Football
[B] Jodhpur, Rajasthan

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Association (FIFA) is headquartered at Zurich, [A] Odisha
Switzerland. [B] West Bengal
1148. Which of the following day is observed as [C] Maharashtra
World Diabetes Day (WDD)? [D] Uttar Pradesh
[A] 12 November Correct Answer: [A] Odisha
[B] 13 November Explanation: The festival ‘Bali Yatra’ which is organised
[C] 14 November every year in memory of the rich maritime history of the
[D] 15 November state, was inaugurated in Cuttack, Odisha.
Correct Answer: [C] 14 November 1154. Which of the the following day is observed as
Explanation: The World Diabetes Day (WDD) was World Pneumonia Day?
observed globally on 14 November. The theme for diabetes [A] 10 November
awareness month and World Diabetes Day 2019 “Family [B] 11 November
and Diabetes”. [C] 12 November
1149. Where was National Statistical Commission [D] 13 November
inaugurated the 27th Conference of Central and State Correct Answer: [C] 12 November
Statistical Organizations (COCSSO) 2019? Explanation: World Pneumonia Day, marked every year
[A] Dehradun, Uttarakhand on November 12. The year 2019 marked the 10 anniversary
[B] Kolkata, West Bengal of World Pneumonia Day to fight against pneumonia.
[C] Mumbai, Maharashtra 1155. Which state/UT has the highest population
[D] Gandhinagar, Gujarat density with 11,320 people per square kilometer?
Correct Answer: [B] Kolkata, West Bengal [A] Maharashtra
Explanation: National Statistical Commission inaugurated [B] Delhi
the 27th Conference of Central and State Statistical [C] Uttar Pradesh
Organizations (COCSSO) at Kolkata, West Bengal. [D] Gujarat
1150. Where was India-ASEAN (Association of Correct Answer: [B] Delhi
Southeast Asian Nations) Business Summit 2019 held? Explanation: Delhi reported the highest population density
[A] Shimla with 11,320 people per square kilometre while the lowest
[B] Pune was in Arunachal Pradesh with density of 17.
[C] Kanpur 1156. Who was conferred with the 28th Vyas
[D] New Delhi Samman for the year 2018 in New Delhi for his 12th
Correct Answer: [D] New Delhi anthology of poetry collection ‘Jitne Log Utne Prem’.
Explanation: The Union Minister of State (I/C) [A] Sachchidananda Vatsyayan
Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), has [B] Kedarnath Singh
addressed the India-ASEAN (Association of Southeast [C] Leeladhar Jagoori
Asian Nations) Business Summit 2019 in New Delhi. [D] Manglesh Dabral
1151. Where was International Conference on Yoga Correct Answer: [C] Leeladhar Jagoori
2019 was organised? Explanation: On October 31, 2019 renowned Hindi writer
[A] Shimla, Himachal Pradesh Leeladhar Jagoori was conferred with the 28th Vyas
[B] Chandigarh, Punjab Samman for the year 2018 in New Delhi. The award was
[C] Mysuru, Karnataka conferred to him by well-known author Govind Mishra, for
[D] Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh his 12th anthology (collection of poems or other pieces of
Correct Answer: [C] Mysuru, Karnataka writing) of poetry collection ‘Jitne Log Utne Prem’.
Explanation: Ministry of AYUSH is organizing the 1157. Under which article the Chief Justice of the
International Conference on Yoga on 15-16 November High Courts are transferred?
2019 at Mysuru, Karnataka. [A] Article 222 of the constitution of India
1152. On 14th November, Children’s Day is [B] Article 322 of the constitution of India
celebrated every year to mark the birth anniversary of [C] Article 422 of the constitution of India
___________. [D] Article 522 of the constitution of India
[A] Rajendra Prasad Correct Answer: [A] Article 222 of the constitution of
[B] Sadar Vallabhbhai Patel India
[C] Bhagat Singh Explanation: On October 30, 2019 the union law ministry
[D] Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru announced the transfer of 3 high court Chief Justices(CJs)
Correct Answer: [D] Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru under article 222 of the constitution of India.
Explanation: On 14th November, Children’s Day is 1158. Which country’s women team won the
celebrated every year to mark the birth anniversary of our Emerging Asia cup 2019 title in Colombo, Sri Lanka?
first Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. [A] Australia
1153. Which of the following state celebrates ‘Bali [B] Bangladesh
Yatra’ festival? [C] Sri Lanka

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[D] India [B] Kochi
Correct Answer: [D] India [C] Bengaluru
Explanation: On October 29, 2019, Indian Women’s [D] Chennai
Cricket Team has defeated hosts Sri Lanka by 14 runs in Correct Answer: [B] Kochi
the final on the basis of Duckworth-Lewis (DLS)method Explanation: Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan
and won the Emerging Asia Cup 2019 title at the R inaugurated the 3rd edition of Global Ayurveda Summit
Premadasa Stadium in Colombo, Sri Lanka. participation of 2019 in Kochi. As many as 400 industry leaders and
delegates from SAARC, GCC and African countries have
India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh.
gathered in Kochi for the Global Ayurveda Summit 2019.
1159. Who won the India’s Highest Literary award,
1164. The 35th ASEAN Summit began in which
“55th Jnanpith Award 2019” ?
[A] Ayyappa Paniker [A] Hanoi
[B] Vyloppilli Sreedhara Menon [B] Bangkok
[C] Edasseri Govindan Nair [C] Singapore
[D] Akkitham Achuthan Namboodri [D] New Delhi
Correct Answer: [D] Akkitham Achuthan Namboodri Correct Answer: [B] Bangkok
Explanation: On 29th November 2019, Akkitham Explanation: The 35th ASEAN Summit began in
Achuthan Namboodri, a renowned Malayalam poet has Bangkok, Thailand. Thailand Prime Minister Prayut Chan -
been chosen for the 55th Jnanpith Award 2019 in o-Cha inaugurated this summit. Prime Minister Narendra
accordance to the Jnanpith Selection Board. He is also the Modi will attend this summit on November 3rd and 4th.
6th Malayalam Poet to receive the Jnanpith award. 1165. Who has won the SaarLorLux Open
1160. Which two countries will participate in the badminton tournament?
Joint military exercise named ‘SURYA KIRAN – XIV’? [A] Lakshya Sen
[B] Dominic Theim
[A] India and Sri Lanka
[C] Sen Weng Hong Yang
[B] India and Bangladesh
[D] Lee Cheng
[C] India and Nepal
Correct Answer: [A] Lakshya Sen
[D] India and Russia Explanation: India’s Lakshya Sen has won the
Correct Answer: [C] India and Nepal SaarLorLux Open badminton tournament at Saarbrücken in
Explanation: ‘SURYA KIRAN – XIV’ the Joint military Germany. He defeated Sen Weng Hong Yang of China in
exercise between India and Nepal will be held in the final.
Salijhandi, Rupendehi district of Nepal from 03 to 16 1166. How much amount of loan will be given by
December 2019. Asian Development Bank for Chennai-Kanyakumari
1161. Name the legendary filmmaker of India , who Industrial Corridor power links?
will be the focus of 51st and 52nd edition of [A] $234 million
International Film Festival of India(IFFI) for the year [B] $451 million
2020 & 2021 . [C] $457 million
[A] Satyajit Ray [D] $786 million
[B] Hrishikesh Mukherjee Correct Answer: [B] $451 million
Explanation: The Asian Development Bank will provide a
[C] Raj Kapoor
$451 million (about Rs 3,200 crore) loan to strengthen
[D] Ritwik Ghatak
power connectivity between the southern and northern parts
Correct Answer: [A] Satyajit Ray
of the Chennai-Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor (CKIC) in
Explanation: Shri Amit Khare also announced that IFFI Tamil Nadu.
2020 and 2021 which will be the 51st and 52nd edition 1167. The exercise Dustlik 2019 is an exercise
respectively will be a tribute to legendary filmmaker of between India and which other country?
India from West Bengal, Satyajit Ray. His centenary [A] Netherlands
celebrations will be observed from 2020. [B] Uzbekistan
1162. Who was sworn in as the new governor of [C] Australia
Goa? [D] Afghanistan
[A] Mridula Sinha Correct Answer: [B] Uzbekistan
[B] Ram Naik Explanation: Dustlik-2019’, a Joint military Exercise
[C] Anandiben Patel between India and Uzbekistan began at Chirchiq Training
[D] Satya Pal Malik Area near Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Defence Minister Rajnath
Correct Answer: [D] Satya Pal Malik Singh attended the ‘Curtain Raiser’ event of ‘Dustlik-2019’
Explanation: Former Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya at the Armed Forces meet in Tashkent.
Pal Malik has been sworn in as the Governor of Goa. The 1168. Recently Author Girija Kir passed away. She
previous Governor Mridula Sinha’s term had ended this was the author of which language?
year. [A] Hindi
1163. The third edition of Global Ayurveda Summit [B] Telugu
2019 was held in which city? [C] Marathi
[A] Mumbai [D] Tamil

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Correct Answer: [C] Marathi Correct Answer: [B] Dhanlaxmi Bank
Explanation: Noted Marathi author Girija Kir has passed Explanation: Private sector lender Dhanlaxmi Bank
away, following a prolonged illness. She was 86. managing director (MD) and chief executive officer (CEO)
1169. The exercise Cooperation Afloat Readiness T. Latha has resigned.
and Training (CARAT) - 2019’ is between Bangladesh 1174. The National Research Institute of Unani
and which other country? Medicine for Skin Disorders (NRIUMSD) was
[A] USA inaugurated in which city?
[B] Russia [A] Hyderabad
[C] China [B] Lucknow
[D] India [C] Surat
Correct Answer: [A] USA [D] Chennai
Explanation: The second phase of the biggest US- Correct Answer: [A] Hyderabad
Bangladesh Navy exercise named ‘Cooperation Afloat Explanation: Union Minister of State for AYUSH Shripad
Readiness and Training (CARAT) - 2019’ started in Yesso Naik inaugurated the National Research Institute of
Chittagong, Bangladesh. CARAT is one of the U.S. Navy’s Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders (NRIUMSD) in
longest continually running exercise in South Asia and Hyderabad, Telangana.
Southeast Asia. 1175. Which country will host the conference of the
1170. With aim to boost bilateral relations, Pekka “No Money for Terror” 2020?
Haavisto visited India. He is the current foreign [A] Pakistan
minister of which country? [B] India
[A] Thailand [C] Russia
[B] Netherlands [D] Seychelles
[C] Finland Correct Answer: [B] India
[D] Hungary Explanation: India will next year host the conference of
Correct Answer: [C] Finland the “No Money For Terror”, the ministerial-level grouping
Explanation: With an aim to boost bilateral relations, of 70 countries that focuses on countering terror financing,
Finland Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto has visited India terror and radicalisation.
on a four-day visit. He will also visit Tamil Nadu for the 1176. Recently Babasaheb Dhabekar passed away.
inauguration of the KONE manufacturing unit. He was related to which field?
1171. Who was conferred with Indira Gandhi award [A] Politics
for national integration? [B] Author
[A] Chandi Prasad Bhatt [C] Sports
[B] Devik Sethy [D] Actor
[C] Chandi Prasad Bhatt Correct Answer: [A] Politics
[D] Devi Prasad Shetty Explanation: Former Maharashtra minister and senior
Correct Answer: [C] Chandi Prasad Bhatt Congress party leader Babasaheb Dhabekar passed away.
Explanation: The 31st Indira Gandhi Award for National He served as water resource minister in the 1990s during
Integration for the years 2017 and 2018 was awarded to the the Shiv Sena-BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) alliance
pioneer of the Chipko Movement Chandi Prasad Bhatt for government.
his services in promoting and preserving the national 1177. The second Assembly of International Solar
integration on October 31, the death anniversary of former Alliance (ISA) was held in which city?
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. [A] Pune
1172. Who was appointed as the chairman of the [B] New Delhi
Land Ports Authority of India (LPAI)? [C] Chennai
[A] Saket Singh [D] Lucknow
[B] Aditya Mishra Correct Answer: [B] New Delhi
[C] Arvind Chaturvedi Explanation: 2nd Assembly of International Solar Alliance
[D] S Subramaniam (ISA) was held in New Delhi. It was hosted by the Ministry
Correct Answer: [B] Aditya Mishra of New and Renewable Energy. French Deputy Minister
Explanation: Senior IPS officer Aditya Mishra was for Ecological and Inclusive Transition Brune Poirson who
appointed as the chairman of the Land Ports Authority of was on a visit to India also co-presided over the assembly.
India (LPAI). He is a 1989 batch IPS officer of Uttar 1178. Who has won the Paris Masters 2019 title?
Pradesh cadre. The Appointments Committee of the [A] Dominic Theim
Cabinet has approved the appointment of Mishra as the [B] Novak Djokovic
chairman of the LPAI on the recommendations of a search- [C] Leander Paes
cum-selection panel. [D] Roger Federer
1173. Recently MD of which bank T Latha resigned Correct Answer: [B] Novak Djokovic
from his post? Explanation: Serbian Novak Djokovic has won the Paris
[A] Federal Bank Masters 2019 title. With this, he lifted his 34th Masters
[B] Dhanlaxmi Bank Trophy and fifth in Paris.
[C] IDBI Bank 1179. Who was appointed as new MD and CEO of
[D] IDFC First Bank IndusInd Bank?

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[A] MK Sinha Correct Answer: [D] France
[B] Ramesh Sobti Explanation: Shakti-2019’, a bilateral exercise will be
[C] Suman Kathpalia conducted between Indian and French Army troops at the
[D] VR Balachandran Foreign Training Node at Mahajan Field Firing Ranges in
Correct Answer: [C] Suman Kathpalia Rajasthan from October 31 to November 13. It will focus
Explanation: A private sector lender, IndusInd Bank has on counter-terrorism operations in the backdrop of semi-
appointed its consumer banking head Suman Kathpalia, as desert terrain under United Nations Mandate.
its new Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive 1185. Who has been crowned ‘Miss Asia Global
Officer (CEO). He will replace Romesh Sobti. 2019’ at the international beauty contest held recently
1180. Which state government recently launched in Kochin, Kerala?
helpline number for the job seekers? [A] Nguyen Thi Yen Trang
[A] Punjab [B] Sara Damnjanovic
[B] Andhra Pradesh [C] Chen Yufei
[C] Maharashtra [D] Samiksha Singh
[D] Assam Correct Answer: [B] Sara Damnjanovic
Correct Answer: [A] Punjab Explanation: Serbia’s Sara Damnjanovic has been
Explanation: Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh crowned ‘Miss Asia Global 2019’ at the international
said that the state government has launched first of its kind beauty contest held recently in Kochin, Kerala.
Punjab job helpline number 76260-76260 for the job 1186. Who has become the fastest Indian women
seekers. Singh appealed all the job seekers to call the cricketer to smash 2,000 runs in ODIs?
helpline number and utilise the facility. [A] Mithali Raj
1181. Which city will host the UN Climate Change [B] Smriti Mandhana
Conference (COP 25)? [C] Jhulan Goswami
[A] Madrid [D] Harmanpreet Kaur
[B] Geneva Correct Answer: [B] Smriti Mandhana
[C] Rome Explanation: Smriti Mandhana has become the fastest
[D] Paris Indian women cricketer to smash 2,000 runs in ODIs. She
Correct Answer: [A] Madrid achieved the feat during the third ODI against West Indies
Explanation: The Spanish capital city of Madrid will host at the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium in Antigua and
the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 25) from 2 to 13 Barbuda.
December. The annual Conference of the Parties (COP) 1187. Which country won the Rugby World Cup
summit is a key event which allows representatives from 2019?
around 200 nations to monitor and discuss the current [A] South Africa
situation of the world’s warming climate. [B] India
1182. Recently Vaijnath Patil passed away. He was [C] England
related to which field? [D] USA
[A] Politics Correct Answer: [A] South Africa
[B] Author Explanation: South Africa thrashed England 32-12 to
[C] Sports clinch their third Rugby World Cup title at the Nissan
[D] Journalist Stadium in US. With this win, South Africa equalled New
Correct Answer: [A] Politics Zealand’s record of a country with most World Cup titles.
Explanation: Former Karnataka Minister Vaijnath Patil 1188. Which city was selected in field of gastronomy
passed away at the age of 81. Patil was suffering from as a member of UNESCO Creative Cities Network
prolonged illness. (UCCN)?
1183. Recently Champak Jain passed away. He was [A] Kochi
related to which field? [B] Hyderabad
[A] Film Producer [C] Mumbai
[B] Actor [D] Chennai
[C] Sports Correct Answer: [C] Mumbai
[D] Auditor Explanation: UNESCO has designated Mumbai as a
Correct Answer: [A] Film Producer member of UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) in
Explanation: Film producer Champak Jain passed away the field of Film, and Hyderabad in the field of
after suffering from a brain haemorrhage. Champak was Gastronomy.
one of the owners of Venus Records and Tapes which 1189. Recently GRSE delivered which fast patrol
produced hit films like the 1994 blockbuster ‘Main Khiladi vessel to Indian Coast Guard?
Tu Anari’ starring Saif Ali Khan and Akshay Kumar. [A] Vela
1184. The exercise Shakti-2019 is an exercise [B] Annie Besant
between India and which other country? [C] Ranjeet
[A] SriLanka [D] Vikramaditya
[B] Vietnam Correct Answer: [B] Annie Besant
[C] Russia Explanation: Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers
[D] France Ltd (GRSE) delivered Fast Patrol Vessel (FPV) ICGS

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Annie Besant, the second in the series of five such ships, to to grow at how much percent in 2020-24?
the Indian Coast Guard. [A] 6.5%
1190. Who took over as the Chairman of Airports [B] 6.6%
Authority of India (AAI)? [C] 6.4%
[A] Shubhankar Swamy [D] 6.3%
[B] Arvind Singh Correct Answer: [B] 6.6%
[C] S A Bobde Explanation: India’s gross domestic product (GDP) could
[D] Ranjan Guruswamy grow 6.6% in 2020-24, lower than its 2013-17 average of
Correct Answer: [B] Arvind Singh 7.4%, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Explanation: Arvind Singh, IAS officer of 1988 batch, Development (OECD) said.
Maharashtra Cadre, took over as the Chairman of Airports 1196. What is the rank of India in Women, Peace
Authority of India (AAI). and Security Index released by Georgetown
1191. Who was conferred with 28th Vyas Samman University’s Institute for Women, Peace and Security
for the year 2018? (GIWPS)?
[A] LK Singh [A] 134
[B] Devi Prasad Shetty [B] 137
[C] Maniharan Swamy [C] 133
[D] Leeladhar Jagoori [D] 140
Correct Answer: [D] Leeladhar Jagoori Correct Answer: [C] 133
Explanation: The 28th Vyas Samman for the year 2018 Explanation: The Georgetown University’s Institute for
was conferred on well known Hindi writer Leeladhar Women, Peace and Security (GIWPS) has released its
Jagoori. Mr Jagoori has been chosen for the prestigious second report on Women, Peace, and Security Index. The
award for his poetry collection- Jitne Log Utne Prem. new 2019 report ranks 167 countries for women based on
1192. Which state government recently banned 15- three indicators – inclusion, justice and security.
year-old government cars, old commercial vehicles? 1197. According to IMF, which country to be the
[A] Maharashtra fastest growing country in the world next year at 86%?
[B] Odisha [A] Brazil
[C] Bihar [B] Ukraine
[D] Andhra Pradesh [C] Guyana
Correct Answer: [C] Bihar [D] Nepal
Explanation: Government vehicles, which are over 15- Correct Answer: [C] Guyana
years-old have been banned across Bihar, while Explanation: According to the International Monetary
commercial vehicles of the same age will be stopped from Fund (IMF), Guyana’s GDP is expected to be more at 86%
plying in Patna and adjacent regions. in 2020 after expanding 4.4% in 2019.
1193. Recently Union Health Ministry launched 1198. India’s first-ever multi-venue Mega science
which mission for covering low immunisation pockets? exhibition, ‘Vigyan Samagam 2019’ held in which city?
[A] Varsha 2.0 [A] Kolkata
[B] Indradhanush 2.0 [B] Chennai
[C] Utkarsh 2.0 [C] Mumbai
[D] Indra 2.0 [D] Lucknow
Correct Answer: [B] Indradhanush 2.0 Correct Answer: [A] Kolkata
Explanation: The “Mission Indradhanush 2.0” has been Explanation: Union Minister of Science & Technology
launched by Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on and Minister of Earth Science has inaugurated India’s 1-
October 31 falling on the silver jubilee of the Polio ever multi-venue Mega science exhibition, ‘Vigyan
eradication campaign, but it will come into implementation Samagam 2019’, in Kolkata, West Bengal.
from December 2. 1199. The fifth edition of India International Science
1194. The Union Cabinet gave an ex-post facto Festival (IISF) 2019 was held in which city?
approval for the MoU between India and which other [A] Mumbai
country on withdrawal of 1.82 cusec of water from [B] New Delhi
India’s Feni River? [C] Kolkata
[A] Myanmar [D] Lucknow
[B] Bhutan Correct Answer: [C] Kolkata
[C] Bangladesh Explanation: Prime Minister Narandra Modi inaugurated
[D] Nepal the 5th edition of India International Science Festival (IISF)
Correct Answer: [C] Bangladesh 2019 through video conferencing in Kolkata. The four-day
Explanation: The Union Cabinet gave an ex-post facto science festival, being organized from November 5-8 , aims
approval for the MoU between India and Bangladesh on to build a strategy for inclusive advancement of Science
withdrawal of 1.82 cusec of water from Feni River by India and Technology.
for drinking water supply scheme for Sabroom town in 1200. Recently Finance Minister Nirmala
Tripura. Sitharaman unveiled two new IT Initiatives ICEDASH
1195. According to Organisation for Economic Co- and which other initiative for improved monitoring and
operation and Development (OECD), India’s economy pace of customs clearance of imported goods?

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[A] TITHARTH America in 1965. He did his PhD from the University of
[B] VELA California in 1969. He was also an associate professor at
[C] ATITHI the University of Washington.
[D] RANJEET 1206. Which of the following country's President
Correct Answer: [C] ATITHI will be the Chief Guest of Republic Day 2020?
Explanation: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman [A] Russia
[B] Ukrain
unveiled two new IT Initiatives – ICEDASH and ATITHI
[C] Switzerland
for improved monitoring and pace of customs clearance of
[D] Brazil
imported goods and facilitating arriving international Correct Answer: [D] Brazil
passengers. Explanation: Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro will be the
1201. The exercise Dharma Guardian is an exercise chief guest of India's Republic Day celebrations next year.
between India and which other country? He was invited by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Prime
[A] Thailand Minister Modi has reached BRICS to attend the 11th
[B] Japan BRICS Summit. A large business delegation will also come
[C] China to India along with him.
[D] Russia 1207. The joint exercise ‘Tiger Triumph’ began in
Correct Answer: [B] Japan Visakhapatnam between India and which country?
Explanation: India and Japan concluded the second edition [A] US
of the annual military exercise named ‘Dharma Guardian’ [B] China
[C] Japan
at the Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare School in
[D] France
Vairengte, Mizoram. Correct Answer: [A] US
1202. Who won gold medal in women’s 10m air Explanation: The Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster
pistol event at Asian Shooting Championships 2019? Relief (HADR) exercise ‘Tiger Triumph’ began between
[A] Apurvi Chandela India and the US at Visakhapatnam on November 13, 2019.
[B] Manisha Keer The exercise will conclude on November 21, 2019.
[C] Akanksha Saini 1208. Which state launched the Sishu Suraksha
[D] Manu Bhaker Mobile App on the occasion of Children’s Day 2019?
Correct Answer: [D] Manu Bhaker [A] Maharashtra
Explanation: Manu Bhaker won gold medal in women’s [B] Rajasthan
10m air pistol event. She put up a dominant showing, [C] Assam
shooting 584 in qualification and 244.3 in the final to take [D] West Bengal
Correct Answer: [C] Assam
Explanation: Assam State Commission for Protection of
1203. Who won the sixth F1 World Championship at
Child Rights launched the Sishu Suraksha mobile app on
United States Grand Prix? the occasion of Children’s Day 2019 with an aim to
[A] Lewis Hamilton empower citizens to protect future generations.
[B] Sebastian Vettel 1209. Justice Muhammad Raffiq took oath as the
[C] Dominic Thiem Chief Justice of which state?
[D] MichAel Schumacher [A] Meghalaya
Correct Answer: [A] Lewis Hamilton [B] Manipur
Explanation: Lewis Hamilton sealed his sixth world [C] Nagaland
drivers’ title with second place in the United States Grand [D] Assam
Prix. He becomes the second most successful Formula 1 Correct Answer: [A] Meghalaya
driver of all time, one championship behind Michael Explanation: Justice Muhammad Raffiq has taken oath as
Schumacher. the new Chief Justice of Meghalaya High Court. Justice
Raffiq succeeds Ajay Kumar Mittal and will be the 8th
1204. Which nation is hosting the 11th BRICS Chief Justice of Meghalaya High Court.
Summit 2019? 1210. Which country has declared a health
[A] Brazil emergency due to spread malaria and dengue epidemic
[B] China fever?
[C] South Africa [A] Syria
[D] Russia [B] Zambia
Correct Answer: [A] Brazil [C] Venxuela
Explanation: The 11th BRICS Summit 2019 is currently [D] Yemen
underway in Brazil. The BRICS summit 2019 theme is Correct Answer: [D] Yemen
'Economic Growth for an Innovative Future'. Explanation: Yemen has declared a health emergency, as
1205. Which famous mathematician from Bihar died the nation is battling severe cases of malaria and dengue
fever. The epidemic has spread over several of Yemen’s
[A] Basant Sagar
[B] Vashishtha Narayan Singh norther provinces. Over 116,522 malaria cases and 23,000
[C] Harish Chandra dengue cases have been recorded in the country since
[D] Rahul Sachdeva January 2019.
Correct Answer: [B] Vashishtha Narayan Singh 1211. Who has become the first Indian to be elected
Explanation: Vashistha Narayan Singh challenged to the board of Metropolitan Museum of Art?
Einstein's theory of relativity. Vashistha Narayan moved to [A] Shahrukh Khan
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[B] Priyanka Chopra [A] Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
[C] Nita Ambani [B] Ministry of Jal Shakti
[D] Anupam Kher [C] Ministry of Water Resources
Correct Answer: [C] Nita Ambani [D] Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation
Explanation: Nita Ambani has become the first Indian to Correct Answer: [A] Ministry of Environment, Forest and
be elected to the board of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Climate Change
in New York City. The announcement was made by Explanation: The Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Reliance Foundation on November 13, 2019. Climate Change launched a a mass cleanliness drive
1212. In total, how many times has President’s rule “Swachh – Nirmal Tat Abhiyaan” to make beaches clean
been imposed in Maharashtra? and create awareness amongst the citizens. The cleanliness
[A] Five drive will be undertaken at 50 identified beaches during
[B] Four November 11-17, 2019.
[C] Three 1217. Which country will host 2023 Men's Hockey
[D] Two World Cup?
Correct Answer: [C] Three [A] Spain
Explanation: President’s rule has been imposed in [B] India
Maharashtra for the third time since the state came into [C] England
existence in May 1960. The last time it was imposed was in [D] The Netherlands
2014 when the then Maharashtra CM Prithviraj Chavan had Correct Answer: [B] India
resigned after the NCP withdrew its support from the Explanation: India will host the Men's Hockey World Cup
Congress-led government. 2023. The tournament will be held from January 13 to
1213. Over 1,000 migratory birds of different species January 29, 2023. The announcement regarding this was
were found dead in which lake of Rajasthan? made by the International Hockey Federation (FIH).
[A] Nakki Lake 1218. Who has become the fastest Indian cricketer
[B] Pichola Lake to take 50 T20I wickets?
[C] Sambhar Lake [A] Yuzvendra Chahal
[D] Fateh Sagar Lake [B] Jasprit Bumrah
Correct Answer: [C] Sambhar Lake [C] R Ashwin
Explanation: More than 1,000 migratory birds have been [D] Deepak Chahar
found dead in Sambhar lake near Jaipur, Rajasthan. The Correct Answer: [A] Yuzvendra Chahal
exact reason for death of these birds is not yet known. Explanation: Yuzvendra Chahal has become the fastest
However, the local administration believes that it may have Indian bowler to take 50 T20I wickets by getting there in
occurred due to polluted water. 34 matches, beating Jasprit Bumrah and R Ashwin who
1214. Who won the gold medal in the javelin-throw took 42 and 46 innings respectively to achieve the feat.
competition at the World Para-Athletics Chahal reached the milestone during the third and final
Championships? T20I between India and Bangladesh at the VCA Stadium in
[A] Ajeet Pal Singh Nagpur.
[B] Sundar Singh Gurjar 1219. When National Education Day 2019 is
[C] Arjun Singh Malik observed?
[D] Devendra Verma [A] 10 November
Correct Answer: [B] Sundar Singh Gurjar [B] 11 November
Explanation: Indian player Sundar Singh Gurjar recently [C] 12 November
won a gold medal at the World Para-Athletics [D] 13 November
Championship. Sundar Singh won the gold medal with a Correct Answer: [B] 11 November
throw of 61.22 meters. Gurjar won gold in 2013 Leon and Explanation: Every year National Education Day is
silver in 2015 Doha Championships. observed on November 11. This day is celebrated on the
1215. As per the report of the Parliamentary birth anniversary of India’s first education minister
Committee, what percentage of people die every year in Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. He was awarded Bharat Ratna
India due to cancer? in 1992.
[A] 54% 1220. Which upcoming Bollywood movie has stirred
[B] 60% fears of impacting India’s relations with Afghanistan
[C] 68% over the portrayal of a character, Ahmad Shah Abdali?
[D] 72% [A] War
Correct Answer: [C] 68% [B] Marjaavaan
Explanation: According to the report of the Parliamentary [C] Panipat
Committee, about 38 percent of cancer patients are dying [D] Commando 3
every year in developed countries, while in India this figure Correct Answer: [C] Panipat
is 68 percent. It means that the treatment is not reaching to Explanation: The Panipat trailer has stirred fears of
the patients. Last year, 13 lakh new cancer cases were affecting India’s ties with Afghanistan after its depiction of
reported in India. Afghan king Ahmad Shah Abdali was labeled as insensitive
1216. Which Ministry has launched the Swachh – and ruthless by many Afghans. Ahmad Shah Abdali is
Nirmal Tat Abhiyaan 2019? known as the founder of modern Afghanistan.

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1221. The citizens of which among the following [C] Nasira Sharma
countries are not eligible for the OCI card? [D] Mannu Bhandari
[A] China, Pakistan Correct Answer: [C] Nasira Sharma
[B] Pakistan, Bangladesh Explanation: Nasira Sharma has been selected for her
[C] Bangladesh, Myanmar novel Paper Boat. The award is given to the best Hindi
[D] US, China literary work published over a period of 10 years. The
Correct Answer: [B] Pakistan, Bangladesh award is given by KK Birla foundation.
Explanation: No person who has previously been a citizen 1227. Who has been sworn-in as the new Prime
of Pakistan or Bangladesh is eligible for the Overseas Minister of Mauritius?
Citizen of India status. Even those, whose parents, [A] Navin Ramgoolam
grandparents or great grandparents were citizens of [B] Nando Bodha
Pakistan or Bangladesh not eligible to apply. [C] Ameenah Gurib
1222. Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan has been [D] Pravind Jugnauth
re-elected as the President of which country? Correct Answer: [D] Pravind Jugnauth
[A] Egypt Explanation: Pravind Jugnauth has been sworn-in as new
[B] Sudan Prime Minister of Mauritius for a 5-year term after
[C] Kuwait elections in which his coalition consolidated its grip on
[D] UAE parliament. His swearing-in took place at the residence of
Correct Answer: [D] UAE President Barlen Vyapoory.
Explanation: Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan was 1228. The seventh edition of North East Festival
elected as the president of UAE in 2004 for the first time. (NEF-2019) was held in which city?
He has been elected for the second time now. Earlier, his [A] Lucknow
father was holding this position. [B] Laddakh
1223. Which nation has objected the inclusion of [C] New Delhi
Kalapani in the new political map of India? [D] Guwahati
[A] China Correct Answer: [C] New Delhi
[B] Bhutan Explanation: The aim of the 3-day fest is to showcase and
[C] Nepal create awareness about India’s North-East, and to promote
[D] Myanmar entrepreneurship and tourism. The festival was an attempt
Correct Answer: [C] Nepal to bring the best of the region under one roof and build
Explanation: Nepal has raised objections to the inclusion bridges.
of Kalapani in India’s new political map. Nepal claims 1229. India’s first elephant memorial has come up in
Kalapani to be a part of its territory, while India claims it to which city?
be a part of Uttarakhand. [A] Agra
1224. Which nation was ranked as the world’s worst [B] Kanpur
abuser of internet freedom by Freedom of the Net [C] Lucknow
report 2019? [D] Mathura
[A] Pakistan Correct Answer: [D] Mathura
[B] US Explanation: To honour elephants that passed away due to
[C] China trafficking & abuse, India’s first elephant memorial has
[D] Russia been launched by India-based conservation charity Wildlife
Correct Answer: [C] China SOS in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh.
Explanation: China has been ranked as the world’s worst 1230. Who has become the first Indian bowler to
abuser of internet freedom for the fourth consecutive year take a hat-trick in Men's T20 match?
by Freedom on the Net report 2019. [A] R Ashwin
1225. Joint Naval Exercise ‘Samudra Shakti’ was [B] Jasprit Bumrah
held between India and which country at [C] Deepak Chahar
Visakhapatnam? [D] Mohammed Siraj
[A] Myanmar Correct Answer: [C] Deepak Chahar
[B] Maldives 1231. Which Indian wildlife biologist has been
[C] Indonesia conferred the George Schaller lifetime award?
[D] Sri Lanka [A] Latika Nath
Correct Answer: [C] Indonesia [B] Biju Das
Explanation: The Bilateral Exercise ‘Samudra Shakti’ was [C] Purnima Sharma
held during November 6-7, 2019 between Indian Navy and [D] K Ullas Karanth
Indonesian Navy in the Bay of Bengal. An Anti-Submarine Correct Answer: [D] K Ullas Karanth
Warfare Corvette INS Kamorta took part in the naval 1232. Which of the following countries has named
exercise. the recently concluded cyclone “Bulbul”?
1226. Which Hindi writer has been selected for the [A} India
Vyas Samman-2019 for outstanding literary work? [B] Pakistan
[A] Vishwanath Tripathi [C] Bangladesh
[B] Narendra Kohli

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[D] Myanmar C. Pune
Correct Answer: [B] Pakistan D. Bhubaneswar
1233. ____________ has been recently appointed as Correct Answer – D. Bhubaneswar
Chairman and Managing Director of South Eastern 1241. The country’s first music museum will be set
Coalfields Limited (SECL), the largest coal producing up with assistance from the Central Government in
company of the country. which among the following states?
A. Ajay Bhushan Pandey A. Kerala
B. Nageswara Rao B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Mahesh Ahmed C. Tamil Nadu
D. Ambika Prasad Panda D. Odisha
Correct Answer – D. Ambika Prasad Panda Correct Answer – C. Tamil Nadu
1234. _________ has won a third consecutive term as 1242. Awami League, sometimes seen in the news, is
prime minister of Bangladesh. a major political party of which among the following
A. Khaleda Zia countries?
B. Fakhruddin Ahmed A. Nepal
C. Sheikh Hasina B. Pakistan
D. Nawaz Sharif C. Bangladesh
Correct Answer– C. Sheikh Hasina D. Sri Lanka
1235. The government has recently appointed Correct Answer – C. Bangladesh
___________ as new chief information commissioner 1243. United States and _______ officially quit the
(CIC) along with four new information commissioners. UN’s educational, scientific and cultural agency.
A. Alok Joshi A. India
B. Palaki Munjal B. Pakistan
C. Alka Sirohi C. Iraq
D. Sudhir Bhargava D. Israel
Correct Answer – D. Sudhir Bhargava Correct Answer – D. Israel
1236. Who has been recently nominated as the 1244. Which country has been pushing hard for a
Executive Chairman of National Legal Services new so-called “GAFA tax”?
Authority (NALSA)? A. Germany
A. Madan B Lokur B. UK
B. AK Sikri C. France
C. Gita Kumari D. Spain
D. AS Kiran Correct Answer – C. France
Correct Answer – B. AK Sikri 1245. Mrinal Sen passed away due to age-related
1237. __________ from Croatia was named Balkan ailments. He was a _________.
Athlete of the Year. A. Journalist
A. Novak Djokovic B. Filmmaker
B. Simona Halep C. Sportsman
C. Hristo Stoichkov D. Yoga Trainer
D. Luka Modric Correct Answer – B. Filmmaker
Correct Answer – D. Luka Modric 1246. The Neil Island, sometimes seen in the news,
1238. US-based Kathak exponent __________ is to would now be known as _________.
be honoured with the National Nritya Shiromani award A. Atal Island
for promoting the dance form across the world. B. Hind Island
A. Anindita Neogy Anaam C. Shaheed Dweep
B. Prerna Shukla D. Swaraj Island
C. Rajeev Masand Correct Answer – C. Shaheed Dweep
D. Seeta Raheja Bedi 1247. Which island has been renamed as Netaji
Correct Answer – A. Anindita Neogy Anaam Subhas Chandra Bose Dweep?
1239. Who recently released the book ‘Prince, A. Ross Island
Patron and Patriarch Maharaja Jagatjit Singh of B. Havelock Island
Kapurthala’? C. Baratang Island
A. Prakash Singh Badal D. Viper Island
B. Navjot Singh Sidhu Correct Answer – A. Ross Island
C. Capt Amarinder Singh 1248. ___________ has become the first person to
D. Rajinder Kaur Bhattal complete a solo trek across Antarctica without
Correct Answer – C. Capt Amarinder Singh assistance of any kind.
1240. Union Petroleum Minister Dharmendra A. William Adams
Pradhan recently launched the Ujjwala Sanitary B. Antonio de Abreu
Napkin initiative in _______. C. Diogo Afonso
A. Delhi D. Colin O’Brady
B. Chandigarh Correct Answer– D. Colin O’Brady

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1249. Researchers have discovered a new exotic 1257. Kaiga power station, which recently created
planet ____________ outside our solar system in the the world record for the longest uninterrupted
constellation Cassiopeia. operation for 941 days, has set a new benchmark of
A. MF219134 b _____ days of uninterrupted operation.
B. HD219134 b A. 955
C. FS219134 b B. 957
D. UP219134 b C. 960
Correct Answer – B. HD219134 b D. 962
1250. Which among the following spacecrafts of Correct Answer – D. 962
NASA broke a record after successfully entering into 1258. Prime Minister Modi added which among the
orbit around the asteroid Bennu? following to the slogan of ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai
A. Pioneer 11 Vigyan’?
B. Juno A. Jai Bharat
C. Parker Solar Probe B. Jai Vikas
D. OSIRIS-Rex C. Jai Anusandhan
Correct Answer – D. OSIRIS-Rex D. Jai Pragati
1251. What does ‘D’ stand for in TDSAT, a tribunal Correct Answer – C. Jai Anusandhan
which is sometimes seen in the news? 1259. Ramakant Vitthal Achrekar recently passed
A. Distribution away. He was a _________.
B. Disputes A. Political Leader
C. Discom B. Journalist
D. Dividend C. Psychiatrist
Correct Answer – B. Disputes. D. Cricket Coach
1252. Who has recently finished 2018 as the highest Correct Answer – D. Cricket Coach
wicket-taker across all formats in the calendar year? 1260. The provincial Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
A. Anwar Hussain government in northwest Pakistan has declared which
B. Jasprit Bumrah among the following sites as a national heritage?
C. Yuvraj Singh A. Panj Tirath
D. Fazal Mahmood B. Amb Temple
Correct Answer – B. Jasprit Bumrah C. Lahori Mandir
1253. RBI recently set up an expert committee D. Tilla Jogian
under ________ to suggest long-term solutions for the Correct Answer – A. Panj Tirath
economic and financial sustainability of the MSME 1261. Which high court has ruled that section 354A
sector. of the Indian Penal Code can now be used by
A. Ajay Tyagi transgender persons to register complaints of sexual
B. Manoj Adhia harassment?
C. U.K. Sinha A. Allahabad HC
D. Urjit Patel B. Delhi HC
Correct Answer – C. U.K. Sinha C. Punjab & Haryana HC
1254. Mullaperiyar Dam, sometimes seen in the D. Bombay HC
news, is in which among the following states? Correct Answer – B. Delhi HC
A. Tamil Nadu 1262. ____________ has now become the first
B. Kerala woman amputee to climb Mount Vinson.
C. Odisha A. Rajni Narain
D. Maharashtra B. Arunima Sinha
Correct Answer – B. Kerala C. Smita Chandrika
1255. Who has recently assumed the charge of D. Vaishavi Malhotra
Secretary, Department of Fertilizers, Ministry of Correct Answer – B. Arunima Sinha
Chemicals & Fertilizers? 1263. Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)
A. Arun Sikri recently gave ____________ additional charge as
B. Balram Jakhar chairman.
C. Chhabilendra Roul A. VK Sharma
D. Dipak Narula B. Hemant Bhargava
Correct Answer – C. Chhabilendra Roul C. Prateek Joshi
1256. Who has been recently appointed as a new D. Hussain Abdullah
Chief Justice of Pakistan? Correct Answer – B. Hemant Bhargava
A. Asif Saeed Khan Khosa 1264. In Arunachal Pradesh, _________ has
B. Mahmood Adil achieved 100 percent electrification under the Pradhan
C. Saleema Begum Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana.
D. Hazrat Pathan A. Changlang
Correct Answer – A. Asif Saeed Khan Khosa B. Tirap
C. Lower Subansiri

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D. East Siang A. Mizoram
Correct Answer – D. East Siang B. Manipur
1265. Nikshay Poshan Yojana (NPY), sometimes C. Arunachal Pradesh
seen in the news, is a scheme for nutritional support to D. Bihar
________ patients. Correct Answer – C. Arunachal Pradesh
A. TB 1273. The Democracy Index, sometimes seen in the
B. Diabetes news, is an index compiled by __________.
C. Cancer A. World Bank
D. Alzheimer B. IMF
Correct Answer – A. TB C. ADB
1266. The Union Cabinet has approved what D. Economist Intelligence Unit
percentage of reservation quota for the economically Correct Answer – D. Economist Intelligence Unit
weaker sections in the general category? 1274. RBI recently constituted a high-level
a) 10 per cent committee under Aadhaar architect ______ to suggest
b) 15 per cent measures to strengthen the safety and security of digital
c) 7 per cent payments in the country.
d) 8.5 per cen A. Alok Verma
Correct Answer – a) 10 per cent B. Rakesh Munjal
1267. Who was appointed as the Chief Economist of C. Raghuram Rajan
the International Monetary Fund? D. Nandan Nilekani
a) Gita Gopinath Correct Answer – D. Nandan Nilekani
b) Maurice Obstfeld 1275. Which state recently launched ‘Ama Ghare
c) Christine Lagarde LED’ (LED bulbs in our houses) scheme?
d) Mahesh Rathore A. West Bengal
Correct Answer – a) Gita Gopinath B. Odisha
1268. The International Kite Festival in C. Telangana
___________ was recently inaugurated by Gujarat D. Jharkhand
Governor O P Kohli. Correct Answer – B. Odisha
A. Surat 1276. President of India, recently conferred the
B. Ahmedabad Honorary Rank of General of the Indian Army on
C. Junagadh _____________, Chief of the Army Staff, Nepalese
D. Rajkot Army.
Correct Answer – B. Ahmedabad A. Purna Chandra Thapa
1269. India created history by winning their first B. KP Oli
ever Cricket Test series on ________ soil. C. Ram Manohar Madhesi
A. South African D. Krishna Kant Deb
B. British Correct Answer – A. Purna Chandra Thapa
C. Australian 1277. Who has been appointed as the Secretary
D. Spanish General, National Human Rights Commission recently?
Correct Answer – C. Australian A. Abhishek Rana
1270. Parliament has recently passed the B. Anjali Sharma
Constitution 124th (Amendment) Bill, 2019. It provides C. Snehlata Srivastava
for ____________________. D. Jaideep Govind
A. Reforms in GST Council Correct Answer – D. Jaideep Govind
B. Reservation to economically backward people among 1278. Which state announced its decision to
upper castes withdraw from the Ayushman Bharat health scheme?
C. Statutory Status to National Commission for Backward A. Punjab
Classes B. Kerala
D. Constitutional Status to NJAC C. Manipur
Correct Answer – B. Reservation to economically D. West Bengal
backward people among upper castes Correct Answer – D. West Bengal
1271. ________ retained its top spot as the world’s 1279. Virat Kohli and __________ recently received
most travel-friendly passport, according to the Henley the honorary membership of the Sydney Cricket
Passport Index. Ground (SCG) for their contribution to the sport of
A. South Korea cricket.
B. Thailand A. MS Dhoni
C. Japan B. Ravi Shastri
D. China C. Yuvraj Singh
Correct Answer – C. Japan D. Rohit Sharma
1272. India’s longest 300-metre single lane steel Correct Answer – B. Ravi Shastri
cable suspension bridge was inaugurated in 1280. Who has been sworn in recently for a second
____________. term as Venezuela’s president?

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A. Nicolás Maduro D. IDFC Prime Bank
B. Edgar Sanabria Correct Answer – A. IDFC First Bank
C. Rafael Caldera 1289. ___________ became the first recipient of the
D. Carlos Andrés Pérez prestigious Philip Kotler Presidential award recently.
Correct Answer – A. Nicolás Maduro A. Rahul Gandhi
1281. The National Library of India, sometimes seen B. Sonia Gandhi
in news, is in ___________. C. Narendra Modi
A. New Delhi D. Lal Krishna Advani
B. Chennai Correct Answer – C. Narendra Modi
C. Mumbai 1290. India celebrates Army India on __________.
D. Kolkata A. January 14
Correct Answer – D. Kolkata B. January 15
1282. Durand Cup, sometimes seen in the news, is C. January 16
related to which among the following sports? D. January 17
A. Cricket Correct Answer – B. January 15
B. Football 1291. Vaduvoor Bird Sanctuary, sometimes seen in
C. Hockey the news, is in which among the following states?
D. Badminton A. Kerala
Correct Answer – B. Football B. Tamil Nadu
1283. Wadi-us-Salaam, the largest cemetery in the C. Punjab
world, is in which among the following countries? D. Rajasthan
A. Pakistan Correct Answer – B. Tamil Nadu
B. Saudi Arabia 1292. Namdapha National Park, sometimes seen in
C. Iraq the news, is in which among the following states?
D. Israel A. Kerala
Correct Answer – C. Iraq B. Arunachal Pradesh
1284. Who became the fifth player to score ten C. Tamil Nadu
thousand runs for India in One-day International D. Punjab
Cricket? Correct Answer – B. Arunachal Pradesh
A. Shikhar Dhawan 1293. The world’s first television channel dedicated
B. MS Dhoni to human rights was recently launched in _______.
C. Hardik Pandya A. Washington
D. Rohit Sharma B. London
Correct Answer – B. MS Dhoni C. New Delhi
1285. Which among the following cities is going to D. Kathmandu
host the Ardh Kumbh Mela 2019? Correct Answer – B. London
A. Agra 1294. Gandhi Peace Prize for 2018 will be conferred
B. Nasik on ____________.
C. Puri A. Akshaya Patra Foundation
D. Prayagraj B. Yohei Sasakawa
Correct Answer – D. Prayagraj C. Vivekananda Kendra
1286. Who has recently taken over as the president D. Ekal Abhiyan Trust
of Global Solar Council (GSC)? Correct Answer – B. Yohei Sasakawa
A. HD Parekh 1295. Who has recently won The Hindu Prize 2018
B. Pranav R Mehta in the fiction category for his/her novel Requiem in
C. Madhuri Pandey Raga Janki?
D. Nandan Nilekani A. Neelum Saran Gour
Correct Answer – B. Pranav R Mehta B. Manoranjan Byapari
1287. Which state government recently launched the C. Sipra Mukherjee
‘One Family One Job’ scheme which entitles one D. Amitabha Bagchi
government job for every family in the state? Correct Answer – A. Neelum Saran Gour
A. Arunachal Pradesh 1296. International Cricket Council appointed
B. Sikkim __________ as its new chief executive officer.
C. Telangana A. Ramesh Saini
D. Kerala B. David Christ
Correct Answer – B. Sikkim C. Manu Sawhney
1288. Private sector lender IDFC Bank’s name has D. Narain Malhotra
been changed to ___________. Correct Answer – C. Manu Sawhney
A. IDFC First Bank 1297. ____________ will be the site of the country’s
B. IDFC Capital Bank second defence innovation hub after Coimbatore in
C. IDFC Goodie Bank Tamil Nadu.
A. Mohali

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B. Prayagraj 1306. Who was elected recently the Men’s Test
C. Kolkata Cricketer of the Year, Men’s ODI Cricketer of the
D. Nashik Year?
Correct Answer – D. Nashik A. MS Dhoni
1298. ___________ has become the first country in B. Virat Kohli
the world to legalise equal pay. C. Shikhar Dhawan
A. Switzerland D. Gautam Gambhir
B. Norway Correct Answer – B. Virat Kohli
C. UK 1307. Who will be presented this year’s
D. Iceland Kundeshwara Samman award?
Correct Answer – D. Iceland A. Lokesh Muchchoor
1299. Losar, sometimes seen in the news, is a festival B. Nadibettu
in __________. C. Dharmaraja Kattada
A. Islam D. Gopal Bhandary
B. Buddhism Correct Answer – A. Lokesh Muchchoor
C. Jainism 1308. _________ recently named Sultan Abdullah
D. Sikhism Ibni Sultan Ahmad Shah as the country’s 16th King.
Correct Answer – B. Buddhism A. Saudi Arabia
1300. Etikoppaka, sometimes seen in the news, is a B. Malaysia
small village in which among the following states? C. Indonesia
A. Telangana D. Iraq
B. Andhra Pradesh Correct Answer – B. Malaysia
C. Maharashtra 1309. Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has recently
D. Kerala approved __________ as the new Managing Director
Correct Answer – B. Andhra Pradesh and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Yes Bank.
1301. The country’s first cremation ground for cows A. Manoj Kumar
will be prepared in __________. B. Rana Kapoor
A. Patiala C. Anitha Subramanian
B. Noida D. Ravneet Gill
C. Kochi Correct Answer – D. Ravneet Gill
D. Bhopal 1310. National girl child day is celebrated every year
Correct Answer – D. Bhopal on _________ as a national observance day for the girl
1302. ___________ became the world’s youngest child.
person to climb the seven highest peaks and the seven A. 23rd January
highest volcanic summits across the seven continents of B. 24th January
the world in seven years. C. 25th January
A. Satyarup Siddhanta D. 26th January
B. Kamlesh Verma Correct Answer – B. 24th January
C. Raj Sahni 1311. Masazo Nonaka, the world’s oldest man has
D. Deepak Dureja died in _______ at the age of 113.
Correct Answer – A. Satyarup Siddhanta A. India
1303. ________ took over as the Flag Officer B. South Korea
Commanding-in-Chief of the Western Naval Command. C. Japan
A. Girish Luthra D. Russia
B. Manav Mahajan Correct Answer – C. Japan
C. Ajit Kumar 1312. Nanaji Deshmukh, Bhupen Hazarika and
D. Dalbir Singh ____________ have been awarded with country’s
Correct Answer – C. Ajit Kumar highest civilian honour Bharat Ratna.
1304. ___________ will be set up for the welfare of A. Manmohan Singh
cows in the country. B. Major Dhyanchand
A. Rashtriya Gau Mata Aayog C. SC Bose
B. Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog D. Pranab Mukherjee
C. Rashtriya Gau Sanstha Correct Answer – D. Pranab Mukherjee
D. Rashtriya Kamdhenu Committee 1313. International Customs Day (ICD) is annually
Correct Answer – B. Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog held on __________.
1305. Shri Rajiv Nayan Choubey, recently took the A. January 25
oath of office and Secrecy as member of ______. B. January 26
A. CVC C. January 27
B. UPSC D. January 28
C. NITI Aayog Correct Answer – B. January 26
D. NHRC 1314. Who has been recently selected as
Correct Answer – B. UPSC Commonwealth of Learning Goodwill ambassador?

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A. Karthyayini Amma D. UP
B. Alka Abhilasha Correct Answer – A. Madhya Pradesh
C. Chinna Anandmayi 1323. Oxford Dictionaries announced ________ as
D. Amba Kutty the Hindi Word of the Year ( 2018 ).
Correct Answer – A. Karthyayini Amma A. Aadhar
1315. Angel Falls, sometimes seen in the news, is in B. Swachhta
which among the following countries? C. Nari Shakti
A. Chile D. Yoga
B. USA Correct Answer – C. Nari Shakti
C. Venezuela 1324. ________ has become the first Hindu woman
D. Russia to be appointed as a civil judge in Muslim-majority
Correct Answer – C. Venezuela Pakistan.
1316. Who has been chosen for the first Sheikh Saud A. Rama Sharma
International Prize for Materials Research? B. Suman Kumari
A. Vipul Mahajan C. Heena Malani
B. Narayan Murthy D. Pooja Sindhi
C. CNR Rao Correct Answer – B. Suman Kumari
D. Sanjeeda Sheikh 1325. Martyrs’ Day in India is observed on
Correct Answer – C. CNR Rao __________.
1317. ‘Subhash Chandra Bose Aapda Prabandhan A. 28th January
Puraskar’, will be announced every year on B. 30th January
__________. C. 2nd February
A. January 21 D. 4th February
B. January 23 Correct Answer – B. 30th January
C. January 25 1326. __________ has recently assumed charge as
D. January 27 Vice Chief of the Naval Staff.
Correct Answer – B. January 23 A. Ashok Kumar
1318. Angkor Wat, sometimes seen in the news, is a B. Suhag Singh
temple complex in which among the following C. Vikram Sharma
countries? D. Sukhjit Singh
A. Malaysia Correct Answer – A. Ashok Kumar
B. China 1327. Which state government has decided on a five-
C. Laos fold increase in the number of target beneficiaries for
D. Cambodia farmers’ welfare scheme KALIA?
Correct Answer – D. Cambodia A. Odisha
1319. In 2019, World Leprosy Day has been B. Kerala
observed internationally on _______. C. Telangana
A. 26th January D. Assam
B. 27th January Correct Answer – A. Odisha
C. 28th January 1328. India has grabbed ___ spot in the Bloomberg
D. 29th January Innovation Index.
Correct Answer – B. 27th January (A) 47th (B) 53rd
1320. Elephanta Caves, sometimes seen in the news, (C) 54 (D) 59th
is in which among the following states? 1329. _______ will receive the Carnot prize for his
A. Gujarat contribution towards sustainable energy solutions.
B. Maharashtra (A) Narendra Modi
C. Rajasthan (B) Arun Jaitley
D. Haryana (C) Ramchandra Guha
Correct Answer – B. Maharashtra (D) Piyush Goyal
1321. Who had recently won the New South Wales 1330. National Salt Satyagraha Memorial in
men’s Amateur Golf Championship in Australia? _________, has been recently dedicated to the nation.
A. Harman Deep (A) Punjab (B) Haryana
B. Kartik Sharma (C) Maharashtra (D) Gujarat
C. Ekam Kapoor 1331. India has moved up to _____ place in 2018
D. Vipul Mahajan Global Corruption Index.
Correct Answer – B. Kartik Sharma. (A) 36th (B) 66th
1322. ‘Yuva Swabhiman Yojana’ has been recently (C) 70th (D) 78th
launched by ______ for youth from the economically 1332. The central banks of the UAE and Saudi
weaker sections in urban areas. Arabia have launched a common digital currency
A. Madhya Pradesh called _______.
B. Kerala (A) Nazq (B) Aber
C. Punjab (C) Shams (D) Awam

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CA Yearbook 2020
1333. Which among the following states is set to 1345. Who was recently appointed as the new chief
construct the world’s longest expressway? of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)?
(A) Rajasthan (B) Maharashtra (A) Alok Kumar Verma
(C) Tamil Nadu (D) Uttar Pradesh (B) Rishi Kumar Shukla
1334. Country’s Second Tulip Garden is to come up (C) Nageswara Rao
in which among the following states? (D) Rakesh Asthana
(A) Punjab (B) Mizoram 1346. Government of Pakistan has recently declared
(C) Nagaland (D) Uttarakhand as public holiday to observe the ‘Kashmir Solidarity
1335. Who recently assumed the appointment of Day” on __________.
Director General of NCC (DGNCC)? (A) 3rd February (B) 5th February
(A) Lt Gen Ramesh Chawla (C) 7th February (D) 9th February
(B) Lt Gen Manohar Dixit 1347. Who recently launched the second phase of
(C) Lt Gen Rajeev Chopra Pasupu-Kumkuma (Turmeric-Kumkum) scheme and
(D) Lt Gen Sanjeev Tandon welfare pensions?
1336. Under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi, Rs (A) Captain Amarinder Singh
_______ per year for each farmer, in three installments, to (B) Manohar Lal Khattar
be transferred directly to farmers’ bank accounts. (C) Ashok Gehlot
(A) 4000 (B) 5000 (D) Chandrababu Naidu
(C) 6000 (D) 7000 1348. Which among the following state governments
1337. Pradhan Mantri Shram-Yogi Maandhan declared endangered Indus river Dolphin, as state’s aquatic
Yojana assures monthly pension of Rs ________. animal?
(A) 1500 (B) 2000 (A) WB (B) Punjab
(C) 2500 (D) 3000 (C) Rajasthan (D) Uttarakhand
1338. _________ was awarded the best marching 1349. The fourth edition of International Spice
contingent trophy of the Republic Day parade. Conference (ISC 2019), has been recently held in?
(A) Sikh Brigade (B) Gorkha Brigade (A) Chandigarh (B) Hyderabad
(C) Rajput Brigad (D) Jat Brigade (C) Puri (D) Kolkata
1339. ______ has been elected as the new chairman 1350. _________ won its first major soccer title by
of Broadcast Audience Research Council of beating four-time champion Japan 3-1 in the Asian Cup
India (BARC). final.
(A) Subhash Chandra (A) India (B) Saudi Arabia
(B) Sudhir Chaudhary (C) Qatar (D) South Korea
(C) N Ram 1351. World Wetlands Day is observed annually on
(D) Punit Goenka __________.
1340. Which among the following banks has decided (A) 1st February (B) 2nd February
to terminate the contract of former managing director (C) 3rd February (D) 4th February
and CEO, Chanda Kochhar? 1352. Country’s biggest cultural event, Kala Ghoda
(A) SBI (B) HDFC Arts Festival (KGAF) has kick-started in ______?
(C) ICICI Bank (D) Bank of Baroda (A) Jaipur (B) Mumbai
1341. The International Cricket Council (ICC) and (C) Chandigarh (D) Noida
________ has announced that they have entered into a 1353. The state-run Indian Space Research
five-year global strategic partnership to celebrate one of Organisation (ISRO) has recently unveiled a Human
the world’s most popular sports – cricket, and its global Space Flight Centre at the ISRO headquarters in
events. __________.
(A) Oppo (B) DLF (A) Gurugram (B) Bengaluru
(C) Coca-Cola (D) Vivo (C) Mumbai (D) Kochi
1342. ________ would be the world’s fastest growing 1354. _________ became the first Indian to earn a
city in the 2019-35 period, according to Oxford card for the Australian Ladies PGA Tour (LPGA).
Economics’ report. (A) Vani Kapoor (B) Ishita Mehta
(A) Mumbai (B) Islamabad (C) Chahat Arora (D) Sunil Rohtagi
(C) Surat (D) Kathmandu 1355. Which among the following teams won the
1343. ___________ kept its title as the world’s Regetta trophy in the Kochi Area Pulling Regatta 2019
busiest international airport for the fifth consecutive of the Southern Naval Command (SNC)?
year in 2018. (A) INS Dronacharya
(A) Indira Gandhi International Airport (B) INS Vikramaditya
(B) Dubai International Airport (C) INS Chakra
(C) Beijing International Airport (D) INS Arihant
(D) Los Angeles International Airport 1356. The 22nd All India Institute of Medical
1344. India has recently replaced _______ as the Sciences (AIIMS) will be established in __________.
world’s second-largest steel producing country. (A) Punjab (B) Haryana
(A) South Korea (B) Japan (C) Maharashtra (D) Tamil Nadu
(C) USA (D) Russia

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CA Yearbook 2020
1357. The theme for World Cancer Day 2019 is (B) Telangana
____________. (C) Maharashtra
(A) Not Beyond Us (D) Gujarat
(B) Debunk the Myths 1370. PM Modi dedicated to the nation the 1.33
(C) Prevention is better than Cure million metric ton capacity Visakhapatnam Strategic
(D) I am and I will Petroleum Reserve facility at _______.
1358. ______ has been rated as the most liveable (A) Tirupati (B) Vijaywada
location for Asian expatriates in 2019 for the 14th (C) Guntur (D) Kakinada
consecutive year. 1371. Aegis Graham Bell Award 2018 announced
(A) Singapore (B) Shanghai ________ as winner in “Innovation in Data Science”
(C) Moscow (D) New Delhi category.
1359. Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (A) ICICI Bank (B) Yes Bank
(MBRSC), sometimes seen in the news, is (C) HDFC (D) SBI
headquartered in ______. 1372. Sela Tunnel Project, sometimes seen in the
(A) Riyadh (B) Dubai news, is in which among the following states?
(C) Islamabad (D) Kabul (A) Manipur (B) Nagaland
1360. ______ recently announced the new ‘KALIA (C) Sikkim (D) Arunachal Pradesh
Chhatravritti Yojana’. 1373. _______ will be given the Lifetime
(A) Punjab (B) Odisha Achievement Award by the Academy of Canadian
(C) Haryana (D) West Bengal Cinema and Television.
1361. A World Heritage Centre housing ‘spiritual (A) Deepa Mehta (B) Mina Tandon
camps’ of 45 countries would be set up at ________. (C) Shailja Bajpai (D) Praveen Kumar
(A) Mayapur (B) Kochi 1374. Abu Dhabi has decided to include _____ as the
(C) Chennai (D) Mohali third official language used in its courts.
1362. ____________ has been recently appointed as (A) French (B) Spanish
Civil Aviation secretary. (C) Hindi (D) Urdu
(A) Pradeep Singh Kharola 1375. Asia’s oldest elephant Granny Dakshayani
(B) Munish Singla breathed her last in which among the following states?
(C) Rajesh Verma (A) Tamil Nadu (B) Kerala
(D) Madhvi Sen (C) Odisha (D) Maharashtra
1363. Which among the following countries became 1376. Who recently topped the Hurun India
world’s second largest LPG consumer? Philanthropy List 2018?
(A) Russia (B) India (A) Ajay Piramal
(C) Kazakhstan (D) Spain (B) Mukesh Ambani
1364. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is to (C) Gautam Adani
inaugurate the which among the following memorials (D) Shiv Nadar
on February 25? 1377. The International Day of Women and Girls in
(A) National War Memorial Science, is celebrated each year on ________.
(B) National Battle Memorial (A) 10th February (B) 11th February
(C) National Yudh Memorial (C) 12th February (D) 13th February
(D) National Shraddhanjali Smarak 1378. Who recently became the highest run-getter in
1365. How many official languages are there of the T20 internationals?
UN? (A) Virat Kohli (B) Martin Guptill
(A) Four (B) Six (C) MS Dhoni (D) Rohit Sharma
(C) Eight (D) Ten 1379. A Himalayan Cloud Observatory has been
1366. India has climbed eight places to rank _____ recently set up in which among the following districts?
in the latest annual International Intellectual Property (A) Tehri (B) Sirmaur
(IP) Index. (C) Kangra (D) Kinnaur
(A) 34th (B) 36th 1380. Who has won Israel’s prestigious Dan David
(C) 38th (D) 40th Prize for this year?
1367. The app, DIGI COP, has been recently (A) Ramchandra Guha
launched by which among the following? (B) Nirmala Pandit
(A) Chennai (B) Chandigarh (C) Shobha Mukherjee
(C) Prayagraj (D) Kolkata (D) Sanjay Subrahmanyam
1368. _______ won the 85th Ranji Trophy title, 1381. Who has been recently named as the EY
beating Saurashtra by 78 runs in the summit clash. Entrepreneur of the Year for 2018?
(A) Punjab (B) Baroda (A) Amish Tripathi
(C) Assam (D) Vidarbha (B) Siddhartha Lal
1369. PM has recently launched DD Arunprabha – a (C) Byju Raveendran
dedicated 24×7 Satellite channel for which among the (D) Karan Bhagat
following states? 1382. PM recently unveiled a statue of Tripura’s last
(A) Arunachal Pradesh ruler, ____________ at the airport which was renamed

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after him in July last year. (C) Rajasthan
(A) Bir Bikram Kishore (D) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Mangal Pandey 1394. Lance Naik Nazir Ahmad Wani has been
(C) Balraj Mukherjee posthumously awarded India’s highest peace time
(D) Deewan Chand gallantry award, the __________.
1383. Who was recently appointed as an Election (A) Param Vir Chakra
Commissioner by President Ram Nath Kovind? (B) Padam Vibhushan
(A) Sushil Chandra (C) Ashok Chakra
(B) Govind Jaiswal (D) Padam Shri
(C) SK Mishra 1395. A uniform national minimum wage of Rs
(D) Sonali Chauhan _______ per month has been recommended by an
1384. Who was recently appointed chairman and expert committee on determining the methodology for
managing director (CMD) of Air India? fixing the national minimum wage.
(A) Ashwani Lohani (A) 9000
(B) Arun Jaitley (B) 9300
(C) Piyush Goyal (C) 9600
(D) Ajit Doval (D) 9750
1385. Which state government has announced a 1396. “World Employment and Social Outlook” has
universal old age pension scheme – Mukhyamantri been recently released by ______.
Vridhajan Pension Yojna- MVPY recently? (A) World Bank
(A) Uttar Pradesh (B) Bihar (B) IMF
(C) Haryana (D) Jammu & Kashmir (C) ILO
1386. India withdrew the Most Favoured Nation (D) ADB
(MNF) status accorded to which among the following 1397. India recently raised the customs duty to 200
nations? percent on all goods imported from which among the
(A) Bangladesh (B) Pakistan following countries?
(C) Bhutan (D) Nepal (A) Bangladesh
1387. India has recently signed a contract with a (B) Pakistan
____ firm for 72,400 assault rifles at a cost of around Rs (C) Iran
700 crore. (D) Israel
(A) Russian (B) US 1398. ______ is set to become the first US bank to
(C) Italian (D) Spanish launch its own cryptocurrency.
1388. Darwin Day is a celebration to commemorate (A) JP Morgan
the birthday of Charles Darwin on _________. (B) BB&T
(A) 10 February (B) 12 February (C) The Home Depot
(C) 14 February (D) 16 February (D) Capital One
1389. Vande Bharat Express, India’s first semi-high- 1399. Which among the following won the
speed train, was flagged off by PM Modi from which “Swachhata Excellence awards 2019”?
among the following railway stations? (A) Raigarh
(A) New Delhi (B) Varanasi (B) Ambikapur
(C) Mumbai (D) Ahmedabad (C) Kumbakonam
1390. Who created history by becoming the first (D) Malappuram
female flight engineer to be inducted by the Indian Air 1400. Who recently took over as the new chairman
Force? of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)?
(A) Niranjana Mukherjee (A) Pramod Chandra
(B) Hina Jaiswal (B) Arnab Srivastava
(C) Sonia Arora (C) GD Bakshi
(D) Rajni Malhotra (D) Shailja Narula
1391. India recently withdrew the MFN status 1401. _________ was recently conferred the first
accorded to Pakistan. Expand MFN. ever Football Ratna honour.
(A) Major Favourite Nation (A) Gurpreet Singh Sandhu
(B) Most Favoured Nation (B) Udanta Singh
(C) Main Favourable Nation (C) Sunil Chhetri
(D) Most Favourite Nation (D) Balwant Singh
1392. Vayu Shakti exercise has been recently held in 1402. Who was recently appointed as the new
which among the following states? Kolkata Police Commissioner?
(A) Punjab (B) Gujarat (A) Anuj Sharma
(C) Maharashtra (D) Rajasthan (B) Rajeev Kumar
1393. Kawal Tiger Reserve, sometimes seen in the (C) Mamta Sharma
news, is in which among the following states? (D) Naina Munjal
(A) Andhra Pradesh 1403. Which among the following state assemblies
(B) Telangana passed passed Official Language (Amendment) Bill

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2019, to make Sanskrit as the second official language? (B) Norman Myers
(A) Jammu & Kashmir (C) Thomas Albert
(B) Haryana (D) Salim Ali
(C) Maharashtra 1415. Which among the following states constituted
(D) Himachal Pradesh a Transgender Welfare Board?
1404. ‘Param Shivay’, sometimes seen in the news, is (A) Telangana (B) Maharashtra
a __________. (C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Kerala
(A) Satellite 1416. Which state rolled out its flagship
(B) Supercomputer ‘Mukhyamantri Yuva Swabhiman Yojana?
(C) Asteroid (A) Telangana (B) MP
(D) Dwarf Planet (C) Odisha (D) Jammu & Kashmir
1405. Digital India Awards are going to be 1417. PM recently launched the PM-KISAN scheme
organized by which among the following? transferring the first instalment of Rs ________ each to
(A) NITI Aayog over one crore farmers.
(B) FICCI (A) 1500 (B) 2000
(C) NIC (C) 2500 (D) 3000
(D) ISRO 1418. Sudanese President has recently declared a
1406. Aero India-2019, sometimes seen in the news, year-long state of emergency. Name the President of
kickstarted in ________. Sudan.
(A) Puri (A) Zubair Mohammad
(B) Pune (B) Ali Osman
(C) Bengaluru (C) John Salih
(D) Chandigarh (D) Omar al-Bashir
1407. Who became the first set of Indian women 1419. PM Modi recently inaugurated the National
boxers to notch up gold medals in Bulgaria? War Memorial in ________.
(A) Seema Chahal and Sarita Devi (A) New Delhi (B) Chandigarh
(B) Ankushita Boro and Sarjubala (C) Mumbai (D) Pune
(C) Nikhat Zareen and Meena Kumari 1420. Which among the following became the first
(D) Pinki Rani and Kavita Goyal Asian side to win a Test series in South Africa?
1408. Students from which among the following (A) India (B) Maldives
nations, were recently awarded Mahatma Gandhi (C) Sri Lanka (D) Myanmar
scholarships for study in India? 1421. Which state government has launched the 2nd
(A) Bangladesh edition of “Sujalam Sufalam Jal Sanchay Abhiyan”
(B) Afghanistan recently?
(C) Sri Lanka (A) Rajasthan (B) Punjab
(D) Myanmar (C) Gujarat (D) Maharashtra
1409. Which among the following states created 1422. Which became the first state in the country to
history by becoming the very first police force in the get a second Coast Guard district headquarter?
country to induct humanoid robots? (A) Telangana (B) Andhra Pradesh
(A) Punjab (B) Uttarakhand (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Uttar Pradesh
(C) Kerala (D) Telangana 1423. Afghanistan began exports to which among
1410. The Indus Waters Treaty, sometimes seen in the following countries through Iran’s Chabahar port?
the news, was brokered by __________. (A) Pakistan (B) India
(A) EU (B) World Bank (C) Indonesia (D) Japan
(C) ADB (D) African Union 1424. Who recently won the Cannes International
1411. Which among the following countries unveiled Open?
the world’s first female AI news anchor? (A) Nikita Bahl (B) Abhijeet Gupta
(A) Russia (B) China (C) Priyanka Sen (D) Rohit Verma
(C) USA (D) India 1425. Who has recently joined Amazon’s board of
1412. Who has bagged the prestigious Global Future directors?
For Nature Award 2019? (A) Indira Nooyi (B) Anita Subramanian
(A) Manjula Khullar (C) Indu Jain (D) Naina Lal Kidwai
(B) Divya Karnad 1426. Who has recently become the first Indian
(C) Pooja Mehta batsman to cross 8000 runs in T20 cricket?
(D) Anuradha Sharma (A) MS Dhoni (B) Virat Kohli
1413. Asian Hockey Federation has honoured (C) Dhawan (D) Suresh Raina
___________ with the 2018 Player of the Year award. 1427. Exercise Sampriti is a bilateral defence
(A) Harpreet Gill (B) Manpreet Singh cooperation endeavour between India and _________.
(C) Gurjit Sharma (D) Navtej Bhullar (A) Myanmar (B) China
1414. Biodiversity hotspot, a term sometimes seen in (C) Pakistan (D) Bangladesh
the news, was coined by __________. 1428. ‘Astounding Bhagavad Gita’, sometimes seen
(A) Richard Humes in the news, has been unveiled in ________.

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(A) New Delhi (B) Varanasi 1438. Indian economy is expected to grow at
(C) Gurugram (D) Jaipur ________ in 2019 and 2020, according to Moody’s.
1429. Which among the following won bids for A. 7.0%
operating 5 of 6 airports that were put up for B. 7.3%
privatisation by the government? C. 7.6%
(A) Air Costa (B) Indigo D. 8.5%
(C) Adani Enterprises Correct Answer – B. 7.3%
(D) GMR Airports 1439. IRCTC has recently launched its own
1430. Which among the following smashed a few payment aggregator system _________.
records in Twenty20 as they posted a mammoth total of A. IRCTC uPay
278 for three in their 20 overs? B. IRCTC iPay
(A) Pakistan (B) Afghanistan C. IRCTC mPay
(C) Bangladesh (D) India D. IRCTC ePay
1431. India recently test-fired short-range QRSAM Correct Answer – B. IRCTC iPay
off Odisha coast. Expand QRSAM. 1440. Zero Discrimination Day is observed annually
(A) Quick Reaction Surface to Air Missile on _____________.
(B) Quicker Reaction Surface to Air Missile A. March 1
(C) Quick Reaction Sub-Surface to Air Missile B. March 2
(D) Quickest Reaction Surface to Air Missile C. March 3
1432. Who has has been chosen for this year’s D. March 4
META Lifetime Achievement Award? Correct Answer – A. March 1
(A) Mahesh Dattani 1441. “Mainamati Maitree Exercise 2019” has been
(B) Girish Karnad recently conducted between India & _________.
(C) K.V. Akshara A. Myanmar
(D) Mahesh Elkunchwar B. Bangladesh
1433. HRD Minister Javadekar recently launched C. Pakistan
STARS. Expand STARS. D. Iran
A. Scheme for Translational and Advanced Research in Correct Answer – B. Bangladesh
Science 1442. Home Ministry has recently banned which
B. Scheme for Transnational and Advanced Research in J&K-based group as an “unlawful association” under
Scientific Studies the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act?
C. Scholarship Scheme for Translational and Advanced A. Jamaat-e-Darlum B. Jamaat-e-Islami
Research in Science C. Jamaat-e-Hind D. Jamaat-e-Ulema
D. Scheme for Translational and Advanced Research in Correct Answer – B. Jamaat-e-Islami
Scientific Field 1443. ‘Rice Knowledge Bank’: an agriculture portal
Correct Answer – A. Scheme for Translational and has been recently launched in which among the
Advanced Research in Science following states?
1434. National Science Day is celebrated on A. Mizoram B. Uttar Pradesh
________ each year. C. Punjab D. Assam
A. 26 February B. 28 February Correct Answer – D. Assam
C. 2 March D. 4 March 1444. Which among the following has discovered the
Correct Answer – B. 28 February Moons ‘sunburns’ recently?
1435. Samjhauta Express, sometimes seen in the A. ISRO B. JAXA
news, has been recently suspended. It was started in C. NASA D. ESA
______. Correct Answer – C. NASA
A. 1972 B. 1976 1445. Who has assumed charge as the chairman of
C. 1979 D. 1988 the newly constituted National Commission for
Correct Answer – B. 1976 Backward Classes (NCBC)?
1436. Indian Railways is to make a new zone in the A. PK Mishra B. Bhagwan Lal Sahni
state of Andhra Pradesh named ________. C. Yashwant Sinha D. Satyam Mukherjee
A. South Coast Railway Correct Answer – B. Bhagwan Lal Sahni
B. South Andhra Coast Railway 1446. Who released a book titled ‘Mann Ki Baat – A
C. Southern-West Coast Railway Social Revolution on Radio’?
D. South-East Coast Railway A. Sushma Swaraj B. Arun Jaitley
Correct Answer – A. South Coast Railway C. Narendra Modi D. Amit Shah
1437. World Wildlife Day is observed on _________ Correct Answer – B. Arun Jaitley
every year. 1447. Who has been recently appointed as the
A. March 1 chairman of Bank of Baroda?
B. March 2 A. Piyush Goyal B. Niranjana Mehta
C. March 3 C. Isha Jaitley D. Hasmukh Adhia
D. March 4 Correct Answer – D. Hasmukh Adhia
Correct Answer – C. March 3

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1448. Who recently unveiled his/her new novel “The 1457. Who has been reappointed as the chairman of
Fate Of Butterflies”? the ICC Cricket Committee?
A. Arundhati Roy B. Vikram Seth A. Sushil Modi
C. Nayantara Sahgal D. Amitav Ghosh B. Anil Kumble
Correct Answer – C. Nayantara Sahgal C. Sachin Tendulkar
1449. Who will be the 1st recipient of the ‘Bhagwan D. Lalit Munjal
Mahavir Ahimsa Puraskar’? Correct Answer – B. Anil Kumble
A. Narendra Modi 1458. PM Modi recently flagged off the Tejas
B. Rahul Gandhi Express between Madurai and ________.
C. Abhinandan Varthaman A. Salem
D. Vishnu Sahay B. Vellore
Correct Answer – C. Abhinandan Varthaman C. Erode
1450. India has been ranked _______ in the D. Chennai
“Inclusive Internet Index 2019”. Correct Answer – D. Chennai
A. 40th B. 48th 1459. Who has been appointed as the first
C. 47 D. 73rd Lokayukta of Odisha?
Correct Answer – C. 47 A. Anna Hazare
1451. Commerce Ministry has recently reappointed B. Prashant Bhushan
___________ as the chairman of Tea Board. C. Ajit Singh
A. Ramesh Khandelwal D. Rajesh Hazarika
B. SC Puri Correct Answer – C. Ajit Singh
C. PK Bezbaruah 1460. Which country has officially closed its
D. Mohammad Ali consulate in Jerusalem?
Correct Answer – C. PK Bezbaruah A. Egypt
1452. PM Modi recently declared _____________ as B. France
Construction-Technology year. C. USA
A. May 2019 – April 2020 D. Russia
B. October 2021 – September 2022 Correct Answer – C. USA
C. June 2020 – May 2021 1461. _________ is set for a return at the Asian
D. April 2019 – March 2020 Games after the Olympic Council of Asia included it in
Correct Answer – D. April 2019 – March 2020 the sports programme.
1453. Who has been recently conferred the Missile A. Badminton
Systems Award 2019 by the American Institute of B. Basketball
Aeronautics and Astronautics? C. Bowling
A. N Ram D. Cricket
B. G Satheesh Reddy Correct Answer – D. Cricket
C. K Siwan 1462. “Azaadi Ke Diwane” museum, sometimes seen
D. Sushil Natrajan in the news, has been built by ________.
Correct Answer – B. G Satheesh Reddy A. NITI Aayog
1454. PM Modi recently laid the foundation stone of B. ASI
a manufacturing unit for AK-203 assault rifles in C. ISRO
_______. D. Young Indians NGO
A. Nagpur Correct Answer – B. Archaeological Survey of India
B. Ahmedabad (ASI)
C. Varanasi 1463. Who was recently re-elected president of the
D. Amethi Olympic Council of Asia?
Correct Answer – D. Amethi A. Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah
1455. Who recently chaired a meeting of the B. Sabah Ahmad al-Sabah
National Security Council amidst heightened tensions C. Jaber Mubarak al-Sabah
with Pakistan? D. Marzouq Al-Ghanim
A. Ajit Doval Correct Answer – A. Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah
B. Nirmala Sitharaman 1464. ________ has again bagged the cleanest city
C. Narendra Modi award for third straight year under Swachh
D. Arun Jaitley Survekshan, 2019.
Correct Answer – C. Narendra Modi A. Chandigarh
1456. Bakhira Bird Sanctuary, sometimes seen in B. Mumbai
the news, is in which among the following states? C. Indore
A. Telangana D. Ranchi
B. Uttar Pradesh Correct Answer – C. Indore
C. Maharashtra 1465. The bilateral joint exercise between India and
D. Kerala _______ – Al Nagah 2019 will begin from 12th March.
Correct Answer – B. Uttar Pradesh A. Myanmar

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B. Bangladesh Correct Answer – A. Transport and Marketing
C. Oman Assistance
D. Saudi Arabia 1474. ________ has been observed as the
Correct Answer – C. Oman ‘Janaushadhi Diwas’ across the country.
1466. Gram Samridhi Yojana, sometimes seen in the A. March 6
news, will be partially funded by __________. B. March 7
A. ADB C. March 8
B. World Bank D. March 9
C. NDB Correct Answer – B. March 7
D. IMF 1475. Which state government announced ‘Notun
Correct Answer – B. World Bank Disha’ initiative to assess the academic level of
1467. Jalamrutha, a water conservation scheme, has students?
been launched by _________. A. Nagaland
A. Tamil Nadu B. Telangana
B. Kerala C. Tripura
C. Punjab D. Maharashtra
D. Karnataka Correct Answer – C. Tripura
Correct Answer – D. Karnataka 1476. International Women’s Rights Day is observed
1468. Who officially became the youngest self-made on which among the following dates?
billionaire of all time? A. March 8
A. Mark Zuckerberg B. March 10
B. Kylie Jenner C. March 12
C. Kim Kardashian D. March 14
D. John Sparrow Correct Answer – A. March 8
Correct Answer – B. Kylie Jenner 1477. Who was recently appointed Director of
1469. Who has been named secretary of Ministry of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC)?
Road Transport and Highways? A. AS Kiran
A. Krishan Kant B. KN Vyas
B. Sohail Waseem C. Ajit Kumar Mohanty
C. Sanjeev Ranjan D. Anil Kakodkar
D. Prakash Mishra Correct Answer – C. Ajit Kumar Mohanty
Correct Answer – C. Sanjeev Ranjan 1478. Country’s first HIV treatment centre for the
1470. PM Modi recently launched NCMC in LGBTQ community has been opened in _________
Ahmedabad. Expand NCMC. recently.
A. National Common Mobility Card A. New Delhi
B. National Common Mobility Credit Card B. Noida
C. Nation’s Common Mobility Card C. Mumbai
D. National Common Mobile Card D. Chennai
Correct Answer – A. National Common Mobility Card Correct Answer – C. Mumbai
1471. The Union Cabinet has recently approved the 1479. __________ announced a donation of around
FMBAP. Expand FMBAP. Rs 22 lakh to the Rabindra Bharati Museum recently.
A. Flood Management and Border Areas Programme A. China
B. Flood Management and Bifurcated Areas Programme B. Japan
C. Flood Management and Border Areas Project C. Pakistan
D. Food Management and Border Areas Programme D. Iran
Correct Answer – A. Flood Management and Border Correct Answer – B. Japan
Areas Programme 1480. Who has been recently appointed as the new
1472. __________ was recently identified as the city Chairman of Agricultural Scientific Recruitment
with the worst air quality in the world, according to Board?
IQAir AirVisual 2018 World Air Quality Report. A. Gurbachan Singh
A. Indore B. GB Pant
B. Gurugram C. Aditya Kumar Misra
C. Mumbai D. Neelam Verma
D. Varanasi Correct Answer – C. Aditya Kumar Misra
Correct Answer – B. Gurugram 1481. Indian Sundarban was recently accorded the
1473. Ministry of Commerce & Industry has notified status of ‘Wetland of International Importance’ under
a scheme for TMA for specified agriculture products. which convention?
Expand TMA. A. Ramsar Convention
A. Transport and Marketing Assistance B. International Convention on Load Lines
B. Travelling and Marketing Assistance C. Nairobi International Convention
C. Transport Allowance – cum – Marketing Assistance D. Convention on the International Maritime Satellite
D. Transport and Marketing Assistance Project

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Organization B. Madhya Pradesh
Correct Answer – A. Ramsar Convention C. Telangana
1482. Who was recently named Palestinian prime D. Maharashtra
minister? Correct Answer – B. Madhya Pradesh
A. Mohammed Shtayyeh 1491. Kane Tanaka from _________ has been
B. Ismail Rudwan officially confirmed as the oldest person living.
C. Suha Arafat A. China
D. Ghada Karmi B. Japan
Correct Answer – A. Mohammed Shtayyeh C. Russia
1483. Which among the following developed a D. North Korea
smartphone application to detect fake currency? Correct Answer – B. Japan
A. IIT-Delhi 1492. Khurja super thermal power project,
B. IIT-Kharagpur sometimes seen in the news, is in which among the
C. IIT-Bombay following states?
D. IIT-Roorkee A. Gujarat
Correct Answer – B. IIT-Kharagpur B. MP
1484. Who has been re-appointed as the coach of C. Odisha
Spanish football club Real Madrid till 2022? D. Uttar Pradesh
A. Julen Lopetegui Correct Answer – D. Uttar Pradesh
B. John Nicolas 1493. ________ recently beat Australia to claim their
C. Santiago Solari 500th win in ODI cricket.
D. Zinedine Zidane A. India
Correct Answer – D. Zinedine Zidane B. Bangladesh
1485. DRDO successfully test fired the PINAKA C. Pakistan
guided WEAPON rocket system in _______. D. Sri Lanka
A. Andhra Pradesh Correct Answer – A. India
B. Kerala 1494. Who has been chosen for the Yashwantrao
C. Rajasthan Chavan National Award 2018?
D. Odisha A. Viral Acharya
Correct Answer – C. Rajasthan B. Narendra Modi
1486. Which among the following London mayors C. Amit Shah
has been named the politician of the year? D. Raghuram Rajan
A. Sadiq Khan Correct Answer – D. Raghuram Rajan
B. Boris Johnson 1495. Chameli Devi Jain Award for an Outstanding
C. Ken Livingstone Woman Journalist for 2018 has been recently given to
D. Raj Malhotra ________.
Correct Answer – A. Sadiq Khan A. Rubika Liyaqat
1487. UIDAI recently mandated that private B. Anjana Om Kashyap
organisations using Aadhar services to pay ____for each C. Barkha Dutt
customer verification. D. Priyanka Dubey
A. Rs 10 Correct Answer – D. Priyanka Dubey
B. Rs 20 1496. The recently announced Lok Sabha elections
C. Rs 50 2019 will be spread across how many phases?
D. Rs 100 A. Five
Correct Answer – B. Rs 20 B. Seven
1488. Marayoor jaggery, from __________ district, C. Nine
has finally received the Geographical Indication tag. D. Twelve
A. Kurnool Correct Answer – B. Seven
B. Lohit 1497. The inaugural India-Japan Space Dialogue
C. Ludhiana was recently held in ___________.
D. Idukki A. Tokyo
Correct Answer – D. Idukki B. New Delhi
1489. Nathpa Jhakri Dam, sometimes seen in the C. Gurugram
news, is in which among the following states? D. Osaka
A. Punjab Correct Answer – B. New Delhi
B. Rajasthan 1498. Which among the following states launched
C. Maharashtra the Mukhyamantri Anchal Amrit Yojana?
D. Himachal Pradesh A. Punjab
Correct Answer – D. Himachal Pradesh B. Rajasthan
1490. _________ state has increased reservation C. Telangana
quota for OBC to 27 per cent. D. Uttarakhand
A. Haryana Correct Answer – D. Uttarakhand

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1499. Who was recently named this year’s winner of D. Rajan Mishra
the Pritzker Architecture Prize? Correct Answer – B. Soumya Swaminathan
A. Kenzo Tange 1507. Which among the following states
B. Tadao Ando launched ‘Yuvashree Arpan’ scheme for the youth?
C. Toyo Ito A. Odisha
D. Arata Isozaki B. West Bengal
Correct Answer – D. Arata Isozaki C. Telangana
1500. According to Knight Frank report, which D. Andhra Pradesh
among the following, is the 16th most expensive prime Correct Answer – B. West Bengal
residential market in the world? 1508. Who has been recently appointed by the
A. Noida UNDP as its newest goodwill ambassador?
B. New Delhi A. Ritika Dua
C. Mumbai B. Prerna Raheja
D. Bengaluru C. Padma Laxmi
Correct Answer – C. Mumbai D. Aamir Khan
1501. Who was recently sworn-in as the Governor of Correct Answer – C. Padma Laxmi
Mizoram? 1509. Who was sworn-in as Goa CM recently?
A. LK Advani A. Pramod Sawant
B. Arun Jaitley B. Vijai Sardesai
C. Kiran Bedi C. Dayanand Bandodkar
D. Jagdish Mukhi D. Amit Joshi
Correct Answer – D. Jagdish Mukhi Correct Answer – A. Pramod Sawant
1502. Who has recently become India’s 61st Chess 1510. Indian Coast Guard Ship _______ became the
GrandMaster? first-ever Coast Guard ship to visit Sabang, Indonesia.
A. K Subramanian A. Samrat
B. Sergey Fedorchuck B. Vijit
C. Iniyan Paneersevlam C. Vijaya
D. Suresh Anand D. Samarth
Correct Answer – C. Iniyan Paneersevlam Correct Answer – B. Vijit
1503. Which among the following launched “Atal 1511. Who will be honoured with the Vyas Samman
Aahar Yojana” to provide hygienic food to construction 2018?
workers? A. Neeta Ambani
A. Kerala B. Sushma Pandey
B. Odisha C. Leeladhar Jagudi
C. Telangana D. Arundhati Roy
D. Maharashtra Correct Answer – C. Leeladhar Jagudi
Correct Answer – D. Maharashtra 1512. State Bank of India recently launched cardless
1504. India recently signed a $3 billion deal with ATM withdrawals with its YONO Cash. Expand
____________ for leasing of a nuclear-powered Akula YONO.
class submarine which is to be known as Chakra III. A. You Only Need Once
A. France B. Yours Only Need One
B. USA C. You Only Needs One
C. Russia D. You Only Need One
D. Israel Correct Answer – D. You Only Need One
Correct Answer – C. Russia 1513. Who is likely to become the first Lokpal of
1505. _________ has recently won the ‘Airport India?
Service Quality’ award for being the best airport in size A. Dipak Misra
and region for the year 2018. B. Anna Hazare
A. Indira Gandhi International Airport C. Pinaki Chandra Ghose
D. Prashant Bhushan
B. Mopa Airport Correct Answer – C. Pinaki Chandra Ghose
C. Bellary Airport 1514. Manohar Parrikar has recently passed away.
He was the CM of which among the following states?
D. Biju Patnaik International Airport A. Telangana
Correct Answer – D. Biju Patnaik International B. Maharashtra
Airport. C. Goa
1506. Who has been recently named Chief Scientist D. Kerala
of the WHO? Correct Answer – C. Goa
A. Tedros Adhanom 1515. _______ lifted the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy
B. Soumya Swaminathan following their thumping win over Maharashtra.
C. Tshidi Moeti A. Punjab
B. Bihar

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C. Haryana 1524. Which among the following was announced
D. Karnataka the top most liveable city in the world by Mercer?
Correct Answer – D. Karnataka A. Mumbai
1516. Who has bagged the first prize of DD Mahila B. Vienna
Kisan Award for 2018-19? C. Chandigarh
A. Nalini Devi D. Islamabad
B. Rajni Manjhi Correct Answer – B. Vienna
C. Swati Shingade 1525. ___________ has announced its partnership
D. Shobha Kumari with the International Cricket Council (ICC) as the
Correct Answer – C. Swati Shingade official sponsor of the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup
1517. Which country will host the Under-17 2019.
Women’s Football World Cup in 2020? A. Vivo
A. Pakistan B. Oppo
B. Malaysia C. GoDaddy
C. India D. Coca-Cola
D. Maldives Correct Answer – C. GoDaddy
Correct Answer – C. India 1526. No Smoking Day is celebrated every year on
1518. Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi have ___________.
been recently hit by a vicious cyclone. Name the A. Second Wednesday of March
cyclone. B. First Monday of March
A. Cyclone Mangkhut C. Third Thursday of March
B. Cyclone Idai D. Fifth Friday of March
C. Cyclone Ockhi Correct Answer – A. Second Wednesday of March
D. Cyclone Jebi 1527. Special Olympics World Games has recently
Correct Answer – B. Cyclone Idai begun in _________.
1519. ‘Observer App’, sometimes seen in the news, A. New Delhi
has been launched by which among the following? B. Tehran
A. NITI Aayog C. Abu Dhabi
B. RBI D. Washington
C. ECI Correct Answer – C. Abu Dhabi
D. FSSAI 1528. Who been selected for prestigious Kusumagraj
Correct Answer – C. ECI national award for literature?
1520. Who has been chosen as the recipient of the A. Sonam Mukherjee
Hans-Kilian Award for 2019? B. Reeta Nanawati
A. Richa Anirudh C. Sheila Pandey
B. Ashis Nandy D. Ved Rahi
C. Shobha Chatterjee Correct Answer – D. Ved Rahi
D. Manoj Pandey 1529. Which among the following has been given the
Correct Answer – B. Ashis Nandy social enterprise network (SEN) sustainability award
1521. Indian defence scientists have scored a twin for education?
success in demonstrating the effectiveness of the A. Sona Yukti
MPATGM. Expand MPATGM. B. Sabla Nari
A. Man Portable Anti-turbulence Guided Missile C. Harit Green
B. Manned Portable Anti-tank Guided Missile D. Jaccha Baccha
C. Man Portability Anti-tank Guided Missile Correct Answer – A. Sona Yukti
D. Man Portable Anti-tank Guided Missile 1530. Government of India recently accorded a GI
Correct Answer – D. Man Portable Anti-tank Guided tag, ‘Sirsi Supari’, to arecanuts grown in __________.
Missile A. Uttar Pradesh
1522. World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated B. Odisha
every year on _________. C. Nagaland
A. 12 March D. Karnataka
B. 15 March Correct Answer – D. Karnataka
C. 18 March 1531. Pi Day is observed on _______ annually.
D. 21 March A. March 10
Correct Answer – B. 15 March B. March 12
1523. Who created history by chairing Pakistan’s C. March 14
Upper House of Parliament? D. March 16
A. Meera Teerath Correct Answer – C. March 14
B. Krishna Kumar Kohli 1532. Which among the following has been crowned
C. Neena Baloch the world’s best aviation hub?
D. Rama Sharma A. Indira Gandhi International Airport
Correct Answer – B. Krishna Kumar Kohli B. Changi Airport

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C. Rajiv Gandhi Hyderabad International Airport 1540. Which among the following countries
D. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport successfully tested a state-of-the-art missile technology
Correct Answer – B. Changi Airport by shooting down a satellite parked at low earth orbit?
1533. Tashigang, is now the highest polling station in A. India
the world. In which state it is located? B. Pakistan
A. Assam C. Israel
B. Arunachal Pradesh D. France
C. Himachal Pradesh Correct Answer – A. India
D. Uttar Pradesh 1541. President Ram Nath Kovind was honoured
Correct Answer – C. Himachal Pradesh with the highest civilian award of which country — the
1534. DRDO successfully showcased its anti-satellite Grand Order of the King of Tomislav?
busting capability. With this, India is the ______ A. Russia
country to acquire such a specialised and modern B. Croatia
capability. C. France
A. 3rd D. Argentina
B. 4th Correct Answer – B. Croatia
C. 6th 1542. Which country approved a proposal to
D. 8th establish a corridor that will allow Hindu pilgrims from
Correct Answer – B. 4th India to visit Sharda Peeth?
1535. Which among the following is considered to be A. Pakistan
the unofficial Nobel Prize for Computing? B. Nepal
A. Alan Turing Award C. Sri Lanka
B. Booker Prize D. Maldives
C. Ramon Magsaysay Award Correct Answer – A. Pakistan
D. Dan David Prize 1543. The world’s largest e-waste recycling
Correct Answer – A. Alan Turing Award facility has opened in _______.
1536. Who recently announced the launch of his new A. Moscow
non-fiction book “India Positive”? B. Washington
A. Arundhati Roy C. Dubai
B. Chetan Bhagat D. Tehran
C. Ramchandra Guha Correct Answer – C. Dubai
D. Narendra Modi 1544. Which country recently won the
Correct Answer – B. Chetan Bhagat 2019 badminton Asia mixed team championships?
Explanation: The new book consists of tweets that A. Japan
highlight and touch upon the current issues. Bhagat shared B. China
the book’s cover on social media. “In a world ridden with C. India
negativity, these solution-driven essays are a must-read for D. South Korea
anyone invested in the present and future of India,” read the Correct Answer – B. China
blurb. 1545. Who recently became the first batsman to
1537. Padma Bridge, sometimes seen in the news, is breach the 5000-run mark in the IPL?
in which among the following countries? A. MS Dhoni
A. India B. Suresh Raina
B. Bangladesh C. Virat Kohli
C. Myanmar D. Shikhar Dhawan
D. Nepal Correct Answer – B. Suresh Raina
Correct Answer – B. Bangladesh 1546. “Every Vote Counts-The Story of India’s
1538. A malaria control programme, DAMAN, Elections” is authored by ___________.
sometimes seen in the news, was launched in which A. Navin Chawla
among the following states? B. Hamid Ansari
A. Punjab C. Rajan Jagota
B. Odisha D. Alka Jain
C. Maharashtra Correct Answer – A. Navin Chawla
D. Tamil Nadu 1547. Who topped the Asian Rich List 2019 for the
Correct Answer – B. Odisha sixth successive year with an estimated net worth of 25.2
1539. The Strategic Partnership between India and billion pounds?
_____________ called the Red Fort Declaration, was A. Lakshmi Mittal
signed in 1997. B. Hinduja Family
A. Bangladesh C. SP Lakshmi
B. US D. Mukesh Ambani
C. Myanmar Correct Answer – B. Hinduja Family
D. South Africa 1548. Minimum income guarantee scheme,
Correct Answer – D. South Africa sometimes seen in the news, assures _________ a year

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for India for poorest families. D. Mary Kom
A. Rs. 34000 Correct Answer – B. Saina Nehwal
B. Rs. 47000 1557. India was ranked ________ in the World
C. Rs. 54000 Happiness Report recently.
D. Rs. 72000 A. 130th
Correct Answer – D. Rs. 72000 B. 135th
1549. World Refugee Day, sometimes seen in the C. 140th
news, is observed on ________. D. 145th
A. March 25 Correct Answer – C. 140th
B. April 30 1558. PhonePe has appointed Bollywood
C. May 02 superstar ___________ as the face of its brand.
D. June 20 A. Alia Bhatt
Correct Answer – D. June 20 B. Priyanka Chopra
1550. India has moved up to rank ______ on a global C. Shahrukh Khan
energy transition index. D. Aamir Khan
A. 70th Correct Answer – D. Aamir Khan
B. 76th 1559. Who has created history in Canada, by
C. 84th making his/her debut in the House of Commons as the
D. 99th first non-white leader of a major Opposition party?
Correct Answer – B. 76th A. Sukhman Singh
1551. Pakistan celebrates “National Day” every year B. Neeta Munjal
on __________. C. Jagmeet Singh
A. 22nd March D. Navjot Gill
B. 23rd March Correct Answer – C. Jagmeet Singh
C. 24th March 1560. Which month has been recently declared
D. 25th March as ‘Delaware Sikh Awareness and Appreciation
Correct Answer – B. 23rd March Month’?
1552. World TB Day is observed on _________ every A. April 2019
year. B. May 2019
A. 23 March C. June 2019
B. 24 March D. August 2019
C. 25 March Correct Answer – A. April 2019
D. 26 March 1561. World Water Day is annually observed on
Correct Answer – B. 24 March _________.
1553. Who has been recently appointed as the next A. 21st March
Navy Chief? B. 22nd March
A. Sunil Lamba C. 23rd March
B. Karambir Singh D. 24th March
C. Rakesh Bharti Correct Answer – B. 22nd March
D. Navjot Gill 1562. Which Indian author has been announced as
Correct Answer – B. Karambir Singh one of the winners of the Windham-Campbell Prize?
1554. Which among the following recently won A. Sabrita Mukherjee
SAFF Women’s Championship? B. Neha Pant
A. Nepal C. Raghu Karnad
B. India D. Arnab Joshi
C. Malaysia Correct Answer – C. Raghu Karnad
D. Sri Lanka 1563. Uttam Yudh Seva Medal was recently
Correct Answer – B. India . conferred on _____________ by the President of India.
1555. ___________ recently renamed its capital A. Sunil Manjhi
Astana as Nur-Sultan. B. Anil K Bhatt
A. Turkmenistan C. Satish Vikram
B. Kazakhstan D. Rajeev Kumar
C. Uzbekistan Correct Answer – B. Anil K Bhatt
D. Afghanistan 1564. Who has been awarded the 2019 Templeton
Correct Answer – B. Kazakhstan Prize recently?
1556. Who was named ‘Sportsperson of The Year’ A. Marcelo Gleiser
at the annual Telangana Sports Journalists Association B. Rosalba O’Brien
awards function? C. Reek Polo
A. Sachin Tendulkar D. John Neil
B. Saina Nehwal Correct Answer – A. Marcelo Gleiser
C. MS Dhoni 1565. Who was sworn-in as the new Chief Justice of
Calcutta High Court?

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A. R Subramanian D. Mukesh Agnihotri
B. Pardeep Burman Correct Answer – A. Vikram Patel
C. T B N Radhakrishnan 1574. ____________ has signed a pact
D. Gita Mittal with Indraprasth Gas Limited for setting up rooftop
Correct Answer – C. T B N Radhakrishnan solar projects in the nation.
1566. Who was conferred with the sportsperson of A. GAIL
the year award in Male category in ESPN India awards B. Reliance Industries
for 2018? C. Tata Power
A. Abhinav Bindra D. L&T
B. Jitu Rai Correct Answer – C. Tata Power
C. Neeraj Chopra 1575. Maitri Bridge, sometimes seen in the news,
D. Srikanth Kidambi was built in just ____ days over the Indus river.
Correct Answer – C. Neeraj Chopra A. 20
1567. Name the person who won the Comeback of B. 40
the Year award in ESPN India awards for 2018. C. 75
A. Sania Mirza D. 90
B. Amit Panghal Correct Answer – B. 40
C. PV Sindhu 1576. Shri N.K. Singh, recently launched the
D. Saina Nehwal book “Indian Fiscal Federalism”. It has been written by
Correct Answer – D. Saina Nehwal __________.
1568. Who became the first Indian, to be designated A. Raghuram Rajan
as a member of FIFA Executive Council? B. Y. V. Reddy
A. Pradip Dutta C. Arun Jaitley
B. Kushal Das D. Manmohan Singh
C. Sunando Dhar Correct Answer – B. Y. V. Reddy
D. Praful Patel 1577. ___________ launched an India-focused fact-
Correct Answer – D. Praful Patel checking feature to combat fake news and rumours
1569. __________ has been recently recognized with starting with the run-up to the General Elections.
the prestigious ‘Economic Times Best Brands A. Instagram
2019’ award. B. Twitter
A. ICICI Bank C. WhatsApp
B. Max Bupa D. Snapchat
C. Bandhan Bank Correct Answer – C. WhatsApp
D. LIC 1578. __________ has recently approved the sale of
Correct Answer – B. Max Bupa 24 MH-60R helicopters to India.
1570. _______ is planning to build a massive A. France
network of 3,000+ satellites to provide high-speed B. Israel
internet for the masses. C. Russia
A. Amazon D. US
B. Walmart Correct Answer – D. US
C. Microsoft 1579. Who became the 1st Indian male squash
D. Facebook player to enter the top 10 in the latest PSA world
Correct Answer – A. Amazon rankings?
1571. Kandhamal Haldi from which among the A. Sohail Mohammad
following states, has received the GI tag? B. Rajan Narang
A. Telangana C. Saurav Ghoshal
B. MP D. Himanshu Malik
C. Odisha Correct Answer – C. Saurav Ghoshal
D. Uttar Pradesh 1580. Which among the following states has ranked
Correct Answer – C. Odisha number one in eLearning training?
1572. Which country has conferred the prestigious A. Andhra Pradesh
Zayed Medal on PM Modi? B. Karnataka
A. Saudi Arabia C. Uttar Pradesh
B. Israel D. Telangana
C. Iraq Correct Answer – D. Telangana
D. UAE 1581. The Ministry of Home Affairs has formed a
Correct Answer – D. UAE TMG. Expand the term.
1573. Who has won the prestigious John Dirks A. Terror-Financed Monitor Grades
Canada Gairdner Global Health Award? B. Terror Monitoring Group
A. Vikram Patel C. Taxation Mixed Group
B. Sushil Kumar D. Terrorism-Supporters Monitoring Group Surveillance
C. Renuka Chaudhary Correct Answer – B. Terror Monitoring Group

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1582. Who was the first Black Women to be A. SBI
appointed as the Mayor of Chicago? B. Bank of Baroda
A. Lori Lightfoot C. PNB
B. Tracey Norman D. DCB Bank
C. Evelyn Ashford Correct Answer – B. Bank of Baroda
D. Vanessa Williams 1591. Who has been conferred with the Pravasi
Correct Answer – A. Lori Lightfoot Bhartiya Samman Award recently?
1583. Which company will launch India’s first AI- A. Rajendra Joshi
enabled electric motorcycle? B. Sibi George
A. Mahindra & Mahindra C. Sushil Chandrika
B. Yamaha Motor Company D. Mohan Lal Sapra
C. Enfield Cycle Co. Ltd Correct Answer – A. Rajendra Joshi
D. Revolt Intellicorp Pvt. Ltd. 1592. ‘Mind The Gap – State of Employment in
Correct Answer – D. Revolt Intellicorp Pvt. Ltd. India’ report has been released by _________.
1584. Name the bollywood actor,who was conferred A. Amnesty International
with an honorary doctorate in Philanthropy by the B. NITI Aayog
University of Law, London recently. C. Oxfam India
A. Amitabh Bachchan D. WEF
B. Shah Rukh Khan Correct Answer – C. Oxfam India
C. Salman Khan 1593. Earth Hour, sometimes seen in the news, was
D. Aamir Khan started in _______.
Correct Answer – B. Shah Rukh Khan A. 2005
1585. Which country has unveiled the world’s first B. 2007
nationwide 5G mobile networks? C. 2009
A. China D. 2011
B. US Correct Answer – B. 2007
C. Japan 1594. Who took over as CEO of the International
D. South Korea Cricket Council recently?
Correct Answer – D. South Korea A. David Richardson
1586. Which village was tagged as India’s first B. Manu Sawhney
carbon-positive settlement recently? C. Sushil Verma
A. Phayeng, Manipur D. S Rahman
B. Mawlynnong, Meghalaya Correct Answer – B. Manu Sawhney
C. Saiha, Mizoram 1595. Who among the following captured his/her
D. Lunglei, Mizoram fourth Miami Open title?
Correct Answer – A. Phayeng, Manipur A. Roger Federer
1587. Who is the author of the book ‘Kundan: B. John Isner
Saigal’s Life & Music’? C. Ishan Ahuja
A. Ruskin Bond D. Salim Mohammed
B. Aravind Adiga Correct Answer – A. Roger Federer
C. Sharad Dutt 1596. Araku Valley, sometimes seen in the news, is
D. Salman Rushdie in which among the following states?
Correct Answer – C. Sharad Dutt A. Andhra Pradesh
1588. Who was chosen recently as the next president B. Telangana
of the World Bank? C. Maharashtra
A. Gita Gopinath D. Madhya Pradesh
B. Ram Hinduja Correct Answer – A. Andhra Pradesh
C. Donald Trump 1597. Which among the following states observed
D. David Malpass Utkal Dibasa to mark the day the state?
Correct Answer – D. David Malpass A. Maharashtra
1589. Dr. Viharidas Gopaldas Patel recently passed B. Odisha
away. He was hailed as the __________________. C. Telangana
A. Father of MSME D. Madhya Pradesh
B. Father of Entrepreneurship Movement Correct Answer – B. Odisha
C. Father of Micro Finance 1598. World Autism Awareness Day is observed
D. Father of AI annually on ________.
Correct Answer – B. Father of Entrepreneurship A. 1 April
Movement B. 2 April
1590. From April 1 onwards, all branches of Vijaya C. 3 April
Bank and Dena Bank will function as branches of D. 4 April
________. Correct Answer – B. 2 April

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1599. The world’s largest aircraft took off in Construction Corporation (NBCC. ?
__________ recently. A. Renuka Mishra
A. New Delhi B. Meena Chaturvedi
B. California C. Sudhir Mathur
C. Moscow D. Shiv Das Meena
D. Mecca Correct Answer – D. Shiv Das Meena
Correct Answer – B. California 1606. India recently marked the ______ anniversary
Explanation: Called Roc, it has a wingspan the length of of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre.
an American football field. It is powered by 6 engines on a A. 98th
twin fuselage. It’s designed to drop rockets & other space B. 100th
vehicles weighing up to 500,000 pounds. C. 80th
1600. Who was recently appointed the Vice D. 56th
Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia? Correct Answer – B. 100th
A. Nazma Akhtar Explanation: On April 13, 1919, General Dyer led- British
B. Zoya Khan forces opened fire in Jalianwala Bagh on thousands of
C. Arundhati Roy unarmed and peaceful protesters. Jalianwala Bagh is a
D. Begum Salma public garden located in Amritsar. The memorial is
Correct Answer – A. Nazma Akhtar managed by the Jalianwala Bagh National Memorial Trust.
1601. ___________ has overtaken Japan to be the 1607. Ambedkar Jayanti/Bhim Jayanti is annually
world’s third largest stock market in value. observered on __________.
A. India A. 12 April
B. Hong Kong B. 13 April
C. France C. 14 April
D. Russia D. 15 April
Correct Answer – B. Hong Kong Correct Answer – C. 14 April
1602. _______ was ranked No 1 in India by 1608. AFSPA, sometimes seen in the news, in the
customers in the ‘World’s Best Banks’ survey by Forbes context of internal security. Expand the term.
magazine. A. Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act
A. ICICI Bank B. Army Forces (Special Powers) Act
B. HDFC Bank C. Armed Forceful (Special Powers) Act
C. SBI D. Armistice Forces (Special Powers) Act
D. Bank of Baroda Correct Answer – A. Armed Forces (Special Powers)
Correct Answer – B. HDFC Bank Act
1603. The Order of St Andrew the Apostle, 1609. _______ will be the Guest of Honour country
sometimes seen in the news, is the highest state at the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, ADIBF 2019.
decoration of ________. A. Pakistan
A. France B. US
B. Germany C. India
C. Russia D. Russia
D. Israel Correct Answer – C. India
Correct Answer: C. Russia 1610. _________ is to be conferred the prestigious
Explanation: Russia will confer the “Order of the Holy Saraswati Samman, 2018.
Apostle Andrew the First,” on PM Modi for his work on A. Reshma Biju
bilateral ties. It is awarded to prominent public figures, for B. K Siva Reddy
their contributions to the glory of Russia. This was first C. Manohar Lal
awarded by former Russian Tsar ‘Peter the Great’. D. E Sreedharan
1604. Two schemes of which state government have Correct Answer – B. K Siva Reddy
won the World Summit on the Information Society 1611. India’s first-of-its-kind ‘Voter Park’ was
(WSIS) awards of the United Nations? inaugurated in _________ recently.
A. Telangana A. Noida
B. West Bengal B. Gurugram
C. Punjab C. Mumbai
D. Odisha D. Chandigarh
Correct Answer – B. West Bengal Correct Answer – B. Gurugram
Explanation: The schemes are “Utkarsh Bangla” and 1612. Kamuthi Solar Power Project, sometimes seen
“Sabooj Sathi”. Under the “Sabooj Sathi” scheme, bi- in the news, is in which among the following states?
cycles are distributed to students between class IX and XII. A. Uttar Pradesh
“Utkarsh Bangla” project aims to create a pool of skilled B. Telangana
candidates. Notably, West Bengal had received another UN C. Tamil Nadu
award in 2017 for its ‘Kanyashree’ project. D. Karnataka
1605. Who been appointed as the Chairman cum Correct Answer – C. Tamil Nadu
Managing Director (CMD. of National Buildings

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1613. The government has recently cleared the C. 1896
procurement of 464 T-90 tanks from ________ in a deal D. 1897
worth over Rs 13,500 crore. Correct Answer – D. 1897
A. US 1621. Who was elected as the new president of
B. Russia International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) – India?
C. France A. Rajesh Modi
D. UK B. P Narsimha
Correct Answer – B. Russia C. Vikramjit Singh Sahney
1614. Who has been named as the recipient of the D. Shaktikanta Munjal
New Zealand PM’s Sir Edmund Hillary Correct Answer – C. Vikramjit Singh Sahney
Fellowship for 2019? 1622. The book named ‘Kundan: Saigal’s Life &
A. Anju George Music’, sometimes seen in the news, has been authored
B. Mary Kom by __________.
C. Deepa Malik A. Kundan Sharma
D. Sachin Tendulkar B. Sharad Dutt
Correct Answer – C. Deepa Malik C. Arun Jaitley
1615. Which Lok Sabha constituency may make it D. Raghuram Rajan
the Guinness World Records for the maximum number Correct Answer – B. Sharad Dutt
of EVMs used? 1623. WHO’s theme for World Health Day 2019 is
A. Nizamabad _______________________.
B. Ludhiana A. Good health adds life to years
C. Pune B. Halt the rise: beat diabetes
D. Jalgaon C. Universal Health Coverage (UHC. : Everyone,
Correct Answer – A. Nizamabad Everywhere
Explanation: In any constituency, usually one or D. Oral Health for a Healthy Life
maximum 4 EVMs are used with one control unit in each Correct Answer – C. Universal Health Coverage (UHC.
booth. As many as 185 candidates were contesting for the : Everyone, Everywhere
seat, according to the reports. In Nizamabad, 12 EVMs 1624. Machu Picchu, sometimes seen in the news, is
were linked to 1 CU (Control unit ) and the constituency located in ________.
has 1,778 polling centres. A. USA
1616. Homo luzonensis, a previously unknown B. India
species of human, has been discovered in ___________. C. Peru
A. India D. Morocco
B. Philippines Correct Answer – C. Peru
C. Pakistan 1625. __________ is commemorated as the Civil
D. Iran Services Day in India.
Correct Answer – B. Philippines A. April 20
1617. WikiLeaks founder ___________ was arrested B. April 21
by British police recently. C. April 22
A. Julian Assange D. April 23
B. Tiger Woods Correct Answer – B. April 21
C. Neil Robinson 1626. India and _______ will conduct their largest
D. Amelia Spileberg ever naval exercise ‘Varuna’.
Correct Answer – A. Julian Assange A. Russia
1618. National Safe Motherhood Day is observed on B. Italy
_______ every year. C. France
A. April 9 D. Iran
B. April 11 Correct Answer – C. France
C. April 13 1627. The theme for this year’s World Heritage Day
D. April 15 is ___________.
Correct Answer – B. April 11 A. Rural Landscapes
1619. Who has been officially named as the chief B. Urban Landscapes
coach of the Indian men’s hockey team? C. Metro Landscapes
A. Satyam Chawla D. Historical Landscapes
B. Graham Reid Correct Answer – A. Rural Landscapes
C. Meena Munjal 1628. Which country will host the annual G20
D. Radhey Shyam leaders’ summit in 2020?
Correct Answer – B. Graham Reid A. Iran
1620. Battle of Saragarhi, sometimes seen in the B. India
news, happened in _____. C. Saudi Arabia
A. 1891 D. Israel
B. 1893 Correct Answer- C. Saudi Arabia

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1629. The historic Mujibnagar Day has been 1637. Who has been named the goodwill
observed in which among the following countries? ambassador of Team India at the Street Child Cricket
A. Malaysia World Cup?
B. Bangladesh A. Mithali Raj
C. India B. MS Dhoni
D. Pakistan C. Sachin Tendulkar
Correct Answer – B. Bangladesh D. Nargis Khan
1630. Champaner-Pavagadh Archaelogical Correct Answer – A. Mithali Raj
Park, sometimes seen in the news, is in which among the 1638. Pulitzer Prize, sometimes seen in the news,
following states? was established in _____.
A. Rajasthan A. 1900
B. Telangana B. 1917
C. Assam C. 1965
D. Gujarat D. 1977
Correct Answer – D. Gujarat Correct Answer – B. 1917
Explanation: It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 1639. Second Marshal Arjan Singh Memorial
1631. The world’s top Battle Royale mobile International Hockey Tournament is being organised in
game, Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds, has been which among the following cities?
banned in _______. A. Kolkata
A. India B. Chandigarh
B. Nepal C. Ranchi
C. Sri Lanka D. Jaipur
D. Pakistan Correct Answer – B. Chandigarh
Correct Answer – B. Nepal 1640. Marine Lizard, sometimes seen in the news, is
1632. This year Good Friday will be celebrated on a/an __________.
_________ worldwide. A. Amphibious Drone Boat
A. April 18 B. Asteroid
B. April 19 C. Micro Satellite
C. April 20 D. Extinct Animal
D. April 21 Correct Answer – A. Amphibious Drone Boat
Correct Answer – B. April 19 1641. Who became the 1st captain to win 100
1633. IMF and the World Bank have recently matches in the Indian Premier League?
created ____________, a quasi-cryptocurrency. A. Virat Kohli
A. Learning Coin B. MS Dhoni
B. Teaching Coin C. Aaron Finch
C. Studying Coin D. Dinesh Karthik
D. Mixing Coin Correct Answer – B. MS Dhoni
Correct Answer – A. Learning Coin 1642. The 2019 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano Press
1634. ‘Raavana 1’ was launched into space recently. Freedom Prize, has been awarded to Wa Lone and
It marks the entry of which among the following nations Kyaw Soe Oo. They are currently serving prison
into the global space age? sentences in ________.
A. Sri Lanka A. Sri Lanka
B. Myanmar B. India
C. Bangladesh C. Myanmar
D. Indonesia D. Pakistan
E. None of these Correct Answer – C. Myanmar
Correct Answer – A. Sri Lanka 1643. The image titled _____________, has won
1635. Recently, a raging fire tore through Notre- World Press Photo of the Year award.
Dame Cathedral situated in _______. A. Crying Girl on the Border
A. Germany B. Crying Boy on the Border
B. France C. Emotions on the Border
C. Malaysia D. Partition along the Border
D. Indonesia Correct Answer – A. Crying Girl on the Border
Correct Answer – B. France 1644. A long-range sub-sonic cruise missile
1636. World Hemophilia Day is annually observed ‘Nirbhay’ has been test-fired from _______.
on _______. A. Andhra Pradesh
A. 15th April B. Telangana
B. 17th April C. Odisha
C. 19th April D. Punjab
D. 21st April Correct Answer – C. Odisha.
Correct Answer – B. 17th April 1645. Who was recently appointed the Vice
Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia?

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A. Nazma Akhtar 1654. What was India’s rank in the World Press
B. Zoya Khan Freedom Index 2019?
C. Arundhati Roy A. 136th
D. Begum Salma B. 138th
Correct Answer – A. Nazma Akhtar C. 140th
1646. Which was the first Indian state (pre- D. 142nd
independence) to be formed on linguistic basis in 1936? Correct Answer – C. 140th
A. Andhra Pradesh 1655. Who has become the first Indian woman
B. Odisha scientist to be selected in the fellow of Royal Society in
C. Telangana 358 years?
D. None of the above A. Gagandeep Kang
Correct Answer – B. Odisha B. Karanbeer Kaur
1647. Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank will merge with C. Jaspreet Dhillon
Bank of Baroda (BoB) to create the ______largest D. Preeti Sahai
lender of the country? Correct Answer – A. Gagandeep Kang
A. First 1656. Which nation has successfully launched its
B. Second first satellite into space under Japan’s Birds project?
C. Third A. Malaysia
D. Fourth B. Italy
Correct Answer – C. Third C. Nepal
1648. Who won the Bahrain Grand Prix? D. Bangladesh
A. Lewis Hamilton Correct Answer – C. Nepal
B. Valtteri Bottas 1657. Who has been named captain of the Indian
C. Charles Leclerc squad for the ICC World Cup 2019 in England and
D. Sebastian Vettel Wales?
Correct Answer – A. Lewis Hamilton A. Virat Kohli
1649. Who is the Additional Principal Secretary to B. Rohit Sharma
the Prime Minister of India? C. MS Dhoni
A. Nripendra Misra D. Shikhar Dhawan
B. Ajit Kumar Doval Correct Answer – A. Virat Kohli
C. Dr. Pramod Kumar Misra 1658. Cricket all-rounder, Con de Lange passed
D. Bhaskar Khulbe away.He belongs to which country?
Correct Answer – A. Nripendra Misra A. England
1650. Karakoram Pass is a mountain pass between B. Ireland
India and ______? C. Scotland
A. Pakistan D. Wales
B. Afghanistan Correct Answer – C. Scotland
C. Bangladesh 1659. Which entity launched the India’s first
D. China Foreign Interactive Bird Park in Mumbai?
Correct Answer – D. China A. EsselWorld Leisure Pvt. Ltd.
1651. Which Indian wrestler has become world B. Aquatica India Pvt. Ltd.
number one in the men's 65kg freestyle category? C. Nicco Parks & Resorts Limited
A. Bajrang Punia D. Tikuji-Ni-Wadi Pvt. Ltd.
B. Yogeshwar Dutt Correct Answer – A. EsselWorld Leisure Pvt. Ltd.
C. Sushil Kumar 1660. Who won the Men’s Singles title in Singapore
D. Jinder Mahal Open Badminton title 2019?
Correct Answer – A. Bajrang Punia A. Parupalli Kashyap
1652. Which Indian boxer clinched gold in Boxing B. Kento Momota
World Cup in 54 kg? C. Anthony Sinisuka Ginting
A. Sakshi Chaudhary D. Prannoy Kumar
Correct Answer – B. Kento Momota
B. Pinki Rani
1661. Following an order by the government, the
C. Pwilao Basumatary
words “chemists and druggists” appearing on the
D. Meena Kumari Maisnam signboards of medical shops will be replaced with the
Correct Answer – D. Meena Kumari Maisnam word ________.
1653. Which organisation releases World Press A. Pharmacy
Freedom Index every year? B. Practitioner
A. United Nations C. Drugs Dealer
B. Reporters Without Borders D. Chemists
C. Thomson Reuters Correct Answer – A. Pharmacy
D. World Peace Council 1662. Deutsche Bank recently appointed ________
Correct Answer – B. Reporters Without Borders as the chief executive officer for India.
A. Rohan Mathur
B. Harsh Salve
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C. Kaushik Shaparia 1672. __________ has recently awarded Derek C
D. Ravneet Gill Lalchhanhima ‘Compassionate Kid’ Award for
Correct Answer – C. Kaushik Shaparia inspiring other children.
1663. Which among the following countries A. NITI Aayog
completely banned all face veils including the burqa? B. PETA India
A. India C. Akshay Patra
B. Sri Lanka D. Amnesty International
C. Germany Correct Answer – B. PETA India
D. China 1673. The Indian Council of Medical Research
Correct Answer – B. Sri Lanka (ICMR) has launched the MERA India recently.
1664. Subarnarekha port, sometimes seen in the Expand MERA.
news, is in which among the following states? A. Malaria Elimination Research Alliance
A. Telangana B. MDR TB Elimination Research Alliance
B. Andhra Pradesh C. Measles Elimination Research Alliance
C. Kerala D. Mad Cow Disease Elimination Research Alliance
D. Odisha Correct Answer – A. Malaria Elimination Research
Correct Answer – D. Odisha Alliance
1665. Which among the following has recently 1674. Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI),
released Global Food Policy Report-2019? sometimes seen in the news, was launched in ________.
A. WHO A. 2012
B. IFPRI B. 2013
C. UNICEF C. 2014
D. ICC D. 2015
Correct Answer – B. IFPRI Correct Answer – B. 2013
1666. _______ has reached a valuation of one trillion 1675. The first official International Day of
dollars for the first time, making it the third publicly- Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace has been
traded company in history to reach the threshold. celebrated on _________.
A. Walmart A. April 23
B. Alibaba B. April 24
C. Microsoft C. April 25
D. Infosys D. April 26
Correct Answer – C. Microsoft Correct Answer – B. April 24
1667. Who defeated Ehsan Heydari Nezhad of Iran 1676. The second edition of Rabindranath Tagore
to claim the inaugural Asian Snooker Tour title? Literary Prize was awarded to ___________ recently.
A. Pankaj Advani A. Rana Dasgupta
B. Brijesh Damani B. Manohar Lal
C. Yasin Merchant C. Sudhir Mathur
D. Geet Sethi D. Renuka Chopra
Correct Answer – A. Pankaj Advani Correct Answer – A. Rana Dasgupta
1668. ‘Politics of Jugaad: The Coalition Handbook’, 1677. International Press Institute (IPI) has
sometimes seen in the news, is authored by _______. named __________ as its 71st World Press Freedom
A. Arundhati Roy Hero.
B. Akash Verma A. Arundhati Roy
C. Saba Naqvi B. Sudhir Chaudhary
D. Hardik Patel C. Cyril Almeida
Correct Answer – C. Saba Naqvi D. Asam Ali
1669. Who has been appointed as the 52nd Correct Answer – C. Cyril Almeida
Controller General of Defence Accounts? 1678. World Malaria Day is observed globally on
A. Rajendra Kumar Nayak ________ to recognize and celebrate worldwide efforts
B. Sushil Mathur to control and raise awareness about malaria.
C. Rakesh Munjal A. April 23
D. Sumit Joshi B. April 25
Correct Answer – A. Rajendra Kumar Nayak C. April 27
1670. Arms Trade Treaty, sometimes seen in the D. April 29
news, entered into force in _______. Correct Answer – B. April 25
A. 2012 1679. Utkarsh Bangla’ scheme was recently awarded
B. 2014 the prestigious WSIS award of the United Nations. It is
C. 2016 being implemented by which among the following
D. 2018 governments?
Correct Answer – B. 2014 A. Odisha
1671. World Intellectual Property B. West Bengal
Day is observed annually on _________. C. Telangana
A. 25 April D. Kerala
B. 26 April Correct Answer – B. West Bengal
C. 27 April 1680. Akademik Lomonosov, sometimes seen in the
D. 28 April news, is in which among the following countries?
Correct Answer – B. 26 April A. Ukraine
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B. Germany C. Protect our Birds
C. Russia D. Protect our Mammals
D. Poland Correct Answer – A. Protect our Species
Correct Answer – C. Russia 1690. Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on
1681. Puranik Yogendra has become the first ethnic _________.
Indian to contest and win an election in which among A. April 21
the following countries? B. April 22
A. US C. April 23
B. Japan D. April 24
C. Afghanistan Correct Answer – B. April 22
D. Brazil 1691. Christina Koch is going to have her mission on
Correct Answer – B. Japan the International Space Station (ISS) extended to 328
1682. Who was awarded the Best Sportsperson’ days. She’s an astronaut from which among the
award by the Calcutta Sports Journalists’ Club? following?
A. Sachin Tendulkar A. ISRO
B. Rohit Sharma B. JAXA
C. Gautam Gambhir C. ESA
D. Jhulan Goswami D. NASA
Correct Answer – D. Jhulan Goswami Correct Answer – D. NASA
1683. ________ is celebrated as National Panchayati 1692. Prime Minister of ________ Soumeylou
Raj Diwas every year. Boubeye Maiga and his entire government have
A. April 22 submitted their resignations recently.
B. April 24 A. Cambodia
C. April 26 B. Mali
D. April 28 C. Morocco
Correct Answer – B. April 24. D. Libya
1684. World Book Day, also known as World Book Correct Answer – B. Mali
and Copyright Day, is observed on ________. 1693. Ligeia Mare, sometimes seen in the news, is a
A. April 22 lake in the north polar region of ______.
B. April 23 A. Titan
C. April 24 B. Enceladus
D. April 25 C. Eris
Correct Answer – B. April 23 D. Rhea
1685. Who was recently awarded with the “Pandit Correct Answer – A. Titan
Govind Ballabh Pant Award” for the year 2018-19 for 1694. Who has been awarded an honorary
his book? fellowship of the Royal Society recently for his/her
A. Sunil Kumar Gautam efforts to produce low-cost drugs to treat diabetes,
B. Karan Gambhir cancer and other diseases?
C. Rakesh Munjal A. Yusuf Hamied
D. Raman Sidana B. Venki Ramakrishnan
Correct Answer – A. Sunil Kumar Gautam C. Anita Parekh
1686. Which among the following has appointed D. Gagan Venkatesh
Manish Maheshwari as new managing director for the Correct Answer – A. Yusuf Hamied
India market? 1695. Global Corruption Report, sometimes seen in
A. Microsoft the news, is released by __________.
B. Facebook A. IMF
C. Twitter B. World Bank
D. TikTok C. Transparency International
Correct Answer – C. Twitter D. Amnesty International
1687. India has been placed at ______ spot in the Correct Answer – C. Transparency International
Index of Cancer Preparedness (ICP) 2019.
A. 17th 1696. Which Scorpene class submarine was
B. 19th launched in Mumbai recently?
C. 21st A. INS-Vela
D. 25th B. INS-Viraat
Correct Answer – B. 19th C. INS-Khanderi
1688. India moved up to ____ position in 2018 in the D. INS-Vikram
Startup Ecosystem Ranking for 2019. Correct Answer – A. INS-Vela
A. 12th 1697. Bajirao, the last captive white tiger at the
B. 17th ______________, died recently.
C. 21st A. Sanjay Gandhi National Park
D. 28th B. Jim Corbett National Park
Correct Answer – B. 17th C. Kanha Tiger Reserve
1689. For the year 2019, the Earth Day theme D. Bandhavgarh National Park
was _________. Correct Answer – A. Sanjay Gandhi National Park
A. Protect our Species 1698. Which country is reportedly set to become the
B. Protect our Humans site of the world’s first crypto city?
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CA Yearbook 2020
A. India 1707. Mukesh Ambani, Arundhati Katju and
B. Malaysia ____________ are among the Indians, who have been
C. US named by TIME magazine in its prestigious list of the
D. Saudi Arabia 100 most influential people in the world.
Correct Answer – B. Malaysia A. Narendra Modi
1699. Defence Ministry recently approved Indian B. Rahul Gandhi
Navy’s proposal to acquire 10 Kamov-31 choppers from C. Menaka Guruswamy
________. D. Anna Hazare
A. Russia Correct Answer – C. Menaka Guruswamy
B. France 1708. Arunachalam Muruganantham, sometimes
C. Israel seen in the news, is known for which among the
D. Germany following?
E. None of these A. World’s first low-cost machine for making sanitary pads
Correct Answer – A. Russia B. Architect of Aadhar
1700. The name Fani, in context of the recent C. Managing Director of Delhi Metro
cyclone, has been suggested by which among the D. Discovery of Satellites of Saturn
following countries? Correct Answer – A. World’s first low-cost machine for
A. Sri Lanka making sanitary pads
B. Maldives 1709. Which among the following nations honoured
C. Bangladesh Lt. Gen. (retd) Jack Farj Rafael (JFR) Jacob, who
D. Oman negotiated the historic surrender of Pakistani troops in
Correct Answer – C. Bangladesh Dhaka after the 1971 war?
1701. Global Wage Report, sometimes seen in the A. Iran
news, is released by ________. B. US
A. World Bank C. Israel
B. IMF D. China
C. ILO Correct Answer – C. Israel
D. UN-Habitat 1710. Goldman Environmental Foundation,
Correct Answer – C. ILO sometimes seen in the news, is headquartered in
1702. Union Environment Ministry has constituted a ________.
committee to implement the NCAP. Expand NCAP. A. New Delhi
A. National Cleanliness Air Programme B. California
B. National Clean Air Project C. Moscow
C. National Clean Airy Programme D. London
D. National Clean Air Programme Correct Answer – B. California
Correct Answer – D. National Clean Air Programme 1711. Who has been named the Football Writers’
1703. The Army is in the process of procuring Igla-S Association Footballer of the Year?
Very Short Range Air Defence Systems (VSHORAD) A. Mohamed Salah
from which among the following countries? B. David Silva
A. France C. Sergio Aguero
B. Israel D. Raheem Sterling
C. Russia Correct Answer – D. Raheem Sterling.
D. UK 1712. The first part of the Indo-French joint naval
Correct Answer – C. Russia exercise, Varuna 19.1 is being held off the coast of
1704. Everest Cleaning Campaign, sometimes seen which among the following states?
in the news, is being run in which among the following A. Goa
nations? B. Telangana
A. India C. Maharashtra
B. Nepal D. Andhra Pradesh
C. Sri Lanka Correct Answer – A. Goa
D. Bhutan 1713. Who has been appointed as the first non-
Correct Answer – B. Nepal British president of the Marylebone Cricket Club?
1705. Which among the following countries recently A. Ritu Chopra
set a new Guinness World Record for the number of B. Kumar Sangakkara
national flags raised in a city for 24 hours? C. Rahul Dravid
A. Iran D. Ravi Shastri
B. Lebanon Correct Answer – B. Kumar Sangakkara
C. India 1714. Who recently signed into law a “sovereign
D. Malaysia internet” bill which will allow the authorities to isolate
Correct Answer – B. Lebanon the country’s internet?
1706. _________ is to take over as A. Ram Nath Kovind
the Vice Chief of Indian Air Force. B. Donald Trump
A. Rakesh Bhaduria C. Vladimir Putin
B. Sanjay Manohar D. Imran Khan
C. Anil Khosla Correct Answer – C. Vladimir Putin
D. Teerath Singh 1715. World Press Freedom Day 2019 is scheduled
Correct Answer – A. Rakesh Bhaduria to be observed on _______.
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CA Yearbook 2020
A. May 2 submarine.
B. May 3 a) INS Kalvari
C. May 4 b) INS Vela
D. May 5 c) INS Khanderi
Correct Answer – B. May 3 d) INS Vagir
1716. Which among the following nations decided to Correct Answer – b) INS Vela
mark its retaliatory action on February 27 against the 1725. Which rule under the ‘Conduct of Elections
Indian air strikes on the Balakot terror camp as Rules’ lists out a six-month jail term and a Rs 1000 fine
‘Operation Swift Retort’? for falsely reporting malfunctioning of EVMs and
A. China VVPATs?
B. Pakistan a) Rule 49MA
C. North Korea b) Rule 51GCA
D. Maldives c) Rule 37PB
Correct Answer – B. Pakistan d) Rule 24TR
1717. Mohmand Dam, sometimes seen in the news, is Correct Answer – a) Rule 49MA
being constructed on which among the following rivers? 1726. Indonesia recently announced to relocate its
A. Indus capital. What is the Capital of Indonesia?
B. Swat a) Denpasar Bali
C. Kabul b) Jakarta
D. Kunar c) Ubud
Correct Answer – B. Swat d) Surabaya
1718. _______ has, for the second year in a row, Correct Answer – b) Jakarta
become India’s top crude oil supplier. 1727. Which Indian wrestler bagged gold medal in
A. US the 2019 Ali Aliyev Wrestling Tournament?
B. Iraq a) Bajrang Punia
C. Iran b) Vinesh Phogat
D. Saudi Arabia c) Sushil Kumar
Correct Answer – B. Iraq d) Harpreet Singh
1719. A historic “loya jirga” peace summit in Correct Answer – a) Bajrang Punia
________ recently concluded. 1728. According to SIPRI, what is the rank of India
A. New Delhi in terms of the biggest military spenders in 2018?
B. Islamabad (A) 4th
C. Kabul (B) 1st
D. Tehran (C) 2nd
Correct Answer – C. Kabul (D) 5th
1720. Which among the following will be
Correct Answer – (A) 4th
decommissioned on May 6 at the naval dockyard
1729. Colored number plates have been mandatory
at Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh?
A. INS Viraat proposed for all-electric vehicles in the country by the
B. INS Ranjit Indian Government. What is the color of that number
C. INS Shakti plate?
D. INS Magar (A) Yellow
Correct Answer – B. INS Ranjit (B) Green
1721. Former ISRO chairman A S Kiran Kumar (C) Purple
was recently conferred with the highest civilian award (D) Blue
of which among the following nations? Correct Answer – (B) Green
A. Germany 1730. Where was the G7 Environment Ministers
B. US Meeting held to discuss climate crisis?
C. France (A) Rome, Italy
D. Malaysia
(B) Metz, France
Correct Answer – C. France
(C) Ottawa, Canada
1722. When was the World Asthma Day 2019
observed? (D) Paris, France
a) 4 May Correct Answer – (B) Metz, France
b) 5 May 1731. Who has been appointed as the first
c) 6 May independent women director by BSE?
d) 7 May (A) Swarnima Shukla
Correct Answer – d) 7 May (B) Manisha Bhatt
1723. Which sportsperson was awarded with the (C) Jayshree Vyas
highest US civilian honour? (D) Nirmala Rai
a) Michael Jordan Correct Answer – (C) Jayshree Vyas
b) Serena Williams 1732. Where was the 11th Arctic Council Ministerial
c) Tiger Woods
Meeting held?
d) Dwayne Johnson
(A) Lappi Areena, Rovaniemi, Finland
Correct Answer – C. Tiger Woods
1724. The Indian Navy recently launched the fourth (B) Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Scorpene class Submarine of Project 75. Name the (C) Bergen, Oslo, Norway

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(D) Nacka, Stockholm, Swedan (B) Sri & Gopi Hinduja
Correct Answer – (A) Lappi Areena, Rovaniemi, (C) Valerie Moran
Finland (D) Jorn Rausing
1733. Name the father of modern legal education in Correct Answer – (B) Sri & Gopi Hinduja
India and Padma Shri awardee, who passed away 1741. Who is all set to come out with his debut novel
recently. “Dopehri”?
(A) Jayantilal Bhanusali (A) Narendra Modi
(B) Dibyendu Palit (B) Pankaj Kapur
(C) Pinaki Thakur (C) Lalu Yadav
(D) NR Madhava Menon (D) Mamta Banerjee
Correct Answer – (D) NR Madhava Menon Correct Answer – (B) Pankaj Kapur
1734. Who won the Orange Cap in the 2019 IPL, 1742. Which among the following recently launched
becoming the first batsman to achieve the feat thrice in India’s 1st UPI Bahi Khata For Merchants?
the tournament’s history? (A) FreeCharge
(A) David Warner (B) PayTm
(B) Virat Kohli (C) Bharat Pe
(C) MS Dhoni (D) Google Tez
(D) Rohit Sharma Correct Answer – (C) Bharat Pe
Correct Answer – (A) David Warner 1743. Which among the following team beat
1735. Who recently won the Purple Cap of Indian Chennai Super Kings by 1 run in the 2019 Indian
Premier League 2019? Premier League (IPL) final?
(A) Kagiso Rabada (A) Kings XI Punjab
(B) Imran Tahir (B) Mumbai Indians
(C) Deepak Chahar (C) Delhi Capitals
(D) Jasprit Bumrah (D) RCB
Correct Answer – (B) Imran Tahir Correct Answer – (B) Mumbai Indians
1736. _______ has become the first woman to be 1744. Who has been appointed president of the
part of the ICC’s panel of international match referees. United Nations General Assembly?
(A) GS Lakshmi (A) Muhammad Bande
(B) Niranjana Rai (B) Rita Duggal
(C) Gunjan Chopra (C) Saddam Buhari
(D) Aditi Lekhi (D) Imran Khusro
Correct Answer- (A) GS Lakshmi Correct Answer – (A) Muhammad Bande
1737. Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty 1745. Dachigam National Park, sometimes seen in
Organisation (CTBTO) has offered which among the the news, is in which among the following states?
following countries an ‘Observer’ status and access to (A) Kerala
state-of-art International Monitoring System (IMS) (B) Odisha
data? (C) Punjab
(A) Pakistan (D) Jammu & Kashmir
(B) China Correct Answer – (D) Jammu & Kashmir
(C) India 1746. Kamakhya Temple, sometimes seen in the
(D) North Korea news, is in which among the following states?
Correct Answer – (C) India (A) Telangana
1738. Scientists from _________________ have (B) Assam
created the world’s smallest pixels, by trapping (C) Madhya Pradesh
particles of light under tiny rocks of gold. (D) Punjab
(A) University of Cambridge Correct Answer – (B) Assam
(B) Stanford University 1747. The world’s first exclusive women’s cricket
(C) Harvard University magazine has been recently launched. Name the
(D) Brown University magazine.
Correct Answer – (A) University of Cambridge (A) CricWomen
1739. Who was honoured with the 2019 McCain (B) CricZone
Institute Award for Courage and Leadership recently? (C) CricNari
(A) Alka Lamba (D) CricShakti
(B) Chhaya Sharma Correct Answer – (B) CricZone
(C) Priyanka Gandhi 1748. Food and Drug Administration recently
(D) Naveen Ranjan approved the first vaccine against dengue fever named
Correct Answer – (B) Chhaya Sharma _________.
1740. __________ has/have been named as the (A) Dengvaxia
wealthiest people in the UK for a third time, according (B) DenguePhobia
to the Sunday Times Rich List. (C) DengX1-T2
(A) Sir Jim Ratcliffe

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(D) DengChloro (A) Shimla
Correct Answer – (A) Dengvaxia (B) Darjeeling
1749. ____________ reclaimed the status of the (C) Ladakh
country’s most valued firm by market valuation. (D) Jammu
(A) Infosys Correct Answer – (C) Ladakh
(B) TCS 1758. Igor Stimac is set to become the next coach of
(C) Reliance Industries Limited men’s national team of which among the following
(D) HDFC countries?
Correct Answer – (B) TCS (A) India
1750. National Technology Day is observed on (B) Pakistan
___________ every year. (C) France
(A) 10th May (D) Croatia
(B) 11th May Correct Answer – (A) India
(C) 12th May 1759. Who has been appointed a member of
(D) 15th May the Commonwealth Secretariat Arbitral Tribunal,
Correct Answer – (B) 11th May London?
1751. _________ will acquire iconic British toy- (A) R Sikri
maker Hamleys for 67.96 million pounds. (B) Harsh Misra
(A) Samsung (C) KS Radhakrishnan
(B) Reliance (D) Ranjan Gogoi
(C) Infosys Correct Answer – (C) KS Radhakrishnan
(D) TCS 1760. ‘Game Changer’, sometimes seen in the news,
Correct Answer – (B) Reliance is the riveting memoir of ________.
1752. Engineers from __________ have developed a (A) MS Dhoni
microprocessor called AJIT. (B) Narendra Modi
(A) IIT-Bombay (C) Rahul Dravid
(B) IIT-Madras (D) Shahid Afridi
(C) IIT-Delhi Correct Answer – (D) Shahid Afridi
(D) IIT-Goa 1761. Who has been re-elected with the highest
Correct Answer – (A) IIT-Bombay number of votes by the UN Economic and Social
1753. Which among the following countries reported Council to a five-year term on International Narcotics
its first ever case of monkeypox? Control Board?
(A) Singapore (A) Jagjit Pavadia
(B) India (B) Ramesh Singhania
(C) Indonesia (C) Tarun Vajpayee
(D) Pakistan (D) Syed Ahmed
Correct Answer – (A) Singapore Correct Answer – (A) Jagjit Pavadia
1754. ________ has become the second country in 1762. World Red Cross Day, is observed every year
the world to declare the climate emergency. on _______.
(A) Ireland (A) May 7
(B) Russia (B) May 8
(C) Germany (C) May 9
(D) India (D) May 10
Correct Answer – (A) Ireland Correct Answer – (B) May 8
1755. Which among the following states has 1763. Who has become the second most-followed
inducted women commandos in the District Reserve politician in the world with a social media audience of
Guard, its frontline anti-Naxal force? 110,912,648 million?
(A) Jharkhand (A) Donald Trump
(B) Chattisgarh (B) Narendra Modi
(C) UP (C) Barack Obama
(D) Tamil Nadu (D) Rahul Gandhi
Correct Answer – (B) Chattisgarh Correct Answer – (B) Narendra Modi
1756. _________ introduced the world’s highest- 1764. ITC Ltd, recently named ___________, as its
resolution image sensor, with 64 megapixels for chairman.
smartphones. A. Sanjiv Puri
(A) Samsung B. Himanshu Khatri
(B) Nokia C. Rihana Munjal
(C) Oppo D. Ansh Verma
(D) Micromax Correct Answer – A. Sanjiv Puri
Correct Answer – (A) Samsung 1765. Who became the world’s first woman to cross
1757. India now has its own natural ice café, built at the Atlantic Ocean solo in a Light Sports
a height of 14000 ft above the sea level in _________. Aircraft (LSA)?

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A. Hina Jaiswal D. 22nd May
B. Aarohi Pandit Correct Answer – B. 16th May
C. Keithair Misquitta 1774. Which among the following released
D. Reeta Swarup “Payment and Settlement Systems in India: Vision
Correct Answer – B. Aarohi Pandit 2019–2021”?
1766. Who has been appointed as the Chairperson of A. SEBI
the News Broadcasting Standards Authority (NBSA)? B. RBI
A. A. K. Sikri C. Finance Ministry
B. R.V. Raveendran D. NABARD
C. Rajat Sharma Correct Answer – B. RBI
D. Sudhir Chaudhary 1775. Who will be felicitated by the Council of
Correct Answer – A. A.K. Sikri European Chambers of Commerce (CEUCC) for
1767. According to the Geological Survey of India his/her support to promoting the cause of children’s
(GSI), which among the following has 35% of the total rights?
graphite reserves in India? A. Priyanka Chopra
A. Jharkhand B. Salman Khan
B. Odisha C. Anil Kapoor
C. Arunachal Pradesh D. Ranveer Singh
D. Tamil Nadu Correct Answer – C. Anil Kapoor
Correct Answer – C. Arunachal Pradesh 1776. Which among the following is set to host Asian
1768. Who reached the top of Mount Everest for a Cup 2023 after South Korea withdraw bid?
24th time on May 15, creating a new record for the most A. India
summits of the world’s highest mountain? B. China
A. Hina Das C. Sri Lanka
B. Kami Rita D. Maldives
C. Shruti Kumar Correct Answer – B. China
D. Hema Pandya 1777. International Day of Living Together in Peace,
Correct Answer – B. Kami Rita sometimes seen in the news, is observed on ______.
1769. Who is set to become the next World Anti- A. April 27
Doping Agency (WADA) president? B. May 16
A. Marcos Diaz C. June 21
B. Witold Banka D. July 11
C. Arjun Nagrath Correct Answer – B. May 16
D. Imran Tahir 1778. Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary is located in
Correct Answer – B. Witold Banka which among the following states?
1770. Sri Rama Sagar Project, sometimes seen in the A. Karnataka
news, is located in which among the following states? B. Maharashtra
A. Andhra Pradesh C. Rajasthan
B. Telangana D. Kerala
C. Maharashtra Correct Answer – D. Kerala
D. Uttar Pradesh 1779. World Hypertension Day is observed on _____
Correct Answer – B. Telangana every year.
1771. World Drug Report, sometimes seen in the A. May 16
news, is published by ___________. B. May 17
A. WHO C. May 18
B. WEF D. May 19
C. UNODC Correct Answer – B. May 17
D. IMF 1780. Which nation’s parliament has become the
Correct Answer – C. UNODC first in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage following a
1772. Who has been recently re-appointed as vote recently?
Additional Solicitor General in the Supreme Court of A. India
India? B. Saudi Arabia
A. Hemant Bajwa C. Taiwan
B. Ravi Mukherjee D. Japan
C. Atmaram Nadkarni Correct Answer – C. Taiwan
D. Mehul Chopra 1781. Which Indian YouTuber has been named by
Correct Answer – C. Atmaram Nadkarni Time magazine among its ‘Next Generation Leaders
1773. National Dengue Day, sometimes seen in the 2019’?
news, is observed on _______. A. Ajey Nagar
A. 12th May B. Bhuvan Bam
B. 16th May C. Amit Bhadana
C. 20th May

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D. Sandeep Maheshwari A. Narain Karthikeyan
Correct Answer – A. Ajey Nagar B. Arjun Maini
1782. _______ is celebrated as World AIDS Vaccine C. Armaan Ebrahim
Day, also known as HIV Vaccine Awareness Day. D. Jehan Daruvala
A. May 17 Correct Answer – D. Jehan Daruvala
B. May 18 1791. Who has become the highest wicket-taking
C. May 19 women spinner in One Day International (ODI) cricket
D. May 20 recently?
Correct Answer – B. May 18 A. Ellyse Perry
1783. Who has bagged the Best Child Actor award B. Suzie Bates
for Chippa at the 19th New York Indian Film Festival? C. Sana Mir
A. Rahul Bose D. Mithali Raj
B. Sunny Pawar Correct Answer – C. Sana Mir
C. Hardik Mehta 1792. What is the name of the mission to the moon,
D. Nikhil Chopra that is set to be achieved by the National Aeronautics
Correct Answer – B. Sunny Pawar and Space Organization(NASA) in the year 2024?
1784. Which among the following trains has A. Artemis
completed one lakh running kilometres without missing B. Voyager
a single trip? C. Pioneer
A. Vande Bharat Express D. Chandra
B. Rajdhani Express (E) Juno
C. Duronto Express Correct Answer – A. Artemis
D. Gatimaan Express 1793. Name the Indian Cricketer, who won the
Correct Answer – A. Vande Bharat Express Lifetime Achievement Award in CEAT International
1785. Pakistan recently announced career diplomat Cricket Awards 2019.
Mueenul Haq as its new High Commissioner to A.Anil Kumble
_______. B. Ajay Jadeja
A. India C. Mohinder Amarnath
B. Indonesia D. Gul Mohammad
C. Saudi Arabia Correct Answer – C. Mohinder Amarnath
D. Iran 1794. Which football club has won the Premier
Correct Answer – A. India League title 2019 and became the first team to retain its
1786. Pakke Tiger Reserve, sometimes seen in the title in last 10 years?
news, is in which among the following states? A. Blackburn Rovers
A. Meghalaya B. Leicester City
B. Arunachal Pradesh C. Manchester United
C. Assam D. Manchester City
D. Sikkim Correct Answer– D. Manchester City
1787. _______ has restricted Huawei’s access to its 1795. Which country is developing the world’s
Android operating system and apps recently. largest optical telescope?
A. Microsoft A. China
B. Google B. U.S.
C. Twitter C. Russia
D. Facebook D. India
Correct Answer – B. Google Correct Answer– D. India
1788. World Book of Records London adjudged 1796. Kami Rita Sherpa is famous for ___.
________ for being one of the most viewed stand-up A.Acting
comedians in India. B. Sports
A. Kapil Sharma C. Politics
B. Raju Srivastav D. Mountaineering
C. Tanmay Bhat Correct Answer– D. Mountaineering
D. Kanan Gill 1797. Where was the Indian Navy’s first full-fledged
Correct Answer – A. Kapil Sharma Service Selection Board (SSB) inaugurated recently?
1789. India recently handed over a pair of Mi-24 A. Karnataka
helicopters to which among the following countries? B. Gujarat
A. Sri Lanka C. West Bengal
B. Maldives D. Goa
C. Afghanistan Correct Answer– C. West Bengal
D. Bangladesh 1798. In which city, India will be setting up its
Correct Answer – C. Afghanistan military space agency?
1790. Name the Indian racing driver, who won 2019 A. Mumbai
Formula 3 championship in Barcelona-Catalunya. B.Chennai

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C.Bengaluru D. Pakistan
D.Pune Correct Answer – B. Sri Lanka
Correct Answer– C.Bengaluru 1807. Leshan Giant Buddha, a tall stone statue, is
1799. Name the Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS), located in which among the following nations?
that was decommissioned in Visakhapatnam, Andhra A. South Korea
Pradesh. B. India
A. ICGS Rajdhwaj C. Afghanistan
B. ICGS Samarth D. China
C. ICGS Samrat Correct Answer – D. China
D. ICGS Vigraha 1808. Team India will be seen sporting which
Correct Answer– D. ICGS Vigraha coloured jersey during the ICC Cricket World Cup
1800. Who won the 2019 Australian federal elections 2019 for their ‘away matches’?
recently? A. Purple
A. Bob Katter B. Orange
B. Richard Di Natale C. Green
C. Bill Shorten D. Black
D. Scott Morrison Correct Answer – B. Orange
Correct Answer– D. Scott Morrison 1809. Who added the third gold in India’s medals
1801. Defence Research and Development tally at the ISSF World Cup 2019 in Munich as he/she
Organisation (DRDO) has successfully test fired bagged the top podium spot in the 25 metre pistol
___________ missile from ITR , Chandipur, Odhisa on event?
25 and 27 May 2019. A. Devendra Raghav
A. AKASH-MK-1S B. Rahi Sarnobat
B. AKASH-LK-5S C. Heena Jaiswal
C. AKASH-YK-9S D. Nalini Dutt
D. AKASH-QK-2S Correct Answer – B. Rahi Sarnobat
Correct Answer- A. AKASH-MK-1S 1810. Takht-i-Bahi, sometimes seen in the news, is in
which among the following countries?
1802. Who will enter the Lok Sabha as the youngest A. Iran
woman member in the Lower House’s history? B. Syria
A. Chandrani Murmu C. Pakistan
B. Priyanka Vadra D. Sri Lanka
C. Harsimrat Badal Correct Answer – C. Pakistan
D. Smriti Irani 1811. Who has become the first world leader to meet
Correct Answer – A. Chandrani Murmu Japanese Emperor Naruhito?
1803. Who has won 2019 Man Booker International A. Narendra Modi
Prize? B. Donald Trump
A. Jokha Alharthi C. Imran Khan
B. Garry Austen D. Xi Jinping
C. George Owell Correct Answer – B. Donald Trump
D. Lewis Carol 1812. The government has approved the merger of
Correct Answer – A. Jokha Alharthi National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) with _______
1804. Who won the 2019 Dr. Lee Jong-wook under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Memorial Prize for Public health at the 72nd World Implementation (MoSPI).
Health Assembly, Switzerland? A. NITI Aayog
A. Balram Bhargava B. SEBI
B. Keshav Rana C. RBI
C. Meena Aghi D. CSO
D. Rashmi Seth Correct Answer – D. CSO ( Central Statistics Office)
Correct Answer – A. Balram Bhargava 1813. Prem Singh Golay (Tamang) recently took
1805. Veer Savarkar Jayanti, sometimes seen in the oath as the New Chief Minister of _____.
news, is observed on _______. A. UP
A. 27th May B. Nagaland
B. 28th May C. Tripura
C. 29th May D. Sikkim
D. 30th May Correct Answer- D. Sikkim
Correct Answer – B. 28th May 1814. Who received the ‘UNSDG 10 Most Influential
1806. Bundala National Park, sometimes seen in the People in Healthcare Award’ recently?
news, is in which among the following countries? A. Acharya Balkrishna
A. Myanmar B. Mira Aghi
B. Sri Lanka C. Arun Desai
C. Bangladesh

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D. Meena Sirohi A. Pakistan
Correct Answer – A. Acharya Balkrishna B. Argentina
1815. NewSpace India Limited (NSIL), the C. India
commercial arm of _______, was officially inaugurated D. Sri Lanka
in Bengaluru. Correct Answer – B. Argentina
A. NITI Aayog 1824. Who became the first woman pilot of the
B. ISRO Indian Air Force (IAF) to qualify to undertake combat
C. DRDO missions on a fighter jet?
D. IMD A. Komal Bajwa
Correct Answer – B. ISRO B. Ranjana Harsh
1816. Which among the following plans to launch an C. Bhawana Kanth
ambitious ₹1.5 lakh crore EQUIP project? D. Anupama Banerjee
A. HRD Ministry Correct Answer – C. Bhawana Kanth
B. Finance Ministry 1825. Yeduguri Sandinti Jaganmohan Reddy is all
C. Corporate Affairs Ministry set to take oath as the Chief Minister of _____.
D. Personnel Ministry A. Andhra Pradesh
Correct Answer – A. HRD Ministry B. Punjab
1817. Who will be sworn-in as Odisha Chief C. Telangana
Minister on May 29 for a fifth consecutive term? D. Kerala
A. Naveen Patnaik Correct Answer – A. Andhra Pradesh
B. Pitambar Acharya 1826. Who has bagged the Global Asian of the Year
C. Sambit Patra 2018-19 award ‘In Service of the Society and the
D. Narendra Modi Nation’ category?
Correct Answer – A. Naveen Patnaik A. Hema Divakar
1818. Who has won the Joan Miro Prize for 2019 B. Rajni Narang
recently? C. Bulbul Sharma
A. Nalini Malani D. Harman Kaur
B. Pooja Vajpayee Correct Answer – A. Hema Divakar
C. Simran Ahuja 1827. Which among the following has emerged the
D. Preeti Munjal biggest company by revenue, toppling state-
Correct Answer – A. Nalini Malani owned Indian Oil Corporation (IOC)?
1819. “Reiwa”, sometimes seen in the news, is the A. Infosys
imperial era that has recently begun in which country? B. MindTree
A. India C. TCS
B. Japan D. Reliance
C. US Correct Answer – D. Reliance
D. China 1828. Which among the following has included the
Correct Answer – B. Japan Indian part of Kailash Mansarovar in its tentative list of
1820. India’s capital, Delhi, has how many world heritage sites?
parliamentary seats in the Lok Sabha? A. UNESCO
A. 5 B. Amnesty International
B. 7 C. Ramsar Convention
C. 13 D. Gates Foundation
D. 10 Correct Answer – A. UNESCO
Correct Answer – B. 7 1829. India stands in which among the following
1821. PM Modi will take oath as Prime Minister on positions out of 181 countries in the KidsRight Index?
______ at 7 pm at Rashtrapati Bhavan. A. 99th
A. May 28 B. 105th
B. May 30 B. 110th
C. June 1 D. 117th
D. June 3 Correct Answer – D. 117th
Correct Answer – B. May 30 1830. A three-member team led by _______ will
1822. Who has defeated Congress chief Rahul represent India at the second World Challenge
Gandhi in the constituency of Amethi? Cup Series gymnastics tournament.
A. Narendra Modi A. Rahul Bose
B. Amit Shah B. Kishore Indori
C. Smriti Irani C. Ashish Kumar
D. LK Advani D. Rakesh Patra
Correct Answer – C. Smriti Irani Correct Answer – C. Ashish Kumar
1823. Malaria has been eliminated from Algeria and 1831. India’s economy is projected to grow at
________, according to the World Health Organization _______ in fiscal year 2020, according to a report by the
(WHO). United Nations.

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A. 6.1% D. 50
B. 6.5% Correct Answer – C. 48
C. 7.1% 1840. India invited which group of countries at the
D. 7.8% oath-taking ceremony of PM Narendra Modi?
Correct Answer – C. 7.1% A. BIMSTEC
1832. Rajaji Tiger Reserve, sometimes seen in the B. SAARC
news, is in which among the following states?
Correct Answer – A. BIMSTEC
B. Himachal Pradesh 1841. The DRDO recently test-fired the new version
C. Uttarakhand of which surface-to-air missile?
D. Punjab A. Prithvi
Correct Answer – C. Uttarakhand B. Akash
1833. Who will be conferred with Japan’s second C. Agni
highest national award for his contributions to D. Nirbhay
strengthen the strategic ties and enhancing mutual Correct Answer – B. Akash
understanding between India and Japan? 1842. Which IAF’s aircraft was recently certified to
A. Akhil Joshi operate on indigenous Bio-Jet fuel?
B. Nishant Malhotra A. MiG-21
C. Shyam Saran B. CH-47 Chinook
D. Sanju Srivastav C. Global 5000
Correct Answer – C. Shyam Saran D. AN-32
1834. Name the country’s newest microwave Earth Correct Answer – D. AN-32
observation satellite, launched recently by ISRO. 1843. Which organisation flight tested Guided Bomb
A. RISAT-2B from Sukhoi combat jet?
Correct Answer – A. RISAT-2B D. IAF
1835. Who lead the ‘Missing Man’ formation, which Correct Answer – C. DRDO
is conducted to honour Squadran Leader Ajay Ahuja 1844. Pema Khandu, was sworn in as the Chief
and heroes of the Kargil war who were killed during Minister of an elected Bharatiya Janata Party
‘Operation Safed Sagar’? government in ________.
A. Subroto Mukherjee A. Nagaland
B. B S Dhanoa B. Arunachal Pradesh
C. R Nambiar C. Sikkim
D. Anil Khosla D. Manipur
Correct Answer – B. B S Dhanoa Correct Answer – B. Arunachal Pradesh
1836. Name the first South Korean director, who 1845. Which state government appointed Gyanwant
won the Palme d’Or award for the film ‘Parasite’ in Singh as the additional director general (law and
72nd annual Cannes Film Festival. order)?
A. Kim Ki-duk A. Punjab
B. Kim Jee-woon B. Rajasthan
C. Bong Joon-ho C. UP
D. Park Chan-wook D. West Bengal
Correct Answer – C. Bong Joon-ho Correct Answer – D. West Bengal
1837. Name the cryptocurrency, which is set to be
1846. British Indian entrepreneur __________ won
launched by Facebook in 2020.
his/her seat as a Member of the European Parliament
A. Bitcoin Cash
B. Bitcoin (MEP) from London in the European Parliament
C. GlobalCoin elections.
D. Litecoin A. Ashok Chawla
Correct Answer – C. GlobalCoin B. Mohit Munjal
1838. Which senior BJP leader has opted out of the C. Dinesh Dhamija
new Modi Government? D. Alka Soni
A. Sushma Swaraj Correct Answer – C. Dinesh Dhamija
B. Rajnath Singh Explanation: It is worth noting that Mr Dhamija is a
C. Piyush Goyal passionate supporter of remaining in the EU. He had
D. Arun Jaitley contested the Lib Dem seat from London.
Correct Answer – D. Arun Jaitley 1847. Which of these Indian architecture has
1839. How many total matches will be held in ICC
entered the 2019 World Architecture News (WAN)
World Cup 2019?
A. 42 Awards?
B. 45 A. Statue of Unity
C. 48 B. Adiyogi Shiva statue

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C. Spring Temple Buddha D. External Affairs
D. Konark Temple Correct Answer – D. External Affairs
Correct Answer – A. Statue of Unity 1857. “Binny”, the country’s lone orangutan passed
1848. India’s first Tree Ambulance has recently away, recently died in _______.
been launched in ____. A. Manipur
(A) Bhopal B. Sikkim
C. Odisha
(B) Chennai
(C) Ahmedabad
Correct Answer – C. Odisha
(D) Mumbai 1858. Who took charge recently as the 24th Chief of
Correct Answer – B. Chennai the Naval Staff (CNS)?
1849. Veeru Devgan who died recently was a well A. GS Laxmi
known _____________ B. Mihir Seth
A. Filmmaker C. Sunil Lamba
B. Actor D. Karambir Singh
C. Singer Correct Answer – D. Karambir Singh
D. Scriptwriter 1859. India has moved up one place to rank ____
Correct Answer – A. Filmmaker most competitive economy in the world, according to
1850. Name the winner of 2019 Monaco Grand Prix. 2019 edition of the IMD World Competitiveness
A. Max Verstappen Rankings.
A. 30th
B. Lewis Hamilton
B. 35th
C. Sebastian Vettel C. 40th
D. Valtteri Bottas D. 43rd
Correct Answer – B. Lewis Hamilton Correct Answer – D. 43rd
1851. Who is the youngest candidate to win in the 1860. Maharana Pratap Jayanti is observed on
Lok Sabha Elections 2019? _______ celebrating the birth anniversary of the brave
A. Nusrat Jahan Rajput warrior.
B. Tejaswi Surya A. June 5
C. Praveen Nishad B. June 6
D. Mukut Bihari C. June 7
Correct Answer – B. Tejaswi Surya D. June 8
1852. What is the present strength of Judges in the Correct Answer – B. June 6
Supreme Court? 1861. In Modi 2.0 cabinet, ___________ has been
A. 23 given the Ministry of Women and Child Development,
B. 26 as well as the Ministry of Textiles.
C. 29 A. Smriti Zubin Irani
D. 31 B. Amit Shah
Correct Answer – D. 31 C. Menaka Gandhi
1853. Kalpana Dash who passed away recently was D. Harsmirat Kaur
an Indian mountaineer from which state? Correct Answer- A. Smriti Zubin Irani
A. Odisha 1862. Who has been given the charge of Railways,
B. West Bengal Commerce and Industry ministries in Modi’s new
C. Assam cabinet?
D. Bihar A. Sushma Swaraj
Correct Answer – A. Odisha B. Nirmala Sitharaman
1854. When is Anti Terrorism Day observed? C. Amit Shah
A. May 25 D. Piyush Goyal
B. May 22 Correct Answer – D. Piyush Goyal
C. May 19 1863. ___________ announced its first interactive
D. May 21 game show, titled “Confetti” in India.
Correct Answer – D. May 21 A. Facebook
1855. Who took charge of the finance portfolio in B. Google
Modi’s new Cabinet? C. Twitter
A. Amit Shah D. Microsoft
B. Rajnath Singh
Correct Answer – A. Facebook
C. Arun Jaitley
Explanation: It was first launched in the US. The
D. Nirmala Sitharaman
interactive game will challenge participants to answer pop
Correct Answer – D. Nirmala Sitharaman
1856. Former foreign secretary S Jaishankar was culture trivia questions.
given charge of which among the following ministries? 1864. Rohtas Fort, sometimes seen in the news, is
A. Home Affairs located in which among the following countries?
B. WCD A. Bangladesh
C. HRD B. Pakistan
C. Syria
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D. Saudi Arabia B. NS Ram
Correct Answer – B. Pakistan C. Sudhir Kumar
1865. Kruger National Park, sometimes seen in the D. Mrutyunjay Mohapatra
news, is in which among the following countries? Correct Answer – D. Mrutyunjay Mohapatra
A. Chile 1874. RBI has approved appointment of Rakesh
B. Argentina Makhija as chairman of ________.
C. South Africa A. HDFC Bank
D. Pakistan B. Axis Bank
Correct Answer – C. South Africa C. ICICI Bank
1866. World No Tobacco Day is observed every year D. Bank of Baroda
on ______ to inspire people to stop smoking. Correct Answer – B. Axis Bank
A. May 31 1875. India was ranked _____ out of 129 countries,
B. June 3 according to the Sustainable Development Goals
C. June 7 Gender Index.
D. June 10 A. 65th
Correct Answer – A. May 31 B. 78th
1867. Who will once again hold the Food Processing C. 95th
ministry? D. 110th
A. Smriti Irani Correct Answer – C. 95th
B. Jitendra Singh 1876. __________, who held titles like the “Czar of
C. Harsmirat Kaur Indian Cuisine” and “Taste maker to the Nation”,
D. Sushma Swaraj passed away recently.
Correct Answer – C. Harsimrat Kaur A. Jiggs Kalra
1868. ____ has emerged as India’s Most Influential B. Khushwant Singh
Brand (MIB) of 2018, according to an Ipsos Survey. C. Ravinder Gill
A. Apple D. Yashwant Kapoor
B. Google Correct Answer – A. Jiggs Kalra
C. Facebook Explanation: He had been instrumental in reviving some
D. Nokia of the indigenous lost recipes. His phenomenal work
Correct Answer – B. Google includes reviving age-old delicacies like the famous
1869. Golestan Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Galouti Kebabs.
Site, is located in which among the following countries? 1877. _________ has allotted the status of ‘legal
A. Iran person or entity’ to animals.
B. India A. Allahabad HC
C. Israel B. Delhi HC
D. Syria C. Punjab & Haryana HC
Correct Answer – A. Iran D. Bombay HC
1870. Piyush Goyal, is leading the Indian delegation Correct Answer – C. Punjab & Haryana HC
for the G20 Ministerial meeting on Trade and Digital 1878. _____________ has appointed Purnima Sahni
Economy to be held in _______. Mohanty as its new Director of Communications.
A. China A. Microsoft India
B. Germany B. Google India
C. Japan C. Facebook India
D. US D. Samsung India
Correct Answer – C. Japan Correct Answer – A. Microsoft India
1871. World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated 1879. ________ is observed as World Bicycle Day.
on ________ every year. A. June 2
A. 4th June B. June 3
B. 5th June C. June 4
C. 7th June D. June 5
D. 9th June Correct Answer – B. June 3
Correct Answer – B. 5th June 1880. International Sex Workers’ Day takes place on
1872. Who has joined Ujjivan Small Finance Bank’s _______.
board as an independent director? A. 2nd June
A. Narendra Tomar B. 4th June
B. Sachin Bansal C. 6th June
C. Bunny Bansal D. 8th June
D. Rajiv Kumar Correct Answer – A. 2nd June
Correct Answer – B. Sachin Bansal 1881. The main event of International Yoga Day on
1873. Who was appointed as the chief of India June 21 this year will be held in _____ with Prime
Meteorological Department (IMD)? Minister Narendra Modi attending it.
A. R Shivshankar A. Chandigarh

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B. Pune 1889. Who has been given the additional charge of
C. Ranchi the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)
D. Jammu recently?
Correct Answer – C. Ranchi A. Suresh Kapoor
1882. The government reappointed _________ as B. Ramesh Goenka
National Security Adviser, according him/her a Cabinet C. JS Ravi
rank. D. Arun Kumar
A. Sushma Swaraj Correct Answer – D. Arun Kumar
B. S Jaishankar 1890. Telangana statehood day was recently
C. Ajit Doval observed. This state was officially formed on ________.
D. Hardeep Puri A. 1st June, 2015
Correct Answer – C. Ajit Doval B. 5th June, 2016
1883. ________ has toppled Indian Oil Corp (IOC) C. 2nd June, 2014
to regain crown of being the country’s most profitable D. 10th June, 2010
public sector company. Correct Answer – C. 2nd June, 2014
A. ONGC Explanation: TRS chief K Chandrashekar Rao was elected
B. SAIL as the first Chief Minister of the state.
C. SBI 1891. _______ has rolled out a campaign titled,
D. NABARD ‘Billion Beats’ ahead of the ICC World Cup 2019.
Correct Answer – A. ONGC A. Vivo
1884. Operation Blue Star, sometimes seen in the B. Samsung
news, was carried out in ______. C. Micromax
A. 1980 D. Oppo
B. 1984 Correct Answer – D. Oppo
C. 1991 1892. ________ has been named as the new CEO of
D. 1999 Rajya Sabha TV by the government.
Correct Answer – C. 1984 A. Sudhir Chaudhary
Explanation: Operation Blue Star was carried out in B. Arnab Goswami
Amritsar between June 1 and 8, 1984. It was former PM’s C. Barkha Dutt
Indira Gandhi’s solution to the haywire going law and D. Manohar K Pandey
order situation in Punjab. Correct Answer – D. Manohar K Pandey
1885. Keeping its poll promise, PM Modi’s 1893. Who was recently elected as the leader of the
government has launched a new ministry called Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP)?
_______ to provide safe drinking water to people. A. Rahul Gandhi
A. Jal Shakti B. Sonia Gandhi
B. Jal Naari C. Lovely Singh
C. Jal Sarla D. Sheila Dixit
D. Jal Sabla Correct Answer – B. Sonia Gandhi
Correct Answer – A. Jal Shakti 1894. ______________ is observed on the 1st of June
1886. Former President Pratibha Patil was bestowed every year.
on the highest civilian award of _______ for foreigners. A. Global Day of Parents
A. Argentina B. Global Day of Fathers
B. Chile C. Global Day of Mothers
C. Mexico D. Global Day of Grandsons
D. South Africa Correct Answer – A. Global Day of Parents
Correct Answer – C. Mexico
1887. Who has been appointed as the Minister of 1895. ______ is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender
Information and Broadcasting in the new Narendra and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month.
Modi government? A. May
A. Ravi Shankar Prasad B. June
B. Piyush Goyal C. August
C. Menaka Gandhi D. October
D. Prakash Javadekar Correct Answer – B. June
Correct Answer – D. Prakash Javadekar 1896. Which among the following states launched
1888. Who assumed charge as the Union Minister of ‘Haritha Drishti’ mobile application?
Tribal Affairs? A. Andhra Pradesh
A. Raman Singh B. Telangana
B. Arjun Munda C. Kerala
C. Sushma Swaraj D. West Bengal
D. Meenakshi Lekhi Correct Answer – C. Kerala
Correct Answer – B. Arjun Munda 1897. ________ has launched a mobile app “The
Ruet” to share real-time information about the moon.

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A. India D. Noida
B. Pakistan Correct Answer – B. Pune
C. Iran 1906. Who has been appointed as the Director of
D. US Professional Tennis Registry (PTR)?
Correct Answer – B. Pakistan A. Rekha Bhardwaj
1898. Which state has planned to launch a campaign B. Sunil Lamba
“One Citizen One Tree campaign”? C. Dilip Mohanty
A. Meghalaya D. Rakesh Jhanji
B. Haryana Correct Answer – C. Dilip Mohanty
C. UP 1907. Nepal has celebrated ‘International Everest
D. Bihar Day’ on _______.
Correct Answer – A. Meghalaya A. May 27
1899. 10th National Science Film Festival of India B. May 29
(NSFFI) will be organised in ________. C. June 3
A. Manipur D. June 5
B. Sikkim Correct Answer – B. May 29
C. Nagaland 1908. Who took oath for the second consecutive time
D. Tripura as the prime minister of India?
Correct Answer – D. Tripura A. Arun Jaitley
1900. World Milk Day, sometimes seen in the news, B. Amit Shah
is observed on ______. C. S Jaishankar
A. May 31 D. Narendra Modi
B. June 1 Correct Answer – D. Narendra Modi
C. June 5 1909. The Centre has set a target of providing clean
D. June 10 drinking water to all by ______.
Correct Answer – B. June 1 A. 2022
1901. The world’s biggest retailer Walmart has B. 2024
appointed __________ as chief technology and chief C. 2026
development officer. D. 2030
A. Rahul Bajaj Correct Answer – B. 2024
B. CK Khaitan 1910. A first of its kind ‘Gandhi cycle rally for
C. Rakesh Munjal peace’ was organised by the Indian Embassy in
D. Suresh Kumar ________ recently.
Correct Answer – D. Suresh Kumar A. Saudi Arabia
1902. Which country had collected nearly 11 tonnes B. Pakistan
of trash that had piled up on the peak for decades on C. Nepal
Mount Everest? D. Sri Lanka
A. India Correct Answer – A. Saudi Arabia
B. Sri Lanka 1911. Which among the following has become the
C. Nepal world’s most valuable brand, according to global
D. Maldives market research agency Kantar’s Top BrandZ report?
Correct Answer – C. Nepal A. Google
1903. Which among the following states appointed B. Amazon
Alapan Bandopadhyay as the home secretary? C. Microsoft
A. Odisha D. Apple
B. West Bengal Correct Answer – B. Amazon
C. Telangana 1912. Who has been re-appointed as Principal
D. Maharashtra Secretary to PM Narendra Modi?
Correct Answer – B. West Bengal A. Nitin Kumar
1904. The Indian hockey teams, men and women, B. Nripendra Misra
will be sponsored by ________ for the next five years. C. PK Mishra
A. West Bengal D. Rajeev Tyagi
B. Sikkim Correct Answer – B. Nripendra Misra
C. Bihar 1913. Farmers will have to contribute ______ per
D. Odisha month under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension
Correct Answer – D. Odisha. Yojana.
1905. _________ was declared winner in the ‘Best A. Rs 100
Smart City’ award category at a Smart city expo. B. Rs 500
A. Chandigarh C. Rs 1000
B. Pune D. Rs 1200
C. Ludhiana Correct Answer – A. Rs 100
Explanation: Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana seeks

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to provide minimum fixed monthly pension of Rs 3,000 on Guadalajara (Guadalajara International Book Fair), in
attainment of 60 years. Mexico.
1914. Who has been appointed as the leader of A. US
Rajya Sabha? B. Canada
A. Piyush Goyal C. India
B. Thawar Chand Gehlot D. Japan
C. Rahul Gandhi Correct Answer – C. India
D. Amit Shah 1923. Chaukhandi Stupa, sometimes seen in the
Correct Answer – B. Thawar Chand Gehlot news, is located in which among the following states?
1915. _______ became the first party from the A. UP
Northeast to be given national status by the Election B. Himachal Pradesh
Commission. C. Kerala
A. NPP D. Maharashtra
B. Asom Gana Parishad Correct Answer – A. UP
C. SDF 1924. Who will receive the inaugural George H. W.
D. Bodoland People’s Front Bush Award for Statesmanship in U.S.-
Correct Answer – A. NPP China Relations?
1916. Who has been appointed the deputy leader of A. Jimmy Carter
Rajya Sabha? B. Donald Trump
A. Arun Jaitley C. Hillary Clinton
B. Piyush Goyel D. Barack Obama
C. Sushma Swaraj Correct Answer – A. Jimmy Carter
D. Menaka Gandhi 1925. Union Home Minister chaired a high level
Correct Answer – B. Piyush Goyel meeting to review the preparedness of State and Central
1917. Which Bollywood actor has cleared the loans Ministries/Agencies concerned to deal with the situation
of over two thousand farmers from Bihar? arising out of ________.
A. Ranbir Kapoor A. Cyclone Vayu
B. Amitabh Bachchan B. Cyclone Titli
C. Ajay Devgan C. Cyclone Ockhi
D. Nana Patekar D. Cyclone Bijli
Correct Answer – B. Amitabh Bachchan Correct Answer – A. Cyclone Vayu
1918. Every year, ________ is celebrated as World 1926. India’s first dinosaur museum and fossil park
Day Against Child Labour. has been recently inaugurated in _______.
A. June 10 A. Tamil Nadu
B. June 12 B. Gujarat
C. June 14 C. Kerala
D. June 16 D. Telangana
Correct Answer – B. June 12 Correct Answer – B. Gujarat
1919. RBI has set up a committee of experts headed 1927. Who has been appointed as the Director
by ___________ to reduce prices for customers on ATM General of the Bureau of Police Research and
transactions. Development (BPR&D)?
A. Rajiv Kumar A. VS Kaumudi
B. S Jaishankar B. Meenakshi Luthra
C. Piyush Goyal C. Ashok Verma
D. VG Kannan D. Rajiv Kapur
Correct Answer – D. VG Kannan Correct Answer – A. VS Kaumudi
1920. Who has once again become the sole Indian in 1928. Mount Sinabung, sometimes seen in the news,
the Forbes 2019 list of world’s highest-paid athletes? is located in which among the following countries?
A. Virat Kohli A. India
B. MS Dhoni B. Maldives
C. Sachin Tendulkar C. Sri Lanka
D. Yuvraj Singh D. Indonesia
Correct Answer – A. Virat Kohli Correct Answer – D. Indonesia
1921. The annual festival of Kheer Bhawani is 1929. __________ has been named the ‘World’s
celebrated in which among the following states? Most Punctual Airline’ for the second consecutive time.
A. Jammu & Kashmir A. Air India
B. Punjab B. Srilankan Airlines
C. Telangana C. GoAir
D. Rajasthan D. Emirates
Correct Answer – A. Jammu & Kashmir Correct Answer – B. Srilankan Airlines
1922. _______ has been designated as the Guest of 1930. The Dzükou Valley is located at the border of
Honour at the 33rd Feria Internacional del Libro de the states of ______ and ______.

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A. UP, Bihar C. Anna Burns
B. Sikkim, Tripura D. Pat Barker
C. West Bengal, Assam Correct Answer – A. Tayari Jones
D. Manipur, Nagaland 1939. The 69th FIFA Congress re-elected Gianni
Correct Answer – D. Manipur, Nagaland Infantino as the President of FIFA until ______.
1931. Who became the first South Asian American A. 2021
woman to preside over the US House of B. 2023
Representatives? C. 2025
A. Manjula Khattar D. 2026
B. Heena Mathur Correct Answer – B. 2023
C. Sakshi Malhotra 1940. Which of these cities has recently been
D. Pramila Jayapal renamed as Nur-Sultan?
Correct Answer – D. Pramila Jayapal A. Baku
1932. _______ is the most traffic congested city in B. Bishkek
the world, according to the ‘Traffic Index-2018’. C. Astana
A. New Delhi D. Ashgabat
B. Mumbai Correct Answer – C. Astana
C. Gurugram 1941. Which country will organize the Guadalajara
D. Pune International Book Fair in 2019?
Correct Answer – B. Mumbai A. Mexico
1933. The Nipah virus, sometimes seen in the news, B. Venezuela
was first recognised in _____ during an outbreak C. Canada
among pig farmers in Malaysia. D. Brazil
A. 1997 Correct Answer – A. Mexico
B. 1999 1942. Who has been appointed as the head of the
C. 2009 committee formed to review the existing marketing
D. 2011 structure of LPG marketing in India?
Correct Answer – B. 1999 A. N. S. S. Narayana
1934. The headquarters of FIFA is located in which B. Kirit Parikh
among the following countries? C. T. N. Srinivasan
A. US D. Anindya Sen
B. Spain Correct Answer – B. Kirit Parikh
C. Denmark 1943. Who has been appointed as the interim
D. Switzerland Central Vigilance Commissioner?
Correct Answer – D. Switzerland A. Sharad Kumar
1935. Indian Air Force has signed Rs 300-crore deal B. K.V. Chowdhary
with ________ to buy as many as 100 SPICE bombs. C. Nittoor Srinivasa Rau
A. Israel D. Tejendra Mohan Bhasin
B. France Correct Answer – A. Sharad Kumar
C. US 1944. Which of these is not a member of the UNSC?
D. South Korea A. Russia
Correct Answer – A. Israel B. India
1936. 9th annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit C. United States
has been recently held in ________. D. China
A. Beijing Correct Answer – B. India
B. New Delhi 1945. Who has been appointed as the Vice-
C. Moscow Chairperson in the reconstituted NITI Aayog?
D. The Hague A. Amitabh Kant
Correct Answer – D. The Hague B. Bibek Debroy
1937. A major week-long exercise, Kharga Prahar, C. Rajiv Kumar
jointly by the Indian Army and Indian Air Force (IAF) D. Ramesh Chand
carried out in __________ concluded recently. Correct Answer – C. Rajiv Kumar
A. Punjab 1946. Who has won the 2019 Canadian Grand Prix
B. Rajasthan award?
C. Maharashtra A. Max Verstappen
D. Kerala B. Valtteri Bottas
Correct Answer – A. Punjab C. Sebastian Vettel
1938. Who has won the Women’s D. Lewis Hamilton
Prize for Fiction for his/her book, “An American Correct Answer – D. Lewis Hamilton
Marriage”? 1947. The Antarashtriya Yoga Diwas Media
A. Tayari Jones Samman has been newly instituted by which ministry?
B. Ritika Bansal A. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

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B. Ministry of Human Resource Development D. 7.1%
C. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Correct Answer – C. 7.2%
D. Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship 1956. Currently, who has been named as the
Correct Answer – A. Ministry of Information and “World’s Richest Female Musician” by the Forbes
Broadcasting magazine?
1948. Girish Karnad who died recently was a A. Lady Gaga
noted___________ B. Halle Berry
A. Journalist C. Beyonce
B. Actor D. Rihanna
C. Author Correct Answer – D. Rihanna
D. Politician 1957. Name the winner of Amnesty International’s
Correct Answer – B. Actor Ambassador of Conscience Award 2019?
1949. Who is the current Cabinet Secretary? A. Greta Thunberg
A. Nripendra Misra B. Örjan Ramberg
B. Ajit Seth C. Josefin Nilsson
C. Pradeep Kumar Sinha D. Lena Endre
D. Rajiv Gauba Correct Answer – A. Greta Thunberg
Correct Answer – C. Pradeep Kumar Sinha 1958. Name the first ever Indian Origin to be
1950. Which planet will be the brightest object in the appointed as the Chief Economist of the United
sky in June, besides the sun and the moon? Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office?
A. Venus A. Kumar Iyer
B. Jupiter B. Ruchi Ghanashyam
C. Saturn C. Riva Ganguly Das
D. Mercury D. Abhay Thakur
Correct Answer – B. Jupiter Correct Answer – A. Kumar Iyer
1951. In a recent list released by Forbes, which 1959. NITI Aayog has published a new report in
woman of Indian origin is ranked 18th in the list of which it recommends that all vehicles on the country’s
America’s richest 80 women? roads be fully electric after the year ______.
A. Neerja Sethi A. 2022
B. Neha Narkhede B. 2025
C. Aprajita Sinha C. 2028
D. Jayshree Ullal D. 2030
Correct Answer – D. Jayshree Ullal Correct Answer – D. 2030
1952. Where would be the main event of 1960. Asian Development Bank (ADB) has put
International Yoga Day will be organized in the country ________ on top in terms of speed of growth among 45
by the Government of India? Asia-Pacific nations.
A. Ranchi A. India
B. Alwar B. China
C. Almora C. Bangladesh
D. Patna D. Sri Lanka
Correct Answer – A. Ranchi Correct Answer – C. Bangladesh
1953. PM Modi has been conferred with ‘The Most 1961. PM Modi will attend the 14th G20 Summit to
Honourable Order of the Distinguished Rule of Nishan be held in ________.
Izzuddeen’. It is the highest honour for foreign A. Saudi Arabia
nationals by which country? B. Russia
A. Australia C. Japan
B. Indonesia D. China
C. Sri Lanka Correct Answer – C. Japan
D. Maldives 1962. Strait of Hormuz, sometimes seen in the news,
Correct Answer – D. Maldives is a strait between the Persian Gulf and __________.
1954. Who has been appointed as the electoral A. Gulf of Oman
officer of BCCI? B. Bay of Fundy
A. T. S. Krishnamurthy C. Hudson Bay
B. M. S. Gill D. Bay of Biscay
C. Navin Chawla Correct Answer – A. Gulf of Oman
D. N Gopalaswami 1963. Who recently won “Global Social Media Icon
Correct Answer – D. N Gopalaswami 2019” at Malaysia Social Media Week?
1955. What is the projected GDP growth of Indian A. Vijay Sharma
economy for 2019-20 as estimated by Goldman Sachs? B. Nishant Aggarwal
A. 7.3% C. Mehul Chauhan
B. 7.5% D. Malini Agarwal
C. 7.2% Correct Answer – D. Malini Agarwal

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1964. __________ has emerged the country’s best D. Nitin Gadkari
university, rising ten places in the 2019 QS World Correct Answer – A. S Jaishankar
University Ranking. 1972. Who was named as leader of Congress in Lok
A. IIT Delhi Sabha recently?
B. IIT Bombay A. Rahul Gandhi
C. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore B. Adhir Ranjan Chaudhary
D. JNU C. Sonia Gandhi
Correct Answer – B. IIT Bombay D. Renuka Chaudhary
1965. Which Indian engineer has won the 2019 Correct Answer – B. Adhir Ranjan Chaudhary
Commonwealth Secretary-General’s Innovation for 1973. Revolt Intellicorp has finally unveiled India’s
Sustainable Development Award in London? first fully electric motorcycle. Name it.
A. Adi Muhammad A. SV 501
B. Nitesh Kumar Jangir B. RV 400
C. Sahil Juneja C. MV 311
D. Sonal Pandey D. OV 999
Correct Answer – B. Nitesh Kumar Jangir Correct Answer – B. RV 400
Explanation: To tackle avoidable deaths of premature 1974. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has promoted
babies from respiratory distress syndrome, Jangir created _________ as executive director (ED) recently.
Saans as a breathing support device. A. Rabi N. Mishra
1966. Rāvana-1, sometimes seen in the news, is a B. Satish Verma
satellite associated with which among the following C. Yashwant Sinha
countries? D. Rukhsaar Sharma
A. Maldives Correct Answer – A. Rabi N. Mishra
B. Bangladesh 1975. Around 2027, ______ is projected to overtake
C. Sri Lanka China as the world’s most populous country.
D. India A. US
Correct Answer – C. Sri Lanka B. India
1967. Who won the women’s 1500m gold at the C. France
Folksam Grand Prix in Sollentuna, Sweden? D. Portugal
A. PU Chitra Correct Answer – B. India
B. Jinson Johnson 1976. The fifth meeting of the Governing Council of
C. Murali Sreeshankar NITI Aayog was held under the chairmanship of
D. Harmeet Kaur ______.
Correct Answer – A. PU Chitra A. Rajiv Kumar
1968. World Refugee Day, sometimes seen in the B. Narendra Modi
news, is observed on ________. C. Sushma Swaraj
A. June 15 D. Nirmala Sitharaman
B. June 20 Correct Answer – B. Narendra Modi
C. June 25 1977. The government has set up an expert panel
D. June 30 headed by _________ to consider allowing private firms
Correct Answer – B. June 20 to sell subsidised cooking gas.
1969. Feni River, sometimes seen in the news, is in A. Renuka Ranjan
which among the following states? B. Viral Acharya
A. Bihar C. Suman Rao
B. Madhya Pradesh D. Kirit Parikh
C. Assam Correct Answer – D. Kirit Parikh
D. Tripura 1978. Which among the following has been awarded
Correct Answer – D. Tripura the BBC World Service Global Champion Award for
1970. Who was unanimously elected the Speaker of the programme?
the 17th Lok Sabha? A. Save Girl Child
A. Anupam Kher B. Akshay Patra
B. Sushma Swaraj C. Nanhi Chhaon
C. Om Birla D. Khet Haryali
D. Nitin Gadkari Correct Answer – B. Akshay Patra
Correct Answer – C. Om Birla 1979. Fitch Ratings recently slashed India’s gross
1971. Jawaharlal Nehru University would confer its domestic product (GDP) growth forecast to ______.
Distinguished Alumni Award to Union Ministers A. 5.6%
Nirmala Sitharaman and ____________. B. 6.0%
A. S Jaishankar C. 6.6%
B. Arun Jaitley D. 7.1%
C. Amit Shah Correct Answer – C. 6.6%

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1980. ________ will launch the world’s largest A. India
underwater theme park in August. B. China
A. Saudi Arabia C. Indonesia
B. India D. Pakistan
C. Bahrain Correct Answer – B. China
D. Sri Lanka 1989. Who was recently conferred with the highest
Correct Answer – C. Bahrain national award of Kyrgyzstan, the Manas Order of the
1981. According to the Randstad Employer Brand First Degree?
Research (REBR) 2019, _______ is the most attractive A. Narendra Modi
employer brand in the country. B. Xi Jinping
A. Amazon India C. Imran Khan
B. Microsoft India D. Sooronbay Jeenbekov
C. Sony India Correct Answer – B. Xi Jinping
D. Nestle India 1990. Central India got its first Sikh museum in
Correct Answer – A. Amazon India ___________ recently.
1982. The BJP Parliamentary board elected A. Chattisgarh
_________ as the party’s national working president. B. MP
A. Arun Jaitley C. Jharkhand
B. JP Nadda D. West Bengal
C. Narendra Modi Correct Answer – A. Chattisgarh
D. Murli Manohar Joshi 1991. Which among the following has, in a historic
Correct Answer – B. JP Nadda move, recognised forests as living entities?
1983. Pakistan has appointed ___________ the new A. US
Director-General of the powerful spy agency, ISI. B. El Salvador
A. Asim Munir C. Mauritius
B. Faiz Hameed D. Sri Lanka
C. Suhail Muhammad 1992. Who has been honoured with 2018’s
D. Naveed Mukhtar Jnanipath Award?
Correct Answer – B. Faiz Hameed A. Amitav Ghosh
1984. ________ broke Sachin Tendulkar’s record to B. Arundhati Roy
become the fastest cricketer to reach 11,000 runs in one- C. R Luthra
day internationals. D. Nalini Sharma
A. Rohit Sharma Correct Answer – A. Amitav Ghosh
B. Yuvraj Singh 1993. Many children have died due to AES in
C. MS Dhoni Muzaffarpur. Expand AES.
D. Virat Kohli A. Acute Encephalitis Syndrome
Correct Answer – D. Virat Kohli B. Anathema Encephalitis Syndrome
1985. Climate scientists have created a history by C. Acne Encephalitis Syndrome
installing world’s highest operating weather station at D. Argentine Encephalitis Syndrome
__________. Correct Answer – A. Acute Encephalitis Syndrome
A. Mount Everest 1994. India recently conducted a successful first test
B. Mount Elbert flight of the indigenously developed HSTDV from a
C. Mount Massive base off the Odisha coast. Expand HSTDV.
D. Mount Rainier A. Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle
Correct Answer – A. Mount Everest B. Hypersonic Terminology Demonstrator Vehicle
1986. Who was recently crowned Miss India 2019? C. Hypersonic Technology Demonstration Vehicle
A. Aditi Chawla D. Hyper Technology Demonstrator Vehicle
B. Renuka Sagar Correct Answer – A. Hypersonic Technology
C. Suman Rao Demonstrator Vehicle
D. Anukreethy Vas 1995. Which among the following remains the most
Correct Answer – C. Suman Rao peaceful country in the world, according to the Global
1987. ________ recently launched a universal old Peace Index?
age pension scheme—Mukhyamantri Vridhajan A. Norway
Pension Yojna (MVPY). B. US
A. Haryana C. Russia
B. Bihar D. Iceland
C. UP Correct Answer – D. Iceland
D. Maharashtra 1996. Novak Djokovic topped in the Association of
Correct Answer – B. Bihar Tennis Professionals (ATP) ranking, he hails from
1988. Which nation has the most internet users in which country ?
the world, about 21% of the world’s total internet A. Spain
users? B. Serbia

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C. Switzerland 2005. Kalu police station has been ranked the best
D United Kingdom PS in the country. It is situated in which among the
Correct Answer – 2. Serbia following states?
1997. Which state has launched the Chief Minister A. Uttar Pradesh
Yuva Sambal Yojana? B. Rajasthan
A. Rajasthan C. Haryana
B. Madhya Pradesh D. Kerala
C. Bihar Correct Answer – B. Rajasthan
D. Haryana 2006. Who will be conferred Neerja Bhanot Award-
Correct Answer – A. Rajasthan 2018 on Neerja’s birth anniversary in Chandigarh?
1998. Who has become the first sitting US president A. Wendy Sue Knecht
to set foot in North Korea? B. Ritu Malhotra
A. Donald Trump C. Teerath Singh
B. Barack Obama D. Sifiya Haneef
C. Robert Mueller Correct Answer – D. Sifiya Haneef
D. Joe Biden 2007. Who became the 1st Bangladesh batsman to
Correct Answer – A. Donald Trump score 1000 World Cup runs?
1999. The second anniversary of Good & Services A. Shakib Al Hasan
Tax (GST) is to be observed on ________. B. Tamim Iqbal
A. 1st July C. Mushfiqur Rahim
B. 4th July D. Liton Das
C. 6th July Correct Answer – A. Shakib Al Hasan
D. 8th July 2008. Who among the following is popularly called
Correct Answer – A. 1st July the Modi of Odisha?
2000. India’s Ahmedabad and Japan’s _______ will A. Pratap Chandra Sarangi
now be sister cities, according to the letter of Intent B. Anubhav Mohanty
(LoI). C. Baijayant Panda
A. Kobe D. Jay Panda
B. Nagoya Correct Answer – A. Pratap Chandra Sarangi
C. Tokyo 2009. Who has been appointed as the next director
D. Osaka general of Indian Coast Guard?
Correct Answer – A. Kobe A. Rajendra Singh
2001. Treaty of Versailles, which ended the state of B. Krishnaswamy Natarajan
war between Germany and the Allied Powers, was C. Munish Chadha
signed on ___________. D. Alka Lamba
A. 29 June 1934 Correct Answer – B. Krishnaswamy Natarajan
B. 30 June 1900 2010. NDA government recently appointed
C. 21 June 1907 ______________ as the new Research and Analysis
D. 28 June 1919 Wing chief.
Correct Answer – D. 28 June 1919 A. Arvind Bakshi
2002. All panchayats will be provided high speed B. Ramesh Kapoor
broadband connections under which among the C. Ajit Doval
following projects by March 2020? D. Samant Goel
A. RailWire Correct Answer – D. Samant Goel
B. IndiaGoogle 2011. __________ has emerged as the top ranking
C. BharatNet state in the second health index launched by NITI
D. MuftSeva Aayog.
Correct Answer – C. BharatNet A. Tamil Nadu
2003. Who became the fastest batsman to score B. MP
20,000 international runs? C. Kerala
A. Virat Kohli D. Andhra Pradesh
B. M. S Dhoni Correct Answer – C. Kerala
C. Rohit Sharma 2012. Who has recently bagged the prestigious
D. Shikhar Dhawan RedInk Award for ‘Journalist of the Year’?
Correct Answer– A. Virat Kohli A. Hemant Khare
2004. National Statistics Day is celebrated every B. Rachna Khaira
year on _______. C. Sudhir Chaudhary
A. June 28 D. Arnab Goswami
B. June 29 Correct Answer – B. Rachna Khaira
C. July 6 2013. Who has been named as the new chairman of
D. July 17 Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI)?
Correct Answer – B. June 29 A. Amit Agarwal

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B. Rajan Anandan A. 2022
C. Dhruv Shringi B. 2025
D. Mehul Verma C. 2028
Correct Answer – A. Amit Agarwal D. 2030
2014. International Olympic Committee (IOC) Correct Answer – D. 2030
formally opened its new headquarters in ________. 2022. The theme of fifth International Yoga Day
A. India 2019 is ________.
B. Switzerland A. Healthy Life
C. Russia B. Karmic Zindagi
D. Spain C. Climate Action
Correct Answer – B. Switzerland D. Yoga For Peace
2015. As a memorable gesture, Japan gifted Correct Answer – C. Climate Action
__________, a museum of peace built on the memories 2023. Strait of Hormuz, sometimes seen in the news,
of one of the fiercest battles of the Second World War. is a strait between the Persian Gulf and __________.
A. Tripura A. Gulf of Oman
B. Manipur B. Bay of Fundy
C. Nagaland C. Hudson Bay
D. Assam D. Bay of Biscay
Correct Answer – B. Manipur Correct Answer – A. Gulf of Oman
2016. International Day Against Drug Abuse and 2024. More than 12,000 farmers have committed
Illicit Trafficking, is observed annually on ___________. suicide in which among the following states between
A. June 26 2015 and 2018?
B. July 7 A. Punjab
C. July 19 B. Maharashtra
D. August 5 C. UP
Correct Answer – A. June 26 D. Gujarat
2017. Who has become the second Sri Lankan after Correct Answer – B. Maharashtra
Muttiah Muralitharan to pick 50-plus wickets in World Explanation: Around 6888 cases were found to be eligible
Cup history? for government aid, out of the total farmer suicides during
A. Lasith Malinga the three-year period.
B. Nuwan Pradeep 2025. Which among the following become India’s
C. Kusal Prera favourite tourist destination of 2019, according to travel
D. Rama Chasing site TripAdvisor’s Travellers’ Choice Awards?
Correct Answer – A. Lasith Malinga A. Dharavi
2018. World’s largest multi-stage, multi-purpose lift B. Taj Mahal
irrigation project was dedicated to the nation by C. Delhi Bazaar Walk
Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao. D. Rock Garden
Name the project. Correct Answer – A. Dharavi
A. Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project Explanation: Asia’s largest slum- Dharavi lies right in the
B. Warangal Lift Irrigation Project middle of India’s financial capital. This proved that
C. Karimnagar Lift Irrigation Project experiencing local culture has become an important part of
D. Khammam Lift Irrigation Project travelling.
Correct Answer – A. Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project 2026. The first edition of Mandu Festival begins at
2019. ________ beat Japan 3-1 in the summit clash Mandu, picturesque fort city of?
to win the International Hockey Federation (FIH) [A] Uttar Pradesh
Series Finals. [B] Madhya Pradesh
A. China [C] Arunachal Pradesh
B. South Africa [D] Madhya Pradesh
C. India Correct Answer: [D] Madhya Pradesh
D. North Korea
Explanation: The first edition of Mandu Festival begins at
Correct Answer – C. India
Mandu, picturesque fort city of Madhya Pradesh.
2020. AV500 unmanned helicopter, sometimes seen
2027. Which country has deployed its 1st Avangard
in the news, is associated with which among the
following countries? Hypersonic missile system with latest strategic missiles
A. China of intercontinental range?
B. North Korea [A] Russia
C. India [B] China
D. Japan [C] Japan
Correct Answer – A. China [D] US
2021. NITI Aayog has published a new report in Correct Answer: [A] Russia
which it recommends that all vehicles on the country’s Explanation: Russia deploys its 1st Avangard Hypersonic
roads be fully electric after the year ______.

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missile system with latest strategic missiles of [A] Punjab National Bank
intercontinental range. [B] Andhra Bank
2028. Noted Economist and Political Analyst S [C] Canara Bank
Gurumurthy released a book titled “Politics of [D] State Bank of India
Opportunism: Regional Parties, Coalitions, Centre- Correct Answer: [D] State Bank of India
State Relations In India”. The book is authored by? Explanation: State Bank of India will introduce One Time
[A] Arundhati Roy Password (OTP)-based ATM cash withdrawals which will
[B] Vikram Seth be effective from January 1, 2020.
[C] Salman Rushdie 2034. Union Home Minister laid the foundation
[D] R P N Singh stone of Directorate General Building of Central
Correct Answer: [D] R P N Singh Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in?
Explanation: Noted Economist and Political Analyst S [A] Mumbai
Gurumurthy released a book titled “Politics of [B] Chennai
Opportunism: Regional Parties, Coalitions, Centre-State [C] Kolkata
Relations In India”. The book is authored by R P N Singh. [D] New Delhi
2029. Name the mobile app recently launched by Correct Answer: [D] New Delhi
Raksha Mantri for the forthcoming Def Expo 2020. Explanation: Union Home Minister laid the foundation
[A] DefSpeaker 2020 stone of Directorate General Building of Central Reserve
[B] DefSeminar 2020 Police Force (CRPF) in New Delhi.
[C] DefExpo 2020 2035. Who among the following has sworn in as the
[D] DefWebinar 2020 11th Chief Minister of Jharkhand?
Correct Answer: [C] DefExpo 2020 [A] Shibu Soren
Explanation: Raksha Mantri has launched the “DefExpo [B] Hemant Soren
2020” mobile app of the forthcoming DefExpo 2020. [C] Babulal Marandi
2030. Name the Veteran Political cartoonist who also [D] Raghubar Das
worked as a staff cartoonist at various newspapers, Correct Answer: [B] Hemant Soren
including the Times of India and the Mid-day, passed Explanation: Hemant Soren sworn in as the 11th Chief
away recently. Minister of Jharkhand.
[A] R. K. Laxman 2036. Name the Indian Grandmaster who recently
[B] K. Shankar Pillai won the World Women’s Rapid Chess Championship
[C] Abu Abraham held in Moscow, Russia.
[D] Vikas Sabnis [A] Harika Dronavalli
Correct Answer: [D] Vikas Sabnis [B] Tania Sachdev
Explanation: Veteran Political cartoonist Vikas Sabnis, [C] Padmini Rout
who also worked as a staff cartoonist at various [D] Koneru Humpy
newspapers, including the Times of India and the Mid-day, Correct Answer: [D] Koneru Humpy
passed away recently. Explanation: Indian Grandmaster Koneru Humpy wins the
2031. Which country has successfully launched its World Women’s Rapid Chess Championship held in
largest carrier rocket “Long March-5”? Moscow, Russia.
[A] Russia 2037. Name the NASA Astronaut who has created a
[B] US record for the longest single spaceflight by a woman.
[C] North Korea [A] Peggy Whitson
[D] China [B] Christina Koch
Correct Answer: [D] China [C] Anne McClain
Explanation: China has successfully launched its largest [D] Jessica Meir
carrier rocket “Long March-5”. Correct Answer: [B] Christina Koch
2032. Name the Australian pace bowler who recently Explanation: NASA Astronaut Christina Koch has created
announced his retirement from International Cricket. a record for the longest single spaceflight by a woman.
[A] Josh Hazlewood 2038. The Home Minister also launched a new logo
[B] Pat Cummins “___________” for those engaged in providing security
[C] Kagiso Rabada to the common man and VIPs giving them a new
[D] Peter Siddle identity.
Correct Answer: [D] Peter Siddle [A] Ghatak
Explanation: Australian pace bowler Peter Siddle has [B] Garud
announced his retirement from International Cricket. [C] Ashoka
2033. Which bank is going to introduce One Time [D] Shaurya
Password (OTP)-based ATM cash withdrawals which Correct Answer: [B] Garud
will be effective from January 1, 2020? Explanation: The Home Minister also launched a new

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logo “Garud” for those engaged in providing security to the [D] Dr Santosh G Honavar
common man and VIPs giving them a new identity. Correct Answer: [D] Dr Santosh G Honavar
2039. Name the two Indian cricketers who featured Explanation: Dr Santosh G Honavar was conferred with
in Wisden’s “T20 International Team of the decade” the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s (AAO)
released recently. highest award Life Achievement honour.
[A] Virat Kohli & Jasprit Bumrah 2044. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
[B] Virat Kohli & Rohit Sharma has announced a loan of $145 million to improve
[C] KL Rahul & Jasprit Bumrah irrigation services and strengthen flood risk
[D] Virat Kohli & Kuldeep Yadav management in?
Correct Answer: [A] Virat Kohli & Jasprit Bumrah [A] Odisha
Explanation: India skipper Virat Kohli and pace bowler [B] Haryana
Jasprit Bumrah were the only Indians in Wisden’s T20 [C] Punjab
International team of the decade. [D] West Bengal
2040. State Bank of India will introduce One Time Correct Answer: [D] West Bengal
Password (OTP)-based ATM cash withdrawals for Explanation: The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
every cash withdrawal of __________ and above has announced a loan of $145 million to improve irrigation
between 8 am and 8 pm. services and strengthen flood risk management in West
[A] Rs 2,000 Bengal.
[B] Rs 5,000 2045. Who has been appointed as the new Foreign
[C] Rs 8,000 Secretary of India?
[D] Rs 10,000 [A] Nirupama Rao
Correct Answer: [D] Rs 10,000 [B] Harsh Vardhan Shringla
Explanation: State Bank of India will introduce One Time [C] Ranjan Mathai
Password (OTP)-based ATM cash withdrawals for every [D] Sujatha Singh
cash withdrawal of Rs 10,000 and above between 8 am and Correct Answer:
8 pm. Explanation: Senior diplomat Harsh Vardhan Shringla,
2041. Name the book authored by Boria Majumdar India’s Ambassador to the US, has been appointed as the
with Nalin Mehta which was released recently and new Foreign Secretary.
chronicle India’s Olympic journey. 2046. DRDO has successfully flight-tested its
[A] Shining Billions: India and the Olympic Games Surface to Air Missile system in Integrated Test Range,
[B] Dreams of a Billion: India and the Olympic Games Chandipur off the Odisha coast. What is the name of
[C] Dreams of Sports Prosperity: India and the Olympic Surface to Air Missile system?
Games [A] SRBM
[D] Dreams of Medals: India and the Olympic Games [B] QRSAM
Correct Answer: [B] Dreams of a Billion: India and the [C] QRBAM
Olympic Games [D] Shaurya
Explanation: A book titled “Dreams of a Billion: India and Correct Answer: [B] QRSAM
the Olympic Games”, authored by Boria Majumdar with Explanation: Quick Reaction Surface to Air Missile
Nalin Mehta was released recently. (QRSAM) system developed by Defence Research and
2042. Name the train recently started by Indian Development Organisation (DRDO) was successfully
Railways on the heritage Kalka-Shimla route having flight-tested from Integrated Test Range, Chandipur off the
glass rooftop to have a panoramic view of the hilly Odisha coast.
region. 2047. Name the exercise which was conducted by
[A] Parwat Darshan Express Indian Coast Guard (ICG) to validate and reinforce the
[B] Shiv Darshan Express response mechanism for oil pollution incidents and
[C] Sheetal Darshan Express enable the Indian Coast Guard to fine-tune the actions
[D] Him Darshan Express required in such eventualities.
Correct Answer: [D] Him Darshan Express [A] Swachchh Deep
Explanation: Indian Railways has started a glass-enclosed [B] Swachchh Blue
vistadome “Him Darshan Express” train on the heritage [C] Swachchh Ocean
Kalka-Shimla route. [D] Swachchh Sea
2043. Name the Indian ophthalmologist who was Correct Answer: [C] Swachchh Ocean
conferred with the American Academy of Explanation: The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) conducted a
Ophthalmology’s (AAO) highest award Life two-day regional level pollution response exercise named
Achievement honour. ‘Swachchh Samundra NW-2019’ at sea off Vadinar in Gulf
[A] Dr Pavuluri Krishna Choudaryy of Kutch.
[B] Dr Rajesh Fogla 2048. _________ has emerged as the world’s third-
[C] Dr Sudhir Kumar largest publisher of science and engineering articles,

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according to a latest US report. [A] Rajiv Gandhi
[A] Pakistan [B] Morarji Desai
[B] UAE United Kingdom [C] Chaudhary Charan Singh
[C] India [D] Lal Bahadur Shastri
[D] Japan Correct Answer: [C] Chaudhary Charan Singh
Correct Answer: [C] India Explanation: The National Farmers’ Day honours
Explanation: India has emerged as the world’s third- Chaudhary Charan Singh, the 5th Prime Minister of India
largest publisher of science and engineering articles, whose was born on this day.
according to a latest US report. 2054. Defense Minister chaired a meeting of the
2049. In which of the following railway station Consultative Committee of Parliament for the Ministry
Indian railway open ‘Oxygen Parlour’ to battle rising of Defense. Who is the present defense minister of
air pollution in cities? India?
[A] Vijayawada Railway Station [A] Amit Shah
[B] Charbagh Railway Station [B] Nitin Jairam Gadkari
[C] Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus [C] Rajnath Singh
[D] Nashik Railway station [D] Smriti Irani
Correct Answer: [D] Nashik Railway station Correct Answer: [C] Rajnath Singh
Explanation: In a unique initiative to battle rising air Explanation: Defense Minister Rajnath Singh chaired a
pollution in cities, an ‘Oxygen Parlour’ has been opened at meeting of the Consultative Committee of Parliament for
Nashik railway station to provide an experience of the Ministry of Defense, held in New Delhi.
breathing clean air to the commuters. The initiative comes 2055. Name the cricketer who has been announced
with the efforts of Airo Guard in collaboration with the by the top tier of Spanish club football “La Liga” as its
Indian Railways. brand ambassador in India.
2050. Which of the following state recently [A] M S Dhoni
inaugurated its first “Janta clinic” to provide free [B] Virat Kohli
primary health care to people living in slums? [C] Rohit Sharma
[A] Bihar [D] K L Rahul
[B] Maharashtra Correct Answer: [C] Rohit Sharma
[C] Rajasthan Explanation: The top tier of Spanish club football “La
[D] Madhya Pradesh Liga” has announced cricketer Rohit Sharma as its brand
Correct Answer: [C] Rajasthan ambassador in India.
Explanation: Rajasthan Chief Minister inaugurated its first 2056. Name the former Nandi Award winner and
“Janta clinic” at in the Malviya Nagar area of Jaipur. This renowned Telugu actor and writer who passed away
clinic open to provide free primary health care to people recently.
living in slums. [A] Kodi Ramakrishna
2051. Which day was observed as Kisan Diwas or [B] Kaikala Satyanarayana
National Farmers’ Day? [C] Gollapudi Maruti Rao
[A] 25 December [D] K. Viswanath
[B] 20 December Correct Answer: [C] Gollapudi Maruti Rao
[C] 31 December Explanation: Former Nandi Award winner and renowned
[D] 23 December Telugu actor and writer Gollapudi Maruti Rao passed away
Correct Answer: [D] 23 December recently.
Explanation: Kisan Diwas or National Farmers’ Day is 2057. Amazon’s audiobook company Audible has
observed across India on December 23. launched a new app “____________” in India.
2052. Who among the following has been appointed [A] Audible Lyrics
as the President of the Federation of Indian Chambers [B] Audible Singing
of Commerce & Industry (FICCI)? [C] Audible Suno
[A] Roopa Kudva [D] Audible Bolo
[B] Sangita Reddy Correct Answer: [C] Audible Suno
[C] Mallika Srinivasan Explanation: Amazon’s audiobook company Audible has
[D] Shikha Sharma launched a new app “Audible Suno” in India.
Correct Answer: [B] Sangita Reddy 2058. Who was given additional charge of
Explanation: Sangita Reddy, Joint Managing Director, Meghalaya as governor?
Apollo Hospitals Group, has taken over as the President of [A] RN Ravi
the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & [B] Tathagata Roy
Industry (FICCI) for 2019-20. [C] Ganga Prasad
2053. National Farmers’ Day was observed in the [D] Prem SinghTamang
remembrance of? Correct Answer: [A] RN Ravi

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RN Ravi, Governor of Nagaland, was given additional 2064. The upgraded version of which rocket system
charge of Meghalaya. He was assigned with the additional was recently successfully test-fired from Integrated Test
responsibility as Meghalaya Governor, Tathagata Roy, is Range, Chandipur, off the Odisha coast?
on a leave. [A] Agni
2059. Recently International Astronomical Union [B] Pinaka
(IAU) announced a new star to which name? [C] Suraksha
[A] Agni [D] Pravesh
[B] Sharjah Correct Answer: [B] Pinaka
[C] Bibii Upgraded version of Pinaka guided rocket system
[D] Prakash successfully test-fired from Integrated Test Range,
Correct Answer: [B] Sharjah Chandipur, off the Odisha coast.
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) announced 2065. Which Company has partnered with local
the names of the newly discovered stars and planets, where store owners of India for its ‘I Have Space’ (IHS)
the name “Sharjah” was chosen for a star with “Barjeel” programme to provide pickup and delivery services to
being the name of one of its planets. customers?
2060. Recently Gita Siddharth Kak passed away in [A] Dailyobjects
Mumbai. She was related to which field? [B] Flipkart
[A] Journalist [C] Amazon
[B] Actress [D] Myntra
[C] Singer Correct Answer: [C] Amazon
[D] Social Activist Amazon India has partnered with local store owners of
Correct Answer: [B] Actress India for its ‘I Have Space’ (IHS) programme to provide
Actress Gita Siddharth Kak passed away in Mumbai. The pickup and delivery services to customers.
actress is best known for her role in M.S. Sathyu’s 1973 2066. Who took charge as the Chairman and
classic ‘Garm Hava’. Managing director of General Insurance Corporation of
2061. The FIDE Women’s Grand Prix (WGP) held India?
in which city? [A] Avnish Kumar Singh
[A] New York [B] Devesh Srivastava
[B] Monaco [C] Mahendra Chaturvedi
[C] Paris [D] Swati Singh
[D] Rome Correct Answer: [B] Devesh Srivastava
Correct Answer: [B] Monaco Devesh Srivastava took charge as the Chairman and
Grandmaster Koneru Humpy finished second in the FIDE Managing director of General Insurance Corporation of
Women’s Grand Prix (WGP) which concluded in Monaco. India.
Alexandra Kosteniuk won the Women’s Grand Prix. It is 2067. Recently Gitanath Ganguly passed away. He
her her third consecutive tournament. was related to which field?
2062. Home Minister Amit Shah laid the foundation [A] Sports
stone of the much-awaited Bharat Vandana Park in [B] Author
which state? [C] Politics
[A] UP [D] Journalism
[B] New Delhi Correct Answer: [A] Sports
[C] Bihar Mohun Bagan’s president Gitanath Ganguly, a crusader
[D] Chhattisgarh against noise pollution and a member of Legal Aid Service
Correct Answer: [B] New Delhi of West Bengal, died after a heart attack in Kolkata. He
Home Minister Amit Shah laid the foundation stone of the was 83.
much-awaited Bharat Vandana Park in Dwarka, Delhi. 2068. Recently Shriram Lagoo passed away. He was
2063. Who was named ICC women’s player of the related to which field?
year 2019? [A] Actor
[A] Rachael Heyhoe Flint [B] Sports
[B] Ellyse Perry [C] Social Activist
[C] Smriti Mandhana [D] Journalist
[D] Alyssa Healy Correct Answer: [A] Actor
Correct Answer: [B] Ellyse Perry Veteran actor and acclaimed theatre personality Shriram
Ellyse Perry has been crowned the international women’s Lagoo has passed away in Pune. He was 92. Shreeram
cricketer of the year, as Australia scooped the pool at the Lagoo, who has acted in over 100 Hindi and Marathi films,
ICC awards. Perry claimed the Rachael Heyhoe-Flint was an ENT surgeon. He has also worked in more than 40
award for the second time in three years, and was also Marathi, Hindi and Gujarati plays.
named the ODI player of the year.

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2069. Who is the author of the book An Era of 2074. In which city, Haneda Airport is situated
Darkness? where robots will be greeting and guiding travellers
[A] Arundhati Roy during 2020 Olympics?
[B] Shashi Tharoor [A] Brasilia
[C] Nandkishor Acharya [B] Tokyo
[D] Ramprasad Pal [C] Singapore City
Correct Answer: [B] Shashi Tharoor [D] New Delhi
Politician writer Shashi Tharoor and clay right nandkishor Correct Answer: [B] Tokyo
Aacharya are among 23 writers who will be be honored As the 2020 Tokyo Olympics edge closer, Haneda airport‘s
with the Sahitya Academy Award 2019. The National operators have revealed that the robots will be greeting and
Academy of letters announced the names of the winners guiding travellers.
recently. 2075. World’s first liquid hydrogen carrier ship
2070. In which state, Orange festival was observed? launched in which country?
[A] Meghalaya [A] China
[B] Manipur [B] Japan
[C] Odisha [C] Myanmar
[D] Telangana [D] Russia
Correct Answer: [B] Manipur Correct Answer: [B] Japan
Chief Minister N. Biren Singh inaugurated the three-day Japan’s Kawasaki Heavy Industries debuted the world’s
state-level orange festival begins at district headquarters first marine carrier that transports liquefied hydrogen, using
Tamenglong. Tamenglong district is largest producer of technology that will vastly expand cargo capacity of the
orange fruit in Manipur. green energy source.
2071. Telecom operators will continue to pay 6 paise 2076. What is the rank of Indian men’s football
per minute for every outgoing call made to their team in latest FIFA rankings?
competitors’ network till which year? [A] 109th
[A] March 31,2020 [B] 108th
[B] April 30,2020 [C] 110th
[C] Dec 31,2020 [D] 105th
[D] August 31,2020 Correct Answer: [B] 108th
Correct Answer: [C] Dec 31,2020 The Indian men’s football team remained static at 108th
Telecom operators will continue to pay 6 paise per minute spot in the year-ending FIFA rankings issued
for every outgoing call made to their competitors’ network recently.India, however, lost 11 places throughout the year.
till December 31, 2020. 2077. Which state/UT has been selected for national
2072. Who has been voted BBC Sports Personality award by Union Rural Development Ministry for best
of the Year 2019? performance in the implementation of Pradhan Mantri
[A] Eoin Morgan Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)?
[B] Joe Root [A] New Delhi
[C] Ben Stokes [B] Jammu and Kashmir
[D] James Anderson [C] Maharashtra
Correct Answer: [C] Ben Stokes [D] Uttar Pradesh
England cricketer Ben Stokes has been voted BBC Sports Correct Answer: [B] Jammu and Kashmir
Personality of the Year 2019. The England batsman Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir has been selected
became the first cricketer to win the prize since Andrew for national award by Union Rural Development Ministry
Flintoff in 2005 after a summer of batting heroics during for best performance in the implementation of Pradhan
both the World Cup and the Ashes. Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY). The award
2073. Which state government launched “Jal Sathi” distribution ceremony will be held at Pusa, New Delhi.
initiative to engage the women from self-help groups in 2078. The Five-day music festival ‘Tansen Samaroh’
water distribution? begins in which city?
[A] West Bengal [A] Pune
[B] Odisha [B] Gwalior
[C] Maharashtra [C] Lucknow
[D] Bihar [D] Surat
Correct Answer: [B] Odisha Correct Answer: [B] Gwalior
Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik launched “Jal Sathi” Explanation: In Madhya Pradesh, popular classical music
initiative to engage the women from self-help groups in festival ‘Tansen Samaroh’ began with traditional style in
water distribution and consumer management with the aim Gwalior with the recitations of Harikatha and Milad. The
of women empowerment. five-day festival is celebrated every year in the memory of

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one of the most eminent singers of Indian history, ‘Mian Naravane, a soldier who has experience on all operational
Tansen’. fronts- both land borders as well as counter insurgency
2079. What is the rank of India on WEF’s Global operations, will be the next Chief of the Indian Army.
Gender Gap Report? 2084. The 14th edition of the ‘Toshali National
[A] 111 Crafts’ Mela began in which city?
[B] 112 [A] Pune
[C] 113 [B] Bhubaneswar
[D] 115 [C] Kanpur
Correct Answer: [B] 112 [D] Dispur
India has slipped four places on the World Economic Correct Answer: [B] Bhubaneswar
Forum’s Global Gender Gap index 2020 to 112, due to The 14th edition of the ‘Toshali National Crafts’ Mela
rising disparity in terms of women’s health and began in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The mela was organised by
participation in the economy. Moreover, India is now the Handlooms, Textile, and Handicrafts Department,
ranked in the bottom-five in terms of women’s health and Odisha. About 50 weavers from different states of the
survival and economic participation. country participated in the mela.
2080. Which team has been crowned FIFA’s Team 2085. Recently L.S. Sheshagiri Rao passed away. He
of the Year for finishing top of the world rankings for was related to which field?
the second December in a row? [A] Writer
[A] Uruguay [B] Sports
[B] Belgium [C] Journalist
[C] Brazil [D] Politics
[D] France Correct Answer: [A] Writer
Correct Answer: [B] Belgium Kannada writer and critic L.S. Sheshagiri Rao, referred to
Belgium has been crowned FIFA’s Team of the Year for as LSS in literary circles, passed away in Bengaluru. He
finishing top of the world rankings for the second was 94.
December in a row. World champions France conclude the 2086. Recently which carnival has been removed
year in second place, with Brazil third, England fourth and from UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list?
Uruguay fifth. [A] Mexican
2081. Which country PM announced Gandhi [B] Belgian
Citizenship Education Prize? [C] Kenyan
[A] Ukraine [D] Indiana
[B] Portugal Correct Answer: [B] Belgian
[C] Afghanistan A Belgian carnival has been removed from UNESCO’s
[D] Zimbabwe Intangible Cultural Heritage list after officials found the
Correct Answer: [B] Portugal “recurrence of racist and anti-Semitic representations” to be
Portuguese Prime Minister, Antonio Costa has announced incompatible with its principles.
that in order to help perpetuate Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals, 2087. Which country lifted the title of U17 Women’s
Portugal will be launching a Gandhi Citizenship Education Football Tournament?
Prize, each year inspired by his different thoughts and [A] India
quotes. [B] Sweden
2082. The 8th India-China joint training exercise [C] Thailand
‘HAND-IN-HAND 2019’ held in which city? [D] Nepal
[A] Dispur Correct Answer: [B] Sweden
[B] Shillong Sweden trounced India 4-0 in the final of the U17
[C] Pune Women’s Football Tournament 2019 at the Mumbai
[D] Kochi Football Arena, Maharashtra.
Correct Answer: [B] Shillong 2088. Which Government conducted ‘Suposhan
The 8th India-China joint training exercise ‘HAND-IN- Abhiyan’ to help tribals?
HAND 2019’ with the theme counter-terrorism under the [A] Jharkhand
United Nations’ mandate is being conducted in Meghalaya. [B] Chhattisgarh
2083. Who has been appointed as next chief of [C] Madhya Pradesh
Indian Army? [D] Uttar Pradesh
[A] Rajendrasinhji Jadeja Correct Answer: [B] Chhattisgarh
[B] Bipin Rawat The Chhattisgarh government has conducted various
[C] Manoj Mukund Naravane programmes under the scheme ‘Suposhan Abhiyan’ in local
[D] MK Makakatju languages in Bastar with the help of local artists.
Correct Answer: [C] Manoj Mukund Naravane 2089. Who has been named as the most famous
Explanation: Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund teenager in the world by the United Nations?

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[A] Greta Thunberg the ‘Best Hindi Film’ category at the 66th National Film
[B] Malala Yousafzai Awards.
[C] Millie Bobby Brown 2094. Who won the National Film Award for ‘Best
[D] Storm Reid Direction’?
Correct Answer: [B] Malala Yousafzai [A] Sanjay Leela Bhansali
Explanation: Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai [B] Sriram Raghavan
was declared as the ‘most famous teenager in the world’ by [C] Aditya Dhar
the United Nations in its 'decade in review' report released [D] Amit Sharma
on December 23, 2019. The young education activist was Correct Answer: [C] Aditya Dhar
shot in the head by a Taliban gunman while taking a bus Explanation: Aditya Dhar won the National Film Award
from school in October 2012. for ‘Best Direction’ for his movie, Uri: The Surgical Strike.
2090. When ‘Good Governance Day’ is observed in 2095. Who among the following Indian-origin
India every year? Americans was recently appointed as the director of the
[A] 20 December National Science Foundation (NSF) of America?
[B] 12 December [A] Rahul Sachdeva
[C] 25 December [B] Pankaj Agnihotri
[D] 15 December [C] Sethuraman Panchanathan
Correct Answer: [C] 25 December [D] Pramod Mistri
Explanation: The Good Governance Day is observed Correct Answer: [C] Sethuraman Panchanathan
annually across India on December 20th. The day is Explanation: Indian American Sethuraman Panchanathan
observed to commemorate the birthday of former Indian was recently appointed as the director of the National
Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. This day was first Science Foundation (NSF) of America. US President
celebrated in the year 2014. Vajpayee is considered as one Donald Trump has recently approved his assignment. The
of the most influential leaders of Indian politics. US government body National Science Foundation (NSF)
2091. Which state was ranked number-1 in the Good assists research in all non-medical fields, including science
Governance Index released by the Central and engineering.
Government? 2096. Manuel Marrero Cruz has been appointed as
[A] Telangana the Prime Minister of which nation?
[B] Tamil Nadu [A] Ecuador
[C] Odisha [B] Georgia
[D] Haryana [C] Cuba
Correct Answer: [B] Tamil Nadu [D] Colombia
Explanation: Tamil Nadu was ranked at the top in the Correct Answer: [C] Cuba
Good Governance Index released recently by the Central Explanation: Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel has
Government. The states and union territories were divided appointed Manuel Marrero Cruz as the new Prime Minister
into three groups- large states, northeast and hill states & of the nation. Cruz earlier served as the tourism minister of
union territories in this index. Odisha, Bihar, Goa, Uttar the nation. The post of Prime Minister was abolished in
Pradesh are among the worst-performing states. Cuba in 1976 by Fidel Castro and was restored in 2019.
2092. Which state recently announced the Jyotirao 2097. Which Indian Air Force aircraft was
Phule Kisan Loan Waiver Scheme? decommissioned on December 27, 2019?
[A] Andhra Pradesh [A] Miraj-2000
[B] Telangana [B] MiG-27
[C] Maharashtra [C] MiG-21
[D] Haryana [D] MiG-23
Correct Answer: [C] Maharashtra Correct Answer: [B] MiG-27
Explanation: Jyotirao Phule Kisan loan waiver scheme for Explanation: The MiG-27 fighter jet, known as the hero of
farmers has been launched by Maharashtra Chief Minister the Kargil conflict, made its final roar from Jodhpur airbase
Uddhav Thackeray. Farmers who have taken a loan of Rs 2 on December 27, 2019.
lakh can avail this scheme. This scheme will be 2098. What is the name of common currency
implemented in Maharashtra from March 2020. recently announced by western Africa?
2093. Which film won the ‘Best Hindi Film’ award [A] ROAR
at the 66th National Film Awards? [B] ECO
[A] Andhadhun [C] COIN
[B] Badhai Ho [D] NAT
[C] Uri Correct Answer: [B] ECO
[D] Padmavat Explanation: Eight countries in West Africa have decided
Correct Answer: [A] Andhadhun to change the name of their common currency to 'Eco'.
Explanation: Andhadhun won the National film Award in These countries also decided to leave the current currency

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'CFA franc'. Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory old has won 6 doubles and 10 mixed doubles Grand Slam
Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo in West Africa are titles.
currently using this currency. 2104. Who among the following topped the Forbes
2099. Which female weightlifter won a bronze medal 100 Indian celebrities List 2019?
and created two national records in the Qatar [A] Akshay Kumar
International Cup? [B] Salman Kumar
[A] Karnam Malleshwari [C] Ranvir Singh
[B] Heena Khan [D] Virat Kohli
[C] Jigisha Patel Correct Answer: [D] Virat Kohli
[D] Rakhi Halder Explanation: Indian cricket team Captain Virat Kohli
Correct Answer: [D] Rakhi Halder topped the Forbes’ 100 Indian Celebrities list 2019,
Explanation: Rakhi Halder is a Commonwealth gold followed by Akshay Kumar and Salman Khan at second
medalist, who has set a national record by performing best and third place respectively.
in snatch and overall weight. She made this record by 2105. Which Indian Bowler became the first to take
lifting a total of 218 kg with 95 kg in snatch and 123 kg in two ODI hat-tricks?
clean and jerk. [A] Jasprit Bumrah
2100. Who was named captain of Cricket Australia’s [B] Mohammed Shami
ODI team of the decade? [C] Yuzvendra Chahal
[A] MS Dhoni [D] Kuldeep Yadav
[B] Virat Kohli Correct Answer: [D] Kuldeep Yadav
[C] AB de Villiers Explanation: Indian bowler Kuldeep Yadav became the
[D] Shakib al Hasan first to take two ODI hat-tricks. Yadav created the record
Correct Answer: [A] MS Dhoni while playing India’s second ODI against West Indies in
Explanation: MS Dhoni has been named the captain of Visakhapatnam.
Cricket Australia's ODI team of the decade. Indian skipper 2106. The Sahitya Akademi Award in the creative
Virat Kohli and opener Rohit Sharma were also named in non-fiction category in English literature has been
the ODI team. awarded to:
2101. Which Indian cricketer was named in the [A] Amitav Ghosh
Wisden’s list of five cricketers of the decade? [B] Arundhati Roy
[A] MS Dhoni [C] Shashi Tharoor
[B] Rohit Sharma [D] Salman Khurshid
[C] Sachin Tendulkar Correct Answer: [C] Shashi Tharoor
[D] Virat Kohli Explanation: Congress MP Shashi Tharoor has ben
Correct Answer: [D] Virat Kohli awarded with the Sahitya Akademi Award 2019 for his
Explanation: Indian skipper Virat Kohli has found a place novel 'An Era of Darkness'. Tharoor won the award in the
in the list of five cricketers of the decade by the Wisden creative non-fiction category in English literature.
Cricketers' Almanac. Virat Kohli was named in the 2107. Which State recently launched the 'Jalsathi'
cricketers of the decade list along with four other cricketers programme?
Steve Smith, Ellyse Perry, Dale Steyn and AB de Villiers. [A] Uttar Pradesh
2102. Who was named the captain of the Wisden [B] Odisha
Test team of the decade? [C] Madhya Pradesh
[A] Steve Smith [D] Telangana
[B] Kumar Sangakkara Correct Answer: [B] Odisha
[C] Virat Kohli Explanation: Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik launched the
[D] MS Dhoni 'Jalsathi' programme for the supply of safe drinking water
Correct Answer: [C] Virat Kohli to all households. For the smooth implementation of the
Explanation: Virat Kohli was named as the captain of the scheme, the Odisha government roped in women volunteers
Wisden Test team of the decade. The only other Indian to to serve as 'Jalasathis'.
feature in the list includes Ravichandran Ashwin. 2108. The Central Government extended which
2103. Which tennis player has announced his Scheme by two years on December 18, 2019?
decision to retire in 2020? [A] AMRUT
[A] Leander Paes [B] PMJAY
[B] Mahesh Bhupathi [C] PMUY
[C] Sania Mirza [D] UDAN
[D] Rohan Bopanna Correct Answer: [A] AMRUT
Correct Answer: [A] Leander Paes Explanation: The Central Government has extended the
Explanation: Leander Paes announced recently that he will deadline of AMRUT - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
quit professional tennis after the 2020 season. The 46-year-

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Urban Transformation by two years. The scheme was 2114. A book titled “Dreams of a Billion: India and
scheduled to be concluded in March 2020. the Olympic Games” was authored by?
2109. Which court will hear the petition against the [A] Nalin Mehta
police atrocities on Jamia Milia Islamia University's [B] Boria Majumdar
students? [C] S Gurumurthy
[A] Delhi HC [D] Sashi Tharoor
[B] Supreme Court Correct Answer: [B] Boria Majumdar
[C] Allahabad HC
[D] Kolkata HC 2115. Which of the following tunnels have named as
Correct Answer: [A] Delhi HC Atal Tunnel?
Explanation: Delhi High Court will be hearing the plea [A] Chenani Nashri Tunnel
that seeks formation of a fact-finding committee to inquire [B] Rohtang Tunnel
into the police atrocities on the students of Jamia Milia [C] Natuwadi Tunnel
Islamia University. [D] Karbude Tunnel
2110. Which nation’s former Prime Minister was Correct Answer: [B] Rohtang Tunnel
awarded with the death penalty for unlawfully imposing
emergency in 2007? 2116. Who among the following women cricketer
[A] Pakistan has been named in the Wisden Cricketers of the
[B] Bangladesh Decade?
[C] Afghanistan [A] Mithali Raj
[D] Sri Lanka [B] Smriti Mandhana
Correct Answer: [A] Pakistan [C] Ellyse Perry
Explanation: Former President of Pakistan Pervez [D] Alyssa Healy
Musharraf was awarded with the death penalty for Correct Answer: [C] Ellyse Perry
unlawfully imposing emergency in 2007 across the country.
2117. Leander Paes belongs to which of the
2111. India was placed at which Rank in the Gender
following sports?
Gap Index-2019?
[A] Badminton
[A] 110
[B] Tennis
[B] 97
[C] Table Tennis
[C] 88
[D] Golf
[D] 112
Correct Answer: [B] Tennis
Correct Answer: [D] 112
Explanation: India ranked at 112th position in the Gender
2118. Anish Bhanwala belongs to which of the
Gap Index 2019, that was released by the World Economic
following sports?
Forum. [A] Javelin Throw
2112. Pakistan has resumed the train service [B] Weight Lifting
between which two railway stations after a gap of 22 [C] Archery
years? [D] Shooting
[A] Wagah and Attari Correct Answer: [D] Shooting
[B] Lahore and Wagah
[C] Lahore and Peshawar 2119. Which Australian men cricketer is listed in
[D] Raiwind and Gujranwala Wisden Cricketers of the Decade?
Correct Answer: [B] Lahore and Wagah [A] Aron Finch
Explanation: Pakistan resumed the operations of the train [B] David Warner
service between Lahore and Wagah after a gap of 22 years. [C] Steve Smith
This shuttle train service between Lahore and Wagah will [D] Glenn Maxwell
complete three round trips daily charging Rs 30 per ride. Correct Answer: [C] Steve Smith
2113. When is the Vijay Diwas observed every year
in India? 2120. Who presented the 66th National Film Awards
[A] 16th December at a ceremony in New Delhi?
[B] 15th December [A] Ramnath Kovind
[C] 13th December [B] Narendra Modi
[D] 11th December [C] Venkaiah Naidu
Correct Answer: [A] 16th December [D] Amith Shah
Explanation: India observes the Vijay Diwas every year Correct Answer: [A] Ramnath Kovind
on December 16 to commemorate India's victory over
Pakistan in the 1971 war. India’s victory in the 1971 war 2121. Government extends tenure of Harsh Kumar
paved the way for formation of Bangladesh. Bhanwala, chairman of?
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[B] NPCI [D] Maisnam Meiraba Luwang
[C] NCLT Correct Answer: [D] Maisnam Meiraba Luwang
Correct Answer: [D] NABARD 2129. Who has been appointed as the Director of
National Police Academy in Hyderabad?
2122. Recently Thomas Chandy passed away. He [A] S.Maheswaran
belongs to? [B] P.Kandaswamy
[A] Sports [C] K.Jayanth Murali
[B] Politics [D] Atul Karwal
[C] Writer Correct Answer: [D] Atul Karwal
[D] Actor
Correct Answer: [B] Politics 2130. Who became the most expensive overseas IPL
2123. Who broke Sanath Jayasuriya’s 22-year-old [A] Tom Banton
record for most runs in a calendar year by an opener in [B] Glenn Maxwell
all formats? [C] Chris Morris
[A] Virat Kohli [D] Pat Cummins
[B] Rohit Sharma Correct Answer: [D] Pat Cummins
[C] M.S.Dhoni
[D] Shikar Dhawan 2131. Who won the women’s 49kg category
Correct Answer: [B] Rohit Sharma weightlifting gold medal to open at the 6th Qatar
International Cup in Doha?
2124. Which team has been crowned FIFA ‘Team of [A] Mirabai Chanu
the Year’? [B] Santoshi Matsa
[A] Portugal [C] Swati Singh
[B] Argentina [D] Punam Yadav
[C] Brazil Correct Answer: [A] Mirabai Chanu
[D] Belgium
Correct Answer: [D] Belgium 2132. Who presided the second meeting of the
Organising Committee on the celebrations for the 150th
2125. Who got the best actress award in National Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi?
Film Awards? [A] Narendra Modi
[A] Rani Mukherjee [B] Ram Nath Kovind
[B] Keerthi Suresh [C] Amit Shah
[C] Tamanna [D] Venkaiah Naidu
[D] Katrina Kaif Correct Answer: [B] Ram Nath Kovind
Correct Answer: [B] Keerthi Suresh
2133. Who has won the 2019 Sahitya Akademi
2126. National Mathematics Day is observed on 22 Award for his Bengali Essay “Ghumer Darja Thele”?
December by the great mathematician Srinivasa [A] Joysree Goswami Mahanta
Iyengar Ramanujan. This year is celebrates? [B] Chinmoy Guha
[A] 150th [C] Tarun Kanti Mishra
[B] 175th [D] Kali Charan Hembram
[C] 132st Correct Answer: [B] Chinmoy Guha
[D] 137th
Correct Answer: [C] 132st 2134. Who has been named the ICC Women’s
Cricketer of the Year & ICC Women’s ODI Player of
2127. Who was elected as the Awami League the Year for 2018?
President? [A] Chanida Sutthiruang
[A] Ramnath Kovind [B] Smriti Mandhana
[B] Xi jing ping [C] Ellyse Perry
[C] Sheik Hasina [D] Shikha Pandey
[D] Om Prakash Birla Correct Answer: [B] Smriti Mandhana
Correct Answer: [C] Sheik Hasina Explanation: Ellyse Perry won ICC Women’s Cricketer of
the Year & ICC Women’s ODI Player of the Year for 2019.
2128. Who wins Bangladesh Junior International
Badminton Series? 2135. Which state recorded the highest forest cover
[A] Kento momoto in the recently released India State of Forest Report
[B] P.V.Sindhu 2019?
[C] Laksha Sen [A] Andhra Pradesh
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[B] Madhya Pradesh [A] Siberia
[C] Nagaland [B] Nagaland
[D] Meghalaya [C] Meghalaya
Correct Answer: [B] Madhya Pradesh [D] China
Notes: Madhya Pradesh recently recorded the highest forest Correct Answer: [B] Nagaland
cover in terms of area. Other high forest covers were
recorded in Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and 2142. Which of the following country will develop
Maharashtra. The State of Forest report is released Batticaloa airport as an international airport?
biennially by the Forest Survey of India which is under the [A] Sri Lanka
ministry of environment, forest and climate change. [B] Bangladesh
[C] Nepal
2136. The Dadasaheb Phalke Award, which was [D] Indonesia
conferred to Amitabh Bachchan recently, is the highest Correct Answer: [A] Sri Lanka
award in the country for which field?
[A] Theatre 2143. According to the India State of Forest Report,
[B] Classical dances 2019, which of the following Indian state grew the
[C] Cinema maximum forest-and-tree cover in the last 2 years?
[D] Classical music [A] Jharkhand
Correct Answer: [C] Cinema [B] Sikkim
Notes: Dadasaheb Phalke award is the highest award [C] Karnataka
conferred in the field of cinema in India. Recently, it was [D] Tamil Nadu
awarded to Amitabh Bachchan. The award was instituted in Correct Answer: [C] Karnataka
honour of Dhundiraj Govind Phalke (also known as the
Father of Indian Cinema) in 1969. 2144. Which of the following Indian state will host
Khelo India Youth Games in January 2020?
2137. Dhanu Jatra is currently celebrated in which [A] Jharkhand
state? [B] Assam
[A] Odisha [C] Gujarat
[B] Telangana [D] Tamil Nadu
[C] Jharkhand Correct Answer: [B] Assam
[D] Madhya Pradesh
Correct Answer: [A] Odisha 2145. Who among the following has been named as
India's first Chief of Defence Staff?
2138. Which archipelago did Tropical Cyclone Sarai [A] Bipin Rawat
recently hit? [B] Karambir Singh
[A] Indonesia [C] Dalbir Singh Suhag
[B] Solomon Islands [D] Birender Singh Dhanoa
[C] Fiji Correct Answer: [A] Bipin Rawat
[D] New Guinea
Correct Answer: [C] Fiji 2146. Who among the following has become the
youngest bowler to take 100 T20 wickets?
2139. Him Darshan Express that was recently [A] Mohammad Hasnain
launched connects which of the following sites? [B] Noor Ahmad
[A] Sikkim – Gangtok [C] Mujeeb Ur Rahman
[B] Kalka – Shimla [D] Yasim Murtaza
[C] Chandigarh – Shimla Correct Answer: [C] Mujeeb Ur Rahman
[D] Srinagar – Shimla
Correct Answer: [B] Kalka – Shimla 2147. Aditya is a programme by ISRO to study
2140. Which state/ UT celebrated the Losar Festival [A] Mars
recently? [B] Titan
[A] Telangana [C] Sun
[B] Meghalaya [D] Venus
[C] Puducherry Correct Answer: [C] Sun
[D] Ladakh
Correct Answer: D [Ladakh] 2148. Who among the following will be the recipient
of this year's prestigious CK Nayudu Lifetime Award
2141. Which of the following is called the Falcon given by the BCCI?
Capital of the World? [A] Kris Srikkanth
[B] Anjum Chopra
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[C] Virat Kohli [C] Saurabh Chaudhary
[D] Both A and B [D] Anish Bhanwala
Correct Answer: [D] Both A and B Correct Answer: [C] Saurabh Chaudhary
Explanation: Indian women’s hockey team captain Rani
2149. Koneru Humpy is associated with which of the Rampal and ace pistol shooter Saurabh Chaudhary won the
following sports? Sports Person of the Year awards at the FICCI India Sports
[A] Badminton Awards 2019.
[B] Chess 2155. Who among the following has been named as
[C] Golf Time magazine’s Person of the Year for 2019?
[D] Tennis [A] Greta Thunberg
Correct Answer: [B] Chess [B] Naomi Klein
[C] Emma Thompson
2150. Which of the following country is the only [D] Sunita Narain
country in the world that has hypersonic weapons? Correct Answer: [A] Greta Thunberg
[A] China Explanation: Sweden’s Greta Thunberg has been named
[B] Japan as Time magazine’s Person of the Year for 2019.
[C] Russia 2156. United States women’s national
[D] USA _____________ team has been named as Time
Correct Answer: [C] Russia magazine’s Athlete of the Year for 2019.
[A] Soccer
2151. Name the cricketer who has been announced
[B] Volleyball
by the top tier of Spanish club football “La Liga” as its
[C] Basketball
brand ambassador in India.
[D] Hockey
[A] M S Dhoni
Correct Answer: [A] Soccer
[B] Virat Kohli
Explanation: United States women’s national soccer team
[C] Rohit Sharma
has been named as Time magazine’s Athlete of the Year for
[D] K L Rahul
Correct Answer: [C] Rohit Sharma
2157. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has
Explanation: The top tier of Spanish club football “La
been ranked ______________ by Forbes in its list ‘The
Liga” has announced cricketer Rohit Sharma as its brand
World’s 100 Most Powerful Women’.
ambassador in India.
[A] 33rd
2152. Name the former Nandi Award winner and
[B] 34th
renowned Telugu actor and writer who passed away
[C] 35th
[D] 36th
[A] Kodi Ramakrishna
Correct Answer: [B] 34th
[B] Kaikala Satyanarayana
Explanation: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has
[C] Gollapudi Maruti Rao
been ranked 34th by Forbes in its list ‘The World’s 100
[D] K. Viswanath
Most Powerful Women’.
Correct Answer: [C] Gollapudi Maruti Rao
2158. Name the Indian match referee who is set to
Explanation: Former Nandi Award winner and renowned
become the first woman match referee to officiate a
Telugu actor and writer Gollapudi Maruti Rao passed away
men’s ODI match.
[A] Shivani Mishra
2153. Which of the following has been awarded the
[B] GS Lakshmi
FICCI India Sports Awards 2019 under the category of
[C] Gargi Banerji
Best Company Promoting Sports?
[D] Nilima Jogalekar
[A] Railway Sports Promotion Board
Correct Answer: [B] GS Lakshmi
[B] Sports Authority of India
Explanation: Indian match referee GS Lakshmi is set to
[C] Board of Control for Cricket in India
become the first woman match referee to officiate a men’s
[D] International Cricket Council
ODI match.
Correct Answer: [A] Railway Sports Promotion Board
2159. World’s first fully electric commercial aircraft
Explanation: Railway Sports Promotion Board has been
takes flight in ____________.
awarded the FICCI India Sports Awards 2019 under the
[A] Scotland
category of Best Company Promoting Sports.
[B] Finland
2154. Indian women’s hockey team captain Rani
[C] Canada
Rampal and ace pistol shooter ______________ won the
[D] Iceland
Sports Person of the Year awards at the FICCI India
Correct Answer: [C] Canada
Sports Awards 2019.
Explanation: World’s first fully electric commercial
[A] Neeraj Chopra
aircraft takes flight in Canada.
[B] Sanjeev Rajput
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2160. Who among the following has been signed by [D] Fardeen Khan
PUMA as its brand ambassador? Correct Answer: [C] Suniel Shetty
[A] M S Dhoni Explanation: Actor Suniel Shetty has been selected as the
[B] Sunil Chhetri brand ambassador of National Anti-Doping Agency
[C] Virat Kohli (NADA).
[D] Rohit Sharma 2166. Who has become the first player in Indian
Correct Answer: [B] Sunil Chhetri cricket to feature in 150 Ranji matches?
Explanation: PUMA has signed Indian men’s football [A] Devendra Bundela
team captain Sunil Chhetri as its brand ambassador. [B] Yuvraj Singh
2161. Abiy Ahmed has received the 2019 Nobel [C] Mohammad Kaif
Peace Prize for his efforts to achieve international peace [D] Wasim Jaffer
and co-operation. He is the prime minister of which Correct Answer: [D] Wasim Jaffer
country? Explanation: Wasim Jaffer has become the first player in
[A] Eritrea Indian cricket to feature in 150 Ranji matches.
[B] Israel 2167. Name the electrical engineer who invented the
[C] South Africa Universal Product Code (UPC) or Barcode, who passed
[D] Ethiopia away recently.
Correct Answer: [D] Ethiopia [A] George Joseph Laurer
Explanation: Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has [B] Philo Farnsworth
received the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to [C] Charles Francis Jenkins
achieve international peace and co-operation. [D] John Logie Baird
2162. The 13th Edition of the South Asian Games Correct Answer: [A] George Joseph Laurer
was hosted by? Explanation: George Joseph Laurer, who invented the
[A] Nepal Universal Product Code(UPC) or Barcode, passed away
[B] India recently.
[C] Sri Lanka 2168. Name the country which topped the Human
[D] Bangladesh Development Index 2019 released by UNDP.
Correct Answer: [A] Nepal [A] Switzerland
Explanation: The 13th Edition of the South Asian Games [B] Finland
was hosted by Nepal. [C] Norway
2163. What was the India’s rank in the Climate [D] Australia
Change Performance Index (CCPI) at the COP25 Correct Answer: [C] Norway
climate summit held in Madrid? Explanation: Norway topped the Human Development
[A] 02nd Index 2019 released by UNDP.
[B] 09th 2169. Name the Indian chess player who has won the
[C] 15th FIDE Open category of the London Chess Classic held
[D] 22nd in London.
Correct Answer: [B] 09th [A] Pentala Harikrishna
Explanation: India has been ranked 9th in the Climate [B] R. Praggnanandhaa
Change Performance Index (CCPI) at the COP25 climate [C] Baskaran Adhiban
summit held in Madrid. [D] Krishnan Sasikiran
2164. Which country topped the medals tally with Correct Answer: [B] R. Praggnanandhaa
174 gold, 93 silver and 45 bronze medals in the 13th Explanation: R. Praggnanandhaa from India has won the
South Asian Games concluded in Nepal? FIDE Open category of the London Chess Classic held in
[A] India London.
[B] Pakistan 2170. The Human Development Index is released
[C] China by?
[D] Bangladesh [A] United Nations Development Programme
Correct Answer: [A] India [B] World Bank
Explanation: India topped the medals tally with 174 gold, [C] WTO
93 silver and 45 bronze medals in the 13th South Asian [D] World Health Organisation
Games concluded in Nepal. Correct Answer: [A] United Nations Development
2165. Name the actor who has been selected as the Programme
brand ambassador of National Anti-Doping Agency Explanation: The Human Development Index is released
(NADA). by the United Nations Development Programme.
[A] Akshay Kumar 2171. On which of the following day Human Rights
[B] Ajay Devgn Day is observed globally?
[C] Suniel Shetty [A] 9 December

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[B] 10 December Birender Singh Dhanoa. The Present Chief of Indian
[C] 11 December Airforce is Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh
[D] 12 December Bhadauria.
Correct Answer: [B] 10 December 2176. Name the state where president Ram Nath
Explanation: Human Rights Day is observed every year on Kovind laid the foundation stone to the memorial being
10 December. This day is observed every year across the built in memory of the Paika rebellion.
world, as it empowers us all. The day also acknowledges [A] West Bengal
the advocates and defenders of human rights around the [B] Bihar
world. [C] Chhattisgarh
2172. Which of the following country was banned [D] Odisha
for 4 years by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Correct Answer: [D] Odisha
from participation in global sporting events? Explanation: President Ram Nath Kovind laid the
[A] Kenya foundation stone to the memorial being built in memory of
[B] Tanzania the Paika rebellion, a 200-year-old armed revolt in 1817
[C] Nigeria against the British East India Company in Odisha.
[D] Russia 2177. Who among the following was crowned Miss
Correct Answer: [D] Russia Universe 2019 in Atlanta, US?
Explanation: The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), [A] Lupita Jones
banned Russia for 4 years, from participation in global [B] Andrea Toscano
sporting events, including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and [C] Madison Anderson
the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, after accusing Moscow [D] Zozibini Tunzi
of falsifying data from an anti-doping laboratory. Correct Answer: [D] Zozibini Tunzi
2173. Who among the following news anchor has Explanation: Miss South Africa Zozibini Tunzi was
been elected as President of News Broadcasters crowned Miss Universe 2019 in Atlanta, US. Ms Tunzi
Federation of India? beat over 90 contestants from around the globe in the 68th
[A] Punya Prasun Bajpai instalment of Miss Universe.
[B] Arnab Goswami 2178. Who among the following has been invited by
[C] Rajdeep Sardesai the Federation of Indian Association (FIA) on India’s
[D] Deepak Chaurasia Republic Day celebrations in New York?
Correct Answer: [B] Arnab Goswami [A] Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Explanation: The News Broadcasters Federation (NBF), [B] Anand Kumar
the country’s largest association of over 78 news channels, [C] Amitabh Bachchan
has elected editor-in-chief of Republic TV Arnab Goswami [D] Narendra Modi
as the President of its governing board. Correct Answer: [B] Anand Kumar
2174. What is the theme of Human Rights Day Explanation: The Federation of Indian Association (FIA)
2019? has invited Super 30 founder Anand Kumar to a function
[A] Youth Standing Up for Human Rights on the eve of India’s Republic Day celebrations in New
[B] Let's stand up for equality, justice and human dignity York.
[C] Stand up for someone's rights today! 2179. Who among the following recently appointed
[D] Our Rights, Our Freedoms as new chairman of National Stock Exchange of India
Correct Answer: [A] Youth Standing Up for Human Ltd (NSE)?
Rights [A] Naved Masood
Explanation: The theme of Human Rights Day 2019 is [B] Girish Chandra Chaturvedi
“Youth Standing Up for Human Rights”, the aim is to [C] Dinesh Kanabar
celebrate the potential of youth as constructive agents of [D] Vikram Limaye
change, amplify their voices and engage a broad range of Correct Answer: [B] Girish Chandra Chaturvedi
global audiences in the promotion and protection of rights. Explanation: The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
2175. The Indian Rafale fighter jets will fly with the (NSE) has appointed Girish Chandra Chaturvedi as its new
tail sign ‘BS’ after the recently retired Air Force Chief chairman. The appointment was approved by Securities and
Birender Singh Dhanoa. Who is the present chief of Exchange Board of India (Sebi).
Indian Airforce? 2180. Which keyword was the most searched in
[A] Fali Homi Major India for the year 2019?
[B] Pradeep Vasant Naik [A] Lok Sabha Elections 2019
[C] Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria [B] Chandrayaan 2
[D] Anil Kumar Browne [C] Cricket World Cup 2019
Correct Answer: [C] Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria [D] Article 370
Explanation: The Indian Rafale fighter jets will fly with Correct Answer: [C] Cricket World Cup 2019
the tail sign ‘BS’ after the recently retired Air Force Chief Explanation: The ‘Cricket World Cup 2019’ was the most

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searched keyword of the year 2019. As per the report, about [B] Russia
2.6 billion people have watched the Cricket World Cup [C] Japan
2019 worldwide. [D] Sri Lanka
2181. The Constitution (126th) Amendment Bill Correct Answer: [B] Russia
proposes to extend the reservation quota for SCs and Explanation: INDRA 2019 is a bilateral military exercise
STs in the legislatures by how many years? between India and Russia, which is being held from
[A] 15 years December 10-19, 2019 at Babina, Pune and Goa. The
[B] 5 years exercise will witness participation from mechanized
[C] 10 years contestants, combat and transport aircraft and ships of the
[D] 20 years armed forces of India and Russia.
Correct Answer: [C] 10 years 2186. India won how many medals at the 13th
Explanation: The Constitution (126th) Amendment Bill edition of the South Asian Games?
proposes to extend the reservation quota for SCs and STs in [A] 130
the Lok Sabha and the state assemblies by another 10 years, [B] 259
till January 25, 2030. The bill was passed by the Lok Sabha [C] 312
on December 10, 2019. [D] 351
2182. Who will become the world’s youngest serving Correct Answer: [C] 312
prime minister? Explanation: India won the highest number of medals in
[A] Katri Kulmuni the 13th South Asian Games held in Nepal from December
[B] Li Anderson 1-10, 2019. The Indian medal tally included 312 medals
[C] Maria Ohisalo including 173 gold, 93 silver and 44 bronze medals. It is a
[D] Sanna Marin biennial sports competition organized among South Asian
Correct Answer: [D] Sanna Marin nations.
Explanation: Sanna Marin will become the world’s 2187. Who among the following was recently
youngest prime minister and Finland’s third female head of conferred with the Noble Peace Prize 2019?
the government. The 34-year-old was elected as the leader [A] Abiy Ahmed
of the Social Democratic Party, the largest party in the [B] Mehtab Hassan
coalition, after she beat her rival Antti Lindtman with 32-29 [C] Alfred Medock
votes at the Social Democratic Party council meeting on [D] Prag Wilson
December 8, 2019. Correct Answer: [A] Abiy Ahmed
2183. Whose tweet won India’s ‘Golden Tweet’ Explanation: Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed
honour for 2019? received the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize on December 10,
[A] Virat Kohli 2019 at Oslo, Norway. He was given the honor for his
[B] MS Dhoni efforts to resolve Ethiopia’s long-standing conflict with
[C] Narendra Modi neighboring nation Eritrea.
[D] K Sivan 2188. India won maximum gold medals in which
Correct Answer: [C] Narendra Modi sport at the South Asian Games 2019?
Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tweet [A] Athletics
celebrating BJP’s landslide victory in the Lok Sabha [B] Shooting
General Elections 2019 has won India’s ‘Golden Tweet’ [C] Wrestling
honour for 2019. His tweet was the most retweeted and [D] Swimming
liked tweet of the year, as per Twitter. Correct Answer: [D] Swimming
2184. Which party won majority in the UK elections Explanation: India won a total of 52 medals in swimming
2019? including 27 gold, 19 silver and 6 bronze medals. This was
[A] Labour Party India’s best show-ever at the Games. India also won 18
[B] Conservative Party gold medals in shooting and 15 in wrestling.
[C] Scottish National Party 2189. Which Hindi poet was recently awarded the
[D] Liberal Democrats Gangadhar National Award?
Correct Answer: [B] Conservative Party [A] Vishwanath Prasad
Explanation: British PM Boris Johnson’s Conservative [B] Akhilesh Chandra
party has won a large majority in the UK elections 2019, [C] Suryapratap Bhushan
paving the way forward for a smooth Brexit. The party won [D] Ashutosh Mishra
364 seats out of the total 650 seats in the British House of Correct Answer: [A] Vishwanath Prasad
Commons, while Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party won 203 Explanation: Vishwanath Prasad Tiwari has recently been
seats. selected for the Gangadhar National Award. He will be
2185. INDRA 2019 is a bilateral military exercise given Rs 50,000, a shawl and souvenir under this award.
between India and which nation? 2190. Parivara, Talwara and Siddi are the
[A] China Scheduled Tribes of which Indian state?

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[A] Kerala [C] Nylon
[B] Karnataka [D] Polyster
[C] Tamil Nadu Correct Answer: [B] Khadi
[D] Bihar 2199. Which place has been selected as the leading
Correct Answer: [B] Karnataka sports tourism destination of world?
2191. Who has topped the Forbes’ 2019 edition of [A] Dubai
100 World’s Most Powerful Women? [B] Buenos Aires
[A] Nancy Pelosi [C] Abu Dhabi
[B] Ursula von der Leyen [D] Bali
[C] Angela Merkel Correct Answer: [C] Abu Dhabi
[D] Christine Lagarde 2200. What is India's rank in Human Development
Correct Answer: [C] Angela Merkel Index-2019?
2192. Which Indian actress won the Crystal Award [A] 95
for raising mental health awareness? [B] 117
[A] Priyanka Chopra [C] 129
[B] Deepika Padukone [D] 125
[C] Sushmita Sen Correct Answer: [C] 129
[D] Anushka Sharma 2201. According to a recent report, which Indian
Correct Answer: [B] Deepika Padukone River has become one of the top 10 cleanest rivers of the
2193. Who is the author of ‘Mind Master: Winning world?
Lessons from a Champion’s Life’? [A] Ganga
[A] Magnus Carlsen [B] Yamuna
[B] Viswanathan Anand [C] Ravi
[C] Vladimir Kramnik [D] Kaver
[D] Fabiano Caruana Correct Answer: [A] Ganga
Correct Answer: [B] Viswanathan Anand 2202. Armed Forces Flag Day is observed on which
2194. Who won the Breakthrough sports person date?
award at 2019 FICCI India Sports Awards? [A] December 7
[A] Pankaj Advani [B] December 5
[B] Govindaraj Kempareddy [C] December 6
[C] Amit Panghal [D] December 8
[D] Sandeep Chaud Correct Answer: [A] December 7
Correct Answer: [C] Amit Panghal 2203. The provisions of the Citizenship
2195. Who has been appointed as the new (Amendment) Bill, 2019 are not applicable to tribal
Information and Broadcasting Secretary? areas of which state?
[A] Praveen Kumar [A] Nagaland
[B] Ravi Mittal [B] Jharkhand
[C] Rajesh Bhushan [C] Meghalaya
[D] Amit Khare [D] Chhattisgarh
Correct Answer: [B] Ravi Mittal Correct Answer: [C] Meghalaya
2196. National Tribal Dance Festival is to be held in 2204. Who won the Best Actor-Male Award at the
which city? 50th International Film Festival of India (IFFI)?
[A] Dispur [A] Seu Jorge
[B] Raipur [B] Alon Abutbul
[C] Kolkata [C] Farhad Aslani
[D] Patna [D] Vincent Lindon
Correct Answer: [B] Raipur Correct Answer: [A] Seu Jorge
2197. Reunion Islands ,sometimes seen in news Explanation: Seu Jorge won the Best Actor-Male Award
belongs to which country? at the 50th International Film Festival of India (IFFI).
[A] France 2205. When was the World AIDS Day (Dec 1) first
[B] Russia observed?
[C] Nepal [A] 1980
[D] Japan [B] 1980
Correct Answer: [A] France [C] 1988
2198. Which type of uniform has been made [D] 1994
mandatory for paramilitary forces in India? Correct Answer: [C] 1988
[A] Cotton Explanation: World AIDS Day was first observed on 1st
[B] Khadi December 1988. The Joint United Nations Program on HIV

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and AIDS (UNAIDS) took the lead on campaigning for Burman as the new Controller General of Accounts (CGA)
World AIDS Day from 1994-2004. with effect from 1 December 2019. Ms. Burman is the 24th
2206. What is the theme of the 2019 World AIDS CGA of India. She is the seventh woman to hold this
Day? position.
[A] Communities Make The difference 2211. Which gas was released in Bhopal gas
[B] Know your status tragedy?
[C] Shared Rights, Shared Responsibilities [A] Polymethyl isocyanide
[D] Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise – Leadership [B] Methyl isocyanate
Correct Answer: [A] Communities Make The difference [C] Polyethyl isocyanide
Explanation: The theme of the 2019 World AIDS Day is [D] Ethyl isocyanate
Communities Make The difference. The theme provides an Correct Answer: [B] Methyl isocyanate
opportunity to recognize the essential role that communities Explanation: Bhopal gas tragedy happened at a Union
have played and continue to play in the AIDS response at Carbide subsidiary pesticide plant in the city of Bhopal,
the local, national and international levels. India. On the night of 2-3 December 1984, the plant
2207. Which movie won the Golden Peacock Award released approximately 40 tonnes of toxic methyl
at the 50th International Film Festival of India (IFFI)? isocyanate (MIC) gas, exposing more than 500,000 people
[A] Jallikattu to toxic gases.
[B] Particles 2212. Exercise Mitra Shakti-VII is to be held
[C] Balloon between _________.
[D] The Aspern Papers [A] India and Singapore
Correct Answer: [B] Particles [B] India and Thailand
Explanation: The French-Swiss co-produced drama film [C] India and Indonesia
Particles directed by Blaise Harrison and produced by [D] India and Sri Lanka
Estelle Fialon won the Golden Peacock Award at the 50th Correct Answer: [A] India and Singapore
International Film Festival of India (IFFI). It is an Explanation: The seventh edition of Exercise Mitra
ambitious yet modest film about the mysteries of being a Shakti-VII 2019 commenced on 1 December 2019 at
teenager. Aundh Military Station, Pune. The exercise is held between
2208. Nagaland was carved out from ________. Indian and Sri Lanka. The exercise is a part of the United
[A] Assam Nations peacekeeping forces.
[B] Arunachal Pradesh 2213. Which State celebrates the Hornbill festival?
[C] Manipur [A] Assam
[D] Myanmar [B] Manipur
Correct Answer: [A] Assam [C] Bihar
Explanation: Nagaland celebrated its 57th statehood day [D] Nagaland
on 1 December 2019. Nagaland was carved out of Assam Correct Answer: [D] Nagaland
in 1963. On 1 December 1963, Dr. S Radhakrishnan Explanation: The 10-day-long Hornbill Festival of
inaugurated Nagaland as the 16th state of the country. Nagaland began at Kisama, Nagaland on 1 December. The
2209. When was the International Day for the 20th edition of the Hornbill festival was inaugurated by the
Abolition of Slavery observed? State Governor R.N. Ravi.
[A] 10 October 2214. Nagaland does not border with ________.
[B] 14 October [A] Arunachal Pradesh
[C] 14 November [B] Tripura
[D] 2 December [C] Assam
Correct Answer: [D] 2 December [D] Manipur
Explanation: International Day for the Abolition of Correct Answer: [B] Tripura
Slavery is observed every year on 2 December. On this day Explanation: Nagaland borders with Assam to the west,
people share their view towards slavery in writings through Arunachal Pradesh and Assam to the north, Myanmar to the
opinion pieces, poetry, interviews, short stories, feature east, Manipur to the south. It does not border with Tripura.
articles, and other published material. 2215. Who won the 2019 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix?
2210. Who is appointed as the new Controller [A] M. Verstappen
General of Accounts (CGA) with effect from 1 [B] Charles Leclerc
December 2019? [C] Michael Schumacher
[A] Soma Roy Burman [D] Lewis Hamilton
[B] J. P. S. Chawla Correct Answer: [D] Lewis Hamilton
[C] Taranjit Singh Explanation: British racing driver Lewis Hamilton won
[D] Sh S. G. Dastidar the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2019. He clocked 1:34:05 to
Correct Answer: [A] Soma Roy Burman clinch the title. He defeated Belgian-Dutch racing driver
Explanation: The government appointed Soma Roy

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Max Verstappen. This victory is 84th in his career and 11th the Chief of Integrated Defence Staff to the Chairman
in 2019. Chiefs of Staff Committee (CISC).
2216. Which Article of Indian Constitution describes 2221. Which State has mandated helmets for pillion
the Fundamental duties? riders?
[A] Article 48-A [A] Telangana
[B] Article 49-A [B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] Article 50-A [C] Karnataka
[D] Article 51-A [D] Kerala
Correct Answer: [D] Article 51-A Correct Answer: [D] Kerala
Explanation: The Fundamental Duties were incorporated Explanation: Kerala State government implemented the
in Part IV-A of the Constitution by the 42nd amendment. High Court directives of making helmets mandatory for
Article 51-A describes 11 Fundamental Duties. In 2002, pillion riders. Transport Commissioner of the State has
one more duty was added by the 86th amendment. It was directed strict checking of vehicles.
borrowed from USSR. 2222. Who won the 2019 Ballon d'Or award as the
2217. Exercise HAND-IN-HAND 2019 is held world’s best female player?
between __________. [A] Lucy Bronze
[A] India, US [B] Megan Rapinoe
[B] India, Russia [C] Alex Morgan
[C] India, China [D] Abby Wambach
[D] India, Thailand Correct Answer: [B] Megan Rapinoe
Correct Answer: [C] India, China Explanation: Megan Rapinoe won the Ballon d’Or as the
Explanation: Exercise HAND-IN-HAND 2019 is to be world’s best player. She beat Lucy Bronze and Alex
conducted at Umroi, Meghalaya. The 8th India-China joint Morgan to claim the title. In July 2019, the United States to
training is held under the United Nations mandate. The the World Cup title.
exercise will be held from 7-20 December 2019. 2223. Who won the 2019 Ballon d'Or award as the
2218. When is Dr. Rajendra Prasad Jayanti world’s best male player?
celebrated? [A] Cristiano Ronaldo
[A] 30 November [B] Virgil Van Dijk
[B] 3 December [C] Ronaldinho
[C] 11 December [D] Lionel Messi
[D] 20 December Correct Answer: [D] Lionel Messi
Correct Answer: [B] 3 December Explanation: Lionel Messi was named the best player and
Explanation: Dr. Rajendra Prasad was born on 3 was awarded the 2019 Ballon d'Or award in Paris. He
December 1884 in Bengal Presidency, British India. He created a world record by receiving the award for the sixth
was a lawyer by training and an Indian political leader. time.
2219. Who is organizing the 2020 Khelo India Youth 2224. Who took charge as the President of the
Games? European Commission?
[A] School Games Federation of India (SGFI) [A] Jean-Claude Juncker
[B] Indian Olympic Association (IOA) [B] Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka
[C] Assam State government [C] Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi
[D] All the above [D] Ursula von der Leyen
Correct Answer: [D] All the above Correct Answer: [D] Ursula von der Leyen
Explanation: Guwahati is to host the third edition of the Explanation: Ursula von der Leyen took charge as the
Khelo India Youth Games. It is expected to be held from 10 President of the European Commission. She replaced Jean-
January 2020. The 2020 Games is conducted in partnership Claude Juncker. She is the first woman to become the
with the School Games Federation of India (SGFI), Indian President of the European Commission.
Olympic Association (IOA), and Assam State government. 2225. Which Bill will grant citizenship to non-
2220. Who took charge as the Commander-in-Chief Muslims from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan
of the Andaman & Nicobar Command (CINCAN)? who came to India before 31 December 2014?
[A] Lt Gen Vijay Singh [A] Citizenship Bill, 2018
[B] Lt Gen Podali Shankar Rajeshwar [B] Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2018
[C] Lt Gen RP Singh [C] Citizenship Bill, 2019
[D] Lt Gen R K Jagga [D] Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019
Correct Answer: [B] Lt Gen Podali Shankar Rajeshwar Correct Answer: [D] Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019
Explanation: Lt Gen Podali Shankar Rajeshwar took Explanation: The Union Cabinet headed by PM Modi
charge as the Commander-in-Chief of the Andaman & cleared the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 on 4
Nicobar Command (CINCAN) on 1 December 2019. He is December 2019. The Bill will grant citizenship to non-
the 14th CINCAN. Before the appointment, he served as

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Muslims from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan who [C] P Chidambram
came to India before 31 December 2014. [D] Arun Jaitley
2226. What is the capital of Mauritius? Correct Answer: [D] Arun Jaitley
[A] Port Louis Explanation: Former Finance Minister of India Arun
[B] Curepipe Jaitley was bestowed with the Economic Times (ET)
[C] Quatre Bornes Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service 2019.
[D] Grand Baie 2232. Name the American actor who has been
Correct Answer: [A] Port Louis bestowed with the PETA (People for the Ethical
Explanation: Port Louis is the capital city of Mauritius, in Treatment of Animals) ‘Person of the Year’ Award
the Indian Ocean. It's known for its French colonial 2019.
architecture and the 19th-century Champ de Mars horse- [A] Rooney Mara
racing track. [B] River Phoenix
2227. Where is Lothal located? [C] Joaquin Rafael Phoenix
[A] Gujarat [D] Heath Ledger
[B] Rajasthan Correct Answer: [C] Joaquin Rafael Phoenix
[C] Haryana Explanation: American actor Joaquin Rafael Phoenix has
[D] Madhya Pradesh been bestowed with the PETA (People for the Ethical
Correct Answer: [A] Gujarat Treatment of Animals) ‘Person of the Year’ Award 2019.
Explanation: Lothal was one of the southernmost cities of 2233. Who is the present Chief of the Air Staff of
the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, located in the Bhāl India?
region of the modern state of Gujarat. [A] B S Dhanoa
2228. Which state does not border with Himachal [B] Karambir Singh
Pradesh? [C] Arjan Singh
[A] Rajasthan [D] Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria
[B] Punjab Correct Answer: [D] Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria
[C] J&K Explanation: Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria is the
[D] Uttar Pradesh present Chief of the Air Staff of India.
Correct Answer: [A] Rajasthan 2234. Name the cricket team which has been
Explanation: The state borders with Himachal Pradesh are awarded the Christopher Martin-Jenkins Spirit of
UN Jammu and Kashmir and Ut Ladakh on the north, Cricket award.
Punjab on the west, Tibet on the east, Uttarakhand on the [A] Pakistan
southeast, Haryana on the southwest and Uttar Pradesh on [B] England
the south (south most tip). [C] India
2229. Which is the longest tributary in India? [D] New Zealand
[A] Mahananda Correct Answer: [D] New Zealand
[B] Gandak Explanation: The New Zealand cricket team has been
[C] Yamuna awarded the Christopher Martin-Jenkins Spirit of Cricket
[D] Kosi award.
Correct Answer: [C] Yamuna 2235. Who among the following took over the charge
Explanation: The Yamuna sometimes called the Jamuna of Chairman of the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB)
or Jumna, is the longest and the second largest tributary recently?
river of the Ganges (Ganga) in northern India. [A] Hari Mohan
2230. India’s 1st National Maritime Heritage [B] Marella Anjaneyulu
Museum will be set up at the ancient Indian site of [C] C S Vishwakarma
Lothal located in? [D] Arun Kumar Jain
[A] Haryana Correct Answer: [A] Hari Mohan
[B] Gujarat Explanation: Hari Mohan an Indian Ordnance Factories’
[C] Nagaland Service officer took over the charge of Chairman of the
[D] Tamil Nadu Ordnance Factory Board (OFB).
Correct Answer: [B] Gujarat 2236. Who among the following has won the ‘Shakti
Explanation: India’s 1st National Maritime Heritage Bhatt First Book Prize’ for 2018-19?
Museum will be set up at the ancient Indian site of Lothal [A] Sujatha Gidla
in Gujarat. [B] Anuk Arudpragasam
2231. Name the former Finance Minister of India [C] Tony Joseph
who was bestowed with the Economic Times (ET) [D] Akshaya Mukul
Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service 2019. Correct Answer: [C] Tony Joseph
[A] Manmohan Singh Explanation: English author Tony Joseph has won the
[B] O P Dhankar ‘Shakti Bhatt First Book Prize’ for 2018-19.

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2237. On which day United Nations observes 2242. Who among the following is appointed as
International Day of Persons with Disabilities every Alphabet Inc. CEO after Google co-founders Larry
year? Page and Sergey Brin have announced that they are
[A] 1st December stepping down from the leadership role of the parent
[B] 2nd December company Alphabet?
[C] 3rd December [A] Larry Page
[D] 4th December [B] Mark Zuckerberg
Correct Answer: [C] 3rd December [C] Sundar Pichai
Explanation: International Day of Persons with [D] Jan Koum
Disabilities is being observed on the 3rd of December Correct Answer: [C] Sundar Pichai
every year. Explanation: Sundar Pichai promoted as Alphabet Inc.
2238. Name the wrestler who recently won the gold CEO after Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin
medal at the Senior Wrestling National Championships have announced that they are stepping down from the
in Jalandhar, Punjab in the 55kg category. leadership role of the parent company Alphabet.
[A] Babita Phogat 2243. The 13th edition of South Asian Games has
[B] Vinesh Phogat officially kicked off at Dasharath Stadium in?
[C] Sakshi Malik [A] Patna, India
[D] Geeta Phogat [B] Colombo, Sri Lanka
Correct Answer: [B] Vinesh Phogat [C] Kathmandu, Nepal
Explanation: Vinesh Phogat has won the gold medal at the [D] Karachi, Pakistan
Senior Wrestling National Championships in Jalandhar, Correct Answer: [C] Kathmandu, Nepal
Punjab in the 55kg category. Explanation: The 13th edition of South Asian Games has
2239. Who among the following has been appointed officially kicked off after the opening ceremony at
as the new president of “Asian Development Bank Dasharath Stadium in Kathmandu, Nepal.
(ADB)”? 2244. Which state has celebrated its 57th Statehood
[A] Mitsuo Sato Day on 01st December 2019?
[B] Tadao Chino [A] West Bengal
[C] Haruhiko Kuroda [B] Tripura
[D] Masatsugu Asakawa [C] Meghalaya
Correct Answer: [D] Masatsugu Asakawa [D] Nagaland
Explanation: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) board Correct Answer: [D] Nagaland
has unanimously elected Masatsugu Asakawa as its new Explanation: Nagaland celebrated its 57th Statehood Day
president. on 01st December 2019.
2240. The 35th anniversary of Bhopal Gas Tragedy 2245. Border Security Force (BSF) celebrated its
is being observed across the country. On which day the 55th raising day this year. BSF celebrates its raising day
industrial disaster event was held due to the leak of 40 every year on?
tonnes of deadly methyl isocyanate gas? [A] 04th December
[A] December 2, 1984 [B] 03rd December
[B] December 2, 1985 [C] 02nd December
[C] December 2, 1986 [D] 01st December
[D] December 2, 1987 Correct Answer: [D] 01st December
Correct Answer: [A] December 2, 1984 Explanation: Border Security Force (BSF) celebrated its
Explanation: The 35th anniversary of Bhopal Gas Tragedy 55th raising day 01st December 2019.
is being observed across the country. The industrial disaster 2246. Angad Vir Singh Bajwa is associated to which
event was held on the night of December 2, 1984 after the sports?
leakage of deadly methyl isocyanate gas. [A] Chess
2241. Navy Day is being celebrated in India on [B] Cricket
_______________. [C] Boxing
[A] 1st December [D] Shooting
[B] 2nd December Correct Answer: [D] Shooting
[C] 3rd December 2247. Who is the author of the book “The Legacy of
[D] 4th December Militancy in Punjab: Long Road to Normalcy"?
Correct Answer: [D] 4th December [A] Dona Suri
Explanation: Navy Day is being celebrated in India on 4th [B] Vikram Seth
December. The day is celebrated in honour of the maritime [C] Arundhati Roy
force’s role during the war with Pakistan in 1971 when [D] Vani Kaushal
Indian warships attacked Karachi port and successfully hurt Correct Answer: [A] Dona Suri
Pakistani operations in the western coast.

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2248. Akkitham Achuthan Namboothiri, who has [B] Carolina Marin
been chosen for the 55th Jnanpith Award, is associated [C] Baek Ha-na
to which language? [D] Alina Davletova
[A] Kannada Correct Answer: [B] Carolina Marin
[B] Tamil 2257. Which country won gold medal in final of the
[C] Malayalam South Asian Games (SAG) 2019 in Male Category of
[D] Telegu Volleyball?
Correct Answer: [C] Malayalam [A] India
2249. 50th International Film Festival of India was [B] Pakistan
recently concluded in which city? [C] Japan
[A] Mumbai [D] Brazil
[B] Goa Correct Answer: [A] India
[C] New Delhi Explanation: India defeated Pakistan in the final of the
[D] Chennai South Asian Games (SAG) 2019 in Male Category of
Correct Answer: [B] Goa Volleyball, thus clinching a goal medal in Kathmandu,
2250. Who was awarded 2019 Karmaveer Chakra Nepal. The bronze medal went to Sri Lanka.
by iCONGO and United Nations? 2258. Which state clinched the Sub Junior National
[A] Manjeet Singh Football Championship 2019-20 title?
[B] Rahul Adhikari [A] Sikkim
[C] Aman Desai [B] Assam
[D] Sachin Tanwar [C] Manipur
Correct Answer: [B] Rahul Adhikari [D] Meghalaya
2251. Who is the author of ‘Garam Pahad’? Correct Answer: [D] Meghalaya
[A] Namdev Tarachandani Explanation: Meghalaya clinched the Sub Junior National
[B] Moti Prakash Football Championship 2019-20 title after defeating
[C] Anita Bhatnagar Jain Arunachal Pradesh by 3-0 in the final played at the Kalyani
[D] Fahmida Hussain Stadium in West Bengal
Correct Answer: [C] Anita Bhatnagar Jain 2259. Who was awarded the Yachine Trophy for the
2252. Who won 55th Jnanpith Award-2019? best men’s goalkeeper in world football at the Ballon
[A] Rajeev Alunkal d’Or award ceremony?
[B] Lalithambika Antharjanam [A] Oliver
[C] Akkitham [B] Manuel Neur
[D] Rafeeq Ahamed [C] Peter Cexh
Correct Answer: [C] Akkitham [D] Alisson
2253. The police of which Indian city has recently Correct Answer: [D] Alisson
received SKOCH award for clean stations? Explanation: Liverpool’s Alisson was awarded the
[A] Hyderabad Yachine Trophy for the best men’s goalkeeper in world
[B] Chennai football at the Ballon d’Or award ceremony.
[C] Amravati 2260. Who was named as the ‘Serie A player of the
[D] Panaji year’?
Correct Answer: [B] Chennai [A] Lionel Messi
2254. Mitra Shakti is a joint military exercise of [B] Hugo Loris
India with which country? [C] Tim Howard
[A] Nepal [D] Cristiano Ronaldo
[B] Bhutan Correct Answer: [D] Cristiano Ronaldo
[C] Sri Lanka Explanation: Juventus striker Cristiano Ronaldo was
[D] Iran named as the ‘Serie A player of the year’ following his
Correct Answer: [C] Sri Lanka debut season at Juventus. Ronaldo signed for Juventus from
2255. Who recently took charge as the new Real Madrid in July 2018 and helped the Bianconeri to
Controller General of Accounts? their eighth successive Serie A title.
[A] Giriraj Prasad Gupta 2261. Who becomes first living Swiss to get ‘coin’
[B] Archana Nigam minted in his honour?
[C] J.P.S. Chawla [A] Nikola Veuicz
[D] Soma Roy Burman [B] Rafael Nadal
Correct Answer: [D] Soma Roy Burman [C] Roger Federer
2256. Who won the Women’s Singles title at 2019 [D] Clint Rapela
Syed Modi International badminton tournament? Correct Answer: [C] Roger Federer
[A] P.V. Sindhu Explanation: The Federal Mint, Swissmint announced that

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they would be honouring the Veteran tennis star Roger 2268. When is National Pollution Control Day
Federer. It will release a 20 Swiss francs silver observed?
commemorative coin in January 2020. [A] December 1
2262. Sub-lieutenant Shivangi became the first [B] December 3
woman pilot for the Indian Navy. She hails from which [C] December 2
state? [D] December 4
[A] Bihar Correct Answer: [C] December 2
[B] Uttar Pradesh Explanation: Every year December 2 is observed as
[C] Odisha National Pollution Control Day to raise awareness about
[D] Assam the problem caused by increasing pollution. The day is
Correct Answer: [A] Bihar observed remembering the innocent lives that were lost in
Explanation: Bihar based Sub-lieutenant Shivangi became the Bhopal gas tragedy that occurred on this day in 1984.
the first woman pilot for the Indian Navy Shivangi was 2269. Name the joint, tri-services exercise between
commissioned into the Indian Navy in 2018. She will be India and Russia which will be conducted in India from
flying the Dornier surveillance aircraft of the Indian Navy. 10-19 December 2019.
2263. Who was named ‘Global Indian of the Year’ [A] Nomadic Elephant
at The Economic Times Awards for Corporate [B] Yudh Abhyas
Excellence in Mumbai? [C] Shatrujeet
[A] Ajay Banga [D] INDRA
[B] Satya Nadella Correct Answer: [D] INDRA
[C] Aziz Premiji Explanation: “Exercise INDRA” is the joint, tri-services
[D] Mukesh Ambani exercise between India and Russia which will be conducted
Correct Answer: [A] Ajay Banga in India from 10-19 December 2019.
Explanation: The Economic Times Awards for Corporate 2270. Name the Bharat Ratna awardee whose death
Excellence named Ajay Banga, President and Chief anniversary is celebrated as “Mahaparinirvan Diwas”
Executive Officer of Mastercard, as ‘Global Indian of the on 6 December.
Year’ [A] Gopal Krishna Gokhale
2264. Who is the author of the book titled “The [B] Lala Lajpat Rai
Legacy of Militancy in Punjab: Long Road to [C] Bipin Chandra Pal
‘Normalcy’”? [D] Dr BR Ambedkar
[A] Inderjit Singh Jaijee Correct Answer: [D] Dr BR Ambedkar
[B] Dona Suri Explanation: The nation is paying homage to Bharat Ratna
[C] Mahesh Jain Dr BR Ambedkar on his 64th Mahaparinirvan Diwas (death
[D] Both [A] and [B] anniversary) on 6 December.
Correct Answer: [D] Both [A] and [B] 2271. Name the online trucking platform which has
Explanation: The book titled “The Legacy of Militancy in partnered with private lenders IDFC Bank and Yes
Punjab: Long Road to ‘Normalcy’” was released recently Bank to provide FASTags to truck owners free of cost.
which was written by civil rights activist Inderjit Singh [A] Swan
Jaijee and journalist Dona Suri. [B] Blackbuck
2265. What is the capital of Sweden? [C] Pigeon
[A] Stockholm [D] Wood Pecker
[B] Solna Correct Answer: [B] Blackbuck
[C] Varmado Explanation: The Online trucking platform “BlackBuck”
[D] Bangkok has partnered with private lenders IDFC Bank and Yes
Correct Answer: [A] Stockholm Bank to provide FASTags to truck owners free of cost.
2266. What is the currency of Finland? 2272. Who received the National Florence
[A] Euro Nightingale award 2019 posthumously?
[B] dollar [A] N Shoba
[C] Krone [B] Suni Sreejith
[D] Won [C] Lini Sajeesh
Correct Answer: [A] Euro [D] Shreya Gopinath
2267. What is the capital of Saudi Arabia? Correct Answer: [C] Lini Sajeesh
[A] Dammam Explanation: The National Florence Nightingale Awards
[B] Medina 2019 were conferred upon 36 nursing professionals. One
[C] Riyadh award was conferred posthumously to honour nurse Lini
[D] Mecca Sajeesh from Kozhikode, who had passed away while
Correct Answer: [C] Riyadh caring for a NIPAH patient in Kerala. The award was
received by her husband Sajeesh.

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CA Yearbook 2020
2273. Which among the following languages made 2277. International Civil Aviation Day is observed
its debut in the Rajya Sabha on December 6, 2019? on?
[A] Santhali [A] 2nd December
[B] Maithili [B] 3rd December
[C] Bodo [C] 5th December
[D] Konkani [D] 7th December
Correct Answer: [A] Santhali Correct Answer: [D] 7th December
Explanation: Santhali language made its debut in Rajya Explanation: International Civil Aviation Day is
Sabha on December 6, 2019. The Austroasiatic language, designated on 7th December by the United Nations General
mostly spoken among Odisha tribals, is one of the 22 Assembly since 1996. It was first celebrated by the
scheduled languages of India. The language was used by International Civil Aviation Organization on 7th December
Biju Janata Dal MP Sarojni Hembram to raise a matter of 1994 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the signing
urgent public importance during the zero hour. of the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
2274. Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal 2278. Recently, in which city of India, World Trade
inaugurated first Mega Food Park in which state? Center has been inaugurated?
[A] Madhya Pradesh [A] Delhi
[B] Punjab [B] Pune
[C] Karnataka [C] Kolkata
[D] Himachal Pradesh [D] Chandigarh
Correct Answer: [A] Madhya Pradesh Correct Answer: [D] Chandigarh
Explanation: Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal Explanation: World Trade Center has been inaugurated in
inaugurated the first Mega Food Park in Madhya Pradesh. Chandigarh recently constructed by the Viridian Group. It
This is central India's first food park which is spread over is going to become the most environmentally-sustainable
more than 51 acres. Its construction cost is 150 crores. commercial project of its size and state. It will boost the
About five thousand local people will get employment from economic growth of the Chandigarh Capital Region (CCR).
this mega food park. It will also strengthen the regional strategies to develop
2275. Who among the following was recently export-oriented economic zones by attracting foreign
awarded ‘Danny Kaye Humanitarian Award’ from business and multinational companies to the region.
UNICEF? 2279. In which country is the active volcano Mount
[A] Deepika Padukone Aso located?
[B] Priyanka Chopra [A] USA
[C] Hrithik Roshan [B] Columbia
[D] Anil Kapoor [C] Italy
Correct Answer: [B] Priyanka Chopra [D] Japan
Explanation: Priyanka Chopra was awarded Danny Kaye Correct Answer: [D] Japan
Humanitarian Award from UNICEF. This award is known Explanation: Mount Aso in Japan's Kumamoto prefecture
as the biggest humanitarian award of UNICEF. She was erupted recently. This eruption is the first after October 23,
nominated for this award in June, 2019. sending plumes of smoke about 700 metres above the first
2276. Which company has announced the world’s crater of Mt. Nakadake, which is one of the five peaks
largest-ever IPO? comprising the volcano. Mt. Aso is the largest and one of
[A] Alibaba the most active volcanoes in Japan with its peak at 1,592
[B] Reliance metres above sea level.
[C] Saudi Aramco 2280. Which among the following recently launched
[D] Amazon the 10 Year Rural Sanitation Strategy (2019-2029)?
Correct Answer: [C] Saudi Aramco [A] Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Explanation: Saudi oil giant Aramco has announced its [B] Department of Internal Security
initial public offering (IPO) at $25.6 billion, which is the [C] Department of North East Region
world’s largest ever. The gulf nation’s state oil company [D] Department of Financial Services
made the announcement on December 5, 2019. Correct Answer – [A] Department of Drinking Water and

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