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Gruta, Joshua Roberto A.

June 11, 2020

CW 1.1

1. The Silicon-Controlled Switch (SCS)

A silicon-controlled switch, like the silicon-controlled rectifier is a type of four-layer pnpn

semiconductor device. From Figure 1.1, all four semiconductor layers of the SCS are available

because of the addition of the anode gate. Anode gate connection can also be used to turn on

the device or off.

Figure 1.1. Basic Construction of Silicon-Controlled Switch

To operate the SCS, a negative pulse must be applied to the anode gate, while a positive

pulse to turn off the SCS. In Figure 1.2, shows the equivalent transistor circuit of the SCS. A

negative pulse at the anode gate will forward-bias the base-to-emitter junction of Q1, then

turning it on. This results to a heavy collector current I C1 which turns on Q2, resulting to a

regenerative action and the ON state for the SCS. A positive pulse at the anode gate will reverse-

bias the base-to-emitter junction of Q1, turning it off, then resulting to an open-circuit state of

the device.
Figure 1.2. Equivalent transistor circuit of SCS

One way to turn off the SCS is shown in Figure 1.3. When a pulse is applied to the

transformer, the transistor will conduct heavily and results to a low-impedance (approximately

short-circuit) characteristic between the collector and the emitter. Since current flows through

the path of least resistance or impedance, the low-impedance branch will divert the anode

current away from the SCS, and will drop below the holding current value, leading to turn off the


Figure 1.3. SCS turn off technique.

An advantage of the SCS than an SCR is the turn off time of the device. Typically, SCS have

a time-off time range of 1 μs to 10 μs for the SCS and 5 μs to 30 μs for the SCR. Another advantage

of the SCS over SCR is its better control and triggering sensitivity, and a more predictable firing

situation. However, the SCS is used to low power, current, and voltage ratings. From Figure 1.4,

it can be seen the Silicon-controlled switch package, and its terminal identification.
Figure 1.4. Silicon-controlled switch (SCS): (a) device; (b) terminal identification

Applications – Voltage Sensor

One of the applications of using an SCS is a voltage sensor device as shown in Figure 1.5.

It is called a simple alarm with 3 inputs from different stations. This works by having any single

input is connected to the cathode gate of the circuit. With an input, it will turn a specific SCS on,

then it will result to an energized alarm relay and the light in the anode gate will turn on to

indicate the location of the input. The transformer before the alarm relay circuit can be used for

electrical isolation to protect the alarm relay circuit.

Figure 1.5. SCS Alarm Circuit

2. Shockley Diode

A Shockley diode is a four-layer pnpn diode with only two terminals. The transistor

equivalent circuit of the Shockley diode can be seen in Figure 2.1. When a positive biasing voltage

is applied to the anode with respect to the cathode, the base-emitter junctions of transistors Q1

and Q2 (pn junctions 1 and 3 in Figure 2.1(a)) are forward-biased and the common base-collector

junction (pn junction 2 in Figure 2.1(a)) is reverse-biased.

Figure 2.1. Shockley Diode equivalent circuit

The operation process of the Shockley diode is that it is in the off state until the breakover

voltage is reached, where avalanche conditions will develop, and the device will turn on. This

characteristic can also be seen in Figure 2.2. To turn off the Shockley diode, the applied voltage

should be reduced so that the current flowing through the diode is less than the holding current,

IBR of the diode as shown in Figure 2.2 (b).

Figure 2.2. Shockley diode: (a) construction, and symbol; (b) characteristic curve

Applications – Trigger Switch

One common application of the Shockley Diode can be seen in Figure 2.3, where it is made

as a trigger switch for an SCR or a Silicon-Controlled Rectifier. From the circuit diagram below,

the RC circuit is being supplied with a DC source which will operate the Shockley diode. When Vdc

is applied to the network, the Shockley diode is forward biased and the capacitor will start

charging through the resistor. After the capacitor has charged, the capacitor voltage reaches to

the break over voltage of the Shockley diode, and the diode starts to operate, and the capacitor

starts to discharge through the diode. This operation of the Shockley diode operates the SCR, and

then the alarm buzzer will trigger an alarm. Once the SCR is turned on, it will remain in the on

state until the power supply is removed or commutation techniques to turn off the SCR are

Figure 2.3. Shockley Diode as a Trigger Switch

Boylestad, Robert L, and Louis Nashelsky. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory. Englewood Cliffs,

N.J: Prentice-Hall, 1978. Print.

Floyd, T. L. (2018). Electronic devices: Conventional current version.

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