Schizo Quiz

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Schizophrenia Quiz

1. Because a hospitalized client is d. Abnormal levels of dopamine cause

disoriented and actively psychotic, plans for structural brain abnormalities
nursing intervention should include
a. requests that the client interact with peers. 5. The family of a client with schizophrenia
b. encouraging the client to participate in asks the nurse what the brain imaging study
unit programs. ordered for the client is most likely to find.
c. reality orientation. The most appropriate response by the nurse
d. involvement in the milieu. is which of the following?
a. “It would most likely find an absent
2. Which of the following interventions frontal cortex.”
should the nurse include when caring for a b. “It would most likely find abnormal
client with delusions? Select all that apply: auditory and optical nerves.”
a. Orient the client to date, time, place, and c. “It would most likely find overactivity in
situation the center of creativity.”
b. Avoid whispering or laughing in front of d. “It would most likely find enlarged lateral
the client and third ventricles.”
c. Decrease environmental stimulation
with low lighting, low noise level, and 6. The family of a 25-year-old female client
decrease activity around the client asks the nurse if any of the family members
d. Avoid touching the client without asking are at risk to get schizophrenia. The nurse
for permission anticipates that which of the following
e. Initiate cognitively motivating activities individuals is most likely to also suffer from
f. Provide animal-assisted recreation schizophrenia?
a. The younger brother
3. A client diagnosed with schizophrenia is b. The older sister
displaying a flat affect, slowed thinking, and c. The monozygotic twin
a lack of motivation. The nurse interprets d. The 50-year-old maternal aunt
these as which of the following?
a. Delusions 7. Which of the following is the priority
b. Positive symptoms nursing intervention in the plan of care for a
c. Hallucinations client with catatonic schizophrenia?
d. Negative symptoms a. Introduce the client to the other clients
b. Begin obtaining the client’s history
4. Which of the following descriptions of the c. Give the client the prescribed drugs
dopamine hypothesis should the nurse d. Settle the client in the room
include when educating another nurse about
the causes of schizophrenia? 8. A public health nurse is providing case
a. The kidneys cause excessive amounts of management for a client who has chronic
dopamine in the body that the kidneys do paranoid schizophrenia. Which of the
not readily excrete following is the most appropriate goal for
b. There is an excess of dopamine found at this client? The client will
synaptic clefts in the brain a. take public transportation to go shopping.
c. Too little dopamine in the brain causes b. obtain and hold down a steady job.
hallucinations c. attend appointments with health care
Schizophrenia Quiz
d. socialize with neighbors on a daily basis. thoughts
b. Inability to identify person, place, and
9. A client recently hospitalized for time
schizophrenia has just returned back to a c. Confusion that worsens to the point of
group home. Although the client’s delirium
hallucinations have resolved, negative d. Interpreting a shadow as a person
symptoms of schizophrenia continue. Based
on this assessment, the nurse should monitor 13. The nurse administers which of the
the client for which of the following following prescribed drugs for the purpose
negative clinical manifestations? of relieving both the positive and negative
Select all that apply: clinical manifestations of schizophrenia?
a. Anhedonia a. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
b. Failure to socialize b. Dopaminergic
c. Smiling c. Anxiolytic
d. Strong desire to resume work d. Sedative
e. Alogia
f. Daily hygiene practices 14. The nurse is reviewing the chart of a
client who was recently diagnosed with
10. A client with acute psychosis is being schizophrenia following graduation from
evaluated in the emergency room to college and notices that the date coincides
determine the need for hospitalization. with the date of the client’s mother’s
During the initial interview, the client diagnosis of schizophrenia. The nurse
became mute and unable to move out of the evaluates the major risk factor contributing
chair. The nurse appropriately documents to the development of schizophrenia in this
this behavior as what type of schizophrenia? client as
a. Catatonic schizophrenia a. a recent search for employment.
b. Disorganized schizophrenia b. being from a low socioeconomic class.
c. Disorganized schizophrenia c. the mother’s genetics at the time of
d. Residual schizophrenia diagnosis.
d. being recently divorced.
11. What are the chronic clinical
manifestations for the medical complications 15. The nurse is caring for a client with
of schizophrenia? Select all that apply: schizophrenia who is experiencing
a. Weight gain delusions. Which of the following nursing
b. Immobility diagnoses would be appropriate?
c. Generalized edema a. Impaired verbal communication
d. Hyponatremia b. Ineffective role performance
e. Purposeless movements c. Disturbed thought processes
f. Activity that is unrelated to external d. Disturbed sensory perception
16. A newly married client is delusional and
12. The nurse caring for a client with believes that his partner is having an affair
schizophrenia evaluates which of the with the next door neighbor. Which of the
following behaviors as an idea of influence? following is the priority that will lead the
a. The belief that a radio can control nurse to expect that these delusions will
someone’s incapacitate this man?
Schizophrenia Quiz
a. He will be consumed by his thoughts a. Monitor intake and output
b. He will predominantly be affected at work b. O btain serum sodium and potassium
c. These beliefs will not have any effect on levels
him c. R estrict the client’s oral intake
d. T hese beliefs will affect his social d. E ducate the client about a low-sodium
relationships diet

17. A well-known substance user is brought 20. A client with chronic schizophrenia is
to the emergency department at 0200 by the experiencing polydispia and polyuria and
probation officer (P.O.). The P.O. is begins to complain of nausea and muscle
concerned because the client has been cramps. The nurse should report this as a
threatening peers with a knife and accusing clinical manifestation of psychogenic
them of having an affair with the client’s polydipsia when the client drinks greater
partner. While making the assessment, the than how many liters a day?
nurse understands that psychosis is most ______________________
likely related to
21. A client who belongs to a familial
a. using methamphetamine tonight. religious sect reports seeing “visions.”
b. marijuana use 2 days ago. Neither the client nor the family are
c. use of alcohol over the last week. concerned. The nurse understands that
d. use of a friend’s tranquilizers. which of the following explanations
accounts for the lack of concern about this
18. A nurse using the downtown visualization?
transportation system in a large city sees a a. The client is not convinced of the
homeless woman sitting on a park bench. religious sect
The woman is talking to herself and b. The family believes that the client made it
frequently looks over to the empty space on up
the bench beside her. What is the best c. Cultural variations of spiritual beliefs
explanation for this situation? exist
a. The woman is experiencing auditory and d. This is the first time “visions” have been
visual hallucinations seen
b. The woman is lonely because she is
homeless 22. Knowing that it is difficult to establish
c. She was speaking on her cell phone by trust with a client experiencing delusions,
using the headset the nurse who is taking care of a client with
d. She was calling to her friend down the delusional disorder should initiate
street conversation by saying which of the
19. The nurse working in an adult inpatient a. “What happened to make you come
psychiatric unit is admitting a client recently here?”
diagnosed with schizophrenia. The nurse b. “What is bothering you right now?”
notices that this client is constantly drinking c. “I’m your nurse; tell me if you need
water. Which of the following interventions something.”
is a priority for this client? d. “The other clients want to meet you.”
Schizophrenia Quiz
23. The registered nurse on a psychiatric Delmar Cengage Learning.
unit is making clinical assignments. Which Frisch, N. C., & Frisch, L. E. (2016).
of the following assignments should the Psychiatric mental
nurse delegate to a licensed practical nurse? health nursing (4th ed.). Clifton Park, NY:
a. Plan the medication schedule for a client Delmar
with schizophrenia Cengage Learning.
b. Instruct a client with schizophrenia on the
c. Document the description of the
hallucinations a client is experiencing
d. Discuss with a client’s family the
plan for the client

24. A client’s family asks the nurse what the

primary reason is for conducting a physical
exam as part of the diagnostic process for a
psychiatric client. Which of the following is
the most appropriate response? “The
physical exam is performed to
a. “rule out any medical causes for the
psychiatric clinical manifestations.”
b. “determine functional status.”
c. “replace the mental status exam.”
d. “test the client’s perception of what is

25. A client is admitted to a medical-surgical

unit with an infection of the right great toe
and temperature of 38.9°C (102°F). The
client appears to be becoming psychotic. In
determining what action to take next, which
of the following factors should the nurse
a.The client is having an acute onset of
b. The client was postictal
c. The client’s circadian rhythm is
d. The client is psychotic because of the

Antai-Otong, D. (2015). Psychiatric
nursing, biological
and behavioral concepts (2nd ed.). Clifton
Park, NY:

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