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If Mars is associated with the lagna and 6th lords, the native will be prone to
wounds and injuries. If Mercury is associated with the said lords, the native will
suffer diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract
4. The association of Jupiter with the lagna and 6th lords doesn’t make one diseaseprone
but if Saturn is associated with them, he’ll fear thieves
5. Rahu or Ketu conjoining the lagna and 6th lords gives the native fear of felines
and reptiles
6. If Venus is combined with the lagna and 6th lords, the native’s spouse will be in
danger. If the lord of the 3rd and Mars conjoin, death in a war is indicated
7. If the 8th lord is in the 12th in combination with debilitated or inimical planets
and the lagna lord is strong, the person’s diseases will be destroyed
8. For Taurus and Scorpio natives, if the lagna lord is weak and combined with
benefics, the native’s enemies will turn pals
Chapter 6
Seventh house
1. If the 7th lord is associated with Venus with no malefic aspects, only one
marriage is indicated
2. If malefics are in the 2nd and 7th and are combined with the lord of 7th, or if
Venus is debilitated or in 11th, or if the 7th lord is in 6th or 12th, the native will have
more than one wife. The native will have this indication if malefics are in the lagna
3. If Saturn, Mars and Venus are weak and occupy the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th, the
native will have two wives. The same is the case if Mars is in any of these positions
4. If Jupiter is in the 2nd, the person will have a second wife late in life
5. If Saturn is in 2nd or Rahu in the 7th, two marriages are indicated
6. If the 2nd and 7th are occupied by either their respective lords or Venus and if the
two houses are associated with benefics, the number of such benefics indicates the
number of living wives the native will have, while only one wife will live if malefics
join the above combination
7. If there’s a Venus-Saturn conjunction in 7th, the person will remain attached to
his own wife
8. Mercury in 7th makes the person addicted to other women, while Jupiter there
gives a devoted wife
9. If the lords of the 7th, 2nd and 10th are in 4th, the native will be addicted to other
10. The person becomes skilful if Rahu is in 7th, while Ketu there will make the
wife a shrewChapter 7
Health and longevity
1. If the lagna lord is associated with Jupiter, good longevity is indicated. Jupiter is
the karaka for fortune, children and body
2. Saturn in association with the 8th lord also confers long life. Saturn’s placement
in the 8th is also good for longevity
3. The 8th lord in the lagna, along with Ketu, indicates short life
4. Sun combined with the lord of 9th makes the father long-lived, provided they’re
not together in 9th. However, Sun’s placement in the 9th shortens the father’s life,
as does Moon in 4th for the mother’s longevity
5. If the 9th lord is in 11th, long life to the father is indicated
6. Moon, when associated with the 4th lord, indicates a long life to the mother
7. If either Mars or Jupiter is in 3rd, harm will be caused to the native’s brothers
8. If the 3rd is owned and occupied by Jupiter, the person will only have one
9. Jupiter in 5th and Venus in 7th lessen the longevity of children and spouse

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10. Long life to the native’s mother is surely to be predicted if Moon conjoins the
4th lord in 5th, 9th or 10th
11. If the 4th lord is in 4th and it happens to be its moolatrikona, the mother will live
12. The mother’s longevity will be curtailed by Saturn’s aspect on both the 4th lord
and waning Moon
Chapter 8
Fortunate combinations
1. A parivartana between the 9th and 11th lords or an association between these two
lords indicates a fortunate native
2. If eight planets occupy four houses in pairs of two each, the native will be
fortunate. The same can be predicted if there are three pairs of planets in a
3. If four benefics are aspected by malefics, the native won’t be very fortunate but
he’ll have some wealth
4. If malefics occupy the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses, the person becomes lucky
5. The person will be fortunate in that bhava whose karaka is situated in the 12 th
6. If the lords of the lagna, 9th and 4th are in the 10th, lagna or 7th in association with
the 10th lord, during the dasas and bhuktis of such lords, the native will become
very fortunate
7. It’s auspicious to have an exalted planet situated in either 5th or 9th
8. If there’s a Sun-Venus-Mercury combine in 5th with Jupiter in 11th, the Mercury
dasa will bring the native much fortune
9. If Sun and 9th lord are together in the 12th, fortune thru father is indicated
10. The native’s father will either be fortunate or otherwise, depending on whether
Sun is exalted or debilitated
11. For a Sagittarian, even a debilitated Sun will confer riches thru the father
12. The placement of the lords of 9th, 12th and Sun augur well for the father, or if
Jupiter and 12th lord are in 12th
13. If Venus and Moon are both in 12th, the native will be fortunate thru his mother
and wife
14. If Mars or 9th lord is in 12th, the person will be fortunate in respect of his
brother or father respectively
15. If Mercury conjoins the 2nd lord in 6th, the native acquires money thru his
enemies (or cousins and rivals)
16. If Jupiter as 5th lord is exalted, the children enjoy much fortune
Chapter 9
1. If the 2nd and 5th lords are their respective houses or in the 9th and 10th, rajayoga
is conferred
2. If the 2nd and 11th lords are in 10th, free from afflictions, rajayoga results
3. Rahu’s placement in 4th, 5th, 10th or 11th gives a rajayoga during Rahu dasa
4. Ketu in the 5th or 9th is evil. In the 3rd, it’s capable of producing a rajayoga
5. The placement of Moon and Venus in 3rd is auspicious, during the Venus dasa
6. There’s no permanent yoga if the 10th lord is either in 3rd or 11th
7. When Jupiter lords the 10th, his placement in 3rd gives the same yoga as that
when he’d have owned the 3rd
8. While the placement of the 9th lord in 8th is generally unfavorable, the same
placement when Jupiter lords the 9th is very auspicious

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9. When the 8th and 9th lords associate, the dasa of the former will confer fame and
10. An association of the 10th and 11th lords confers a rajayoga during the 11th
lord’s dasa, while bad results occur during the 10th lord’s periods and 11th lord’s
11. Venus in 10th produces no yoga. If Saturn is in the 7th, his periods prove
12. Saturn in the 3rd or 9th, or Rahu in 7th certainly confers prosperitygoes to heaven after
14. A parivartana between the 9th and 10th lords is a very powerful rajayoga, as
does the parivartana between the 5th and 10th lords
15. If the 9th and 10th lords are in their respective houses, it’s very fortunate
16. The placement of the 9th and 10th lords in 7th and lagna respectively is
17. The native enjoys power and fame if the 5th, 7th and 10th lords are in quadrants
and trines
18. When Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn are all exalted in a chart, a rajayoga

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