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Chapter 10

Combinations for dips in sacred waters

1. If Jupiter is in association with the 10th lord, the native will be engaged in good
2. If the lords of 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and Jupiter are all together in a watery sign, the
native will have dips in rivers as sacred as Ganga and in Ganga itself during
Jupiter’s dasa
3. No pilgrimage will be undertaken by the native during the dasas of the 5 th and
7th lords; he’ll spend his time listening to God’s stories in this time instead
4. If Jupiter and Saturn are in 9th in Aquarius, the native will have the fortune of
many dips in the Ganga and holy rivers. The same results if there’s a Venus-Sun-
Jupiter combine in 10th in Capricorn
5. If the 10th lord is associated with Jupiter, the native will be religious. Opposite
results are produced when the 10th lord is in the 6th or 12th
Chapter 11
Combinations for death
1. The 2nd lord becomes a maraka in the dasa of the 12th lord, and vice-versa
2. If the second lord associates with the 12th lord, the latter becomes a powerful
maraka during the dasa of the 2nd lord
3. If the 12th lord aspects the 12th house, the planets in that house become marakas
during the dasa of the 2nd lord
4. Death may take place in the bhuktis of malefics in the 12th within the 12th lord’s
5. Malefics, when in the 2nd and in association with the 12th lord, turn killers in their
own dasas and bhukt6. Death will be caused in the dasas of malefics in the 12 th house.
Planets in
association with the 2nd lord will also become evil
7. Death will be caused by the 8th lord in his own dasa and bhukti. Death will also
be caused in the bhukti of the 8th lord in the dasa of the 6th lord
8. Death will be caused by malefics in the 6th, in their bhuktis
9. Death can be predicted in the dasa of the 6th lord and bhukti of the 8th lord
10. Planets aspected by the 8th lord and planets associated with the 6th lord become
marakas in the dasa of the 8th lord
11. Death will be caused in the dasa of a malefic in 8th and bhukti of the 6th lord
12. Death will be caused in the dasa of a malefic in 6th and bhukti of the 8th lord
13. Death will happen in the dasa of a malefic in 8th and bhukti of a malefic in the
14. For Taurus lagna natives, if Mercury and Venus are in Virgo, they become
mutual marakas
15. Mars inflicts death in his dasa if he has evil lordship and is placed in the 5 th
16. When Saturn associates with marakas in a chart, he becomes death-inflicting,
even if he owns favorable houses
17. Death will be caused in the dasa of the 8th lord when he occupies the lagna
18. If two or more children of the native undergo Rahu dasa concurrently, the
native dies in that time
Chapter 12
Results of dasas
1. Unless born in Sagittarius and Pisces lagnas, when Venus and Saturn give rise to
yogas in the other’s dasas, unfortunate results are to be expected in Saturn’s dasa

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Venus bhakti and Venus dasa Saturn bhukti
2. Death may be caused by the lords of 6th, 8th and 12th in the course of the dasa of
the 8th lord who occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th
3. If the 3rd and 10th lords are in association, the native will be bereft of fortune in
the 10th lord’s dasa but enjoy good results in the 3rd lord’s dasa
4. The 5th, 7th and 9th being in their own houses facilitate dips in sacred rivers
during their dasas and bhuktis
5. A person gets wealth by his own efforts in the dasa of planets occupying the
lagna or 7th house. He’ll also acquire wealth during the 9th lord’s dasa if he
occupies 7th
6. The native’s father will die in the bhukti of Rahu, Ketu, Saturn or the Sun within
the Rahu dasa. Father’s death can also be predicted in the bhukti of Mars, Saturn,
Rahu or Sun in the dasa of Ketu
7. Father’s death will happen in the bhuktis of Rahu, Ketu, Saturn or Sun in the
dasa of Mars, or bhukti of Mars, Rahu, Sun or Ketu in the dasa of Saturn8. Father’s
death will certainly occur before the end of Mars dasa and the
beginning of Rahu dasa
9. One’s father will die in the bhukti of Rahu in the dasa of a malefic planet
10. Venus confers a rajayoga in his dasa if he’s in conjunction with Jupiter in
11. When Sun and Mercury are in association, Sun’s dasa will be ordinary but
Mercury’s dasa will be excellent
12. When Mars and Moon are in association, Mars’ dasa will be ordinary but
Moon’s dasa will be excellent
13. When Jupiter and Saturn are in association, Jupiter’s dasa will be ordinary but
Saturn’s dasa will be excellent
14. When Jupiter and Moon are in association, Jupiter’s dasa will be ordinary but
Moon’s dasa will be excellent
15. Rahu when in a quadrant or trine confers a rajayoga during his dasa
16. If Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are associated, the native becomes rich
17. If Venus is associated with Mercury or Jupiter, Venus’ dasa will be very fruitful
18. When Jupiter and Mercury associate, mixed results are seen in Mercury’s dasa
while Jupiter’s dasa will be bad for the native’s finances
19. When Sun conjoins other planets, Sun’s dasa will be favorable while the dasas
of the other planets conjoined with Sun will yield ordinary results
20. Of the planets associated with Rahu, the strongest one gives results indicated
by it
21. When Rahu, Sun and Saturn are in the 3rd, Rahu gives rise to courage and
fortune in his dasa
22. During the Rahu dasa, one becomes timid if Mercury is in the 3rd house
Chapter 13
Ordinary combinations
1. All such bhavas whose lords are in conjunction with the respective karakas
become strong
2. The lords of the 3rd, 8th and 11th produce evil, while the lords of the 5th and 9th
give good results. Even Jupiter becomes evil while owning the 3rd, 8th or 11th house,
though he’ll confer wealth and fame
3. Venus in both the 6th and 12th gives rise to fame and fortune
4. If Rahu is in either the 4th, 5th, 10th or 11th houses, fame and affluence are
5. Benefics become evil by owning quadrants, while malefic planets owning
quadrants confer a rajayoga

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6. Houses which are aspected by Saturn become defective, as does the house in
which Saturn is posited. However, if Saturn aspects the 3rd and 9th houses, they
gain strength7. A waning Moon in the lagna makes the native dull and dependent.
results are seen if Moon is waxing
8. The native becomes fortunate if Moon and Mars are either in the lagna or the 8th
house. He acquires houses if Mars joins the 4th lord
9. If Jupiter is in the 4th with the 4th lord, the person acquires cattle
10. Any house or lord or its karaka, if hemmed between malefics, produce evil
11. If the lords of 11th and 12th conjoin, they produce good results. The 11th lord
produces good results if he occupies the 3rd or 12th house
12. Only ordinary results manifest when the 9th lord is in 8th
13. Moon in the 6th makes one intelligent, whereas he’ll be fickle if it’s in the 3rd
14. Beginning from Aries, zodiacal signs are alternatively odd and even
Chapter 14
Grahamalika yogas

1. If all planets occupy the first five houses from the lagna, panchagrahamalika
yoga is caused
2. If all planets occupy the first six houses from the lagna, shashtagrahamalika yoga
is caused
3. If all planets occupy the first seven houses from the lagna, sapthagrahamalika
yoga is caused
4. If all planets occupy the first eight houses from the lagna, ashtagrahamalika yoga
is caused
5. If all planets occupy the first nine houses from the lagna, navagrahamalika yoga
is caused
6. Some say the grahamalika yoga commences from the Sun, while others are of
the view that the lagna is the yoga’s starting point
7. A native having grahamalika yoga caused by the presence of planets in 5, 6, 7, 8
and 9 houses from the lagna will be fortunate
8. Planets occupying even signs produce results pertaining to their trinal ownership
in the beginning; the results due to the other ownership will be conferred later
9. Planets occupying odd signs produce results pertaining to ownership of rasi, etc.
in the beginning; the results due to trinal lordship will be conferred later
10. A planet in the 2nd from the Sun has swift motion; the one in 3rd even motion
11. Planets in the 4th from the Sun possess slow motion; those in the 5th and 6th
have somewhat retrograde motion
12. Planets in the 11th and 12th from the Sun possess very swift motion. Such swift
motion renders benefics devoid of strength13. Malefics cause good by having retrograde
motion. In this way should be
ascertained planetary movements, by the learned

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