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History of a1-Tabari

The Conquest of Iran

The Conquest of Iran
volume X1V
Translated by G. Rex Smith
This volume covers the years 21.23 /641.43 of the caliphate of ' Umar
b. al-Khntttih, It can be divided into two distinct and almost equal parts:
The first concerning the Muslim conq uests in Iran and the east , and the
second concerning ' Umar himself, his assassination , and an assessment
of the caliph and the man.
The volume begins with the caliphal order to the Muslim troops, re•
cently victorious at the famous battle of Nihiwand in 21/641, to pen-
etrate farther into infidel lands in the east . The might of the Persian
empire had been broken . and a golden opportunity offered Itself to the
Muslim community to expand Its territories. The territorial gains thus
achieved are recounted In this volume. Moving out of the garrison towns
of al-Kufah and al-easrah, the Muslim forces' conquests of Isfahan,
Hansadhin, al-Rayy, Qirmia, Jurjin, Tabaristin, Azerbaijan, Khuraaut, parts
of Firs province , Kirmgn. Silist3n and Makrin as far as the Indus, are all
described in these pages
Contained in these accounts of far-reaching conquests are the peace
documents, which are of considerable historical importance. They are
typically the documents issued by the victorious Muslim commanders
on the ground to the sub jugated local inhabitants , laying out in precise
terms the obligations of the latter toward their Muslim conquerors in
return for safe conduct.
Leaving the Muslim forces on the bank of Indus. Tabars switches his
account to Medina, when in 23/643 cUmar b. al-KKhattib was assassi-
nated by a Christian slave . After full accounts of this deed , the reader
is provided with details of the caliph 's genealogy, his physical descrip-
tion. his birth date and age, the names of his children and wives, and
the period of time he was a Muslim . A lengthy section follows, in which
the deeds of ; Umar are recounted in anecdotal form. There are also
quotations from his addresses to his people and some poetic eulogies
addressed to him.

The volume ends with ' Umar's appointment of the electoral council,
five senior figures in the Islamic community . to decide on his successor,
and the fascinating and historically greatly important account of the
workings of the council with all the cut and thrust of debate and the
politicking behind the scenes. Thus was 'Uthmin b. 'Affan appointed to
succeed 'Umar.
ISBN 0-7914-1294-6 F•

The State University of New York Press

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The Conquest of Iran

A.D. 641 - 643 /A .H. 21 -23
The History of al-Tabari

Editorial Board
Ihsan Abbas, University of Jordan, Amman
C. E. Bosworth, The University of Manchester
Franz Rosenthal, Yale University
Everett K. Rowson, The University of Pennsylvania
Ehsan Yar-Shater, Columbia University (General Editor)

Estelle Whelan, Editorial Coordinator

Center for Iranian Studies

Columbia University



Said Amir Arjomand, Editor


The preparation of this volume was made possible in part by

a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities,
an independent federal agency.
Bibliotheca Persica
Edited by Ehsan Yar-Shater

The History of al-Tabar!

(Ta'rikh al-rusul wa '1-muluk)


The Conquest of Iran

translated and annotated

G. Rex Smith
The University of Manchester

State University of New York Press

Published by
State University of New York Press, Albany
® 1994 State University of New York
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles and reviews.
For information, address the State University of New York Press,
9o State Street, Suite 700, Albany, NY 12207
Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data
Tabari, 838?-923.
)Ta'rikh al- rusul wa -al-muluk. English . Selections)
The conquest of Iran / translated and annotated by
G. Rex Smith.
p. cm.-(The history of al-Tabari = Ta'rikh al-rusul
wa'l-muluk) v. 14) (Bibliotheca Persica ( (SUNY series in Near
Eastern studies)
Translation of extracts from: Ta'rikh al-rusul wa-al-muluk.
Includes bibliographical references (p. ( and index.
ISBN 0-7914- 1293 - 8 (alk. paper).-ISBN 0-7914- 1194-6
(pbk. : alk. paper)
r. Iran-History-64o-1 z56. z. Islamic Empire-History-
6zz-66x . 3. 'Umar ibn al-Khaltib, Caliph, d.644.
4. Caliphs-Biography. I. Title. 11. Series. III. Series:
Tabari, 838?-923 . Ta'rikh al-rusul wa-al-muluk . English; r4.
IV. Series : Bibliotheca Persica (Albany, N.Y.)
DS38 .z.T313 1985 vol. 14
909'1 s-dczo
(955'•oz ) 91-25776

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


muldk ) by Abu Ja far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari ( 839-923),
here rendered as The History of al-Tabari, is by common con-
sent the most important universal history produced in the world
of Islam . It has been translated here in its entirety for the first
time for the benefit of non-Arabists, with historical and philo-
logical notes for those interested in the particulars of the text.
Al-Tabari 's monumental work explores the history of the
ancient nations, with special emphasis on biblical peoples and
prophets, the legendary and factual history of ancient Iran, and,
in great detail, the rise of Islam, the life of the Prophet
Muhammad, and the history of the Islamic world down to the
year 915. The first volume of this translation contains a
biography of al-Tabari and a discussion of the method , scope,
and value of his work. It also provides information on some
of the technical considerations that have guided the work of the
The History has been divided here into thirty-nine volumes,
each of which covers about zoo pages of the original Arabic text
in the Leiden edition. An attempt has been made to draw the
dividing lines between the individual volumes in such a way
that each is to some degree independent and can be read as such.
The page numbers of the Leiden edition appear in the margins
of the translated volumes.
Al-Tabari very often quotes his sources verbatim and traces
the chain of transmission (isndd ) to an original source. The
vi Preface

chains of transmitters are, for the sake of brevity, rendered by

only a dash-) between the individual links in the chain. Thus,
"According to Ibn Humayd -Salamah-Ibn ishaq" means that
al-Tabari received the report from Ibn Humayd, who said that he
was told by Salamah, who said that he was told by Ibn Ishaq,
and so on. The numerous subtle and important differences in
the of iginal Arabic wording have been disregarded.
The table of contents at the beginning of each volume gives a
brief survey of the topics dealt with in that particular volume.
It also includes the headings and subheadings as they appear in
al-Tabari 's text, as well as those occasionally introduced by the
Well-known place names, such as, for instance, Mecca, Baghdad,
Jerusalem, Damascus , and the Yemen, are given in their English
spellings. Less common place names, which are the vast majority,
are transliterated . Biblical figures appear in the accepted English
spelling. Iranian names are usually transcribed according to their
Arabic forms, and the presumed Iranian forms are often discussed
in the footnotes.
Technical terms have been translated wherever possible, but
some, such as dirham and imam , have been retained in Arabic
forms . Others that cannot be translated with sufficient precision
have been retained and italicized, as well as footnoted.
The annotation aims chiefly at clarifying difficult passages,
identifying individuals and place names , and discussing textual
difficulties. Much leeway has been left to the translators to in-
clude in the footnotes whatever they consider necessary and
The bibliographies list all the sources mentioned in the annota-
The index in each volume contains all the names of persons
and places referred to in the text, as well as those mentioned in
the notes as far as they refer to the medieval period. It does not
include the names of modern scholars . A general index, it is
hoped, will appear after all the volumes have been published.
For further details concerning the series and acknowledgments,
see Preface to Volume 1.

Ehsan Yar-Shater


Preface / v

Abbreviations / xi

Translator's Foreword / xiii

Map 1 . The Area of the Conquests of Iran, 11-23/641-44 / xxi

The Events of the Year 21 (cont'd) (641-642) / i

What Happened in This Year, zx-'Umar's Previously
Mentioned Orders to the Two Armies / 2
I$fahan / 6
The Account of [the Attack on I§fahan] / io

The Events of the Year 22 (642-643) / 17

The Conquest of al-Rayy / 24
The Conquest of Qumis / 27
The Conquest of Jurjan / z8
The Conquest of Tabaristan / 30
The Conquest of Azerbaijan / 31
The Conquest of al-Bab / 34
Information on ['Umar's Division of the Conquered
Lands] / 43
viii Contents

The Reason for [the Dismissal of 'Ammar] / 47

Yazdajird 's journey to Khurasan and the Reason for It / S x

The Events of the Year 23 (643-644) / 64

The Conquest of Tawwaj / 64
The Conquest of Istakhr / 66
The Conquest of Fasa and Darabjird / 70
The Conquest of Kirman / 73
The Conquest of Sijistan / 75
The Conquest of Makran / 77
Bayrudh in al-Ahwaz / 78
Salamah b. Qays al-Ashja'i and the Kurds / 83
Umar's Assassination / 89
The Sources of [the Conflicting Report of 'Umar's Death) / 93
Umar's Genealogy / 95
The Sources of [the Report that Muhammad First Called 'Umar
al-Faruq] / 96
The Sources of [the Report that the People of the Book Did
That( / 96
A Description of 'Umar / 96
His Birth and Age / 97
Some of the Sources of [the Report that He Was Fifty-Five Years
Old) / 98
The Sources of [the Report that He Was Fifty-Three Years Old] /
The Sources of [the Report that He Was Sixty -Three Years
Old) / 99
The Sources of (the Report that He Was Sixty-One Years Old] /
The Sources of [the Report that He Was Sixty Years Old] / 99
The Names of His Children and Wives / zoo
When He Became a Muslim / ioz
The Sources of This Report / ioz
Some of His Memorable Deeds / 103
Relevant Information on ('Umar' s Night Visits) / x09
Umar's Being Called Commander of the Faithful / 113
Information on This Matter / 114
His Institution of the (Islamic) Dating System / x14
Contents ix

]'Umar's] Carrying a Whip and His Instituting the State Regis-

ters / 115
Some Excerpts from His Addresses / 123
Another Address / 124
Another Address / 125
Another Address / 1126
Those Who Have Lamented and Elegized 'Umar-Some of the
Elegies Written about Him / 129
Some of 'Umar' s Meritorious Deeds Not Previously Recorded /
1 31
The Account of the Electoral Council / 143
'Umar's Governors in the Garrison Towns / 164

Bibliography / 167

Index / 173


Cairo: al-Tabari, Ta'rikh, Cairo edition.

CHIr: Cambridge History of Iran.
CHIs : Cambridge History of Islam.
EIr: Encyclopaedia Iranica.
Ell: Encyclopaedia of Islam, ist ed.
EIZ: Encyclopaedia of Islam , and ed.
GAS: P. Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums.
Glossarium : Glossary in al-Tabari , Ta'rikh : Indices, Introductio,
Glossarium, Addenda et Emendanda.
SEI: Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam.
Selection : M. de Goeje, ed., Selection from the Annals of Tabari.
Tabari: al-Tabari, Ta'rikh, Leiden ed.
Translation : al-Tabari, The History of al-Tabari.

Translator's Foreword

This volume of Tabari 's text (I, pp. 2634 -2 798 of the Leiden
edition and IV, pp. 137-2411 of the Cairo edition) covers the
period 211 - 23/6411 - 43 and can be divided into two distinct and
almost equal parts : the first concerning the conquests under
'Umar b. al-Khallab in Iran and the east, which gives this
volume its title, and the second concerning 'Umar himself, his
assassination, and an assessment of the caliph and the man.
The text translated in this volume owes much to Tabari's
informant Sayf b . 'Umar, a controversial figure who has occa-
sioned some comment. Although much trusted by Tabari for the
early period of Islamic history, Sayf is not used as an informant
by others. He has, for example, been accused of presenting
inconsistent accounts and of overemphasizing the role of his
own tribe, Tamim. References to assessments of the mysterious
Sayf are given below, p. 1 n. 3.

Historical Background
'Umar had assumed the caliphate in 113 /634, the immediate
successor of the first caliph, Abu Bakr (11-13 /632-34). Abu
Bakr's first major problem had been how to hold together the
young Islamic community that had been built by the Prophet
and that immediately after his death threatened to disintegrate.
Some tribes of the Peninsula felt no further loyalty to the com-
munity and its leader, and they had anyway, increasingly with
xiv Translator's Foreword

their geographical distance from Medina, only tenuous links

with Muhammad and the religion of Islam . This cannot be the
place for a detailed discussion of Abu Bakr's determined efforts
to bring these tribes back into the fold, efforts that have gone
down in history as the so -called Riddah wars or the wars of
Apostasy. What can be said with confidence is that these Riddah
ware, as the Muslim warriors fighting them moved farther and
farther away from the center of Islam and out of the control of
the head of the Islamic community ( a point to which I shall
return below in the context of 'Umar himself ), gradually merged
into wars of conquest. Whatever one's view of the military
activities of the Muslims during the brief caliphate of Abu Bakr,
it is true to say that by the time of 'Umar's assumption of the
caliphate in 113 /634 we are talking only in terms of conquest.

The Conquests
Two fronts initially opened up, the Syrian and the Iraqi. The
former attracted less attention from Tabari , who compiled all
history in terms of an eastern center with every other area or
province on the periphery . Without becoming too involved
in the massive problem of the discrepancies in the dates of
the conquests (a second point to which I feel compelled to
return briefly below), we can probably say that the majority of
Greater Syria had fallen to the Muslims by 15/636 and that the
Byzantines under Heraclius were in full retreat from the area.
On the second front, according to Tabari 's accounts, Iraqi towns
such as Babylon, al-Mada'in, the old Sasanian capital; and
Tikrit had been taken by the Muslims in the year x6/637-638.
Of tremendous importance was the resounding victory secured by
the Muslim forces under Sad b . Abi Wagga¢ at al-Qadisiyyah,
when a huge Sasanian army under Rustam dissolved in panic.
Such a victory left the Sasanian empire to the east vulnerable to
attack and penetration by the forces of Islam . As we shall see
from Tabari 's accounts of the eastern conquests in this volume,
they were not slow to take advantage of their success and of the
weakness of a once mighty empire. In the following year (17/
638-639 ), again according to Tabari , al-Kufah was founded as a
Muslim garrison town in southern Iraq, and the conquering
armies began to raid into the province of Fars.
Translator's Foreword xv

Turning aside almost incidentally from his other accounts

under the year 10/640-641 to chronicle the events of the con-
quest of Egypt and Alexandria, Tabari then recounts the details
of one further major Muslim victory in the east, the last before
the text of which this volume is the translation opens. This
victory happened in 1,1 /641 at a place called Nihawand, cast of
Baghdad and south of Hamadhan (see map). Sa'd once again led
the Muslim forces. The defeated Persians were on this occasion
led by their last Sasanian emperor, Yazdajird III, who, however,
survived the defeat. His further attempts to undermine the
Islamic eastern conquests can be read below. With two such
major victories behind them, al-Qadisiyyah and Nihawand, the
Muslims stood poised to penetrate into the territories of the
Sasanian empire and beyond. At this point this volume opens.
The following text covers the last two years of 'Umar's life,
1.1-13/641-643. Under those years Tabari's accounts of the ter-
ritorial gains of the Muslim armies, who move out of the two
garrison towns of al-Kufah and al-Basrah, include such impor-
tant centers and areas as Isfahan (11/641-641, Hamadhan,
al-Rayy, Qumis, Jurjan, Tabaristan, Azerbaijan, Khurisin (all
in 11/641-643), parts of Firs province, Kirmin, Sijistan, and
Makrin as far as the Indus (all listed under 13/643-644, also the
year of 'Umar's assassination).
NeitherTabari himself nor his informants were at all interested
in military strategy, and it should be stated at the outset that the
reader only rarely finds reference to tactics, and then usually
of a very primitive kind. The almost stereotyped pattern that
emerges is as follows. The Muslim supreme commander reaches
his goal; frequently the names of his generals in the van, in the
rear, and with the two wings of the army are all given as a
prelude to the battle. A siege may ensue; there may even be
personal combat to decide the issue, and this frequently provides
an interesting anecdote. If battle is actually joined, the divinely
guided Muslim army defeats the polytheist enemy. Muslims are
occasionally killed, but they are invariably heroes who lay down
their life in God's cause and who frequently have a premonition
of their fate and prepare for the supreme sacrifice. The enemy
may, however, see the strength and moral superiority of the
Muslim forces and that is sufficient to bring about a quest for
peace without fighting.
xvi Translator 's Foreword

The Peace Documents

The several peace documents given verbatim by Tabari in this
text are of some interest and would indeed repay deeper study.
On the important question of authenticity , perhaps all that can
be said in such a brief introduction is that it might be wise to
assume that the texts, although presented verbatim, represent
the fourth/tenth- century view of what such texts might have
said rather than the first/seventh-century original . In particular,
the relationship between the circumstances of the peace and
the contents of the document itself might perhaps be further
investigated. Invariably, in return for their safe-conduct and the
freedom to practice their faith and live in accordance with
their own laws, the conquered peoples are required to assist
the Muslims in various ways . They are required to give sound
advice, to provide hospitality, to keep the roads free of high-
waymen, to guide the Muslims, and so on . Most important, they
must in all cases pay tribute to the Muslims , this payment being
imposed on all those above the age of puberty , although at a rate
that they can afford to pay . The tantalizing hints in this volume
of the associated questions of military service and exemption
from the tribute should also be looked at more closely. The
document spells out the dire consequences , should the con-
quered peoples harm the Muslims in any way or break the terms
of the document.

Control of the Conquests

With the peace document signed and witnessed , Tabari tells the
reader of the Muslim commander's despatch of trusty messengers
to inform the caliph in Medina of the victory and to deliver the
fifths of the booty for the community treasury in accordance
with early established Islamic practice . 'Umar frequently uses
the messenger' s return to send further directions and military
orders to his commanders in the field. Indeed , letters and docu-
ments pass freely between caliph and general . The reader should
perhaps, however, be aware that 'Umar may not have controlled
the Muslim military effort in quite the way in which Tabari's
accounts would have us believe . Such reports appear to ignore
Translator's Foreword xvii

entirely the sheer geographical impossibility of delivering docu-

ments hundreds of miles in frequently appallingly difficult
terrain, perhaps through only half-subdued regions, in short
periods of time. The occasional message from Medina is of
course possible, but one can perhaps assume that the military
and administrative decisions in connection with the ct iquests
that had to be taken were taken by commanders on the spot in
the front line.

Dates of the Conquests

One of the greatest problems facing students of early Islamic
history is that of the precise dates and chronology of the con-
quests. It is a problem that can be seen at its most acute in Fred
Donner's The Early Islamic Conquests, in this case with par-
ticular reference to the Syrian front . The serious discrepancies in
the dating of campaigns and battles of conquest have even been
used to discredit in general the early Muslim sources that touch
on the conquest. One can do little more here than to indicate
that such a serious problem does exist and that perhaps the
reader should beware . It should be stressed, however, that,
serious though these discrepancies in the accounts of the con-
quests, and in particular in the dates provided, undoubtedly are,
they certainly cannot be used to discredit the text as a whole.

'Umar-the Caliph and the Man

The second part of the text here translated begins with the
graphic account of 'Umar's assassination by a Christian slave,
Abu Lu'lu'ah, in 2.3 /643. Several dates are given for his death.
We are further presented with his genealogy , physical descrip-
tions, different accounts of his birth date and age, the names of
his children and wives , and the period of time that he was a
Muslim. A lengthy section follows recounting in anecdotal form
the deeds of 'Umar, followed by examples of several of his
Friday addresses . Some poetic eulogies are quoted . The volume
ends with 'Umar's appointment of the electoral council, five
senior figures in the Islamic community , to decide on his suc-
cessor and the fascinating account of.the workings of the council,
xviii Translator 's Foreword

with all the cut and thrust of debate and the politicking behind
the scenes.
Physically ' Umar was immensely tall, head and shoulders
above the crowd . Although he was dark, we are told that his skin
was pale and perhaps blotchy . He had a bald patch on the top of
his head. He was never elegantly dressed , quite the opposite in
fact, and is invariably portrayed in a simple waist wrapper. By
natural disposition , he was rough and ready, eating at home
inferior food with some greed and toting a stick or whip, which
he was never afraid to use on the person. A blow dealt , however,
might be regretted later and the victim of his brusque behavior
eventually compensated in some way. He was never afraid of
stripping down and throwing himself into some hard , sometimes
dirty, work, whether it be feeding hordes of the poor in the
midday sun or treating camels with tar. He is portrayed as
absolutely scrupulous in all his dealings with money . Wealth
set aside by the community for the public good was inviolate]
he was often personally short of money. Gifts, however insig-
nificant, taken from campaign booty with the approval of the
troops on the front and delivered to him in Medina brought
only an angry response , sometimes a box round the ears, as the
messenger was sent away to return the gift to its rightful place
with the rest of the spoils . He could be extremely kind and
compassionate and the anecdote of the woman and her starving
children, which is given below, is famed as an example of
'Umar' s pity toward those suffering great hardship.

The Texts Used and Parallel Texts

The texts used in this translation are those of Leiden and Cairo
see Bibliography ). This section of the text in the First Series of
the Leiden edition was edited by E. Prym . Muhammad Abu
al-Fadl Ibrahim ' s Cairo text in fact adds little or nothing to
Prym's editorial effort , though on occasions it is preferred for
the purposes of translation . The Egyptian scholar 's punctuation
often helps the process of interpretation , though again some-
times it is misleading. Serious problems clearly remain in both
editions, although all one's sympathies are fully on the side of
Prym, and his editorial endeavors deserve nothing but praise.
Translator's Foreword xix

Such problematic passages are quoted here in transliteration in

footnotes, at times at some length.
The only truly parallel text-and then it does not cover all the
ground of the Ta'rikh by any means-is Ibn al-Athir's Kdmil,
which is, however, a slavish, verbatim copy of Tabari. It is
therefore of very limited use, but I have nevertheless 1..:pt the
reader informed of the parallel text in the footnotes. Ya'qubi's
Tdrikh is extremely thin at this early period, although I have
where necessary referred to it in the footnotes. Bal'ami's so-
called abridgment of Tabari's text in Persian I have found usefulj
from time to time it is extremely so, not only clarifying, but
even adding to, the Arabic text. Baladhuri's Futuh has proved
invaluable. It is an excellent check on facts and figures, although
it frequently presents an entirely different view of a particular
conquest. The 'Iqd of Ibn 'Abd Rabbih, who was a contem-
porary of Tabari, quotes the latter's account of the electoral
council almost verbatim. References to it have been given in the
footnotes, particularly where they help with the interpretation
of the text.

The Translation
Two problems in connection with the translation of the text
have been dealt with in a manner that requires clarification. The
first is the constant use in the original of pronouns-sometimes
referring to nouns distant from them, sometimes referring to no
noun at all! In this I have followed what seems to be the sensible
method of the translator of Volume XV of this series (see his
Translation and Editorial Conventions p. xxi). I use parentheses
() to surround the noun to which the pronoun refers where
merely to use a pronoun in English would be to create ambiguity,
possibility even incomprehension. I have also used brackets I I
to surround any additions supplied for the purpose of a clearer
and smoother understanding of the text.
The second problem arises because of the total nonexistence
in Arabic of reported or indirect speech. All conversations in the
original are in direct speech and always introduced by nothing
more precise than he said/she said/they said. Where it seems to
me important to retain the original direct speech, I have done so.
xx Translator's Foreword

Where, however, the constant direct speech appears ridiculous, I

have not hesitated to convert it to indirect speech . In either
case I have also not hesitated to use a little imagination and
to introduce verbs like reply, retort, exclaim, instead of the
ubiquitous said.

Footnotes and Bibliography

I have made every endeavor to identify all personal, place, and
tribal names found in the text . As for the first, there is a great
problem in particular with the narrators whose names appear
by the dozens . In this case I have consulted the standard bio-
graphical dictionaries. Where persons remain unidentified, I
have indicated this clearly in my footnotes. Thanks to the
excellent geographical coverage of the eastern part of the Islamic
empire by Yaqut and other geographers and to such studies as Le
Strange's Lands of the Eastern Caliphate, among others, place
names have not been difficult. Reference works on tribes, too,
are on the whole adequate. I have also used the footnotes to
add explanations where it seems to me that the text requires
them, particularly for the non-Arabist and to quote the original
Arabic in transliteration in the cases of problematic and corrupt
passages . The bibliography lists those works quoted in the foot-
notes, with in addition one or two other works that I have found
particularly valuable during my work on this translation.

There remains the pleasant task of acknowledging the kind
assistance of Professors C. E. Bosworth and J. Derek Latham.
Both gave extremely generously of their time and effort to read
through the manuscript of this volume; both made numerous
suggestions for the improvement of the text and the notes. I
am enormously grateful to them both. Successive postgraduate
seminars in Durham and Manchester have benefited me greatly,
and I must finally mention Mushallah al-Muraykhi with par-
ticular thanks.

G. Rex Smith

Events of the Year

2I (cont'd)
(DECEMBER I0, 641-NOVEMBER 3 0, 642)


In this year 'Umar lb. al-Khallabl gave the armies of Iraq the 116341
command to seek out those of Persia , ) wherever they might be.
He commanded some of those Muslim troops who were in al-
Ba$rah and its surrounding areas to march on the region of Fars,
Kirman, and I§fahan and some of those who were in the district
and regions2 of al-Kufah Ito march] on I*fahan , Azerbaijan, and
al-Rayy. Some said that 'Umar did this in the year 1 8 [January
iz, 639-January z, 640]. This is [ also) the version of Sayf b.

r. Firs here in the text refers broadly to the land of Persia, not specifically the
province of that name, indeed including the provinces of Firs, Kirman, lgfahan,
Azerbaijan, and al-Rayy, listed below. The text of this volume thus begins with
this general command on the part of the caliph, 'Umar b. al-Khallab, to his
forces in Iraq to move eastward and begin the conquest of Iran.
x. For the Persian word mah, see Le Strange, Lands, x90; Barthold, Geography,
3. Sayf b. 'Umar )d. ca. x8o/796) appears as the major source for Tabari's
account of the conquest of Iran, see Translation, XIII, xiii -xviii; XV, xvi-xvii.
See also Hinds, "Sources," 3-r6, with an assessment on p. ill Hinds also
discusses Sayf in the context of the conquest of the province of Fars in "Con-
2 The Conquest of Iran

What Happened in This Year, 2r-'Umar's Previously

Mentioned Orders to the Two Armies
According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Muhammad, Talhah,
al-Muhallab, 'Amr, and Sa'id:4 When ' Umar realized that
Yazdajirds was making war on him every year and when it was
suggested to him that he would continue to do this until he was
driven out of his kingdom , ('Umar) gave the army permission
to penetrate into Persia to wrest from Yazdajird his imperial
possessions . He therefore dispatched the commanders of the
Basran and Kufan armies after the victory of Nih5wand. 6 Between
the appointment of Sad b. Abi Waggag7 ( as commander of al-
Kufah) and that of 'Ammar b. Yasir, s there were two (other)

quest," 39, 47-49 , Duri, "Iraq School," 49-50; Duri, Rise, especially 46-47. See
also Hill, Termination, 26-27.
4. Al-Sari is al-Sari b. Yahyi. It should be noted that he invariably conveys his
information in writing. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhfb, III, 46o-6z; Translation, I, 6-7.
Shu'ayb is Shu'ayb b . Ibrihim al -Tamimi. Muhammad is Muhammad b.
Abdalliih b. Sawad, first appearing in the account of the year 12 /633-634,
Tabari, I, 2026; cf. Duri, Rise, too. Talbah is Talhah b. al-A'lam al -Hanafi, first
appearing in the account of the year 111/632-633 , Tabari, 1, 1796 ; cf. Duri, Rise,
140. AI-Muhallab is al-Muhallab b. 'Ugbah al-Asadi, first appearing in the text
in the account of the year 12/633-634 , Tabari, I, 2023 . Amr is Amr b.
Muhammad (d. 199/814-815 ), who first appears in Tabari , I, 380; cf. Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, VIII, 98 - 99. Said is Said b. al-Marzuban , Abu Sad al-Baggil, who
first appears in Tabari, I, 19. Cf. Ibn Hajar , Tahdhib, IV, 79 - 8o. All are important
sources of Sayf b . 'Umar. Cf. Hill, Termination, 20 no. 23.
5. That is, the last Persian emperor, Yazdgard III, son of Shahriyar, who was
killed in 31/651 . A brief survey of his career is given in Zarrinkub, "Conquest,"
,8-26 . See also Spuler, Iran, z8-2o; Translation XIII, passim. For the Sasanian
family tree, see Ni ldeke, Geschichte, table, 436a. For these and following
events, cf. Bal'ami, Chronique, III, 48off.
6. A town some 40 miles south of Hamadhin (Le Strange, Lands, 196), the site
of the famous battle earlier in 21 /641-641, in which the Muslims won a
resounding victory to pave the way for the later conquests of Iran . Cf. Tabari, I,
2596 - 1631 ; Translation, XIII, 179-214; Zarrinkub, "Conquest," 16.
7. Sad was the Qurashi commander of the Muslim forces at al-Qidisiyyah in
161637. A relative and Companion of the Prophet, Sa'd had been appointed to
lead the forces by 'Umar. See Spuler, Iran, 8; Shaban, History, 30: Zarrmkub,
"Conquest," to; Translation, XIII, passim . Cf. Bal'ami, Chronique, 111, 386.
8. Son of the client of Abu Hudhayfah of Makhzum, Companion, and later
follower of All . He died at jiffin in 37/657 . Cf. Shaban, History, 69, Ibn Sad,
Tabaqdt, I, 234+ 141, etc .; El , s.v. "Ammar b. Yasir" ( Reckendorf).
The Events of the Year zl 3

commanders, 'Abdallah b . 'Abdallah b . 'Itbin,9 in whose time

the battle of Nihiwand took place, and Ziyad b. Hanzalah,
confederate of B. 'Abd b. Qusayy,'O in whose time the order to (2.63 51
penetrate was given. 'Abdallah b. 'Abdallah was removed and
sent elsewhere . Ziyad b. Hanzalah, an emigrant, was appointed.
But he served for [only) a short time, persistently asking to be
relieved. So he was relieved of his post, and 'Ammar b. Yasir
appointed after him. ('Umar) reinforced the army of al-Basrah
with 'Abdallah b. 'Abdallah and that of al-Kufah with Abu
Musa (al-Ash 'ari]," appointing 'Umar b. Suragah12 in his place.
Standards came from 'Umar to certain individuals in al-Kufah
during the time of Ziyad b . Hanzalah. 13 One of (these standards)
came to Nu 'aym b. Mugarrin . 14 The people of Hamadhanis
had reneged (on their) peace [agreement], so ('Umar) ordered
(Nu'aym) to march on Hamadhin, saying , "If God gives you
victory, [go] on beyond, onward to Khurasan!" ('Umar) also
dispatched 'Utbah b. Fargad16 and Bukayr b. 'Abdallah, 17 con-
firming them in charge of Azerbaijan. He divided (the country)

9. Companion and military commander . See Translation, XIII, 8o, 88-89, and
passim; also Zarrinkub, "Conquest," 2r, erroneously Atabin; Donner,
Conquests, 436; Ibn Hajar, l dbah, VI, 14S-
,o. For Ziyad, a prominent commander and administrator , see Ibn Hajar,
lldbah, IV, 28 ; Ibn al-Athir, Usd, 11, 2131 Donner, Conquests, ;65 (at Yarmuk). B.
Abd b. Qugayy is a tribal division (fakhdh) of Kilib b. Murrah. See Zubayri,
Quraysh, 256; Ibn Hazm, famharah , 114; Kalilailah, Mu'jam, II, 726; Caskel,
Gamharat, I, Table 4.
11. Important Companion and commander, who died ca . 42/662. See Morony,
Iraq, 433; E12 , S.V. "Abu Musi" (Veccia Vaglieri).
rz. That is, over al-Ba$rah. See Ibn Hajar, l dbah, VIII, z6, and Ibn al-Athir,
Usd, IV, 79, both giving little information on this military commander.
13. The dispatch of standards from the caliph to Muslim commanders in the
field marked the beginning of a general mobilization eastward of their armies.
14. Nu'aym was, with al-Nu'min and Suwayd, one of the famous Ibn
Mugarrin brothers and heroes of the eastern campaigns . See Ibn Hajar, Ifdbah, X,
178. See also note 26, below.
r5. A famous town in the Jibil, northeast of Baghdad and southwest of al-
Rayy, about equidistant from both . See Yiqut, Mu jam, V, 410-17; Le Strange,
Lands, 194-95.
16. Al-Sulami, Companion, military commander, and khardj official. He was
the conqueror of Mosul in 18/639 . Cf. Translation, XIII, 6o.
17. Al-Laythi, first mentioned in the text in the account of the year 14/635-
636, when he was appointed military commander . See Tabari, 1, 2232 . Cf. also
Translation, XIII, 4-5.
4 The Conquest of Iran

between them, ordering one of them to take [troops] there from

Hulwan's to [form] the right section [of the army] and the other
to take ( troops] from Mosul to (form] the left. Thus one was on
the right of his colleague and the other on his colleague 's left.
('Umar) sent a standard to 'Abdallah b. 'Abdallah , ordering him
to march on Isfahan. Now he was courageous, a hero of the
(2 636] noble Companions and a prominent Helper , confederate of Banu
al-Hubla of Banu Asad.19 ('Umar ) reinforced him with Abu
Musa from al-Basrah and appointed 'Umar b . Suragah com-
mander of al-Basrah.
The account concerning Abdallah b. Abdallah is that, when
'Umar heard of the victory at Nihawand , he determined to give
permission [to his armies] to penetrate [further eastward]. He
therefore wrote to ('Abdallah), giving him instructions to march
out of al- Kufah and halt in al-Mada' in;20 he should call on [the
Muslim commanders to volunteer ], not select them, and write
to him [to inform him that Al l this (had been carried out].
'Umar was intending to despatch him to Isfahan. Among those
who answered his call [to volunteer] were 'Abdallah b. Warga'
al-Riyahi and 'Abdallah b. al-Harith b. Warga' al-Asadi 2t Those
who do not know think one of them was 'Abdallah b. Budayl b.
Warga' al-Khuza i because of mention of [the name] Warga'.
They were under the [mistaken] impression that (Warga') was
('Abdallah al-Riyahi 's) grandfather. But when he was killed at
$iffin Abdallah b. Budayl b. Warga' was twenty-four years old
and in 'Umar 's time he was a young lad.22

r8. A well- known town of the libil province. See Yagiit, Mu%am, II, 290-941
Le Strange, Lands, 191.
19. Al-Hubla was the nickname of pot -bellied Salim b. Ghanm b. 'Awf b.
al-Khazraj, the word meaning "pregnant ." Band al-Hubli is a tribal division
(baln) of al - Khazraj. There would appear to be nothing , however, linking al-
Khazraj with a Banu Asad . See Wigidi, Maghdzi, r66) ibn Hazm, Jamharah, 248,
354-55; Kahhalah, Mu dam, I, 239; Caskel, C;amharat, 1, Table 189.
zo. The Sasanian capital, seven leagues below Baghdad on both banks of the
Tigris, the twin towns of Ctesiphon and Seleucia. See Yiqut , Mu'7am , V, 74-75;
Le Strange, Lands, 3;.
xi. The editor of the Cairo edition enters these two under the name 'Abdallih
b. Warga' al-Riyahi al-Asadi in his index (X, 316 ). This is their first mention in
the text, and no further information on them would appear to he available.
xx. Tabari here corrects others (e.g., Balidhuri, Futdb, 31z) who make the
error of suggesting Ibn Budayl was playing a major military role at this time.
The Events of the Year 21 5

When 'Umar heard of 'Abdallah's departure, he sent Ziyad b.

Han?;alah [to al-Kufah] . When he heard of the departure and
[continuing] penetration of the troops , he appointed 'Ammar
commander, reciting God's words, "And We want to show favor
to those who were considered weak on earth, to make them
leaders and to make them heirs .1123 Ziyad had been sent in the [ 2 637]
middle of Sa'd's period as commander to the office of judge
of al-Kufah after Salman and 'Abd al-Rahman, the sons of
Rabi'ah,24 had been relieved [of the post], to act as judge until
'Abdallah b. Mas'ud25 arrived from Him . Al-Nu'man and
Suwayd, the sons of Mugarrin,26 had been put in charge on
behalf of 'Umar of [the lands) watered by the Euphrates and
Tigris, but they asked to be relieved, saying, "Relieve us of a
position that is changing and becoming attractive to us like a
prostitute! i27 So he relieved them of their posts, appointing in
their places Hudhayfah b. Asid al-Ghifari28 and Jabir b. 'Amr
al-Muzani .29 Then they [too) asked to be relieved, so he relieved
them, appointing in their places Hudhayfah b. al-Yaman and

However, Tabarl himself erroneously mentions Ibn Budayl in connection with

the conquest of Kirmin !Tabari, I, z7o4), see also note ; z8, below. In z3, when
Kirmin was taken by the Muslims, Ibn Budayl would have been only ten years
old! Ibn Budayl played a prominent part at the battle of $iffin in 37/657-658 on
the side of All, see Tabor!, 1, 3z92ff.
23. Qur'in 18 : 5. See p. 47, the dismissal of Ammar.
24. For Salman, see Ibn Sa'd, Tabagat, VI, 34, Ibn Hajar, I.nbah, IV, zzo-2i.
For 'Abd al-Raltman, see Ibn Hajar, Icabah, VI, 278-79. See also Donner,
Conquests, 395-96.
z5. Ibn Masud was a Qur'in reader who died in 3z/65z-653 , see ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, VI, z7ff., see also Translation, 1, zo6 n. %8o.
26. For the administrative and military activities of the two brothers, see
Translation, XIII, passim. Al-Nu'min has an entry in Ibn I3ajar, Tahdhib, X,
456-57, and is mentioned by Abu Yusuf, we Ben Shemesh, Taxation, III, 96. For
Suwayd, see Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV, 279 -8o. This passage would seem to
indicate that they were charged with land survey duties in the areas described,
see Tabarl, 1, 1456, and Translation, XIII, 36, where the land-survey aspect of the
appointment Is clearer. Cf. also Morony, Iraq, 69, 150, 157.
27. This would appear to mean that their official position proved too much of
a temptation for them ! For the Arabic mnmisah, see Bosworth, Underworld, 1,
z8. Hudhayfah died 41/662 -663i see Ibn Ijajar, Tahdhib, II, 219.
z9. Jibir is mentioned in Ibn Sa'd, Tabaqut, VII, 136, though with no further
6 The Conquest of Iran

'Uthman b. Hunayf,3° Hudhayfah over [the lands] watered by

the Tigris and beyond and 'Uthman over all [the lands ] watered
by the Euphrates belonging to the Sawad [of al-Kufah and of
al-Basrah] together .31 ('Umar) wrote to the troops of al-Kufah,
[informing them] that he had sent 'Ammar b. Yasir to them as
commander and appointed 'Abdallah b. Mas' ud as teacher and
administrative assistant. 2 [He also informed them that] he
had appointed Hudhayfah b. al-Yaman in charge of (the lands]
watered by the Tigris and beyond, whereas he had appointed
'Uthman b. Hunayf in charge of ( the lands] watered by the

1s fahan33
'Ammar arrived as commander in al-Kufah and 'Umar' s letter
(2638] reached 'Abdallah (b. 'Abdallah with the order) to march on
Isfahan , leaving Ziyad in charge of al-Kufah. Abdallah b.
Warga' al-Riyahi was to be over his vanguard and 'Abdallah b.
Warga' al-Asadi and 'ISmah b. 'Abdallah -that is 'ISmah b.
'Abdallah b. 'Ubaydah b. Sayf b. Abd b. al-Harith34-over his
two wings . 'Abdallah marched at the head of the army and came
to Hudhayfah [ b. al-Yaman], who returned to his post. 'Abdallah
left Nihawand at the head of his followers and those of the army
of al-Nu'man who had departed with him to face [another] army
that had assembled against him, [comprising] some of the in-

30. Both renowned for their work in land survey and khardj assessment; see
Zarrinkub, "Conquest," 2o; Morony, Iraq, ror, 1o8, 121; Ben Shemesh, Taxation,
8o, 87, 93, 97, 100, 503.
31. For the general meaning of al-Sawad, see Le Strange, Lands, 24. I have here
translated the dual of the Leiden and Cairo texts. The variant reading, al-Sawad,
in the singular, however, should be noted, and Abu Yusuf, when referring to the
appointments of Hudhayfah and 'Uthman, also uses the singular, presumably
the Sawad of al-Kufah. See Ben Shemesh, Taxation, 80, 87; Morony, Iraq, sir.
Perhaps the following mention that 'Umar wrote only to the Kufans about his
appointments also points to the Sawad of al-Kufah alone being meant here.
32. In this early period, this seems the most appropriate rendering of wazir;
see Morony, Iraq, 536.
33. For the conquest of Igfahan, see Balidhuri, Futrih, 312-14; Ibn al-Athir,
Kdmil, III, 9; Bal'ami, Chronique, III, 48off. Cf. Donner, Conquests, Appendix N.
34. Ibn Tarif, an early military commander under Khalid b. al-Walid in Syria,
later in the east. See Ibn Hajar, Iidbah, VII, S.
The Events of the Year 21 7

habitants of I$fahan , led by the district governor 35 In charge of

his vanguard was Shahrbariz Jadhawayh,36 an important leader
(shaykh ) at the head of a large force. The Muslims and the
vanguard of the polytheists met in one of the districts37 of
Iffahin, and they fought a hard battle. The leader called for
single combat, so 'Abdallih b. Warga' came out against him and
killed him. The army of I§fahin fled. The Muslims named this
district Rustaq al -Shaykh, and this is its name to this day.
'Abdallah b. 'Abdallah called out, "Who's next ?!" so the district
governor sued for peace, which ('Abdallih) granted them. This
was the first district of I§fahin to be taken.
Then 'Abdallih marched out from Rustaq al-Shaykh in the
direction of Jayy and finally arrived there.-38 The ruler in Isfahan [1639)
was at that time al-Fadhusafan 39 ('Abdallah) settled the army
around Jayy. He besieged them, but after a period collecting
together a huge army, they came out against him. When they
met, al-Fadhusafan said to 'Abdallih: "Do not kill my men,
and I shall not kill yours. Rather come out against me in single
combat . If I kill you, your men will withdraw. If you kill me, my
men will make peace with you, but only if no arrow falls on
them.rr/0 So 'Abdallih came out against him in single combat,
saying, "Will you make the [first] attack on me, or shall I on
you?" He replied that he would attack. So 'Abdallih stood still
before him, and al-Fadhusafan made an attack on him, thrusting
at him and hitting the pommel of his saddle and breaking it. He
also cut through the breast girth and the girth and the saddle

35. Ustanddr in the text ; see CHIr, zr8; Morony, Iraq, 536, suggests Sasanian
official in charge of royal property or a crown prince. The first interpretation,
however, seems most appropriate to the context. Chronique, III, 183, says that
the town was governed by a Persian called PAdouspan. Cf. EI , s.v. "Badn-
spiinida " INikitine).
;6. Cf. justi Namenbuch, z78, where there is brief mention of this Persian
37. For the Persian word rustdq, see Steingass, Dictionary, 575; Morony, Iraq,
38. jayy is the name of one of the two towns making up Isfahan; see YAqut,
Muyam, II, zoz- 31 Le Strange, Lands, z03-4, zo6.
39. Cf. Noldeke, Geschichte, r 5 r n. z. Cf. also note 35, above.
40. Arabic: wa-in qatalta-ni sdlama-ka acildbi wa-in kdna acllabi Id yaqau
la-hum nushshdbah.
8 The Conquest of Iran

cloth, and the saddle came away, with 'Abdallah still on the
horse. But he came off, though he was still standing , then re-
gained a firm seat'on the horse , riding bareback. (Abdallah) told
him to stand still, but (al-Fadhusafan( agreed with him not to
fight [further). He said : "I do not want to fight you [furtherl, for I
see you are a perfect man . Rather I shall come back with you to
12.6401 your camp and make peace with you. I shall hand over the town
to you, allowing anyone who wishes to stay, but [he must] pay
tribute, keeping his property , and on condition that you grant
anyone whose land you have taken by force equal status with
them and they return [to their property]. Anyone who refuses to
entel into the same (agreement ) as we will go where he wishes,
and his land will be yours." ('Abdallah) replied that he accepted
his terms.
Abu Musa al-Ashari arrived [to join] Abdallah from the area
of al-Ahwaz41 when al-Fadhusafan had already made peace with
the latter. All the troops left Jayy and entered into the contract
except for thirty Isfahanis who opposed [the majority ofl their
people. They assembled and made off for Kirman, along with
their dependents, [ to join] a group already there. Abdallah and
Abu Musa entered Jayy, the town of Isfahan, and (the former)
wrote to Umar to this effect. Those who remained rejoiced,
whereas those who left regretted [their decision). Umar's reply
to Abdallah commanded him to march and join up with Suhayl
b. Adi42 to fight with him those in Kirman . He was also to
leave behind in Jayy those who would defend the town. He was
to appoint as his deputy over Isfahan al-Sa'ib b. al-Agra'.43
According to al-Sari -Shuayb-Sayf-a group of al-Hasan's
informants, who included al-Mubarak b. Fadalah -al-Hasan44-

41. On the Dujayl, capital of Khuzistin. See Yaqut, Mu'jam, I, 284-86, Le

Strange, Lands, 232-34.
42. Al-Azdi. See the brief entry in Ibn Hajar, Isabah, IV, 286.
43. A client of Thaqif who fought at Nihawand and was governor of al-
Mada 'in. See Ibn Hajar, Isdbah, Ill, 76ff.; Ibn al-Athir, Usd, II, 249i Translation,
XIII, i82 n. 624.
44. 'Al-Hasan is the famous al-Hasan al -Bagri (b. 22/647 (Tabari, 1, 26461, d. ca.
770/728). See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, II, 263-70; Ell, s. v. (Ritterj ; Sezgin, GAS, 1,
597-94. For al-Mubarak (d. ca. 764 /7801, see Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, X, 28-37;
Translation, 1, 268 n. 641.
The Events of the Year 7r 9

Asid b. al-Mutashammis, the nephew of al-Ahnaf :45 I was with

Abu Musa at the conquest of Isfahan , but he was there only in a
supporting role.
According to al-Sari-Shuayb-Sayf-Muhammad, Talhah, 1764111
al-Muhallab, Amr, and Said: the Isfahan peace document:
In the name of God, the Compassionate , the Merciful; a
document from Abdallah to al-Fadhusafan and to the
people of Isfahan and the surrounding areas . You will
(remain] in a state of security as long as you pay the
tribute. This is imposed upon you annually at a rate
within your capacity (to payJ. You will pay it for every-
one who has attained puberty to whoever is governor of
your region. The Muslim must be guided , be afforded
safe passage; he must be given hospitality for a whole
day and a night and given a mount, if he is on foot, up to
a distance of one stage . You are not to put [anyone] in
authority over a Muslim. The Muslims must have your
good counsel and be paid what you are obliged (to payJ.
You will have safe -conduct as long as you carry out (all
these stipulations]. If you go against [this] in any way or
if anyone of you goes against it and you do not hand him
over, you will have no safe -conduct. Anyone abusing a
Muslim will be dealt with severely. If anyone physically
abuses him, we shall kill him.
He wrote [this document] and it was witnessed by 'Abdallah b.
Qays (al-Ashathi], Abdallah b . Warga, and 'Ismah b. Abdallah.
When Umar's letter reached Abdallah, in which he was
ordered to join up with Suhayl b. Adi in Kirmin , he left at the
head of a detachment of cavalry. He appointed al-Si'ib as his
deputy and joined up with Suhayl before he arrived in Kirman.
According to Ma 'gil b. Yasir,46 it was al-Nu'min b. Muqarrin
who was in command of the Muslim army when it attacked

45. I find no information on Asid . AI-Abnaf is al-AI`inaf b . Qays al-Tamimi,

the leader of Tamim in al-Ba$rah . See Ell, s.v. "Al-Abnaf b. Kays" (Pellatj.
46. AI-Muzani (d. 60-70/679-689); see Ibn Iiajar, Tahdhib, X, :35.
10 The Conquest of Iran

The Account of [the Attack on IIfahanj

According to Ya 'qub b. Ibrahim47 and 'Amr b. 'Ali48 -'Abd al-
[2641] Rahman b. Mahdi49-Hammad b. Salamah50-Abu 'Imran al-
Jawni51-'Alqamah b. 'Abdallah al-Muzani52 -Ma'gil b. Yasar
[al-Muzani] : 'Umar b. al-Khattab consulted al-Hurmuzan,53
asl. i i:g him what he thought ; should be begin with Fars, Azer-
baijan, or Isfahan ? He replied : "Fars and Azerbaijan are the
wings; Isfahan is the head. If you cut off one of the wings, the
other one [can still] work. But, if you cut off the head, the wings
collapse. Begin with the head !" 'Umar went into the mosque
while al-Nu'man b. Muqarrin was praying and sat down beside
him. When he had finished his prayers , ('Umar) told him that he
had a job for him to do . (Al-Nu'man) replied that, if it was
collecting taxes, he was unwilling, but, if it was a military task,
(he was willing). ('Umar) told him that he would be engaged in a
military matter. He despatched him to Isfahan and wrote to the
people of al-Kufah to give him reinforcements . He arrived in
(Isfahan), but there was the river between him and [the enemy].
So (al-Nu'manj sent al-Mughirah b. Shu'bah54 to them, and he
reached them. Their ruler, called Dhu al-Hajibayn,55 was told
that the envoy of the Arabs was at the door . So he took counsel

47. Al-juzajini (d. ca. 256 /870), see Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, I, 181-83; Rosenthal,
Historiography, 278, Translation, I, 26, note 96.
48. Amr b. Ali b. Babr al-Fallis (d. 249/864); cf. Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VIII,
8o-8z; Rosenthal, Historiography, 392. Translation, 1, 26 and n. 96.
49. Died 198/814. See Ibn Hajar, Talidhib, VI, 279- 81; Translation, I, zor n.
50. Hammad died in 1671783. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, III, x1-x6; Rosenthal,
Historiography, 518.
51. An unidentified narrator.
52. 'Alqamah died in 100/718 . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VII, 275.
53. Ruler of Rhuzistan , who, after leading much opposition against the Mus-
lim forces, surrendered to 'Umar earlier in 21 /641. Only later did he become a
Muslim. See Zarrinkub. "Conquest," 14-15 . See also Mas'udi, Muruf, IV, 23off.,
recounting the same anecdotes on the authority of Alqamah and Ma'gil. Cf.
also Bal'ami, Chronique, III, 481.
54. A veteran Muslim administrator and commander and a Thagafi (d. 5o/
670). See Shahan, History, 58, 84 , 187, Zarrinkub, "Conquest," 19, 21; Trans-
lation, XIII, passim.
55. "He of the two eyebrows." See Bal'ami, Chronique, III, 468; Nbldeke,
Geschichte, 226 n. 1. On such names, see Goldziher, "Ueber Dualtitel"; see also
Translation, XIII, 18o n. 618.
The Events of the Year 21 ii

with his advisers, saying: "What do you think? Shall I sit down
to [receive) him in royal splendor?" They replied that he should.
So he sat on his throne and put the crown on his head, while
the royal princes sat in two ranks, wearing earrings, gold brace-
lets, and silk-brocade garments . Then [the ruler) allowed (al-
Mughirah) to enter, carrying his lance and shield. He began to (2643)
poke at their carpets with his lance to unnerve them.56 Two
men took him by the arms, and he stood before their ruler,
who spoke to him, saying: "You Arabs, vehement hunger has
afflicted you, so you have left [your homelands]. If you wish,
we shall give you provisions, and you can return home." Al-
Mughirah spoke, praising and extolling God; then he said: "We
Arabs used to eat corpses and carrion; people used to trample us
under foot, not we them . God has sent forth from us a prophet,
the best of us in rank, the most truthful in what he says." (And
he mentioned the Prophet in the fashion he deserves.) "He made
us promises that we discovered were [fulfilled] as he had said. He
promised us that we would conquer you and take possession of
everything here. I see you are wearing (fine) garb and apparel. I
do not think that [the Muslim army] coming after me will go
away until they seize them." (Al-Mughirah) continued : "Then I
wondered what if I were to collect up my garments, leap up in
one bound, and sit with this huge infidel on his throne! Perhaps
[then) he would be unnerved ." He continued : "I waited for a
time when he was not expecting it and jumped. There I was
with him on his throne!" (The account) continues : They seized
him, beating him repeatedly with their hands and trampling him
under foot. (Al-Mughirah) continued : I said, "Is this how you
treat envoys? We do not act thus. We do not do this with your
envoys." The ruler replied, "If you wish, you can cross over to us
or we over to you (to fight).1157 (Al-Mughirah) said that they
would cross over to [the army of Isfahan). He continued: "So
56. Li-yatafayyarti, literally, "so that they might augur evil."
57. An indication that the audience was over and battle would ensue. A
similar story involving al-Mughirah has already appeared in the text in the
context of the events leading up to the battle of Nihlwand ('!'abaci , 1, 2601-3). If
it is a genuine account in either case, we learn much here and in the anecdote
recounted below (about his appointment ( of al-Mughirah , who had clearly failed
miserably in his diplomatic mission! He was later appointed governor of al-
Knfah (see p. 41 and remained in office until 'Umar 's murder.
1z The Conquest of Iran

[2644] we crossed over against them. They formed themselves into a

chains of men, ten in one chain, or five, or three . We drew
ourselves out in rank to meet them , and they shot arrows at us,
finally rushing in among us ." Al-Mughirah said to al-Nu'man,
"God have mercy upon you, they have rushed in among our
men; attack!" But he replied: "You are indeed a man of fine
qualities. But I was with the Messenger of God when he went
into battle. If he did not fight early on in the day, he would
postpone the battle until the sun went down, the winds blew,
and victory descended!" Then (al-Nu'man) said, "I shall wave
my standard three times: At the first wave everyone will relieve
himself and perform his ablutions; at the second everyone will
inspect his weapon and his sandal thong and fasten it tight; at
the third attack , with no one turning aside to another. If al-
Nu'man is killed, let no one turn aside to him. I am going to
make a single prayer to God. I conjure every one of you to say
amen after it: '0 God! Give martyrdom this day to al-Nu'man
in the aid of the Muslims! Grant him victory over (the army of
Igfahan).' " He waved his standard once, then a second, then a
third time. Then he put on his coat of mail and attacked. He was
the first man to be struck down.
Ma'gil said : 58 I came over to him and, remembering his
conjuring ( us all to say amen after his prayer ], put a marker over
him, then went away. Now [usually] when we kill a man his
followers are distracted away from us [to investigate him]. Dhu
al-Hajibayn fell from his mule, his belly split open, so God put
(the Isfahani army) to flight. Then I came (back] to al-Nu'man,
bringing with me a skin containing water. I washed the dust
from his face, and he said, "Who are you?" I replied I was Ma'qil
b. Yasar. He asked how the army had done. I replied that God
had given them victory. He said: "Praise be to God! Write to
[2645] 'Umar about this." And his soul departed. The [Muslim] army,
including Ibn 'Umar,59 Ibn al-Zubayr,60 'Amr b. Ma'di Karib61

5 8. See Ibn al-Athir, Kdmil, 111, 9, on the same authority.

59. This must be 'Abdallih b. 'Umar b. al-Khallab, who had been sent from
Medina to join al -Nu'man 's army prior to the battle of Nihawand , see Tabari, I,
1597, z6o1, 2618.
6o. Abdallah b. al-Zubayr, the famous anticaliph (d. 73/691), see E12, S.V.
61. Al-Zubayri (d. 16/637 or 2.1/641 (; cf. E12, s.v. (Pellat).
The Events of the Year zr 13

and Hudhayfah, rallied to al-Ash'ath b. Qays.62 They sent for

(al-Nu'man's) concubine" and asked her what testament he
had left with her. She replied, "Here is a casket containing a
document." They took it, and in it was [the following]: If al-
Nu'man is killed, so-and-so [will take over]; if so-and-so is
killed, so-and-so [will take over).
Al-Wagidi` 4 said that Khalid b. al-Walid died during this
year--that is zr--in I;Iimg. He exhorted this followers to]
continue their support for 'Umar b. al-Khattab.65
(Al-Wagidi) also reported: In (this year) 'Abdallah and 'Abd
al-Rahman, the sons of Amr, and Abu Sirwa'ah made a mili-
tary expedition and arrived in Egypt. 'Abd al-Rahman and Abu
Sirwa'ah drank wine, and something happened to them!"
(Al-Wagidi) also reported: In (this year) 'Amr b. al-'A^ marched
on Antabulus, which is Barqah. He conquered it and made peace
with its inhabitants on (payment) of 13,o00 dinars and [on
condition] that they sell off what they wanted of their sons as
part of their tribute.67

6z. Famous shaykh of Kindah who settled in al-Kufah and died in 40/661. See
Morony, Iraq, p. 93; Donner, Conquests, 433-34) Mad'aj , Yemen, 12.,113,45-51,
and passim, Ell, s.v. (Reckendorf).
63. Arabic : umm walad, strictly speaking a concubine who has given birth to
a child by her master, see Translation, Xllf, 58.
64. Muhammad b. 'Umar (d. 207/823), famous author of K. al-Maghdzi and a
narrator used extensively by Tabari . See Duri, Rise, 37ff., Sezgin, GAS, 1, 294-
5. Khilid b. al-Walid was a famous early Islamic general , see E12, S.V.
(Crone). This would appear to be the meaning here of aw,cd ild. See in particular
Kazimirski, Dictionnaire, II, r 5 5 i.
66. These are perhaps the sons of Amr b. al= A$. Abu Sirwa'ah is perhaps
Abu Sirwa'ah 'Uqbah b. al-Hirith b. 'Amir b . Nawfal b. 'Abd Manif, see lbn
Hajar, Tahdhib, VII, 238 - 39, XII, 1051 Translation, XII, io5 , I$fahini, Aghdni,
IV, 42. There appears to be no record of what exactly happened to the offending
67. Also Balidhurl, Futti,I, 224; and Ya 'qubi, Tdrikh, II, 156 , and Ibn 'Abd a1-
Haltom, Putt, ,, 170, with the rather strange suggestion that sons were sold,
presumably for the purpose of providing military service to the Muslims, as part
of a tribute arrangement . Bargah is ancient Barce in present day Libya , Balidhuri,
Futeh, 224-25; Yiqut, Mu dam, 1, 388 , Abun-Nasr, Maghrib, 315, map. It is
spelled Bargi in Wigidi , FutuIi, 1oz. Whereas Balidhuri, ibid. calls Barqah the
town of Anliibulus, Yiqut, ibid., says the town of Barqah is Antibulus.
14 The Conquest of Iran

(Al-Wagidi) also reported: In (this year) 'Umar b. al-Khattab

appointed 'Ammar b. Yasir governor of al-Kufah, Ibn Masud
treasurer, and 'Uthman b. Hunayf in charge of land survey .
But the inhabitants of al-Kufah complained about 'Ammar, and
he asked 'Umar b. al-Khattab to be relieved. (The latter) ap-
proached Jubayr b. Mut' im69 in confidence and appointed him
governor of al-Kufah, telling him not to mention it to anyone.
But al-Mughirah b. Shu'bah heard that 'Umar had held a private
meeting with Jubayr b . Mut'im, returned to his wife, and told
her to go to the wife of Jubayr b. Mut 'im and offer her some
food (prepared especially] for a journey. She came to her and
[2646] offered her [the food], but she remained silent [at first], then said,
"Yes, give me it." When al-Mughirah had verified all this, he
came to `Umar and said, "God bless you in the one whom you
have appointed governor." "What governor have I appointed?"
asked ' Umar. So he mentioned that he had appointed Jubayr b.
Mut'im. 'Umar said, "I do not know what to do!" He [in fact]
appointed al-Mughirah b. Shu'bah governor of al-Kufah, an
office in which he remained until 'Umar died.70
(Al-Wagidi) also said: In (this year] 'Amr b. al-'A^ sent
'Uqbah b. Nafi' al-Fihri,71 and he acquired Zawilah by treaty,
the whole area between Barqah and Zawilah being already
pacified in Muslim control.72

68. See Ell, s.v. "Mischa " (Bosworth and Pellat).

69. A leader of Quraysh and a genealogist, although appearing in the text
mainly as an early narrator ; see Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, II, 63-64. Cf. a slightly
different, and more informative, version of the story that follows in Bal'ami,
Chronique, III, 485 - 86. See also Ibn Sad, Tabagdt, VIII, 59.
70. This anecdote , which represents 'Umar as somewhat weak and indecisive
and al- Mughirah as ambitious and cunning , is also recounted in Ibn al -Athir,
Kdmil, III, ro.
71. Famous Muslim military leader on the North African front , entering the
Maghrib in 461666, and founder of al-Qayrawin . Killed in 641682 near al-
Qayrawan . See Abun-Nasr, Maghrib, 6S-69; CHIC, 1, 79.
72. Baladhuri, Futdb, 224, confirms that 'Ugbah took control of the Maghrib
and reached Zawilah. See also Ya'qubi , Tdrikh, II, 156, who reports the dispatch
of 'Ugbah to Nubia . Ycqut, Muyam, III, 159-6o, says that Zawilah was
between Bilad al-Sudan and Ifrigiyah and also confirms that 'Ugbah took it after
the conquest of Barqah . Cf. Hill, Termination, 56, erroneously Zawilah.
The Events of the Year 2.z r5

According to Ibn Humayd73 -Salamah74-Ibn Ishiq :75 There

took place in Syria in the year 21 (December so, 64 z -November
30, 644 the campaign of the commander, Mu'awiyah b. Abi
Sufyan'76 while 'Umayr b. Sad al-Ansari77 was in charge of
Damascus, al-Bathaniyyah,78 Hawran, Hims, Qinnasrin,79 and
al-jazirah and Mu'awiyah in charge of al-Balga',8° the Jordan,
Palestine, the coastal regions (al-Sawahil ), Antioch, Ma'arrat
Masrin,81 and Cilicia . At this point Abu Hashim b. 'Utbah b.
Rabi'ah b. 'Abd Shams82 made a peace treaty covering Cilicia,
Antioch, and Ma'arrat Masrin.
It was said that in (this year) both al-Hasan al-Basri and 'Amin
al-Sha'bi were born.S3
Al-Wigidi said : 'Umar b. al-Khattab led the pilgrimage this
year, leaving Zayd b. Thibit84 as his deputy over Medina. His
governors of Mecca, al-'Wa'if, the Yemen, al-Yamamah, Bahrain, 12.6471
Syria, Egypt, and al-Basrah were the same as those in the year 20

73. Muhammad b. Humayd al -Rizi (d. 248/862), one of Tabari 's teachers in al-
Rayy and one of his leading authorities . See Sezgin , GAS, I, z9ff., 79, 242, 253.
74. Salamah b. al-Fail al -Azraq (d. after 190/805). He transmitted Ibn Isliiq's
Maghdzi and Mubtada '. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV, 1 3ff.
75. Muhammad b. Isliiq (d. 150/767), author of the famous Sirah . See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, IX, ;8-46; E12 . s .v. (Jones).
76. The famous Umayyad governor in Syria and later ( 41-60/661-680) first
Umayyad caliph.
77. Prominent figure in the Syrian conquests . See Ibn Hajar, I,cdbah, VII,
78. One of the districts of Damascus, see Yiqut, Mu jam, 1, 338. Le Strange,
Palestine, 31-34.
79. A town south of Aleppo precisely described by Y10 t, Mu jam, IV, 403; Le
Strange, Palestine, 486; El , s.v. (Eliss6eff).
8o. The area south of Damascus , the principal center of which is Ammin) see
Yiqut, Mu jam, 1, 4891 Le Strange, Palestine, 34-35.
Sr. A place that is part of the province of Aleppo ; see Yiqut, Mu'jam, V, 155•
The same as Ma'arrat Qinnasrin; see Le Strange, Palestine, 39.
82. The maternal uncle of Mu'iwiyah . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XII, z6r; Ibn
Abd Rabbih, 'lqd, IV, 398•
83. Ibn Shariliil (d. ca. 103/721), the famous narrator; see Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib,
V, 65-69, especially 68. See also Ibn Sad, Tabagdt, V, 341, Rosenthal,
Historiography, 63, 187, 380.
84. Zayd b. Thibit was a famous Companion, who died in 45/665 . See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, IV, 41-43.
16 The Conquest of Iran

(December 211, 64o -December Io, 641 .85 The governor of al-
Kufah was 'Ammar b. Yasir, who was also in charge of the
police.86 'Abdallah b. Mas' ud was in charge of the treasury,
'Uthman b. Hunayf of the land tax, and Shurayh reportedly held
the office of judge.''

85. It is in fact necessary to go back to the end of the year 17 (638 - 39) to find
the complete list. Cf. Tabari, I, 257o; Translation, XIII, 150.
86. For this meaning of ahddth, see Dozy, Suppldment, 1, 258, with
expressions from Baladhuri. See also Hinds, "Conquests," 5o n. 33; El2, S.V.
87. That is, Shurayh b . al-H3rith al - Kindi, a famous, perhaps "legendary,"
judge of early Islam (d. 72-99/691-718) . See Schacht, Origins, 228-29;
Translation, XIII, 159 n. 543.

Events of the Year

(NOVEMBER 3o, 642-NOVEMBER I9, 643)

Abu Ja 'far [al-Tabari) said: In )this year) Azerbaijan was con-

quered, according to Ahmad b. Thabit al-Razi-someone he
mentioned- Ishaq b. is!-Abu Ma'shar:8B Azerbaijan was
[conquered] in the year 2.2, its commander being al-Mughirah b.
Shu'bah. Al-Wagidi also reported thus.
However, Sayf b. 'Umar said, according to al-Sari-Shu'ayb:
The conquest of Azerbaijan took place in the year 18 of the
Hijrah after the conquest of Hamadhan , al-Rayy, and Jurjan and
after the ruler of Tabaristan89 had sued for peace with the
Muslims. He continued : All this took place in the year r 890

88. For Abmad and Abu Ma'shar, see Sezgin, GAS, 1, z9z, 796) Translation, I,
61 for Isbaq (d. 214/829), see GAS, zoo n. 245.
89. Yiqut, Mu'jam, IV, 14- 15, explains that isbahbad, the term used here, is
that used in Tabaristin as the title of the ruler. See also Morony, Iraq, 29.
9o. On the question of the date of the conquest of Azerbaijan, see Baladhuri,
Futub, 32.6) also Ya'qubI, Tarikh, 156, who gives only the date zz) Ibn al -Athir,
Kdmil, III, 13, under the year :z. For the conquest of Hamadhin , see Balidhurl,
Futnla, 3o9-ii (in the year z3 () Ya'qubi, Tdrikh, II, 157 (also in 23 () Ibn al-Athir,
ibid., io, sub anno zz.
1 8 The Conquest of Iran

(Sayf) continued: The reason for the conquest of Hamadhan,

so it was claimed, was [as follows] . Muhammad, al-Muhallab,
Talhah, 'Amr, and Sa'id had informed (Sayf) that al-Nu'man
was diverted to the two provincial centers [of Nihawand and
al-Dinawar]9L because the Persians had assembled in Nihawand.
The Kufans were diverted there too, and they , including Hud-
hayfah, joined up with (al-Nu'man). When the Kufans left
Hulwan and arrived at Mah,92 they attacked a castle (qal'ah) in
a field (mar)) in which was a body of armed men . They forced
them to come down-and this was the first (step] in the con-
[s,648 ] quest-and settled cavalry in their place to keep a hold on the
castle. They named their camp after the field , calling it Marj al-
Qal'ah. Then they marched from Mari al -Qal'ah in the direction
of Nihawand and reached another ] castle containing some men.
They left al-Nusayr b. Thawr attacking it with [a group of] 'Ijl
and Hanifah,93 and it was called after him . He took it after the
victory of Nihawand, and thus not one 'Ijli, or one Hanafi, was
present at Nihawand ; they remained with al-Nusayr stationed at
the castle. Nevertheless, when (the Muslims ) made a compre-
hensive assessment of the immovable booty94 of Nihawand
and the castles, they gave all of them a share in it, as they had
given one another support. From that time on they gave a name
according to its characteristics to everything they observed
between Mari al-Qal'ah and Nihawand , ( that is,] the area they
had already passed through, and what they had observed from
al-Marj to it . Some riding camels (rikab) jostled together on one
of the mountain roads ( sing. thaniyyah) of Mah, so it was called
al-Rikab, or Thaniyyat al-Rikab. They came upon another the

91. That is, the dual of the Persian word mah = Arabic galabah. The former
is south, the latter southwest of Hamadhan. See Yaqut, Mu'fam, V, 48, Le
Strange, Lands, 196-97, Translation, XIII, 4, 199; EI2, s.v. "Mah al -Ba§ra," "Mih
al-Kufa" (Morony). See also note i.
92. That is, Nihawand, see note 91.
93. That is , al-Nusayr b. Daysam b. Thawr al-'Ijli, about whom there is no
information. '11I here are presumably'ijl b. Lujaym b . $a'b, a tribal division (barn)
of Bakr b. Wail, originally occupying an area between al-Yamamah and al-
Bagrah, see EI2, s.v. "'Idjl" (Watt (. '!jl and Hanifah are closely related tribal
groups (EI2, s.v. "Hanifa " (Watt)). See also Ibn Hazm, /amharah, 309, 3121
Caskel, Camharat, I, Tables 141, 156, 157, Kahhalah, Mu'fam, 1, 3121 II, 757.
94 Arabic fay'. See E12, S. V. (Lekkegaard).
The Events of the Year 22 19

track of which went round a rock, so they called it Malwiyyah

(twisted). Their original names were obliterated, and they
were given names in keeping with their characteristics. (The
Muslims) passed by the long mountain overlooking lotherl
mountains, and one of them said that it was like the tooth
of Sumayrah-Sumayrah was a I?abbi woman from Banii
Mu'awiyah,95 one of those who migrated with the Prophet,
who had a tooth projecting over her [other] teeth , so this moun-
tain was named after her tooth . Hudhayfah had sent Nu'aym
b. Muqarrin and al-Qa'ga ' b. 'Amr96 in pursuit of the de-
feated troops of Nihawand . The two reached Hamadhan, and
Khusrawshunam97 made peace with them . They left (the
Hamadhanis ) and returned; then later he reneged . When 'Umar's
agreement with (Khusrawsunum ) arrived among those dis- [2649]
patched by him, (Nu'aym) bade Hudhayfah farewell, and
Hudhayfah did [likewise], (Nu'aym) making for Hamadhan,
while (Hudhayfah ) made to return to al-Kufah . (The latter)
appointed as deputy of Nihawand and al-Dinawar 'Amr b. Bilal
b. al-Harith.9.
'Umar's letter to Nu'aym b. Mugarrin (included the in-
struction] to march on Hamadhan , dispatch Suwayd b. Muqarrin
in charge of his vanguard and Rib 'i b. 'Amir and Muhalhil b.
Zayd99-the latter a Tai, the former a Tamimi -in charge of
the wings. So Nu'aym b. Mugarrin went forth with his (army]
in formation. He went down Thaniyyat al-'Asal (the Mountain
Road of Honey). It had been given this name because of the
honey found there after the battle of Nihawand, where they
pursued the defeated troops . (At that time ] al-Fayruzan10° had

95. That is, IQabbah b. Shihib b. Mu'iwiyah, rather than the better-known
Qabbah b. Udd, see Caskel, c`amharat, I, Table 3o9.
96. A Tamimi hero of both Qidisiyyah and Nihiwand , his exploits are much
emphasized by Say( b. 'Umar. See Tabarl,1, 2459-64 and x616 - x8; Translation,
XIII, passim, in particular 39-43, 2 09-11, El , s.v. (Zettersteen(.
97. The Persian general; see Morony, Iraq, 194.
98. Amr b. Bilil b. al-Hirith is unidentified.
99. Ribi b. Amir is unidentified. Muhalhil b. Zayd al-Khayl al-Tal was a
hero of the Riddah wars. See Ibn Hajar, Igabah, X, 49•
loo. The Persian general in charge of the army defeated at Nihiwand. See
Morony, Iraq, 192-93, for earlier events in which he played a part.
20 The Conquest of Iran

reached (the road), which was crowded with beasts of burden

carrying honey and other things, so he was hemmed in by them
until he dismounted . Then he had gone °up the mountain. His
horse, [being riderless], had gone back down and was pursued
and [eventually) taken. When they stopped at Kinkiwar,'01 some
of the Muslims ' animals were stolen, so it was given the name
Qasr al-Lusus (Stronghold of Thieves).
Then Nu'aym went down the mountain road and stopped at
the town of Hamadhan . But they had already fortified it against
(the Muslims), so he besieged (the Hamdhanis), taking the area
between there and Jarmidhan. 102 (The Muslims) took control of
the whole area of Hamadhan. When the inhabitants of the town
realized this, they sued for peace [with the request) that he treat
them and those who had [originally] complied [with his demand
to surrender) exactly alike. This he did and accepted tribute from
them for their protection. He divided up Dastaba" 3 among a
[26$0] group of Kufans, [comprising] 'Ismah b. 'Abdallah al-Rabbi,
Muhalhil b. Zayd al-'J'a'i, Simak b. 'Ubayd al-'Absi,104 Simak b.
Makhramah al-Asadi, l°5 and Simak b. Kharashah al-Ansari. i°6
These were the first to be appointed governors over the frontier
regions107 of Dastaba and to fight the Daylam.108
But, according to al-Wagidi : The conquest of Hamadhan and

ioi. Persian Kangavar, a small town between Hamadhin and Qarmisin. See
Yiqut, Mu dam, IV, 484, who mentions Qa$r al-Lugug; Spuler, Iran, r27 and end
maps; Barthold, Geography, 195, El', s.v. "Kinkiwar" (Savory). See also Bal'ami,
Chronique, III, 487.
ioz. Yaqut's "A place in al-Jabal; I think it is in the regions of Hamadhan" (II,
i 29( is not very helpful. This must be a small place , not far from the town of
103. Dastaba is the extensive area between al-Rayy and Hamadhan, and this is
clearly what is meant here. See Yaqut, Mu'jam, If, 454; Le Strange, Lands, 220. It
is given as a town on Map r, 6o-6t , of the CHIr, IV.
104. Warrior in the eastern conquests. Lived until the end of the caliphate of
Mu'awiyah. See Ibn Hajar, IIdbah, IV, 254, Hill, Termination, r25, mg.
1o5. Died in al-Raqqah in Mu'awiyah's caliphate . See Ibn Hajar, I;dbah, IV,
254; Ibn al-Athir, Usd, II, 353.
rob. Fought at al-Qadisiyyah. See Ibn Hajar, I$dbah, IV, 253s Ibn al-Athir,
Usd, II, 352-53.
107. Masdlih the eastern equivalents of the western thughur; i.e., the regions
on the edge of Muslim control as they pushed eastward.
rob. Fos the land and its people, see Ell, s.v . (Minorskyj. The territory of
Daylam is the highlands of Jilin.
The Events of the Year 22 21

al-Rayy took place in 23 [November i9, 643 -November 7, 6441.

According to him also : It is said that Qarazah b. Ka'b109 con-
quered al-Rayy.
Also according to (al-Wagidi) -Rabi'ah b. 'Uthman : t 10 The
conquest of Hamadhan took place in ]the month of] Jumid I,
exactly six months after the murder of 'Umar b. al-Khattab. its
commander was al -Mughirah b. Shu'bah.
According to (al-Wagidi) : It is also reported that the conquest
of al-Rayy took place two years before the death of 'Umar. It is
also said that 'Umar was killed while his armies were [engaged
in hostilities] against it."'
To return to Sayf's account : While Nu'aym was at the head of
r 2,ooo troops in the town of Hamadhan , engaged in subduing
it, the Daylam, the inhabitants of al-Rayy, and those of Azer-
baijan entered into correspondence among themselves. Then
Muta, 112 at the head of the Daylam, went forth and halted at
Wij Rudh .' 13 Al-Zinabi Abu al-Farrukhan, t i4 at the head of the
Rayy army, arrived to join him, and Isfandiyadh, brother of
Rustam, did the same at the head of the Azerbaijan army . t 15 The
commanders of the Dastaba frontier regions"" fortified them-
selves and sent to Nu'aym , giving him the news. So he ap - [ 26511

109. Qara;ah b. 'Amr b. Ka'b al-Khuza'i died in al-Kufah during the caliphate
of Mu'iwiyah . See Ibn Hajar, I,cdbah, VIII, 151-52.
no. He died in 154 /771. See Ibn Hajar, I.dbah, III, 266 - 67; Tahdhib, III, 260;
Ibn al-Athir, Usd, x70.
III. Balidhuri, Futdla , 319, says that the final conquest of al-Rayy was carried
out by Qara;ah b. Ka'b al-Anaari during the governorship of Abu Muni over
al-Kufah on behalf of 'Uthmin; see Zarrinkub, "Conquest," p. 23, erroneously
Qur;at . Ya'qubi, Tdrikh, II, 157, agrees, this statement coming under the year 23.
Cf. Ibn al-Athir, Kdmil, III, ii - 12, who, as always, follows Tabari, mentioning
without authority Qara;ah as conqueror. He mentions too a date of z1 for the
conquest . Cf. Ibn al-Athir, Usd, II, 170; Kdmil, III, 9. 'Umar died from his
wounds on Dhu al-Hijjah 3 , 23/October 13, 644.
112. This Daylami leader appears as Muthi in Yiqut, Mu yam, V, 341.
r i 3. Wij (al-)Rudh is situated between Hamadhin and Qazwin . Yigilt, Mu'jam,
V, 341 , gives the date of the battle as 29.
114. 1 vocalize this Persian proper name thus after reference to Justi,
Namenbuch, 386. But see cf. Bal'ami Chronique, III, 489, al-Zinbi; and Hill,
Termination, 128, etc., al-Zeynabi.
115. Isfandiyadh was the brother of Rustam b. Farrukhzidh , the Persian
general defeated at al-Qadisiyyah . See Zarrinkub, "Conquest," io.
rib. That is, 'I$mah, Muhalhil, and the three Simiks; see above.
zz The Conquest of Iran

pointed Yazid b. Qays' 17 as his deputy and went to do battle

against (the Persians ) at the head of his army, - coming down
upon them at Waj al-Rudh. They fought together there vehe-
mently; it was a great battle like Nihawand, not at all inferior.
Great, incalculable numbers were killed, and the bloody struggle
bt . v^veen them was no less then [other] great battles . They had
already written to 'Umar of the amassing [of forces ] against
them. He was disturbed at this (assembly of troops at Waj al-
Rudhj and was worried about the ( outcome of the) battle. He
expected [news ( of them coming through and was taken by
surprise only by the message bearing the good news [of the
victory] . He said, "Is that someone bearing good news ( bashir)?"
The reply was, "[No], it is 'Urwahli11A When he repeated his
question, ('Urwah) understood and replied, "[ Yes], good news
(bashir)!" 'Umar asked if it was the envoy of Nu'aym and was
told it was. He asked for the news and was told the good news of
the conquest and victory . He gave him [all] the news . ('Umar)
praised God and ordered the letter to be read out to the people,
and they too praised God. Then Simak b. Makhramah, Simak b.
'Ubayd, and Simak b. Kharashah arrived at the head of the
delegations of the Kufans with the fifths [of booty for the state
treasury] to see 'Umar . He asked them their lineage and all
three Simaks told him. He said: "God bless you! 0 God, raise up
(usmuk ) 119 Islam through them and strengthen them through
Dastaba and its frontier regions as far as (the town ofj Hamad-
han were [treated as] part of [the province of] Hamadhan until
the envoy returned to Nu 'aym b. Mugarrin with the reply from
'Umar b. al-Khattab. [In it he instructed him] to appoint a
deputy over Hamadhan, reinforce Bukayr b. 'Abdallah [in
Azerbaijan] by means of Simak b. Kharashah, proceed to al-Rayy,

117. A Yemeni Arliabi from Hamdany see below. See also Mad'aj, Yemen, 114,
141, etc.
its. 'Omar actually said, "A-bashir?" which can mean either "Is that
someone bearing good news?" or "Is that Bashir?" the latter being a man 's name.
'Urwah, the messenger, interpreted the question in the latter meaning, hence his
119. 'Umar makes a pun on their name, Simak. Cf. Bal'ami, Chronique, III,
The Events of the Year 22 23

face their army in battle, and remain there, as it was the most
central and unified part of this territory for his purposes. So
Nu'aym established Yazid b . Qays al-Hamdani in charge of (2.652)
Hamadhan and marched out from Waj al-Rudh with his army to
Nu'aym recited the following concerning Waj al-Rudh:120
When I heard that Muta121 and his tribe,
Banu Basil, 122 had driven on their Persian armies,123
I roused up my armies against them , competing in glory,
that I might deny them with my swords my protection.124
We brought upon them our steel [armor ]-'twas as if we
were mountains looming up through the branches of the
galasim trees.125
When we met them in battle at (Waj al-Rudh , the valley) wide
and abundant in trees,
they having already begun to rear up to fight like a champ-
We repelled them at Waj Rudh with our force
on the morning we inflicted upon (the Persians) one of the
great calamities.126
They could not endure for any time at all, as death hovered,
against our sharp spears127 and cutting swords.
When their forces scattered, they were like
a wall the baked brick of which has crumbled with de-
stroying blows.

120. Meter jawil. Yiqut, Mu'jam, V, 341, quotes lines 1, 5, 6, 8, and to.
121. Yignt, Mu'jam, V, 341, M13thi, i.e., the ruler of Daylam.
1zz. This is the claim that the Daylamites are decended from Bisil b . Dabbah.
See Ibn Hazm, lamharah, 203 ("wa-Basilu bnu Dabbah, yuqdlu inna a]-
Daylama min waladi-h"), Caskel, (amharat, I, Table 89.
12.3. Yiqut, Mu'jam, has khuyal for junnd, "their Persian cavalry."
124. Nu'aym is here saying that he intends to slay them all and thus will not
have to make arrangements for their protection (dhimmah) after the battle.
125. "Mountains" to signify the strength and bulk of the Muslim forces. I am
unable to identify galdsim, nor indeed find this species of tree in the lexica at
my disposal.
126. That is, after the defeats of al-Qidisiyyah and Nihiwand , now Waj
11 z7. Yignt, Mu'jam, reads bi-1iaddi for li -baddi.
24 The Conquest of Iran

We killed Muta there and his army around him;'28

there was booty there quickly distributed. 129
(2653) We pursued them until they took refuge in their side wadis,
slaughtering them as fierce dogs would!
Twas as if they in Waj Riidh and in its wide valley
were sheep killed by the gaping wounds from our spears. 130
Simak b. Makhramah's name was given to the mosque of
Nu'aym repeated the Hamadhan peace document in their
case. He left as his deputy in charge of (Hamadhan) Yazid b.
Qays al-Hamdani. (Nu'aym) himself marched with his armies
and reached al-Rayy. The first Daylamites were [descended] from
the Arabs, but Nu'aym disputed (this opinion) with them.'32

The Conquest of al-Rayy133

They report (also]: Nu'aym b. Muqarrin left Waj Rudh, having
laid it waste, at the head of the army [and made] for Dastaba.
He departed thence for al-Rayy when (its inhabitants) had
assembled together to (stand against] him. Al-Zinabi Abu al-
Farrukhan came out and met him at a place called Qiha134 to
make peace with him in defiance of the ruler of al-Rayy, once he
had seen what the Muslims were like, [comparing their attitude]
with the envy of Siyawakhsh and his family. So (al-Zinabi)
came, together with Nu'aym, while the ruler at that time in
[2654] al-Rayy was [this] Siyawakhsh b. Mihran b. Bahram Shubin.135

128. Yiq» t reads liffa-hu for jama-hu.

129. Yiqfit reads ghdnimi for 'dtimi.
130. Yiqfit reads wa-jam-hi for wa-jawwi-hi in the first hemistich. The
second hemistich is fraught with difficulties and the translation tentative:
4fa'Inun agabat-hd furuju al-makhdrimi. Yignt reads aghanat-ha for agdbat-hd.
131. Masjid Simak was in al-Kofah. See Baladhuri, Futuli, z84j I^fahini,
Aghani, X, 85, Yiqut, Mu'jam, V, rz5.
132. This is how I interpret wa-kdna awwalu hash al-Daylami min al-Arab
wa-gawala-hum fi-hi Nu aym.
133. Cf. Baladhuri, Futuh, 317ff., lbn al-Athir, Kdmil, III, iij Bal'ami,
Chronique, 111, 489.
114. A large village between al-Rayy and Qazwinj see Yaqut, Mu'jam, IV, 417.
135. For the man and his ancestors, see Spuler, Iran, s6j Noldeke, Geschichte,
139 n. 3; Zarrinkub, "Conquest," 19j E1r, s.v. (Shahbazi!.
The Events of the Year 22 25

(Siyawakhsh) asked the people of Dunbiwand,136 Tabaristan,

Qumis, and Jurjin for their help, saying, "You are already aware
that, once these (Muslim troops) have occupied al-Rayy, there
will be no place for you." So they [all] mustered to support
(Siyiwakhsh). Siyiwakhsh made to attack (al-Zinabi). They met
at the foot of the mountain of al-Rayy to one side of the town
and did battle there. AI-Zinabi had said to Nu'aym: "The
enemy is numerous, whereas you are at the head of a small
army. Send some cavalry with me. I shall take them into their
town, [al-Rayy], by a way in that [even) (the locals) do not know.
You attack them, for if (the cavalry) [with me also) comes out
against them, they will not stand firm against you ." So Nu'aym
despatched some cavalry with him by night under the command
of his nephew, al-Mundhir b. 'Amr.137 Al-Zinabi took them into
the town without the enemy's knowing, and Nu'aym launched
a surprise attack on (the latter) by night and distracted them
away from [the defense of) their town. Battle was joined, and (the
enemy) stood fine against (Nu'aym) until they heard the cry [of
the cavalry], "God is great," behind them. Then they were put to
flight and were killed in such numbers as to be reckoned in
fathoms.138 God gave the Muslims at al-Rayy about the same
amount of spoils as those at al-Mada'in. Al-Zinabi made peace
with (Nu'aym) for the inhabitants of al-Rayy, and (Nu'aym) [26551
appointed him governor (marzaba-hu) over them. The honor of
al-Rayy continued to be greatest among the family of al-Zinabi,
including Shahram and Farrukhan.139 The family of BahramL4°
fell from grace, and Nu 'aym destroyed their town, which was
called a1-Atiqah (the Old Town); that is, the town of al-Rayy.
Al-Zinabi gave orders for the building of the new town of al-
Nu'aym wrote to 'Umar about the victory that God had

136. The great mountain that dominates Tabaristan and a small town,
modem Damivand, to the south of the mountain. See Yiqut, Mujam, 11, 4751 Le
Strange, Lands, 371.
137. Al-Mundhir b. Amr was an early military leader who had fought with
the Prophet. See Ibn al-Athir, Usd, III, 418-19.
138. Arabic gacab. See Dozy, Supplement, II, 353; Glossarium, cnxxrv.
139. The two sons of al-Zinabi, see Justi, Namenbuch, z76.
140. See note 13 S
z6 The Conquest of Iran

given him, [dispatching the letter] with al-Mudarib al-'Ijli.141 Ile

also sent the fifth parts [of the booty for the state treasury) with
'Utaybah b. al-Nahhas142 and Abu Mufazzir,l along with some
Kufan notables. ('Umar) sent Simak b. Kharashah al-Ansari to
reinforce Bukayr b. 'Abdallah after al-Rayy had been conquered.
So Simak marched off to Azerbaijan as reinforcement for Bukayr.
Nu'aym wrote a document for the inhabitants of al-Rayy:
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
The following is what Nu'aym b. Muqarrin has granted
to al-Zinabi b. Qulah. He has granted him security for
the people of al-Rayy and those others with them on
[payment of) tribute, as much as each one who has
reached puberty can provide annually. They must give
good advice and guidance and must not act treacherously
or steal. They must provide hospitality to the Muslims
for a whole day and a night and show them respect.
Anyone who abuses a Muslim or holds him in contempt
will be severely punished. Anyone who physically
abuses him will be killed. If anyone of them reneges and
is not handed over intact, your (whole] community [is
deemed to] have reneged.
He wrote [it], and it was witnessed.
[2.656] (Nu'aym) was sent messages by the ruler [of Dunbawandjt44
on the subject of peace, offering what would keep him free of
(the Muslims), without (Nu'aym's) demanding from him any aid
and protection.l4s (Nu'aym) accepted this and drew up a docu-
ment between the two of them, without any aid [on the part
of the people of Dunbawandj or any assistance against anyone
[being made obligatory]. So they got what they asked for as

141. Al-Mudarib al-Ijli was a Companion or Follower, who has brief entries in
Ibn Elajar, Tahdhib, X, T66-67i Ibn al-Athir, Usd, III, 37t.
141. Little information appears to be available on 'Utaybah. See Donner,
Conquests, 383; Ibn 'Abd Rabbih, 'Iqd, 1, 2.83, Iyfahani, Aghdni, II, 47-48.
143. That is, al-Aswad b. Qutbah, a poet and warrior who was present at
al-Qadisiyyah, see Ibn Hajar, 1sdbah, 1, 171; Translation, XIII, i 1.
144. The title ma;mughdn has a religious connotation; see CHIT, 199.
145• Arabic, "fi al-sulhi 'ald shayin yaftadi bi-hi min-hum min ghayri an
yas'a1a-hu al-nafra wa-al-man'ah."
The Events of the Year 22 27

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

This is a document from Nu 'aym b. Muqarrin to
Mardinshih, ruler of Dunbiwand and the people of
Dunbiwand, al-Khuwir, 146 al -Liriz, 147 and al-Shirriz.148
You and those who enter [into this agreement ] with you
will be secure on condition you refrain [from hostile
acts] and on condition that you restrain the people of
your territory. You will insure yourself [against military
action being taken against you] by [paying] 200,000
dirhams, the weight of seven , 149 annually to whoever is
governor of your region. You will not be attacked, nor
will you be approached save by permission, as long as
you remain within these [conditions] (and) unless you
renege. If anyone reneges, he will not [be covered by] any
agreement, nor will he who does not hand him over.
He wrote [the document] and it was witnessed.

The Conquest of Qumis'5°

They reported [also): When Nu' aym wrote of the conquest of al-
Rayy, (despatching the news] with al -Mudirib al-'Ijli, and when
he submitted the fifths [of booty for the state treasury ), 'Umar
replied to him that he should send Suwayd b. Mugarrin in
advance to Qumis, posting in charge of his vanguard Simik b.
Makhramah, of his flanks 'Utaybah b. al-Nahhis and Hind b. [26571
'Amr al-Jamali. 151 Suwayd b. Muqarrin mobilized (his army[
and moved from al-Rayy on Qumis . No one showed him any

146. The westernmost town of Qumis and the first important place east of
al-Rayy. See Yiqut, Mu'jam, II, 394 , with no definite article; Le Strange, Lands,
147. The MSS are far from clear here , and these place names are doubtful.
AI-Khuwir is possible; see note 146, above. I can find no reference to a place
called al-Lariz in the sources at my disposal . But see Ell, s.v.v. "Lir" and
"Larijin" jCalmard).
148. Yiqut, Mu'jam, III, 334 , has a Shirriz, without the article, but this is a
mountain in al-Daylam.
149. That is, every 1o dirhams weighing seven mithquls. See Sauvaire,
"MatEriaux," 460, see also Hinz, Masse, Iff.
1So. See Balidhuri, Futli.¢, 317ff.
151. An unidentified military leader.
z8 The Conquest of Iran

hostility, so he took it peacefully and encamped there. When

(his army) drank from a river belonging (to the people of Qumis)
called Maladh,t52 they began to suffer from stiff necks, so
Suwayd told them to change their [source of) water until they
got used to it like the local inhabitants. They did so and found
(the new supply) healthy. Those of [the locals] who had taken
refuge in Tabaristan and those who had sought safe refuges sent
(Suwayd) communications . So he called on them to make peace
and [pay) tribute, writing to them as follows:
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
This is the guarantee of safety that Suwayd b. Muqarrin
has granted to the people of Qumis and to their followers,
for their persons, their religion, and their possessions, on
condition that they pay tribute directly,153 every one of
them who has reached puberty according to his capacity
[to pay]; also on condition that they give good, not bad,
advice, guide [the Muslims], and give hospitality to any
Muslims who settle among them for a period of one day
and one night with their ordinary food.154 If they renege
and hold their agreement in contempt, then the con-
venant no longer applies to them.
He wrote [the document] and it was witnessed.

The Conquest of Jurjan155

They reported [also]: Suwayd b. Muqarrin encamped at Bistam.t56
1z658J He wrote to the ruler of Jurjan, Ruzban $01.157 (Suwayd) marched

152. 1 cannot identify River Malidh, but it must be in Qumis.

153. Arabic, "'an yadin." See Qur'in, IX:29. That is, directly without
involving a third party. A number of interpretations are possible as well as the
one given here: "willingly," "by ready money," or "in token of subjection." See
Bayoiwi, Commentarlus, in ibid .; Penrice, Dictionary, 164-65. See also Cahen,
"Coran IX- 29," passim, and Kister "An yadin," passim.
154. See Qur'in, V:89.
155. Cf. Balidhuri, Futlih, 334ff.
156. A town less than fo miles northeast of the capital of Qumis, Damghan, it
is the second town of the province. See Yiqut, Mu'jam, 1, 421- z2; Le Strange,
Lands, 364-65 and Map V, opposite i85.
157. Ruzbin $ul himself is not further identified. For Sul, see Translation,
XXXIII, 44 n. 148.
The Events of the Year 2.2 29

on (jurjan) and Ruzban $ul entered into correspondence with

him. (Ruzban $ul) hastened to make peace with him, [with the
provision) that he should pay tribute and that he would save
(Suwayd) the trouble of making war on jurjan; if (Suwayd)
were being defeated, (Ruzban $ul) would give him assistance.
(Suwayd) accepted his terms . He was met by Ruzban $ul before
he entered jurjan, and he went in with him. He encamped there
until the collection of the taxes had been carried out and until
he had specified [the various] frontier regions ( of jurjan) by
'name. 15' He allocated the Turks of Dihistan ,' 59 [to look after)
them, removing the tribute from those who remained to defend
them and taking taxes from the remainder of the people of
(jurjan). He drew up a document between them and himself as
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
This is a document from Suwayd b. Muqarrin to Ruzban
$51 b. Ruzban and the people of Dihistan and all of those
of jurjan . You have our covenant , while it is our duty to
protect [you ], on condition that you pay tribute annually
according to your capacity, everyone who has reached
the age of puberty. Any one of you whose help we seek
shall pay his tribute in the form of assistance he renders
instead of his [regular] tribute . The guarantee of safety
covers their persons, their possessions, and their religion
and laws . Nothing of all this can be broken ; it remains
in force for them as long as they pay [their dues ), guide
the traveler, give good advice, provide hospitality to the

158. I translate the Arabic khardj "taxes." This term and the word jizyah,
which alone of the two has appeared in the text so far , were undoubtedly
synonymous in early Islam, with the meaning of tribute . The terms were later
refined in Islamic law and khardj took on the technical meaning of land tax. It
should be noted, however, that here both terms are to be found in the same
paragraph (and are perhaps not synonymous at all) and that , when it comes to
the actual document, only jizyah is used. Here, however, Suwayd not only
collected the khardj, but also busied himself with the assessment of the frontier
regions (furuj) of jurjan, as if for the purpose of levying some sort of tax based on
the land. For the two terms, see E12, s.v.v. "djizya" and "kharadj" (Cahen)s Ben
Shemesh, Taxation, r9-zo. - -"
1S9. An area to the north of jurjan is clearly meant here, although the name is
given several locations in Yaqut . See Mu 'jam, I!, 49z; Le Strange, Lands, 379-81.
30 The Conquest of Iran

Muslims, and perpetrate no theft or any treacherous act.

He who stays among them has similar rights to theirs.
He who leaves remains in safety until he reaches "his
place of safety . i160 There is also the condition that any-
one abusing a Muslim will be dealt with very severely.
Anyone physically abusing him may be killed.'61
(2659) It was witnessed by Sawad b. Qutbah,162 Hind b. 'Amr, Simak b.
Makhramah and 'Utaybah b. al-Nahhas. It was drawn up in the
year i8 [January 12, 639-January 2, 6401.
But al-Mada'ini163 reported on the authority of Abu Zayd:'64
Jurjan was conquered in the time of 'Uthman in the year 30
[September 4, 65o-August 24, 65 1j.

The Conquest of Tabaristan 165

(The same sources) continued: The ruler [of Tabaristan) sent
messages to Suwayd on the subject of a peace on the under-
standing that they make a formal pact and that (Suwayd) propose
terms to him without his being obliged to render help or assis-
tance against anyone. (Suwayd ) accepted these terms and gave
(the people of Tabaristan ) what they wanted. He wrote him a
document [as follows;:
In the name of God, the Compassonate, the Merciful.
This is a document from Suwayd b. Muqarrin addressed
to al-Farrukhan, ruler of Khurasan in authority over
Tabaristan and to the ruler (/ 1) of Jilan, 166 our (previous]
enemy. You will be secure in God 's safekeeping on
condition that you restrain your robbers and the people

i6o. Qur'an, IX:6.

161. Arabic, "halla damu-h."
16z. Sawad b. Qutbah al- Tamimi has a brief entry in Ibn al-Athir, Usd, 11, 375,
where these events are mentioned.
163. The famous historian 'Ali b. Muhammad (d. ca. zz5/839). See Duri, Rise,
4811.; Rosenthal, Historiography, 69ff., Sezgin, GAS, 1, 314ff.
164. An unidentified narrator.
i65. See Baladhuri, Putnh, 334ff.
i66. See El', s.v . "Mazyar " (Minorsky). Jilin was a small province at the west
end of the southern Caspian shore . See Yaqut, Mulam, 11, zo1 ; Le Strange,
Lands, 172 and Map 5, opposite i85.
The Events of the Year zz 31

on the borders of your territory. You will harbor nobody

or nothing we are seeking and you will insure yourself
(against military action against you) by [paying] anyone
governing your border territory 5oo,ooo dirhams, those
(in use) in your territory. If you cdrry (all) this out, none
of us will have a right to attack you, or to invade your
territory, or ]even] to approach you without your per-
mission . Our way to you, provided that we obtain your
permission, will be in safety, just as yours Ito us) will be.
Do not harbor anybody or anything we are seeking. Do
not steal what is ours, (as if acting] against an enemy, or
carry out any treacherous act. If you do, there will be no
pact between us.
It was witnessed by Sawad b. Qutbah al-Tamimi, Hind b. 'Amr
al-Muradi, Simak b. Makhramah al-Asadi, Simak b. 'Ubayd (z66o)
al- Ansi and 'Utaybah b. al-Nahhas al-Bakri. It was drawn up in
the year r8 (January iii, 639-January z, 640].

The Conquest of Azerbaijan167

(The same sources ) made (the following) report. When Nu'aym
conquered Hamadhan for a second time and marched on al-
Rayy from Waj Rudh, 'Umar wrote to him, (instructing) him to
despatch Simak b. Kharashah al-Angari to reinforce Bukayr b.
'Abdallah in Azerbaijan. But (Nu'aym) delayed (the implemen-
tation of) this (instruction) until he had taken al-Rayy. Then
(Nu'aym) sent ( Simak) from al-Rayy and he marched to join
Bukayr in Azerbaijan . Now Simak b. Kharashah and 'Utbah b.
Farqad were two rich Arabs, having (originally) brought their
wealth to al-Kufah . Bukayr had already set off, when he was sent
to (Azerbaijan), but, when he came up opposite Jarmidhah b.
al-Farrukhzadh, fleeing from Waj Rudh, advanced on him (and
his men). (This) was the first fighting (Bukayr) encountered in
Azerbaijan. They fought and God put (Isfandiyadh 's) army
to flight; Bukayr took him prisoner . Isfandiyadh asked him
whether he preferred peace or war . He replied that he preferred

167. See Balidhuri, Putnh, ;zsff, Bal'ami, Chronique, III, 494r CHIr, zo.
32 The Conquest of Iran

peace. (Isfandiyadh) said, "Keep me with you, for if I make no

peace treaty involving the people of Azerbaijan , nor join [them],
they will not stand up to you, but will disperse into the sur-
rounding Caucasus mountains and those of Asia Minor (min
al-Qabj wa-al-Rum). Those who can fortify themselves [there]
will do so for some time." So (Bukayr) held (Isfandiyadh) with
him, keeping him in his control . (All] the area fell to him except
(2661] what was fortified. Simak b. Kharashah joined him as reinforce-
ment, whereas Isfandiyadh (remained] in (Bukayr's) custody,
having taken the regions near him, while 'Utbah b. Farqad had
taken those near him. Bukayr said to Simak , when the latter
came to him, joking with him, "What am I to do with you and
'Utbah, with two such rich men?! If I obey my instincts, I shall
advance and leave you two behind as deputies. But you can
remain with me if you so wish, or you can join 'Utbah if you so
wish. I give you a free hand, as I see no alternative but to leave
you both and go after something more unpleasant than this! ,168
So (Bukayr) sought permission of 'Umar to be excused, and he
wrote to (Bukayr), permitting him to advance on al-Bib 169 and
ordering him to appoint a deputy over his province, (Azerbaijan].
So he appointed 'Utbah deputy over the regions he had con-
quered. (Bukayr) advanced, having handed over Isfandiyadh
to 'Utbah, who took him into his entourage. 'Utbah also
appointed Simak b. Kharashah-not Abu Dujanah170-over
[that part of] Bukayr's province that he had conquered. 'Umar
united the whole of Azerbaijan under 'Utbah h. Farqad.
(The same sources) report (as follows] . Now Bahram b. al-
Farrukhzadh171 had taken the route to be used by 'Utbah b.
Farqad, and he waited for him at the head of his troops until
'Utbah arrived. Battle was joined and 'Utbah defeated (Bahram)
who fled. When the news reached Isfandiyadh, who was in the
custody of Bukayr, of Bahram's defeat and flight, he said, "Now

168. That is, the enemy.

169. That is, Bib al -Abwib or simply al-Abwib, Darband on the west coast of
the Caspian. See Yiqut, Mu'jam , I, 3o3-6, Le Strange, Lands, 18o.
170. That is, not the Abu Dujinah Simik who appears first in Tabari , I, 1395,
under the year 3 and several times afterward.
171. An unidentified Azerbaijani ruler.
The Events of the Year zz 33

the peace is complete and war has been brought to an end." So

(Bukayr) made peace with (Isfandyadh), and all (the people of
Azerbaijan) agreed to this. The country returned to a state of
peace. Bukayr and 'Utbah wrote to inform 'Umar of this and
sent the fifth of what booty God had granted them. They also (2.662]
sent out delegations with this news. Bukayr had conquered the
regions near him before 'Utbah and peace was [only] complete
after 'Utbah's defeat of Bahram. 'Utbah drew up a document
between himself and the people of Azerbaijan in which Bukayr's
province was united with his own:
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
This is what 'Utbah b. Farqad, the governor of 'Umar b.
al-Khattab, Commander of the Faithful, has granted to
the people of Azerbaijan, mountains and plains, borders
and frontiers, all people of whatever religion, viz.,
security for their persons, their possessions, their re-
ligion and laws, on condition that they pay the tribute
according to their capacity (to do so]. There is no [such]
obligation for minors, or women, or the chronically poor
who have nothing of the present world, or religious
devotees remaining in isolation who have nothing of the
present world. All this [is granted] to them and to those
who live with them. But they are obliged to give hospi-
tality to Muslim soldiers for the period of a day and a
night and to guide them. Those who are recruited for
military service172 in any one year are exempt the tribute
of that year. He who remains [from now on] shall be
granted the same [concessions ] and have (the same obliga-
tions) as he who has remained (permanently], whereas he
who leaves has safe-conduct until he finds his place
of refuge.
Jundub173 wrote down [the document], which was witnessed by
Bukayr b. 'Abdallah al-Laythi and Simak b. Kharashah al-AMari.

57a. Arabic, "wa-man hushira min-hum f! sanatin." It might also be rendered

'Prhose who suffer distress ", that is, drought, crop failure, etc.
573. Jundub is unidentified.
34 The Conquest of Iran

[The document) was drafted in the year i8 (January r2, 639-

January 2, 6401.
(The same sources) relate (as follows). In this year also 122;
November 30, 642-November r9, 6431 'Utbah brought 'Umar
some sweet date mix that he gave him,as a gift . Now 'Umar
used to require his governors every year to perform the pil-
grimage, thereby restraining them from any [act of] tyranny and
preventing them from (doing any such thing).
[2663) In this same year [22; November 3o, 642-November i9, 643)
[the following] took place.

The Conquest of al-Bab"'

According to Sayf, they, that is, those whose names I have
previously mentioned, reported (as follows]. 'Umar sent Abu
Musa back to al-Bagrah and Suragah b. 'Amr, known as Dhu
al-Nur,t75 to al-Bab. He appointed over his vanguard 'Abd al-
Rahman b. Rabi'ah who was also known as Dhu al-Nur. He
appointed over one of the wings Hudhayfah b. Asid al-Ghifari
and named for the other Bukayr b. 'Abdallah al-Laythi, who
was already facing al-Bab before Suragah b. Amr reached him.
('Umar) wrote to (Suragah), [instructing] him to join up with
(Bukayr). ('Umar) also appointed Salman b. Rabi'ah in charge of
the division of the spoils. Suraqah placed 'Abd al-Rahman b.
Rabi'ah in the van and set out immediately behind him. When
he had left Azerbaijan on his way to al-Bab, he came upon
Bukayr at the approaches to al-Bab. He proceeded slowly with
him and entered the region of al-Bab, as 'Umar had planned it.
'Umar sent him Habib b. Maslamah176 as reinforcement , having
diverted him from al-Jazirah. He also sent Ziyad b. Hanzalah in
(Habib's) place in charge of al-Jazirah. When 'Abd al-Rahman b.
Rabi'ah approached the ruler in al-Bab (he being at that time

174. See Ibn al-Athir, Kdmil, CHIr, 226.

175. Mentioned in Tabari only in the context of the conquest of al-Bab. See
Ibn Hajar, I,cabah , IV, 127; Ibn al-Athir, Usd, II, 264.
176. Al-Fihri, a Companion who figures quite prominently in military matters
in later years under 'Uthman and who supported the first Umayyad caliph,
Mu'awiyah . He died in 42/662 . See Tabari, I, 2808, 2893-94, 3o61 ; Ibn Hajar,
I,sdbah, 11, zo8-9i Tahdhib, II, 19o-91 ; Ibn al-Athir, Usd, 1, 373.
The Events of the Year 7.2. 35

Shahrbaraz, a Persian who was in control of this frontier area

and whose origins were from the family of Shahrbaraz, the
ruler who had routed the Israelites and driven them out of al-
Shim), 177 Shahrbariz sent him messages and sought safe-
conduct to come to him. (Abd al- Rahihin) agreed, and he _iaie ]2664]
and said, "I am facing a rabid enemy and different communities
who are not of noble descent. It is not fitting for the noble and
intelligent to assist such people or to ask their help against those
of noble descent and origins. Noblemen [stick] close to noble-
men, wherever they are. I am certainly not a Caucasian or an
Armenian . You have conquered my land and my community.
Now I am one of you, I am completely with you and my
inclinations are the same as yours . God bless us and you! Our
tribute to you will be the military assistance we render you and
our carrying out whatever you desire. But do not humiliate us
with tribute, so that you render us weak against your enemy."
'Abd al-Rahman replied, "There is someone superior to me who
has already taken you into his protection ; go to him." So he
passed him over to Suragah . When ( Shahrbaraz) came to him, he
found a similar attitude on his part . Suragah said, "I accept this
for your followers in this enterprise , as long as they continue to
be so engaged. But anyone remaining and not moving off [else-
where] must pay the tribute ." ( Shahrbaraz ) accepted this, and it
became the practice for those polytheists who made war on the
enemy and for those who had to provide no tribute other than
to be ready to fight and were thus exempt from the tribute
[altogether] of that particular year . 179 Suragah wrote to 'Umar ]x665]
b. al-Khattab on this (point of practice), and he gave him his
permission to carry it out and [expressed] his approval of it.
Those territories in the mountainous zone comprised only
high ground in which the Armenians remained in readiness for
a speedy departure. They were only inhabitants from the im-
mediate vicinity or from more distant parts whose high ground

177. Shahrbaraz, the Persian military commander in question is unidentified.

For his ancestors , see N61deke, Geschichte, z9o-92, z94ff., z99ff . I am unable to
provide further information on the incident mentioned in the text.
178. Arabic, wa-f i-man lam yakun 'inda -hu al-iizd'u hid an yustanfaru fa-
tucla 'u 'an-hu fizd'u tilka al-sanah. That is, whether they actually fight or not is
immaterial . If they stand ready to fight , they are exempt the tribute.
3 6 The Conquest of Iran

had been removed from them by raids from lowlanders.179 The

mountain folk among them took to their refuges in their moun-
tains and pulled out of their lowland territories . So only the
military and those supporting them or doing business with them
remained there. [The Armenians ) received a document from
Suragah b. 'Amr [as follows].
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
This is the safe-conduct Suragah b. 'Amr, governor of
the Commander of the Faithful, 'Umar b. al-Khattab,
has granted to Shahrbaraz , the inhabitants of Armenia,
and the Armenians [in al-Bab] . [He grants) them safe-
conduct for their persons, their possessions , and their
religion lest they be harmed and so that nothing be
taken from them . [The following is imposed ] upon the
people of Armenia and al-Abwab, those coming from
distant parts and those who are local and those around
them who have joined them: that they should partici-
pate in any military expedition , and carry out any task,
actual or potential, that the governor considers to be for
the good, t8O providing that those who agree to this are
exempt from tribute but [perform ) military service. Mili-
tary service shall be instead of their paying tribute. But
those of them who are not needed for military service
and who remain inactive have similar tribute obligations
to the people of Azerbaijan [ in general). [These include]
guiding and showing hospitality for a whole day. If they
perform military service, they are exempt from [all] this.
[z666) If they abandon [the agreement ), they will be punished.

179. The translation of these two difficult, and seemingly corrupt, sentences
is tentative. The Arabic reads : wa-laysa li-tilka al-bilddi allati f i sdhati tilka
al-jibdli nabakun lam yugim al•Armanu bi-ha illd 'ala awfdzin wa-innamd
hum sukkdnun mimman hawla-hd wa-min al• furrd 'i ista',salat al-ghdratu
nabaka-ha min ahli al-garar.
i8o. Arabic, an yanfiru li-kulli ghdratin wa-yanfudhu li-kulli amrin ndba aw
lam yanub' rad-hu al-waif ,caldban.
The Events of the Year zZ 37

'Abd al-Rahman b. Rabi'ah, Salman b. Rabi'ah and Bukayr b.

'Abdallah were witnesses. Mardi b. Mugarrintst drafted it and
was a witness.
Thereafter Suragah despatched Bukayr b . 'Abdallah, Habib b.
Maslamah, Hudhayfah b. Asid , and Salman b. Rabi'ah to the
people of those mountains surrounding Armenia. He also des-
patched Bukayr to Mugan , 182 Habib to Tiflis, L83 Hudhayfah b.
Asid to the people of the mountains of Allan , '" and Salman b.
Rabi'ah to the other side. Suragah wrote to 'Umar b. al-Khattab
of the conquest and of the circumstances in which he des-
patched these people . So 'Umar learned of something that he
did not think would be accomplished for him so quickly and
without trouble . It was a vast frontier region in which there
were large numbers of [enemy] military, and the Persians were
waiting to see what (the Muslims) would do and then would
cease fighting or carry it on [further]. When they had settled
down and come to appreciate the fairness of Islam, Suragah died,
leaving 'Abd al- Rahman b. Rabi'ah as his successor, as all the
leaders whom Suragah had despatched had passed on [to other
areas] and none of them had conquered what he had been sent to
conquer, with the exception of Bukayr . He had scattered [the
people of) Mugan and then they returned, gradually [agreeing to
the payment) of tribute. (Bukayr) drew up a document for them
[as follows):
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
This is what Bukayr b. 'Abdallah has granted to the

18r. This secretary is mentioned only here in the text . He is the brother of
Nu'aym and Suwayd. See Ibn Hajar, I.abah, IX, r68, with a reference to this
18z. Or Mughin /Maghkan . The great plain that extends south of the River
Aras along the west coast of the Caspian. See Yaqut , Mu'jam, V, zz5 ; Le Strange,
Lands, 175-76 and Map 3, 87.
183. Capital of Georgia (lurjistin ) on the upper reaches of the River Kur. See
Yaqut, Muyam, II, 35-371 Le Strange, Lands, rsr.
184. Allan is one of the districts of the Khazars , north of Georgia. Yaqut
simply says that it is an extensive area on the edge of Armenia , near al -Bab, its
people bordering the land of the Khazars. Yaqut, Mu'jam, V, 8-9i Le Strange,
Lands, 179.
38 The Conquest of Iran

people of Mugan in the Caucasus Mountains: safe-

conduct for their possessions, their persons, their re-
ligion, and their laws on the payment of tribute, a dinar
or its equivalent on every male who has reached puberty.
[He must give] sound advice, guidance, and hospitality
for a day and a night to the Muslim. They shall have
safe-conduct as long as they submit themselves [to these
conditions] and give good advice. We also must carry out
[2667] [our obligations] in full, and God's help is to be sought.
But, if they abandon this [agreement] and their perfidy
becomes evident, they shall have no safe-conduct, unless
they hand over every one of those who act perfidiously;
otherwise they are [all] aiding and abetting one another.
Al-Shammakh b. Qirar, 195 al-Rusaris b. junadib,t86 and Hamalah
b. Juwayyah187 were witnesses. It was drafted in the year 2.1
[December io, 641-November 30, 642].
(The same sources) have reported as follows]. When 'Umar
heard of the death of Suragah and that he had made 'Abd al-
Rahman b. Rabi'ah his successor, he confirmed the latter in
charge of the frontier region of al-Bab, ordering him also to
attack the Turks. So 'Abd al-Rahman set out with his army
and passed through al-Bab. Shahrbaraz asked him what he
intended to accomplish, and he replied that he intended [to take]
Balanjar.tsa (Shahrbaraz) said, "We are indeed happy that (the
people of Balanjar) leave us with al-Bab." But ('Abd al-Rahman)
replied, "But we are not happy with this [situation] in our
dealings with them until we get at them in their own territory.
We have with us men with whose help, if our commander were
to allow us to persevere, I would push on to the rampart."189

185. The famous Qaysi poet . See Igfahini, Aghdni, VIII, rot-8.
186. This unidentified witness features only in this place in the text.
187. A Kinini mentioned only on one other occasion in the text under the
year t4 ; see Tabari, I, 1236.
r88. A town in the territory of the Khazars, north of the River Aras. See
Yiqut, Mu jam, 1, 489-90.
189. I take this to refer to the great wall-reportedly built by AnOshirvin in
the sixth century A. D.-which ran westward from the town of al-Bab over the
mountains to keep out the warring tribes to the north . See Yiqut, Mu'jam, I,
3031 Le Strange, Lands, i 8o ; Barthold, Historical Geography, zz9.
The Events of the Year 22. 39

(Shahrbaraz) asked who they were, and (Abd al-Rahman) told

him they were men who had accompained the Messenger of
God and who had intentionally become involved in this enter-
prise. 190 Before Islam they were men of good conduct and honor,
and both qualities had [since] increased . They were still so
involved; victory was still theirs until some conqueror could
change them and until they could be deflected from their atti-
tude by someone changing them . So ('Abd al-Rahman) made
one attack on Balanjar in the time of 'Umar, during which no
woman was widowed and no child orphaned . During the attack
on it his cavalry reached as far as al-Bayda', no nearer than Zoo [z668]
parasangs from Balanjar .t9i Then he attacked [again] and sur-
vived. Later, in the time of 'Uthman, he made many attacks.
'Abd al- Rahman was killed when the Kufans rebelled during the
time 'Uthman was Commander of the Faithful, because (the
latter) appointed as governors former apostates in order to seek
to reform them. But this did not reform them ; rather they
became more disobedient, led as they were by those seeking
(only) this present world . They caused a great deal of trouble for
'Uthman, and he used [the following verse ] as an example [of
their obstructive behavior]:`
I, with regard to 'Amr, was like a man who fattened up his dog,
but he was [nevertheless bitten] by its canine teeth and
scratched by its claws!
According to al-Sari-Shu 'ayb-Sayf-al-Ghu^n b. al-Qasim'93
-a man of B. Kinanaht94 - Salman b. Rabi'ah: When 'Abd al-

190. The "enterprise " I take to mean Islam itself, although it might refer to
the conquests being undertaken by the Muslims.
191. Al- Bay(la must be a place name here, although I can trace no further
reference to it. A parasang is generally reckoned to be 3 miles , see Hinz, Masse,
6z, about 6 kilometers.
192. The meter is Eawil.
193. Al-Kinani. He first appears as a narrator in the year II; see Tabari, I,
194. 1 here include the editorial addition from the Leiden apparatus criticus,
because al-Ghugn b. al-Qisim was from Bann Kinanah himself and other similar
chains of authority include the added phrase. Banes Kinanah is Kinanah b.
Khuzaymah, a large tribal confederation of 'Adnin living in the Hejaz. See
Kabbalah, Mu yam, 111, 996-97.
40 The Conquest of Iran

Rahman b. Rabi'ah penetrated (their ranks), God prevented the

Turks from attacking him. They remarked , "This man has dared
to attack us only because the angels are with them protect-
ing them from death !" So they retired and fortified themselves
against him. But he came back with the spoils and victory, and
this was during the time 'Umar was Commander of the Faith-
ful. Then he made several attacks on them during the time of
'Uthman; he was victorious, as he had been [previously). Then
the Kufans rebelled because 'Uthman appointed as governors
former apostates. After this he attacked them. The Turks blamed
one another, one saying to another , "They are not dying!"; he
replied that they should keep watch . They did so and lay in
ambush for them in the thickets . One of them shot at a Muslim
unexpectedly and killed him, upon which his men fled . So the
Muslims] attacked him at that point, and battle was joined.
(The Muslims ) fought hard and somebody cried out into the
[2669) air, "Stand fast, men of 'Abd al-Rahman; you are promised
paradise !" 'Abd al- Rahman fought until he was killed and the
two sides stood apart . l95 But then Salman b. Rabi 'ah took up
the standard and fought with it. Someone shouted out into the
air, "Stand fast, men of Salman b. Rabi 'ah!" Salman retorted,
"Can you see any lack of resolve ?!" Then he went forth with the
army. Salman and Abu Hurayrah al-Dawsi196 attacked Jilin and
passed through it to arrive in Jurjan . The Turks showed their
daring after this and felt no restraint in taking up the body of
'Abd al-Rahman, using his (name) until now to seek rain. 197
According to 'Amr b. Ma'di Karib-Macar b. Thal) al-
Tamimi : 198 I went in to see 'Abd al -Rahman b. Rabi 'ah in al-
Bab, when Shahrbaraz was with him. A man in a state of fatigue

195. Arabic, "wa-inkashafa al-nas." I take this difficult phrase to indicate a

temporary lull in the fighting after Abd al-Rabmin's death. For this meaning of
the Arabic verb, see Dozy, Supplement, 11, 470.
196. Famous in particular as a narrator (d. ca. 58/677). See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib,
XII, 2.62 - 67; Ell, s.v. (Robson ), Rosenthal, Historiography, 334•
197. It is a common practice even to this day throughout the Middle East to
pray for rain in times of drought. These non-Muslim Turks presumably had
some kind of rain-seeking ceremony during which Abd al-Rahmin 's name was
invoked. See Ell, s.v. "istis^a` (Fahd(.
198. Matar b. Thal! al-Tamimi, an unidentified narrator. The name means
Rain, son of Snow ! He appears only in this context in the text.
The Events of the Year zz 41

and emaciation arrived and came in to see 'Abd al-Rahman. He

sat down next to Shahrbaraz . Now Malar was wearing a cloak of
striped Yemeni cloth with a reddish ground and black figuring or
reddish figuring and a black ground . (The man and Shahrbaraz)
questioned one another . Then Shahrbaraz said (to 'Abd al-
Rahman ), "Commander, do you know where this man has come
from ? I sent him some years ago to the wall" to examine what
it and the people on the other side of it were like. I gave him
great wealth and wrote on his behalf to those [in authority ] in (2670)
the territories adjoining mine, presenting each with a gift and
asking him to write on (my envoy's) behalf to the next one. I
gave him a gift for each ruler, and he carried all this out in the
case of every ruler until he finally reached the one in whose own
land the wall was situated. So (the ruler) wrote on (the envoy's)
behalf to his governor of this area, and (the envoy) reached (the
governor). (The latter ) sent with him his austringer, carrying his
eagle, and (the envoy) gave him a piece of silk ." (The envoy)
reported, "The austringer thanked me, and we eventually arrived
at two mountains with a wall in between them that was level
with them and even went higher. In front of the wall was a
ditch, blacker than night because it was so deep . I looked at all
of this and examined it carefully. Then I made to go away. The
austringer told me to wait and he would recompense me and
that no successive ruler (in this land) ever failed to draw closer
to God by bringing with him the best of what he had of this
present world and casting it down into this narrow defile. So he
cut up a lump of meat that he had with him and threw it into
this empty space. The eagle swooped down after it, and he
said, 'If she takes it before it falls Ito the bottom ), there is no
[bottom)! But, if she does not, then there is a [bottom there).'
The eagle emerged and came to us carrying the meat in her
talons. Inside there was a precious stone, which he gave me-
and this is it ." Shahrbaraz took it, a ruby , and handed it over to
'Abd al-Rahman. He looked at it, then returned it to Shahrbaraz, [2671)
who said, "This is indeed worth more than this town, al-Bab. I
swear by God, I would rather you be in power than the family of

199. See note z 8g.

42 The Conquest of Iran

the Persian emperor. Were I in their power and then they heard
news of (the ruby), they would snatch it away from me. I swear
by God, nothing will stand in your way as long as you remain
true to your word and your great ruler does likewise . 11200 'Abd
al-Rahman turned to the envoy and said, "What was this ram-
part like? " He replied that [it was like ] the garment this man
was wearing. And (Matar) said, "And he looked at my garment."
Matar b. Thalj said to 'Abd al -Rahman b. Rabi 'ah; "The man
has certainly told the truth ! He has been and seen for himself."
He replied, "Yes indeed, he has given a description of iron and
brass," and he recited "Bring me pieces of iron " right to the end
of the verse .2O' 'Abd al-Rahman said to Shahrbariz , "How much
was your gift worth? " He replied, "The value of roo,ooo in my
own country and 3 ,000,000 or more in these parts."
Al-Wigidi claimed that Mu'awiyah launched a summer
campaign this year and penetrated into Byzantine territory at the
head of ro,ooo Muslims.
Some authorities report that the death of Khilid b. al-Walid
took place this year.
In [this year) Yazid b. Mu'awiyah2O2 and 'Abd al-Malik b.
Marwin203 were born.
During this year 'Umar b. al-Khattab led the pilgrimage. His
[2672] governor of Mecca was 'Attib b. Asid.204 Ya' li b. Umayyah205
was governor] of the Yemen. Those who were his governors in
the previous year whom we have already mentioned (remained)
in charge of the rest of the Muslim garrison towns.

zoo. That is, the caliph himself, 'Umar b. al-Khaxlab.

zo1. See Qur'an, XVIR: 94-97. This is the story of Dhu al-Qamayn (E1Z, S.V.
"al-Iskandar" (Watt) ), who keeps out Gog and Magog by building between two
mountains a wall made of iron and molten brass . The words sadd and radm used
here in the text are both found in this passage in the Qur'an.
zoz. The second Umayyad caliph (60-64 /680-683).
203. The famous fifth Umayyad caliph (65-86/685-705). See EIZ, s.v. (Gibb).
204. It would seem that Attib b . Asid b. AN al-'I1 b. Umayyah b. Abd Shams
remained governor of Mecca from its conquest by- the Prophet in 8/629 right
through to this year, zz. See Ibn Hishim, Sirah, II, 440 (Guillaume, Life, 568)1
Wagidi, Maghdzi, III, 889, E1Z, s.v. (ed.).
205. Ya'11 b. Umayyah/Munyah al-Tamimi died at $iffin in 37/657 after
twenty-four years as governor in the Yemen . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XI, 399;
Razi, Sand , 69-70; Mad'aj, Yemen, 141 and table 4, 148. See also note 781,
The Events of the Year 2.2 43

During this year 'Umar equalized [ the material benefits of]

the conquests carried out by the Kufans and Basrans.

Information on ('Umar's Division of the

Conquered Lands]
According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Muhammad, Talhah, al-
Muhallab, 'Amr and Said: 'Ammar b. Yasir remained as gov-
ernor of al-Kufah for a whole year and part of another during
the caliphate of 'Umar. 'Umar b. Suragah, at that time governor
of al-Bagrah , wrote to 'Umar b. al-Khattab, indicating to him
how large the population of al-Bagrah was and how little land
tax they received and requesting that he add one of the two
Mahs or Masabadhan to them [as a source of land tax].206 News
of this reached the Kufans, and they asked 'Ammar to write on
their behalf to 'Umar, (proposing) that Ramahurmuz207 and
Idhaj2O8 become theirs (for the purpose of land tax) to the exclu-
sion of (the Basrans), who did not assist them in any way in
[fighting against] these two places and who did not join them
until they had already conquered them. But 'Ammar replied that
he could do nothing about the whole matter. 'Utarid209 said to
him, "Why do you not give us [the revenue from] our immovable
booty, you slave with the mutilated ear!" He replied, "Now you
abuse my good ear! ,210 and he [refused to] write concerning this
matter. He was therefore hated by them. When the Kufans were
adamant that they should [continue) the dispute concerning
the two (places) with the Basrans, certain people gave evi-
dence to (the Basrans( that Abu Musa had granted the people of

2.o6. The two Miha are Nihiwand and Dinawar . See Yiqut, MO'jam, V, 48; Le
Strange, Lands, 289, 197 . Misabadhin is that part of the Jibal province due south
of Kurdistan. See Le Strange, Lands, zoz and Map 5 , opposite 185.
207. A town a little east of al-Ahwiz in KhUzistin. See Yiqut, Mu'jam, III,
27-t8 ; Le Strange, Lands, 243.
zo8. A town a little north of Rimahurmuz in KhOzistin. See Yaqut, Mu'iam,
I, 2.88 - 891 Le Strange, Lands, 245 and Map z, opposite 25.
209. 'Utirid b. 13ajib b. Zurirah b. 'UdasPUdus, a leader of Bann Tamim. He
was a member of the Tamimi delegation to the Prophet in 91630. See Tabari, 1,
1710- 11; Ibn Hisham, Sirah, II, 560-61 (Guillaume, Life, 628; Wigidi,
Maghdzi, III, 975.
zto. Arabic la-qad sababta ahabba udhunayya ilayya. That is, "I don't want
to hear any more of this!" Ammar had lost an ear at the battle of al-Yamimah;
see 812, s.v. "Ammar" (Reckendorf!.
44 The Conquest of Iran

126731 Ramahurmuz and ldhaj safe-conduct and that the Kufans and
the army of al-Nu'man [b. Mugarrinj had corresponded with
them while they were [enjoying this] safe-conduct. 'Umar
permitted them to do this to them and for the benefit of the
Basrans had his authorization duly witnessed. The Basrans laid
claim to certain settlements in Isfahan that Abu Musa had con-
quered on this side of Jayy when 'Umar had sent (the Basrans) as
reinforcements to (the Kufans) under the command of 'Abdallah
b. 'Abdallah b. 'Itban . The Kufans said: "You came to us as
reinforcements when we had already conquered the area, but we
shared the spoils with you. The covenant is ours , the land is
ours." 'Umar confirmed that they were right . Then the Basrans
who had taken part in the battles and who were at al-Qadisiyyah
took up another matter, saying, "Let them give us our share of
their main body of cultivated land and that on its periphery in
which we participated with them." 'Umar asked them if they
would be satisfied with Mah,2U at the same time asking the
Kufans if they would approve his granting (the Basrans) one
of the two Mahs. 212 They replied that he should do as he
thought fitting. So he granted them Mah Dinar213 with its share
for those of them who had taken part in the battles and who
were at al-Qadisiyyah as far as the district of al-Basrah and
Mihrajangadhaq.214 All this was for those Basrans who took part
in the battles and who were at al-Qadisiyyah. Mu'awiyah [when
he was governor of Syria) was the one who garrisoned Qinnasrin
with a military force from the Irags that had refused [to serve
All further] in the latter's time .215 Qinnasrin was simply one of
the rural districts of Hims until Mu'awiyah made it into a
garrison town and garrisoned it with those who had left al-Kufah
and al-Basrah at that time and he took for them , as their share
for the conquests of Iraq, Azerbaijan, Mosul, and al-Bab, and
brought them all together. The population of al-Jazirah and
(26741 Mosul were at that time floating , mixed with all those of the

21i. That is, Nihawand, also known as Mah al-Bagrah.

212. That is, Nihawand and Dinawar. See note 2o6, above.
2r;. Mah Dinar is Nihawand . See Yaqut, Mu'jam, V, 49.
214. Mihrajangadhaq is the second of the two parts of the Jibal province due
south of Kurdistan. See Le Strange, Lands, zo2 and Map V, opposite 18s.
215. Rofidah is not to be taken here in its later meaning; viz., a term of abuse
used by the Sunnis of the Shi'is.
The Events of the Year 22 45

two areas (al-Ba$rah and al-Kiifah ] who had not emigrated [to
participate in the conquests). Al-Bab, Azerbaijan, al-Jazirah, and
Mosul were conquered by the Kufans .216 When Mu'awiyah
b. Abi Sufyan was appointed governor [of Syria], all this was
transferred to those of them who had moved to Syria in the
time of All and to those with whom al-Jazlrah and Mosul
were populated who had not emigrated [to participate in the
conquests] in the time of 'Ali.
At the time of Mu'awiyah ['s governorship of Syria) the people
of Armenia were unbelievers.217 (Mu'awiyah ) had made Habib
b. Maslamah commander of al-Bab, he being at that time in
Jurzan.218 He entered into correspondence with the inhabitants
of Tiflis and those mountain areas, but then he fought against
them until they indicated their obedience [to him] and obtained
an agreement from him . After he had corresponded with them,
he wrote to them [as follows]:
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
From Habib b. Maslamah to the people of Tiflis in
Jurzan, the land of al-Hurmuz .219 You are at peace. I
commend God to you. There is no other god than He.
Your envoy, Tafli, has come to us, has brought your
message, and has delivered [the gifts] you sent. Tafli has
mentioned that, according to your reckoning, we used
not to be one community, and indeed we were not thus
until God gave us guidance in the form of Muhammad
and strengthened us with Islam after we had been few,
lowly, and ignorant . Tafli has mentioned that you desire [2675]
to be at peace with us , and those who believe with
me and I are not averse to this. I send you 'Abd al-

216. Tabari presents the temporal clause (Arabic, wa-lamma waliya

Mu'dwiyatu bnu Sufyanj, which I have relegated in translation to the following
sentence, before the three previous sentences that are explanatory material in
257. Although there had been earlier attacks on Armenia by the Muslim
forces, it is clear that the major onslaught , led by Habib came in 24/645 or 31/652
during the caliphate of 'Uthmi n. See Tabari, I, 2808, 2871, Translation, XV,
50-55, 78, Baladhuri, Putdb, 197.
258. Georgia, regarded by Yiqut as that part of Armenia the chief town of
which is Tiflis. See Yiqut, Mu tam, II, 5z5 , Le Strange, Lands, Map III, opposite
87; Minorsky, Studies, map, 79.
2.59. That is, the local ruler.
46 The Conquest of Iran

Rahman b. Jaz' al -Sulami,22O who is one of our most

knowledgeable religious and Qur'anic scholars. With
him I send my document granting you safe-conduct. If
you agree, he will hand it over to you; if you do not, he
will "declare war" on you "fairly; God does not love the
treacherous. ,221
[The document:]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
This is a document from Habib b. Maslamah to the
people of Tiflis in Jurzan, the land of al-Hurmuz, [granting
you] safe-conduct for your persons, your possessions,
your religious buildings (sawami'), your places of
worship, and your prayers, with the imposition of a
small tribute, a whole dinar on every household. We [in
turn shall have] your good counsel, your help against
God's and our enemy, your hospitality for one night for
the passerby, [providing] the permitted food and drink of
the People of the Book, and guidance along the way
insofar as none of you thereby comes to any harm. If you
become Muslims, pray, and pay alms; then we shall [all]
be brethren within Islam, and (you will be] our clients.
But he who turns his back on God, His apostles, His
books, and His partisans, we shall "declare war" on you
"fairly; God does not love the treacherous."
'Abd al-Rahman b. Khalid'222 al-Fiajjaj,223 and 'Iya4224 were
witnesses, and Rabah225 wrote, "And I call God, His angels, and

22o. This scholar remains unidentified, and there is no other mention of him
in the text.
its. Qur'an, VIIl:58.
222. That is, Abd al-Rahman b. Khalid b. al-Walid al-Makhzami, son of the
famous early Muslim general , Khalid b. al-Walid . He died in 46/666, supposedly
poisoned at the instruction of a jealous Mu'awiyah . See Tabari, II, 82-83;
Translation, XVIII, 88-89.
223. An unidentified witness.
224. Both the Leiden and Cairo indexes indicate that this is 'Iyad b. Ghanm
al-Fihri, later governor in the Jazirah and Muslim leader in Syria , who died after
31/651 . See Tabari, I, 2505, 2865-66; Translation, XIII, 861 Translation, XV,
72-73. Ibn al-Athir (Usd, IV, 164-66 ), however, and Ibn Sad ( Tabagat, IV, 269,
VII, 398 ) insist that 'Iyad died in 20/641.
x25. A witness mentioned only here in the text.
The Events of the Year 22 47

those who believe to witness; 'God is sufficient as a witness. "'226

In this year [22j November 30, 642- November ig, 6431 [2676]
'Umar b. al-Khaffab reportedly removed `Ammar from al-
Knfah and appointed Abu Musa governor. We have, however,
already mentioned above what al-Wagidi had to say on this

The Reason for [the Dismissal of Ammar]

I have already mentioned part of the reason for his dismissal,
and (now] I shall report on the remainder . According to al-Sari-
Shu'ayb-Sayf-those of his shaykhs I have already men-
tioned :22e The people of al-Kufah, this 'Utarid, and others with
him wrote to 'Umar about 'Ammar, "He is no commander
and cannot cope with the situation in which he finds himself."
The Kufans put pressure on him, so 'Umar wrote to Ammar,
[telling him to] present himself . He set out with a delegation of
Kufans, taking with him [only] those whom he considered to be
his supporters. But they were more against him than those left
behind. He became worried and was asked. "What is worrying
you, Abu al-Yaq .an?" He admitted it was something that he was
not proud of, but he had indeed been so afflicted .229Now Sad
b. Masud al-Thagafi,''O the uncle* of al-Mukhtar, and Jarir b.
'Abdallahl were with him, and they spread rumors about him
and told 'Umar things [about him] of which he disapproved. So
'Umar dismissed him and gave him no [other] governorship.
According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-al-Walid b. Jumay'232

zz6. Qur'in, IV:79 and XLVIII:z8.

22.7. See above, note z3.
z28. That is, Muhammad, Talhah, al-Muhallab, Amr, and Said. See note 4,
229. Arabic, fa-jazi'a fa-gala la-hu yd Aba al-Yaggdn ma hadhd al-jaza'u
fa-gala wa-Alldhi and uf,midu nafsi alay-hi wa-lagad ubtulitu bi-h.
230. See Ibn al-Athir, Usd, II, z95 . Al-Mukhtir is al-Mukhtir b. Abi 'Ubayd b.
Masud al-Thagaf1, bom in the first year of the Hijrah (Tabari, I, 1264;
Translation, VII, ro) and leader of the Alid movement in al-Knfah in 64/683
(Tabari, II, 5zoff.; Translation, XX, rosff.).
231. Al-Bajali, died ca. 54/674. See In Hajar, i$dbah, II, 76-77, Tahdhfb, 11,
73-75; Ibn al -Athir, Usd, 1, 279-80; Hill, Termination, 1o3ff.
232. An unidentified narrator.
48 The Conquest of Iran

-Abu al-Tufayl:233 Ammar was asked if he was displeased by

his dismissal. He replied that he had not in any way been
pleased when he was appointed governor, but he was displeased
when he was dismissed.
[2677] According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Isma'il b. Abi Kha-
lid 4 and Mujalid 35-al-Shabi: 'Umar asked the Kufans which
of their two settlements they liked better, that is, al-Kufah or
al-Mada'in. He added, "I am asking you, but I can indeed see in
your faces which one of them is preferred." Jarir replied that the
nearer settlement of theirs, (al-Mada'in], was closer to the [fer-
tile] Sawad land, whereas the other was [a place, as if] by the sea,
of exhausting, intense heat, with mosquitoes. 'Ammar retorted
that he was lying, but 'Umar told him he was a bigger liar than
(Jarir). ('Umar) also asked them what they thought of their
commander, 'Ammar. Jarir answered that he was indeed inade-
quate and deficient, with no knowledge of management.
According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Zakariyya' b. Si-
yah23('-Hisham b. 'Abd al-Rahman al-Thagafi:237 Sa'd b.
Masud said, "You, ('Ammar), have no idea of what [territories]
you are governor!" 'Umar asked ('Ammar) of what [territories]
he had made him governor. 'Ammar replied "Of al-Hirah and its
region."238 ('Umar) said that he had heard of al-Hirah from
merchants going frequently to and from there. ('Umar) asked of
what [else he was governor]. (Ammar) replied, "Of Babylon and
its region."239 ('Umar) said, "You have heard mention of it
in the Qur'an!" ('Umar) further asked of what [else he was
governor]. "Of al-Mada'in and its surrounding areas," ('Ammar)
replied. ('Umar) asked him if this was the Ctesiphon of the
Sasanian emperor, and he replied that it was. ('Umar) asked

2.33. Amir b. Withilah, a narrator who died in the early second/eighth

century. See ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, V, 82-84.
2.34. D. 146/763. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, I, z91ff.
2.35. Mujalid b. Said b . 'Umayr (d. 144/762.). See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, X, 39-41.
2.36. An unidentified narrator.
237. An unidentified narrator.
2.38. A settlement near al-Kufah, capital of the Lakhmids and dating from
pre-Islamic times . See Yaqut, Mu'jam II, 3z8ff., Le Strange, Lands, 75 and Map z,
25; E/z, s.v. (Shahid).
2,39. About So miles south of Baghdad in Iraq ; Arabic, Bibil . See Yiqut,
Mu'jam, I, 3o9ff., Le Strange, Lands, 72.; En, s.v. "Babil " (Awadj.
The Events of the Year 22 49

him of what (else he was governor]. ( Ammar) replied, "Of

Mihrajangadhaq and its region ."O (Sa'd and his companions)
said, "We have already told you that he does not know of what
[territories] you have sent him [as governor]. So ('Umar) dis-
missed (Ammar ). He later summoned him and asked him if he
had been displeased when he had dismissed him. ('Ammar)
replied that he had been in no way happy when he sent him (as
governor], but that he was indeed displeased when he dismissed
him. ('Umar) commented, "I knew you were not a governor, but (2678]
I gave meaning [to the following ]: "We wished to show favor to
those who were considered weak on earth, make them examples,
and make them the inheritors. ,241
According to al-Sari- Shu'ayb-Sayf-Khulayd b. Dhafarah
al-Namari A2-his father with an account similar to this and
more: ('Umar) asked ('Ammar) if he was inviting approval of
himself because of his knowledge of those with whom he had
been dealing since his arrival . He added, "You will stop at no
limit , Ammar, with the result that [this] puts you in a weak
position; indeed, if age comes upon you, you will certainly grow
weak, and if you are weak, you will indeed be sorely tested.
Then ask God for death ." Then (' Umar) turned to the Kufans
and asked them whom they wanted . They replied, "Abu Musa."
So ('Umar) appointed him their commander after 'Ammar.
He remained their governor for a year . But his servant sold
fodder and al-Walid b . 'Abd Shams'43 heard (Abu Musa ) say, "I
have never kept company with any people without honoring
them. Only my association with the witnesses of al-Basrah has
prevented me from calling them liars? ` If I befriend you, I
shall certainly bring you goodness ." Al-Walid said, "No one
other than you has taken away our land; you will certainly not
[continue] as our governor." So he and others with him left [al-
Kufah], saying that they had no need of Abu Musa. ('Umar)

:40. 'Umar had in fact given Mibrajinqadhaq to the Basrans, see p. 44 and
note s13, above.
r.41. Qur'an, Il:roz.. See p. 44, note 2-13, above.
242. An unidentified narrator.
243. Al-Walid b. Abd Shams, a Qurashi noble, has brief notices in Ibn al-
Athir, Usd, V, 90, and Ibn I:Iajar, I,sdbah, X, 311.
244. 1 am unable to clarify this obscure remark.
50 The Conquest of Iran

asked [them] why. They replied, "He has a servant who deals in
the fruits of our land!" So ('Umar) dismissed him and sent him
[2679] to al-Basrah . He also sent 'Umar b. Suraqah to al-Jazirah. He
said to the Kufan followers of Abu Musa who went with him
when he was dismissed, "Do you prefer someone strong and
tough or someone weak , but a believer ?" But he got no response
from them . So ('Umar) went off on his own to a part of the
mosque and went to sleep . Al-Mughirah b. Shu 'bah came to
him and stood watch over him until he woke up. Then he said,
"You have acted in this way, Commander of the Faithful, only
because of something very serious . Has some disaster overtaken
you?" He replied, "What is happening is more disastrous than
1100,000 who are not pleased with a commander, when he is not
pleased with them ." And he went on for some time on this
subject. (Al-Kufah was originally founded for 1100,000 troops.)
('Umar's) followers came to him and asked him what was on
his mind. He told them it was the Kufans whose problem was
causing him some distress . 'Umar repeated his request for
advice from them as before, and al-Mughirah gave him his
answer. He said, "The weak Muslim's weakness is not in your
interests, nor in those of the other Muslims [as well as his own].
His excellence by being a Muslim] is [only] in his own interests.
The strong, tough man's strength is in your interests and those
of the other Muslims [as well as his own ], whereas his toughness
works both against him and in his favor ." So ('Umar) sent
(al-Mughirah) [as governor] over ( the Kufans).
According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Muhammad b. 'Abdal-
lah-Sa'id b. 'Amr:245 'Umar, before appointing al-Mughirah
governor, asked what his opinion was of making someone
[2680) governor who was weak, but a Muslim , as opposed to some-
one strong and tough . Al-Mughirah replied, "The faith of a
weak Muslim works [only ] in his own interests, whereas
his weakness works against your interests . The toughness of
a strong, tough man will work in his own interests and his
strength in those of the Muslims ." ('Umar) told him he was
sending him [as governor to al-Kufah] . Al-Mughirah was in this

245. Said b. Amr b. Said b. al-'Ao, a Qurashi scholar in al-Kufah. See Ibn
llajar, Tahdhib, IV, 68.
The Events of the Year zz 51

position until 'Umar died, that is something more than two

years. When al-Mughirah was taking his leave (of 'Umar) to
go to al-Kufah, he said to him, "Let the pious trust you and
the wicked fear you, Mughirah." Later 'Umar wanted to send
Sa'd (b. AN Wagga$] as governor in place of al-Mughirah, but
he was killed before he could do this, leaving the recommenda-
tion [that Sa'd should become governor]. Now it was 'Umar's
practice and habit to require his governors to make the pilgrimage
every year; (this was] for the purpose of good management, to
isolate them in this way from their subjects and to provide a
time for their subjects to complain and an objective that they
could thus accomplish.
In this year [ zz; November 30, 64z-November 19, 6431
according to some reports , al-Ahnaf b. Qays attacked Khurasan
and made war on Yazdajird . Sayf, however, reported that al-
Ahnaf moved against Khurasan in the year x8 (January xi, 639-
January z, 6401.

Yazdajird's journey to Khurasdn and the Reason for It

Historians (ahl al-siyar) differ in the reason (they give] for this
and how the whole affair happened . There is Sayf's account of
this on the authority of his [previous] authorities. Al-Sari wrote
to me on the matter-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Muhammad, Talhah,
al-Muhallab and 'Amr: Yazdajird b. Shahriyir b. Mari, who
was at that time ruler of Persia, made for al-Rayy when the [z681]
forces at Jalula'246 were defeated . A single litter that could fit
on to the back of his camel was provided for him , so as the
journey progressed, he could sleep and he did not [need to] camp
with his army. While he was asleep in his litter, they brought
him to a ford . They woke him up so that he might be aware [of
what was happening] and not be afraid when the camel forded
over, (as he would be] if he were awakened from sleep. But he

z46. A town about 70 miles east of Simarra , on the route from Baghdad to
Hulwan. See Yaqut, Mu Jam, 11, r56, Le Strange, Lands, 6z and Map 11, opposite
25. The defeat here referred to is that of the Persians at the hands of the Muslim
forces under Sad b . Abi Waggap in 56/637 . See Baladhuri, Putul.,, z64ff.j Tabari, I,
2456ff. Translation, XIII, 36ff.)i Zarrinknb, "Conquest," 53.
52 The Conquest of Iran

reproached (his men), saying, "You were wrong to do this! If

you had left me alone, I would have found out how long this
(Islamic] community will last . I saw in a dream Muhammad
and myself speaking together alone in the presence of God.
(Cod) told (Muhammad) that he would give them zoo years'
power. He asked for more and (God) made it rro years. (Again
Muhammad) asked for more and (God) made it r zo years. (Again
Muhammad) asked for more and (God) granted it, but then you
woke me up. If you had left me alone, I would have found out
how long this community will last!"
When he finally reached al-Rayy, where Aban Jadhawayh
was governor, (the latter) seized him and took him prisoner.
(Yazdajird) accused him of acting treacherously toward him. He
replied, "No, rather you have abandoned your empire, and it has
fallen into the hands of someone else. I [only] want to record
everything that is mine and nothing more ." He took Yazdajird's
seal, produced some parchment and made some written state-
ments and records of every thing he wanted. Then he placed the
seal on them and returned it. Later he approached Sad, and
( the latter) returned to him everything [listed ) in his document.
When Aban Jadhawayh treated Yazdajird in this way, the latter
[2682.] left al-Rayy for I*fahan, expressing a hatred for Aban Jadhawayh
as he fled from him and not trusting him. He decided to go to
Kirman, taking his fire247 and intending to install it there. Later
he decided to make for Khurasan. He arrived in Marw248 and
settled there, having also brought his fire, for which he erected a
building. He set up a cultivated area and built a passage 2
parasangs long from Marw. It was exactly 2. parasangs . He felt
secure within himself and secure from approach. From Marw he
corresponded with those Persians remaining in those areas not
conquered by the Muslims. They expressed their obedience to
him, and finally he induced the people of Fars and followers of

247. Arabic simply reads ndr, fire . I take this to be some kind of sacred flame
used in his practice of Zoroastrianism.
248. A famous town about 240 miles due north of Herat, one of the capitals of
the Khurasan province and standing on the River Murghab . See Yaqut,
Mu'jam , Marw al-Shahijan, V, i r 2ff. , Le Strange, Lands, 398ff.j E12, S.V.
The Events of the Year zz 53
al-Hurmuzin to rebel (against the Muslims], and the people of
al-Jibal and the followers of al-Fayruzan did likewise . This it
was that induced 'Umar to permit the Muslims to penetrate
farther. The armies of al-Bagrah and al -Kufah pushed on farther
with the result that they decisively conquered the whole area.
Al-Ahnaf left for Khurasin, took Mihrajangadhaq , then left
for I$fahin, while the Kufans were besieging Jayy. He entered
Khurisin from al-Tabasayn249 and took Herat25O by force. He
appointed as his deputy there $uhar b. Fulan al =Abdi, 251 then
marched on Marw al-Shihijin. He dispatched to Naysabur,252
there being no intervening battle, Mutarrif b. 'Abdallah b.
al-Shikhkhir,253 and to Sarakhs254 al-Harith b . Hassan.255 When
al-Ahnaf drew near to Marw al- Shahijin, Yazdajird left it for 126831
Marw al- Rudh256 and remained there , while al-Ahnaf remained

249. For the conquest of Khurisin, see Balidhuri, Futtih, 4o3ff. Al-Ahnaf was
approaching from the southwest. The dual form , al-Tabasayn, is not infrequently
used for one of the two towns called Tabas, Tabas al-Tamr and Tabas al-'Unnib.
The two are about zoo miles apart, al-Tamr in the west, al-'Unnib in the
southwest of Quhistin . Assuming he could march through the Great Desert,
more or less as the crow flies, al-Abnaf would have passed through Tabas
al-Tamr on his way from Iyfahin to Herat . See Yiqut, Mu jam, IV, zo; Le
Strange, Lands, 359fl• and Map 8, opposite 335.
25o. The famous town in present -day Afghanistan. The town sits on the River
Herat in the southwest of the province of Khurisin and was chief town of one of
its quarters. See Yiqut, Mujjam, V, 396 -97; Le Strange, Lands, 407-9, 429-31;
EI2, s.v. (Frye).
251. That is, from Abd al -Qays. Perhaps his father 's name was Sakhr, see the
Leiden apparatus criticus, Tabari, 1, 2682, note o. He figures as a narrator under
the year 17, Tabari, 1, 2S37, and later sub anno z3, 1, 2707, delivering the fifths to
the caliph from Makrin . There is brief mention of Sulair b . Sakhr in Ibn Hajar,
Icdbah, V, x26.
252. In the west of Khurisin and a chief town of one of its quarters. See
Yiqut, MOM , V, 331- 33; Le Strange, Lands, 38zff. and Map VIII, opposite 335.
253. Al-Harashi. If this is the Basran jurist who died ca. 86 /705, he must have
been very young at this time . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, X, 173- 74; Ibn Hazm,
Jamharah, 288.
254. A town on the River Herat in Khurasin, situated about ioo miles east of
Naysabur. See Yaqut, Mujjam, 111, zo8-9 ; Le Strange, Lands, 395ff. and Map 8,
opposite 335.
z55. Al-Dhuhli. A Muslim leader who is reported as assuming various
military tasks during the conquests . See Tabarl, 1, 2475 , 2 477 etc.; Ibn al-Athir,
Usd, 1, 32.3-2.5; ibn Hajar , I,sdbah, II, 152- 53; Tahdhib, 239.
256. About 15o miles south of Marw on the River Murghab in Khuriis3n. See
Yiqut, Mu'jam, V, riz; Le Strange, Lands, 397ff. and Map VIII, opposite 335.
54 The Conquest of Iran

in Marw al-Shahijan. While he was in Marw al-Rudh, Yazdajird

wrote to the ruler of the Turks (khagan)257 asking for reinforce-
ments and to the ruler of Soghdia258 for the same reason.
His two envoys to ruler of the Turks and the ruler of Soghdia
departed, and he wrote also to the ruler of China asking for
assistance . Al-Ahnaf, when Kufan reinforcements had joined
him under the command of four commanders, Alqamah b.
al-Nadr al-Nadri, Rib'i b . 'Amir al-Tamimi, 'Abdallah b.
Abi 'Ugayl al-Thagafi, and Ibn Umm Ghazal al-Hamdani,259
departed from Marw al-Shahijan, leaving Hatim b. al-Nu'man
al-Bahili26° as his deputy there. He marched on Marw al-Rudh.
However, when Yazdajird heard of this, he left for Balkh 261
Al-Ahnaf stayed in Marw al-Rudh, sending the Kufans on to
Balkh. Al-Ahnaf followed on after them ; and the Kufans and
Yazdajird met in battle in Balkh, and God defeated the latter,
who made for the river at the head of his Persian army and
crossed it. Al-Ahnaf joined up with the Kufans, when God had
already given them victory. So Balkh was one of the victories of
the Kufans.
The combatants of Khurasan between Naysabur and
Tukharistan,262 in what used to be the territory of the Persian
emperor, followed one after the other to make peace, those who
had fled and those who had made fortified positions . Al-Ahnaf
returned to Marw al-Rudh where he remained, having made
Rib'i b. 'Amir his deputy in charge of Tukharistan . It is he

257. For the title khdqdn , see EI2, s.v. (Boyle).

258. May be taken in the wider sense to cover the area between the rivers
Oxus and laxartes, of which Bukhari and Samarqand were the chief towns, or
more narrowly the district around Samarqand . See YigUt, Mu dam, IIf, 409-10;
Le Strange, Lands, 46off. and Map IX, opposite 433.
2.59. Four Muslims leaders sent in 17/638 by 'Umar to reinforce al-Ahnaf on
the eastern front . See Tabari, 1, 2.569.
z6o. A Muslim leader who appears in various military roles later in the text.
See Tabari, 1, 2.886 - 88 etc.
z61. Chief town of the fourth quarter of Khurisin. See Yignt , Mu'jam, I,
479-8o; Le Strange, Lands, 4zoff. and Map VIII, opposite 335.
z6z. A large district of Khurisin stretching to the east of Balkh on the south
side of the River Oxus. Cf. Yiqut, Mu'jam, IV, 23; Le Strange, Lands, 426-27
and Map 8, opposite 335.
The Events of the Year 22 55

about whom al-Najashi recited the following , linking his name

with his mother who was a noble Arab:263
Oh, many's the one who is called a young brave who is not [2.684]
really so!
Oh, Rib'i b. Ka's is a real young brave!264
[Standing] tall [above them], when those sitting in the yard of his
have taken their fill of what is left in his bowl, he gives
them to drink.
AI-Ahnaf wrote to 'Umar of the conquest of Khurasan and
('Umar) said, "I wish I had not sent an army there . I wish there
were a sea of fire between us."265 All asked him why and he
replied, "The people (of Khurasan ) will burst forth from it on
three occasions and they will be destroyed on the third. I prefer
that this should happen to its own people rather than to the
According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Abu 'Abd al-Rahman
al-Fazari-Abu al-Janub al-Yashkuri266-Ali b. AN Talib:
When 'Umar heard of the conquest of Khurasan , he said, "I
wish there were a sea of fire between us." 'Ali asked him why
he was so distressed by its conquest , when it was a joyful
occasion. 'Umar said, "Yes, but I ..." and so on until the end of (z685J
the [preceding] account.
According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb--Sayf-*W b. al-Mughirah261
and a member of Bakr b. Wail called al-Wazi ' b. Zayd b.
Khulaydah: 268 When 'Umar heard of al-Ahnaf's conquest of the

263. Al-Najashi is Qays b. 'Amr, see l fahani, Aghdni, XII, 73, 76. The meter is
264. Ka's is not only the name of Rib'i 's mother, but, because it means "cup"
or "goblet," a pun is intended , he is generous in entertaining his guests with
265. Perhaps a reference to the Zoroastrian religion and its fire worship
practiced in pre-Islamic Iran.
z66. Two narrators mentioned only here in the text . Abu al-Janub 'Uqbah b.
Alqamah al-Yashkuri has a brief notice in In Hajar, Tahdhib, VII, 2.47.
267. A narrator mentioned only here in the text and who has only a brief
notice in In Hajar, Tahdhib, VIII, 2.32-32.
z68. A narrator mentioned only here in the text. Bakr b. Wail is a large tribal
confederation of Adnan, the northern Arabs. See Ibn Hazm, /amharah, 3o7ff.,
469, Kabhalah, Mu'jam, I, 93ff., E12, s.v. (Casket).
56 The Conquest of Iran

two Marws and Balkh, he said, "He is al-Ahnaf! He is the lord

of the people of the east called by something other than his
name! X269 'Umar wrote to al-Ahnaf as follows, "To continue.
On no account go beyond the river ,270 keep to this side. You
know how you made an entry into Khurasan, so keep to this
method and victory will continue to be yours . Beware. of cross-
ing over and dispersing."
When the envoys of Yazdajird reached the ruler of the Turks
and Ghurak,271 it was not a straightforward matter to give him
assistance until he had actually crossed over the river in defeat
to meet them . Then it became so, and the ruler of the Turks
gave him assistance-for rulers see it as an obligation to assist
one another. He came forward at the head of the Turks, assem-
bled the army of Farghanah272 and Soghdia, and marched them
out. Yazdajird returned to Khurasan and crossed over to Balkh,
the ruler of the Turks crossing with him. The Kufan army
mustered at Marw al - Rudh under al-Ahnaf, and the polytheists
left Balkh and fell upon him there. When al -Ahnaf heard that
[2 686) the ruler of the Turks had crossed the River Balkh with the
Soghdians to attack him, he went out at night among his troops
to see if he could pick up any useful ideas . As he passed by two
men who were cleaning fodder, either straw or barley, one of
them was saying to the other, "If only the commander would
send us up into this mountain, with the river forming a ditch
between us and the enemy, the mountain at our backs to
prevent our being approached from behind and the fighting
thus being on one front , I would hope that God would give us
victory! " So (al-Ahnaf) returned, content at (what he had heard).
This was one dark night . In the morning he assembled the army
and said, "You are few, whereas your enemy are many. Let them
not strike terror into you. 'How often a company that is few in
number has overcome a company that is many by God's leave;

2.69. Al-Ahnaf 's name was 5akhr . See note 45, above.
270. That is, the River Oxus.
z7!. The text reads Ghuzak, but see Barthold, Turkestan . 96 etc., "the ikhshid
of Soghd."
172. The province of Farghanah stretched for more than zoo miles along the
upper stream of the River Jaxartes . See Yaqut, Mu'jam, IV, 253 Le Strange,
Lands, 476-77 and Map IX, opposite 433.
The Events of the Year zz 57

God is with those who show patience'.273 Go from here and up

this mountain. Place it at your backs, place the river between
you and your enemy, and fight them on one front." They did all
this, preparing everything that would give them an advantage,
(al-Ahnaf) being at the head of ro,ooo Basrans, while there was
a similar number of Kufans. The Turks advanced, together
with those whom they had collected together, and fell upon
(the Muslim forces), attacking them morning and evening and
withdrawing at night, this went on for some time while al-
Ahnaf sought intelligence of their nocturnal position. After he
had discovered this, he went out one night, acting as a scout
for his men until he came close to the camp of the ruler of [2687J
the Turks and halted. At the first light of dawn a Turkish
cavalryman came forth, wearing his horsetail and beating his
drum. Then he positioned himself where someone of his rank
positions himself in relation to the troops. Al-Ahnaf attacked
him and the two exchanged spear thrusts. Al-Ahnaf pierced him
and killed him, as he recited the following in the rajaz meter:
Every chief has a duty to
dye his spear [with blood] or [to fight until] it break;
We have a leader here who was made to face up to
the sword of Abu Haf$274 that remains (intact].
Then he stood where the Turk had stood and took his horsetail.
Another Turk came out, did exactly as his colleague had done,
then stood near him. Al-Ahnaf attacked him and they exchanged
spear thrusts. Al-Ahnaf pierced him and killed him, as he recited
the following in the rajaz meter:
The chief takes a high, lofty position,
keeping away herdsmen if they let [their beasts] pasture.275
Then he stood where the second Turk had stood and took his
horsetail. A third Turk came out, did exactly the same as the
other two had done, then stood near [where) the second [had

273. Qur'an, lf: z5o.

274. Abu Haft' is the kunyah of 'Umar b. al-Khatlab.
275. Khulld, herdsmen, is the plural of khdlin, see Glossarium, ccxxxii. The
hemistitch reads, wa-yamna'u 1-khulld'a immd arba'n. Perhaps "let (their
beasts( come to water"?
58 The Conquest of Iran

been] . Al-Ahnaf attacked him and they exchanged spear thrusts.

AI-Ahnaf pierced him and killed him, as he recited the following
in rajaz meter:
(He ran forward ] like al-Shamus, ready to respond to anything,
running at full speed , bad tempered.276
[z688J Then al-Ahnaf went off back to camp . Not one of (his troops)
knew anything about this until he returned there and prepared
himself [for war].
It was in the nature of the Turks that they did not go out [for
battle] until three of their cavalrymen had come forward like
these, each one beating his drum . Then, after the third one, they
would (all) go out (to do battle). So on that night the Turks went
out after the third horseman had done so , and they came across
[all three of) them slaughtered . So the ruler of the Turks found
this a bad omen and said , "We have been (here) too long and
these men have been killed in a situation such as no one has
ever been killed before . There can be no good for us in fighting
these men . Let us all retire." So their leaders withdrew. When
day broke, the Muslims could see nothing, and news came to
them that the ruler of the Turks had retired to Balkh . Yazdajird
b. Shahriyar b. Kisra had originally left the ruler of the Turks in
Marw al-Rudh and departed for Marw al-Shahijan . Hatim b.
al-Nu'man and his followers fortified their positions against
(Yazdajird ), but he besieged them, removing his treasures from
where they were kept, while the ruler of the Turks was in
Balkh waiting for him. The Muslims suggested to al-Ahnaf that
they should pursue them , but he told them to remain in their
position and leave them alone . When Yazdajird had collected
together those of his possessions left in Marw , he did not have
enough time to collect them all . He intended to make himself
the sole possessor (of the treasures ), because they were a large

276. Al- Shamus is the name of the horse of Abdallah b. Amir al-Qurashi. Of
an animal the word means "recalcitrant." See Ibn Man;ftr, Lisdn , VI, 113-14)
Firgzabadi, Qomns, II, 2321 Zabidi, Tdj, XVI, 175; Lane, Lexicon, VIII, 2770. The
expression ndjizun bi-ndjiz originates in the commercial world, meaning, "ready
Imerchandisel for ready Imoneyl ". I translate "ready to respond to anything." For
the meaning of mushdriz, "bad tempered," "hostile," "quarrelsome," see
Firuzabadi, Q6mus, II, r851 Zabidi , Tdj, V, 361.
The Events of the Year 22 59

part of [all) the treasures of the Persians. He also intended to

join the ruler of the Turks, and the Persians asked him what he
intended to do. He replied that he wanted to join the ruler of the
Turks and remain with him or (go) to China. They told him to
tread warily, for this was a bad idea, going to a people in their (2689]
own country, while abandoning his own land and people. [They
told him] he should take them back to (the Muslims), so that
they could make peace with them. (The Muslims) were com-
pletely faithful, men of religion and in control of (the Persians')
land. An enemy ruling over Persians in their own land was a
better political arrangement than an enemy ruling over them in
his own land, who moreover had no religion, nor would they
know how faithful (his people) would be. But he refused (to
accept their argument] and they refused [to give in to him). They
told him to leave their treasures alone and they would return
them to their own territory and to its ruler. He should not
remove them from their land. He (again) refused (to accept their
argument]. They told him they would not let him go. They drew
on one side and left him alone with his followers. They did
battle together and they put him to flight, taking the treasures
and assuming complete control over them, abandoning him
completely. The (Persian) polytheists wrote to al-Ahnaf, giving
him the news, so the Muslims intercepted them, while the
polytheists were in Marw resisting (Yazdajird). They fought
(Yazdajird) and caught up with him at the rear of the army,
rushing him away from his treasures (athgal). He went off
to seek refuge, crossed the river to Farghanah and the Turks.
(Yazdajird) remained throughout the time of 'Umar correspond-
ing with (the Persians), and they with him, or at least some of
them. So the people of Khurasan rebelled during the time of
'Uthman('s caliphate).
The Persians came to al-Ahnaf and made peace with him,
exchanging agreements with him and handing over the treasures
and monies [mentioned above]. They gradually returned to their
lands and wealth in as good a state as they had been at the time
of the Sasanian emperors. It was as if they were [still] under their
rule except for the fact that the Muslims were more worthy of
their confidence and acted more justly toward them. So they
rejoiced in their condition and were the object of envy. (The
6o The Conquest of Iran

share of the booty that] came to the cavalryman in the battle

1269o] against Yazdajird was like that of the cavalryman at the battle of
When the Khurasanis threw off their allegiance in the time
of 'Uthman, Yazdajird went and settled in Marw . When he,
together with his followers, and the Khurasanis fell into dis-
agreement, he took refuge in a mill. (The Khurasanis ) found him
eating from a field around the mill and killed him, throwing him
into the river.
When Yazdajird was killed in Marw-he was on that day in
hiding in a mill seeking to reach Kirman-the Muslims and
polytheists took possession of his immovable booty . Al-Ahnaf
got to hear of this and left immediately at the head of his army
for Balkh, making for the ruler of the Turks and arranging for
the dependents and family of Yazdajird to follow with both
Muslims and non-Muslims of the Persians , while the ruler of the
Turks and the Turks (remained] in Balkh. When (the ruler of
the Turks) heard of what had happened to Yazdajird and of the
Muslims' departure from Marw al-Rudh with al-Ahnaf in his
direction, he left Balkh and crossed the river. Al-Ahnaf arrived
and remained in Balkh and the Kufans also settled in the four
regions (of Khurasan ).278 Then he returned to Marw al -Rudh and
remained there, writing to 'Umar of the defeat of the ruler of
the Turks and Yazdajird. He also sent the fifths to him, and the
[official] delegations (from Khurasan ) reached him.
(The same sources ) reported as follows . When the ruler of
the Turks, together with the dependents of the family of the
Persian emperor or those of them who had made their way with
Yazdajird to Balkh, had crossed over the river, they met the
messenger of Yazdajird, whom he had sent to the ruler of China

277. The famous battle that took place in 16 /637 and a decisive victory for the
Muslim forces over the Persians.
178. 1 here take the Arabic kuwar to indicate the four divisions of Khurasan. It
is true that they were officially known as arbn, the plural of rub , and that these
quarters were a later development. My explanation would be that suggesting
there were such quarters at this early date is an anachronism and that all that is
really meant is that the Kufans settled throughout Khurasan . For the four
quarters of Khurasan and their chief towns of Balkh , Naysabur, Marw, and Herat,
see Le Strange, Lands, 381-83.
The Events of the Year 2z. 6i

and with whom he had sent gifts and who was bringing back a
reply to his letter from the ruler of China. They asked him what [269.1)
had happened to him . He replied that, when he delivered the
letter and the gifts to [the ruler], he had presented him in return
with what they could see-and he showed them the present
he [was carrying] . [The ruler of China) responded to Yazdajird
by writing him the following letter, [but only] after he had
addressed (the messenger) as follows . "I know that in truth
rulers must give aid to [other) rulers against those who overcome
them. So describe these people who drove you out of your land
to me. I notice that you mention they are few and you are many.
Such a small number will not affect you in this way with your
great numbers. They can do this only if they are good and you
evil." (The messenger) suggested that he ask him whatever he
wanted. So he asked him if they kept to their agreement and he
replied that they did. (The ruler) asked what they said to them
before they made war on them . (The messenger) replied that
they called upon us to choose one of three things: [to accept]
their faith-and if we do, they treat us as themselves-or [to
pay] tribute and (enter) their protection or to be subjected to
open warfare . (The ruler) asked about how obedient they were
to their leaders . (The messenger) replied that no one was more
obedient to him leading them . (The ruler) asked what they
permitted and what they forbade, and (the messenger) told him.
He asked if they ever forbade what was permitted to them or
permitted what was forbidden them. [When] (the messenger)
replied that they did not, (the ruler) remarked that they would
never perish until they permitted what was forbidden and forbade
what was permitted to them. He then asked about their clothes,
and (the messenger) told him. [He asked) about their riding
animals, and (the messenger) mentioned their pure Arabian
horses and described them [to him]. "What fine horses they are!"
exclaimed (the ruler). [The messenger then] described camels to
him, how they kneel down and go forth to carry [loads]. (The
ruler's response was that this was the description of long-necked
beasts!) (The ruler of China) sent a letter to Yazdajird with (the
messenger) as follows . "I am not prevented from dispatching an [2692)
army to you stretching from Marw to China by my not knowing
what is proper for me. But if these people described to me by
62 The Conquest of Iran

your messenger were to try, they could demolish mountains; if

nothing were to stand in their way, they would wipe me out, as
long as they are as described ! Make your peace with them
therefore and accept some modus vivendi with them. Do not stir
them up, as long as they do not stir you up ." Yazdajird and the
royal family remained in Farghanah in [formal ] agreement with
the ruler of the Turks.
When the messenger brought to 'Umar b. al-Khattab [news
of) the conquest and the delegation [other] news, carrying the
booty with them on behalf of al-Allnaf, ('Umar) assembled
the people and addressed them . He also ordered the conquest
document to be read out to them. In his own address, he spoke
as follows:
God, ever blessed and almighty, has mentioned His
Apostle and the guidance He sent with him. He prom-
ised, for anyone following Him, immediate and future
reward [comprising] the goodness of this world and the
next. He said, "He it is who sent His Apostle with
the guidance and the true religion that He might make
it prevail over any [other) religion, even though the
polytheists were averse."279 Praise be to God who has
fulfilled His promise and granted His army victory. Yes
indeed, God has destroyed the rule of the Magians and
disunited them. They do not possess one single span of
their territory that can bring harm to a Muslim. Yes
indeed, God "has made you heirs to their land, houses,
[z693] wealth and sons" "in order to see how they behave."2s°
Yes indeed, the distance between the garrison towns [of
al-Kufah and al -Ba§rah) and the border areas (of Persia) is
now the same as [that between] you and the two towns
in the past, now that (our armies) have penetrated into
the land. "God brings His command to passi281 fulfills
His promise right through to the last. So apply your-
selves and He will carry out His agreement with you in
full and fulfill His promise to you . Do not rebel, lest

279. Qur'an, 1X:33 and LX1:9.

28o. Qur'an, X:14 and XXX:27.
28i. Qur'an, LXV:3.
The Events of the Year 22. 63

God substitute others for you. My only fear for this

community is that it will be put in danger by you.
Abu Ja'far [al-TabariJ reported [as follows] . Then the
Khurasanis from far and near came out in opposition in the time
of 'Uthman b. 'Affan, two years into his caliphate. We shall
mention the remainder of the news of their break-away move-
ment in its [proper] place, God willing, together with the killing
of Yazdajird.282
'Umar b. al-Khallab led the people on pilgrimage in this year.
His governors of the garrison towns then were the same as those
in the year 2.1 [December io, 64r-November 30, 642.1 except for
al-Kufah and al-Baorah. His governor of al-Knfah and lofflciall
in charge of the police was al-Mughirah b. Shu'bah and his
governor of al-Ba§rah was Abu Musa al-Ash'ari.

z8z. See Tabari, I, z872ff. , Translation, XV, 78ff.

Events of the Year

(NOVEMBER 19, 643 -NOVEMBER 7, 644)

The conquest of Istakhr2s3 took place in [this year) according to

the report of Abu Ma'shar . According to Ahmad b. Thabit
al-Razi-someone else-Ishaq b . 'Isa-Abu Ma'shar: The
first (campaign of) Istakhr and [that of I Hamadhan were in the
year 23 [643-644 ). Al-Wagidi made a similar report , whereas
Sayf said that the conquest of Istakhr came after the second
(campaign of) Tawwaj.2s4

The Conquest of Tawwaj285

According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf- Muhammad, Talhah,
al-Muhallab and 'Amr: The Basran army went forth, those

283. The ancient town of Persepolis on the River Pulvar in Fars province. The
district of lglakhr covered the whole of the northern part of Firs . See Yaqut,
Mu'jam, 1, 211-12; Le Strange, Lands, 275ff. and Map 6, opposite 249.
284. A commercial town in Firs on or near the River Shaper only about 40
miles from the Gulf coast . See Yiqut, Mu dam, 11, 56-57i Le Strange, Lands,
285. See Balidhuri, Putilb, 386-87; Bal'ami, Chronique, 111, 5rz.
The Events of the Year 23 65

(troops) dispatched to Fars as commanders there , accompanied

by Sariyah b. Zunaym ,286 and those sent with them beyond,
while the army of Fars was assembled at Tawwaj . But (the
Basrans ) did not face the army (of Fars) directly with their own
forces; rather each district commander made for his own com-
mand and the district to which he had been assigned. This
(intelligence] reached the army of Fars , so they dispersed to their
[different] areas-just as the Muslims themselves had done-to
defend them . This brought about the defeat of the Farsis and
the complete dispersal of their forces. The [Farsi ) polytheists
regarded all this as a bad omen and it was as if they were staring
fate in the face . Mujashi' b. Mas 'ud21" headed for Sabur288 and
Ardashir Khurrah, 219 at the head of his Muslim followers. They
and the army of Fars met at Tawwaj and fought for a long time.
God brought about the defeat for the Muslims of those [who (2695(
fought] at Tawwaj and gave the Muslims authority over them.
They killed them in every conceivable manner, doing with them
whatever they wished. (God) gave ( the Muslims) everything in
their camp as booty, and they took possession of it. This was the
last (battle of) Tawwaj ; it never had such military strength after
this. The first was that in which the troops of al-Ala' at the
time of [the battle of] 'f'awns were rescued, the battle during
which they fought together. 290 The first and last battles rival

286. Al-Kinini, governor and Muslim military leader' active in Firs. See also
'1'abari, f, 2569; Ibn al-Athir, Usd, 11, 2441 Ibn Hajar, Igdbah, IV, 96-98.
287. A]-Sulami, Companion and Muslim military leader who died in 36/656.
See Ibn al-Athir, Usd, IV, 300; Ibn Hajar, I abah, IX, 87, Tahdhib, X, ;8.
288. The Persian Shipur or Bishipur , the district of Firs within the basin of
the upper reaches of River Shipur. The town is about 40 miles northeast of
Tawwaj . See Yaqut, Muyam, III, 167-68 ; Le Strange, Lands, 262 and Map VI,
opposite 249.
289. One of the five districts of Firs, of which the chief town is Shiraz. See
Yiqut, Muyam, 1, 1146; Le Strange, Lands, z48 and Map VI, opposite 2.49.
z9o. Al- Ala' was governor of Bahrain under the Prophet and the early caliphs
and a participant in the Riddah wars . In 17/638 he took a force from Bahrain over
to Firs, and, although launching a successful raid, his ships were lost and he was
cut off and had to be rescued. 'Umar dismissed him for this unauthorized attack.
See Wigidi, Maghdzf, II, 782; Ibn Hisham, Sirah, If, 576, 600, 607; Donner,
Conquests, 86, 327; Zarrinkub, "Conquest," 21. The battles with the Firsis
(Tabari, I, 2546ff.1 were fought in Tawus, a place described by Yiqut (Mu yam, IV,
8) as being situated in the coastal region of Firs.
66 The Conquest of Iran

each other [in importance ]. Then (the inhabitants of Tawwaj)

were summoned [to pay] tribute and (to make) a compact. So
they came back and settled. Mujashi ' divided out the fifth of
the spoils and sent them (to 'Umar], sending out a delegation
[to him also]. Those bringing the good news [of the victory) and
the delegations were provided with gifts29' and their needs
catered for according to a practice instituted by the Messenger
of God.
Al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Muhammad b. Sugah292-'ASim b.
Kulayb293-his father : We left with Mujashi' b. Masud to
attack Tawwaj . We besieged it and fought (their army) for a long
time. We conquered it, seized much booty and killed a great
number. I was wearing a torn shirt, so I took a needle and thread
and began to mend my shirt .294 Then I caught sight of a man
among the dead who had on a shirt, so I took it, brought it
to some water, beat it between two stones until the dirt was
[2696 ] removed, and put it on. When the spoils had been collected
together, Mujashi' got up to address [us]. He praised and
extolled God and said , "Men, do not take what is not yours;
anyone who steals will bring what he has stolen on the Day of
Resurrection. Return [anything you have stolen], be it only a
needle! " When I heard this , I took the shirt off and threw it
among the fifth parts [of the booty].

The Conquest of Igakhr

(The source ) continued : 'Uthman b . AN al- As295 made for
Istakhr. He and the army of Istakhr met at Jur296 and fought a

291. Arabic, "yujdzuna." It might mean "were given sufficient water."

292. An unidentified narrator.
293. A narrator who died in 137/754. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, V, 5;ff.
294. For these last two sentences the Arabic reads, "fa-lammd iftatalJnd-
ha... fa-akhadhtu." I have done away with the temporal clause in translation.
295. Al-ThagafI, a Muslim military leader and one-time governor of al-T! 'if,
Bahrain and Oman. He died in ca. 5S/675. See Ibn al-Ateir, Usd, III, 372-74; Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhid, VII, 128-291 Tabari, I, 2570, 2830 etc.; Hill, Termination,
296. The earlier name for Firuzibid, the chief town of the district of Ardashir
Khurrah. See Yiqut, Mu'jam, II, r8i-8z1 Le Strange, Lands, 255 and Map VI,
opposite 249.
The Events of the Year 23 67

long battle. Then God granted them Jar as a conquest, and the
Muslims [also ] conquered Istakhr, having killed a great many of
[the enemy] and taken what they wanted, though some (of the
enemy] fled . Then 'Uthman called upon the people to
tribute and to (make ] a compact. They therefore sent messages
to him, and he to them. Their religious leader297 and all those
who had fled or left responded favorably to his lcall]. They
gradually came back and yielded to [the payment of J tribute.
Now when the enemy fled, 'Uthman collected together all the
booty God had granted them and took out a fifth, sending it
to 'Umar, and distributing four-fifths of the booty among the
army. They abstained from plundering and delivered up what
was in their care, considering this lower world to be of little
importance. ' Uthman mustered them to him and rose to speak.
He told them that things would continue to advance and that
everyone would remain safe and sound from anything distaste-
ful as long as they did not take what was not theirs . If they did,
they would experience something unpleasant , and the much
they might have had then would not go as far as the little [2697]
they had now.
According to al-Sari-Shu 'ayb-Sayf-Abu Sufyan298-al-
Hasan: 'Uthman b . Abi al-'AS said on the day Istakhr [was
conquered], "When God wishes a people to prosper, He restrains
them and increases their trustworthiness . Hold on to it, for the
first thing you lose of your faith is trustworthiness . Once you
do lose it, every day something new will be lost to you."
[A Persian called] Shahrak299 threw off [his allegiance] at the
end of 'Umar's caliphate or at the beginning of 'Uthman's.
He roused up the people of Fars , calling upon them to break [the
peace agreement]. So 'Uthman b. Abi al-'As was dispatched
against him for a second time, accompanied by reinforcements
under the command of 'Ubaydallah b. Ma'mar3O0 and Shibl b.

z97. Hirbadh, actually a functionary of the Zoroastrian fire temple. See

Christensen, L'Iran, 144; Morony, Iraq, 531.
z98. An unidentified narrator.
299. The Perisan governor )marzbin) of Firs. See Zarrinkiib, "Conquest," zi.
Soo. AI-Taymi, Companion and Muslim military leader who died in 1.9/649.
See Ibn al-Athir, Usd, III, 345.
68 The Conquest of Iran

Ma'bad al-Bajali301 (The Muslim forces and the Farsis) met in

battle in Firs. On the battlefield 3 parasangs away from one of
their settlements called Rishahr302 and 12. from their head-
quarters, Shahrak said to his son, "Son, where will our lunch be,
la or in Rishahr"? He replied, "Father, if (the Farsis) leave us
alone, our lunch will be neither here, nor in Rishahr ! It can only
be at home 303 But I certainly do not think they will leave us
alone." The two were still talking when the Muslims launched
[26981 their attack. They fought together vehemently. Shahrak and
his son were both killed in [the battle] and God caused great
slaughter, al-Hakam b. (Abij al-As b. Bishr b. Duhman,304
the brother of 'Uthman, being entrusted with the killing of
It was Abu Ma'shar who reported that the first [campaign]
for Firs and the last for Istakhr took place in the year z8
[September z5, 648-September 14, 6491 . He also said that the
last [campaign ] for Firs and [that of ] Jur took place in the year
29 [September 14, 649 - September 4, 65o] . This was also ac-
cording to Ahmad b. Thibit al-Rizi-someone who heard Ishaq
b. 'Isi mention this (same report ]-Abu Ma'shar.
According to 'Abdallah b. Ahmad b. Shabbawayh al-Mar-
wazi305-his father-Sulayman b. $alih306-'Ubaydallih307-

301. A Muslim military leader, possibly a Muzani rather than a Bajali. See lbn
al-Athir, Usd, II, 385.
302.. There are two places with this name in Fars. One near Bushahr (Bushirej,
the other in the north of the province , just south of the River 'f'ib. It is
impossible to know for sure which is meant here . Yiqut !Mujam, III, 112-131,
however, mentions only the latter and recounts the story of the death of
Shahrak, whom he calls Suhrak . Cf. Le Strange, Lands, z61, 2.71 and Map 6,
opposite 2.49.
303. Arabic, fa-gala ya abati in taraku-nd fa-Id yakunu ghadd'u-nd hdhund
wa-ld bi-Rishahra wa-Id yakunanna illd ft al-manzil.
304. Al-Thagaf i. 'Uthman employed his brother in a senior military role
mainly in the area of Firs. Ibn Hajar, I. dbah, II, 271, gives his full name as Ibn
al-AS b. Naar b. 'Abd b. Duhman. Ibn al-Athir, Usd, 11, 35, gives Ibn AN al-As b.
Bashir b. Duhman. Cf. Balidhuri, Futub, 362., 386-87; Hill, Termination, 122,
305. An unidentified narrator.
3o6. Sulayman b. $ilih al -Laythi died before 110/728. See lbn Hajar, Tahdhib,
IV, 199-200.
307. 'Ubaydallah is impossible to identify . 'Ubayd, rather than the Abd of
the Leiden text is from the Cairo edition and the Leiden Addenda. It must be
The Events of the Year 23 69

'Ubaydallah b. Sulayman:308 Uthman b. Abi al-AS was sent to

Bahrain, so he dispatched his brother, al-Hakam b . Abi al-'AS at
the head of 2,000 [men) to Tawwaj . The Persian emperor had
already fled from al -Mada' in and had reached Jur in Fars.
(The source) continued : According to Ziyad, the client of
al-Hakam b. Abi al-'AS-al-Hakam b. Abi al-As: Shahrak
came at me. 'Ubayd309 added that he had been sent by the
Persian emperor. Al-Hakam continued: He came up against
me at the head of his troops. Then they came down a mountain
road, having donned their armor. I was afraid that my men [2699]
would be blinded [by the reflection of the sun off their armor],
so I had the order shouted out that all those wearing a turban
should wrap it over their eyes and all those not wearing a turban
should close their eyes . I called out that they should dismount,
and when he saw this, Shahrak did the same. Then I called out
that [my men] should mount, and we stationed ourselves in
ranks against (Shahrak's men). (The latter) also mounted and I
put al-Jared al-'Abdi31° in command of the right wing and Abu
$ufrah of the left) that is, the father of al-Muhallab . (The enemy)
attacked the Muslims, but (the latter) put them to flight, I
could not hear a single sound from them . Al-Jared informed me
that the army had disappeared. But I replied that he would see
what would happen . Their horses soon returned , riderless,
whereas the Muslims were pursuing (the enemy ) and killing
them. Heads were scattered around in front of me . Now I had
with me one of their rulers, called al-Muka'bir,311 who had
deserted the emperor and joined me. I was brought a huge head,
and al-Muka' bir told me it was that of al-Azdahaq , meaning

asked if the text is corrupt here and whether this 'Ubaydallah and 'Ubaydallah b.
Sulayman are not one and the same . See next note.
308. Perhaps more correctly 'Ubayd b. Sulayman . See In Hajar, Tahdhid, VII,
67, Translation, I, :z7 n. 402..
309. That is, the same authority as the 'Ubaydallah b. Sulayman above in the
text' see preceding note.
3 ro. That is, Abu al-Mundhir al-Jared b. Amr b. Hanash b. al-Mu'alli al= Abdi
was a convert from Christianity and a leader of Abd al-Qays. Ibn Hajar, I$dbah,
II, 5 r, says he died in 21 /642, or at Nihawand, or in 'Uthmin 's caliphate. See also
Ibn al-Athir, Usd, II, z6o-6x, Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, II, 43-54•
3 x it. Al-Muka' bir was Azadh Furuz b. Jushnas. See Justi , Namenbuch, 53.
70 The Conquest of Iran

Shahrak 312 [Finally] they were besieged in the town of Sibiir

and (al-Hakam) made peace with them . Their ruler was
Adharbiyan313 and al -Hakam asked his assistance in the fight
against the army of Istakhr. (At this point] 'Umar died and
'Uthman sent 'Ubaydallah b. Ma'mar in place of (al-Hakam)
[as commander]. 'Ubaydallah heard that Adharbiyan was
intending to betray them , so he told him he wanted him to
prepare some food for his men and slaughter a head of cattle for
(2700( them, putting its bones on the bowl next to ['Ubaydallah). (The
latter further) told him that he wanted to suck out the marrow
from the bones. (Adharbiyan ) did this and ('Ubaydallah)-one
of the strongest of all men -took hold of a bone that could be
chopped up only by means of an axe and broke it in his hand to
suck out the marrow . The ruler, [Adharbiyan), got up, seized his
foot and said, "This is the position of one seeking refuge!" So
('Ubaydallah ) granted him a (peace] agreement. 'Ubaydallah
was wounded by a mangonel, but (before he died ] predicted to
them that they would conquer this town, God willing. [He also
urged them] to kill ( the enemy) there for a while for his sake.
(The Muslims) did this and killed many men.
'Uthman b. Abi al -'As had joined al-Hakam, after he had
defeated Shahrak, and he wrote to 'Umar informing him that
there was a breach between him and al-Kufah and that he was
afraid that the enemy would attack him through it. The lord of
al-Kufah wrote a similar letter that there was a breach between
him and such and such a place . The two letters reached ('Umar)
at the same time, so he dispatched Abu Musa at the head of 700
[men) and settled them in al -Basrah.

The Conquest of Fasa and Dardbjird314

According to al-Sari -Shu'ayb-Sayf-Muhammad, Talhah,
al-Muhallab and 'Amr : Sariyah b . Zunaym made in the direction

311. In Persian mythology Azhd Dahak was the tyrant who overthrew
Jamshad and ruled for t,ooo years . He was the personification of evil . See CHIT,
III, especiallpp. 426-27.
313. For Adharbiyan, see Justi, Namenbuch, 4i, Arzanban.
314. Darabjird is the easternmost district of Fars , and the chief town has the
same name. Fasa is a town in the district less than 6o miles west of the town of
The Events of the Year 23 71

of Fasa and Darabjird and finally reached the camp of their

(army). He positioned himself against them and besieged them
for some time . They then sought reinforcements , themselves
rallying together, and the Kurds of Fars joined them. The
Muslims were unexpectedly faced with a serious situation [in
the form ofJ a huge army . On the very eve (of these events),
'Umar saw in a dream (the Muslims') battle and the [large] [2701]
number [of enemy forces] at a particular hour of the day. The
next day he gave the call for congregational prayers. When the
hour arrived that he had noted in his dream , he came out
to the (people). The Muslims had been shown to him in a
desert area; if they remained there, they would be surrounded.
If they retreated to a mountain behind them, they could be
attacked only on one front . ('Umar) then stood up and told
his people that he had seen these two armies and described
their situation. He then declared, "[To] the mountain, [to] the
mountain, Sariyah " Turning to the (people), he said, "God has
armies; perhaps one of them will bring them the message (of
my dream]!" When this particular hour did actually arrive on
the day, Sariyah and the Muslims all agreed to make for the
mountain . This they did and fought the enemy on one front
[only]. God routed (the enemy) for (the Muslims ) and they wrote
to 'Umar [informing] him of all this, of their capture of the
region, of the call of its people [ to accept an agreement ) and their
[consequent ] pacification.
Al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Abu 'Umar Dithar b. Abi Sha-
bib31s -Abu 'Uthman316 and Abu 'Amr b. al-'Ala'317-a mem-
ber of B . Mazin :318 'Umar sent Sariyah b. Zunaym al-Du'ali to
Fasa and Darabjird. He besieged (the inhabitants), but they later
prepared themselves for war and sought him out in the desert

Darabjird . See Yagiit, Mu'jam, 11, 446 ; IV, 160- 6t; Le Strange, Lands, 188ff. and
Map VI, opposite 149. For the conquests in Baladhuri, see Futuh , 388-90.
315. An unidentified narrator.
316. Al-Nahdi, famous figure in early Islam who died about 100/7 i 8. See Ibn
llajar, Tahdhib, VI, z77ff.
317. Abu Amr b. al=Ala' was himself of M3zin of Tamim . He died in 57/677.
See Ibn Iiajar, Tahdhib, XII, 178-80.
318. That is, Mazin b. Malik of Tamim . See Kahliilah, Mu'jam, III, 1013-14.
Cf. preceding note.
72 The Conquest of Iran

area (where he was], outnumbering him and coming against

him on every side. 'Umar proclaimed, as he gave the address
one Friday, "[To] the mountain, [to) the mountain, Sariyah b.
Zunaym!" When that day came , the Muslims had a mountain to
one side; if they took refuge in it, they could be attacked only on
[2702] one front. So they did so. Then (the Muslims) fought them and
defeated them . ( Sariyah) took the spoils from them, including
a casket containing a precious stone . He asked the Muslims'
permission to hand it over to 'Umar as a gift and they agreed, so
he sent it off with a man who also [announced news of] the
conquest. ( Now the envoys and delegations were given gifts and
[all] their needs were catered for .) Sariyah said to (the man),
"Borrow what will enable you to reach ['Umar] and what you
can leave behind for your family against the gift you [will get
from 'Umar] ." So the man arrived in al-Basrah and did this.
Then he left [al-Basrah ] and came to 'Umar [in Medina]. He
found him feeding the people carrying the stick that he used to
drive his camel . (The messenger ) went toward him, and he
turned toward him with (the stick ) and told him to sit down. So
he sat down and when the people had eaten , 'Umar went off.
(The messenger ) got up and followed him, so 'Umar thought he
was somebody who had not had his fill. He told him, when he
had finally got to the door of his house, to come in, already
having ordered the baker to take the food tray to where the
baking was done for the Muslims . So when he sat down in the
house, some lunch was brought for him , bread, olive oil, and
coarsely ground salt, and put down . ('Umar) asked [his wife]
whether she would come out and eat [with them]. She replied, "I
can hear the voice of a man! " He said, "Yes, indeed," to which
she replied, " Had you wanted me to show myself off in front of
men, you would have bought me another dress! " He said, "Are
you not pleased that people say, 'Umm Kulthum is the daughter
of 'Ali and the wife of 'Umar! "' She replied, "A lot of good that
does me!" Then ' Umar told the man to come near and eat. "If
she were in a good mood, ( the food ) would be better than what
you can see!" So they both ate [together ], and when he had
finished, the messenger of Sariyah b. Zunaym exclaimed, "0
[ 2703] Commander of the Faithful! " He replied that he was very
welcome. He then brought him close until their knees were
The Events of the Year 2-3 73

touching and asked him about the Muslims (in Fars], then about
Sariyah b. Zunaym. He gave ('Umar) the information. Then he
told him of the story of the casket, but ('Umar) took one look at
it and shouted at him, "No, I'll give you nothing319 until you
return to this army and make a [fair) distribution among them."
And he dismissed him. But he told the Commander of the
Faithful, that he had exhausted his camels and borrowed against
a gift from him. He asked him to give him what would satisfy
him. He would not leave ('Umar) alone until he exchanged his
own camel for one of the camels given as alms, and he took his
camel and put it with the alms camels . The messenger set off
back, an object of anger and denied any gift . He came to al-
Ba§rah and [onward to the army and finally] carried out 'Umar's
order. [While he was in Medina], people asked him about Sariyah,
about the conquest and whether they had heard anything on the
day of the battle. He replied that they had heard, "[To] the
mountain, Sariyah." [He added] that they were almost done for,
so they took refuge on it and God granted them the conquest.
Al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-al-Mujalid-al-Sha'bi gave an ac-
count similar to that of 'Amr.

The Conquest of Kirman320

According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Muhammad, Talhah, al-
Muhallab and 'Amr: Suhayl b. 'Adi made for Kirman and was
joined by 'Abdallah b. 'Abdallah b. 'Itban. In charge of the
vanguard of Suhayl b. 'Adi was al-Nusayr b. 'Amr al-'Ijli 321 [2-704]
Now the Kirmanis had massed against (Suhayl), they having
sought assistance in the [region of) the Qufs322 They fought (the
Muslims) just within their own territory, but God scattered
them. (The Muslims) seized the road against them and al -Nusayr
killed the [local] governor (marzbun ). Suhayl advanced along

319. Arabic, Id wa-1d kardmata.

320. See Balidhuri, Futuh, especially 391-92, in which Suhayl b. Adi does
not feature; Bal'ami, Chronique, III, 516-17.
321. An unidentified military leader.
322. An extensive mountain area to the southeast of Jiraft (see next note). See
Yigiit, Mu'jam, IV, 380- 821 Le Strange, Lands, 317 and Map VI, opposite 2491
Eta, s.v. "1^uf$" (Bosworth).
74 The Conquest of Iran

what is today the settlement road as far as jiraft 323 while

'Abdallah b. 'Abdallah [came] from the desert region of Shir.324
They seized what camels and ewes they wished, putting a value
on the camels and sheep and dividing them up among them-
selves according to the prices (they would fetch), because the
Bactrians were bigger than the Arabians and they did not want
to value [them] too highly 325 They wrote to 'Umar and he
replied to them that the Arabian could be valued only according
to the amount of meat, the Bactrian) being [treated] in the
same way. [He added that], if they were of the opinion that the
Bactrians had more meat, then they should value them more
highly, for [prices] can be only in accordance with value.
According to al-Mada'ini-'Ali b. Mujahid326-Hanbal b.
Abi Haridah, judge of Quhistan327-the governor of Quhistan:
'Abdallah b. Budayl b. Warga' al-Khuza'i325 conquered Kirman
during the caliphate of 'Umar b. al-Khattab. He then went on to
al-Tabasayn from Kirman , then came to 'Umar . He said that he
[2705] had conquered al-Tabasayn and asked that it be granted to him
as a land concession. 29 ('Umar ) was willing to do this, but was
told it was an important district. He therefore did not grant it to
('Abdallah) as a land concession . It is [in fact] the gateway [from
Kirman] to Khurasan.

323. 1 take the Arabic qurd here to mean the settlements of the Kirminis and
translate accordingly. There might, however, be a place named al-Quri, in which
case the translation would need emendation to "Suhayl advanced along what is
today the road to al -Quri as far as Jiraft ." There is no reference to such a
toponym in the geographical sources at my disposal . Jiraft is spelled Jiruft by Le
Strange. The town is situated south of the town of Kirman, and its district was
the whole of southern Kirmin province . See Yiqut, Mu'jam, II, 198 ; Le Strange,
Lands, 314ff. and Map VI, opposite 249.
324. An unidentified place.
325. That is, instead of the usual division of the animals as spoils by numbers.
326. D. ca. 182/789. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VII, 377ff.; Sezgin, GAS, 1, 312.
327. Hanbal b. Abi Haridah is unidentified. Quhistin is the province to the
southwest and west of Khurisin. See Le Strange, Lands, 352-ff. and Map VIII,
opposite 335.
328. Ibn Budayl must in fact have been only ten years old in the year 23; see
note zz, above.
329. Arabic verb agfaa; see E12, s.v. "Ili" ICahen). For al-Tabasayn, see
note 249, above.
The Events of the Year 2.3 75

The Conquest of Sijistdn330

[The same sources ] reported as follows : 'Aim b . 'Amr331 made
for Sijistan and was joined by 'Abdallah b. 'Umayr.332 The
people of Sijistan met them, and they joined battle just within
their own territory. (The Muslims) defeated them, then pursued
them and besieged them in Zaranj,333 crossing through the
region of Sijistan at will. (The Sijistanis) then sought a peace
treaty covering Zaranj and [all] the lands (the Muslims) had
taken. This they were granted. (The Muslims) also stipulated
in the peace treaty they made (with the Sijistanis) that the desert
regions of [Sijistan ) should be out of bounds [to the Muslims).
When the latter went out anywhere , they would warn each other
for fear they encroach on any of (these desert regions) and so
break the )peace agreement]. So the Sijistanis paid the land tax
and the Muslims granted [them what they had requested] 334
[The districts ] of Sijistan were greater and spread further afield
than [those of] Khurasan . (The Muslims) made war [there ) against
Kandahar,335 the Turks, and many [different ] communities.
(Sijistan) covered the whole area between Sind and the river of
Balkh 336 It remained the greater of the two provinces, the more
difficult and larger in terms of numbers and fighting men of the

330. For the conquest, see Balidhuri, Putub, 39zff.; Bal'ami , Chronique, III,
5 r7ff. Sijistan is the province to the south of Khurisin . See Yignt, Mu'jam, III,
r9oz; Le Strange, Lands, 334ff. and Maps VII and VIII.
335. AI-Tamimi, a Muslim military leader renowned for his courage, the
brother of al-Qa'gi'. See Tabari, I, z43 iff. etc.
332. An unidentified narrator.
333. The capital of Sijistin, E of Lake Zarah. Cf. Yiqut, Mu'jam, III, r 8; Le
Strange, Lands, 335ff. and Maps VII and VIII . Cf. also Bosworth, Sistdn and map,
in the district of al-Rukhkhaj.
334• This sentence and the first two of the following paragraph read in Arabic,
fa-tamma ahlu Sijistdna 'aid al-khardji wa-al-Muslimuna aid a1-aid' fa-kdnat
Sijistdnu a;ama min Khurdsdna wa-ab 'ada furu/an yugdtiluna al-Qandahdr.
The translation might therefore be, "So the Sijistanis paid the land tax, while the
Muslims on stipends ([the districts [ of Sijistan were greater and spread further
afield than [those of( Khurisinj, were making war on Kandahar,..."
335. Arabic al-Qandahar, east of Zaranj. See Yiqut, Mu*iam, IV, 40z-3; Le
Strange, Lands, 347 and Map VIII, opposite 335; Bosworth , Sistdn, map.
336. Something of an exaggeration, as a glance at the map in the CHIr, 6o-6r,
shows ! " The river of Balkh " must be the Oxus, which is in fact north of the
76 The Conquest of Iran

(2,7o6) two frontier districts until Mu'awiyah's time. At that time the
ruler (shah) fled from his brother, who was called Zunbil,337
to an area called Amul,338 and (he and his followers ) paid al-
legiance to Salm b . Ziyad,339 at that time governor of Sijistan.
(The latter) was pleased with this [development], made a pact
with (the ruler and his followers ), and allowed them to settle in
this area . He wrote to Mu'awiyah about this, indicating that
it had been conquered . But Mu'awiyah replied that his cousin
might be pleased , but that he was not and that it was not indeed
proper that (his cousin ) should be pleased . Mu'awiyah was
asked why this was and replied it was because the area between
Amul and Zaranj was where there were difficulties and trouble.
These were people who were wily and- treacherous, so there
would be discord in future . The very least they would do would
be to take over the whole region of Amul. But Ibn Ziyad con-
cluded an agreement with them . After Mu'awiyah 's death when
there was civil war, the ruler rebelled and conquered Amul.
Zunbil was afraid of the ruler, so he took refuge from him in a
particular place in which he remains to this day . But he did not
take kindly to this, when the people just ignored him, and he
began to covet Zaranj . So he attacked (the town) and besieged
(its inhabitants ) until reinforcements arrived from al-Basrah.
Zunbil and all those who came with him and settled in this area
became "a bone in the throat" that has remained unremoved to
this day. This region had been subdued until Mu'awiyah died.

337. The text has Rutbil, but cf. Bosworth, Sistdn, 34 -36. Cf. Bal'ami,
Chronique, III, 5 i 8.
338. This place must be in or near Sijistan and cannot be either the Amul in
Tabaristin or that between Marw and Bukhara on the Oxus. Perhaps Kibul to
the northeast of Sijistan is meant. See Balidhuri, Futuh, 397 and Addenda,
39. Salm, according to Tabari elsewhere (Tabari, 11, 3911, was appointed
governor of Sijistan in 6t/68o by Yazid b. Mu'iwiyah (reigned 6o - 64/68o-683),
after Mu 'iwiyah 's death . Yazid too would have been Salm's cousin, whereas
Mu'iwiyah would have been his uncle. It seems we should read Yazid
throughout this passage rather than Mu'awiyah . Another possible explanation is
that Salm 's brother, 'Abbid, was appointed governor of Sijistan by Mu'iwiyah
about the year 59/679 (Tabari, 11, 189), and perhaps he is meant rather than Salm.
See also Bosworth , Sistdn, 44-45.
The Events of the Year 2.3 77

The Conquest of Makran340

(The same sources) reported as follows: Al-Hakam b. 'Amr
al-Taghlibi 4t made for Makran and finally arrived there. He was )2707)
joined by Shihib b. al-Mukhariq b. Shihab342 and reinforced by
Suhayl b. 'Adi and 'Abdallah b. 'Abdallih b. 'Itbin themselves.
They came to a point just this side of the river343 where the
Makran army had assembled, halted on its bank, and made
camp. Rasil, their ruler,344 had the ruler of Sind cross over
toward (the Muslims), and he drew near with (his men), facing
the Muslims. So they met and fought together at a place on the
Makran side, some days' journey from the river, after the ad-
vanced party of (the Makran army) had arrived and camped there
to allow the rest to catch up. God defeated Risil and took spoils
from him. He permitted the Muslims to despoil his camp. In the
battle they killed many and pursued (the remainder), killing
them off for some days until they finally reached the river. Then
(the Muslims) returned and remained in Makran. Al-Hakam
wrote to 'Umar of the conquest and sent the fifths with $uhar
al-'Abdi, also asking ('Umar's) instruction concerning the
elephants (that they had captured). Suhir brought 'Umar the news
and the spoils and 'Umar asked him about Makran, (for) no one
came to him without his enquiring of him about the area from
which he was coming. He replied, "Commander of the Faithful,
it is a land whose plains are mountains (Jabal); whose water is
scarce (washal), whose [only) fruit is poor quality dates (dagal);
whose enemies are heroes (batal); whose prosperity is little
(gal!]), whose evil is long-lasting (tawil); what is much there is
little; what is little there is nothing; as for what lies beyond, (2708)
it is even worse!" "Are you a rhymed prose reciter or someone

340. Brief mention is made of Makran in Baladhuri, Futnll, 433ff.; Bal'ami,

Chronique, III, 518 . Makran or Mukrin is the large coastal province , mainly and
and economically poor, situated between Kirman in the west and Sind in the
east. See Yiqut, Mu jam, V, 179-8o; Le Strange, Lands, 3z9ff. and Map VII,
opposite 32.3.
341. An unidentified military leader.
34z. An unidentified military leader.
343• It is not clear which river is here meant, but it is likely it is the Indus.
344• For Risil b. Basiyah, see Baladhuri, Futu13, 438; Lambrick, Sind, i58-591
FatI namah, 118-19, 12.4-2.6.
78 The Conquest of Iran

bringing (accurate) information ?!" retorted 'Umar 34s He said he

was really bringing [accurate] information, so 'Umar insisted
that not one of his armies should attack (Makranj, as long as he
remained in authority. He wrote to al-Hakam b. 'Amr anJ
S.,hayl, [forbidding ) any of their armies from passing beyond
Makran. (He ordered them) to restrict themselves to (territory)
on this side of the river and al -Hakam to sell the elephants
within Muslim territory and distribute the price obtained among
all those to whom God had granted the booty of Makran.
Al-Hakam b. Amr composed the following on this subject:346
Without boasting, those whose provisions were exhausted had
their fill of booty brought to them from Mukkuran 347
It came to them after total exhaustion and effort , when there
was no food to cook during the winter.
The army can place no blame on what I did; nor can my sword
or my lance tip be blamed,
On the mom when I had their diverse troops34s pushed back
into extensive Sind and the neighboring regions.
We had a body of troops, in what we wanted obedient, not
allowing their [horses '] bridles to be slack.349
Were it not for my Commander's veto ,350 we would have passed
over to (those ) ample(-bodied) whores!3st

Bayrudh in al-Ahwaz352
(The same sources ) report : When the [Muslim) cavalry dispersed
throughout the various districts , a large force of Kurds and

345. As the Arabic terms given in the text indicate , Suhar gave 'Umar his
description of Makran in rhymed prose.
346. The meter of the poem is wafer.
347. A variant spelling of Makran used to fit the metre of the poem.
348. It should be recalled that the forces opposing the Muslims were a
mixture of Makrinis and Sindis.
349. That is, they kept their horses and, by implication, themselves under
complete control.
35o. A reference to 'Umar's express order that the Muslims should penetrate
no farther than Makran.
351. Arabic, al-bududi 'I-zawdni, that is, feminine plural, hence the
translation. It is a reference to Sind where perhaps the women had such a
352. A town in the northwest of Khuzistin , north of a]-Ahwiz, variously
spelled Bayrudh by Yaqut (Mu'jam, 1, 526 and Bayrut and Birodh by Le Strange
The Events of the Year 23 79

others assembled in Bayrudh. Now 'Umar had already ordered

Abu Musa, when the (Muslim) armies had left for the outlying
areas , to march out to [the areas of J those in compact with
al-Basrah, so that the Muslims could not be attacked in the 127o9J
rear. ('Umar) was also afraid that some of his armies might be
completely surrounded, or others cut off, or left behind. What
('Umar) was afraid of happened with the assembly of the army
of Bayrudh, when Abu Musa had been slow [to act] until they
had actually mustered. He then marched out, finally stopping in
Ramadan in Bayrudh (to face] the army that had collected there.
They met in battle between Nahr Tira35a and Manadhir,354
when the powerful Persian and Kurdish troops had all come
together there, with the purpose of laying traps for the Muslims
and effecting a breach in their ranks-(the former coalition)
never doubting [that at least] one of the two eventualities [would
come to pass]. Al-Muhajir b. Ziyad,a55 having perfumed himself
and expressed his willingness to die, rose and said to Abu Musa,
"Get everyone who is fasting to swear that he will return [from
the battle] and break his fast." So (al-Muhajir's) brother returned
with others and carried out the provision of the oath. By this he
intended simply to distract his brother away from him so that
he would not prevent him from exposing himself to death.
(Al-Muhajir) advanced and fought until he was killed. God
weakened the polytheists, and reduced to a small number and
humiliated, they fortified themselves. (Al-Muhajir's) brother, al-
Rabi',356 arrived and, his grief intense, exclaimed [to himself],
"0 you addicted to this lower world!" Abu Musa felt compassion
for al-Rabi' because of the effect of his brothers tragic death. So
he left him behind at the head of an army in authority over (the
habitants). Abu Musa [himself] left for Isfahan, where he found

(Lands, z411. See also Le Strange, Lands, Map z, opposite 25. For the battle,
Bal'ami, Chronique, III, 520.
353. A town standing on the canal of the same name , northwest of al-Ahwaz.
See Yagiit, Mu yam, 11, 66, Le Strange, Lands, 241 and Map II, opposite 25.
354. Strictly speaking, two towns lying in the fertile regions of al-Ahwaz, just
north of the town of al-Ahwaz . See, Yiiqut, Mu'lam V, 199, Le Strange, Lands,
239 and Map II, opposite 25.
355. He has a brief entry in Ibn al-Athir, Usd, IV, 423.
356. He was later governor of Sijistan. See Ibn al -Athir, Usd, 11, 164.
8o The Conquest of Iran

[z7ro) the Kufan armies besieging Jayy. Then he made off for al-Basrah
after the victory of the (Muslim) troops and when God had given
victory to al-Rabi' b. Ziyad over the army of Bayradh in Nahr
Tira and (Abu Musa) had taken the captives that they had.
Abu Musa chose some of them for whom there would be a
ransom, as a ransom was more profitable to the Muslims than
[holding captive] their prominent leaders and their value [in
themselves). He sent delegations and the fifths [to 'Umar).
A man of Anazah357 stood up and asked him to send him
in the delegation, but (Abu Musa ) refused. But (the man) left
(nevertheless ], charging (Abu Masi ) falsely, and 'Umar asked
(Aba Musa) to present himself. ('Umar) brought them together,
finding that Abu Masi had an excuse except in the matter of his
servant.358 He lessened his authority , but sent him back to his
post. But the other he charged with unrighteousness and ordered
him not to do such a thing again.
Al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Muhammad, Talhah, al-Muhallab
and 'Amr: When Aba Musa returned from Isfahan after the
[Muslim ] armies had gone out into the various provinces and
al-Rabi' had defeated the army of Bayrudh and (Abu Musa)
had collected together the captives and their possessions, (the
latter) came out next morning to sixty young sons of village
headmen, 359 whom he had selected and sent them back in
return [for their ransom] . He sent news of the conquest to
'Umar, choosing a delegation [ to take it ]. A 'Anazi came to him
and asked him to write down his name [for inclusion] in the
delegation . (Aba Masi ) replied that he had already registered
[names of[ those who were more worthy (of participation in the
delegation] than he was . So (the 'Anazi ) withdrew in anger. Aba
Masi wrote to 'Umar about the matter of a 'Anazi called
Ipabbah b. Mihsan360-and he told him all about him. When
the letter [brought by] the delegation [with the news of l the

3 S7. This in all probability refers to Bana Anazah b. Asad, a large tribal group
in central Arabia. See Ibn ]Uazm, Jamharah, 2.94; Caskel, damharat, 1, Table
1172; Kabbalah, Mu'jam, III, 846-47, E12, s.v. (Graf).
358. A reference to the slave girl, 'Aqilah, mentioned, page 8i , below.
359• The text has dingan. See E12, s.v. (Lambton). For this anecdote, see
Tantawi, Akhbar, z 79ff.
36o. The text at last gives us the name of this Anazi bedouin.
The Events of the Year 23 8 i

conquest reached 'Umar, the Anazi arrived. He came to 'Umar

and greeted him. "Who are you ?" ('Umar) asked; and the
(Anazi) told him. ('Umar) told him there was no welcome
for him there, to which he replied, "A welcome comes from
God! And there is certainly no family [here ]! "36i He returned to
('Umar) on three occasions, ('Umar) repeating what he had said
to him, and (he) giving him the same response . Finally on the
fourth day, he entered and ('Umar) said , "What are you accus- (27111
ing your commander, (Abu Musa), of?" He replied that he had
chosen sixty young sons of landowners for himself , and he also
had a slave girl called 'Aqilah who was given a bowl of food for
lunch and supper. "None of us can do this and he also has two
measures [of grain]362 and two seals," (the 'Anazi) added. He
further, (said the 'Anazi), delegated (matters) to Ziyad b. Abi
Sufyan,31 who was governor of al-Ba^rah , and he gave al-
Hulay'ahh a gift of a thousand (dirhams).
'Umar wrote down everything (the 'Anazi) said and sent for
Abu Musi. When he arrived, ('Umar) kept him waiting for some
days, then summoned him, together with I)abbah b. Mihsan. He
handed the document over to (Iaabbah), telling him to read what
he had written. He read, "He has taken sixty young [captives] for
himself." Abu Musa replied, "I was shown those who had a
ransom [on their head]. I took a ransom for them and divided it
out among the Muslims ." I?abbah agreed that he had not lied,
but said that neither had he himself lied. Qabbah continued,
"He has two measures (of grain]." Abu Musa replied, "One for
my family with which to feed them and another to give to the
Muslims, where they take their provisions." pabbah agreed that
he had not lied, but said that neither had he himself lied. When
(I?abbah) mentioned Agilah, Abu Musi remained silent and
made no attempt to justify himself . ('Umar) knew that Qabbah
had told him the truth. (The Anazi) continued that Ziyid was

361. 'Umar says, Id marllaban wa-Id ahlan! The reply reads, ammd al-
marl abu fa-min Alldh; wa-ammd al-ahlu fa-id ahlal
362. Arabic gafiz, see Hinz, Masse, 49.
363. The famous governor of the Umayyad Mu'awiyah and often called Ziyad
b. Abihi. See Shaban, History, 86-89.
364. Al-HuXay'ah is the famous poet born before Islam, Abu Mulaykah Jarwal
b. Aws. See Igfahani, Aghdni, fl, 43-62.
8z The Conquest of Iran

in charge of the people 's affairs [in al-Basrah [, but this man did
not know what kind of a governor he was . (Abu Musi ) said, "I
found that he was a man of merit and perception, so I handed
over responsibility for my governorate to him." "And he gave al-
Hutay'ah a thousand !" (Abu Musa) said, "I stuffed his mouth
1 7731zJ with money so he would not revile me!" ('Umar) said, "Now
you have done something ! ,365 He sent (Abu Musa) back [to al-
BasrahJ and told him when he arrived there to send Ziyad and
`Agilah to him. This he did. `Agilah arrived before Ziyad, then
he came and stood at the door . 'Umar went out while Ziyad was
standing at the door, dressed in white linen clothes , and said to
him, "What clothes are these?" So he told him. "How much did
they cost?" asked ('Umar), and he told him they cost little.
('Umar) believed him and said, "How much is your stipend?"
He replied, "Two thousand." ('Umar) asked him what he had
done with the first stipend he got. He replied that he had bought
his mother and set her free. With the second , [he said[, he bought
his stepson, a young slave, and set him free . ('Umar) wished him
success and questioned him about the ordinances of God, the
religious practices and the Qur 'an and found him well versed in
religious knowledge . He sent him back, ordering the Basran
commanders to follow his advice . He held 'Agilah back in
Medina. ('Umar) commented, "Indeed Ipabbah al-'Anazi was
angry with Abu Musa with some justification , that he came to
him, but left him in anger that he received no worldly gain.
(I?abbah ) has told the truth (about Abu Musa ), but also.lied, and
his lying has marred his telling the truth . Beware of lying; lying
leads lone] into hellfire!"
Now al-I;Iutay'ah had met (Abu Musa ) and he had given him a
127131 gift during the attack on Bayrudh . Abu Musi had begun to
besiege them and attack (the Persians and Kurds ), and he finally
defeated them. Then he passed on from them, leaving al-Rabi'
as his representative among them . Then after the conquest he
returned to them and took charge of the division [of the spoils].
According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Abu 'Amr366-al-

365. Arabic, fa-gala qad fa alto ma fa'alta!

366. ..b= Amr was the client of the unidentified Ibrahim b . Talhah. See notes
664 and 665 , below.
The Events of the Year 23 83

Hasan-Acid b. al-Mutashammis, nephew of al-Ahnaf b. Qays: I

was present with Abu Musa on the day I§fahan [was taken]
at the conquest of the settlements , in charge of which were
'Abdallah b. Warga' al-Riyahi and 'Abdallah b. Warga' al-Asadi.
Then Abu Musa was sent to al-Kufah and 'Umar b. Suragah
al-Makhzumi367 was appointed governor of al-Ba $rah. Then Abu
Musa was reappointed governor of al-Ba§rah , and 'Umar died
while he was in charge of prayer there. ( His) governorship of (al-
Ba^rah) was by turns, not continuous. 'Umar would sometimes
summon [Abu Musa ) to send him as reinforcement to one of the
armies, and he would carry out that role.

Salamah b. Qays al-Ashjai368and the Kurds

According to 'Abdallah b. Kathir al-'Abdi369- Ja'far b. 'Awn37o
-Abu Janab371 -Abu al-Muhajjal al -Rudayni372-Makhlad al-
Bakri373 and 'Algamah b. Marthad374- Sulayman b. Buraydah:375
Whenever an army of Believers had been assembled under his (2714]
instructions, the Commander of the Faithful appointed as their
commander someone versed in religious knowledge and law.
[Now such] an army assembled under his instructions, so he
despatched Salamah b . Qays al-Ashja'i in command . ('Umar)
addressed [him as follows]:
Go forth in God 's name and fight in God's cause against
all those who do not believe in God . If you meet your
polytheist enemy, call upon them to take [one of]

3 67. Following the advice of the Leiden editor , I omit the word badawi for
Badrl, according to two MSS), because neither would seem to make sense.
368. Salamah b. Qays al-Asja i has a brief notice in Ibn al -Athir, Usd, II, 339.
369. An unidentified narrator.
370. Ja'far b. Awn was a narrator who died in .o6-207/821-823 . See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, II, ior.
371. An unidentified narrator.
372. An unidentified narrator.
37;. An unidentified narrator.
374. Alqamah b. Marthad al-Hadrami has an entry in Ibn Hajar , Tahdhib, VII,
375. Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV, 174- 75, says that Sulayman b. Buraydah b.
al-Hasib al-Marwazi died in 105 /723. He must, however, have been a
contemporary of 'Umar and Salamah.
84 The Conquest of Iran

three courses of action. Summon them to Islam and if

they accept, and choose [to remain] in their lands, they
will have alms obligations376 [to be paid] from their
own wealth and have no share in the immovable booty
[accruing to) the Muslims. If, [having accepted Islam),
they choose to join you, they will have similar privileges
and obligations to your own. But if they refuse [to accept
Islam), then summon them to [pay] the land tax. If they
declare that they will pay the land tax, fight their enemy
beyond them and leave them free to pay-but do not
impose on them more than they have the capacity (to
pay]. If they refuse (to pay the land tax), then fight them,
for God will be your helper against them. If they fortify
themselves against your [attack] in some fortified place
and request you to [allow them] to surrender under the
terms of God's and His Apostle's judgment, do not allow
them to do so, for you do not know what these judg-
ments are as they affect them. If, however, they request
you to [allow them) to surrender under the terms of
God's and His Apostle's covenant, do not grant them
these, but rather grant them your own covenants. If
they fight you, do not act unfaithfully or treacherously;
do not inflict exemplary punishment (on them] or kill
Salamah reported [as follows]. We marched on and met up
[2715] with our polytheist enemy and summoned them to [act as] the
Commander of the Faithful had instructed. But they refused to
accept Islam. So we called upon them to [pay] land tax, but they
refused to declare (their willingness to pay], so we fought them
and God gave us victory over them. We killed their military, but
made their children captive. We collected the spoils together.
Now Salamah b. Qays spotted an ornament [among the spoils]
and said, "You are not interested in this; would you be willing
to send it to the Commander of the Faithful? [We] owe [this] to
him and (should go to) some trouble for him." They replied that
they would be willing. (Salamah) continued: So he put this

376. Arabic zakdh, see SE!, s.v. JSchachtl.

The Events of the Year 23 85

ornament into a casket and sent off one of his men, saying,
"Take it and, when you come to al-Ba$rah, against the gifts the
Commander of the Faithful [will give you], buy two baggage
camels and load them up with provisions for yourself and your
young slave. Then make your way to the Commander of the
(The messenger) reported as follows: I did this and came to the
Commander of the Faithful as he was feeding lunch to the
people, leaning on a stick, as a shepherd does, and walking round
the huge bowls, saying, "Some more meat for this lot, Yarfa'=377 (2716)
some more bread for these; some more soup for these." When I
was pushed [through the crowd) into his presence, he told me to
sit down. I did so among those people nearest [to him). There
was some rough food-even the food I had with me was better!
When the people had finished, he told Yarfa' to take away his
bowls, then he turned away. I followed, and he entered the room
of a house. I asked permission to enter and gave my greetings.
He gave me permission , and I entered to where he was. He was
sitting on a hair cloth leaning against two leather cushions
stuffed with palm fibres. He threw one over to me and I sat
down on it, [finding myself] in a space inside a vestibule in
which there was a compartment with a small curtain. ('Umar)
asked (his wife], Umm Kulthum [to bring us) our lunch. She
brought out to him a piece of bread with some olive oil by the
side of which was some unground salt. ('Umar) asked Umm
Kulthum to join us and eat some of this (food) with us. She
replied, however, that she could hear the voice of a man with [2717]
('Umar). He confirmed that this was true, [adding that) he did
not think he was a local.378 (The messenger) added that this
was when he realized that ('Umar) did not know him. (Umm
Kulthum ) said , "If you had intended me to come out to join the
men, you would have dressed me up, as Ibn Ja'far379 does his

377. He is 'Umar's personal servant.

378. Implying that she could join the men because the visitor was an outsider
and someone who did not know her.
379. Abdallih b. Ja'far b. Abi Talib, the nephew of 'All b. Abi Talib died in
So/699 or 85 /705. See E12, s.v. (Zeterst6enj.
86 The Conquest of Iran

wife, as al-Zubayr38O does his wife, and as Talhah3st does his

wife!" "Is it not enough for you," replied ('Umar), "that you are
called Umm Kulthum, daughter of All b. Abi Talib and wife of
the Commander of the Faithful , 'Umar?! " [To me] he said, "Eat;
if she were willing [to join us], she would have given you better
food than this! " (The messenger) continued : So I ate a little, but
the food I had with me was better than this! He ate , and I have
never seen a heartier eater than he. No food stuck to his hand or
his mouth! Then he asked for drink, and they brought a bowl of
a barley-meal drink. "Give the man a drink," said ('Umar). (The
messenger) continued : So I drank a little-the barley-meal drink
I had with me was better than this ! Then he took hold of it and
drank down to the dregs,382 saying, "Praise be to God who has
filled us up with food and quenched our thirst!" I said, "The
Commander of the Faithful has eaten and drunk his fill. There
is something you can do for me, Commander of the Faithful."
He asked what it was . I replied, "I am the envoy of Salamah
[27-18] b. Qays ." ('Umar) said, "Both Salamah b. Qays and his envoy are
welcome. Tell me how the emigrants are. X383 " They are as safe
and have conquered as many of their enemies as you would
wish, Commander of the Faithful ." "What are their prices like?"
('Umar) asked. (The messenger ) continued : I said, "The very
cheapest." "What about their meat? " he asked, "for this is the
mainstay of the Arabs; they will never thrive without their
mainstay." I replied, "Beef is such and such a price, mutton such
and such. On we went, Commander of the Faithful , and we met
up with our polytheist enemy. We called upon them to accept
Islam, as you commanded us, but they refused . So we called
upon them to [pay] land tax, but they refused, so we fought

380. Al-Zubayr b. al-Awimm, the famous Companion, was killed by Ali at

the battle of the Camel in 36/656 after his revolt with Talbah (see the next note)
and the wife of the Prophet, 'A'ishah. A member of the electoral council after the
assassination of 'Umar. See Shaban, History, 711-72.1 CHIs, 70.
385. Talhah b. 'Ubaydallih, a Companion also killed with al-Zubayr in 36/
656. A member of the electoral council after the assassination of 'Umar. See
Shaban, History, loc. cit., and CHIs, loc, cit. and preceding note.
382. Arabic, fa-shariba-hu hatta qara 'a al-gadahu jabhata-h, literally "he
drank it until the bowl knocked against his forehead".
381. Arabic, muhdjirun . I take this as a euphemism for the Arab troops on the
front line.
The Events of the Year 23 87

against them and God gave us victory over them. We killed

their military, but took their women captive, and we collected
together the spoils. Salamah spotted an ornament among the
spoils and said to the men, "You are not interested in this. Are
you willing to send it to the Commander of the Faithful?" They
replied that they were." I took out my casket. But when he saw
the gems, red, yellow and green, he leapt up, put his hand on his
waist and said, "May God never, (if I were to accept this,],
fill 'Umar's belly again!" (The messenger) continued: The
womenfolk thought I was intending to assassinate him, so (2719]
they came to the curtain. He said (to the messenger(, "Keep
what you brought. Yarfa', strike him on the neck! "N' So I was
(re)arranging my casket, while he was striking me on the neck. I
said, "Commander of the Faithful, my camels are exhausted.
I need replacements." He replied, "Yarfa', give him two baggage
camels from the alms. If you meet anyone who has a greater
need of them than you, hand them over to him." I said I would
obey his orders. He added, "I swear that, if the Muslims disperse
to their winter quarters before this is distributed among them, I
shall certainly bring about calamity for you and your master!"
(The messenger) continued: "So I left and came to Salamah and
said, May God not grant His blessing for what you have done to (2720)
me in this particular case! Distribute this among the men before
some calamity befalls us both." So he did. A gem was sold at 5
and 6 dirhams, although it was worth more than 2o,ooo!
According to al-Sari 's version-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Abu Janab-
Sulayman b. Buraydah : I met the messenger of Salamah b. Qays
al-Ashja'i who said, "When an Arab army assembled under the
instructions of 'Umar b. al-Khallab....... and then he reported
an account similar to that of 'Abdallah b. Kathir on the author-
ity of Ja'far b. 'Awn, except that he said in his report, on the
authority of Shu'ayb, on the authority of Sayf (with the follow-
ing variants], "Grant them your own covenants." He continued,
"We met up with our Kurdish enemies, and we called upon
(The same source) also reported: We collected the spoils

384. That is, to frighten and scold him.

88 The Conquest of Iran

together and Salamah found two boxes of jewels among them, so

he put them in a casket.
He also reported as follows : "Is it not enough for you that you
are called Umm Kulthum, daughter of All b. Abi Talib, wife of
'Umar b. al-Khattab ?" She replied, "This is of little use to me!"
He said [to the messenger ], "Eat."
He also reported as follows : They brought a bowl of barley-
meal drink. Whenever they moved it, some of its contents fizzed
up over (the top). When they left it alone, it was still . Then he
told [the messenger] to drink. So I drank a little-my own drink
I had with me was better than this ! He took the bowl, drinking
[z7zi] it down to the dregs, then he said, "You are indeed a poor eater
and drinker!"
He also reported as follows : I said, "[I am] the messenger of
Salamah." He replied, "Welcome, Salamah and his messenger. It
is as if you were a product of his loins . Tell me about the
He also reported as follows : Then he said, "May God never, [if
I were to accept this ], fill 'Umar's belly again !" He continued:
The womenfolk thought I had assassinated him, so they drew
the curtain. He said, "Strike him on his neck, Yarfa'." So he
struck my neck, as I cried out, and exclaimed, "Get out of here
and be quick about it !"385 He continued, "By God, there is no
other god but He! If the army disperses to its winter quarters . . . "
and the rest of the account was similar to that of 'Abdallah b.
According to al-Rabi' b. Sulayman386-Asad b. Musa387-
Shihab b. Khirash al-Hawshabi388 - al-Hajjaj b . Dinar389-
Manqur b. al-Mu'tamir3S'0-Shagiq b . Salamah al-Asadi391-the

385. Arabic, "al-jand'a wa-a;:unnu -ka sa-tubfi'u."

386. An Egyptian narrator who died in 270/884 . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhfb, III,
24Sff., Rosenthal, Historiography, 416.
387. He died in Egypt in 212/827 . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, I, 26o.
388. He has an entry in lbn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV, 366-67.
389. AI-Hajjaj b. Dinar al-Ashja'i has an entry in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, It,
39o. Abu Attib Man$iir b. al-Mu'tamir al-Sulami died in 132/749. See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, X, 312-15.
391. Abu W1'il, who died in 79 /698 or 99/717. See Ibn al-Athir, Usd, III, 3)
Rosenthal, Historiography, 278.
The Events of the Year 23 89

intermediary between 'Umar b. al-KhatJab and Salamah b.

Qays : 'Umar b. al-Khallab sent the army to Salamah b. Qays al-
Ashjai in al-Hirah, saying, "Go forth in God's name ... ," and
he gave an account similar to that of 'Abdallah b. Kathir on the
authority of Ja'far.
Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari] reported as follows : 'Umar led the
wives of the Messenger of God on the pilgrimage this year and
this was the last pilgrimage in which he led the people. This is
also according to al-Harith392 -Ibn Sa'd393-al-Wagidi.
('Umar's) death took place during this year , 1 23; November
19, 643 - November 7, 644).

'Umar's Assassination 394 [2722]

According to Salm b . Junadah395-Sulayman b . 'Abd al-'Aziz
b. Abi Thabit b. 'Abd al-'Aziz b. 'Umar b. 'Abd al-Rahman
b. 'Awf396-his father-'Abdallah b. Ja'far397-his father-
al-Miswar b. Makhramah (whose mother was 'Atikah , daughter
of 'Awf). 398 'Umar went out one day to wander around the
market. He was met by Abu Lu' lu'ah,399 a young Christian
slave of al-Mughirah b. Shu 'bah, who said, "Help me, Com-
mander of the Faithful, against al-Mughirah b. Shu 'bah, for

392. Ibn Mubammad, who died in 282/896 . See Rosenthal, Historiography,

128, Translation, I, 247.
393. Abu 'Abdallih Mu bammad b. Sa'd, who died in 230 /845, the famous
author of the Tabaqdt. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IX, 18zff., Duri, Rise, 40, Sezgin,
GAS, I, 3ooff., Ell, s.v. "Ibn Sad " (Puck= Translation, 1, zrs n. 337.
394. See Ibn al-Athir, Kdmil, III, z4ff., Mas'ndi, Murdj, IV, zz6ff., Ibn Abd
Rabbih, 7qd, IV, z7z, Bal'ami, Chronique, III, 52.8ff. See also Tabari, Selection,
which begins at this point in the text.
395• Abu al-Sa'ib Salm b . Junidah died in 254 1868. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV,
396. An unidentified narrator.
397. Abdallih b. Ja'far al -Zuhri died in 170/786. See Ibn "ajar, Tahdhib, V,
398. AI-Miswar b. Makhramah died in 64 /68;. Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, X, 234.
Atikah was the sister of 'Abd al-Ralimin b . 'Awf. See also Ibn Qutaybah, Ma'arif,
399. Abu Lu'lu'ah Fayruz al-Nihiwandi . He is believed to have originated in
Nihawand, hence his nisbah, and to have been captured by the Byzantines
during the Perso- Byzantine wars before Islam. He became a Christian when held
by the Byzantines. See Tabarl , 1, 2632.
90 The Conquest of Iran

I pay a great deal of tax." "How much ?" enquired ('Umar).

"Two dirhams a day," was the reply. "What is your trade?"
asked ('Umar). "[I am] a carpenter, stone mason, and smith," he
replied. "I do not think your tax is a lot in view of the work you
do," ('Umar) said. "I have heard that you claim you could make
a mill that will grind by wind power if you wished." He replied
that he could. ('Umar) asked him to make him a mill. (Abu
Lu'lu'ah) replied, "If you survive, I shall certainly make you a
mill that will be the talk of everyone in both East and West!"
Then (Abu Lu'lu ah) left ('Umar), who said [to himself], "[That)
slave has just threatened me!" Then he went off home. The next
day Ka'b al-Ahbar40o came to him and said, "Appoint your
successor, Commander of the Faithful, for you are going to die in
three days." ('Umar) asked him how he knew this. He replied,
12.7231 "I find it in God's book, the Torah." Umar said, "Can you
actually find 'Umar b. al-Khattab in the Torah?" (Ka'b) replied,
"Indeed no, but I do find a complete description of you and also
that your allotted life span has come to an end." (The source)
continued : And 'Umar was experiencing no sickness or pain.
Next day Ka'b came to him and said, "One day gone and two to
go, Commander of the Faithful!" Then he came to him on the
day after that and said, "Two days gone, one and a night to go!
You have got until tomorrow morning! " That morning 'Umar
went out to prayers; he used to assign certain men to )see to] the
lines (of those praying) and when they were straight, he would
come and proclaim "God is great!" Abu Lu'lu'ah slipped in
among the people, carrying in his hand a dagger with-two blades
and its haft in the middle. He struck 'Umar six blows, one of
which was below his navel, and this was the one which killed
him. (Abu Lulu'ah) also killed Kulayb b. Abi al-Bukayr al-
Laythi,401 who was behind ('Umar). When ('Umar) felt the heat
of the weapon, he fell and said, "Is 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Awf402

400. Ka' b al-Ahbir was a Yemenite Jewish scholar who converted to Islam in
ca. 17/638. He died ca. 35 /655. See E12, s.v . !Schmitz!.
401. Kulayb b. Abi al-Bukayr al-Laythi has an entry in Ibn Hajar, IIdbah, VIII,
minus the Abi, where this event is mentioned.
402. Abd al-Rahmin b. Awf was a prominent early Muslim convert and
merchant. He died ca. 31 /652. See EI2, s .v. !Houtsma-Watt).
The Events of the Year 23 91

among the crowd?" They said, "Yes, Commander of the Faithful,

he is here." ('Umar) said [to 'Abd al-Rahman], "Come forward
and lead the people in prayer." So 'Abd al-Rahman led the
people in prayer, while 'Umar lay prostrate. Then he was carried
away and brought into his house. He called for 'Abd al-Rahman
b. 'Awf and said, "I want to appoint you my successor." He
replied, "Indeed, Commander of the Faithful, I accept. If you
order me, I shall accept [the appointment] from you." ('Umar)
said, "What do you want?" ('Abd al-Rahman) said, "I beseech
you by God. Do you order me to accept this (appointment)?"
('Umar) replied, "No, indeed." ('Abd al-Rahman) said, "I shall [2724]
never have anything to do with [accepting] (the appointment)."
('Umar) said, "Give me some peace and quiet so that I can
appoint those who still met with the Messenger of God's
approval when he died. Call 'Ali for me, 'Uthman, al-Zubayr,
and Sa d." [When they had arrived, he said], "Wait for your
brother Talhah for three [nights]. If he does not come, do what
you have to do. If you should take authority over the people,
All, I implore you not to bring them under the power of Band
Hashim4O3 If you should take authority over the people,
'Uthman, I implore you not to bring them under the power of
Band Abi Mu'ayI.404 If you should take authority over the
people, Sad, I implore you not to bring them under the power of
your relatives.405 Off you go! Consult together, then do what
you have to do. Let $uhayb406 lead the people in prayer."
Then he called for Abu Talhah al-An$ari407 and said, "Stand at

403. Hishim b. 'Abd Manif, a tribal group (bafn) of Quraysh in Mecca to

which the Prophet and Ali, Mubammad's cousin and son-in-law, belonged. See
Zubayri, Quraysh, i4ff.; Kahhalah, Mu'jam, III, 1207; Watt, Mecca, 7; El, s.v.
404. 'Uthman also belonged to Quraysh, but through 'Abd Shams, a brother of
Hashim, and Umayyah. Abu Mu'aYt was Abin b. Abi 'Amr b. Umayyah b. 'Abd
Shams. See Ibn Hazm, Jambarah, 114.
405. Sa'd b. Abi Waggaq was a famous figure in early Islam . He fought at Badr
and acted as personal bodyguard to the Prophet. He led the Muslim forces in
their defeat of the Persians at al-Qidisiyyah. He died in 51/671. See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, III, 483-84.
406. $uhayb . b. Sinin was a Byzantine slave emancipated after his move to
Mecca. He died in 38/658 . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV, 438-39.
407. Abd Talbah Zayd b. Sahl al-Angiri died in 31 /653 or 34/655. See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, III, 454-55.
92 The Conquest of Iran

their door and do not let anyone enter into their presence. I
commend to the caliph after my death the Helpers, 'Who have
made their abode in the city [of the Prophet) and in the Faith,'
i l ' : i. he do good to him who does good among them and forgive
him who does evil among them. I commend to the caliph after
my death the Arabs-for they are the very substance of Islam-
that what is their due of alms be taken and assigned to their
poor. I commend to the caliph after my death the covenant of
the Messenger of God that (non-Muslims ) be given a compact
faithfully fulfilled. 0 God, have I done what I ought to do?! I
leave the caliph after my death in a cleaner [condition ) than the
palm of the hand .409 'Abdallah b. 'Umar,410 go and find out who
has murdered me." He replied, "Commander of the Faithful, you
[z7z5) have been murdered by Abu Lu'lu'ah, slave of al-Mughirah b.
Shu'bah." ('Umar) exclaimed, "Praise be to God who has never
put my fate into the hands of someone who has bowed down to
Him on one single occasion !411 Go to 'A'ishah, 'Abdallah b.
'Umar, and ask her to permit me to be buried with the Prophet
and Abu Bakr. If the council is divided, 'Abdallah b. 'Umar,
you should vote with the majority. If they are [split) three
against three, follow the faction that 'Abd al-Rahman supports.
Allow the people to enter, 'Abdallah." So the Emigrants and the
Helpers came in to see him, offering him their greetings. He
would ask them if the [assassination ] was the result of some
conspiracy among them and they would reply, "God protect
(us)!" (The source ) continued : Ka'b entered with the others and
when he saw him, 'Umar began to recite the following:" 12
Ka'b gave me an evil prediction on three distinct occasions;
there can be no doubt that what Ka'b told me was right.
I am not afraid of death ; I shall surely die;

408. Qur'an, LIX:9.

409. That is, with no money in the treasury and not keeping back what was
due to the Muslims.
Oro. The famous son of 'Umar b. al-Khalfab who died in 73/69:. See
Rosenthal, Uistoriography, 287; El', s.v. (Veccia Valgieri).
41 r. That is, a non-Muslim.
4r2.. The meter is fawil. See Ibn aI-Athir, Kdmil, III, 25, where we find
tawa 'adda-ni instead of fa-aw ada-ni in line r.
The Events of the Year 23 93

but I am afraid of the one transgression followed by an-

(The source) continued : It was suggested to the Commander of
the Faithful that he should call a physician . So one from Banu al-
Harith b. Ka'b414 was summoned and he gave him date wine to
drink. But the date wine came back up mixed with blood. (The
physican) told [them] to give him milk. (The source) continued:
But the milk came back up too, [though] white. It was suggested
to the Commander of the Faithful that he should appoint a
successor, but he replied that he had already finished [arrange-
ments for this) 415
He died later, on Tuesday evening, Dhu al-Hijjah 27, 23
[November 5, 6441. They took him out early the following day,
Wednesday, and he was buried in 'A'ishah's house along with
the Prophet and Abu Bakr. Suhayb came forward and prayed over (2.726)
him, but before this two of the Companions of the Messenger of
God had come forward, 'Ali and 'Uthman. One came forward
from [his position] at his head, the other from [his position] at
his feet. 'Abd al-Rahman exclaimed, "There is no god but God!
How eager you both are to get hold of the caliphate! Are you not
aware that the Commander of the Faithful left instructions for
$uhayb to lead the people in prayer ?" $uhayb came forward and
performed this task. (The source) added that all five [members of
the electoral council] went down into ('Umar's) grave.416
Abu Ja'far [al-Tabari) said that it is also reported that ('Umar)
died at the beginning of al-Muharram, 24 [November 7, 6441.

The Sources of [the Conflicting Report of 'Umar's Death]

According to al-Harith-Muhammad b. Sa'd-Muhammad b.
'Umar [al-Wagidi]-Abu Bakr b. Ismail b. Muhammad b.
Sa'd417-his father: 'Umar was stabbed on Wednesday, Dhu al-

413. The evil prediction itself followed by the assassination?

414. It would seem to be the Yemenite tribe from the Najran area in question
here. They are a tribal group of Madhhij . Ibn Rasul, Turfah, 35; Qalgashandi,
Subl,. I, 326; Kalih3lah, Mu'jam, 1, 231 -32; EI2, s.v. (Schleifer).
415. That is the appointment of the electoral council f shara).
416. See page 155, below.
417. An unidentified narrator , the great-grandson of Sa d b. Abi Waggaq.
94 The Conquest of Iran

Hijjah z6, 23 [November 4, 6441, and was buried on Sunday

morning the beginning of al-Muharram , 74 [November 7, 6441.
His rule lasted for ten years, five months, and twenty-one
nights after the death of Abu Bakr, exactly twenty-two years,
nine months, and thirteen days after the Hijrah. The oath of
allegiance was given to 'Uthman b. 'Affan on Monday, al-
Muharram 3 [November 9, 6441. (The source ) continued: I
mentioned this to 'Uthman al-Akhnasi, 418 but he replied, "I
think you are very much mistaken! 'Umar died on Dhu al-
Hijjah 2.6 [November 4, 6441 and the oath of allegiance was
given to 'Uthman b. Affan on Dhu al-Hijjah 29 [November 7,
12-727] 6441. He began his caliphate on al-Muharram, 2-4."
According to Ahmad b. Thabit al-Razi-a traditionist-Ishaq
b. 'Isa419-Abu Ma'shar: 'Umar was killed on Wednesday, Dhu
al-Hijjah z6, as the year 2.3 was coming to a close [November 4,
6441. His caliphate lasted ten years, six months, and four days,
then the oath of allegiance was given to 'Uthman b. 'Affan.
Abu Ja'far [al-Tabari) said : According to al-Mada'ini's version-
'Umar [b. Shabbahj-Sharik420-al-A'mash42t (or jabir al-
Ju'fi)422-'Awf b. Malik al-Ashja'i42a and 'Amir b. Abi Muham-
mad424-some shaykhs of his people, and 'Uthman b. 'Abd al-
Rahman425-Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri:426 'Umar was stabbed on
Wednesday, Dhu al-Hijjah 2-3 [November r, 6441. [The source)
continued: Others say that it was Dhu al-Hijjah 24 [November

418. 'Uthman b. Muhammad al-Akhnasi has a brief notice in Ibn Hajar,

Tahdhib, VII, 153-54.
419. An unidentified narrator.
4z0. Ibn Abdall ih al-Nakha 'i, who died ca. 178 /793. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib,
IV, 333-37.
421. Sulayman b. Mihrin, who died ca. 148 /765. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV,
422. Ibn Yazid, who died in 128/745 . See Rosenthal, Historiography, 517.
42.3. Awf b. Malik al-Ashja 'i died in Damascus in 73 /692. See Ibn al-Athir,
Usd, IV, 156.
42.4. An unidentified narrator.
425. 'Uthman b. Abd al -Rahman . Several persons of this name are listed in
the biographical dictionaries, and it is not possible to identify the one in
question with any certainty.
426. The famous historian Muhammad b. Muslim b. Shihab, who died ca.
125/743. Cf. Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IX, 445-51: Sezgin, GAS, I, z8o-8;; Duri, Rise,
especially 98ff., 158 - 19r and passim.
The Events of the Year z3 95

According to Sayf 's version-al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Khulayd b.

Dhafarah and Mujalid: 'Uthman became caliph on al-Muharram
3, 24 [ November 9, 644 1. He went out and led the people in
the early evening prayer . He increased (stipends] and sent out
envoys, and that practice was thereby established.
According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Amr-al-Sha'bi: The
members of the electoral council agreed upon 'Uthman on al-
Muharram 3 (November 9, 644 1 when the time of early evening
prayer had begun and after the call to prayer had been given by (z7zs]
$uhayb's muezzin . They reached agreement between the first
and second calls to prayer.427 ('Uthman) went out and led the
people in prayer and provided them with an extra zoo (dirhams].
He also sent out delegations to the garrison towns , treating
them with generosity . He was the first one to do this.
According to (the same source)-Hisham b. Muhammad:428
'Umar was killed on Dhu al-Hijjah 27, 2.3 (November 5, 6441.
His caliphate lasted ten years, six months, and four days.

'Umar's Genealogy429
According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Muhammad b. Ishaq;
according to al-Harith-Ibn Sa'd-Muhammad b. 'Umar and
Hisham b. Muhammad ; according to 'Umar (b. Shabbah(--Ali
b. Muhammad (al-Mada 'ini1:43° They all agreed that 'Umar's
genealogy was as follows : 'Umar b . al-Khaflab b. Nufayl b. 'Abd
al-'Uzza b . Riyah b. 'Abdallah b. Qurt b. Razah b. 'Adi b. Ka'b
b. Lu'ayy. His kunyah was Abu Haft and his mother was
Hantamah bt. Hashim b. al-Mughirah b. Abdallah b. 'Umar
b. Makhznm.
Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari] said: ('Umar) was called al-Faruq.43'

427. The igdmah is the second call to prayer, after the adhdn, given by the
muezzin and it marks the beginning of the prayer proper . See SEI, s.v. "Ikama"
428. Abu al-Mundhir Hisham b. Mubammad b. al-SW ib al-Kalbi , the famous
historian who died ca. zo6/82z. See Sezgin, GAS, 1, 268-7t ; Duri, Rise, Of. and
passim, Ell, s.v. (Atallah(.
429. See Ibn al-Athir, Kdmil, III, z6) Mas'udi, Murdf, IV, t92ff., Bal'ami,
Chronique, III, 533.
430. That is there are three separate chains of authority.
431. Meaning "he who distinguishes between truth and falsehood."

96 The Conquest of Iran

Preceding generations were in dispute about who called him by

this name. Some of them have reported that the Messenger of
God gave him this name.

The Sources of [the Report that Muhammad First Called

'Omar a]-FdrugJ
(z 77- 91 According to al-Harith-Ibn Sa'd-Muhammad b. 'Umar-Abu
Hazrah Ya'qub b. Mujahid432-Muhammad b. Ibrahim433-Abu
'Amr Dhakwan:434 I asked 'A'ishah who gave 'Umar the name
al-Farixq. She replied that it was the Prophet.
Some people reported that the first to call ('Umar) by this
name were the People of the Book.

The Sources of (the Report that the People of the

Book Did That]
According to al-Harith-Ibn Sad-Ya'qub b. Ibrahim b. Sa'd431-
his father-$alih b. Kaysan436-Ibn Shihab: We heard that the
People of the Book were the first to call 'Umar al-Faruq. The
Muslims did relate this in their reports, but we have never heard
that the Messenger of God made any such reference.

A Description of 'Umar
According to Hannad b. al-Sari437 -Waki'438-Sufyan439- Agim
b. Abi al-Najjud44o - Zirr b. Hubaysh :441 'Umar went out one

432. He died ca. 150/767. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XI, 394-95.
433 He died in 120/738. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IX, 5-7.
434. Abu Amr Dhakwin was 'A'ishah 's client who died in 63/682. See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, III, 220.
435 He died 208/823 . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XI, 380-81.
436. He died after 140/757. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV, 399-401.
437• Hannad b. al-Sari b. Muy'ab b. Abi Bakr who died 243 /857. See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, XI, 7off.
438. Waki' b. al-larrih b. Malik who died in 197/812. See lbn Hajar, Tahdhib,
XI, 123-311 Sezgin, GAS, I, 96ff.
439. Probably Sufyin b. Said al-Thawri, died 161 /778 jlbn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV,
111-15 )L Sezgin, GAS, 1, 96.
440. Aim b. Abi al-Najjdd al-Mugri, a Kufan Qur'an reader who died ca.
128/746. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, V, 38-40; Sezgin, GAS, 1, 7.
441. He died ca. 83 /702. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, III, 321-22.
The Events of the Year 23 97

festival day or to the funeral of Zaynab ,442 (showing] a dark

complexion, very tall, bald, and ambidextrous, walking (head
and shoulders above the people) as if he were mounted.
According to Hannad-Sharik-'AOim-Zirr: I saw 'Umar
coming to the festival, walking barefoot, ambidextrous, and
wearing a striped garment tucked up. He was towering over the
people as if he were mounted and was saying , "People, perform [2730[
the hijrah [with sincerity], and do not pretend to be like those
who do!"
According to al-Harith-Ibn Sad-Muhammad b. 'Umar-
'Umar b. 'Imran b. 'Abdallah b. 'Abd al-Rahman b. Abi Bakr443-
'A$im b. 'Ubaydallah444-'Abdallah b. 'Amir b. Rabi'ah:445 I
noticed 'Umar was a wan man, pale with an overlay of red. [He
was also] very tall and with a bald patch.
According to al-Harith-Ibn Sad-Muhammad b. 'Umar-
Shu'ayb b. Talhah446-his father-al-Qasim b. Muhammad:447 I
heard [ Abdallah ) b. 'Umar describe 'Umar as follows, "He is
wan with an overlay of red. Very tall , white-haired, and with a
bald patch."
According to al-Harith-Muhammad b. Sa'd-Muhammad b.
'Umar--Khalid b. Abi Bakr:448 'Umar used to dye his beard
yellow and comb his hair with henna.

His Birth and Age

According to al-Harith -Ibn Sa'd-Muhammad b. 'Umar-
Usamah b. Zayd b. Aslam449-his father-his grandfather: I

44x. This is probably Zaynab bt. !al-)Jahsh, one of the Prophet 's wives, who
died in 20/641. Cf. Tabor!, 1, 2595 . 'Umar did however have a wife named Zaynab
and also a daughters see pages zoo-x , below.
443. An unidentified narrator.
444• A$ im b. 'Ubaydallih b. Apim b. 'Umar b. al-Khaxlib died at the
beginning of the caliphate of Abu al-Abbas, that is, ca . 13z/75o. See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, V, 46- 9. -
445. Abdallihb. Amir b. Rabi'ah died after So/699. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, V,
446. An unidentified narrator.
447. Al-Qasim b. Muhammad is perhaps the grandson of Abu Bakr who died
ca. 1o5 /7z3. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VIII, 333-35.
448. Khilid b. Abi Bakr died in 162/778. See In "ajar, Tahdhib, III, 81-8z.
449. Usimah b. Zayd al -Laythi died in the caliphate of Abu Ja 'far, that is,
136-158 /754-775 . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, 1, z07-8.
98 The Conquest of Iran

heard 'Umar b. al-Khaffab say, "I was born four years before the
last great Conflict."45o
Abu Ja'far lal-Tabaril reported: The early scholars differed on
the subject of 'Umar's age: some said that on the day he was
killed he was fifty-five years old.

Some of the Sources of [the Report that He Was

Fifty-Five Years Old]
According to Zayd b. Akhzam al-'J'a'I451-Abu Qutaybah452-
1273111 Jarir b. I jazim453-Ayyub454-Nafi'455-1'Abdallahl Ibn 'Umar:
'Umar b. al-Khaffab was killed when he was fifty-five years old.
According to 'Abd al-Rahmin b. Abdallah b. 'Abd al-
Hakam456-Nu'aym b. IIammad457-al-Darawardi458-'Ubayd-
allah b. 'Umar459-Nafi'-Ibn 'Umar: 'Umar died when he
was fifty-five years old.
According to 'Abd al-Razzag460-Ibn Jurayj461-Ibn Shihab:
'Umar died at the age of fifty-five exactly.
Others said he was on the day he died fifty-three years old and
some months.

450. Reference to the last of the four "conflicts " (frjdr) in pre-Islamic times,
that of al-Barr3d b. Qays, who killed 'Urwah al-Rahhil during one of the sacred
months when no fighting was permitted. See Lane, Lexicon, 2341 ; E12, s.V.
451• He died in 257/870. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, III, 393.
451. Abu Qutaybah is probably Salm b. Qutaybah, who died in zo1/816. See
Ibn Hajar, Tahdhfb, IV, 133-34.
453. Jarir b . Hizim died in 175 /791. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, II, 69-72.
454. Ayyub al-Sakhtiyini died ca. 131 /748. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, I, 397-99•
455. NW , the client of Abdallih b. 'Umar , died ca. 120/738 . See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, X, 412-15.
456. Al-Migri, the famous Egyptian historian, who died 257/871. See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhfb, VI, zo8; E12, S.V. "Ibn Abd al- Hakam" (Rosenthal).
457• Nu 'aym b. Hammed died ca. 229/844. See Ibn Iiajar , Tahdhib, X, 458-
63; Sezgin, GAS, 1, 1o4ff.
458. 'Abd al -'Aziz b. Muhammad b. 'Ubayd al-Darawardi died in 8z/7o1. See
Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VI, 353-55.
459• 'ydallih b. 'Umar b. Haft b. 'Ayim b. 'Umar b. al-Khallab, who died in
147/764. See Sezgin, GAS, 1, 89.
460. Abd al-Razziq b. Hammim died : 11/827 . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VI,
310-151 Sezgin, GAS, I, 99.
461. 'Abd al-Malik b. Abd al-'Aziz died in 15.0768. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VI,
402-6; Sezgin, GAS, I, 91.
The Events of the Year z.3 99

The Sources of [the Report that He Was

Fifty-Three Years OldJ
This was reported to me by Hisham b. Muhammad b. al-Kalbi.
Yet others said he died when he was sixty -three.

The Sources of [the Report that He Was

Sixty-Three Years Old]
Ibn a1-Muthanna46z -Ibn Al,! 'Adi463-Dawud464-'Amir jal-
Sha'bij: 'Umar died when he was sixty-three.
Yet others said he died at the age of sixty-one.

The Sources of [the Report that He Was

Sixty-One Years Old]
This was reported to me on the authority of Abu Salamah al-
Tabudhaki465 -Abu Hila1466-Qatadah.467
Yet others said he died when he was sixty. 127321
The Sources of [the Report that He Was
Sixty Years Old]
According to al-Harith- Ibn Sad-Muhammad b. 'Umar-
Hisham b. Sa'd468-Zayd b. Aslam-his father: 'Umar died
when he was sixty. Muhammad b. 'Umar reported that this is
the most accurate account in our opinion.
It is reported on the authority of al-Mada`ini that 'Umar died
when he was fifty-seven.

462. Abu Musa Muhammad died ca. 252/866 . See In Hajar, Tahdhib, IX,
463. Muhammad b. Ibrihim b . Abi Adi al-Qasmali died ca. 194/810. See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, IX, i zff.
464. Probably Diwud b. Abi Hind , who died ca. 141 /759. See lbn Hajar,
Tahdhib, III, zo4ff.
465. Masi b. Ismail died in 223 /838. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, X, ;33-351
Sam'ini, Ansdb, III, 18-19.
466. An unidentified narrator.
467. Qatidah b. Di'imah al-Sadnsi died in 117 /735. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib,
VIII, 351 - 561 Sezgin, GAS, I, Siff.
468. Hisham b. Sad died ca. x60 /776. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XI, 39-41.
zoo The Conquest of Iran

The Names of His Children and Wives

According to Abu Zayd 'Umar b. Shabbah-Ali b. Muhammad
[al-Mada'inhl and al-Harith-Muhammad b. Sa'd-Muhammad
b. 'Umar, and according to Hisham b. Muhammad [ al-KalbiJ,
all of whose accounts agree, even if there are differences of
expression : In the pre-Islamic era 'Umar married Zaynab bt.
Maz'un b. Habib b. Wahb b. Hudhafah b. Jumah. She bore him
'Abdallah, 'Abd al-Rahman the elder, and Hafsah.
According to 'All b. Muhammad Jal-Mad a'iniJ, ('Umar) also
married Mulaykah bt. Jarwal al-Khuza'i in the pre- Islamic era.
She bore him 'Ubaydallah b. 'Umar. He became separated from
her at the time of the Truce.469 After 'Umar, Abu al-Jahm b.
Hudhayfah47O married her.
According to Muhammad b. 'Umar [al-WagidiJ, the mother
of Zayd the younger and 'Ubaydallah, who was killed at the
battle of $iffin471 [fighting] with Mu'awiyah, was Umm
Kulthum bt. Jarwal b. Malik b. al-Musayyib b. Rabl'ah b. Aram
127331 b. I?abis b. Haram b. Habashiyyah b. Salul b. Ka'b b. 'Amr b.
Khuza'ah. However, Islam brought about a separation between
her and 'Umar.
Ali b. Muhammad [al-Mada'inij reported that ('Umar) also
married Quraybah bt. Abi Umayyah al-Makhzumi in the pre-
Islamic era . He became separated from her also at the time of
the Truce. 'Abd al-Rahman b. Abi Bakr al-$iddig472 married her
after ('Umar).
There were also other reports that he married Umm Hakim bt.
al-Harith b. Hisham b. al-Mughirah b. 'Abdallah b. 'Umar b.
Makhzum after the advent of Islam . She bore him Fatimah, but
he divorced her. But al-Mada'ini reported that it was said he did
not divorce her.
He also married after the advent of Islam Jamilah, the sister of

469. That is, the truce of al-Hudaybiyah in 6/6 27 between the Prophet and the
Meccans. See Ibn Hisham, Sirah, II, 3z6ff. (Guillaume, Life, 499ff.(.
470. Abu ( al-(fahm Amir/'Ubayd b. Hudhayfah. See Ibn al -Athir, Usd, V,
r62-63. No date of death is given in the entry, but he accepted Islam when
Mecca was conquered in 8/6 29. He was renowned as a genealogist.
47i. The battle of Siffin took place between Ali and Mu'awiyah in 37/657.
472. A son of the first caliph.
The Events of the Year 23 101

Aim b. Thibit b. Abi al-Aglah, whose name was Qays b.

'I$mah b. Malik b. l?ubay'ah b. Zayd b. al-Aws of the Helpers.
She bore him 'ASim, but he divorced her.
He also married Umm Kulthum bt. `Ali b. Abi Talib, whose
mother was Fitimah, the daughter of the Messenger of God. He
reportedly gave her 40,000 (dirhamsj as a dowry. She bore him
Zayd and Ruqayyah.
He also married Luhayyah, a Yemeni woman, who bore him
'Abd al-Rahman. Al-Mada'ini reported that she bore him Abd
al-Rahman the youngest. He added that there was a report that
(Luhayyah) was a concubine. Al-Wagidi also said this Luhayyah
was a concubine. He added that Luhayyah bore him the middle
Abd al-Rahman. (Al-Wagidi) also reported that the mother of
the youngest 'Abd al-Rahman was a concubine. He also had
Fukayhah as a concubine, and, according to several reports,
she bore him Zaynab. (Al-Wigidi) also reported that she was
Umar's youngest child.
He also married 'Atikah bt. Zayd b. 'Amr b. Nufayl. Before
him she had been married to Abdallah b. Abi Bakr 473 When [2734)
Umar died, al-Zubayr b. al-'Awwim married her.
Al-Mada'ini said:474 ('Umar) asked for the hand of Umm
Kulthum bt. Abi Bakr when she was young, and he sent a
message regarding her to 'A'ishah. The latter told (Umm
Kulthum) that the [marriage] was up to her. Umm Kulthum
replied that she did not want him. "You are turning down the
Commander of the Faithful!" A'ishah exclaimed. "Yes," (Umm
Kulthum) said, "he leads a rough life and is severe with his
womenfolk." So 'A'ishah sent a message to Amr b. al-'As,
telling him [of Umm Kulthum's decision]. "Leave it to me," was
his reply. (Amr) came to 'Umar and said, "Commander of the
Faithful, I have heard some news from which I invoke God's
name to protect you!" "What is it? " he asked. (Amr) continued,
"You are seeking the hand of Umm Kulthum bt. AN Bakr."
('Umar) replied, "Yes, do you think I am not good enough for
her or she for me?" ('Amr) said, "Neither, but she is young and

473. A son of the first caliph.

474. See the account in Bal'ami, Chronique, I[I, 5 3 5 - 36.
roe The Conquest of Iran

grew up with kindness and gentleness under the protection of

the Mother of the Believers.475 You are rough and ready. But we
are in awe of you and we cannot turn you away from something
that is natural to you. How will it be with (Umm Kuithum) if
she disobeys you on any matter and you punish her physically?
You will have taken Abu Bakr's place as his child's [guardian] in
a fashion that does not befit you." ('Umar) replied, "But how
will all this be with 'A'ishah? I have already told her [I am
going to marry Umm Kulthum]." (Amr) said, "I shall deal with
her on your behalf. Also I shall show you someone better than
(Umm Kuithum bt. Abi Bakr), (namely] Umm Kulthum bt. All
b. Abi 'J'alib through whom you will acquire a relationship with
the Messenger of God."
Al-Mada'ini said: ('Umar) was seeking the hand of Umm
Aban bt. 'Utbah b. Rabi'ah. However she did not like him and
said, "He closes his door, keeping away any goodness he has
from others];476 he enters wearing a frown and comes out wear-
ing a frown!"

(27351 When He Became a Muslim

Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari) said: It is reported that ('Umar) embraced
Islam after forty-five men and twenty-one women.

The Sources of This Report

According to al-Harith-Ibn Sa'd-Muhammad b. 'Umar (al-
Wagidi]-Muhammad b. 'Abdallah477-his father : I mentioned
the account about 'Umar to (my son) and he said that 'Abdallah
b. Tha'labah b. $u'ayr478 had told him that 'Umar embraced
Islam after forty-five men and twenty-one women.

475. That is, A'ishah, the wife of the Prophet.

476. An accusation of miserliness.
477. Abu AImad al-Zubayri, who died in 2 03/818. See In llajar, Tahdhib, IX,
478. Abdallah b. Tha'labah b. Su'ayr al-'Udhari died ca. 93/711. See Ibn 13ajar,
Tahdhfb, V, 165.
The Events of the Year 23 103

Some of His Memorable Deeds

According to Abu al-Sa'ib [Salm b. Junadah]-Ibn Fudayl479-
Qirar4B0-Hu^ayn al-Murri:481 'Umar said, "The Arabs are like
a tractable camel that follows its leader. So its leader should
watch where he is leading it. By the Lord of the Ka'bah, I shall
certainly carry them along the [straight] road.
According to Ya'qub b. Ibrahim-Ismail b. Ibrahim4s2- [2736]
Yunus483-al-Hasan [al -Ba$ri]: 'Umar said, "When I find myself
in a position when I feel comfortable, but that means my people
have no access (to me], then this [can]not (continue] to be my
position; I [must once again] be on the same level as my people.
According to Khal]ad b. Aslam484-al-Nadr b. Shumayl48s-
Qalan486-Abu Yazid al-Madini487-a client of 'Uthman b.
'Affan: I was riding behind 'Uthman b. Affan one hot day
when there was an extremely hot wind blowing and he came to
the alms-animal pen . There was a man wearing a waist wrapper
and an upper garment with another wrapped around his head. He
was driving camels into the pen; that is, the alms-camel pen.
'Uthman said, "Who do you think this is?" We finally reached
him and he was 'Umar b. al-Khattab. ('Uthman( said, "He is
indeed 'the strong, the trustworthy one'! "488
According to Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Kufi489 and 'Abbas b.

479. Muhammad b. Fu4ayl b. Ghazwin al-Qabbi died ca. 19S /811. See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, IX, 4o5ff.
80. Qirir is perhaps Ibn Murrah al-Knf`i, who died in 131/749. See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, IV, 457.
481. An unidentified narrator. For the following reports, see Ibn al -Athir,
Kdmil, III, z7ff.
482. It is not possible to provide more Information on Abu Said Ismail b.
Ibrahim al-Asadi. See Translation , I, 255.
481. Possibly Yunus b. 'Ubayd, who died in 140/757. See Juynboll, Tradition,
484. Died ca. 249/86;. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, III, 171ff.
485. Died ca. 204/820. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, X, 437ff. , Sezgin, GAS, 1, 161.
486. Qatari b. Ka'b al-Qu;a'i appears in Ibn Hajar , Tahdhib, VIII, ;81-8z, but
no date of death is given.
487. Abu Yazid al-Madini appears in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XII, 18o, as al-
Madan!, whose date of death is not given.
488. As mentioned in Qur'an, XVIII:26.
489. An unidentified narrator.
104 The Conquest of Iran

Abi Talib490-Abu Zakariyya' Yahyi b. Mus'ab al-Kalbi491-

'Umar b. Nafi'492-Abu Bakr al-'Absi : 493 I entered the alms-
animal enclosure with 'Umar b. al-Khattab and 'Ali b. Abi
'Jalib. 'Uthmin sat down in the shade to write while 'Ali stood
by him, dictating to him what 'Umar was saying . On a very hot
day 'Umar was standing in the sun and wearing two black
garments, one as a waist wrapper , another wrapped around his
127371 head, as he counted the alms camels, recording their colors and
their ages . 'Ali spoke to 'Uthman, and I heard him quoting the
description of the daughter of Shu'ayb in God's Book, "0 father,
hire him; the best of those you hire will be the strong, the
trustworthy one!" 'Ali pointed at 'Umar and said, "This is 'the
strong, the trustworthy one'!"
According to Ya 'qub b . Ibrahim-Isma'il-Yunus-al -Hasan:
[27381 'Umar said,494
If I live, I shall certainly travel for a whole year among
my subjects, God willing. I know that people have needs
that do not reach me. Their governors will not refer
them to me, nor will they themselves come to me. I
shall travel to Syria and stay there two months. Then I
shall travel to the Jazirah and stay there two months.
Then I shall travel to Egypt and stay there two months.
Then I shall travel to Bahrain and stay there two
months . Then I shall travel to al-Kufah and stay there for
two months. Then I shall travel to al-Basrah and stay
there for two months. Indeed, what a fine year this will
According to Muhammad b. 'Awf49s-Abu al-Mughirah 'Abd
al-Quddus b. al-Hajjaj496-$afwan b. Amr497-Abu al-Mukhariq

490. Abbis b. Abi Tilib died in 258/871 . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, V, r x5-x6.
491. An unidentified narrator.
492. 'Umar b. Nafi' al-Thagafi has a short notice in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VI,
zoo, which gives, however, no date of death.
493. The text has Abu Bakr al-'Absi , but Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XII, lists an Abu
Bakr al- Ansi, associating him with 'Umar b. NaII !see preceding note).
494• Cf. Bal'ami, Chronique, III, 538.
495• Died ca. 273/ 886. See Ibn Uajar, Tahdhib, IX, 383ff.
496. Abu al-Mughirah Abd al-Quddus b. al-Hajjij al -Khawlini died in :r2/
827. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VI, 369-70.
497• It is not possible to identify this narrator with certainty.
The Events of the Year 23 105

Zuhayr b. Salim498-Ka'b al-Ahbar: I stayed with a man called

Malik who was under the protection of 'Umar b . al-Khattib. I
asked him how one could get access to the Commander of
the Faithful. He replied that there was no door barring the
way to ('Umar) or any obstacle, that he would say his prayers,
would then sit down, and anyone who wished could talk to
According to Yunus b. 'Abd al-A'la-Sufyan (b. 'Uyaynah]-
Yahyi499-Silim500-Aslam: 'Umar sent me off with some
alms camels to the designated pasturage and I put my baggage on
one of the she-camels. When I was intending to lead them away,
he asked me to show him them. I did so and he saw my baggage
on a fine she-camel in among them and said, "You wretch! You
make use of a she -camel that will provide goodness to a Muslim
family! Why not a two-year-old camel constantly discharging
urine, or a she with little milk?""
According to 'Umar b. Ismail b. Mujilid al-Hamdani502- [739]
Abu Mu'awiyah503-Abu Hayyan504-Abu al-Zinba'505-Abu
al-Dinginah:5O6 'Umar b. al-Khattab was told that there was
someone from al-Anbir507 who had some knowledge of the state
register [and was asked] if he would take him on as a sFcretary.
'Umar replied, "In this case, I would be taking on as a confidant
[someone] from outside the [community of the] Believers!"
According to Yunus b. Abd al-A'li-Ibn Wahb508-'Abd

498. He has a brief notice in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, III, 344, although no date of
death is given.
499. Yal}ya b. Kathir died in 129 /746. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XI, z68-69.
500. Salim b . Abdallih b. 'Umar died in 106 /724. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, III,
5o1. That is, why do you have to choose a good beast as your baggage camel,
when there are inferior ones that could be used?
5oz. He has a brief notice in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VII, 42.7-28.
503. Abu Mu'iwiyah Muhammad b. Khizim al-Darir died in 195 /8io. See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, IX, 137-39.
504. Perhaps Abu Hayyin Yabyi b. Sa'Id, who died in 145/762. See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, XI, 214-15.
505. An unidentified narrator.
506. An unidentified narrator.
507. A town on the Euphrates about 45 miles west of Baghdad . See Yiqut,
Mu7om, 1, z57-58; Le Strange, Lands, 2.5 and Map II, opposite 2.5.
5o8. Abdallih b. Wahb died in 197 /813. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VI, 71-74;
Sezgin, GAS, I, 466.
io6 The Conquest of Iran

al-Rahman b. ZaydS°9-his father-his grandfather: 'Umar b.

al-Khattab addressed the people and said, "By Him who sent
Muhammad with the Truth, if one camel were to perish
untended on the bank of the Euphrates , I would fear that God
would hold the Khattab family responsible for it." Abu Zaydsto
added that the Khattab family meant himself, no one else.
According to Ibn al-Muthanna-Ibn Abi 'Adi-Shu'bahsit-
Abu 'Imran al-Jawni: 'Umar wrote to Abu Musa,512 "There are
still prominent men who refer the needs of the people (to me] on
their behalf. So honor those prominent men who are in your
jurisdiction. It is justice enough for an uninfluential Muslim
that he be treated fairly in juridical decisions and in the division
of spoils after being referred to me)."
According to Abu Kurayb513-Ibn Idris514-Mutarrifsts-
al-Sha'bi: A bedouin came to 'Umar and said, "My stallion
camel has both mange and saddle sores ; give me a mount."
'Umar replied to him, "Your camel does not have mange
and saddle sores!" (The bedouin) turned away, reciting the
Abu Haft 'Umar has sworn by God's name
That no mange or saddle sores have afflicted (my mount).
Forgive him, God, that he has given a false oath!
('Umar) exclaimed, "0 God, forgive met " He called the bedouin
back and gave him a (fresh ) mount.
127401 According to Ya'qub b. Ibrahim-Ismail-Ayyub-Muham-
mad: I was informed that a man who was related to 'Umar
asked him (for money]. But he chided him and sent him away.
People spoke to ('Umar) about him , and he was asked why he

509. Abd al-Rahmin b. Zayd b. Aslam died in 182. /798. See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, VI, 177-79.
51o. Perhaps this is the grandfather , the original source.
51 i. Shu'bah b. al-Hajjaj died in 160 /776. See Ibn I;Iajar, Tahdhib, IV, 338-46.
512. His provincial governor in al-Bqrah.
513. Muhammad b. al-Ala' died ca . 248/861. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IX, 385ff.
514. Probably 'Abdallih b. Idris, who died in 19x/807 Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, V,
144-46), rather than Abd al-Mun'im b. Idris, who died in 228/843 (1, x86 n. 76oj.
515. It is not possible to identify this narrator with certainty.
516. The meter is ra/az.
The Events of the Year 2.3 107

chided him and sent him away when he begged from him. He
replied, "He asked me for some of God's money. What will be
my excuse if I meet Him when I am a treacherous ruler? Why
did he not ask for some of my money?" (The source) added
that ('Umar) sent him 10,000 (dirhams).
According to Muhammad b. al-Muthanna-'Abd al-Rahman
b. Mahdi-Shu'bah-Yahya b. Hudayns' 7-Tariq b. Shihab:5's
Whenever 'Umar sent governors in charge of provinces, he
would say about them, "0 God, I have not sent them to take the
property (of the people), nor to abuse them physically. Anyone
oppressed by his commander has no commander except me."
According to Ibn Bashshar519-lbn Abi 'Adi-Shu'bah-
Qatadah-Salim b. AN al-Ja'd520-Ma 'dan b. Abi Talhah:52'
'Umar b. al-Khaflab gave an address to his people and said,
"0 God, I call You to bear witness to the commanders of the
garrison towns that I have sent them only to teach the people
their religion and the practice of their Prophet, to distribute
among them their spoils and to act with justice. If they have any
doubt about any matter, they will refer it to me."
According to Abu Kurayb-Abu Bakr b. Ayyash522--Abu ) 2741)
Ha$in :52 Whenever 'Umar appointed his governors, he would
go out with them to bid them farewell, saying, "I have not
appointed you governor over Muhammad 's community with
limitless authority. 524 I have made you governor over them only
to lead them in prayer, to make decisions among them based on
what is right, and to distribute (the spoils) among them justly. I
have not given you limitless authority over them. Do not flog

517. An unidentified narrator.

Sig. Tiriq b. Shihib al-Bajali died in ca . 84/703 or 113 /741. See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, V, 3-4•
S19. Mui'ammad b. Bashshir died in 252./866. See In Hajar, Tahdhib, IX,
51o, AI-Ashjs'i died ca. 98 /716. See In Hajar, Tahdhib, III, 431-33.
5z1. Ma'dan b. Abi Talbah has a short notice in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, X, 218,
which, however, gives no date of death.
Szz. He died ca . 1.94/810 . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XI, 34-37.
523. 'Uthmin b. '. im died ca. 132/750. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, V11, 116-z8.
524. For the expression 'ald ash dri -him wa -abshdri-him, literally "over their
hair and their skins," see Glossarium, cccxn.

io8 The Conquest of Iran

the Arab [ troops] and humiliate them; do not keep them long
from their . families and bring temptation upon them; do not
neglect them and cause them deprivation. Confine yourselves
to the [actual text of the] Qur'an, and do not frequently cite
prophetic traditions . I am your partner." He would also allow
vengeance to be taken on his governors . If there was a complaint
against a governor, he would bring together the governor and
the complainant. If there was a genuine case against (the
governor) for which punishment was obligatory, he would
punish him.
According to Ya'qub b. Ibrahim-Ismail b. Ibrahim-Sa'id
al-Jurayri525 - Abu Nadrah526-Abu Firas : 527 'Umar b. al-
[2742 Khattab made the Friday address and said , "0 people, I do not
send governors to you to flog you or to take your possessions. I
send them to you to teach you your religion and the way you
should follow. If anything other than these is done to anyone, he
should refer (the matter) to me. By Him in whose hand is my
soul, I shall certainly permit the law of retaliation to be used
against (any governor )." Up jumped 'Amr b . al-'A* and said, "Do
you really think you will allow the law of retaliation to be
used against any commander appointed over your subjects who
disciplines one of them ?" ('Umar) replied, "Yes indeed, I shall
certainly allow that . Why not, as I have seen the Messenger of
God allow the law of retaliation against himself ? Do not beat
Muslims and humiliate them; do not keep them long from their
families and bring temptation upon them ; do not deny them
their rights and turn them into infidels ; do not settle them
among thickets so that you lose them."528
'Umar reportedly would himself patrol at night, seeking out
the Muslims' dwellings and personally finding out how they
were faring.

52.5. Said b. lyis al-Jurayri died in 144/761. See Ibn "ajar, Tahdhib, IV, 5-7.
526. Al-Mundhir b. Malik al-Abdi al-'Awgi died ca. ro9 /728. See In Hajar,
Tahdhib, X, 3o2ff.
527. Abu Firis al-Rabi' b. Ziyad al-Nahdi has a brief entry in Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, XII, Zor.
528. Perhaps figurative, "do not take them to places they do not know, where
they feel ill at ease, and do not lose control of them."
The Events of the Year 23 ro9

Relevant Information on ('Umar's Night Visits/

According to Ibn Bashshar-Abu 'Amir529-Qurrah b. Kha-
lid530-Bakr b. 'Abdallah al-Muzani :53t 'Umar b. al-Khattab
came to the door of 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Awf and knocked on it.
His wife came and opened it, saying to him, "Do not enter until [2743)
I have entered and sat down." So he did as she had said and
entered only after she had told him to do so. He then said, "Is
there anything [to eat]?" So she brought him some food and he
ate it, while 'Abd al-Rahman was standing saying his prayers.
('Umar) asked him to cut them short, so 'Abd al-Rahman
then recited the blessing [on the Prophet to finish his prayers).
Turning toward him, he asked the Commander of the Faithful
what brought him at that time. ('Umar) replied that there was a
group of travelers who had stopped in the area of the market and
that he was afraid they might be about to be robbed. [He urged
'Abd al-Rahman) to go [with him) and that they should both
stand guard over them. So off they went and came to the market.
They sat down on some elevated ground to talk and, [when it
became dark], saw [the light of) a lamp from afar. 'Umar said,
"Did I not forbid the [use of] lamps after bedtime?" They went
off (toward the light ) and came across a group of people drinking.
('Umar) said [to 'Abd al-Rahman], however, "You go on your
way, for I know who it is." In the morning ('Umar) sent for (the
culprit) and said, "So and so, you and your pals were drinking
last night !" He replied, "How do you know, Commander of the
Faithful?" ('Umar) said, "It was something which I saw with my
own eyes." (The man) replied, "Did God not forbid you to spy
[on people)?" (The source) continued: So he forgave him.
According to Bakr b. 'Abdallah al-Muzani : 'Umar banned
(the use of) lamps because the mice would take the wicks (to
get at the oil] and drop them on the roofs of houses and they

52.9. Abd al- Malik b. 'Amr a1-Agadi died ca. 2o5 /8zi. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib,
V1, 4o9ff.
53o. Qurrah b. Khalid al-Sadusi died ca. 170/786. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VIII,
531. Bakr b. Abdallah al-Muzani died in 108 /726. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, I,
1110 The Conquest of Iran

would catch fire. The roofs of houses at that time were made of
According to Ahmad b. Harb532-Mu^'ab b. 'Abdallah al-
Zubayri533-his father-Rabi'ah b. 'Uthman-Zayd b. Aslam-
his father: I was going with 'Umar b. al-Khattab to Harrat
Wagim,534 and when we reached $irar535 there suddenly ap-
peared a fire which had been lit. He said, "I think, Aslam,536
[2744) these people must be riders overtaken by nightfall and cold.
Let's go! " So off we went at a good pace and we drew near to
them. They were a woman with some young boys, and there
was a pot set up over the fire . Her boys were all screaming.
'Umar said, "Greetings, people of the light," not wishing to call
them people of the flre.537 (The woman ) returned the greeting.
He asked if he might approach . She replied, "Bring us some good
or leave [us] alone." ('Umar) asked what was the matter. She
told him that nightfall and cold had overtaken them . He asked
what was making her children cry. She told him it was hunger.
"What is in this pot?" he asked. "Water," she replied, "to keep
them quiet until they fall asleep. [I ask] God [to judge ) between
us and 'Umar!" 'Umar said, "God have mercy upon you, how
can 'Umar know anything about you ?" She told him, "He is in
authority over us, and yet he neglects us." ('Umar) turned to
me and said, "Let's go ." So off we went at a good pace and
reached the flour store . He took out a measure [of flour and put]
a ball of fat into it. Then he said, "Let me carry [all this)." But I
replied, "I will carry it on your behalf." But he insisted twice or
three times, "Let me carry all this," while I was saying, "I will
carry it on your behalf." He finally said to me, "Will you carry

532. Perhaps Abroad b . Harb al-TAI, who died in 263/876. See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, 1, 23.
533 Died ca. 235 /85!. See Rosenthal , Historiography, 379.
534• The lava field !harrahj east of Medina and still known by this name
today. See Biladi, Mu'jam, II, z83ff. For this anecdote, see Tantawi, Akhbdr,
535• Three miles from Medina into the area of Harrat WAqim . See Hamdani,
Sifah, 124; Biladi, Mu dam, V, 13 Of.
536. That is, the source of the story, Zayd's father.
537• A$hdb al-ndr would indicate those in Hell , so 'Umar uses the expression
a$ljdb al-daw ' for this family party.
The Events of the Year 23 III

my burden for me on the Day of Resurrection, you wretch?!" So

I allowed him to carry (all the food[. He made off and I with him,
hastening to get back to (the woman). He gave her this (food),
taking some of the flour and saying to her, "Sprinkle (it) over
(the contents of the pot), while I stir it for you." He also began to
blow beneath the pot-now because he had a large beard , I could
see the smoke through it-until it was cooked and [the contents [2745]
of] the pot were fit to eat. He put (the pot) down [off the fire) and
said, "Get something for me ." So she brought a large bowl and
he emptied (the contents of the pot) into it. He then said, "Feed
them, while I flatten (the bread in the bowl] for you." And he
continued to do this until they were satisfied. Then he left what
remained of this [food] with her. He got up and I with him. "God
give you a good reward," she said, "you have done better in this
matter than the Commander of the Faithful!" He replied, "Speak
well [of him), for when you come to the Commander of the
Faithful, you will find me there, God willing." He stepped away
from her a little, then faced her and lay down as a wild beast
does. I told him that he had other things to do, but he did not
speak to me until I saw that the children were romping around
and laughing, and then they fell quiet and went to sleep. He
then got up, praising God, then he turned to me and said,
"Aslam, hunger kept them awake and made them cry. I did not
want to leave until I could see them doing what I see [now]!"
When ' Umar wanted to order the Muslims to do something
that was of benefit to them or to forbid them doing something
that was not, he would begin with his own family. He would
come to them, exhorting them and threatening (them) not to go
against his order. According to Abu Kurayb Muhammad b. al-
'Ala'-Abu Bakr b. 'Ayyash-'Ubaydallih b. 'Umar in Medina
-Silim : When 'Umar went up into the minbar and forbade the
people from doing something, he would [first) bring together his
own family and say, "I have forbidden the people from doing so
and so. They all look at you as birds look-that is, at their [2746]
prey-and I swear in God's name that if I find anyone of you
doing (whatever is forbidden) I shall double his punishment!"
Abu Ja'far [al-Tabari] said : ('Umar) was hard on those of
dubious reputations and severe in [seeking out] God's truth until
he extracted it, but easygoing in what was owed to him until it
112 The Conquest of Iran

was handed over to him and compassionate and full of pity for
the weak.
According to 'Ubaydallah b. Sad al-Zuhris38- his paternal
uncle-his father-al-Walid b. Kathir539-Muhammad b.
'Ijlan54o-Zayd b. Aslam-his father: Some Muslims had a
word with Abd al-Rahman b. 'Awf and said, "Speak to 'Umar
b. al-Khattab, for he has inspired so much fear in us that indeed
we cannot look him in the face." 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Awf
mentioned this to 'Umar and he said, "Did they really say this?!
I was indeed lenient with them to such as extent that I was
afraid of God. I became severe with them to such an extent that
I was afraid of God. I swear an oath in God' s name that I am
more afraid of them than they are of me!"
According to Abu Kurayb-Abu Bakr-'Agim [b. Kulaybj:
[2747] 'Umar appointed someone governor of Egypt. While 'Umar was
walking through one of the streets of Medina , he heard someone
say, "Good heavens, 'Umar, you appoint someone governor who
acts treacherously and you say that you have no responsibility
in the matter, when your governor is doing so and so!" So
('Umar) sent for ( the governor) and when he arrived gave him a
staff, a woolen coat, and sheep, saying to the man whose name
was Iyad b. Ghanm,541 "Pasture them, for your father was a
shepherd." Then he called him back and mentioned what had
been said [about him]. He added, "What if I send you back!" He
returned him to his post, saying, "I must have your word that
you will not wear any fine cloth , nor ride an expensive horse
(birdhawn )." 542
According to Abu Kurayb-Abu Usamah543- Abdallah b. al-

538. 'Ubaydallih b. Sad al-Zuhri died in 260 /873. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VII,
539. Perhaps al-Walid b. Kathir al-Makhzumi, who died in 151/768 . See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, XI, 148.
540. Muhammad b. 'Ijlin died in 149 /766. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IX, 341-43.
541. There is perhaps a play on words here : ghanam is used for sheep-a
strange gift anyway-and the governor 's father was called Ghanm . For 'Iyad b.
Ghanm, see note 124, above.
542.. The word cannot mean "nag" or some such inferior horse here. See
Morony, Iraq, 211.
543. Hammed b. Usamah died in Baghdad in 244 /858. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib,
III, 1-4.
The Events of the Year 23 11113

Walids'14-'A$im-Ibn Khuzaymah b. Thabit al-An^ari:545

When 'Umar appointed a governor, he would write him a
certificate of investiture that would be witnessed by a group of
both Emigrants and Helpers, stipulating that he should not ride
an expensive horse, or eat white bread, or wear any fine cloth, or
prevent the people's needs [from being satisfied).
According to al-Harith-Ibn Sad-Muslim b. Ibrahim546-
Sallam b. Miskin547-'Imran :548 When 'Umar b. al-Khattab was
in need, he would go to the treasurer and ask him for a loan.
Sometimes he was short of money, and the treasurer would
come to ('Umar) and demand payment of his debt and would
insist on its payment . So 'Umar would use his wiles against
him. At other times his stipend was disbursed [to him], so he
paid back (the debt).
According to Abu 'Amir al-'Agadi -'Isa b. Hafg549-a man of (z748)
Bann Salimahsso- Ibn al-Bare' b. Ma'rnr : 551 'Umar went out
one day to go to the minbar. He complained of being sick
and some honey was prescribed for him, there being a skin
receptacle [full of it] in the treasury. He said, "If you give me
permission [to take] it, I shall do so; otherwise it is forbidden to

'Umar's Being Called Commander of the Faithful

Abu Ja'far [al-Tabari) said : The first person to be called Com-
mander of the Faithful was 'Umar b. al-Khattab. Then this
practice continued and the caliphs have used (the title) to this

544. Perhaps Abdallih b. al-Walid b. Maymnn, whose date of death is

unrecorded in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VI, 70.
$45• 'Umirah b. Khuzaymah b. Thibit a1-Anjiri died in 105 /713. See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, VII, 416-
546. It is not possible to identify this narrator with certainty.
547. Died ca. 167/784. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV, 186ff.
548. It is not possible to identify this narrator with certainty.
549• 'lsa b. Hafg died in 157 /773. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VIII, 108-9.
55o. Salimah b. Sad, a tribal division (bafn) of the Khazraj , one of the two
Arab tribes in Medina in early Islam . See Ibn Hazm, /amharah , 358-59k
Kabbilah, Mu '/am, II, 537.
55r. An unidentified narrator.
114 The Conquest of Iran

Information on This Matter

According to Ahmad b. 'Abd al-$amad al-Angari552-Umm
'Amr bt. Hassan al -Kufiyyah553-her father: When 'Umar
assumed power, he was addressed, "0 Caliph of the Caliph of
the Messenger of God." 'Umar said, "This is too long winded.
When another caliph comes along, they will say, '0 Caliph of
the Caliph of the Caliph of the Messenger of God!' But you
are the faithful and I am your commander." So he was called
Commander of the Faithful. Ahmad b. 'Abd al-$amad said: I
asked (Umm 'Amr) how many years she had lived. She replied,
It133 years."
According to Ibn Humayd-Yahya b. Wadih554-Abu
Hamzah555-jabir: Some one addressed 'Umar b. al-Khallab, "0
I1749I Caliph of God." He replied, "God turn you away [from such a
remark]! 651, (The man) said, "May God make me your ransom!"
('Umar) said, "In that case, God will humiliate you!"557

His Institution of the [Islamic] Dating System

Abu ja'far (al-Tabari] said: ('Umar) instituted the [Islamic] dat-
ing system and recorded it. According to al-Harith-Ibn Sa'd-
Muhammad b. 'Umar: This was in r6 in Rabi' I [April 6371. I
have already mentioned the reason for his recording this and the
circumstances surrounding it.5511 'Umar was also the first to
date documents and to stamp them with clay.
He was also the first to assemble the people to one imam
to lead them in the special Ramadan prayers.559 He sent out
written instructions to the provinces to carry this out. According

552. An unidentified narrator.

553. An unidentified narrator.
554. Ya}ya b. Wift has no date of death provided in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XI,
555 Abu Hamzah Muhammad b. Maymun al -Sukkiri died ca. 168/785. See
In Hajar, Tahdhib, IX, 486ff.
556. Arabic, khdlafa Alldhu bi-ka. A pun with khalifah, caliph, is intended.
557• The man's reply is meant as an apology , but 'Umar is not appeased.
558. See in the text, Tabari, I, 2480; Translation , XIII, 59.
559• Arabic, tardwib, the special prayers said after the evening prayer in
Ramadan . See SEI, s.v. (Wensinck).
The Events of the Year 23 1115

to al-Harith-Ibn Sad-Muhammad b. 'Umar: This was in the

year 114 [February25, 635-February 14, 6361. He also appointed
two public Qur'an readers, one to lead the men in prayer, the
other the women.

['Umar's] Carrying a Whip and His Instituting the

State Registers-560

He was the first to carry a whip and to use it. He was the first to
institute the state registers for the people in Islam. He recorded
the [names oft people according to their tribes and assigned
them stipends. ( 2 7501
According to al-Harith-Ibn Sad-Muhammad b. 'Umar-
''idh b. Yahya561-Abu al-1juwayrith562-Jubayr b. al-Huway-
rith b. Nugayd:s` 'Umar b. al-Khatttab sought the advice of the
Muslims on the matter of establishing state registers . 'Ali b. Abi
Talib advised him to distribute all the wealth that accrued to
him every year, without keeping any. 'Uthman b. 'Affan re-
marked on the large amount of wealth that was coming to the
people in ample quantities . He said, "If they are not subjected to
an official census so that you know who has received [wealth]
and those who have not, I am afraid things will get out of hand."
Al-Walid b. Hisham b. al-Mughirah564 said to him, "0 Com-
mander of the Faithful, I have been to Syria and seen how the
rulers there have instituted a state register and conscripted a
regular army. So you do the same." ('Umar) took his advice and
summoned `Agil b. Abi Talib,565 Makhramah b. Nawfal,s" and

560. For diwdn, see Puin, Diwdn, passim, Ell, s.v. (Duri).
56r. An unidentified narrator.
562. Abu al-Huwayrith 'Abd a1-Rabman b. Mu'iwiyah died ca . 230/747. See
Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VI, 272-73.
563. Jubayr b. al-Huwayrith b. Nuqayd has a brief notice in Ibn al -Athir, Usd,
564. He is unidentified.
565. Agi1 b. Abi TIM was the brother of All. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VII,
254. For this account, see Ya'qubi, Tarikh, It, 1153-
566. Makhramah b. Nawfal b . Ahib b. 'Abd Manif al-Zuhri was the father of
al-Miswar and the cousin of Sad b. Abi Waggag. He died in 54/674. See Ibn
al-Athir, Usd, IV, 337-38.
116 The Conquest of Iran

Jbayr b. Mut'im, genealogists of Quraysh, telling them to regis-

ter people according to their ranks. So they made the registers,
beginning with Banu Hashim ,561 followed by Abu Bakr and his
family, then 'Umar and his family as the first two caliphs.
When 'Umar looked into (the matter), he said, "I would indeed
like it to be thus, but begin with the relatives of the Messenger
of God, the closest, then the next, until you register 'Umar in
the appropriate place."""
According to al-Harith -Ibn Sa 'd-Muhammad b. 'Umar-
Usamah b. Zayd b . Aslam-his father-his grandfather: I saw
( 2 75 11 'Umar b . al-Khattab, when it was being proposed to him that
he should register (the people ], with Banu Taym569 coming after
Banu Hashim and Banu 'Adi57o coming after Banu Taym, and I
could hear him say, "Put 'Umar down in the appropriate place.
Begin with the closest related to the Messenger of God , then the
next." Then Banu 'Adi came to 'Umar and said, "You are the
caliph of the Messenger of God ." He replied, "Or the caliph of
Abu Bakr and Abu Bakr was the caliph of the Messenger of
God." "This is so," they replied , "What if you placed yourself
where these people [who are carrying out the registration] place
you!" "Excellent, excellent, Banu 'Adi," exclaimed ('Umar),
"You want to take advantage of my position ! 571 You want me to
transfer my good fortune to you. No, indeed, [you must wait]
until the call comes to you , even if you come last in the register,
even if you are registered after everyone else. I have two

5 67. That is, the Prophet 's clan, a division of Quraysh.

568. 'Umar is thus refusing to allow his position as caliph to promote his own
name in the register and is insisting that relationship to the Prophet alone
should be the criterion of order of listing.
569. Banu Taym b . Murrah, the branch of Quraysh to which Abu Bakr al-
5iddiq, the first caliph, belonged, hence its position in the register after Banu
Hishim, the Prophet 's branch . See Zubayri, Nasab Quraysh, z75ff., Ibn Hazm,
Jamharah , i35ff.; Kahhilah, Mu'jam, I, i38.
570. Banu Adi b. Ka'b , the branch of Quraysh to which 'Umar belonged,
hence its position in the register after Bana Taym and Bana Hishim, the
branches of Abu Bakr and Muhammad , respectively . See Zubayri, Nasab
Quraysh, 346ff., Ibn Hazm, Jamharah, i5off.; Kahhilah, Mu yam, II, 766.
571. 'Umar 's exclamation l bakhin bakhin ) to his own tribe, Banu 'Adi, is
sarcastic. The Arabic then reads aradtum al-akla 'aid Tahri; literally, "You want
to eat off my back!".
The Events of the Year 23 117

colleagues who have gone down a [particular ] road already.571

If I am at variance with them , I myself will be led off in another
direction. Indeed, we have achieved excellence only in this
world, and we can only hope for God's reward in the hereafter
for what we have done through Muhammad. He is our nobility]
his family are the noblest of the Arabs , then the closest related
to him, then the next. The Arabs are noble through the
Messenger of God. Some of them may share many ancestors
with him. We ourselves meet his line of descent after [going
back) only a few generations, then do not diverge from it as far
back as Adam.573 Moreover, if non-Arabs carry out (good) deeds
and we do not, then they are nearer to Muhammad than we on
the Day of Resurrection . Let no one rely on close relationship,
rather let him act for God 's reward. For he whose effort falls
short cannot get ahead by means of his ancestry."
According to al-Harith -lbn Sa'd-Muhammad b. 'Umar- [ 2752]
Hizam b. Hisham al-Ka'bi574-his father: I saw 'Umar b. al-
Khallab carry the Khuza 'ah575 register and stop at Qudayd.576
(Khuza'ah) would come to him there, where all the women,
virgin or otherwise, came to him and he would hand over
stipends directly to them , then move on and stop in 'Usfan577
where he would do the same also. (All this he did) until he
According to al-Harith-Ibn Sa 'd-Muhammad b. 'Umar-
'Abdallah b. Ja'far al-Zuhri and 'Abd al-Malik b . Sulayman578-

S7z. That is, the Prophet and Abu Bakr before him, whose policies, he is
explaining, he must at all costs follow.
573. Arabic, wa-la 'alla ba ,ia-hd fal- Arab) yalqd-hu ild dbd'in kathiratin wa-
ma bayna-na wa-bayna an nalga-hu lid nasabi-hi thumma 14 nufdriqu-hu lid
Adama Old dbd'an yasiratan.
574. Hizim b. Hishim al-Ka'bi is unidentified.
575. A large tribal group of al-Azd inhabiting the general area of Mecca. See
Ibn Hazm, Jamharah, 331j Hamdani, Sifah, rso, 179, zrr ; Kalibalah, Mu'jam,
1, 338-40.
576. An agricultural area north of Mecca, z; miles from 'Usfin (see next note).
See Hamdini Sifah, 120, i85j al-Mandsik, 415, 457, etc., Bilidi, Mu'jam, VII, 97.
5S77. An area of cultivation 36 miles from Mecca . See Hamdini, Sifah, 185s
Biladi, Mu dam, VI, zoo.
578. An unidentified narrator.
118 The Conquest of Iran

Ismi'il b. Muhammad b. Sa'd-al-Si'ib b. Yazid:579 I heard

'Umar say three times , "By God, there is no other god but He!"
[He added ], "Everyone has a right to some of this [community]
wealth, whether he has been granted it or not. No one has more
right to it than another, except a slave. I am exactly like other
people in ( this matter of wealth ). But we [are eligible] according
to our ranks [as derived] from God's book and our allotments
from the Messenger of God. [It is) a man 's achievement in Islam,
his precedence in Islam, his usefulness in Islam, and his need
[that count]. If indeed I remain alive , the shepherd where he is
on the mountain of $an'a' shall certainly receive his share of
this wealth! `80
Ismi'il b. Muhammad said that he mentioned this to his
father and he knew the account also.
According to al-Harith-Ibn Sa'd-Muhammad b. 'Umar-
Muhammad b. `Abdallah-al-Zuhri-al-Sa'ib b. Yazid: I dis-
covered that 'Umar b. al-Khattib had some horses that had
the following brand on their thighs: To be used only in God's
[2753] cause.
According to al-Harith-Ibn Sa'd-Muhammad b. 'Umar-
Qays b. al-Rabi'581-'Ali' b. al-Sa'ib582-Zidhan583-Sa1-
min:584 'Umar said to him, "Am I a king or a caliph? " Salman
replied, "if you collect from Muslim territory i dirham- or less
or more-then you put it to use other than for what it is by right
intended, you are a king, not a caliph." 'Umar wept.
According to al-Harith-Ibn Sa'd-Muhammad b. 'Umar-

579• Al- Si'ib b. Yazid died in the 8os/ca . 700. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, III,
450-51 . If this is a correct identification , he must have been very young when
he heard 'Umar's words.
58o. $an'i' in the Yemen has in fact two mountains : Nuqum in the east and
Ayban in the west. See Hamdani, Sifah, 12.5. Here, however, 'Umar means
anyone anywhere will receive his fair share of community wealth.
581. Qays b. al-Rabi' died in the late 16os/early 7808. Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VIII,
582.. Ala' b. al-Sa'ib died in the 1309 /747-757. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VII,
583. Zidhin is Abu Abdallah/'Umar al -Kindi, who died in 82./701. See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, III, 3oz-3.
584. Salman al-Farisi died in the 3os/6508. See Ibn Ilajar, Tahdhib, IV, 137-
The Events of the Year 23 119

Usamah b. Zayd-Nafl', the client of Al a1-Zubayr:585 I heard

Abu Hurayrah say, "God have mercy on Ibn Hantamah .51161 saw
him in the Year of the Distruction587 carrying on his back two
provision bags with a skin of olive oil in his hand. He and Aslam
were taking it in turns . When he saw me, he said, 'Where are
you coming from, Abu Hurayrah?' I told him from near at hand,
and I began to take my turn to carry. So we all eventually
came to $irar where there were about twenty isolated tents of
Muharib.58s 'Umar said, 'What has brought you here?' They
replied it was exhaustion. They brought out for us some broiled
carrion skin that they were eating and some powdered old bones
that they were scooping into their mouths with their hands. I
saw 'Umar throw his upper garment [over his shoulder), then
adjust his waist wrapper. He continued cooking for them until
they were satisfied. Then he sent Aslam to Medina and he
brought some stallion camels on which he mounted them and
set them down in al-Jabbanah.589 He then gave them clothes,
visiting them and others [in similar circumstances ] frequently
until God relieved the people of this drought."
According to al-Harith-Ibn Sad-Muhammad b. 'Umar- [2754]
Musa b. Ya'qub590-his paternal uncle-Hisham b. Khalid:591 I
heard 'Umar b. al-Khallab say, "None of you (women) should
sprinkle flour [into it] before the water is hot. Then you can
sprinkle a little at a time and stir it in with a stirrer . This makes
it more abundant and it is less apt to go lumpy."
According to al-Harith-Ibn Sad-Muhammad b. Mus'ab al-

585. Al al-Zubayr b. al-Awimm is a tribal group ( bafn) of Band Asad b. 'Abd

al-'U=ii of Quraysh . See Zubayri, Nasab Quraysh, z36ff., Ibn Hazm, Jamharah,
121-2z1 Kahbilah, Mujam, It, 467.
586. Hantamah was Umar's mother, so Ibn Hantamah means 'Umar himself.
See pagee9S, above.
587. 'Am al-Ramidah ( the "Year of Destruction") occurred in the year i7 or
181638 - 639, a year in which much destruction took place as a result of drought.
See Lane, Lexicon, 111, 1154 - 551 Tanliiwi, Akhbar, 140.
588. Mubirib is probably Mubirib b . Fihr of Adnin, but Kahhilah , Mu'jam,
111, 1042 -44, lists several tribes of this name.
589. 1 take this to be a place name here, as Biliidi (Muyam, II, 115 ) indicates
that the area near the burial ground of Medina was known by this name. Apart
from "burial ground ", the word jabbdnah also means "place of prayer."
590. Mdsi b. Ya'gdb al-Zam 'i's death date is not recorded . See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, X, 378ff.
591. An unidentified narrator.
120 The Conquest of Iran

Qargasani592-Abu Bakr b. 'Abdallah b. Abi Maryam593-Rashid

b. Sa'd:594 'Umar b. al-Khattab was brought some wealth and he
began to distribute it among the people who all thronged around
him. Sa'd b. Abi Waggas pushed his way roughly through the
people and reached 'Umar. (The latter) assailed him with his
whip, saying, "You come here showing no respect for God's
authority on earth! I want to teach you that God's authority will
show you no respect!"
According to al-Harith-Ibn Sad-Muhammad b. 'Umar-
'Umar b. Sulayman b. Abi l;iathmah595-his father: al-Shafa bt.
Abdallah596 said, "I saw some young men walking along at a
moderate pace, talking softly." She asked who they were and
was told they were ascetics . She said, "When 'Umar spoke, he
made [people] hear; when he walked, he moved quickly; when
he beat [someone], he brought pain. He in truth was the
12 7551 According to 'Umar-Ali b. Muhammad [al-Mada'ini]-
'Abdallah b. 'Amir: 'Umar helped a man carry something, so
the man blessed him, saying, "May your sons be of benefit to
you, Commander of the Faithful!" ('Umar) replied, "Rather may
God enable me to do without them!"
According to 'Umar-Ali b. Muhammad-'Umar b.
Mujashi':597 'Umar b. al-Khattab said, "Strength in what one
does [comes only) when you do not put off today's deed until
tomorrow. Trustworthiness [comes only) when what is kept
secret does not run counter to what is made public. Fear God;
piety [comes only] through fear; anyone fearing God will be
preserved by Him."'

592. Mubammad b . Muy'ab al -Qargasini 's nisbah I vocalize from the Leiden
text and from Yiqut (Mu'jam, IV, 3271, who briefly mentions a place called
Qargasiin. His date of death is given in Ibn Hajar 's Tahdhib, IX, 458 - 60, as z8o
or 288 1893 or 9oi . Cf. Translation, 1, 267 n. 633.
593• According to Ibn Hajar's Tahdhib, XII, 28-3o, Abu Bakr b. Abdallah died
in 256/ 870, but this does not find universal support. Cf. Translation, 1, 217
n. 350.
594• It is not possible to identify this narrator with certainty.
595• An unidentified narrator.
596. An unidentified narrator.
597. An unidentified narrator.
598• Arabic, man yattaqi Alldha yaqi-hi.
The Events of the Year 23 121

According to 'Umar-'Ali-'Awanahs1-al-Sha 'bi and some-

one other than 'Awanah, one adding to what the other had to
say: 'Umar used to wander around the markets , reciting the
Qur'an and making judgments among the people wherever liti-
gants caught up with him.
According to 'Umar-'Ali-Muhammad b. $alih1S00 -Musa b.
'Ugbah : 601 A group of people came to 'Umar and said, "Our
family is large and the burden is heavy . Increase our stipends."
He replied, "You are responsible (for your own problems)! From
God's wealth you have married fellow wives and have taken
servants. Yes indeed, I would like to be on a ship602 with you (27561
out at sea, traveling east and west . It would not then be difficult
for those ( on board) to appoint one of them as their leader. If he
went straight, they would follow him . If he deviated from the
right course, they would kill him." Talhah said, "Why did you
not say, 'If he deviated, they would dismiss him.'?' ('Umar)
replied, " No, killing is a better deterrent to anyone coming after
him. Beware of the young man of Quraysh and the son of their
nobleman603 who always sleeps content and who laughs when
angry, dealing with those above him and those below him [in the
same way]."
According to 'Umar-`Ali-'Abdallah b. Dawud al-Wasiti6O4-
Zayd b. Aslam: 'Umar said, "We used to reckon that someone
lending (money) was stingy, but it was only showing friendly

399• Awanah b. al-Hakam al-Kalbi died ca. 150/767. See Rosenthal,

Historiography, 89ff.
6oo. Muhammad b. $alih b. Dinar died in 168 /785. See ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IX,
6o1. Miisa b. 'Ugbah, the famous maghdzf writer, died in 141/759. See Duri,
Rise, 3z-33i Guillaume, Life, xvi, xliii etc., Rosenthal, Historiography, 131ff.,
6oz. Although there seems to be no convincing support for the Cairo reading
fi safinatin (singular) rather than the Leiden fi safinatayn (dual), I accept the
former as it clearly makes more sense and the following verb tadhhabu is
603. The reference here eludes me.
604. He has a short notice in Ibn Hajar , Tahdhib, V, zoo-1, although no date
of death is given.
6o5. Or '(a means of) sharing (wealth)."
1 112 The Conquest of Iran

According to 'Umar-'Ali-Ibn Da'b606-Abu Ma'bad al-

Aslami607-Ibn 'Abbas :608 'Umar said to a group of Quraysh, "1
hive heard that you are all sitting apart , no two of you sitting
together, until it is asked who so-and-so's friends are, who are
the people who usually sit with so -and-so. The result is that
meetings are being avoided . I swear by God that this will
quickly damage your faith and your honor and will quickly
damage also the state of friendship among you . It is indeed as if I
can see those who will come after you saying , 'This is so-and-
so's opinion, they have divided Islam.' Make your meetings
accessible to you all and sit together, for this will make your
fellowship last longer and increase your respect for one another.
0 God, they have had enough of me and I of them . I am fed up
with myself and they are fed up with me also . I do not know
through which one of us the [real] calamity will come about.
But I am aware that they have others on their side , so take me
unto Yourself!"
According to 'Umar-'Ali-Ibrahim b. Muhammad609-his
father: 'Abdallah b. AN Rabi 'ah610 took delivery of some mares
[27571 in Medina, but 'Umar forbade him [to keep them). He was
urged to allow him, [but] he said, "I shall only allow him [to
keep them] if he brings in fodder from outside Medina." So he
kept them tethered and brought in fodder from some land he had
in the Yemen.611
According to 'Umar-Ali-Abu Ismail al-Hamdani6t2-Mu-
jalid: I heard that some people mentioned a certain man to
'Umar b. al-Khattab, saying, "Commander of the Faithful, [he is]

6o6. An unidentified narrator.

607. Abu Ma'bad Nafldh al-Aslami was Ibn Abbas 's client; he died in
Medina in 104/722 . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, X, 404.
6o8. Abdallah b. Abbas b. Abd al-Muttalib , the cousin of the Prophet and 'Ali
b. Abi halib, died ca. 70/689. See El' s.v. (Veccia Vaglieri!.
609. An unidentified narrator.
bro. He was governor of the Yemen. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, V, 2o8.
6ir. It seems unlikely that Abdallah would go all the way to the Yemen to
provide fodder, and it should be noted , the word yaman is used all over the
Arabian Peninsula to indicate the south, whether near or far, just as al-sham
indicates the north . This may, therefore, mean "in the south (of Medina!."
6 12. An unidentified narrator.
The Events of the Year 23 123

excellent; he knows nothing of evil ." ('Umar) replied, "In this

case there is more likelihood of evil happening to him! "613

Some Excerpts from His Addresses

According to 'Umar- 'Ali-Abu Ma'shar-Ibn al-Munkadir614
and others, and Abu Mu'adh al-An$ari 15-al-Zuhri, and Yazid
b. 'lya4616 -'Abdallah b. Abi Bakr,617 and All b. Mujahid-Ibn
Ishaq-Yazid b. 'Iya4618-'Abdallah b. Abi Ishag619 - Yazid b.
Ruman62O-' Urwah b. al-Zubayr : 62' 'Umar delivered an ad-
dress. He praised and extolled God in a worthy manner. Then
he reminded the people of God and the last day. He then said,
O people, I have been appointed over you , were it not for
the hope that I shall prove to be the best of you for you,
the toughest on you, and best able of you to undertake
your constantly changing and preoccupying affairs, I
would not have undertaken this [responsibility] from
you. Waiting to meet the [day of] reckoning for taking
your rights as I do and placing them where I do and for
conducting myself among you as I do is enough to pre-
occupy and sadden 'Umar. My Lord is the One whose
help must be sought . For 'Umar no longer trusts in 127581
strength and strategem if God does not continue to
extend to him His mercy, help and support.

67;. The text of De Goeje's Selection ends at this point . See note 394•
674. Muhammad b. al-Munkadir died ca. 130/748 . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IX,
473-751 Sezgin, GAS, 1, 65.
615. His date of death is not given in the biographies . He has an entry in Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhfb, IV, 168-69.
616. Yazid b. 'Iya4 b. Ju'dubah died in al-Ba$ rah during the caliphate of the
Abbasid al-Mahdi ( 158-169 /775-785)• See lbn Hajar, Tahdhib, XI, 352-54.
617. Abdallih b. Abi Bakr b Mubammad b. 'Amr b . Hazm al-Anyiri died
ca. 135 /752. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, V, 764-65.
618. I have retained this name in translation , although there appears to be
dittography here.
619. Abdallih b. Abi Islaiq died in 129 /746. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, V, 148.
This could, however, be dittography, the "Abdallih b." from 'Abdallih b. Abi
Bakr and the "Isl}iq",from Ibn Isbiq.
620. Yazid b. Rnmin al-Asadi died in 130/747. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XI,
621. 'Urwah b. al-Zubayr, the famous early historian, died ca. 95 /714. See
Duri, Rise, 76-8 and passim; Rosenthal, Historiography, 13off., 3951 Sezgin
GAS, I, z78ff.
124 The Conquest of Iran

Another Address

God has put me in charge of your affairs , because I am

aware of what is most advantageous for you in your
present situation. I ask God to assist me to carry out
(this task ) and to preserve me as I do it as He has pre-
served me in other ( tasks) and to inspire me with justice
when I make distributions among you in the way He has
commanded . I am a Muslim, but am a weak servant,
except for as long as God assists me. What I have under-
taken in my position as your caliph will never change
anything of my nature, God willing. Greatness belongs
to God, not to (His) servants. Let none of you say that
'Umar has changed for the worse since he took office.
I shall ascertain what is right by myself and I shall
proceed [on this basis ). I shall explain to you what I am
doing. So any man who has a need , or who suffers any
oppression, or who blames us for our behavior , should
inform me. I am only a man from among you. You must
show piety toward God in your secret and open dealings,
and as far as what is inviolable and your honor are
concerned. Proclaim what is right on your own and do
not compel one another to seek litigation before me, for I
show no particular leniency in my dealings with any
person. Your welfare is dear to me ; your criticism is of
concern to me ; you are people the general mass of whom
are settled dwellers in God's land and people of a region
without crops and livestock except for what God pro-
vides. God has promised you much bounty. I am
responsible for the trust placed in me and for the
position I am in. I shall personally inspect closely what
faces me at the present time , God willing. I shall not
1 27591 delegate responsibility to anyone else. I can do only what
is remote from (what immediately faces me at the
present time ) with the help of trusty supporters and
those who give good advice from among you to the
people at large . I shall not place my trust in anyone
else's. hands, God willing.
The Events of the Year 23 125

Another Address
After praising and extolling God and blessing the Prophet,
('Umar) said,
0 people, some greed [breeds a sense of] poverty) some
despair (of not getting what one wants breeds a sense of]
freedom from want. You bring together what you do not
consume and you hope for what you do not attain.
You have been placed for a defined period of time in a
"deceiving abode.i622 You were dealt with through the
revelation in the time of the Messenger of God: those
who kept things secret were dealt with according to
their secrecy. Those who did things openly were dealt
with according to their openness. But [now] show us the
best of your character, while God knows your secrets
well. For those who show us what is bad,623 yet claim
that what they keep secret is good, will not be believed
by us; as for those who show us something good openly,
we shall think good of them. You should know that
some avarice is a part of hypocrisy. "Spend what is
good for yourselves; those who are saved from their own
avarice, they are the successful ones."624
O people, make good your abode, put your affairs
aright, and fear God, your Lord. Do not dress your
womenfolk in fine cotton clothes (gabafi), for [even] if
they are not transparent, yet they will allow [the shape
of their bodies] to be visualized.
O people, I would indeed like to be delivered on a
completely even basis, neither to my advantage nor to
my disadvantage. I do also hope that, however long I am
permitted to live, I do what is right among you, God
willing, and that no Muslim will remain-even if he
is in his own home-to whom his right and his share of (2760]
God's wealth has not come, nor [that] he exerts himself

6az. That is, the lower world. See Qur':<n, III: x85.
623. The texts read shay'an, which is emended to sayyian.
624. Qur'in, LXIV: i 6.
iz6 The Conquest of Iran

for it without his having it allotted to him . Put your

wealth that God has provided for you in good order. A
little [gained] gently is better than much violently. Being
killed is one form of death that afflicts the pious and the
impious alike . The [true] martyr is he who sacrifices
himself [to seek God's reward ]. If one of you wants a
stallion camel, he should go for a large, tall one. He
should strike it with his stick and if he finds it is spirited,
he should buy it 62s

Another Address
God has imposed upon you gratitude and instituted the
pilgrimage for you as part of the bounty of the hereafter
and this world that He has provided for you, without
your asking Him or wishing it from Him. He created
you, after you were nothing, for Himself and for you
to worship Him. He had the power to make you sub-
servient to the weakest of His creation, but rather
He made subservient to you the general mass of His
creation. He did not make you subservient to anything
other than He. And He "subjected to you what is in the
heavens and on earth and made His favors abound upon
you, both open and hidden . ,626 "He carried you by land
and sea . "627 "And He gave you of good things, perchance
you might be grateful . ,6211 Then He made for you hearing
and sight. Of God's favors to you are those that He
granted to mankind in general and others that He granted
exclusively to the people of your faith . These general and
special favors are continued during your turn of fortune,
your time, and your generation . None of these favors has
come to anyone in particular without, if he were to
share out what he received among all the people, their

6z5. The abrupt change of subject may indicate that the camel here is
metaphorical, rather than real. The meaning would therefore be: if you want
something in life, go for the best and do all you can to acquire it.
62.6. Qur'an, XXXI:zo.
6z7. After Qur'an, XVII:7o.
6z8. Qur an, VIII:z6.
The Events of the Year z3 127

gratitude for it being difficult for them and their right 12761)
to have it overburdening them, except with God's help
along with faith in God and His Messenger. You are
appointed successors on earth and conquerors of its
people. God has given your faith victory. No other com-
munity who differs from you in faith is left except two:
one rendered submissive to Islam and to those who
follow it, they paying you tribute, while (the Muslims)
take the best of their livelihood, what they have earned
and [produced with] the sweat of their brow; they must
work hard, while you have the benefit;629 and a [second]
community waiting for God's battles and attacks every
day and night. God has filled their hearts with terror.
They have no refuge to which they can flee or an escape
by means of which they can guard against attack.0
God's armies came upon them suddenly and right into
their own territory. (All this you have been granted)
along with an abundance of food, a pouring out of
wealth, the repeated dispatch of (victorious) troops and
the [successful] defense of the frontier areas with God's
permission, together excellent general security better
than which this community had not experienced since
Islam came into existence-God be praised!-along with
the great conquests in every land. With all this, what
might the gratitude of the grateful, the utterances of
those who mention [God) and the striving of those who
strive, along with these favors that are innumerable,
incalculable and the debt that cannot be paid except
with God's help, mercy, and kindness, achieve? We ask
God-there is no other than He-who has conferred this
upon us to grant us that we act in obedience to Him and
hasten to do what pleases Him.
Remember, o servants of God, God's favor among you
and seek to have an increase in His favor to you and in

62.9. That is, the Persians in the east, most of whom have been subjugated by
the Muslims.
63o. That Is, the Byzantines in the west, so far subjugated only in Syria.
1 12.8 The Conquest of Iran

your meeting places "in twos and singly."63' God said

to Moses, "Bring out your people from the darkness
into the light and remind them of God's days."632 To
Muhammad he said , "Remember when you were few
[2762) and considered weak in the land." ` Even if, when you
were weak and deprived of the goodness of this lower
world, you had been following a part of the truth,
believing in it, secure in it with knowledge of God and
His faith, and thereby hoping for goodness after death,
this would be so. But [in fact ] you struggled the most for
a livelihood [in this world ] and were [at the same time]
the most confirmed in your ignorance of God . If ]Islam)
that He [sent] to save you had come without affluence in
this world, but were nonetheless a security for you in
the hereafter to which you will return , while you con-
tinued to struggle for your livelihood as you had before,
you would still do your best to hold fast to your share of
Islam and put it above others . [All the more is this true],
as He has [in fact] combined for you the excellence of the
lower world and the bounty of the hereafter . He [then]
among you who wishes to combine it for him, I would
remind of God who intervenes between [a man and his]
heart, charging you to recognize God's right and act
accordingly, to force yourselves to obey Him and to
combine your pleasure in His favors with a fear of them
and their being removed and a feeling of unease because
of them and their being changed . For there is nothing
that deprives you more of favor than not being grateful
for it. Gratitude is a safeguard against [what) the changing
fortunes of time [will bring about] , a way of increasing
favor and establishing a claim to more. [All) this is for
God binding upon me in the orders I give you and in the
prohibitions I make.

631. Qur'an, XXXIV:46.

63z. Qufan, XIV:5.
633. Qurln, VIII:z6.
The Events of the Year z3 129

Those Who Have Lamented and Elegized 'Umar-

Some of the Elegies Written about Him
According to 'Umar-'Ali-Abu Abdallah al-Burjumi634-
Hisham b. 'Urwah:635 A woman weeping for 'Umar said, "Alas,
my heart bums for 'Umar; a burning sensation that has spread
and filled all mankind !" Another woman said, "Alas, my heart
bums for 'Umar; a burning sensation that has spread until it has 127631
become known throughout the whole of mankind!"
According to 'Umar- 'Ali-Ibn Da'b and Said b. Khalid636
-$alih b. Kaysan-al-Mughirah b. Shu'bah: When 'Umar died,
Ibnat Abi Hathmah637 said, "Alas for 'Umar; he straightened
whatever was crooked ; he made better anyone suffering pain; he
put an end to dissensions ; he revived the [truel practices [of
religion]; he went out in clean clothes, free from blemish."638
According to al-Mughirah b. Shu ' bah: When 'Umar was
buried, I came to All, wanting to hear something about 'Umar
from him. He came out shaking his head and his beard, having
washed himself and wrapped himself in a garment and not
doubting that the caliphate would finally be his. He said, "God
have mercy on Ibn al-Khallab! Ibnat Abi Hathmah was right. [In
death,] he has taken away the good of (the lower worldl639 and
escaped from its evil. Oh indeed, she did not [herself] speak; but
rather she was inspired."
'Atikah bt. Zayd b. 'Amr recited the following about 'Umar
b. al-Khaflab:6 °

634. An unidentified narrator.

635. Hishim b. 'Urwah b. al-Zubayr died in 146 /763. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib,
XI, 48-5!.
636. It is not possible to identify this narrator with certainty.
637. She is unidentified.
638. The speaker delivers her elegy in rhymed prose : al-awad (crooked(/al-
amad (suffering pain(; al-titan (dissensions(/al-sunan (religious practices(; al-
thawb (clothing /al-ayb (blemish!.
639. 1 take this vague feminine pronoun to refer to dunyd.
640. The meter is fawil. See Ibn al-Athir, Kdmil, 111, 30. The poetess 'Atikah
bt. Zayd b. 'Amr had, according to 11fahini, Aghdni, XVI, i33ff., some famous
husbands in her time on whose deaths she composed elegies: Zubayr b. al-
'Awwim, 'Abdallih b. Abi Bakr, 'Umar himself, and Husayn b. Ali. See page ioi,
130 The Conquest of Iran

Fayruz641 -may his wealth not be abundant!-has caused me

by [the death of] one full of honor,642 who recited the Book
and was obedient to God;
Compassionate to those closest [to him], tough against his
someone to trust in times of bad fortune and answering [the
demands of his people].
Whenever he gave his word, his deeds did not belie his word;
[he was] swift to [perform ] good deeds, and not with a frown.

127641 She also recited as follows:643

O my eye, shed all your tears copiously

and weary not of (weeping] for the noble imam.
Fate brought me distress with [the death of] the horseman
wearing the badge of courage
on the day when there was agitation and (much] to-ing and
[He was] the protection of his people, their helper against Fate,
the succor of the afflicted and the deprived.
Tell those who are happy and those in distress, "Die!
Fate has given ('Umar) Death's cup from which to drink."

Another woman recited the following, weeping over him:644

The women of the tribe will weep for you;

grieving, they will weep,
Scratching their faces , [previously] like
[shining] dinars, [ all] pure,
And wearing clothes of grief
after their finery (gasabiyyat).

641. That is, Abu Lu'lu'ah, the assassin of 'Umar; see note 399.
642. That is, 'Umar himself.
643. The meter is khanf. See lbn al-Athir, Knmil, III, 30.
644. The meter is hazaj.
The Events of the Year z3 131

Some of 'Umar's Meritorious Deeds Not Previously

According to 'Umar b . Shabbah--'Ali b. Muhammad (al-Mada-
'inil-Ibn Ju'dubahM5-Ismail b . Abi Hakim6"-Sa'id b. al-
Musayyab:647 'Umar went on the pilgrimage and when he was
at IDajnan,Ms he said, "There is no god but God, the Great,
the Sublime, the Giver of what He wishes to whomsoever He
wishes. I used to pasture the camels of al-Khattab in this wadi,
wearing a woolen tunic. (My father) was a harsh man and used
to wear me out when I was working and beat me when I slacked
off. Now I find myself in a situation in which there is no one
between me and God." Then he quoted the following verses as
an example [of his own situationl:649
There is nothing of what you see whose joy lasts; 1 2 7651
God endures, whereas wealth and children perish.
His treasures have never been of any avail to any Persian ruler,
and 'Ad' have tried to achieve eternal life, but they were
not eternal.
There is no Solomon, despite the fact that the winds swept for
him, 651
while men and jinn mixed together hastened (to his
Where are the rulers to whose gifts
riders came from all directions?
At the inevitable pool of death there
[we] must drink one day, as [others already] have.

645. Ibn Ju'dubah i6 Yazid b. 'Iya4. See note 616, above.

646. Ismail b. Abi Hakim al-Qurashi died in 130/747. See Ibn Ilajar, Tahdhib,
I, 2.89.
647. Said b. al-Musayyab died ca. 94/713. See In Hajar, Tahdhib, IV, 84-88,
Sezgln, GAS, 1, 2.76.
648. A small mountain z5 miles north of Mecca on the Medina road. See
Biladi, Mu jam, V, 189-91.
649. The meter is basic . See lbn al-Athir, Kdmil, III, 30.
65o. One of the pre-Islamic tribes mentioned in the Qur'an who refused to
accept the message to abandon their gods and worship God . See Qur'an,
XXVI: r z9, where they are accused by their messenger, Hud, of "taking to
yourselves strongholds, perchance you might live forever."
65r. In the Qur'an jXXXIV : IZ) Solomon is given the wind by God, and
(XXXVIII: 36) God made the wind subservient to him.
132 The Conquest of Iran

According to Umar b. Shabbah-Ali-Abu al-Walid al-

Makki:652 While Umar was sitting down a lame man came up
to him leading a limping she-camel. He stopped and recited the
You have been made our ruler whereas we are the subjects;
you, 'Umar, are summoned by virtue of your mark of dis-
When the evil of an evil day falls on its evil men,
[then, by contrast] Mudar654 has today placed upon you [the
glory] of their noble deeds.
['Umar) exclaimed, "There is no might and power except in
God! "655 The man complained that his she-camel was lame. So
[2766] 'Umar took the she-camel, gave him a red camel as a fresh
mount and provisioned him, and he went on his way. 'Umar left
later on pilgrimage, and while he was traveling along, he came
across a rider who was reciting the following:656
No one has ruled over us like you, Ibn al-Khattab,
no one) more beneficent to those distant [from you], nor to
his friends,
after the Prophet, him of the Book.
So 'Umar prodded him with a stick he was carrying and said,
"What about Abu Bakr?"
According to Umar-'Ali b. Muhammad-Muhammad b.
$alih-Abd al-Malik b. Nawfal b. Musahiq:657 'Umar ap-
pointed 'Utbah b. Abi Sufyan65s as governor of KinAnah .659 He

652. Abu al-Walid al-Makki is Yasir b. Abd al-Rabmin. See lbn Hajar,
Tahdhib, XII, 2.74.
653. The meter is fawil.
654. Mudar is a huge tribal conferation amounting to a very large proportion
of all the northern Arab tribes known collectively as Adnin . See Kaliljilah,
Mu'jam, III, It 107.
655. 'Umar is apologizing for not having done his duty.
656. The meter is rajaz.
657. Abd al-Malik b. Nawfal b. Musihiq has a brief notice without date of
death in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VI, 428.
658. 'Utbah b. Abi Sufyin b. Harb was the brother of Mu'iwiyah.
659. This is in all probability the large tribal group in the Mecca area, Kininah
b. Khuzaymah. See Ibn Hazm, famharah, riff., i8o; Zubayri, Nasab Quraysh,
ioff.j Kahhilah, Mu jam, III, 996-98.
The Events of the Year 23 133

arrived back, bringing some wealth with him. ('Umar) asked

him what it was. He said it was wealth he had taken with
him and with which he had engaged in business. ('Umar) said,
"What are you doing taking wealth with you in this way?"
('Umar) put it in the treasury. Now when 'Uthman became
caliph, he said to Abu Sufyan,660 "If you demand what 'Umar
took from 'Utbah, I shall return it to him." Abu Sufyan replied,
"If you contradict your predecessor, the people will think badly
of you. Beware of going against your predecessor, lest your
successor go against you!"
According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-al-Rabi' b. al-Nu'-
min,661 Abu al-Mujilid farad b. 'Amr,662 Abu 'Uthman, Abu
Hirithah,663 and Abu `Amr,66a the client of Ibrahim b. Tal-
hah66s-Zayd b. Aslam-his father: Hind bt. 'Utbah666 paid her
respects to 'Umar b. al-Khattab and asked him for a loan from
the treasury of 4,000 [dirhams] with which to engage in business,
and at the same time making herself responsible for (the sum).
('Umar) lent her the money and she took it off to the territory of
Kalb,667 where she bought and sold. She heard that Abu Sufyin
and 'Amr b. Abi Sufyin669 had gone to Mu'iwiyah, so she left [2767)
Kalb territory and came to see Mu'iwiyah. (This was when
Abu Sufyan had already divorced her.) "What brings you here,
mother?" Mu'awiyah asked. She replied, "To see you, my son.
[You know that] 'Umar works only [to please] God. Your father,
[I note ], has already been to you, and I was afraid that you will
give him all sorts of things, as he is worthy of this. But people

66o. Abu Sufyan b. Herb was the father of 'Utbah.

661. Al-Rabi' b. al-Nu'man has a brief entry in Ibn al-Athir, Usd, II, 165.
66z. An unidentified narrator.
663. An unidentified narrator.
664. An unidentified narrator.
665. An unidentified narrator.
666. Hind bt. 'Utbah, wife of Abu Sufyan, mother of Mu'awiyah and 'Amr (see
note 668, below(.
667. There are several tribes of this name, but one can perhaps assume Kalb b.
Wabarah is meant here, a tribal group (barn l of Quda'ah, by origin a southern,
Qalfani tribe. If this is the case, Hind would have been conducting her business
in the northern Hijaz and the Jawf area in the north of the Peninsula . lbn Hazm,
/amharah, 455ff .; KaI.l lah, Muyam, III, 99o-9z; E11, s.v. "Kalb" (Flick /Dixon).
668. Amr b. Abi Sufyan, brother of Mulwiyah and son of Hind.
134 The Conquest of Iran

will not know the source of the wherewithall you had to make
the gift, so they will blame you severely, and 'Umar will ton
and so will never absolve her of the (money) owed [to the
treasury]." So (Mu'awiyah ) sent (only) a hundred dinars (from
Hind's money] to his father and brother ['Amr), clothed them,
and gave them mounts. But 'Amr considered this too much and
Abu Sufyan said, "Do not think [it is too much], for Hind has
been involved in this gift and was present at a discussion (about
it]." So they all returned and Abu Sufyan said to Hind, "Did you
make any profit?" "God knows best!" she replied , "I (still] have
some business in Medina ." When she reached Medina and sold
[her goods), she complained about what had been paid out to
them . 'Umar said to her, "If the money (you owe) were mine, I
would leave it to you . But it is the Muslims ' money and this
is a discussion in which Abu Sufyan has been involved." So
('Umar) sent for (Abu Sufyan ) and detained him until she paid
(the money ) in full. ('Umar) asked ( Abu Sufyan), "How much
did Mu'awiyah give you ?" He replied, "A hundred dinars."
According to 'Umar-'Ali-Maslamah b. Muliarib669 -Khalid
al-Hadhdha 670-'Abdallah b. AN $a'ga'ah671--a1-Ahnaf: 'Abd-
allah b. 'Umayr672 came to 'Umar as he was assigning state
stipends to the people . Now (Abdallah's) father was killed a
martyr at the battle of Hunayn ,673 so he said, "O Commander
of the Faithful, give me a stipend ." But ('Umar) paid no atten-
tion to him . So he gave ('Umar) a prod. 'Umar cried, "Ouch!"
[ z768] and then turned to him and said, "Who are you?" He told him
he was 'Abdallah b. 'Umayr, so ('Umar ) said [to his servant],
"Yarfa', give him 6oo ." He gave him Soo, but ('Abdallah) did
not accept it and said, "The Commander of the Faithful has
given orders that I receive 6oo." And he went back and told
('Umar). He said, "Give him 6oo and a complete garment,

669. An unidentified narrator.

670. An unidentified narrator.
671. Abdallih b. Abi $a'$a'ah has a brief entry in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, V, z65.
672. It is not possible to identify this man with certainty.
673. This battle took place in 916z9 and the Prophet and his Muslim forces
defeated a Meccan army. Hunayn is a wadi only about to miles from Mecca
itself. See Tabari, I, 1654ff.s Ibn Hishim, Sirah, 11, pp. 44zff., Guillaume, Life,
566ff. For the Icoation of the wadi, see Biladi, Mu 'lam, III, 70-73.
The Events of the Year z3 1135

Yarfa'." So the latter did. ('Abdallih) put the garment on and

threw away what he had been wearing. But 'Umar said to him,
"My son, take these clothes of yours for serving your family and
(keep] this one to make you look smart!"
According to 'Umar-'Ali-Abu al-Walid al-Makki-one of
the sons of Talhah-Ibn 'Abbis: I went with 'Umar on one of
his journeys. We were traveling one night, and I came near to
him as he struck the front of his saddle with his whip and
recited the following:674
You have lied, by the house of God! Will Ahmad be killed 171
when we have not yet come to his defense with spears and
Shall we surrender him before we are slain around him
and neglect our sons and spouses?
Then he said, "I ask God for forgiveness (for implying ill of the
Prophet's house] !" He went on without speaking for a little
while, then he recited as follows:676
No she-camel has borne on her saddle
one more pious and more faithful when he makes a
covenant than Muhammad,
One more generous to give away a red and black striped garment
before it is worn out
and who gives away more thoroughbred horses.
Then he said, "I ask God for forgiveness, Ibn 'Abbas! What
prevented 'Ali from coming with us?" I replied, "I do not
know." He continued, "Ibn 'Abbas, your father is the paternal
uncle of the Messenger of God. You are his cousin. What has
kept your people from [putting] you (in authority]?" I replied
that I did not know . He continued, "But I do know ; they do not (27691

674. The poem was composed by Abu Tilib after the battle of Badr. See Ibn
Hishim, Sirah, II, 2.4 . The meter is fawil.
675. The poem was uttered by the dying'Ubaydah b. al-Hirith after the battle
of Badr, in fact quoting Abu Tilib's composition . The Sirah version (Ibn Hishim,
II, 24) reads yubzd Muliammadun, that is, "will Muhammad be maltreated,"
rather than the Tabari text yuqtalu AImadu. The "Abroad" of the text means
"Muhammad." See also Wigidi, Maghdzi, 1, 70.
676. By Anas b. Zunaym al-Dili, see Guillaume, Life, 559. The meter is lawil.
136 The Conquest of Iran

like your being put in charge of them ." I said, "Why, when we
are good to them?" ('Umar ) replied, "0 God, [grant] forgiveness.
They do not like you to combine the prophethood and the ca-
liphate among yourselves, lest it bring about self-aggrandizement
and pride. You will perhaps say, 'Abu Bakr did this.' No indeed,
but Abu Bakr did the most resolute thing he could. If he had
made (the. caliphate ) yours, he would not have benefited you
despite your close ties of relationship [to the Prophet]. Recite to
me what the poet of poets, Zuhayr, composed:677
When Qays b. 'Aylan678 hasten to a glorious goal,
the one who reaches it first is made chief."
So I recited it to him as dawn broke. ('Umar) said, "Recite 'The
Event '. ,679 So I recited it. Then he dismounted and said his
prayers, reciting "The Event " [in them].
According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Muhammad b. Ishaq-
a source-'Ikrimah68o- Ibn 'Abbas : As 'Umar b. al-Khattab
and some of his friends were reciting poetry together, one said
that so and so was the best poet . Another said that, rather, so
and so was the best poet . (Ibn Abbas) continued : I arrived and
'Umar remarked, "The most knowledgeable on the subject has
just arrived." And he asked, "Who is the best poet , Ibn 'Abbas?"
I replied it was Zuhayr b. Abi Sulma. 'Umar asked me to
provide some of his poetry that would prove what I had said. I
said, "He eulogized a group of Banu 'Abdallah b. Ghatafan as

677. The meter is fawil. The poet is Zuhayr b. Abi Sulmi, one of the greatest
of the pre-Islamic poets. See Ths'lab, Sharp, 2341 Igfahini, Aghdni, IX, r46ff. The
poem in question is quoted on 147.
678. A large tribal confederation of Adnin. The name Qays is synonymous
with the northern tribes, Adnin. See Ibn Hazm, Jamharah, 468ff., 48off.1
Ka1313alah, Mu'jam, III, 97z-93, El2, s.v. (Watt).
679. SGrat al-Wagi'ah, Qur'an, LVI, the "Event" being the day of judgment.
This is perhaps a more specific reference to "those coming first" (al-sdbiquna) in
verse to.
680. A client of Ibn Abbis and famous narrator , he died ca. 107/725. See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, VII, 263-73.
681. A tribal group (ba fn) of Sad b . Qays b. Aylin of Adnin, of whom Zuhayr
was a member (Shantamari, Diwdn, 15o). Cf. Ibn Hazm, Jamharah, 248-49)
Kabkialah, Mu'jam, II, 732-33. For the poem itself, see Ibn al-Athir, Kdmil, III,
31. It does not figure in Zuhayr 's Diwdn. The meter is basis.
The Events of the Year 23 1137

If there were sitting above the sun (in a position] of nobility

a people by means of their ancestry or their glory, (Band
'Abdallah b. Ghatafan) would be they.
[They are] a people whose ancestor is a spearhead; when you [2770]
examine their pedigree,
they have an excellent one, as do all their offspring.
[They are] men when they feel safe, jinn when they are afraid,
warriors ready to sacrifice themselves when they come
Envied for what good things they have;
may God not remove from them the thing for which they
are envied."
"Bravo(" exclaimed 'Umar, "I do not know of anyone more
worthy of such poetry than this branch of Band Hashim6sz
because of the excellence of the Messenger of God and their
close relationship to him." I said, "May you be granted lasting
success, Commander of the Faithful." ('Umar) said, "Do you
know, In 'Abbas, what kept your people from [being put] over
(Quraysh) after Muhammad's death?" I did not want to answer,
so I said, "If I do not know, then the Commander of the Faithful
will tell me." 'Umar said, "They were unwilling for you to
combine the prophethood and the caliphate , lest you magnify
yourselves above your own people and be proud . Quraysh made
the choice for themselves) they were right and have been
granted success." I said, " Commander of the Faithful, if you will
permit me and not get angry with me, I shall speak ." He allowed
me to do so, so I said, "As for your saying, Commander of the
Faithful, that Quraysh have made their choice for themselves
and that they were right and have been granted success, if
Quraysh had made the same choice for themselves as God did
for them, then right would be theirs, unrejected and unenvied.
As for your saying that (Quraysh) were averse to the prophet-
hood and the caliphate being ours, God has described one people
as being averse and said, 'This is because they were averse
to what God revealed, so He made their works fruitless."6aa

68a. That is, Bann al-Abbas.

683. Qur'an, XLVII: 9. The Qur' in is clearly referring to unbelievers.
138 The Conquest of Iran

[2-771) 'Umar said, "Far from it indeed,iS84 Ibn 'Abbas. I used to hear
things about you of which I was reluctant to inquire , lest they
bring about your removal from your position with me ." I said,
"What are they, Commander of the Faithful ? If they are right,
they should not [be such as to ] remove me from my position
with you; if they are false , then someone like me will remove
the falsehood from himself." 'Umar said, "I have heard that
you are saying they have turned (the caliphate) away from
you out of envy and injustice." I replied, "When you say out of
injustice, Commander of the Faithful, it has already become
clear to the ignorant and the thoughtful alike; when you say out
of envy, Iblis was envious of Adam ,685 and we are his offspring
who are envied ." 'Umar said, "Far from it! Your hearts, Banu
Hashim, have refused [to show anything) other than unchanging
envy and increasing spite and malice." I replied, "Take it easy,
Commander of the Faithful ; do not describe the hearts of a
people from whom God has removed uncleanness, and whom
He has purified completely, as being envious and malicious. The
heart of the Messenger of God is one of the hearts of Banu
Hashim." 'Umar retorted, "Leave me, Ibn 'Abbas." I said I would
comply, but, when I went to get up, he became embarrassed at
what he had said to me and said, "Stay where you are, Ibn
'Abbas . I shall tend to your right and approve of what gives you
pleasure." I replied, "Commander of the Faithful , I have a right
that is incumbent upon you and every Muslim. Anyone who
preserves it will achieve good fortune ; anyone who does not will
lose good fortune ." Then he got up and went away.
According to Ahmad b. 'Umar686 - Ya'qub b. Ishaq al-
Hadrami687-'Ikrimah b. 'Ammar688 - Iyas b. Salamah689-his
father: 'Umar b. al-Khattab passed through the market carrying

684. That is, that Quraysh are in any way attempting to thwart the legitimate
rights of the Alid family.
685. Iblis, the Devil, was the angel in Islamic tradition who refused to
prostrate himself before Adam. See Qur'an, VII: i i, t 9ff., XX: ii 5ff.
686. Cairo reads Abroad b. 'Amr. It is not possible to identify him with
687. He died in 2.05/ 820. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XI, ;82.
688. He died in 159 /775. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VII, :61-6;.
689. He died in Medina in 119 /737. See lbn Hajar, Tahdhib, 1, 388-89.
The Events of the Year z3 139

his whip. He dealt me a blow with it and caught the edge of my

garment, saying, "Get out of the way." The following year he [z771J
met me and said, "Are you intending to go on the pilgrimage,
Salamah? " When I told him that I was, he took me by the hand
to his house and gave me 6oo dirhams, saying, "Use them to
make your pilgrimage, and you should know that they are by
way of compensation for the lash that I gave you ." I replied,
"But I had not remembered it, Commander of the Faithful."
"But I had not forgotten it!" he exclaimed.
According to 'Abd al-Hamid b. Bayin690-Muhammad b.
Yazid691 -Ismi1l b. Abi Khilid-Salamah b . Kuhayl:692 'Umar
b. al-Khalfib said, "0 subjects, you have an obligation to us to
give advice on what is unknown and to cooperate in doing good.
There is no forbearance (hilm) dearer to God and more generally
advantageous than that of a gentle leader. 0 subjects, there is no
ignorance more hateful to God and more generally evil than that
of a harsh leader. 0 subjects, he who enjoins well-being for
someone in his midst, God will bring him well -being from
According to Muhammad b. Ishiq -Yahya b. Ma'in693-Ya'-
qub b. Ibrahim-'Isi b. Yazid b. Da'b-'Abd al-Rahman b. Abi
Zayd694-'Imrin b. Sawidah : 695 I said the morning prayer with
'Umar, and he recited the Subhin chapter696 and one other.
Then he left. I went off with him, and he asked if there was
anything he could do . I told him there was, so he asked me
to join him. I did so and, when he entered this housej, he gave
me permission [to enterj. There he was on a bed with nothing on
it. I told him I wanted to give him some advice . His reply was , 1z773J
"The person giving good advice is welcome anytime ." I said,
"Your community finds fault with you on four counts ." ('Umar)
put the top of his whip in his beard and the lower part on his

690. He died in 244/858. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VI, III.

691. It is not possible to identify this narrator with certainty.
692. Salamah b. Kuhayl al-Hadrami died ca. 123/741 . See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib,
IV, 155-57.
693. He died in 133 /848. See Rosenthal, Historiography, 341.
694. An unidentified narrator.
695. An unidentified narrator.
696. That is, Qur'an XVII, usually entitled "The Children of Israel."
140 The Conquest of Iran

thigh. Then he said, "Tell me more." I continued, "It has been

mentioned that you declared the lesser pilgrimage697 forbidden
during the months of the [full) pilgrimage. The Messenger of
God did not do this, nor Abu Bakr, though it is permitted." He
answered, "It is permitted. If they were to perform the lesser
pilgrimage during the months of the pilgrimage, they would
regard it as being in lieu of the full pilgrimage, and (Mecca)
would be a deserted place that year, and the pilgrimage would be
celebrated by no one, although it is part of God's greatness. You
are right." I continued, "It is also said that you have forbidden
temporary marriage,698 although it was a license (rukhgah) given
by God. We enjoy a temporary marriage for a handful [of
dates),699 and we can separate after three nights." He replied,
"The Messenger of God permitted it at a time of necessity. Then
people regained their life of comfort. I do not know any Muslim
who has practiced this or gone back to it. Now anyone who
wishes to can marry for a handful [of dates] and separate after
three nights. You are right." I continued, "You emancipate a
slave girl if she gives birth, without her master's [consenting to]
the emancipation.i700 He replied, "I added one thing that is
forbidden to another, intending only to do some good. I ask
God's forgiveness." I continued, "There have been complaints of
your raising your voice against your subjects and your addressing
them harshly." He raised his whip, then ran his hand down it
right to the end. Then he said, "I am Muhammad's traveling
companion"-he had [in fact) sat behind him at the raid on
Qarqarat al-Kudr.701 "Indeed I pasture [my flocks] well until

697. The pilgrimage that can be undertaken at any time of the year . See SE1,
s.v. "'umra" ( Paret(.
698. Temporary marriage , mutah, is recognized by the Twelver Shi'is only.
See SE1, s.v. (Heffening (; Schacht, Origins, 266-67; Introduction, 163; Coulson,
History, 110- it, 1I5-16.
699. Where temporary marriage was permitted, it was carried out in return for
a robe or a handful of dates. See SEI, loc. cit.
700. The umm walad would normally have to wait until her master died
before gaining her freedom.
701. A plain in the area of Khaybar , about 6 miles away from the town. The
raid does not appear to be dated precisely in the sirah and maghdzi literature, but
must have been only a short time before the death of the Prophet in 10 /632. See
Wagidi, Maghdzi, I, 182ff. (Qararat al-Kudr(; Ibn Hisham, Sirah, II, 618; al-
Mandsik, 41 r; Bilidi, Mu'jam, VII, r 17.
The Events of the Year 23 141

they are satisfied. I water them and quench their thirst. I push
back the she-camel that grumbles when milked. I chide the she-
camel that does not stick to the road. I keep them moving. I do
not drive them too fast. I gather together camels pasturing alone. [27741
I bring up camels lagging behind. I chide often and beat seldom. I
raise my stick. I push away with my hand. Were it not for
all this, I would be much at fault!" (The source) continued:
Mu'awiyah heard this and said, "He was indeed knowledgeable
about their subjects."
According to Ya'qub b. Ibrahim-Ibn 'Ulayyah-Ibn 'Awn702
-Muhammad: 'Uthman said, "'Umar used to deny his family
and relatives things, seeking God's face, whereas I give freely to
my family and relatives, (also) seeking it. No three like 'Umar
will ever be met with again.i703
According to 'Ali b. Sahl704-I?amrah b. Rabi'ah705-
'Abdallah b. Abi Sulayman706-his father: I arrived in Medina
and entered one of the houses there. There was 'Umar b. al-
Khallab wearing [only] a striped waist wrapper and smearing the
alms camels with tar.707
According to Ibn Bashshar-'Abd al-Rahman [b. Mahdi)-
Sufyan [b. 'Uyaynahj-1jab11b708-Abu Wa'il [Shagiq[: 'Umar b.
al-Khallab said, "Had I known in the beginning what I know
now, I would have taken the excess wealth of the rich and
distributed it among the poor Emigrants."
According to Ibn Bashshar-'Abd al-Rahman b. Mahdi- 1 27751
Manqur b. Abi al-Aswad709-al-A'mash-Ibrahim710-al-Aswad

lox. An unidentified narrator.

703. That is, only Abu Bakr and 'Umar had such piety, but I, 'Uthmin, cannot
compete with them. SeeTant3wi, Akhbdr, 54x.
704. All b. Sahl al-Ramli does not figure in the major biographical
dictionaries, but see Translation , 1, 15, 174 n. 45•
705. l)amrah b. Rabi'ah al-Ramli has a brief entry in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV,
706. An unidentified narrator.
707. To treat mange, sores, and other skin problems.
708. Habib b. Abi Thibit died in 119/773. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, 11, 178-8o.
709. Man$ur b. Abi al-Aswad al-Laythi is given no date of death in Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, X, 305-6.
710. Ibrahim b. Yazid al-Nakha'i died in 96 /714. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, I,
142 The Conquest of Iran

b. Yazid:71' Whenever a delegation came to 'Umar, he would

ask them about their leader. They would give a good account of
him, so he would ask, "Does he visit your sick ?" They would
answer that he did, so he would ask, "Does he visit the sick
slave? " They would answer that he did, so he would ask, "How
does (your leader) treat the weak? Does he sit at his door?" If
they replied in the negative regarding any one of these customs,
he would dismiss him.
According to Ibn Humayd-al-Hakam b. Bashir72-'Amr [b.
Muhammad]: 'Umar b. al-Khattab used to say,
There are four matters connected with Islam that I shall
never neglect or abandon for anything: the strength
in God's wealth and collecting it so that, when we do
collect it, we place it where God orders us, and remain,
family of 'Umar, with nothing of it in our hands at all.
[Second, there are] the Emigrants who are beneath the
shadow of swords-they should not be restricted, nor
detained away from their families ; God's immovable
booty should be for them and for their families in abun-
dance, and I shall look after their families until they
return . [Third, there are] the Helpers who have already
given their share to God and all of them fought the
enemy-the good deeds of those who do good among
them should be accepted as such , whereas the evil deeds
of those who do evil deeds should be passed over without
punishment and they should be consulted in the matter.
[Fourth, there are ] the bedouins who are the original
Arabs and the mainstay of Islam-their alms should be
taken from them in kind -not a single dinar should be
[2776] taken from them, nor [even] a dirham-and it should be
returned to their poor and wretched.
According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf- Ibn Jurayj-Nafi'-
'Abdallah b. 'Umar : 'Umar said, "I know that all the people
[together] are not equal to these two men between whom and
Gabriel the Apostle of God was the confidential messenger,

71 x. Al-Aswad b. Yazid died ca. 75/694. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, I, 342-43-
712- An unidentified narrator.
The Events of the Year 23 143

receiving the revelations from him and dictating them to

them. ' ^7 3

The Account of the Electoral Council714

According to 'Umar b. Shabbah-'Ali b. Muhammad [al-
Mada'ini]-Waki' [b. al-Jarrah]-al-A'mash-Ibrahim, and
Muhammad b. 'Abdallah al-Ansari715-Ibn Abi 'Arubah76-
Qatadah-Shahr b. Hawshab,717 and Abu Mikhnaf7t8-Yusuf b.
Yaziid719-Abu al= Abbas Sah1720 and Mubarak b. Fadalah-
'Ubaydallah b. 'Umar, and Yunus b. Abi Ishag721-'Amr b.
Maymun al-Awdi:722 When 'Umar b. al-Khallab was stabbed,
it was suggested to him that he should appoint a successor.
"Whom shall I appoint caliph?" was his reply. "If Abu 'Ubaydah
b. al-Jarrah721 were alive, I would appoint him, and if my Lord
questioned me, I would say, 'I heard Your prophet say that Abu
'Ubaydah) was the guardian of this community.' If Salim, client

713. That is, 'Uthmin and 'Ali. Five future caliphs had acted as the Prophet's
secretaries: Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthmin, All, and Mu'awiyah. Abu Bakr was by
this time dead; ' Umar is not talking of himself here , and Mu'iwiyah also is not
in question.
714. Arabic shard, the council of six appointed by 'Umar to decide on the
succession. See Ya'qubi, Tdrikh, II, 16o, Ibn al-Athir, al-Kamil, III, 3 zff.; Ibn Abd
Rabbih, 7qd, IV, z73ff.; Bal'ami, Chronique, III, 546ff.; Tantiwi, Akhbar, 531ff.
The reader's attention is also drawn to Abbott , papyri, 8off. Pp. 83-87 in
particular include the different versions of the account of the council , with full
715. It is not possible to identify this narrator with certainty.
716. He died in 15o/767-776. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhlb, IV, 636.
717. Shahr b. Hawshab al-Ash' ari died ca. 111/730. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhlb, IV,
718. Abu Mikhnaf Lilt b . Yaliya died ca. 157 /774. See U. Sezgin, Abu Mihnaf,
passim; Duri, Rise, 44f•, 143ff.j Rosenthal , Historiography, 70, 90.
719. An unidentified narrator.
72.0. I read tentatively from the Leiden apparatus criticus Sahl b . Sad al-Si'idi
who died ca. 88/7o7. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV, z5zff.
721. It is not possible to identify this narrator with certainty.
7 22. Amr b. Maymun al-Awdi died ca. 75 /694. See Ibis Hajar, Tahdhlb, VIII,
713. Abu ' Ubaydah b. al-Jarrala was the famous Companion and military
leader on the Syrian front against the Byzantines . He died in Syria in 18/639,
shortly after the conquest of Jerusalem by the Muslims. See Shaban, History, 31,
43j E P, s.v. (Gibb).
1144 The Conquest of Iran

[X7771 of Abu Hudhayfah,724 were alive, I would appoint him, and if my

Lord questioned me, I would say, 'I heard your prophet say that
Salim loves God vehemently ."' Someone said to ('Umar ), "I can
point to someone, 'Abdallah b. 'Umar." But ('Umar) replied,
"God curse you! You were not saying this for God 's sake! You
wretch! How can I appoint caliph someone who has been unable
to divorce his wife! We have no desire [to get involved ) in your
affairs. I have not found (the caliphate ) so praiseworthy that I
should covet it for my own family. If things turn out well, we
shall have gained our reward from them ; but if they turn out
badly, then it is enough for the family of 'Umar that (onlyl one
of them should be called to account and held responsible for
what happened to Muhammad 's community. I have striven and
have kept my own family out. If I succeed in coming out [of all
this) even, and no recompense [being given to me], I shall indeed
be happy. I shall look [into the matter ]: if I do appoint a caliph,
then someone better than I has made the appointment; but if I
abandon [the ideal, someone better than I has (already) done this.
God will never neglect His faith."725
So (those with him) left and returned in the evening,
suggesting to the Commander of the Faithful that he draw up a
succession agreement . He replied, "I had decided after talking to
you that I would look [into the matter] and appoint someone
over you, the most suitable of you to bear you along the true
path." And he indicated All. [He continued), "But I fell into a
swoon and saw a man who had entered a garden that he had
planted. He began to pick everything, both the young tender
plants and the mature ones, clutching them to him and putting
them beneath him . I knew that God was in control and was
taking 'Umar into His mercy . I do not want to take on the
burden (of the caliphate ), dead as well as alive . You should
[approach] that group of men who the Messenger of God said
are 'among the people of paradise .' Sa'id b. Zayd b. 'Amr b.

7X4. Salim figures quite prominently in the early histories , but this is a
strange assertion . See Ibn Hishim, Sirah, I, 479, 679, 708, etc. ) Wagidi, Maghazi,
I, 9, 148, 754, etc.
72.5. In the first instance, if he does appoint a caliph, Abu Bakr has already
done this . In the second, if he does not, Mubammad himself did not appoint a
caliph. Either way he has a precedent.
The Events of the Year 23 145

Nufayl726 is one of them. I am not bringing him into the matter, [27781
but rather the following six: 'Ali and 'Uthman, sons of 'Abd
Manaf,727 'Abd al-Rahman (b. 'Awf( and Sa'd (b. Abi Waggaq),
maternal uncles of the Messenger of God, al-Zubayr b. al-
'Awwam, the true friend and cousin of the Messenger of God,
and Talhat al-Khayr b. 'Ubaydallah. 728 Let them select one of
themselves . When they appoint a leader, [you all] should give
him good help and support . If he entrusts anyone of you with
authority, he should convey to him what is committed to his
They left and al-'Abbas729 said to 'Ali , "Do not get involved
with them." He replied, " I do not like dissension [in our
family]." (Al-'Abbas ) said, "Then you will see something you
do not like !" When morning came, 'Umar summoned 'Ali,
'Uthman, Sad, 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Awf, and al-Zubayr b. al-
'Awwam and said, "I have looked into the matter and consider
you to be the chiefs and leaders of the people . This matter will
remain among you alone . When the Messenger of God died, he
was well pleased with you . I have no fears for you with the
people if you remain on the straight path . However, I do fear for
you if there is a difference of opinion among you and the people
then differ among themselves . Off you go to 'A'ishah's room,
with her permission, and deliberate . Choose one of you." Then
he added, "Do not go to ''ishah 's room; rather stay near at
hand." He put down his head , exhausted by the loss of blood.
So they went in and held secret discussions . But then their
voices became raised and 'Abdallih b. 'Umar exclaimed loud
enough for ('Umar) to hear, "God heavens, the Commander of

726. Said b. Zayd b. Amr b. Nufayl, the brother-in-law of 'Umar, who with
his wife, 'Umar's sister, was instrumental in the future caliph 's embracing Islam.
He died ca. 5r/671. See Ibn Hishim, Strah, 1, 226, 253.
727. A reference to the fact that both belonged to Quraysh-as did the other
four-and represented both its lines through 'Abd Manif, where the pedigree
split: 'Alt was descended from 'Abd Manif through Hishim , whereas 'Uthmin
was descended from 'Abd Manif through 'Abd Shams.
728. Al-Zubayr was the son of the Prophet's paternal aunt. I detect no great
significance in his calling Talbah Talbat al-Khayr, which I take to be a way of
expressing endearment.
W 729. Al-Abbis b. 'Abd al-Muttalib, the uncle of both the Prophet and 'All. See
E , S.V. !Watt!.
146 The Conquest of Iran

the Faithful is not yet dead!" ('Umar) came to and said, "All of
you, stop this! When I am dead, hold your consultations for
three days . Let $uhayb lead the people in prayer . Before the
fourth day comes you should have your commander from among
you. 'Abdallah b. 'Omar will be there as adviser, but he shall
1= 7791 have nothing to do with the matter [of the actual appointment].
Talhah shall share with you in the decision. If he comes within
the three days, include him in your decision . If the three days go
by and he does not come, make the decision nevertheless. Who
will deal with Talhah for me? " "I shall," responded Sa'd b. Abi
Waggag, "and he will not give a differing view, God willing."
'Umar said, "I hope he will not give a differing view, God
willing. I think one of these two, All or 'Uthman, will become
leader. If it is 'Uthman, he is a gentle person; if it is All, he has
a sense of humor . How suitable he is to carry them along the
true road ! If you appoint Sad, he is worthy of the office, but if
not, the one appointed should seek his assistance . I have never
dismissed him for disloyalty or weakness . How perceptive 'Abd
al-Rahman b. Awf is! He is disposed to what is right . [He is]
rightly guided and has a protector in God . Listen to what he has
to say."
('Umar) said to Abu Talhah al-An§ari, "For a long time had
God strengthened Islam through you Helpers, Abu Talhah.
Select fifty Helpers and urge them to choose one of them." To
al-Migdad b. al-Aswad730 he said, "When you put me into my
grave, assemble these people in one room to choose one of their
number." To $uhayb he said, "Lead the people in prayer for
three days . Let into [the deliberations] 'Ali, 'Uthman , al-Zubayr,
Sa'd, 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Awf, and Talhah, if he arrives. Have
'Abdallah b. 'Umar present, but he shall have nothing to do
with the matter (of the actual appointment ]. Stay with them and
if five agree to approve of one man, but one refuses , smash in his
head, or strike it off with a sword . If four agree to approve of one
man, but two refuse , cut off the (latters') heads. If three approve
[: 780] of one of them, and three approve of another , get 'Abdallah b.

730. Al-Migdad b. Amr/al-Aswad al-Kindi died in 33 /6 53. See Ibn I;iajar.

Tahdhib, X, z85-87.
The Events of the Year 23 147

'Umar to make a decision . Let whichever party in favor of

which he makes his judgment select one of themselves . If they
do not accept 'Abdallah b. 'Umar's judgment, be on the same
side as 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Awf. Kill the rest if they do not go
along with the general consensus."
So they left. 'All said to some Bann Hashim who were with
him, "If your people are obeyed [only] among themselves, you
will never be appointed to positions of leadership ." AI-Abbas
came to him, and ('Ali) said, "(The caliphate) has slipped from
us!"73i (Al-'Abbas) asked him how he knew. He continued,
"('Umar) paired me with 'Uthman and told us [all) to fall in
with the majority. If two approve of one, and two another, [he
said], we should be on the same side as 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Awf.
Sa'd will not go against his cousin, 'Abd al-Rahman, who is
related by marriage to 'Uthman. They will all (three) agree in
their opinion . 'Abd al-Rahman will appoint 'Uthman to the
caliphate, or 'Uthman will appoint 'Abd al-Rahman. If the other
two were with me, they would be of no benefit to me, to say
nothing of the fact that I have hope only of one of them." Al-
'Abbas said to him, "I have never urged you to do anything
without your later responding to me by holding back in a way I
do not like. When the Messenger of God died, I ordered you to
ask him [on his death bed] who should have the rule, but you
refused. After (Muhammad 's) death I ordered you to bring the
matter to a speedy conclusion, but you refused. When 'Umar
nominated you a member of the electoral council , I advised you
to have nothing to do with them, but you refused. just learn one
thing from me: whenever people make you a proposal , say no,
unless they are appointing you [caliph ). Watch out for these
people, they will continue to push us out of the matter [of the
caliphate] until someone else takes our [rightful] place. I swear
in God's name, no such person will get ( the caliphate) without [2781]
the help of some evil together with which no good will be of
benefit !" 'Ali replied, "If 'Uthman survives, I shall certainly
remind him of what has happened. If he dies , they will certainly
take (the caliphate ) by turns among themselves . If they do, they

731. That is, Bann Hishim.

148 The Conquest of Iran

will certainly find me in a position they do not like." Then

1 . : quoted the following verses, applying them to his own
I swore by the lord of the mares prancing one evening-
[but] in the morning they came, nimble, hastening to al-
Muhaq. ab.733
"The family of Ibn Ya'mar will certainly stand apart, facing
a bloody place, difficult to drink from, they being the sons of
And he turned and saw Abu Talhah, but did not like his being
there. Abu Talhah said, "Nothing to be afraid of, Abu al-
llasan! "735
When 'Umar died and his bier was brought out, both All and
'Uthman pretended not to mind which of them would pray over
him. But 'Abd al-Rahman said, "Both of you are candidates for
the caliphate. This matter has nothing to do with you. It is
for $uhayb whom 'Umar appointed to lead the people in prayer
for three (nights) until they can agree on a leader." So $uhayb
prayed over ('Umar). When he had been buried, al-Migdad
assembled the members of the electoral council in the house of
al-Miswar b. Makhramah-another version is that it was in the
treasury and yet another that it was in 'A ishah's room with her
permission-five in all, accompanied by Ibn 'Umar and with
Talhah (still) absent. They ordered Abu Talhah to prevent
anyone from disturbing them. 'Amr b. a1-'A§ and al-Mughirah b.
127821 Shu'bah arrived and sat at the door, but Sad threw pebbles at

731. The meter is lawn. See Ibn al-Athir, Kdmil, III, 33.
733. A place between Mecca and Mini, nearer to the latter. See al-Mandsik,
6o1; Bilidi, Mu dam, VIII, 43-44.
734• Ya 'mar b. Awf, nicknamed al-Shuddikh, was during the pre-Islamic
period one of the arbitrators of Kininah who gave a judgment between the tribes
of Khuzi'ah and Qugayy on the question of the Ka'bah. See Ibn Man;Ur, Lisdn,
III, z8, Zabidi, Tdj, VII, 178-79. The second line is the very tentative rendering
la-yakhtaliyan rahlu bni Ya mara marl 'an
nai 'an band 1-Shudddkhi wirdan mu$allabd.
'Ali here emphasises his isolation in the face of opposition.
735. Abu al- Hasan is Ali. This seems to indicate Abu Talhah's support for the
Alid family.
The Events of the Year 23 149

them and made them get up, saying, "You want to say, 'We were
there; we were members of the electoral council .' " The electoral
council argued about the affair and a great deal of talking went
on among them. Abu Talhah said, "I was more afraid that you
would reject (the caliphate ) than I was that you would compete
for it. No, by Him who has taken away 'Umar's soul, I shall give
you no more than the three days that you were ordered. Then I
shall sit down in my own house and see what you are up to!"
'Abd al-Rahman said, "Which one of you will withdraw from
the (race for the caliphate), and undertake to appoint the best
of you?" No one answered. So he continued, "I withdraw."
'Uthman said, "I am the first to accept [this]. I heard the
Messenger of God say, '(`Abd al-Rahman) is trustworthy on
earth and will be in heaven ."' All the members, with the
exception of All who remained silent, expressed their approval.
So (Abd al-Rahman ) said, "What do you say, Abu al-Hasan?"
('Ali) replied, "Give me your word you will consider truth
paramount, you will not follow your whim, you will not show
any preference for a relative, and you will not let the community
down." (Abd al-Rahman) said [to the others ], "Give me your
solemn promises you will stand with me against anyone who
reneges [on your final decision ] and you will approve of anyone I
choose for you. I impose a pact with God upon myself that I
shall show no preference for a relative, because he is a relative,
nor shall I let down the Muslims ." He took a promise from them
and similarly gave them his word. (Abd al-Rahman) said to All,
"You say you have most right of those present to the office
because of your close relationship [to the Prophet) and your long
standing in and the good deeds you have done in the cause of
Islam, and you have not , [in saying so], said anything remote
[from the truth]. But if you were not involved in the matter and
were not here at all, whom would you think of them all has (2783]
most right to (the office)?" He replied, "'Uthman." (Abd al-
Rahman) took 'Uthman on one side and said, "You say you are
a shaykh of Banu `Abd Manaf and related to the Messenger
of God by marriage and his cousin, an excellent man of long
standing [in Islam]-and you have not said anything remote
from the truth and that (the caliphate) cannot therefore be taken
from you. But if you were not here, which of the members do
1 50 The Conquest of Iran

you think has most right to (the office )?" He replied, "Ali."
Then ('Abd al-Rahmin) took al-Zubayr on one side and ad-
dressed him in the same way as he had All and 'Uthmin. He
replied, "'Uthman." Then ('Abd al-Rahmin) took Sad on one
side and spoke to him . He answered "'Uthmin." 'Ali met Sad
and quoted, "'Fear God by whom you make demands one of
another, and the wombs [which bore you]. God is ever watching
you. 736 I am asking you, in the name of the relationship (rahim)
of this son of mine737 with the Messenger of God and that of my
paternal uncle, Hamzah, 738 with you, not to stand with 'Abd al-
Rahmin, assisting 'Uthmin against me. I have connections
'Uthman does not." 'Abd al-Rahmin went round at night
meeting the Companions of the Messenger of God and those
army commanders and nobles who arrived in Medina and con-
sulting with them . Everyone he took to one side gave him
instructions to opt for 'Uthman . Then on the eve of the
morning of the deadline, he came to the house of al-Miswar b.
Makhramah well into the night and woke him up, saying,
"You're asleep, when I have had very little tonight? Off you go
and summon al-Zubayr and Sa'd!"
So (al-Miswar ) summoned them and (Abd al- Rahmin) began
[2784 ] with al-Zubayr at the back of the mosque under the covering
(suffah ) that adjoins the house of Marwin, 739 saying, "Let the
rule go to the sons of 'Abd Manaf! i74O (AI-Zubayr) said, "I throw
in my lot with Ali." ('Abd al -Rahmin) said to Sad, "We are
cousins. Throw in your lot with me so that I can choose." He
replied, "If you choose yourself , that is fine! But if you choose
'Uthman, then I prefer to support 'Ali. Have yourself accepted
as caliph ], give us some respite and raise up our heads ." ('Abd
al-Rahmin) said, "Abu Ishaq, I have withdrawn from (the ca-

736. Qur'an, IV:r.

737. The text has a singular, "son," presumably al-Hasan, who was born from
the womb of Falimah, the Prophet's daughter. The parallel text of the 7qd HIV,
z78), however, has a dual, "these two sons of mine") viz., al-Hasan and al-
738. Hamzah b. Abd al-Muttalib, the brother of Ali's father, Abu Talib.
739. This is perhaps the young Marwan b. al-Hakam, the future fourth
Umayyad caliph, who died in 65/685.
740. That is, Ali and 'Uthman. See note 72.7, above.
The Events of the Year 23 151

liphate) on condition that I make the choice. [Even] had I not

done so and the choice had come back on me, I would not have
wanted (the caliphate). I saw myself in a dream as if in a green
meadow rich in fresh herbage. 74' A stallion camel came in-I
have never seen such a noble stallion -and passed through like
an arrow without paying attention to anything in the meadow
right to the other side without stopping . A stallion followed
him in immediately after and left the meadow . Then a fine
thoroughbred stallion entered, dragging his halter, turning right
and left, going where the other two went and leaving. Then a
fourth, a stallion camel entered and pastured in the meadow. No
indeed, I shall not be the fourth. No one can take the place of
Abu Bakr and 'Umar after their death and [then ] be approved of
by the people." Sa'd replied, " I am afraid that weakness has
overcome you. Do as you think best . You know what 'Umar's
death bed instructions were."
Al-Zubayr and Sa'd left. ('Abd al-Rahman) sent al-Miswar b.
Makhramah for 'Ali and talked with him in private for a long
time, (the latter) not doubting that he was to be selected for the
office [of caliph]. Then ('Ali) left, and ('Abd al- Rahman) sent al-
Miswar for 'Uthman, but the call to morning prayer interrupted
their private conversation.
According to 'Amr b. Maymun: 'Abdallah b. 'Umar told me, 12 78 51
"'Amr, anyone who tells you that he knows what 'Abd al-
RahmAn discussed with 'Ali and 'Uthman, does not know what
he is talking about ! Your Lord's decision fell on 'Uthman."
When they had said the morning prayers, ('Abd al-Rahman)
convened the members [of the electoral council ] and sent for all
the Emigrants and the Helpers of long standing fin Islam] and of
excellence and the military commanders who were [in Medina].
They all assembled and there was confusion among the people
in the mosque . ('Abd al-Rahman) said, "People , everyone wants
those of the garrison towns to return to them, having learned

741. The text reads "Inni uritu ka-raw,iatin kha4yd'a" etc. Much neater is Ibn
Abd Rabbih, 'Igd, IV, 278, who has Inni ra aytu ka-anni fi rawoatin khadrd'a. I
have translated the latter. In the anecdote that follows the first noble stallion
camel represents the Prophet, the stallion camel Abii Bakr, and the fine
thoroughbred 'Umar. The fourth represents 'Umar's successor.
r5. The Conquest of Iran

who their supreme commander is." Said b . Zayd said, "We

thank you are worthy of (the caliphate)." He replied, "Give me
some different advice! " 'Ammar (b. Yasir ) said, "If you want
the Muslims to be in full agreement, give 'Ali the oath of
allegiance." Al-Migdad b. al-Aswad said, " Ammar is right; if
you give 'Ali the oath of allegiance, we shall say that we are in
full agreement with what you are doing." Ibn Abi Sarh742 said,
"If you want Quraysh to be in full agreement , give 'Uthman the
oath of allegiance." 'Abdallah b. Abi Rabi'ah said, "He is right,
if you give 'Uthman the oath of allegiance , we shall say that
we are in full agreement with what you are doing ." 'Ammar
upbraided Ibn Abi Sarh, saying, "When did you ever give the
Muslims any good advice?!"
Banu Hashim and Banu Umayyah743 held talks. 'Ammar said,
"0 people, God has ennobled us through His Prophet and
strengthened us through His religion. How can you take this
appointment away from those of the house of your Prophet?" A
member of Banu Makhzum744 said, "You have gone too far, Ibn
Sumayyah! Why should you have anything to do with Quraysh
taking the leadership for themselves ?"" Sa'd b. Abi Waggag
said, "Get it over with, 'Abd al-Rahman, before our people fall
into civil war." 'Abd al-Rahman said , " I have looked into [the
matter] and consulted . Do not, members of the electoral council,
(:786] lay yourselves open to criticism ." He summoned 'Ali and said,
"God's agreement and covenant is binding on you . Will you
indeed act in accordance with God's Book, the practice of His
Messenger and the example of the two caliphs after him?" ('Ali)
replied, "I hope to do this and act thus to the best of my
knowledge and ability ." ('Abd al-Rahman) summoned 'Uthman
and said to him the same as what he had said to 'Ali . (' Uthman)
replied, "Yes." So ('Abd al-Rahman ) gave him the oath of

742. Ibn Abi Sark was 'Iya4 b. Abdallah b. Sad who died ca. 100/718. See Ibn
Ijajar, Tahdhib, VIII, 2oo-1.
743• That is, the families of Ali and 'Uthmin, respectively.
744• MakhzUm b. Yaga;ah, a tribal group ( baln) of Lu'ayy b. Ghilib and Banu
Umayyah's chief rival among Quraysh. See Zubayri, Nasab Quraysh, 299-346,
Ibn Hazm, Iamharah , 141ff., 464, Kal bb lah, Mu'jam, III, Y058-
745- Sumayyah was a concubine, and this is therefore an insult. Ammar was
not of Quraysh. See note 8, above . See also E12, s.v. "'Ammar" ( Reckendorf).
The Events of the Year 2.3 1153

allegiance . 'All said, "You have always been partial in his

favorl746 This is not the first time you have banded together
against us. But '(my course is] comely patience and God's help is
to be asked against what you describe.'747 You have appointed
'Uthman only so that the rule will come back to you. 'Every day
God exercises power.ii748 'Abd al-Rahman retorted , "Do not lay
yourself open to criticism , All. I have looked into the matter
and consulted the people . They regard no one as the equal of
'Uthman." All left, saying, "[God's] decree will come in its
timel " Al-Migdad said, "You have indeed, 'Abd al- Rahman,
passed up the one who makes decisions based 'on the truth and
thereby acts justly.,"' ('Abd al- Rahman) replied, "I have
indeed exerted all my efforts for the Muslims, Migdad." (The
former) said, "If you sincerely did what you did for God's sake,
may He reward you as He does those who do good." [But] al-
Migdad said, "I have never seen such things as have been visited
upon the people of this house after the death of their Prophet. I
am amazed at Quraysh that they have abandoned someone who
cannot be matched in my opinion in knowledge and the ability
to act justly. What indeed if I were to find supporters against
'Uthmanl" 'Abd al-Rahman replied, "Fear God, Migdad, I am
afraid you will cause dissension ." Someone questioned al-
Migd ad, "God have mercy upon you, who are the people of this
house and who is this man?" He replied, "The people of the [2787]
house are Banu al- Muttalib and the man is All b. Abi Talib."
'Ali said, "The people are looking to Quraysh, while Quraysh
are [also] looking to their own house . (Quraysh) say that, if Banu
Hashim are put in authority over you, (the caliphate ) will never
leave them; but so long as it is in the hands of [clans] other
than (Banu Hashim) of Quraysh, you will pass it around among
Talhah arrived on the day on which the oath of allegiance

746. This appears to be what is meant by the Arabic babawta-hu habwa

dahrin, see Glossarium, ccxLv. In 'Abd Rabbih, 'Iqd, IV, 279, has babawta-hu
747. Qur'an, XII:18.
748. Qur'an, LV:s9.
749• See Qur an, VII:159, z8z.
1 154 The Conquest of Iran

was given to 'Uthman. He was asked to give his own oath to

'Uthman, but asked, "Do all Quraysh approve of him?" and was
told they did. He came to 'Uthman and the latter said, "You
still have your options open; if you refuse [to give me the oath of
allegiance], I shall reject (the caliphate)." Talhah said, "Will you
really reject it?" 'Uthman replied that he would. Talhah asked,
"Have all the people given you the oath of allegiance ?" 'Uthman
replied that they had. (Talhah ) said, "Then I approve; I shall not
go against the general consensus ." He gave ('Uthman) the oath
of allegiance.
Al-Mughirah b. Shu'bah said to 'Abd al-Rahman, "You were
right to give 'Uthman the oath of allegiance, Abu Muhammad."
He also said to 'Uthman , "If 'Abd al-Rahman had given the
oath of allegiance to anyone other than you, we would not have
agreed." But Abd al-Rahman retorted, "You one-eyed liar! If I
had given anyone else the oath of allegiance , you would have
done so also and would have said what you say now."
Al-Farazdaq said: 750
$uhayb led the prayer for three nights; then (`Abd al-Rahman)
handed over (the caliphate)
to Ibn 'Affan, unlimited authority,
A caliphate [which passed on) from Abu Bakr to his colleague,
[Abu Bakr] rightly guided and ['Umar] under his command-
they were [all) sincere friends."
[2788] Al-Miswar b . Makhramah used to say, "I have never seen a man
get the better of a group of people in the matter in which they
were engaged more effectively than 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Awf did
of (the electoral council) in this case."
Abu Ja'far [al-Tabari) said : We )also] have the account of al-
Miswar b. Makhramah. According to Salm b. Junadah Abu al-
Sa'ib-Sulayman b. 'Abd al-'Aziz b. Abi Thabit b. 'Abd al-

750. The meter is basil . Al-Farazdaq is the famous poet , Hammem b . Ghalib
b. $a'ga'ah, always associated with al-Akhtal and Jarir. Al-Farazdaq died ca.
'r 11729. Cf. El, s. v. (Blachtre(; for a more recent assessment of al-Farazdaq and
his work, see Jayyusi, "Umayyad Poetry," 4oiff. The poet here is eulogizing the
Umayyad caliph Yazid b. Abd al- Malik and satirizing Yazid b. al-Muhallab. Cf.
al-Farazdaq, Diwdn, 1, z65.
The Events of the Year 2.3 1155

'Aziz b. 'Umar b. 'Abd al -Rahman b. 'Awf-his father-'Abd-

allah b. Ja'far-his father-al-Miswar b. Makhramah, whose
mother was 'Atikah bt. 'Awf, in the account the first part of
which I have already given concerning the murder of 'Umar b.
al-Khattab: The five, the members of the electoral council, went
down into the grave of 'Umar,751 then left for their homes. But
'Abd al-Rahman called them back, so they followed him, and he
eventually came to the house of Faiimah bt. Qays al-Fihriyyah,
sister of al-I)ahhak b. Qays al-Fihri . 752 Some scholars say she
was [not his sister but ] his wife, a fine woman, one of perception.
'Abd al-Ralunan began by saying , "I have perception, you have
insight. Listen and you will learn ; respond and you will have
knowledge. An arrow that, though lacking power, hits the target
is better than one, shot too hard, that goes beyond it. A mouth-
ful of cold, brackish water is more beneficial than sweet that
brings infection [after drinking]. You are leaders through whom
guidance is brought about ; [ you are] scholars to whom reference [2789]
is made. Do not blunt your knives by differing among yourselves,
nor put your swords in their scabbards away from your enemies
and so make them attain their blood revenge and diminish your
deeds. Every term has a prescribed end. Every house has a leader
at whose command they rise up and at whose forbidding they
desist. Put one of you in charge of your affair, and you will walk
slowly [forward] and reach your aim. Were it not for blind dis-
sension and complete error, the perpetrators of which say what
they think and upon whom calamity alights, your intentions
would not go beyond your knowledge or your deeds beyond your
intentions. Beware of the advice given at a whim and the tongue
that divides. A stratagem introduced into speech is more effective
than swords in a wound. Associate your affairs with someone
who has ample strength against whatever befalls, is trustworthy
with things unknown whatever descends , is pleased with you
and all of you are pleased with him, chosen from among you and

751. See Page 93.

752. Al- Dahhak b. Qays al-Fihri belonged to the Qurashi clan of Fihr. He was
later in charge of Damascus, leader of Qays, the northern tribes, and fought
against the Umayyad caliph, Marwin b. al-Hakam in 64/684 at the famous battle
of Mari Rihil, where he was defeated and killed . See Tabari, II, 474ff.; I1fahini,
Aghdni, XVII, r 1 r , EP, s.v. (Dietrich(.
r56 The Conquest of Iran

[about whom] all of you have the same opinion . Do not obey an
evil doer who gives good advice or go against someone rightly
guided who gives his assistance. I am making this speech and I
ask God for forgiveness for you and for myself."
'Uthman b. 'Affan spoke next, saying, "Praise be to God who
took Muhammad as a prophet and sent him as a messenger. He
told him truthfully of His promise and granted him His help
(27901 against all those distantly or closely related. God has made us
his followers, guided by His command . He is our light. We act at
His command when personal opinions diverge and our enemies
dispute [with us]. Through His bounty God has made us leaders
and through our obedience to Him commanders . Our concern
does not extend beyond ourselves, no one else will approach us
except those who are oblivious to the truth and shrink from the
established aim. How preferable it would be if (dissension] were
left alone, Ibn Awf! How apt that it should be,753 if your
decision is opposed and your call abandoned. I am the first to
agree with you and to call to you, answerable and responsible for
what I say. I ask God for forgiveness for you and for myself."
Al-Zubayr b. al-'Awwam spoke after him, saying, "To con-
tinue. He who calls upon God is not ignorant and he who
answers Him is not rejected when personal opinions diverge and
necks turn . Only one deviating from the truth will not comply
with what you say. Only a wretch will abandon that for which
you call. Were it not for God's ordinances that were made
obligatory and God's regulations that were ordained and are
restored to those who keep them and remain alive and do not
die, death would be an escape from command and flight would
be security from authority. But we must answer God's call and
make the established practice prevail, lest we die a death of error
and lest we suffer from the blindness of a time of ignorance. I
agree with you in that to which you summon [us] and will
support you in what you have commanded. There is no power
and no strength except in God. I ask God for forgiveness for you
and for myself."
Sa'd b. Abi Wagga$ then spoke, saying, "Praise be to God who

753• Reading wa-aidir. Cairo reads wa-abdhir, "how wary we should be of its
The Events of the Year 23 157

was first and will be last. I praise Him because He has saved me
from going astray and opened my eyes to error. Through God's [279=1
guidance those who are saved are the winners ; through His
mercy those who are pure are successful . Through Muhammad
b. 'Abdallah roads are lit up, paths are straight , and all truth
prevails, as all falsehood is no more . Beware, members of the
electoral council , of lies and the desire of those who are false.
Their desires have already dispossessed a people before you.
They inherited what you did and they acquired what you did, so
God made them enemies and heaped curses upon them. God
said, 'Those of the Israelites who did not believe are cursed by
David's tongue and that of Jesus, the son of Mary; this is because
they disobeyed and transgressed. They did not restrain one
another from evil that they committed . How wretched was what
they didli754 I have scattered [the arrows in] my quiver and taken
my winning arrow. For Talhah b . 'Ubaydallah I have adopted
[the opinion] of which I approved for myself."" I am answerable
for him and responsible for what (opinion] I gave on his behalf.
The matter is in your hands, Ibn 'Awf, for you to put your effort
into it and the good advice you intended . Upon God depends the
ultimate destination and to Him shall be the return . I ask for
forgiveness for you and for myself and take refuge in God from
your opposition."
All b. Abi Talib then spoke, saying, "Praise be to God who
sent forth Muhammad as Prophet from among us and as a
messenger to us. We are the house of the prophethood, the mine
of wisdom, the security of the people of the world, and a salva-
tion for those who ask for it. We have a right; if we are given it,
we take it, if we are refused it, we ride the rumps of our camels,
though the night journey be long.756 If the Messenger of God had
given us a commission, we would have carried out his agree-
ment; if he had said (something) to us [as a designation], we
would have disputed [with others] over it until we die. 157 No

754. Qur'an, V:78-79.

755. It will be recalled that Talbah was absent until the final day of the
deliberations, and Sad now speaks on his behalf.
756. That is, we take it by force.
7 7. Ali is here claiming the succession, but making it clear that there is no
explicit delegation from the Prophet.
1 158 The Conquest of Iran

[ z79z) one will be faster than I to call for truth and [claim] close
kinship. There is no power and strength except in God. Listen to
and remember what I have to say. Perhaps you will see swords
drawn and agreements broken in this matter after this council,
until you become one united group, and some of you become
leaders over those in error and over partisans (shiah) of the
ignorant." Then he recited the following:758
If Jasim has perished, I,
because of what Banu 'Abd b. I?akhm have done,759
Shall [nevertheless] obey anyone [even if he is] unable to find the
right way in the desert heat,
knowing well my destination , [guided by] every star.76°
'Abd al-Rahman said, "Which one of you is willing to with-
draw from this appointment and appoint someone else?" But
they did not respond to his suggestion. He continued, "I with-
draw myself and my cousin . i761 So the members gave him the
task of settling the matter. At the minbar he got them to swear
to give the oath of allgiance to whomsoever he gave it, even if he
were to give with one hand the oath of allegiance to the other.
He remained for three [nights] in his house, which was near the
mosque and called today Rahabat al-Qada' (Courtyard where the
Decision was made )- for this reason it was given this name.
$uhayb remained also for three [nights] leading the people in
'Abd al-Rahman sent for 'Ali and said to him, "If I do not give
you the oath of allegiance, tell me to whom I should ." ('Ali)
replied, 1"Uthman ." Then ('Abd al- Rahman) sent for 'Uthman
and asked the same thing of him . ('Uthman) replied, "All."
('Abd al-Rahman ) then dismissed them both and summoned al-

758. The meter is wafir. See Ibn al-Athir, Kdmil, 111, 37.
759. Jasim is a section of the Amalekite tribe, Banu Abd b. Qakhm, from the
area of al-' Jl'if. See Ibn ManUr, Lisdn, XII, 354) Fruzabiidi, Qdmns, IV, 143)
Kalibalah, Mnyam, I, 157111, 725. Tabari, I, z3o, however, places Jasim in Oman.
760. Ali's message through this obscure poem is that , despite having been let
down badly by his own people and despite having no one on which to depend, he
can nevertheless proceed as he thinks fit, because he knows his goal is a
righteous and attainable one.
761. That is, Sad b. Abi Wagga$.
The Events of the Year 2.3 1159

Zubayr. He asked (al-Zubayr) the same thing and he replied

"'Uthmin." Then ('Abd al-Rahmin) summoned Sad and said,
"Whom do you advise me [to support], as we two are not
candidates for (the caliphate)?" He replied , "'Uthman." On the
third night, ('Abd al-Rahmin) called, "Miswar!" I replied, "At
your service !" ('Abd al-Rahmin) exclaimed, "You are asleep, [,1793]
when I have not slept for three [nights ]! Go and call 'All and
'Uthmin for me. Miswar continued his account : I said, "Which
shall I call first, uncle ?" He replied, "Whichever one you wish."
So I left and came to 'Ali-and he was the one I favored [for the
caliphate]-and said, "Will you come to speak with my uncle?"
('Ali) said, "Did he send you to anyone else ?" I replied that he
had also sent me to 'Uthmin . ('Ali) said, "Which one of us did
he order you to come to first ?" I replied, "I asked him and he
told me whichever one I wished . So I came to you first-you
were the one I favored." So he came with me and we reached the
place where people sit (al -maga id), and 'All took his seat there.
I went in to see 'Uthmin and found him performing the witr
prayer as dawn came up. 762 I asked him if he would come to
speak with my uncle . ('Uthmin) in turn asked me, "Did he send
you to anyone else?" I replied that he had also sent me to All.
('Uthmin) said, "Which one of us did he order you to come to
first ?" I replied, "I asked him and he told me whichever one I
wished. All is where the people sit." So he came with me and
we all went in to see my uncle who was standing in the qiblah,
praying. He left [his prayers] when he saw us, then he turned to
'Ali and 'Uthmin and said, "I have asked about you and about
others. I find that the people regard no one as equal to you two.
Will you, 'Ali, give me your oath of office based on God's Book,
the practice of His Prophet, and the deeds of Abu Bakr and
'Umar?" ('All) replied, "Indeed no, but [only] based on my own
effort in all this and in accordance with my own ability." ('Abd
al-Rahmin) turned to 'Uthmin and said, "Will you give me
your oath of office based on God's Book, the practice of His
Prophet, and the deeds of Abu Bakr and 'Umar?" ('Uthmin)
said, "Indeed yes." Then ('Abd al-Rahmin) made a sign with his

762. The odd number of prostrations performed in prayer at night . See SEI, s.v.
r 6o The Conquest of Iran

hand to his shoulders 763 and said , "If you will come this way!"
S.. we got up and went to the*mosque where someone gave out
( 2 794] the cry, "Everyone in for prayer ! ,164 'Uthman [later] said, "I
held back, embarrassed by his haste to join All. I was at the
back of the mosque." Abd al- Rahman appeared wearing the
very turban that the Messenger of God had put on him and
carrying his sword . He went up into the minbar where he stood
for a long time . Then he said a prayer that the people did not
('Abd al-Rahman) then spoke, "0 people, I have questioned
you in secret and openly on the question of [who will be] your
leader. I have found that none of you regard (anyone else] as
equal to one of these two, 'Ali or 'Uthman. Come forward to
me, 'All ." He did so and stood beneath the minbar. 'Abd al-
Rahman took his hand and said, "Will you give me your oath of
office based on God 's Book, the practice of His Prophet, and the
deeds of Abu Bakr and 'Umar ?" He replied, "No, but based on
my own effort in all this and in accordance with my own
ability." ('Abd al-Rahman) let go of ('All's) hand and called out,
"Come forward to me, 'Uthman ." He took him by his hand, as
('Uthman) stood where 'Ali had stood, and said, "Will you give
me your oath of office based on God's Book, the practice of His
Prophet, and the deeds of Abu Bakr and 'Umar? " ('Uthman)
replied, "Indeed yes!" So ( Abd al-Rahman) stretched right up
to the ceiling of the mosque, his hand still in 'Uthman's
hand. Then he said, "0 God, hear and bear witness ! 0 God, I
have placed what was my own responsibility in all this upon
'Uthman." The people crowded round to give 'Uthman the
oath of allegiance, until they reached him at the minbar. 'Abd
al-Rahman sat down where the Prophet sat in the minbar, and
he sat ' Uthman down on the second step. The people began to
(2795] give him the oath of allegiance, but All excused himself. 'Abd
al-Rahman quoted , "He who breaks his word, does so to his own
detriment; he who keeps the agreement he has made with God,
He will bring him a great reward . "765 Then 'Ali came back,

763. Thus signifying that they should walk on either side of him.
764. Arabic, a1-faldtu jdmi 'ah. See Dozy, Supplement, I, 216-17.
765. Qur'in, XLVIII:ro.
The Events of the Year 23 16z

pushing his way through the people , and gave the oath of
allegiance, saying, "Deceit! What deceit!"
'Abd al-'Aziz766 said, "The reason for 'Ali's mentioning
deceit was simply that 'Amr b. al-'Ac had met All during the
period the electoral council was meeting and said , 'Abd al-
Rahman is striving hard . The more you show (your) firm resolu-
tion, the less keen he is (that you be appointed). But [the more
you say you will act according to] (your) effort and ability, the
keener he is (that you be appointed). Then ('Amr b. met
'Uthman and said, "Abd al- Rahman is striving hard. He will
indeed give you his oath of allegiance only because of firm
resolution. So accept ( the offer).' It was for this reason that 'Ali
mentioned deceit.i767
Then ('Abd al-Rahman) went off with 'Uthman to the house
of Fatimah bt. Qays, where he sat down with the people. Al-
Mughirah b. Shu'bah got up to make a speech , with 'Ali sitting
there, "Praise be to God, Abu Muhammad , who has granted you
success! There was indeed no one other than 'Uthman for (the
caliphate)." 'Abd al- Rahman said, "This is none of your business,
Ibn al-Dabbagh! I could give my own oath of allegiance to no one
without your saying what you have just said about him!"
Then 'Uthman sat at the side of the mosque and called for
'Ubaydallah b. 'Umar, who was confined in the house of Sa'd b.
Abi Wagga$. He is the one from whose hand the sword had been
snatched after he had killed Jufaynah, 76B al-Hurmuzan, and the
daughter of Abu Lu'lu'ah, saying that he was going to kill some
of those who were involved in shedding his father 's blood,
alluding to both the Emigrants and the Helpers . Sad had
jumped up against him, snatched the sword from his hand and
tugged at his hair until he had him on the ground . He held him
prisoner in his own house until 'Uthman brought him out . [2796]
'Uthman said to a group of Emigrants and Helpers , "Give me
your advice on [what to do with] this man who has brought

766. The father of Sulayman, see the chain of authorities, p. 154, above.
767. Amr later appeared as Mu' awiyah 's arbitrator against Abu Musa al-
Ash'arl, All's arbitrator, after $iffin in 38/659. It appears from this text that he
had long been against 'All.
768. Jufaynah was a Christian slave from al-Hlrah , see p. x63, below.
r62 The Conquest of Iran

schism into Islam." All replied , "I think you should kill him."
one of the Emigrants said, "'Umar was killed yesterday; will
his son be killed today?" But 'Amr b. a1= Ag said, "Commander
of the Faithful, God has exempted you from this having happened
while you were in authority over the Muslims; rather this took
place when you had none ." 'Uthman said, "I am now their
master. I have decided that blood money should be paid in this
case, and I shall bear the cost from my own money."
A Helper called Ziyad b. Labid al-Bayadi recited the following
when he saw 'Ubaydallah b. 'Umar:769
Ali, you have no way of escape, 'Ubaydallah,
no place of refuge from Ibn Arwa770 and no means of pro-
tecting yourself.
You spilled blood indeed, completely unlawfully-
and killing al-Hurmuzan is a dangerous matter-
For no other reason than that someone said,
"Do you suspect al-Hurmuzan of [killing ] 'Umar?"
When so many things were happening, a fool replied,
"Yes, do suspect him, since he suggested [it] and gave the
The slave's weapon771 was inside the (Hurmuzan 's) house,
he turning it over [in his hand). One thing [must[ be
reckoned in relation to another."
'Ubaydallah. b. Umar complained to 'Uthman of Ziyad b.
Labid and his poem, so 'Uthman called in Ziyad b. Labid and
forbade him [from reciting it]. Ziyad recited the following,
speaking of 'Uthman:772
Abu 'Amr, 'Ubaydallah is a hostage-
have no doubt-for the killing of al-Hurmuzan.
For if you forgive him the offense, [this will be wrong],

769. The meter is {awil. Ziyad b. Labid al-Bayadi is unidentified. For the
poem, see Ibn al-Athir, Kdmil, 111, 37.
770. That is, 'Uthman b. Affin, whose mother was Arwi bt. Kurayz.
7711. That is, the double-bladed dagger used by Abu Lulu ah to kill 'Umar.
77s. The meter is wdfir. See Ibn al-Athir, Kdmil, III, 37.
The Events of the Year 23 163

when the circumstances of the crime are (at least) equally

Will you forgive ['Ubaydallah], when you have no right to do
(As yet) you have no authority to do what you say.771
So 'Uthman summoned Ziyad b . Labid, forbade him (to recite 12 7971
this), and sent him away.
According to al-Sari-Shu'ayb-Sayf-Yahya b. Sa'id776-
Said b. al-Musayyab : On the morning when 'Umar was stabbed
'Abd al-Rahman b. Abi Bakr said, "Last evening I passed by Abu
Lu'lu'ah, as he was meeting in secret with Jufaynah and al-
Hurmuzan . When I came upon them, they sprang up and a
dagger with two baldes and its handle in the middle fell out into
their midst. Consider (the instrument) with which ('Umar) was
killed!" (Abu Lu'lu'ah) had already slipped through the crowd
attending the mosque. A Tamimi777 went off in search of him
and returned to them, having kept after Abu Lu 'lu'ah as he left
'Umar, taken him, and killed him . (The Tamimi) brought
the dagger that 'Abd al-Rahman b. Abi Bakr had described.
'Ubaydallah b. 'Umar heard about this, but held back until
'Umar died. Then he wrapped his garments round his sword,
came to al-Hurmuzan, and killed him. When the sword was
wounding him, he called out, "There is no god but God." Then
('Ubaydallah b. 'Umar ) passed on to Jufaynah, a Christian from
al-Hirah, foster son of Sad b . Malik 778 and whom he had
brought to Medina as a result of the peace between himself and
(the inhabitants) and to teach him writing. As he held the sword
over him, ('Ubaydallah ) (struck Jufaynah with it), making the

773. The second hemistich reads "wa-asbdbu a1-khaki farasd rihdni"

literally, "two horses racing [neck and neck]". That is, it is a question of timing:
was 'Uthman in authority when the crime was perpetrated or not?
774. The first hemistich reads a-ta ft idh 'afawta bi-ghayri baggin.
775. With some hesitation I follow the Glossarium, cxetx. The Arabic reads
fa-md ]a-ka bi-lladhi tabki yaddni.
776. Yal?yi b. Said b. Mikhnaf, father of Abu Mikhnaf.
777. Tamim b. Muff, a huge confederation of northern tribal groups
inhabiting the general area of Najd, al-Yamimah and Bahrain. See Ibn Uazm,
famharah, 107, 466-67, Kalphilah, Mu'jam, 1, 1z6-33.
778. That is, Sad b. Abi Waggif.
164 The Conquest of Iran

sign of the cross between his eyes. $uhayb heard of this and sent
'Auir b. al- As to ('Ubaydallah). He kept at him, saying "[Give
me] the sword, by my mother and father!" until he handed it
over to him. Sad sprang upon him, took him by the hair and
they all came to $uhayb.

[27981 'Umar's Governors in the Garrison Towns

'Umar b. al-Khallab's governor of Mecca in the year in which he
was killed, that is, 23 [November 19, 643-November 7, 6441,
was Nafi' b. 'Abd al-Harith al-Khuza'i;779 of al-W'a'if, Sufyan b.
'Abdallah al-Thagafi ;780 of $an'a', Ya'la b. Munyah, confederate
of Banu Nawfal b..Abd Manaf; 781 of al-Janad,782 'Abdallah b. Abi
Rabi'ah; of al-Kufah, al-Mughirah b. Shu'bah; of al-Basrah, Abu
Musa al-Ash'ari; of Egypt, 'Amr b. al-'As; of I;iims, 'Umayr b.
Sa'd; of Damascus, Mu'awiyah b. Abi Sufyan; and of Bahrain
and its neighboring area , 'Uthman b. Abi al-'AS al-Thagafi.
According to al-Wagidi, Qatadah b. al-Nu 'man al-7afari7m
died in 23 and 'Umar prayed over him.
In (this year) Mu'awiyah launched a summer offensive and
reached Amorium,784 accompanied by some of the Companions
of the Messenger of God; viz., 'Ubadah b. al-$amit,785 Abu

779. I have no further information on Nifi' b. Abd al- Hirith al-KhuzI i. For
the following list, see Ya 'gnbi, Tdrikh, 11, 16 t.
780. Sufyan b. Abdalli h al-Thaqafi has a brief entry in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV,
r 15 - 16, although no date of death is given.
781. Ya' li was more commonly known as Ya'li b. Umayyah, see note 2o5.
Nawfal b. Abd Manif was a tribal group (barn) of Quraysh. See Zubayri, Nasab
Quraysh, 197-2051 Ibn Hazm, /amharah, 115-17, Kahhilah, Mu yam, III, 1202-

3 782. Al-!anad is very close to, and at the present time a suburb of, the
important town of Ta'izz in the southern highlands of the Yemen . It was of great
importance in early and medieval times and the seat of one of the three
governors in the Yemen, along with $an'i' and Hadramawt (not here mentioned).
See Hamdini, Sifah, 44, 54 -55 and passim; Kay, Yaman, end map.
783. Qatidah b. al-Nu'miin al -Zafari fought at Badr, a fact mentioned in the
biographies, e.g., Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VIII, 357-58.
784. Byzantine Amorion, Arabic 'Ammuriyyah , in the heart of Asia Minor,
only approximately 170 miles southeast of Constantinople . See Yiqut, Mu'fam,
IV, r58, Runciman, Crusades, 1, Map 176.
785. 'Ubidah b. al-$imit died in 34/654 or later. He had been present at the
battle of Badr. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, V, r 11ff.
The Events of the Year 2 3 x65

Ayyub Khalid b. Zayd,786 Abu Dharr,787 and Shaddad b. Aws.788

In (this year) Mu'awiyah conquered Ascalon789 by making
peace [with its inhabitants.]
It was reported that Shurayh was judge of al-Kufah in the year
in which 'Umar b. al-Khattib died; judge of al-Bagrah was Ka'b
b. Sur. ' According to Mu $'ab b. 'Abdallah-Malik b. Anas791
-Ibn Shihab : Abu Bakr and 'Umar had no judge.

786. Abu Ayyub Khilid b. Zayd died in 50/670 or 55/675. See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, III, 90-95.
787. Abu Dharr al-Ghifari died ca . 32/653. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XII,
9off. , El', s.v. (Robson (1 Cameron, Abu Dharr, passim.
788. Shaddid b. Aws died ca. 64/683. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV, 3 r 5.
789. Asgalan on the Mediterranean coast north of Gaza . See Yiqut, Mu'jam,
IV, 5z2; Le Strange, Palestine, 400-3 and map opposite 1 4.
790. For Ka'b b. Sur al-Azdi, see Waki', Akhbar, I, z74ff.
795. Milik b. Anas was the author of the famous Muwaffa' and died in
179/796. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, X, 5-9; Sezgin, GAS, 1, 457-64.


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The index contains all proper names of persons, places, and tribal and other
groups, as well as topographical data, occurring in the foreword, the text, and
the footnotes, together with some technical terms . As far as the footnotes are
concerned, however, only those names that belong to the medieval or earlier
periods are fisted.
The definite article, the abbreviations b. (for ibn, son) and bt. (for bint,
daughter), and everything in parentheses have been disregarded for the purposes
of alphabetization. Where a name occurs in both the text and the footnotes on
the same page, only the page number is given.

A Abd al-Ragman, the middle son of

'Umarb. al-Khattib Io'
Aban b. Abi 'Amr b. Umayyah b. 'Abd 'Abd al-Ragman, the youngest son of
Shams 91 n. 404 ' 1oz
Abin jidhawayh, governor of at- 'Abd al-R4min b. 'Abdallih b. 'Abd
Rayy 52 al-Hakam al-Mi$ri, rdwi 98
Abbad b. Ziyad 76 n. 339 'Abd al -Ragmin b. Abi Bakr al-
al-'Abbas b.'Abd al- Muffalib 145,147 $iddiq zoo, 163
'Abbas b. Ab1 Talib, rdwi 103,104 Abd al -Ragman b . Abi Zayd, rdwi 139
'Abd al•'Aziz, rdwi 161 'Abd al-Ragman b. 'Amr 13
'Abd al-Hamid b. Bayan, rdwi 139 'Abd al-Ragman b. 'Awf 90-93,109,
'Abd al-Malik b. Marwin 42 111, 145 - 58, z6o, 161
Abd al-Malik b . Nawfal b . Musihiq, Abd al-Ragman b. jaz' al-Sulami,
rdwi 132 religious scholar 45,46
Abd al-Malik b. Sulaymin, rdwi 117 'Abd al-Ragman b. Khalid b . al-Walid
'Abd al-Mun'im b. Idris, rdwi Io6 n. al-Makhzumi 46
514 Abd al-Ragman b. Mahdi, rdwi Io,
'Abd al-Qays 53n.251 107, 141
'Abd al-Ragman, the eldest son of 'Abd al-Ragman b . Raba ah, Dhu al-
'Umar b. al-Khaffab zoo, rot Nur 5 , 34, 35, 37-42
174 Index

Abd al-Rahmin b . Zayd, rdwi Io5 Abu 'Abd al-Rahman al-Fazari,

Abd al-Razziq b. Hammim, rawi 98 rdwi 55
'Abd Shams 91 n. 404, 145 n. 727 Abu 'Abdallih al-Burjumi, rdwi 2 2g
'Abdallih b. 'Abdallah b. 'Itbin 3-9, Abu'Amir'Abd al-Malik b.'Amr a!-
44, 73, 74, 77 'Aqadi, rdwi 109,113
'Abdallah b. AN Bakr 101, 123, 129 n. Abu 'Amr. See 'Uthmin b. 'Affin
640 Abu 'Amr, client of Ibrahim b. Talhah,
'Abdallih b. Abi Ishaq rdwi 223 rawi 85,133
Abdallih b. Abi Rabi'ah, governor of Abu 'Amr b. al-'Ali', rdwi 71
the Yemen 222, 252, 264 Abu 'Amr Dhakwin, rd w! 96
Abdallih b. Abi $a'^a'ah, rdwi 134 Abu Ayyub Khilid b. Zayd,
Abdallih b. Abi Sulaymin, rdwi 241 Companion 164, 165
Abdallah b. Abi'Ugayl al-Thaqafi 54 Abu Bakr b. 'Abdallih b. Abi Maryam,
Abdallah b . Ahmad b. Shabbawayh a1- ravel 120
Marwazi, rdwi 68 AN Bakr al-'Absi, rawi 104
'Abdallih b. 'Amir al-Qurashi 58n. Abu Bakr b. 'Ayyash, rdwi 207, III,
276 112
Abdallih b. 'Amir b. Rabi'ah, rawi 97, Abu Bakr b. Ismi'il b. Muhammad b.
220 Sa'd, rawi 93
Abdallah b. 'Amr 13 AN Bakr al-$iddiq, xiii , xiv, 92-94,97
'A bdallah b. Budayl b. Wargi' al- n. 447,102,116,132, 136,140,141
Khuza'i 4, 5 n. 22, 74 0. 703, 143 0. 713, 144 n. 725, 151,
'Abdallah b . Diwud al -Wisili, 154, 159, 260, 165
rdwi 22I Abu Dharr al-Chifari, Companion 165
'Abdallah b. al-Hirith b. Warga' al- Abu al-Dinginah, rdwi Io5
Asadi 4,83 Abu Dujinah 32
'Abdallah b. ja'far b. AbiTalib, Abu Firis al-Rabi'ah b. Ziyad al-Nahdi,
rdwi 85, 155 rawi log
'Abdallah b. ja'far al- Zuhri 89, 117 Abu Hafg, kunyah of 'Umar b. al-
'Abdallih b. Kathir al-'Abdi, rdwi 83, Khattib 57, 95, 206
87-89 Abu Hamzah Muhammad b. Maymun
'Abdallah b. Masud 5, 6,14,16 al-Sukkiri, rdwi 114
Abdallah b. Qays al-Ash'athi 9 Abu Hirithah, rdwi 133
Abdallah b. Tha'labah b. $u'ayr, Abu al-Hasan. See'Ali b. AM Talib
rdwi io2 Abu Hishim b. 'Utbah b. Rabi'ah b.
Abdallah b . 'Umar, son of 'Umar b. al- 'Abd Shams 15
Kha55ab 12192 0 98, 100, 142, Abu Hain 'Uthman b. 'A$im,
144-48,151 ram 107
'Abdallshb.'Umayr 75, 134,135 Abu Hayyan Yahya b. Said, rdwi Io5
'Abdallih b. al-Walid, rdwi 112, 113 Abu Hazrah Ya'qub b. Mujahid,
'Abdallah b. Warga ' al-Riyahi 4, 6, 7, rdwi 96
9,83 Abu Hilil, rawi 99
'Abdallih b. al-Zubayr l z Abu Hudhayfah z n. 8, 144
Abu al-'Abbas, Abbasid caliph 97 n. Abu Hurayrah al-Dawsi 40,119
444 Abu al-Huwayrith 'Abd al-Rahmin b.
Abu al =Abbas Sahl b. Sa'd al-Sa idi, Mu'iwiyah, rdwi 115
rdwi 143 Abu'Imrin al-jawni, rdwi lot io6
Index 175

Abu Ishiq. See Sa'd b. Abi Waggi$ Abu Tilib, father of 'Ali 13 5 nn.
Abu Ismi'il al-Hamdini, rdwi I22 674-75, 15on.738
Abu Ja'far. See al-Tabarl Abu al-Tufayl 'Amir b. Withilah,
Abu Ja'far, Abbasid caliph 97 n. 449 rawi 48
Abu al-jahm b. Hudhayfah too Abe'Ubaydah b. al-Jarrih 143
Abu Janib, rdw! 83, 87 Abu 'Umar Dithir b. AN Shabib,
Abu al-Janub 'Ugbah b. 'Alqamah al- raw, 71
Yashkuri, rdwf 5 5 Abu Usimah Hammid b. Usimah,
Abu Kurayb Muhammad b. al-'Ali', raw! 1112
rdwi 106, 107,111,111 Abi1'Uthmin al-Nahdi , rdwi 71,133
Abu Lu'lu'ah Fayruz al-Nihiwandi Abu Wi'il. See Shaqiq b. Salamah
xvii, 891900 92,103 , 16T, 163 Abu al-Walid Yasir b. 'Abd al-Rahmin
Abu Ma 'bad Nifldh al-Aslami, al-Makki, rawi 132,135
rdWi 122 Abu al-Yaq;in . See 'Ammir b. Yasir
Abu Ma'shar, rdwi 17, 64,68, 94,123 Abu Yazid al-Madini, rdWl 103
Abu Mikhnaf Lu5 b . Yahyi, rdwi 143, Abu Yusuf 5, 6 n. 31
163 n. 776 Abu Zakariyyi' Yahyi b. Mug'ab al-
Abu Mu'idh al-Anoiri, raw! 723 Kalbi, rdw! 104
Abu Mu'iwiyah Muhammad b. Abu Zayd, grandfather of 'Abd al-
Khizim al-Qarir, rdwi Io5 Rahmi n b. Zayd, raw! io6
Abu Mufazzir al-Aswad b . Qu;bah Abu Zayd, ravel. See'Umar b. Shabbah
26 Abu al -Zinbi', raw! Io5
Abu al-Mughirah 'Abd al-Quddus b. al- al-Abwib 32 n. 169, 36
Hajjijal -Khawlini, rdwi 104 'Ad 131
Abu al-Muhajjal al-Rudayni, rdwi 83 Adam 117,138
Abu Muhammad . See 'Abd al -Rabmin adhdn, call to prayer 95 n. 427
b. 'Awf Adharbiyin, ruler of Sibur 70
Abu al -Mujilid Jarad b.'Amr, raw! 'Adnin 55 n. 268, 119 n . 588, 132 n.
133 654, 136 n. 678
Abu al-Mukhiriq Zuhayr b. Silim, Afghanistan 53 n. 250
rdwi 104, 105 al,Iddth, police i6
Abu Muni al -Ash'arl 3 , 4,8,9,27 n. ahl al-siyar, historians 51
111,34 , 43,44, 47,49, 50,63,70, Ahmad. See Muhammad b. 'Abdallih,
79,80-83 , 106, r6i n . 767,164 the Prophet
Abu Nadrah al-Mundhir b . Milik al- Ahmad b. 'Abd al -$amad al-Angiri,
'Abdi al-'Awgi, rdwi io8 raw, 114
Abu Qutaybah, rdwi 98 Ahmad b. Harb al-'J ii, raw! r 10
Abu al -Si'ib. See Salm b. Junadah Ahmad b. Thibit al-Rini, rawi 17, 64,
Abu Salamah al-Tabudhaki, Masi, 69,94
rdwi 99 Ahmad b .'Umar, rdwi 138
Abu Sirwa'ah 13 al-Ahnaf b . Qays 9, 51, 53-60,62,83,
Abu $ufrah, father of al-Muhallab 69 134
Abu Sufyin, father of Mu'iwiyah and al-Ahwiz 8, 43 n. 207, 78
'Utbah 133,134 'A'idh b. Yahyi, rdwi 115
Abu Sufyin, rdwi 67 'A'ishah, wife of the Prophet 86 n.
Abit Talhah al-An¢irl 91 , 146,148, 380,9z, 93,96 , 101,102- t 145, 148
3149 al-Akhtal, poet 154 n. 750
176 Index

Al al•Zubayr b. al= Awimm 1 r9 n. 'Agil b. Abi Talib, genealogist 115

585 'Aqilah, slave girl Son. 358, 8t, 82
al-'Ala ', governor of Bahrain 65 agja'a, grant as a land concession 74 n.
Alexandria xv 329
'Ali b. Abi Tilib in. 8, 5 n . 22, 44, 45, Arabian Peninsula xiii, 122 n . 611, 133
55, 72, 85 n. 379, 86, 91 , 93, zoo n. n. 667
471, 104, 115, Iii n. 6o8, 129, 135, Aras, river 370.182, 38 n. 188
143 n• 713, 144- 53, 157-61 arba', quarters jof Khurisinj 6o n. 278
'Ali b. Muhammad, rdwi. See al- Ardashir Khurrah 64, 66 n. 296
Mada'ini Armenia 36, 37, 45
Ali b. Mujihid, rawi 74,123 Armenians 3 5, 36
'Ali b. Sahl al-Ramli, rawi 141 Arwi bt. Kurayz, mother of 'Uthman b.
Allan 37 'Affan 162 n. 770
Algamah b. 'Abdallah al-Muzani, Asad b. Musa, rdwi 88
rawi 10 Ascalon 165
'Alqamah b. Marthad, rdwi 83 al-Ash'ath b. Qays 13
Algamah b . al-Na4r al -Na4ri. 54 Asia Minor 32, 164 n. 784
'Am al-Ramidah . See Destruction Asid b. al-Mutashammis, rdwi 9,83
al-A'mash, Sulayman b. Mihrin, 'Agim, son of 'Umar b. al-Khallab 101
rawi 141,143 'Agim b. Abi al-Najjud, rdwi 96, 97
'Amir b. Abi Muhammad, rawi 94 Agim b. 'Amr al-Tamimi 75
'Amin al-Sha'bi 15, 48, 73, 95, 99, 106, 'A$im b. Kulayb, raw! 66, 112, 113
120 Aim b. Thibit b. Abi al-Aglsh ror
Ammar b. Yasir 2,3,5,6, 14,16,43, Agim b. 'Ubaydallah, raw! 97
47-49,152 Aslam, father of Zayd b. Aslam,
'Ammiiriyyah. See Amorium rdwi 105, 110, 111, 119
Amorion. See Amorium Asgalin . See Ascalon
Amorium 164 al-Aswad b. Yazid, raw! 141, 142
Amr, proper name in poetry 39 'Ala' b. al-Si'ib, rawi 118
'Amr b. Abi Sufyin 133, 134 athgal, treasures 59
Amr b. 'Ali, rawi 10 'Atikah bt. 'Awf, mother of al-Miswar
Amr b. al= A$ 13, 14, 101 , 101, 108, b. Makhramah 89,155
148,161,162,164 Atikah bt. Zayd b. 'Amr b. Nufayl,
Amr b. Bilal b. al-liarith 19 wife of 'Umar b. al-Khaxtib 101,
'Amr b. Ma'di Karib al-Zubayri 12, 40 129
Amr b. Maymun al-Awdi, raw! 143, al-'Atiqah, ancient Rayy 25
151 'Attib b. Asid, governor of Mecca 42
'Amr b. Muhammad, rdwi 2, 18, 43, 'Awinah b. al-Hakam al -Kalbi,
51, 64, 70, 73, So, 95, 142 rawi rz1
Amul 76 'Awf b. Malik al-Ashja'i, raw! 94
Anas b. Zunaym al-Dill 13 5 n. 676 'Ayban, mountain 118 n. 58o
Anazah go Ayyub al-Shakhtiyani, rdwi 98, ro6
al-Anbir 105 al-Azd 117 n. 575
Antibulus 13 al-Azdahaq. See Shahrak
Antioch 15 Azerbaijan xv, x, 3, 10, 17, zt, 22, 26,
Anilshirvin 38 n. 189 31-34,36,44,45
Apostasy , wars of. See Riddah wars Azhd Dahik 7o n. 31 z
Index 1 77

B 72.7, 147, 1 52-,153

Bann al-Hubli 4
al-Bib 32, 34 , 36, 37 n• 184, 38, 40, 41, Band Kininah 39
44,45 Banu Makhzdm 15 2
Bibil. See Babylon Banu Mizin 71
Babylon xiv, 48 BandMu'iwiyah r9
Badr 91 n. 405 , 135 nn . 674-75, 164 Band al-Muttalib 15 3
nn. 783-85 Bann Nawfal b.'Abd Manif 164
Baghdad xv, ; n. 15, 4 n. 2.o, 51 n. 246 Band Salimah b. Sa'd r 1;
Bahrain 15 , 65 n. 290, 66 n. 295, 69, Band Taym b. Murrah 1 16
104, 163 n. 777, 164 Band Umayyah 15 z
Bahrim z5 Barce . See Barqah
Bahrim b. al-Farrukhzidh 32, 33 Barqah r3, 14
Bakr b.'Abdallih al-Muzani, rdwi xo9 al-Barrid b. Qays 98 n. 450
Bakr b. Wi'il x8 n. 93, 55 bashit, bearer of good news 22
al-Balidhuri, Abroad b . Yahyi xix, 4 n. al-Barrah xv, 1, 3, 4, 6, 9 n. 45 , 15,18 n.
z2,6 n. 33, 13 n . 67, 14 n. 72,16 n. 93, 34, 43, 44, 45, 49, 50, 53, 62, 63,
86,17 n. 90, 2111 . 111, 24 nn. 131 70,72, 73,76, 79,90, 82,85,104,
and 133 , z7 n. x 5o, z8 n.155, 3o n. 12.3 n. 616, 164, 165
165,3=n . 167,45n . 217,51n. al-Bathaniyyah r5
246, 53 , 64 n. 285, 68 n. 304, 71 n. baln, tribal division 4 n. 19, IS n. 93,
314, 73 n . 32.0, 75 n.330,76n. 91 It. 403 , 113 n. 550, 118 R. 585,
338, 77 nn . 340 and 344 133 n. 667, 136 n. 68i, x5211. 744,
Bal'ami, Abn'Ali Muhammad xix, z 164 n. 781
nn. 5 and 7, 6 n. 33, ro nn. 53 and al-Baydi' 39
55, 14 n . 69,zon.101,2.1n. 114,22 Bayrddh 78, 79, 80
n. 119, 24 n. 133 , 31 11. 167, 64 n. Bayrnt. See Bayrndh
285, 73 n . 320, 75 n . 330, 76 n. 337, Bilid al-Sddan 114 n. 72.
77 n. 340, 79 n. 352, 89 n• 394, 95 birdhawn, expensive horse r 12.
n. 429, 101 n. 474, 104 U. 494, 143 Birddh. See Bayrddh
n. 714 Bishipdr. See Shipur
Balanjar 38, 39 Bistim 28
Balkh and river 54 , 56, 58, 60, 75 booty xviii, zz, z6 , 2.7, 33, 34, 6o, 66,
al-Balgi' 15 67, 72., 77, 82., 84, 107
Band al-'Abbis 137 n. 68z Bukayr b . 'Abdallih al-Laythi 3, 22,
Banu 'Abd b. Hakhm 158 26, 31-34, 37
Band ' Abd Manif 145, 149, 150 Bukhiri 54)2. 258, 7611.338
Bann 'Abd b. Qugayy ;Bane 'Abdallih Bnshahr (Bushire) 68n-302
b. Ghatafin 136,137 Byzantines xiv, 127 n. 630, 143.11.723
Banu Abi Mu'ayl 91
Banu'Adi b . Ka'b 116
Banfi 'Anazah go n.357 C
Banu Asad b. 'Abd al-'Uzzi 4,118 n.
585 Caspian Sea ;on. x66 , 37 n. r8z
Banu Bisil b. l?abbah z3 Caucasus 32, 38
Banu al-Harith b. Ka'b 93 Children of Israel. See Subhin
Bann Hishim 9r, 116, 137, 138, 145 n. China 54, 59, 6o, 6r
178 Index

(lliria 15 F
Constantinople 164 n. 784
Ctesiphon 4 n. 20, 48 al-Fidhusafan 7-9
al-Farazdaq, Hammim b. Ghilib b.
$a'ga'ah, poet 154
D Farghanah 56,59,62
far!, frontier region 29 n. 158
Dabbah b. Milan 8o-82 (al-(Farrukhan 25, 30
Dabbah b. Shihib b. Mu'iwiyah 19 n. Firs xiv, xv, 1, 10, 51,64 nn. 283-84,
95 65, 67-69, 71, 73
Dabbah b. Udd 1911.95 al-Firuq, epithet of 'Omar b. at-
al-Dahhak b. Qays al-Fihri 155 Khattib 95, 96
Dajnin 131 Fasi 70, 71
Damascus 15, 155 n. 752, 164 Fitimah, daughter of the Prophet
Damivand 25 n. 136 Muhammad lox
Damghan zS n. 156 Fatimah, daughter of 'Umar b. al-
Qamrah b. Rabi'ah al-Ramli, rdwi 141 Khattib too, r5on.737
daqal, poor quality dates 77 Fatimah ht . Qays al-Fihriyyah, sister of
Daribjird 70,71 al-Dal}hak b. Qays al-Fihri x55,
al-Dariwardi, 'Abd al-'Aziz b. 161
Muhammad, rdwi 98 fay', immovable booty i8 n. 94
Dastabi 20, 21, 22, 24 Fayruz. See Abu Lu'lu'ah
David 157 al-Fayruzan 19, 53
Diwud b. Abi Hind, rdwi 99 fifth (of booty) 22, 77, 80
Daylam 20, 21, 23 n. 1 zi p 27 n. 149 Fihr 155n.752
Destruction, Year of the i i9 fijdr, conflicts 98 n. 450
dhimmah, protection 23 n. t 24 Firuzibid 66 n. 296
Dhu al-liijibayn 10,12 al-Firuzibidi, Muhammad b.
Dhu al-Qarnayn 42 n. zoi Ya'qub 58 n . z76, 158 n. 759
Dihistin 29 Fukayhah, concubine of 'Umar b. al-
dihqdn, village headman 8o n. 3 59 Khattib rot
al-Dinawar 18, 19 , 43 n. 2o6, 44 n. 212 furuj. See far!
Dirar b. Murrah al -Kufi, rdwi 103
diwdn, state register i i 5 G
Dujayl On. 41
Dunbiwand 25-27 Gabriel 142
Gaza 165 n. 789
Georgia 37 n. 183
E ghanam, sheep i i z n. S41
Ghurak 56
Egypt xv, 15, 104, 112, 164 al-Ghugn b. al-Qasim, rdwi 39
electoral council, shard xvii, 93, 95, Ghuzak. See Ghurak
3143,147-49,152,154,155 Gog 42n. zo1
Emigrants 92, 113 , 141, 142, 1511, x61,
162 H
Euphrates 5, 6, io6
Event, The, Surat al-Wagi'ah 136 Habib b. Abi Thibit, rdwi 141
Index 179

Habib b. Maslamah al-Fihri 34, 35, 45, Hindbt.'Utbah 133,134

46 al-IIlrah 48, 89, 161 n. 768, 163
Ha4ramawt 164n.782 hirbadh, religious leader 67
Hafgah, daughter of 'Umar b. al- Hisham b. 'Abd al-Rahmin al-Thagafi,
Khattib zoo rawi 48
al-ljajjij, witness 46 Hisham b. Khalid, raw! 119
al-Hajjaj b. Dinar al-Ashja 'i, rdwi 88 Hisham b. Muhammad al-Kalbi,
al-Hakam b. Abi al 'A9 b. Bishr b. raw! 95, 99, loo
Duhmin al-Thagafi 68-70 Hishim b. Sa'd, raw! 99
al-Hakam b. 'Amr al-Taghlibi 77, 78 Hisham b . 'Urwah b. al-Zubayr,
al-Hakam b. Bashir, raw! 14 2 rawi 129
Hamadhin xv, 2 n. 6, 3, 17-24, 31, Hizim b. Hisham al-Ka'b!, raw! 117
64 Hid 7 3 10.650
Hamalah b. Juwayyah 38 al-Hudaybiyah zoo
Hamdin 21 n.117 Hudhayfah b. Asid al-Ghifiri 5, 34, 37
al-Hamdani, al -Hasan b. Ahmad iron. Hudhayfah b. al-Yamin 5 , 6, z3, 18, 19
535, 117nn • 575-77 , 1r8n. 58o, Hulwin 4, 18, 5 in. 146
164 n. 781 Hunayn 134
Hsmmid b. Salamah, raw! to al-Hurmuz 45, 46
Hamzah, paternal uncle of 'Ali b. Abi al-Hurmuzin 1o, 53, z6r,162, t6;
Tilib 150 (al-JHusayn b. 'Ali b. Abi Tilib 119 n.
Hanbal b. Abi Haridsh, raw! and judge 640, 15o n. 737
of Qihistin 74 Husayn al-Mum, raw! 103
Hanifah 18 laushira, be recruited for military
Hannid b. al-Sari, rawi 96, 97 service /suffer distress 33 n. 772
Hantamah bt. Hisham, mother of al-Hutay'ah, Abi Mulaykah Jarwal b.
'Umar b. al-Khaftib 95 Aws 81, 8z
al-Hirith b. Hassan aJ-Dhuhli 53
al-Harith b. Muhammad, raw! 89, 93,
95-97, 99, 100, 101, 113-10 I
harrah, lava field 11o n. 534
Ramat Wagim Ito lblis 138
al-Hasan, raw! 67,83 lbn'Abbis,rdw! 122, 135-38
al-Hasan b. 'Ali b. AbiTilib 7500. 737 lbn'Abd al-Hakam z3 n. 67
al-Hasan al-Ba$ri 8, 15,103, 104 Ibn'Abd Rabbih, Abmad b.
Hiitim b. al-Nu'min al-B3hili 54, 58 Muhammad al-Andalusi xix, 26 n.
Hawran 15 141, 89 n. 394, 143 n. 714, 151 n.
Helpers 92, 101, 113 , 141, 146, 151, 741, 153 n. 746
,61, 161 Ibn Abi'Adi, Muhammad al-Qasmali
Heraclius xiv raw! 99, 106, 107
Herat , 53, 6o n. 278 lbn Abi'Ardbah, raw! 143
Hijaz 13 3 n. 667 Ibn Abi Sark, 'Iyid b. 'Abdallih b.
Hijrah 17,94 Sa'd 152
.,ilm, forbearance 139 Ibn'Affin. See Uthmin b. 'Af fin
HimI 5,13,15, 44, 164 Ian Arwi. See 'Uthmin b. 'Affin
Hind b. 'Amr al -Jamali/al-Muridi 27, In al-Athir,izzal-Din xix, 3 nn. to
30,311 and ii, 6n.33,8n. 43,11n.58,
ii 8o Index

14n-70,17n. 9o, 2-o nn. toy-6, zI 107 nn. 518-23, to8 nn . 525-27,
nn. 110- t it 24 n . 133, z5 n. 137, tog nn. 5x9-31, Ito n. 532; 1 rz
26 n. 141 , 3o n. 16z, 34 nn . 174 and nn. 538-4o and 543, 113 nn. 554-
176, 46 n. 244, 49 n. 243, 53 n. 255, 45, 547, and 549, 114 nn . 554-55,
65 nn . 286-87, 66 n. 295, 67 n. 115 nn. 562 and 565, t 18 nn. 581-
300, 68 nn. 3ot and 304, 79 nn. 84, 121 nn. 6oo, 604, and 607, 122
355-56, 83 n. 368, 89 nn. 391 and n. 61o, 12.3 nn. 614-17 and 619-
394, 92 n. 412 , 94 n. 423, 95 n. 429, 10, 129 n. 635, 131 nn. 646-47,
too n. 470, 103 n. 481 , 115 nn. 563 13z nn. 652 and 657, 134 n. 671,
and 566, 129 n . 640, 130n. 643, 136 n. 680, 138 nn. 687-89, 139
131 n . 649, 133 n. 661 , 136 n. 68r, nn. 69o and 692, 141 nn . 705 and
143 n. 714, 148 n. 732, 158 n. 758, 708-10, 142 n. 711, 143 nn. 716-
162 nn . 769 and 772 17, 720, and 722,146 n. 730, 152 n.
ibn'Awf. See 'Abd al-Rahmin b.'Awf 741, 164 nn. 780, 783, and 785, 165
Ibn 'Awn, rawi 141 nn. 786-88 and 791
Ibn al-Bare ' b. Ma'rur, rawi 113 Ibn Hantamah. See 'Umar b. al-Khaitib
Ibn Bashshir, Muhammad, rdwi 107, Ibn Hazm, 'Ali b. Abmad al-Andalusi
109, 141 3 n. 10, 4 n. 19, to nn. So and 52,
Ibn Budayl. See'Abdallih b. Budayl 18 n. 93, 23 n. 122, 53 n. 153, 55 n.
Ibn Da'b, rawi 122,129 268, Son. 357, 91 n. 404, 113 n.
lbn al-Dabbigh. See al-Mughirah b. 5 So, 116 nn. 569-70, 117 n. 575,
Shu'bah t 18 n. 58 5, 119 nn . 59o and 592-
ibn Fudayl , Muhammad al -Qabbi, 93, 132 n. 659,133 n. 667, 136 nn.
rawi 103 678 and 681, 15z n. 744, 163 n.
Ibn Hajar, Abmad b. 'Ali al-'Asgalini 777, 164 n. 781
2n.4,3nn . 9-10,12,and14,5nn. Ibn Hishim, 'Abd al-Malik 4z n. 204,
24, 2.6, and 28, 6 n. 34, 8 nn. 42-44, 43 n. 290, 65 n. 290, too n. 469,
9 n. 46, to nn . 47-49 , 13 n. 66,14 134 n. 673, 135 nn. 674-75, 14o n.
n. 69,15 nn . 74-75 and 77, 19 n. 701, 144 n. 724, 145 n. 72.6
99, 1o nn. 104 - 5, zt nn. tog-to, Ibn Humayd, Muhammad al-Rizi,
26 nn . 141 and 143, 34 nn. 175-76, rawi 15, 95, 114, 136, 142
37 n. 181, 4o n. 196, 42 n. 205, 48 ibn Idris, 'Abdallih, rawi io6
nn. 233-35 , 49 n. 243, 53 nn. 251, Ibn Ishiq, Muhammad, rawi 15, 95,
253, and 255, 55 nn . 266-67, 65 123
nn. 286 - 87,66 nn . 293 and 295, 68 Ibn Ja'far. See'Abdallih b. Ja'far b. Abi
nn. 304 and 306, 69 n. 3 to, 71 nn. Tilib
316-17, 74 n. 326, 83 nn . 37o and Ibn Ju'dubah, rawi. See Yazid b. lyio
374-75, 88 nn . 386-90, 89 nn. Ibn Jurayj, 'Abd al-Malik b. 'Abd al-
393, 395 , and 397-98 , 90n. 401, 91 'Aziz, rawi 98, 142
nn. 405 -7, 94 nn. 418, 420-21, Ibn al-Kha55ib. See 'Umar b. al-Khaltib
and 426, 96 nn . 432-41, 97 nn. Ibn Khuzaymah b. Thibit al-Angiri,
444-45 and 447-49, 98 nn. 451- 'Umirah, rawi 113
58 and 460-61, 99 nn. 462-65 and Ibn ManZur, Muhammad b. Mukarram
467-68, 103 nn. 479-80 and 484- 58 n. 276, 148 n . 734,158 n• 759
87, 104 nn. 490, 492-93, and 495- Ibn Masud. See'Abdallih b. Mas'nd
96, 105 nn . 498-500 , 502-4, and Ibn al-Munkadir, Muhammad, rawi
508-9, Io6 nn . 511 and 513-14, 123
Index 1 81

Ibn al-Muthanni, Abu Musa , rawi 99, Isfandiyadh, brother of Rustam 21,
Io6 31-33
Ibn Rasul, al-Malik al-Ashraf 'Umar b. Ishaq b. 'Isa, rawi 17, 64, 68, 94
Yusuf 93 n. 414 'I$mah b. 'Abdallah b. 'Ubaydah b. Sayf
Ibn Ss'd, Muhammad, rdwl and b. 'Abd b. al-Harith al -Qabbi 6, 9,
biographer z n. 8, 5 nn. 24 and 29, 20,21 n.116
14 n. 69,15 n. 83, 46 n. 214 , 89, 93, lsma'il b . Abi Hakim al-Qurashi,
95-97,991 100, 102, 113-20 raw- 131
Ibn Shihib al-Zuhri, raw! 94, 96,118, Ismail b. Abi Khilid, raw- 48, 139
123, 165 Ismail b . Ibrahim al-Asadi, rdwi 103,
Ibn Sumayyah . See 'Ammar b. Yasir 104,106,1108
Ibn Tarif. See'I$mah Ismiil b. Muhammad b. Sad,
Ibn'Ulayyah,rdwi 141 rdwi 118
Ibn 'Umar. SeeAbdallih b. 'Umar Israelites 35, 157
Ibn Umm Ghazal al-Hamdani 54 I$lakhr 64, 66-68,70
Ibn Wahb, 'Abdallih, rawi Io5 'lyacl b. Ghanm al -Fihri 46, 112
Ibn Ya'mar 148 lyas b. Salamah, rawi 138
Ibn Ziyid. See Salm b. Ziyid
Ibn al-Zubayr. See 'Abdallih b. al-
Zubayr J
Ibnat Abi Hathmah 129
Ibrahim b. Muhammad, rawi ' zz al-Jabal 20 n. Ioz
Ibrahim b. Talhah, rdwi 88 n. 366 al-Jabbanah 119
Ibrahim b. Yazid al-Nakhai, raw- 141, Jibir b. 'Amr al-Muzani 5
143 Jabr b. Yazid al-Ju'fi, rawi 94, 114
Idhaj 43,44 Ja'farb.'Awn, rawi 83, 87, 89
lfrigiyah 14 n. 72 Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Kuf i, rawi 103
Ijl 18 jaluli' 51
ikhshid, ruler 56n.271 Jamilah, wife of 'Umar b. at-
'Ikrimah,,rawl 136 Khallab Ioo
'Ikrimah b. 'Ammar, rawi 138 Jamshad 7o n. 312
Imran, rdwi 113 al-Janad 164
Imran b. Sawidah, rdwi 139 Jarir, Poet 154 n. 750
Indus xv, 77 n. 343 Jarir b. 'Abdallih al-Balali 47,48
igamah, second call to prayer 95 n. Jarir b. Hazim, raw- 98
427 Jarmidhah b. al-Farrukhzadh 31
Iran xiii, x, z n. 6 Jarmidhin 20
Iraq xiv, 1, 44 al-Jarud b. 'Amr al- Abdi, Abu al-
'Isa b. Haf$, rawi 113 Mundhir 69
'Isa b. al-Mughirah, rawi 55 Jisim 158
'Isa b. Yazd b. Da'b, rdwi 139 al-Jawf 133n.667
isbahbadh, ruler 17 Jaxartes, river 54 n. 258, 56 n. 272
Igfahin XV, 1, 44, 52 , 53, go, 83 JaYY 7, 44, 53, 80
al-I$fahini, Abu al-Faral 13 n. 66, 24 n. al-Jazirah IS, 34, 44, 4S, 46 n. 224, 50,
131, 26 n. 142, 38 n. 185, 5 5, 81 n. 104
364, 129 n. 640,136 n. 677, 155 n. Jerusalem 143n.723
752 Jesus 157
182. Index

al-Jibil 3 n. 15, 4 n. x8, 43 , 44 n. 214 Khuzi'ah 117,148 n. 734

jil, ruler of Jilin 30 Khuzistin 8 n. 41, 1o n. 53, 43 nn.
Jilin zo n. 108, 30, 40 207-8 , 78 n. 352
Draft 73 n. 322, 74 Kilib b. Murrah 3 n. 10
jizyah . See tribute Kininah 132, 148 n. 734
Jordan 15 Kindah 13 n. 62
Jubayr b . al-Huwayrith b. Nuqayd, Kinkiwar 20
rdwi 115 Kirman xv, x, 5 n. 72,8,9,52,60,73,
Jubayr b. Mul'im 14,116 74, 77
Jufaynah 161, 163 al-Kufah xiv, xv, 1-6, ro, 12 n . 57, 13,
Jundub 33 14, 16, 19, 21 n. 109, 24 n. 131, 31,
Jut 66, 67, 69 43-45, 47-51, 53, 62 , 63, 70, 83,
Juijan xv, 17,2.7,28-30,46 104, 164, i65
Jurjistan. See Georgia Kulayb b. Abi al-Bukayr al-Laythl 9o
Jurzan 45 Kur, river 37 n. 183
Kurdistan 43 n. 2o6 , 44 n. 214
Kurds 711, 78, 83
K kuwar, regions 6o n. 278

Ka'b al- Ahbar 90,92-,105

Ka'b b . Sur a1-Azdi, gddP 165 L
Ka'bah 149n.734
Kabul 76n.338 land tax. See khardj
Kalb 133 al-LAriz 27
Kandahar 75 Libya 13 n. 67
Kangavar. See Kinkiwar Lu'ayy b. Ghilib 152 n. 744
Khalid b. Abi Bakr, rdwi 97 Luhayyah, wife of 'Umar b. al-
Khalid b. al-Hadhdha ', rawi 134 Khallab rot
Khalid b. al-Walid 6 n. 34, 13, 42, 46 n.
khalifah, caliph 114 n. 556 M
Khallid b. Aslam, rawi 103
khagdn, ruler of the Turks 54 Ma'arrat Mayrin 15
khardj 3 n. 16, 6 n. 30, 29 n. 258, 43, al-Made in xiv, 4, 8 n. 43, 25, 48, 69
75, 84, 86 al-Mada'ini, 'All b. Muhammad,
al-Khallab, father of 'Omar 131 rdwf 30,74,94,95 ,99-101,
Khaybar 14o n. 701 110-13, 129,131 , '3z, 134, 135,
Khazars 37 n. 184 , 39 n. 288 143
al-Khazraj 4 n. 19 , 113 n. 550 Ma'dan b. AbiTalhah, rawi 107
Khulayd b. Dhafarah al-Namari, Madhhij 93 n. 414
raw! 49,95 Maghrib 14 nn. 71-72
khulla', sing. khalin, herdsmen 57 n. Magians 62
275 Magog 42 n. 201
Khurisin xv, 3,30,5x-56 , 59,60,74, Mah 18, 44
75 mah, region 1, 18
Khusrawshunum 29 Mah al-Bagrah 28 n. 92, 44 n. 21 r
al-Khuwir 27 Mah Dinar 44
Index 283

Mahal-KUfah IS n. 9 i Mihrajingadhaq 44, 49, 53

al-Mahdi, Abbasid caliph 123 n. 6z6 Mini 148n.733
Makhlad al-Bakri, rdwi 83 minbar izt,tz;,z58,i6o
Makhramah b. Nawfal, genealogist al-Migdid b. 'Amr/al-Aswad al-
115 Kindi 146, 148, 152, 153
Makrin xv, 53 n. 2.51, 77, 78 al-Miawar b. Makhramah 89, 148, 150,
Malidh, river z8 151, 154, 155, 159
Malik 105 Moses 1 z8
Malik b. Anas 165 Mosul 3 n. 16, 4, 44, 45
Malwiyyah, rock z9 Mu'iwiyah b. Abi Sufyin 15, 20 n.
Manidhir 79 104, 2! 11. 109, 34 n. 176, 42, 44, 45,
Manqur b. Abi al-Aswad al-Laythi, 46 n. 222, 76, 100, 132 n. 658, 133,
rdwf 141 134, 141 , 143 n . 713, 161 n. 767,
Manger b. al-Mu 'tamir al-Sulami, 164,165
rdwl 88 (al-)Mubirak b. Fadilah, rdwi 8, 143
Ma'gil b. Yasi r al-Muzani, rdwi 9, to, Mu4ar 132
12 al-Mu4irib al-'Ijli z6, 27
Mardinshih, ruler of Dunbiwand 27 Mughin. See Mugin
Mardi b. Muqarrin 37 al-Mughirah b. Shu 'bah io-tz,14,17,
mart, field is 21, 50, 51, 63, 89, 92, 129, 148, 154,
Mart al-Qal'ah 18 161, 164
Mart Rahit 155 n. 752. Mughkin. See Mugin
Marw 52,53n. 156,58 - 61,76n.339 al-Muhijir b. Ziyid 79
Marw al-Rudh 53, 54 , 56, 58, 6o Muhalhil b . Zayd al-Tamimi z9, zo,
Marw al-Shihijin 5z n. 248 , 53, 54, 58 21 n. 116
Marwan b. al-Hakam 150, 155 n. 752 al-Muhallab b. Abi $ufrah 69
Mary 157 al-Muhallab b. 'Uqbah al-Asadi,
marzaba, to appoint governor 25 rawi 2, 9, r8, 43, 51, 64, 70, 73, 80
marzbdn, governor 67 n. 229, 73 Muhammad b. 'Abdallih, the Prophet,
Misabadhin 43 the Messenger of God xiii , xiv, i1,
masdlila, frontier regions zo n. 1107 1 9 , 2 5 11 . 1 3 7 , 3 9, 4 1 . 2 0 4, 5 2 , 6 6 ,
Masjid Simik, in al-Kufah 24 n. 131 84,89t 91-93,96i 106 - 8, t t6-i S,
Maslamah b. Muhirib, rdwi 134 121 n. 608, 125, 127, 128, 132, 134
masmughdn, religious leader z6 n. 673, 135, 137, 138, 140, 143
al-Mas'Udi,'Ali b. al-Husayn ion-53, 11.713 , 144, 145 , 147, 149, 150, 151
89 n• 394, 95 n. 429 11•741,152.,153,156, 157,159,
Meta b. Thalj al-Tamimi, rdwi 40-4z 116o,164
Mecca 15, 42, 91 n. 403, zoo n. 470, Muhammad b. 'Abdallih al -Angiri,
117 nn . 575-77, 13 1 n . 648,13z n. rdwi 143
659,134 n. 673, 140, 148 n. 733, Muhammad b.'Abdaliih b. Sawid,
r64 rawi 2,9, 18,43 , 51,64,70#73,80,
Medina xiii, xvi-xviii, z z n. 59 , 15, 73, io6, 1,8
8z, rionn . 534-35, 111, 112, 113 Muhammad b. 'Abdallih al-Zubayri,
n.550,119,122, 131n . 648,134, rdwi 5o, tox
138 n. 689, 141, 150, 151, z6; Muhammad b. 'Awf, rdwi 104
Messenger of God. See Muhammad b. Muhammad b. lbrihim , rdwf 96
'Abdallih, the Prophet Muhammad b. 'Ijlin, rdwi 112
184 Index

M.,hammad b. Ishaq, rawi 136, 139, rawi 98,14z

141 Nafi', client of Al al-Zubayr, rawf 119
Muhammad b. Mu^'ab al -Qargasani, Nafi' b. 'Abd al-Harith al-Khuze'i,
rdwi 119-20 governor of Mecca 164
Muhammad b. Muslim b. Shihab al- Nahr Tir3 79, 80
Zuhri. See Ibn Shihab al-Najishi, Qays b. 'Amr 55
Muhammad b. al-Muthann a, rdwi 107 Najd 163n-777
Muhammad b. Sa'd . See Ibn Sa'd Najran 93 n. 414
Muhammad b. $ilih b. Dinar, ndr, fire 52
rawf 121,13 2 Naysabur 53, 54, 6o
Muhammad b. Sugah, rdwi 66 Nihewand, xv, z-4, 6, 8 n. 43, 1 t n.
Muhammad b. 'Omar. See al-Wegidi 57,I2. n. 5 9,18, 19,22, 23n.126,
Muhammad b. Yazid, rdwi 139 43 n. 206, 44 nn . 211-13
Muharib b. Fihr 119 Nu'aym b. Hammed , rdwi 98
al-Muhagyab 148 Nu'aym b . Muqarrin 3,19121-2-701
Mujelid b. Sa'id b. 'Umayr, rawi 48, Nubia 14 n. 72
73, 95, 122 al-Nu'men b. Mugarrin 3 n. 14 , 5, 6, 9,
Mujashi' b. Masud al-Sulami 65, 66 10, 12,113,118, 20, 37 n. 181, 44
al-Muka'bir, Azedh Furuz b. Nuqum, mountain 1 r 8 n. 58o
Jushnas 69 al-Nusayr b. 'Amr al-'Ijli 73
al-Mukhtir b. Abi 'Ubayd b. Masud al- &I-Nusayr b. Daysam b. Thawr al-'Ijli.
Thaqafi 47 See al-Nusayr b. Thawr
Mukkurin. See Makran al-Nusayr b . Thawr i 8
Mukrin. See Makran
Mulaykah bt. Jarwal , wife of 'Umar b.
al-Khaffib too
mumisah , prostitute 5 n. 27 Oman 66n. 2.95 , 158 n. 759
al-Mundhir b. 'Amr 25 Oxus, river 54 n. z58 , 56 n. 270, 75 n.
Mugin 37,39 336, 76 n. 338
Murghib, river 52 n. 248
Musa b. 'Ugbah, rawi t it
Musa b. Ya'qub al-Zam'i, rdwi 119
Mug'ab b. 'Abdallih al-Zubayri, Palestine r5
rdwi 110, t65 Peninsula. See Arabian Peninsula
Muslim b. Ibrahim, rawi 113 Persepolis 64 n. 283
Mute, leader of the Daylam 21, 23, 24 Persia t, 51, 62
mut'ah, temporary marriage 140 Persians xv, 18 , 22, z3, 37, 5z, 59, 60,
Mptarrif, rdwi to6 91, 127 n. 629
Mutarrif b. 'Abdallih b. al-Shikhkhir Prophet. See Muhammad b. 'Abdalleh,
al-ijarashi S 3 the Prophet
Mutha . See Mute Pulvar, river 64 n. 283
al-Muwaffa ' 165 n. 791
gabdfi, fine cotton clothes 125
al-Naar b. Shumayl, rdwi 103 al-Qabj 32
NW, client of 'Abdalleh b. 'Umar, al-Qadisiyyah xiv, xv, z n. 7, 19 n. 96,
Index 1$5

ion. 106, 2! n. 115 , 23 n. 126,26 nn. 567 and 569 -70, i t8 n. 585,
n. 143, 44, 6o, 61 n. 405 121, 137, 138 n. 684 , 145 n. 727,
gal'ah, castle i8 151-54 , 164 n. 781
galasim, trees 1?) 23 Qurrah b. Khilid al-Sadusi, rdwi 109
al-Qalqashandi, Abu al-'Abbas QuPYY 148 n. 734
Ahmed 93 n. 414
al-Qandahar. See Kandahar
al-Qa'ga' b.'Amr 19, 75 R
Qara;ah b. 'Ann b. Ka'b al-Khuzi'i 21
Qarmism ion. ioi Rabih, witness 46
Qarqarat al-Kudr 140 al-Rabi' b. al-Nu'min, rawi 133
ga$abah, provincial center 18 n. 9i al-Raba' b. Sulayman, rdwi 88
gagabiyydt, finery 130 al-Rabi' b. Ziyid 79, 80, 82
al-Qasim b. Muhammad, rdwi 97 Rabi'ah b. 'Uthmin 2.x, 1 i o
Qagr al-Lufug 20 radm, wall, rampart 42 n. 201
Qatidah b. Di'amah al-Sadusi, rdfl4fah, those refusing to serve
rawi 99, 107, 143 'Ali 44 n. 215
Qatidah b. al-Nu'man al -Zafir1 164 Rahabat al-Qadi' 158
Qatan b. Ka'b al-Quta i, rawi io3 rabim, relationship 15o
al-Qayrawin 14 n. 71 Rimahutmuz 43,44
QaYs 155n.752. Rashid b. Sa'd, rdwi i io
Qaysb.'Aylin 136 Risil, ruler of Makrin 70
Qays b. '10mah b. Malik b . Qubay'ah b. al-Rayy xv, 1, 3 n. 15, 17, ion. 103,
Zayd b. al-Aws ioi 11-27,311 51, 52
Qays b. al-Rabi', rdwi 118 al-Rizi, Ahmad b. 'Abdallih 42 n. 205
Qazwin 21 n. 113 , 24 n. 134 Rib'! b. 'Amin al-Tai/al-Tamimi 19,
giblah 1S9 54
Qiha 24 Ribs b. Ka's S 5
Qinnasrin 1 5, 44 Riddah wars xiv
Qu41a'ah 133 n. 667 rikdb, riding camels iS
Qudayd 1317 Rishahr 68
Qufs 73 Rukhkhaj 75 n. 333
Quhistin 53 n. 249,74 mkh;ah, license 140
Qumis xv, 25, 27, 28 al-Rum 32
qurd, settlements 74 n. 323 Rugayyah, daughter of 'Umar b. al-
Qur'an 28 nn . 1S3-54, 30n. r60, 42n. KhalFab 101
201, 46 n. 221, 48, 49 n. 241, S7 n. al-Rusiris b. Junidib 38
273, 62 nn. 279-81 , Si, 92 n. 408, Rustam xiv, ii
103 n. 488,108 , 115, 121 , 125 nn. rustaq, district 7
622 and 624, 126 nn. 6z6-28, i 28 Rustiq al-Shaykh 7
nn. 631 - 33, 131 nn. 6So-S1, 137 Rutbil 76 n. 337
fl . 683 , 138 n. 685, 139 n. 696, 15o, Ruzbin Sul b. Ruzban 28, 29
153 nn . 747-49, 157n . 754, r6on.
Quraybah be. Abi Umayyah, wife of S
'Umar b. al-Khattib 1 oo
Quraysh 14 n. 69, 91 n. 403, 115, 116 Saber 65,70
A6 Index

S•i'd b. Abi Waggiy xiv, xv , 2, 5, 51, 52, 43, 47-51, 55, 64, 66, 67, 70, 71,
91, 93, 120, 145-48 , 15o-52, 156, 73, 80, 8z, 87, 133, 142, 163
157 n . 755, 158n . 761, 159, 161, Sariyah b. Zunaym al-Du'ali al-
16; n. 778, 164 Kinini 65 ,70-73,95
Sad b. Malik 163 al-Sawed 6, 48
Sad b. Masud al-Thagafi 47-49 Sawed b. Qulbah al -Tamimi 30,31
Sad b. Qays b. 'Aylin i; 6 n. 681 al-Sawahil 15
sadd, wall, rampart 4z n. zoi $awdmi', religious buildings 46
Safwin b. 'Amr, rawi 104 Sayf b. 'Umar, rdwi xiii, It z, 8, 9, 17,
al-Si'ib b. al-Agra' 8, 9 18, 19 n. 96, 21 , 34, 39, 43, 47-51,
al-Su'ib b. Yazid, rdwi 1 i S 55, 64, 66, 67, 70, 71, 73, 8o, 8z, 87,
Said b. 'Amr b. Said al'A$, rdwi 5o 95, 133, 142, 163
Said al-Jurayri, rdwi to8 Seleucia 4 n. 20
Said b. Khilid, rdwi 129 al-Sha 'bi. See 'Amin al-Sha'bi
Said b. al-Marzbin, Abu Sa'd al- Shaddid b. Aws, Companion 165
Baggal, rdwi 2,9,18,43 al-Shaft bt. 'Abdallih, rdwi 120
Said b. al-Musayyab, rnwi 131,z63 shah, ruler of Sijistan 76
Said b. Zayd b. 'Amr b. Nufayl 144, Shahr b. Hawshab al-Ash'ari, rdwi
145, 15z 143
$akhr. See al-Ahnaf Shahrak, governor of Fars 67-70
Salamah, father of Eyes 139 Shahram 25
Salamah b. Fadl al-Azraq, rdwi 15,95 Shahrbaraz, ruler of al-Bab 35, 36,
Salamah b. Kuhayl al-Ha4rami, 38-42
ravel 139 Shahrbaraz Jadhawayh 7
Salamah b. Qays al -Ashja'i 83, 84, al-Sham 35
86-89 al-Shammikh b. Qirir 38
$alih b. Kaysan, rdwi 96, 1 z9 al-Shammus, horse 58
Salim, client of Abu Hudhayfah 143, Shapur, river 64 n. 284, 65 n. z88
144 Shaqiq b. Salamah al-Asadi, rdwi 88,
Salim b. Abdallih b. 'Umar, rdwi 141

105 Sharik b. 'Abdallih al-Nakhal,

Salim b. Abi al-Ja'd al-Ashja'1, rawi 94, 97
raw! 107, "1 shaykh, leader 7
Salim b. Chanm b. 'Awf b. al- shf'ah, partisans 158
Khazraj 4 n. 19 Shibl b. Ma'bad al-Bajali/al-
Sallim b. Miskin, rdwi 113 Muzani 67, 68
Salm b . Junidah, Abu al-Si'ib, rdwi 89, Shihab b. Khirish al -Hawshabi,
103, 154 rdwi 88
Salm b. Ziyid, governor of Sijistin 76 Shihab b. al-Mukhariq b. Shihab 77
Salman al-Firisi, rdwi 118 Shits 44 n. 215
Salman b. Rabi' ah 5, 34, 37, 39, 40 Shir 74
al-Sam'ani, 'Abd al-Karim b. Shiraz 65 n. z89
Muhammad 99 n. 465 al-Shirriz 27
Samarqand 54 n. z58 Shu'ayb 1104
Simarri 51 n. 246 Shu'ayb b. Ibrahim al-Tamimi, rdwi z,
$an'i' I18, 164 8, 9,17P 39, 43, 47-51 , 55, 64, 66,
Sarakhs 53 67, 70, 71, 73, 8o, 8z, 87, 95
al-Sari b. Yahya, rdwi z, 8, 9, 17, 39, Shu'ayb b. Talhah, rdwi 97
Index 187

Shu'bah b. al-Hajjaj, raw! ,o6, 107 T

al-Shuddakh, Ya'mar b. 'Awf 148
shlird. See electoral council Tab, river 68 n. 3oz
Shurayh b . al-Harith al-Kindi , gadi 16, al-Tabarl, Abu Ja 'far Muhammad b.
165 Jarir xiii-xvi, xix, 1, z nn . 4 and 6,
$iffin 2 n. 8, 4, 5 n. 22, 42 n. 205, loo, 3 n. 17,4 n. z2, 5 n. z6, 8 n. 44, 11
161 n. 767 n. 57, I z n. 59, 13 n. 64, 15 nn. 73
Sijistin XV, 75, 76 and 85, 17 n. 96, 21 n. 111, 34 nn.
Simik, mosque 24 175-76, 38 n. 187, 39 n. 193, 43 n.
Simik b. Kharashah al-An8ari 20, 21 n. 209, 45 nn . 2r6-17,46 nn. 222. and
116, 22, z6, 31-33 224, 51 n. 246,53 nn. Z51 and 255,
Simik b. Makhramah al-Asadi 20, 21 54 nn . 2.59-6o, 63, 65 nn . z86 and
n. 116, 22, 24, 27,30,31 z9o, 66 n. 295, 75 n . 331, 76 n. 339,
Simak b. 'Ubayd al -'Absi/al-'Anal 20, 99,93-95,97n-442, 99,102., III,
21 n. 116,22,31 113, 114 , 134 n. 673, 135 n. 675,
Sind 75, 77, 78 154,155 n. 752
$irar 110, 119 Tabaristan xv, 17, 25, z8, 3 0, 76 n. 338
Siyiwakhah b. Mihri n b. Bahrim Tabas al-Tamr 53n.249
Shnbin 24, 25 Tabas al-'Unnib 53 n. 249
Soghdia 54,56 al-Tabasayn 53, 74
Solomon 131 Tafli, envoy of This in Jurzan 45
spoils. See booty al-Ta'if 15, 66 n. z95 , 158 n . 759, 164
Subblin, Surat 139 Ta'izz 164n. 782
fuffah, covering 1150 Talhah 135,148
Sufyin b. 'Abdallih al-Thaqafi, Talhah b. al-A'lam al-Hanafi, rawi z,
governor of al Wif 164 9, 18, 43 , 51# 64, 70, 73, 80
Sufyin b. Said al-Thawri, raw! 96 Talhah b. 'Ubaydallah 86, 91,121,
Sufyin b.'Uyaynah, raw! 105,141 145, 146, 153, 154, 157
$uhar b. Fulan/$akhr al-'Abdi 53, 77, Talhat al-Khayr b. 'Ubaydallah. See
78 n. 345 Talhah b. 'Ubaydallih
Suhayb b. Sinin 91 , 93, 95 , 146, 148, Tamim b. Murr xiii, 9 n. 45 , 163 n. 777
154, t64 tardwih, Ramadan prayers 114n.559
Suhayl b. 'Adi 8, 9,73,77, 78 Tiriq b. Shihab al-Bajail, raw! 107
Sulaynlan b. 'Abd al-'Aziz b. Abi Tawas 65
Thabit b. 'Abd al-'Aziz b. 'Umar b. Tawwaj 64-66, 69
'Abd al-Rabraiin b. 'Awf, raw! 89, thaniyyah, mountain road IS
154,155 Thaniyyat al-'Asal 19
Sulaymin b. Buraydah, raw! 83, 87 Thaniyyat al-Rikib 18
Sulaymi n b. $alih al-Laythi, raw! Thagif 8 n-43
68 thughdr, frontier districts 20 n. 107
Sumayrah al-l?abbiyyah 19 Tiflis 37,45,46
Sunnis 44 n. 215 Tigris 4 n. 20, 5, 6
Surigah b. Amr, Dhu al-Nur Tikrit xiv
34-38 Torah 9o
Suwayd b. Muqarrin 3 n. 14, 5, 19, tribute xvi, 9, 13 , 28, 29, 33, 46, 66
27-30, 37 n. ,81 Truce. See al-Hudaybiyah
Syria xiv , 15, 44 , 45, 46 n . 224, 104, Tukhiristan 54
115,127, 143 n. 723 Turks 29 , 38,40,56-6o,62,75
188 Index

U umm walad, concubine t 3 n. 63, 140

n. 700
Ubidah b. al-$amit, Companion 164 umrah, lesser pilgrimage 14o n. 697
'Ubayd, rdwi. See'Ubaydallih b. 'Uqbah b. Nail' al-Fihri 14
Sulayman 'Urwah, envoy of Nu'aym b. Mugar-
'Ubaydah b. al-Harith 135n.675 rin 22
'Ubaydallah, rdwi 68 'Urwah al-Rahhal 98
'Ubaydallah b. Ma'mar al-Taymi 67, Urwah b. al-Zubayr, rdwi 123
70 Usimah b. Zayd b. Aslam al-Laythi,
'Ubaydallah b. Sa'd al-Zuhri, rawi i 12 rawi 97,116,119
Ubaydallah b. Sulayman, rdwi 69; see 'Usfin 117
also 'Ubaydallah Ularid b. Hijib b. Zurarah b.
'Ubaydallah b. 'Umar b. al-Khaltib, 'Udas/'Udus al-Tamimi 43, 47
raw! 98,100,111,143, 161-64 'Utaybah b . al-Nahhis al-Bakri 26, 27,
Umar b. 'Imran b. 'Abdallah b. 'Abd 30,31
al-Rahmin b. Abi Bakr, raw, 97 Utbah b. Abi Sufyin, governor of
'Umar b. Ismail b. Mujilid al- Kininah 132,133
Hamdini, rdwi Io5 Utbah b. Farqad al-Sulami 3,31-34
Umar b. al-Khal fab xiii -xviii, i -10, 'Uthman b. 'Abd al-Rahman, rdwi 94
x I n. 57, 12-15, 19, 211, 22, 25-27, Uthman b . Abi al-'AO al-Thagafi
31-39,42 -44, 47-51, 53, 56, 59, 66-70, 164
6o, 62, 63, 65 n. 290, 66, 67, 70-72, 'Uthman b . 'Affin z1 n . 111, 30, 34 n.
74,77-100,102--25,129-39, 176, 39, 40, 45 n . 217, 59 , 6o, 63,
141-48 , 151, 154, 155, 159, 16o, 67, 70, 91, 93-95 , 103, 104, 115,
163-65 132, 141, 143 n . 713, 145 - 54, 156,
Umar b. Mujishi', rdwi 120 158-162, 163 n. 773
Umar b. NW, rdw, 104 'Uthman al-Akhnasi 94
Umar b. Shabbah, rawi 30,94, 95, Uthman b. Hunayf 6,114, 16
100, 120-23, 119, 131, 134, 135,
Umar b. Sulayman b. Abi Hathmah, W
rdwi Ito-z2
Umar b. Suragah al-Makhzumi, Wij (al-jRudh 21-24, 31
governor of al-Bagrah 3,4,43,50, Waki', Muhammad b. Khalaf i65 n.
83 790
Umayr b. Sa'd al-Anyari 15, 164 Waki' b. al-Jarrah b . Malik, raw, 96,
Umayyah 91 n. 404 143
Umm Abin bt. 'Utbah b. Rabi ah 1oz al-Walid b . 'Abd Shams 49
Umm'Amr bt. Hassan al-Kufiyyah, al-Walid b,Hisham b. al-Mughirah
rdwi 114 115

Umm Hakim bt. al-Harith, wife of al-Walid b. Jumay', raw, 47

'Umar b. al-KhattSb 100 al-Walid b. Kathir, rdwf r i z
Umm Kulthum, daughter of 'Ali b. Abi al-Wagidi, Muhammad b. 'Umar 4 n.
Tilib and wife of 'Umar b. al- 19,13 -15,17, 20 , 111, 42 , 43 n. 209,
KhaRlab 72, 85 , 86, 88 , Ioi, 101 47, 64, 65 n. 2.90, 89, 93, 95-97,
Umm Kulthum bt. Abi Bakr 101, 1oz 99-102, 114-20,135 n . 675, 140
Umm Kulthum bt. Jarwal, wife of n. 701 , 1144 n. 72.4, 164
'Umar b. al-Khalxab i oo washal, little water 77
Index 189

al-Wizi' b. Zayd b. Khulaydah, rawi 55 Yarmuk ; n. io

wazir, administrative assistant 6 n. 32 Yazdgird b. Shahriyar b. Kisra
witr, prayer 159 (Yazdgjrd III) -,2.,51 -54,56,
Yazdgard. See Yazdgird
Y Yazid b. 'Abd al-Malik, Umayyad
caliph 1154n.750
Yahya b. I;Iutiayn, rdwi 107 Yazid b. 'Iyad b. In 'dubah, rawi 123,
Yahyi b. Kathir, rdwf ro5 131
Yahya b. Main, rawi 139 Yazid b. Mu'awiyah 41,76
Yahya b. Said b. Mikhnaf, father of Yazid b. al-Muhaliab 1 54 n. 750
Abu Mikhnaf, rawi 163 Yazid b. Qays al-Hamdini 22- 24
Yahyi b. Widili, rawi 114 Yazid b. Rumin al-Asadi, rawi I2;
Ya'la b. Munyah/Umayyah, governor Yemen r5, 42, 1118 n . 58o, 1122, 164 n.
of the Yemen 42,164 782
al-Yamimah 15, ,8 n. 93,43 It. 210, Yunus b. 'Abd al-A'11, rawi Io5
116; n. 777 Yunus b. Abi Isliaq, rdwi 143
Ya'mar b. 'Awf . See al-Shudd ikh Yiinus b.'Ubayd, rdwi 103, 104
Ya'qub b. Ibrahim al-An4iri, rdwi 139, Yusuf b. Yazid, rdwi 143
Ya'qub b. lbrihim al-Juzajani, rawi 11o
Ya'qub b. Ibrahim b. Sa'd, rdwi 96, Z
103, 104, 1o6, 1o8
Ya'qub b. Ishiq al -Ha4rami, rawi 138 al-Zabidi, Muhammad Murtada 5 8 n.
al-Ya'qubi, Ahmad b. Abi Ya 'qub xix, 276, 1148 n. 734
13 n. 67, 14 n . 72, 17, 21 n. 111, 115 Zidhan, Abu 'Abdallih /'Umar al-
n- 565,' 43 n. 714, 164 11. 779 Kinds, rawi 118
Yaqut b. 'Abdallih al-Hamawi xx, 3 n. zakdh, alms 84 n. 376
15, 4 nn . 18 and 20, 7 n. ; 8, 8 n. 41, Zakariyya' b. Siyah, rawi 48
13 n. 67, 14 n. 72, 15 nn. 78-81,17 Zarah, lake 75 n. 333
n. 89, 18 U. 91, 20 nn . 101-3, 21 Zarani 75, 76
nn. 112-13, 23 nn. Ito-21, 123, Zawilah 114
and 127,14 nn . 128-31 and 134, Zayd, son of 'Umar b. al-Khattib
25 n. 136, 27 nn. 140 and 148, 28 n. I01

156, 29 n. 159, 3o n. 166, 37 nn. Zayd, the younger, son of 'Umar b. al-
118o and 183-84, 38 nn . 188-89, Khattib zoo
43 nn . 206-8, 44 n. 2113 , 45 n. 218, Zayd b. Akhzam al -Tai, raw! 98
48 nn. 238-39, 51 n. 246, 52 n. Zayd b. Aslam, rd W 99 , 1 to, I 12, 121,
248, 53 nn . 249-50, 252, 254, and 133
256, 54 nn. 258 and 261 - 62, 56 It. Zayd b. Thibit 15
272, 64 nn. 283 - 84, 65 nn. Zaynab bt. (al-)Jahsh, wife of the
288-90, 66 n. z96 , 68 n.302,
302,71 P. Prophet 97
314, 73 n • 322, 74 n. 325, 75 nn. Zaynab bt. Ma;'un, wife of 'Umar b. al-
330, 333 , and 335, 77 n. 340, 79 nn. Khattib 97 It. 442, 100
353-54, 119 n. 592, 164 n. 784, Zaynab bt. 'Umar b . al-Khattib 97 n.
165 n. 789 442, 101
Yarfa', servant of 'Umar b. al- al-Zinabi b . Qulah Abu al-
Khattib 85, 87 , 88,134,135 Furrukhin 2.1, 24-26
Igo Index

7 :. b. Hubaysh, rdwi 96, 97 11911. 640 , 145, 146 , 150P 151, 156,
Ziyid, client of al-I;lakam b. Abi 159
al-'A$ 69 al-Zubayri, al-Mu$'ab b. 'Abdallih 3n.
Ziyid b. Abi Sufyin, governor of al- to, 91 n - 403, i 16 nn. 569-70, I'S
Ba$rah 8 i, 8: n. 585, 132.n . 659, 152n. 744,
Ziyid b. Han;alah 3, 5, 6, 34 n. 781
Ziyid b. Labid al-Bayi4i, a Helper 162, Zuhayr b. Abi Sulmi, poet 136
i63 al-Zuhri. See Ibn Shihib al-Zuhri
al-Zubayr b. al-Awwim 86, 9i, ioi, Zunbil 76

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