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Information for Ifa Priests | Written by:

Ayokunle Dada - Lagos, Nigeria
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We present this treatise of 35 different Àkòsé Ifá (commonly known as Ifá

Medicines) very popular in Nigeria. According to the most traditional
Yoruba teachings; the Àkòsé Ifá are very valuable to resolve different
problematic situations of in the lives of the persons, but will never be of
more importance that the sacrifice itself that is offered to the all the deities
of the Yoruba religion.

As an observation, I just would like to add that no Àkòsé Ifá should be

should prepared by a mere devotee, but only by a Priest of Ifá or Iyá Onífá.

May Olódùmarè bless your good work in favor of others!

Ayokunle Dada
March 4, 2008

1. Chapter 1 – Àkòsé Ifá for the health.

2. Chapter 2 – Àkòsé Ifá for good luck and prosperity.

3. Chapter 3 – Àkòsé Ifá to overcome enemies.

4. Chapter 4 – Àkòsé Ifá for marriages, for impotent people, to have children and for love.

5. Chapter 5 – Àkòsé Ifá to overcome evil, the witches and the bad spirits.
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Chapter 1 - To overcome problems with health.

Message: - Through this story of Ifá says there are

blessings to live long and enjoy of good health. There are blessings to
overcome an illness you might have now. If you are sick, you will for sure
get better. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 1 he-goat, 8 snails, 2 hens
and 2 roosters and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - 1 big snail and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the biggest snail out of the 8 snails of the
sacrifice. Break the snail by the bottom and the sprinkle the water over the
. Spray the ìyèròsùn and print the Odu Ifá and pray the
incantation of Íká Òfún. After praying, spray the ìyèròsùn over the entire
snail until it is completely covered.

How to use it: - put the snail in any corner of the house for the evil
spirits to take it in order to avoid any bad influence and for death to stay
way from your person. All the diseases will go with the snail.

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Translation to English:

Orí is the long life

Cast divination for
When death was knocking at his door
And all the ajoguns were coming his way
The ajoguns love to eat snails
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
The snails do not grow feathers
But our snails in the house has grown feathers
That was what death saw in the house
And it was what death took with her

Message: - Through this story of Ifá says there are blessings for
long life and to cure from an illness. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 2
eku ifá, 2 roosters, 2 hens, 2 fish (eja aro type) and 1 okete and also
applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - 1 okete (including the sticks used to pack the okete),
leaves of agidi mogbohin and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the stick used to pack an okete and cut it into
pieces. Put them into a pot and also put the leaves of agidi mogbohin and
the okete. Spray the ìyèròsùn over the and print the Odu Ifá and
pray the incantation of Odí Ìrètè. After praying, spray the ìyèròsùn over all
the materials and put them to cook. Once they are already cooked, stir and
put them to dry. Once it is well dried, grind them until they become a

How to use it: - the person who is going to use the akose ifá, has to drink
the powder with water.
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Translation to English:

Cast divination for Àmure

Who is the son of
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
Now death is taking the rats in the farm
And only Àmure will prevail
If death takes the animals, the birds and the fish of the farm
Only Àmure will prevail
If the òkètè goes to the market, it will always have a stick to walk

Ifá on the day death comes

I would not be the chosen one
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Message: - Through this story of when he was sick, Ifá says

you should not be afraid that you will die of the disease you have because it
will only be a passing one. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 2 roosters
and lots of palm oil for the spirits that are disturbing and also applying
this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - leaves of àlúpayidá, leaves of séfun-tètè, 1 entire bat

and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of àlúpayidá, leaves of séfun-tètè,

the entire bat and the ìyèròsùn. Put them into a pot and burn them. Grind
them together until they become powder. Spray the powder over the
and print the Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of .

How to use it: - the person who is going to use the akose ifá will take it
with strong or bitter drinks, for example with gin.

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Translation to English:

Òfún is the priest of jangan ti rangan

Ìretè is the priest of jangan ti rangan
The problem is the bats that come into the house
Cast divination for Orúnmìlà
When death and sickness was looking for him
And all the ajogun were coming to his house
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
Death was coming to visit him and retracted
Instead she went to a faraway place called Isale Akitan
I will always be far from Isale Akitan

Message: - Through this story of the wife of who was crying

because she thought she was dying, Ifá says you will be cured of your
disease and you will live long. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 2 he-
goats, 16 kola nut and lots of Guinean pepper to enjoy of good health and
also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - leaves of ara, lost of Guinean pepper, leaves of the

Guinean pepper plant, black soap and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of ara, the Guinean peppers, the
leaves of Guinean pepper plant and smash them all. Mix them with the
black soap. Then spray the ìyèròsùn over the , print the Odu Ifá
and pray the incantation of . After praying, mix the
ìyèròsùn with the soap.

How to use it: - the person who is going to use the akose ifá, store the
soap in a container and uses it until it is over.
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Translation to English:

Tie your scarf completely

And go out to search for a husband
Cast divination for death
The husband of (the cry)
Cast divination for the wife of death
She was asked to make sacrifice
But she refused
There is a price now for not offering the sacrifice
The day of the death of is the day of death of the body
On the day the wife dies
The husband will also die

Message: - Through this story of the son of , Ifá says you have
lots of wealth but not enjoy of good health. Ifá says money cannot buy
health and that you should be more aware of that. Ifá suggests to offering
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sacrifice with 1 pig, 1 okete, 16 big snails and 8 pigeons in order to have
good health and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - 16 leaves of elá, 16 seeds of Guinean pepper and


Way to prepare it: - Take the 16 leaves of elá, 16 seeds of Guinean

pepper and smash them until they become powder. Mix them with the
ìyèròsùn and spray it over the to print the Odu Ifá and pray the
incantation of . After praying, cut 16 pieces of the pork meat and
put them to cook with palm oil, salt and the ìyèròsùn that was prayed over.

How to use it: - the person for whom this akose was prepared àkòsé eats
first and then all the persons present in the moment.


Translation to English:

Òsé is as white as if being born in the house of Aje

Cast divination for
Who is the son of
When he had the wealth of Ifá but looked pale
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
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Now, you are the son of the priest

And Ifa will keep on giving you the wealth of the earth

Message: - Through this story of , Ifá says you have not taken
care of your health appropriately and even though you are going through a
bad moment you will recover. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 2
roosters to regain your energy and become health again. Ifá says you
should also apply this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - leaves of segunsete, leaves of agidi mogbohin, black

soap and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of segunsete, leaves of agidi

mogbohin and smash them well. Then mix them with the black soap.
Spray the powder over the to print the Odu Ifá and pray the
incantation of . After praying, mix the ìyèròsùn with the black

How to use it: - the person for whom this akose was prepared uses the
soap to take a bath for three days in a row.

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Translation to English:

Bend the blade in order to cut the hair

The kola nut grows in different places
Cast divination for monbe
Who is the son of Àgbonnìrègún
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
I am Monbe
Monbe ope
I am alive
I did no lose my life
As long as the priest lives
There will be life on earth

Message: - Through this story of who was losing his health,

Ifá says you are sick but that it is temporarily because you will heal pretty
soon. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 2 roosters and 3 snails. Ifá
suggests to applying this àkòsé too.

Materials to use: - 1 hat, one of the snails of the sacrifice and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Spray the ìyèròsùn over the to print the
Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of . After praying, take one
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of the snails of the sacrifice and put it inside the hat and then cover it with
ìyèròsùn until covered completely.

How to use it: - The person for whom this akose was prepared àkòsé
take the hat to some place in the forest and chooses a place there where to
throw it away. Then, he comes back home again praying the incantation
again but without looking back.


Translation to English:

Agere does not take the medicine to win at the war of apinni
Cast divination for oríjagbodu
Who is the son of the King of justice in ajorí
When he was very ill and could not roll out of bed
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
You that decapitate the heads, go to the forest
You that decapitate the heads, don’t look for mine
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Chapter 2 - For the good luck and prosperity.

Message: - Through this story of Ifá says there are blessings

and luck for wealth to enter your house and be prosperous. Ifá suggests to
offering sacrifice with 6 white pigeons, lost of bananas (omini), 8 eggs of a
hen, 2 ducks, 2 hens and cake of beans cooked without oil and also
applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - leaves of ajé, leaves of elá, salt and palm oil.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of ajé and elá and smash them
together to make them powder. Spray the powder over the . Print
the Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of Íká Òfún. After praying, take one
of the pigeons of the sacrifice and cook it with salt and palm oil and also
the powder that was prayed over.

How to use it: - once the pigeon is fully cooked, put it in a plate and se
cut it in 9 pieces. Pray the incantation again and everyone present at the
moment should eat it starting by the person who the medicine is being
prepared for.

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Translation to English:

Tanwidi, the priest of the deep water

Cast divination for Orúnmìlà
Who was crying for not having enough wealth
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
Therefore, it all comes through me
I see plenty of wealth around me
I only see there are blessings around me

Message: - Through this story of Ifá says there are blessings for
wealth to come to you. Ifá says you should keep doing your work and you
will be very successful in what you know to do. Ifá says you should offer
sacrifice to Orisa Ajé with 2 white pigeons, lost of bananas (omini), 2
Guinea hens and 4 kola nut and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - leaves of oníyeye, leaves of apako, 1 bird known as

okin, blades, alcohol and cotton.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of oníyeye and apako and smash
them together to make them powder. Spray the powder over the .
Print the Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of Íká Ìrètè.

How to use it: - after praying, make 201 small incisions on the head to
the person and rub the powder inside while the incantation is being prayed
over again. Then cover the incisions with the cotton with alcohol and keep
it covered until they heal.
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Translation to English:

Îká rètè téè

Cast divination for
Who was talking business at Aaro
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
For having offered the sacrifice to Èsù
Come and see all our blessings

Message: - Through this story of Ifá says there are blessings so you
can become a person with a lot of money. Ifá says wealth do not come fast
and that it takes time to acquire it, but you will have lots of money instead.
Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 4 roosters, 4 hens, 4 pigeons and 4
fish (aborí) and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - leaves of eyin, 1 fish (abori type) and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of eyin and the fish, smash them
and burn them to make a powder. Spray the powder over the .
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Print the Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of Òtùrá Ìrèté.

How to use it: - after praying, mix the powder with water and drink it.
You can also mix it with food to eat. You can put a little of the powder in a
container and use it as many times as you feel you need it.


Translation to English:

Cast divination for the father who is scraping along

He was told to make sacrifice
And complied

The good luck is only besides the priest

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Message: - Through this story of Ifá says there are blessings for you
to have your own property, either a house or a place where you can make
business. Ifá says there are blessings for you to have lots of money and
prosperity. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 6 pigeons, 2 roosters, 2
ducks and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - black soap, the nest of an eeran aladí and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the nest of the eera aladí and mix with black
soap. Spray the ìyèròsùn over the . Print the Odu Ifá and pray the
incantation of Ìwòrì Òsá. After praying, mix the ìyèròsùn with the black

How to use it: - it is for the person to bathe with it. It is recommended
not to use it just once, but using the soap every day until it runs out.

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Translation to English:

Omonlá pa ti a làì lapa

The priest of Aladi
Cast divination for Aladi
When he was crying for being lonely
And because he had nothing in life
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
It is now that he has many properties
It is now that his value is great
200 persons are standing and looking at his belongings
The house of the Aladi is full

Message: - Through this story of that was flying all the way
around, Ifá says there are blessings for you to have all the comfort you
need in life and not to be a poor person. Ifá says there will be blessings of
wealth anywhere you go. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 2 hens, 2
pigeons and lots of gin to entice wealth to you and also applying this

Materials to use: - leaves of sawérepépé, 1 fly, black soap and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of sawérepépé and the fly and
smash them. Later, mix it with black soap. Spray the ìyèròsùn over the
. Print the Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of . After
praying, mix the ìyèròsùn with the black soap

How to use it: - the person will use it to take a bath with the soap for
three days in a row.
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Translation to English:

Do not get dirty

Do not speak as if you are a beggar
Cast divination for the fly
That was flying on the earth but had not wealth
She was told to make sacrifice
And offered it
Wealth comes to the fly now without knowing how
The fly knows what to do after eating

Message: - Through this story of , Ifá says there are blessings for
you to have wealth and prosperity in life. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice
with 4 pigeons, 4 hens and 4 snails because there will be many people
jealous of you and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - leaves of ajé, leaves of elá, black soap and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of ajé, leaves of elá and smash
them. Then mix it with ìyèròsùn and spray it over the . Print the
Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of .
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How to use it: - make small incisions on the chest of the person for
whom this akosé ifá is prepared and rub the powder inside. If the person is
male, make 5 incisions on the right side of the chest and 4 on the left side.
If she is a woman, 4 incisions on the right side and 3 on the left side.
Meanwhile you are doing the incisions, chant the incantations.


Translation to English:

They are all together: the crane, the pigeon and the bird of Abúsa
Cast divination for
Who wanted to be the boss inside the place of Aje
what do you have more than the others?
you are luckier that everyone together.

Message: - Through this story of , Ifá says there are blessings

for you to be wealthy and successful in businesses. Ifa you should learn to
use your wealth appropriately and invest it well. Ifá suggests to offering
sacrifice with 2 Guinea hens, 16 big snails and 6 pigeons for your blessings
of money and also applying this àkòsé.
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Materials to use: - leaves of elá, white cloth, black soap and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of elá and smash them and smash
them with the black soap. Then the ìyèròsùn is sprayed over the .
Print the Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of . After praying,
mix the ìyèròsùn with the black soap.

How to use it: - the person will take a bath using the soap for three days
in a row. The soap should be wrapped around the white cloth when not
using it.


Translation to English:

Cast divination for

Que no tenía mucha estabilidad
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
Bless me and take me to the highest place of my destiny
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Chapter 3 - To overcome the enemies.

Message: - Through this story of Ifá says there are

blessings to overcome your enemies. Ifá says you should offer sacrifice to
Orí with a fish because all your help comes from him and to overcome your
enemies. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 1 he-goat, 2 fish and 2 kola
nuts and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - leaves of segunsete, 1 fish (eja aro type) and


Way to prepare it: - Take the segunsete and the fish and smash them
together to make them powder. Spray the powder over the and
mix together with the ìyèròsùn. Print the Odu Ifá and pray the incantation
of Íká Òsá.

How to use it: - after praying, mix the powder with water and drink it.
Spare a little of the powder in a container to use it on the future, but
always pray the incantation before using it.


Translation to English:

Iká sa the priest of the king

Cast divination for the king
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That woke up and drank medicine

He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
Not in a long time
Come and see how he has overcome the enemies

Message: - Through this story of Ifá says there are blessings to

overcome your enemies and be more powerful than others. Ifá says you
should make offering to the iyami with oketes so you are not disturbed
and be able to overcome your enemies. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice
with 1 he-goat, palm fruit (odi eyin), tiger skin, 7 okete, 2 Guinean hens
and lots of palm oil and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - ofun, tiger skin and Guinean pepper.

Way to prepare it: - Take the ofun and mix with the Guinean pepper
and smash them together to make them powder. Spray the powder over
the . Print the Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of Íká Ìròsún.

How to use it: - after praying, mix the powder with water and drink it.
You can also use it to eat with food. Spare a little in a container for future
use, but always pray the incantation before using it again.

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Translation to English:

The machete is in the house of the fire

The machete saw the pouring rain
Early in the morning Iká goes to the house of Ìròsùn
Because of the meat if the eku
Because of the meat of the eja
Cast divination for the tiger
Who is the first son of the witch
Cast divination for Enlojo the son of the bird
On the day they were appeasing Orí
They were told to make sacrifice
But only the tiger offered the sacrifice
This why you can say
That Enlojo will never be able to hunt the son of the tiger

Message: - Through this story of when the father was being

affected by the evil intentions of his enemies, Ifá says there are blessings
for not being disturbed at all by your enemies. Ifá says you should offer
sacrifice with 2 roosters to get the victory and also apply this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - 1 very big snail, leaves of alupaida and ìyèròsùn.

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Way to prepare it: - dig a hole in the backyard of your property and take
the leaves of alupaida and place them inside the hole. Spray the ìyèròsùn
over the . Print the Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of Ìròsún
Ogbè. Then spray the ìyèròsùn over the leaves, put the big snail inside and
spray all the ìyèròsùn over it.

How to use it: - once you have all the materials in the hole, cover it while
chanting the incantation again and asking Ifá what you want or need.


Translation to English:

Elá walk by my side
Cast divination for
On the day he had arrived to his house
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
Death, disappear! Go away from me!
The snails do not go out of their houses when it is raining

Message: - Through this story of when he was in the midst of

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people who considered him an enemy, Ifá says there are blessings to
overcome the evil people are wishing you that your enemies’ intentions
will not succeed. Ifá suggests offering sacrifice with 1 he-goat and 2
roosters to be victorious and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - 7 flowers of an okra plant, 7 imum muma fruits, 7

seeds of Guinean pepper and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the 7 flowers of an okra plant, the 7 imum
muma fruits and 7 seeds of Guinean pepper and smash them together.
Burn them until you get a powder. Spray the ìyèròsùn over the
and mix with the powder. Print the Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of

How to use it: - make small incisions on the joints of the hands of the
person for whom the akose ifá has been made and rub the powder inside
while praying the incantation again.


Translation to English:

The ant hill next to the river

The one that always wear red clothes
Cast divination for Aseyin
The one who is in charge of the salves
He was told to make sacrifice
But refused to do it
Having refused to the sacrifice did not help
Aseyin has offended Orangun
And his enemies killed him because of a single yam
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Message: - Through this story of when he was not being

respected by people in his town and enemies were piling up, Ifá says there
are blessings to receive the honor & respect you deserve. Ifá suggest
offering sacrifice with 1 he-goat and 2 pigeons to be favored and also
applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - 1 head of a cobra, 1 snail, leaves of akésé, 1 eku Ifá, 1

horn of a bull, black soap and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the head of the cobra, 1 snail, the leaves of
akésé and 1 eku Ifá and smash them together. Mix them with the black
soap. Spray the ìyèròsùn over the , print the Odu Ifá and pray the
incantation of . After praying, mix the ìyèròsùn with the
soap and pack it into the horn of a bull.

How to use it: - the person who uses this akose ifá should bath with the
soap everyday while the soap lasts.


Translation to English:

The dog was told not to fight the tiger

And there were many dogs fighting the tiger
Cast divination for
When he was coming form heaven to the earth
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He was told to make sacrifice

So all the power would only be in his house
And complied
Pilgrims of Ìpó
Pilgrims of Òfà
Come and see that the power is only by the feet of the

Message: - Through this story of who came to live on the earth

but had many enemies by his side, Ifá says there are blessings overcome
the obstacles in your life. Ifá suggests offering sacrifice with 2 turtles, 2
roosters, 2 hens, 6 kola nuts and 1 agogo and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - leaves of gberu, the heads of the two turtles of the
sacrifice, 1 bird (any type of bird), black soap and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of gberu, the heads of the two
turtles of the sacrifice, the bird that you could get and smash them. Then
mix it all with black soap. Spray the ìyèròsùn over the . Print the
Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of . After praying, mix the
ìyèròsùn with the black soap

How to use it: - the person will use the soap to bathe with for as long as
the soap lasts.

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Translation to English:

Galgale knows many medicines for the stomach

But does nothing with it
It cannot do anything against what was eaten
Cast divination for Akinsete who is the son of the elders
When he came to the world and was surrounded by enemies
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
Therefore, anything said should not be changed
Anything Ifa says should not be altered
The bell (agogo) does not make a joke of the law
If you have enemies, only Ifá will be able to change that
He is the one that gives you the slaves you have
The bell will take the problems far away

Message: - Through this story of who intended to be the leader

among the birds, Ifá says you have been striving to reach your goals but
has not succeeded because there are many envious people conspiring
against that. Ifá says you will have all the luck to get to that position you
desire. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 3 pigeons, 3 roosters, 3 snails
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and 4 turtles too reach your blessings and overcome your enemies and also
to applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - 1 head of an agbe, Guinean peppers and a black cloth.

Way to prepare it: - Take the head of an agbe and the Guinean peppers
and smash them well. Burn them until you get a powder. Spray the powder
over the to print the Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of

How to use it: - to the person for whom this akose was prepared àkòsé,
you should make small incisions on the joints of the hands and the legs
and rub the powder inside the incisions. Meanwhile, the incantation is
being chanted.


Translation to English:

Cast divination for the agbe

Who wanted to receive a chieftainship title
Cast divination for aluko
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Who said the title should be for aluko

Cast divination for
Who wanted to be the leader of the trees
They were asked to make sacrifice
And complied
Pilgrims of Ìpó
Pilgrims of Òfà
Now come and see their blessings are many
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Chapter 4 - To resolve problems with marriage, love, impotence & have


Message: - Through this story of Ifá says there are blessings

to conquer the person you desire and for growing love feelings between
you and the other person you like. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 2
eku ifá and 2 fish (eja aro type) and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - 1 leaves of òmisí-misì, leaves of sìnkínmini, black

soap and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of òmisí-misì and sìnkínmini and
smash them together. Then mix them with the black soap. Spray the
ìyèròsùn over the and print the Odu Ifá to pray the incantation of
. After praying, mix the ìyèròsùn with the soap.

How to use it: - Place the soap in a container and the person uses it
before going to see the other person or before making love to the other
person (if they are already together), applying as much as possible in the
genital organs.

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Translation to English:

The yam is well cut with the blade

We prepare the yam flour in a big pot so it is well done
Place the all in a wide spot
So it is well done
The priest cast divination for Inunurin
Who was trying to have an easy job to do
He was told to taste the honey
In order to see how sweet it was
Ifa says no one is greater than
Ifá, make my love to be the greatest for _____________
And that ___________ can give me all I ask
Because the leaves of òmisí-misì are made to get that
And the òmisí-misì could make _____________ to love me
The sínkinmini says that person cannot resist doing it
That ____________ could not have eyes for another person
Ifa says no one is greater than
Página 34 de 54

Message: - Through this story of who wanted to get married,

Ifá says there are blessings to conquer a good person so as to spend the
rest of your life together. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 1 she-goat, 2
fish (eja aro type), 2 hens and 2 eku Ifá and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - leaves of òjinwinni, Guinean pepper, cotton, alcohol

and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of òjinwinni, Guinean pepper and
smash them together until they become powder. Spray the ìyèròsùn over
the and it is fortified with the powder that was previously
pounded. Print the Odu Ifá to pray the incantation of .

How to use it: - to the person for whom this àkòsé is prepared for, small
incisions are made on the head and rub the powder inside. Then cover the
incisions with the cotton with alcohol until they heal. During the moment
you are making the incisions the incantation should be chanted again.

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Translation to English:

Use the fan during the day

I reached the place I wanted to be at
Cast divination for Orúnmìlà
Who had a dark skin wife in the house
And wanted to marry a yellow skin woman
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
Pilgrims of Ìpó
Pilgrims of Òfà
Now come and see how he has been blessed with a wife

Message: - Through this story of , Ifá says there are blessings for you
not to have problems with women and to overcome though situations they
can lead you to. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 2 roosters, 2 ducks
and 2 pigeons to freeing yourselves from the influence of the witches and
also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - 200 leaves of orose, a bird ogbigbi (bird known as

the luck bird), Guinean pepper, black soap and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the 200 leaves of orose, a bird ogbigbi, and
Guinean pepper and smash them together until they become powder.
Spray the ìyèròsùn over the and it is fortified with the pounded
powder. Print the Odu Ifá to pray the incantation of . After
praying, mix the powder with the black soap.

How to use it: - the person for whom this àkòsé is prepared for, takes a
bath with the soap during three days in a row.
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Translation to English:

The moon outshines the stars

The daylight outshines the stars
Many stars are shining
Many stars are shining
The one that places the board of Ifá in the center of the store
It is the priest in the priest of Osumare
Cast divination for Meti
Who is the son of Àgbonnìrègún
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He was told to make sacrifice

And complied
Oso will make things to work for me at home
The witches of the house will make things my way
The witches of the house will make things my way
That is why I have 200 leaves of orose
When the ogbigbi sings he kind of folds himself
Things will be made my way
Because I have 200 leaves of orose
I will not rush to do things
The leaves of orose I have are 200
I will not rush to do things, they will be done my way
Because I have 200 leaves of orose

Message: - Through this story of that was going to get

married, Ifá says there are blessings for you to keep together to the person
who you are now with and that for that person not abandon you ever. Ifá
suggests to offering sacrifice with 1 she-goat and lots of palm oil and also
applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - leaves of popojuwara, 1 big snail, salt, palm oil and

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of popojuwara and smash them
well. Spray the ìyèròsùn over the and print the Odu Ifá to pray
the incantation of . After praying, mix the powder with the
pounded leaves and cook the big snail with salt and palm oil.

How to use it: - once the snail is already cooked, the person should eat
this meal. It has to be only the person for whom the medicine was
prepared for.
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Translation to English:

The one that breaks obi and eats with ragaraga

As if there is no osu in his house
Cast divination for Orúnmìlà
Who was going to take ragaraga to become his wife
And was taking osun to her for her to accept him
Orúnmìlà will give me a wife the same way he did with ragaraga
Because of the snail I am offering the Òrìsàs
Because I have touched the leaves of popojuwara with my hands
A good woman will come and I will be her husband for ever

Message: - Through this story of who was having troubles

with women, Ifá says there are blessings for you to overcome what women
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are wishing or planning against you with or with women you are facing
problems with. Ifá says you could do well in a marital litigation case. Ifá
suggests to offering sacrifice with 1 he-goat, 2 pigeons and also applying
this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - 1 toad, Guinean pepper and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the toad and grind it with the Guinean
pepper. Then burn it until it becomes powder. Spray the ìyèròsùn over the
and it is fortified with the powder. Print the Odu Ifá to pray the
incantation of .

How to use it: - the person for whom this akosé ifá is prepared for, mix
the powder with cold water and drinks it all.


Translation to English:

Ìká sa ran the priest by the river side

Cast divination for Egun Tatala
On the day he was fighting against the witches
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
When I am traveling I don’t find any war
No one wages war to me when I am traveling
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The same way the toad did I am free from Okundun

Message: - Through this story of a person in the town of Ilawé that

happened to be barren, Ifá says there are blessings for you to have children
and become very happy because of them. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice
with 1 she-goat, 2 rats (eku ifá), 2 fish (eja àro type) and 2 hens to clean
up your destiny and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - 200 leaves of , Guinean pepper, black soap

and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of smash them with

the Guinean pepper and in order to make an with water. Then
spray the ìyèròsùn over the and print the Odu Ifá to pray the
incantation of . After praying, the ìyèròsùn mix with the soap
and water.

How to use it: - the person for whom this akosé ifá is prepared for, uses
the soap and the to clean the house and spares some to bathe with
after having cleaned the house.

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Translation to English:

It is very hot for the leg to be outside

The rat has come to the town of alawe
Now for more that the rat runs, death will reach her
The fish has come to the town of alawe
Now for more that the fish swims, death will reach him
The bird has come to the town of alawe
Now for more that the bird flies, death will reach her
Cast divination for eesun who is a person in ilawe
Who is the daughter of the mind of the forest
When she could not bear children
And was not feeling well
And spent all the time crying
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The pain we have inflicted ipin

Ipin is not going to share it
The pain we have given itá
Itá is not going to give it to anyone
The pain we have given ojere elu
It is not going to take it to others
I will prosperous like them
No one will take their wealth from me
My leaves of aoyoyo are also 200
I will not miss my blessings

Message: - Through this story of a male aja, Ifá says there are blessings
for you not to be impotent anymore. Ifá suggest offering sacrifice with 1
he-goat and lost of black bananas (àgbààgbà) so you can stop being
impotent and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - black banana (àgbààgbà), 1 fruit of palm

oil, 1 coconut, orogbo, kola nut, raw cassava and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the fruit of opapara and the coconut and mix
them with palm oil to grind them later. Once they are grinded, mix them
with leaves of ekun and grind them again until they become powder Then
spray the ìyèròsùn over the and print the Odu Ifá to pray the
incantation of . After praying, the ìyèròsùn mix with
the previous materials and put aside half of this powder.

Later the peels of the black bananas and grind them with the orogbo, the
kola nut and the raw cassava until they become powder. This powder mix
it with the other spared powder already prayed over.

How to use it: - the person for whom this akosé ifá is prepared for, uses
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each of the powders to drink with water until they are over.


Translation to English:

Okanran Oworin is the owner of the house

The foreigner does not know much of the house
Cast divination for the dog
Who had the disease of atosi
He was told to make sacrifice
But refused to do it
Pilgrims of Ìpó
Pilgrims of Òfà
Now come and see how the words of the priests have come true
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Chapter 5 - Toovercome the evil intentions, bad spirits and the


Message: - Through this story of Ifá says there are blessings

for you to be able to sleep well at nights. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice
with 1 pigeon in order to live in peace and tranquility and also applying
this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - salt, water and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the ìyèròsùn and spray it over the .
Print the Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of . After praying, mix
the ìyèròsùn in a recipient where you have the water and the salt.

How to use it: - Everyone present should drink a bit of the water and the
then take it to where the Èsù Elaabara is and pour it over him while
chanting the incantation again.


Translation to English:
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Cast divination for

When he was collecting salt in order to accomplish something
He was told to offer sacrifice
And complied
We have also collected salt to do something good
Without problems we will be happy
We are eating salt to drive troubles away

Message: - Through this story of an on the day he was disturbed,

Ifá says there are blessings to dispose of bad influences and the spirits that
are disturbing you. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 2 roosters, 2 hens,
salt and plenty of ashes and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - ashes, salt and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the ashes, the salt and the ìyèròsùn and mix
them. Then spray them on the print the Odu Ifá and pray the
incantation of .

How to use it: - the person sprinkles the powder that was prayed over all
along the house and then sweeps the house to drive away the evil spirits
around. During the cleaning process, pray the incantation as many times
as possible.
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Translation to English:

Cast divination for eko

Who is the friend of the rooster
Cast divination for the rooster
He was told to make sacrifice
Only the rooster made the sacrifice
Pilgrims of Ìpó
Pilgrims of Òfà
Only the rooster receives all the blessings now


Message: - Through this story of un when everyone was

wishing him bad on earth, Ifá says there are blessings for you to overcome
the evil and those people who do not appreciate you. Ifá suggests to
offering sacrifice with 2 roosters, 2 hens, 1 he-goat and 6 snails and also
applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - seeds of irula (okra).

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Way to prepare it: - Take the seeds of irula and smash them until they
become powder. This powder is sprayed over the to print the
Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of ékún .

How to use it: - to the person this akose ifá is prepared for, make small
incisions (16 in total) in the center of the head and rub the powder inside.
Use part of the powder to drink with cold water too.


Translation to English:

is walking with lots of

is walking with lots of
Cast divination for Orúnmìlà
On the day they were wishing him bad on earth
And wishing him bad on heaven
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
This is why, ìrúlá is walking with plenty of
is walking with plenty of
Página 48 de 54


Message: - Through this story of when he was cursed on earth

and was under spelled, Ifá says there are blessings for you to break that
spell that people are doing on you, on your house, your place of work, etc.
Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 2 roosters, 2 Guinea hens, 2 turtles, 4
snails and 2 coconuts and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - little crabs from a river, leaves of aro, leaves of

àpádá, leaves of ikúijebu and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the little crabs, the leaves of aro, the leaves of
àpádá and the leaves of eru. Grind them and burn them until they become
powder. This powder is sprayed over the together with the
ìyèròsùn. Print the Odu Ifá and pray the incantation of ún . After
praying, mix the powder with cold water.

How to use it: - the person who is going to use this akose ifá should
drink the water with the powder completely.

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Translation to English:

It is Orúnmìlà the one that looks like a stupid

Ifá says he has become an ediko
Cast divination for Orúnmìlà
On the day they were putting spell on him
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
Ifá sais that the leaves of aro will remove all curse
The leaves of apada will remove all evil
It is erú the one to remove all evil
Death says that she controls the son of the crab on the bank of
the river
Orí with the fish will make them disappear
The evil spirits will not fall into my side
The same way the water is not possible to stay in the net

Message: - Through this story of a big deer of the forest that was
threatened to death, Ifá says there are blessings for you not die from the
evil that has been cast against you. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 1
he-goat to drive the ajoguns away and also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - leaves of agidimogbòhin, a horn of antelope, black

soap and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of agidimogbòhin and mix them
with the black soap. Spray the ìyèròsùn over the . Print the Odu
Ifá and pray the incantation of . After praying, mix the powder
with the soap and pack inside the horn of antelope.

How to use it: - the person who is going to use this akose ifá takes a bath
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with the soap until is over for as many days in a row as it lasts. The soap
should always be in the horn of antelope when not in used.


Translation to English:

Cast divination for a big antelope

Who is the son of king of the forest
He was told to make sacrifice for long life
And complied
It was in the presence of the tiger and the hunter
That the antelope was and did not die
It was in the presence of the tiger and the hunter

Message: - Through this story of Orúnmìlà, Ifá says there are blessings
for you not to die and not to get disturbed by the witches or other evil
spirits. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 1 he-goat and 1 she-goat to
drive away the ajoguns and also applying this àkòsé.
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Materials to use: - 200 leaves of kóró, black soap and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of kóró and mix them with the
black soap. Spray the ìyèròsùn over the . Print the Odu Ifá and
pray the incantation of . After praying, mix the powder with the

How to use it: - the person who is going to use this akose ifá takes a bath
with the soap during three days in a row.


Translation to English:

The edgy part of the needle bothers in the eye

You cannot put a car inside a house
Ipin is like the fire that burns
Cast divination for Orúnmìlà
When the father was going to make a deal with the witches to
avoid death
He was told to make sacrifice
And complied
Therefore, I made a deal with the witches and will not die
I ate leaves of kóró and were tasteless
And my deal was made with Ifá on heavens
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Message: - Through this story of Orúnmìlà who was chasing death in the
farm, Ifá says there are blessings to drive away from your side death, loses,
failures and bad influences now. Ifá suggests to offering sacrifice with 1
she-goat, 2 roosters, 2 hens and lots of gin to drive away the calamities and
also applying this àkòsé.

Materials to use: - leaves of abíríkolo, black soap and ìyèròsùn.

Way to prepare it: - Take the leaves of abíríkolo and mix them with the
black soap. Spray the ìyèròsùn over the . Print the Odu Ifá and
pray the incantation of . After praying, mix the powder with
the soap and it is fortified with a bit of the blood of the she-goat of the

How to use it: - the person who is going to use this akose ifá takes a bath
with the soap for three days in a row.


Translation to English:

Cast divination for

When the father was throwing arrows to death in the farm
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He was told to make sacrifice

And complied

threw the arrows and killed death

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Ayokunle Dada

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