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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 6

Learning Area Music

Grade Level 6 Time Allotment: 1 hour
Quarter 1 Week 1 Day

A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the concept of rhythm by applying notes and rests, rhythmic patterns, and time signatures
B. Performance Standards Responds to beats in music heard with appropriate conducting patterns of 2 3 4 and 6
4 4 4 8
C. Learning MU6RH-Ib-e-2: Differentiates among 2 3 4 and 6
Competencies/Learning Codes 4 4 4 8 time signatures

Specifically the learners will

Describes the 3 time signature

D. Sub-tasked Learning Objectives

II. CONTENT RHYTHM Musical Symbols and Concepts:
A. Concepts 1. Notes and Rests
2. Meters
3. Rhythmic Patterns
B. References

Address: IBJT Compound, Carangan, Ozamiz City

Telephone No: (088) 545-09-88 Our LEARNERS: The Diamonds of
Telefax: (088) 545-09-90 the Fortress.
Email Address: [email protected] ASENSO OZAMIZ!
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
C. Learning Resources
1. Materials from LR MISOSA5-module6
2. Other Learning

Printed materials (to be used for the attachment like the musical score, pictures, worksheet etc.)

III. PROCEDURE (Strategy used)

A. Preparatory Phase
1. Drill/ Review What have we discussed last meeting on music?
What is a 2/4 time signature?
What does the upper number in the 2/4 time signature mean?
What does the lower number in the 2/4 time signature mean?
2. Motivation Let the pupils sing the song “HARANA SA bUKID“. Let the pupils clap/ tap the rhythmic pattern of the song .
3. Presentation of the Today, we are going to describe the 3 time signature
Objectives 4
B. Developmental Activities/ Present again the song “ HARANA SA BUKID “. (see attachment 1)
Lesson Proper
Play the song and then the pupils will do the following:
1.Tap the rhythm of the song
2.Clap the rhythmic pattern of the song
3.The pupils will sing the song ,too.

Using the given musical score of the song HARANA SA BUKID (attachment 1)
Let us analyze the song

1. What is the time signature indicated of the song?

2. What are the notes and rests you found in the song?
Address: IBJT Compound, Carangan, Ozamiz City
Telephone No: (088) 545-09-88 Our LEARNERS: The Diamonds of
Telefax: (088) 545-09-90 the Fortress.
Email Address: [email protected] ASENSO OZAMIZ!
3. How many measures are there in the given score of the song?
4. How many beats are there in each measure? Can we count them?
5. What kind of note can receive 1 beat in this type of time
6. What is the value of the quarter note and rest/ eight note and
rest/ half note and rest?
7. What do you think is the meaning of the song? (Value
Integration: Discuss the value of the song in the life of

Present and discuss to the class the given pictures below.

In a 3/4 time signature how many beats are there in one measure?
What type of note can receive 1 beat?
Do you think eight note can still receive ½ beat? Why?

C. Culminating Activities
1. Practice Exercises Individual Activity
The teacher will present a musical score
Directions: Let the pupils put a bar line to create a measure using the principle of 3 time signature

Address: IBJT Compound, Carangan, Ozamiz City

Telephone No: (088) 545-09-88 Our LEARNERS: The Diamonds of
Telefax: (088) 545-09-90 the Fortress.
Email Address: [email protected] ASENSO OZAMIZ!
2. Application Group Activity
Divide the pupils into groups
Let them sing “Bahay Kubo”
Clap the rhythmic pattern
Tap the beat of the song
Sing and dance the song
Each group will be given 3 minutes to practice
After 3 minutes each group will perform the task

Use rubric to assess the performance of the pupils

IV. EVALUATION Pen and Paper Test (Worksheets)

Directions: Add a bar line in each staff following the indicated time signature.

V. ENRICHMENT/ASSIGNMENT Directions:In a short bond paper create a staff and arrange the given notes and rests to form the 3/4 time signature
1. Half note
2. Quarter note
3. Half rest
Address: IBJT Compound, Carangan, Ozamiz City
Telephone No: (088) 545-09-88 Our LEARNERS: The Diamonds of
Telefax: (088) 545-09-90 the Fortress.
Email Address: [email protected] ASENSO OZAMIZ!
4. Quarter note
5. Dotted quarter note
6. Eight note
7. Quarter rest
8. Eight rest
9. Eight note
10. Half note

a. Number of learners who earned

75% and above on the formative

b. Number of learners who need


c. What difficulties did I encounter

which my school head or
supervisor can help me solve?

d. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Address: IBJT Compound, Carangan, Ozamiz City

Telephone No: (088) 545-09-88 Our LEARNERS: The Diamonds of
Telefax: (088) 545-09-90 the Fortress.
Email Address: [email protected] ASENSO OZAMIZ!
Attachment 1

Address: IBJT Compound, Carangan, Ozamiz City

Telephone No: (088) 545-09-88 Our LEARNERS: The Diamonds of
Telefax: (088) 545-09-90 the Fortress.
Email Address: [email protected] ASENSO OZAMIZ!

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