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The State of Texas vs. DENG CHAN AJACK coce DOB: 6/2/2001 Sex: Male Race: Black SID No. TX16088172 GJ Witness: read in ANS No. C[ Ofense [iD [State [Ageney [TaN [TRS WaICcade 7 FL [pc29.03 | TKOPOOGED | 824S7I530 | ABDI | 12390002 6 ROBBERY : 7 es INDICTMENT NO.: F1975400 IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: ‘The Grand Jury of Dallas Couinty, State of Texas, duly organized at the January Term, A.D, 2019 of the 363rd Judicial District Court for said County, upon its oath do present in and to said Court at said term, That DENG CHAN AJACK, hereinafter called Defendant, on or about the 10th day of March, 2019 in the County of Dallas, State of Texas, did then and there intentionally and knowingly, while in the course of committing theft of property and with intent to obtain or maintain control of said property, cause bodily injury to another, CARLA FUENTES, hereinafter called complainant, by PULLING COMPLAINANT DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS BY HER HAIR, and the defendant used and exhibited a deadly weapon, to-wit: A FIREARM, = qa: 2 y 2 Against the peace and dignity of the State. JUA~ Foreman of the Grand Jury Page 1 of

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