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Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche

Teaching on Vajra Guru Mantra

To Drikung Kagyu Monastery, Tso Pema, on the occasion of the monks’ recitation of
100 million Vajra Guru mantras

5 June 2020

Buddhism has so many methods to accomplish the wisdom and activity of the buddhas and
bodhisattvas. Especially for those of us who practice the Vajrayana teachings, the secret
mantrayana has particularly vast methods. There are so many sadhanas to accomplish the
practice of Guru, Yidam, Dakini and Dharmapala.

In this particular context, however, people like you and me like, admire, respect and have
devotion to someone called Guru Rinpoche. This is because of our karmic links and
aspirations from many former lives. Just the fact that we even admire Guru Rinpoche is a
sign that we have accumulated some merit in those former lives. So we must all really

Your ongoing recitation of one hundred million vajra guru mantras is particularly directed
to the pandemic disease and other strife that is presently plaguing the world. I am
absolutely certain that even the mere thought to do such a thing has already brought
immense benefit to the world. Please have that confidence in your hearts.

Now, how should you visualize, think of and pray to Guru Rinpoche? You can do that in so
many possible ways:

 Sometimes, as you recite the vajra guru mantra, you can imagine Guru Rinpoche sitting
in the sky in front of you looking at you.

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 Sometimes, visualize him above your head as you recite the mantra.

 Sometimes, visualize him inside your throat. Particularly, while eating or drinking, we
can imagine Guru Rinpoche sitting in our throat as we recite the mantra. And if we eat
with the confidence that we are offering food and drinks to Guru Rinpoche, that is the
most supreme skillful means to accomplish the practice.

 Sometimes, visualize Guru Rinpoche in your heart and recite the mantra.

 If you go to sleep at night visualizing Guru Rinpoche in your heart, it will become a
practice of luminosity meditation.

 Sometimes, those of you who have received the necessary empowerments can think of
yourselves as Guru Rinpoche as you do the recitation.

 Then sometimes, if you are visualizing Guru Rinpoche in the sky in front of you or
sitting above your head, recite the mantra thinking that you are receiving abhisheka
from Guru Rinpoche.

 We have a mind, yes! We must have a mind since we are not rocks and trees. So
sometimes think that the mind we have is Guru Rinpoche and recite the vajra guru

But the very best you can do at all times, whatever you visualize, and in every situation, is
to think that chanting the vajra guru mantra is not just for your own petty benefit, such as
to live long, to be free from sickness, or to have successful business and become rich.

You need to fully enlighten all sentient beings and awaken them from the sleep of
ignorance. It is for their sake that you are reciting the vajra guru mantra. If you recite the
mantra with that attitude, then the benefit and effect will multiply many times.

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What I am saying here is not my self-created bluff. Our vidyadhara forefathers have said
these words again and again. So we must all have confidence in these words.

It's not absolutely necessary for you to sit down when you chant the vajra guru mantra. You
can chant while moving around. For instance, there's no problem chanting the mantra
while strolling or walking. Though sometimes, as I said earlier, you should certainly recite
with one pointed concentration by visualizing Guru Rinpoche.

Even when you’re not concentrating, or while you are talking to someone or moving or
sitting, you can still recite the mantra. People might say there's no point chanting the
mantra while you are distracted. This is not true! It's much better to chant than not to chant
at all. Therefore, you must not think that there is no virtue in reciting the vajra guru mantra
while watching television or talking to someone else.

Above all do your best, as I mentioned before, to recite the mantra by generating the
supreme bodhicitta and praying one-pointedly to Guru Rinpoche.

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