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Lourdes College

Integrated Basic Education Department
Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City

Module for Online Learning

General Instructional Guidelines


Greeting: Good morning / afternoon everyone! Praised be Jesus and Mary! Welcome to our
module for this session. You will find here our general instructional guidelines, then
the components of our module. You will be guided one step at a time through the
specific instructions of the learning tasks given below, which intend to develop our
cognitive skills as well as our values, considering current social realities. Let joy and
peace abound in your mind and heart as you genuinely and responsibly respond to
the learning processes that this module offers.

I. General Instructional Guidelines

1.1 Please refer to the Unit Plan for the Subject description, minor and major performance
tasks, and criteria for grading. Consultation will be provided through our group chat,
email, Gmail, SMS, Edmodo or other social network. I will monitor your participation
in our learning activities through these chosen media. In addition, you are always
encouraged to voice any concerns on internet connections so that appropriate
adjustments can be done.
1.2. Your honesty and integrity are few of the most important component to whatever
outputs asked from the module. A plagiarism-checker tool will be utilized as one of the
measures in assessing your outputs. Use in-text citation (citing the author and year) when you
mention a statement coming from a source other than the list of references that can be found in
your paper.
1.3. Feedback is an essential component in this mode of delivery. You will be asked of your
assessment of your learning experience in this subject so that we will be able to improve our
learning processes in the succeeding instructional delivery.

B.2 Specific Instructions for the Learning Activity

You are reminded that at the end of the module, you are expected to comply all the required
tasks/activities, and answer post-test showing all your solutions for the activities.

Note: Kindly upload your output in our Google Classroom using your account. File name must
be: FamilyName_Activtity_A.
Example: Salugsugan_Activity_A. Deadline will be on August 10, 2020, 6PM sharp. If you have
considerable concerns or problems, feel free to communicate about it.
Module No. 4: Advanced Word Processing Skills

Module Overview: This module allows you to discover one feature of ICT which is the uses of
productivity tools that enhance the functionality, creativity and ease of technology use.
Productivity tools such as word processor are used organize, manipulate, shape, and ultimately
present ideas in creative new ways. This will help individuals make their daily tasks a lot easier
and organized while at the same time, showcasing outputs with impact. This office productivity
tools improve the learner’s skills and provide them with 21 st century readiness to take on life and
career challenges. 




The students in the long run and on their own will be able to effectively use online platforms and
sites in their everyday lives to help the nation by considering innovations as God’s design in
aiding society’s ways of communication.

In these lessons, you will learn the following:
1. use some advanced capabilities of Microsoft Word commonly used to increase productivity
and efficiency;
2. effectively use these features to help improve the productivity of an organization through
maximizing the potential of Microsoft Word;
3. create form letters or documents for distribution to various recipients; and

4. create labels and envelopes for distribution for printing or publishing.



Word Processor – is an electronic device or computer software application that performs the
task of composing, editing, formatting, and printing of documents.
Examples of Word Processors:
Microsoft Word - is a word processor developed by Microsoft. It was first released on October
25, 1983. It is also known as MS Word.
Some Features of Microsoft Word:
1. AutoCorrect – corrects common spelling errors as well as capitalization mistakes.
2. AutoFormat – applies formatting to text, e.g. number listing, bullet, hyperlinks.
3. Grammar Checker – proofreads documents for grammar, writing style, sentence
structure errors and reading statistics.
4. Template – a document that contains the formatting necessary for a specific
document type.
5. Thesaurus – provides synonyms for a word in a document.
6. Tables – organize information into rows and columns.
7. Text Wrap – adjusts how the image behaves around other objects or text.
8. Mail Merge - a feature that allows you to create documents and combine or merge
them with another document or data file.

The mail merge process involves the following:

 The Main Document – contains the text and graphics that are the same for
each version of the merged document.

 Data Source – a file that contains the information to be merged into a

document. For example, the names and addresses of the recipients of
a letter.

For more ideas how to use Mail Merge Function, click the link below.

Mail Merge – Form Letters

1) Open Word and create a new blank document
2) Type the letter with all needed text and formatting, leaving room for the data
from the data source (example: name, address, etc.)
3) Click the Mailings tab
4) Click Start Mail Merge
5) Click Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard

The Mail Merge task pane appears on the right of your screen. Note there are 6

Step 1 – Select Document Type

1) Click Letters for the document type
2) Click Next: Starting document

Step 2 – Select Starting Document

1) Click Use the current document under Select starting document
2) Click Next: Select recipients

Step 3 – Select Recipients

The recipients can come from either an existing Excel file, an Access table or you
can create a new list in Word.

If Using an Existing List:

1) Click Use an existing list under Select recipients
2) Click Browse
3) Select the file
4) Click Open
5) Select the worksheet tab name that contains the data
6) Click OK (Mail Merge Recipients opens showing the file data)
7) Click OK

8) Click Next: Write your letter

If Creating a New List:

1) Click Type a new list under Select recipients
2) Click Create
3) Click Customize Columns to modify the list of fields
4) Delete any unnecessary field names and/or add new ones
5) Click OK

6) Begin typing records, hitting TAB to advance to the next field and to
continue adding new records

7) Click OK
8) Click Save
The recipients list will be saved as a separate file as a Microsoft Access file type. It is
saved in the
My Data Sources folder. It is recommended to save the file in this folder.

9) Click Next: Write your letter

Step 4 – Write Your Letter

1) If including an address, click the location in your document where the
address data will be inserted
2) Click Address block…
3) Select the address elements you want included
4) Click OK

The field name will look like this: <<AddressBlock>>

The address block will insert the following fields including any necessary
punctuation: First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, City, State,
Postal Code.

If your fields do not match the ones listed above or you are not using address
fields, click More items…
5) Click on the field from the list
6) Click Insert
7) Click Close
The field name will look like this - «First_Name»
8) Repeat this step until all fields have been inserted.
Remember to put spaces and punctuation where needed.
9) Click Next: Preview your letters

Step 5 – Preview Your Letters

Here is where you can preview the first page with the fields filled in.
Click Next: Complete the merge

Step 6 – Complete the Merge

1) Click Print to send directly to the printer
2) Click Edit individual letters to create a new file

Remember to save your document as you go. The next time you open your document
and click on
Step-by-Step Mail Merge, the data source file will be attached.

To help you better understand on how to use mail merge function in Microsoft Word,
please watch this Youtube video,

II. Integrating Images and External Materials

           Integrating or inserting pictures in your document is fun and it improves the
impression of your document. A common use of inserting a picture on a document is
when you are creating your resume. Though seemingly simple to do, your knowledge
on the different kinds of materials that you can insert or integrate in a Word document
and its characteristics can help you create a more efficient, richer document not only in
content but also in physical form. A better understanding of the physical form of your
document as well as the different materials you would integrate in it would allow you to
be more efficient and versatile in using Microsoft Word.

For more ideas how to use Mail Merge Function, click the link below.

A. Kinds of Materials

           There are various kinds of materials Microsoft Word is capable of integrating to
make the documents richer, more impressive, and more informative.

1. Pictures

          Generally, these are electronic or digital pictures or photographs you have saved
in any local storage device. There are three commonly used types of picture files. You
can identify them by the extension on their file names.


          This is pronounced as “jay-peg“ and is the short form of .jpeg or Joint
Photographic Experts Group. Like all the rest of the image file extensions, it identifies
the kind of data compression process that it uses to make it more compatible and
portable through the Internet. This type of image file can support 16.7 million colors that
is why it is suitable for use when working with full color photographic images.
Unfortunately, it does not support transparency and therefore, images of this file type
can be difficult to integrate in terms of blending with other materials or elements in your
document. But if you are looking for the best quality image to integrate with your
document then this is the image file type for you. .JPG does not work well on lettering,
line drawings, or simple graphics. .JPG images are relatively small in file size.
b. .GIF

          This stands for Graphics Interchange Format. This type of image file is capable of
displaying transparencies. Therefore, it is good for blending with other materials or
elements in your document. It is also capable of displaying simple animation.
Apparently, this may not be too useful on a printed document but if you are sending
documents electronically or through email, or even post documents into a website, then
this could be quite impressive. The downside is that it can only support up to 256 colors
so it is good mostly on logos and art decors with very limited, and generally solid colors.
.GIF is much better for logos, drawings, small text, black and white images, or low-
resolution files.

c. .PNG 

           This is pronounced as “ping“. It stands for Portable Network Graphics. It was built
around the capabilities of .GIF. Its development was basically for the purpose of
transporting images on the Internet at faster rates. It is also good with transparencies
but unlike .GIFs, it does not support animation but it can display up to 16 million colors,
so image quality for this image file type is also remarkably improved. .PNG allows the
control of the transparency level or opacity of images.

Example of .png format picture.

2.  Clip Art

          This is generally a .GIF type; line art drawings or images used as generic
representation for ideas and objects that you might want to integrate in your document.
Microsoft Word has a library of clip arts that is built in or can be downloaded and used
freely. There are still other clip arts that you can either purchase or freely download and
use that come from third-party providers.

Clip Art Icon in Microsoft Office 2010

3.  Shapes

          These are printable objects or materials that you can integrate in your document
to enhance its appearance or allow you to have some tools to use for composing and
representing ideas or messages. If you are designing the layout for a poster or other
graphic material for advertising, you might find this useful.

4. Smart Art

          Generally, these are predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to form
ideas that are organizational or structural in nature. If you want to graphically represent
an organization, process, relationships, or flow for infographic documents, then you will
find this easy and handy to use.

5.  Chart

          Another type of material that you can integrate in your Word document that allows
you to represent data characteristics and trends. This is quite useful when you are
preparing reports that correlate and present data in a graphical manner. You can create
charts that can be integrate in your document either directly in Microsoft Word or
imported from external files like Microsoft Excel.
Chart – Used to illustrate and compare data.

6. Screenshot

            Sometimes, creating reports or manuals for training or procedures will require
the integration of a more realistic image of what you are discussing on your report or
manual. Nothing can get you a more realistic image than a screenshot. Microsoft Word
even provides a snipping tool for your screen shots so you can select and display only
the part that you exactly like to capture on your screen.

Screenshot Icon – can be found under the Insert tab.

III. Image Placement

Layout of text wrapping options.

A. In Line with Text

           This is the default setting for images that are inserted or integrated in your
document. It treats your image like a text font with the bottom side totally aligned with
the text line. This setting is usually used when you need to place your image at the
beginning of a paragraph. When placed between texts in a paragraph or a sentence, it
distorts the overall appearance and arrangement of the texts in the paragraph because
it will take up the space it needs vertically, pushing whole lines of texts upward.

B. Square

          This setting allows the image you inserted to be placed anywhere with the
paragraph with the text going around the image in a square pattern like frame.

C. Tight

            This is almost the same as the Square setting, but here the text “hug” or
conforms to the general shape of the image. This allows you to get a more creative
effect on your document. This setting can mostly be achieved if you are using an image
that supports transparency like a .GIF or .PNG file.

D. Through

            This setting allows the text on your document to flow even tighter taking the
contours and shape of the image. Again, this can be best used with .GIF or .PNG type
of image.

E. Top and Bottom

            This setting pushes the texts away vertically to the top and/or the bottom of the
image so that the image occupies a whole text line on its own.

F. Behind Text

            This allows your image to be dragged and placed anywhere on your document
but with all the texts floating in front of it. It effectively makes your image look like a

G. In Front of Text

            As it suggests, this setting allows your image to be placed right on top of the text
as if your image was dropped right on it. That means whatever part of the text you
placed the image on, it will be covered by the image.
To help you better understand on how to integrate images and external materials in
Microsoft Word, please watch this Youtube video.


Draw a diagram that demonstrates the step by step procedures in performing a mail merge.


Answer the following questions. Limit your answer in 3-5 sentences only. Your answer will be
rated through a criteria.
Criteria: Content - 5, Organization - 3, Neatness - 2, Total – 10 points
1. How important is the mail merge feature of Microsoft Word in different organizations?
2. Give an instance where it would be better to use the feature of Microsoft Word?
BROCHURE MAKING: This task aims the students to integrate the different
functions of MS Word application. The students will be individually tasked to create a
brochure or newsletter by applying the different tools of MS Word.
Ignacian Core/Related Value
Core Values: Excellence
Related Values: Resourcefulness
Question: We have witnessed that Word doesn’t only cater to encoding but it also
caters to presenting data and information. What does this make us?

b. Social Orientation: Media Advertisements

Question: People are mostly visual in nature, some are auditory. When presenting or
conversing, how would you apply external materials in conveying your message?

c. Lesson Across Discipline: General Biology

Question: How would these ICT tools present an information in a creative way? How
would they present the food web? How could they present the atomic structure of a
d. Faith Biblical Reflection:
“For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as
they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” - 2 Peter 1:21
The students will be individually tasked to create a resume and application letter
and apply the steps on how to create a simple mail merge using MS Word application.
To prepare for this activity, let us build a list of at least ten names of people with their
corresponding title, company name, and address. You may use the following fields: title,
name, company, address line 1, address line 2, and address line 3.

Note: Send your final outputs in our Google Classroom following the given file name
Summing up what I learned in my journey through this lesson:

I learned that

I realized that

I promise to

ANON. Empowerment Technologies Innovative Training Works, First Edition, REX, 2016.
ANON. Empowering ICT Empowerment Technologies-Senior High, CAD, 2017.

LUJERO, R., Empowerment Technologies, VIBAL Group, Inc., 2018.

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