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International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)

ISSN: 2455-4847 || Volume 02 - Issue 07 || July 2017 || PP. 58-61

Comparative Study of Casting Simulation packages used in


Jyotiprakash Bhol 1, Madhava Selvan 2, Arun T 3

(Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PACE Institute of Technology & Sciences,
Ongole–523272, India)
(Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PACE Institute of Technology & Sciences,
Ongole–523272, India)
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PACE Institute of Technology & Sciences,
Ongole–523272, India)

Abstract: To visualize mold filling, predict the internal defects like inclusions and cold shuts casting
simulation has found its place. Now a day lots of casting simulations has come up and some are being developed
to access way to real casting processes. Those include the melt flow analysis, heat transfer analysis for
solidification calculation, mechanical property predictions and microstructure predictions. When this software is
simulated with the real situations it gives a clear picture of position and intensity of the internal defects. By
correcting these parameters a sound casting can be made. It however, requires a 3D CAD model with all the
accessories like cores chills gating system, risers etc. After setting the end conditions like material and pouring
and melting temperatures, mold material etc the virtual trial is made and known as simulation which gives
different results by which it is possible to rectify the bottlenecks in the casting process. Due to these unforeseen
bottlenecks lots of loss is detected in foundries may be small and large. By using AutoCAST software the design
simulation is integrated and at the same time it gives an optimized result for the casting design including the
feeders, runners and risers layout. This software is also user friendly and easy to use. As the casting is simulated
virtually and rectifies the problems of future without any real casting it saves lots of time and money.
ConiferRob ® - A pattern less casting technique, originally conceived at VTT Technical Research Centre of
Finland and developed at its spin-off company, Simtech Systems, offers considerable saving in processing and
product development time. Flow cast developed by VTT and Simtech can find out surface defects in casting and
gas entrapment which is a major reason for that by simulation and this can be rectified by optimizing the design.
This paper focuses and tries to mix the use of these softwares for a sound casting and emphasize the need new
hybrid software to do this job.
Keywords: AutoCast, Casting, ConiferRob, Casting Simulation, Optimization

Imitation of real phenomenon using mathematical algorithms by computer is known as simulation.
Metal casting is a complex phenomenon generally being compared to lava of volcano and tide of sea.
The important factors of the casting process are to be decided as follows. These are to be optimized for a sound
i. Shape & Dimension of the Casting including complexity of part surfaces, thickness at junctions, cores
and bosses which control the molten metal flow and solidification.
ii. The mold layout i.e the sprue design, gate, ingate and runner dimensions and placement, risers and
feeder placement which supplies the molten metal and allows the gasses to escape.
iii. Properties of the Casting material like its density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, latent heat,
volumetric contraction during solidification, coefficient of linear expansion, viscosity and surface
iv. Properties of mold material, external chills thermal conductivity, coefficient of linear expansion,
refractoriness and heat transfer coefficient
v. Casting practices and aids like chills, and padding, which are used in complex and intricate casting to
help and increase thermal gradient for heat transfer.
vi. Type of flow inside the mold cavity through runners causing mold erosion or not.
vii. Percentage of mode of heat transfer from mold like conduction, convection radiation or mixer of any of
the mode and phenomenon of solid state cooling to minimize residual stresses and reduce grain growth.

These problems are verified by the software like AutoCAST, MAGMASoft, ProCAST, and
SOLIDCast when simulated and optimized. 58 | Page
International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)
ISSN: 2455-4847 || Volume 02 - Issue 07 || July 2017 || PP. 58-61
AutoCAST is used mostly and was developed by Advanced Reasoning Technologies, Mumbai in
collaboration with I.I.T. Bombay. Solid modeling of the part mold layout optimization of the features and
simulation are included in this software. The cost of the casting produces are also compared and minimized
through the said software’s Release 10. (Fig.1).

Fig-1 Solid Modeling of the part by AutoCAST Fig-2 Automatic modeling and Design

Fig-3 Virtual mold filling through runners Fig-4 Simulation of Solidification

Fig-5 Solidification simulation mesh Fig-6 Economic Analysis 59 | Page
International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)
ISSN: 2455-4847 || Volume 02 - Issue 07 || July 2017 || PP. 58-61
3D CAD model is made in the software without any allowances or tolerances of cast part (Fig.2) like any
drawing software. To ease the design and drawing the software also provide different options like pan, zoom,
rotate. Like ANSYS the software has a database of materials of cast metals from where the user is to select.
Where the melting point, thermal and physical properties are taken as default according to the material pouring
temperature, the junctions of feeders and risers are computed using the modulus principle. The placement of
casting aids like chills are pads are the placement of the hottest zone. The standard shape of the feeders like
cylindrical, spherical are available to choose from and any new shape can be designed and added in the

II. I Automatic optimization of AutoCAST

The main criteria of the casting i.e the mold cavity layout, position and shape of the feeders, number of
gates and type of gate are automatically optimized based on quality requirements and other constraints given by
the user. The program tries out various combinations of mold sizes and number of cavities to find the
combination that is closest to the desired value of metal to mold ratio. The optimization for gating is decided by
the pouring time, choke area and minimum wall thickness of the part. Pouring time is important in casting as it
may lead to turbulence and thus some defects like mold erosion inclusion will be developed. Slow filling may
cause defects related to premature solidification like cold shuts and misruns. To optimize the gating design,
mold filling is simulated and total fill time is computed (Fig.4). This is decided by a slicing technology
algorithm where instantaneous velocity through the gates and the local cross section of the mold cavity is taken
into account. This gives a fairly accurate estimation of filling time.. The user has to indicate a target quality
which automatically changes the feeder dimensions, creates its solid model, carries out solidification simulation
(Fig.5), and estimates the casting quality. The solidification simulation employs the Vector Element Method,
which computes temperature gradients (feed metal paths) inside the casting, and follows them in reverse to
identify the location and extent of shrinkage porosity (Fig.6).


FLOW-3D Cast ® uses latest 3D CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) technique. The fundamental
laws of conservation of energy, conservation of momentum heat transfer laws of mass are utilized to control the
computation of the software. FLOW-3D Cast ® is divided into different solver modules with increasing
capabilities according to the process. It also offers accessory modules for e.g. materials data and designing.

Fig-7 Sheet metal cut Fig-8 Velocity vectors and air entrainment in the

Study of fluid flow through simulation is quite difficult in practice because of its dynamics condition.
Due to very high velocity of the molten metal in the casting geometry the calculation are done in meshing
structure. These nodes velocity may be converged to have practical solution. This needs foundry knowledge to
have simulation. For these reasons, many foundries tend to trust to their empirical knowledge.
Inertia effects may cause splashing, jetting or undesirable filling of the metal flow into mould cavity. When
considering complex parts, the accurate prediction of mould filling behavior using only empirical knowledge is
virtually impossible.


Simtech Systems’ ConiferRob® precision software fills the process gap between machining path
generation systems and generates tool path like STL files from CAD systems. This tool path is fed to a Robot or 60 | Page
International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)
ISSN: 2455-4847 || Volume 02 - Issue 07 || July 2017 || PP. 58-61
a mechanical manipulator to cut out the mold according to the part. This software executes the mold making
precisely and quickly saving the manufacturing time.
In addition to optimum accuracy, the positioning of work pieces can also be easily designed and reviewed with
the help of ConiferRob .
Manual corrections required if any can be done in the software animation and simulation. The feeders riser are
added manually with help of design data and the correctness is checked before execution.

Fig-9 ConiferRob ® programme is used to do Fig-10 Robotic machining of mold of cars tooling
robotized machining automatically with high frames in Audi

In AutoCAST software the model is simulated in the software drawing itself. The thermal analysis is
been done and optimized results are found regarding dimension of the feeder, riser and the distance from the
mold wall. It may be different according to the mold material and process like sand casting die casting etc. The
geometries also differ depending upon the part material and pouring temperature. But the software is silent
about the accuracy and precision of making a mold from those data which is a real challenge to a foundry
engineer. This has been taken care by ConiferRob which finds the cutting path from the solid model and creates
a file according to tool path which is utilized to move the Robot to make a mold. This mold is quite accurate to
cast the material and also helpful for a sound casting.
In using FLOW 3D CAST the sources of controlling the dimensions are different but it also gives detail report
regarding the optimized geometry of the mold and also economical consideration too. This can be used as input
data to ConiferRob to find out the tool path and thus machining may be done. These will produce a accurate
casting without internal defects. Thus in near future, we will be able to get the castings right first time, every
time, in real time.

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