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] Solventswire

Volume 29 / Issue 50 / December 12, 2006

Platts European and US Solvents Price Assessments Solvent Naphtha

(US$/mt) (Euro/mt)
Solvent Naphtha (C9) 600 - 610 600 - 610 Northwest Europe
Toluene 785 - 790 680 - 690 The Northwest European market was assessed at Eur600-
Xylenes 820 - 825 710 - 720
White Spirit(14-195) 685 - 695 630 - 635 610/mt FD NWE, indicating a Eur10/mt increase on the week
Hexane(Special Grade) 675 - 685 720 - 725 with product availability was reported as good. One market
(¢/lb) FOB USGulf FOB Chicago source reported seeing buying interest at Eur590/mt FD NWE,
Toluene 39.00 - 40.00 36.00 - 37.00 which was not matched by an offer, as it was seen as too low.
Xylenes 42.00 - 44.00 38.00 - 39.00 The bulk market was pegged at $600-610/mt FOB Rdam, also
(¢/lb) FOB USGulf DER translating into an increase over last week which was mainly
Hexane 40.00 - 41.00 41.00 - 42.00
Hexane cts/gal 225.00 - 227.00 attributed to upstream developments. Last week, the solvents
market was responding to price increases in the upstream
Platts Global Oxygenated Solvents Price Assessments market, however this week, upstream prices had softened.
Premium unleaded 10 ppm gasoline closed December 8 at
(US$/mt) (Euro/mt) (US$/mt) (US$/mt) $572.75-573.75/mt CIF ARA, compared to the close
IPA 890 - 910 905 - 915 900 - 910 1234 - 1256 December 1 at $581.25-582.25/mt CIF ARA, indicating
Phenol (N) 1290 - 1300 1170 - 1180 1267 - 12781400 - 1444 (N) around a drop of Eur8.5/mt. Market participants reported
Acetone T1 640 - 650 - 728 - 749 873 - 893
Acetone T2 630 - 640 735 - 745 - 893 - 893
fairly good demand in solvent naphtha, though some market
MEK 960 - 980 945 - 955 1113 - 1146 1388 - 1432 sources expected incremental slowing down of business as
MIBK 1280 - 1300 1235 - 1245 1355 - 1377 1829 - 1851 the holiday season was approaching. One 500 mt deal was
E Acetate 1030 - 1040 915 - 925 1000 - 1020 1212 - 1234 reported done at $580/mt FOB Rdam, though other market
B Acetate 1020 - 1030 1045 - 1055 1212 - 1234 1344 - 1388
**Methanol 410.00 - 412.00 NA - NA participants pegged the market higher.
FOB DSP (190) FOB DSP (200)
US Ethanol (cts/gal) 285.00 - 290.00 300.00 - 305.00
(US$/mt) CFR China CFR SEA Solvent Toluene
Phenol 1340-1350 1350-1360
Acetone 715-725 740-750
*NWE methanol FOB Rdam price is in Euro/MT for T2 cargoes.
FD NWE prices in table based on spot lots of 20 mt in the German mkt. FOB based on larger
Northwest Europe
spot parcels for import/export. DER US prices in table based on spot lots sold on a delivered, The Northwest European market was reported firmer this
east of the Rockies basis in truckloads.
week, with participants reporting levels of Eur680-690/mt FD
European and US Chlorinated Solvents & Chlor-Alkali Assessments NWE, an increase of Eur20/mt on the back of developments
in the bulk market. One market source stated that weak
(US$/mt) (Euro/mt) demand in the distribution market was proportionate to
Trichloroethylene 860 - 890 820 - 840 tight supplies, translating into a balanced market. Another
Perchloroethylene 570 - 590 520 - 540 source, however, stated that demand was very good and
Methylene Chloride 500 - 530 510 - 520
Caustic Soda 340 - 350 330 - 340 market sources were “looking at a contango in the next two
months,” . The same source also felt that an element of pre-
(Euro/mt) buying could be seen in the market ahead of the gasoline
Chlorine 200-215 season. Meanwhile in the bulk market, toluene prices were
FOB USGulf DER up $37.50/mt on the week mainly due to strong prices in
(US$/mt) (US$/mt) Asia and in the US and in line with the general rise in other
Trichloroethylene 1080 - 1102 1168 - 1213
Perchloroethylene 816 - 838 926 - 948 aromatics products. Two traders reported concluded deals at
Methylene Chloride 816 - 860 882 - 926 $750/mt CIF Germany during the course of last week,
FOB USG FOB Plant US Contract equivalent to around $740/mt FOB Rdam. By the end of the
Chlorine — 260 - 270 300 - 305 week however, as a result of the steep rise in global values,
Caustic Soda 250 - 280 $/mt 240 - 245 $/dst 290 - 300
European toluene was quoted at $780-800/mt FOB Rdam,
Notes: * Chlor-alkali prices are in $ or Eur per short ton with the exception of caustic soda FOB although sources deemed this offer level as too high. One
USG which is assessed in USD/metric ton.
source mentioned that material from Eastern Europe were

The McGraw Hill Companies


being offered around the $720/mt FOB mark, against buying ongoing operational problems in Europe that have further
interest around the $680/mt FOB level. No business was exacerbated somewhat surprising global bullish movements
reported done for this Eastern European material. ahead of the New Year. An increasingly tight xylenes
scenario in Western Hemisphere markets reportedly was
inflamed after news emerged of acute domestic trader shorts,
United States potential linked to reduced or idled aromatics rates at Flint
Effective Dec 18, some marketers of solvent toluene to Hills’ production plant in Corpus Christi; BP’s Texas City
distributors FOB USG would increase prices by .05/lb, those production facility; Total’s production site in Port Arthur,
sources confirmed to Platts the trading week of December Texas and Valero’s production plant in Texas City.
12, 2006. However one major producer released a notice to
distributors that it would lower postings at the beginning of
December, adding an element of speculation with White Spirit
distributors. Meanwhile, related barge nitration toluene
markets as of December 12 had spiked 27-30 cents/gal to
remain bid 293 cents/gal in the spot December market Northwest Europe
versus prices a week ago that settled at a mean of 266 The Northwest European Bulk market was reported at $685-
cents/gal FOB HTC. For now, solvent prices FOB USG to 695/mt FOB Rdam, an increase of $5/mt on last week’s
distributors settled in parity to last week at 39-40 cents/lb. assessed levels. However the free delivered market was reported
at Eur630-635/mt FD NWE, stable on the week. A producer
reported slowing down demand, as “customers did not want
Solvent Xylenes full tanks for the end of the year,” due to their year end audits.
Another market source reported demand slowing down in the
Mediterranean, as a result of the weather getting colder and
Northwest Europe the consequent decrease in DIY consumption. Meanwhile in
The Northwest European market was reported at Eur710- the upstream market, jet closed at $635.50-636.50/mt CIF ARA
720/mt FD NWE, an increase Eur10/mt on the week, which December 8, in comparison to the close of December 1 at
market participants attributed to bulk market dynamics. One $641.75-642.75/mt CIF ARA. Despite prices dropping by
producer expected to see further price rises as a result of around $6.25/mt on the week, solvents market participant the
firming energy complex prices and added that current were still responding to earlier upstream price increases at the
product availability was adequate to meet the demand. beginning of December.
Another market participant, in contrast, reported that there
was a “gap in the market, with not enough volumes of
molecules available. “A few market participants predicted Hexane
that in January, after the holiday season is over and demand
pickes up, prices are likely to climb, as product tightness will
become more apparent. Meanwhile in the bulk market, Northwest Europe
mixed xylenes prices in Europe followed the rise in other The Northwest European market was reported firmer this
aromatics products at the end of last week, rising $32.50/mt week with the bulk market assessed at $675-685/mt FOB
from the close December 1. The rise was also attributed to Rdam, translating to $10/mt increase on the week, although
surging values in Asia and in the US, where sudden one producer saw the market higher at $730/mt FOB Rdam.
production issues brought bullish sentiments back into the Meanwhile the free delivered market was assessed at Eur720-
markets. A deal for December was reported at $825/mt FOB 725/mt FD NWE, also translating to Eur10/mt increase on
Antwerp, for 2,000mt, the seller confirmed. the week. Sources felt that the price increase was mainly due
to two developments. Firstly, market players reported
inadequate supplies to meet the current demand. Secondly,
United States market participants were still responding to a substantial
Amid a reported acute shortage of xylenes in the Western jump of around $45/mt in the price of physical naphtha
Hemisphere, some marketers of solvent xylenes would raise during the period of November 24 to December 1. However,
prices to distributors FOB USG by .05/lb effective December Last week, physical naphtha closed December 8 at $545.50-
18, sources involved in the operations confirmed to Platts 546/mt CIF ARA, in contrast to the close of December 1 at
the week of December 12, 2006. While trucked xylenes $562-562.50/mt CIF ARA, indicating that the upstream
settled flat to a week ago at 42-44 cents/lb FOB USG, related market was softening.
barge market prices spiked 28-30 cents/gal to 293-295
cents/gal December FOB HTC. Rising arbitrage values in the
Far East as well as reports of unplanned operational United States
problems inhibiting production in the Gulf Coast raised It could not be determined whether US hexane prices to
prices. Gains came after news of stronger Asia values and distributors would be affected by a major producer’s notice

2 Copyright © 2006, The McGraw Hill Companies


sent to distributors that it would lower some of its solvents operating rates at its BPA and PC units at Krefeld, Germany,
prices amid other marketers’ planned December 18 increase by December 21-22 once full carbon monoxide production
of trucked toluene and xylenes prices, sources involved in would be achieved by December 18-19, a company source
the matter told Platts. Meanwhile, one USG source said it said. The units were currently running at 70% and 50%
“seems that Hexane is still a little tight around the world, we O/R’s respectively.
however are in good supply.”

United States
Isopropyl Alcohol Spot exports were not still not feasible in the middle of
December as producers opted to cut operating rates rather
than offers. Notional spot offers were in the mid-to-high 50
Northwest Europe cents/lb FOG USG, plus a $100/mt freight cost, put the price
Producers reported squeezed margins, especially in Q3 and out of reach for Asia where values were under $1,350/mt
Q4 of 2006, and as a result were holding out for continued CFR China. November’s CP fell nearly 5 cents/lb and was
firm price levels in IPA even if feedstock propylene should likely to drop again in December following the 28 cents/gal
drop substantially in Q1 next year. According to producers, decrease in the benzene contract settlement at 332 cents/gal.
IPA value should be at least Eur50-100/mt FD NWE above In the new year, however, phenol contracts may recover
current levels and as a result would not be tracking exactly some of the the lost ground from the fourth quarter as spot
the projected fall in feedstock. “We will not pass the full benzene prices have soared nearly 36.5 cents/gal to 372.5
propylene decrease on because of the deterioration in cents/gal from the beginning of December due to several
margins in 2006,” one producer said. Propylene producers plant outages in Asia and the US that has driven demand for
were eyeing a Eur20-30/mt FD NWE drop in Q1, although spot material.
consumers were aiming for a Eur100/mt FD NWE fall. Some
consumers were heard to have adjusted their ideas by about
Eur30/mt to accept a Eur70/mt decline, although no Asia
settlement had yet been reported. In production news, a Asian phenol prices were unchanged at $1,340-1,350/mt
source at Sasol said its 145,000 mt/year unit at Moers, CFR China. Early this week, a 1,000mt cargo was heard sold
Germany, was running well. at $1,350/mt CFR China for early January delivery. Offers for
January cargoes had not yet emerged, but Chinese importers
and traders conceded that prices in the near-term will be on
United States a gradual rise due to tightening supply from key Taiwanese
Bearish pressure on propylene prices saw a producer offering and South Korean producers. Soaring feedstock benzene
down product a penny, with traders quoting the market at prices was also cited by producers as a key factor for their
56-58 cents/lb delivered, equivalent to $1234-1278/mt. One spike in offers. “With benzene prices moving up more than
major was heard offering 58 cent/lb down from earlier levels $70/mt last week, it is inevitable that phenol prices will
of 59-61 cents/lb. Sources reported that with propylene have to keep up with the feedstock price jump,” said a
contracts relatively stable in December, the potential existed producer. In the Chinese domestic market, prices in
for the market to level off in January. “No price increase has Huadong were under upward pressure following news of
been announces for January,” one source added. Upstream, Formosa Chemical and Fibre Corp’s outage of its No 2
Refinery grade propylene bids were meanwhile firm at 34 aromatics unit in Mai Liao. “Buying sentiment in Huadong
cts/lb against offers not firm quoted around 36 cents/lb. was extremely bullish with most buyers not willing to take
short positions given the supply crunch in Asia. Any news of
a large unplanned outage that may possibly affect a
Phenol company’s phenol production capacity will boost buying
sentiment,” said a Chinese importer. Prices in the Chinese
domestic market on an ex-tank basis in Huadong were heard
Northwest Europe at Yuan 13,400/mt, up Yuan 100-200/mt from prices last
Spot domestic prices moved down Eur20/mt FD NWE this week, while values in Huanan were stable at Yuan 13,500-
week as a number of participants confirmed accepting and 13,700/mt ex-tank. Offers from Shanghai Gaoqiao were at
passing on the decrease seen in upstream benzene’s contract Yuan 13,200/mt ex-works, unchanged from last week.
price for December. Demand for BPA, caprolactum and Meanwhile, offers from Beijing Yanshan were stable at Yuan
resins was reported continuing strong and as a result, 13,000/mt ex-works. In Southeast Asia, offers for bulk
producers were optimistic about the market going forward. cargoes were at $1,380/mt CFR SEA, while buying ideas were
In the export market, prices were quoted stable despite a at $1,350/mt CFR SEA. Downstream phenolic end-users were
pick up in demand from the Chinese market. According to heard to he holding sufficient stocks and were not eager to
sources, about 6,000mt was moving to China at present. purchase cargoes ahead of the seasonal lull in December and
Meanwhile, in production news, Bayer was expecting full January. On production news, South Korea’s Kumho P&B

3 Copyright © 2006, The McGraw Hill Companies


Chemicals is in the process of ramping up production rates acetone T1 price is US domestic truck/rail price for solvent
following a small outage over the weekend due to a use. T2 price is a US domestic truck/rail price, MMA use
mechanical fault. Kumho’s No 1 plant can produce 30,000
mt of phenol and 18,000 mt of acetone yearly, while its No
2 unit can produce 100,000 mt/year of phenol and 62,000 Asia
mt/year of acetone. The No 3 plant has a yearly capacity of Spot Asian acetone prices were pegged higher in tandem
170,000mt of phenol and 100,000mt of acetone. A company with trades being concluded at higher levels in eastern
source estimated that Kumho’s weekend outage meant that China. A producer said that it had sold a 1,000mt acetone
it had lost around 2,000mt of phenol and approximately cargo at $725/mt CFR eastern China, Huadong region with
1,200mt of acetone, but stressed it would have no impact on usance. Offers for cargoes moving into eastern China were
its export availability. China’s Sinopec Shanghai Gaoqiao subsequently heard at $735-740/mt CFR China, but bids
Petrochemical plans to shut down its 200,000 mt/year were heard to still be languishing at $720/mt CFR China. In
phenol-acetone plant at Caojing, Shanghai, for 15 to 20 southern China, a wide bid-offer gap was hampering spot
days for a cataylst change. The plant shutdown is tentatively trades. Chinese importers were maintaining buying ideas at
scheduled to begin on December 19. $720/mt CFR China with usance, while offers were at $730-
740/mt CFR China from producers. In the Chinese domestic
market, on an ex-tank basis, imported cargoes in eastern
Acetone China were sold at Yuan 6,900-7,000/mt ex-tank. In
southern China, prices gained Yuan 50/mt to 7,100-
7,150/mt ex-tank. Offers from Shanghai Gaoqiao were at
Northwest Europe Yuan 6,900-7,000/mt ex-works, unchanged from offers last
Spot domestic prices slid another Eur10/mt FD NWE this week. Meanwhile, offers from Beijing Yanshan were stable at
week, tracking a similar fall in prices last week. Most Yuan 6,910-6,980/mt ex-works. Meanwhile, inventories in
participants pegged levels around the Eur740/mt FD NWE the south were heard to be dwindling, as compared to the
mark, and prices were likely to continue to slip due to eastern region. Import prices in Southeast Asia were
expectations of lower propylene numbers into the new year. unchanged at $740-750/tonne CFR SEA amid negotiations
However, due to poor margins, producers were looking to for December. Offers were heard up $10/mt at $760/mt CFR
maintain current price levels, although supply-demand SEA. In Singapore and Malaysia, ex-tank prices were stable at
fundamentals would dictate value going forward. Export $730-740/mt. On production news, South Korea’s Kumho
prices in the T2 market were quoted stable this week at the P&B Chemicals is in the process of ramping up production
$630-640/mt FOB Rdam level, due to weak demand and rates following a small outage over the weekend due to a
depressed prices in Asia, sources said. As a result, little mechanical fault. Kumho’s No 1 plant can produce
volume was heard heading over to that region. Prices to 30,000mt of phenol and 18,000mt of acetone yearly, while
Turkey were meanwhile cited around the $730-740/mt CIF its No 2 unit can produce 100,000 mt/year of phenol and
mark, while T1 prices moved up, to $640-650/mt FOB Rdam, 62,000 mt/year of acetone. The No 3 plant has a yearly
sources said. capacity of 170,000mt of phenol and 100,000mt of acetone.
A company source estimated that Kumho’s weekend outage
meant that the company had lost around 2,000mt of phenol
United States and approximately 1,200mt of acetone production, but
Following a rollover of acetone prices for the fourth quarter stressed it would have no impact on the company’s export
at 40.5 cents/lb ($893/mt), at least one producer was heard availability. China’s Sinopec Shanghai Gaoqiao
to have issued a 5 cents/lb increase to be implemented in Petrochemical plans to shut down its 200,000 mt/year
January. The producer was heard to have issued the increase phenol-acetone plant at Caojing, Shanghai, for 15 to 20
to be effective immediately but a source had said the days for a change of cataylst. The plant shutdown is
increase if accepted would have to wait until January. Supply tentatively scheduled to begin on December 19.
was tight and this kept prices high enough to close the
arbitrage window to Asia. Producers were still sending
contract cargoes to Asia but an exporter said producers’ spot Methyl Ethyl & Methyl Isobutyl Ketones
export offers were in the mid-30’s cents/lb, close to $771/mt
FOB, which was too high for an Asian market where spot
prices were under $725/mt CFR China. Estimated freight Northwest Europe
costs to China were at $90/mt. Producers could not lower MEK: Prices were expected to remain at the Eur945-955/mt
prices to take advantage of the arb as they were faced with FD NWE for the duration of the month as previous
cost pressure from upstream phenol prices that were on the production issues have now been fully resolved. “Prices have
rise from escalating benzene values. Spot benzene has reached a certain peak and will stay there for a while,” one
jumped 36.5 cents/gal to 372.5 cents/lb from the beginning producer said. Inventory levels were still low due to the
of December from a series of outages in the US and Asia. US extensive output problems, and with demand seen as

4 Copyright © 2006, The McGraw Hill Companies


“reasonable” for this time of year, producers were confident Butyl Acetate
of maintaining current price levels. MIBK: Prices softened
Eur15/mt to an average of Eur1,240/mt FD NWE, mainly
due to weak demand. There was every likelihood that the Northwest Europe
market would weaken further due to a bearish outlook on Despite the feedstock market described as firm and tight,
acetone and propylene, sources said, although the price floor prices in the butyl acetate market dipped Eur20/mt FD NWE
had yet to be determined. this week, mainly due to a slowdown in demand as the end
of the year was drawing to a close. A distributor in Germany
talked prices at Eur1,020-1,030/mt FD, although other
United States sources in the market disputed this, saying that derivatives
December demand for ketones was heard to be soft could not possibly be priced lower than feedstocks. Butanols
reflecting the generally slow demand season for solvents. closed December 7 at Eur1,045-1,060/mt FD NWE. In
There was not reported conclusion for contract prices yet in addition, limited imports restricted availability of product
December, and domestic prices were unchanged as a result although this was offset by the lower demand.
for methyl ethyl ketone at 63-65 cents/lb and for methyl
isobutyl ketone at 83-84 cents/lb Delivered East of the
Rockies. No new price initiatives were heard for MIBK, while United States
Celanese issued a 3 cents/lb MEK price hike for the Americas Despite global butyl acetate prices continuing to fall with
effective January 1, 2007. MEK export prices were steady on the end of year demand cycle, the market remained pegged
either side of $1,129/mt FOB, but no spot deals were at 62 cents/lb delivered East of the Rockies, railcar basis.
reported as arbitrage windows were difficult to pry open. Butanols were not looking strong with an open arbitrage
MIBK spot export pricing straddled $1,366/mt FOB, but like window to Asia. Looking to January, market watchers
MEK exports deals were not reported. believed the domestic market could swing higher if natural
gas prices behave as they traditionally have by increasing in
the winter months, which would put pressure on chemical
Ethyl Acetate grade propylene prices to increase.

Northwest Europe Chlorinated Solvents and Chlor-Alkali

Spot domestic prices fell Eur35/mt this week to sit at an
average of Eur920/mt FD NWE. One source cited levels
around the Eur930-940/mt FD NWE mark, while another Northwest Europe
source quoted prices at Eur900-910/mt FD NWE. The above Chlor sols: Production issues in November would continue to
assessment is a normalization of both sets of indications. A affect one major’s December offering although a company
UK producer also confirmed doing business “below the source was confident that full operating rates would be
Eur930-940/mt FD NWE” mark. Previous levels of Eur950/mt achieved by the end of this month. On price for December,
FD NWE and above had disappeared from the market due to producers said they were being very firm with their offer of
better availability of product, sources said. Looking ahead, rollover and not conceding any ground. One seller claimed
prices were poised to stabilize around the Eur900/mt FD that its main buyers were not even requesting discounts as
NWE mark, as an anticipated drop in feedstock ethylene the market was well balanced and demand holding up well.
would be offset by firm prices in the acetic acid market, On the bulk market for export shipments, sources said there
sources said. had been some price detorioration due to sluggish end year
demand. One seller was offering methylene chloride bulk
cargoes at $500/mt FOB. Perchloroethylene bulk cargoes were
United States also pegged lower. Chlor Alkali: Buyers continued to resist
Latin American ETAC prices were offered at $1,200/mt on a moves by two majors to increase prices in December ahead of
CFR delivered basis this week, equivalent to around $900/mt a more general price hike attempt for the first quarter of up to
on an FOB basis. Domestic ETAC continued to be pegged in Eur60/mt FD. Sellers claimed the fundamentals were there for
a wide range in the high 40s to low 50s cents/lb sources a rise and that buyers were just digging in their heels because
reported, with prices failing to move due to dwindling end of the year end. “The direction of the market is clear,” said
of year demand. One major however announced it would one seller. “I think buyers are just holding back as not
increase prices 2 cents/lb in January. Upstream, spot everyone is going for a move up in December,” said another
methanol activity was muted and firm bids and offers were market participant. One producer said it was seeking a
not seen on Tuesday. January values in relation to Eur30/mt hike from Jan 1. It noted the larger increase offers
December, however, were at a premium. January notional from other producers but said with its prices already up to
prices at the start of the month were a penny backwardated Eur350/mt in Dec, it had less room for manouvre than
to December prices. competitors. In Italy, where prices were seen at the upper end

5 Copyright © 2006, The McGraw Hill Companies


of the European spread in Nov/Dec pegged between Eur340- no settlements were attained yet. With export prices rising,
360/mt FD, levels were now under pressure from imported the source said a settlement would likely come soon.
cargoes from the Black Sea and North Africa. One supplier
said its volumes into the region had been sharply curtailed in
December. But, a local seller said it had not been negatively Ethanol
impacted due to the closure of capacity at Porto Maghera
which had restricted availability. Operations there were said
to be at 60% O/Rs in December while its other two sites in United States
Italy were running normally. Meanwhile, demand for chlorine The ethanol distribution network was reported buying
from the vinyls chain would be cut sharply in December as a ethanol where available before higher prices hit the market
number of PVC buyers would close down for up to two in January. “The industry will monitor sales,” one trader
weeks. PVC producers were hoping to hold prices flat despite added, quoting December prices at $285.00-290.00/mt FOB
the fall off in sales. It was not yet clear whether they would be DSP for 190 proof, and $300.00-305.00/mt FOB DSP for 200
successful in this bid. proof grades. Q1 pricing was widely expected to be 15 cents
over the fourth quarter value, with talk around a 25 cent
increase now dispelled. Meanwhile beverage ethanol was
United States reported even more bullish, with 10 cent increases for proof
Price movements for domestic chlorinated solvents going into grade, equating to a 19 cent increase for 190 proof , and a
mid-December, were not going ahead market sources said. 20 cent increase for anhydrous grades.
Upstream chlorine prices were under bearish pressure and
chlor-alkali producers were decreasing operating rates to
match sluggish demand in other downstream markets. Methanol
Upstream ethylene contracts for December were still unsettled
and some doubt circulated that the full 4 cents/lb decrease
talked in the market would only come in at about 2 cents/lb. Northwest Europe
November ethylene contracts were settled at 44.5 cents/lb FD Spot T2 methanol prices started to rise this week on rumors of
USG. Domestic perchloroethylene was in the low to mid-40s delayed vessels coming in from abroad, coupled with low stock
cents/lb for solvent grade material, with methylene chloride levels in the system and healthy demand. A deal for a Q1 strip,
in the low 40s cents/lb. Trichloroethylene was at a strong for 1,000mt to be loaded in January, February and March, was
premium to the other products, moving in the mid-50s concluded late Monday between traders at Eur420/mt FOB
cents/lb, delivered east of the Rockies. Chlorine: Weak vinyls Rdam, the buyer confirmed. The buyer bought the Q1 parcel in
demand was still plaguing chlor-alkali operating rates in anticipation that the European methanol contract price for the
December. Vinyls operating rates in November were heard first quarter would be settled at a much steeper level than the
near 78%, slightly lower than October, but much higher than Q4 CP of Eur395/mt FOB Rdam. So far, Methanex has
earlier estimates of low 70s%. Official chlor-alkali operating nominated an increase “in the magnitude of 15%” over its Q4
rates for November were not yet released, but one industry reference price of Eur400/mt, according to a company source.
executive estimated November operations at about 86-87% of Other European producers such as Helm and Statoil reportedly
capacity. Previous chlor-alkali estimates were closer to 80%. indicated a price level around Eur440/mt FOB Rdam.
December operations would be even lower than November,
the source said, estimating operations would average about
82-84% across the industry. Chlorine prices were under United States
pressure from the weak demand, but no price decreases were In the US, January activity was still slim and firm bids and
detected yet. Caustic soda: Export prices were rising in the offers were not seen on Tuesday. January values in relation to
second week of December, market sources said, with prices December, however, were at a premium. January notional
talked in a range of $250-285/mt, up from $240-245/mt at the prices at the start of the month were a penny backwardated to
start of the month. One seller said that deals were being done December prices. The slip into contango was attributed to tax
as high as $285/mt, though another producer said the market liabilities for inventories held at the end of the year. Cargoes
was closer to $250/mt. Nevertheless, export prices were for December lifting were talked at 145-146 cents/gallon.
moving up, which could lend some support domestic pricing.
Spot material was talked near $240 per short ton this week
and one source said prices would strengthen as chlor-alkali News Briefs
rates continue to slide. The $40 per short ton price increase
that producers are pushing for in January is expected to pass Arab Gulf states to produce 25%
to the market, at least partially, one producer source said this
week. Contract pricing stood at $290-300 per short ton at the
of world's petrochemicals by 2011
start of December. Regarding contract negotiations for Kuwait City—The six oil producing Gulf Arab nations
product supplied into the alumina market, one producer said comprising the Gulf Cooperation Council are expected to

6 Copyright © 2006, The McGraw Hill Companies


produce 25% of the world's petrochemicals by 2011, a senior methyl isobutyl ketone, which are used in paint, paint
Kuwaiti official said Tuesday. The expected investment thinners and solvents; formaldehyde for particleboards;
needed to realize that goal by 2011 would amount to an and PVC for window frames, water pipes and power cables.
estimated $88 billion, Kuwaiti finance minister Bader al- Orders also are on the rise for styrene products for
Humaidi said in a speech opening a petrochemicals insulation foams and fibers. Now, however, the
conference in the emirate. The six GCC states include Saudi construction boom is seeing its first signs of slowing.
Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Property prices in Buenos Aires, the country's biggest
Emirates. Petrochemical production within the six nations market, hit a peak in recent months after four years of 8%
hit 40 million tons in 2005, which accounted for an annual growth. Turnover times for selling are getting
estimated 7% of total international petrochemical output for longer. What's more, salaries have not grown at the same
that year according a study released this week by the Dubai rate as property prices, leaving many people out of reach of
Chamber of Commerce, that was carried by the Kuwait buying or building homes, said Fausto Spotorno, chief
News Agency on Monday. Al-Humaidi said he expected that economist at Orlando Ferreres & Asociados, an economic
level of production to more than triple by 2011. The research organization in Buenos Aires. In local currency
chamber's study did not estimate regional petrochemical terms, property prices have surged 300% since a two-thirds
production for 2006. The GCC member countries' total devaluation of the peso in 2002 while salaries have risen
investment in petrochemicals for 2005 was recorded at $29 only 90%, Spotorno said. These factors are prompting some
billion, or 60% of the region's investment in the industrial investors to seek better returns elsewhere such as
sector for that year, the commerce study said. Saudi Arabia's government bonds, cutting investment in construction.
production constituted 76% of the GCC member's total "We expect construction to show strong growth next year,
output, followed by Qatar at 11%. Some 55 petrochemical not as spectacular as this year, but high," said Jose Maria
companies were in operation in 2005 throughout the GCC Fumagalli, executive director of Argentina's Chemical and
which employed a total of 153,000 workers or 20% of the Petrochemical Industry Association. Pablo Lara, director of
GCC's total manpower in the industrial sector, the study Estrateco Consultoras, a business consultancy in Buenos
noted. The third largest regional petrochemical producer in Aires, said he expects construction to grow 10-12% in 2007
2005 was the UAE with its production accounting for 6% of after an expected 16% expansion this year. "Makers of
the total GCC's output in 2005, the study added. building supplies will continue to see sales grow but at a
lower rate," he said. One reason for the slowdown in
Argentina's construction boom construction in August, September and October is that
many property developers made one-time purchases of
boost demand for petrochemicals building materials at the start of projects to keep down
Buenos Aires—Argentina's bustling construction industry prices in the face of 10% inflation, said Lara. A surge in
is pushing up demand for formaldehyde, methanol and state spending on housing and public infrastructure like
polymers, helping boost earnings for producers of these PVC water pipes in 2007, a presidential election year, could
products. The construction has been a motor of make up for some of the slowdown in home building.
Argentina's recovery from a 2001-2002 financial crisis, President Nestor Kirchner "tends to use public funds to
rising by more than 20% a year since then, or more than build state housing for lower-income families," Lara said.
double the economy's 8-9% annual expansion since 2003.
After the financial crisis, money was plowed into property PetroChina's Lanzhou maleic
because it was considered a safer investment. And
investment in real estate was cheap. Furthermore, the two- anhydride plant blast kills three
thirds devaluation of the Argentine currency made London—PetroChina's Lanzhou Petrochemical Corp
construction costs cheap in dollar-terms, particularly the 200,000 barrels/day refinery and petrochemical complex
foreign investors that entered the market. These fueled the at Lanzhou was hit by a blast Monday afternoon, killing
construction of new homes, which accounts for 50% of three people, the Lanzhou Daily reported. The accident
Argentina's property market, as well as new hotels, happened around 1400 hours local time (0600 GMT),
shopping malls, office buildings and public infrastructure. when an explosion hit the condensation water tank at
The spending came to account for 60% of total investment the company's 20,000 mt/year maleic anhydride facility.
in the economy. This helped Solvay Indupa, the country's This facility, located in the refinery's additive complex, is
leading maker of polyvinyl chloride, boost its profit by listed as one of the key upgrading projects of the refinery
6.8% to Pesos 101.8 million ($33.3 million) in the first for the year of 2006, with an investment of Yuan 200
three quarters of 2006, from Pesos 95.3 million in the year- million ($25.53 million). The MA plant was put to
earlier period. At the same time, its sales rose 17% Pesos to operation on November 13. This is the third explosion at
1.4 million from Pesos 1.2 million, according to its most the Lanzhou refinery this year. The first happened on
recent financial statement, issued in November. According May 31, when an explosion at a chemical unit killed four
to a recent government report, the products that have seen workers. This was then followed by another accident on
the greatest growth in Argentina include acetic acid and June 28, when a gas leak at the refinery's 3 million

7 Copyright © 2006, The McGraw Hill Companies


mt/year residue fluid catalytic cracker caused a blast, ride due to tightness in supply/demand balances, despite the
killing one fireman. Lanzhou's refinery and petrochemical fact inventories at the NYMEX delivery point in Cushing,
complex is located in the west of Lanzhou city, close to Oklahoma, last week were the highest recorded by the
Yellow River. Energy Information Administration. The January/February
spread, which settled at minus $1.14/barrel Monday, traded
NYMEX January crude settles out to a high of minus 88 cents before settling at minus 97
cents Tuesday. Gyrations in the front spread have made for
20 cents lower at $61.02/barrel choppy trading in the outright market, but prices have
New York—January crude futures on the New York remained on either side of $62.50/barrel for the past ten
Mercantile Exchange settled 20 cents lower at $61.02/barrel days. Analysts, meanwhile, were projecting a draw of 1.6
Tuesday, amid uncertainty over the outcome of OPEC's million barrels in crude stocks in Wednesday's petroleum
meeting later this week and a day a head of weekly US reports. They also forecast a 1.5-million barrel gain in
inventory data. Prices briefly touched an intra-day high of gasoline stocks and an 800,000-barrel drop in distillates.
$62/barrel in early trading on comments from some OPEC January heating oil settled 19 points lower at $1.7224/gal,
ministers that a production cut was possible at Thursday's with an early rally fading as higher-than-normal
meeting in Abuja. But other comments suggesting a cut was temperatures hit prices. January RBOB settled 12 points
far from certain muted any gains. The front of the crude higher at $1.5970/gal and January unleaded gasoline settled
curve continued to send spread traders on a roller coaster 38 points lower at $1.5950/gal.

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