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Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, v.42, n.

in situ utilization of palm trees. 261
ISSN 0103-8478

Plant breeding and in situ utilization of palm trees

Melhoramento genético e utilização in situ de palmeiras

Mercedes RivasI Rosa Lía BarbieriII Luciano Carlos da MaiaIII


ABSTRACT espécies estão submetidas a programas de melhoramento

genético e são cultivadas a nível mundial. Este é o caso da
The palm tree family (Arecaceae) is constituted by palmeira de dendê (Elaeis guineensis), na qual consórcios de
approximately 3000 species mainly distributed in the tropics investimento e desenvolvimento investem altas quantias de
and subtropics. As a source of a variety of products they dinheiro. Outro tipo de palmeira cultivada é a tamareira
contribute to the world and local economies, and also to peoples (Phoenix dactylifera), a qual foi domesticada milhares de anos
lifestyles. Historically their use has been based on wild atrás e cujo sucesso está baseado na exportação de produtos
populations, but also on local domestication. Very few species com reconhecimento mundial. Nesse caso, a produção está
are subject of plant breeding programs and are cultivated in baseada em variedades tradicionais e os programas de
the world. This is the case of the African oil palm (Elaeis melhoramento ainda são incipientes. Um terceiro grupo de
guineensis), in which investment and development consortiums palmeiras inclui aquelas espécies cujos produtos são obtidos e
invest high sums. Another kind of crop is the date palm (Phoenix manufaturados para o desenvolvimento local. O objetivo desta
dactylifera), which was domesticated thousand of years ago revisão bibliográfica é contribuir para a análise de
and whose success is based in the export of a fine product with oportunidades e fragilidades no investimento em domesticação
worldwide recognition. In this case the production is based on e programas de melhoramento das palmeiras com valor
traditional varieties and has very incipient breeding programs. produtivo reconhecido.
A third group of palms includes those species from which
products are obtained and manufactured for local development. Palavras-chave: Arecaceae, Elaeis guineenis, Phoenix
The objective of this literature review is to contribute in the dactylifera, domesticação, manejo in situ.
analysis of opportunities and weaknesses to investing in
domestication and plant breeding programs in those palm
trees with a recognized productive value.
Key words: Arecaceae, Elaeis guineenis, Phoenix dactylifera,
domestication, in situ management. It is estimated that the Palmae or Arecaceae
family comprises approximately 189 genera and about
3000 species, which a classified in five sub-families
A família das palmeiras (Arecaceae) é constituída with a variable number of tribes and sub-tribes
por aproximadamente 3000 espécies, distribuídas (DRANSFIELD et al., 2005). They are distributed mainly
principalmente nos trópicos e subtrópicos. Como fonte de uma in tropical and subtropical areas, although a few of
variedade de produtos, contribuem para a economia mundial
e local, e também para o modo de vida de várias pessoas. them can be found at higher latitudes in the southern
Historicamente, seu uso tem sido baseado em populações hemisphere. The main diversification centers are found
silvestres, mas também em domesticações locais. Muito poucas in the equatorial coast of Africa, Oceania, the Brazilian

Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, 1290, Uruguay. E-mail: [email protected]. Autor para correspondência.
EMBRAPA Clima temperado, Pelotas, RS, Brasil.
Faculdade de Agronomia “Eliseu Maciel” (FAEM), Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, RS, Brasil.
Ciência Rural, v.42, n.2, fev, 2012.
Received 05.04.11 Approved 09.23.11 Returned by the author 01.25.12
262 Rivas et al.

coast, the Amazon, Indonesia and the Antilles (MOORE The African oil palm is the oil crop of highest
& UHL, 1982). yield, with yield averages of 3-4 tons per hectare by
The palm trees affects significantly both the year of mesocarp oil. This means that its productivity
economy and the everyday of million of people around is several times higher than most of the oil crops. Also
the world. Its contribution to the world economy, the the African oil palm can produce an average 0.5tons of
local economies and the people life styles is huge. It is kernels per hectare per year, which contain
also surprising the huge number of products that can approximately a 47% of oil (WAHID et al., 2005).
be obtained from these species. Among the food Experimental yields have reached 12tons of oil per
products can be highlighted the fruits, seeds, the hectare per year, so if the breach between the
‘palmito’, honeys, ‘sagu’ (material with starch extracted experimental data and the field results diminish, the
from the centre of the trunks), different drinks obtained African oil palm will keep on expanding it’s differences
from the sap or the fruits, crystallized sugar from the in yield in relation to other oil crops as soybeans (SOH
sap, among others. Other kinds of products are fibers, et al., 2003).
oils and waxes. In these different ways, palm trees Most of the production is realized in
contribute to the food, housing, furniture, energy, Malaysia and Indonesia, with 8.900.000 hectares and a
clothing and gardens (JONES, 1995). Most of the palm production of the 82% of the entire world volume of
trees are used directly in nature, under different mesocarp oil in 2008 (FAO, 2010). Other countries that
extractivism rates which in some cases lead to genetic produce the crop are Nigeria, RD Congo, Ivory Coast,
erosion. Ghana, Guinea, Colombia, Ecuador, Papua New Guinea,
The main species cultivated are the African Honduras, Brazil and Cameroon, among others.
oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), the coconut tree (Cocos The history of the genetic improvement of
nucifera), the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) and the these species and the main scientific and technological
betel nut palm (Areca catechu) with 14.585.811, developments are presented here, with the objective
11.208.072, 1.264.611 and 834,878 hectares respectively of understanding the bases on which it has been
in 2008 (FAO, 2010). domesticated and an industry of great importance
With the objective of studying the different
situations in which the palm trees are used we will
In the Asian Southeast (Indonesia and
present the case of the African oil palm as an example
Malaysia), the genetic improvement has been based
of a crop with an important investment in the
on a population of palms named ‘Deli dura’, which was
development of plant breeding, machinery,
developed with the objective of improving oil quality
agrochemicals, tissue culture, oil fractionation and oil
starting from only four palms brought by the Dutchs in
chemistry (CORLEY & TINKER, 2003); and more
1848 to the botanical garden Buitenzorg (now Bogor)
recently in molecular genetics and genetic engineering.
in Indonesia (WAHID et al., 2005). The fruits are of the
An intermediate situation is found for the date palm, a
type ‘dura’, which means that they present a thick
successfully crop but with smaller economic
importance. Finally we will consider the situation of endocarp, but they present some differential
species under domestication that are used by gathering. characteristics in relation to the ‘dura’ germplasm of
Africa: paler fruits, of major size and with higher content
The African Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) of oil in the mesocarp. At the beginning of genetic
The genus Elaeis belongs to the subfamily improvement, crosses were made among the most
Arecoideae, tribe Cocoseae and subtribe Elaeidinae, productive individuals of ‘Deli dura’ (CORLEY &
according the classification by DRANSFIELD et al. TINKER, 2003).
(2005). It is represented by two species, E. guineensis In Africa, using different germplasm, the crop
Jacq. and E. oleifera H.B.K. Other two possible species improvement took different directions. The palms with
of the genus are controversial, Elaeis odora of South thin endocarp (‘teneras’) were used in plant breeding
America and Elaeis madagascariensis of Madagascar. due their high oil content by inflorescence. When these
The African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is endemic of palms were crossed their progeny showed a 25% of
the tropical rain forests of the central and western Africa, plants without endocarp and female sterility
spreading over Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Ghana, (‘pisiferas’), which allowed to understand that this
Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Zaire. E. oleifera extends in characteristic was determined by a single gene
the tropical area of America from Mexico to the Amazon (CORLEY & TINKER, 2003).
(Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia and Peru) (SOH et al., 2003). The most productive variety actually
Both species cross and produce fertile hybrids cultivated is of ‘tenera’ type with thin endocarp,
(BARCELOS et al., 2002). generated by crosses between ‘dura’ germplasm and

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Plant breeding and in situ utilization of palm trees. 263

‘pisifera’ genotypes that act as pollen donors (WAHID is explained by its development after four to five
et al., 2005). Starting from distributed progenies of the generations of mass selection in a context of inbreeding
‘Deli’ and its selection in different breeding programs, of scarce original materials.
subpopulations were developed, of which 13 would be In relation to the countries and regions of
in use nowadays (PURBA et al., 2000). Dwarf variants higher diversity, MAIZURA et al. (2006) found that the
have also been found, which are of interest to facilitate populations of Nigeria presented the higher average
the tasks of crop harvest (SOH et al., 2003). number of alleles per loci and the higher percentage of
Among the genetic resources of the polymorphic loci, coinciding with the results of HAYATI
‘pisiferas’ germplasm, the population AVROS stands et al. (2002) that found the higher diversity in Cameroon
out for its good vigor, precocious bearing, mesocarp and Nigeria. It is proposed that Nigeria is the center of
thickness and high oil production. In countries such diversity of African oil palm, which is also sustained in
as Colombia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Malaysia and the fact that as the geographical distance increases,
Papua New Guinea, the production of commercial the indexes of diversity decrease.
hybrid seed is based on crosses of “Deli dura” by the COCHARD et al. (2009) distinguished three
‘pisiferas’ lineage of AVROS (SOH et al., 2003). groups of germplasm, the group I integrated by the
The ‘La Me’ population of teneras (Ivory germplasm of Ivory Coast, the group II integrated by
Coast) is characterized for being constituted by small the germplasm of the countries ‘Benin-Nigeria-
palms with smaller inflorescences and small fruits, but Cameroon-Congo-Angola’, and the group III integrated
with valuable characteristics of adaptation to by the Deli materials. The allelic distribution in the three
suboptimal growing conditions. Also there are other groups indicated that the group I show specific alleles
materials of interest of the type ‘tenera’ that stand out that do not appear in the group II and vice versa. The
like the populations Yangambi (Congo), Binga, Ekona dissimilarity of materials of Ivory Coast would be
and Calabar (SOH et al., 2003). explained by the discontinuity in the distribution of
In spite of the apparent diversity of the African oil palm bypassing the Dahomey Gap. On the
developed materials, most of the production of hybrid other hand, all the alleles present in the Deli origin
seed is still based on materials ‘Deli’ and the were found in the II group, whereas only 43.4% of the
populations Yangambi/AVROS and La Me, which derive same alleles were found in the group I.
from very few wild palms. According to COCHARD et The identification of two groups, the
al. (2009) at the breeding programs the work is based Congolese one and the one from Guinea, reflects the
on 4 ‘Deli’ materials, 3 La Mé and approximately 10 of evolutionary history of the species; whereas the Deli
Congo, although one of them represents more than the group is only a derivative of the Congolese group.
50% of this last origin. This information is considered very interesting by
It is due to the concern of a narrow genetic COCHARD et al. (2009), who proposes the realization
base on which the crop is being developed, that in the of new crosses, the improvement of the Congolese
80s started the first field collections expeditions in the group by means of crossings with Deli, which already
area of wild distribution. has an important genetic progress, and then to cross
The studies of PURBA et al. (2000); with materials of the group I to achieve higher levels of
MAIZURA et al. (2006) and COCHARD et al. (2009), heterosis. The need to maintain separate populations
that analyzed the genetic diversity of collections of of ‘dura’ and ‘pisifera’ has led to the adoption of
African oil palm by AFLPs, RFLPs and microsatellites breeding schemes similar those used in corn breeding
respectively, found that the ‘Deli’ germplasm constitute and for animal genetic improvement.
a differentiated group with scarce genetic diversity. According to SOH et al. (2003), the plant
MAIZURA et al. (2006) estimates a loss of 36 alleles in breeding targets can be classified in four groups: yield
the Deli dura in relation to natural populations; and potential, adaptation, oil quality and stress tolerance.
HAYATI et al. (2004) found that the population ‘Deli’ In case of yield no ideotype has been defined and
did not present rare alleles or intermediate genetic selection is not done for physiological characteristics.
frequencies. Nevertheless indirect selection for characteristics that
According to COCHARD et al. (2009), the facilitate crop harvest are carried out, like for low height
populations Deli of Indonesia had the lower plants, long inflorescences and longer maintenance of
heterozigosity (Ho=0.362) and the biggest inbreeding mature fruits in the tree.
coefficient (FIS=0.2953). In particular, the two origins For adaptation, the matter is the increasing
Dumpy and Sungei Pancur presented the lower of yield potential for sites with soil and moisture
heterozigosity, of 0.0893 and 0.1429, respectively. This restrictions, among other limiting factors. Anyhow, it

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is necessary to point out that the genotype- months and the fruits are harvested approximately five
environment interaction has been very little considered, months later (SOH et al., 2003).
and needs to be a priority topic of work. The method of modified recurrent selection
Oil quality is the main target of E. guineensis involves in the first instance selection of pisiferas
genetic breeding, especially for its introduction to the (teneras) based on the performance of their progenies.
cooking market in temperate weather countries. The Then they are proved in crosses with a sample of
percentage of saturated fatty acids is high, which chosen “deli” palms (top-cross). Selected pisiferas are
generates two problems, its solidification at lower those of higher general combinatorial aptitude (GCA)
temperatures and the relation done with the oil of Cocos and are those which are crossed with the phenotipically
nucifera wich is undesirable for the human health. The chosen “deli” to form the tenera hybrids. Selected
above mentioned happens even though the oil of parents in each cycle are crossed between themselves,
African oil palm presents approximately 50% of as a way of continuing the breeding of the base
unsaturated fatty acids and that among the saturated population (CORLEY & TINKER, 2003).
ones predominates the palmitic acid that may have a In case of recurrent reciprocal selection both
neutral behavior as cholesterolemic. So the target is to the GCA and the GCE (specific combinatorial aptitude)
achieve more liquid oil and to fulfill the conditions of are exploited, which increases the possibilities of
the American Heart Association: not to consume more obtaining hybrids with higher heterosis. For this
than a 30% of daily fats, a third of saturated (lauric, breeding method programs of big size are needed,
myristic, palmitic and stearic fatty acids), a third of because to produce three to four million hybrid seeds,
polyunsaturated (linoleic) and a third of select the top 15% of the crosses, evaluate 500
monounsaturated (oleic). Plant breeding seeks to reduce crossings and 180 self-fertilizations requires an area of
the saturated fatty acids and to increase the 600 hectares and 15 to 25 years (SOH et al., 2003).
polyunsaturated ones (CORLEY & TINKER, 2003). Due to these difficulties, the cycle length
On the other hand, the oil of E. guineensis and the required areas for trials, to know the genetic
contains antioxidants as carotenoids, tocoferols and
values of the parents is very useful to predict the value
tocotrienols, the contents of which are targets of
of the hybrids, although one of the frequent problems
increase by genetic breeding.
is the amount of unbalanced information. PURBA et al.
Breeding for biotic stress tolerance
(2001), with a series of unbalanced data and pedigree
(diseases and pests) is considered the priority in the
information from a breeding program, found that the
Asian Southeast, searching for resistance to
use of the BLUP (best linear unbiased predictor) method
Ganoderma boninense. The absence of efficient
to estimate the breeding value of the hybrids can be
screening method is an important limiting factor in this
very usefull. The high correlation between the observed
case. Other important disease is caused by Fusarium
values and the expected performance of the hybrids,
oxysporum f. sp. elaedis, particularly in Western Africa.
using an additive model, is considered to be enough to
A physiological disease occurs in palms from two to
select for oil production. From the practical point of
three years old, which causes important losses. This
disease is due to a recessive gene, whose expression view these results can significantly contribute to
is masked by an epistatic gene that confers an improve the efficiency of reciprocal recurrent selection
incomplete penetrance to it. The breeding in this case programs.
consists in elimination of families with any susceptible Nonetheless, in spite of the limiting factors
progeny. The priorities for tolerance to abiotic stresses presented by breeding programs, the yield increases
are resistance to drought and tolerance to magnesium obtained in the last 50 years are assumed to be 70%
deficiency. Breeding for cold tolerance is also starting due to the conventional genetic breeding and 30% due
(SOH et al., 2003). to better agronomic practices (SOH et al., 2003).
Elaeis guineensis is allogamous and The construction of a high density linkage
monoecious. Directed crosses are done according to a map of a cross between ‘delzi’ x ‘tenera’, with 255
protocol that involves the isolation of inflorescences microsatellites, 688 AFLPs and the Sh locus (the gene
few days before the feminine ones are receptive and that controls the presence or absence of the endocarp),
that the masculine ones are in anthesis. The pollen can distributed over 16 linkage groups (a linkage group for
be stored in a freezer, after being dried in a stove. The every homologous chromosome), constitutes a
pollination is done introducing pollen mixed with talc valuable step towards the identification of QTLs
through a perforation in the bag that contains the (Quantitative trait loci) and the possibility of realizing
feminine inflorescence. The bag is removed after six marker assisted selection (BILLOTTE et al., 2005).

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Plant breeding and in situ utilization of palm trees. 265

Other breeding methods involve the the work of these authors has allowed the identification
achievement of intra-specific backcrosses and inter- of homologue genes involved in floral development, a
specific crosses with Elaeis oleifera. The tool that would offer opportunities to explore the
characteristics of interest that presents American oil epigenetic causes of the abnormal flowering in African
palm are the low rate of height growth, the high oil palm.
unsaturated oil and the resistance to diseases such as In relation to the use of genetic engineering,
Fusarium (WAHID et al., 2005). Because the the first initiative had the target producing oil palms
backcrossing programs with American oil palm need a with high oleic fatty acids. More recently the target is
high number of generations, SOH et al. (2003) question producing oil palms with high stearic fatty acids,
its use and support the improvement of the oil quality nutraceutic oils and biopolymers (WAHID et al., 2005).
through for biological and chemical procedures at the MAYES et al. (2008) points out that since 1993, when
industrial stage. the first case of transgenic expression in oil palm tissue
Nevertheless, as the African oil palm was reported, a significant progress has been realized
collections are evaluated, diversity has been found for in genes and promoters, in the regeneration of plants
oleic fatty acid and carotenes. This fact has allowed from the tissue culture and the technique of biolistic.
obtaining materials with more than 48% of oleic fatty The development of the Agrobacterium mediated
acids (ISA et al., 2006) and others with more than transformation is one of the high priorities for the
2000ppm of carotene (MOHD DIN et al., 2006). For the research, since it grants a higher stability to the
materials with high carotene level, since they present expression of the transgenic construct. There are not
very low yield levels, it’s been proposed the transgenics of African oil palm in the market today,
development of specialized crop for production of although research is active. Some aspects referred to
carotenes for the nutritive and pharmaceutical market. biosafety and public acceptance are still to be solved
The materials with higher percentage of oleic acid (WAHID et al., 2005).
would allow to gain access to the markets in temperate Finally, the use of African oil palm for
weather countries, which would allow increase an biodiesel production is among the priorities for the next
estimated 10 % in palm oil exports. years (NASS et al., 2007).
From the point of view of commercial
multiplication, in vitro culture occupies an important The Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)
place. Although the first successes were achieved in The date palm, subfamily Coryphoideae,
70s, it wasn’t until the 90s that with a great investment tribe Phoeniceae (DRANSFIELD et al., 2005), is one of
and the work of twenty laboratories in different earliest domesticated fruit trees. Records of its culture
countries, it was achieved the installation of crop areas exist since 4000BC in the low Mesopotamia (JONES,
from in vitro plants. Nevertheless, there are a series of 1995); whereas the most ancient records of wild plants
unsolved problems, like somaclonal variation, the date back to 5000-6000BC in Iran, Egypt and Pakistan
cloning efficiency and the practicality of re-cloning, (EL HADRAMI & EL HADRAMI, 2009).
among others (SOH et al., 2003). The 2008 production of dates was estimated
The occurrence of plants with abnormal in 7.048.089 tons, principally produced in Algeria, Saudi
flowers and fruits is relatively frequent (5%), in Arabia, Egypt, the Arab Emirates, Iraq, Iran, Morocco,
particular the «mantle» variant that provokes fruits Oman, Pakistan and Tunis (FAO, 2010); although it is
abortion. Work has been done on the hypothesis of also cultivated in other countries of the world such as
physiological, genetic and epigenetic origin of this Spain and the United States (Arizona and California).
somaclonal variant. The DNA hypometilation in the In addition to its commercial value, the date
aberrant plants seems to be the principal cause of this palm constitutes a valuable nutritive and economic
malformation (JALIGOT et al., 2000; KUBIS et al., 2003). resource for the people living in oases, since it is the
Now, the work proposal is to generate a diagnosis principal vegetable resource of arid and desert areas,
method for the ‘mantle’ plants, which would allow to where it also generates a favorable microclimate for the
make the in vitro culture viable in the species (SOH et culture of other fruit trees and vegetables (RHOUMA
al., 2003). et al., 2008).
The analysis and functional annotation of The dates can be consumed as fresh fruits,
ESTs (expressed sequence tags), that allows not only although the industry of dry fruits industry is its
comparative genetic studies, but also the development principal destination. Production is destined for a select
of useful markers for genetic improvement (HO et al., export market, based on the quality of the product. The
2007), is one of the most recent advances. In particular most popular and valued variety is ‘Majhool’ originated

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266 Rivas et al.

from Morocco; whereas the most important export medium term the biggest challenge is to improve the
volumes are constituted by the variety ‘Deglet Nour’ resistance to pests and diseases and also to abiotic
of Algeria and Tunis (EL HADRAMI & EL HADRAMI, stresses. The main disease is caused by Fusarium
2009). oxysporum f. sp. albedinis, which already has 12 million
The production is based on the use of destroyed plants, especially in Morocco and Algeria.
traditional varieties (ELHOUMAIZI et al., 2002), Control mechanisms are not known for this disease
although they are referred as cultivated varieties in and the scarce varieties that present resistance have
some publications. The genetic pool is wide, of the bad date quality. Another disease has recently
order of 250 varieties according to RHOUMA et al. appeared, called ‘of the fragile leaf’, that has destroyed
(2008) and in the order of 5000 according to EL 40000 trees, but the causal organism is not known (EL
HADRAMI & EL HADRAMI (2009). The studies on HADRAMI & EL HADRAMI, 2009).
phenotypic diversity are partial, as indicated by Facing these challenges, EL HADRAMI &
ELHOUMAIZI et al. (2002), who performed a EL HADRAMI (2009) state that ‘very little has been
morphometric analysis of vegetative characteristics in done’, partly due to slow growth rate and the dioic
26 varieties, whose results indicated the existence of character of the species.
an important diversity. The analyses of genetic Some incipient programs exist in Morocco,
diversity by RAPDs (SEDRA et al., 1998), which have selected wild palms with better resistance
microsatellites (ELSHIBLI and KORPELAINEN, 2008) to Fusarium or good fruit quality, with which a
and RAMPOs (RHOUMA et al., 2008) confirm a high crossing plan was begun, and the F1 plants are being
diversity among the varieties. multiplied in greenhouses and in in vitro for his later
Since this is a dioecious species, the evaluation. It is estimated that it will take approximately
varieties are constituted by pistilated plants, which are 30 years for the creation and regeneration of the F1, F2
pollinated naturally by the wind, or by artificial and backcross population, which somehow justifies
crossings commonly realized to assure good yields. It the scarce results obtained to the date (EL HADRAMI
is necessary to bear in mind that in this specie happens & EL HADRAMI, 2009).
the phenomenon of metaxenia, by which the pollen This experience is illustrative of problems
has a direct influence in the size, form and color of seed that can arise when a crop increases its area of
and fruit; as well as in the speed of fruit development production based on homogeneous varieties, leaving
and in its moment of maturation (SWINGLE, 1928). aside the diverse local varieties that have been in use
The varieties are usually multiplied through for thousands of years. The absence of breeding
seeds or from shoots from the base stem. The sexual programs that continuously provide diverse germplasm
reproduction generates diverse descents with the constitutes an important risk, and the costs of breeding
disadvantage of not being able to identify up to the programs must be taken into account when expanding
first flowering if it is feminine or masculine plant, neither the monoculture.
to determine the value of its fruits. The vegetative
reproduction has the advantage of a reduction in a Viability of domestication and breeding for new species
period of two to three years to first flowering, although of palm trees
it is relatively inefficient and costly because the number There are probably dozens or hundreds
of propagules per plant is relatively low (20 to 30) and species of palm trees that present valuable productive
they can only be used while the mother palm tree is characteristic, a situation that could initially justify
young (10 to 15 years) (EL HADRAMI & EL programs with objective of domestication and plant
HADRAMI, 2009). Considering this limiting factor, the breeding for these species. Most of these species are
in vitro culture has gained importance, and in some used by local communities in their natural environment
countries it has completely or partially replaced the and in some cases activities of domestication have been
vegetative reproduction. This reality has generated that carried out at the local level.
of some varieties exist only a dozen plants, whereas of CLEMENT et al. (2005) raise the successes
others like ‘Deglet Nour’ millions of plants exist; which and failures of research projects targeted to the
is provoking the increase of the monoculture, the loss development of tropical palm trees in Brazil. In the palm
of diversity and the increase of genetic vulnerability to trees with oil production potential, Acrocomia
pests and diseases (RHOUMA et al., 2008). aculeata, Bactris gasipaes, Attalea speciosa,
The main short term challenges for genetic Oenocarpus batana and Elaeis oleifera, they
breeding consist in maintaining genetic diversity, emphasizes some biological limits such as their seasonal
providing plants to forests of palms in oases. In the nature, their chub irregular maturation and the fast

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Plant breeding and in situ utilization of palm trees. 267

growth rate attained by the palm trees. The author requirements of the species that needs shade in it early
supports that in the prospection and collection stages and its relatively low yield (REIS et al., 2008).
activities there must be a better prioritization of the In case of Butia capitata, species in which
type of plants collected to improve material selection the fruits are basically used for the handcraft production
efficiency. On the other hand, the oil extraction of liquors, jams, sweets, sauces, ice creams, yogurts,
technique plus the installation cost of the factories etc., the crop harvest is carried out directly from nature,
has proven limiting, especially facing competition with both in Uruguay and Brazil. The main challenges for
the African oil palm and the coconut palm, which the in situ management consist in the development of
already have a solid market in a globalized world. The alternatives for the conservation integrated with the
authors also raise the need to obtain projects with a local development based en commercialization of high
minimal duration of ten years, that would allows to quality products (RIVAS, 2005).
effectively attend breeding programs in perennial
species, thinking the integral use of plants and the CONCLUSION
attention to the production chain. It is indicated as
successful the Elaeis oleifera breeding program, which For a ‘new’ species to be a crop it is required
was started in the 70s has had continuity by means of its adoption by farmers, the availability of suitable
the production of hybrids with E. guineensis, since ‘sowing’ material, with a good agronomic behavior, and
they produce less saturated oil, grow more slowly and that commercialization and profitability are insured. The
present disease resistance. long term continuity of plant breeding programs and
For food species, CLEMENT et al. (2005) associated researches must be in concordance with
indicate that the success achieved with ‘vinho de açai’, the future crop profitability. On the other hand, market
produced starting from fruits of Euterpe oleracea and niches and production chains must be studied in depth,
E. precatoria are owed basically to private enterprises. as a way of avoiding wrong decisions about the crop
The same situation occurred with Astrocaryum vulgare possibilities.
and A. tucuma, in which the increase of local demand In the context of globalization, the
has happened without the intervention of the ‘Research implantation of a new crop on a global scale is an
and Development’ system. The popularization of enormous and expensive challenge, which might be
traditional foods has been the principal cause for only taken forward by big companies or consortiums;
adoption of these products, as well as some as it has been carried out in the case of the African oil
development projects. palm. The decision to start breeding programs at the
Nevertheless, also defeats have been national level will depend on the costs of the program,
present as in the sweet palm heart (pupunha) in the and if it can be guaranteed its continuity in the time.
North of Brazil, in which in spite of the true advantages For palm trees, due to the length of the growth cycle, it
that grants the fact that the species is multiple stem is necessary to obtain long term financings.
(caespitose) and the early production start; the The example of the date palm owes its
agribusiness failed, basically due to not taking into success to the international recognition of a fine
account the transportation costs to the main product and of high quality, whose production has
consumption center. Finally, in the cosmetics sector, been based up to a short time ago on traditional
the oils of palm trees are of interest for new product varieties. As long as monocultures are started, and
development, although the specific demands are not without the backup of strong breeding program, the
sufficiently clear (CLEMENT et al. 2005). date production is subject to the risks of genetic
In other species, such as Euterpe edulis, vulnerability.
has emerged the idea that the management of Then it is considered that priority should
populations in the ecosystem is the most reasonable be given to in situ management of wild populations of
alternative of use. The sustainable resource handling palm trees in the context of local development and the
over time implies that the population dynamics should elaboration of high quality products.
allow the restoration of individuals that are harvested.
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