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Training TM-1814

AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)

Guide Walls and Floors Modelling
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Copyright © 2014.

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Revision Log

Date Revision Description Author Reviewed Approved

08/12/2014 0.1 Issued for Review AVEVA E3D (1.1) KH

06/07/2015 0.2 Reviewed KH KB
07/07/2015 1.0 Issued for Training AVEVA E3D (1.1) KH KB KB
23/03/2016 1.1 Issued for Review AVEVA E3D (2.1) NG
21/04/2016 1.2 Reviewed NG SM
26/04/2016 2.0 Issued for Training AVEVA E3D (2.1) NG SM KB

Change highlighting will be employed for all revisions. Where new or changed information is presented section
headings will be highlighted in Yellow.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

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1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................7
1.1 Aim ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Objectives.......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Course Structure............................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Using this Guide ............................................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Setting up the Training Course ....................................................................................................... 8
2 Overview of the Walls and Floors Application .....................................................................9
2.1 Data Hierarchy and Element Types................................................................................................. 9
2.1.1 Soft Type Elements ................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Data Hierarchy Considerations ..................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Naming Conventions ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Accessing the Walls and Floors Application ............................................................................... 11
3 Building Levels.....................................................................................................................13
3.1 The Building Levels Form .............................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Worked Example – Building Levels and Administrative Hierarchy........................................... 14
Exercise 1 – Creating Administrative Hierarchy.......................................................................17
4 Floor Elements .....................................................................................................................19
4.1 Respresentation of Floor Elements .............................................................................................. 19
4.2 Worked Example – Creating Floor Elements ............................................................................... 21
Exercise 2 – Creating the Roof and Ceilings (Floors) ..............................................................29
4.3 Worked Example – Creating a Screed Element ........................................................................... 30
5 Wall Elements.......................................................................................................................33
5.1 Representation of Wall Elements.................................................................................................. 33
5.1.1 Straight Wall - STWALL............................................................................................................. 33
5.1.2 Curved Wall - WALL .................................................................................................................. 34
5.1.3 User Defined Wall - GWALL...................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Worked Example - Creating Wall Elements ................................................................................. 34
Exercise 3 – Creating Internal Walls .........................................................................................42
6 Wall and Floor Fittings.........................................................................................................43
6.1 Worked Example - Creating Wall and Floor Fittings ................................................................... 43
Exercise 4 – Creating Wall and Floor Fittings ..........................................................................45

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.

1 Introduction

AVEVA Everything3D™ (AVEVA E3D™) allows designers to utilise an array of applications contained within
the program modules. This training guide provides discipline specific training for the Walls and Floors
application contained within the Model module.

1.1 Aim

The aim of this training guide is to provide designers with the knowledge and skills necessary to create and
modify structural models using the Walls and Floors application.

1.2 Objectives

 Introduce AVEVA E3D concepts specific to the Walls and Floors application.

 Make designers aware of the administration elements required by the application.

 Explain how to create and modify a variety of wall and floor elements.

 Understand how to apply wall and floor fittings.

1.3 Prerequisites

It is expected that trainees will have completed the TM – 1801 AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1) Foundations and
the TM – 1812 AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1) Structural Modelling training courses.

1.4 Course Structure

Training will consist of oral and visual presentations, demonstrations, worked examples and set exercises.
Each workstation will have a training project populated with model objects. This will be used by the trainees
to practice their methods and complete the set exercises.

1.5 Using this Guide

Certain text styles are used to indicate special situations throughout this document.

Button clicks are indicated by bold turquoise text.

Information the user has to enter will be bold red text.

Additional information notes and references to other documentation will be indicated in the styles below.

 Additional information

 Refer to other documentation

System prompts will be bold, italic and in inverted commas i.e. 'Choose function'.

Example files or inputs will be in the courier new font.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

1.6 Setting up the Training Course

Login to AVEVA E3D using the details provided by the Trainer. They will typically be as shown below:

Project: Training


Password: A


Click the Model tile.

On the Tools tab, in the Training group, click the Setup button to display the Training
Setup form.

On the Structural tab select the Walls and Floors radio button to indicate the current training course and
check the Setup Training Course checkbox. Click the Apply button followed by the Close button.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.

2 Overview of the Walls and Floors Application

This chapter outlines the features of the Walls and Floors application, as well as discussing the data hierarchy
and element types used in the application.

2.1 Data Hierarchy and Element Types

The Walls and Floors application utilises a similar hierarchy to the other STRUCTURES discipline
applications, however, greater emphasis is placed on the Purpose of ZONEs, STRUs, FRMWs and SBFRs.

These hierarchy elements are used in an administrative capacity to divide the model into items representing
Buildings, Levels, Floors/Walls, and Wall/Floor subtypes respectively.

To further emphasise the use of structural components for building representation, Soft Types of elements
are used for SBFR elements and other physical structural components.

 Soft Type of elements have the same attributes as the standard element but are named differently to
identify their function.

The data hierarchy used by the Walls and Floors application is:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

2.1.1 Soft Type Elements

Three soft types are utilised at SBFR level:

 Compound Screed (CSCREED)

 Compound Floor (CFLOOR)

 Compound Wall (CWALL).

Other soft types and corresponding hard types utilised by the application are:

 Straight Wall (STWALL) soft type of Section (SCTN)

 Curved Wall (WALL) soft type of General Section (GENSEC)

 General Wall (GWALL) soft type of Panel (PANE)

 Floor (FLOOR) soft type of Panel (PANE)

2.2 Data Hierarchy Considerations

As with other AVEVA E3D STRUCTURES discipline applications the data hierarchy breakdown should be
well thought out and have a meaningful structure.

Some company/project procedures require structural models to be broken down by project build methodology,
weight control requirements, material purposes, etc. If such procedures are not in use, consideration should
be given to project deliverables that will be produced from the structural model.

Draw, the AVEVA E3D Drawing Production module, uses a similar concept of a Draw List to that used in
Model to define the contents of a ‘View’ on the drawing sheet. The construction of these Draw Lists are greatly
aided by a good hierarchy breakdown and well named significant elements.

2.3 Naming Conventions

Any element in an AVEVA E3D database may be named, enabling the user to readily identify model
components and produce meaningful reports. It is good practise to name significant model items such as
SITE, ZONE, STRU, FRMW and SBFR elements. This is especially true of the Walls and Floors application
where many of these administrative elements represent detailed building items.

Naming conventions and auto-naming rules are normally set by an Administrator and are usually specific to
an individual company and/or project.

For the purpose of this training course users will be directed to enter names for significant model elements
where required. The worked examples and exercises will also make use of the Auto-naming functionality within

Copyright © 2014.

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

2.4 Accessing the Walls and Floors Application

The structures discipline user interface is accessed by

selecting STRUCTURES from the Quick Access toolbar

The Structures discipline user interface has four specific tabs, i.e. SECTIONS, PLATES, WALLS AND
FLOORS and STAIRS LADDERS AND HANDRAILS. All other tabs are common to other disciplines.

The WALLS AND FLOORS tab contains all the features required to create and manipulate wall and floor

 This training guide covers the use of the WALL AND FLOORS tab for walls and floors modelling.

Training guides TM-1812 Structural Modelling and TM-1813 Stairs, Ladders and Handrails Modelling
cover the other tabs in the STRUCTURES discipline.

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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

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3 Building Levels

3.1 The Building Levels Form

Clicking the WALLS AND FLOORS > Tools >

Building Levels button displays the Building Levels

The form is frequently accessed during the floor/wall

creation process and is central to many of the functions
in the Walls and Floors application.

The Building Levels form has two primary functions:

 enables the user to set and modify the elevation of levels within a building.

 enables storage areas for elements to be set which allows them to be associated with either
FRMW or SBFR elements.

When a new elevation is entered, the Elevation Level list of the Building Levels form is updated dynamically,
moving the levels into ascending order based on their elevations. It is important to note that the elevations are
absolute with respect to a datum which can be selected using the Settings > Wrt options list from the form

The Building Levels form is also used to set Storage areas for Compound Wall/Floor/Screed elements that
have been created. To do this, the user must navigate to a suitable element in Model Explorer then select an
appropriate storage area from the Storage Areas section of the Building Levels form.

If the user selects an inappropriate Storage Area (e.g. a compound wall is set to a floor storage area) a warning
message will be displayed. Equally, if an element is selected that is owned by another level, a warning
message will also be displayed.

When a new level is selected (in the upper part of the form) the Storage Areas section of the form will update
to reflect the storage area associations in place for that level. Only one element can be set against a storage
area at any time.

If more than one element is present in the owning framework the user must remember to switch the storage
area when they modify each element.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

3.2 Worked Example – Building Levels and Administrative Hierarchy

This worked example demonstrates how to set up the hierarchy for walls and floors of building B01. Some
elements are pre-populated in the training model and will be modified as appropriate. Other elements will be
created as part of the worked example and in subsequent exercises.

In Model Explorer navigate to the element SITE SITE-

STRUCTURAL-AREA02 and expand the hierarchy. Navigate

In the Properties grid note the Purpose of the ZONE is set to


Expand the ZONE hierarchy, navigate to STRU BUILDING_01_LEVEL_01 and note the Purpose attribute of
the STRU element in the Properties grid is unset.

In order to utilise the existing STRU in the Walls and

Floors application the Purpose attribute needs to be

Enter LEVL in the Properties grid for the Purpose


With the purpose of the STRU correctly set, the Building

Levels form can then be used to modify the elevation of
the Level.

Click the WALLS AND FLOORS > Tools > Building

Levels button to display the Building Levels form.

BUILDING_01_LEVEL_01, i.e. the STRU, is displayed on

the form with an Elevation of 0mm.

Select Modify > Elevation… from the form menu to

display the Elevation form:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Enter 100000 in the Elevation textbox and click the OK


The Elevation is now changed in the Building Levels


Keep the Building Levels form open.

An additional Level is required for the building. Select

Create > Level… from the Building Levels form to
display the Create Level form.

Enter BUILDING_01_LEVEL_02 in the Name textbox

and 103800 in the Elevation textbox.

Click the OK button to create the new level.

The new level is displayed in the Building Levels form.

Close the Building Levels form.

 As the new level was created using the Building

Levels form the Purpose attribute of the STRU has
been automatically set to LEVL.

With the STRU BUILDING_01_LEVEL_02 as the CE, click the WALLS AND FLOORS > Create >
Framework button to display the Create Framework form.

Enter B01_LEV_02_WALLS in the Name textbox and

select WALL Walls from the Purpose options list.

Click the OK button to create the new level.

Create a second FRMW element below STRU

BUILDING_01_LEVEL_02 named
B01_LEV_02_FLOORS and set the Purpose to
FLOO Floors.

Now that FRMWs have been created, soft type

elements at the SBFR level can be created.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

With the FRMW B01_LEV_02_WALLS as the CE,

select WALLS AND FLOORS > Create > Walls >
Compound Wall to display the Create Compound
Wall form.

Enter LEV02_INT_WALLS in the Name textbox and

click the OK button.

Create a second CWALL element owned by FRMW


With the FRMW B01_LEV_02_FLOORS as the CE,

select WALLS AND FLOORS > Create > Floors >
Compound Floor to display the Create Compound
Floor form.

Enter LEV02_FLOORS in the Name textbox and click

the OK button.

The hierarchy in Model Explorer should now look like


Click the Save Work button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Exercise 1 – Creating Administrative Hierarchy

Create the following elements for BUILDING_B01:

 Create an additional Level for Building B01 named BUILDING_01_LEVEL_03 and set the Elevation
to 107800.

 Create a FRMW named B01_LEV_03_ROOF below Level BUILDING_01_LEVEL_03 and set the
Purpose to FLOO.

 Navigate to BUILDING_01_LEVEL_01 and create two new FRMWs named B01_LEV_01_WALLS

and B01_LEV_01_FLOORS and set the Purpose to WALL and FLOO respectively.

 Create CWALL elements below FRMW B01_LEV_01_WALLS to store internal walls and external
walls named LEV01_INT_WALLS and LEV01_EXT_WALLS respectively.

 Create a CFLOOR element below FRMW B01_LEV_01_FLOORS named LEV01_FLOORS.

Click the Save Work button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

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TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

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4 Floor Elements

4.1 Representation of Floor Elements

A Floor (FLOOR) element is a soft type of Panel (PANE) element. These elements are not catalogue driven
and are defined by the user.

Floors may be used to represent any sheet material in a structural model; although they generally represent
concrete slabs. Essentially a floor is a 2D user defined shape extruded through a height (or thickness).

The planar area of the Floor is defined by a Panel Loop (PLOO) element. A Panel Loop is itself defined by
linking together a set of Panel Vertex (PAVE) elements, each of which has a specific position in the 2D
coordinate system of the panel. Each panel edge is defined by a ling joining adjacent vertices.

The floor thickness is defined by setting the Height attribute of the PLOO. This represents the distance through
which the 2D Panel Loop is extruded to form the 3D floor panel.

Each PAVE can have an optional Fillet Radius setting which represents a circular arc that produces a convex
(+ve radius) or concave (-ve radius) fillet.

The default fillet radius is 0 (sharp corner representation) but can be any valid radius.

When creating a PLOO, it is recommended to create the PAVEs in a clockwise sequence when viewed from

 If the vertices are created in anti-clockwise sequence, the direction and justification will be

 If the vertices are not created in sequence, the loop will self-intersect, resulting in incorrect loop

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

4.2 Worked Example – Creating Floor Elements

This worked example utilises the administrative hierarchy created previously to create floor elements for
Building 01.

Click the WALLS AND FLOORS > Tools > Building Levels button to display the Building Levels form.
Select BUILDING_01_LEVEL_01 in the Elevation Level section of the form.

In Model Explorer navigate to the CFLOOR

LEV01_FLOORS. This element will be used to store the
floor element associated with this level.

Expand the Settings form menu and ensure that the

Unset Storage Area option is not active.

 A tick mark will be displayed against this menu option

if it is active.

In the Storage Areas section of the form, click on the

Floors entry followed by the Screeds entry. The
LEV01_FLOORS element is displayed next to each
storage area. Leave the Walls storage area unset.

Close the Building Levels form.

The Level 01 floor thickness is 200mm.

With the CFLOOR LEV01_FLOORS as the CE, select

WALLS AND FLOORS > Settings > Defaults > Floor
Specification to display the Floor/Screed Specification
(Default) form.

Ensure that the Floor Specification is selected from the

Specification options list on the form.

Click the 200.00mm entry in the list to display it in the

Thickness textbox.

Click the Apply button and then the Cancel button to

close the form.

The FLOOR element for Level 01 will be created

the building grid.

In Model Explorer navigate to REFGRD

the REFGRD into the 3D View.

On the VIEW tab, in the Control group, select the

Up Left Arrow option in the Isometric group of
the Look button options list.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Select WALLS AND FLOORS > Create > Floors >

Floor to display the Create Floor form.

Enter FLOOR_01 in the Name textbox.

Leave the Description as unset, the Justification

at Top and the Representation settings as the

In the Create Methods frame click the Fixed radius

arc, passing through two points button to display
the Radius form and the Positioning Control form.

A prompt is displayed in the 3D View.

Enter 15000 in the Radius textbox on the Radius form and press the
Return key.

On the Positioning Control form click the Graphics and Snap buttons.

Snap to the intersection of gridlines B1.A and B1.4 at Elev


An aid graphic displays the start point.

Snap to the intersection of gridlines B1.A and B1.1 at Elev


An aid graphic displays the end point.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

In order to determine the ‘sense’ of the arc a prompt requests the

selection of a polar control point.

Change the Positioning Control form by clicking the Screen button,

retaining Snap.

Select a point on the south side of gridline B1.A between gridlines B1.1 and B1.4. A curved segment of the
floor is displayed in the 3D View.

In the Create Methods frame of the Create Floor

form click the Derive points from graphic picks

Change the Positioning Control form back to Graphics and Snap.

Snap to the intersection of gridlines B1.B and B1.1 at Elev


An aid graphic displays the Last Vertex.

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TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Snap to the intersection of gridlines B1.B and B1.4 at Elev


An aid graphic displays the Last Vertex.

All vertices, i.e. 5 vertices, for the floor have now been created

On the Create Floor form check the Display

modification form check and click the Apply button.

The Loop Vertex Editor form is displayed.

Click the Select all button in the Mode Selection frame.

All of the vertices on the floor are highlighted and an axes
aid displayed at the origin, i.e. the first vertex.

Enter 360 in the Expand/Contract textbox in the Expand/

Contract frame.

Click the Expand group button in the Expand/Contract

frame. Graphical aid lines preview the ‘expanded’ floor
outline, i.e. the vertices are moved by the specified value
in the appropriate directions.

Click the Modify button on the form to expand the floor.

.Select Control > Close form the form menu to close the

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Click the WALLS AND FLOORS > Tools > Building

Levels button to display the Building Levels form.
Select BUILDING_01_LEVEL_02 in the Elevation
Level section of the form.

In Model Explorer navigate to the CFLOOR


In the Storage Areas section of the form, click on the

Floors area followed by the Screeds area. The
LEV02_FLOORS element is displayed next to each
storage area. Leave the Walls storage area unset.

Close the Building Levels form.

Select WALLS AND FLOORS > Create > Floors >

Floor to display the Create Floor form.

Enter FLOOR_02 in the Name textbox and ensure the

Justification is set to Top.

For this floor the Level 01 floor will be used as a


Click the Trace boundary button in the Create

Methods frame to display the Identify start vector

Double click near the north east corner of the Level 01


An axes aid is displayed at the corner vertex and the

Create Methods frame shows that 6 Vertices have
been defined.

Make sure the Display modification form checkbox is unchecked and click the OK button on the Create
Floor form to name the floor and close the form.

Whilst using the Trace boundary method is a quick way to obtain floor geometry from an existing model
element, the new floor element has to be created in the same position as the copied item, therefore, the
position of the Level 02 floor element must now be modified.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

In Model Explorer navigate to FLOOR FLOOR_02 to

make it the CE.

In the Properties grid expand the Positional header

and modify the U component of the Position attribute
from D 3800mm to U 0mm.

The floor is now positioned at the correct elevation.

FLOOR_02 was created with 6 Vertices rather 5

created for FLOOR_01. Two vertices were created at
the selected start vertex position, one for the start and
one for the end of the PLOO.

Select WALLS AND FLOORS > Modify > Floor >

Definition to display the Loop Vertex Editor form.

Select Utilities > Remove coincident from the form


A confirmation message is displayed:

Click the Yes button to remove the coincident vertex.

The Level 02 floor needs to smaller than the Level 01 floor to fit inside the walls.

Click the Select all button in the Mode Selection group, enter 200 in the textbox in the Expand/Contract
frame and click the Contract group button. The new floor outline is displayed. Click the Modify button on the
form to contract the floor.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

The Level 02 floor requires a stairwell opening on the north side of the building. Additional PAVE elements
will be added to the floor PLOO to create the stairwell opening.

FLOOR_02 north side vertices as created FLOOR_02 north side vertices after additions

 The floor vertices are automatically re-numbered when new vertices are created.

In the top Vertex frame make sure the counter is set to

1 and click the Create points button in the Mode
Selection frame.

In the bottom Vertex frame enter 4995 in the Y textbox

and leave the X value at 200mm.

 The first vertex is offset from the floor origin

because the PLOO was contracted by 200mm

A New vertex text aid is displayed at the current X and

Y coordinate values.

Click the Create button to create the new vertex, i.e.

vertex <2>.

Enter 2850 in the X textbox, leave the Y value as 4995mm and click the Create button to create vertex <3>.

Enter 9725 in the Y textbox, leave the X value as 2850mm and click the Create button to create vertex <4>.

Enter 200 in the X textbox, leave the Y value as 9725mm and click the Create button to create vertex <5>.

Select Control > Close from the form menu to close the form.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

FLOOR_02 should now look like this:

Save Work.

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Exercise 2 – Creating the Roof and Ceilings (Floors)

Create the following elements for BUILDING_B01

 Create a CFLOOR element named LEV03_ROOF below FRMW B01_LEV_03_ROOF.

 Create a 200mm thick roof element (as a FLOOR) named ROOF_03 below FRMW
B01_LEV_03_ROOF. The roof element should cap the walls, i.e. it is the same size as FLOOR_01.

 Create a new FRMW named B01_LEV_01_CEILINGS, with a Purpose of FLOO, that owns a

 Create a false ceiling (as a FLOOR) for Level 01 named CEILING_01 that is 50mm thick. Include a
gap for the stairwell opening and set the elevation of the ceiling such that a 950mm cavity is created
between the top of the ceiling and the underside of FLOOR_02.

 Create a false ceiling for Level 02, similar to Level 01 but without the stairwell opening, with a
950mm cavity between the top of the ceiling and the underside of ROOF_03.

Save Work.

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TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

4.3 Worked Example – Creating a Screed Element

This worked example creates a screed on the roof of Building 01.

In Model Explorer navigate to CFLOOR LEV03_ROOF to make it the CE.

Select WALLS AND FLOORS > Create > Floors >

Compound Screed to display the Create Compound
Screed form.

Enter LEV03_SCREED in the Name textbox and click

the OK button.

Click the WALLS AND FLOORS > Tools > Building

Levels button to display the Building Levels form.
Select BUILDING_01_LEVEL_03 in the Elevation
Level section of the form.

In Model Explorer navigate to the CSCREED


In the Storage Areas section of the form, click on the

Screeds area. The LEV03_SCREED element is
displayed next to each storage area. Leave the Walls
storage area unset.

Close the Building Levels form.

With CSCREE LEV03_SCREED as the CE select

WALLS AND FLOORS > Create > Floors >
Screed to display the Create Screed form.

Enter SCREED_03 in the Name textbox, 200 in the

Thickness textbox and make sure the
Justification is set to Bottom.

Click the Trace boundary button in the Create

Methods frame to display the prompt Identify start

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Click the roof element near the north east


The prompt changes to Identify end vertex.

Click the roof element near the north west


The prompt changes to Identify vertex

between start and end.

Click the roof element near the south west

corner to create the screed.

Click the OK button on the Create Screed form.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

The screed requires a slope from the edges

towards the centre

On the Object Snapping Settings form check

the Endpoint checkbox on the Graphics sub-
tab and click the OK button on the form

Click the DESIGN AIDS > Construction Aids >

Line button and create an aid line from the north
west corner to the south east corner of the

With the SCREED SCREED_03 as the CE, click the WALLS

AND FLOORS > Modify > Screed Slope button to display the
Screed Slope form.

Select Conical from the Type options list and enter 1 in the
Slope textbox.

Click the Origin link label to display the Positioning Control

form and the Define Slope Origin Point forms.

 The slope origin is the lowest point of the screed slope.

Click the Graphics and Midpoint buttons on the Positioning

Control form and select the design aid line.

The coordinates of the new slope origin are displayed in the

Define Slope Origin Point form.

Click the Apply button to accept the position and click the
Cancel button to close the form.

The slope origin and slope direction are

displayed in the 3D View.

Click the Apply button on the Screed Slope

form to create the slope and close the form.

The screed slope is achieved by creating a

Negative Solid of Revolution (NREV)
element owned by the SCREED.

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5 Wall Elements

5.1 Representation of Wall Elements

The Walls and Floors application has three types of wall:

 Straight Wall (STWALL), soft type of Section (SCTN)

 Curved Wall (WALL), soft type of Generic Section (GENSEC)

 User Defined Wall or General Wall (GWALL), soft type of Panel (PANE)

Each wall type has its own requirements which are described in the following sections.

5.1.1 Straight Wall - STWALL

STWALL elements, like SCTNs, are 2D shapes, defined in and selected from a catalogue, and extruded over
a length determined by selected start and end positions.

The cross section geometry of an STWALL is defined in the catalogue and referenced via the Specification
Reference (Spref) attribute. All other aspects of its geometry are defined by setting attributes as the STWALL
is modelled.

Two important attributes of an STWALL are the Start Position (POSS) and the end position (POSE). These
two attributes determine the wall’s length and orientation.

The edges of a STWALL are identified by a Pline defined in the catalogue. For example, the standard P-lines
for a rectangular STWALL are:

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5.1.2 Curved Wall - WALL

Curved walls may be created as an arc or a full circle. WALL elements as a soft type of GENSEC have a
Spref attribute referencing a 2D shape defined in the catalogue similar to STWALL elements.

5.1.3 User Defined Wall - GWALL

GWALL elements are a soft type of the PANE element. This element uses a Panel Loop (PLOO) to describe
the wall’s shape and panel thickness to define the height of the wall.

GWALLs are used when the shape of the wall cannot be achieved using either an STWALL or a WALL
elements to define its shape.

5.2 Worked Example - Creating Wall Elements

This worked example utilises the administrative hierarchy created previously to create the exterior and interior
wall elements for Building 01.

External walls will be created around the extremities of FLOOR_01.

Click the WALLS AND FLOORS > Tools > Building

Levels button top display the Building Levels form.

Select BUILDING_01_LEVEL_01 from the Elevation

Level list.

In Model Explorer navigate to the CWALL

LEV01_EXT_WALLS. This element will be used to store
the external wall elements associated with this level.

In the Storage Areas section of the Building Levels form,

click the Walls entry. The LEV01_EXT_WALLS element
is displayed next to each storage area.

Close the Building Levels form.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Select WALLS AND FLOORS > Settings > Defaults > Wall
Specification to display the Wall Specification (Default)

Select Concrete Walls from the Specification options list

and Wall from the Generic Type options list.

Select 200_thk_wall from the list and IBOW from the

Justification options list. Leave the Member line and Joint
line options set to NA.

Click the Properties button to display the Modify

Properties form. Enter 3800 in the Height textbox and click
the OK button.

Click the Apply button of the Wall Specification (Default)

form and close the form.

Remove all floors and ceilings except FLOOR_01 from the


Create > Walls > Straight Wall to display the Straight Wall form and the
Positioning Control form.

Select the Continuous radio button in the String Method frame. Make sure the
Confirm checkbox is unchecked in the Verification frame.

Set the Positioning Control form to Graphics and Cursor.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Select the south west corner of Floor 01. A text aid

is displayed showing the Start point of the wall.

Select north west corner of Floor 01 to create the

straight wall on the west edge.

As the Continuous string method was selected the

Start text aid moves to the end point of the first wall.

Select the north east corner of Floor 01 to create

the straight wall on the north edge and then select
the south east corner of Floor 01 to create the east
edge wall.

Close the Straight Wall form.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

With CWALL LEV01_EXT_WALLS still as the CE, select WALLS AND FLOORS
> Create > Walls > Curved Wall to display the Ring Wall form and the
Positioning Control form.

Make sure that the Arc radio button is selected in the Circle Definition frame and
select the Through 3 points button in the Creation Methods frame.

Set the Positioning Control form to Graphics and Cursor.

Select the south east corner of Floor 01 and then a

point near the middle of the floor’s curved edge.

A text aid is displayed showing the first point and the

second point of the wall.

Select the south west corner of Floor 01 as the third

point to create the curved wall on the south side.

Close the Ring Wall form.

Click the WALLS AND FLOORS > Tools > Building

Levels button to display the Building Levels form.

Select BUILDING_01_LEVEL_02 from the Elevation

Level list.

In Model Explorer navigate to the CWALL

LEV02_EXT_WALLS. This element will be used to store
the external wall elements associated with this level.

In the Storage Areas section of the Building Levels form,

click the Walls entry. The LEV02_EXT_WALLS element
is displayed as the Walls storage area.

Close the Building Levels form.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Make FLOOR FLOOR_01 the CE and click the WALLS

AND FLOORS > Tools > Trace button to display the
Boundary Tracing form.

Make sure Walls is selected from the FLOOR boundary

with options list and that the wrt textbox is set to

Check the Mitre Walls checkbox.

Click the Apply button to create the Level 02 external


Click the Yes button on the confirmation message and

then the Cancel button on the Boundary Tracing form
to close it.

The walls have been created, however, the justification

needs to be modified to make sure they align with the
Level 01 walls.

Select all of the Level 02 walls, including the small ends

to the curved wall, and in the Properties grid under the
Specification header select OBOW from the
Justification options list.

The Level 02 walls are now aligned with the Level 01


Save Work.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Click the WALLS AND FLOORS > Tools > Building

Levels button to display the Building Levels form.

Select BUILDING_01_LEVEL_01 from the Elevation

Level list.

In Model Explorer navigate to the CWALL LEV01_INT to

make it the CE.

In the Storage Areas section of the Building Levels form,

click the Walls entry. The LEV01_INT_WALLS element is
displayed as the Walls storage area.

Close the Building Levels form.

Select WALLS AND FLOORS > Settings > Defaults > Wall Specification to display the Wall Specification
(Default) form.

Select Concrete Walls from the Specification options list and Wall from the Generic Type options list.

Select 100_thk_wall from the list and CBOW from the Justification options list. Leave the Member line and
Joint line options set to NA.

Click the Properties button to display the Modify Properties form. Enter 2600 in the Height textbox and click
the OK button.

Click the Apply button of the Wall Specification (Default) form and close the form.

Remove the Level 02 external walls from the drawlist and add in the FRMWs B01_COLUMNS and

Select WALLS AND FLOORS > Create > Walls > Straight Wall to display the Straight Wall and Positioning
Control forms.

Click the Element and Distance buttons on the Positioning Control

form and enter 2900 in the Distance textbox.

Click near the bottom of the west external wall at the north west end to display a Start text aid. Click in a
similar position on the east external wall, i.e. at the north east end, to create a wall across the internal width
of the building.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Change the Positioning Control form settings to

Element and Snap and click near the bottom of
the steel column on the intersection of gridlines
B1.2 and B1.B.

On the Straight Wall form click the

Perpendicular to button and select the internal
wall previously created to create a wall from the
column to the internal wall.

Repeat the same process to create another wall

between the steel column on the intersection of
gridlines B1.2 and B1.A and the long internal

Click near the bottom of the steel column on the intersection of

gridlines B1.2 and B1.A.

On the Straight Wall form click the Direction and distance

button to display the Define straight wall end form and enter S
WRT /* in the Direction textbox and 1730 in the Distance

Click the OK button to create the wall.

To make the end of this wall approximate the direction of

the curved wall, make the straight wall the CE and on the
Properties grid expand the Design header and enter N
10 E in the End cut textbox.

Create a straight wall between the column at the

intersection of gridlines B1.3 and B1.B and the long
internal wall.

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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Select WALLS AND FLOORS > Connections > Connect Walls > Connect Walls.

At the First wall end prompt select the end of the straight wall created in the previous step.

At the Second wall end prompt select the east end of the long internal wall.

A confirmation message is displayed as the walls

are already connected.

Click the Yes button to trim the long internal wall.

To check all of the internal and external walls are connected as

expected, navigate to FRMW B01_LEV_01_WALLS to make it
the CE and click the WALLS AND FLOORS > Connections >
Query button to display the Highlight Connections form.

The number of each reported connections for the CE are display

against the relevant connection category.

Check the category checkboxes to highlight the walls in the

category colours.

 The colours for the highlighted connections may be set in the backstage area, i.e. PROJECT > Options
> Discipline > Structural.

Close the Highlight Connections form.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Exercise 3 – Creating Internal Walls

Create internal walls for Level 02 of BUILDING_B01 as shown in the diagram below:

All walls are 100mm thick, 2800mm height and justified CBOW.

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6 Wall and Floor Fittings

The Walls and Floors application enables fittings to be created for wall and floor elements in a similar way to
section or panel fittings. The fittings are catalogue items that have been defined in Paragon.

6.1 Worked Example - Creating Wall and Floor Fittings

In this example fittings will be added to the exterior walls of Level 02 of Building B01.

Make the north wall on Level 02 the CE and select

WALLS AND FLOORS > Create > Fittings > Wall
Fitting to display the Wall Fittings form.

In the Specification Data frame select Standard

Window from the options list.

Select the “ANY”- Windows for any wall from the

Wall Types list and the entry is displayed in the
Current Selection list, Further options are displayed
in the Type list.

Select “DG-S” Direct glazed, single panel to

transfer it to the Current Selection list.

Select 1200mm 1200mm Wide and then 1200mm


Three windows are to be created in the wall. For the

first window, enter the following information:

Dist offset from Outside of Wall

Dist along wall 2500

Elevation 1200

An axes aid is displayed at the entered position.

Click Apply to create the first window.

For the second window change the Dist along wall to 7000
and click the Apply button.

For the third window change the Dist along wall to 12000 and
click the Apply button.

Click the Cancel button to close the form.

The north wall of Level 02 now has three windows.

 Clicking the Properties button, if available, displays the

Modify Properties form where any Design Parameters for
the fittings may be set or modified.

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Remove Level 03, Level 02 ceilings and Level 02 west and south external walls from the drawlist.

Right click in the 3D View to display the PowerWheel. Click the View Direction tile and then the up left arrow

Make the Level 02 floor the CE and select WALLS

AND FLOORS > Create > Fittings > Floor Fitting to
display the Floor Fittings form.

In the Specification Data frame select Floor Fittings

from the options list.

Select “Furniture” Furniture from the What type of

Floor Fitting list.

Select “Tables” Tables from the What type of

furniture list.

Select 0 Office_Table from the Selection list.

A plane and axes aid are displayed at the FLOOR


Select Top Upwards from the Reference Datum

options list.

Click the Position fitting button to the right of the X

Position and Y Position textboxes to display the
Positioning Control form.

Click the Graphics and Snap buttons on the

Positioning Control form and select a position in the
middle of the south west room on Level 02.

An axis aid is displayed at the position and the X Position

and Y Position textboxes display the values.

Click the Apply button to create the floor fitting at the

specified position.

Close the Floor Fittings form.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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TPS Template Modelling TM-18XX

Exercise 4 – Creating Wall and Floor Fittings

Create the following wall and floor fittings for BUILDING_B01.

 Create windows in Level 01 external walls.

 Create a double door in the curved external wall in Level 01.

 Create additional windows in Level 02 external walls.

 Create doors in Level 01 and 02 internal walls.

 Create desks and chairs in the Level 02 rooms.

Save Work.

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